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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1888)
' 1 1 Enteral at the PjK (rtlet Albany, Or as Moond-olMn mall matter. FRIDAY .MARCH , 1888 . . . 8nrE3 A NUTriNG. Bitters Hd rrrlrtri. PRRD P. Ntnrt-IVU. Lnrml Editor. CANDIDATE FOR ASSES SOR. We arc requested to announce that Mr. J. L, Nve.of Brush Creek Precinct, Is a can didate for Aesor subject to the action of the next Democratic County Convention. COUNTY TREASURER. Totkf tWrrji a I. in h county, Oregon : I announce mvsclf an a candidate for County Treasurer for Linn county, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Jamks Williams. COUNTY RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that Geo. I . Sutherland, of Scio, is a candidate for the office of County Recorder, subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vention. COUNTY TREASURER We are authorized to announce the name srf W. E. Curl for County Treasurer of Linn county. Subject to the decision of the Dem- ratic County Convention. COUNTY TREASURER. Sweet Home, Feb. 27th, 1888. In the Lebanon Express of the 17th in stant, I nee that the prohibitionists liave used my name as one of the Central Com mittee. Please correct, as I never author ted the use of my name, as I am a candi date on the Democratic ticket for Treasurer of Linn county. Although I am a temper ance man I have always been a democrat have never asked anv favors of the party until now. Now I offer my name for Coun ty Treasurer subject to the action of the Democratic Countv Convention ; as I am ruptured and not able to work. Anv favor anyone will render me will be thankfully received. Jons Burnett. MAN ABOUT TOWN. Notices posted in different parts of the city ordering property owners to clean their alleys, within sixty days should be respect ed. Our citizens should go further, and clean their front and hack yards, clean everything ; it Is a good time. . .a The number of busmos house-, m A. barn Is a third more almost than a year ago Gradually thev are spreading eastward. Why not southward. O The Man About Town is willing to wager that there are at least two cows in Albany that will unlock anv safe with combination lock, in the Valley. Aeother Fia Hon. Nothing pleases the Democrat more than every addition to the blooded stock of Linn county. It means much for the fu ture. Blood will tell everv time. Last week Bruce McKnight and Fred Blumberg of this city .purchased of Jay Beach his trot' line stallion Altaeo. as tine a horse as wa ever imported to this countv. With Alta mont as his sire, and Maggie Arnold, with a record of 2 .-35, as his dam, he has a pedigree equal to any Oregon horse. Altago was entered in the State fair races last year and made a three year record of 2 43 , one second slower than the record for the Northwest, and without sufficient training. He was afterwards trotted in several special races, winning, we believe, all of them. He will stand during the coming season in Linn county, for particulars of which watch the columns of the Democrat next week. Street Hallway. At a special meeting of the Council held on Friday evening last, the Street Rail way ordinance, after amendment, was unani mously passed. The company has opened its books and stock is being taken. If there are any who think this project is simply on paper they will soon find themselves mis taken. Business is meant. Running along First Street from end to end, a distance of fifteen blocks, and from First 8treet to the depot, nearly ten blocks, It will prove a con venience of sufficient magnitude to command considerable business. Besides it will be the means of doing a way with hotel busses, the hotels presenting their guests with tickets, which will be quite an item towards its suc cess. As a permanent institution for the city with the best prospects in the Valley, it is one our citizens should support with their encouragement and pocket book. An Eventful Expedition. Two Harry's and a Fred helped them selves to a boat belonging to Wm. Shields one day last week, and, with a big army re volver in their possession, sailed down the raging waters of the Willamette until they reached Independence, which they did in safety after several hair breadths escapes from Indians, boa constrictors and grizzly bears along the way. They commanded the citizens to surrender without restrictions and were about to storm the fort, when a posse of men armed to the teeth, after a des" perate and bloody struggle, succeeded in arresting them, the immediate charge being 1 arceny of a boat, a dispatch having been sent from this city to capture the runaway boys. Being somewhat subdued, a further tumult was caused in the boys camp by the pretended arrest of one of them tor carrying concealed weapons. They were sent home on a big river steamer, and have since been restored to citizenship. A Dead Dog. Yesterdsy morning about 8 o'clock a cnl- tis dog that hod been causing congregations of dogs generally along First street was. with sevsrsl other dogs, obstructing the wsy at the corner of First and Ferry Streets, when Marshal Hays appeared on the scene ami ordeied ths cultis dog to move on. Not complying be was shot as dead as a spike, and carried off. This act meets with general favor by our citizens, and deserves to be followed by the slaughter of several other non-taxed dogs that have been proving them sslvso terrors to the goods of merchants dis played on tho street. Fire at HarrbibarK. About 9 o'clock last Tuesday morning a Are was discovered in an old building at Har risbarg formerly occupied so a restaurant. Bapidly spreading three other old buildings, one May Sc Bonders wsrehouse, were consum ed. Thsy were owned by Mr Msy, W Church ill and Perry Hyde. The damage was nom inal. There was a close csll tor ths adjoining buildings. The drag stock ef Mr J P School ing was damaged some, ss well as the build ing and contents of Geo Butler's saloon. The bucket brigade are ssid to have done splendid work. A big fire iu th Dily Union. o!Ii m, in Springfield, Mm , list