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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1888)
sHHVsVBHBV(M0slnBVHn1Ms' Wm. Foitmiller & Co,, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-olass Hearse JET" After bud om hour call at residence fifth and Dakar streets. Red CrownMills ROM, LANNINU & CO., PROFITS. norm surxaioa worn vamp-us AJTD BAJC1 BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Andrews & Hackieman, VYLDOUGLAS $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. . - OREGON THE YAQU1NA KOUT. Oragoo Pacific Railroad, Oragoa Company'. ship Lin. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class through paeeewer ai freight line from Portland and all points in tee Willamette Valley to and train ban Francisco, uai. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Hon." Tbe "N. 8, Beat ley," Tbe "Three Slater" are in service for both passenger and freight traflta be tween Csrvallla snd Portlaiid snd inler inediats points, leaving Company' wharf. Oorvallia, and Messrs. Mulman dt Cos wharf, Nee. 200 and 202 Front tit,., Port- I, three times a wsek aa follow : NOK1I1 I..H M. Lssiv.. ..naihs. M m.. VV...I. and Friday, 1UUUA, M. Ut't A Unr, Muudtj . W d. and rrtda), tX.tM hoou. Am rurtSMHl, lue , Hiu. and HatunUv, &.. M SOUTH HUUXU. Ur. FifUend. Mot... Wad. aad Friday, 8 00 A. M, Is Albany. Toe.. Tbure. uh Saturday, 1:0) u. M Arrive OKvaili. T., Ins. end haiada). 4. Si P. Boats make close connection at Albany with trains of the Oregon Pacific KailroaU. TlatKSOHXPLlK. (eaoept gaadays) Lsev Albany, l ow T. a. Leave Yaqaiaa, J:S0 A, a L.v CorvalU, l:t7r.S. L Corrallla.lUJM a.S. Arr.v. Vacuus, iJ r. s Arm Albany. 11:15 a. a. O A C. trail a connect at Albany and Corvallts. '1 he above trains connect at Yaquina wdh the Oregon Ieveiopmnt Company' Line of bteemauips between Yaquina and sUn Francisco. MA1&.IMO DATES . rtAssaa, rsos saa raascmoo. Willamette Valley, Thur.,Fek. IMA Tu,reb,Uth. Xero Oregon, Tu,, Fab, Mlb, suu fab.lvUi WiliasMito VaUay, Sun . rb. 1MB, , FS. tU. SSI i it. Oraarvn. Sat., Fab , tSU, Tbur, The Company .serves .he right to ohacge Mailing dates without notice. N. U. Pssaengars from Portland and Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the train ol the Ysquins rsute st Albany or Corvaliis, snd il des tined to (ten Francisco should arrange to arrive at Ysquiua the evening before data of ending. rsMeager sad r. eight stale always the Leweel. For Inli lift aefdy to C J steart. Freight and Tickat Agent, Albany, or to C H Uaaarall. Jr., O. F. St r. Ajrt,, Oree-vo lvetop stent Co., SU4 Moiitg-ogssry St., Baa Fnuicuco, Oal. C. V. liol.l a.. A. O. F. and P. Agent, Oragoo Pacaac R RCo. (JorralBa, Or. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -sTIA- Oregon & California It. K, AND CONNECTIONS. TDK NT. SB ASIA BOI1K. batwaan Albary and saa FrweUe?, 16 bouri. rmri vT'S. mmm OAurouu Exraaaa us star. SosS North 00 r. s. I Lea Portland Arrive j 10:40 a S:06 r S I Uaa Albany Leave I 7:06 a s 7:40 a s An ire gas If. auclaco hear j &M t M local rAsamaas rati dailt Except Sansay). a: 00 A a tear Portaiad Arrir. S:4r 151:40 rs I Leave Albany Leave 1146 AS 1:40 rs fArrtv Bsres Leave it CO a s lso ai. PAMaaesa rsAia aaav, axcarr ilmdat. :10 r a I Leave Albany Arrive 2 as 0:M r s J Arrive Lebanon Leave 6;C a S H.fiOra I Leave Albany Arrival 2:4ra 1:30 r s Artlvo Lebanon Leave I:0o r M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. KXt l ltalOM MLEEPEKH for Seeeae 'lsa Psaaeager en all ihrmagh trala FKEB OF 4 HAKCE. Weat Side tlvl.l.N. FOBTLAXS) AXB rtlV4LEia. BTWKEN sAit vaaia bailv (caaeptHauday.) ff a s I Leave Port land Arrive 0:16 r It r u A rn va Corv allla Leave 1 JO p sxrasaa Taaiaa dailt (axejpt iunday.) tlsoTa Leave Port tend Arrive 0:00 a m ajQOps Arrt- McMiwnvilUj Uve B.45 a a Oregon Faoisa satiroad Far fall Inforwaelos rjrarli"g rates, nape, etc., oal) on Company' Agent. B. KOBHLXR, E. P. ROGERS, any i PaaiAseat MRS. B. HYMAN, next east of 8. E, Young', Albany, Or, Gutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPINC OUTFITS, ANO STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesday snd Thttrsdeya of each week, and pitinp 'lono toouleron plaque and -i Ik r material. Nice avsor mnt ofArtiat-. materiala on oand. "Yi fv V that are f retf ul , poevlah, 1JWOVCV cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Paine, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence la safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, mtde mbe'Hble by that terrible eeugb. Shiloh's Cure Is the remedy for yon. Do You Want Furniture ? IF YOU DO 00 TO W.H.W1LLARD where you will find the beat make and fluent finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alao a fine line of PICTURE FRAMES, and a buuderd dlflfereut stylsa of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. Tbe largeat and bent a took of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept in Albany. Prices reasonable. ALBANY COLLEQJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. rtral Term Opens eepaameer 13th, leaf. A tall eorpe of Inatruotors,-- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet the seed of ell grades of student. Sfnial indtnemrnlt ojured to students fvOU MhfO&ii . Tuition ranges from 6.50 to tllr.SQ, Board In private fini'lea at tow rates. Room, tor self-boarding at email expense. A careful aupervUlou exercised over stu dents away from home. Fell iniiu opens September 7tb, For circulars snd full particulars sou res tne rroaiuont. MKT. KLEEfsT X. COftUIT Albany, Oregon, Assignee's Notice. V OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 lo ail whom it my oencern, that W. K. Price, of Sole, Oregon, did on the Uh dsy of January. 