Wm. Fortmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS- Prompt Attention-First-class Hearsa JBaT After buaineaa hours sail at residence cesser Fifth and Maker streets. Red CrownMills1 ISOM, LANNINti & CO., PROPR'S. w raocaas rtoua srrrsnioa non ran i ms An HA KM an ova. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Anrdews & Hackieman, W.LDOUGLASl 13.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON THE YAQUINA ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon Development Company's Sta n- snip Litue 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class through pssseur snd freight line from Portland snd all point ia tae Willamette valley to and from ban enraoetaoo, Ual. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Hong." The "N. S, Beat ley." The "Three Misters" are In aervfee for both passenger and freight traffic be tween Carval I ia and Portland and inter ssHsts pointn, leaving Company's wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. Hulman A Co's wharf. Nas. 200 and 202 Front St., Port- isno, three times a week as fullowa : -fOKTH rMrCNO. LsavwCorrslua, Hon.. Wed. and Frktay. lv.nu A. M. Leave Aibanv, Mon-lay. Wed. an. I Kndav. MX) .un. Arnvt r-oruanu, tub., run. awl Saturday, 6:30 P. m. Leave Portland, Horn., Wed. and Friday, 8:00 A. M. Leave Albany, Tue., Thura. and Saturday, 1:30 p. M. .irne..iriiu, iuc, Ihu. aiul Saturday, 4: M I. U. Boats make close connection at Aibanv with traina of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Ttata SCHgDfLK. xut Sunday.) Leave Albany. l:w r. a, Leave Corral Ua, 1:17 r. a. Arrive Ya!iiiua, 6:6S r a Leave Yaquina, e.ao a.. Leave Corve!Us.1e:3a A. v. Arrive Albany. 11:16 a. v. O. A C. traiaa connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above traiea connect at Yaquiut with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Yaqama and Man Franciaoo. NAI1,4 DATES . BTSaMBajt. ruM BAM rAJrUBO. ." Va. a - .. ' - . huh .n.,iu, nil. Wlllsluvtta Vallav. Vrt I... vi ill Sjsstcrt. Oregon, Ttc., Jan. 10th, enn Jan. 15lh Willamette Valley, Mon .Jan. ISth, frun , Jan. 'J :nl. ItMUrn rfn, tel., Jan., H4, Set . Jan. LU. W.UanUe V.llev, a., Jan. auh. r rid., Feb.. 3rd. The Company ,rv the right to change sailing datea without notice. N. It. Pasaengors from Portland and Willamette Va ley poioU can make Hose connect! n with the traina of the Yaquina route at Aibanv or Corvallis. sod Ifdee tined to San Franciaoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquina Ibe evening before date of sailing. fM-aK-r ml V. right Kates always Ibe Ls9WCtt4- For information apply to C J Stuart, freight and Ticket Agent, Allauiy, or to C II Haawell, Jr., O. F. r. Agt,, Oregon lK-v,i.J,mm.t :o :j04 Moiitcomery St., San rranciet.., Cal. . C. M04.I K, A. a. r. sad P. Agent, Oregon PariAc R It Co. Oevvallls, Or. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -oriA Oregon & California R. B, AND 00NNBCTIOH8. THK NT. SSJ4ST4 BOITE. -O Time between A1W y and Set. FraeJa,, sfi hears. OALiroaviA Kxraaee 11 tise dailv. Mm 4.00 r. a. it-Mr u 7:M a a Sorth I 10:40 a a ' 7:06 a a 0:30 r a Las LSSV Arrive Portland Albany Han r'.iieico Arrive Leave 0 local rAMBBesa TBAin uiLr .except Sunday). 8:00 A a 1 2: 40 F M t:40r Leave baas Arrive Portland Albany Kureue Arrive Leave I.oavo S:46 r m 11:36 a a I St A M kJfltST TAWMBiL local pabmbkokb tbaibs daily, xxcxrr scbdat. silO r a Leave Albany Arrive 1 6:46 am HM r a Arrive Lebanon Leave 6:60 a a l:&0ra I Leave Albany Arrive 2:46 r a IMifU Arrive Lebanon Leave g-.OO r a PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. KX'( RSION SI.KKPBBS far Srrttntl laS runnrusn an all i It route It traiaa Fit El OP CHAK4JB, vreat aide Mvlslea. HKTWCMN POKTLAXH A Mr COVVaLLIV, m Ail vbaim daii.t (exoept Snnday.) 7:80 A a I Lave li.r ml Arrive Portland rvllli Arrive Kta r a 1:80 p a axraasB tbaibh pajlt (ezejpt Sunday.) t:wr I UMIvs i'ortlaurl Arrive HWv Arri-e MeMinnvUle !v. 0:00 a a 6.46 a a At Albany nd CorveJHi eoi.ncct with traim of Oregon Paeiflt. fiailroad Fr full information regarding rates, atapr, str. call on CouiMuiy 'n Agent. B. ROEttLBR, K. P. BOOEaW, w'r APSMAoent. MR8..B. HYMAN, next asf of n. IC, Young's, Albany, Or, Gutting and Fitting a Specialty,' STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DOME TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesday and Thursdays of eaeh w 'k. and painting done tootderon plaques and other material, Nien assortment ofArlisU materials on liaiid. .., la V O a. tk are fretful, peerish, AJAVIVI6 cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by uain& Acker's Baby Boothcr. Do You Want Furniture ? IF YOU DO GO TO W.H.WILLARD yo Iwni make HI) 'I nueat finished BEDROOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alto a tine line ot PICTURE FRAMES. end a hunderd different styles of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order The largest and bout stook of UNflRRTAKRRS ?MU. aver kept In Albany. Prices reasons bio. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. First Teraa wbwbb September 13th, Issff. A toil eorpa of Instruttors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study axrauxed to meot the I need of all grades of students. Sftxial imdmmmemtt Jwl to tult$ frvm msVcxm. Tuition ranees from 16. M) to SIV.M). Board in private fainl'iea at :ow rates Rooms lor serf-boarding at small rx - ense. A careful super vision exercised over atu dents awav from home. Fall term ojw-hh September 7th. For circulars and full particulars aaareaa uio iTeskieat. kkv. BLaamT a. cwxmt Albaoj, Oregon, Guardians Sale, In the matter of ik ( .,.,. hip of the frsoH amd profrrty of l.awrrne McLtnre, a minor. Notice la hereby given that by order of the Connty i ourt of the County of Polk and State of Oregon, made and entered of record in the Probate records of Polk county and State aforesaid on the 3rd cay of October, A. D, 187, 1, Margaret Booth - by. the duly Qualified and acting guardian ef said minor, will offer for sale and sell to the holiest bidder. for cab. the follow ing described real property belonging to aaid eatate, to wit : An undivided one- tenth interest in and to Block No. any (60) in Haekleman'a Second Addition to tbe city or Albany, iu county of i.inn, lu the State of Oregon aforesaid. Said sale to take place in front of the Court House doer, at Albany aforesaid at tbe hour of 1 o'clock p. m ou Tkursdsy, Feb. lbtu. It. fcfAftuABKT Booth b, uuardian. Assignee's Notice. UTOTICE IS HKKEBY G1VEM lw to all whom it ray concern, that W K. Price, of Scio, Oregon, did on tbe nth day of January. 118 (be then and there leing inulven, and unable to pay his creditors in full) lawfully ssslgn t me si! bis property for tbe benefit of all his cred I tors 'i berefore all persons having claims against tbe said lassignor W. K Price will tereby take notice of said aaalgnment and present their claims under oatn.to me at my place or business in Seio,L,lnn connty, Oregon, within three months from tae date hereof. Dated January 20th, 1888. J, C. JoHttsoa, Asslgnse, VV, K. RlLYKV, Attorney for Asaignes. Notice for Publication, Land Office st Oregon City, Or. i December 20th, 18e7. Notiee iahereby given that the ftJlowiug named settler has Mie-d notic of his intention to make heal proof ia support ot h s elairr, and that aaid proof will be made before the County Jadge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Or., on Friday, Karen '.ad, isaa. vis : John Garrett, Homestead Kntry, No. 4797 foi the 8 I el S W aad Lots 1 and 2, Sees. 28 and 33. T, 13, S R 2 W, Willam rtte Meruliau. H names the fallowing wit aases t- prove In C 'Htniu.Hal rssi Itnoc up on, and cultivatioa of, said laad, viz i K M Hearing, John Warren, Jnha Rebhaosnl D IflSonuett, all of Brownsville, l.inu county, Oregon. W. T. Bl'USBF, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. 1 December 16th, 1887. J Notice ia 1 ereby given that the following-named settlor has Died notice of his intention to make final proof in auppert of bis claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn eounty, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on Tarsdsy, Febraary Slat, IMS, viz : John Dosne, Homestead Entry No, 4540. for the S K 14 of Sec. 34, Tp. 0, S R 2 E W M. He names the following wit nraaea to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ef. said land, viz : II. F. Bodeker, Mrs. 1. M. Clinton, James Berry snd I. N. Brotherton.of Fox Valley P. O., Linn connty, Oregon, W. T. Bcrhey, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Oflice at Oregon City, Or,, December 15ih, 1887. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named nettle r has filed notice of his intention to makn final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe (aunty Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or, at Albany, Or., on Taestlay, Febraary Viet, IKK, viz : Henry F.Jtodekrr, Homestead Kn try No 457(1 for the N K Sec. 4 Tp, 10 S R 2 K. Willamette Meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, land, viz: John Doane, Mrs. Irene M, Clinton, T. W, Gardner and J-imes Berry, of Fox Valley P, O. of Linn county, Or. W. T, BlTHK'KY, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or, December Kith, 1887. j Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County J udge or Clerk of Linn county, Or,, at Albany, Or., on Wednesday, February 22nd, lxss, viz i Pfaebe Humpleby, widow of George Humpleby, deceased, who made Home stead Entry, No, 4514, for the N W 4 ef Sec. 2, Tp, 10, S R 2 K, Linn county, Or. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residenco upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : H. F. Bodeker, John Doan, James Berry and I. N. Bre.herton, of Fox Vally, P, O., Linn county, Oregon. W, T; Bur;ky, Register, FARM AT A BARGAIN. The ui dersigned offers for sale his farm of 275 acres 6 miles north of Hairisbuig n the Harrubur, Peoria, and Albany wagon road, 2 miles from warehouse on the Wil lamette liver, 6 mile from Halcey on the OA Crailtoad, on-fourth or a mile from nchool houte, a'l fenced ia 8 departmtntr, besides small lots, 176 aorts ia cultivation, 75 acres oak t rub, cot heavy, 55 sores prow iug wheat, 30 acres more new land in culti vation, making 93 sere ia g khI condition for wheat this fall and will soon le snwn. 150 ClUOCtat. APER, aso for Am y Signature oj Conrad Meyer, -PROPRlETOit OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8ts., DEALER IN auueti rraitn, GlsuMwsret Drlfxl Frafta, Tosisteeo, fanned Heats, Qttreuawaire, Vegetstbleatt Igatm, Npleea, C o flet, Tea. Ete,. Etc., In fact everything that ia kept In S gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market pries) paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Tutfs Pills lotfy r falls to erraoi Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all dUcsHM arlalng from m Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. xse natural reealt la moon appetite solid riean. Ooaa small i elearawt- r eaalaa sm assay to awn 1 low . SOLD BV KEY WHERE. Notice for Publication. Land Offioe at Oregon City, Or. December, 16th, 