Wednesday resulted n about fifteen people, mostly attaches of tho office, being burned to death. It wan a horrible affair. Empsror William, ef Uonn my, is reported to be dying. Over 90 years of sge bis career has been a remarkable one. COUNTY TRACKERS INSTITUTE. Notice has appeared In several Issues of the county papers of the County Teachers Institute commencing March 14th. Every preparation is being made to make this one of the most profitable and successful Insti tute ever held In the county. Eminent edu cators from the leading institutions of learn ing of the State will be present and partici pate in the work. A good program has been arranged and will be placed (n the hands of all teachers of the county and alio In the county papers, No teacher can attend a good Institute without being benefited by the discussions and informartlon given, and all teachers of the county arc not only cordially Invited to attend, as well as others ; but teachers are earnestly requested to be present under the privileges and requirements of the follow ing extract from the School Laws of Ore gon, Page 31, Section 35, Subdtvison 33 : The County Suporintendcntlhall hold an nually a Teachers' County Institute for a term of not less than three days for the In struction of teachers and thoe desiring to teach, and all teachers In the public schools of his county shall be required to attend, and the County Superintendent may at his discretion revoke the certificate, reduce the grade, or refuse to grant a certificate to any teacher who refuses to attend the Count r Institute without caue. The County Super intendent shall receive the asslHtaiue and co-operation of the Superintendent of Pub- lie Instruction in holding annual institutes. Every teacher attending any annual County Institute held In accordance with the pro. visions of this Act shall be given by the County Superintendent a certificate setting forth at what sessions of said institute such teacher shall haye been in attendauce, and any teacher who shall have closed his or tier school for not more than two days In order to attend said institute shall not for feit his or her wages as teacher during such time as he or she shall have been In attend ance at said institute, and the certificate hereinbefore provided shall be evidence of such attendance ; provided, that if the In stitute is held during the session of school, that such directors shall be required to grant two days time of actual school service to their teachers to attend the said institute, during which said two days time their pay as teachers shall continue. D. V. S. Reid, County School Superintendent. Following ia ths program : WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14. KVEMNU 8EMI0H 7:30 o'clock. Address of Welcome MissOIlie Kirk pat rick, of Albany Public Schools. Response Prof J M Williams, Principal of Halsey School. Address Hon E R McRlroV, Superintoo dent Public Instruction. Lecture -Prof B 1. Arnold. President State Agricultural College, Corvsllis. THURSDAY, MARCH I. mob si so ssftsioa 9 o'cuxb Enrollment of names of teachers on In stitute register Vocal music. Special discussions Method of Institars work. Geography Miss Mary Irvine, Albany Public Schools. Keuuisites of Success iu Teaching M R Rrowu. Lebanon. Reviews and Examinations Prof O W Walker. Albany Public Schools. School Organization ArTEEonx skbkiox -1:30 o'cuxnt. Roll coll. Vocal music. Opening Exercises in School Miss Jane Morris. Albany Public School. Reading Methods of TeachingProf J H Jewitt, Harrisbarg. Penmanship D W McObe. Principal sioath Brownsville School. Essay Miss Isabella Bodies, Albany Pub lic School College Bred Men in American History President E N Condi t, Albany College. Small Thing of a Teacher's Work Prof W T VaoScoy, Principal Jefferson Institute. General discussion. Methods of Teaching Geography. ETESIXQ SEJWIOJf 7:30 O'CLOCK. Lecture President YanSeoy, Willamette University, Salem. Lecture President D T Stanley, Mon mouth College. FRIDAY, MARCH 16. mobmiku Btmios-9 o'clock. Roil cell. Vocal music Writing in Primary Schools Miss L M Robertson, Albany Public Schools. Methods of Teaching United States His tory Prof B A Childers, Principal North Brownsville School, Recreations Miss Ins L RobertsoB, Al bany. School Drciplioe and Govornmeot Prof H W H err en. Tangent. Morals in School and How thsy are to be Tsaght W A MeObee. Spteer. The Study of Philosophy Illustrated Prof W H Lee, Albany College. General discussion. - Best Methods of Teaching the Effects of Narcotics on the Hainan System. ajtorxoon schhiox 1 :30 o'clock. Roll call. Vocal music. Language Lessons Miss M. Brink. Al bany Public Schools. Practical Methods of Instruction in Litera ture by Class Mrs 0 S Pollock, Albany College . Discussions. 1. Best Methods of Introducing the Study of Grammar end Lanaaage of Low Grade Schools. 2. Should a Pupil who has no Talent for a Study be Compelled to Pnrsse that Study ? Hints to Young Teachers Cba S Hunt, Principal Lebanon Public School. XVEHIVO 8K8SI01T 7:30 o'clock. Lecture Pref Thomas Conden, Eugene City. Committee on musks Rev E R I'richard, Mrs Geo E Chamberlain. Executive committee. Profs H W Iler- ron, J augeot ; u A Walker, Albany ; i ML Williame, Halsey. Novelties in Farnttare. Wm. Fortmiller & Co., have just received from the Kast, at their furniture store, a carload of the best goods In their line ever opened in Albany. They consist of Woven wire bed lounges, Extension tables that do not shrink, Elegant black walnut cylinder book cases, r ine bed-room sets with 9 pieces, Revolving pillow lounges, 28 styles center tables, $4 up. All wool mattresses, 9 Inches thick, cheap, and many other goods, latest in styles, best in quality, which will be sold at remarkably reasonable prices. It costs nothing to ex amine their goods. Safe and Sou ml. Mr Ed Carter, agent for the Farmers and Merchants' Insurance Company is now traveling throughout Linn and adjoining counties soliciting the patronage of the pea pie. This company is a solid one and M Carter Is perfectly reliable