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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1888)
useeaJ si the Post Ol&tt Albany, Or m second-olaaa mail matter. FRIDAY .MARCH 2, 1888 8riTE3 Se NUTTING. RK P. XI mil U. Laos! K4ltr. CANDIDATE FOR ASSES SOR. We are requested to announce that Mr. J. I Nve.of Brush Creek Precinct, is t can ilid.tte tor Assessor subject to tbe action of the next Democratic County Convention. COUNTY TREASURER. Toik iWT5 Linn y, Ortjgrm : I announce myself as a candidate for County Treasurer for Linn county, tub ject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Jambs Williams. COUNTY RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that Geo. L, Sutherland, of Scio, is a candidate for the office of Coun.y Recorder, subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vention. A MAN ABOUT TOWN. While the soap man was In the city last week a prominent candidate for office asked a friend If he thought the soap would take the stain off a man's character. He was seen to invest soon afterwards. O The school teachers of the county are be ing examined this week. As under the present law a teacher can only receive two second grade certificates and only five or six receive first grade certificates during the year, it looks as if In the near future a time will arrive when the county will be short of teachers. The only remedy will evidently be to keep getting new teachers. The law should have stopped with restricting more than two third grades, In the opinion of the Man About Town. O The Eastern man could not very well help being pleased with the weather that blessed us during the closing days of Feb ruary. As a lamb Is to a lion so was that to the Eastern Februaries. O "The reason why so many of our monled men are so slow to invest in new entcrpris- es'said an aid pioneer, "is that mmt of them have made their money by years of saving and industry and they are getting too old to branch out now. The Man About Town is williag to be one of several young men to take the filthy lucre and make tninge ooom If that is what our friends would like. We're sort of achiinr for some fun of the kind, particularly with such a cats paw. O The season of the year has arrived when it is proper to agitate a county fair. The Man About Town is glad to do this, because he always sleeps better after such efforts, futile as they may be. "We have reached a period when something of the kind is need ed to give our county a name. One would be a paying investment, when the value to the county is considered. Is there no way to secure one ? Could not the thing be done by taking small shares of stock, that is if the present situation of things in connection with the fair ground, can be arranged to ad mit of it There are scores of business men and farmers who would quickly invest ten to a hundred dollars, and it would be money in their pockets. Think and dream about it- School Teoeaors. Below i a list of the 60 school teachers being examined at the Court House this week, with their P. O. addresses : shed 1 -J G Gibson, Geo H Burtt, Llllie A Davis, Ida Porter. Jefferson Anna T Greene, Agnes M Greene, Mellie M Allen. Oakville Bertha McDanitl. Salem Lottie L Perry. Lebanon Miss M C Reynolds, Mrs Nannie Grisham, Rial M. Smith, Laura Farrow, Maggie Sutton, Effie M Miller, Charles A Smith, Adda C Smith, Julia Thayer, Martha Charlton, Sarah Williams, Mary Mothorn, Ila Edwards, Alice Ches shir. Albany Nellie Colby, S A Newberry, Lura Campbell, F M Mitchell, M E Pogue, Geo 8keels, P B Tharp, Mary Blount, Jen nie Bffeunt, Isabella Bodise, Ella Philippi. Scio B C Altman, Mark Peery, G L Sutherland, Maggie McKnight,Roa Moore, Belle Meyers, M F Paul, Jane Cyrus, Min nie Smith. Halsey OHye Long.T A Crisp, Florence" Pearl, I H Van Winkle, R C Michael, Ida Black. Turner Mayro McKinney. Crawfordsvilie H Robe. Harrisburg F G bby. Crabtree W E Queener, Clara Crabtree. Philomath N G Wilcox. JordanG L Callavan. Brownsville W I Warmoth, lone Ar thurs. Plainview Mary Brandon, Bertie Bran don. A 915,000,000 Mortgage. On Thursday noon of last week a mort gage from the Oregon Pacific R. R. Co. and Willamette Valley and Coast R. R. Co., to the Farmers' Lean and Trust Co. of New York, was filed In the Clerk's office at this city, as security for 15,000 $1000 bonds or $15,000,000. This is not evidence of a new loan, as some have been lead to believe ; but is simply a re-execution of a mortgage filed Oct. 1 st, 1880, and is made so that there can be no dispute as to its covering all the property, rolling stock, franchises, steamers, etc., of the companies, purchased since the execution of the mortgage in 1880. Those Flags. The flags at French's corner arc Greek to the uninitiated ; yet the language is as simple as English. It is about like this : the blue square flag means rain, the white square flag, clear weather, the three corner ed flag always temperature. Begin at the top and read down, and you have the sen tence. If the temperature flag is at the bot tom it means falling temperature, if at the top rising. Suppose the three flags men tioned are up then the language is, (rainy), followed by (clear) weather and (falling tem perature.) See. The flags are raised at 2 o'clock p. m. for the benefit of the people in the country, but do not give indications of the weather until after 7 p. m. It is reg ulated by the Portland office. Scio. Saturday was a big day at Scio Grange Hall, on the occasion of the regular installation of officers. A special train was run on the Oregon Pacific,for the accommo dation of Albany people and grangers along the route. Among others Hons G F Craw ford and R A Irvine, and Mr and Mrs Train were present from Albany. The following officers were installed : J T Fotlis, Master ; I N Griffin, Overseer ; G A Griffin,Steward ; Clinton Munkers, Ass t Steward ; Jos Bil yeu, Chaplain ; T M Munkers, Treasurer G W Hunsaker, Secretary ; Henry Leffler, Gate Keeper ; Mrs I N Griffin, Ceres Mattie Lsfller,Flora ; Miss DeVaney, Ass't Steward. After several stirring speeches a repast was served such as only Grangers k now how to prepare. A DEMOCRATIC CLUB. On Thursday evening Feb. 24, of last week a meeting of democrats was held at Lebanon, and an old time democratic club organised with the following officer! t C B Montague, President. C II Ralston, E Kecbler, M Burkhart, F C Hansard, 8 R Claypool, Phil M Smith, T J Covle, Jos Nixon, Jacob Newman, Ab Humphrey and Matt Scott, Vice Presidents M A Miller, Secretory. Jos Nixon, Treasurer. 