1887. J Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler haa filed notiee of her intention to mske final proof in sup pert of her claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe Count Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or,, on Wedneaelay, Febraary Stallage, viz : Irene M. Clinton, Homestead Kntry No, 4541, for the N E Sec. 2, Tp. 10, S R 2 E Wl lametto Meridian. She namea the following wltnesaea to prove her contin uous residence open, and cultivation ef, aaiJ land, viz : II. F. Bodeker, John Doene, James Berry and I. N. Brotherton, of Fox Valley, ?. O., Linn county .Oregon. W. T, Bums ay, Register, 6,000.000 EEOPU WE 0.M.FERRY4C0. aia eniiillileil In ail tin , Laraeet SeeOemen in tno won a. D. M- 7ZXKYA CO'S tll-etraies, Beawva. nrs iHi tuH 8EED ANNUAL For 1889 will be mailed REE YO ALL applicant, and to leat eeaeoo'e oaettauetu vrith ont ordertaa it. Invaluable tons. rsty Dtsson osuut FCarden, F loldFlower Dell. FERRY ACO., Detroit, fvlloht Notice for Publication, Land Ofnce at Oregon City. Or. December 16th, 1887, J Notice is hereby ariven that the follow- ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be mad 3 before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or., on Monday, February 91th, 188, viz : George W Miller, Homestead Entry No. 5389, for the W X of 8 W 14 and 8 W i of N W 34, Bsc. 14, Tp, 18 S R 2 W.W.M, He namea the foilowiag witnesses to prove liis continuous reuidenoe upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz : N. v. Conn, of Albany, and J. M. Zoos man and J. N Combe, of Brownsville and G. F. Sylve tor, of Sodavlile, Or. W. T. BUKNHY, Register. Hotice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un de signed Administrator of tbe estate of Armenins Gary, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the Coun ty Court for Linn county, Oregon, and the County Court has fixed the tttto day el Febraary, 1SS8 at the hour of one o'clock FFIGIAlI. and V and M lyjjpPTiji I, J i tWV m mm mm I SI j Eos m mmim UT BaTSS-s-SBB-aaT--aaB?BBaBmaam my 10 uvni ouje'toua to uni uuti Hcsouni i.trw men w ao nave taxen uotaen Hnectuo mMiiiw DiPisoaai, SDtTBD MY mm Women' CkrliUn Trmpemee lain Thn W. 0. T. U. meets on the 111 and 8ttl Tueiday of each month all t'clook p. at., at the A. O. U. W. Hail, over, Frenobf Jewelry Store. In the letter of Mrs. Llxsle V. Wilson In the last wash's Ukmoa sat alio alluded to the call mads upon Mrs. ex-Preildent Polk, by members Of t lie Nat Convention We give for ths benefit of our white rib' son women s abort sccount of ths recep tion : One of the most delightful occasions of the Nashville Convention was the visit of a hundred representative women to Mrs. I Polk. The grand old lady wished to re-1 ceivc the whole convention, but her fami ( !y, fearing her strength was not sufficient, I thought it not safe. The general officers, I President of States, National Superinten-1 dents of Departments, representatives of lej the fnM AYfW and ether pubdcatlons.al hundred In number.vlslted the Polk man-1 slon, and passed through the reception-1 reom.whore Mrs. Polk awaited them with I her alece and aranJ nlece by her sldc.The I Isdiss tiled through sad were presented to I Mrs. Folk, ths name and title of each lady i being announced Mrs. Polk took each I by the hand and spoke to each some ap-1 preclatlve word. She showed wonderful I aptness In recognlilng just what each work I represented meant. When the young la-1 dies came she ssld, "Ths work ef the girls I Is one of the most Important that can bsThls case will probably be brought up for done," Her eighty-tour years set very I eanelderation to dav. As ths Lamar nom- w w w . I gracefully upon her mingled dignity and 1 sua vlty .reminding us strongly of Madame I Willard. Her home is a fitting setting fori this jewel, a typical old-time mansion-1 house, with great pillars at the doorways,! As Indicated In my lost letter, Gen. Ed reminding us of Arlington tf eighu. Pass-1 ward S. Bragg, a former Wisconsin Con ing through the door, we are welcomed I Into a broad hospitable hall, from which I open doors on every side. On Its wslls,as wed as on those ef the reception snd 1 drawing-room, hang ancestral portraits and I other valuable paintings. Scattered every-1 where are souvenirs and objects of virtu I of great laterest and value. I The maasioa stands far back from the I street ; in front of it Is the mausoleum of President Polk, a plain, massive structure. ! Under its dome Is ths monument covering I the vault ; above It the incript!on,"Jsmes 1 K. PolV tenth Pr.eialnr jtf tit 1'atlcH I State ; born Nov. a i7o : died lune ic. 1849." On one side of the moowmeat Is the Inscription : "The mortal remains of James K. Polk are resting la the vault be- nctth Born In Mecklenburg N C. and emigrated with his father, Samuel Polk, to Tennesse in 1806. The beauty of vlrtae was Illustrated ia his life, 'he excellency of Christianity was exemplified In his death. His life was devoted to the nubile service. He was elevated successively to the first place in State aad Federal Gov-1 eminent A mrmlvr mi tk. Sit a to Alum. bly and of Congre. Chairman ef tm-1 portent committees. Spesker of the House, Senator and Prssldcnt of ths Called State " The Inu-rtntlAa An Ikentkor.Meltkln in the CcBc-'l! Land Oilu from i as follow : "By his public policy he defined snd extended the boundaries of his country. He planted the law of Amort- can I motion the shore of the Pacific. etc. A very practical refutation of the brew ers false ssserttons concerning tbe hcslth