and people wil do well to patronize this home institution Pay Your Taxes. We are authorized to say that County taxes not paid this month will be declared delinquent after the first of April. Save extra costs by settling them before that time. For Hale. Forty-four yards of fine, first-class rag carpet. Call at east end of Second street. Mew store, New goods, at W. F. Rood's, CURRENT IS VENTS. March came In considerably like a lamb, The Milton editor worked out his four dollar road tax with a -pick and shovel. There is "sand" for you. AO U W membership In this jurisdiction Is as follows : Oregon, 2491 ; Washington Territory, 943 ; British Columbia, 415 ; total, 3849, McMinnvllle Is to have a new school house and a new Court House. Hon John Burnett, of Corvaltls, suggests that a good way to rheet the surplus ques- I. tail . see a - lion win oc to nroviac tor a Bounty of 10 cents per bushel for all the wheat raised by the farmers of the country. Mrs Mattle McLaud commenced suit against the Mayor, City Council and Board f Health of Los Angeles Monday, for $too, 000 dauingeSffor removal of her daughter to the small-pox hospital, whsre she died. A young man named Warner was Im prisoned In the jail at Portland last week, without any charges being made against hltu, it Is charged by authority of the boys father on account of his leaving his real estate office and working for another agent. Chief of Police Parrish was fined $100 on account of the affair. A Washington Territoy editor promises if his subscribers will come in and oav uo he will make Ids paper so burning hot that it will cure the earache. Easter will fall on the first day of April this year, and our subscribers are cautioned to examine their ctnr thoroughly before eating. What does the Portland Tcbgram mean In the following item : "An Albany estate panned out 85 cents for the helrs.t hough the lawyers managed to make about $11,000 out of it. How they happened to overlook the odd change Is a mystery." The following Item from the AUorian should spur up the Albany firemen to be ready for the State tournament : "There is an effort in Portland to have the time of the next firemen's tournament changed from June, the date the board of directors set September. September would suit our boys just as well.but whether it be June or Sen- . .t al - M W S icmocr, or inc 4m ot juiy, tncy will be up and dressed when the time comes. A hunter, near Canyon City, a short time since shot a cougar and captured her young ones, small kittens. He had a litter of young hounds at home and he placed the two young cougars among them, and they are thriving well. They lay around in front of the fire and play with each other just like two ordinary kittens. Nay Simmons, a young man of 19, com mitted suicide in a most shocking- manner Monday on the farm of Wm. Sapplngfield, ten miles northeast of Salem, on Howell Prairie. He was plowing In a sixty-five acre field with a three-hot se team, and when on the opposite side of the field east of the house, hitched two of the horses, tied a hal ter strap to the double tree, and making a slip noose of the other end placed It around his neck, and then started the team, walked a few steps, and then fell down and was dragged to death. Two young men hunting dor cattle found him dead. The horses ap peared to hare walked about 600 yards and v - 1 1 , . . . . . . i nave cnoKca inc mc out of tbc vountf man. The late Alvln T Smith, of Forest Grove, has V t ore of the most peculiar wills on reconj. After providing for a sister In Con nect km t. the testator leaves the entire resi due of his property, mainly in lands ia and about forest his widow during her life tirrie, and directs that after her death said lark is to be tied up for nine hundred and ninety nine ycarstnd during this period one-hall the rents and profits is to be used In repairs, improvement and paying taxes ; the other half is to be paid to the American Missionary society of New York City. At the expiration of nine hundred and ninety nine years the proceeds are to be given to some other protests nt missionary society, but in n event is any part of it to be given to the support of any Roman or papal so ciety whatever. POSTAL NOTE". Oak v ills. A musical society has been organised at Oakville with the following officers : Jos W Barton, President ; Mag ale Mc Bride, Vice President ; E E Gordon, Secretary ; Mrs Geo Acheson, Treasurer ; Wm Mc Bride, Sergeant at Arms ; Geo S Acheson, leader. Takoext. The Linn County Grange met at their hall at Tangent on Saturday, Mr and Mrs LC Rice, of Brownsville; Mr and MrsUpmeyer, of Harrisburg, and Hon and Mrs 3 A Dawson, of Albany, were elected representatives to the State Grange. Several important matters were discussed and a bountiful repast served. It was ar eanged to bold the next Councl1 at Sand Ridge Hall on April 7th. H.vkr t&Bt'RG. A correspondent of the Salem Lance writing from Harris burg, says : "We are going to establish and put into practical operation a co-operative broom factory .under the supervision of the Order. Already sufficient stock has been taken and the cash paid up to start it on a safe and sound basis. Our greatest need at the pres ent time is a skilled workman to start us In the business. And if anv who reads this notice can fill the bill of a skilled broom maker in all its modern branches.and desires employment in the business, address W H bpaugh, Harrisburg, Linn countv, Or. No Chinamen need apply," Brownsville. At the school meeting Monday J. B. R. Morelock and J. M. lowe were elected directors and A. W. Stanard clerk. The directors were auth orized to bond the district for eight years to build a new school house. Committee on gounds, Messrs. Moyer, Kirk, Coshaw, raoreiock and Kay. A new hotel will be built this spring. Well Satisfied. Scio, Or., March 1st, 1SS8. To Whom it May Concern : This is to certify that my farm dwelling was insured in the State Ins. Co. of Salem. Or., and my dwelling and its entire contents were destroyed by fire Feb. aoth, and Feb. 36th Mr. Toll Thompson and D. T. Wy man, agents for said company, came to my farm and adjusted my loss honorably and fairly and I could not have been treated more fair ly, and for the benefit of those in doubt as to the honesty and promptness of this Co. I cheerfully recommend it to our farmers. To day through the hand of Mr. D. T. Wyman we received in cash our entire loss. We are satisfied this Co. has been misrepresented to us by agents of other companies, and our farmers would act wisely by seeing Mr. Wyman before going elsewhere. Delphiwa Hamilton, B. W. Hamilton. A Cyclone. A small sized cyolone struok Louisiana last Tuesday. There is a continual cyolone of customers at Conn Bros, grocery store, where people so for fresh groceries and produoe and low prices. They are always sheltered from tho storms of high prices and go away happy. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining ia tk Past Once, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, March 8th, 1888, Persona calling for these letter must glv the date on which they wer advertised : Burs, Leroy Chamberlain, Fred Davidson, Iolee Horner, Oeorg llarriman, Jack Love, John B McNary. George Caliban), Dr Dunn, Miss Amey Oeer, Joel P Hansen, Chart Johanner. W McDonald, Mrs Augusta Miliar, John Bice, JU is Anna HobertsoB, Frank Smith, Thomas K. THOMPSON, f M. CIRCUIT COURT. Following Is the calendar for the Circuit Court which convenes In this city next Mon day, March is, 1888 : 4. Assignment Thos Monteith. 8. H A Holmanngl Tern pa Hunt. Parti MR. 41. R A Rampey agt H L Thompson nnu Amos uuniinm. Action to recover money. 75. Martha Houston agt Josle Thinner man. Partition. 95. I J Long agt Ella J Ramsey. Parti tion. 117. J C Johason agt Mary J Beard and Green Beard. Action to recover money. 136. F DLeverickagt E Wills et al. Ac tion to reform deed. 37- J P Schooling agt Jerry Hay. Action to recover money. 138. J P Schooling agt Hay ic Ashby. Action to recover money. 1 Jo. J P Schooling agt C F Wright. Ac 1 ion to recover money. is 1. R Shelton agt O M Curl and I T sir tilt . . wiiuams. Action to recover money. 146. Matter of application of W R Power and others for alteration and location of Co, road. Appeal on taxing costs and disburse ments R Johns. 163. School Fund Com'rs agt Mary J Love ct al. Confirmation. iS. D M Jones agt W 0 Edwards, Wal lis Mash and ors. Action to recover money. 167. H C Owen art Add Harmon. Ac tion to recover money. 168. H C Owen agt Ed Stone. Action to recover money. 173. Assignment A A Boshor. 181. Alice R Smith agt Geo B Smith, Divorce. 183. P J Porter et al aet lohn C Elder et ai. raniuon. 188. J M Mover ant Robinson & West at al. Foreclosure. 107. I M Cooper art R M Robertson. Action to recover money. 2CO. John Rovers Administrator a at John Schmecr. Action for damages. 307. Oregon agt Strauder Long. Lar ceny. 309. Curmn & Monteith art A and No- omla Webster. Action to recover money. a 10. J P Schooling agt T 8 Thompson. Injunction. 313. Geo Wallace agt Frank Ms lone. Action to recover money. 314. John CapliceA Co, agt Frank Ma lone et al. Action to recover money. 3t 6. Oregon agt Otto Bridgemont As. sault, ai9. Ed Coins agt Velego Cox. Action to recover money. 330. Stewart A Co. art Armstrong & Mc- Gregor. Action to recover money 331. L Meyers agt A O Smith. Action to recover money, attachment. 333. Oregon agt Jos Kane. Selling liquor without license, 333. Oregon agt Jas Kane. Selling liquor without bond. 334. Oregon agt Jas Kane. Selling liquor on Sunday. 335. Oregon agt Orry Green. Gambling. 336. Oregon agt W If Dougherty. As sault with s dangerous weapon. 338. G H Liggett art Sarah and Taos Mine. Foreclosure, 339. I R Dawson agt C II Ralston. Ac tion to recover money. 330. S Shupp agt Peter Foley, Action for damages. 333. J E Knox et al agt LB Knox et al. Partition. 333. S A Althouse agt Wm Newhouse. Acton to recover money. 334. Assignment W E Price. 335. Am. ftftge Co. agt E D Gi son. Foreclosure. 336. Staver & Walker agt Jerry Hay. Action to recover money, attachment 337. I R Dawson agt J M Turner et ai. Action to recover money. 338. Maria Schaefer agt D 8 Smith. Ac tion to recover personal property. 339. Am. Mtge Co. agt w Ullsoa. Foreclosure. 34a Jessie F Sullivan agt John W Sulli van. Divorce. 741. Mary A Gibler agt C A Gibkr. Divorce, 343. M E Woodard agt Charles Wood ard. Divorce. 343. Geo S Fletcher agt J S Cochran and W S Bee be. Action to recover money. 344. Maria Schaefer agt D S Smith. Ac tion to recover personal property. 345. Jas Dannals agt 8 H Freeland et al. Action to quiet title. 346. Mrs L Gough agt 0 J Gougk. Di vorce, 347. Charles E Schaefer agt D S Smith Action to recover personal property. 348 J A Bllyeu agt J F Mack. Partition. 349. Mary A Broad well agt J C Broad well. Divorce, a so. M E Cart wright agt Jas Cartwright. Divorce. 25 j. J E McAdooogt N Conanuy. Action recover money. 253. Isaac Meeker et al agt Dora Butcher ct al. Partition, 254. Missouri Tyccr agt W O Tycer et al. Suit to ascertain legal heirs of John W Ty cer, dee'd. 355 J P Schooling agt W R McDonlcl. Suit In equity to settle partnership. 256. Jos A Ford agt Shane 8c Lonoway. Action to recover money, attachment. 257. Jos A Ford sgt Jerry Hay, Foreclos ure. 258. Assignment Shane & Lonsway. 259. Assignment Johnson & Shelton. 260. John W Dickens agt Jesse Dickens. Review. 261. Zeyss & Hochstedler agt P Foley and 8 Shupp. Foreclosure mechanics lien. 262. W D Hammon agt Olive J Ham mon et al. Partition. 263. Mrs M J Queener agt Vaughn & Weddle. Action to recover money, attach ment. 264. T B Wait agt Chas Schaeffer et al. Action to set aside deed. 265. O P R R Co, agt G W Hunt Ac tion for damages. 266. H Shelton agt Green Beard and R Moore. Action to recover money, attach ment. 267. T E Hogg agt Edward Davidson. Action to recover real property. 26S. T E Hogg agt Thos Monteith. Ac tion to recover real property. 269. P Foley agt D Smith. Action to re cover personal property. 7u. j irr o omcu. AJae nan r ! MAh MAMi- a . . a o r ... a to recover money, attachment. 