1 W Crusan, Sergent at Arms. The Club adjourned until last Wednesday evening, when it met and organized perm anently, and decided to hold meetings the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month. A public meeting will be held on next Wednesday ev ening and will be ad drcssd bv C B Montntrue. It should he greeted by a large crowd. The following resolution were adopted t itesolxfj, That we hail with enthusiasm the brave and able leadership of Grovcr CU-vv'l.wui, the President t the United Stales, and heartily Indorse his admlnistra tion of National affairs as the most healthy. vigorous and prosperous the country has had for years. That we welcome and indotse the message of the President, as in harmony with the requirements of the masse of the people. lhat we declare the no called doctrine of "Protection to American Labor," as Illus trated in our present tariff laws, as a fraud upon the laboring men of our country, placing them in the power of their cm plovers, and making them victims of the oppressive power in the Interests of monop oly and against the Interests of labor. That we denounce the Republican theory of seeking wavs to send the surplus money f exorbitant taxation, by building uunec essary public buildings, or any ox the many w.ivs surest ed to yet the moiifv out ot thc treasury, as only a stepping - tone to fraud and corruption. 1 hat we recognize In urovcr Cleveland, a strong man with a magnetic record, and believe that his re-nomination is equivalent to his re-election. That we most earnestly recommend his nomination by the National Democratic Convention, for President of the United States. AnAmC That we view with pride and satisfaction the administration of Governor Pcnnover whose every act has been marked with the highest integrity and great respect to the rights of his constituents and we re gard him in courage and integrity a fit pro to type of our illustrious chief magistrate and we heartily endorse him for Vice Presi dent. "Move On." Last Saturday evening the members of the Salvation Army In their usual evening drumming expedition stopped on the corner of Ferry and Flr-t street and began their usual street exercises, when they were or dered on by Marshal Hayes. Refusing to move on the Marshal arrested the Captain, and Policeman McLlain his assistant, and took them to the caliboose. Monday after noon they were tried before Recorder Hen ton, Hons. W. R. Bilyeu and N. B. Humph rey anpearinc for the prosecution and D. R. ML Blackburn and ludire Whitney for the defense. The grounds token by the defense were that people have the right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences, and that the ordinance did not apply to a case like this The prosecution claimed that that principle had nothing to do with the place of worship, and that the same as other people they hd no right to ob struct the public highway. The Recorder took the case into consideration, and after due deliberation, Tuesday afternoon found the prisoners not guilty, on the ground that no obstruction had been proven. The ver dict is generally approved by the best cle ment In the city, principally because those who seem to be most interested in seeing the Salvation Army "set down on" arc the saloon-keepers ard hoodlum of the city. A majority of people do not believe in the Salvation Army and their loud style of do ing things, but as between them and the element mentioned there is only one choice to be made. If the Salvation A -my were let alone there would be no obstructing of streets. As our officers are anxious to up hold the laws of the city a good way would be to stop the disturbance by the crowd sur rounding the Army, and very toon there would hardly be a corporals guard to follow the Captain up the stairs to his barracks. As a matter of fact the evening hoo doo by the Salvation Army does not disturb people very much. However much we may dis believe in that style of worshipping God, we can easily keep from being burned by keeping our hands out of the fire. The trouble with the saloon keepers, who set the "boys on" to some extent, is that the Salvation Army attacks the drink habit and tries to get the crowd to follow them in stead of wasting their money at the bar. The recent prosecution instead of injuring the Army wdi simply obtain sympathy for its members, whereas they have about as much as they are entitled to now, except as against this element. Hi 1 Jury List. Following Is the list of jurymen drawn for the Circuit Court which convenes on Mon day, March 12th : Albany J F Backensto, Ephralm Turner, George Cochran, G W Luper. Brownsville W H Pearl, C II McFarland, Geo A Dyson, A M Templeton, Jas M Long. Brush CreekJohn Wert. Center George Wheeler, Isaac Whealdon. Franklin Butte John Bryant,N C Myers. Fox Valley Sylvester Pritchard. Halsey T F Smith, T B Patton. Lebanon John Denny. Orleans John McCoy James Dyer .Dayton Bond. Sweet Home Joshua Paddock. Santlam Israel Carlton, J T Bilyeu. Scio Jacob Schilling, B F Darby. Syracuse L C Stratton. Waterloo J D Keenan. Medication Hull. The Lawson dancing academy will be dedicated with a grand ball and oyster sup per Friday eve., March 16th, 1888. A spe cial train will run from Brownsyille and onnect with the Lebanon express. Round trip tickets from Brownsville, $1, and Leb anon Junction, 25 cents. Music by t raw ford s orchestra. All are invited to attend Tickets for ball,including suppcr,$i.50. Thr- Trast. A general cry all over the United States is going up to "bust the trusts." Conn Brothers, of this city, do not "trust the bust ed," but they sell groceries and produce of such quality and at such reasonable prices that it almost means a collapse not to trade with them. A Reliable ltook. "Parsons Laws of Business" is on our ta ble. It is a book every farmer and business man should have, and will pay for itself many times. Splendidly gotten is full of reliable forms as well as condensed state ments