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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1888)
Win. Fortmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse ifter business hours call at residence cornr Fifth and Baker streets. Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNINO & CO., PROPR'S. iw raoc i vlocb superior wb AXO BAKBB USB. r ami Km BEST ST0RA6F FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fc Wheat: ALBANY OR. Andrews & Hackieman, WLDOUGLASl $3.00, SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, . OREGON THE YAQU1NA KOUT. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon D.vlopnl.nt CotEp.oy' Sic.:,, hip Lin. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-das through passenger and freight hue from Portland and all peiuta in tee Willamette valley to aui from frsn rraocleeo, la!. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wro. M. Uoag,M The "N. 8. Bent ley," The Three Misters" are in service toe both passenger and freight traffic be tween Cort sills and Portland and iner mediate poiutH, leaving Company's wharf, uorvailis, sod Messrs. Mulmsn A Co wharf. Nee. 200 and 2U2 Frout St.. Port iana, three times a week as follows : BUNi. Lemv. Conallia, Moo. , Weil, and Kndsy. 10 00 A. M. Lrare Albany, Mosalav. Wed. sim! Friday. 12:00 Noun. Arrive rurvaun, lue . ma. Ufl SaiunUy, & 30 r. M SOL TH IRIL'NU. Lstf. fortune, Moii Wed. and Knday, I 00 A. M U Albany, l ue , TUur. mnf bsluruay, 1 M p. M LU Arrive cvvmiius Tim. , I hu. ai..l Saturday, : Beats make close connection st Albanv with trains of thsOregou PaciOc Kail road TIME aXaggDPUt (except Sundays.) hesTe Albany, 1:00 r. a. Leav Yakuts, OJOa.s c..rv;ii, r. a. Urave Currallie, 10.38 a. a Arrive Ysuuiua, bJAl r. a Arms AlUny, 11.14 a. O A C. traiss oouueot at Albany and isorvamt, l n above trains connect at Yaquina wuh the Oregon Development Couipaiiy' Line of bteauisbipM between Y equina and .Han Francisco. NULIMi DATUM . StSAMSSS, raoa ss raxcisco. rsoa XA141 isa wiiuweUs Valley, Hun., March 12. at. March 17 WiJUuieUe alley, lbun.,Marcu 11. Tuce., March :c7 wuiaaiews valley, Tuee , a. Sun., April c The Couipeuy ..wye .he right to change aajuiig -JaUs without notice. t. Li. Pavuirera from Por.Umj and HilUmede Va ley poiute can mskn :ioe connoi u 11 with the trains of the Yaqutns route at AiOauy or CorvaiiUf and 11 aes uaeo u .sn f rauciMCj should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening Uetore a ate 01 SSIilUg. rasseaaer and g.elsjit Bstes alwajs Leweai. For Inforuiation apply to C J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Agent, Albany, (utot'U Maswell, Jr., O. F. A P. Agt Oregon Develop met. t Co., 304 M4itg-otnery ... aaii r rait:iM9i, UO. C, A. U. F. and P Agent, Ortgou Pscioc K It Co. Corvslha, Or DVEf lAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA Oreajun it OHlifbrnia It. R, AMD CJONNBCTIO!8. TMK MT. MM 4 ST A KOI Y I. iima awn . fkae istssm Albaejr and fcai PrvMSsa. M boars. oaurusxu siraiss 1. use aitT. hou-4, 4.00 r. n. i Leave :U6 r s Leave 7:40 a u Arrive North Portland Albany Kau K eiKMMxi Arrive I 10:40 a m Leave I 7:06 a s heave 6:30 r n Local, rassssssa tsaiss saily .exeept Hunaay). 00 a m fXeave ferMssd Arrive g:46 r s li:40rs j Leave Albany Leave 1 1I J6 A S :40rs I Arrive Lureuu Luave I OXiOas uocal raaeaxosa tsaiss daily, kxcspt iiAr. S:10 r M I Leave S:6o r M I Arrive UMtrm I Leave 1:SS r M Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive I .. a ve b:4fi A M 6:v0 a s tM r s 2:Uo r m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. lIl l liMim Ml.t.KPi.liM ler HrroHU ias Paaoraaers u all ibrnaah Iralas 1 it 1.1. r 11 tu.e. Wr.l kMc MvUlnii. KKTnfcKM P.M IX t5ll Att i'tru A IJ, I.-,. SAlLTSAIH UAI1.V (r.x -i.t hoixl.y.) . jl Hn am I'.fi A tt Leave Portland Arrive :16 r Mali r a Arrive Oo-vtllis Isavs 1 JO r m BXi asts tsai daily (exejp: Sunday.) 4:60 ru I Leave s,oora Arri-e Portktixl McMinriviHe Arrive Lave 0:00 a m 6.46 A u At Albany nd Orvaiit. coi.nect with trains of (rayon Paotflc Kailroad Fwrlult information regarding- rates, map, etc., call on (company. Agent, H. KOEHLKK, E. P.'BOOERS, MWnsatsr. A Pas. Arent. Notice for Publication, Lnnd Olli e st Rofehurjr, Or., I Msroh 6th. 1888. J NntifA is horeby -iven that the follow ing nsiiiwd sen l-r has nU'd notice of his intention l uinkn Unti prof in support of his claim, and that said pnrof wilt be made bi-foie the Judge or Clerk of the County Crtnrt of Linn co.inty, Or , at Al bany, Or,, on salardsy. April I4th, 1KSK, viz : John Uner. Devisee .l fleergs Weber, decoaseo, Homeatesd Entry No. 8631, for the N W M of Sec. 10, Tp, 14, S K I east, W M He tiMiuea the billowing witnesses to prove continuotiH residence upon and feel tivation of snid land, vfz : John OllliUnrJ, Fred ilindermeyer, Jeremiah Mica, John Busch. all of Kweet lloim, Linn county, Oregon. Char. W. JqBksto , llKiinr. Still Baying. L. Stiulra is still buying good horses. Those having the in should bring thsm in. Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO OO TO W. H. WILLARD where you will tl ml the best make ami hnM iintahed BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a line line of PICTURE FRAMES, ml a humierd different stylts of Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. The largest and best stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, aver kept iu Albany. Prion reasonable. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887. 