371. R S Wallace agt John Helghsley et al. Foreclosurr, 373. Michael St John agt G W Hunt Action to recover money. 373. Shirley agt Clinton C Cole. Fore closure. 374. Walter T Wiles agt Divorce. 37c. Benjamin Clearen Lucy C Wiles, agt John A Crawford. Suit In equity . Mind Culture. Some time ago a class was formed in Coryallis for the study of the Loisette sys tem of mind culture. The results were so satisfactory that another class oi ten has been organized. A friend who has joined the second class, in writing from Corvallis In reference to the work of the first class, which, by the way is a secret, says : "if it will do a tenth for me what they claim far it I will be more than satisfied." The ob ject of the system is to improve the mem ory, and the results are said to be remark able. Those who would like to be mem bers of a class of ten, for that number is necessary in order to obtain reduced an d reasonable rates, will please confer with the local editor of the Democrat. location i will make no difference. HOME AND ABROAD. Stand in with the street railway com pany ; snppott tie sleerio lightsjwork far everything that will help Albany j da not get mod be sense year toes get piacbsd once in awhile. We have Brand opportunities we will only take advantage of them. Read the annoaoosmenfer. Circuit Court seat week. County Court Is in session. Maw goods at F M Ki snob's. Better pay your county taxes. OetaG. A. R. picture ef Crawford. Genuine saasr krsut. Kenton & Chase. Oboio sweet pickles. Kenton A Chase. Get your ammunition at Deyee A Rohson's The real estate market is becoming lively, H Ewert, proot-ical watchmaker and jew elet. The best harass at Thompson & Ovsr msa's. Dsmoerstic primaries one wesk iro n to morrow. it P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bony, Or. Backwheat floor and maple sagar. Ren te A Oboes, Fruit trees are in goad condition through out Linn oeuaty. If yoa want boots or sheea go to Mon teith & Settee been. If yon want the best harness ia the market go to J J DubtaUIe's. Stewart A Sox will sell tlio Odmie bind ier and Fish wagon this year. The Lebanon Rxprut comes out far Hon . Singer Hermann for Coagreae. Six shaves for a dollar ami a cU an towel to eery customer, at Tbos. Jones. About 40,000 pound of wool are at Lsb. baooa voting for a higher pries. There ors twenty -six newspapers in Pert, land, oeeording to on sx change. Try a backet of Wllee ft Thompson Geyser Ms poos for house cleaning. All kinds of garden seeds far sal by W -toes & Tbamptoav A oasts a pooksgs 7 O-ks cure rheamottsm, neuralgia and aosthsoho, Feshay A Mosoo, Agents. Get year shovels, hose, rakes, etc., for spring gardening of Stewart Sox. A Aoe line ef aew sotlsry ot Stewart Sox's, the best goods ia the market. Lout M A loot t, the great writer of stories for young people, died last Tuesday. The RepabliesB Coo sty Convention of Marion county will be held March 29th. Coil at F M Preaeos jswsiry store, and get a card explaining the weather eianoir. Boaors booed, set end pat in order at Jones' Shaving oad Hair Dressing Parlor. Everything bought and sold at M Frank lio A Co s second hood store, Albany, Or. A ssosatisn la high life in Albany i prom ised 1 bat no 000 knows anything about it. P M French, ogool Singer Menu facta ring Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albooy.Or. J A Beard and Walter Yates, of Lebanon, have formed a partnership in too drag baoi- Dr. M. H. Kilts, physmioa Albany, Oregon, flails mad sorgeoo city or to eonnsry, Clans Spreoklse talks of building a $5,000, 000 sagar refinery ia the Kaet and ong fur tbs trusts. Mr H B Williamson, formerly of B minis. Cab. will bays charge of the 0. P. reaod boo so here. A Sen them Oregon poser says skis stoso nseds 0000 of California's liars more than it does a boom. A Portland paper oofs a live Salvation Amy Ceptaia gets $7 a week ; bat snob eases ore rare. Laura KNeodet has sued Lemuel! Walker, of Woodbnrn, for brosoh of promote. Dam-a.-, $3,000. Rev Irvine preesbod in Portland lost Sab bosh. His pulpit here was supplied by Revs Conditand Aohsoon, There ore osvea announcements of esndi dntoo for Skorif of Baker ematy, in the Baker City .lemoaral Greenland Rah bat, boneless oodfcWb, mack erel, white nab, Holland herring oad an okovioo. Kenton A Chaos. Arch Bishop Gross delivered on obis ad dress on "Family and Society, " at tbs Cath olic Church Sabbath evening. Radishes and lettuces ore already oat of the ground io Albany. This is written for the mnontot onr usaiasn rooasrs. Mr J B Wirt has jast delivered $1800 wurth of fruit trees 000 tr acted fur hut fell. Tboy give general satisfaction Good reeding for awroono interested in bay ins; groceries and provisions appears io tbs adysrUsement of even ton ot unsee. T W reenter recently Bod f7d in money stolen from the pockets of his pants in his bedroom ia the St. Coorloo hotel in Lebanon. A than at or are flooded with E&atern horns and booon. Oar farmers should rustle land prevent this . U is not a good advertise t Tho German boll at tho Opera House this (Friday) sight promises to bo largely attend ed. Spectators will be charged 23 cents ad mission. The Albany Musical Society holds weekly meetings, with Prof. Leo as lead sr. Wo can not improve oar local musical talent too mush. Stewart A Sox have jast received a largo invoice of new hardware goods and will this year can y tho largest stock over offered to tho Albany market. We possess a copy of "Laws of Business,' and find it of groat practical bene lit in our every day transaction. Dow Steam Pump Works, Son Prsnetseo, Whsacis quoted at 61 cents io tho Albany market. Tho prospect for its seine high is not flattering. Don't yoa wish yon had sold whsn it wss 65 cents. Probably the tiaest farm woson over soon in Albany is now en exhibition ot Stewart at Sox's. It io a Fish wagon, and needs to bo seen to bo appreciated. Recorder Hen ton is making his. annual as sessment and yery judiciously ts raising the Assessment on conaiasrsDis property, pnriie ly along First street. Yflj wilt u menev he tekincr vonr sick sewing-machine to the repairer, B r Parsons at Sixth and Jsfferon Sts., Albauy, Oregon. Good satisfaction or no pay. Largs stack of wall paner, splendid de signs, just received at Wm Fortmiller A Go's. Trimmed without extra ohergs, and sold as cheap 00 tho cheapest. Th avanincr fVrUfm! Jaurmnl nt Aalam ia- I ; 7 w m r - . . BOed it Hrst number Thursday syontag of I . a r . i wk " . last week, it 1 to ue Kepamtoon 10 politics oad succeeds tho Sentry. In moke up it ts about the same as tho Statetman, 0 C Hogae, of Corvsllis, will soon give on entertainment in Albany after tho style of Nsst's, for ths benefit of tho Ladies Aid 80 ciety . The date will bo snnouaced. 