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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1888)
SUB TO fill 0 (TCI I JtfMQCRAT, THE DEMOCRAT fs the beet Advertising metlium In the Central Willamette Valley, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued every Friday by 8TITBS As UTTINO. Advertising rtc msde known oo ap plication, VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY S4, 1888. VO 30 PROFESSIONAL OARDH. L. H. MONTANYB. TTO fclYATIAV -AND Notary Public llitisiiy, Oregon. Offioe upstair. orr John Rrigfra store, it street. vl4n23tr TTk we atherford, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) kTTORNEY AT LAW, AllttSt. OKKVeW. t IT ILL PRaCTlC IM ALL THE COURTS OF TUB V? SUU. Sjeolal attention ftven to itollectUin ami obte matter f-flromiHi In OKI KolU' Temple (14: ll T BKTOK, O. II. IHVtNK WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Jfa""05lco op atalra In' Foster's Bloc. ALBANY, ORRtiON. t. O. POWRLL. V. R. Rl LTIP POWELL & BILYEU, .TTOHNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Chantry, 1LR4MT. - ORRGOlf. OolleeMona promptly made on all point, uoana negotiated on reasonable terms. SstrOfftoe In Poster'a Brink.- tialttf. J. J. WHITNEY. Htorney And Counsellor it La? AND Notary Pabllea ALBANY. OREGON. Will practice in all of tha Court of .bta state. All business intrusted to htm elll ha promptly attended to. D. R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Office, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY. - - - OREGON. All business will recel to prompt attention FOSHAY & MASON, -muuvi An ton xiv- Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. A 1 den's publications, which we aell at publisher's price with teatogcede'sd. ALBAVT, OREGON. G. L. BLACKMAN, Succetscr to E. W. Langdem DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a flrat-cias Drug tor. Also a fine stock or pianos and organs. ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlee cor. Ft rat and Ferry Street, ALBANY- - OREGON. DR. C WATSON MA8TON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Foe tar's Block. ALBANY " - OREGON. Homeopathic Physician, MR. M. B. sfcCOY, M. T).f HOMEOPATHIC tn phveiclan, . and residence corner of Pint and Baker Btreeta, Albany, Oregon. Chronic rltlHSIS a epeeialty. Conjugation free. Office hours : 10. m. 10 12 a m snd I to 6 p. m. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priest and lay teachers. First term open first Monday In Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday in February. For prospectus ad rl rose iter. F. A. Beckar. Vancouver, W. T. Box 101. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind of rough, dressed and seasvawa lumber ,laths a i pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall line of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OBEffOH PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for thia section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. OppojiU S E Young's, Alb&ny, Or -mi wi gjiu vice aw gggq 18 'eeeemq iap)Ha urt a biuajM Supjpem noqijM uifiriVlii. wiSHOi " !" jjSkj . WfrV ruiiod mm w peeineALHjBSMSsr . rtwaa 'ijo.uwl.n8 ewtH flRl&OanHBBW 83M3N3H 3ill BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. I am not receiving my spring and summer stock cf tioots and oboes, I have aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a atock M any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy a'l my boots and shoes iiroet from mauufaotnrer and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay the oasb. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the latest, but and great est variety in the city. My sin) will always be to give as good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E, YOUNC, First National Hank OF ALBAMI, ORKCIOM. PreaMent... ...... ........ L. PUSH VU-a fYeeUeat 8. K. YOl NO UKU. K. CH AUCKUL.AIN TRANSACTS A OC.N KRAL WmStSffc IsiSfc ACCOUNTS KEPT enbjoct to check. SIGHT BXCIIANOK end telegraphic traasfw, toU Qs Kts York, Saa FUMiuisMii, Vsaaegw sad Portl Orssoa. COLLECTIONS MADE on fsrorabi. twins. E. Yocso, GSO.K Caasaauus L. E Blais, L. Puss, Waltsh E Trassix, J. L. fOWAN. J. W. CUBICK him fVunty Bank, COWAN A CI'SK K. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS. ORAWMIOHT ORAPTSo , Ssa rrs esooiad Ptortlsad, Orsfon. LOAN MOSEY on spprersd RECEIVE lepriia anhjoct to check. COLLECTIONS mtrnstod to aa will msirt SMSkSK H. F. MERRILL, Banking anfl Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Soil .xebsng. oo New York, San Krsaebco snd anssal Buy note. SU'e. nd c'ty airrula. R est, ispostto ubjr ttsa deposit.. IBtoreet ni lowed on Collections will rsotiv. pmipt sttontlon. CiirTssfisedsaus solldtod. noun from St. m. to I p. at. MISS ER0MA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery. OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon Cily. Or. January 16th, 1888, Notice la herebr Kiven I list the follow ing named settler baa filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and tbat aald proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, on the SStfc day of Marefe, isms, viz: Julius F Hyde, Homestead Entry No. 5782 for the W j N K Sec. 20, Tp. 13, 8 R 1 west. He name the following witnesses to prove bis continuous resi dence upon, a, id cultivation of, said land, viz : Samuel Hawkins, George Sntith, John D Arthurs and George 8y 1 vaster, all of Brownsville Poatoffice, Oregon. V. T, Bprnrt, Register, J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance WILL. WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WJLL CURB CURE CURB CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CUR2S Dlarrbtxa and Dysentery, PianIcs on tho face, and Freckles. Old gores and Ulcers. Win4 in the Stomach. Headache and Nervous Depression. SerofnSa. ScsttXACt Complaints. isaMiAiOa and Gout. P wfawi in tho Roues and Joints. 'MBiUtib:-' Diseases. Won SALg BY ALL DRUGGISTS ANfc GRQOERA SKIN, SCAP, BLOOD. lUvlnif Uoou auffrrer for two yosre snl s hall fri tlieeniM) saaSM sy a bruU on the ley, ami liavlnir beeti cured by tin tutlvum Remedies when ell other method sihI renietliea felled, I deem it my ilutv t reoominer il thorn I vlaltetl Hot Bprliif to no evail, etui tried covers! dootore without auoeeee, snd et leet our pri iulel druyiflt, Mr John I Einls (t wiioin i alien ever roei irroeteiui,) mhU) me eoout CutUrure, end I oonaenteH to five them e trial with the result that I em perfooUy cured. Ttters Is now no vr shout me. I tuink I win ahow the laryeet aurfesw where my sufTerinir eprsns; from of eiiy on. In the SUV. The Ciitlt ure Uometliee ro the heal hlowl snd akin eiitea uenufacturod. I refer to drujftflet John f Unlay end lir l t' Moiitipimerr. both of this lei e snd to it Smith, of Lake Lee, Ml. ALXAits BSAcn, OreenvlUe, WsSi Mr lleerli iimhI lllel nil -ure Hemoillue, at our re- jure, with reeuH a above eatet. A. it. Pin uv and Co., Irttjrit. SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE. Ever alnoe 1 t-an ed m a milk lemr. Nothlmr would d her any aood She he.1 the W latest, but they all did her no She euSered with her le for thirty yeere and never knew a well day. She weoUi heve to ail up half the nifhl, heldUie; up her ley and bvmuiIi.. She hl no pear. She aasd all the beet known remedte u i irr wi-hout effeit, I eekd brr v. try yr iRen.ediee. Got hersboUle d CutJear Re am! abe took it, sad has taken in all about six or SSMM Hottlee and now aha le a snH day. Her Ice la entirely healed, sad her health was never better Sh- can r out every dsr, see aaehss assdeae In ton years, at you aee I he' eutintr l you about your wonderful CutUlUTS You have caved my ro-Mhefl life. I ssa- tnt (Ind words u. express my rratttude. I have sd eriii-,i our i us i.-ur Remedies far and near. Bowaso Leans. lKKS Brosdwsy, N. T. I 'llll. llr.. .kU ....... ....I M. prepared frtmi It, externelly. aiwl Culicura lleeolveni! the new bio.! purifler, Internally, are S poerttr. etire "i cam sest sesMBNoast iresa ptm Piss to scrofula Sold everywhere. Priie. Cutleurs. 60 ; Soap, IS ; Itewdvent, 1. Prepared by the PoUer Urua and i ! I Ba a ai ' 'leiuinw mj ouihw, us. eVSsaS for "How to Cars Skin Dtssasts," 84 psawt, A0 and 100 PLES, black head, chapped and oily Skis wf oeansia aweusstod Hosp. Sneezing Catarrh. The eUsbssdeg ssssss, sassss, aassas, the aarid eilsry dleuasif M froes the eyee sad no. ful InrUmmaUota extondtny; to the throat, the swelt' lafof the macott "'f "iftag ukufctng ffinseilsns cugh. rinstag wniees Is the bead sadspHuhtf aasd -how familiar theee eytapioess are to tboe wbo eofer psrteatksdbr fretn hesd sslasor la fassas. and who lies in t iterance of the fact that a atagts sppMiatleri at Ssaford'e Radical Care fr Ca- urrh will afford insuntonentu relief. But this treatmsnt Is esses of staple CaUrrh glees bat s feint Ids of what this remedy will do in the nartais limns wasrt ins