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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1888)
Wm. Fortmiller & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse JeT After buiD6M hour call at residence WMr Fifth Mil Baker streets, Red CrownMills ISON, LANNING A CO., PROPR S. www raoci i f&ttoa sur anion oa lAMIMH A WD AAS1 BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash Wheat ALBANY OR. fo Andrews & Hackle man, W.LDQUGLA $3.00 Si SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. . - OREGON THE YAQUINA ROUT. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Development Company' Steam snip i.tue 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any ether route. First-class through puMunr mki freight Una from Portland and all paint in the Willamette Valley to ani from Han Francisco, Cal. Willamette Fiver Line of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hoag." Tbe "N. 8. Beat- ley," The "Three Sisters" are In aenrlee tor ootn paaaenger ana ireigui tramc oe tween Cervallia aud Portland and Inter mediate peinte, leaving Company 'a wharf, Corvailia, aud Meaara. eiuiman A Cos wharf, Men. 200 and 'Ml Front St., Port land, three times a week aa follow MSS5 boinu. GwtOanaBL Hon.. Wed. ud Prtdajr. 10.00 A. M. U.M Aiken, stood). Wwl. aiMl Friday. l Swu. rnvsrwuhud, iu , Taa.aMaaaaaaaj. tern h. SOUTH BOVHU. Laev PvrU.Ki, Horn., Wad. and r iid, SOU A. it. Lsavs Albany. Tua.. Thure. aut Saturuav. l a) . M. Amt Corvailia, Tu., 1 hu. aii naturdaj , 4: JO f. Hsiata mika clrnsa iwin nax-t ion at Albanv with trains of lbs Dragon Pacific KailroaJ. TIMg 11SULLK (o.t Sunday a.) Lsavs Albany. 1:0U r. s, . Lear Taqaana, 6.30 a.m. Leave t r.ih, 1:17 r.S. I Leave Curvkilia.lO JS A.M. Arriv Yaquina, b JHJ P. m arm Albany, 11:1a A. a. O at C. trsias eonneo st Albany and CorvaJlis. 'Ihe above trains connect at Yaquius with the Oregon Ueveiopment t'Hupaov'. i.iuor bieatusnlps between x equina and flan Francisco. STSamiu. rans bas paASCtseo. raoit a4i isa V.ll.y. Tbur..Frb. U Tuaa .Ftb.Mtb . I oracwu, Tua Tab, Mill, un Keb lVth irtta V.ilay. Hun . rab. 1Mb. ral . r'vb JJUi. iVVagva, SaV., b , iiJi, Tbur. Uarch.lai,. The C uiipeuy ryes .ho right to change eaiang dates without notice. JN. B. PKafJKorM from Por.lanu and Willamette Vat ley points can make ui oonne-u ii with ibe iraius of the Yaquina reuis si Albany or Corvaliia, sui u des- ttned to aan hrsncieoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date ex eauing. faaseager and f.elsbt state slwaa tbe aVswtsi ForhsVarsaaUun apply toC J Stuart, Froighl and Ticket Ageui, Albany, uiUiCli Hall, Jr., O F r. Ajftf, Urmou Uf:vclopnic).t Co., 304 Muutsu:r ., awn rraucwco, km, C. Wt HVUl ft.. A. O. F. and F Asstit, OrcL-ii Facioc U It Co. ConraJlu, O OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VlA- Oregon & California It. R, AND CONNECTIONS. TflK NT. fttt Ail A KOI TK. Or Tim a between Albany and Sat Fiudsej, s6 hours. esxaroasiA zx.rtuu nun daily. sou: 4.00 r. a. 1 Leave Stes r M I Leave 7:40 a M I Arrive iorth Portland Albany fan F aticUcii Arrive I 10:40 a m Leave 7:06 a M keave I 6:30 r a bocax rissBsess TSAixs dailt .except ttunday). :00AM Leavu l i,rtltui Arr.v, $M t S 11:40 r M I Leave Albauy Leave i 11 M a a f:40ra Arrive Kurcue Leave 9 00 am iocal rAsaaaaaa TaAina SASMr, ucsrr avsoAr. 8:10 r M Lea vi HM r a I Arrive Xt JMtu I Leave -M P a I Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Leliauoii Arrivs I 5:46 A W Leave j b-M0 a a Arrive TA'j r M Leave I 2:00 f u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. KX ruftioa tit tt rri tmw HeeoMd 4'laaa Fas.ensers wn ail ibrough train FHEK Of 4 tl IKLK. vVeat hMe Mvialaa. KKTWKO PnltTLtKtl tl COtt VALfcie, mAiltkais daily (ex jept Sunday.) a a Leave l'-ttiad Arrive 0:15 r m 12: v m Arrive Om Leave VM r a xxraass tsaiss daily (exep. Sunday.) 4:80 fM I Leave Purtbu,.) Arrive 8:00 A a SrOOral ArH-e MeMlnnville ly-eve 6.46 am At Albany oil CWvuJlia ctmiioct with trains of Oregon raeUbv Railroad Fur full iikformati'm reanling rates, maps, etc., wi on company Agent. K. gOEHLBJt, I. P. ROGERS, t ttaoaaw. k Pass Agent MBS. ft HYMAN, next ea-t of M. K, Young's, Albany, Or, Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, aud painting done loonier on plaque aud other materia), Mfo sMKortnient of Artist matorials on Aland. "W tvYvv n 4a. that are fretful, peevish, WUVJVVL cross, or troubled with Windy Colic Teething fains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by naLag Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence Is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by SLBKPLKSS SIGHTS, made mUerable by that terrible cnuah. Sbiloh's Cure la I the remedy for you. Do You Want Furniture ? IP YOU DO GO TO W. H. W1LLARD wbero you wilt find tbe best mikn and fluent finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also fine lino ut PICTURE FRAMES, aud a liunderd diflVtreut styles of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. Tbe largest and bent a took of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept Iti Albany. I'rl.-o i issuable. ALBANY OOLLEBJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. Ural Term Oseaa SeMasnber lain, last. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tutly arranged to meet the Med of all grades of Mtudenta, Sftrial itulm mnrnti offered to stuJeml Tuition rangee from $5.50 to flV.M). Board in private faml'lea at low rates Rooms lor eelf-boarding st email ex en. careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens Baetomber 7ln. For circulars sua iu;t particulars aoareas me rresiueut. mkv. klhi:rt n. com hit Albany, Oregon, . . , . . . Assignee's Notice. X'OTIt'i; III HEREBY tilt'RN Y to all whom it ay concern, lust W. E. Price, of Scio, Oregon, did on the Oth day of Janusry, Ihsh (he then and there being inenlven. and unable to nay his creditors in full) lawfully aaaign to me al! his property for the benefit of all his cred itors Therefore all persons hsvlng claims against the said Jassignor W. K Price will t.ereby uk notice or said assignment aud present their claims under oata,to me at mv piece of tmainewM In Ncio.I.inn county, Oregon, within three months from the date hereof. Dated January 30th, 1888. J, C. JoBNSoif. Assignee, W, K. Itll.YAU. Attorney for Assignee. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partner hip heretofore existing under the inn same of Hotl'irau Si rfeiftsr is this dav dieolvd by mutual conaeut, Mr. llofLnaa retiring. The buaiaess will be continued at the old tend by Mr. Pfaiffcr. Dated January 3rd, 1888. Joun Horns an, Fkami is I'mu i EH. Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership heretofore ritalin I s tween Joho Iom. E J Lansing and Kdwaid (loins, under the in in name of, Ijd iii g ft ( o.. I hereby dusnlved by mutual e n sent, Elwsid Crios, retinsg. John laoM, K J. ! vnm , Eowaan Ooixa Albany, Jan. 2nd. 1888. J oe bus iuea is the I u to re will as con ducted ly John Iaom sod E J Launing, ao dvr nut at vie of him name, Kom. I sanine k Co., who will pay all liabilities of the late una, and are alone authorized to no!lectajj outstanding aeeounts. O The BUT BBS OTJTDK la issued March and Beot teach year. It is an ency clopedia of useful lnfor- mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and nnnaosseai j appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various visas, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUTJBr GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 eents to pay postage. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HL FARM AT A BARGAIN. The onderaigned offer for ale his farm of 275j seres 6 miles north of Harrisburg on the Harribur, I'eona, and Albany wsaoo road, 2 miles from warehouse on the vVil lamette liver, 6 miles from HsUev on the u c railroad, ens-feurtb of s mils from school house, all fenced in 8 department nesnies small lota, 178 seres is cultivation 75 acre oak grub, sot heavy, 56 acres grow ing wheat, 30 aeres more sew Laud in culti vktion, making 95 arret in good condition for wheat this fall and will boo i be sown. 150 young fruit trees. Build isgs fair. Price $25 per sere. 1 arms saay. For narticulaas call I on er address C. C. Jack so, H!ay, Oregon Vnr 1ftft 1. ttion tot nr. A .LmlJ V. . - - of every pemoa urii-rnilMlng buying Sesaa PLANTS BULBS. &cnZ XtrJr, r,.Ti UouaanJ of niuftratlnnj, ami nearly 15o pouta telling ybat to buy, and where to get It, nd naming lowest ir uiiiim jwo'ist. j-nce or ut iuk onlr locenta. .-" ir iuccuie worm or seeoa Uocbc-Mter, N. T Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stmle of Ore gon, j or Jinn county. M. E. Woodward, Plaintiff. vs. Chmles Wondward, Defendant. To Charles Woodward the above named I i f mi dil : IN t!i nun of the State of Oreiron : You are h-.reby required to appear and answer r he complaint of tbe above named Planum in itio anove entitled Court now on Ire with tbn Cle k of said Court within u-n dav a ft out the date of tbe service of this Summon upon you if served in Linn county. f)retron. hut if served in any other county in the Site of Oreirrn, then with- in twentv da s from the date of the ser vice i f thin Suinifoiie upon you. or if aerveu outside of this state or by puolica tion, then hy the first nay of tbo next regular term ol theCourt following to wit: the 1'itb day of Marc.i. 1888. And vou ate hereby notified that if yon fail to an wpr Mai'! rf'fi plaint as hereby required thi Plaintiff will apply to I he Court for the rlift 1euintineJ in the complaint, to wit iieerec dissolving ihe bonds of mat?! rn ny now exltiriir ond for tbe care, cus todv and ramtrol of fie minor child, Ethel 1 wooowaiil arit tor the cots and dis hareemenle mid Mich other lellefaamay be quiiable Phis Numoious U pub is! ed by the order of tbo Hon. K F. Jtoibe, Judge of ald Court made January ?9th, 188. J. K. W K ATH E ft KO SD , Attorney for Plaintiff. Ik Hcittocrnt, 0H0ONTY A FFICIiL i-and JFiPEE. THose -Aches rh down your our Mean RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA OR KINDRED ILLS BETTER HAVE. Tvrv The mtxraher, Albany I have all the egst've taken or by n. rsxton and any one can have dunll- eates from their BomtHrea by address mg us, st tl.o following prtoss : Card mltm, 'i ih t .: .. n. -sbiuet sue. 13 nor doiteu, uoti- dours, fo per dosen. I keep the daesa Una of orcaoii views in tbe west, cata logue furnUhed on annlioailon. Copying and enlargtrg old picture a specially