Wm. Fortmitler & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse JS After business hours sell at residenoe corner Fifth sod Baker streets. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNINU & CO., PROPR'S. tloce svrKRiom son Ajrn uum tree. FAMIMK8 BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat: ALBANY OR. Andrews & Hackieman, WUfflUGLAS saoo SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, . - OREGON THE YAQMNA ROUT. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Development Company's Steam snip i.iue 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any ether route. First-class through freight line from Port!. passe n re r and Portland and all point In the Willamette Valley to and from ban Fraocisoo, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Uosg," The "N. 8, Beat- ley," The Three Sisters" are in service for both paeaenger and freight tratno be tween Cervsllis and Portland and inter mediate points, leaving Company's wharf. Corvaliie, and Messrs. kiuimsn A Co's wharf, Nee. 200 and 2B2 Front St., Port land, three timea a week ae follows : nor r u bound. Leave Cor.alhe, Moo.. Wad. and Friday. 1040 A. M. Lears AJbaar, Monday, ed. and Friday, 12 00 Noun. Arne Purtlautl, lue . Thu. aJvl Saturday, 5.30 P. M. SOLTII BOL'NU. Lsn Portland, Mas., Wed. Friday, 8 00 A. M. Iss . i Albany, luc, Thar. an. Saturday, 1: p. si. Arrive tv'rulK, Tvm., 1 ha. end Saturday , MM P. U. Beats make close connection at Albany with trains of the Oregon Pacific Kali road. TIME OaOOUL (escape Sundays.) Albany. 1:00 T. . Laare Tsutuas, 0:JO A.M. Leave Cor.alhs, 1 : 17 r. a . I Leave Uorvallia.lb JS a.a. Arrive Y equina, b:M t. a. Arms Albany, 11:16 k.. s, O A C. trsiss connect at Albany and Corvsliis. The above trains oonuec. at Yaquins with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Y equina and San Francisco, AAIL1.MJ DATE . BVSASBSS, rsos sab rsAxcuoo. rsM ratfCiaa Willamette Valley, Mwti., March 12. at. March 17. Willamette Valley, 1hurs,,Marcn 22. Tus., March 7, Willamette Vallty, Tus , April I. Sub., April S. The Company .corves the right to change sailing dates without notice. S. B. Passengers from Portland and W illsmeue Vefley points can make close connection with ibe trains of the Y equina route at Albany or Corvaliie, and il des tined to San Francisco should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing. Passenger sad V. eight Bales slwsys tbr Itsereea. For information apply to C 4 Stuart, Freight sad Tl.k.i ...... llk.K ...... i II . 1. l V a P. Agt,, Orarao bevel t., bm Prsaeteo, Cal. i Oeratopmet.1 uo 904 Jixiigoanery C. C- HOS.SE, A. Q. Y. and r. Agent, Oregon I'aci&c R RCo. CwrvallU, Or. 0V1RIAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA-. Orecon & Calirornla K. K, AND OONNECTTOJtS. rmu nr. ansaiA loi n: o Tibia betweeu A I bar y and SSv Frxnciaee, M boon. OAurossu sxratae 1, naa daily. Korth Arrive I 10:40 A S Leave 7 .-08 a M beave 0:30 r s 4.00 r. a. I Leare S 06 r s Uave 7:40 A M I Arrive P'jrUsad Albany ran F an. i o local pj Miin dailt xcept Hunday). 8.00 a s I Leave 12:40 r s I Leave t:40rs (Arrive r ' T : 1- ..U..L.J Albany Kurene Arriv. Leave Lne i t j r m 11:36 a m local rAsaaiiosa taaim dailt. SOSDAT. 8:lo r a HMr m Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive Leave 6:46 A M 6:00 a s 2:46 r S 2:00 rs I Arrive 1:80 r 11 I Arrive PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. KX t Kftioa hi n rr.it h fer seead 4'Ism Paaaeagers est all shreacb trains FREE OF C'MAMtiK, Weal tide aVivleisn. raKTI.AW AND CO Va LI I. sAiltsais daily (axjapibssday.) SSL HPXV JKWm SBSBSBSBSBBBSBSr SBBS JSH 9B a Leave Portland Arrive 0:16 r m tScK r a Arrive CorvUlie Leave ISO r s Rxraaas tbaiss daily (exeipt Sunday .) 4:50ps Leav Purtlanl Arrive 0:00 A s IQOrslArri-e MeMiativille Lve 6.46 am At Albany and Cervallla connect with traltte of Oregon PaeUU Railroad Par foil bdoratation regarding call on Company '1 Agent. R. KOEHLSR, K rate, asnps, etc, . P. ROGERS, A Pan Auvnt. lotice for Publication, Land Office at Rosebui p, Or., I March G1I1. 1K8H. ) Notice 'h hert y givti that ttie follow Ing nariffri neitb-r has li not'.ce of h I inteoti s t" make fiul 1 " -r in HUport of bis (tlrtiuri, nrl that said prool will he msdelwfoie the Judge or ('!frk of thf County Court ol Linn co 'nty. Or , af. Al bany, Or., on stardy. April I4tb, ihsh, vi : .'hn Unger. Pevie "f OMrgf Webur, drceeaeo. lloinrstesd Entry No. 8o3l, f..r the N VV 14 of Sec. 10, T, 14, S It I sum, W M lie iixoiftH the lotlowiiig witnesses to ur..ve iontlnuoiiM residence upon and uul tivation af M:ii lanri, v'z : .lob n OiliiKnd, Fred Illndermeyr, Jurenuah Shea, John MtiM-h allofMweet. Ilonn, Liuu county, r-g 11. ( 'hah. W JoHaTO, K.'uiMter. L. Hinders i still , bu) iuj goo i horses. These having them should bring thorn iu. Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO GO TO W. H. W1LLARD ) where you will find the best make and flneet linlahed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS ANO LOUNGES. Alto a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd different styles of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and bent stock of UNDERTAKERS 800DS, ever kept in Albany. Prices reasonable. ALBANY OQLLEQIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. flrst Term wpena September 131. law. A toll eorps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranwd t meet the need of ail grades of students. Sidal inducements ejfered to students from abroad. Tuition raugea from $6.60 to tl?.M. Board In private fkiol'iee a low rates Rooms lor self-board In,; at small exrene A earefnl suiKrvl.luu exer-ied over "in dents away from home. Kali term oiH-nn September 7th. For circulars auu run particulars ami res me rresident. It I V. KLREftT N. OMUT Albany, Orvgou. Administrator's Bale of Eeal Estate, Notice is hereby given, that ander and by virtus of as order of aale duly made and entered of record by the County Court of Lies oeouty, Oregon, at the March teirn.lS8, thereof ia the matter of the estate ef Annie Batnford, deceased, the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of said deeeased will,at the Court House deor, in the oity of Albaos, Liuu oouoty, Oregon, on Ibe 2Mb day et April, I MM, at the hoar of 00s o'clock i. m., olTsr for sale at pablie auction to tbs highest bidder the following described real eetate, to-wit : Lota No. ons sod two, block No, eleven, in the town of Balsey.Lino county, Oregon, aa abewn by the mspa and plats of said town, now on tile ia the office of the County Cle.-k for Linn oouoty. Oregon. Tetme of sale Cash in hand on ths day of sale. T. A. Powsll, J. hi W lath KRFORO, Adiniuistrator. Att y tor Adm a. 8TKAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Ueadqnart era Departuient ef the Columbia, Oftoe ot Chif Quartermaster, anc over Harraeks, W. T., March 15, IS. There will be offer ed for aale at Fort Shsrmae, I. T., 00 May 19th, lutS, at pubJio auetion, the V. V eteaoi launch "Amelia Wheston."(and prop erty perUining thereto.) Stern wheel, light draught ; length 76 feet ; beam 17 feet ; depth of hold 4 feet ; lower oabio, 8x14x57 ; upper coin, 7J 14x30; engines sbout 40 horse power. Sale to take piece st 1 1 o'clock, a. m. Terms of aale : Cash ia U 3 currency. All inquiries addressed to this olce or to toe Poet Quartet master. Fort Sheneaa, 1. T., will be promptly answered. J. Q. C. I I K, Major and Chief Quartertnaetor. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received by the Directors of School Liatrict No. 41 at llalscy, Linn county, Oregon, up to Monday, April 2nd, 1888, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for building a school house in said lmtrict according to plans and specifications now on file in office of District Clerk at Halsey, Linn county Oregon. Directors reserve to themselve, the right to reject any and all bids. By order Board of Director. F. 8. Fields, District Clerk. Dated at Halsey, Or., this 12th day of March, 1 888. Hotice of Appointment of an Ad ministratrix. Notice is hereby giveu that the undersign, ed hsa !een by the County Court of Ltuu county, Oregon, duly Appointed Administra trix of the estate of James Oanstt, deceased, late of Lisa county, Oregon. All persous hsving clai Tie agatuat the estate of does seed sre hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at her residence near Peoria, io said county, cr to her attorney, properly verified, within atx mouths from thia date. March 21st, 1888. FRAJti-Bt M. OaKRITT, Adminietratnx of said eetate. J. K. WEATHTItrORO. Att'y for Administratrix. O The BUYUB8' GUIDE la issued March and Sept., 1 each year. It ia an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe yon and furnish yon with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, est, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBB' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Assignee's Notice, In ilo- matter ot the estate of Jorry Hay sul K. F. Aebby, partiuus uuder lbs (inn name of Hay fc AMtaby. insolvent debtor. lne utuierMigned nsvlng uet-r. duly sp pointed SKfcigue of the noove uiuued in solvent debtor under and by v irtne of an art of the Lfgilalive Ato-emoty of iheslHte of Oregon, entitled "An -Act lo ; nm to credttois a juet division of ibe entities of debtora who rotivey to a.igiieeH for the benefit ol crr-di orxtp;:oved October Ititn, 1878. and airiendm Ms thereto, approved February 24ik 1886," all person iniyiug claims sgaitiMt Mid estate are hereby noii. hed to present the Mineto me st my otlice, over the Bnnk of British Col u 111 bis, corner first and vim- (Streets, in the City of Port laud, Oregon, duly ver fid as by taw re quired, within 1 1 1 r mouth (mm tbs d it hereof. (:!..) tbU Uth liny of Al -ti -h K D.,168 1 K lWiM. Tar IMS is better than ever, and should be In the hendi 01 every person contemplating During of every ?rso: PLANTS w in we iwdoi Slrll PliteJ! or DULOOi tains 3 Dili DO 11 con- iuoussdgs or illustrations, snil nearly 160 pages, tilhng what to buy, and, where to get It, and naming lowest prices for honest goods, 1'rtee of GUIDE only iOcents, iOGltlthSK S Ccrtl tic-ate good for 10 cents worth of Seeds, Uocbester, N. Y. affsa98ssBjK 'Sssaas SEEDS f tie Best Harden or Brass Seeds to bo Had in Oregon. Our seeds have been brought from Minne- note and ah they are pure and 'fresh and rais ed in Northern latitudes, a much larger pro portion of them will grow than any now to be had In this market. V e have taoiough- In tented them and knew tlds to be so. Wo have placed them on sale In this city and throuuhnut the county Ask vour mer chant for our Xottkern (irown Seed. Mark et irurtlrns and all others wanting cither garden or fcjrnss weds should not forget this. Btkwart & Sox. Conrad Meyer. PROl'UIKTOR OF. STAR BAKKUY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8ts., -DEALER IN- I'stntted rruitsl, sjlavaawssre. Dried Frnlisj, Toaaecw, Nugwr oflee. Etc,, l anuetl .Tleta( tlueeaaware, Vegettkblen, tlgsurn, Npleg( Tw, Kir.. tu rant avMrytlilng tua. la. kept in a gen ral variety ami grocery atom, lllglieat market prloe aid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. First National Bank OF AI.RAN1, fcTYet,tllnt ssee sees SS flRKtlOX. l. ruim 1', uhi a. b. voi si, Cashier UM. K. CIIAMBRUUAIN ......... . . . . TRAN8AITH A ClgNKHAL AIVOI N IX KKIT .iil.j't t" ' l.ck. BIOHT gXCHANUK and toleeraphie trasater, on New Yerk, San Fraactscn. Chtaafo sad lurtl MUXBCTIOm UADI I os saversMe tersw. r. K IMMa Oao. K t'usasaausis L. runs. WAtrsa K Tt'saau.. J. U COWAN. J. vv. CUS1CK Linn TVunty Bank, COWAN & KALSTON, ALBANY - - - OREGON. THANSAtmia t)HAWMi;irriKAns... New Yerk, Baa Fras etscu and FrtUndsOregan. LOAN Mo., e y m anfirored security KKf'KIVK defweiU subject to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us wilt receive proas pi H. F. MERRILL. BANKER ALBANY. - OREGON. 9 Sell cscfcmug Nw York, San t'raaciaeo and Portland . Buy notes, Bto'a, county and ealve deposits eubject to check. e'ty liiUtreet allowed on tlnie JtptsHte. Cntlectiwus will reeei va proespt attention. Crraspondnee solicited. Kir.-,,.l nuirie insurance placed In raliabl pasjBf, gsyOssee soars freest a. n. to I p. as. Husk House. J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house is now open and famished with the best new furniture. Everything clean sad oemmodioas, offering to ths gen eral public superior accommodations to any in ths city. TVwOv trifle with any 1 Throat or AJVJW v Lung Disease, If yon nave a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. . It Ja a and we guarantee it.li Fri positive cure,' Prloe 10 and 60a CROTJi. WHOOPING OOUGB Bronchitis Immediately relieved by lob's Cor.. and Shi- Worth Know log. Mr, W. II. Morgan, met chant, City, Fls. was taken with a severe attended with a distressing cough running Into consumption In its Lak cold and first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and ateadliy grew worse. Was reduced In flesh, had difficulty In breathing and was unable to aleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption snr found immediate reilef.and after using sbout a half doaen bottles found himself well anu has had no return of the dlseaMe. No other lemedy can show so grsnd a record of cores as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Ousranteod to do Just what ia olairned for it. Trial bottle free at Foshay A Maaen'a Drug Ntore. MILLER BROS., Wholesale and Retell -Dealers In - Seeds, Trees, Apiary and Poultry Supplies, Etc., Etc , J09 Second Street, Portland, Oregon, addend for our catalogue. Ms Pills To ears eost I venous the medicine mast be more than a purgative. To be par manent, It must contain Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tint's Pills possess those qnnlittoa Jn an eminent degree, and Speedily Restore to the bowels their Mutual peristoma) motion, so essential to regularity. Sold Everywhere. gvST 6,000,000 PEOPLE U9E JBS?- 0.M.FERRY4C0. an umsainHu. araeat Seedsmen fn the world. D.H.FERY.eCQ'S niastratea, Deterta. tlir. wS'rtwd SEED ANNUAL For 1888 will be mailed REE TO ALL applicants, and to last season's customers with out ordering It. Invaluable to aH. Every parson nauur Garden.FlefdorFtower CLC.L0 it. addrsss D. M. FERRY&CO., Detroit, Miotti SAM Mai, 0. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS, Healers in General lerchandise. HARRISBURO - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds If OsealS I IWatliW S CoBiitry Ik Democrat. nflOUMI A PPTnTiT. tinrl UlDBD iiiviau suu r- amui WIT I m , I HUMOKOVH MATTKItN. Time flics I alas t how swift Its flight When one would have It stay ; But what a laggard 'Us at night When oae awaits the day. Infrequent traveller Can you tell me whit is meant by a rebate ticket ? Accosted Hibernian A rebate ticket is it ? Faith, 1 ilunne, tor, unless It's a tick et en which you get stuck for the second time. Physician -Ah, George ! I am glad you have settled here ; It Uan excellent town Newcomer wny, doctor, nave you succeeded well t P.- Famously ; have an Immense prac lice. N.- wen, 1 guess I'd better pull up stakes. You see, I'm neither an under taker nor a marble cutler. A spark arrester Is a recent locomotive device ; but nothing seems to III the bit ef a spark arrester so well as a good, healthy dog with a knack of holding en. Jutljjje Yevi were caught in the act ol t u k i ss i- valuaulr fui oui of itsstj win dow. This has occurred several times be fere now. De you admit having commit ted these robberies f Prisoner Well, your honor, yOu see I have hadaa Influenza fer the last few dayst and my doctor recommended me te take something warm every morning. Your bey James Is writing some pee try now isn't he t" asked Mrs. Sauildig ef Mrs. Caution. "Yet," was the reply, "he says he feels the divine hiatus." "Charley It coming to see me to sight,' remarked Ella. "I don't knew why I feel so nervous about it, but I have a preseat meat that somethings going to happea "Oh. there s no use feeling nervous about It," answered Clara. "Very likely he'll say yes, he was always soft." Old gentleman (calling down the stairs) Clara, didn't