188 (he then a being ineolven. and unable to per hie creditors in full) lawfully assign to me a).1 nts property for the benefit or all ats cred itors. Therefore all person having claims agalast tbe said assignor VV. K. Price will hereby take notice or said assignment ana present their claims under me at my place or business in Hcto,Linn coonty, Oregon, within three month a from the date hereof. Dated January 20tb, 1888. J, 0. JoHMeov. Aaaignee v , H. BlLTBC, Attorney for Assignee. Notice for Publication. Land Office st Orsgon Citv, Or. ) Baoeaibar 2tKh, 1887. ( Notice i hereby given that the folios iuz nsuicd etller ha tiled notice of hi. intention to make ttnal prosf io support of Hia elaim, and that aald proof will ! ntAio In f.rc the Coonty Judge or Clerk of Linn ceanty, Or., st Albany, Or., on I'rldsy. March !, 1800, via : John (.srrett, flonicted Kntry, Ne. 4797 lot tas 8 f st 8 W t sad Lot I snd 2, Sac. 28 and 33, To. 13, I K 2 W . Wtllam tie lieridiao. H names tbe fsilowing wit sjssssa to prove hta oontioaoa resideooe up on, asd cuiiivstiwn of, eaid land, vis : F M Hearing. John Varrn, John Rebbsuand U l'HoDnett, all of Browoaville, Lion csaoty, Urvgon. W. T, Bi'KXgT, Kgiater. FARM AT A BARGAIN. The undersifcued offer for ssl his farm of 275 aero 6 miiea north of Harris be rg on a an at. in nrrourg, reon. sou Ainsny wgoo. - . , t . rosy!, 2 mils from wsrsboass on tbe Wil-1 Cch Prnct lametts liver, Smiles frm Hley on tbslEaat Albany.. 04 tj railroad, one-fourth of s mils from I West Albany eobeol bouse, all fenced in 8 departments, a a a mttm m bsatdso smsli lots, 170 acres is cultivation, ,5 seres oak grab, not heavy, 55 acres grow mg wheat, 30 seres mors cow land io culti vation, making 93 acre ia good condition for wheat th i fall and will aooobsaown. 150 yoong fruit trees. ButMiags fair. Pries 825 per acre. Teresa easy. For parties lass call on or address C. C. JACKAoy, Hslsey, Oregon Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. 1 December loth, 1887. J Nstice is hereby given thst the follow Ing-nsmed settler has filed notice of his Intention to mske final proof in support of his claim, and that aald proof will he msd.j before tbe County Judge or Clerk of juinn county, Oregon, at Albany, or., on Meadsy, rebraary ttth, lass, viz : George W Miller, Homestesd Entry No. 5389. for the W U of S W snd 8 W of N W X, 800. 14. Tp. 13 8 R 2 W.W.M, He names the loilowiag witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said Isnd, viz : N. D. Cobb of Albany, and J. M. Zoo man snd J. N Combe, of Browuaville and O. F. Syltc tor, of Sodavllle, Or. W. T. BTJBKKY, Register For 1039 is better than ever, and should b In the handi rLAII I 9 r DULDOs Ulna Z Colored PlataC innwnci. or liiiutratinns.aiin tirurlv 15o nav, tallln what to buy, and where to ct It, and naming lotveat price, for lionet SBSSI includisg Certlfteate good for 10 ci-tiU wortb of nsm or ot IDE only lOcentt, - iw cvn 1 worm , SI'RDHMi JAJtt8 VXCIi, HREDHMAlf, Itochcater, ft. T. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Linn County. VL. E. Woodward, Plaintiff, vs. Chxrlea Woodward, Defendant. To Charles Woodward the above named Defendant : IN the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint of tbe shore named Plaintiff in tbe abov r-ntitlsd Court now on file with tbe Clei k of aald C urt witbin ten days from the date of the service of this Summona upon you if served in Linn coonty, Orsgon, but if served in any other county in the 8tste of Oregrn, than with in twenty days from tbe date of the ser vice of this Sumirona upon you, or if served outside of this State or by puollua tion, then hy the Unit day of the next regulsr term of the Court following to wii: the 12th day of March, 1888. And you are hereby notified that if you lail to an awer aald complaint aa hereby required the Plaintiff will apply to the Court fr the relief demanded in the om plaint, to wit : a decree diasolvlng the bonda of instii mony now exlating snd for tbe care, oua tody and control of tlie minor child, Kthel M Woodward and for the coata and die bursementH and auch other relief as may be equitable Thin sunimona 14 publlahed by th order of the Hon. K. P. Boise, Juda ige of, said Court made January 29tb, 1888. J. K. Wkathbrkosb, Attorney for Plaintiff. Site Democrat. FFICIAL ij and JAPER. IlOltlNO THE JAW. Put an auger-bit in the bead of a graaabopper or tno.milto (uaturalutK sav ill luttrr hu a auw-tlianed contrivance to cut the fleah with,) and et him to work to bare through the cases and jaw. Let him be bl enough and atrong cnoug io handle B man, get him down and begin operation If auch aevegery could be rcalUed, It would be no worse than a Jumping tooth ache. The old comic alma nac uacd to have a picture al a man. hU mouth tilled with water ai.rt aeated on a hot atove waiting for It to bell ThU w an called a cure for the toothache Grim joke. But It perhapa aulted the timet a there was then nothing known to give nutantancou and permanent relief, and the joke liiuatrated the deapcratlon of the uffcrer aa well. But not ae now. At eatt we are aure from the following that onto men have found aure comfort and . m . a s s a cure, at once, a they teatlly : etr. veo. W. Harris, Hagerttown, Md., wrltea June 8th, 1887 : "I auffercd with neuralgia, cautcd by a defective tooth ; waa advlaed to rub my gum with St. Jacobs Oil ; did a and waa relieved thoroughly.' Mr. George A. Crimea, 938 Lemon treet, Baltimore, Md., May nth, 1887, states : "1 suffered severely on several occasion with jumping toothache, lasting once several days, when I waa cured Immediately by St. Jacobs Oil." Mr.J. S. DePalos, ioj6 Opera Building, Chicago, III., May 5th, 1887, says he was not only cured of tooth- sche by St. Jacob Oil, but found great re lief In ita use for sore feet snd chilblains. Mr.Val. Steinbach, 1648 Jnd street. New York, write February lad, 1887 "My wife suffered with toothache, and nothing would give her relief. She tried 8t Jacobs Oil and was cured at once. Mr. John Gutmon, Sherman, Ky., writes February, 1SS7 : "Have ued St. Jacob OH about ten years, it always cured tootnacne in aosut a .a a t a . ten minutes." Mrs. Margarethc Schroder, Wct Webster, N. Y., states February 7tht 1887 : "St. Jacobs Oil Is eicellent for toothache." Col. A. G. Alford, Baltimore, Md., March 9th, 1887, aaya ; "1 was suffer intr terribly for several days with aa ul. cerated tooth, and could get no relief till I tried St. Jacobs Oil, which relieved me inauntly." It Is a relief, therefore, thai not alone killa pals, hut takes away all orcneas. Sleep comes, and that enda It. LissCoasty Pemseretic Ceavestios. A Democratic Convention for Linn coun ty to elect delegate to the State Con ven tion and to nominate a full county ticket will be held in Albany on Saturday, March iith, 1 888, at io o'clock, a. m. Primary meeting to elect delegate to said con ven tion will be held in the several precincts of the countv at the usual place of voting on r Saturday. March i7th, 1S88, at 2 o'clock p, m. The several precincts will be entitled to delegate as follows, being one delegate lor everv i vote caat for Mr. Butler for Con- irrcaa in 1886, and one for every fraction of 35 above ia votes and one ucicgste st isrge a a aa . Liberty a Lebaoon 6 I Hrewnavillc 8 S a a a 7 Orleans Hrush ( reck 3 sjwect Home Craw forda vllle. 3 ado. Center 3 8antlam 5 P Vallev t dhedd' 3 Franklin Butte..... 5 Syracuse HanKburg .o Waterloo 4 Halaey Rock reek 1 W. R. BiLvgf, Chairman. T. J. Bt-ACK, Secretary. The Very I hsye added to my boot and sAoe stock a line of the oslehrsted Laird, Sekober Mitchell, PhiUuUfphia Fin Aoe for ladies, misses snd ebtldree. Aekuswledged by dealer generally to be the best yalos snd beet fitting fine shoe made. Widths C. D. K. and EE. A child saa bay aa eheau as a man. SamuklK. ocno, Sols Agent, Albany, Oregon. Teacher Kxaraiaall .11. Notice is hereby given that the regular public quarterly examination of teachers will be held at the Court House in Albany, commencing at noon on Wednesday, Feb ruary 29m, isoo. Alt those dCMiring to paaa examination will please take notice and be present at the beginning. i. V. S Reii, County School Superintendent. ".Nothing to Kqual It." "I have leeii aellitig Suumona Liver Keg ulator for the past six yesr. My customers pron-'unc it the Lest ever need. Ouo of my esstoniers whose health waa in s wi etched condition from s very bad and stubborn ease of dyspepsia, used the Regulator ai.d waa etifirel cured. I am using it myself for torpid Liver, eansed by close confinement. I find nothing ho equal it and highly recom mend ita ma." Respectfully, C. P. Hibky, Druggist, Edingburg, Va. Tint's Pills stlmiilstoM the lorp'rt liver, strength en tltudlgeMtivv orirmis, regulates the bowels, and are uiiculed us an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malnrlol dialrlct 1 heir virtues ars widely tc'iiil..d. um lliey possess pec ullur proper . Urs In treeing the ay stem from thut polsou. Klsgantly sugar eoated. Homo Miuail. fries, USets. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. 6,000.000 peons m CO. toss the Largest Seedsmen DAvwi in tns won a. B.strei&YAOO's Bv, BotwI. MM Uv.uad.rtM 8EED E ANNUAL For 1883 n will be mailed REE TO ALL appUeaats, and to last season's ouatomat artto- ont ordering it. Invaluable to all. Everv peraon oass Carden,Fieiu?Fiower OCCUd it. Addraat 9. M. FERR Y AGO. .Detrolt.Mloh. a p-3 TEMPIE1H0B DEPAMMMT HD1TBD BT TBB WimeiU ChrtitiiB Temseriiei Uiiii a - Tbe W. a T. U. meete on tbe Ul end Bid Tueidsy of each mpnth aid o'clock p. at tbe A. 0. U. W. Hall, over v rench 'a Jewelry ftiore. Mrs. Mary T. Lathfop Is to leetare at the Chautauqua assembly next summer. Seventeen counties In Michigan Includ ing the one the capital Is in, have "gone dry" under local option. Miss Narclssa White has been called to Washington to aid In the campaign for prohibition In the District of Columbia. Ia Albany to have Walter T. Mills, the prohibition organiser ? Saa Buenaventura, Cel., the county scat of Ventura county, hat wheeled Into line. By vote of ita Town Board, no license Is to be granted therein for the sale of apirltu. ous or malt liquor after July 1st, 1888, and no license in California means nowhlaky It has about three thousand inhabitants and twenty seven saloons ; time something was done. Col. George Woodford com mences work in that ceuntv oon, and at w grand result ere anticipated. In Leeds and Rcnfew counties, Canada, the whisky element hat determined to prevent the enforcement of the Scott Act at any coat. Many buildings, including a church and a tannery have bean burned, five constables assaulted and