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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1888)
ICntoreJat the Pjst OMo et Albany, Or a seoo ml class mall matter. FRIDAY MARCH 23, 1888 3TITB3 & NUTTING. BJttor and Proprietor. ruor. t rrivu. Lmi Emr. CANDIDATE FOR ASSES 8 OR. We are requested to announce that Mr. J. L. Nvc.of Brush Creek Precinct, U can didate tor Assessor subject to the action of the next Democratic County Convention. COUNTY TREASURER. To the voters of Linn comnJyt Oregon ; I announce myself as a candidate for County Treasurer for Linn county, sub jcct to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Jamk.h Williams. OOUNTY REOORDER. We are authorized to announce that Geo. L. Sutherland, of Scio, is a candidate for the office of County Recorder, subject to the action of the Democratic County Con- OOUNTY TREA3URER. We are authorised to announce the name f W. E. Curl for Count v Treasurer of Linn county. Subject to the decision of the Dem ocratic County Convention. COUNTY TREASURER. SwkktHome, Feb. 17th, 1888. In the Lebanon Kxfre. of the 17th In stant, I see that the prohibitionists liavc used mr name as one of the Central Com mittee. Please correct, as I never author zed the use of my name, as 1 am a candi date on the Democratic ticket for Treasurer of Linn county. Although I am a temper ance man I have alway been a democrat have never asked anv favors of the partv until now. Now I offer mv name for Court -tv Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic County Convention ; as I am ruptured and not able to work. Anv favor C anyone will render me will be thankfully received. John Burnett. COUNTY SCHOOL SUPER- INTENDS NT. We ire requested to announce the name of L. II. Catl, f Seio, as a candidate for County School Superintendent, an eject to the action of the Democratic Ooanty Coa vention . A MAN ABOUT TOWN. The young man without legs, who played the concertina, on a tricycle, in Albany, last week, in the evening sent his attendant into store with fifteen dollars in silver to ex change for gold, which would indicate that placing concertinas, particularly as nicely as this unfortunate young man played his, it a lucrative business. O An Albany gentleman who had never before experienced the privilege of being a father immediately wrote a triumphant let ter to his parents in the East, closing with these words : "More in the future news, I mean," which explains itself. O The Man About Town has met a lady In Albany who was in the famous Peoria, 111.' railroad disaster last Summer, one of the worst on record. Fortunately she was In one of the last of the fifteen excursion cars that were wrecked and was not injured. With her own eves she saw a man cut a woman's fingers off with a hatchet for the rings that were on them. O The Man About Town was very much struck with a remark made by Prof. D. T . Stanley at the Teachers' Institute Friday evening. He said, "the young man wlio gets a living without earning it is a leech on so ciety." There are too many leeches here as well as in other places, unnecessarily so, for tawing wood, spading gardens, putting down carpets, doing anything, almost, is as hon orable as clerking, or acting as advance agent for a circus, and more so than the lat ter. Idleness becomes a disease as loath some as leprosy, and if a young man has any ambition at all he had better work for nominal pay than be idle for nothing. A reputation for industry and reliablity in lit tle things leads up to valuable results. O There are plenty of people who know more about running a newspaper than the editors themselves, and just for the fun of the thing we will let one of them run a short column of hi own. Here it is : "Gosh darn the Albany sidewalks ; why alnt they fixed betur ; aint that what we hav Marshals for en v way. Drive damn the ales, straten the bonis, takeout the rot and lets hav walks that pepie can walk on. Them's my sentiments. "Now tharc is, that is I mene, in other wurds well I'll think rr.oar about it." O Which will win, the hens and ducks or the gardens. The ArtM ir Kntertainment. Our citizens should turn out generally to see the ingenius Mr C 0 Hogue, of Corval lis, in the role of an offhand artist. In the first place it wilt help the Ladies' Aid So clety, which is in need of money. In the next place you will get the worth ot your money several times. Mr Hogue does rapid and correct work, decidedly of the humor ous character and makes your ribs rattle He will take off several prominent Al banians, who will be readily recognized. Local hits you know, are always the best Everybody should go. Admission 5O and 25 cents. Reserved seats at Blackman s. Annual Meetb.g. The annual meeting of the Albany Build ing Association w;w held at the Opera House last Monday evening, when the fol lowing directors were elected : N II Allen W F Read, W f J Twcedale. N T Moore. H Stewart, J Gradwohl and Geo Chamber lain. At a meeting of the directors held after wards W C Tweedale was elected President, W F Read, Secretary and Geo Chamber lain, Treasurer. T J O vcrman, Geo E Fish and Jay W Blain were appointed ushers for the Opera House, The building will prob ably be painted inside and outside, and. elec tric lights introduced. Justices and Constables, The following Justices of the Peace and Constables were nominated by the Demo cratic primaries last Saturday : East Albany. George Humphrey, J P., C G Burkhart, Constable. West Albany. J J Beard, J P., M Moses, Constable. Lebanon Dr J P Hope, J P., Parley McKnight, Constable. Lowson Danciug Academy is open every a uaraay mgnt trcm to 155 o'clock. W, W. Crawford, Manager. An exosts of animal f od ami a partial closm l