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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1888)
BSSaWJ SUB T8 JfMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued every Friday by 8TITH8 Se;3SJ XJTTINQ-. THE DEMOCRAT In the test Advertising median) In the Central Willamette Vftiler. Advertising rale made known on sp plioatlon. VOL. XX11I. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1888. NO 31 futtbts PUOFKSSIONAL CARDH. L. H. MONT AN YE. TTO I V AT IW AND Notary Public. Whany Oregon. Otnoo upstairs, ov Joun KrigwV atoro, S si root. v Jn-.itt J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PC BUG,) iTTOHNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. OBKtiO. ILL HUOTIOI IX ALL THK COURTS OF THK lUU Slttoial attention fion tn dollevlions mi, I robsts wsttor. .4TOH In Odd Fellow's Tsropls. (14:1 mar srtox, O, H, I KV1NK WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ,TOtSee ap stairs In' Footer's Block. ALBANY, ORBQON- O. roWRLL W. R. HILT BO POWELL fc BILYEU, .TTORNEY8 AT LAW, At Solicitors in Chancery, A Li II AM Y. ... OREGON. Oolletln promptly made on all points. Ltoana negotiated on reasonable terms. flTOlM In Foster's Brink.: vlnl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Utorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will praetloe In all of the Conrta of . his State. All bnalneaa In trusted to him 111 be promptly attended to. D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, oAoe, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All bnalneaa will receive prompt attention FOSHAY & MASON, . 4KB rus:sritsand Booksellers, Aoenu for John B. Alden's publications, we aell at pv biivher'a prlceo with roatageaGJad. AI.R4MV. OKROOM. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Laugdon. DEALRR IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in first Hat Drug Store, Also a fine a took of pianos and organ. ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, oaitlonarj, Toilet rticles, Etc. PKBSCIIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offloe oor. First and Ferry Street, ALBANY- - OREGON. DR. C. WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms S and 4. Foster's Bloek. ALBANY OREGON. Homeopathic Physician, MRS. M. X. McCOV, M. D HOMEOPATHIC phystcisri, filticn and urnmr of Kirat and Baker Streets, Albany, Oreya, Chronic aetOSSai . specialty. Consultation free, O files hours : 10 a. m. (012 am and It. 6 p. n. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE, 1 Boarding School for Boys ! ! Cond acted by secalar priests and lay teachers. First term operm first Monday In Hep tmHr. Second term opens flret Monday In Fehruary. For proapectus address Rv. F. A. Becker. Vancouver, W. T. Box 108. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed u nd seas . . u lumber , laths al ' mm a m . pickets Kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and as terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall line of Chinese (roods of all kinds on hand. Also rail line or JAPANESE GOODS. 0BE80H PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpone. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Or juickl t andP.rman.nth urn li ill' M or iiiaitnu.ij Lh labralfd w- DR. VIM. KfiACWETIC ELASTIC TRUSS OBIOI WAi, anu ujli uiivmi wytowmir. Iaatautl) reUsvea eW . HoMnrad thooaanda. Ratab'ct 1K.4 I tor FrM IllnsSr'd Pamphlet Mot MtrinTruit. rarnaiMuuin BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. am Low it ivit'g my ifa ; and sinnmrr stock of boots and l ce", I bare aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoo Store, ttnd as complete a atock aa any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I boy a'l my boota and shoes Jireet from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tei how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of m in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe cash. In ladiea', miaaes and children's shoes, I keep ot?io tho largest, best and great est variety in the city. My aim will alwaya be to givo as good value for the money aa fioeaihly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNC. First National Bank OF ALRAN1, OREUOM. Frsai.Unt U ri.iC VI. 1'reai.lent S. K. YOl NO C)ii.r QU. K. CKAUBKKLAIN TKAJCSACTM A OC.VKRAL. SSaSSaj busl A for NTH KKPT suhjsrt to chock. aiOHT RXCHANOE ami tolesrrsphk trurftr, mU on New York, Ami Kraadeou, Cfclcayu and Portl Oaajaa. COLLECTIONS MADE on fvThl terms, ntssc-roes. m. E Yotraa, Oao. E CcuasasLsra i. E Buux, L. rune, Walts R Ti hull, J. L. OCMfAK. . nr. cusick Uwn Vunty Bank, cowan & crsicK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS afaaatal banking business. DRAW RU1IIT DRAFTS on Hew York, Baa Fraa etactand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE depnsit subject to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted lo us will receive pn-mj I H. F. MERRILL, 3B -A. 1ST 3EC 3SS JEl , ALBANY, - - 0REC0N. Set exchange on N.w York, San Kranetsco and Ponland. Buy notes, gta'e, county and c'ty warrants. h- satsdrpuaubisstos)ssa. lassjasl aSHsasl as Urns deposiU. Collections win receive prompt attcnUon. CorreepHMlenos solicited . riruand nunne in r.liaLU' JSTOffloe hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. tn. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSlTt ntTtnt HUUSt. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Orosmn City. Or. January 14th, 1W8, Notice la hereby viven that the follow. ok named settler haa filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe Judge or cierK or lido county, Oregon, at Albany, on the ?lh day of March, laaa, viz: Julius F Hyde, rlotuftstotl Kntry No. 6732 for the W V. N K 1 Hec. 20, Tp. 13, S K 1 west. IIj name tbe followlnjr itnexMsto prove bis continnous resi dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, v'z : Samuel Hawkins, George ttatlih, John D Arthurs and GeorgeHyl veater, all of Brownsville Poetoffice, Oregon. VV . I , HfTKNET, Register, J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agent tor Fire and WIIX WILL, WILL. WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE immmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmm SBBawMaaawawaaawaawaBssaBBBBMBBBWMaMawawu Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Pimples on tho face, and Freckles. Old Sores and Ulcers. Wind in tho Stomach. Headache and Nervous Depression. Scrofula. Summer Complaints. Rheumatism and Goat. Pains in the Bones and Joints. all Skin Diseases. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCOI8T8 AMU GROCERS, SKIN, SCAP, BLOOD. Itsvlnu Iuh'ii a sulterer fnr two ysars aixl a half (r mi a illnonm caiiaeti ky a hrulss on ths lay, and havlnu been cured by the Outlcura RatnoUlea when all other mothotla ami reuiixllss fallstl, I deem It my duty to rscommstul them, I vlaltsd Hot Iprliigs to as avail, and triod ssvorsl doctors without suoosss, and at last our rl sSjpal druifglst, Mr John P Flaiay v whom I vital I svsr feel grwiUfut,) spoke t. me about Cutluura, and I i-oiiaontod u flvo tbem a trial with the hmuI. that I am tiertootly cured. There is now no nli.nil iiuv I tiiink I fi!i mIimw tin- lurgcat aurfacc where mv suffertntrs sprantr from ot any one In the State. The CuOrura H-ine.llea are the beat blued and aln cute niannrai tured. I refer to drufirlatJohn P Pinlay and Or P (' Mmltfmary. butk ol this place and to Hi Smith, ot Laks le, Miss. Ai.KWM.Kii Us4iti, Orssnvlll., Miss, Mr Itoach used thoCuti mra KewwUea, at sur re qtiee, with reeulU as ahovs stated. A. D. Pi ml At sad Co., Pniffist, SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE. Rver sine. 1 can remember, my mother has suffer ! from a milk ley. Nuthliig would do her any suud. She had th Iwat medical talent, hut they all .lid her Seaaaa, uuv ,tlvrm with her v tr thirty yi rty years u sit up and SSI Sf a well day. Sh. w.iilil have hK the nijtbt, nuldi. Ui her ad iii.aiili.g. Khe hd no psace She used all the best known remedies in the oott-Ury wi hout sffsot. I ssfcsd hr Ut try yosr Outlcura IU medles. Oot her a bottls of Cuticurs IU solvent, and sh. took It. and has taken In all about sis or seven hollies and now she h) a wll womsa ts day. Ilsr Isf is eutlrery healed, and hor hnoJth was never bettor. Shi can (O out every da v. something he has not don. In leu ysars, ss you ass I sannot he'p .latin to you about your wonderful Cuttoura hVmwiies. You have saved my mother's life. 1 can not find worda to ssprsss my rreUtude, I hays ad vertised your Outlcura Kemsdles tar and near. Knwsau Li'Kttaa, l&Oft Druadwsy, S Y. CuUeuna, tho yreat skin ears, and CwUeura Soap, preptred It, sUnally, aod Cutlcura rUwdvent. me new blond jmriner, intsraally, area for svsry from of .kin and blood du dtmMsa from ptn SMS to scrofula Sold everywhere. Prie. CuUrura. 