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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1888)
SUB TO JtfMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued every Friday by STIT3ES &Iiq TTTTIlTQh. tCLtc t lit s i i we s my i ii 1 1 i in i i. ii i i Wn i iiih.iju "'"'l"""'"'"'"'''1'"'''" emocra THE DEMOCRAT Idhe best Advertising medium Io tbe Central Willamette Valley. Advertising rates " mad known ouap plication. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1888. NO 22 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT AN YE. tt o I Y AT IAV -AND Notary Public. . 1 tinny Oregon. Office upstair-, ovr John Rrigf-a store, t streot. vUn23tf J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTARY PUBLIC,) tTTOKNEY AT LAW, ALKAXY. OKEUttX. 'IUL FRACTICS IX ALL THR COURTS Or THE SUte. Hiievial attention vivtMi to M'loollonsaiui iSto Mrofflce la Otlil Fvllotr'a Temple. (14:8 K HCIVKRTON, O, H, IRVINK W0LVERT0N& IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW up stair In' Foster's Bloek. ALBANY, ORKflON- f. o. powbsVL. w. , riltkv POWELL & BILYEU. iTTORN EYS AT LAW, And Soltoitors in fhanrpry. u.nuY. - - orkgon. Collections promptly made on all points. Coans negotiated on reasonable terms. iTOmco In Foster's Hriok.-a vMnlfttf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY, OREGON, Will praotios In sll of tbe Courts of .bis State. All business Intrusted to blm will be promptly attended to. D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receive prompt attention F08HAY & MASON, VfMUM AMD MTAlb- I) racists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alan's publication, hlch w sell at publisher's prices with ostagesxi jm. ALBANY. OltH,(. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. I.angilo. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a first elaes Drug Store. Also a fine Htook of pianos and organ. ALBANY. OREKO.V. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. itationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open dsy and night. Albany, Or. OR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. DR. Ca WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Foster's Block. ALBANY OREGON. Homeopathic Physician, ajRfl. M, k. fcCOY, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC R physic an, .flic and residence comer f First ami Baker Street., Albany, Oregon. Chronic dira-asss a ar-eoialtjr. Consultation free, Offlre hour : 10 a. ni. to 1 2 a m and tU6p.m. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Bop 1 I Conducted by secular priests and lay teecbers. First term opens first Monday in Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday In Februsry. For prospectus sdrirera Rv. F. A. Reeksr. Vsncouver, W. T. Box 103 ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind.3 ji rough, dressed and seas. . x lumber Jaths a pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full 1 i ni! of Chinese goods of all kinds on bsnd, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OREGON PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notioe for sny purpose. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Qr Ufe Utmm UR. PIEEOE'S Ntw Gal vanic CHAIN BELT with KlecUtc Suspensory, guar anteed tbe mom uowrrful. 'Utile ana pnrtxc'!, t bmn nry io the world. Cures, out medicine. Nervous PbUltr. i7pepsiti Oroans. Pain in tho Baok.Kidaor IHsei (.iirtiHtiam. WMkniM, of Hex iNCTlUI LAST SaSSKSa BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am now p arising my spring and milium r .ik ( IiooLm and -I oe, I bsvH sm nicely a fitted up Boot and 8hee Stoie, u.d mh c imi'l-tH stock at any thia side of Portland ami very few better in Portland. I buy aU my boots and shoes direct from tnsuufaoturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of ms in buying ss 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe oasb. In ladies', misses and children's shews, I keep much (he latest, beat and great est variety in tho city. My aim will always be to give m good value for th mousy as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, First Xatio-ial Hank of ti i!ti:;o. - i, ruva H, K, VH Mi, .GEO. K. I'iiAMtU.KLAlN Vic President TRANSACTS A O KNK HAL hank ihbtatnas. ACCOUNTS KKPT snbtert U check. 