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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1888)
Win. Fortmiller & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse js" After business hours sell at realdenoe center fifth end Baker streets. Red CrownMiUs ISOM LANNING A CO., PROPR'8. raw raocaaa flour acnpuuoM so VAX I MM Aim BEST STORAGN ?1C!L1TIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Andrews & Hackieman, WLDOUGLASi 13.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. . - OREGON THE YAQUINA ROUT, Oregon Pacific Railroad. Oregon Development Conepany'e Steam ehlp Line -225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOORS LESS TIME then by any ether route. Flrat-olaae through naaaeueer and freight line from Portland and all point to tbe Willamette valley to and rrem Han Franeisoo, Col. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M . Hong," The -N. 8, Beat ley," Tbe "Three &iter" are in eenriee for botn paaswngar and freight traffic be tween Curvailia and Portland and mediate points, leaving Company's wharf. Corvallis, and Maun. Muiman A Co's wharf, Nee. 200 and 202 Front St.. Port land, three time a week ae follow : Notrru nei'MD. Lam Curi -111-, Mm.. Wd. and Kndav, 10 VO A, M Le Albany, Mhweay. sad Kmlaj. U m) Noon Arrt- rXMUaiwl, in. . Tliu. an-l tuturoar, i jo r. U MolTU HOUND. Leave Portland. Man . Wed. aod rnd, w A. l U. Albany, Tim., Thure. am Saturday, 1: p. 11 Arrive U'vtlu, Tue. . Ihu. ami Saturday, i. JM 1'. M lioaus make clone oonnoctlon at Albany with iram of to Oregon Pacific Railroad. TIME H IlKUl'LE. ( ) Leave Altaaav. l.eo r. a. . Laara Yaasiaa. S0 Ltava CuraiUa, 1 : 17 r. . Lcara J a,. Arriv Yaquiiia, t.M r. M.lArnva Albao, 11:1ft a. a, O A C. train ooooskji at Albany and Corvallia Tbe above tram connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development tAiuipsai's uine of aieamabip between x aquioa and Man Prancbtoo, MAILING DATES . eraaitaaa. rsoa sa rsiximv. rsviMi TAMi. iaa Wiii.nctu VaUey. Thar . Keb. m Tasa.Fab.uih Kaaarii Orwoti, Tuea., Peb, 14th, aun Keb.linh WiUaawtta Vallv. Hun . rab. UN. Sat . r'ab. 2iUi. OiMgwu. oa,, Keb , iiib, Thur, March. lav The Cooiiieuy rye kbo right to change aaiiiua date without notice. N. B. Paaaeogera from Por.Uud and v illamette Va ley point can make cJ oonuectl -u with the train of tbe Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallia, and ll d ItMa tutsan PrancikCi should arrange to arrive at Yaquina lb evening before date 01 BsautXMC, raaaeaarr sad r.ctaJst Kales alwaya the laweM- foe lalonaaUon apply la C J Xtuart. Krsitfht .W. MftH WIIIIJ, rt W s MM Tl ... W. M, O P. AglM reaon Develop BBB Co., S04 M Tu.L . A 1 . . ... ... . U L. II I. t m w., aa rrsnctseo, cai. ( c Huilt, A. O. P. and P. Agent, Oregon Pacinc R K Co. CorralUa, Or. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -nVIA- Oregon t California R. K, AMD OONNBUTIOSIS. THK NT. ON 41 A KOI I E. . Time between A I bar y and baa, Frsaaisci, S6 OAuroaau axraass It iixs saut. Ouu-A 4.00 r. u. I Leave Portland S:06 r I Leave Albany 7:40 a a I Arrles San f uuclsco Korth Arrive j 10:40 A Leave 7:06 a m Ueave t.M r u u-Aiki, rASssssaa tsaixs uailt .except Bunaay). S.OU A M I Uave llWrm I Lears t:40r Arrive l'..ns.nd Albany Kuraue Arriee Leara leave S:4ftr 11:36 a n 9 ijO A M local rAMaaaaa Taaiaa laily, kx y.i klkuat. Vl lni I Ltavc h .Ai r a I Arriva rm Lsavu 1:20 r j ArnvH Albany Iibanou A. 1. 1 1.) Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive Lam 6:46 a Ml a a 2:46 r a x.uurn PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. KX4 I KIOK SLKKrCRK for rHl 4'Im.h aaenaer s ail trains I, Ol CMAKCiK, Went IHe aVivlaioa. Btl'H V.KS lOUTLt AM rtt VALL1N, MAIL thai bAILV (. x s;i-t Hunday.) 7:T a a VI M v a Smaim m Lwv 1'... Hand Arrive (fclOrn Arriva Corv till. Leave 10 v a sxi-aasK tsaiss daily (oxopt Suodsy . ) 4:S0r Leave Portland Arrive 9:00 A a s00r Arrl-e McMlnnvltle Leave 6.46 am At Albany md Corvallis eounect with trains Oregon PaoiAa Uallruad - Pr fall iiJorMiu.)ii recording rates, maps, etc., wi on 1 .omjiany Aeni. a., E. P. KOOEB8, fanarr: A PsssAeont MHr It. HYMAN next ea-t of H. E, Young', Albany, Or, Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP- ,a nns.r-rn n esrirB ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wodneeday-s and Tburadays of each week., and painting dono to unity on plaque arid other material, N'b-o aeottment oArtiaU materia on Aisnd. "CL av VaV r a that are fretful, peevish. AJuvv cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Fains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence ia aafe. Price 25 cents. Sold by SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made nab arable by that tarriMe conzb. Bullob'a Cure is i tbe remedy tyr vou. Do You Want Furniture ? IK YOU DOQO TO W, H. W1LLARD, whore you will find the heat make end Anut fl-,Ll....l fluent finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine line t PICTURE FRAMES, and a hundord diflY'reut sty Us of Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. The largest and bent fitoek of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, over kept in Albny. rrloee reasonable ALBANY OOLLEBJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. rirat Tern Opeat sptesSMr 13lh, It A lull eorpe of Instructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Course