1888. Pint Term ttsrsi September t:tih, Ifttf. A lull corps of Instructors," CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arransed to meet the need of all grades of students. S fecial inducements ojemi to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from fft.ftO to $li,W. Board in private fain 1! las allow rate. Booms tor self-boarding st small ox renae. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September ?th. For circulars snd full particulars address the President. kv. ttnraT v onuit Albany, Oregon. Assignee's Notice. oriti: i iitnt c.ivkn o all whom it my concern, that W. Price, of Scio, oregon, did on the th daw of January. 1M8 (he then and there being insolven, and unable to pay his creditors in full) lawfully assign to me aU bis property for the benefit of all his ered llors 1 herefore all persous having claims against the said asaignor W. R. Price will hereby tako notice of said asslgnmsnt snd present their clsims under oatn,to sue at my plaoe of business in Ncio,Llnn county, Oregon, within three months rrom the date hereof. Dated January 20th, 188. J. C. JonKsov. Assignee, Vv, K BlLYaU, Attorney for Assignee. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the pjrtasr ship heretofore existing under the arm a tins of Hull man Si lf elder is this day d.-oly.d by mutual oun.sut, Mr. retiring. The business will be continued st the o!d stsnd by Mr. I'feifTsr. DaUd January 3rd, 1888. JollN xJoKPMAN, Fham'1.4 PrairrKK. Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership herttofore agisting i e taeen John leora. L J Lanuing aud PUlwaid (loin, under the firm name of isom. Inturg at Co., is hereby dissolved by mutual ;cm. sent, K vat.l Jios, retiring. Jolt IaoM, K J. Laxmku, Kuh ahd (Joins. Albany, Jan. 2nd, 1888. rr. , . . .... j no 1 uatnets in ine luturv win b con ducted br John Isnm snd K J lxanini,', nn der same style of linn nasar, laom, Ijiaoing & Co., w ho will pay all liabilities of the late tirin, snd sie sioito authorized to collects)) outstanding accounts. O The BUYERS' GUIDE la issued March and Bent.. l each year. It la an oncy I eloped i a of useful infor. matlon for all who dot. chase tbo luxuries or tho neeossitics of life. Wo can clothe you snd furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, flah, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various ttiss. styles and qusn titles. Just figure out whst is required to do ell these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to psy postage, MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonoe, Chicago, UL Assignee's Notice, J11 the matter ol the ealale of Jerry Uav ana n. jr. Annoy, partnejs under lbs nrm 1 1 . ea . . . W name of Hay dX Aahhy. iiisolveui debtor tne undersigned having been duly ap pointed aaaiKiiee -f the above named in solvent debtors under and bv virtus of an set of the Lfirislalive Aenibl v of the sute of Oregon, entitled "An Act to recure to o red 1 lots a Just division of the estates of debtors who convey to assignees for the benefit of credKora approved October )8to, 1878. and amendments thereto, approved Febrnary 4th. 18.r ." ail persons havluir claims against said estate are hereby noii fled to present tho same to meat mv office. over the Bank of Britbh Columbia, corner r if t ana vine Mtreels, in the City af Port land, Oregon, duly verified as bv law re quired, within three months from the date hereof. Oiled this 14lh day or March. A. D..188H 1. K. Dawson. For IMS In bHter tbnn ever, and should h In thAhan.n 01 rrerr pereoo coiiu-miJU'-iina ouyintr or ever vperstm thousands of Tile Olll DO It con rlm Pistes! BULDOt mlna 3 what to bny. and where in c-t It, and namlne lowe. lllnatraf fnna iisul u..r.rlv iutnn,.,a. t, ut.,, ft vncee ror oonnit qorxin. rrlce or Gt IDK only 10("nU, lacludlaa a Ortlrtcul good for 10 emu worth ofhctda dAMES VICUiHREDHMA Xt oc neater Y. Summons. In tlit. Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, Jor l,tnn County. M . IS. Woodward, Plaintiff. vh. 'Imrles Rood ward, Hefendant. To Charles Woodward the above mimed ef ndsnt : IN the rutme of tho Stats of Oregon : Yon are hereby required to appear and Rin-wcr the complaint of the above named rlHiniMJ m the above entitled Court now on file with the Cle k of said Court within ten da) 8 from the date of the service of this SiimmsiiK upon you if served in Linn uounty, Oregon, but If served in any other c uniy in tho 8late of Oregrn, then with in twenty da) s from the dato of the ser vice tt thin Summons upon you, or if serve.i outside of ibis State or by publica tion, ll;-n by tho first day of tbo next regular term of the Court following to wit: tbo IjMb dsy of March, 1888. And yon are hereby notified that if you fail to an Hwrr taid complaint as hereby required the Plaintiff will appiy totheCourt for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit a decree dii-solving the bends of matri rn ny now exbtinu: and for the care, cus tody and control of tlie minor child, Etbe M Woodward and :or the costs and die bursements and Mich other r el let as may he iquitahio TehiM Kn iu moos Is published by the d of the Hon. K, P. Roiie, Judge of d ' Court msde January 9th, 1888. J. K. Weathebforo, Attorney for Plaintiff. 7awJraSassaSaSav(i.