the -ores ot the skin, during the winter maaths, oause the system to become blld with im pun tea. lueen can be removed and the b! od puritiod and invigorated by taaiug Ay?r s oarsaparuia. rnc 91. DKMOCRATIC DKLKUATRS. Following Is a list of delegates elected at Democratic primaries Inst Saturday to the County Convention which convenes at the Court House In Albany, to-morrow, (Satur day) at i0 o'clock : East Aliiany. lohn Hoffman, G E Chamberlain, Brice Wallace, C 1' Burkhart, I. Senders, Abe Hackteman, Phil Swank, A B Bloom, John Isom. West Aliiany. E L Brvan, Ubbe Peters, George Cllne, C H Stewart, J L Hill, J L Cownn. Brownsville. J B R Morelock, C H Cable, R B Michael, WinT Cochrane, O P Coshow, Jr. J D Arthurs, F M Jack. Brtsii Crrkk. WJPhilpot, G Splawn. dUWrMRDSYILLt. Qeo Fioloy, Moes. Cekter. L M Wheeler, LCRice, M. Snyder. Franklin Butte, Joh Job 1) . ohn Bllyeu, Jasper Crabtree, "Polk Thomas, m Curl, Me vers. Fox Valley David Soott, IV i ...n. H AltVlSHt R.U. Enoch I Ion It, D S Busev. Geo M A 1 ford. Win McCulloch, Oliver Hyde, Geo Huston. T J Black, J R Bone. Leuanon. I A Beard, leff Coyle, FC Hansard. Sam May, W t! rimes, Rob't Andrews, W J Ribclan, H Kalston, 11 Kceblcr, BHyeu, LlUERTY. Thomas Thompson, Jesse Barr. Orlravh. D Turner, A Stone. Kot-R Crrkk, Jm - " T"id8 Siikhd. John Mc Bride. Neil Shedd, John Morgan Scio. Harvey Shelton, A J Shelton, J F Follis, G W Hunsaker, F P DeVaney, T I I N Munkers, Griffin. Swret Hump.. Win McKinnon, Tho Morris, Win Rumbatigh. Santiam. David Bilyeu, J B Fitzwater, Syracuse. F M Miller, Waterloo. Jas Pecry, J T Bllyeu, J A South. L C Stratum, John Cox. Oscar Healv, Geo B McKinnev, S A DeVaney, O Jennings. lratti cf Ja. (iarrrtt. On Thursday of last week Mr. James Gar ret, of Peoria, after attending to business in this city went to Halsey on the evening train, and from there rode with a friend to within a mile of his home. He was talking with a Mr. Meyers, when he suddenly cried "catch me," and fell to the ground. On bending over him he was found by Mr. Myers to be dead and was taken to his home. He was buried under the auspices of the Masonic order, of which he wa a member. Mr. Garrett leaves a wife and several children. He was 70 years of age at the time of his decease. James Garrett came to Oregon from Missouri in 1852 and took up the land claim on which he resided until his death. He was a man of uncompromising integrity, a splendid father and a loving husband. Those who knew him, and the number was many, were his friends, for his amiability of character and gentlemanly disiosition brought him friends on every hand. His death caused universal sorrow in the neigh borhood where he was known best, and no one mentions the affair without a kind word for him who was taken so suddenly away. For twenty-five vears Mr. Garrett was a frequent caller at the Democrat office, whose sterling friend he always was. lie knew how to look over a fault and to ap preciate a favor. The afflicted wife and rela tives have the sympathy of the whole com munity. Making a Fn-. The newspapers at Albany puff up their town as though it was the only one in the state that amounts to an vthing.but if it Isn't any more enterprising than its daily papers it uoesn t amount to much. They brag about their electric light and at the same time tell about haying nine street lamps and two of those are taken by the county. That city must look grand after night, being il luminated in that manner. Eugene has at least twenty-five and doesn't make near as much fuss over it. Eugene Rtguttr. Yes but your twenty-five little 100 candle light offer no comparison to our nine 2000 candle lights. See here : 2x100 -2 coo 9x2000-18,000. There's the difference. Nine big electric lightR,judiciouIy distribut ed, are worth a thousand jack-o-lantcrns Eugene is prospering and is a good city but so is Albany also. Let us have a good natured race for the lead. We have grounds for making a fuss about Albany. Report of Grand Jury. The grand jury at the Circuit Court be ore adjournment last week made the fol owing report : We the undersigned grand jury for the March term of Circuit Court bee leave to submit this, our final report : We have carefully examined into the commiKsion of all crimes committed or tri able in Linn county, which have come to our knowledge. We haye also examined into the condi tion and management of the county jail.and the various offices of the county, and find the jail in good condition and repair, and the various offices and the records therein neatly and orderly kept. Having complet ed our labors, we ask to be discharged. John Bryant, Foreman. An Afternoon Maze. Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock a fire was discovered in the roof of the Dr. Wallace property oa First owned by Dr. O'Toolo, and occupied by Henry and Charles Miller. An alarm was given and by remarkably quick work a hole was cut in the roof and the flames extinguished before much bad been burned, though considerable dam age gs-as done by water. The fire started from the flue directly under the roof. The building was insured in the London Ins. Co., Judge Powell,agont,and the loss is estimated at 300 or $400. Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates the hair'to a vigorous growth. It contains all that can be t applied to make the hair beautiful, and abundut, removes dandruff, and renders the hair flexible and glassy. CURRENT K VENTS. A Sioux Cltv rar picker recently found $3000 In drafts In a letter among his rags An exchange says the spinal column of a newspaper Is Its local column. A Seattle man has mortgages for a male horse with a fetlock that weighs 1000 pounds. An Immense fetlock that. . . . . t A i . 