of tudy arranged to meet (he need of all grade or atuuenta. Sertti iWwi-swstm4 eJtrcU to $lmjli nm rtW. Tuition ranc" front I6.IM) to tlMfe Board in privet faiuitio at tow rate. Boom lor !f-boarding at small cxreit. A eerefui auporvUlon exewined over tu- doata away from home. Fall term op. uh September 7tli. For olreumrs end full particular addresn the I'reMdt ia. Kfc. KLRKstT N. COX MIT. Albany, Oregon, Assignee's Notice. OTIC K IN HF.ItKltV .1Y1CN' that W. on too out "TCK JW lotoi Tonro Mr. Otis L. Hathaway, Fall inducements to men of brain and educe being msolven, and unable to pay nta, . , oa ,, I . creditor in full) lawfully aaaign to me ai! Rlvr. Meaa., Oct. 19th, t886 . Was tlon to gjve themselves to work In lie In- biit property for the benetU of all hi cred Itora Therefore ell persona having claims a camsi the aaid taaaisnor W. K Price will Hereby take notice of said aiulgnment and proaent their claim uuder oat n, to me at my place of buaineaa in 8elo,Llnn county, Oregon, within three months from the date hereof. Dated January 20th, 1888. J, O. JoHKeon. Assignee V , K. BlLYXV. Attorney for Assignee. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby giveo that t!ie partner ship heretofore existing under the linn name uf I nan U 1'tciller ta ttiu dav dutolvd by mutual conssut, Mr. Hoffman r.tirmtr. 1 be business wilt be coutiuued at tbe 1 .d stand by Mr. Pfeiffcr. Dated January 3rd, 1888. Joux Horrn an. i- Kan is 1'KKinraa. Dissolution of Copartnership, The tepartnerahip hert'mre listing I e- teu Jobo IOin. L J Laumii aud rdsyjtd Ooioo, under the linn name of faotn, L n ur g John I.HOU, E J. Lajii;, Kl.WAKO Qoimh. Albany. Jan. 2nd, 1888. The tumea m the future will be ducted by John Isomand I J Lahnii.g, nn. ear same style of rtrm namr, I,om. I aaning .V t .... wb will pay all liabilities of the UUl.,r.... In 1 KS. and fur rmt f rarl ion of rtrm, am hi are none auiaortzeo to ro:iec:au , . . . rfntatanding uta. O Vise BUY STBS' OTJIDE la Issued March and Beot- leach year. It 1 an ency. Olopodla of useful in for. 'mation for all who pur. ehaa the Itucurte or the nsossaltle of life. Wo can olotbo von and furnish you with aU the nnasasary and unneeesaary ppUanoos to ride, walk, dance, sleep, oat, flab, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizea, etylee and quantities. Just figure out what ia required to do all the thing COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cento to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Miehigan Avenue, Chicago, IB. FARM AT A BARGAIN. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 275J acres 6 miles north of iiarriaburg on the Harrisburg, Peoria, and Albany wag'n roao, z miles Irorn warehouse on the Wil 'amett liver, 6 miles from Halsey on tbe O A l railroad, one-fourth of a mile from school boose, all fenced in 8 department Itesides small lots, 178 acrea ia cultivation 75 acrs oak rub, not beavy, 95 acres (trow tug writ at, jv acres more zew land in colli vatton, making 95 acres in good condition tor wheat this fall and will sooo be sown. 150 young fruit trees. Buildings fair. Price $25 per acre. Terms easy, tor particulaas call on or address a - C. C. Jacksov, Ha'sty, Oregon . . " ..i.i....uu.ium oe in me nana! of every person con'cmuletinK buying 4 if s fs jk Var isse la lull.. a .1 1 a . BfflT 8 bulbs, asr. w. UIOIlSSndMor Illumt Km -.. WlJUt U l.liy-. and W lTe tO net It atwl nimlnn W.mS ftf-' i'""M.l1S0",U- 'S'8 't'IK only Wilts, laclUOlsatrtlnciitifO.d for SSaaaUa worth ,.f aTAJII VlCItV MnKDHMAW, Rochester, jf, Y. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- ST 1 m e gonjor iinn county. M. E. Woodward, Plaintiff. v. Charle Woodward, Defendant To Charles Woodwajrd the above named LefVndnt : 1 N tliH rmine of the State of Oroaon : Yon are li6reby required to appear and aitawer tbe complaint of the above named piMitiuii m the above entitled Court now on Hie with tbe C'le k of said Court within fu f,a 8 from the dftto of the 8erv,ce of thl" Huw.mnn upon you if served in Una county, Mrciron, hut if served in anv other c.niiiy in the Slato of Oregrn, then with in twenty das from the date of the nor - vk- t t this Sinn.vioiiM upon von. or if aerveo outaide of thin Ntate or by puolica tion, then by the first day of tho next regular term ol the Court following to wit: the 12th day of Marc. 1888. And vou are hereby notified that if vou fall to an ewer all complaint aa hereby required tbe Plaintiff will appiy to tbe Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit a decree dissolving tbe bonds of matii m ny now exiting md for the care, oua todv and control of f3e minor child, Etbj M Woodward and for the coat and die bur-mente and uoh other relief as mv be tquitable 'ihi8 Nunimoni is published bv the ortier or the lion. K JP. JBoiee, Judt Ige of said Court made January ?9th, 1888. J. K. Wkathehford, Attorney for Plaintiff. cuwrwt. MM ?ITY k SW SWA Ml' MM t' Jl HONL'M. F the public roods is up held and the happiness of the people enlarged, there it some auperlor agency at work, to accomplish so much. As a relief of mis- erv It must be a compound of uncommon merit whose specific action must be "?7i.rman.r -T C M let t.Tver f with the worst chronic cases of half a lit- lime. Such reputation must be well founded, and an thU la assured by deal ers and the press in all climate where all phases bodllv