(aSaV XSsavv Ik $)M0ttat. FFIOIAL ! and MfiPER. TI1K OLD t'WMKT. It was an old house ;i very ancient mansion with its several-gables aclng the street, show ng its Dutch origin. Permitted to go through t on a tour of Insprc lion, a closet emitted a pctuliiit- odor and at 1 rue ted iittcntlon. It -i that pungent scent which reminds one of the pine wood and ar omatic shrubs of the mountains and w hich, once swelled, brings to mind the greatest remedy of the age. It was evidently the family clos vt. where rcmedien for minor aches and pains had found place for handy use, and n modern years the greatest of all these, known by Its peculiar odor.hnd worked its wonders for the happiness of mankind, as the follow lilt examples attest: licneral G.C. Knlflen, War Deportment, Washing ton, D. C, February Joth, 1887, states ' sjp s 'For many years my wife suffered excru ciating pains, frequently snd violent. In 18S4 she tried St. Jacobs 00. It cured her and ore vented nnv recurrence. She has not had any return of pain. I trust it may r w reach the uttermost parts of the earth to prove as much a blessing in other houses as mine." Mr. Levi Ilottel, Cory don Indiana, under date of June, 1887, writes In April, 1N84, he had his collar-bone broken, and it was verv painful. He used two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil. It got entire- ly well, and the rcmcdv worked like a charm. No return of psin, and used only . the one remedy." Mr. Arthur (i. Lewis, editor Semthtr Socio y, Norfork, Va., June J7th, 1S87, writes : "Nothing I can sar with regard to St. Jacobs Oil will do It justice ; have used it for a number of years for all aches and paint, with effects almost marvelous, and for such, in my opinion, it Is unsurpassed." Mr. Chateau Bion, i") Spruce street, Philadelphia. Pa., under date of February 4th, 1887, says : "Have used St. jacoo tu in my family for ten years ; two years ago broke my leg ; pains very severe. It cured the pain and gave strength to my leg. If you desire to publish this, I will be pleased." If the old house shonld tumble down, like the scent of (lower clinging to a broken vase, the closet would give forth the token ef the good this thing has done for man kind Uan Coaaty lieateeratie Convention. A Democratic Convention for Linn coun ty to elect delegates to the State Conven tion and to nominate a full county ticket will be held in Albany on Saturday, March 34th, 1888, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Primary meetings to elect delegates to said conven-1 tion will be held in the several precincts of the county at the usual place of voting on Saturday, March 17th, 1888, at 2 o'clock p, m. 1 he several precincts will be entitled to UVIVKait-S Wlio rt rv, in mr WUV UVIVMtC sWJ rverv jc totes cast for Mr. Butler forCom greas in 1886, and one for every fraction of 15 above 12 votes and one delegate at large for each precinct East Albany... West Albany. Brownsville. . . Brush Creek . . Crawfordaville. Center Fox Valley. . . Franklin Butte .A UJIVmH I 1 ' jftaiiili-tsfmr I .9 Lllscny 3 .0 Lebanon 6 .7 Orleans ...2 .2 Sweet Home 3 . 2 Scio. 7 .3 ganliam 5 . 3 Shedd'a 3 .5 Syracuse 3 .8 Waterloo 4 .4 Rock Creek 1 W. R. Bilybu, Chairman. T. J. Black, Secretary. YNcvOV lriflo wltu "7 Throat at I Conjrh or Cold, or tho children ars threatened with Croup or Whooping Coogh, use Acker's Knglish itemedv dy and pr further trooblo. saltis a positive euro, and wo guaractco it. Price 10 and 00c CKOUP, WHout-i.Nii uuUGU and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Bhl loh's Core. Worth KDowins;. Mr, W. H. Morgan, meichunt, ijk City, Fla. was taken wltb a sevoro cold attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption In its first stages. He tried msny so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Waa reduced in flesh, had difficulty In breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Or. King's New Discovery for Con. sumption snd found imrnadiato roilsf.and after using about a half doxsn bottles round himself well bAm has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grsnd a record of euros sa Dr. King's Sew Discovery for Consumption. Onaranleed to do Just whst is claimed for it Trial bottle free at Foshsy A Mason's 1 dug more. MILLER BROS., Wholesa'e and Retail Dealers in Seels, Trees, Apiary and Poultry Supplies, Etc., Etc , -oj Second Street, Portland, Oregon. 2T3end for our catalogue. Tutt's Pills J. H. AT1TET, a prominent draszlst or Holly NprluK. Ml am.. May I "lour pill are doing wonders in this state. The sale of Tutt's Pills exceed those of all others combined. They are peculiarly adapted to mala rial disease. Our physicians all pre nvrivs invni." SOLl EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray Street, Hew York. Qm 6,000.000 PEOPLE USE are aamnm vo mm lam Largest Seedsmen fn the world. D.M.FEIETACO'8 Saaarte. Ut. aad rlM4 SEED ANNUAL For 1888 will bo mailed REE TO ALL applicants, and to last season's customers with out ordering it. Invaluable to all. Kvery person using n.FleldorFiower C EmQasldaaadSr CbUO It. Addraa Da M. FERRY &CO.,Detrolt,Micti. 8AM MaT. O. SENDERS MAY fc SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise, HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds Country produce. rr aKBIsBHBswCarde Tf A0HE1W' INHTITfJTIt, Continued from 1st page . j FRIDAY AFTKrnOON SRSSION. Opened with a song, "Help It On," and after roll call a committee on Resolution consisting of the following named per sons : Prof 1 M fFilltasna. Mlsa In sad MUt Klrkpatrlck. Miss M Drink Introduced the subject Language Lessons and In a few well chosen words gave her Ideas ef what these should be. Mr. Herron read a paper on School DU. clpllne and outlined the subject on the board. Mrs. O. S. Pollock introduced Practical Acthods ef Instruction In Literature by Class. Jkfrs. Pollocks subject was ably handled and highly appreciated by the entire Institute. Extracts were rendered from Acabeth by the members of Mrt. Pollock's class of young ladles In a very creditable and kappy manner. The climax