1 . I . M Nome nuvcnusis nave nxeu mc umc ior the world to come to an end on Dec, lOth. We will send the Democrat from now un til then for $1.25, or until after the Novem ber election for $1. An unknown man jumped from the Salem bridge last Saturday and was drowned. He wanted to die. An attempt Is being made to work up a corner In grain bags in San Francisco In which case It will cost Pacific Coast farmers fully a million dollars extra for bags. Down with your trusts. Like nearly all prlxe fights the Sullivan Mitchell contest proves to have been a farce. Mitchell plaved a cowardly part from the first and would have been no match for Sul livan In a square mill. Chas Dickens, Jr., Is soon to do Oregon on a lecturing tour. He Is the son of his father, and is said to be quite a brilliant fel low, though he has never written a "David Copperfleld." Mr J aneway .father of young Jane way ,th young man arrested for robbing the Spicer post office, has been arrested for perjury and held under the sum of $1000 bnrl, When he went his son's security he swore he was worth $soo ; now It transpires he Is not worth anything. People going to Portland nowadays have to keep their eyes on the policemen. They need watching. Fear of sandbaggers and other dangerous characters have vanished beside this greater evil. The new treaty between the United States and China, will make It exceedingly difficult to obtain Immigration of Celestials to the II. S. by fraud. It is somewhat iron clad and has plenty of red tape about It. A Chinaman vUhlnghomc has to go through with so many forms In order to get back that few will ever attempt the awful ordeal. Wry Entertaiaiag Among the many entertaining proceed ings had at the Teacher's Institute last week, all were overshadowed by the rendi tion from the stage of the Opera House, of fhe Merchant of Venice" by a data of vouni? ladies in elocution, w.10 have been for some time under the tutorage of Mrs O S Pollock, teacher of English Literature in the Albany College, who had brought her clas to the Institute to illustrate her "Prac tical Methods of Instruction in Literature.' Miss Anna 1 'linn in the character of Duke fully represented that quiet, dignified man ner and disinterested purpose which befi t one who administers law and justice from the bench. Miss Esther Marshall, as An tonio fully brought out that "quiet of spirit" with which Antonio seemed to be imbued when resigning himself to the tyranny of rage of Shylock. Miss Maud VanHora, as Bassanlo, the friend Antonio, very success fully represented the love and disinterested loyalty which Baaaanlo bore to the latter. Miss Vesta Mason, as Gratia no, displayed the Indignation which that gentleman felt when applying the epithets, -damned Inex ecrable dog" to the "currish" Shylock. Miss Flora Mason, as Portia, with great skill led Shylock on to that point where he was commanded to take his pound of flesh. Miss Mary Reed as Clerk and Miss Sarah Wheeler as Nerissa did their parts well. Miss Helen Crawford with the apparent self-confidence of a Booth or Barrett dis played the cold, heartless, revengeful char acter and conduct of 8hriock and held the audience with all attention to the very last. Mrs Pollock deserves great credit for the thoroughness of culture of her class. Better Coaatry. The Democrat has received H H War ner's speech upon the organization of the Rochester, N. V ., Chamber of Commerce. It attracts the local editors attention simply because that city was once his residence ; and because Mr Warner, the patent medi cine man, puts more money In our pockets in a year than many of our own business men.' The speech is a good one, and Rochester is a good city, larger than Albany, having a population of 130,000 ; but we advise Mr Warner, and Messrs. Kimball, Upton, Vick, Barry, etc., if they would like to reside in a city with great ad vantages, with a good a society as Roches ter possesses, surrounded by a magnificent country, and being blessed by a climate be side which that of Rochester sinks as low as a gas well, to come to Albany, Or., which they will find at the Junction of the O A- C R R and W V St C R R in the beautiful Valley of the Willamette, where we are eternally kissed by the suns reflect ing rays from Hood, Jefferson, and the Three Sisters, and prosperity and boom are crowning our lives with glory. The New Harne Firm. The new and enterprising harness firm of Thompson St Overman has on hands the finest lot of harness ever displayed in Al bany, and we predict for them a lively trade this coming season. People who trade with this firm will get the best of goods and will be well treated. Their stock of single har ness, which is second to none in the Slate, consists of the latest styles and best quality, a well as prices to meet the times. Their heavy farm and team harness Is made of . 