sfssiaisa; is nnstraetsn by ch .klnn, putrid mucoos secantulatiia, th. bamrtss eSheisB, esastt sad last, subs, threat oteemtsd sad h.. king ceorfh gradually Itself upon the de bilitated eyetom. Then it ta ihat the marv.lou..u relive power of Sanford'a Badloal Cure mamtaate IU elf in and grateful relief. Car. hsgtas A - aa .i aw a ate a w . irvm mm Bin appaesuon, it m ram at I, ssssMssaaal, sate. Sanfonl'e RaUcal Cure c .n.i.ta of one birtlle etSM Kadloal ', one box tlsrrhal Solvent snd aa lruved Inhaler; price. ft. Pot tor I'rug sad Chemical Co., Pains and Weaknesses OF i'BMALBS) sfhSShk ! If kuiln, li e'n fiaslt'jij fwl loetantly rwllevM by the CaUe-ara anil rfn rtaeser. s saw sad most .hie. IsstaiilSHissM) BBS laftaUihie as's- ktlllBaT Hseter. sapecUlly to re lleve I Warranted vastly enterior f. all sj Pais, Is dad. Axafl WeaJraess ye drtijfgkSa. Skeew lvtter Uruc sad See foe ft ; nr. Co., Notice for Publication, Lwtnd Office at Oregon Citv, Or., January 1 1th. Itttt, J Notice la hereby given that Ha rah A, Koren, heir at law of Jonathan A. Prlne deceased, who made Homestead Entry, No 4319, for the N W erf tf at X Of 80 22, Tp 11, s K I W, has given notice of her Intention to make fine! proaf in support of said claim for the benefit or all t&e Beiraj at law of said deoeaaad claimant, and tbat said proof wilt be made boforstbe County Judge or Clerk f Linn ounty, Oregonat Albany, Oregon, on Yaradsy, March SUa, ISSS. She names the iollowlog witnesses to prove continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said land by said Jonathan A; Prlne, deceased, rlz : J B Boat. irk, D. Sy I vaster, P Sylvester and If Carrow, all of Lebanon P. O., Linn couotv. Or, W. T, BnasiKY, Registea, ItllSS eJ. Proprietor. This house is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and oemmodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. SAM MAY. S. SSXDggS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General lertiiandise. HARRISBURO - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds Country produce. WASHINGTON. (IVSSI rtiu eeaajfje Wasiiimotom, D. C, Feb. 9th, iSSti. "Twisting the tall of the British Lion" ha long been a favorite snd perfectly harmless psttlme of American statesmen In the legislative halls of the nation. And it would ssem that this mighty sslmsl Is not to escape his periodical torture during the present session of Congress. The Lion might de welt to heed the admonition of the picturesque Ingalls, who says "if the HrltUh Lion dost not want hU tall twists, he must kewp It between his legs." The Tall Sycamore ofthe Wabash, Indiana's most popular son, has expressed the same opinion also. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, the British Fisheries Commlsslener,who by virtue of his being s member of parliament, has the privilege of the floor of Congress, sccord ing to custom, I the disturbing csuse st present. The distinguished Englishmen held a sort of reception in the Senate while Mr. Voerheet was making his tariff speech In reply to Mr. Sherman's attack upon the President s massage. The con versation was pitched In such high tones that Senatorial dignity was seriously of fended, and the President of the Senste felt celled upon to silence the disturbance with his gavel. As for Mr. Chamberlain, he is probably more sinned against than sinning. The group of republican Sena tors who gathered about him on this ces sion were the real offenders, for they should have had the grace to conduct their guest to one of the adjacent clonk rooms. The democratic Senators were latently listening to the able effort of Mr. Voor hees In refutation of Mr. Sherman's srgu- ment, and they justly complained that though they paid undivided attention to the remark of the Ohio Senator, when It came the turn of Mr. Voorbees, the atten tion of the republicans wss almost entirely withdrawn from the orator and the dis cussion. This wss a grave breech of de corum on the pert of those whose duty It was to observe it The matter ha not yet been publicly alluded to in the Senate, though It may be in the near future. One of the most Important hills yet In troduced in the Senate is that offered by Senator Jloar for a world's fair at Wash ington in 189a. In connection with thb it Is proposed to rata With In this city a permanent exposition of the arts.lndustrias and resources of North.sWuth and Central America, the United States, a matter of ourse to take the lesd. If