nllmont are encountered, Its adaptation to the cure of pain, its prompt and perfect action, bring It nearer perfec- tlon for household use. Its application Is o simple a Child can ue It, and the dtrec- tlons for use are given in every spoken language. It Is adapted to all kind of I climate, to all phase of rheumatic and nervous pains. A few sample of a gen- oral nature will show Its wonderful effects, MN Wllh. P. Caok. Canaioharie. N. Y.. writes February toth, 1S87 : "Awoke one morning with excruciating pains in my shoulder. Tried various relief tor sud den pain w ithout effect ; went to my of ficc, the pain became insufferable ; went home at 1 1 o'clock and used St. Jacobs Oil ; effect magical, pain ceaed, and at 1 o'clock went to work ; cure permanent Mr. David Lawrence. Lowell. Mass., Oct. j.jth. 18S6. states : "Had severe attack of rheumatism In knee, tried many remedies I without relief ; tried St. Jacobs Oil was prompt I jr cured ; no return of pain In sev. troubled with rheumatism In arm, and could not raise It. Used St. Jacob Oil ; nrst application relieved and two-tnires 01 a bottle cured ; hvc had no trouble since, now several years ago." Mr. Percy A. Polsom, Bloomlngton, Ills , Oct. ibthi 18S6 : -Had rheumatism all my nic tin 1880, when It was cured by St. Jacobs Oil. It had settled In my ankles, and had to to walk with a cane ; used one bottle ; In a short time pain was gone ; have not had a touch of it since " Mr. B. Nickenthal, StrasburK. Ohio. Nov. 4th. 1886 : "Had rheumatism In my shoulder ; cured by enc bottle St. Jacobs Oil. First applica. tlon greatly relieved and was cured com I pletely. No return la seven years." These I are samples from hundreds of how It works its wonders. LtaaCoantjr tatorratle Coaveatloa. A Democratic Convention for Linn coun- I ty to elect delegates to the State Conven tion ami to nominate a full county ticket wm oc Kid m Albany on Saturday, March .a. a. a a. A t A . mectinir to elect delegate to said conven - tion will be held lit the several prccincu of 1 - .1 the county at the usual place of voting on Saturday, March 17th, 1888, at J o'clock p, m. The several precinct will be entitled to delc-ates a follows, being one delegate for ever v a c vote cast for Mr. Butler for Con- - . 1 . . " 2c atove 2 vote above iz votes ano one uciegaie t large for each tircclnct I Past Albany y West Albany 6 Brownsville.. 1 Brush Creek 2 Crawfordsviiie 2 Liberty i lrbanun 6 Orleans 7 Seet Home 3 Scio. Center 3 antiam ..5 Pox Valley 1" ran U tin Butte. . . , Haniaourg Halsey T. J. Black, Secretary. Shcdd's Syracuse Waterloo Rock Creek W. R. Blf.VKt , Chairman. WvO trifle with any Throat o? J5XV v Lang Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or tho children are threatened with Croopor Wboopine Conch. aae Ackore English Bexnody ana prevent M - SJ . i m . W m . m " runner trouoie. . it L is a positive cure,' . 1 - - ' Msa, Wa t a t a,. and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c. "Nothing to Kq.aa! It. "I have been selling Simmons Liver Reg uLtor for tho past six yesrs. My customers pronounce it tbe best ever used. One of my caatoinors wboee health was to a wretohsd condition from very bad and stubborn case of dvspepais, need the Regulator and was entirely cuied. I am using it myself for torpid Liver, canssd by close coutioemeut. I tiud nothing to equal it and highly recom mend its nse.'' Respectfully, C. P. Hucv, Druggist, K liugburg, V MILLER BROS., Wholesa'e and Retail De tiers In Seeds, Trass, Apiary and Poultry Supplies, Etc., Etc , joy Second Street, Portland, Oregon, far&end for our catalogue. IP YOU HAVE MALARIA OB FILES, NICK HEADACHE, DUMB A401TE, CtMsV TIVKKOWEIA, ROCK NTOMACH and BE1AHIVO i ll your food doe not a tntllavto and yon bsve no appetite Ms Pills will enro ttaoao trouble. Try them; t on have notltlna; to lose, bnt will gain ts vifforouM body. Prlee, 30e. per box. Sold Everywhere. 6,000,000 PEOPLE U9E FERRY&CO. adasittedtosetbo ;et seedsmen tn worm. FKtRYAOO'S IlisatrsteS, Rewrlnx ANNUAL For 1888 will bo mailed 'REE TO ALL applicants, nod to llUit HlilWOil'H cuntomers with out ordering- it. Invaluable to all. Every person usine 'Cs rd n . P leldor P lowi er PEEDS-'srraarS D. M. FERRY &CO., Detroit, Micrb SAM MAT. O. SENDERS MAY fe 8RNDERS. Dealers in General Mbrcuandise. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON. Will buy drain, Wool and all kinds Country produce. 7BIIQ nABEBtoonfileinPhiiadeiBMa I giM.i'.Tr ff "g ARlioy of ItcBsre. at. w. AviR a eon. 1 our auihirfted agents. wm mm of aW a uflBX xJg i-ara 1 mr w d. h auu7ii 1 a a a mr TKMPEBANOE DEPARTMBIT, kditrp ht rmm Women's Christian Temperance Unlei Tbe W. a T. U. meeta 00 the let and 3rd Titer day of each month at 3 o'clock r. H.t at tbe W. 0. T. U. Hail, over Krenoh's Jewelry Store. THK W. T. P. A. The Woman's Temperance Puhllcutloa Association located at Chicago, Is a child of the Woman's Christian T.asn-ranre Union. Under the leadership of Mrs. Matilda rrm it I... i,... 