The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 03, 1888, Image 2

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    Wkt m$mt
A democratic club wti organised at La
Grande a few days ago.
January 15th the thermometer register
e'd 44 degree below lero at Prinavllle.
It la taid cattle and horse raisers In
Eastern Oregon will be solid for Cleve
land and tariff reform.
Hon. T. C. Hyde is a candidate before the
coming democratic state convention for
Congress, He resides at Baker City.
Senator Sawyer of of the
lumber millionaires, says he doesn't care
if the tariff is taken off lumber entirely, it
won't hurt the lumber trade in v.
Judge Bean, of the Second Judicial Dis
trict, has decided that the M. E. Church
South has no interest in the College farm
at Corvallis, and could therefore maintain
no suit to recover it.
The editor of the Salem Vidrtto has in
terviewed Hon. H. E. Hayes, Grand Lec
turer of the State Grange, as to the views
of farmers on the tariff question. Mr.
Hay ea had no hesitation in saying that a
majority of farmer and grangers are hear
tily and earnestly in favor of a reduction
of the tariff. Of course they are. They
are as wide awake to their interests as any
class of people. They will look to their
own interest.
The t'fMray that a reconciliation
has been effected between Senator Mit
chell, Hon. Sol. Hirsch and the Oregonian
for campaign purposes. It is evident also
that a reconciiation has been effected be
tween the protection notions of that paper
and the free trade sentiments of its editor
whereby a campaign in favor of protection
is to be made the coming presidential con-tost.
Leading democrats from all parts of the
county express themselves in favor of in
structing delegates to the county conven
tion to favor the adoption of a rule in that
body requiring delegates to vote tvtv voce,
when nominating candidates for county
officers. This is a very wise course to pur
sue, as many of the dissensions in the par
ty heretofore have grown out of the secret
method of voting. Let us have the good
Id honest democratic method of voting
-The luxury of one day is the
of the next. Let the laborer
chew and cigar at the lowest
hive his
Sewing Woman But what about the
tax on my needle and thread, and (shiver
ing) why can't I have an untaxed woolen
shawl ?
Blaine Don't mention it, my good wo
man. You must be protected against the
pauper labor of Europe !
In i88j, Congress passed an act author
izing the then president (Arthur) to ap
point a commission composed of nine
members, whose duty It was to consider
and thoroughly investigate all the various
questions of agriculture, commerce-, mnnu
factures, mining and mercantile Interest
with a view to enabling Congrea to es
tablish a judicious tariff, or the revision of
the then existing tariff. The reason of this
step was the same as that which actuate
President Cleveland in recommending
Congress now to make a reduction of tax
e namely, a large surplus of money In
the treasury as well as the burdensome
character of war taxation. That commis
sion, all, or nearly all, of whom were
avowed protectlonist,ln their report made
this emphatic statement : "Early in It
deliberation the commission became con
vlnced that a substantial rttiuction of tariff
dutle I demanded, not by a mere India
criminate popular clamor, but by the beat
conservative opinion of the country, in
eluding that which ha, in former time,
been most strenuous for the preservation
of our national industrial defenses. Such
a rttiuction of the existing tariff, the com
mission regards not only as a due recog
nit ion of public sentiment and a nuntsurtoj
r a sasssssssaws. but one cniuiic to
the ireneral Industrial prosperity, and
which, though It may be temporarily In
convenient, will be ultimately benencla
to the special Interests affected by such re-
Auction" The commission accum panted
their report with a bill to rtduc tariff du
ties which they thought would effectuate
a reduction of 35 per cant on the then tariff
If the condition of the treasury at that
time justified a reduction of war
much more does the present overflowing
condition oj the treasury not only justify
but Imperatively demands such reduction
Now, did anybody bawl out against the
report of this republican commission as a
"free trade" document, simply because
urged the necessity of reducing unneces
sary taxation ? Did any one denounce
President Arthur as a "free trader" for
recommending "an immediate, extenslv
reduction of the annual revenues of the
government. His attitude and that of the
tariff commission of 1882 in favor of reduc
tion of war taxes was far more aggressive
than that of President Cleveland in hi
message. Does not every one see that
this cry of -free trade" is simply made to
scare timid people, just as the attempt was
made to scare them when they were told
that if Cleveland was elected the business
of the country would be ruined f
It now comes to light that the resolu
Hons passed by the Salem Grange some
days ago condemning President Cleve
land's message, were sprung late and
rushed through without opportunity for
discussion, and that there were only Ave
votes for them and three against. This
statement is made by John P. Robertson
In an article In the Ortgonittu. TMa great
rushing In to condemn tariff reform proves
to have been one of Mlnto'amanv acheme
A protection organ tells us that steel
rail In 1867 sold for $166 per ton and that
In consequonce of putting on a high tariff
the price has been gradually reduced until
ow they have tallen to 23.50 per ton.