1 I - ' 1 t. VT . . , a. f noining out :o. i icaincr anu uie worn is warranted to give satisfaction. They also have a large line of stock saddles, Califor nia make. Their buciv whins arti directly from the Eastern factories and of Ai grade tnrougnoui. in lact iney nave tne largest stock in their line in the middle Willamette Valley. It will pay you to go and see their stock whether you buy or not. They are always ready to show you through the har ness and saddles or anything else in the line. Pslitlcs. The strange fellows are beginning to boil quite lively. There Is as much feeling over the matter as there is about buying gro ceries and produce of Conn Bros., who seem to stand a good chance of being elected I or fresh goods, first-class treatment and bottom prices always call on them. To the farmers of Linn countv. in the vi- cintty of Lebanon : If you want farm im- p:ements or machinery of any description, call on oar manager, Mr G W Cruson. at Lieoanon, ami we assure you that you will rao wiui courtesy ana a mil Hue of our goods, that can be bought as cheap as at any t- .1 a. m place m lane county. Staver k Walker. AaiiLAXD, Ohio. Mrs. Wm. Kumbaugh and daughter, of Albany, Oregon, spent this winter pleasantly with their many friends in Ohio. They speak volumes of praise for the Pacific slope. They took train at Ashland to spend a few days in Indiana and Iowa. thereafter they wilt return to their home on it t :a i nrti- me 1 Kiinu vuHv, xncir company waa en joyable while here. J. R. I am now receiving my spring and summer dress goods. Call early aad secure bargains. W. F. KEAD. Just a Bieycle. This article is only about a 54-inch Colum bia Light Roadster bicycle, which J. P. Hail has tor sale at f 30 less than first cost. It ha been run only about 150 miles and is in perfect condition in every way. It mast be HOMRAND ABUOAB. LINN COUNTY is becoming noted for it many advantage Nothing eas be Mid AGAINST bnt much fur It. It is THE it I iilaee for the masses. Coene here, whether of business, otimate, society, or simply to joy yourself in the garden spot of the WORLD. Uardeuing time. New shoes at Read's. Wigwam lippart at Read's. Garden seeds at Brow nail St Stanards. Vote for the vive voce system to-morrow. New ribbon all shades and styles at Read's. The eity eemotery should be improved new. H Kwort, practical watoh maker and lew 1st. The best harases st Thompson St Of er - mans. Thompson 4 Overman, the lsadinu harness dealers. A Hspnblioau Club has been organised at Ibaaon. New m broidery Head's. jnst Motived at W F Go aad aee Thorn oseu k Overman's batxv harases. Babe Oity is to hav a 30.000 soaool boas. Cash a ne a long ways at Browuell St SUiiard s. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Sure-sou. Al bany, Or. Gt your boots aad shoes at Brows!! St Staaard'a. Government work has boon suondsd at Yaquina Bay. You wilt got wood troatmtnt at Browoail St Stauard's. Mr Jos Itiffca has opened a broom factory at Brownsville, A free bridge is to b built across th rivsr at Oregon City. Harris burg, it is reported will sees be itbout a saloon. If you want the boat harness io the market go to J J Dubt uille Take the Dkmo rat dorm the Oamnahrn. It will b beard from. BtowmII 4c Suaard will lead in quality aad price of grooariee, Republican primaries will bj held one week from to morrow. The promise of a bi fruit rop in Lisa county is very ilatUnog. A bill creating a new laud office in Oram has passed the U S 8 ale. Stewart It 80s will sell the O .b .raa bind er and Fish wagon this year. Governor Peoaoyar it making a dseferate eff ort to enforce the salmon law. Six shave for a dollar aad a oh an towel to very customer, at Titos. Jooew. Try a baeket of Wallaee Si Thompson's Gayeer Sapooe for boose cleaning A lia hae of aew outiery at Stewart & Sox's, the beet good 10 the market. it your shovels, boos, rake, to., for spring gardening of SUwart Sox. All kinds of garden sewds far sale by Wei lac Si Thompson. 5 coats a package 7 O-ka eurae rheumatism, neuralgia aad loeihaoic, Koshay 4 Mason, Ageate. Several Albany touan tmmm have snag silk hats. They are very drasey. Will lima . at Crvallts. bav sold their gun store toCbariM Henkie and B. Bier. Rasors honed, set aad pat in order at Jonea' Shaving aad Hair Dressing Parlor. Everything bought aad sold at M Prank Un A Co 'a sewnd hand star, Albany, Or. Cbnrehiil St Montettb are eleeiag out their general merchandise business at Lebaoaa. A Poetoffico baa bora seteblisbsd at U ra ver, Waaee Co., with Wm Merewr aa P. M. Last February waa the first time ia 9000 Tears that a smooth aad not bad a fall asoea. Saturday was St. Patrick's day, aad sev eral green ribbons wore sewn oa the street. Patronise the low firm of Browoail A S&aaard when yoa want gtooeriae or produce. V M Kronen, agaat Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. The DiafocftAT from sow until after the November lee turn for $1. Subscribe early. Dr. M. H. Kilts, physieia and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls mad ta oity or sou n try, C S Voorboos says h is not a ciadidato for Delegate to Congress under any etrcaav taacos. The aanoal meeting of the Presbytery of Oregon will be held ia Albany beginning April 10th. The Portland Mtreury says Hon J K Weatherford, of this oity, has tba inside track for Coo gross. Messrs. Kirk pat riuk and Bugler, two Lisa oouaty young men. have purchased tba Lob anon Rrprts, J. M. Ralston, of Lebaooo, has purchased J. W, Cusick's interest in th Una County Bank, of this city. Iaat Wednesday Arohbtabop Grew cele brated th twenty-fifth year t f hie ordina tion to tba priesthood. Any person wanting first-class lumber or to let contracts for building, oall at Deyoe Si Robsoo's for information. A $50,000 file occurred at Arlington Wed nesday night. It started in a block belong ing to Wm. Ralston, of this city. Fine weather has prevailed far farmers and considerable Spring grain baa been sown. A big crop nest fail may be predicted, The M E Church South have lost oomntet- ei a now onurcn imuuing at Spioor. It is a tiii M L 32x48 lest with a 77 foot bell tower. Wallace k Thompson are now in the Flinn Block. Call at their elegant store for vour groceries and see bow they are situated. News was received in Albanr last week of the death ot Mr Aif Marshall, a former rsi font of this city, at Kglo Rock, Idaho. F A Burkhart & Co. have anile a number of men wanting employment Farmers want iu be,P nld on thm and be supplisd. 