in reference to the laws of the several states of the Union. Parsons is one of the best law writers of the world, and anything produced over his signature may be relied on as authority. Mr. 8. A. DeVaney is agent for Linn county. Bicycle for Hole. A 54-inch Expert Columbia bicycle, bought new in 1887 and in splendid condi tion for sale cheap, For terms apply to J. P. Hail. CLIPPED DlMPATCHIl, Boston, Feb. 34. Massachusetts Is ap preaching nearer and nearer to female suf f rage, which is steadily growing In popular Ity in the Senate. The bill of Senator I low land, giving the fair sex the privilege of voting, was only defeated by a vote of 10 to is, in contrast to i majority against It last year. It is proper to state that natives of New England, who are straight out republi cans, advocate the measure, while Irish- Americans.prtnclpally democratic members, hotly oppose it. San Francisco, Feb. 34. An authentic statement la made here to-day that the sugar syndicate formed to fight the Eastern trust has been finally completed, and, it Is stated, will commence operations with a paid-up capital of $40,000,000. Outsiueof California parties, those principally Interested are tn New York, Boston, Baltimore, Jersey City and Philadelphia. Rruwuod CiTY.Feb. 34. Jailer Tallman died to-day, from the effects of a beating re ceived at the hands of four tramps, who broke jail Saturday last. San Francisco, Feb. 36. Michael Y 1 loin an, a sail inakci .committed suicide this morning by rushing from his bedroom and jumping down a shaft between stair. He struck on his head, causing instant death. Dcitpondency, caused by drink, U the cause. San Mat so, Feb. 36. Two boys, aged sixteen and fourteen, attempted to board the north bound train this evening. One named Fltaaimmons, misted his hold,fell under the wheels and had his right leg cut off below the knee. He lives In San r ranclsce. I hey were playfully attempting to steal a ride, were put'off by the train men, and then at tempted to get on again. South Vallsjo, Feb. 37. This morn- ng there happened the most terrible fatality in the history of Vallejo. About 6:10, jus1 after the whistle had blown to signal the departure of the steamer "Julia" from the South VaPejo wharf on her first trip, and before she had got loose from her moorings a terrible explosion occurred, racking the vessel through Its whole extent, and filling the air with thick volumes of smoke. The early trip takes alt workmen living on the Vallejo side to their work in various Indus, tries an the Contra Costa side also those going to San Francisco, consequently there were a great many passengers on board. The morning being cool most of them had gathered about the warm smokestack in the lower cabin. As the explosion came from the boiler these men were directly exposed to the terrible shock. Besides this, petrol eum used for fuel was scattered through the steamer, setting It on fire. There was terrible confusion and heart rendering cries from the crushed and burning men. The force of the explosion Is shown on a body that was dragged out of the wreck by Con stable Logan, without head or limbs, and utterly unrecognizable. The burning steam er set Are to the wharf, snd for hours the flames held sway until the boat was burned to the water's edge. As far as can be learn ed twenty-five or thirty are billed or miss ing and many badly Injured. The G. A. K and W. R. C Encampment closed on Thursday evening of last a big attendance at the rendition of the Veteran of 181 a," at the Opera House. Their sessions are spoken of as very Inter esting. The encampment as a whole was among the most successful ever hold in the Northwest : Following is the list of officers elected. In full : Commander A E Borthwkk.of Portland. Senior vice-commander Dr J G Jcssup,of Newport. Junior vice-commander L If Montanye, of Albany. Medical examiner W W Royal, of East Portland. Chaplain -Rev R McLean,of Ashland. Council of administration K B Mc Kirov, of Salem ; F M Jonhson, of Corvallia ; J P Harrow, of Roseburg ; 1 1 O Allen, of t or vat lis ; F M Miller, of Lebanon. Delegates to National Encampment J W Crawford, Salem ; E H Mix, Baker. Alternates J E EllU.Salcm ; B F Tabler, Albany. Among much important business transact ed the following resolution was passed : rtW, That the bill now pending In Congress to pension every honorably dis charged soldier and sailor of the "war of the rebellion,"at the rate of a monthly payment of one cent for each day of service, in addi tion to the pension for disability, meets the unqualified approval of the seventh annual encampment of the department of Oregon, O.A. R-, in camp assembled. Com Censed. Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 1888. Present All officers and members. The matter of San Wa's laundry, on First street was referred back to the Council, to be dealt with according to the ordinance ap plying to it. The Ordinance Committee reported an ordinance providing for a steam engine for No. i's Engine Co. the amount to be paid being limited to $3200. Passed. On recommendation of committee it was ordered that the bridge at the junction of Thurston and Water streets be repaired. The committee appointed to purchase lumber reported that they had been unable to do as directed, but Street Commissioner had secured a limited quantity at $11.56 per thoossuas, L. Flinn, S E Yaung, W C Tweedale and rosnay ot Mason askeu the privilege of building stone pavements in front of their Front street property. Referred. Also petition for a sewer and for a sidewalk in Hackleman's second addition. An ordinance providing for the construc tion of a sewer on Railroad street was read twice, and referred. The street railway ordinance was read twice referred back to the ordinance com mittee for amendment, and will be acted on at a special meeting of the Council this f Friday, cveninc. The Marshal was instructed to give notice ordering all alleys to be cleaned within sixty days. Licenses to sell Honors were granted I A Gross and Huffman & Monteith, and their bonds approved. Bids for building a bridge over ditch at Eighth and Jefferson, were read and con tract let to W E Kelley, the lowest bidder The ordinance on health and police was ordered printed. The