Well, all we have to say is, that if we had
beea engaged in the steel rail business,
and that tariff had thus reduced their price,
we would be awfully mad at that
bet. We would oppose any tariff that in
jured our business in that way. Doe our
protection organ friend see that he proves
entirely too much f Truth is, there is an
The adoption of a tariff-reform resolu
tion by the new Democratic State Com
mittee in Pennsylvania was a severe blow
tm the Old Whig camp followers of the
party who arc hanging on for revenue
One of these intimates that this action
is "a matter of comparative indlfferenre'
In a state like Pennsvlvania,where the re
publican majority is overwhelming, but
that it wouldn't do at all In New York to
antagonize the "powerful protection sent!
Thin i, jttnt what was done in New York
by the democracy last fall. The State
Convention demanded that "Federal tax
ation be straightway reduced by a sum not
less than $100,000,000 a year," and resolv
ed that "the taxes to be first reduced or al
together removed are those on imported
raw materials which now assist and pro
mote foreign competition with ourselves
in our own markets and prevent and hin-
a moment.
open plain fallacy in his argument as any
one of common sense may see by thinking I jr the sale of our surplus products in for
eign market."
The Pennsylvania democrats in approv
ing "the line of policy laid down in the
last annual message of the President for
the revision and reduction of the war
tariff" simply swung into line with the
party in New York. They are both dem
ocratic. There are no Old Whig flies on
either of them.
And now then comes the associated
press news from Washington City that
great efforts will be made by the adminis
tration to carry Oregon at the comiag
June election. The nincompoop who col
lects the news at that place volunteers the
etatement that "the president's Message
has created universal discontent and dis
satisfaction among all classes in Oregon
amounting almost to open political rebel
lion." If anything were needed to prove
the utter unreliability of the associated
press new, this dispatch published in the
Ortgonian last Tuesday would be entirely
sufficient. Who, In Oregon, has heard or
knows anything about this universal dis
content among all classes or any class at
the message. Not one. The news agent
made up the story out of whole cloth. It
! a bare-faced fabrication.
Mr. Dolph i a candidate for re-election
to the United States Senate. We are In
formed that his emissaries have already
made their appearance in Wasco and Gil
liam counties, and that his friendn.r mono
polies of all kinds,; will move heaven and
earth to secure his election. There seems
to be no doubt that Mr. Dolph is the insti
gator of the "political news" now sent out
to this state by the associated press to the
effect that the administration will use
great efforts to carry Oregon. These re.
ports are sent out to solidify the now very
much divided republican party of the statet
and to frighten that party into the sup
port of Mr. Dolph. The question will be
whether Portland and the monopolies
shall continue to have both Senators.
That paper,the Chicago
Tribune, has this to say about reduction of
taxes :
"If the duties were reduced one-half, or
$54,000,000 per annum, so as to furnish a
fair proportion of revenue and at the same
time protect manufacturer against whole
tale importation of foreign articles, the
relief given to the farmers in the price of
goods would amount to $150,000,000 or
$300,000,000, and te othrr consumers fully
as much more, thus taking off a total bur
den of $300,000,000 or $400,000,000 and
greatly promoting the general prosperity.
The present duties are so unreasonably
high that such a change could be made,
and there would still be left duties high
enough to protect American markets from
being Hooded by the cheap goods of free
trade countries.
What a pity other republican papers and
members of Congress could not lay aside
party bias and accept this question as one
affecting the substantial interests of nine
tenths of the people to the advantage of
the other tenth, and then right the wrong
P. T. Itaraam'a Own (lift,
Mr. P. T, Barnum, the famous showman,
from the fact that his great story "My
Plucky Boy Tom" has proved such an im
mense success In "The New York Family
Story Paper," ha determined to present to
all subscriber to that paper, while his story
lasts, a beautiful souvenir in the shape of a
Portfolio. This Portfolio contains illustra
tions ot ul! the wliil animal that will appear
in his show the coming season. "The New
York Family Story Paper" for four months
and "Barnum's Portfolio," as this beautiful
souvenir I called, will be tent to any ad
dress for the small sum of $1, the regular
price of the paper, I his Is certainly an op
portuntty which our readers should take ad
vantage of. Address, Munro's Publishing
House, 24 and 26 Vandewater Street, New
Rala or Sunshine.
Oregon) aus lik the rains of winter. Sun-
hin is good in its laoe, and so is lain.