810IIT KXCHANOK r,. uleirraphUr transfer, mM on New York, San Kranclaro, Chicago and P-rtl Ossasa CU.KlTloNS MAHKo.i fv nW. MKKTUU. e. k Tors.. (ISO, E CtUMBSBL4t I. K Rial. L. Yust, Wiltw E TcaaJUL, J. L row AN. J W.CUMICK FJwti unty Bank, gowai & mmaL ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a ireoerai Uukii. DRAW HIOHT IR.TH on New Turk, San Kran eUooand Portland, Orewun. LOAN MONEY on approved aecuritr. RECCIVK deposiu subject to cbssk. COLLECTIONS en traated v, as will receive prompt eat Ion. H. F. MERRILL, 33 -A- 1ST IKI IE JEl , ALBANY, - - - ORECON. SeU exchange on New York, San Krenetsoo and Portland . Buy note. Sta's, county ami c'.ty warrant. Re eeive deposit subject to check. Interest aUowed on Collection, wilt astsbrt pmoipt atUntion. CorrMpondMie. aolWUd. Kir. and marine iniurance placed in roliahle sMMe, AVOOico hoora from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. MISS EMMA SCHURERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE HtVfcKt HUUSt. Notice for Publication, Land Offloe at Oregon City. Or. January 10th, 188. Notice i herebr given that tbe folio log named settler has filed notice of bla intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and tbat said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albsny, ou the tstai dsr f March, lass, viz : Julius F Hyde, Homestead Kntry No. 5732 for the w X N E J Hec. 20, Tp. 18, M K 1 west. He nsmss tbe following witnesses to prove bis eontlnuoas resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vz : Samuel Hawkins, George 8ntlth, John D Arthurs and George Syl vester, all of Brownsville Postoffice, Oregon. vV . T, Br kn a y, Hegis'er, J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Waie and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Ageot tor Fire and WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE 'S-VSaMSsSBSjaapBBSB Diarrhoea and Dysentery Pimples on the face, and Freckles. Old Sores and Ulcere. Wind in the Stomach Headache and Nervous Depression Scrofula. Bummer Complaints. Rheumatism and Gout, Fains in the Bones and Joints, all Skin Diseases. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCQI8TS AND CROOK 88. INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES. Oar oldest cklld. now ali year of ag. when sn iu fantaU ntentka old wae attacked with a vlraLnt' ntalltcnant akin dlawM. All ordinary remedlee fail lug. we called .nr family nhyaldan. who att.moted to our. It ; but It afireatl wtlii almoat inoretllhle r.t.luv, until the lower per.!on of the little fellow a perwjn, (mm th. middle of hit hack down to hi kioeea. aa one aold raeh, uylv, aluful, blotohl, and melloieua, Wo hJ no real at nlirht, as poae by day. Finally, w. m rri- i.lww.l iti try lh. Cntlcura Remedial. Tho effe. t waaetmply .tarvelloua. In three or four weeke a oom plet. our waa wrouyht, leatlnff th. little fellow' itfraon a. whit, and healthv ae thosvh he had n.ver btt alUoked. In my opinion your valuable rwmo.Uo aaved hla life, and to-day be la a a'ron. hwaithy child, rfectly wall, so rtpetiUos of tho dlaeass bavins ever occurred. Oso, B, larrs. An -y ii Law aad Ks Proa. Att'y, Aehland, 0. Refereiioe J U Welet, Druftiat, Aahtand, 0, THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are horn lato th. world every day with me cae- ti. aseouwn, aasa a. mua r SandraR, ear. to develop . lb. iLhlnif. burning which make life a prolonged torture snleaa pr.perly IfwMSdi A warm bath with CuUcura Soap, an .aquMt. Skin IlaiiUner, and atinfle applloaUon of CuUrura. th. Ureal Skin Cure, with s I'lile CuUcura Raw. Went, th New Blood Purifier, la often ssglatast to arreet Ibe pnrwai of the dleeaaw, and point to a eedy aad iwriitanviit t ore. Hence, no mother who Iovm her c hildren, who take pride In their beauty, parity, aad health, and la btwtowlue upon them a child's rraateai Inheritance a akin without a bl.mlab. tnd a body nourished by ,.ir lit mM, ehould !!! u. inak. trial of Uo t uttcuru K..IU every wnere. rne, luwciini, ou j amp, o . UiMohrt.i. l I'rrpirvd by th. Poller Drag at.4 a i la. aw sa loMiiti i i o iion, aia. ... lt..r In HWin pages, so l:loatraUua, and 100 Ueilav.nUla. QBDVIO Skin nd Soalp prawarved and boauti DAD I O d i y CMll. ur NedieaUd Soap. Constitutional Catarrh. No eln.