J. G. Cm Lisa Coast? Democratic L'eaveattoa A Democratic Convention for Linn coun ty to elect delegates to the State Con v en lion and to nominate a full county ticket will be held in Albany on Saturday, March 14th, 1S88, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Primary meeting to elect delegates to said conven tlon will be held In the several precincts of the county at the usual place of voting Sat ut dav, March 17th, 1888, at a o'clock p, m. Tlic several precincts will be entitled to deleuatcs as follows, being one delegate lor everv a votes cat for Mr. Butler for Con grc. in 1 too, and one for every fraction of 25 above 1 J votes and one delegate at targe for each precinct : East Albany-. . West Albany.. Brownsville.. . . Brush Creek... Crawfordsvillc. Center Fox Valley Franklin Butte. IfarrUburg Halsey X Liberty. Lrbauon i 1 .6 7 .3 ..a Orleans Sweet Home a S Scio. . . . , 7 ..3 anliam Shcdd's J .2 3 Syracuse 3 Waterloo 4 Rock Creek i W. R. BlLYgV, T. J. Black, Secretary. Chairman. Teacher's Exit ail oali?s- Notice is hereby given that tbe regular public quarterly examination of teachers will be held at the Court House in Albany, commencing at noon on Wednesday, Feb ruary 39th, iSSV All those deal ring te pass examination will please tske notice and be present at the beginning. D. V. S. Rain, County School Superintendent. VXfvvx IV trine with any Throat of ' Lung Disease. If yon have a tjongn or cold, or tbo children are threatened with Crou n or VVhooDlner Coneh. nee Acker's English Remedy and prereat farther trouble. It is a positivo cure,' ana we guarantee it. as moo 10 and 00c "Nothlag to Kqeal It." "I have beeu se ling Simmons Liver Beg ulster for the past six years. My customers pronounce it tbe best ever used. One of my elastomers whose health was in a wretched eoadiuon from s very bart sod stubborn ease of dyapepsis. used toe Kegulstor sud was entirely cured. I sm using it myself for torpid Liver, cana-td by eloao confinement. I find nothing to equal it aad highly racoon mend its use. ' Respectfully, O. P. fiissY, Druggist, KUnjfburg, Vs. of the p cava sin t erewerattion. It fa for Its rare and its attendant. Mlek lle&O ache, Constipation aud Files, that Ms Pills hove become ao famous. They sure speedily and gewtly on the digestive raravns, artvlnsT them tone and vigor to aaimtlate food. Mo griping or asusss. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York, 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE O.M.FERRY AGO. an admitted to be the Laraest Sssdsmsn fn the world. u rXHJtx A CO' S lllaatralial, Simla. SEED ANNUAL For 1888 will be mailed FUCK TO ALL applicants, and to last season's eassgeaera wtth ont otdarins H. Invaluable to aN. Kvory person asms Cnrden, F loldFlower r t rCesiMBar CI CI U O U. adarasj D. M. FERK Y &CO.,Dotrolt,Mlotli Land Oflfice at Oregon Citv, Or December 20tb, 18c7. ioii: ib i.eruoy liivioi inat; mic n 1 owtne T x 1 -1 I . I . . . . 1 1 named setflrr has filed notice of hU intention to make final proof in support of his cle rr. and that said proof will bo made In fore the Couaty Judge or Clerk of Linn county, 0, t A'bany, Ur., on Friday, March !ind, 1888, viz: Join. arrttt, Hnmtstead i.n rv. No. 47U7 foi the 8 i si 8 VV i and loti I and 2. Sees. 28 and 35. Tc. 13, M R 2 W. Willm- tte Men linn, tin names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on, ann cultivation or, sain lapfi. v z ; F M Hearing, John VVar.cti, Jrha Bebhansnd D lBonnett, all of B rowusviilef Linu county, Oregon. W. T. Bubnby, Register. imbs fla .in s 1 1 II Kill Al M hw. tl i 4 Dysmsia is tie-toe SI l4S7 SJT araJU ajaff." iirnr rnr ttrw awLiaw v wasm iiihuintK noBuu, i "lHU U g very straage world,thl world of men," said O. VT. Dunn, the aeptuagen- arias naturallet, ytterday,a he sat among inn peciment ; "ut the world of the low- er animals is even atraager.aad the atrang- eat or it an is mat tne worie er men hard- lycver taaea any notice oi tne ether worm. a - "I see things dene with plants aad an imals every day that astonishes me. The schemes they put up to believe and en trap one another show them to be most skilled diplomats we have. Beyond ques tion I believe the lower animals think You must go to the so-called lower an imals to ieara philosophy. "It Is now just as it was when Selomen told the sluggard to go to the ant and learn something. "Why, riding along In a stage ceach.the man who knows anything about this other world, if he hasn't a soul to talk to, sees la every leaf and rock an Insect, enough te make the journey ae Interesting as a ro mance. Literally sermons in storlea, books In the running brooks. A trip to Sonoma now, to some men, would be another Vaa Ity Fair, while to many others, I grieve to relate, there would he nothing In It, ex cept the pretty scenery and productive soil. tug uacarrtvg mxxican ataue. "There Is a most wonderful brown and golden bird la Mexico," continued the eld naturalist, who had struck his favorite theme and only needed a listening ear to encourage him, "that beats ali the birds I ever saw. I have stood in the wild regions I and watched them for hours." "This bird is a most perfectly developed j specimen of bee martin, and he has a way I ! of ruffling up the