was reached by a rendition from The 4r rc-hunt of Venice by eight ef the youag ladles. Song by Institute, "The Old fountain Tree." Mr. Raid alluded to tke exercises ren dered ay the young ladles as something worthy of imitation by all teachers end suggested to teachers to Introduce Into their schools some stedy of Literature. Committee on Teachers Associa tion made a report favoring such or ganlxation.and oa motion said report was adopted. The county was divided into two districts, ut, Albany, Lebanon, Scio and Brownsville. Prof. Reid being made Jficio President, and Mr. Hunt, Vice Pres., nd B. A. Chllders, Sec'y. Of the and dl I vision, Tangent, Halsey, Shcdd and liar risburg, Mr. Jewett was made Vice Pres. I end Mr. If llliams, Sec'y. The first meet 1. ..... . . . . . mg is to oe neid st Lebanon April 15th I Mr. Jewett took up the subject of reading nd discussed It at length. I Prof. Condlt thought the teacher who I pcnt lime on the pronunciation of the was w.i.ting time. . a, . Suggested that teachers secure Inter lasting works aad have their pupils read from other than their text book. FRIDAY EVSXINO. Tue School Teacher's Institute closed its woi k Friday night after some very success f ul snd Instructive sessions. The exercise were opened with a piano solo by Miss Afjnte KUnn the Albany College, well cxccutcL Miss Ore Vaughn, of Jefferson, recited from Mark Train's -Tramp Abroad" about his guide Fcrguson.showlng good ex pression. A quartet,consisting of Mrs. Geo E. Chamberlain, Miss Ina Robertson, snd Mc.srs. Pritchard snd Lee, rendered a song in a very pleasing manner. Prof. Condon, of the State University, was Introduced and talked about local geology for an hour. The topic was an Interesting one, ably handled. The speaker dlyidcd his J lecture into three heads 1st a period io, 1 000 year ago, when the Willamette Valley was an inland fresh water sound, covered with fresh water from up the McKenxle to the narrow gorge at Oregon City .and thence to the mouth of the Columbia, where tt was I similar to the straits of Fuca,and up the Co- I i 1 s a avesw as ,UmbUl to beJrond W,U whcrc prevailed. Then the elephant was I very common, and we can hardly dig a mill racj without excsvatlng his remains. Hie formats were sbout the same as now Wards and Petersons Buttes in this county were small Islands. The second period was that of the middle tertiary, s,6oovOOO years ago. I hen this Willamette sound was salt water body and the Coast range was a Semi-tropical treea,!ikc the pa'm, and animals like the tapir, rhinoceros and hippopoUmus, prevailed, and up in the Blue Mountains was a beast if ul horse 4 or 5 feet high. The third period was 3,600,000 years ago, the early cretaceous period, when chalk ruled. All of Oregon was under the Pacific, except the Blue Mountains In the northeast and the Slskiyous in the south west. which formed two islands. Gradually the rivers washed the mountains down, as thousands of years rolled by ; the Cascade Mountains arose from the deep and Oregon was formed. Evolution, the speaker said, was God's way of development. A duet by Mr. Adair and Mrs. Cochran followed, and the following resolutions were presented by the committee and adopted : A'-W :., The thanks of this Institute are due, and hereby tendered 1st To the lecturers from a distance to whom we owe the success of our evening session and. To the ladles and gentlemen who have furnished music for the occasion. 3rd. To the teachers of the Albany Col lege snd others who have kindly assisted us in our work. ath. To the citizens of Albany for cour tesies received. 5th. To the O. ft C. railroad to their re duction in fare. J. M. Williams, Olive Kirkpatrick, H att iK Long. A chorus of giris sang "Noddin, Noddin, all Noddin," and were heartily encored, re sponding with "the little waiter girls." Prof. Mc Kirov announced the National Teacher's Institute to be held in San Fran cisco beginning on July 16th, and the State Institute to be held in Salem in June, and the Association adjourned sine die. Mnssrs Foahsy il Mason, druirffists. are selling Wisdom's 1 !rciu wholesale ami retail, and giving beautiful picture carls with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of the kind in the market. A Spokane Fall man says 1 "Seokane Falls owes its advancement almost entirely to, and without them would be no hotter known than any community where no paper is published. Parties liyina abroad I juugs of a town by the number of business bouses it contains, and this is generally ob tained by reference to the local papers. lib erai advertising in the home papers will ds mure to me a town known than sit of the boom pamphlets that wers ever issnsd. Mer chant 1 should remember that in advertising thsy are helping themselves far more than they are helping the printer." SSS' I consider Parsons Laws of Bnsinsss ths best and most praoliotl book for business men and farmi r that I have ever sees. 1 woul I not part with mine for any oonsulera- tion. 0 J Hiyward, Csshnr Bank of Santa Clara Co.. S-titt Clara. Cal. Eilensburg, W. T., with a population of about 1400, is to have a street railway, at least nas a franchise tor It. "Nothing to Equal It." ''I have been selling Simmons Liver Reg ulator for the past six years. My customers pronounce it the best ever used. One of my cu tomors wnose health was la a wretched coudiiiou from a very bail and stubborn ease of dyspepsis, used the Regulator and was entirely cuitd. I am using it myself for torpid Liver, canned by close confinement. I find nothing to equal it and highly recom mend its use. ' Respectfully, 