stoned,cburch officers ordered to dismiss their pastors on penalty of having the church buraed.and the lives of Dr. Ferguson, M P., and other leading temperance men are threatened KAN AM, Boh Burdctte, who has lately spent con sldorable time travelling in Kansa, glee some oahls impresalena In the Blettrical Revinu of the 14th Bah, wherein he says "But the land of Kasaas Is a wonder. J town no bigger than a voting precinct wil have street cars and electric lights and corner lots. It just makes a maa's hack ache to look at Wichita. Street -car lines running twenty miles out lab the coun try. Six universities going up. The very ground a quiver with excitement ana growth. Different from anything yoa ever saw In your lite. Everything booming ex cept tne saloons, a hows that you can boom a town clear up into the millions without the aid of one wUhkey ahop. The old Idea waa that when you boomed Western town you started in with a saloon every other door, and a church or two came along by-and-bv. In Wichita you stumble over the churches and get tang led up amoag the colleges and lost In the labyrinth of 'home' and reading rooms, but yon have to sneak around and learn the ropes and lie a little to get a drink And yet the boom goes on. AN ' vi l Mi AND MC1KNTIF1C FACT A few years ago a call waa issued from London, England, to the scientists of the world to assemble for tbe discussion whatever scientific subject might be pre sented ; every ststement to undergo most rigid scrutiny. One member said ; "To bscco I not injurious. I have chewed It for fifty yesrs, and my father for sixty years, without perceptible damage. AI this hue aad cry about it is aansense." The actuary answered, "Step forward, air, and let us canvass this matter thoroughly How much do you chew ? "I chew reg ularly three quids per day, of about this else," cutting them from his plug. Oae ww given to a Russian and another to a French chemist, with "please return their extract." Theathe actuary aald, "Will any yossg man unaccustomed to the use of tobacco chew this third quid before the audience Here are twenty dollars to any one who will." A voung man teaeed forward. The audience waa requested to scan hla looka, cheeks, eyes and general appear ance, before he took it, and closely watch its effect. He soon became pale from sickness, then vomited, and anon fainted before the assembly. The extract from one quid was given to a powerful tom-cat He Aew wildly around,and then aad there died. The other extract was put upon the tongue of a premium dog, which uttered a yelp, leaped frantically, layed down and expired. These facte transpired before the world. They are recorded in the moat scientific repository of this century or any other, In a volume which costs $3o a copy. They cannot be controverted. Every con sumer of tobacco In either form, is a prac tical witneaa that these are Its precise ef fects, by his own initiation to its use. See page 353, vol. 1, "Life Ita Factors, Sci ence and Culture," by O.S. Fowler, LL.D. Mrs. Mary B. Wiltard, with her young- eat daughter, Mary, arrived at Rest Cot tage on the last day of January, with health much recuited from her two years and a half abroad. It is earnestly hoped by the white ribbon women, that Mrs.Wii lard will resume the temperance work In which her brain and heart have been so long and so fervently enlisted. Miss Kate Willard is in Washington by invitation of Mrs. Cleveland, and will toon join the ranks of women workers ; having prepar ed herself In Germany for a position aa a church or concert ainger and teacher. It is not true at has been intimated.that Mitt Willard has been preparing for the opera tic stage. The rats have become so annoying around Washington, Pa., that the farmers have In stituted "rat hunts," forming parties to drive the animals together and kill them. W. C. Condit, leading the party at a recent hunt, succeeded in killing 7,000, and Captain S. 1). Miller, as Captain of the other party, scored 5,463, making a total 13,463 Ablg supper followed -Eastern En, Worse than I hirtamen. Gen. Neal Dow, in an interview with a Now York correspondent, talked of the third party and its influence In the coming campaign. Dow said he thought the re publican party everywhere was as thor oughly committed to the liquor interest as the democratic party. He thought the prohibition vote would be greatly increas ed at the next presidential election, and that the third party would poll 50,000 votes In New York state. The prohibitionists would concentrate their efforts in New York and do some work in Ohio. Gen eral Clinton Fiske, of New Jersey, would be their standard-bearer.Jacksonviile Times. 