1 a wo men seaming over a 11 v cent piece I brokaa nve dollar piece of glass 10 th win dow of Hale Haokeostu s saloon last Moo day Receiver C NSeett has been authorized to borrow 940,000 with which to pay off indebt eunsss 01 me n u tv k tor labor, material to Dr. McAllister's team ran awav in this city Wednesday, taking f irst and Ferry Street for its course. The bncay was considerably damaged Mrs Charles Cooper, of IadeDendenc-. at tempted to commit suicide Thursday of last wesvt uy swauowiog some earbolic acid. She Uvea F Company, of this oity. will ba formally inspected at their armory on next Tuesday evening hy inspector Chamberlain of Gen olK,m The defeated candidato for offioe should kem aood natured if he do t l.ft forth nomination. Toe man who doss not is not sntitled to an office. Don't forget that F L Rsnton is agent for all the leading newspapers and magazines. Subscriptions for any leading periodical for warded witnout delay. It pays horsemen to advertise their horses is the Democrat, with dates, eto. An ad vertisement in any good, live paper is worth serersl thousand posters. Mr L L Judson a few days aeo killed a bis jack rabbit on Mr Cooper Turner's farm be yond the Calipoota. This was considerable of a Bunch Grass event. Yoa will save money by taking vour sick sewing-machine to the repairer, B F Parsons at six tn and JeReron Sts., Albany, Oregon. Good satisfaction or no pay. Ths two Jordan boys, in ths Polk county jail far horse stealing, burned a hole in the floor of their cell one night last week, drop ped through it and escaped. The Democrat is under many obligations to Mr B A Cbilders and Mr Pogue tor a goed report of the proceedings of the Teachers' In- a.! A. . I L? . B . e stiiuta in cms city isst wees. - J www w j swsy v S ssa v Wl V VI Ca's. Trimmed without extra charge, and sold ae oheap as the cheapest. A fine monument will be built in Germany a a i m Sim to me memory ot w 11 team, and the govern Meat wilt pay the bill, which will insure ono worthy of such an illustrious man. faTa20,000 doa eggs wasted for cash by Tophamft Wallace, at ttmir store room un der F, M. French's Jewelry store. Also eash paid for poultry, at Albany. Or. Mr J Fred Yates, of Oakville, has entered the oftieo of Hon J K Weatherfotd, of this oity for tba study af law. By the way nearly all great lawyers have sometime boos school masters, Thompson k Overman have the fiuest lot of horse brashes over brought to the county. Just from New York, of atandsrd make, whish are selling rapidly because they are offered ohaap. Wallace St Thompson hav moved into their new quarters in the Flinn Block, and now haye the best arranged grocery store ia tba Valley, if not in the United States of Amsrtaa, Sheriff Smith want to SaUm Tassday with 0 R Sayers, who was convicted of horse stealing, aad loft him with Superintendent Wowing who will put htm to work for three years. The "N S Bentlev" will bo abandoned. The machinery will bo taken out and the hail left ta ba oaten by the mad suckers in the river, The O P has had its share of bad luck with water craft. Most First Street merchants have taksa electric lights, soma of thorn using 2000 can dle power lights, instead of several ineaades oeat lights. It will take about two weeks to get the system running. beat twenty counts went from Albany to the dedication ball at the Lowson Academy laet Friday night, end report a Dleaoaot time. Tbers was a crowded house of y use people from alt parts of the county. Carson & Hoffman, the ston aad tile menu facta rsrs, began oa last Tuesday the construction of a tea foot walk around th O. F. Hall. Th headquarters of this Iras is in the Brush factory at the foot of Lyon street . Mr Bslkaap, a well-known oitisao of Cor- yallia, died at the Rase Boose in this city, last Monday. He was on hi way home from Soda villa, eaassspsnisd by his wife and brother whoa ba was taken worse and passed away. R E J sue way, the operator at nicer, who was arrested sod placed under $500 bond. for robbing the i'oeteffiee at that place, has fled for parte unknown. Mr J M liolatoa, a farmer, of Nawberg, Yamhill county, will bate to foot the bill Jane way ' father is a At the firemen's election ia Lobaaoa last week Dr J A I .am hereon was elected Pros! dent, J O Roles d, Vice President, J A Rob erts. Secretory, C H Harmon, Treasurer 1 W J Gay, Foreman; J A Beard, First Assistant, and J V K abler. Seeoad Assistant. All property owners within two blacks of s sower, noser a recant omer of the Council, will have ta aeaaiat their drainage with the sowar. This provision, if oof oread, will add to the boalthf ulaosa of tba oity, and as wall give employ meat to smalt sewer builders. Durisg these lively political times tta Da' hat will not attempt to make person- ala of all its frteada through the county who have beoe ia tbeottv. It would be impossible toept by the aid of a sappiamaot. After tea Cow yon won to bold to-aseriow. though, we hall take paina to meettoa who will be the next county eflacers, The list will include the OO tiro DooaoeraUo ticket It ia with pleasure we note the prosperity of the Farmers' sad Merchants' Iotureaeo Company of Albany. Or. It is doing a larger ta Oregon tasa any other com nan v. sad ite patrons may oooat with oortoloty oa being fairly aad liberally treated in all cases. It has a guaranteed capital of 0800,000, for your aroteetlea. which 1 six times th amount of deposits required of foreign com- The policies of Ibis company are medals of brief aose aad simplicity ; they do not contain the usual two-thirds, 10 or 90 day clause t bat acres to pay the fall amount of lass aa ta the amount teen red. The Farm are' and Merchant' loan rases Company is ths equsrost sompsny doing hostess ia Ore gon. Patronise thorn in