-le hastened the brwaklmr up of the eioMlttttkw than Cuarrh Th sena. of ameJl. of teste, of eight, o hearing, the human role, the mln4,-osM or mote, aid aumsUnvee all, yield U lis deetntctlv TM poteen It distributes throughout the aystem st- tscks every vital fore and breaks np I he BaSSt robue areoftsiiiuttona, lKiord. because but llttl. under Mood, by most phystatens, impofenl'y aswalted by unacka and charratess, those suffering from It hve llttl. hop. to be relieved of 11 ihte side of U grsvej. ft la llnta, then, that the popular traal osnt of iblt terrible dtaaaes by temsdt. within Use reach of al puwd Into hands at eooe competent aad U usiwonhy Tne new nd hitherto unlr'sd methtid adopted by Or aafSM in Ihe preparatbm of hla Hadteai Or ha won the hearty approval of ihousao'la. It Is Inaten tetroo. In ..rvl ujf relief In all bead chle, snwSg. mufim; and otutrtx-ted breathing, aai rapid 1 r move, the met opprewiv. ympiorn., clearing Ihe head. ewstenUia the breath. rvstoriii the asnaw of ni' II. teste end ..d urulralistna; the easj. U' uUoiial tendency d the disc towards th Ion , Ibsr and k ..!. . Hnrrd' llidical Cure r ustau of one bottle of ths Hs.iicl Cttrw. onebua of Catarrhal Solvent, aoJ In hater ; prloofl. Potter IVug and ChoaieslCo . host ax KIDNEY PAINS, html mm snd H'eakneaaea, awao''" ' "us Minute by that 9VAntid4c te Pain. I Asm (nation ejsai. tt tsilmra Jail ris Ploairr. HFTh. Srt and only n killing Mreimthioiag "Jhx pteeter. ICapectelly adapted to iiuunUy r eSWlUveand seelily etif Kidney aod CtorlM rSMaaS Wsakwea. Warranted vasali Warranted vastly auporter to At ail drusglate :i rente : free, of P-Htsr Drag aod Choav all otheV BjesSsj f r tl.eo ; or. potife icai t,.,, lVmUn, Vase. NOTICE OF Administrator's Sale, Notice la hereby given, that the under -signed, Administrators de bonus non, cf tbe estate of Martin Coetelle, dseesaid, will offer for sale at public (taction at the dwelling bouse of tbe Late Martin Coateito, about 4 miles north of Harrlsburg, Lias county, Oregon, on Taesdajr the th day ef March, lata, commencing at 10 o'clock a. as, and oon tinning until completed. All of tbe personal property be'englog to said estate, to-wit : 70 bead of cattle, being stock aod beef cattle, 16 head ot horses, farming implements, wagons, buggy and harness, and household furn iture, etc., etc. Tar i a ef sale : Baals cash, on all sums ef leu dollars or under, sash In hand; on all sums over ten dollars, six months time will be given if secured by approved security, with interest at tbe rate of eight per cent per annum. 8am. May, Levi Dotjolas, .drnlnintrators de bonus non of the state of Mai tin Coatello, deceasid Rum House. J. ill I IV, Proprietor. Thia house is now open and famished with ths beat new furniture. Everything clean and cemmodiona, offering to ths gen eral public superior accommodation to any iu the city. Marine Insurance POLITIC. Watkrloo, Or., Feb. 37th, 1888,. Udilors Democrtt : This U a word often met with In our daily reading. That It it properly under tood 1 very much deubt. That it Is a proper ward to ute now, U evident, but what party organixatlen has tbe rightful claim to thia word as te meriting iU full meaning property applied te the affairs of tate i I mean, can the accurate aad true meaning of this word be applied to any party erganlitttoa In its moral tendency st the present dsy f That it dee so apply to the democratic party I affirm. Dy ftUtk I wish to be understood te mean i A welt devised national peltey .discreet in Its prin ciples, sagacious In Its maaagement,pecu llarly adapted te advance the Interests of sll, with the executive elected by the peo pie, and such executive subject to the peo pit. Now with this del nltion before us It acts as a stralgbt-edge te try the political organisations. If we find any of them that stands up and can breast It geod.lf not, then we must proceed to form one, unless we fad that it wilt be more detrimental In the delay In fermatten than In the needed reformation. To begin with does the re publican party III the requirements t De they show by their record te merit this distinctive appellation of politic 1 Have they since i860 been discreet er cunning, which I