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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1888)
Site gfnwctat. Entered ut tho Pat Otlioe at Albany, Or M second-ola mail matter. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1888 STUBS & 8.ltr NUTTINQ. rn.rltra. rRI P. NirrriNU. LmI MlUr. CANDIDATE FOR ASSES SOR. We are rtoueated to announce that If r. I. L. Nve.of Brush Creek Precinct, is a can dtdate Kir Assessor subject to the notion of the next Democratic County Convention. COUNTY TREASURER. To the vttrs of Linn county, Oregon : elf aa a candidate for Count v Treasurer for Linn county, tub ject to the decision of the einocratlc County Convention. James Williams. COUNTY RECORDER. We are authorised to announce that Geo. L, Sutherland, of Sclo, U a candidate for the office of County Recorder, subject to the action of the Democratic County Con vi lit ion. Af. A. tst Sr .. Is Ball. Albany Eugins Co. No. 1, of this city, aU ways givea saooesstal ba)U. The Maak ball gtva Wednesday yeuing waa not aa excep tion. Parson A Brvy orchetra,of PorUaad, farakhed tbe music Besides tbe large number of maskers the gallery and side seats below were crowded with spectators. Some tine costumes were noticeable on the floor. Tbe committee appointed made the following awards I Beet sustained lady character. Moth r Geo, Mia Araoe ; beat auetained gentle man character, tramp. Sid Dorm ; neatest Udy character. Golden simpers. Must Amelia May .of Harriaborg. Th receipts were about $175. LtSTOT MASESRM. Kreoine -Laura Davia. Margarette Mrs L LaForeat, Morning - Ada Wallace. Peasant girl- Mrs Hoffman. Rustic la Myrtie Reed. No. I f reman Bertie Kiefer. French peaaant Minnie Mouteitb. Riding habit Mra Zayae. Dew drop- Edna Clelan. Tambourine girl Mra Pfeiffer. Bowman girt Ida Webber. Peaaaat girl -Annie Hyde No 2 fireman Mamie Tyler. Spanish dancing girl Nellie Hyde Peasant girl Mattie Shield. Fisherman's daughter-Emma rteitler. Little Bo Peep We Cohen. Good luck -Caaaic Montgomery. Imp of the woods Lou Webber. Jail bird Rosa Istel. Fancy dress Mrs W A Humphrey. Countess-Mrs Bell Tyler. America flag Maggie Fox. Golden alippera Amelia May. Countess- Ida Amos. Good luck - Bessie Saltmarsh. Court Udy Mra Nettie Mouteitb. Court lady Mattis Baker. Linn engine Co No2 -Lura Campbell. Spauiab dancing girl Molhe Wood. Domino Mrs Hopkins. Esqairao lady Lsoa Dubruille. Fancy dress Isabelle Senders. Red page Sins Montgomery. Blae eage Anna Hoock. Sleigh bell -Mrs Ella Wright. Albany jail bird Amelia Senders. Indian Princess Hannah Cohoii. Domino Kattie Barrett. One of the little miids Mel die Dohse. Deyil Harper Cranor. Clown W B Wiener. Count Fred Hoffman. Mikado R L Dorris. Eclipse Joe Dubruille. Soldier A R Long. Count Willie Stites. Spanish girl Willie McCalley. Irish Dude J C Saltmarsh, Little Daisy CI ydo Fox. Clown Ben Clelan. Indian Chief Tom Parker. Clow Thomas Gage. Fat boy Harry McDuff. Zouave John I sons. Jr Jockey Arthur Porter. Domino E Ls Forest. Jeekey Geo Saltmarsh. Dude John Paulson. Woa Tell Thos Monteith. Country dude F C Ceolsy. Tramp SG Dorris. Clown C Stratum. Washington Jas Shields. Dade T Hopkins. Clown F Pfeiffer. Tinnet M L Dorris. Tinner D C Moore. Italian organ grinder Merril Fisb. Americac eagle- Mr. Crosby. S lilor boy Curt Wian. e -The Hatchet Party. The "Little Hatchet" party given by the members of the Y. W. C. T. U. at the G. A- R- and W. C. T. U. Halls Monday even ing was a great success, particularly so far as the merit of the entertainment was con cerned. A school boys orchestra, composed of Messrs. Gaibraith, Simon, Costel, Venom Dorris, and Miss Robertson, opened the ex ercises and were heartily encored, as was also the double quartet, which followed, composed of Messrs. Pritchard, Adair Thompson, Fortmiller, Brush, Wood worth Lee and Iryine. The feature of the enter tainment were the exercises by the "Little Hatchet" party, consisting of Misses Irvine, Robertson, Marshall, Brink, Bodine, Hail, Brandon, Wheeler, Brush, Kirkpatrick, Miller, Mrs. Nutting and Master Thompson. The parties were dressed in ye ancient cos tumes, and looked very fine. Miss Tot Wheeler as Jinny Keturah Polk being a little the most ancient in appearance. It was her mother's wedding dress that did it. Miss Mary Irvine filled the position of Georgiana Washington Hatchet with great ability. As leader she took her class through several quite interesting exercises in song and prose in a manner to captivate the au dience. Master Thompson was finely made up for George Washington himself. Much credit is due Mrs Pollock, of the College for uniting mecians. A fine lunch was served in the W. C. T U. Hall and sociability and games prevail ed. VKT- 1 1. . . . yve arc unaer ODiigations to the young laaies tor a supply of cake, and hatchet cookies, accompanying which was a little motto with a green wing to it. The rnotto reads ; Pleased with a rattle, Ann tickled with a straw. Editors are also tickled with comps. The Cost of Things. An inquisitive correspondent wants to know why the new Spring bonnet is called Opera. We don't know unless it costs ten or fifteen dollars. Speaking of cost reminds us that you can get groceries, produce, etc. , at Conn Bros, as low or lower than a ny where else In Oregon. You might try it . You will be well treated anyway. Chicken Pie Sociable. The ladies of the Baptist Church, of this city, will give a Chicken Pie sociable at the W. C. T. U. Hall on the evening of February 39th. Supper, 25 cents. Proceeds to be used in carpeting the church. All are cor dially invited. Supper any time after 5 p. m. A large stock of elegant oil paintings just reoeiv A at Wm Fortmiller St Co's from the Chicago art sohcol. A fins picture cheap. U. A, H. KNtAMI'MKNT. The annual encampment of the O. A. R and W. R. C. of this State which convened In this city Wednesday forenoon has been a great success. About two hundred visitors have been present, and blessed by fine weather have been enjoying themselves as only the "boys" know how. Sessions were held at the Hall of the local commandery during Wednesday and yesterday of a pri vate nature, with Gen. Olmstead, Comman der. In the chair. Ills opening address is said to have been a stirring one. A ceo id lug to hi retxirt the Department of Ore gon has forty-two posts, with a membership of 1307. A reception was given in honor of the visitors at the Halls Wednesday evening, which proved one of the most successful In the history of Albany. Speeches were made and a sumptuous repast served. The following hud reported as present Wednesday evening. 