0. P. Hiset, Drnggist, Edingborg, Va. fBMPlEiHQg DEPASTMEIT, KPITHID MY TUB Women's Christian Temperance Union The W. a T. U. meets on the lit and 8rd Tuetday of each month aid o'clock p. m., at the W, 0. T. U. Hall, Neal Dow is defeated as Mayer of Port land, Maine. It was a straight eut fight between law and order and Republican ism, the Democrats at their convention having passed the following resolution : Nuolvwd, That the Democratic party, by its delegates In convention assembled, do not deem it expedient to embarrass by a party nomination, the expression of the people upon this Important issue (that of temperance as stated In preamele),and they therefore recommend to all good cltlxens, irrespective ef previous party affiliations, to unite in support of our able and dls tinguished fellow citisen, the Honorable Neal Dow for Mayor. The Mass. Home for Intemperate Wo men was opened in Boston In 1878. The work has grown so broad, says the Union Signal, that the building must be enlsrg ed. This Home Is practically self-support ing as over sixty -six per cent of the money required for running expenses is earned by the inmates through laundry and needle work done in the house. Could such an enterprise be undertaken In Oregon .' And add to this, a department for fallen women, who have repented of their sin and folly and would gladly avail them selves of a safe retreat and frugal living. Certainly no greater philanthropic or christian work could be undertaken, and the records of the police courts of Port land furnish sufficient proof of the great need of such an asylum. Des Moines elects a Prohibition Demo crat on the citixens ticket as Mayor. Senator Ingalls of Kansas, not himself a prohibitionists, says In The Chautamqman tor Feb. : "Prohibition Is so rigidly en forced In Kansas that there is not an open dramshop or saloon from the Missouri to Colorado." Referring to the good results of prohi bition, he says : "Many intemperate men have been re deemed ; the weak have been fortified . tke young have been saved from tempta tion ; the famites of the poor have been better clothed, fed, and educated ; and the social condition has been perceptibly ele vated. The grocers, merchants and other dealers say that their bill are more promptly paid, and the records of the courts show a maked decrease In debt and crime. The predictions of Its opponents have not been verified. Immigration has not been repelled, nor capital averted from the State." "The subject u fast assuming national interest and importance." Senator Ingalls Is by no means s proh' bitlon crank 1 UflMII UtOM Uql tltt. Judge Kinney, of Iowa, recently fined nine saloon-keepers of Vinton an sggre gste of $$,000 for violation of the prohib itory law. This is an excellent way to re plcnish the revenue. Let the good work go on. Tne liquor interest ought to help bear a part of the burdens it imposes on tke people. It will be gratifying to the Bvtuinf 'oit. and other papers that fear prohibition will not prohibit, to know that this Democratic Judge of Iowa executes the law in at least one town In that State HOKRIIILK KX AMPLE There came into the Statesman editorial room yesterday an antique specimen of humanity, who inquired if Mr. Bush was in. He said he used to knew Mr. Bush when he run the StaMm in i s$ .Land he apposed that he was yet at the helm. The dilapidated individual was inform cd that Mr. Bush had made his fortune in the business years ago, and had retired and gone into banking, and as he had not re-entered the newspaper field, it was to be presumed that he was satisfied with banking. Now this antique piece of humanity has a history that might "point a moral and adorn a tale." His name is Andrew Jack son Crabb, or Jack Crabb for short, aud he is reputed to have once been a wealthy man of Marion county, and at one time was Sheriff of fiasco county. His daugh ter, so he says, is the wife of Chief of Po lice Parrish.of Portland. He says he came to Salem in 1853. But he took to drink, and this was the ruin of his fortune aad mind. He was an inmate of the State In sane Asylum for a few months, while the sf late Dr. Carpenter was superintendent ef that Institution. He now goes about doing odd jobs, soldering eid tin pans, etc., and is a forlorn living example ef blasted hopes. He is "out in the cold" new, and whose fault is it ? He has no one to blame but himself, as usually is the case with such examples. But the wonder is that, with such ex amples before their eyes, people goon fol- owing them. They will not heed the sad experience of others, but must themsel ve s try the same experience until it is too late to reform. There are a great many poor old Jack Crabbs. The world forgets them when they forget themselves. People are too busy to waste sympathy on them. They ive to point a moral ; but that is the only place of usefulness, (if such an office is useful) they fill. Don't be a Jack Crabb. Statesman. Head the Death Roll which the bills of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and you wil find that renal and vssical maladies, that is to say, those that affect the kidneys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence we had almost saidpreponderance. Bright's disease and diabtes in the chron c stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou ble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nulli fied by that pleasant renal tonic and di uretic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which mparts the requisite amount ef tone to he organs, without over-exciting them, and the use of which is convenient, and