following bills were ordered paid D R N Blackburn, $25.00 ; P W Spink $76-37 ; W B Scott, $i.00 ; Crosse n Allen, $2.25 ; W B Barr, $8.50 ; I Hayes, $03.85. For Bale. forty-tour yards or hne, nrst-class rag carpet, Call at cast end of Second street, Taken lu, Last week two men going by tbe names of Louis Handle and John Burton presented Dawn certificates on the Oregon Loan Asso oiation of Portland, to J A Gross, Wrn Faber and John Sohlosser, of this ctty, under dif ferent names, and received $20 from each of the gentlemen named. The certificate rep resented that a watch yarned at $200 haul been left in pawn with the association men tinned. The transactions were discovered to be a confidence game and the men were ar rested as they were preparing to leave the city at noon, for obtaining money under false pretenses, taken be tors Uoo rlamparey, hsq sad held to await the aetioa of tbe grand jury under $500 bonds, whish they were un able to f Ornish. Hour and arroab. At bsay if destin ed to hi one of the best oitiss on tbe Coast, Its location, surroundings, railroad sd vantages, in ternal resources, such as its water power, etc., all point to this. Us oitistBS should now push together in everything that will score a point for its growth. Msoufsotur ing interests must be placed in the front. It will take I 9 Money is scares. New goods at F M Fi snob's. Genuine ssser krsut. Knntoa St Chase. Albany needs a Urge Roordei's affloe. Choice sweat piokUw. Keaton ft Chase. Get yonr ammunition at Deyesft Robson's H Kwort, practical watohtnaksr and lew 1st. The best harness at Thompson St Over man's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surma. Al bany, Or. Nine prisoners are now lodging in tbe county jail, Biiekwhest flour sol maid atiuar. tea ft Ohas. If you want basts or shoes go to Msn- toith c Seitonbaoh, Natural saa has been discovrd la San Mate 00a sty, Cel. If yon wast the beet barons. iQ th :. go to J J DabtuiiU's. An Evaaielbal oemeterv has Un oiJ tar the Jewish oeesetery. Williams 4 Backensto. the taloen kM hsvs dissolved pattoerskip. The contract for building a hotel at Dallas to oost $41)00 has been let. W W Ooroaraa. the Philadelnhia tdsd... thropiat, died last Friday. Sn shaves fur a dollar and a oUan towl to every oastomer, at Thos. Jones. Try a bucket of Wallace St - Oeyser Hapone far hoass eleaainc Two shincle mills sod a saw mill k tn erected at Crswfordsvtlle ibis year. very county ia Michigan but am k.. veted to prohibit the sals of Lq tiers All kinds of oarden seed tor h. W.i. hvse Si Thompson. 3 easts a parrfcaga 7 O-ks oaras rhru natiem. MaratoU anil toothache. Poshay ft Mason, Agents. Hsaors boned, set and pat to order at Jones' Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. An iBssvrase stock of first elasi hardware, tinware and eattory at Oeyoe St Robson's. Every thing boeghl and sold at M Prank, ho A Go's second hand etor, Albany, Or. Rsv T L Sails, well -known to Albaay.died at his bores 10 MeMin3yills last aabbstk. Mary Devi, of Kageoe City, has saed g P -Sladdea for $10,000 daaaagea, for slander. 13,000 sack of potatoes wars recently ship pa 1 from Portland to San PransAsss to a week. The sew Court House and jail to bs built Corvallia will oost Benton county $$1,000. P M French, aajsst Stonsr Manufacturing O., opposite Odd Fellows Twaphf, Albany, Or. A very interesting service of sang was given at the C ongregational Church Ba boats even Dr. M. fi. Ktlia, physieian ami ssrsjson Alrsny, Oregon. ialls mads t city or country, L K Brooks has porebaaed H Y Utbsos't interest is the Uessos and Sweat Itosas stags roots. Oo Wedassdsy H P Merrill psrehassd tss lots of Cbac Brosh.oomsr of Sixth sod Mont gomery Streets. As effort is being made to hsvs tbe Wssk khd railroad satoadsd f om Corvallia to Drain, Dssglas county. Dr H Cirputar died at Saleoa 1 tat Friday. sgsd 61. He was tbe first Sspsristosdsst ot wis sists insane asylssa. Mr A C Churchill, of Lebsoeo. hat token narae of tbe aricu.tural business recently roe by Mr P H Bossss. Read our first snd fast th page. Tssy al ways coo tain owttor that will st Unit is- torwst sesss of oar readers. Greenland HaHbst. booslsss sod ttstt. mack erel, whits fish, Holland herring and at- obovtss. Ken too Chase. Good reading for persons tatsrsstod ia buy- tog groceries sod provisions appears ia the yertisemsst of Ken too St Chase. Ussrtorly rase tins st the v M ' Church to this city Saturday and Sunday. Rev Bowsrsos will bs present. The Republican Central Committee will meet to Albany nest Monday and begin oak ing arrangements for an annual defeat. Bishop Gross will testers is this citv nasi Sunday, March 4th, at 7 p. so. at the Cath olic Cbsrcs, sa "Family sd Sooisty.'' The amount ot mossy lost on the resign ed letters at the recant Spiosr Postofftos rob bery, ass ossn 100 on to have bssn 92.00. Thrre are thirty -five ottits ia the world with s population of half a DaMlion sr over. of which only fire arc in the United States. Wood St Wheeler bavs oosaed s fish market just north of the Dsmockat odios snd intend making it a permanent institution in Albany, G W Husk, the contractor has bssn sued by the O P R it Co for $130,000 damages for bsn performance of his ooatraot with that 00m pan y. A a Albany gentlemaa suggests s perman ent fend for tbs improvement sad oars of tbe city cemetery. It is a matter d sail ling at tention. Ws are very mnch pleased with "Laws rf Business," and wsald not bo without if. Chicago Biewing Company, San Francisco, See adv. Regulate the Regulator, impure blood is dangerous Warner 'e Log Cabin Sarsapuil a is the beat blood partner Largest bottle an the market. A mooting of the creditors of Johnson A Sheltoo, of Scio, was held in Albany Wd nssday . Mr Philip Lewis. of She Id, waa ap pointed assignees. Geo Lilly and Thos P Madill new eosMML on Friday purchased four lots in Ma ton St Chamberlain's addition to Albany, paying snau lor tee same. V20,000 doz eggs wasted for cash by Top ham St Wallace, at their store room un der P. M. French's Jewelry store. Also cash paid for poultry, at Albasy. Or. The "Wm M Hoaa" went from Portland to Salem Friday io sight hours and forty minutes, the fastest tune sa record. Eleven landings were mads. The residence