020,000 doz eggs wasted for cash by Topham & Wallace, at their store room un der F, Jd. French's Jewelry store. Also ossh paid for poultry, at Albany, Or. Ths condition of fall wheal is now asoer tained to be no better than at first ontioipat sd after the frooao ; bnt just whst proportion was injured it is difficult to estimate. A Salem paper claim thst s man on Lake Lobish was attacked by a drove of trogono- ohalus 00 n tort nx, of whioh ho killed e'got This snake ts said to bo extinct here The annual sohool election will occur in this citv next Monday afternoon. A sohool director and olsrk are to bo elected. Good men for both positions should be elected. An East Portland paper is trying to got some newsDsner men to ron for Congress. An insane suggestion, ond then bo doubt "Uili aermson sna otosni wcuiu oujeo. A concert and social was to be given last Tk.. .t tk W n T IT Hali Kir the boys band. We go to press Thursday ssuaseugev ofssiiuK -w - " ' ternoon and all who ooo this are advised to turn out. Tbe So Oreeonian issued it first daily ThnKiUv af laat week, it ts fiomnocc. . w. rsadiog matter is lively and abundant, and Its ads bow ones, not tronsforrsd from the semi-weekly morsly to flit ia with. It will prospsr. One of the oomina horses of Linn oouuty is Beaton, owned by W W Crawford, of Lsw son, Us is now three years old. has Oaooi for a sire and o splendid dam. With a pedi urrm surpassed by none ho will commeslhims self to the fsrmsrs of the county, f o be con tiousd. A fruit cannery about 40s 100 feet, sod two or three residences, io Mack Ionian's Third Addition to the city, throe reeioeooe in Msstou AChombsrlatu's addition to the city, besides residences tlimuuk the city, ore al ready going op. Mr Asbv Pierce the first of the week pur chased of D B Monteith the twenty-three feet front purchased ly him ef Mrs L M Foster (set week, nd will put up a two story brick during the summer . Robert Clow has boon removed as Super intendent of the I'onitentisry at Salem for several reasons, one being that hs employed ooayiet labor on his Polk ooanty farm with out giving credit. How much there io in the matter is not yet known. Lost week we mentioned the need of o fund for improving the City Cemetery. A Ssntleraon, sad member of the Mosonie or or, also suggests, thst the fond already pro vided tie used to improve the Masonic cents tery, at least to fix the gstos, How much better it is in ovsrything to keep your money at home than to send it oat of tne State for something jast s good hero. Itomomber this when yon insure year prop erty, and cot insured ia the Albany Farmers' and Merohoots' Insurance Company. The Ashland Tidinut says tbs Rons River Valley is a prettier country than the saody plains and bare hills aed cactus desert along the Mexican line. The Tiding is correct. It wuii also he eminently correct to make the some remark about the Willamette Volley. The Ssa Francisco Examiner has libel saito against it demooding in oil $2,000,000. If all were decided against that paper it would not feel it materially ; but it would completely swamp the Dbmogbat if it hod to pay 82. 000,000 in damages, for that is as much a wo make in too years more too. Las Tuesday the "H S Beotley" ran into a nag oboot ten miles north of Salem, causing a hole nearly thirty feet long to bo made. ins steamer was oeacbeO in about five feet of water, ceasing bo damage to the freignt, of which there wee about 150 tone, mostly flour. The host will be ready for navigation ia aeoaplo weeks. Cspt Smith was in com mand. The Lion County ttepublioea Convention has ben called for Aprd 4th, 10 o'clock, a. m. Primtnee, March Slat. 2 o'clock o. m. There will be seveety nine delegate! to the Convention, sp pointed as follows East Al bany, 9; West Albany. 7: rloJsev. 6: llar ( rtsoorv, ; Brownsville, 7 ; Sbedd. 5 ; Leb touoe, 7 ; Scio, Waterloo, 4 j Orleans. S; Crowfordsviile, 3 Sweet Heme, 2 ; Foa e ... . .T . . t w 1 Valley. 3 j Center, 3 ; Soatiora, 3 ; Franklin Butte, 2 j Syracuse, 2 : Liberty. 2 : Brash Crook, 2 ; Rook Crook, 2 Mr H M Stone, the bridge man, of Oak ville, while in the oity Saturday showed the Dom ocsut oflsee s model of 0 bridge, the right of which fot Oregon be seen red while in the Boot recently. It is the Sherman potent, and rathar surpasses anything else in the Held. Several features give it greet strength with a lees amount of material than ia most bridges, making its cheeper bridge, Mr Ksl ley bss just erected one of them over the Ittch, m the Third Ward, iu this city, and patties interested should examine it. rsXfttaOXAL AND SOCIAL. Jadge Prion was ia Salem Monday. Mr Jos Garrett, of Peoria, woo io the city TBoodsy. Aeaeeaor Phil Smith, of Iebauon, as in Albany Saturday. Dr. Beck with returned the first of the week from California. Mrs. L. V. Lonsway arrived homo tho first of the week from s trip to California. Ex Governor S F Chad nick, of Salem. woe in ths city Monday on insurance business. Mr L Putnsm, s former resident of Al bany, arrived in the city last Saturday on a Oorv toy. Mr and Mr. W H MoPo.led left loot Monday for Southern Oregon. Mr Mc, ia in very ooor aooitn. Mrs. J, K. Waiherford returned s few days ago from Son Jose, Col., where she has been vtstttng her parents. Mrs Jos Clark, Jr., left last Saturday for San Jose, Col., wh'.re she will join her hus band sod reside m ths future. y.r and Mrs Walter Ketchum Mt on last Monday for California, where