fatness of beer is given by those life In surance companies which refuse to accept brewers snd beer-sellers smons their risks. The General Agent of the North western Mutual Life Insurance Company, In a letter from Providence, R. I.,replylng to an inquiry a to "What rik are not written by your company enumerates among the rejected : "Proprietors of res taurant where liquor I sold, saloon er Sat keepers, brewers, and others engaged In the sale of liquor." Nothing is more sen sitive than capital, and the experience of this and other companies ha demonstrat ed conclusively that beer-risks in life in surance are financially a losing invest ment. Louis Schade, of the National Brewers' Association, expressed a wish that a lady lawyer should be sent to Washington to represent the temperance interests. Per haps he will not msintsin that preference when he Is better acquainted with the abil ities and results secured through the ef forts of Mrs. AUa Bittcnbeader, the lady lawyer from Lincoln, Neb., whe ha just gone to Wsshiagton in ths interest of the National W. C. T. U., where she will re main during the present session of Con gress. Mrs. Bittenbender studied law with her husband, and is his law partner to-day in the city of Lincoln, where she ha lived for many year, and is univer sally respected and beloved by all except people connected with the liquor traffic. Head the Death Roll which the bids of mortality of any large city may be fitly designated, snd you will find that renal and vssical maladies, that is to say, those that affect the kidney or bladder, have a remarkable prominence we bad almost said preponderance. Bright's disease and dlabtes in the chron c stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh ef the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou ble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs involved, the danger may be nulli fied by that pleasant renal tonic and dl uretic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitter, which mparts the requisite amount of tone to he organs, without over-exciting them, and the use of which is convenient, and involves no elaborate preparation. Dys pepsla, a usual concomitant of renal com plaints.and debidty.whlch they Invariably produce, are remedied by it. So also are contipation,malarlal, rheumatic and nerv ous ailments. Fer Sale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of ad kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inquire at this ofiic,e. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It eon be given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It; ts absolutely harmless and will effect a perms mtnt and speedy core, whether tbe mutant ts a tnodorate drinker or ,a alcoholic wreck. 1 liousands of drunki-is liavs been made tern- rate men who nave taken WAMUtNOTON, (From ear mruiar oomspondsnt.) Wasiiimoton, D. C, Jsn. ibth, 1888. During the past wssk, a rather Impress ive scene was witnessed in the Senate, when Wm. E. Chsndlsr, whe, by reason of his notorious connection with the Hayes snd TUden campaign, Is a living monu ment of, the purity of elsctlons, stood forth as the champion of a free ballot and a fair count In the South. A few years a W hen lav A. I tubbed, then in the House, was distributing the Republican l ' ar "e corruption fund to carry Indiana, a speech from him rebuking the practice of using money to Influence votes would have been fully as refreshing and effective as wa Mr. Chandler's late effort. The New Hampshire extremist was discussing the municipal election at Jackson, Mississippi with which Congress ha no more to do than with the election of a church deacon No Man's Land." Bit the real object of the Republicans wss to provoke s section controversy for the purpose of defeat- lag Mr. Lamsr's confirmation, in which they were signally disappointed ty tne tact of the Democrats. Mr. RldUlcsergsr epoke right out and said there was no con eaalment of the fact thst the resolution WM dsslgnsd to besr upon a mstter thst heuld be considered only In executive Msslon, and declared his Intention to vote fr Mr. Lamar. Senator Stewart, of Ne- vada, has made the same announcement ef kl Intention. Among other Republican Senators expected to vote the same way, are Messrs. Ssbln, Sswycr snd. Cameron. j natlon comes first on the Senate calendar, jt must be acted upon belore the nomlna- tions of Messrs. Vilas and Dickinson are considered. gressman, has been appointed a Minlater to Mexico, and I still think'Mr. btockslag er will be promoted to the vat oat Com mUslonershlp of the Land Office. Another Western Congressman is In trouble with his former landlady. She was very kind and devoted to the Congress- man's sick child, but it appears that she traasferred her tender feelings from the Idauahter to the father, and that she claims to be his wife, which allegation he denies snd defies her to prove it. Tossy the tesst of it, the Congressman was guilty of InitU. rrtiim mJ he i do pafir.ff the Inenaltv of his folly. I The politician! of Washington are much ( exercised over two Important local r cder la! office that have lately become vacant I h limitation the United States District I Attorneyship, snd the city Postmaster I ship, snd ss you msy well believe, there I no lock of applicants, it Is thought that I both places will be filled with good Dem I ocrats in a few days. I Many Democrat are complaining about the appointment of one Le Barnes lobe I e'UrW of the Committee on Public Land of the House, at a alary of :.