shall say botb.but not for the ben efit of the many but for the few, by section al legislation they have created monopolies for iadlvldust speculstiontnd history falls te record such rapid accumulation ef wealth, as we see during the past 28 years. In reviewing past history we find rulers who have enslaved their subjects, for In stance the builders of the pyramids of Egypt. They must have been compelled te labor almost continuously .having barely time te prepare their crop simply for home consumption, aad this continued for long years, and that it took immense numbers to handle the huge atones is else evident, bet ati this was for the benefit of the many it was for boaor, for name, for the pee session of the most massive monuments in the world, aad when we consider the past twenty eight years, la the light of eur present enlightened times, hew incredu lous it Is to believe that a nation of free men ! ! would attew such enslaving as we to day sre suffering Is beyond my power to see. I feel justified In saving that no other nstion on the face of the glebe ever saddled on its subjects a mere unjust or un equal system of taxation.und compelled its subjects to maintain it so long. We ere to day paying a large percentage on the principal of our National dcot and the In terest in full aad hoardlag fifteen million dollar a month, ye hoarding taking the very life from the laboring classes by unjust taxation, and when the people ask for relief the republican, alter their previ ous promises to reduce this unjust tax, through their leaders, such as Col. Grant, John Sherman and others, say, eh it Is easier to rasnsge s surplus than a deficit. Now does net these facts confirm my as sertion that republicans were both discreet inasmuch as their leaders sought to hold power by chicanery and misrepresentation, aad cunning in their wsys of conducting it all for self sggrsndisatien. So then the republicans are tried and found wantiag. How then does this definition suit the dem ocratic party, through tbe present Execu tive aod his Cabinet. What is their stand ing, de they breast the line without flinch ing f Do they sanction unjust taxation f Did Grover Cleveland as a servant, net a ruler, say In his last message that it was welt to hoard $ 1 5,000,000 per month ? Did he say I prefer te take the Ufe of my sub jects ! a surplus is better thsn a deficit t No, emphatically no. He said the burden must be rsduced. The democrstic priacl- pies enunciated In the days of Jefferson, and reiterated in every campaign since, Is that there should be only eaeugh taxes gathered to meet the need of the govern ment economically admiaistered. Then by all fair and reasonsble men why seek further for the party that merits your patronage, why grope in darkness.seekisg aid from a party that has rolled in the has fulfilled the purpose for which it was Instituted, it has become the habita tion of every foul and unclean bird. The republlcsn party is is hopelessly captured by vultures. Let the laboring classes desert it and came enmass to the only party that has kept Its pledges. Ths democratic party is prepared to fulfill every vow. Our county affairs show it. Compare our taxes with republican coun ties of this state and be convinced. The primaries are called to meet in less than two weeks, and judging from the names offered the democratic county ticket of old Linn will be a good one and every man will be elected. Let every democrat go to the primaries, and success is sure te crown our efforts. We are agitating the vive voce plan of voting. aad to alt we talk with they are highly impressed with the method, net only democrats but all parties. Moping that friends throughout the coun ty, especially democrats, will talk this vive voce method up and instruct their dele gates to the County Convention to use their influence te secure its adoption. I am as ever strong in the faith of full and complete victory. Status. The Man About Town has been many times greatly exorcised over the manner in which Albany's saloon-keepers and some of our wild oat sowers have had their way ob structed by the Salvation Army as they passed along the street. Like a boom in a creek the crowd would be blocked in and kept away from their business, resulting