0. A. It, OiHoers M I, Olmstead, Commander : E Q llurtoh. J V 1 J P Gill, medical director. Council of administrat'oii -M J Morse. F Raeoner, J W Crawford, h Martin. ktovreswt tivs to Natioual huuampmout K B MoKlroy, F M Johnson, John Hinds. Official staff A A Houston, assistant ad jutant general ; A K Horthwick, assistant quarter at aster general ; A B Wooden, in spector. Nat. Council Admin. II L Fay, Past commanders N S Pierce, G E Can - kin. Post 1 Geo Sears, A K Sorthwiek. N S Pierce, O Simmonda, G ft Staple, M J Morse, E W Alien, C I. Fay, B F Tuttla, K H Sobwab, K B Bush, R P Chsmberlaia, W v Raukin. Pest 2 F 0 MeGenner. Posts KM MoMaster. H II North run. H C Allen. C H Warren. Post 4 Ch as Rnliois. Post 5 D Jones. L H M.mtanye, A B Weodtn. S w Kee, S S Train. Post G -DC Milisr, J F Ellin. Post 7 J P Gill. FRssoer. R E F.t- land, Henry Fry, J N Htnilton.J D Martin. Post 9- J WGaalt, J A Peckham. C W Powell, J W Convert, W I Booth. Post 10 J W Crawford, TC Smith, H Simpson, W H Byers, M Parvin, J Bach eler, 0 W Mathews. Post U S B Ormshy, Denais Desert, C K Rape. Post 12 -D N Neer, E Martin, W W Roy. al, H F Mo Miller. iWt 13-Robt Gnffen, D R Charles, G M McMeynelds. Post 19-J W Hsburn. S H Hemphill, W E Paul, J W Baldwin, F M Johnson, J H Niohola. Post 22 T J Fryer. Post 23 J F MoGall. Pose 24 J C Jsesap. Post 26 F M Wadaworth. Post 28 R E Eastland. J L Carrol. Past 29 E J Horah. E F Walsh, J P DJr row, James Moore, Post 37 Rollin A Pratt. Post 39 J al Piguey, J P Golemai, Lewis. Post 40 David H (larger. Post 42 F M Miller. Geo Sylvester. R I rV . I . , t . Department Ofacers Mrs Nins M Fry, department president ; Mrs Agnes E Dins more, S V ; Mrs Emma A Craw, secretary ; Miss Sulla Rowland, treasurer ; Mr Mary H Ellia,chaplain ; Mrs Elixt A Cank .coun sellor ; Miss Lecy Hay, L and I .fnoer ; Mrs Sarah E Miller, inspector. Executive Board Mar Smith, Sedgwick, No 1 ; Emma Craw, J W Geary, No 4. Sedgwick Corps No 1 Helen South wick, Geo Wright Corns, No 2 Emma A Byers, Ellen Bag ley. Maggie Stoia, Pinkie Sears, Millie E Morse, Mary L J Pierce. Cnahiag Corps, No 3 Cntkia Frichsn J W Geary Corps, No 4 Sadie Sinclair, Harriot Slaeiden, Betty Ware, Emma Miller, Jennie Miller, Ray Delano. Ellsworth Corps, No 7 Lottie Dimmick, Agnes Young, Maroy Webber. Geo H Thomas Corps, No 8 Ellen ll b bina Reno Corps, No 10 Jennie Taylor. J B Matthews Corps, No 11 Sarah E Miller. Mary H Ellis, Jo Hooker Corps. No 12. Cell E Olm steed . Mcpherson Corps, No 13 Mary J Train, Ids Irving, Electra Phillips, Jennie Brown, Martha Jones, Sarah E Tablet. J F Milier Corp. No 15 Mis Ualda Mil ler. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : A E Borthick, Com. ; J. O. Jessup. SVC; Rev McCleio. Cbp. Nest Encampment will be held at Portland, The Vetera of IS 1 2. The "Veteran of 181 " or "Kesiah and the Scout" presented at the Opera 1 louse Fri day evening by the G. A. R. and VV. R. O. deserved the crowded house that greeted its. rendition. It is a live, enthusiastic produc tion, full of trying scenes, and though, of course, as in all amateur plays, there were flaws, it was all together well presented.and "took" with the audience. It demonstrated the fact that we have some "old boys" in Albany who cannot be outdone by our ris ing generation. A. B. Wood in filled the part of the Veteran of 1812 remarkably well, entering into the spirit of it in a very intelligent manner. His death scene could not be surpassed by professionals. He also was an expert Clerk of the Court. Bill Jones, the Scout, was rendered to perfection by Mr. S. W. Reecc, who rather carried off the honors. Mr. Recce fit into the part as naturally as a boy into the water, and has the merit of an excellent enunciation. George Fish made a good Jim Haines, the villain, and carried this character through well. Tom. Overman filled the difficult part of Sheriff Slason in a professional manner, and as well made a most excellent Judge Went- worth. Wm. McCoon as Pete and Richard Fox as Old Zibe portrayed the negro char acter well. R. B. Vunk was made for the part of Jake Whitakcr, the cngineer,and has that peculiar outspoken Yankee style any way that made his rendition of the part a popular one. B. F. Tabler as Capt. Hardy, . 9. Train as Charles Morrison and Jas. Mason as the Corporal sustained their parts in a satisfactory manner. The selection of a IS 1 T 1 ir aa mm 9 .a a wr. rv. i, vunn as nestan wethcrby was a happy one. Mrs. Vunk entered into the spirit of that peculiar character with zest and was equal to all the trying ordeals of the play. Mrs. 8. W. Thompson was a good Mary Morrison. Major Jones and John Mor rison as the Guard showed that thev had been there. The soldiers, BherifTs posse, negros, etc., were well trained for the occa sion. A pleasing feature were the tableaux at the end of the scenes. Libcrty.HopeJus- ticc ana Mercy were portrayed in a beautl- ful manner, some of the tableaux being heartily encored. Misses Lida and Haltie Gaibraith, Amelia Senders, Lora Vance and Velle Irving, and Mrs. Thos. Monteith, Jr., and a little girl represented the different characters, assisted by several young men as soldiers. . The orchestra music by ( 'has. Mueller and Miss Rose Estel was heard with pleasure by the audience. New Things. Mr. Charles Crowder is building a hand some residence at the east end of Second Street. Mr. Henry Merrill has placed a couple handsome bank desks on his counter and now has a very neat banking oflicc. You will always find him on hand from 8 a. m. to S p. m. The frame work of Mr. Clarks