I hear that young man go just new f Daughter -Yet, papa, you heard him go to the cellar for mere coal. A Frenchman waats te Introduce a sew method of executing criminals In N York. He has invented a chair in which the ceadesaned sits, end his spinal column is Instantly brokea. It must be on the same pattern as the modera theatre chair "Three scruples make a dram," is taught By teachers to their pupils , SI . A A A SL. et uram, 11 they re too often sought Won't add unto your scruple. A forty year -old man who will deliber ateiy go down a toboggan slide the sec- 1 and time, ha either led a very righteous life, or he 1 making a big bluff. Among the dearest children in the worid are some ef the little ones up in the north weatern part of Africa. They are Morocco kids. 1 here Is nothing that goes further to ward breaking the heart of a country postmistress who doesn't understand any thing but English than to have the mail contain a postal written in a feminine hand in German, and addressed to a young man whom she knows. Mis Polly (of Nevada) I was surprised to hear ef your engagemeat with Bill Flounders, Kitty. I thought yon latended to refuse him t Miss Kittv - I did intend to. Polly ; but he got the drop on me, and I had to say ye. Bill I the quickest man with ague west of the Missouri. When a river leaves its"bcd"the "boards' often leave too. POPULAR M-IENCE. The temperature necessary to melt wrought Iron lies between 4000 degrees and 5000 degrees K., and even at that trs mendous heat wrought iron is only rend ered fluid by the addition of a small amount of aluminum. Prof. Lodge's discovery of the remark able effect of static electricity In freezing the air from dust and vapor ha been util iel by Mr. J. G. Lorrain In the construc tion of an apparatus for dissipating the smoke produced by the discharge of can non. Dr. Murry of the Royal Society of Edin burgh estimate the mean height of the land of the globe to be between 1900 and 3 too feet, the latter limit being probably the more nearly correct. Humboldt's es timate of the mean height of the conti nents was 1000 feet. The Lighthouse Board is about to under take the lighting of buoys which mark dangerous points In our rivers and harbors by electricity. The present method con sist in supplying them with oil or gas, which .entails much trouble and expense la replenishing them. Lighted by elec tricity they would be at all times under control. A series of experiments recently made by a French metallurgists. re stated to have proved that steel loses weight by rust about twice as rapidly as cast Iron when exposed te moist air. Acidulated water was found to dissolve cast iron much more rapidly than steel. This would in dlcate that steel bridges are less affected by the acids contained in the smoke ef lo comotives than Iron ones. it nas teen stated that since the sun flower has been cultivated on certain swamps of the Potomac malarial fever has decreased. At the mouth of the Scheldt in Holland, It is stated that similar results have been observed. The sunflower emits large volumes of water in the form of vapor.and its aromatic odor, as well as the oxygen it exhales, may have some thing to de with the sanitary influence In question. esw AN IMPORTANT OECISION. New York, March 21. Chief Justice Mc Adams decided to-day a case of impor tancs to the Odd Fellows. Henriche Pfefner was a member of an Odd Fellow encampment, and for the last fourteen years of his life was a Patriarch. After his death the association refused to pay his widow $100 on his death and $30 for funeral expenses on the ground that he was not in good standing. The Chief Justice found that Pfeffier had not paid his dues, and thereupon the jury gave a ver dict fer the association. Messrs Foshay & Mason, druggists, are selling Wisdom s R ,bertine whoietale and retail, snd giving beautiful patureeir is with every bott e. Positively the Rsstne t--. and harmless a-ticle of ths kind in the uw,a. CALIFORNIA It A II HIT MUVKKM. Rabbits have multiplied so rapidly througheat (California that they have e come one of the most serious pests of the country . It Is estimated that three rabbits will eat as much as a sheep,and that what can be killed in a day's rabbit drive will consume as much alfalfa as a hundred beef cattle. A good many schemes have been devised for getting rid of the pests, but the only efficacious one is the rabbit drive. This is considered very gfd field sport, and a drive Is always participated in as much by those who are after fun as by those who want the rabbits killed. The first thing in getting up a rabbit drive Is to make a rabbit proof corral of close, high palings, enclosing a space about thirty by ten or twenty yards. Lead intf Into this at right ane-les are two lines of closely set salines, a Quarter ef a mile In length. Several hundred men on horse 0 or eat a back and on foot the a surround a section or two of land, and work slowly toward the corral with shouts and beating of the ground. At flrft but few rabbits will be een, but as the drives close In toward the palings, the little frightened beasts are as thick sa sheen in a corral. They make frantic efforts te escape, and In trying to break through the Use of beater many are killed by the clubs of the walkers. The drivers close In slowly, and the rah bits are gradually driven Into the space partially enclosed