they go for tho tenant of Mrs Kstcaum s health. A moot enjoyable social aod oyster sapper wooaivonst the Uk villi church Monday evening of last week, a fine program woo reudered. Mr A Klein, of the new boot sad shoo firm of Khans A Klein, has raoytd with his family from Salem to this oity and will make Albany his homo. Charles Casiok, sob of Banker Co kick, io attending the Portland Bosinoss College, A P Armstrong Principal, the boot business college in the North went. Contractor Hoot has been Ut the oity. Ho was sued for 8150,50 loot week: but the plaintiff could not secure coots and ths woo ooBOsqasotly dismissed. Mr J J Dorri wss ia Benton county loot week canvassing for tho Albany Farmers snd Merohoots' Insurance Company. He soot with considerable sneeoso, Mrs Dolly Bora bard. loft test Saturday bj way of Y equina City for California, and will iota hsr sister, Miss Mary Okoadie, at Los lotos, a fsw miles from Son Frsocisoo, Walter Porter, who has bean working on a paper in Farminaton, W. T. for oomottsoo, r ass b t J e. was ia too city over souusy on ni way se Port Orterd, Cel.. where he will accept a pesitioa 00 a local paper. Mr Mathews, a popular commercial tourist to the nsraware line, traveling Between Portland at.d Sacramento, has paid Albany the compliment of selecting it as his location for a home, and his wife snd son are expect ed from the East to-day. Hammer Bros,, of Spicer, will to-morrow move their lumber yard ta this oity, and will be located on Railroad street, between Fifth aod Sixth. Call on them for bargains in lumber. Stollloa for Sole or Trade, A fine of organ Hantlsteniam Stallion for sale (a State prise winner.) Pedigree moiled on application, will bo sold reasonable or will exchange for improvso or unimprwTou estate, if the trade is msdo inside of two weeks from date. Apply a W ubmwckat office. s Votes ef Thanks. Headquarters McPerson Post No. 5 Deo't of Oreiron. G A Albany March 3rd, 1888. The thanks of this post are due and are khv tndrad to the business men, cla- IIWIVMI SVSSW sens and all others who so liberally contrib uted and aided us in entertaining our guests during the late departmen encampment in this city Feb. sand and 33rd oy order of post S. W. Rkece, P. C. F. Tabler, Adjutant. B. Headquarters McPherson Post No oep t 01 uregon, vj jx Albany, March 3rd, 1888. a. The thanks of this post are due and are hereby tendered to Messrs. Geo Fish, T J Overman and others, who so ably assisted in tho sureeasful oroduction of uThe us Veteran of 181 3," at the two presentations g)ven 0f it at the Opera House. We fully ,nnncite the ereuerous spirit that rendered Mr, u8 the splendid aid given, and wish te put I on record this acknowieagement 01 n. j-t order of post. I S. W. RbSCB, P. C. of - j B. F. Tabler, Adjutat J I - 1 rn nt the divorce oases nablishsd in en other column promises matter for consider- 1 .v, a f. 1 a lAnoi ns4iMia.BiiiiiE its I "- " CLIPPED DISPATCHER. Hoooow.N. Y.,March t. Oscar J Beck with was hanged at the Court House id nine minutes past 10 this morning for the mur der of Simon Vandercook, at Austerlitz on the 10th of January, 183. This cat has become celebrated from the fact that the condemned man has been sentenced to death six times. Naw Yoatc, March 4 Hugh CecH Low ther, the earl of Lonsdale, has arrived here, He said : "I have come to America to do what no one else has done. I am on the point of penetrating British America from the frontier of the United States to the Arc tic ocean, thence proceeding by water to the North pole, If such be not Impossible. My starting point will beat Winnipeg, Manitoba. My companions will bo my valet and my dog 'Gypsy.' I propose, of course, to take such guiues as I shall ncetlbut only natives for I have come to the conclusion that it is all wrong to send out large expeditions on such errand. It is much eaofor tn rnrrv provisions and equipments for two men than for 300. From Wlnninc I shall art Ut l 'n!. gary, thence up Slave lake, Great Bear lake, Mackenzie river,and to Old Port Good Hope at it mouth. From Old Fort Good Hope, I shall make a strong attempt to reach the polar sea if there be one. I do not doubt that I shall succeed In every point of my plan. I shall make a collection of birds and animals throughout the expedition, and I shall report to the Scottish naturalist society when I return." Washimoton, March 4. -George VV. Prosser has been appointed Postmaster ot Oswego, Clackamas county, Or.. In place of Charles Donohue. Washington, March 4. A pension has been granted to Ah Una Chinaman of San Francisco, who served In the navy d iring the late war. It is understood this is the first pension granted to a Chinaman by the United States Government Rome, March 4 Altogether more than 200 corpses hove been recovered from ava lanches which haye recently occurred in the Italian Alps. Loft don, March 4. A great number of document ranging in time from the Eliza bethan period to Queen Anne's time have been discovered In a bidden chamber in Stratford Guild halt, and they will be ex amined by the Shakesperean librarian at Stratford with a hope of securing some new light concerning the life of Shakespeare. WastuvoTOir, March 6. Too Indian of floor has passed upon the claim of A is tin Bios, of DoBgloo county, Or., allowing the amount claimed, $470,00, for loss sustained by Rogue river and Cow creek Indians in 18. The claim of Barney P Simmons, of DoagUo ooaety, Or., for loss by the ssmo In dians in 1845, woo not allowed, the evidence Using insufficient. The claim of Wm Hueton, of Deuctaa count v. Or of MfOA itfi - .1. lowed. This loss wss inflicted bv Umpqc in 1S35. BEAL BUT at r. Following were the recorded sales in Linn county during the past weeks : B W Coodiff to D M Jones, 12.25 acre. 11 w 4 $ 600 Charles L Brash to H F Merrill, 2 lota block 9. U's 2nd A. Albaa 1fi 1 S E Yooog to F M Rodfield, 10 sotss, 11 w a e-2g 43 Fred G Burkbart to E J Tate, 1 acre, 11 and 12 w 4 oa Jao Oermaneen to H D Height 8 II w 4 500 Wm M Prion to School IUt 4 40 A Hackleman to John Sebmeer, 2 . T- djoteiBgAlboov 400 A Hackleman to Chas Pfoiffor 1.511 acres ad joining Albany 302 20 Reaseliaer Moore to Wm Moore, SO oerea, tp 10. w 2 4OO ft N Thompson toj B Thompson, 21 lots, N. Brownsville. . . .7777. ... 