60 ; Soap. M : hcnt. SI 1'rri.irr.! by tlis lotUr Prua and c hemical Ob, Bnstaii, Mast. asrasnd for "How to Curs Skin Diseases." M pafes, bO, snd 100 UsUmonUla, l'l.K.S. bUuk hssds. chapped and oily akia BSSiuud by Cutlcura Msdleatsd Soe. Sneezing Catarrh. The disUseslrf sossas. watery dlachsryes from the eves sad noes, the pain ful inflammation .tending to ths throat, ths rwslt In of ths muooas lining, eausias choking sensations' cough, ringing a glass la the hsad and sprit ling head aches, how familiar these symptom, ate to thou sands wh. suffer iisrtodW-sJly tram hsad colds or In fluensw, ar-d who live la igaorano of the fast that a single applicatma ot fmnford's iUdkwl Care tor Ca tarrh will afford insmntansous relief. Bui this UesUamtt la saassof shnpls Catarrh gives but a faint Idea of what this remedy will do in the chronic lutim, where tbe breathing U obalnf tod by choking, putrid nmooiis aocumuuvtroaa, lbs hnartag affect!, smell and las, gtm., throat nleeralsd MM hacking cttgh grarlually taetening lUetf upon the d li In ted systsva. Ttaa It I Out the marrekiussa rati s power of Hanf ord's Radical Cur. man Jot. Hs- etf in aaaaaaaaaesa sad grauful relief. Cure begin. from the Siel application, It Is radios!, permanent, scntiomktai, safe. S, Radical Ours asrhu of one botUs of th. Kllcat I'nre, oae has Catarrhal Bdvent and aa 1m I'Mfl Inhilxr . price. SI. I'-dtw Prug and tetnisal Co., Pains and Weakaessia OV FUJI ALE jjesfre. i asaatt raaavea sj Ihs tirura ami h t lla.trr. a new and m art agree , iniUiiUinttUt and infallibts pata. SMT andkalmwr H itf Warrantsd vasOy aaaavksr to all other ! asUre. and the most perfect anttdoU tn Fain, In fUmmaUou and Weakness yet oomtHrtinrhvl A.I alt inmcivta. ji essit. ; flv. for ft ; or. pout Mrs fraa, of Poller prut and Chsaskal Co., iJootoa, Mass. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City. Or., ) January ilia, IMS, J Notice is hereby given that Sarah A, Koron, heir at laar of Jonathan A. Prine deceeeed, who made Homeatead Entry, No 4310. for the N W 11 ef tt B M of 8eo. 22, Tp U, 8 R 1 W, baa given notice of ber intention to make final proof In support of aatd claim for tbe benefit of all the heirs at law of said deoaaaed claimant, and that nald proof will be made before tbe County Judge ar Clerk af Linu oooty, Oregon,at Albany, Oregon, on Taesaay, Bare fth, lfMMh She names the iollowlncr wltneaaea to prove continuous reetdenoe upon and cul tivation of said land by said Jonathan A: Prine, deceased, via : J K Boatwirk, D. Syl veater, f My venter and U Carrow, all of Iehgnon P. O., Linn oounty. Or, W. T, BCCUfBT, Register, Rass House. Proprietor. This house is now open and furnished with tbe best new furniture. Every thing clean sod oemmodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any ia tbe city. SAM MAT. . SSNDERS MAY fc SENDERS. Dealers in General Murcnandise. HARRISBUBG - - - - OREGON Will boy drain, Wool and all kinds Country produce. Marine Insurance HKKT NWAH INDUSTRY. San Francisco, Cab, Feb. aiet, iSM. Mr. Samutd S. Young, Albany ', Ortgou. DltAa Sir : -The enquiries regarsling the cultivation of Sugar Beets In Cali fornia, and my intentions at to the erection of factories, have become ao numerous that It la utterly Impossible to send a sep nrate written reply to each taillvldual. 1 have, therefore, framed this letter which embraces all the necessary Information that I am prepared to give at the present time. My belief Is that the cultivation of Su gar Beet- will toon be one of the largest agricultural pursults,not only In Callforn la but In all the Western States and Terri tories, both soil and climate being mare favorable to the purpose than even In Gcr many. Tbe failure la the past to menu facture sugar from beets.on a paying basis has been mainly due to the absence of the best availabts machinery. The beets iha were crown have been suitable for the purpose but the machinery has been defl cient. This, however, will be obviated In the future, aa I have secured the right for the whole of the Ualted State, ef alt the latest mechanical appliances and menu facturtag methods that are now in uie in Germany, which Is the largest and mast successful beet sugar prod ud eg country la the world. The soil best adapted for growing Sagar Ucett Is a rich, sandy loam. Beets must not be crown successively in the same soil, aad ther must never be manured ef Land that has produced a crop of beets should be planted in grain the next year, then manured and planted again in grain, and In the third year It may be replanted with beets but it must not be manured that year. Thus a farm of i$o acres would enable a farmer to grow 50 acres ef Sugar Beets In each ycar,and I think I may sale ly say that the 9 acres planted In beets wilt prove more profitable each year than the whole of the other hundred acres that are producing grain at present price The price of beets will be determined by the percentage of saccharine matter that they con tain, a few beets being taken from each load, as delivered at the factory, for analy sis the result of that analysis farming the basis upon which each toad shalt be paid for. By this means the best beets will ah tain the best price, and the farmer will be Oacouraged to careful cultivation. I propose to erect