1 1,- a ii . the only, Temperance Publication House that is self-supporting and dividend pay In. A leading commercial ssreiu v reoort says of the Company : "They are very prompt in paying bills and their business Is Increaslag and prosperous. The man agement Is considered able and conserve tlve and they ere In good credit tor the needs of their business." Their plant Includes seven presses with the appliances of a first-class office, bet these are inadequate to meet the demand made upon them, even with the presses running at their full capacity and much el the time doing night work. It speaks J louder than words of mine can, In praise lot the business judgment of Mrs. Carse and her ca.imssr.. th.t a PuMl.hlna Houe in the Interest of a reform, the cap. Ital stock held entirely by women, and a large majority of the worker, both by brain and hand, women, should he the Rrtt dividend paying business of its kind. It Is a token tor good that the Temper ante cause ha outgrown the period when Its advocates must labor tor naught but the consciousness of well-doing. The time has come when It pays a man or woman of culture and ability to prepare carefully and give all attention to the cause of Pro- hlbltien ; and just as a school that offers terest. Is, In a commensurate degree, sue- Cesful, so the caue of Prohibition I vast y the gainer that it has reached the pe Hod of well equipped and well paid advo cates. mm m The success of the W. T. P. A. gives ua uth In the Temperance Temole. This mighty project Is under the guidance of eur financial leader, Mrs. Carse. An lev men building twelve stories hlerh. cen- trail i4-ad u ruirmm sat . 000. This enterprise aroused great eathu. .!.. i. ik. :.ti...i p 1- wu vllle and $600 was oleshred In an hour, time. The bulldlnc will furnish amnio ac-1 commodations for W. C T V beadnaar. tor, offices of the Publication Association, hall 1nr th m.Ml.. aaul stta. tsr www avw. fwsTifv fRev v easessc vtiivt vv C.T. U. purpose, with room, bealde. tbe rental from whlck will vieid the National Society an Income of $250,000 annually at current rates in that locality. To those of us wha find ft difficult m aa. cure funds tor necessary local expeases I thp lJcn cems beyond reallxatton, but if mt9 h i t Iam a.f Ua M.,..aaMa mm. A 1 lch le inspiration of her courage and 7" wouio cease io voice your uno t . 1 L a M m. a The report of the Treasurer for the year ending October, 1887 was full of enceur- agement. Nearly $15,010 passed through .. . . . , ... a tiic iianua sua suml aim ft uiirisisr 1 n vprf m j 1 v ....... flv,wu w. wir I SB PS I SMAPsl IPkOl liniws Al iS akaaa Illa,aall.. the aggregation of ten cent pieces. The W.CT.LMui teemed the value of the littles, and the courage for the future In spired by success in the past was expressed in the thanksgiving prayer of Mr. H. W Smith, Mwe thank thee Lord, that tho didst give u nearly $15,000 last year and we ask thee to give us ten times as much next year !N The financial history of the W. C. T. U. is an earnest of her final sue cess, aa well aa good evidence ot the in genuitv, persistence and devotion other member. Lizzie V. WiLaox. I'ttt.MtriPAl. r-KATI ItKJt UF THK HILL rOK FB0KRAL AID KOU.IM'HLIC HCtfOOLtt NOW BKFORKT11K LoWKK BRANCH OF CONGKKHM. After an elaborate an exhaustive dis cttselon of more than three weeks, the United States Senate In 1886 passed a Na tional Aid Bill, by a vote of thirty. three yeas and eleven nays. Eleven other Senators were ia favor of this Bill, but were "paired" and did not vote, making a total of forty-four Senators endorsing the measure. A similar Bil passed the Senate of the 48th Congress. We print two sections, so that or read ers may get a better idea of the amounts to be appropriated, and a part of the con ditionson which the aid is to be distribut ed. An act to aid in the establishment and temporary support of common schools, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled : That for eight years next after the passage of this act there shall be annually appropriat ed from the money in the treasury the fal lowing sums, to-wit : The first vear the sum of $7,000,000, the second year the sum of $10,000,000, the third year the sum of $ 1 5,000,000, the fourth year the sunt of $ 1 3,000,000, the fifth year the sum of $1 1,- 000,000, the sixth year the sum of $9,000, eoo, the seventh year the sum of $7,000, 000, the eigth year the sum of $5,000,000 ; Which several sums shall be expended to secure the benefits of common school ed ucation to all the children of the school age mentioned hereafter Hying in the United States. Sec. 2. That such money shall annually be divided among and paid out in the sev eral States aad Territories in that propor tion which the whole number of persons n each, who, being of the age of ten years and over, cannot write, bears to the whole number of such persons in the United States ; such computation shall be made according to the census of 1880. ss Tbe t (telegrapher, Albany Or. I bave all the negative taken bv A B. Paxton and any one can have dupli cate from their negative bv addressing us, at the following prion : Card aie, $2 per dozen, cabinet alee. IS oar dozen, bou- donre, $6 per dozen. I keep the finest ine of Oreaon views in tbe west. Cata logue furnished on application Copying and enlargii g old picture a specialty. J. Q. Crawford. Still Baying. L. Senders is still buying good horses. Those having them shonid bring them in. e WASHINGTON. (From our rwrnutr oorreipuiMt.) Washington, D. C, Keb. 13th, 188S. To use the word of the genial Sunet Co' "w are clearing the deck, tor the tariff fight," and Mr. Mills, Chairman of the Ways and Mean commlttee.and dem ocratic leader of the House, expresses his belief that the tariff