art gallery is up. The O. F. temple is to be generally im proved, including stone pavement. A Democratic Club has been organized in Saiem with one hundred eighty members- CURRENT EVENTS. Geo W Chllds, of Philadelphia, refuses to run for the Presidency. So do we. Mt. Vernon, III., was visited by a cyclone last Sunday and about ,v people were kill ed. Mayor Ramsey will resign as Mayor of Halem, and leave In a few days for a much more lively city, Pendleton. Blaine says a man to bo elected Presl dent must go In with a bound, and so his tor v has about decreed It. He realises that he has made too many hops to reach the bounding part. Anslag, the Los Angeles murderer, was found guilty of murder In the first degree He will appeal. As uauat the Insane dodge is the defense. las. Brady while beastly drunk scalded his wife to death with n kettle of hot water last Sunday. Albany and Astoria will be the only cities in Oregon with street cars, outside of Port land. The license in Minneapolis is now $1000 year and the receipts are $130,000 a year. Before they were $68,000, and then the li cense was Si 00. Last year R I) Sanford, of Grants Pass, sold $atxx worth of fruit, vegetables and farm produce raised on 100 acres of land. Rustling Mr Sanford. Governor Pennoyer lost some logs a month ago by the freshet, and the papers said the amount was $17,000. This sum has been gradually diminishing since then, and now his loss is fixed at $4000 ; his salary for two and two-thirds years though, A Portland man Is trying to secure a di vorce from his wife, one of the grounds be- lag thai the oasWanptiblc bilk Millikan.who was In this cityfsvccntly, had been too Inti mate with her. Pcngra, Wheeler St Co., of Springfield, Lane county, have dissolved partnership. The Wasco Snn asks the following ques tions : Dolph Who pays for your society dinners and newspaper notices t Mitchell I lave you ever given your constituents any thing but taffy ; and If so how much ? What? and wncn ? I lermann Who arc you ? What are you ami If you have ever uonc anything except to Introduce bills, state when, where, and how ? You are her-man, but whose ? Men who run newspapers never go crasy from getting rich too fast, as a Kansas man did recently. If you owe the DaMot-RAT why not pay op and a year ahead and sleep Mgr. The grand jury of Marion county In Us report reviews the condition and workings of the State Insane Asylum and peniten tiary, as well as other State Institutions. Just how it came to be their business to pass on Mate institutions we have not learned. Pennoyer had better look out, else some Marion county grand jury may depose him. it may not be generally known that we have in the five cent nickel, a key to the metric system. The diameter of this coin Is two centimeters and its weight Is five gram mes. Five of them placed in a row will of course give the length of the decimeter and two of them will give the weight of a dec agramme. As the Kilolter is a cubic meter the key to the measure of length is also the key to the measure of capacity. Any person therefore who is fortunate enough to own a five cent nickel, may carry in his pocket the entire metric system of weights and meas ures. Em. And what good will that do you anyway. An Order of F. Company. Albany, Or., Feb. atst, 1888. General Order No. 5. The following roer of non-commissioned officers of UF" Co., Second Regiment, O. N. G., is hereby announced for the information of all concerned : First sergeant, T J Over man ; second sergeant, M E Brisk ; third sergeant, J F Hail ; fourth sergeant, A E Kctchum ; fifth sergeant, W E GHlett ; first corporal, F M French ; second corporal, E E Parker ; third corporal, R B Vunk fourth corporal, T L Wallace. They will be respected and obeyed accordingly. In J.ll formations of the company for drif t, parades, etc. no member will be permitted to answer to roll call unless clothed in the prop er uniform, nor will any member be per mitted to wear his uniform unless by special permission of the commander of the com pany, except at military gatherings, and in going to and returning' from the same, nor to hire or loan his uniform to another per s?n to be worn at other than military gath erings. The attention of the company is directed to Sec. 7 of AotM of the constitu tion, which provides that eyery member while in uniform or while wearing any portion thereof shall be responsible to the company for his conduct. No member white wearing his uniform or any portion thereof will be permitted to enter or loiter in or about any saloon or any disreputable place. Done by order of O. H. Irvine, Captain commanding the company, this and day of rebruary, I boo. T. J.OvaaMAJt, First Sergeant. Lartfw stock ef wall paper, spldid dc Fortmiiler A signs, last recetyea st win Go's. Trimmed withoa t extr cbergs, and old as cheap aa the cheapest. Several ttnestlons. A gentleman writing from a Minnesota town says : Knowing you to be a reliable party I wan to ask you some questions in regard to your town, country around you,as to a home and climate, soil, its productions, price of com mon tabor, salary of clerks in general mer chandise stores, etc., etc Have you springs, wells or do you get your water from the mountains. As we get numerous letters of some what the same nature we will lump the answers in as condensed a form as possible. Home. Suits us. Schools, churches, so ciety. All the enlightenments. House rrmts in Albany $6 to $20 per month. Flour $1.25 a sack 4, meat a bit a pound, etc., and there's your home with "victuals" thrown in. Climate. Unsurpassed. Never colder than zero nor warmer than ioo above, nights delicious for sleeping. Rain in winter and sunshine In summer. Soil. Remarkably fertile : will raise any . a i .a 1 11 it m ining almost ; spienatniy trregated ; won derfully vital. Productions. Wheat, oats, barley, corn, nucicwneat, rye, nax, Irish and Sweet no tatocs, apples, pears, peaches, pi urns, prunes, berries,etc.,and without attention to business mortages. Wages. Laborers, $2 per day ; in har vest fiieds, $1.25 to $2. Clerks, $25 to $1 00 per month. Water. Spring and mountain. The latter comes through a 14 mile ditch from the hantiam, giving us one of the finest water powers in Oreeon.and as well a crood water for house and lawn purposes, as well as for fires, etc Oakville. There will be an oyster sup per at Oakville on next Saturday evening given by the Missionary Society. A gen eral invitation w extenneu to all. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining ia ths Past Office, Albany, Una county, Oregon, Feb. 23rd, 188 Persons calling for these letters must give the date oa which they were advertised : Anderson, Miss Lizzie Heard, Author Falronud. Rev A C Hammond, James W 2 Manning, B L McNary, George Sssss. Miss Nora Bewman, B A Burnetts, David Garland, James A Hinkman, Henry McArthurs, Donald Myers. Edward Story, A W Wood, J R. THOMPSON, t St. HOMR AND ABROAD. AMlAMVa rYRAMIP. r. n Furniture. Fou ndrlos. Good Hotels. Street Railway. Flooring Mills, l-ive Lawyers. Unliable Bank art. Electric Lights. Skilful Physician.. Fin sorro n adings. Ingenias Ms oh antes. Magnificent Water Power, G, A. U. this week. New goods at F M Finob'e. Read Young's new dvsrtismsut. The best harness at 8 L Thompson s . Ganoia ar kraut, Kontoa & Chase. Choice sweet pickles. Kenton A Chase. Get your ammunition at Deyee A Rohsoo'a H Ewert, practical watchmaker and jew ler. It is now lent, and will be until March 31st. J. P. Wallaoa, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. If yon want blanket go to Monteith A Seiteubach. Buck wlmat Hour aud maute auuar Ken ton A Chase. If you want boot or shoe ito to Ifoo- tuith St Seiteubach. If you want the best baruuss in the market go to J J Dubt utile's. Dan Wacnon has resinned as Deuutv U. H. Marshal at Salem. Meetings are beiag held t th M B Charon South rery eyeeiug. Th 'Veteran of 1812 ' was to ba tnUd last (Thursday) evening. Dottglas and Washington 00a u ties have paid their tax in fall. A real as tats Arm at J rant's Pass bay a a page adv. in th last Courier. Si 1 shavsa for a dollar and a ottau towel to evory customer, at Thos. Jones, It take a remark ski v aood dailar ahow not to reeive a black y i Albany. Try a bucket of Wallace & Thorn Men's Geyser Sapone for boas cleaning. All kinds of garden seeds far sale be Wei tao St Thompson. 8 cents a package. 7 O-ks cures rheomatism. nnrali and toothache, Feefaay A Mason, Agents. Raaora booed. act and oat la order at Jon' Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. An immense stock of first class hardware, tinware and catlery al Deyee ft Robsoo'a. Everything bought and sold at M Frank tin A Go's second bead store, Albany, Or. F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Feiiews Temple, Albany, Or. Mr Aliens eleotne lights are going op un der tbe supervision of Mr Hstsman,! Salsa. Seattle is overran with real estate seen, about one to every piece of property 00 the market. Dr. M. 11. F.llia. pbyrimaa Albany, Oregon. Galls saad and ia surgeon city or country, Bsa Simpson, at one time postal agsal in this State, is now a Baptist preacher at Pier ao,8. G. The Cajtiai Journal Publishing Go. baa boon incorporated st Salem with 9000 cap ital stock. Mr Wm V Baltimore last Monday sold bis residence property in tbia city to Mr J W Roland for $2,400. State Superintendent McElroy, will bold a district institute at this city beginning on March 18th. Orson land nlitutJ;tiote oodssh. mack- srst, whits fisb, Holland herring and an- ohoviee. Kenton St Chase. Leap year, and the Dbmocbat is receiving proposals right along, ail of which are prompt ly accepted at S3 a year. Johnson A Sholtoa's liabilities st Soio,he boon placed all th way from 820,000 to 886, 000 by ear sinhsngss. Gj.1 ceding f..r p.rm iutro; 1 in hu I t3 - bj th tMgroesries and provisions appears aqyirusssasiil of Kenton Chase. A Portland editor who recently saw $30, 000 shsags band in a real estate trMsactioa is said to be 00 the verge ef insanity. Est DC McFsrlaad will preach at the Center school boas next Sunday at 11 a. m. sad at uarrts eeaooi boose 3:30 p. m. A funoy newspaper man has tort learned that Noah lived on water far forty days and nigh ts, ana asses was sqaal to Taassr. O tt Height and brother have parohassd the meat market edjotouw Conrad Meyer's and took possession of the earns Monday. Last Saturday Mr Geo Warmotb. of Hat- eey, sold his farm of 240 seres to George An derson, recently of California, for 95500. Th Rossbnrg Ptaindmater baa placed th mm of the mat bill iatro Imm si Hh bead of it editorial columns, for Coagrsaamaa. Dr. Hartley has located at Tangent, where be will always be found by ths sick and sf dieted. See aderf issmsat la aootaer oolama. A W Burg, the Pendleton blackmailer is now io the penitentiary If Burg's story is true lion J C treasure oaght to be there also. Jim Mnrphy and Jim Kelly, two vagrant. were given ten days in tbe oeunty jail and Strsst work by J as tie Derris, last Saturday. W fod Parsons' Law of Bnoinem to be th right book. It is all that is claimed for it Pacirto Metal Works, Ban Francisco. Sse adr. Prof Bauer, the writing master, who taught a clss st tbia city a few months sgo, is now at Lafayette, where he has a class of forty. If yon waot a stylish winter garment ge to Monteith A Seiteahaeb, agents for Springer Bros, tailor mad garments far ladies, misses and children. A 2-year old son of Nutwood, tbs wslt- kaow California horse passed tbrengb Al bany Friday for Portland. It will sntsr tb tc is year. When yon wish to speak to tbe peopls of Albany why not yell out to all ef them. An ad vert is men t in th Djcmockat does this. Your yell wilt b heard. Dick TurpinandM LGillsspis wsre arrest ed last week charged with cutting timber on the tana ol loom Loaning. They were tried Saturday and acq at tad. Yoa wilt save money by taking your sink sewing-machine to the repairer, o K f arsons at Sixth and Jefferon Sts., Albany, Oregon. Good satisfaction or no pay. Tbs "Sheriff Sales," in the oases of Forgsy set Smeleser and wife, and Martha Barns sgt Berrigaa and others, have