preference to all others Oslsm aVsasce. Hon 0 I Dsjajm sjriisjh Counotlsj Itfihs King of Coewa, sad brother of Mrs Wm Ral- toa, of this city, ha resigned bis important posmua ana win tl for Oregon. He writes to aa Oregon friend aa follows 1 "The truth is that the strain oa my system for the past year has been too much for mo, aad I haye felt my health failing. Things hero hav reached each a state for this sod political reason that I hav given ths Kiog notice that I shall lssvs bis sat vioe st ths sod of March, which will aoon bo here. Had the United States minister had not agreed to take my place it u doubtful if th Kiog would have let me go. Even a it was bs would not give his ssssat ustil ths doctor re parted a cbsags asosssary fee me. Cores is juat now in s death struggle, almost with China for national existence, sad on asseuat ths political sod diplomatic services I have already tendered his maiestv. he fears the hangs but it will do ss both good, ss yea snail see by sad by. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Miss Berdis Thompson, of C rvMU, is visiting 10 this city. Four Iowa relatives of Mrs Thomas Mon tettb arc in ths oity. Hunt, the R R contractor has bean in the oity this week. Mrs O'Connor went to Portland Tuesday to buy millinery goods. Mr Whitney, of the Herald, is visiting his parent in fcugens this wssk. Mrs C H Monroe and Miss VanWindle, of 3 slam, were ia the city Tuesday. J M Nolan and son. of Corvallis. were in Albany Saturday on their way to Ssa Fran CISCO. Mr W T Chalk, a prominent cittsen of Pendleton, was ia Albany the first of the week. Welter K Turrell snd wifs returned from San Francisco last Friday, and will sooa be ousted is their asw residence. Mis Magiiie Morarland. of I anient, re turned a few days ago from Sau Jeee, Cal , where She went with Mrs Lizzie VVestiako. A surprise party and supper ware given Rev Romingsr at the residence of Mr H carat and the Congregational Church last r riday evoutng. Mr Louis Vie reck and family returned to Albany last Tuesday, after having experi enced the recent severe winter in ths Ssst they rejoice to bo with us again. AABashorand Thos Ball, recently of Spicer. have been in the oity this week. Af tor buying goods in Portland they will open a store at Uold Hill in Soathern Oiegon. Well Satisfied. Scio, Or., March ist, iSSS. To Whom it May Concern : This is to certify that my farm dwelling was insured in tne state Ins. Uo. of baiem, . .... n . . . . , , Or., and my dwelling and its entire contents were destroyed bv fire Krt 20th. and Feb. - w . . 36th Mr. Toll Thompson and D. T. Wyman, agents tor said company, came to my farm and adjusted my loss honorably and fairly and 1 could not have been treated more fair ly, and for the benefit of those in doubt as to the honesty and promptness of this Co. I cheerfully recommend it to our farmers. To day through the hand of Mr. D. T. Wyman we received in cash our entire loss. We are satisfied this Co. has been misrepresented to us by agents of other companies, and our farmers would act wisely by seeing Mr. Wyman before going elsewhere. Delphina Hamilton, B. W. Hamilton. Novelties in Furniture. Wm. Fortmiller & Co., have just received from the East, at their furniture store, a car load of the best goods in tneir line ever opened in Albany. They consist of Woven wire bed lounges, Extension tables that do not shrink, Elegant black walnut cylinder book cases, r me bed-room sets with 9 pieces, Revolving pillow lounges, 28 styles center tables, $4 up. Ail wool mattresses, 9 inches thick, cheap. and many other goods, latest in styles, best in quality, which will be sold at remarkably reason Ah nrices. It costs nothing t ex amine their goods. Circuit Coart. Court adjourned an Wednesday noon Following Is a list of cases disposed of after going to press last week 1 4. Asslermnent Thos Monteith. Continu ed. st. R A Rampey ugt II L Thompson nnd Amos Dunham. Action to recover money. Dismissed. 75. Martha Houston agt Josle Tim mer man. Partition. Decree tor partition. Geo Humphrey, W W Richardson, J G Powell to partition. 137. J P Schooling agt Jerry Hay. Action to recover money. Referred to Hewitt. Re port filed, to be heard at Salem April 10th. 138. J P Schooling agt Hay & Ashby. Action to recover money. Same as 137. 39- J P Schooling agt C F Wright. Ac tion to recoyer money. Same as 137. 146. Matter of application of W R Power snd others far alteration and location of Co, road. Appeal on taxing costs and disburse ments R Johns. Fees of 8 witnesses allow ed. tec. D Iff fonra nit W (1 Edwards. Wsil lis Nash and ors. Action to recover money. To be settled. 167. H C Owen sat Add Harmon. Ac tion to recover money. Settled. 168. 1IC Owen agt Ed Stone. Action to recover money. Settled. 173. Assignment A A Bsshor. Sale of property conferred, and dlstibutkm ordered. 1 Hi Alice R Smith agt Geo B Smith. Divorce. Granted. 183. P J Porter et si agt John C Elder et al. Partition. Continued. 300. John Rogers Administrator agt John Schmecr. Action for damages. Judgment for Plff for $5 and for Deft for costs. 307. Oregon sgt Strsuder Long. Lar ceny. Dismissed. aoo. Currsn & Monteith agt A and Na- omla Webster. Action to recover money. Dismissed st cost of PlffY a to. J P Schooling sgt T 8 Thompson. Injunction. Referred snd continued. 22a. Oregon sgt Jas Kane. Selling liquor wittioul license. Dismissed. 233. Oregon agt Jss Kane. Selling liquor without bond. Fined $50. a a. Oregon agt Jas Kane. Selling liquor on .Sunday, fined io. aa6. Oregon agt W II Dougherty. As sault with a dangerous weapon. Fined $50. aaS G II Liggett agt Sarah and Thos lllnes. Foreclosure. Decree. i v . S Shupp agt Peter Foley, Action for damages. Judgment by default 337. I R Dawson agt J M Turner et al. Action to recover money. Default ss to Nelson, and continued as to Turner. 