133 persons were lynched in the U. S during 1887. Oregon only had about its share. Texas had the most, sixteen. UKOKUIA'M HEROINS. One of tbe most picturesque figures of Re oluUoeary days that hes never been admitted to the pages of history -Nancy Hart known throughout the South aa 'The Giantess" and the "Heroine of Geor gia' She lived in the wilderness of El- bevt county ,and supported herself and her children hy hunting and trapping. Nancy waa oMMr aix feet in height, and with her mop of red hair and crossed eyes the as surodiy was not prepossessing. But one of horcontemporarles writes : "Her voice was quiet and soft,and If she had the cour age of a man,she had beneath It the warm henrt of a women." She espoused the Whig cause vehe mently from the first outbreak of the Re volution. Six British soldiers, when pur suing deserters, came to her cabin and cemanded food. She cooked them a good dinner, and while they were eating it hid their guns, drove away their horses, and ocklng the doors, sent word to her neigh bors : "I have trapped ix btte1ric come and hold them for me." During the winter, la the dUguise of man. he freouently entered the British camp In Augusta and carried to Colone Clarke the Information she gained there On one occasion when a freshet rendered the ford across the Savannah river impas sable, she made a raft of legs, bound to gether by wild grapevines, and crested triumphant I y under fire of the enemy to the camp of the Georgia troops. Another day, meeting a puny little British soldier on the road, she took his gun from him and marched him before her into the Geor gia camp. So greet was the confidence of the col onists ia her discretion and valor that she was once left by Colonel Clarke in com mand of a fort filled with women and ejhlldren. A company of British skir mishers attacked it.hut Nancy, herself la uniform, forced the scared women to put n their husband 's clothes, and to show themselves on the walls,while she kept up so vigorous a fire from the old cannon that the enemy fled end reported the fort to be fully manned and equipped. After the war Elbert county was invad ed by two or three peaceaole squatters. Nancy fled before them. She packed her goods oa a pair of mules and emigrated into the wilderness of Kentucky ,declering that "so many neighbors left her no sir to breathe." Among her descendants have heen statesmen and aoldlert. Much of their pbysicel and mental vigor doubtless came from the old huntreaa,Nancy Hart. A COMFUaXKEO. Al tt TALE. A good story was told at the recent din ner of the Stylus Club about the narrow escape from death of a well-known mem ber of the New York press In St. Andre w's Church this city. The gentleman In question, who, by the way, is quite a cele brated organist himself, (pipe organ, not hand brgaa,) waa wandering through the organ loft of St. Andrew's Church when he slipped end fell Into the dlapson pipe of the huge Instrument. He went down feet foremost into the cone of the pipe until he was firmly wedged. The more he struggled the tighter he wedged himoelf, and, being shout twelve feet from the top of the pipe, the air soon began to give out.and he became frighten ed et the idea f dying in the prison where accident had lodged him. ilia frantic shout for help did no good. After spending a night in this dangerous and dismal hale, and having In his strug gle t ripped off his coat, lie wound It about hla waist, 00 that no air could escape from below. Soon he heard the sonorous tone of the organ, end to the welcome and in spiring strains of "Arise, my soul, arise. Shake off thy guilty fear !" He aaceaded the pipe until he could reach the top with hi hands. Then he knew that air had been pumped la below him, and that hy gradual compreaaion of the air he had heen forced up as through a pneumatic tube. As he drew himself out of the pipe he gave one hearty and fer vent shout of "Saved !" which rang above the tone of the organ and nearly fright ened the organist Io death. Aa none ot the gentlemen who heard the recital of this sublime narrative can attest npoa their oath that It Is a prevari cation, they are obliged to let it go down to posterity as a true story. N. Y. Prem A sportsman la e man who spends all day eway from his business, $3 for powder and shot, and comes home at night tired, nun gry and ugly, with a fourteen cent duck by tne lege. Head the Death Itoll which the bills of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, and you wil find that renal and vssical maladies, that is to say, those that effect the kidneys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence we had almost said preponderance Blight's disease and diabtes in the chron- c stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou ble merely amounts to Inactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nulli fied by that pleasant renal tonic and dl uretic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which mparts the requisite amount of tone to he organs, without over-exciting them, and the use of which is convenient, and involves no elaborate preparation. Dye pepsia, a usual concomitant of renal com plaints,and debility .which they invariably produce, are remedied by it. So also are constipation, malarial, rheumatic and nerv ous ailments. Worth Knowing. Mr, W, H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla. waa taken with a severe cold attended with a distressing con eh and running Into consumption in ita first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and ateadiiy grew worse. Was reduced in fleah. had diffloultv in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and found immediate relief.and after using about a half dozen bottlea found himself well anu has had no return of the disease. No othor mmwW can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption. Uuaranteed to do just what is claimed for it.-Tr1a! bottle free at Foahay A Mason's Drug Store. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of codec or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolute ty harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy euro, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunks u have been made tem perate men who have taken Golden Specific ia their coffee withrmthelr knowledge, and to-day believe they qu.4. drinking of their own free will, IT NEVKhvFAJLS. The system once impregnated with the Specific It becomes so steer impossibility for he liquor appetite to exist For foil particular addre3 GOLDEN SPECOTC 00., tW Reee s. Cincinnati, 0. Whit It this Disease that Is Coming Upon Us ? Like a thief nt night it fiteals in upon u unawares. The pa tients have puiiiH about the chest and Hides, and soiiretimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in the morning. A sort of aticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is pxr. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; ra&fttfrtte a firing all gone sensation at t he pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The even aie sunken, the hands and feet become cola and clammy. After a while a cough tufa in, at first dry, but after a few month h it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest Af ter a time he becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive: the skin is dry and hot sMiuies : the blood- becomes thicx and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and higli colored, de positing a sediment after stand- lin. Ihere is neuuentiy a -j-p- Hjntting up times with v. , e, i 1 . 01 iuc iooi, some- a sour taste and with a sweetish . . sometimes taste; this is irequenuy at tended with palpitation of the heart; the v'mion becomes im paired, with spots before the eyes; them in a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc, etc, but none ot these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspepsia. It is also found that Siiaxer Ex tract of ltoots, or Mother Sei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BETTJCB THAW COTTON. Mr. John C. Hemptmstall, of Chulafirmee, Cleburn Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Kx tract of Roots or Seigel's Syrup that she says she woidd rather be without part of her food than without the medicine It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to set it into the hands of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell in this State better than cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Vorner, Ripley Co, Mo., writes that she had been long afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots, liev. T. J. McGuire, merchant of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four yean and never knew it to fail. SUE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me. I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life Among the Shakers," which described my disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by atjaPruggists, or address the proprietor. A, J. White, Limited, 54 Warren ot, INew York. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon jor the county of ..inn. Mary A Oiblsr, Plaiutiff. va . C. A. Gibler, Defendant. To O A Gibler, the abve namnd Defen dant, IN the name of the State of Oregon i Yoa are hereby required to appear snd answer the complaint of the above Plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, on or before the 12th dsy of March, 1888, that being the first ju dicial day of the March term, 1888, of said Court : and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint. hereby required, the Fiamtitf will apply to the Court for the relist demanded therein, to-wit : a decree against you dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff aud Defendant, awarding to Plain tiff the cars, custody and control of the min or children, Mary A Gibler, Lou vents Gibler and A C Gibler, and for the costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed. This Summons is published in tbe Stats Rights Democrat by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at Cham bers in the city of Salem, Oregon, snd dated January 23rd, 1888. D R. N. Blackburn, Attorney for Plaintiff; , POPULAR SCIENCE. The lowest barometric pressure on rec ord is 37.135 Inches, which was observed in 1885 during a storm over the Bay of Bengal. This storm was alio remarkable for its smallness its diameter being only from 100 to too miles for its fierceness and for its Indraught toward the centre. Extended observations at Paris end at Munich Indicate that the sanitary condi tion of a locality depends on the amount of water contained in the irround. The years in which there has ben a large quantity of ground-water present have In variably been the healthiest, years, while those in which there has been smaller quantity have invariably been the un healthlest periods. Paper "window glass" is now said to be an assured fact. As described 'A win dow pane is made of white paper, manu factured from cotton or linen, and modifi ed by chemical action. Afterward the pa per i dipped in a preparation of camphor and alcohol, which makes It like parch ment. From this point it can be moulded and cut into remarkable tough sheet en tirely transparent, and it can be dyed with almost the whole of the aniline colors, the result being a transparent sheet, showing far more vivid hue than the best gla exhibits." It has been shown that the odorifcrou molecule of musk is Inflniteslmally small. No power has yet been conceived to en able the human eye to see one of the atoms of the aausk, yet the organs of smell have the sensitiveness to detect one. Their smallness cannot even be imagined, and the same grain of musk undergoes abso lutely no diminution in weight. A simple drop of the oil of thyme ground down with