carried out on the scsle projected, this scheme will rival If not aurpaaa, the glorious record of our great Centennial. Speaker Carlisle's committees are proba bly more capable and satisfactory to the public, If not to those assign ed, than If the work had been by any other, for in a mat ter of this kind, expesfeace ia everything on the part of the presiding officer. The House I now thoroughly organised for business, and the present week will be s season of much4ntcrest snd actlvity.a the commltteewfre hard at work shaping the courae oLIcgislatton. The results of their delUKJpauons will appear later. During the past week the Committee on Elections had under consideration the contested election case of Thobe against Carlisle, and a number of affidavits hsvc been filed bv the contestant and several allegations presented by his counsel. The hearing of the case has been postponed till the last ol this week, in order that the Speaker may have an opportunity of de fending the validity of his title, which he desires to do. Mr. Thebe's counsel is at tempting to make his client play the role of the persecuted his vain effort to make a plausible cose. A striking and singular instance of re publican official irregularity and incom petency had just come to light here in the capital. More than nineteen years age Gen. J. S. Crocker was appointed Warder of the District Jail, for a term of four years, under a bond of $5,0000 ; and although lie has never been re-appointed, nor given a new bond, the lucky General swings to his office. "Turn the rascals out." The indications are that in a day or two the President will send to the Senate two important nominationsMr. Stockslager, who is Assistant Commissioner of the Land Office, to be Commissioner of the Land Office and General . A. Bogg.ex Congressman from Wisconsin, to be Min ister to Mexico. It was Gen. Begg who made the memorable speech In the Chica go Convention, lauding Grover Cleveland "We all love him for the enemies which he has made." The Wisconsin statesman has had a distinguished career,both in war and in peace, and It is known that the President is desirous of honoring him. PERSONAL. The Longfellow Statue Association of Portland, Me., has raised $7coo, and only wants $1000 more. Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett, who Is new living at Florence, Italy, expects to remain abroad two years. Mrs. Deborah Powers of Lansingburg, N. Y., is ninety-seven years old, and is at the head of the banking-house of D. Pow ers & Jones, in that town. Miss Braddon, the novelist, whose real name Is Mrs. John Maxwell, lives at Rich mond, near London, England. She is a middle-aged woman, who delights in out door exercise and is especially fond of horseback riding. The wife of Senator Vance of North Carolina is a handsomc,darkeyed woman, to whom the credit of much of her hus band's political success is due. She is said to be the ablest feminine politician south of Mason and Dixon's line. Prof. Asa Gray, professor of botany at Harvard College for many years, and the author of numerous botanical works, died in Boston recently aged seventy-seven-Prof. Gray was born in New York State and was a member of most of the scientific societies in America. In 1874 he was ap pointed regent of the Smithsonian Insti tute, succeeding Louis Agassis. He was an honorary member of the principal sci entific societies abroad, and one of the most distinguished botanists in the world THE PEOPLE WANT TARIFF RgVIHlON It cannot be too strongly urged by the republicans of the country upon the re publicans In Congress that an aggressive republican policy In regard to the surplus snd reduction of taxation and tariff should be adopted st once snd vigorously pushed. It Is not enough In the minds of the re publican people simply to antagonize the democrstic policy snd psrty negstlvely. They went sn affirmative and aggressive republican party. The people want reduc tion In taxation snd sll public burdens wherever It Is possible snd practicable reduction in Internal revenue taxes wher ever It can be done safely and reduction In tariff whenever it is practicable and the American policy protecting American In dustries will permit. They want positive, direct and material reduction, both in taxes' and tariff. They do not want s policy of defense of the sur plus snd a policy to project legislation which will require appropriations large enough to prevent the accumulation