been with drawn. Advertised on our outside. ins r lion diook now promises to be oc cupied by renters by or before ths first of April. It probably bs the finest front of any block to ursgon outside of fortland. During the coming summer, among other places, stone walks will bs pnt down in this city, sround th O. F. building, S K Young's new store and Monterth St Ssitsnbsoh's. F. Company of this city received their new uniforms on Tuesday, and dressed in them, presented a hoe appoaranso. Albany people may well bo pioud of its military company. A soap man was in the city Tussdav. Judging from tbs looks of bis shoes and sp- rsaranee it was very doubtfnl if he sold the 1640 cakes of soap he olsircsd, when in Portland. Last Saturday Judge R S Strshsn purchas ed of Mr Ashby Pearoe 22 feet front oa First street, adjoining the property slready owned by the Judge. This Spring a brick block, with three stores will be erected. Contractor G W Hunt last week took ths remainder of his R R plant to Washington Territory. He lesves Linn county without owing a cent, for which our citizens are duly grateful. Ex-State Senator Bilyeu of Linn oeunty is mentioned as being a probable candidate for Congress on tbe Democratic ticket. It is es timated tbat Lina county would gty him 1000 majority. Silverton Appeal. Marion county's annual stallion show will be held at Salem on Maroh 31st. Arrange ments should be mads for s Lian county show. The one last year, though on a small scale was a success and shou Id bs continued. R J Carson, recently of Illinois bas bssn in ths city sad contemplates starting a fac tory here for manufacturing; tiling pavement and building stone, etc We undsrstaud Mr. John Hoffman will bs associated with ths enterprise, , The National Demooretto Convsntioa will be held en July 3rd. Chicago will probably 00 tns piaee ssisstnd. As ths hair has a shadow, so tho slightest disss of th scalp threatens the hair. Put ths scalp in healthy condition fby ths use of Warner's Leg Cabia Soalpin. It restores tbs hair, end as a heir-dressing it has no squat. It is a good rule to aoospt only such mod islaes as are known to bo worthy of oosfl deaes, It has bssn the experience of tbon sands that Aysr's Cherry Pectoral is ths bsst medicine ever used for throat and lung diseases An elegant, new Kstey'irgau was recently purchased by the members ef tbs Presbyterian Church and last week was placed in position. It is complete ia its mike up and undsr the artistic touch of Prof La assisted by a new organised choir, wilt (ill that ohoroh with muiio. A nw 330 ponnd ball was placed in post' tiou sa the Uatholio school building Tburs. day afternoon of last wssk, with imposiag osrsmoniss, conducted by Bishop Grosa, ef reruano. The bell has a good tone, and esnds forth its pests every morning at five and sis, as wall ss at times daring, the day. K to hard E Jans way. who was arrested at Spicsr last wssk for robbing tbs postofHos, an acoosst of which was giysn in ths Dsmo csat, was siamieed io Portland Thursday afternoon and held under $500 bonds. Jane way's parents Uv at Nwbr, and h is said to have bed sgood reputation hereto!. ire. Oar city authorities are doing good thing putting trans to work 00 streets. Tbe sight t a beautiful one, and siggeetivs of loss tramps in tbs future, for if there is one thing more than aaotker a rest live tramp bases to do it is to work, Tbsr I ens divorce in Minneapolis to sysry ten marriages. Is Lian county the proportion in ths history of ths county is sbont one to vry sixteen marriages. So we are not so very disreputable io tbe matter after all. Th Lightning K sprees wilt be pat 00 ths California road as soon ss tbs road over tbe mourrsVins will permit. It is expected that it wilt leave Man FranetMO at 7 oelook in in raorolag fas whteh eass it will peas throng Albany about 10 oelook to the forenoon. Everybody needs a spring medicine. By using Ayer'e gsrsaparitli, the blood u thor osgbty cleansed and Invigorated, the appetite stimulated, and the system prepared t resist the disss pssaliar to the enmmr months, Aak for Ay era Sarsaparilla. Tabs as other. Tbs member of a congregation who paid tkeir debt were aekad t arise. Alt sros but on. Tnva alt who did not This one, an edi tor, slowly area, sad oesaed a sensation by saying th reason bs did not do it was be saaas so many io th congregation were in arrears for subscription to bis paper. Last week Mr Tho Monteith brought ssit against Mr. Cbiswsll for forthle entry sad detainer ia keeping possession ef tbs Al bany City Mill property, and Friday th matter was settled by placing Mr Burr Paw sr ia possession ef tb property in the iutereet of both Mr Monteith and Col Hogg until th sttir is ssttlsd by higher Courts. Last week, after attachment Shan St I oneway made sa sssigwsssat to William Masters, ef Portland. Their liabilities are nearly 7,000, divided nearly equal between Portland ad San Francis creditors. The wsa opened Sstarday and is ia charge of Mr Masters tbs assign, A barly Arlington woman oa receiving a call from a tramp extended her hand as if shs were glad to meet tb saaa ; the with tb other hand ah grabbsd him by tb aosk and would bars some er choking tb life out of him bathe got away and was running when last sssa. Burg, tb Pendleton black -mailer ia bis u tamest before Dm Coart stated that h r oeteed $3000 from Mr Mam. that J C L ore, who was recently to be a candidate for Cosrr. roosivsd ft 000 of this snd Mrs Genser. I lot), bs taking th test. His story eaaasd qait a sensation, sod baa st least ba the msans of oaastag Lsar's name to be dropped like hot coal as a candidate for How refreshing, how liks a beodiUoe, 1 to oa wbtt.for ttresoam days and wMtsooas atgnts, bss tosserj ahoat seek eg th rest a ooald not bad ; burning with fever or shaking with cold, utterly wore, oat sad prsstrstsd. Do yoa aak what wrought this wonderful change Freee's Hamburg Tst, a nsii mkkni psnsr. is ta wonaeriui sr 1 SL7! Z$K i"U,S?d t8l" ?JT hr diMM- J I Ke Samnel Stanley Peatx, Chaplain to the I .iwinwi vmornia, write to us