in deep ana awtui groans, only surpassd by the equally loud sounds made by the Army Special policemen should be appointed to see that these men and boys be allowed to pass along without having their way ob structed by a mere army of Salvationists 1 Regulate the regulator with Warner's Leg Cabin Sarsaparilla, manufactured by proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure. Largest bottle in the market. Sold by all druggists. n m m flk nwu Of tho good things of thia VUWU life are sorrowfully jet alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 35 and CO cents, by MEM. UKNimiCKS. In aaswer to an article In the Ortfoniau Mrs. Tho. A. Hendricks, wife of the late Vice President, writes a fellows : iMOIAMAfOLlS, 1Mb., Feb. tS, 1888. To tit alitor of tkt Ortgmian 1 A copy of yeur paper of the 18th Inst, baa been received. It was sent to me I suppose by some one for the purpose of having me read the article In it headed a "Curiou Complaint." As to the mode ususlly pursued In answering such mat. ter as a woman I claim Ignorance, and If this Is not in the usually prescribed way I hope you will pardon me. It may be that the article needs ne answer, yet, In my way, I feel It a duty to answer it. The writer of the article proves to me the fact casually referred to in seatimeat quoted as being miae, that the republicans are very m uch more ready to protect their frieads than are democrats. The manner in which this writer springs with ssich alacrity to defend hi party and party friends bears out the trut ef what was said. But I wish here te say that I never at any time felt er expressed myself as complaining that the widows of Gen. Lo gan aad Gen. Blair should receive pen sions. No such sentiment was ever ex pressed by me. Indeed I am rejoiced to know that those ladles are likely to re ceive pension. It is a great mistake that lever alluded te a pension for myself. I hsve thought, and so expressed myself, that the government should give me the sslary that would have been due mine. It Is In the abundant United States treasury and, as I am told, Is drawn by no one. The acting Vtce-Presfdeat gets his own pay as Senator. The reason given by my dis creet party friends for net grsntiag me this pay I that it would set a precede nt, But I suppose that the same would apply to the peasions, only that there are a very few Vice Presidents to come In and very msny generals. Although we live In an age when wo men are much honored, the writer seems to me te be very pronounced, aid almo unjust te me ; he seem to forget that I may have my view, a msny others hi. of the fact that there are during esou of wsr, bsttle to fight at that ncc I. coot head to commend the force of a well maaaged government to furnish sup plies and Income to keep the necessary army paid, fed aad clothed. I consider in this the one that the writer in that article so roughly tries to disparage i on record a having voted for all war supplies dur ing the time thst he was ia the Senate. And all that he (this writer) needs to do i to look at the government record and know that his assertions can aot be vcrlfled by records and dates that do not err. Yet concerning this matter, toe many in this lead have borne testimony to the truth of his loyalty to render It necessary for me to contradict the assertions of yeur writer made evidently without knowledge of facts. In heat of passion rather than from a desire to be unjust to one who wss so beautifully kind and considerate of all those that ever differed ia any way with him. Please pardon the length of this letter aad kindly give it publicatian. I have some friend in yeur far away country, and would like to have them know my views about a matter concerning which 1 may have bees misunderstood. Mas. Thus. A. HaxDaicKS. The current number of Th Wt Short is accompanied by a large, tinted supplement, showiag the famous Shoshone Falls, of Snake river, a cataract superior to Niagara in many respects, though carrying a smaller volume of water. These monthly supple ments will continue a feature of the maga zine for 1888, and will make a valuable col lection of large aad spirited engraving of the most famous scenes of the Pacific Northwest. The Illustration of the num ber are devoted