Working together they are powerful agent
in the prosperity of a country. Magoineent
wheat crops 5 large potato yields 1. fine
fruits, such as apples, pear, prunes, etc., and
an unsurpassed stock of groceries and produce
at Wallace x Thompson , who, rain or sun
shine, are np with the times, if not ahead of
then. See their fine stock of goods.
Sheriffs Sale,
tn tkt Circuit Court 0 At County 0 Linn
Or tfua Stat 0 Oregon .'
James Forgey, Plaintiff.
Younger Smolaer and Sarah M Smelner,
NOTIOB la hereby given that by virtue
or au execution ene order of aale leaned
out of the above na mod Court In the above
entitled ault, I will on
aatnrday the ird stay of March, Ik.
at the Court Hon door In tbo city of Al
bany, Lion county, Oregon, at the hour
of one o'clock p. tn.. net I at public auction
for oath In hand to the highest bidder tbe
real property described in aaid execution
and order of aale a follow, to wit t Be
ginning 8 ohalna and 18 llnka east of tbe
quarter section corner between Sections
25 and 98 in Township 9 south rang 1
want of the Willamette men dan, and run
ning thenoa south east 9H chains ,
thence south 15 ohalna and 88 llnka ;
thence west 1 chain ; tbenoe eouth 15
ohalna and 87 llnka to the eouth Una of
Section 25 In aaid Township ; tbenoe east
14 chains and 27 llnka to tbo eeuthwest
corner of the aouthtaat ef the eeuth
went i of aaid Section 25 5 thenoa north
8M chain , thenoa In a aootheaaterly
direction to the quarter aeotion corner be
tween Sectioned and 88 In aaid Township;
thenoa east 90 ohalna 1 thenoa north 40
chain ; thenoa watt 69 97-109 ohalna to
the place ef beginning, containing 307
81-199 aeraa mora or laaa In Lion county,
Oregon. The prooaoda arlalng from the
aale of aaid premises, to be applied t Fiiejt
to tbe payment of tbe ooeto and ex pen see
of thie ault taxed at 9280.35, and aenrolng
ooete, Sooond to the payment Jo the
Plaintiff, J aaae Forgey the a urn of f 308 J 03
with accruing Interest thereon at the rata
of 8 per cent per annum from the 25th day
of October, 1997. Third and the o verplus
if anv there be bo paid to the aaid Younger
Smefeea, hi heirs and eaalgae.
Patod January sou, iwn,
D. S Surra,
Where to Bay Carpets.
si a , a a . st
Monieun aotteaoaen nave toe urge
and prettiest stock of carpets, oil cloths.!
window blinds aad wall paper ever brought
co toe v alley, and are ottering them at a
bargsio. Persons desiring anything in this
toe snould give them a call.
let that cold of yours rnn on. You think
it l a light thing. Bnt it may run Into
Catarrh. Or Into pneumonia, Or con
Catarrh la disgusting. Pneumonia la
dangerous. Consumption is death f tee If
The breathing apparatus moat bo kept
healthy and clear of all obstruct tone and
offensive matter. Otherwise there is
trouble ahead.
Ail tbe dtiiaaass of these parte, head,
none, throat, bronchial tube and lungs,
tw J .11 k a na a a. an . .
can 00 asugnuuuy ana entirely cured oy
the nee of Hooches' Gorman Syrup. If
you don't knoxn this already, thousands
an i thousands or peopls oan tell you
They have boon cored by t, and " kno7
how it la, themselves." Bottle only
oente Aak any druggist.
ateaews Her tasis.
Mrs. Phoebe Cheslsy, Peterson, Clay
Go Iowa, telle tits following remarkable
story, the truth of which is vouched for
by the rftidut of the town : ' I am 78
years old, havo boon troubled with kid
ney complaint and lameness for many
years ; could not dress myself without
help. I mm free from all pain and
noren, an I him I1 U SO Ml mv own
housework. I owe my thanks to Electrln
Bitter for having renewed my vouth.and
rninnvstl iimnll!v all ,1 dm,-, naln "
Try a bottle, only 50c. at Poena y and afa
eon vrux store.
WILL YOU SUFFER with eispsosia
and liver complaint 7 Hbileh'e Vital! ear
is gnsraatsea to euro yon,
Von DIUPKPSIA. Ud Liver does pi svint
a . mi m r I
on navs s nrtnuKi guarantee on every
owe oi anuoo s v ittiixor. it never fails
to cure.
For lame bank, aids or chest, use Shi.
ota 'a Feroue Piaster, Price 25 cents.
Sheriffs Sale.
a (As Circuit Court 0 At Slot oj Oregon
for Urn County.