675 1. c MuiiuM to 0 W Cnodiff, lot 3, block 23, Albany Oregon to Samuel J Allen and Mahlan H Kriobel, 80 sores, 14 W J T Tate et el to D Dsmbeck. 131 acre. Jos Emory to Wm j Wiiihenk. oao 1100 100 2700 sores, 1 1 w 4 and 6 5000 .ss mom peon to wm Cummin, 120 seres, 11 w 3 Albany Csmstory Association' to Jo- 4800 ston riynn, one ot 25 wener na.ton to John Huston, 4 pieoeeoi iad icM Mc BRIDE. On Feb. 36th. iKOLneer (V. vine, to the wife of C. C. Mc Bride a 10 lb. boy POWELLOn Friday. March anal ,Bft m roruana, u tne wile ot CapL Chan. F. If M a a. 1 ewcu a aaugnter. PIPE On Sunday, March 4th, iS83, to the wiie 01 jas v npe a girl. DIE!?. HYLic.. On February 27th, 1888, In Har risburg, Mas. Laura, wife of Oliver Hyde, and daughter oi D. 8. Busey. . BORN. AT COST. AT COST. Having purchased the stock of goods of Shane & Lonsway I will sell the same at cost until closed out. That means money in your pocket?. No soeh bar" gains ever before offered in Dry Goods,Dress Goods, Millinery Trimmed Hats and Hat Trim mings, Hosiery, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Gent's Underwear, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and TtudlIcs, Valises, Etc, Etc. These goods are first-class and ine bargains offered unsurpassed. G. W. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon, Mice for Publication, Land Office at Roseburg, Or., 1 March 6th, 1888, j Notice Is hereby given that the fo low log named settler baa filed noUoo or his intentloa to make final proof in support of his olaim, and that said proof wi 1 be made before the Judge or u:erit m ioe County Court of Linn county, Or., at Al bany, Or,, on Saturday, April UtU, ISSs, via: John Unger, Devisee of George Weber, deceased. Homestead Entry No. 8631, for the N W X of Sec, 10, Tp, 14, S R 1 oast, W. M. He names the following wltneaaos to prove continuous residence- upon and cul tivation of said land, vl : John Gill iland, Fred Hlndermeyor, Jeremiah Shea, John Busoh, all of Sweet Homo, Linn county, Oregon. . Chas. W. Jomnsto.v, Regit iter. "There are forty-seven real estate flims Spokane Falls. an - SCBOOL M FISTING, school meeting of District 5 was held In tbc Court I louse Monday even ing, only a few being present Director Monteith presided. The reports of the Clerk, 0 G Bui khart, arid Directors, were read and adopted : H.KRK's R I'. PORT ". Number persons between 4 and so fears of age in district, males. . emales Total... Average doily attendance Number of pupils enrolled inprivate schools during the year, males females Total 415 43J 837 287 57 109 166 Number of months public school taught 9 Total amount of money received from all sources.... $7046.43 Total amount paid out as per vouchers. 6644.11 Balance on hand. $ 403.32 OIRBCTOB's REPORT : Total amount of money received. .$7046.34 Total amount paid out 6644. it Balance in Clerk's hands $402.33 The estimated expenses for the ensuing year are : Teachers' wsges $405000 Fuel 100x10 Incidental expcnses,repalrs, janitor's wages 1335,00 Interest on bonds, and 1st install ment same, due June 1 5th ... . 420000 Total $9575x0 To meet these expenses there will be the following available funds : Cash on hand 402.33 State and county fund, estimated. .$355000 Leaving a balance of about ...... $5622,67 to be raised by a tax, and the board thereof recommends that a tax of 6 mills on the dollar, on the taxable property of the dis trict be levied for that purpose. On motion a 6 mill tax was ordered lev ied. The matter of selling the school property in the First Ward was brought up but not disposed of. TANGENT "Little 7 year older to 9 year older, what is that wide board and little round things on it for, that two men hold on their knees in the P. O." "Oh, it is a cnecker board that men amuse themselves with. My ma said she wished that we had one at our house so papa would stay at home and amuse her and the children." There has been some spring grain sown in this vicintity, seed, oats and spring wheat are in demand, as quite a large amount of the fall sown crop froze out. All who used Landreth wheat in seeding last fall will not have to seed this spring. B. A. WiUel returned the first of tho week from Morion county, whore he went to attend the funeral of his daughter-in-law. Tangent is sti;l on the improve, it has n sidewalk from the church to the school house and from one store to the other. One house nearly completed and one unoccu pied. The public school closed here Last Friday The annual school meeting passed off quietly with one exception. One man had imbsoca a little to much tanglefoot and was a little disorderly. J B Jenks wss elect ed Director for the term of three years and w II jenks clerk for the term of one year. The spring term of school will commence on the 19th of the present month. Prof H w iierron teacher. The Yamhill countv should be boxed up and sent to Bamum J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles. 1 888 illustrated catalogue free. New and ccond hand wheels constantly in stock. Assignee's Notice, In the matter of the estate ef H A Joha son aod R Shelton and Johnson & Shelton, Insolvent debtors, The undersigned having been duly elected assignee ef the estate of the above named insolvent debtors, nnder and by virtue of an act of the Legislative Assem bly of the State or Oregon, enutiea, "An Aot to secure to creditors a just division of the estates ef debtors who convey to as signees for the benefit or creditors," ap proved October 18th,1878,and amendment thereto, approved Febraary 24th, 1885, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same te mo, duly verified, by law required, with in three months from the date hereof, at Seio, Linn county, Oregon. Solo, Linn oonnty,Or.,March 5th,18SS. Philip Lewis, AesUruee, in A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle ot Shlroh's Catarrh Remedy, Price M) cents.