338. Maria Schaefer sgt D S Smith. Ac tion to recover personal property, DUrais. ed. 239. Am. Mtge Co. agt W B Gilson. Foreclosure. Publication summon ordered. Continued. 34a Jessie F Sullivan agt John W Sulli van. Divorce. Granted. 341. Mary A Gibler agt C A Gibler. Divorce, Granted. 243. M E Woodard agt Charles Wood- srd. Divorce. Granted. 24J. Geo S Fletcher sgt J S Cochrsn snd w . iseebe. Action to recover money. Continued. 344- Maria Schaefer agt D S Smith. Ac tion to recover personal property. Judg ment for PIS. 345. Jas Dsnnal sgt 8 H -Freeland et al. Action to quiet title. Decree far Pi'ff. 346. Mrs L (Sough sgt C J Gough. Di vorce, Granted. 347. Charles E Schaefer agt D S Smith. Action to recover personal property. Dis missed. 350. M E Csrtwright sgt Jss Cartwright. Divorce. Lrrsnted. 353. Isaac Meeker et alagt Dora Butcher et si. Partition. Decree. 3S5 J P Schooling sgt W R Mc Daniel. Suit in equity to settle partnership. Con tinued. 356. Jos A Ford agt Shane St Lonsway. Action to recover roonev, attachment. Con tinued. 258. Assignment Shane St Loasway. Con tinued. 359. Assignment Johnson it Shelton. Con tinued. 26 1. Zeva St liochstedler agt P Foley and S Shupp. r orcclosure mechanics lien. Settled. 363. Mrs M J Queener agt Vaughn Si Wcddle. Action to recover money, attach ment. Defau It a to Vaughn. 266. H Shelton agt Green Beard and R Moore. Action to recov cr money, attach ment. Judgment for Pl'ff. 26$. T E Hogg agt Thos Monteith. Ac tion to recover real propert v . Demurrer to cross bill sustained. 371. R S Wallace agt John Heighsley et si. Foreclosure, Continued. 373. Shirley sgt Clinton C Cole. Fore closure. Continued. 37?. Benjamin Clearen agt John A. Crawford. Suit In equity. Continued. 12c. T I Black art Nancv J Sioov. Ac- tion to recover money. Judgment for PI ff - uw ow w st r 376. Albany agt Hale Backensto. Appeal Dismissed, 3??. Strauss St Co. agt Hay & Ashby Continued. 378, Mary Moore agt Doret C Moore. Divorce. Granted. 379. State agt C R Savers. 3 veers in penitcntisry. 381. State agt Frank Mack. Burglary. Continued. a83. State agt Charles Ryan. Burglary. Dismissed. 383. State agt S Hansen. Dismissed. KEAL BSTaTs. Following were the recorded sales In Linn county during tne past two weeks Hiram A Smith to I N Smith. 80 acres taw $ iooo David Mlllhotlento Margaret Rader, 33.15 acres, 12 w 4 300 A Hackleman to Melissa Fugh, 1 lot block H's and A, Albany... 350' R F Ashby to h Harmon, 50x100 ft Scio 300 . J C Johnson to E Harmon, 25x48 ft. Scio an I 11 Roberts to Alice Dannals, in terest m part of block 15, Albany 350 L M Putnam to Alice Dannals, in terest in last 35 J M Ralston to A H Hunt, 1 lot in Lebanon i' S E Young to A H Marshall, 1 14.34 acres, n w 3 3500 Chas Younger to J D Arthurs, 1 lot, and 80xi 13 feet, Amelia 125 N II Young to W B Ulancharo, of minim; claim in Lane Co. 1 ----- - j b McDowell to W B Blanchard, 1 lot in Amelia 22$ 1 w , . . a a . ar . f U L, BUtneriana to ueo morrow.a anu a part lots m acio U S to Samuel Aplet, 80 acres, 9 E 2 patent V S to Miles Rainwater, 160 acres o E 1 patent W E Price, by assignee to Ld Goins, - . 1 lot, Scio 250 A B Mcllwain to Ashby Pearce, 54 brick wall 650 U S to T B Taboi, 320 acres, and dated in 1866 patent Thos J Butler and wife to Benj. But ler. 80 acres, o fc 3 5" Peter Hume to John bteng 25x101 tt Brownsville 250 D B Monteith to Ashby Pesrce, 23 feet front First Street 335 Albert R Judy ta T F Smith, 273 acres 12 w 4 Tas H Kelly to Clay Meyers and J aim tjary, 1 101, ocio - Corinthian Lodge 17, A f A M to Bavley Chapter No, 5 RAM J4 of lot 7 block 3, Albany 325 Wm Perry to Nelson W McCoy, 329 acres, tp 14 w 4 125 300 500 225 4000 35 A Hackleman to J W Beutley,! acre in H's 3rd A, Albany H D Haight to D M Jones, 3 acres tp 1 1 w 4 G B Haight to Jas Germansen, 3 acres, tp 1 1 w 4 Jas Bilyeu to Daniel Donohue, about I 23oacres. - Wm turner to LiCc aneuon. .merest 761-6 acres, tp 10 E 1.... ii SEATCO," Pull Brother in Blood to land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the Dalles Pair Sept, 20th, 1887, "Breeders of Intelligence Watch and Draw from every Turf Event Lessons to guide them in the Future." Ssstco will be kept at the farm of G.F. Crawford, near Lowson, oa Narrow Gangs mm mm - ... - It. It. sad will be allowed to verve s limited number of mare at $20 to insure in foal, but no responsibility for accident. H dark bay, without white, will be three years old June 10th. 1888. Was sired by Onaeo, tke. ... -ii . a w . r. 9 ymr reooro Z-SI, son of Altanv nt, wagon record 2 269 in eighth heat. First dam Laura I), hv Kd war1 Vv.. Soeond dam D.oy Marsh, a tine road mare of tried endurance. Onsen's dam is Ball P by Debts, two yssr old record 2-sfU tk fw. st in ths world for 4 yaers, Hs afterwards nad a record of 2-28 when entirely blind. '" "y nnceon (sire oi thefiraud Dam of I hales the fastest living stsllion, 2-131) four year eld record 2 304, which stood ss ths fssssst for 14 years. OaaSO was tba Juvenile K imo of thm lf. Pacific, successively lewerinu tui k .I si mar the 2 sod S t ear old record, nmvino in f olden crucible of actual performance that he is wall worthy af his grand lineage . Priee moot bis full brother now hold the 2 year old record, 2-49J. W. Important Notice. 