a piece of sugar and a little alcohol will communicate its odor to twenty-five gal lons of water, lialler kept for forty years paper perfumed with one grain of amber gl. After this time the order. was a strong a ever. Bordenave has evaluated a molecule of camphor, sensible to the smell, to a,j62,5bVth of a grsin. The term incandescence, so much used at present, says the Electrical Review, In dicates a white heat,or the glowing white ness of a body caused by intense heat. The little glass bulbs, remarks a writer oa thi subject, with their brilliant horsehoe of glowing filament, attract no more at tention than the flickering gas jet. But the facts about the gas jet are, unlike those of the electric lamp, easily and gen erally understood. Both produce lie ht bv e SF incandescence, the molecules oi gas being rendered incandescent by the heat gener ated by the combustion of other mole cules. The blue portion of every gas flame is where combustion U taking place and from there comes the heat which keeps the rest in a state of incandescence. With Use electric lamp it is the heat pro duced by the friction of an electric cur rent, compelled to go through a fine car bon filament, which raises that filament to a condition of incandescence which produce light. A USE FOR THE PB0S06RAPH. Visitor What is that noise ? Lady My husband Is swearing. V. Why, Is he not dead ? L-Yes. f V. t ? ? ? ? L. Before he died he swore for two years into a phonograph,and I occasion ally let it run. StOl Bay-tag. L. Senders is still baying good horse. These having them ahoald bring tbera in. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFPER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with tbe best in tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, r free Carta ts sad frees Ita ttsteAVg Summons, In the Ohremt Court of the State of Orrjon, for Q H Liggett. Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hinss and Thomas Hiaes, Defendants . To Sarah nines and Thomas Riaer, tbe Defendant above named. In the name of the State of Orsgon you aad each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the osmpiatnt of the above nam ed Plaintiff in the above entitled eauso ia tbe above entitled Court by the first day of the next regulsr term of said Court after the pub lication of this Summons once a weak for six weeks, to-wit : The regulsr March turn of ssid Court to be begun snd bold en on the second Monday tn March, 1839, in linn county, Oregon, or judgment will be taken against you for want thereof and you and each of you are hereby notified that if yoa fail to appear and answer said complaint aa hereby required the Plaintiff will spply to tbs Court for tbe relief demanded io too com plaint herein, to-wit : tbs forecleure of s certain mortgage held by the Plaintiff herein on the following described premises, tt -wit : The east half of tbe northwest quarter and lots one and two of Section sixteen in Town ship eleven, south range sue west of the Wil lamette meridian in Linn coonty, Oregon, containing 129 71-100 acres to secure the payment of 1 1000 and iuterest at 10 per cent per annum from Oct 1st, 1886, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit at d for such other aud further relief aa the Court may think proper. This Summons is published bv order of Judge R P Boise, Judge of ssid Court, made st chambers in Salem, Oregon, on the 4th day ef January, 1888. Hewitt & Bxtakt, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for jumn vwanqf, Jessie F. Sullivan, Plaintiff, vs. John W. Sallivan, Defendant, ; TO JObn v. anlliva.n. tho above named Defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of tbe above Plaintiff in the above entitled Ccurt, now ou file with the Clerk of &aid Court by tbe first day of the next regular tnrm said Court, which said term begins on the 12th day of March, 1888. at the Ocnrt House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and yeu are hereby notified that if ;rou fail to appear aud answer said complaint before tbe expiration of the first da' of said term of Court, the Plaintiff will t ike a decree against you for the relief pra;?ed for in said complaint, to-wit : granting Plaintiffs divorce from you, the care snd oustorty of the two minor ehild'ren men tioned in aald complaint, one-third of he real property described in said complaint and for cost and disbursement of t lis suit. . This Summons is published by order of the Hun. K. P Boise, Judge of said Court made at chambers in the City or Sale n, Oregon, on tho 20th day of January, 1818. Dated this 27th day of Jan. 1888, W, R. Bixvktj, Attorney for Plaintiff Vsti si Mm. Srtd ESS: Catarch Ulreetsr U. P.CHUaxra.-PrsachingTery Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. K 0. lr. vine, D. D. Sabbath School st 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting every Wednessday evening, .. . - n .. V 1 rs.VA5oKi.iCAL sjnvucn. rreswnuagon osn Wth at 11.00 a. at., and T T. tt. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesdsy evening 7:30. 8. BL Davis, paster. All are invited, CoxoRKOATio a l CficftcH. Servicesevery Ssbbstb morning snd evening. Sabbath 1 School at 12:15. Prayer minting on Wednesday evening ef each week Bev, H. V. Komingsr, Pastor. M. K. Ch ouch, South. Preaching every Ssbbsth morning at 11 o'clock a. at. and 7 o'clock P. m. Sabbath School st 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening's at 7 o'clock. Bev, G. F. Round, Pastor. M. E. C'hosch Sooth, Tahoxxt. Preach ing on the first Sabbath of each month morn ing sod evening. Sunday school each Sal- bath st 10 o'clock s. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening Rev, Rounds, Pastor. M. E. Church. Presching every Ssbbatbr morning aad evening. Song service in tbe eveni ag before sermon. Sabbath School st 2;30 r Jt. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. P axe arc real ax Ci: orch. Service evervsn Sabbath morning aad evening ia ChurdP cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wsdaeaday evening, Bev B Pritcbard, pastor. Fixer Baptist Choxcm. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g,at Church on 5th Street. Ssbbsth School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting oyer Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. " ,, Trumbefi, pastor. Catholic Church. Service every Sea day at 10:30 a. XL end 7 t. at. Last Sunday of tbe month service st Eugene City. Bev. Loais Metayer, Rector. Protxstaxt EnseorAL CHrxcs. Servi ces are held ia St. Peters Episcopal Church every alternate .Sunday, meriting aad even ing. Sunday school st 9:30 a. m . Friday evening service oa oyery Friday preceding the Sunday service. All are invited to st tend Christiax. Fourth Sabbath, morning and evening . S, S. 10 a. m. Gkrmax . At College chapel, 2 p.m. J. B. Brann, Paster. Ttoer St Johns Lodge, 62, in Foster's Block 2nd Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. t O. O. F at their hall,every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W, at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every 2nd and 4th Friday. G. A, Rn at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and j 3rd Saturdays. L O. G. TM at A. O. U. W. Hall, every -Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, st O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Frjdeys. tor Hair 9ne hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced Into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds Situated 3 mile west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles sooth of the junction oi the Narrow Gauge R. R -.with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C R. R. Inquire at litis office. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, o Bourbon, Lad., says : Both myself snd wlfb owe our live to Shiloh s Consumption Cure," "H aCKMETACK." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 80 cents, SHILOfl'S CURE will immediately re lievo Croup, Whooping Cough aad bron chitis. ' FRANCIS PFEIFFEB, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of OHOIGI CONFECTIONERY, We are bow prepared to roll at whole ale, always fresh and pure at Portland jpnoes to dealers, we also keep a fi Inti and Tropical fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO full department Is comVr, We keep the vary finest st&ck of axaoklagand chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes thst Is a delight to smokers. PATENTS tbuiaed. aad all other buaiuae In the U. 8. P2a oajoa tt Sailed to tar Moderate fee. Our office i eppoait the U.S. Patent Office, uid seaabuln Patents less ttas the ttaa rsssals m Washington. Sssxt media or drawing. We " to pahsst ab'l.ty free ef charge -.and wamake 0 chare ai obtain patent. W niter bars, to tbs Postanal si, the Bunt, et aase)- Order Dir. and to official f tasU. 8. Patent oSVc. For circular, advice, term, aad etwee DM actual cJin.u ia your own Stat or county, sddrass 0 A. SNOW & CO., Oepostte Patent Office, Washing-ton, D . O. O OXIXKT. C.R.PVRKF8 ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKFaS, Machinists, Mm frights, and Iror Founders. w E are now completely prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. Wo will manufacture Steam Entrines. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iros ana Brass castings. PATTERNS M4DB g SHOET NOTICE. Special attention sriven to reoairiner all kinds of machinery. After Forty rear exv-trienc in the ivisiTmi preparitt'on oi more Thousand applications for paten te ia the United Slates cod foreign ooun triea, the publisher ot the SclentiSe American continue to aet as solicitors 1 than (Hiu Hundred lor patents, outs, trado-ntarca, oopr- ricbts. etc.. for the Uoitod States, and to obtain patents in Canada. BUtlamL ranoe. Germany, and all other countries Tboir experi ence ia unotjualed aud their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and speclftoations prepared and ft! In the Talent Oftico on short notice. Terms Yerj reasonable. Mo chars for examination of models or drawinc. Advice by mail free Patents obtained throusrh Mnnn 4 Co. are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMIC RJC AN, which has the largeat circulation and ia the most influential newspaper of ita kind published in tbe world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper ia published WEEKLY at XiOOa year, and 1 Admitted U. be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and ether departments of industrial pmgreaa, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patanteea and title of every invention patented each week. Try It four month for on doll. Bold by all newsdealer. If you have an invention to patent writ is nunii si uo., puousners oi ooienuno . IS1 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patent mailed awe, HOTEL I'OM REST, nnHE EXCHANGE BOTKf, IX ThTS city ia now offered for rent on reason- auie wrms for particulars inquire address Iambs Mcabat, sr m