of B W Hamilton, on Crab tree Creek, was burcsd one night last week. it was insured is tbe State lnsursncs Com pany of Salem for $1000. An raterssting and well written 00m muu- ication on "Politics.'' from a oorrssnsa dost, will be presented next wssk, space forbidding 10 puouoauon mis wssk. Tbs Republican State Convention will be held in Portland April 11th. County Con ventions ars recommended far April 4th and primaries for Match 31st. The Presbyterian, Cirasrsaational and U P. Churches have ohangsd the hoar for Sab bath oveamg services to 7:30 o clock, begin ing next sabbath evening Yoa will save money by to king your sick sewmg-maohine to the repairer, B F Parsons at sixth ana Jetteron ts., Albany, Ursgon Good satisfaction or no pay. While going from Lebanon to Sweet Home on Wednesday of last week Ed Keilenberser was thrown from his horse and had both of his shouldsr blades broken. Large stock of wall paper, splendid de signs, just receiyed st Win Fort miller Cos. Trimmed without extra cherge, snd Bold as cheap as the eheapsst. Last Saturday Mr D B Monteith purchas ed of Mrs L M Foster hsr property oa First street, twenty feet f root, now occupied by J J Dubruille, paying $3,300 for ths same. Why should not Albany hays s beet sugar factory. Read Clans Sprsckles letter cn oar first pace to S E Young, of this city. It sui- I gests big possibilities for some Oregon eity. A new feature ia Blso man's drag store wtl bs an elegant soda water fosataio, one of tbs best in Orsgoa, and all tbs delicious beverage will cast will bs five cents a glass. Oar sity has bees flooded witH three dol lar bills during the pant wssk, all indicating that yoa can get your moneys worth at L K Wain's, Wallace Thompson's and W Fort- san er Jss. Is oar list sf maskers at No. I's Ball pub llsbsd last wssk tbs name of Miss Annie Heuck sdouid have read Miss Annio Mack, through a typographical mistake Ws beg Miss Houck's pardon. "Tommy" Jones wilt have one of the neat est barber shops io Oregon to a few days. New chairs, fins appointments, bath tubs, etc., will bs features of tbs shop being ar ranged la thsGradwobl block. The "Health and Polios" erdiaaaoa, re osotly passed, which ws publish iu another column, is an ioteresting item, and ons our oitisess should be posted ou, Ws take pleas ure iu presenting it to oar readers. Tbs Women's House Missiooary Society of tbe M E Church will give a tea at the Par soasge on Friday evening. March Snd, (torn 5iS0 till 7 o'clock. 15 costs for tea. A gan sral iuvitatioa is extended to all. A pargativs medicine should possss tonic and curative, as wsll as oathartio propertis. This combination ef ingredient may be found in Ayer's Pills, They strengthen and atims late ths bowsD, causing natural action. rictorss of ths members of the GAR snd WHO encampment ess bs obtained of J G Crawford for 50 esuts. Tssy ars splssdid photographs, every face beins very and there is beins a larse demand for than. Ost insured io ths Albany Farmers ' and Merchants' insurance Com nan v. Why. h aasse, it is backed by solid men, is reliable, and ths premiums paid it circulate right among us instead sf being sent out of tbs Ws bays received aeopy of Corvsllis' new most, tbs Tinut, with the name of RoU-rt lohnson at tbs bead. It is seat!) gotten up, hj to bs iadbpsadsst, fearless sad fro, and ones oo pretend that it has any grind mis SI'lll w Mr G W Simpson has oarokassd thsstook of goods rsosotly owssd by Hhane ft Laos way, who assigned to creditor, and will sell them at asst. offering remsrksbly good bar gates to ths public. Call snd sxastiae this e Undid stock of goods. Almost miraculous ars soma of tk cares as. sampluked by ths ass of Ayer'a S ars spar ib is. In the case of It L King, Kiehmoad, Vs., who ssirsred lor 47 years with sa aegravatsd form of scrofula, Ayer's Sarssparilla effected asassiahiMg r ess its. The annual school meeting of Diet. 5, will bs hsld at ths Court Hose to this city next Monday evening at 7: JO o'clock, for ths oar- psss sf levying a tax f or the support of tks ssaoots of to city and tbs pay moat of later m as s a a ssi sa os sssosi Bands. Jos Purdom. a few .years ago Short ft of Douglas oesaty, is a candidate for Sheriff of Morton sonsty . Jo ia s orottv send follow asd has had sxpm moos, but be will probably m . a a sv m 1 11. . a bo las s mmm Bssssa Miaio win seriously a. ..n ia. a. n l lafsners wn am prssnsoxs. Tbs DSMOCIUT is under many obligations to toe O A. It for oourtoaio extended it last wssk. Ths Albany msmssrs ars 00 titled to maeh credit for tbe aaooessfut man nor is which ths sseampmsot was oood acted, as well a for toe production sf "Tbs Vetera of 112." Mr Lsso Power has purchased ths bjild iog adjoining ths DanocnaT ofBos. now sa cs ptod by Walla St Thompson, and ws un derstand will opes s Barneas and saddle rv shop ths tint sf April. Mr Power is s tint ass wotkmas and will Five lass wsrs sold ia Corvsllis last wssk for $400, $80 s lot. Considerable mors than tons ia hatgad far lots oaten! of ths corpor ate limits hsr. Issiie of thsm ths yery 4250. The pries of lot and of sd so a city's newspaper axe good st tns am prsvaiuag. JohsWnsasiaksr, of Philadelphia, says oalatioa is worth 5000 dsdgrs or posters, and snr vvMtransBer ougst to anew wast bs m talking about. According to tut an adrsr uaemsst in ths DsaforsaT year wsald bs worth just about 027,058 dodgers, Tknanparstas for Mr N H Alloa's slsctr.e lights amy yd to Albany mat Ftiday in almost a ruined condition, as mnsn so that tssy wul hsvs so bs riaiaeid by others. They ot $S400. which wul hsvs to bs boars by Lbs transportation aampaaies. Jtfsw msssisery wsil probably bs here iastds sf a month. In th msssnms ths machinery for ths street lights is bars snd wilt soon ha ready far ass. Tbs MoKmlsm mimstrel played to empty touch's, almost, down stairs, sad atoll ssi tery, Saturday sight, which testis to the fact that oar ei tissue have made ap their minds sot to py many mors esrtwhssls for hows, for this troop is on of ths best that has visited osr city, snd has ths best corset player. Mr F U Rosses, of Lsbsnon, has accepted tbs agency for nospa, Burred X to s agri cultural implements st this sity. Mr S I Tsong hsvisg rssigasd that dspsrtstsat,sad has movad