1 -Buyers GroceriesandProvisions snd persons BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY and all kinds of pro Incn for nsle, will find it greatlj to their advantage to Call and Examine oar goods Kenton & Chase. New store between the Opera House and Postofliee. Albany, Oregon. Safe aad Sound. Mr Ed Carter, agent for the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company is now traveling throughout Linn and adjoining counties soliciting the patronage af the peo ple. 1 his company is a solid one and M r Carter is perfectly reliable and people will do well to patronize this home institution. Letter List. Fellowiac is th list ef letters reiaaininj i tbs Past , AJbaajr, Una county, Oregon.ltarch 21, 18SS. calunf for taese totters seast fiv Uw du oa which they wars advertised : Willio Brewn, Mrs Addie Christy, David Deavert, JMS Holme. Henry .1 Jordan, George M Miller, Mis Hattie alcClore, Ciaudo Martin. William B I Well, Fred Pooler, Louis Mfmond, 8 Bowman, John A Da via Bros A Co Green, Jaa Holm, James Leek, Byron C Miller, Warren J Morris Nathan Mnrcttf, M Powell, C L Rixton. U K Wallace, D R IL THOMPSON P M. MARRIED. DAVIS EDGAR. On March 14M1, 1S88, at the residence of the bride's parents by RevPM8tarr, Mr L V Davis and Miss Nellie R Edgar both of Linn county. ALLINGHAM SHEPARD On March 14th, 1888, at the residence of the bride s parents, bv Rev Starr, C T Alijngham and Margaret C Shepard. ROBSON SIMPSON. On last Tuesday evening, March 20th, 1S0S, at the resi dence of the bride's parents in Albany, Mr John Robson, the popular junior member of the firm of Deyoe k Robson, dealers in agricultural implements, hard ware and bird cages, and Miss Ada Simp son, were united in marriage by Rev H P Webb, in the presence of relatives and a few friends. The affair was a very happy one, and the supper is reported at; one fit to set before a King or editor. Mr and Mrs Robson immediately went to house keeping in a very business like manner. They have our congratulations as well as others from all sources. PIED. PAYNE. On March 18th, 1888, near Al bany, Culver, son of Nimord Payne, aged 6 months, 17 days. Notice of Appointment of an Ad ministratrix, Notice is hereny given that the undersign ed has been hy the County Court f Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administra trix of the estate of James Uariett, d ceased, late of Lina county, Oregon. All persons having claims against the estate of deceased are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at her residence near Peria, in said oouaty, or to hsr attorney, iroperly verified, within stx months from this date. March 21 at, 1888. Frances M. Garritt, Administratrix of said estate. J. K. WaUTSTERrORD. AtVy for Administratrix. Delco Winner of the "In Kdward Everett, sirs of the dam of S astee, is by s ton of Pathfinder out of a daughter of Vermont, snd is fall brother to Kitty Lion, 2 41, tba dam of vT. B. K. the coif that challenged all two year aid's last April for ffJVOOa side, ana mat with no response, KdwsrdRvsrattistbs sire of Deiiy 8, the dam of Delco, besides many speedy sod gsms read horses. All competent horsemen who have seen kirn sad his get since they are arriving st maturity, confidently predict that be will soon become one of tba great breed mere sires of tbs North Pacific. In disposi tion, beauty snd para trotting action, Seatco is simply perfection, snd is eminently en dowed os both sides of ths line with tbs blood that trots, sod by all tbs laws of he redity should be able to staotp upon bis pro duce bis own inheritance. To gentlemen desiring read horses and ta young man wishing to embark in the fsseiost iag business of breading snd developing tbs American trotter, I call special attention to this yonng Stallion aad will take pleasure ia howiug him on soy day. W. CRAWFORD. of having and prices. HORSEMEN. ATTENTION Theodore Skillmao. The "Pioneer Importer and Breeder" of California, will arrive at Albany on or about March 26th with 3 imported Norman stal lions, selected from the finest lot of draft horses ever landed on the Pacific Coast. These horses will be offered at prices that will insure their sale. Come to John Schmeer's stable and see them. Every one is a first-class stallion. STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Headquart ers Department of the Columbia, Office of Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Barrack, W. T., March 15, 188S. There will be offer ed for sale at Fort Sherman, I. T., on May 19th, 1888, at public auction, the U. S. steam launch "Amelia Wheaton." (and prop erty pertaining thereto.) Stern wheel, light draught ; length 76 feet ; beam 17 feet ; depth of hold 4 feat j lower cabin, 8x14x57 ; upper cabin, 7&xl4x30 ; engines about 40 horse power. Sal to take plaoe at II o'clock, a. m. Terms of sals : Cash in U S currency. All inquiries addressed to this oce or to th Poet Quartermaster. Fort Sherman, 1. T will be promptly answered J. G. C. LEE, Major and Chief Quartermatr. City IMarket, M. HYDE - - Proprietor, Fresh meats constantly on hand, Near corner of First and Ferry Streets. Administrator's Sale of Seal Estate, Notice is hereby giver, thst under and ly virtue of an order of sals duly made and entered of record by the County Court if Linn county, Oregon, at the March terra, 188$, thereof in the matter of the estate ef Annie Bamferd, deceased, the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of said deceased will, at the Court Hons deor, in th city of Albany, linn county, Oregon, on tbe 8SU1 day of April, ISSS, at the hour of one o'clock p. tn. , offer for sale at public auction to th highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wit : Lots No. one and two, block ho, eleven, in the town of 0alsey,Ltnu county,Oregon,aa shewn by the maps and plats of said town, now on tile in the office of the County Clerk far Linn county, Oregon. Terms of sale Cash in hand on th day of sale. T. A. Powsll, J. K. W sathxkvord, Administrator. Att'y for Adm's,