oae factory at Watson ville, at a coat of about $400,000, which will be in full operatioa by Sept. 1st, i888.Thi factory will coasume 350 tans of beets In every 04 hours but be doubled by the fol lowing year. At present tt will require too cords of wood and seven tons of lime daily during the four or five months that It Is tn operation. This will show the necessity for having good supplies of wood and time close to the factory, which should also be near to a line of railroad or to suitable water facilities for shipment of raw sugar to San Francisco. The lime Is a good fertiliser and can be returned to the soil again. The pulp from the beets can Be fed to cattle and will keep them in fine condition. Before erecting a factory anywhere 1 must be guaranteed that at least 2,500 acres wilt be planted In beets every year for a definite number of years. 1 must also be assured of sufficient supplies of wood, water and lime In the neighborhood, and good transportation facilities. It requires from 15 to ao pounds of beet seed to plant an acre of ground. The seed costs 10 cents per pound in Germany rand would probably cost 12 cents per pound here. I am im porting 25 ton, which are now on the way, and some of this will be distributed gratui tously, In small packages, to those who de sire to experiment on thetr farms. But I shall expect In return that those who do make such experiments, from seed that I give them, will send me samples of the beets that they grow,and the soil In which they are grown, for the purpose of analy sts. It must be remembered that the large beets are not the best for making sugar.I the soil be very rich the beets should not be planted more than four inches apart in the rows. If the soil be of good quality the beets should be six inches apart In the rows, and eight Inches apart if the soil be not so good. The rows should always be fourteen inches apart from one another. A factory will cost about $325,000, but for tbe first oae, some of the machinery must be imported from Germany, Sub sequently I anticipate no trouble in its be ing manufactured in this country. A site of from 30 to 40 acres is necessary wher ever each factory is erected, so as to give ample room for the large quantity of ma chinery and buildings, also for the prompt handling of the great number of wagons that will be delivering beets at the same time, so that the wagons may not be de layed and the work of the farmers imped ed. It is Impossible yet to determine where factories should be located. I have re cetved invitations from all sections of Cat jfornia.Oregon and Washington Territory to visit different localities, and I will en deavor to do so as quickly as possible From the foregoing remarks,however,you will be able to form aa idea of what is es sential to the erection of a factory. Such Information as I have forward cd to me in conjunction with samples of soils and bests,will materially assist me in locating the sites for future factories, am, sir, Yours very truly, Claus Spreckbls, President. The seed will be ready for deliveiy next month. The Toledo, Ohio, Blade, republican, says : "We have no antagonism to Mr. Sherman. We honor him for the splend id service he has done. We feei that he would make a safe president, If he could be elected ; but we fear to take the risk of his nomination, because he is not a man who has ever enthused the masses,and net one to ever become a great popular lead er." Umatilla county is having its annual agi tation on the division question. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, XOITRD NT TM9 Women'. Tenpertiei Haiti ssagjer 111 mi mm, jiauxuujLuxqii'i ji ja The W. 0. T. U. meets 00 the 1st nd 8rd Tnefdsv of each month at 3 'dock p. m at tho W. 0. T. U. Hall, ovor Frenob's Jewelry Store. AltUUBHM BY JUHBPMiCOOK. White the Blair Educational Bill was Pndlng at tbe close of the Forty-ninth Coagress, Mr, Joseph Cook, In his Boston Monday Lecturshlp, now in its twelfth oason.spake as follews.Feb. 28, 1887 : TM ORtr Or RUIN O THS THROAT OR It PVRLICa. Of the ten million actual voters In the United States, two million cannot write their names. This ia one ta five ; so that tf I use ray hand as an object-lesson to represent the suffrage of the proudest Christian republic of all time, I must shut one finger to cover the field of illiteracy. ut soml-IIHteracy also Is a great mischief. There are at least two mitlton voters who are not classed as illiterates.and yet do not read enough to be able to cast a thorough ly intelligent ballot. I think you will jus tify me in shutting tbe tittle fiager and Its neighbor (Illustrating by the hand) to rep resent the general effect of lack of educa tion upon