involves no elaborate preparation. Dys pepsia, a usual concomitant of renal com plaints.and debility, which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. Se also are constipation, malarial, rkeutnatic and nerv ous ailments. For lame back,' side or chest, use fehl loh's Porous Plaster, Price 26 cents. TBK. FUNERAL MONTH OP MARCH. An observant metropolitan barber says that he can tell one's physical condition by the state of the hair I The Bible tells us that with his hair gone Samson lest his strength. The Romans considered baldness a serious affliction and Julius Caesar was never quite satisfied with himself because his poll was bare. The face, however, is the open book and one can readily trace in its various expres slons, lines, changes and complexion the state of the system. The eye that is unusually bright and yet has a pallid brightness, the face upon whose cheeks nature paints a rose of sing ular beauty and flush, more marked in contrast with the alabaster appearance of the forehead and nose and lower' part of the face, is one of those whom the skilled physician will tell you will someday dread the funeral month of March, because It is then that consumption reaps Its richest harvest. Consumption they tell us is caused by this and the other thing, by microbes In the air, by micro-organisms in the bleed, by deficient nutrition, by a thousand and one things, but whatever the cause, decay begins with a cough and the remedy that will effectually stop the I cause of that cough cures the disease of (the lungs. That is all there is of it. The cough is an evidence of a wasting. To stop it effectually, a remedy must be used that will search eut the cause, remove that and then heal the lung and do away with the cough. This is the power, spec lul to Itself, possessed alone by Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption rem edy. This is no new-fangled notion of narcotics and poisons, but an old fashioned preparation of balsams, roots and herbs, such as was used by our ancestors msny years ago, the formula of which has been secured exclusively by the present manu facturers at great trouble and expense. It is not a mere cold dryer. It is a system searcher and upbullder and a consumption expellant. Where others fall, It wins, be cause It gets at th? constitutional cause and removes It from the system. J. W. Hensaw of Greensboro, Pa on Jan. 15th, 1888, reported that "he had de rived more reat benefit from the length of time, from Warner's Iog Cabin Cough and Consumption remedy than he had for years from the best state physicians." If you have a cough.nlght sweats, "posi tive assurance in your mind that ten. oh you, have no consumption." and yet lose flesh, appetitie, courage, as your lungs waste away, you may know that soon the funeral month of March will claim you, unless promptly and faithfully you use the article named. If other remedies have failed try this one thoroughly. If others arc offered, insist the more on try ing this unequalcd preparation. Some persons are prone to consumption and tkey should never allow the disease to become seated. THK 1NTKUNAI. UKVKM K TIT. The bill reported by the majority of the Way and Mean Committee reducing the internal taxes would cutoff some $2iyooo, OOO of the aurpiusarid U l herefore, like the Tariff Bill that preceded it, a move in the right direction. As the main purpose of Lincoln in the war was to save the Union, with abolition or without it, mi now the main thing be fore Congress is to stop the surplus, with whatever measure of tariff reform can be secured in the operation. But there need be no misconception as to the effect of the Internal Tax Bill. It is simply a surrender of revenue, with lit tle or no relief to the great body of the people. There is recent experience to prove this. Previous to May ist,i883,thetaxon manu factured tobacco was 18 cents a pound and on cigars $6 a thousand. It was reduced one-half on that date. The tobacco-raiser got no benefit, nor did the purchasers at retail. The reduction was too small to subdivide. The manufacturers and deal ers alone were benefitted. So will it be now. The abolition of the special taxes and license fees will of.course leave in the pockets of the manufacturers and dealers the money which these taxes have yield ed. The abolition of the pound tax may slightly benefit chewers or smokers who buy in considerable packages.but the great body of consumers will net get their to bacco any cheaper if the bill becomes 1 law. The Committee acted wisely in declin ing to touch the tax on cigars and cigar ettesorthe whiskey tax. So long as the expenses chargeable to the war amount to $134,000,000 annually these luxuries and vices should be taxed. A Walla Walla man who deals in second hand furniture found $530 in an old lounge which he was repairing. He was honest, so he sent word to the man from whom he had purchased the lounge. It turned out that the man who sold the lounge had hidden the money in it when ho was drunk and forgot ten all about it. Then he had accused his wife of taking it, and the row that ensued the sale of the furniture and broke up the family. She is now In Portland we believe, but the man is still here, willing to make up and be forgiven. Journal, The rhwtMjcraaher, Albany I have all the r.asatives taken bv A. B. Pax ton and any one can have dupli cates from their negatives by addressing us, at tke following prices : Card side, 2 per dozen, cabinet size, S3 per doaen, bou dours, $6 per doaen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views in the west. Cata logue furnished on application Copying and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. Q. Crawford. Mr Thos D Tongue, a promine nt politi cian of Washington county, an exchange says win oe heard trom. Is warranted, is because it is tho best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Remember, we guarantee it. Drunkenness or tke Liquor Habit Positively Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge ol the person taking it: Is absolutely harmless aud will effect a perma nent ana speedy cure, wnetner the natie . Or. , i ,. f , a. .v. v. , , , i. k, i vi aivuuvuv wicva Thousands of 1 run kn.vis have been made tem perate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free Will. IT NEVER FAIL8. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an otter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECinC CO., 185 Race tt., Cincinnati. 0. moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Cher eh ssireete U. P.CaTTmOK. Preach ina everv Sahhs.1 bl morning and evening by Rev, fH O. Ir vine, D. I. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting evsry Wsdnessday svening. Evakoblioal 0MVMC.-lWehina on Sab. bath at 11,00 a. at. and 7 r. at. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting evtry Wed nesday evening 7 JO. S. JL Davis, pastor. All art invited. OOKOBKOATIOKA L Cll 0 SCH. Bom OSSSVSry Ssbbsth morning and evening. Sabbath Bonooi at vino. r raver mention- on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev. H v. ttomioger, f'astor. M. K. Church. Sooth. Preach i an every Ssbbsth morning at 11 o'clock A. if. and 7 o'clock P. at. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. si. Prayer meeting Thursday evening's at o clock, iiev. li. y. itouud. Pastor. M. K. CMCacn South, Tasokst. Prsack ing on the first Sabbath of each month morn ing snd evening. Sunday school each Ssb bsth st 10 o'clock s. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Rev, Rounds, Pastor. M. K.(;mpm?h. Preaching every Sabbath morning aad evening. Song service in the even! lg before sermon. Sabbath School st 2.30 r bl Prayer meeting every Thurs day rem ag. iter. H V. Webb, pastor. Puss rr rcai as Ckuook. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Uroadalbin and Fifth Sts. Snnday School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev K R Pritchard, pastor. Fiasr BArrisrCHP saw. Preaching every Ssbbsth morning snd svs' Charcli on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning serviess. Prayer meeting eyerr "rhnrsdty svening st 7:30 o'clock. r .. Tram bail, pastor. Catholic Church. Service every Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 7 r. at. Lost Sunday of ths month service st Kugcne City. Rev, lioeis Metayer, ftsetor. rMOTKT,.vr Kfiscofal Cbcsiv. Servi. ess ars held in St. Peters Episcopal Church every alternate Sunday, mcrniog aad even ing. Sunday school at 0:30 a.m. Flidsy evening service oo eyery Fridsy preceding the riunday service. All are invited to at teed Chbimtiax. Fourth Sabbath, morning and svening. 8, S. 10 s. m. CSxBMAjr. At College chapel, 2 p.m. J. B. Brana, Pastor. They St. John's Lodge, 62, In Foster's Block 2nd Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, it Sat urday. Bayley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. Fn at tneirhall.e very Wednesday evening. A. O. U. Wn at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. Hall, rat and 3rd Saturdays. L O. G. T at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. re tale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, ail fenced into four fields, ' good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R -,with the Lebanon branch of the O. Sc C. R. R. Inquire at this oftke. THE K KV GEO. H . TIIAYRR, liourbou, lod.. soys: "Both myse.f and wife owe our lives toShiiob's Consumption Cure," 1 "HCKMKTACK."a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents, SUrLOU'SCURR will immediately re-lleve-Croop, Whooping Cough and tiron chilla. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETORS OK Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, vt e are now prepared to rail at whole sale, always fresh and pore at Portland prices to dealers. We also keep a full iioo or Nuts and Tropical Fruits, OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is com' r Wo keep the vary nneet atocdt or auok.jg and chewing luuaroi, mmrpcusum ana oner pi pee that S . . a - a is a oeugui 10 smoKora. PATENTS Obtained, and sll other Offlos attsndeded to f or V. 1 Pstsa Our office la opposit ibe U.S. Patent Office, sad Patents less ttase . 1., I,,... , T . . r ur drawinir. We aw in irww i-narge ; ana we mass u COSTS amiSSS ebtsin patent. ws refer here, to the Postmaster, the go pi of Jfoasy Order Dlv. and to officials ottaeU. & Patent ssus, ror circular, ad vice, terms, and ef ere ces "actual ciieuie in your own State or county, address Co 4. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Wasahurtea, D . 7 0. 0 OHRRRT. O.R.PVREK8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, KacMnists, Mitaiglits, and Iror Founders. W E are now completely prepared to handle all kinda of heavy work. We will naannfanhiro Miasm nnnrfnM . 