frees tlseeameut, Cel., under dais of Key. 1, 1 117. as follows 1 'Gentlemen : For a num ber of years I bad frequent ooeaaicsss to aaa Simmons Liver Regulator, and I ebeorfatlv it to those suffering from isdises- tion, dyspspsi sad general depression as a SXOSUent appetizing tonic," To J it Anhn A Co.. Pbitadslphis. Fa. Tbe following are the lowest bids for tbs c os traction ef tbs prsnossd now Ceort lions at Corvsilis : For aiemhtng. Duaaa Bros., $m 1 steam basting. Wm Gardner & Co., 18.939 ; galvanised iron and tin week. J D Clark, $3,844 j earpsatar work, Job . S a eft I a mmwrx . ara - iwciBisevs, to,sev ; ones aaa stoa work. The Maun. $38.876 1 plastering. J Maiiff, $2,640 j vaalt front. C B Peroeiins, $460 ; rolled iron beams. $235 ; tower clock, L C $1,225. Tbe snosptssss of the bids bas est yet been fully determined on Oa night last week to gator home from s dance at the Knox Butt Grange Hall, Loa Miliar and Wsllsae Trite sad a coo pi ldia. I we wise qui a runaway ei pen SPSS, in I . i.L & - - r vi going around a broken down culvert tb tongue fell into the mid, the hack turned a somerset almost, meaning tb tap ia and throwing tbe occupant out, the horse kick ed np their beets and ran away, leaving the hack sod parties to mske the beet of it. l'hey borrowed a team of Mr Ed. Cex and reached boms only th wots for considerable mod. foe horses were found the nest day, hsviag ran until tired oat. PBB80NAL AND SOCIAL. II R Com Waggoner was ia tbs oity Friday Mr Carl Lo derm an, spent Sabbath in Port land. O P Tompkins, of Portland, was in tbs city Saturday. Miss Amslis May, of Harriabarg, bss bssn in the city this week, tho gaast of Mr. L Senders. Rev S P Wilson, sf Eagent City, who bss bee ta fortland under medical treatment, waa in Albany Tuesday en hte way home. Judge Olmstead, of Raksr City, whose name has bssn mentioned fer Congressman, has been ia tb oity this wssk attending tha 0. A. it Encampment, Mr Klaus, of Khus & Klein, of Salem, was in tbe oity Wednesday making arrange meats for their new boot snd shoe store wbioh tbsy will open hers sn completion of the rJinn block . Mask 8. Monteith, of Astoria, has bssn in the city this week, oa s visit with frisnds and relatives. He reports the railroad project likely to fail, and tbat ssvsral oannsry men are moving to Alaska on account of ths de mand of tbs fishermen of $1,25 for salmon. This is causing great uneasiness there as sal mon is tns principal product. Mr. Kennedy, business manager of the Christian Independent, published at Oaklaad, Cel., was in tbs oity daring ths wssk, in the interest of that Jpaper. It is published in tbs interest ot the Christian denomination, and ta worthy of the support of the members of that faith. Mr. Kennedy is a very pleasant gentleman and will doubtless succeed in the promotion of the interests of the Independent, Mr W S Moore.a prominent lawyer of East Bloomaeld, a. Y., has been lu the oity this week, tbe guest of bis formsr neighbor, Mr G L Blaokmsn. Mr Moore and the local editor of the Democrat read Kent and Par sons at the same time in Rochester, and have duly exchanged stones with each other this week. It is to be hoped Mr. M. will locate in this part ef Oregon . Electric Lights. A special meeting of the Common Coun cil was held oa Thursday evening of last week, when it was voted to take electric lights as follows : 3000 candle power lights an First Street, at Ferrv. Broadalbin and Lyon, on Lyon at Fourth, on Calipooia at Fifth, and a 75 candle power in front of Al bany Engine Co. No. 1. e ii' Silverton. Twenty -one people arrived from Missouri last week with the intention of making Silverton their home. CLIPPED MHPATCHS, Washington, Feb. 17, Mr. Hermann submitted to the Poetofnco Department a lengthy petition from people in Grant and Crook counties for 0 malt service from Can yon City to Paultnn, via Hitvas, the John Day river and Stewart, a distance of eighty- two miles. He ftlso presented petitions from people on Smith's river, In Douglas county, Or., asking for an Increase of mall from the town of (mrdincr to Sulphur Springs. San Fa ANCfsco,Feb.i6. A gllb-tongued young man, who gave the name of J. w. Lord, applied for and received rooms at a hotel In Oakland some weeks ago, for him self and wife, lie said he was canvassing Oakland for orders for a lithograpuing house of St. Paul, Minn. Ills success must have been good, for he received several orders upon which a deposit was required. In this way he collected over V U. When his bill became due. the proprietor of the hotel knocked at Lord's door, expecting to get his money, but he soon discovered that the place was vacant. Next day the hotel man heard from Ixird, on hi way to Oregon, hut that Is the last of htm. It is thought that he is a professional bilk, and those who have given htm money on orders for lithographing will be losers, as welt as the proprietor of the hotel. San Fa a nci aco, Feb. 18. 9 B Toby, agent of the Florida Steamship Company, yesterday sued for and was allowed a writ of attachment against the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company's steamer "Kastcrn Ore gon," and John Birmingham was appointed receiver. The writ was served on the ves sel at her berth at the sea watt, and she was taken to the Main street wharf and docked. The history of the Eastern Oregon" is sbout ss follows : This steamer, then the "City of Palatka," was purchased by the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company of the Florida Steamship Company for the passen ger trade on this coast, and notes of the company and a mortgage on the y easel were given in payment. The vessel was repre- i sen ted to the company as a vessel of 1000 tons register, with s speed of thirteen knots an hour. She was brought to this coast, re christened, and put on the route between this city and northern ports. The company were not long In discovering, however, that the vessel was neither as large nor as fast as they had thought her, and they then began suit sgalnet the Florida Steamship Company ' In New York for cancellation of the sale, return of the notes and mortgage, and for $50,000 damages. This suit is still pending, . and your correspondent's informant stated that the attachment was the outgrowth of the action. The Eastern Oregon was to have sailed to day, but cannot under the circumstances. Mr I long state that negotiation are now pending which he thinks will soon tesult in the charter or purchase of new vessel. WAsHfMiTON,Feb. 19. PresideroVOeve tand, in conversation with Representative Feltnn to-day, stated that the com mission -ership to tbe Melbourne exposition had been offered to Wm. T. Coleman, of San Fran cisco. Jacksonville, Feb. 19. Several thou sand dollars will be expended in decoratioa of the city and in entertaining the Presi dent this week. The carriage of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland will be a bower of fragrant orange blossoms. . Washington, Feb. m. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day, received through Adams express company, a package con taining $i600 in national bank notes, ship ped by a free man," at Cincinnati. It was accompanied by a note, asking that the money be placed to the credit of the "Con science fund," and bearing the signature -One who will be honest." Nkw Yoaa, Feb. 20. A Washington special to the Pott says a Republican mem ber of the committee on ways and means reports it probable that a majority of that committee will report Thursday and that a 1 .1 j t amam m.ih w ... ...i- .. understands principally from the customs Hat. Randaif has aUo formulated a redstc- tlnn u-lum. whtrh rniiirM th amount 46j.000.000. mataiv from the internal rev cnue list. Walla Walla, W. T Feb. so, Some weeks ago a man named James Garred went inssne and mysteriously disappeared. Sev ers! reports stated that he was in different parts of the country, but on Sunday even ing two-young men were fishing for salmon la Garrison creek, near Walla Walla, and discovered the dead body of a man who had evidently been in the water a long time. They came to town and notified the coroner, who had the body brought in and it was found to be Garred, The money be was known to have had on htm at the time of his diss ppes ranee was found Intact. An in quest was held and the jury brought in a verdict that he was found drowned. Wahhinoton, Feb. 20. Senator Mitch ell introduced in the Senate to-day two voluminous petitions from the Pacific slope asking an early and favorable action on the t ,1.1 imncsc 0111, Nkw York, Feb. st. The Snn says Collector Magone is not at all timid about stating that if certain connecting links of evidence can be secured, it can be demon strated that from $100,000 to $500,000 worth of opium has been smuggled out of bonded stores on pretense of re-exportation and has not been re-exported, but has avoid ed the duty of $ 10 a pound. New York, Feb. at. It is reported by the Publishers Weekly 4437 new books were published In the United States last year, ot which 102J were works of fiction and 460 were invenile books. Hkaldhbuko, Feb. U. Capt. C A Mor rill, foreman of the must condenser at Qey serville, accidentally killed himself this afternoon by the premature discharge of a srun. while attempting to shoot a cat, the shot taking effect in his left groin, and cut tine the femoral artery. Formerly he was special agent of the treasury department. He was an able writer on political economy Washington, Feb. at The President sent to the Senate to-day the nomination Leonard B. Cornell, of New York, to be Receiver of Public Moneys at Spokane Falls, W. T. New York. Feb. 21. Prominent dia tnond dealers here say it is true Baron Roths child has secured control of the South Af rican diamond mines, and has a monopoly of the diamond production, but they de not think he will run the price essenttauy. A contract to limit the production has existed among the mine owners for some years. PEORIA. The 14th of February was celebrated by a ball at the Ziggler Hall. Forty-three numbers were sold. Music was furnished by the Myers & Carter Orchestra. Dancing be gan at six p. m. and continued until morn ing. Glad to say there was no drinking al though there was an open saloon only a few steps away. Fall grain looking well. It was injured very little by ths freeze. Mr. Ziggler will soon, open a grocery store here, some wheat being shipped. Dave Gibson will give a ball at Shedd on the 28th inst. Tick- et ana supper $3. tnas saatnews soia 75 head of large mutton sheep last week to a Portland buyer for $5 per head. Potatoes Suite scarce. They were nearly ail frozen urlng the cold snap, Jas Lehn and wife have returned from a vtsit to uatuornia. While there they lost their youngest daugh ter Bertha. Singing school slimly attended. The road to Shedd's is almost impassable. A little child named Tiblet at Longview, Texas found $i000 in silver dollars buried n the around last Saturday. It has lead to the child's father being arrested for the re cent murder of the County Treasurer there. W. F. (Sueceator to Is now ieciing new goods in Ssv. asjMMMasBMHaji flaHsEjIrTsSTSBBBsaBHD 3 - on IBIwl fnff r sHi ILLi jT 1 L-t4HPiP'Tj j I tS ' Jj "x MmPjpL:. I 4 iLB 1L 1 sLH I If sm rKeH f Llksr f IvJjt aMnElaLV WW I mm sLLLH Everything New.with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, consistiog DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GROCERIES. I propose to have aa complete a ntock bsoy, with all tbe New Novelties and Latest Styles a they are manufactured. AU old customers and ft ien Is of tbe house and aa wall new one, are cordially price. I Do Not Propose To Be Undersold. W 1. READ, 57 First Street, Albany, Or. A MOUNT PLEASANT MEETING. Feb. nth, 188$. A meeting of dtisens to take the first preliminary steps in asking the O. P. R. R. Company to locate a depot at the crossing of the wagon road between H. Follis and 8, King and also to ask Linn County Court to build a wagon bridge at Suyton in conjunc tion with Marion county, was held on I eb. nth. The meeting eras called to order by W. Crabtree. On motion of Mr. Crabtree, A lex