of surplus In the Treasury hereafter. They want a new system of Internal revenue taxstlon or decided reductions under the present systes,snd thsy want such reduc tion In tariff snd the placing of enough articles on the free list to make a lower system of tsxation, and one which will prevent a surplus, not one which will de vise means to spend it sfter It hss sccum ulsted. The people, in other words, went reduction, not sny new policy to spend more money. They sre willing to pay all that the gov- ernment needs for Its expenses snd willing to pay It freely. But they do not want to pay a cent of tax not needed by the gov ernment or for the protection of honest American Interests. We hope to see some of our lows men fa Congress vsry soon take tip this work and press it forward on the line of reduction. Reduction Is the first thing. How to moke it most ssfety to sll American interests is the next thing. The republican party is pledged to this progrsm. Its Isst National platform pledg ed It directly and explicitly. The pledge hss not yet been redeemed. There are on ly a few months left in which to redeem It before the election of another President. If it Is going into the Presidential cam pulgn expecting to win It must go In with its promises of reduction, of tax snd the removal of inequalities In the tariff hon -estly and frankly redeemed. awa state ftegitfer, Rep. CURIOUS FACTS. Kansas has s new postoflsce named Zero. The name would apply to the whole state two weeks ago. Four sheep, s hog snd ten bushels of whest settled sn lows breach of promise suit where $15,000 dsmsges were demand ed. Two races of men ore dying out, the Laplanders, who number joyooo, snd the Maoris of New Zealand, reduced from tooyooo to 45,000 since the days of Capt. Cook, and likely to be extinct by the year A young woman In Tipton count v.Tc nn ., displays remarkable power over horses end other animals. It Is asserted that she can ride and drive at a moment's notice horses and mules that no one else can handle. Boys born in Romeon New Year's Day are, if their parents consent, to be called Leo, and all girts Leonle, and to each Leo and Leonle the papal jubilee has promised a savings bank passbook with 100 fraacs placed to it credit. A citizen of Kalamazoo has a valuable parrot. On five different occasions he has ssvod the house from being burglarised The lsst time wss on a recent night The burglsr got the door unfastened, but when he opened it the perrot asked, in a stern and harsh voice I "Hello there ! Whst's the mstter ?" The burster didn't answer, but fell over himself in his desperate hur ry to get sway. From 8000 to 10,000 gallons of blood a day are used In making buttons in a large factory In Bridgeport.n ear Chicago. About ico men and boys are employed in the factory. The blood must be fresh beef blood. A Mr. Hirsh wss the first to intro duce the business some years ago, and he is now Immensely wealthy. Much ofthe blood evaporates in the process of drying, but the pure albumen remains. Blood sheets are used by cloth manufacturers for "setting" the color in calico goods. These sheets, broken up, will make buttons, ear rings, bresstpins, belt clasps, combs, aad even door knobs. THEY KNEW. A certain charitable mission enterprise, connected with an important church, is presided over by the young assistant min ister of the shurch, who Is much sdmired for his personal grsces as well as for his piety snd sesl In good work. He hsd been sssisted in the work of instructing.elevst ing snd amusing the boys who resort to the mission by some good ladies of the parish, and particularly by a young woman whose benevolent Interest in the mission work has been supposed to Include the clergyman at Its head. She has been In defatigable in her endeavors to teach and entertain the boys, and often addresses them in little speeches. The other Sunday this young lady was speaking to the boys in the presence of the clergyman. She had exhorted them to be good aad studlous,to avoid bad com pany, profanity and other demoralizing things, and closed her little exhortation with these words : Q"I want you to be good boys and do all those things that I have asked you to be cause I love you all." M3 know who you love most !" a small boy in the front row called out. "Well, who is it, Johnny ?" asked the la dy. No doubt she suspected some accu sation of partiality among the bys which she would have been glad of an opportun ity to deny. The boy pointed his small,grimy finger St the.young clergyman. 