feathers on the top of his j head to make his crest look like a beaut I -1 ful flower." "Along comes a bee te sip honey from the delusive flower, when he is snapped up by the bird. This bird makes a flower so perfect that it would deceive the very elect. "Before I got used to these birds I used to strike a tree sometimes ia the forest of singular beauty Aad adorned with flowers. What new thing Is this,' I would say, and I would go hack la my mind to my studies on botany, "All at oace I would see its flowers dls appear, and a little bird sat or suddenly skipped away from where the newer was. I soon discovered, however, what they were up to. THE ARIXUMA MOTTLED ftATTLXft. "In Arizona are the queer, fascinating saakes that capture the birds agaia. Do yeu kaew I never exactly believed that a orv of Adam aad Eve aad the saake in Eden, but why Is it that all our earliest aad latest Ideaa, too, of the devil are aeeociat ed with a saake f "Why Is It that when we were little children, and came suddenly upon some saake, a thrill of horror overcame us, aad why is It too, that after a long debauch a man winds up seeing saakes, If It Is not as a sort of a reminder of what his end will he If he doesn't hold up and do the proper thing f Answer me that, and then I won't believe tne Adam and Eve story, but so long aa our profoandest metaphysicians don't know how to account for a man's seeing snakes at such times, they can't blame ether people for taking seme stock in It. "Weil, this peculiar Artaona rattlesaake 1 Is about lour feet long, and fantastically j mottled and dappled in bluish brown and yellow. He has an eye so singularly bright aad glittering that It looks like Arc. Once a bird catches e glance of that eye he Is powerlesi to get away. He flies back ward aad forward see-saw style before the rattler, each time getting a little lower, till Anally he is swiped In aad gulped down. "The glare of the snake's eyes as he draws the poor bird aearer and nearer to him, as by a spell, Is utterly devilish. "There Is no other alicht like it on this broad earth, and I almost shudder at the power of the reptile when 1 see it myself "The little wild mice of Southern Cali fornia, in order to escape, appropriate the aetts of birds which have been made in the opimtia cactus. "I have gone up to seme of the nests and thrust my stick In, when out would come tne old mouse, with half a dosen young ones holding on with their mouths to her body In various places and run down the trunk of the cactus. 'Now, it is one of the marvels how they do this, for the opimtia cactus has a double barb, so no kind of snakes can get up them yet the old mice and her young gat down without getting a barb stuck Into them They have got on to the secret somehow AN ANTI-Oaua CAMPAIUX. "Down in Nicaragua, where i was a year or two ago, I found a hitherto un known kind of ant, about three-quarters of an inch to an inch in size, called the leaf - aat, that is one of the oddest things in na ture. In Caesar's history of the war with the Gauls, you remember that it was recount ed as a trick of the soldiery whose ranks were light, when they were advancing at a distance for an engagement, for ;ach man to gran a bough, and thus make but a few men look like a vast army. "Well, these ants when at work always carry a leaf, se that a squad of them looks like a little army with banners, and they file up one side of a path about a foot wide and maybe scores of feet long, while the ants that have thrown their load at the storehouse take the other side and have no banners at all. Everything moves along just like clock work. There are the commanding officers lieutenants and everything just like skill ed soldiery. I'm blast If I don't think some of our West Pointers who have been hunt ing Apaches might get a few pointers from them. "There are as many queer things about insects and animals as about people. Now, anywhere, all over the world, you will never find where their particular kind of food does not exist In sufficient quantities. But a man has got to scratch for what he wants. "In Sinaloa there are gigantic wasps that are a blessing in their way. They have a way of imparting a deathiy sting to the poisonous tarantula that mummifies or preserves It at the same time. When they are stung and deadened the wasps drag them off to their holes In the sandhills and insert their eggs in them, and when the young wasps are born they feed on the tarantula. "Strange to say, while the poison of the wasp kills the tarantula It blends with the poison of the tarantula, producing just the feed most nutricious and necessary for the young wasps. MUM naxitMH MfflMI s vaimta aw LiasLamna and ckntm'EDKk.Z "The Hxsards about 1 Paso are a study. The oticer tlzaarda I nm irolne to nneitk of Lre found all oyer Texas, but they are thickest juat north of El 1'aao. They belong te the Swift family, and k0 (ut vou c.n hardly .ce them. They Lre Afeout foot long, and they fight like thm mi.l i - r . a torHble flaht between two big one, which sf lasted for over half an hour. They kick - w w ed up the dust fearfully. That's how you know where they are. "One of these llssards in that battle had his tall hit off, hut he finally won, and left his adversary