bv the paliags,and from there it is easy to force them into the cor ral. They troop In like sheep, crowding over one another, and filling the corral. The drivers on foot follow, the corral Is closed and the slaughter begins. They are killed with the clubs by striking them on the head. The air is filled with their shrill squealing, which can be heard a smile away. They leap about In despera tion, jump high and dash themselves seslnst the fence, huddle in the corners and try to hide behind one another or be sw hind the heap of those already killed. The clubs whistle through the air, net Infrequently striking the shins of lite killer, instead of the head of the rabbits, for It requires a good aim, a steady arm and no small amount of skill to guide every stroke to Its destination on the skull af a rabbit that is leaolatt about like mad. When the slaughter Is ended the rab bits are strewn over the ground as thick as dead leaves, and in place their c areas- ae will be in piles two feet high. Between ijooand 1500 rabbits are usually killed In each drive, and It 1 no uncommon thing for a man to score a handred dead rabbits In one round-up. In part most infested the drives are held once a week. THE I .HE OF WATER AT REALM. Opinions differ a to the effect of the free Ingestion of water at meal times, but 1 the .jew m4t generally received I prob I m fMti m m ably that It dilutes the gastric juice aad so retards digestioa. Apart from the fact that a moderate delay in the process Is by ao means a ditadvaatnge, as Sir William Robert ha shown ia hi explanation of the popularity of tea and coffee, it is more than doubtful whether any such effect 1 in reality produced. When ingested during meals, water may do good by washing oat the digested food, and by exposing the undigested part more thoroughly to the action of the digestive ferment. Pepsin I a catalyptic body, and a given quantity will work almost Indefinitely provided the peptones are removed a they are formed. The good effect of water, drunk freely before meals, has, however, another bene ficial result It washes away the mucus which is secreted by the mucus membrane during the intervals of repose, and favor peristalsis of the whole alimentary tract. The membrane thas cleansed Is In a much better condition to receive food and con- vert it into soluble compounds. The ac cumulation of mucus U specially well- marked In the morning, when the gastric walls are covered with a thick tenacious layer. Food eaterlng the stomach at thl time will become covered with this tena cious coating, which for a time protect It from the action of the gastric ferments, and so retards digestion. The tubular con tracted stomach, with Its puckercn mucus lining and viscid contents, a normal condi tion in the morning before breakfast, is not suiuble to receive food. Exercise be fore partaking of a meal stimulates the circulation of the blood and facilitates the flow of blood through the vessels. A glass of water washes out the mucus, partially distends the stomach, wakes up peristal sis, and prepares the alimentary canal for the morning meal. Observation has shown that uonlrritating liquids pass directly through the "tubular" stomach, and even if food be present they only mix with it to a slight extent. According to Dr. Leuf, who ha made this subject a special study cold water should be given to persons who have sufficient vitality to react and hot water to the others. In chronic gastric ca tarrh It Is extremely beneficial to drink warm or hot water before meals, and salt is said in most cases to add to the good effect produced. CURIOSITY. Mr. Geo. Huston brought to this office a cake of crystallzed apples Saturday. He had a number of sack of apples in the cellar under his grocery store, which dur ing the severe cold weather froze solid. Then came a thaw and afterward the wa ter from the ditch backed up and filled the cellar. In a short time Mr. Huston pro ceeded to remove the sack of apple and was surprised to find them still solid with a thick covering of ice about the fruit, which, when taken from their crystallzed coating, were found to be as good as they were before being frozen, retaining their flavor and solidity and ready for market. Harney Items. MALHEUR COUNTY TICKET. The democrats ef Malheur county have nominated the following ticket : For Representative, P. Napfcpn ; for Sheriff, H. C. Murray ; for Clerk, E. H. Test ; for Assessor, W. S. Lawrence ; for Treasurer, L. A. Sevey ; for County Judge, J. T. Clement ; for Commissioners, Con Ryan and J. C. Skelton ; Superinten dent of Schools, Wm. Gribble ; Surveyor, Henry Hedges ; Coroner, Lary Faulk ner. Hester Morris of Wyoming Territory was the first woman in the United States ever appointed Justice of the Peace. She was a tall woman, with a profile which closely resembled the portraits of Queen Elizabeth. Whi'e she was in office she was a terror to a certain class of evil doers. "Yes," the half-Inebriated rough would plead on his arrest, "I been a-beat-in' my wife again. I know it ; but don't send me up 'fore Mis' Morris. I rather go 'fore ten men than that woman. I rather be tried by a man." "MAHAl, VOICRH, t'ATA Rltll AND rALNK TRUTH." A prominent English woman says the American women ail have hlgh.shrill, na sal voices and false teeth. Americans don't like the constant twit ting they get about this nasal twang, and