$ per an I num. This sits was a Republican, snd I for twelve vcar held a $3,aoo law clerk I which he had only been dismissed a week I This Is turning the rascals out wilk ven Igcancc ! Hsppv Le Bsrnss ! his decapi- I tat ion wa a blessing in oiguie, since ..c ts thereby promoted. Since the holiday recess, a thousand bill have been tatroduced In Congress but of that number only one has passed, both Houses, and that is the bill fixing the salary of the Flh Commissioner an of fkial whose ervlce have heretofore been gratis at five thousand dollar per an num. The Houe has passed a bill deciding what shall and what shall not be written and printed on mail matter, and the meas ure will probably pas the Senate. An. other bill presented in the House. In lieu of the Dependent Pension bill, is an set to psy destitute veteran the turn of eight dollars per month, and there is a prcbabil Ity that such a moderate measure may be come a law. The Thobe Carlisle contested election case, as wss apparent from the beginning, ha completely collapsed, the report of the Committee en Elections being practically unanimous In fayor of the speaker' right to hi seat.. Among the affidavits filed was one from Mr. Carlisle. A VALUABLE EKMEDY FOR HKABArilK. We desire to call attention to a simple, and at the same time wonderfully efficient, treatment for headache. We lay no claim to originality, nor do we know who the originator was, but having used it for a year or more, and In many cases with re markable result, we fsel disposed to give our endorsement, and desire to make It more generally known. The remedy ts nothing more nor less than a solution of the bi sulphide of carbon. A wide-mouth glass-stoppered bottle is half filled with cotton or fine sponge,and upon this two or three drams of the notation are poured. When occasion for it use occur the mouth of the bottle I to be applied to the temple or as near as possible to the seat of paln.so closely that none of the vlolatile vapor may escape, and retained there four or five minutes or longer. For a minute or so nothing I felt, then come a sense of tingling, which in a few minutesthree or four usually become rather severe, but which subsides almost Immediately if the- bottle be removed.and any redness of the kin that may occur will also quickly sub side. It may be reapplied, if necessary, several time In the day, and it generally act like magic, giving immediate relief. We believe this wa the basis of a once popular noHtrum. The class of headaches to which it seems especially adapted is that which may be grouped under the broad term of "nervous." Thus neuralgic, periodic and dyspeptic headaches, are al most invariably relieved by it. True, the relief of a mere symptom is quite another thing from the removal of the cause, yet no one who ha had the distress, and even agony, caused by severe and frequent re curring headaches, (and who has not seen it,) bnt will rejoice to be able to afford re lief in so prompt and simple a manner ; besldes.it is sure to secure the hearty gra titude of the patient if he has suffered long. As to the modus operandi we have nothing more definite than a theory te.Qf fer,and that is that the vapor being absorb ed through the akin produces a sedative effect upon the superficial nerves of the parts to which it is applied. We know by experiment that it influence is not due to Its power as a counter-irritant. We, how ever, know that it doe act, and if we do not clearly see in what wav it acts, that i HOW DO WE OK OUR BRAVES? We tMi mAot we oarmot live. Thin wo ftiufrtm But do wo all know thai wo din by ontingf It ia Maid we 31g ocr graves with our teeth, lie At iVxjfob tbia sounda. Yet it ia It . n no. "Wo nre tor rified at tho niijw oiKjfa of tbo cholera and joHow favor, ynt there is a die eaae conrstmitly at our doors and in our buncos far mom dnrjuoroun and dostru;Uve. Moat pooplo have in t In lr own etornacliM a poison, more slow, but quite on fatal as tbr; germe of thotio laaliboN wlaeh swer j men into ot nut y by tliotiNandn without warning in the timen of gi oat epi demioa. But t if a morcy that, if wo are which fu1, wo can toll when we aro lliiiaU nt d. Tbe following o atnifjiK Uh fiymptoms, yet they o not always neeoMrmrily appear in the aaum order, nor are they always the east' in diffomit caaea. There ia 4 dull and sleepy feeling; a bad tasto hi tbe mouth, MpetnnJly in tbe mmiiiff; the appetite ia d ange ablo, I '.metimoe poor and ae lin it aeoma n though the patient 1 ould notont ctotrglw and occaaionally no appetite it avi; dullneaaani iug gishneNSof ttio mind; no an 1'ition to atudy or werk; more or lata, head ache aad heaviness- in the head; tlizmioMH on rising to the fa t or moving Mufbb'nly ; furred and coat ed tmtgtio; a aeciso of a load 011 the etomaeh that nothing removes ; hot and dry skin at times ; voilow tingo in the eyws; tu'ftvttf and high "hired levinc ; soar taste in the mouth, fre queuHy atjamded by palpitation of WO heart; impaired visirn, with Ktxrtn tluat sprni to be swiiitri ingin tno our before the eyeu ; a ough, with a gjeejiish-coli ft d cxpecto ratican ; poor nights' r-t ; a nticky abme atioul tlm nud puma; hanaV end fort eold and lummy; irritn ;,' tempdr and l -ivels hound up aa 1 !! iVo. fhin ilisottHo haa prj7..iI the phyKieiaiis and etill puz- thm tCem, . mM BSJ . - . 1 ml commonest of 8 most eompli i. Son times option. SOBflat ut, ah l then von b i.rt dia- ail men is ftfttil I eatcd SJtd j i itiati- ' h times ns bv.