4 Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinda "fires and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M4DK ON SHORT NOTICE. elpeoial attention srlven to repairine ail kinds of machinery. After Forty rssrs" experience la the preparation of more than One Hundred Thousand appliostlnr-Hfor paten la la the United riialv. m:d t-'nroim ooon triea, the pubtiehrrs ot the Kcientifle American continue to act as aoliciters for nrtUinta, caveats, traiie-iuarka, oopjr riuhK.. etc.. for tho United .State, and to obtain patent in Canada, 10nUnd, France, Germany, aud all other comitriaa Their experi ence ia uneaualed aud their facilities are vu.ur BBSSSSJi Drawings snd apeclfleaUons prepared and flier in the Patent Office on short notioe. Terms Terj reasonable. Mo charge tor examination of model or drawing Advice by wail free. Patent s obtsined t h rough M mm A Oo.aro nntioed inthe SCIENTIFIC AV.EIUC AN. which has the largest circulation and is ths most influential newspaper of its kind published in tho world. The advantagea of such a notioe every patentee snasratanos. This large and splendidly illustrated ne la nubliahed WEEKLY at S3.00 a year, an admitted to be the beat paper devoted to acience, ssoehanios. Inventions, engineering works, and ether departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country, it contains the name of all patentees snd title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for on dollar. told by sll newsdealer. If yon have an invention to patent writs sunn m tu., puonauor. ui ovi.nuua , Broadway, Hew York, laadbook .boat patents mailed I HOTEL FOR BENT, nrHE EXCHANGE HOTEL IN TmIS 1 city is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars Inquire ef or address Jambs Murray, m Albany, Oregon. . I uj sT. E. WE ATHEBF0RD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBA Vt . WILL PRACTICE IN ALL TUB COURTS OF THE State. Special attention siren to .-of leettons sad rebate natter. sW-Qases In Odd Felloe's Tempi. C.B.WOLVBRTOW, O, flt, IRTINB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW iW-Omee vp stairs In'Fosfer's Block. ALBANY, OREttOM. L. H. MONTANYB. attorney at law -AND Notary Public. tlbatty, Oregon. Office upstairs, Crawford Block. . 0. POWELL. Sf. ft. R1LTBU POWELL & BILYEU, tTTOKNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chaicerr, ALBANY. - . . OKECfOHT. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terms. sftsTOffloe In Footer's Brick.- lenltHf. D, R. N9 BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receive prompt attention J.J.WHITNEY. attorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In all of the Courts of thisHtate. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. T. J. STATES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OK EGO fa. JOHN BRICC8, FLORIST, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery Jots planted and attended to. CR08SEN & ALLEN, PROPEIBTOES Albany Track and Dray Co.. Ic, 1. Goods bandied with care and dispatch. Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaney, of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Lawt of Business prepared by Prof Parson's of 1 larvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supremo Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business 'men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be without. We ask an Investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Gb ast, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3oH California St., Kan Francisco, Cal. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed have this dsy been appointed Adraisistra tors of the estate of loan W Tycer, deceased, late of linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same properly veri tied to the undersigned st Brownsville, Ore gon, within six months from this date. This 15th dsy of February, 18&& MissocBi Twer, Leonard Ttcbr, Adni'rs. Assignee's Notice, In the metier of the estate of H A John son and K Shtdton and Johnson A Shelton. insolvent debtors. The undorsirntl havlnv Kun i..iw elected assignee of the estate of the above uauieu insolvent aeotors, uneer and by virtue of an act of the Legislative Assem bly ef the State of Oregon, entitled, An Act to secure to creditors a just division Of tho eats fa, of riahtnr who svtnvra. i .- Bigness for the benefit ef creditors," ar pi in owuer i9in,i9Ys,ana amendments thereto, approved February 24th, 1885, all persons bavin? nlalm amin.t mm - are hereby notified to present the same to uic. uuij venueu,as oy law required, with in three months from t ho ii.u k.f - w uvitnvi, at Scio, Linn county, Oregon. ckjjo, juinn couniy,ur.,March 5tb,1888. Phiup Lbwis, Assignee, NORTHERN GROWN PLAb AND SEEDS Are seknowledeed the beet, being- hanllcr, more productive and yield In-tter crops. BUOS ILLUSTRATEO CAT a t.i : i " CeaialalBseiUy the baa variants. n.ll.d (ree o- 1- mvuim nw ... HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. i Boarding School for Boys 1 I Conducted bv secular nriaatsi ami la teachers. First term onens rat Mnmlav in w temner. Second term nnons ft rat xtmnAi, In February, For prospectus address Kev. if. A. Meeker, Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. "Jim WestTa.!," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on nana, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0118608 PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S E ICou rig's, Albany, Or Life Renewer DR. PIBRCE'8 Sew Oai vanic CH AIN BELT with Electric Suspensory, guar anteed the most easaan mi. durable aud perfect Chain Bsttarv in the world. Ohmm. Uithnill'. mnilimn. l'sla in the Bnok.Kidnor Disease, Rheumut,im. WmIiuh nt . CVill oreend stamp for Pomiih.No. 2. MAOMtTHi J-ASTIOTRU88 00..?OABiraanto at :SaR Frapctw o, Qal.. or 3Q4, N. Wsi 1 st.. St. heai. Mo. p Is on Ole in Phllaaclphia at tne newspaper Aaver- tlslUCr IffMk V (it VnMTU V gFtOSKTa ANO SCSMNtN, 8T. IVUL," MlK ;. ,S -'"C.y-Maav-- Dyapepei'a5l4Jfe THIS APES Hs Ws VCIteV Ms Oar antaorisoa aysats.