yet It is a fact caused by our dry stimulat ing atmosphere, and the universal pres ence of catarrhal difficulties. Hut why should so many of our women have false teeth f That is more of a poser to the Engllsh.lt is quits impossible to account for it except on the theory of deranged stomach action caused by imprudence In eating and by want of regular exercise. fieth conditions are u n natural. Catarrhal troubles everywhere prevail and end In cough and consumptlon,wLlch are promoted by mal-nutritlon induced by deranged stomach action. The condition I a modern one, one unknown to our an cetors who prevented the catarrh, cold cough and consumption by abundant and regular use of what Is now known a War ner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption Remedy and Log Cabin Sarsaparllla, two old fashioned standard remedies handed down from our ancestors, and now exclu slvely put forth under the strongest guar aatees of purity and efficacy by the world tamed makers ot Warners safe cure These two remedies plentifully used as the spring and summer seasons advance give a positive assurance of freedom, both from catarrh aad these dreadful aad if neglect ed, inevitably consequences, pneumonia lung troubles and consumption, which sw generally and fatally prevail among our people. Comrade Eli Fisher, of Salem, Heary Co., iowa.served four years In the late war and contracted a disease called consump tlon by the doctor. He had frequent hemorrhages. After using Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption remedy he say, under date of Jan. 17th, 1888 : do not bleed at the ;ungs any more, my cough does not bother me, and I do not have any more smothering pell." War ner's Log Cabin Rose Cream cured hi wife of catarrh and she Is "sound and well." Of course we do not like to have our women called nose talker and false teeth owners, but these-condition can be readi ly overcome In the manner indicated. LEHHONH FROM AUTOttRAPHS. Recent statement about the economic and wise mother of Napoleons how that be, while always s (leaking to her in Italian, wrote to her in French. How she ever contrived to decipher his manuscript, if that also developed corresponding contor tions of his signature, we cannot divine, unless, indeed, as often happens, there is a way of reading with the understanding heart as well as the affectionate eye. Notoriously bad writer like Choate, Greeley and Blazac have always somebody contemporaneous who can readily inter pret their hcirogl vphics.and when a noted Western editor furnished copy that any printer might suppose to be ancient Egypt ian. there was born Into the world a com positor ia that town who preferred it to copper-plate Inscriptionsind set it up with celerity aad accuracy. Tracing a mania character by his hand. writing is deceptive, unless we know the man's career by heart and then we divine what is not hidden. At the same time it Is not a little curious to fellow the convul sions of Napoleon's signature from the ob scure time of an artillery lieutenancy to be victory at Austerlitz, the retreat from Waterloo and captivity on that "lone.bar- ren isle in the midst of the ocean." We mav not agree with the deductions made from the specimens given, but curiosity will be revoked and gratified ia a peculiar way, if nothing else. the Death Roll which the bills of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and you wil find that renal and vssical maladies, that is to say, those that affect the kidneys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence we bad almost said preponderance Bright's disease and diabtes in the chron c stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou ble merely amounts to inactivity of the organ Involved, the danger may be null! tied by that pleasant renal tonic and di uretic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which mparts the requisite amount of tone to he organs, without over-exciting them, aad the use of which I convenient, and involves no elaborate preparation. Dys pepsin, a usual concomitant of renal com plaints,and debiiity,which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. So also are constipation, malarial, rheumatic and nerv ous ailments. "Nothing to Equal It" "I have been selling Simmons Liver Reg ulator for the past six years. My customers pronounce it the best ever used. One of my customers whose health was ia a wretched condition from a very bad and stubborn case of dyspepsia, nssd the Regulator and was entirely cured. I am using it myself for torpid Liver, eansed by close confinement. I find nothing to equal it and highly recom mend its use.'' Respectfully, C. P. Hiskv, Druggist, Edingburg, V. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster, Prloe 25 cents. The Phalogrspher, Albany, Or. have all the segativee taken by A ( B. Paxton and any one can have dupli cates from, their negatives by addressing us, at tte following prices : Card size, $2 per dozen, cabinet size, $3 per dozen, bou dours, fd per dozen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views in the west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. Or. CftAWFORn, Is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Remember, we guarantee it. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific, It can be civen in a cud of coffee or tea with out the knowledge o! the person taking it $ Is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma- nent and speedy cure, whether the er uia patietu is a alcoholic wreck. numerate artnaer or tn aieono Thousands of rtrunksius have been made tem perate men w ho have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NRVBR FA 11.8. The system once Impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For foil particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., loo Baee at., CicdLuoati. 0, Chareb S reels U. P.CrtiROH, Preaching every Bahbaiti. morning and evening by Rev. T (1. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath ftchool at 2:30 r. II Prayer mooting every Vv sdoeteday evening. KvaKOBUCAL Choroh. Preaching 01 Hsb- Sath at 11,00 A. tt, and 7 r, n. Sabbath School 10.-00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7 JO, S. IL Davis, pastor. All ar invited, OoaoREoaTioaai.CHeacM.-SerriceMevery Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath Sobooi at 12:15, Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of eaeh week. Ksv. H V. itotninxcr, Pastor. M, K. Cnoacu. South. -Preaching every Sabbath morning st 1 1 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock t. m. Habbath School at 10 o'clock a. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening's st 7 o'clock. Hev. a. P. Ilennd. Pastor. M. K. Ciiuech Hot;ni.TAoi?nr. Preach ing oa the first Habbath of eaeh month morn ing and evening. Sunday school eaeh Sat bath at 10 o'clock . m. Prayer n eetiog Thursday evening. Rev, Bounds, Pastor. M. E.(;uwaoH. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in the eveni ig before sermon. Sabbath School at 2:30 r m. Prayer meeting every There dsy craning. Rev. H. P. W ebb, pastor. I'aasBt rsftiAM Ckuecil Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Chareb ear. Broadalbin and Fifth St. Sunday School immediately after the morning service, rrayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev K R Pritebard, pastor. Fiaar BArrier C'ficacH.Preechmgevery Ssbbstb morning and eve'ic.st Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting oyer Tbarsdy evening st 7s30 o'clock. .. Tr umbel I, pastor. Catholic Chuech. Service every San day at 10.30 a. m. and 7 r. st. 1-ast Saoday of the month service at Eugene City. Rev. Ixieis Metayer, Rector. PaoTawTAMT KriMoorAt. Cuvmv. Servi oss sre held in Ms. Peters Episcopal Cboreh every alternate Sunday, morning aad even ing. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Ffidey evening service 00 eyery Friday preceding the rtunday service. All are invited to at tend CuaiirriAM. Fourth Sabbath, inoroiog and evening. H, S. 10 a. m. CaaMAg. At College chapel, 2 p.m. J. B. Brsun, Castor. 1 hey Meet. St. John's Lodge, 62, in Foster's Block 2nd Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat- urday. Bay ley Chapter, b, at Hall, 4th Sat- urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evrning. I. O. O. F at tnetr hall, every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F; Hall, every 2nd and 4th r riday G. A. R ., at A. O- U. W. Hall, 1st and rd Saturday. I. U. U. 1 at A. U. U. W. run. every r nday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, ttt O. F. Halt, 1st and 3rd Frjday. rev sale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced Into four held, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. U C. R. R. Inquire at this office. THK REV. GEO. H. THAYER, o Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myse.f and wife owe our lives to Sblloh's Consumption Cure," "H aCKMETACK." a iaaUna: and fra grant perfume. Prtoe 25 and 60 cents. hhiloU's CURE will immediately re lievo Croup, Whooping Cough and bron chitis. FRANCIS PFEIFFBB, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, Wo are now prepared to roll at whole aale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers, We also keep a full line of Hats and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department ia oonr m, We keep the very finest atonic of auokjg and chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes thst la a delight to smokers. PATENTS Obtained, an all ether boataass in the D Oases altsaisdsrt te for moderate fees. 8 Pales Our office is appesit the U.S. Patent Office, and "vs can obtain Patent less Urns than these r assess rom washing-toe. send asedie or drawing. We to ability free ef charge ; snd we make o ctarg wooouun patent. w rsler hera, to the Poatmastr, OSS Sunt of Money Order 111 v. snd to officials of that. B. Patent "we. rorctrvuiar, auvsea, terns, sod e actual eheute in your own state or county, add 0 Ao SNOW & CO., 0. 0 OHXRRT. O.R.PVRKK8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, MachlBists, Millwrights, aid Iror Founders. are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and aw Mill Machinery, and all kinda Af iron and Brass Castings. PATTBKNS NtDK ON SUOBT NOTtCK. Special attention given to rejiairing all kinds of machinery. After Forty years' " Milw expciienon in me - prepsrstit n of more ' 1 ! ...... vi...Ji 1 lldil V'ilU ISUHUIOM Thonnand application for paten ta in the United M (. snd foreign coun tries, ths publishers or the BoientiSe American continue to set as solicitors for pM tmts, aaveats. trade-ion rks, copy-riL-lns ulc. for ths United Statea. and obtain patents in Canada, Englam, France, srmanjr, and all other oountrie Thoir experi ence is unequalod and their facilities ire vustar passsd. Drawings snd specifications prepared and filse Is ths Patent Office on short notiee, Tmns very reasonable. Mo charge for examination of models or drawtngt. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through M nnn AO0.1 re notioed in ths SCIENTIFIC AVkHJC AN. which has the largest circulation and is the most Influential newspaper of ita kind published in the world. The sdvsntagss of suoh a notice ever patentee andsrstsnds. This large and splendidly lllnstrsted : laws paper la. published WEEKLY at S3. Quay.?, and is aamittsa to be tbs bent paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, snd ether department, of industrial progress, pub- industrial progress, pan It contains the names ec iauea in any country, all patentees snd title o 1 patentees snd title of svsry invention pa ten tea each week. Try it four months tor ens dollar. Sold by ail newsdealers. you nave an invention to paten i write te Mann A Oo., publishers ot Boisntlao tatesisns I ksH ansonsaUbM 1 OH jsroaawsy, nsw xor. Handbook about patents mailed. Owe. hotel ran rent. rpHB EXCHANGE HOTEL IN T11IS I oity is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of or address Jambs Murray. Albany, Oregon. J. E. WEATHEBF0BD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKEn. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL Till COURTS OF THE State. Special attention riven te vollectlons aad collate matter. eyoslee la Odd r show's Tswpl.. flrt c.,woi.v Nitron, o, h, irtins W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW fsTOfJlce np atairs In' Foster's Block. ALBANY, OREtiOft L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, Crawford Block. . O. rOWNUL, W. R. UlI.Y JtC POWELL & BILYKU, 1TTORNEY8 AT LAW, Aid Solicitor, in Chaieery, ALBANY, s - - OKfcOOH. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable term. Neffsofflee In Footer's Brick.. vl4n!9tf. D, R. A, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY. - - OREGON. All basine will receive prompt attention J. JB WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor At Lai AND Notary Publics ALBANY, OREGON, 7111 practice in all of the Conn of ib is State. Ail businoos intrusted to him will bo promptly attended to. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT UW -AMD- Notary Public LBANY, OREGON. HN BRICCS, FLORIST, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery tl ota planted and attended to. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PBOPBIETOKS Albany Track and Dray Co., He, 1. Goods handled with core and dispatch. Notice. , We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaney, of ate r loo as our Agent in Linn count v for LmTvt of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chcf and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford io be nitbvut. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the Stale. W. P. Grant, Publisher. (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3io6) California St., San Francisco, Cal. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed have this day been appointed Admisiatra tors of the estate of John W Tycer, deceased, late of Lino county, Oregon . All persons hseiag claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same properly vert tied to the undersigned st Brownsville, Ore gon, within six months from thia date. Thu 15th day of February, 18S8. MmsocRi Tycbr. Lkonaro Tv. kk, Adm'rs. Assignee's Notice, In the metier or the estate of H A John son and KSheltonaud Johnson A Shelton, Insolvent debtors. The undersigned having been duly elected assignee of the eetate of the above named insolvent debtors, under snd by virtue of an act of the Legislative Assem bly ef the State of Oregon, entitled, '-An Act to secure to creditors a just division of th- estates of debtora who convey to as signees for the benefit of creditors," ap proved October 18th, 187S,and amendments thereto, approved February 24th, 1885, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, duly verified, as by law required, with in three months from the date hereof, at Scio, Linn county, Oregon. Scio, Linn county ,Or., March 5th, 1888. Philip Lkwis, Assignee. annTureu nnntuu rv nunincisH anunn ru.... AND SEEDS Are ackeowledred the bexL being hardier, wore productive and yield l ?Ur crvps. JflNK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE! Coaialntac only the best vaHeiiea. mt:i tree en cetleo. WIUTK POM IT. is. X. TWT A "ST s CO.. Fi-owsts ano Seeosmen, -St. Pali, Una. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Boys 1 I Conducted by secular priests and lay teachers. First term opens first Monday in Sep tember, Second term opens first Monday In February. For prospectus address Rev. F. A. Becker. Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0RE80N PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Or ftSkly aul Peiulaxin WCubkd by the Celebrated V DR. PUCROX'8 patent IACNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS rigikal and Only Gzirtmri Electric Truss. Perfect Bstainv sa UKLY Ol t K. ieve Ksajr to wear. Instantly relieves svor see. H as-cured thousands. Estate d Mis end for Free Tllustr d Pamphlet t Hoi. IIP JE I-AST I C T RUSH CO - SO NDRTH In STKSaT, ST. LUUIB. BSC l7mAfiBn.qV LAN p is on file in Philadelphia at the Newspaper Aaret- m- Ay.iicy or jaessrs, vhut authorised ageata m ApER 6k A SON.