'Him !" he shouted. The young lady's interest in charitable work 'is said to have declined visibly for some little time. -Boston Tvemcrift. A MAN AB0I7T TOWN. The Man About Town believes the great need of Albany Is more manufacturing In terests. We have enough wealth here to secure more factories ; but our monled men seem to hesitate about launching into that field before they can see the end of the rain bow, though they quickly come to the front In other directions where the possibilities seem greater. We want industries thst will bring outsiders here snd also ones to keep those we si ready have among us. Albany as a manufacturing city would receive a per manent growth that would place it in the front of Valley cities, second only to Port land in the .State, It has the natural advant ages. It needs to set down on a pin or aomcthing of the kind and be stirred up a little. There is enough surplus capital, as evidenced by the resdy manner in which Insurance stock Is subscribed, to give Al bany a big manufacturing boom. O The M. A. T. is glad to see the Introduc tion into our midst of stock with good blood running through their veins, for blood will toil in stock as well as in men, Friday we had the pleasure of observing the good points In the three Hoi stein recently received from the East by Isom & Lannfng. They are registered, full blooded, large, healthy an imals, and as fine looking a any that chew their cuds. In fact the Holstein is model stock, and Isom Si Lanning are to be com mended for doing their pert towards better Ins; our stock Interests. Whether It is a new railroad, new fiour mill, new buildings, new hog or new cows, this firm is right st the front. O There Is this about amateur acting. When It comes to parting scenes, kissing or any thing of that kind, there Is such an awful iceburg restraint about it that the tune fall half a degree low. O Most of us arc opposed to corporeal pun- la 1 1 m en t In theory ; but when it come to practice there Is nothing,!! rightly managed, that take ita place. It is for this eason that everybody through the State thought Prof. Ktgnier, 01 romand. should be sustained In hi punishment of a refractory pupil. even in Aioany mere are time when a whipping post would come In play. How would it do with the horde of laxy, good for nothing tramps who stop us on every corner ior iso mis 10 get something to dnnX with. "1 lavc'nt hod anything to eat in two days,' O A Salem minister, so the M. A. T. is privately informed by a prominent citizen of that city, has just purchased a large alarm clock with which to awaken his congrega tion when through preaching. The whole city needs one, by the wsy. O The Man About Town want to see More money In circulation in Linn coun- A woolen mill here. A paper mill on the gantiam canal. Ha loons run in a "moral" tnnncr. The sidewslk repaired. Lawns beautified. New houses built of tasty structure. Old shanties along First Street torn down and bricks be put up, and it is being done. Albany a manufacturing city, or How would it do as an Insurance cily. One of the attractions of a Philadelphia fair Is a doll said to be 350 years of sge During thst time it has amused half a doz en generations of chlldren.and had varied experiences, among which was interment in a garden for seven year add resurrec tion by a farmer's plow. A Japanese girl, twelve years of ace, is eight feet high and weighs 370 pounds. Her ran arc nuecn mcnes long. Born to the wife of Johnson Porter, on Feb'y iith, a boy. That's a valentine. Benton Aextdar, Patterson's drug and jewelry store was robbed of $800 worth of goods last week. Capt Chas F Powell, of U. 8. Engineer corps, has gone to Washington on business. In the great New York walking match Albert made 631 miles in six days, beat ing the record by ten miles. m i 1 a DEYOE A ROB SON have moved into their new store buildlng.where they can be found with an immense stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, CUT LERY, SILVERWARE and AMMUNI TION. Come one, come all and get their prices. A VtT D'Q Sugar-Coated A I Ull O Cathartic . If the Liver be- nil I Q comes torpid, if the II LLOi bowels are constipated, or if the stomach foils to perform its functions properly, use Ayer's Pills. They are invaluable. For some years I was a victim to Liver Complaint, in consequence of which I suffered from General Debility and Indi gestion. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills restored me to perfect health. W. T. Brightney, Henderson, W. Ya For years I have relied more upon Ayer's rills than anything else, to Regulate my bowels. These Pills are mild in ac tion, and do their work thoroughly. I have need them, with good effect, in cases of Rheumatism ana Dyspepsia. Q. F. Miller, Attleborough, Mass. Ayer's Pills cured me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for yean. I consider them the best pills mode, and would not be without them. Morris Gates, Downs ville, N. Y. I was attacked with Bilious Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, and was so dangerously ill tbat my friends despaired 01 my recovery. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and soon regained my customary strength and vigor. John G. Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska. Last spring I suffered greatly from a troublesome numor on my side. In spite of every effort to cure this eruption, it in creased until the flesh became entirely raw. I was roubled, at the same time, with Indigestion, and distressing pains in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend I began taking Ayer's Pills. In a short time 1 was free from pain, my food digested properly, the sores on my body commenced healing, and, in less than one month, I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga. I have long used Ayer's Pills, in my family, and believe them to be the best pills made. 8. C. Darden, Darden, Miss. My wife and little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once began giving them small doses of Ayer's PiOs, thinking I would call a doctor if the disease became any worse. In a short time the bloody discharges stopped, all pain went away, and health was restored. Theodore Ealing, Richmond, Va. ft V Ayer's! Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aver ft Co., Lowell, Mass, old by all Beaters in Medicine; FWB ID MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMM, ALBANY, Capital Stock, $300,000 :p-A.jtd tjst cash, $55,000. OFFICERS : J. O. WRIT8MAN.. . V; 52? . J. VV. CU8ICK Secretary and Manager. Treasurer, DIRECTORS : B. S. Stbahan, J. W. Cusiox, Chas. E. Wolveeton, T. L. Cowan, O. F. Simmon, T. K. Eldebkin, SAFE, SOUND, CONSERVATIVE. A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Deals with Square People, Patronize Home Enterprise. New and Second Hand Store Owing to the inereowd dsmnd. r m -"-"81 w nave Uen compelled to meet into a larger store am. we can now be found next door to , E, Young, where w will be pleased to see eur patrons, if yon teed any stoves, furniture, tinware, rockery' clock. rpbit! pSetnree, fruit Jars, trunks, booka,;ro! ler skateseaddies, awe, plane, etc and a thousand dig ferent and use s tic! yon can not do better this side el Saa Piumdaco than you no wun us on a purchase or M. FRANKLIN & CO. 12S First Street,! Albany, Or, Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Oniw Broadalt)iii anf First Sts., -DEALER IN C sinned Fruit, Cnoe. Meat. Crl sum ware, QseenRware, Dried Frnlta, Vegetables), Tebaeeo, Cigars, Strr, Spleen, Tee, Kt Etc., In foot everything that is kept in a gen iml variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. L. W. CLARK, Portrai ; Photographer. S.a luge by appof nsmoat, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedale's Building. ALBANY, ... 0REG01 Palace Meat Market. I T. PIPE, PMSllfOB. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on band beef, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, eto the best meats and largest variety In the city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. JOHN BRIGCS, FLOBIST ALBANY, - - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lota planted and a ttended to. CROSSEN & ALLEN, PEOPEIETOES Albany Truck and Dray Oc, Kc, 1. Goods handled with care and dispatch. T. J. STITES ATTORNEY AT -AND Notary Public. JLAW kPk CVVVYV ot 11x0 good things of this va V.J life ore sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure lyspepaia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed have this day been appointed Ac inisistra tors of the estate of John W Tycer, deceased, late of Lion county, Oregon. All persons having claims aoaiast said estate ai-e hereby required to present the same proporiy vert tied to the undersigned at Brownsville, Ore gon, within six months from this d ite. This 15th day of February, 1888. Missouri Ty jkr, Leonard Ty-sb, A din'rs. OREGON. Chas. Mokteith, J. O. Wbitshan. D. B. MOHTEITH. Sheriff's Sale, In Ike CHrruii tlnurt if l, f s 1 L. - - mv vw aa.tip vf a awn for the Stat of Oregon : James Forgey, Plaintiff. va. Younger Smelaer and Sarah M Smelser. Defendant. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sal fawned OUt Ofthe above named t Vinrt lath. .ka.. entitled suit, I will on KaiBrday ike Sri Aw sf March, KSet, at the Court House door in the city of Al beny. Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., aell at public auction for cash in band to tbe highest bidder the real property described in said execution sad order of aale as follows, to wit : Be ginning S chain and 13 links east of the quarter iectHn corner between Sections 4 and 28 in Township 9 south range 1 west ofthe Willamette mendan, and run ning thence south 2234 east 9H chains thence south 15 chains aad 88 links theftce w--r 1 chain ih.m. umik IK chain and S7 links to the south line of aecuon in said Township ; thence east 14 chain and 27 !inV t th corner of the southeast X of the south westi of said Section 25; thence north SH chains, thence in a southeasterly direction to the euartnr aaollnn tttxwmmr ha tween Section 25 and 30 in said Township i.iwuw wbsi m cnaias ; tnenos north 4a cbin ; thence west 56 87-100 chains tat the Dlace Of betrinn!nr. wnlalnittf. ftT 04-100 acre more or lees in Linn county, r-con. ine proceeds arising rrom tbe aale of saK premiaes, to be applied : First to the Payment of th maim .nH arrMnaaa of this suit taxed at $230.35, and accruing vumm, oecena 10 ine Sv Plaintiff. Jamoa Forme ti anna nfsixiar on with accruing Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 25th dav of October, 1887. Third and the overplus If anV therebe bo nairl tn lh aairi Vnnn Smelser, his heirs and assigns. i'aiea January soy, 1888, D. S. Smith, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregoa or Z4s L euHty. Martha Barnes, Plaintiff, va. M. Berrisran, B, Brenner, and R. Glass and D, H. Glass, partners doing business nnder tbe firm name of R. Olasa At Son, and Levi West and Ed Robinson, partners doing bnsinees under tbe firm name of Robinson A West, Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by'yirtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, 1 will on Saturday the leth day t March, loss, at the Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m , tell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder the real property described in said exeeutlou and order of sale as follow, to wit . The northeast quarter of Section 3 in Town ship 15 south of range 1 east. Also tho east half af the northeast quarter of Sec tion 31 in Township 14 south of range 1 east, all in the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and containing 240 acres, Tbe proceeds arising from the sale of said premises to be applied : First to the payment of i the costs and disburse ments of auit taxed st $34 70 and accruing costs. Second to the payment of riaiu tiff's claim, to-wit : $146,80 with accruing interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from the 26th day of vKrtober, 1887, and the further sum of $26 Attorney's fees Third to the payment of the Defendant, B Brenner's claim, to-wit: $152 and aecru ing Interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from the 26th day of Octobe-, 1887, and the further sum of $20 Attorney's fees and his costs and disbursements taxed at $42.05 and the balance if any therebe to be paid over to the Defendant M. Berrisran, Dated January 30th, 1888, D. S, Smith, Sheriff. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partner shiD heretofore existing under tha firm mm. of Hoffman & Pfeiffer is this day dissolved oy mutual oonseot, Mr. Ilolfuian retirinc. The business will be continued at th n'd stand by Mr. Pfeiffer. Dated January 3rd, 18S8. Jo UN HOFTMAM. Frascis Pfkiiter. Dissolution of CopaitosMp, The copartnershin heretofore existing h. tween John Isom. J Launing and Edward Goins. under the firm name of Isom. L&nninc & Co., is hereby dissolved by mutual icon- sent, Edward Grins, retiring. John Isom, E J. Lakhiko, Edward Goixs. Albany, Jan. 2nd, 1888. The business ia the future will he con ducted by John Isom and E J Lanning, n der same style of firm name, Isom, Laaeiog 8t Co., who will pay all liabilities of the late firm, and are alone authorized to co' loot all