to this eity snd assumsd his im portant trust. Ths bsUaing rsosntly occupied by Dsyos A Rotwoa has bssn rooted for th Durnose. Mr Rosses is s fi rot-class maa fsr ths position snd will naaks s good sitiBsa, Tbsrs is bo hssithtsr or mors ma-aty excr etes than bicycle riding. It brings into nlay ail the mBoalss of toe body almost, sad is to day ths popular mod of location, next to ths horse, ia ths world. Kvery young snd eld man should havs a bicycle if bs asa afford it Mr J P Had. with L K Bum, is tbs agsat hsr for tbs Columbia bisyelss, probably the best made, and tbe Dbmockat will guarantee sad treatment tor ail who deal with him. Se his advsrtissment ia aaothar sals mo. Tbsrs will bs bo ssrvtos ia ths Episcopal Cbsrcs ssxt Sunday, Marsh 4th, ths usual services being postponed until March 11th, at which tisas Bishop Morris will bs present, and admtoistor the rite of 000 tir matron. Tbs Convocation snasuBCsd somstims stoss will take Discs next wssk. Services wul bs hsld os Wsdsssday, Thursday snd Friday, Marsh th, 8th and 0th, moraine and evening. Further announcements will bs mads next wssk. All ars cordially invited ts attend these aeryioss. Thursday ST Richard ion, a Salem Attor nay, receives a rotter containing toe panic n Saa. a 1 . a. a a.1 ulars ot toe suisias si a young man aamsa a T Foley, st Frtosvills. Crsok county, last Saturday night. Foley was a well-known and universally ltksd young man of tost section of tbe country, and resided at Camp Polk, about tbirty-ave mils distent from fnne rills, He had bssn visiting ths latter place ana had bssn drinking considerably, until finally the saloon-keeper of too place decra sd to furnish him no more liquor, hoping to benefit him thereby, xfat tbe reaction from such dissipation to deprivation was too much for Folsy. snd SO the night mentioned Be went out behind toe oaia boose and cut to arteries in ons of his wrists and blsd to dssth. Foley wss a asphsw of Bad Thompson, well ksowa ia ths valley, and has relatives ta Priosvtlls snd here. He was sgsd about 32 and unmarried. Ex. PARSON AL ANO SOCIAL. Hen T J Black, of Halsey. was to the city WW a . w w d nssday. Mr Ross Humphrsy, of Waterloo, has bsen in Albany this wssk. Dr O'Tsole was on the Streets Saturday for ths first time in seyersl months. Miss Mary Irvine spent Friday and Satur day in Portland the guest of Mra (Japt row ell. Mr William Humphrey, tbs W. U. opera tor, returned on Friday from s several weeks trip to California Mr Tracy Porter, formerly of this oity, but for several years s resident of California, ar- rived in Albany last Monday. Mrs wooa raturnea ins nret 01 tne waab fpAirt e vim t ffi Via riaii fh far M rat Man nSSS II will co v awaw WV aa uoMauvvii " " - waa derson. st Uaklsod, Cal. Ths ohioksa pis social givsn by tho ladies of the Baptist Choroh Wednesday evening was a greats success and a most enjoyable af fair. GeoHebsea snd DOM Naughton, of the Merchants Retail Commercial Agoney, ars in ths city, Ws believe this to be a leliable agsDcy. Rsv T J Wilson, of Halsey, hss accepted sn appointment from tho Board ef Missions of the U. P. Church ss Superintendent of an Indian school at tbs Warm Spring Agency. He started fsr the agency yesterday morning in answer to a telegram from ths agent. An Ordinance to protect the public health and to prevent the spread of dan geraus or contagious diseases. The people of the city of Albany do or dain as follows : Suction i. There shall be kept at the Marshal's the Marshal and under his direction, a book in which shall be entered the name and place of residence of any person who Is affected with any of ths diseases msntloned In this ordinance. Skc. 3, There Is hereby established a Board of Health, consisting of the Mayer, the Chairman ef the standing committee of the Common Council on Health and Police, and the Marshal of ths city. The Marshal shall be ex-ofhcio Health officer of the city. Sao. 3. Ths Board of Health may, when ever it may be deemed necesssry, employ a physician of skill and experience to visit and examine parsons sick with any conta gious or infectious disease, or to certify to the cause ef death ef any person, and to advise said Beard in asy matter relating to ths health of the city. Such physlcisa shsll receive such compensation ss the Board of Health may consider reasonable, subject to the approval of the Common Council. Sac. 4. Every person practising midwi fery in this city, under whose charge or superintendence births shall hereafter take place, shall keep a true and exact register of such blnhs.and shall enter the same on a blank schedule to be furnished by ths Health Officer ; this schedule shall contain a list of births which havs occured under his or her care during the month,aud shsll set forth as far as can he ascertained the fall name of such child, (if any shall hsve been conferred,) Its sex and color, the full name.occupatlon snd nativity of Its parent or parcnts.and the data and place of birth ; and ths ssld schedule shall be delivered, duly signed by such practitioner In the form of a certificate ,on the first day of each and every month, to the Health Office r.or to any authorized person calling for the same. In caae the birth of any child shall have occurred without the sttention of s physician or practitioner of midwifery, or should no other person be In attendance upon the mother Immediately thereafter, it shall then become the duty of the parent or parents of such child to report Its birth to the Health Officer In the manner and form and wlthis the period above pre scribed. Sac. 5. The Health Officer shall cause all cases of Asiatic cholera or small -pox brought to his notice to bs examined, and report the result of such examination to the Board of Health, lis shall be vial lent snd active In detecting snd removing all causes ef disease, and shsll see that sll perssns violating ordinances in relation to the preservation of public health are duly prosecuted. Sac. 6. Every police officer or night- watch having s regulsr best shsll be ex- officio health inspector, but without extra pay therefor. Should such officer observe that any buildlng.premises or street oa his beat is in s condition offensive to the pub- Ik health, he shall Immediately