to the cltie of East Port land and Alhina, and the Quaker settlement of Newberg, in the Chehslem valley. The literary features ate especially entertaining, consisting of stories, etc. A feature of the March number wilt be illustrations of Ta coma, the city of phenomenal growth, A large supplement of ML Tacoma, the most magnificent snow peak in the world, will be furnished with the March issue. Tho West Shore is published in Portland, Or., by L Samuel, st $3.50 per year. Sample copy, 35 cents. ssi iiis-aMi m Linn county is fortunate in having many business centers, pretty evenly divided through the county, and scattered so that nearly every point has a msrket withia a reasonable distance,and all of about the same value. Albany, Tangent, Shedd, Halsey, Harrlsburg, Brownsville, Scio and Crawfordsville are each fortunate In this re species well as a few other smaller railroad stations. We call attention to the fact that no other county in Oregon has three rail reads running through it. Put a spike in this, and hold it down, for it means a lump of gold to us. The more of a railroad cen ter a county is the greater is the attraction for new comers. Add to this Linn county's unsurpassed resources, its splendid scenery, its Intelligent citizens and its fine climate, and we have a capital we need not be ashamed of In advising people to locate among us. Boutelle, the flamboyant Congressman from probably not satisfied with the result of his inquiry about the captur ed battle-flags lying in the War Depart ment. It transpires that all the flags are still there, and that the person who had them boxed up and stored away out of the public sight was Robert T. Liacoln.son of his father and Secretary of War under President Arthur. AU the flags surrend ered to anybody, were nineteen recaptured union flags given up by former republican Secretaries of the War to their original owners. We presume that the country can now rest in peace while Congress takes a hand at useful legislation. ACsse for ths Coroner, So we so. one after another. This was one who had with hla own hand taken the life God gave him. It waa evidently not a case of destitntion, for there was enough coin found in hla clothing to suf fice for several days' necessities. An ac quaintance testified at the inquest that he bad been complaining several days of dyspepsia. Had he taken a few doses of Prese's Hamburg Tea-a specific for or dinary osses ef that class he might now be enjoying life and health with bis fellow men, (MUTUARY. Departed this life at her heme in Tan gust, Or., on the evening of Feb. 33rd, a few minute sftsr 9 o'clock Mrs. Alice Beard, consort ef John F. Beard. She was born In Illinois and came to Oregon with her parents when quite yonag. Septem ber snd, 1875, she was happily married to her now bereaved husband. Two children remain with the sorrow stricken father te share the loneliness of the home, bereft of wife and mother. She was nesr her thirty -second year when she pasted away. About nine year ago he united with tbe M. E. Church South, under the ministry of Rev. D. C. McFsrlaad in which she continued until called away. She was net very em otions! in her religious feelings, but was aaaious for the cause of Christ te prosper In the eburch sndjor the sslvatien of sin ners, which was much of her converse tion, when with those with whom she was most intimate. She possessed msny ex cellent virtues, a happy companion and mother, a peaceful and peace-promoting neighbor, modest and truly diligent In the domestic duties of life. For the last two years she had felt tbe gradual approach ef dissolution in the form ef consumption. Her sufferings were great at times, but he finally met death with calmness snd composure, leaving to friends and rela tive assurance of a future home with the redeemed In heaven. On the 35th was laid te rest in the cemetery in Albany, in the presence of numerous friends te await the resurrection ef the just. P. A. Mosas. BUNTMV1LLE, W. T. Mrs. Walker has just returned from St. Mary's Hospital, Walla Walla, where she has, for some weeks, been under the care of Dr. Bialock. She Is much Improved in health. Il rretum late Saturday evening, was the occasion ef a real ovation, the first the email village