our suffrage. What Is left? Here are the two longer fingers represent ing two parties, let us say, of respectable people ; but they are political rivats.They bid against each other for the vote of the illiterate classes. And here is the Satanic thumb of the criminal classes. The whis key rings own more property than the slave holders ever did. They have larger financial interests at stake every year now in their trade, than the leaders of the slave holders' rebellion had in their property In human beings tn any one year previous to the rebellion. If that thumb should be closed over these two Illiterate fingers, that Is, if the dramshop oligarchy should make illiteracy Its political ally, as it has done notoriously in all our past history ; If the ignorant vote should be so tutored by the criminal classes as to be cast for the support of lawlessness, what woutd happen under universal auffrage f This Is a fair question. I am not an alarmist. Some politicians are not saints; some parties care for majorities. Jn the last census, nearly a million of white vot ers are classed as Illiterates. The percent age of Illiteracy In all but five states of the Union in 1880 was large enough to have reversed the results of the last preceding Presidential election in each of those states. (See Orient, Boston Monday Lec tures for 1883, Prelude on "Federal Aid to Education," pp. 1-15.) If onu of those long fingers were to shut Itself down upon that thumb, as the latter lies clasped over those two Illiterate fingers, and were to do this for the purpose of retaining a majority. you would have what I call the grip of ruia oa tbe throat of this nation. Unloose ! Deliver America bondage to the uneducated 1 That should be the tiupreme watchword of the hour. But to unloose It, you must destroy the numbness, the paralysis, the Illiteracy, In these two smaller fingers 1 and you must bring this thumb to a better mind,and each eag finger also. The death grip on the hroat of any nation under universal suf frage Is a combination of illiteracy with the greedy criminal classes, aad with the whiffling classes, the ancient aad not hon orable family of the wax aoses.the weather-vane populations who will go with ma jorities wherever they can be had. (Ap plause.) ix ths trrasury. This bill is a temporary measure. It ap plies not only to the South, hut to the whole North. Massachusetts under this bill would get about a million dol!ara,Ncw York state about two millions. The money Is to be drawn from the sur plus in the treasury. Senator Sherman affirms that this surplus now amounts to not far from one hundred millions of dot lars every year. Why is Mrs. Hunt put in charge ot Sen ator Blair's bill ? Mrs. Hunt has carried scientific temperance Instruction into twenty-seven states and territories ; but in many of the Southern states public schools are open for so brief a period during the year, and are In other ways so weak, that scientific temperance instruction could hardly be Introduced into them. a sound systemdef public schools be made universal in the Southern states, and then temperance instruction can be carried into them as it has been into those of the other states and territories. Mrs. Hunt seems set for the defence of the children of the present generation.and so for the salvation of the republic which they are soon to rule. I ask you to encourage her, both on ac count ef the peril of illiteracy, and on ac count of the peril of Intemperance, and supremely on account of the peril of a combination of these vast forces of mis chief. In the name of the martyrs of the Civil War, in the name of the Fathers whose prayer used to be that good learning might not be buried in their grav'es,unlock from the throat of the nation the grip of intemperance, Ignorance, and partisan greed in unholy alliance ; deliver Amerl ca from political bondage to a coalition of the criminal aad the illiterate classes.(Ap p taste.) Joe Manley says that Mr. Blaine belongs to his party, not to himself, and his party will not allow him to withdraw. If his party wants Mr. Blaine so badly ,how fool ish it was not to take him when it could get him ! Nfk v v Of ho good things of this WK lifo ftre sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 26 and 00 cents, by X As-o vs tv Blood mixiT 18 onl7 TWvvt' Blood Remedy guaran teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup tinM m Rvnhfif tie Poisoninsr. It tmrifies the whole system, ana oaxusnes nu xuieumauo ' -v r . , . , v, 4 and Neur&krio pains. We guarantee it. ' Talk Atxint Life. Our little item about Th. Nast not going to Corvalila in our issue of two weeks ago fairly rattled the Oregon Pacific's little sheet at