report the same to the Health Officer. Stc. 7. It shall be the duty of each phy sician In this city to report to the Health Officer in writing every patient he shall hsve tabortog under Asiatia cholera or small pox, varlola.diptheria, typhoid fever, measlss, or sny other dangerous or conta gious diseases, Immediately after he shall be satiated of the nature of the disease, and to report to the same officer every case of death from such dlsesse immediately after it shall have occurred. Sac. 8. It shall be the duty of every householder ia this city to report in writ ing to the Health Officer.lm mediately, the name of every person boarding or lodging at his or her house, or living thcre.whom he or she shall hsvs reason to believe to be sick of cholera, small-pox, variola, dip therla, scarlet fever.typhoid fver,measles. or say other dangerous or contagious dls case.and to report say dssths occurring st his or her house from any such disease. Sac. 9. That It shall be snd is hereby made the duty of the owner or occupant of every house.storc.baildlng or tenement In ssld city, wherein sny person msy have ths diptherla, choicrs, small-pox, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, or any other danger ous or contagious disease or diseases,to give notice to the public immediately of ths existence of such disease in such house, store, building or tenement, by placing a green flag In case of diptherla,a scarlet Bag In case of scarlet fcver.a yellow flag In case of small-pox or cholera, and In all other cases a white dag, In some conspicuous place on the premises, where it may be seen by persons passing on the street near the said premises ; snd in case the owner or occupant of such, building or tenement shall fail or neglect to place such flag as aforesaid, It is hereby made the duty of the Marshal of said city,as sooa as he is informed of the existence of such disease In any house,store,buildi n g or ten ement, to cause such flag to be placed as aforesaid ; and such flag, whether placed as aforesaid by the owner or occupant, or by the Marshal of the city, shall remain there until such person having snch dis ease shall have se fsr recovered that no danger from infection shall remain. Said tag shall be not less than one foot wide by enc and one-half feet long. Sac. to. No person, whe shall have any centagieus disease as enumerated in any section of this ordinance, shall go out in public, or pass from house to house, or building to building.or appear in any street alley or other public place in said city, until he or she shall have so far recovered there from as to preclude aay and all danger of infection ; and if the Marshal of the city shall see or be informed of any persen violating this section it shall be his duty to cause such person to be taken forthwith to his or her place of residence, if within the city.and if such residence be not with in the city.then to such place as the Mayor and Chairman of the committee on Health and Police may direct. Sec. 11. The occupant of any house, store, building, or tenement In said city, wherein any person may have been sick of tmall-pox, diptherla or scarlet fever, shall, on tfte dfiath or recoverv Qf 6uch person h d orthwlth destroy, by I ' " I , . a burning or burying, the clothes worn by such person during such sickness, under the supervision of the Health Officer, and shall cleanse and purify the room and house,8tore,bulldlng or tenement In which such sick person was confined ; and the Health Officer shall see that the provisions of this section are strictly enforced. And if the occupant of any building, in which there shall have been a case of small-pox, diptherla or scarlet f e ver,shall vacate such building without having first cleansed and purified the same as herein before provid. ed,then It shall be unlawful lor the owner, or the agent or agents of such owner, to lease or rent such building, or any pirt any other person until the name shall have been thoroughly cleansed and purified under the supervision of the Beard of Health of said city. Sac. 13. No person owning or having contract thereof shall knowingly drive or use say vehicle, or permit such vehicle to bo used or driven, for the conveyance, transportation or removal of any person Infected with the small-po, diptherla, cholera or scarlet fever,or the body of any person who may die of such dlseaee.with out the written consent of the Health Of ficer ; and any vehicle so ui-ed under a permit shall not be used for any other pur pose whatever without the written con sent of the Health Officer. Sac. 13. No person owning or having control thereof shall use or permit to bs used sny vehicle which Is used for the purpose of csrrylng or transiting pas seagers, groceries, or any article or artl clesef food, for the carry isg,or allow to be placed therein, the body of any deceased person. Sac. 14. No person attending upon or otherwise coming In contact with any per son affected with small-pox or dlptheria,ln such manner or to such an extent as to render him liable to communicate the dis ease.shall go upon aay public street or alley In the city,or In anyway mingle with peo ple not affected with the disease, until all danger of Infection shall hare vlded, thst nothing herein shall apply to physicians. Sac. 15. Whenever a case of small pox shall exist la any house, store, building or tenement, the Board of Health may direct the lieslth Officer to place some suitable person in charge of such premises, whose duty it shall be to see that the provisions of Section 11 of this ordinance are strictly enforced as long as may be deemed neces sary for public safety. Sac. 16. Whenever a case of small-pox l reported to the Health Officer, and found to be such by the statement ef the attend ant pbysieian,er of the physician employed by the Board of Health, he shall Imme diately cause to be erected a yellow flag In a conspicuous place upon said premises, said flag to remain during tbe continuance of the disease. Sac. 17. No person shall move a small pox or diptherla patient from sny house or place within the city limits to any other house or place within the city limits with out the written consent of the Board of Health. Sac. 18. No person shall, without a per