writhing In death. A strange thing about a llxsard is that if he loses hit tall it will grew on again, but if a man loses his leg he has te go through life with but one. It U only the stump-tailed llxaarda that are poisonous. The Mexicans are very superstitious about alt of them, and think It Is sure death if a man happens to kill one. A CgMTtritlia I'RKI'AgATION FoU SUKXl 'A centipede Is afraid of a tarantu!a,and when he lies down to sleep he always takes the precaution to build a cactus fence about him. A tarantula will never crawl over cac tus, and thus securely hedged la his own corral, he knows he may sleep as long as he waats te, and his enemy can't get at him. "It Is laughable out en the Mohave des ert to watch the security of these centl- pedes as they lay and sleep, while their I arch enemies, the tarantulas, ere looking lever the garden wall, so to speak, trying to get at them l have seen the tarantulas nose around for hours before giving it up. But the cac tus it a sure barrier. When once they be come satiated there is a complete barrier thev ao awav and caase to thirst for the gore of the centipede. ST W S "The latter, however, always takes a careful look-around before he removes the cactus and venture forth. THE CVEtOVtt PLANT IN SMAOTA. "Now, again, let met tell you of a whole lot of animal life that gets left by the trick of a plant. Up in Shasta county there Is a peculiar wild product known as the pitch er plant. "it has a pitcher from five to six Inches long and from an Inch to an inch and a half through. There Is a lid. to it, and It shaped just like a little pitcher. is "Insects and huge of various sorts get Into get a teste of the sweet-smelling pe tals Inside, andwhop, the Ud gees down on them. "More, than this, there are little hair barbs sticking downward in that pitcher, so that if the lid wasn't shut a bug couldn't get out anyhow. The lid comes down merely aa a reminder that he is In good and solid, and srees up again to wait for "Often I have seen these pitchers two thirds full of bugs. Well, what does the plant waat with these things f Just this : To use them In it growth. It sucks all the nutriment out of their bodies, and ab- sorbs them sll la its growth. 'Queer thlags, these Shasta county plants you say, and so they are. "Animals are up to so much trickery, and there Is so much deception about them. such diplomacy and counter-diplomacy that I declare just as soon as a man gets well Into the mystery of their doings he got to die," said the old naturalist. "Now if I could live twenty -five yeara longer, I could find out a world of Inter eating things. But If I don't, somebody else wlli," added he. Mr. Dunn has been stud f log the odd freaks of animal and insect life, and trav eling up and down the coast tor more than forty years. He is now aim' Mt ready to start off on his regular yearly jaunt, and will shortly visit La Pax and Cape St Lucas, where he will spend a good deal of the summer. The importation by the Reading Com pany of several carloads of raw Italians to take tbe place of striking miners is an other illustration of the manner in which the coal barons "protect American labor.'' Free trade in "pauper labor" and a 75 per cent tariff on coal are what make million aires 01 the operators and railroad men and keep the miners just above the starve tlon point. August Spies communicates to the world through a Spiritualistic medium that he is still laboring for Anarchy. As order Is heaven's first taw it is safe to say that Spies isn't there. Read the Death Roll which the bills of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and you wi find that renal and vesical maladies, that is te say, those that affect the kidneys er bladder, have a remarkable prominence we bad almost said preponderance Bright's disease and diabtes in the chron c stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou ble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nulli fied by that pleasant renal tonic and di uretic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which mparts the requisite amount of tone to he organs, without over-exciting them, aad the use of which is convenient, and involves no elaborate preparation. Dys pepsla, a usual concomitant of renal com plafnts,and debility, which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. Se also are constipation,malaria!,rheumutic and nerv ous ailments. Worth Knowiag. Mr, W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fia. was taken with a severe oold attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and waa unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and found immediate relief.and after using about a half doaen bottles found himself well anu has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of euros as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Guaranteed to do just what is claimed for i. Trial bottle free at Fosbar A Mason's Drug Store. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be glren in a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge oi the person taking it; Is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy ours, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or 51 aleoholie wreck. Thousands of drunkus have been made tem perate men who have taken Golden Specific In their coffee without (heir knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free Will. IT NEVER FAIL H The avstem ones impregnated with the Specific it becomes an niteriiniiosaihiitt ttv for the llaucr annetite to exist, rv 11 particulars, address GOLDEN CO., 18$ Eaee st, Cincinnati. 0. What is this Disease that Is Coming Upon Us ? like a thief at night it steals In upon us unawares. The pa tients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, esjK'cially in the morning. A sort of Hticky slime collects about, the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stoniach; sometimes a faint, all gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and leet become cola and clammy. After a while a cough sets In, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest Aiter a time he becomes nervous, ijri table and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whiten of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high eolored, de positing a sediment after stand ing. There is frequently a spitting up of the foot), some times wit ti a sour taxte and Hometimes with a sweetish taste; thin is frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart; the vision becomes im paired, with pot before the eyes; there is a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc, etc, but none 01 these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspepsia, ft is also found that Hhaker Ex tract of Roots, or Mother Sei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BETTXB THJLH COTTON. Mr. John C. Hemptinstall, of Chulafirmee, Cleburn Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Kx tract of Roots or Seigel's Syrup that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine. It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to get it into the hands of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell in this State better than cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been lone afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. McGuire, merchant, of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail. SHE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who couid do anything with me. I had fluttei-ing of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life Among the Shakers" which described my disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor. A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warren St, New York. Summons, the Circuit Court of the State f Oregon Jor the County of .inn. Msry A Oibler, Plaintiff. vs. a A. Oibler, Defendant. To 0 A Oibler. tbe above namod Defen dant, IN the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on tile with tbe Clerk of said Conrt, on or before the 12th day of March, 1888, that being the first ju dicial day of the March term, 1888, of said Conrt : and yon are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and answer ssid complains, as hereby required, tbe Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to-wit : a decree against you dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between laintiff and Defendant, awarding to Plaiu- tiff the care, custody and control of the min or children, Mary A Oibler, Louvenia Oibler aad A C Gibler, and for the costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed . This Summons is published in the State Rights Democrat by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Cham bers in the city of Palem, Oregon, and dated January 2Srd, 1888. D R. N. Blackburx, ( Attorney for Plaintiff. CURIOUS FACTS. About one person In 400, according to the Jewellers' Weekly .wears a glasteye. A Turkish porter was seen at Adrlano- ple walking briskly down the street with a heavy American piano strapped to his back. The foliage of a great white oak tree, at Vernon Ala., is half dark green snd the other half yellow throughout the summer. According to the statements of the great ready-made clothing dealers, the average Height and weight of men in this country have perceptibly increased since the war. A South Florida paper predicts that as the poppy grows luxuriantly In that sec tion, the production of opium will one day be one of the state's great Industries. The reason that the use of coffee has decreased so much in England is said to be that it li seldom properly made. People make their coffee as they do tea, and they are disgusted at the disagreeable :oncoc- tion. The petrified remains of a huge monster are said to have been discovered near Per cy, la., on the baak and almost fn ihe bed of the Dcs Moines River. The body is reported te be forty feet long without the head, which lies detached about forty-five feet up stream. At nine feet from the tail it is four feet six inches wide. At the Comstock silver mines in Vir ginia City mining science has reached Its highest point, according to a San Francis co newspaper, which says that there they carry water down a vertical shall to the depth of 1700 feet, and then gear it back te the surface, running the gigantic mills by 1 700-foot pressure. When the plan was suggested to engineers of Europe they laughed at it ; but now it's a proved suc ccss,and furnfshes a power immeasurably