Corvallia, the Gattte and the boys boil over, pitching Into the Dbsiocrat, Albany job printers and everything generally. The truth is Albany has more life In a day than Corvallis In a week, and there is no better evidence than the Gatttie itself, a sickly sheet that by actual measurement only has slsty inches, or three columns of paying ad vertisement, using a two column advertise ment of Itself, some old llarpert and Alia prospectuses, dead since Christmas, a cheap john book ad., etc., and some clipped edito rials, to fill In with, and for job work there Is no comparison between the Albany offic es and theirs. Talk about life. Bv actual measurement the Drssocrat has ssvsw times as much standing paying advertising aa the GatU It gets a better price lor the same space, notwithstanding It runs the city ordinances for to ceuts an Inch.fangels visits by the way,)and its circulation is three times as large I Besides it gives four or five col umns, space measurement, more live read ing matter. (Patent insides are not sllre. ) There Is this to say, the GautU ia really no indication of Corvallis' prosperity. The Lmdtr has some vim. and is ahead of the city as far as the Gauite is behind it. We know what we are talkiarf about in the above. OtJK r'AKMKKM AXD.THR TAKIKg. hr-r. thr lArriraUurUt is Onnresssd with Ui aseessary Taxes. The Tribunt't statement yesterday that protection has been a sort of blessing in disguise to our farmers will excite public sympathy on account of its extreme and really pitiable weakness. "They realize," remarks our neighbor, "that the protec tive system, by building up other indus tries, has enormously enlarged the de mand for agricultural products." So the farmers are to be satisfied with picking up the crumbs from the monopo iisu tame, are tney the Uovcrnment encourages every industry except that of agriculture, and then tells the farmer that he ought to be proud of the general pros p;rity. because when people havelots of m nry they always want lots of potatoes and turnips. Perhaps the farmer will be very grateful to come In at the toil end of the procession and be allowed to swallow the Uiftt of those who arc ahead of him. Are the products of his farm protected ? Well, ask him, and note his reply. He must sell his wares as best he can, but when he cornea to buy he is pounded and and hounded and hunted by a tariff oa everything he needs. Does he want a new barn ; There Is a tariff on lumber. Does he want to shingle the old woodshed i There Is a tariff on every nail and another tariff on his ham mer. The iron manufacturer Is protected, and the farmer pays tribute to him every time he buys a hoe or a plow. The lumber king takes a few dollars from him. The coal barn follows suit. The glass trust taxes him for every window pane, and even when his child is sick and the doctor pre scribes a dose of castor oil he finds a dutv of over too per cent on the medicine The only consolation he has comes from the mortgage be has been forced to put on his land and home. Slender consolation, that, but it is his share of his beneficent protective system, aad it's about all he gets too. That mortgage has a way of increas ing itself, and the Interest must be prompt ly paid or the farmer will run across a fore closure and become a tenant Instead of an owner. That is the way the present system works, and we venture to say it is a very bad showing. Our farmers can't afford to be fooled much longer by the fallacies of protection or they witl have nothing left. OEYOE & ROBSON have moved into their new store building, w her e they can be found with an immense stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, CUT LER Y, SILVERWARE and AMMUNI TION. Come one, come all and get their prices. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's SarsaparUlfs. This preparation is most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation of food, restoring the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalising the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I was troubled, with a distressing Cough. Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness, I tried various remedies nre eslbod by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I am now as healthy and strong aa ever. Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well aa an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. W. P. Fowler, M. D., D. D. 8., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would bo impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians, and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disap- S oared, and my stomach performed its utias more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Hurley, Springfield, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the irompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It oneB and invigorates tho system, regu latos the action of the digestive and assiiuilativo orgaus, and vitalises the blcoil. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. H. 1). Johnson, 383 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, XL Y. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rrcp.ved iiy Br. J. C. Aver ft Co., Lowsll, Mass. I'rico rii -, tix bottlea, 60. Haw n mam mum company. ALBANY, Capital Stock, 8300,000. -cVIID insr OA8H, $55,000. OFFICERS : rV WOLVERTON. . J. K. VAA,vuviy J- W. 0U8IO1C DIRECTORS : R. 8. Stbabajt, J. W. Ccsice, Chas. E. Wolvebtox, J L. Cowam. 0 F. Siirpsojr, J. K ISldkkkin, SAFE, SOUND, CONSERVATIVE. A Square Company, Managed by Square Men. Deals with Square People. Patronize Home Enterprise. IMPORTERS S CENGER, BfiiRTf JOBBERS ; ss a s an -tr " I TDfRtAR, jM mil VUU' HraaSBtRtnWasaB 23, 24, 26, 28, 30 & 32 Lake Street, New and Second Hand Store Owing to tbe increased demands of Otrr business) we bave Loan compelled to mows into a larger store and we can now bo found next door to H. E, Young, wtsoap wo will be Blessed to ses our patrons. If yon need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpet,! picture, fro ft Jare, trunka, booke.roller skatos-addlos, aawa, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and use. articles you can not do better this aids'sf San Francisco than ron can do with as on s purchase or exchange, M. FRANKLIN & CO. 128 First Street,! Albany, Or. U W. CLARK, Portrai , Photographer, S.e Inge by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedaie's Building. ALBANY, ... OREGON Palace Heat Market J. V. PIPE, PROPRIETOR FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will lr .t.-(l . , .11. ... r vvuoHa,ij uuf uant.1 pas, mutton, park, veal, sausage, etc., the best meats and largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all klndsof fat stock. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery ;iots planted and attended to. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PROPKIBTOBS Albany Trick and Dray Co., Nc, 1. Goods handled with care and dispatch. DR. C. I. BARTLEY, Physician and Surgeon, Tangent, Linn County, Oregon, T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public Administrator's Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the nn ersicn i X a s ed haye this day been appointed Admisistra- tors of tbe estate ot John w lycer, deceased late of Linn county Oregon. All persons having slaims aoainst said estate are hereby rarmired to nresidnt the ums nrnnnrlo van lied to the undersigned at Browns vill 3, Ore gon, within six months trom this dat 3. This 15th day of February, 18S8. Missouri Tycir, Leonard Tycis, Adxt'rs. OREGON. O- p r. t Vies Prasidoat. Seerotery snd Msttefor, Treasurer. Chas. M osteite. sT. 0. WsiTSMAJf. D. B. MOMTEITH. lr CHICAGO, ILLS. 12 1-2 CEHT Sim A New Thing in Albany. My 5 cent, 10 cent, IS cent and 25 cant sounters are loaded with articles worth twine their price. SEVERAL THOUSAND articles on them, of a oat vari v tvi v of ' Bargains. Hero they are, and everybody la astonished, Next went of 8fcwart fc Sox's Is tbe 13)4 vjut. oiore. G. W.SIMPSON. Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR 07- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8ts., z DEALER IN Canned Fruits, Cannes Stents, Glnsswnre, Qaeensware, Dried Frntta, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Cestee, Ete,, In fact everything that Is kept in a gen ral variety and grocery store. HigbeM market, price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. NORTHERN BROWN PUNTT AND SEEDS Are acknowledged ths beat, being hardier, more productire and yield better crops. FUCK ILLUSTRATE! CATALOGUE OKI ailing only th. Ust T.ri;lw. sssQaj Sjss aa saaaV cattoe. WRITS roe IT. L. X., 00., jPtoaarrs and Sccosmsn, St. Pauv, Minn. . Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaney, of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Laws of Business prepared by Prof. Parson's ol Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not afford to be without. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3106 California St., San Francisco, Cal. ANNUAL MEETING-, NOTICE is hereby given thai tbe an nual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Albany Building Association will be held at the Opera House in Albany on Monday March 19, 1888 at 7:30 p. m. for the elec tion of directors and such other business an may come before the meeting, Bated Feb'y 28, 1888. Jay W. Blaih, Sec'y. ChasPfeistkb, Pies. sf