mlt from the Health Officer, knowingly carry or remove from one building to an other, or from any railroad depot to any hoase, or from any boat or vessel to the shore or to aay house.or through the pub lic streets or alleys, within the city limits, any persoa sick of any contagious disease. Sac. 19. No person shall be permitted to pursue sny business or occupation in the city that Is dangerous or detrimental to life or health, and every such business shall be promptly discontinued. Sac. ao. No person shsll offer, or have for sale, or deliver to any person In this city, sny unwholesome,; watered or adul terated milk.or milk known ss swill-milk, or milk from cows that are fed on swill, stagnant water, garbage, or other like sub- stonce.aor any butter or cheese made from sach milk. Sac. at. No person shall sell,exposc for ssle, or offer to sell or deliver, for human food, say blown, tainted, diseased or bad meat, poultry, fish or game, or the flesh of sny calf less thsn two weeks old when slaughtered, or any unsound, decayed or unwholesome fruit, vegetables, or other msrket produce. Sac. aa. Any person, who shall violate any of the provisions ef this ordinance, shsll, on conviction thereof before the Re corder's Court, be fined not Isss than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol lars, or be confined in the city jail less than two days nor more than fifty days for each offense. Sac. 35. All ordinances or parts of ordi nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sac. 34. This ordinance shall take effect AT COST. Having pare a seed the stock af goods at cost until closed oat. Thst means gains ever before offered in Dry Goods,Dress Trimmed Hats and Hat Trim mings, Hosiery, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Gent's Underwear, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc. These goods are first-class atid the bargains offered unsurpassed. G. W. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregon. TEACHERS Who wish to secure first grade certificates should send for Normal Question Book, which contains about 500 pages of questions with complete answers. Price, $1 50. Ad dress Prof. A. B. Ohilders, Browns yille, Or. MILLER BROS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in S88fl8, Trees, Apiary and Poultry Supplies, Stc, Stc, J09 Second Street, Portland, Oregon. tarSend for our catalogue. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of 8hlloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. New stars, New goods, st W, F. Read's. sad be In full feres from and after its ap proval by the Mayor. Passed the Council Feo. 14th, 1888. Approved Feb. 34, 1888. J. L. COWAN, Mayor. Attest : N J. Hxnton, City Recorder. REAL BHTATK Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the past two weeks Mahala McCall to Octevia Savage, 3 lots, Sbedd $ J S Morgan to Chas Bosch and wife, in 50 500 65 70x100 ft b, 103 IPs A. Albany Amon A Waddle to Elizabeth Halsey, 160 acres, 13 w I E F Wyatt to Martha Wvatt 26 acres, 15 w 3 t Vellejo Cox to Ely Cox, 74.60 acres, 11 w 3 and 3 1700 Wm V Baltimore to J W Roland, 3 lots, block us fi's A, Albany.. 3500 A Hackleman to J B Hughes, pfcee land blocs i H i snd A so R May to John Doane, 6 acres, 9 E 3 Cornelus Cox to Elijah Osbors, 160 seres, 11 w 1 Mrs Jas F Jones to Isaac Meeker, 50 acres, 11 w 3 A Hackleman to W W Crowder. 1 lot - - - - w 4 1100 379 block 15 H's and A 360 Thos Poweil to T A Powell, 30.70 seres, 14 w 4 20 H E Parrish to Geo E Chamberlain and H Bryant, interest In 307 acres, 13 w 3 and 3 13O0 Charles Harnish to Harmon Arnold, 1 lot, bl. 1 35 H's A, Albany 350 J B Thompson to Jos Matter, 218.03 acres 11 w a 7000 Root Harrison to Thos Harrison, 110' "3 w 3 3500 C B Montague to S Shupp, 3 lots, bl. 113, He A, Albany ice Frank Armstrong to J B Williams, 44x115 ft bl. 101 IPs A, Albany 1200 R F Aahby to Geo W Hunt, about 1OX13 rods, Harrisburg 400 S Shupp to W H McFarland, 3 lots, bl. 01, M's snd A, Albany 6b Mattie Wyatt to Thos Wyatt, power of Attorney U S to W A Mcpherson, 159.60 acres to W 3 . Jas E Hannon to Wm H Hannon,.25 acres, 13 w 4 Anna M Judy to W D Hannon, In terest In same ss last J H Foster to D B Monteith, 33 feet front block 5, Albany Albany Cemetery Association to Wm Fsber, 1 lot Thos Kay to Jas J Shea,2 lots, Amelia Younger Smelser to R a Clark.oa acres, 9 1 Jss J Shea to Chas Younger, tol Amelia , R Koehler to Thos Humphrey, 2 tots, bl 36, H's 2nd A, Albany.. Thos Humphrey to Sophie Baum- gart, hut mentioned 164 1A4 3300 5 too 3500 i3 1O75 Miss Agnes, daughter of Governor Penn oyer, died st her father's home to Portland last Friday, at the age of ten years. The residence of Rev J L Parrish, st Sa em, was nearly consumed by fire last Moo day. The engineers snd firemen on the Chica go. Burlington St Quincey R R have struck." The assessable property of Colfax, amounts to nearly $1300,000. W- T. Frank Dorris and two other Corral is printers left for California Monday svsnmg. BORN. EC BANKS. On Saturday, Feb. 510,1888, to the wife of J. W. Eubank a boy. NOTICE OF Administrator's Sale, Notice is hsroby given, that the under signed, Administrators de boons bob, of tbs estate of Martin Cootollo. de ess Bid, will offer for sals at public- suction at the dwelling house of tho late Martin Cootollo, about 4 miles north of Hsrrisbarg, Linn county, Oregon, on TswssTst tlm tlth day of Store! commencing st 10 o'clock a. at, and tinning until completed. All of tbe personal property belonging to said estate, to-wit : 70 head of eaiUo, being stock and beef cattle, 16 head of homes, farming implements, wagons, buggy and harness, nod household furn iture, etc., etc Tor 1 s sf sale : Basis cash, on sll soma ef tsu dollars or nnder, cash In hand; on all sums over ten dollars, six snooths time will be given if secured by approved security, with interest st the rate of eight per cent per annum, Sajc Mat, IaSVX Dooouto, Administrators de boons noa of the Bstoto of Martin Coesello, doosseed. AT COST. of Shaao & Lonswa j I will anil the same money in your pockets. No such bar- Goods, Millinery aj Pa HAILjf Albany, Or., Agent fox Columbia Bicycles and Tricyclw. 1 888 illustrated catalogue free. New and second hand wheels constantly in stock.