hill will be reported tor con Hide ration before March ist. Chair man Mill adds that the "newspaper fel- lows" seem to knew a great deal more l"Ul in measure man ne ooc. The House has passed the bill retiring from circulation the three cent coin, which " prove acceptable to PrMn who hflV bcen " 'cUm- ePuve maney, anu ,v nyw that the Senate wilt do likewise. Other matter of Interest discussed in the House the past week, mere the Read Ing railroad strike, the alleged lneifklcnt malt service In the West, and the publico tlen of lottery advertisements In the Wah newspapers Messrs. Cox and Springer amused the House with some animated discussion over a private claim, tn which the latter made a rather pointed and pertinent refer ence to the influence of the lobbyists. Speaker Carlisle has had all of the pri vate wires removed from the the frScl od disappointment ot several siaics- men ho hve weaknes tor dealing In strn k . The event of the wek In the Senate was Rlddleberger's defiant expose of the vote upon postponing action upon the British extradition treaty until next De cember. Senatorial dignity was again nidelJr hkcd, and the Virginia Senator WM ine ""I 1 91 wr" wwmTT . President re fvnfor. wtirtcai in- gaits. It I believed that the republicans really favor the British extradition treaty, but (earing the indignation and resent ment of the Irish vote.they dared not pass such an unpopular bill In a Prcsldentlai year. There wee some discussion of the Blair Mil, but it went over till Wednesday of this week, when a vote wilt be taken. Mr. Piatt made a very flatulent effort in hi arralrnmcnt of the President for his late message. Por a while he was beard with respectful patience and expectation ot "thlng worthy of the subjcct,but his ,iP WM "te. unproniaoie, apsltlve wearlne to the tle.h I There wa a debate In the Senate over I the Kre accumulation and the general I worthlsacs of the public documeats printed by the Government anddlstrlbut 94 I1 trough the mail by Congress " The discussion tended to develop the that these document are almost I worthlcss.r vcu to lunk-iJcalcfs. This mat- certainly offers a fine field for the re reformer. Every year thousands of dol- " re ,dird ln printing and taking I cr lhe bewke, which nobody hardly I ever read It Is apparent that there will soon be an ether light In the Senate similar to the war waged on oleomargarine In the last Con grcss this time on lard, adulterated with cotton seed elf and other like substance It was stated before the Senate agricol tural committee, that only one firm now has pure lard on the market. There I a strong probability that four new state will be admitted during the present eslon of Congress, a the demo cratlc members of the Houe and Senate Committee on Territories have agreed to favorably report a bill for the admission of New Mexico, Montanaind the whole of Dakota It is thought that the republlcana cannot consistently oppose the scheme for political reasons, for though New Mexico is democratic, Dakota is largely republican while in the other two neither party has a pronounced advantage. It Is likely that Dakota's desire for division will not be granted. Neither House was In session on Satur day, and many Congressmen, Including Speaker Carlisle, took advantage of the opportunity to make the rounds of the Departments. ' ' OS. BOOM OOXINti. The boom ha struck Crawfordsviiie It is toghave a millinery shop during the summer ; the postmaster has recovered from the rheumatism ; lecture on an thropoIocT ; a blacksmith shop in the spring ; two shingle milts and saw mil this year, and the sale of five lots last week. Hope the boom will get through at Crawfordsviiie and iump on Salem with both feet soon. Vidtttt. Read the Death Roll which the bills of mortality of any large city may he fitly designated, and you wi find that renal and vsslcal maladies, that Is to say, those that affect the kidneys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence we had almost said preponderance Bright' disease and diabtes in the chron c stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou bte merely amounts to inactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nulli fied by that pleasant renal tonic and di uretic, Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, which mparts tbe requisite amount of tone to he organs, without over-exciting them, and the use of which is convenient, and involve no elaborate preparation. Dys pepsla, a usual concomitant of renal com plaints, and debility, which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. So also are constipation,malarial,rheumatlc and nerv ou ailments. Worth Knowing. Mr, W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla. waa taken with a nevere cold attended with a distressing congh and running into consumption in ita first stages. He tried many no-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had diffloulty in breathing and wee unable to sleep, Finsll v tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and found immediate re lief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well anu has had no return of tbe disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at Foshay A Mason's Drug Store. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge ot the person taking It; is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or r.n alcoholic wrack. Thousands of drunki. have tieen made tem perate men wno nave taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe thev cult drinktaur of their own free Will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system one imnrsenated with the Sneefiie it becomes an utter impossibility for the ttouor annetlte to exist. For foil naviculars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC 00., 185 fiace st, ClnelanatL 0, What It this Wu that Is Coining Up Us ? Li kn ft thief at night it fiteals In upon us uuuwaim The pa tients have pains about the chest and sides, and sonwtimes in the hack. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bod taste, es'cmlly in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; som times a faint, all gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The cvum are sunken, the hands and loot become cola and clammy. After a while a cough HotH in, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time lie becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes lecome tinged with yellow ; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positing a sediment after stand ing. There is frequently ft spitting up of the food, some tunes with ft sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart; tbe vision becomes im paired, with pot before the eyes; there ia a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has bi'eu found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for kidney dint'ose. etc. etc., but none of thene kinds of treatment have been attended with success: for it is reallv constipation and dyspepsia, ft is also found that Shaker Ex tract of Roots, or Mother Sei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepamx win remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BETTJCR THAN COTTON. Mr. John C. Hemptmstall, of Ohulahrmee, Cleburn Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by onaKer r.xtract 01 Moots or Seigel's Syrup that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine. It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to get it into the hantls of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. 1 ociieve n win soon sen in this State better than cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been long afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. McOuire, merchant, of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail. SHE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me. I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life Among the Shakers" which described my disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warren St., New York. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County oj L.inn. Mary A Uibier, Plaintiff. vs. C. A. Gibler, Defendant. To 0 A Gibler, the a bave named Defen dant, IN the name of the State of Oregon : You are berebv required to appear and answer the complaint ef the above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Conrt, on or before the 12th dsy uf March, 1888, that being the first ju- iiciai day ot the March term, 1SS, ot said Court : and you arc hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, aa hereby required, the PlatntitJ will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to-wit : a decree against you dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and Defendant, awarding to PUttv tiff the care, custody and control of the min or children, Mary A Gibler, Louvenia Gibler and A O Gibler, sud for tbe costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed . This Summons is published in the State Rights Dbmocrat by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Conrt, made at Cham bers in tbe city of Salem, Oregon, and dated January 28rd, 1888. D K. N. Bl.AOK.BURN, Attorney for Plaintiff. CURIOUS FACTS. Ashes from the volcano !of Cotopaxi, which fell at a distance of ix miles from the mountain, was found by atalysisto consist of quartz, feldspar, maqtietite and specular iron ore. Silver was present at the rate of 200 grains per ton. Women are steadily forcing their way n the Industrial world. The .Sou' h Brook yn Ferry Company has substituted wo men for men as collectors on both sides of the river. They work ten hours a day and receive a salary of $60 per month. They have not only proved themselves a effl clent as men,but more honest. A curious fact about San Francisco is that it Is about half-way along a line run ning from the easternmost point of land to the westernmost owned by the United States. Ily drawing a line from the west ern end of the Aleutian Island to the eastern nd of will be found that the Golden Gate on the Pacific is In about the middle of it. Travellers through the I looser. Tunnel recently experienced a curious change In weather. On entering the eastern end of the tunnel, the travellers left a country 00 which rsln was pouring and which was devoid f evcrv vestair of mna (In eavlng the tunnel.the traveller saw with mf - U " 'www mw ww w mr mm astonishment a driving snowstorm and a snow-covered ground. A policeman attempted to arrest a dar key in Quitman, Ga., the other evenlnsr, and the fellow resisted Th thumped him on the head with his club, and was tremendously surnriaorf tn . j ,... - flames blaze up when the club fell. The phenomenon was easily explained. The negro was carrying matches concealed in his woolly hair. Most criminal