greater and cheaper than any thing hither to applied in mining. The negroes of certain districts on the west coast of Africa are said to be subject to a singular and invariable fatal malady. The person is seized with a sensation of drowsiness, which increases rapidly in spite of all efforts to throw, until he sinks into a profound andj seemingly natural sleep, which continues for about three weeks, when death occurs. During this time the patient may be easily aroused for a short time, will take nourishment and answer questions rationally. All the bodily functions continue in a natural manner with the exception ot the abnor mal tendency to sleep. There is nothing to indicate disease, and though careful post-mortem examinations have been made, no trace of disease could be found. No remedy has yet been discovered. Henry George in his paper this week says that, while he was accounted a leader in the United Labor party, he really had been frozen out by Dr. McGlynn John M--Mat kin and Gaybert Barnes the latter Ue Secretary of the State Committee, the ExecuUve Committee and the Land and Labor Committee. Mr. George claims that the purpose of Dr. McGlynn and his friends is to run the U. L. P. solely in the interest of the republican party, aad that they have so asserted in the presence of several gentlemen. The reason for Oils action ia said to be the Doctor's antipathy to tbe "ecclesiasUcal machine," which ma chine, he says, is fostered by the demo cratic party. Henry George says he will not participate in any such scheme. HUH Bayiag. L Senders is still buying good horses. Those having them should bring them in. THIS PAPER"; Js.TCAYtaA6M.i la n fl In rtilUVIliln iae sewapap'r a tlx 1 ns Asrary r r. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best In the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Ham pie rooms for commercial travelers. CSeaeJi to and ftwas She lel.'Va Summons. Ih tJuOircuU Cotai of 0 State of Oregmt, fir G H Liggett. Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hinss snd Thomas Rises, Defend ants To Sarah Bines and Thomas Rinse, the Dt fondants above named. In the name of the State of Oregon yon and seen of yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tbe above earn ed Plaintiff in the above entitled cause in tbe above entitled Court by the first day of tbe next regular term of said Courtafter the pub lication of this Summons ones s week fcr six weeks, to-wit : Tks regular March term of said Court to be begun snd holden on the ! second Monday in March, 1888, in Linn county, Oregon, or judgment will be taken against you for want thereof and yeu and each of yoa arc hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer aaid complaint as hereby required the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tbe com plaint herein, to-wit : tbe foreclosure of a certain mortgage held by the Plaintiff herein on tbe following described premises, to-wit Tbe east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two of Section sixteen in Town ship eleven, south range eoe west of the Wil lamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 1 20 71-1 00 acres to secure tbe payment of f 1000 and interest at 10 per cent per annum from Oct. 1st, 1886, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit and for such other and further relief as the Court may think proper. This Summons is published by order of Judge R P Boise, Judge of ssid Court, made st chambers in Salem, Oregon, on the 4th day of January, 1888. Hkwitt A Bryajjt, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In tht Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Jessie F. Sullivan, Plaiutiff. YU, John W. Sallivan, Defendant, To John WSullivs.n, the above named Defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to up pear and answer the complaint of .he above Plaintiff in tbe above entitled Ccnrt, now on file ..with the Clerk of said Court by the first day of the next regular term of said Court, whlohsald term begius on the 12th day of March, 1888. at the Co irt House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and yen are hereby notified that if you fail to appearand answer said complaint before the expiration of tbe first day of said term of Court, the Plaintiff will take a deeree against you for tbe relief preyed for in said complaint, to-wit: granting Plaintiff a divorce from you, the care a iu custody of the two minor children men tioned in said complaint, one-third of ne real property described in said complaint and for cost and disbursements of tl is suit. This Summons is published by order of too Hen. R. P Boise, Judge of sU Court made at chambers in the City of Salon, Oregon, on the 20th day of January, 1888. Dated this 27m day ot Jan. 1888, W, R. BiLYKU, Attorney for Plaintiff, ensure BMi-eete If. P. OntraoH. Preach ins every Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 ?. Prayer meeting every Wed nessoay evening. RvANoat.ic.vt, CuoKcn. Preaching on Sab mth at 11.00 a. sr.. and 7 r. sf. Sabbath ochool 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7:30. S. E. Davis, pastor. All are invited. OononsoATio al Cue aca. - Servioeseverv rtabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev, H. V. Rominger, Pastor. M, E. CKoacM, Sooth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. u. and 7 o'clock P. m. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening's at 7 o'clock. Rev. O. P. Round, Pastor. M. E. Church So cth , Tax u aa t. Pr sack -ing on the first Sabbath of each month morn ing and evening. Sunday school each Sst bath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Rev, Rounds, Pastor. M. E.ChcsCH. Preaching every Sabbath morning ana evening, song service m the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2:30 r m. Prayer meetsasl every Thurs- day evening. Rs v. H. i. Webb, pastor. PnasavTseiAX CiroacH. Service everv Sabbath morning and evening in Church ear. Uroadalbtn aad Fit La ts, Sunday scnooi immediately after tbe morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev E R Pritcnard, pastor, Finer BattisT Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting ever Thursdsy evening at 7:30 o'clock. ' .. I rum bell, pastor. Catholic Church. Servios every San- day at 10:30 A. st . and 7 r. at. Last Sunday of tbe month service at Eugene City. Rev. ioms Metayer, Rector. Protest ast Episcopal Church. Sorvi ces are held in St. Peters Episcopal Church every alternate Sunday, mcrniog aad even ing. Sunday school at 9 -30 a. m. Friday evening service on every Friday preceding the Sunday service. All are invited to at tend CHRUrn AX. Fourth Sabbath, morning and evening. 8, 8. It a. m. OnaUH. At College chapel, 2 p.m. B. Brsun, Paster. J. Tfcey St. John's Lodge, 62, In Foster's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. 1. O. O. Fn at their hali,every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. FL, at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and 3rd Saturdays. L O. G. T, at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. Fee One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good ouUiouses, excellent fruits of sll kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. Si C. R. R. Inquire at this office. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, e Bourbon, lad., aaya : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Sbiloh's Consumption Cure." "H ACKMETACK." a lastimr and fra grant terfume. Price 25 and 50 cents, Mi; Loirs CORK will immediately re lievo Croon. WhooDinsr Couarh and liron- cnitia. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE COBFECTIONE&Y, We are now prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland Prices to dealers, We also keep a full line of Hats and Tropical Fruits, OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department ia coro'r We. keep the vary finest atcek of aucsuag and chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that la a delight to smokers. PATENTS ObUitHsi, and all wUmt trasJBSM hi Una O. ft. Psion Oeies artsassdsrl to for moderate fees. Our office is eppoait the D. 8. Patent OSes, aad "ean abuia Patents less daw than these remote as Washington. .Jsnd modle er drawing. We as1- to assent iroa 01 cnarge ; ana wsbhues o coats we attain nates t. ..We refer hem. to the Jfaner Order Div. and to officials ef thsU. ft Oor. For circular, adnes. ton and aft oactuai clients in your own Stat or connty, addrwss Co Ae SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . O. O CBXRRT. C.B.PVRKBS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, Machinists, Millwrights, aad Iror Founders, handle all '..'nds, of heavy work. We will man ufant lira Steam Rnffiiuw. Orlat mil Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds flron suu raas uasungs. PATTERNS MtUK OX SHORT SOTtCE. Special attention eiven to renairinar ail kinds of machinery. After Forty years' ipai icnc la the reiarntion of mora liau Oua Hundred Thousand application for patent in the United &ntte and Voreim ooniw trie, the pnhliither ot the Scientific American continue to net aa aolieitore for intents, oaroats, trade-marks, oopy richi. eta., tor the United States, and to obtain patent in Oanaila. England, Krano. Germany, aad all other oonntnea Their experi ence ia nnequaiad aud their facilities are vnaus naased. Drawings and specifications prepared and filar" in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms verj reasonable. No charge f or e xamin at ion of models er drawings. Advice by mail free Patent s obtained through Mttnn ACo.are noticed in the SC1KITOIFIC AMERICAN .which has the largest circulation snd is tbe most influential tews pa par of it kind published in tne world, he advantages of each a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper 1 published WEKKLY at $3 00 a year, and ta admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, snaehsnioa, inventions, engineering works, and thar department of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contain the names of all patentees and t itle of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for on dollar. Bold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent writ ts sunn A Co., publisher of So tea title Asanas BH Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed One. IIOTEI Fat RENT, rrHE EXCHANGE HOTEL IN ThIS 1 city ie now offered for rent on reason able terms For particulars inquire of er address Jamks Murray, Albany, Oregon. 1