Downing was elected Chairman and E Weddlc Secretary. The Chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to take some action in reference to the location of a switch and depot on the line between H. ollis and 8. King After quite a number of enthusiastic speeches from the farmers the following preamble and resolutions were passed t Whereas, The O. P. R. R. now under construction slong the south side of the north Santiam river and through the finest grain belt of the foot hills. Therefore be it AWtW. That we Bk the Said Company to abandon the proposed switch or depot at Qucener's snd locate the same on tne line between H. Foil! and S. King's, for these reasons : 1. That it will accommodate niue tenths more farmers, is on s direct road leading fromStavton to Ionian and Bilyeu Valleys on Thomas Creek, and also the only diiect road that can be traveled with a load to clo. 2. That the farmers of the Waldo Hills and Fern Ridge country in Marion county whrwe names sccomnanv this, ask that the depot be located at Follis and King's lino. 3. That the switch is in a pond and it is impossible to get to it in the winter seaion. 4, That Henry Follis and bamuel K ng proposes to give ground for switch and de pot purposes. On motion the Chairman was instructed tn anMint a committee of three to cor fer with the officers of the O. P. R. R. Com oanv. The Chair appointed B.H. Irvine and Henrv Follis. of Mt. Pleasant, and W. H. Hobson, of Stay ton, as such committee. On motion the Chairman Alex uowmng was added to said committee. On motion ' he fiorroiarv waa ordered to send a conv of the minutes to the Albany Democrat and tlcruld for publication. After fifty farmers nresent had sbrned the preamble and reso lutions and bridge petition, the meeting ad journed. E. Weddle, Secretary Mew store, New goods, at W. F. rUad's. A NASAL INJECTOR free with etch Price bottle of Shtloo's Catarrh Remedy, iO oents. MARRIED. McDOWELL KING. On Feb. i5th, 1888. at the residence of the bride's par ents bv Rev. C. SnerrY, Mr. Chas. E. McDoNALD,of Portland and Miss Masy L. King, of Fern Ridge. " 'mM """""""born!" PATT1SON. On Feb. 17th, 1888, at Oi.k- ville. to the wife of Mr. Chas. Pattison, a nine pound boy. BRflWNELL On Mondav. Feb. 20th 1888. to the wife of C. E. Brownell a girl. CRAWFORD. W. W. Crawford, of Law- son Station danced around for joy l ist Sunday, on finding himself the happy father of not one only, but two, plump, healthy boys, of regulation weight, large lungs and fantastic toes. Mother and beys were doinsr remarkably well at la6t 7" v port. LILLY. The lilies have begun to bloom. To the wife of Mr Lilly, in the Th;rd Ward a son. READ, N. H. Allen & Co.) every liue. Old goods $61 otif. of in every line as era. brought to Ai- invited to call and inspect sto:k and Suoesaor to N. H. Alien fc Co. DR. C. I. BARTLEY. Physician and Surgeon. Tangent, Lian County, Oregon, Notice. We have appointed Mr. S. A. DeVaner- of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for Lt: m of Business prepared bv ProL Parson's of Harvard University expressly for farmers and business men. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Supreme Bench. Is pronounced bv thousands of the clearest headed business men of the coun try as a book which they can not ajford to be without. We ask an investigation of its merits. Agents wanted in every county in the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher, (Agent for Western and Pacific States.) 3106 California St., Ban Francisco, CaL NOTICE. Haying sold an interest in my harness business to T. J. Overman, I am anxious to collect all my outstanding notes and ac counts. All persons knowing themselve so indebted to me will please call and settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same place. t,. ! .. Ihompsox. ANNUAL IxSaBTINGr. NOTICE is hereby given tbat the an nual meeting of the stockholders of tbo Albany Building Association will be held at the Opera House in Albany on Moaday March 19, 1888 at 7:30 p. in. for the elec tion of directors and such other business) aa may come before the uaeeiiug, Dated Feb'y 23, 1888. Jay W. Be. iir, Sec'y. Chas Pfeiffer, Pres. HALSEY. ,On Tuesday evening, Feb. 14th, St. Valentine's Day was selected by the Y. W. C T. U. of Halsey as a suitable time to set the social wheel whirling, and the Good Templar's Hall was filled with the crcme de la cram of Halsey on this, the inauguaral social event. The hall was tastefully drap ed with bunting, and the walls were given a cheery appearance by the vari-colored mot toes and emblems of the Union. At the further end of the hall the Halsey Band was stationed, and lent a charm to the evenings enjoyment by discoursing some excellent music. In a booth, beautifully decorated with the stars and stripes, were two of the "YV dealing out Valentines to big and little, old and young, and many were the hearts made glad. At the north end of the hall was the "Art Gallery, and as an ex ample of Woman's wit and ingenuity, it was the paragon 01 perfection. It was ably presided over by Mrs. S. P. Wilson, whose graphic and grotesque descriptions were al ways met by a hearty storm 01 applause. The most interesting event was the lunch of ice cream and cake. Gay parties of ladies and lassies at the tasty tables, presided over bythe-'Y's", the delightful music, the many visions of the pure White Ribbon, the hapnv crowd, made tt a scene of unalloyed . . A I. . 1 5 joy ana mernmeni. .iier me ice cream had all disappeared, taoies were removed, and many merry games were played. The receipts of the evening were something over $40, and will be an acceptable acquisi tion to our treasury. The "Y's" Valentine social of 1S88 will long be remembered with pleasure, ANN" A IjODLEY, Secretary Y. W. C. T. U. Walpron. Having fin weather, new giaus, stock doing fine. Short, sharp winter, lcsies on stock qaite small. Farmers 1 utting in grain . Cos si icrable 1 i jkuesa this winter. 1. x. The Salvation Army had a big b'.ow oat Wednesday evening, drums, horn, chicken, etc., being the order ot proceedings.