are young. It is seldom that a grave crimi -.provided it be the first, Is committed after the age of thirty. A careful statistician has proved that of the entire population of England and Wales the largest proportion of criminals is found between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. Flee times as manv 'crimes are committed in the five years between these limits as in the ten years between the ages of fifty and sixty. Dividing Ute whole population Into groups of those from ten years to fifteen,! rom fifteen to twenty, from twenty to twenty-five, from twenty- five to thirty, from thirty to forty, forty to fifty ,and from fifty to lxty,it fs found that ftom the age of twenty the tendency to crime decreases at each successive term thirty-three per cent in the case af wo- mcn.and twenty-five per cent In Use case of men. A REPRIEVE FOR THE CONDEMNED. , . . . . .. . . . . wreseneu men ana women long con demned to suffer the tortures ef dyspep. sla, are filled with new hope after a few doses of Hostettcr's Stomach Bittera This building hope blossoms into the frui tion of certainty, if the Bitters is persisted tn. It brines a reprieve to all d sneotu who seek Its aid. Flatulence, heartburn w af a sinking at the pit of the stomach between meals, the nervous tremors and insomnia of which chronic indigestion is the parent, disappear with their hateful progenitor. Most beneficent of stomachics ! who can wonder thft in so many instances it awakens grateful eloquence in thoae who benefitted by it, speak voluntarily in ita behalf. It requires a graphic pen to de scribe the torments of dyspepsia, but ia many of the testimonials received by the proprietors of the Bitters, these are por trayed with vivid truthfulness. Constipa tion, biliousness, muscular debility, malar ial fevers and rheumatism are relieved by It. Revere House; ALBANY, - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted op in first-el ass style. Tebles supplied with the beet in the market. Nice sleeping apart menu. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. Cooeli ta aae rrwsa the M eJ.'Ca Summons, In (Ae Circuit Court of the Stale ofOrxmxm, for L4mn county. G H Liggett, Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hines and Thomas Hiaes,Defcndants To Sarah Hines snd Thomas Bines, tb Dtfeadaats above named. In the name of the State of Oregon yon and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the above nam ed Plaintiff in the above entitled in the above entitled Court by the first day of tbe next regular term of said Conrt after the pub lication ef this Summons once a week for six weeks, to-wit : The regular March term of said Court to be begun and holden on tbe second Monday in March, 1888, ia Linn county, Oregon, or judgment will be taken against you for want thereof and you and each of you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required tbe Plaintiff will i.pply to the Uourt lor the relief demanded in the com plaint herein, to-wit : the foreclosure of 1 certain mortgage held by the Plaint if" herein on the following described premises, to-wit 1 Tbe east half of the northwest quarter and lots one snd two of Section sixteen in Town ship eleven, south range ene west of tie Wil lamette mwridian in Liun county, Oregon, containing 129 71-100 acres to secure tbe payment of f 1000 and interest at 10 fir cent per annum trom uct 1st, lew, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit and for such other and further relief aa the Court may think proper. This Summons is published by crderof Judge R P Boise, .Judge of said Court, made at chambers in Salem. Oregon, on .he 4th day ef January, 1888. 11 K WITT A BKYAJKT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ortjon for Linn County, Jessie F. Sullivan, Plaintiff. v. John W. Sullivan, Defendant, To John W,, the above t amed Defendant, TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF X Oregon, you are hereby required io ap pear and answer tho complaint of the above Plaintiff in the above entitled .urt, now on file with the Clerk of said Court by the first day of the next regular term of said Court, which said term begins on the 12th day of March, 1888, at the Conrt House In Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear aad answer said com plaint before the expiration of the first (lay of said term of Court, the Plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wtt : granting Plaintiff a divorce from you, the oar 0 and custody of the two minor children men tioned in said complaint, one-third of ihe real property described in said complaint and for cost and disbursements of this ouit. This Suiumona is published by order of the Hon. R. P Boise, Judge of said Court made at chambers in the City of Salem, Oregon, on tbe 20th day of January, 1888. Dated this Mita tfey ot Jan. jjkjs. W, R. Biinr, , j in a Til 1 j asBBf- "1 Attorney tor jrxamiui, j Cfearefa Birecter U. P. CurKCH. Preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. B. O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. x Prayer meeting every Wed nessday evening. Evasoklical Chchch. Preaching on Sah Wth at 11.00 A. nr., and 7 r. at Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed nosday evening 7:30. H. E. Davis, pastor. All are invited, CoxoRxoATtosALCneacii. bervicessveiy Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev, H. V. Itominger, Pastor. M. K. Chusch, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. at. asd 7 o'clock r. if. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. ST. Prayer meeting Thursday evening's at 7 o'clock. Rev. G. P. Round, Pastor. M. K. CMtracii South, Tawoswt. Preach ing on the first Sabbath of each month morn ing and evening. Sunday school each Sal bath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thnrsday evening. Rev, Rounds, Pastor. M. K.CHtKCH. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in tho eveni ag before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.-30 v m. Prayer meeting every Thnrs day e renins, Rev. H. F. Webb, pastor. Pass? tbsi ah Crtraoa. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Rroadalbin and Fifth St. Sunday School immediately after tbe morning service, Prayer meeting every Wedaesdsy evening. Rev K R Pritchard, pastor. Kikkt Bajtist CueecB. Preaching every Habbath morning and eve' Church on 5th street, nabnath School immediately alter morning services. Prayer mooting ever- Thnrsdsy evening at 7:30 o'clock. " .. 1 rum be 1, pastor. Catholic Chcsxh. Service every Holi day at 10:30 a. m. and 7 r. at. J nst Sunday of tbe month service at Eugene City. Rev. Louis Metayer, Rector. I'rotestast ErttteopAf, Cut; axe. -Scrvi-s are hdd in St. Peters Eiipi Church every alternate Snnday, mcraing asd even ing, eunoay scnooi at vjH) a. m. Friday evening service on every Friday preceding the Hunday service. All are invited to at tend Christtax. Fourth Sabbath, morning and evening. S, 8. 10 a. m. GxuMAir. At College chapel, 2 p.m. J. B. Braun, Pastor. Ttsey Meet. St. John's Lodge, 62, In Foster's Block 2nd Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday, Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. L O. O. F., at their hall.evcry Wednesday evening, A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall. r every 2nd and 4th Friday. G. A. Rn at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and 3rd Saturdays. L O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Frjdays. For sale, One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four field, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one end s quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inquire at this office. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER. Bourbon, lad., any : "Both myself and wife owe onr live to Shiioh's Consumption Cure," . "HaCKMETaCK." lasting end fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 coats, SUrLOH'S CURE will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis, FRANCIS PFEIFFEB, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE CQNfECTIONIEY, We are bow prepared to nil at whole ale, always fresh and pure at Portland trices to dealer, We also keep a full ine of Hats and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is ooroVr Wo keep the very finest stock of sxaokLsgsad chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that Is a delight to smokers, PATENTS Obtained, and all ethsr bushsass tatbaC. S. "oca aueodeaad to fe Ouroffine Iseppaeii weesa ebuln Patents U.S. Patent Office, I ua;e USSB SSSSS fend asodto r draw in. W as ability frea at charge .and waaaaka we obtain natent. to patent charge Wa refer her, to the Postmaster, Uts 8m. ef Mosey Order Dir. and to official of the U. A Patent , Fordrcula?, advice, terms, and stateness o actual clients in your own mate or county, address C. 4. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . 7 O. O OBXBKT. 0.B.PVRKES ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARSES, Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. w E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. Wo will manufacture Steam En trine. Grist end Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS 9I4.DK ON SHORT NOTICK. Special attention civ en to remiriner ail kind of machinery. ' i i-i cporienoo in the .tjjl'jjyj ;re;nrtion of mora na oa - ,,, (no Hundrud Thousand nnlioatK.r.H for pat.-uU ia United Stat- mid Vorfiirti coun. tries, the publiblirrs ..l the Srientitle American continue loa.'t as tolieitore for patonis. caroms, t richttt. oto.. for tho V i Ntjittt. and France, fheir expen 3 are iusiu- to obtain patent. in t'ansii.v 1 Germany, and all other eonntri ence is uuogueiod and their lac psssea. . . Drawing and spoo'tlostions prepared snd fi!i In the Patent OfHce on ehort notice. Terms rat.' reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through MnunC.srenotiosd Intha SCI KNTIFIC AV.ERIC AN. which hat the Unrest circulation and is tbe most intluontial newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notioe every patentee understands. This large andsplcnrliuly illustrated newspaper ts published WKEKLY at 3.00a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, aaohanios, inventions, engineering works, and other depsrtments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention pat ented each week. Try it four months tot ons dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If yon bave an invention to patent write to Sunn Co., publishers of StiientiOo Awerioaa Ml rtroadwav. New York. Handbook about patents mailed I HOTEL FOtt BENT, tfNHE EXCHANGE ROTEIj IN THIS I city is now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of er address Iamk Murray, Albany, Oregon. EaSei ami sr. tt m traiew the