-i ic ntnat' .'t tj!hri.i .1 oftHn n-.ii il i u 1 ituro in hat Of onfti rc4!i and dyspepsia. It ariaee in th- dupestivo or Miuis ami soon AfTecta nil Uio tdyhers through the comiptifl trad poisoned blood. Often tho whole body including the ncafrous srstogn tt literally lUirved, tvcu v.lait there ia no emaciation to tell the aad story. Kqrieeiafi aWvFfl tlutt t!ireie put ous rem"il" that can rrtAinly euro this dpxtre in all its stages, naoje v. Hbn'.ir I .trfnt of Roota or Mj1(. S it.r Tn f'-irative Syrup. It never ( b'f. n. . rtbe!t . no time hIsou'" in trying other ao- cftJhn? rotMMpoe, for they will do do good. GtC ah is great vegetable praps ' .ttion, discovered by a vener aft! L.oree wlmat raune is a house hold '- -ril in Oormncy) and bo sure to gt Hl- ftcMiirte ostiele. orvr-yrp by savatf doctors. Slink Ttaraet of Roota or 8ei gel's Syrup has raised me to good health afjor seven doctors had given me up to ti$ with consumption. 80 writ7f. y. Grace, hirkman tilie, Toddbo., Ky. Hi uaAtfD or rr jvnr rs Tnra. MI had boon i!out given up to die with lspi$ t hen I first sow the nd -1 ti.vermsiLof Khaker Extract of Roots or Haipel's Syrap. After uaiug four hotth h I was' ablo to at test d to my busincHH ns well an over I know of Ki vi'i n! v- f t hills and fewjr ilmt havo Ljm-h t-iuod by it" 80 wrl.-H Mr. ThC Pull urn, of Tay lor, Oesscra Cow Ala. Wo;pj rr.jf DOLLARS A BOTTLB. air. Thrnuns P. Rv.int, of the firm of F.vsns & Bro., Morshnnta, Horn town. AarxHoadc Co., Va., writes that If lmd locn sick with digestive iHt ti. ! Ter many years and had tried many piiyntciann and modi cinps without lWnefit. He l'gan to use hLhaki-r Kftraot of Hoots or Sei gol's 8yrutj nbrnib the let of Jan. lSH7, atvl was so much lietter in three we an Suit he considered lum self pt rJ:i r;illy a well man. He adds: "1 have at this time one bot tle on Mttnrl, nad if I could not get any mat e 7 mld not take a ten All ibgjialgl or Address A. J. WluV. TSSved; S4 Warren St. N. Y. s m a a m a m . a Very ttesl. TCMCLC I have allded to my boot aftuf shot stock a line of the celebrated Laird, Sehober k JlitehmU, Phioutyhia JVas Aoe for ladies, misses apd children. Acknowledged by dealers ganeraly to be tbe best value and host lilting fine shoe made. Widths C, D, K, and KB. A child asa buy ss cheap as a man. Sam t'M. K. Youso, SaQs Agent, Albany, Oregon. "KethlnK to E.ual It" "1 have toon sell big gKmraoas Liver Reg ulator for Mis past six years. My customers prenwnee it the beet ever used. One of my eastoniers sfhose lysatth wss in a wretched oondilptm from a vqss- bsd and stubborn case of dyaMpsJh. aaed the Regulator sod wss entirely msrefl. I sm using it myself for torpid Livq, cansed by eloae oochnetnent. 1 Had nrtksttg to oqaaiH and highly rocom m eud its Ji f Rtjmaotfally, B. V. liftHsr, Draggit, Edingburg, Va. Summons, In Ae Ufttmt Court of the State of Oregon for Mr ObeVv ' Mary A Ulbler, Plaintiff, aas 0. A. Giblef, Defendant. To O A Wilier, the above namqd Defen dant IN tRe rjmne of tnb State of Oregon t You are hereby reqsjlred to appear and answer the cotujpmint ef the above Plaintiff in ths above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Odirt, on or before the 12th dty of March, a$9B, that being the first ju dicial day of the March term, 1888, of said Court : iatqd you are hereby notified that if yon fail toipdar and answer said complaint, as hereby reqnired, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court fcp the relief demanded therein, to-wit : a jtaofee against you dissolving the bonds of 4&trifbfeny now existing between Plaintiff and Befendant, awarding to Plain tiff the ears, apetody aid control of the min or ohildrea, Nsaiw A Qflbler, Louvenia Gibler aad A C OiMer, sod for the Coats and dis bursements of this satt to be taxed . This ammeus published in the Stats RjustiI DustOOAAT by Order of Hon U t5 THE FAKMKRM AND THE IMlESIDEM. "No calf ever weens Itself." This truth put In homely guise was uttered by s prominent republican leader snd farmer n Illinois when asked his opinion of tariff reform. The maintenance of a tariff for surplus Is not a popular a was thought by these who believed that tbe next Presi dency could be carried by painting Mr. Blaine en a banner and Inscribing o-'r him : "Taxation I luxurious, we can't have too much." The popularity of re form I affirmed by the Illinois man whom ws have quoted, Senator Whiting of TIs kilws. lie has renresented his district in y ar ; the State Legislature for eighteen year, ws a Union soldlcr,and I a man of stand ing and affairs. He had heard the protest fro.w evh pro tected interest in turn,aga!nt reductloa of unnecessary taxes by lessening the bounty it gets by friendly legislation, and so ho observed that calves don't wean (hem- elves.They must be wesned.for It I better for them and their dams, than to go n bunting after they have horn. When asked his opinion of the effect of tbe President's message upon politics, he said : "Cleveland has taken a position m hich lifts him above partisanship. He has presented a condition and not a theory. What matters ft that the trail which he blaze lie directly across the track of cer tain republican r Forone,! do not believe in deserting s principle for so-called party expediency. Principles live and are per petuated on the ruins of dead snd gone parties that temporized fer expediency' sake. 1 1 do not care to criticise men. In my humble opinion it is the wiser ceurss to lift State questions sbsve personalities I am rather old fashioned, you sec." Decidedly old-fashioned, so old as to seem new. Politics in this country ha too long been s discussion of personalities, s means of propagating