ever saw. But the Silver Cornet Band, of WalUburg, came up i.nd plsyed till a late the soft moonlight, in front of tlw house. A select company of ladle called to pay their respect ; and all to k a lunch at nine o'c'ock. The illumina tion of the house called out the Seminary bov who went and unlocked the .Seminary, to 1 out ome thirty or forty American tla;s. and paraded with the lancers drill in the street, in front of the itouc I hey were treated, standing in line ; and at about 1 1 o'clock all went home. Tlu-re is to be a literary cotUrt on next Thursday night by the students of the Sem inary. One gold medal for the best oration, one gold medal for the best easay. 00c gold medal for tie; beat declamation, and a silver medal for the heat letter, lite judges of the contest sre Prof. Bruce Wolverton, of Day ton, Prof. Jsckson of the same place, and Itcv. Mr. May, of Waitahurg. Good music, good order, and a good time generally ! t! e order. Will Viiiatcoms. Summary of Meteorology for Feb. 1868, from observations taken at Albany, linn Co Oregon, by John Briggs,Ksq. HigSent Bar. 30 10 ; lowest, 29.84 ; mesa, 29.57. Highest daily av Bar. 30.26; loaest,29.5l. Highest Temperature, 00; lowest, 32 t mean, 4430. Highest daily laagsTber., 28 ; lowest, 2. Mean at 7 a. m., 30 ; 2 p.m., 50 63 j 9 p. m.,43.37. Prevailing winds, N sad S. Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, 1.28 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch sr more rain fell, 7. Number of days of cloudiness average 8 seals of 10, 6. Of 87 obaervstiooa 21 were clear, IS cloudy. 8 lair, 12 foggy, 6 rain, 3 assy. 17 overcast. 2 misty. Frost ou ths taomiags of 15, 18, 20, 24 and 2f. Temp. 4.01. average 9 yean. Faint ali 4,92. Watch the flags at French's corner for tbe wsstbsr f r the eessiag twenty-four hours. A white flag indicates clear weather ; bios flag, rainy wsstbsr. X nVn nO ca. Blood EUxi la the only TTVvtVVX " Blood Remedy goaran- a , t . , M TT, - leeu. 11 IS a posiu ve care tor uiwra, jMTip tionsor Syphilitic Poisoning'. It purifies the w hole svstem. and banishes all Rheumatic aad Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. Day and Night During an acute attack of Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling in the throat, and an exhausting, backing cough, afflict the sufferer. Sleep is banished, and great prostration follows. Thia disease is also attended with Hoarseness, and some times Loss of Voice. It ia liable to be come chronic, involve the lungs, and terminate fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral affords speedy relief and cure in cases of Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been a practising physician for twenty-four years, and, for tbe past twelve, have suffered from annual at tacks of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the usual remedies Without Relief. I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It effected a speedy cure. O. S to veal 1, M. D., Carroll ton, Miss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is decidedly the best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Bronchitis, and all lung dlseaeee. M. A. Rust, M. D., South Paris, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which grew worse and settled on my Lungs. By night sweats I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Cough was incessant, and I frequently spit blood. My physician told mo to give up business, or I would not live a month. After taking various remedies without relief, I was finally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I am now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after having been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. S. P. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn. For years I was in a decline. I had weak lungs, and suffered from Bron chitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral restored me to health, and I have been for a long time comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and find speedy relief. Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Bronchitis. The physician attending me became fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. After trying various medicines, without benefit, he prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was cured. Ernest Colton, Logansport, lad. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dm ggiata. Pries f 1 ; nix bottles, $5. FAfiMEflS- AND MEflCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY. ALBANY, Capital Stock, $300,000. -E'-eVIXD IN" OASE, 855,000. OFPTCER8 : CHA8. K WOLVERTON J. 0. WRIT8MAN. . . . J. K. ELDERKIN . W. UU SICK . . DIRECTORS : B. 8. Stiuhax, J. W. Cusicg, Chas. E. Wolvebtov, J. L. Cowan, 0. F. Simpson, J. K. Eldebkin, SAFE, SOUND, CONSERVATIVE. A Square Company, Managed by Square Men. Deals with Square People, Patronize Home Enterprise. IMPORTERS '.as. e"8BR' Ufric mW is JS Ft rM ,1 1 eai e 22, 24, 26, 23, 30 & 32 Lake Street, New and Second Hand Store Owing to tbe inemwed demands of ow business we bave been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now bp found next door to K. E, Young, where we will be pleased to see eur patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, ths ware, eroekery, clocks, carpets,' pietnrea, ftttlt jars, trunks, books,; roller skatessaddlee. saws, planes, etc snd a tbeueaad de ferent and nee at tides yoa can not de better tbls side f San Francisco than vnn ean do with ne on a purchase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 128 first Stret, Albany, Or. U W. CLARK, Portrti ; Photographer. 8-S Inge by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGillO. Tweedale's Building. ALBANY, - - - OREGON Palace Meat Market J. T. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on band beaf, matton, perk, veal, sausage, etc... the best meats and largest variety in tbe city. Cash paid for all klndsof fat stock. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST? ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemeteryflots planted and attended to. CROSSEN & ALLIEN, PEOPEIETOES Albany Track and Dray Co., He, 1. Goods handled with care and dispatch , DR. C. I. BART LEY, Physician and Surgeon. Tangent, Linn County, Oreg-on, T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given thst the undersign ed have this dsy been appointed Ac raisiatra tors of the estate of John W Tycer, deceased, late of Lion county, Oregon. All persons having claim against said estate are hereby required te present the ssms propsrly veri tied to the undersigned at Brownsville, Ore gon, within six months from this date. This 15th day of February, 1888, Missouri Tvcbb, Leonard T cer, Adm'ra. OREGON. 0 W V,oe. President. President. Secretary and Manager. Treasurer. Chas. Momtbitb. J. 0. Wbitsmajt. D. B. MOXTEITB. JOBBERS ' TACZLS k SFOBTDia AS0,XLXA 121-2 CENT STORE, A New Thing io Albany. My 5 cent. 10 cant. 15 aunt amU 2s asnt counters are loaded with articles worth iwwe toeir price. SEVERAL THOUSAND articles en them, of a vaat rarlMT. of J Bargains. Here they are, and everybody Is astonished, Kezt west of Stewart A Sax 'a th 19U Cent Store. 6. W. SIMPSON. Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR OFj- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN Canned Freuts, fanned Heata, Glassware, Qoeeasware, Dried Fruita, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sugar, Sniees, Coflee, Tea, Ete Etc., In fact everything that in kepi la a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaney, of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Laws of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business mien. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be -tvitkout. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3io6 California St., fian Francisco, Cal. ANNUAL MEETINGh NOTICE ia hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of tho Albany Building Association will he hold at the Opera House in Albany on Monday March 19, 1888 at 7:30 p. m. for tbe elec tion of directors and such other business as may come before the meeting, Dated Peb'y S3, 1888. Jay W. Blaiw, See'y. Chas Ffriffek, Pres. VQ I NORTHERN BROWN &N AND SEEDS ' 1 I Are acknowledeed ths best, being hardier, I 1 more productive and yield better crop. I I FXKX ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Ii 1 OwSalnlat ealy the seat r-srtsttss, assHsS See ea eepU- It 1 settee, warn soar--. ea-3TBAS)o Seedsmen, Sr. Paui, 'ttuum