scandal. To the President we owe a reform in this respect as morally Important to the country as hi fiscal reforms are materially important to the people. Colonel Whiting has been always a free oiler and a republican, and we remember him as the leader of his party in the hist Illinois Constitutional Convention. Fur ther back than that, he was Love joy's right hand .and ted Logan down into the water for hi republican baptism. For him to align with the President in Illinois is as significant ef political change a it would be for General Bid well or Governor Lowe to take the same step in California. He is in the midst of the great agricultural in terests of Illinois, snd hs been for year the spokesman, in public and private, of these interests. Ws ars not surprised thst he is widely endorsed by his former fellow partisans, who declare thst the dead past must do Its own resurrecting they have other thing on hand. The Orrgonian some time ago said l "The wire to fence a forty acre field cost about $100 $50 for the wire and $50 lor ibe "protection. That paper, for some reason, is not say ing those pertinent things now that it formerly did about "protection." mt e mm No land is cheap hot good land ; one acre that Will prod aos 90 basse Is of wheat ts war la a good deal more than three sere thst will produce but tea bushels each "Many a man who has straggled fer a life time on 100 aerie of thn, hungry land would be better off if he anal given km farm away m early manhood," ays ths Philadelphia Press. still Bay tag. I . Senders ia still baying good boraes. Those having them should bring them in. toonnirlnPhlUSV Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIKFEIt, PROPRIETOR. Fitted ap la flrst-claMs style. Tsblee supplied with the boat In tho market. Ntos sleeping apartments, fism plo rooms for rnismiimiriisl travel era. to aad trans tbe Helrl. Ql Summons, a (At Otreest CtmrtofUu Stain of Oregon, fir Lihtn oosnsy. Q H Liggett. Plaintiff. vs. Sarah Hinss and Thorns Hiso,IefeBdants. To Sarah Hints and Thomas Rises, ths Defendants above nmsd. In the name of the State of Oregon you and each of yoa are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above nam ed Plaintiff in the above entitled cause ia the aboye entitled Court by the first day of the next regular term of said Court after the pub lication of this Summon once a week for six weeks, to-wit : The regular March term of said Court to be began snd hold en on the aecond Monday an Marsh, 1888, in Linn county, Oregon, or judgment will be taken against you for want thereof and yon and each of yon are hereby notified that if yoa fail to appear aad answer raid complaint at hereby required the Plaintiff will apply t the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint herein, to-wit t the foreclosure of certain mortgage held by the Plaintiff herein on the following described premises, to-wit : The east half of the northwest quarter and lots one and two of Section sixteen in Town hip eleven, south range one west of the Wii iatnette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 129 71-100 acre to secure tht payment of f 1000 and interest at 10 per cent per annum from Oct 1st, 1866, and for tho coat and disbursements of this suit and for such other and farther .relief as the Court may think proper. Thia Summons is published by order of Judge R P Boise, Judge of said Court, made at chambers in Salem, Oregon, on the 4th day ef January, 1888. Hswrrr A Bryant, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In tht Circuit Court' of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Jessie F. Sullivan, Plaintiff, va. Johu W. Sullivan, Defendant, To John W. Sullivan, the above named Defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yon are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of tbe above Plaintiff in the above entitled Ccurt, now ou file with the Clerk of said Court by the first day of the next regular term 01 said Court, which said term begins on the 12th day of March, 1888, at the Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint before the expiration of the first day of aaid term of Court, tho Plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: granting Plaintiff a divoroe from you, the care and custody of the two minor ohildron men tioned in said 00m plaint, one-third of the real property described in said 00m plaint and for coat and diabursemnuts of this suit. This Summons is published by order of the Hn. H, P Boise, Judge of sal i Court TIJIC DAPtTfi amaassatsw mSmmmmmmmmrt " m.ITTaykr aom. Ckarek 01 reefer V. P. Chcoch. Preach ing every Sabbath, morning snd evening by Rev. T. G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. at Prayer meeting every Wed nessday evening. EvAjtosucAL CacRCM. Preaching on Sab bath at 11.00 a. St., and 7 t. at. Sabbath Sehoel 100, 1'raver meeting every Wed nesday evening 7:30. S. B. Davis, pastor. All ars invited, Cotroojeo atiohalChc men. Services every Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev. A. V. IXominger, Pastor. M. K. Chooch, South. Preaching every Sabbath niomins at 11 o'clock a, ml and 7 o'clock r. m. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting Thursday evening's at 7 o'clock. Rev. G. F. Hound, Pastor. M. E. Cmuroh MooTH.TAMOKnT. Peaeek. iag on tbe first Sabbath of each month morn ing and evening. Sunday school each Sab bath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Rev, Hounds, Pastor. M. E.Chukch. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Sons service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School A. Mm , . m . a .... at z .io r ml rrayer meeting every 1 hurs day renin. Ksv. If P. Webb, pastor. PaisSYTaaiAM Ciiiarni flea eiiai versr Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin ami Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately after tbe morning service, r ray ar msetsng every vteanesoay evening. nor n fntcbard, pastor. Freer Rirrier f'uniu'if Prcu tiinoAvm Sabbath morning and eve'g.at Church on 5th tt.. fc U-l t t L, -I t ' J' . t 1 navwoavn ncnooi imoieoisteiy aner ruins aerrieaa. Fraver meetiner eeer Tbnrsdsy evening at 7:30 o'clock. r .. Catuolic CiiL-acfX. Service every Sun day at M):'.V) A. St. and 7 P. M. Immt Snndav of tho month service at Eugene City. Rev. ixnm asetsyer, Kector, PlJOTK.-TAJST Kl-I Jt.fA! fill Hi ii irvi. oss sre held in St. Peters Episcopal Church every alternate osndsy, mcrnmg snd even ing. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Friday evening service on every Friday preceding the aim day service. All sre invited to st- an CilKlMTlAX. Foorth Sabbath, morsios and evening. S, 8. IS s. m. GkKMAjr . At College chaoel. 2 a. m, J. B. Braun. Pastor. FRANCIS PFE1FFEB, PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manofactursrs of CHOICE GOIFSOflOIEEI, We are bow prepared to soil at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prtoea to dealers, We also keep a full Mi and Tropical Fruits, OUR- C1QAR AND TOBACCO department is conxvVrA We keep the very finest stook of suokLtgand chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that ia a delight to smokers. Obuined, and all ether bush OStos sttenSsSed to for aseO So the U. g. Our oOse Is ppeait the U. S nueatOOea. and er sVawhur W a- to sat free t assert ; real o cfaarga ooiaia aasent. We reser here, to tbe mammy Order Div. aad to aSMals eftfcwU. a ror circular. adVMS. teeass. and aS Beats in your own State ar essnty. address Ce Ae SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent OfSee, Wssbburtea. D . 0. 0 CHBBBY, CK.FVRKIS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY k PARKES, Machinists, lillrrighU, and Iror Pounders. w E are now completely prepared to handls all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw MJ11 Machinery, and all kinds Iron and Brass Costings. pattkkvs iim est short xeTica. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. J Bum fasSi re niwricnre ja the iirvparalion of more than One Huoare4 lion fur patent la i.d Vorrtra ooorv. trie, tbe pabliafarra et the St-ientiAe Anicrn in continue to act aa aiicitore for iMttcnta, eavimtt, lnt!-!narka. eopr-rik-hu. elo.. for the Ignited Sti. and to obtain patente in fanada. Knil.nd. Krance, Ocrtnany. and all other eonntnee Their expert. es is aaaqnstsd aad their faeilitlea an vseaja- nraariaM aaS eiianlflnelliine I wane id aad I la the Pateat Office on aoori notice. Torm reasonable. No charge for examination of i or a rawing. Advice oy man tree. Patent obtained throqeh Munn ACo.are notird Inthe SCIENTIFIC AlKKRICAN which haa the largeet circulation and i the tact intluantiel newspaper of iu kind publiahed in the world. The advantage of aueh a notice every patentee ttaderstanda. Thie large and spleadldly ttlnstrated aevrspaaay at poblUhed WKEK.L Y at S3. 00 a year, and i admitted to be the beat paper devoted to eeienoe. sshaalea. Inventions, eagineertaa work, and ether department of industrial inragreee. pub liahed ia any country. It oontaine the name of all patentees aad title of every invention patented aaeh week. Try it four month for ens dollar, told by all newsdealer. If yon have an invention to patent write to atusn (.'ii., puoiianer 01 noienuno SSI ftroadwav. New York. Handbook about patents mailed Citation In the Count jf Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Annie Barn ford, deceased. To Alfred MsMshan, Taylor MsMahan, Emily J Grubb, Theodora Bamford, Melvin Bamford, Rosa Powell and Kufus Bamfcrd, all children and heir at law of said deceased, and to all other kaown and unknown who have or claim to have any interest in said estate, G resting i In the name of the State ef Oregon t Yon are hereby cited to be and appear in the County Court for the county of Linn at the Court House in the city of Albany in said county and State en Saturday tbe I lib day er Febraary, ISSS, st the hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the same being a day of ths regular February term of said Court, 1888, sad then and there show cause if any exist why an sr der of sale should not be made directing and licensing T A Powell, Administrator of the estate of Annie Bamford, deceased, to sell alt the right, title and interest of th said Annie Bamford at the time of her death, both in law and in equity, of, in and to the real property hereinafter described as prayed fer in the petition of tho aaid T A Powell, Ad ministrator as aforesaid, which said petition, is now on file in the office of the Connty Clerk of Lin a county, Oregon, which said real Property is described as follows, to-wit : Lots fo. one and two in Block No. eleven in the town of Haleey, Lian county, Oregon, as shewn by the maps and plats ef said town uw on file in the office of tho Cierk for Linn county, Oregon. Done by order of tho Ron J J Whitney, Judge of said Court. In testimony where ef I hay e hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County Court this 4th day of January, 1888. l. s. J. P. Galbkatth, J. K. Weathbueord, County Cletk. Att'y for Administrator. HOTEL r RENT. mWUml mm are mm mS mm Yneemand ap KIB the I'nttrd S