Martha Bar nee, Plaintiff,
M Bsrrlgan, It, Brenner, and K. Glass
and D, If. Glass, partner doing business
under the firm name of K. Glass 4t 800,
and Levi West and Ed Robinson, partners
dolna boat noes under the fins name of
Robinson West, Defendants.
NOTICE 1 hereby given that by ylrtue
of an execution and order of aale issued
out of the above named Co art to t bo above
entitled suit, 1 will on
aatnralay the tret slay si
at the t'ourt House door In the eUy of Al
bany. Linn aounty. Oregon, at the hour
of 1 o'clock n. m . soil at public auction
for eaah in bend to the highest bidder the
real property described in said execution
and order of sals as follows, to wit . The
northeast quarter or Nectten S in Town
ablp 15 aonth of range 1 east. Also tbe
east half of the northeast quarter of Sec
tion 51 tn Township 14 eouth of range 1
east, all tn the Willamette meridian tn
Linn county, Oregon, ana containing 340
acres. The proceed arising from the aale
of said premises to be applied : First to
tne payment or jine coats sou eusonrse
msnts of suit taxed at 984 70 aad attorning
la, Meoosd to tne pay moot or riant-
tiffs claim, to wit i 1 148,80 with accruing
tutors thereon at 19 per cent dot annnm
from the 2nth day of October, 187, aad
the further aum of 996 Attorney 'a foes.
Third to tbo payment of tbe Defendant, R.
Hrenner'eelalm. to-wit : 9199 and aoafu-
tog interest thereon at 10 per cent nor
annum from the 28th day of October, 1997,
end tbe further sum of $20 Attorney's fees
and his ooete and dudrareemeote taxed at
942.05 and the belaaoe if any there to
bo paid over to the Defendant sc. nemgao.
Patau January sum, isw.
D. H, Smith.
Or, Henry J, Smith, the eminent surgeon
aad specialist, 433 Kearney St., San Fian
oieco. author of popular lectures en Science
of Life, Chronic Nasal Catarrh and its Oars,
Cease and Cere sf Deafoew, Disease of tbe
If ale. Disease of the Female, etc,, who for
years past has made regular professional visits
to Portland, aad has previoasly visited Al
bany as a representative of the Paeifto Hur
gieal Institute, is now at the Revere House,
where he may be consulted regarding all
chronic, special and surgical affection, in
eluding deafness, ehrouio nasal catarrh, af
feotinns and operations on the eye, at! throat
aud lung diseases, nsrveos, blood, kidney
and sexual disease et weakness in either
sex, All affections of the hip, knee and aakle
joists, and all oases tn any way crippled or
defortaed. All cases requiring braoee or other
surgical appliances will be furnished without
extra charge from oar workshops. All easts
of rheumatism, ohroais ulcers, cancers, skin
diseases and alt eaaas of broken down eon
stittttioa, are especially invited to call and
investigate oar method of treatment . To all
the affiioted be woald say do not be ioflo
eoeed by what other may say, but some and
tee as and decide for yourselves. Tbe doctor
has been connected for years with institutions
whose sols practice was the treatment of
chronic special and surgical affections, and
has had au opportunity unsurpassed for learn
ing to euro that o!as of diseases which have
been given up by tbe general practitioner as
incurable. The doctor has been in practice
over 20 years and is a graduate of the heat
school in America aad the university of Ber
lin, and may be oensulted in German or Eng
lish. Tbe doctor would eail attention to the
which was originated by bins and has been
need saoeessfully in hundreds of oases that
had resisted alt ether treatment. Us woe
call special attention to bis treatment of
of which are backache, burning
pain on top of tae bead, feeling t debility,
general weakness, languor, and nervousness
as the most soooseaful and peraeeot that
has ever bean devised for ike care of this
large etaos of saff avers,
who ntav be Buffering from any
of the genito urinary organs
r ttnss
would aai
Do not wests yooi
sending from boose for advertised
who woald have
r to so-called "
you believe that they oan understand all the
bearing and eesnplioattons of your disease
witnsttieeeteg oeu y meant or the mt
I chemical analysts be ean find
about your ease and will guarantee
in every ease he sadertakes. All
oan be speedily cured by oar gat
vano- oxygen treatment. File radically cured
without pats an I without cutting.
This baneful disease, notch is so often acg-
leeted aad allowed to develop consumption
1 many other sertoua oomsiieattoaa. has
base oared by ear plan of treatment in hun
dreds ef eases is Oregon and throughout the
Northwest Coast, these who are afflicted
should not (Dspiir, but some to us aad be
. i . . . . . a .
aaeeere roseav es .Mason, droacials. in
selling W axiom's Koberttns wholesale and
retail, and giving beautiful picture card with
every bottle. Fositively tbe moot perfect and
earntiesa article of the kind in the market
oan be so
Core. We
quickly cured by Shitob'a
guarantee It.
Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shi-
Ink). r..
0-m m vwiVi
Proa and after this data SHANE c LONSWAY will offer their outir
took of
J txYvw ' tfa ed things of thie
wValife are sorrowfully let
alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's
Jjyspepala Tablets will care Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
positive guarantee at 85 and CO cents, by
The country has had laid before it
speeches of Sherman, Hale and Fry, each
of which maps out the line of campaign
which the republican party will pursue.
These speeches all show that what these
Senators want Is not tax reduction but
surplus reduction by extravagant appro
priations for all sorts of useless, craaky,
unconstitutional schemes. These Senators
seemed to have entirely ignored the patent
truth that there is but one way in which
the surplus can be reduced that, by reduc
ing taxation. If these gentlemen ever rise
to the dignity of statesmen and patriots
they will then begin to deviae some feasi
ble scheme to lighten the burdens of war
taxation now resting ao heavily upon the
iBilllfl JILL. USUI'?
Already candidates for various county
offices are bobbing up all around and are
urging their claims with the usual zeal. It
might be well to remind candidates that a
nomination is no longer equivalent to an
election, not that the democratic majority
in the county it less than formerly, but on
account of the very independent way of
voting which voters have. Men who oh
tain nominations by questionable methods
are doomed to defeat. As a democrat, we
dsem It our duvy to make this warning. It
would be better If voters would not pledge
themselves at all to any candidate, and
then when the primary elections are held,
THE si Kl'1,1 s -SKNDKKM.
As the vultures swoop down upon the
tempting carcass so do the surplus spend
ers rally for their raid upon the Treasury.
Already half a thousand bills are pre
sented or drafted to squander the surplus,
and not one to prevent its collection.
Pension grabs by the hundred, public
building grabs by the score,river and har
bor grabs seeking millions.a school-subsidy
bill calling for two-thirds of the surplus
the grabbers' hands everywhere, the
pruning-knife nowhere in sight.
This is the history of Congress for the
past four years. This is the record of the
present Congress thus far.
Let every appropriation be denied until
the revenues have been cut down to the
needs of the Government economically
administered. Then couple with every
extraordinary expenditure the tax neces
sary to raise the money.
How quickly that would put a stop to
schemes of reckless extravagance !
CATARRH CTKKO, htstth and ewe
breath aeeured, by Saitoh's Catarrh Ram
edy. Price 50 oenta. Nasal injector free
nest tea's Aralen 4 ve
rba best salvs in tbe world for Cova.
...iuu I Tt, ....... Ult Uk... U - .
Bores, Totter, CnSpped Hand. Chilblains,
Corns anil all Shiu Eruptions, and ikmI
lively cures Pile, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give per tact satisfaction,
or money rerunued. f rice 16 conta
box. For aale by Posbay A Mason,
la warranted, is because it is the beat
Blood Preparation known. It will poet,
tlvely cure alt Blood Diseases, purifies the
whole system, and thoroughly builds up the
constitution, uemember, wo guarantee it.
Albany Martin.
Wheel 65 e.
Qa9l I IHb
Butter 26 cts per lb.
Eggs 30 cents per doz.
Hay -15,00.
Potatoes B0 ct per buvbtd.
Boef-on foot, 5Hc
Apples 1.00 oenta per bo,
Pork 6c per lb. dressed.
Baoona hamn, 12o.
shoulders, 7c.
aides 10c.
Ird loo per lb.
Klour 4.80 per bbl.
Chickons-2.50 per doz.
Mill Pood bran, 14.00 per ton
ahorts, 16.
middlings, 20.
Chops, 20.
Boots and Shoes
at FIRST COST- Their object in ao doing is to close out entirely
that branch of their business, fta tbey intend to devote their entire
available apace to
Ladies' and Gents Furnishing Goods
and Millinery.
Tbo stock of Boots and Shoes were all purebaaed ibis fall and ere moat
desirsble snd of standard qualitv. During this aale they will olose out
at cost ail WINTER HOSIERY ANO UNDERWEAR ,ci.iiy their
heavy WINTER DRESS GOODS) they will not carry one wintei'a
fabrics into another. Their stock of
following are a few of the hundreds of tes
timonials we have received from Oregon dar
ing the past twelve years ;
Mi i. run, Or., Out. 0, 1885, Editor Walla
Walla Journal i A sense of daty to tbe pub
lic prompts me to state that my son Henry
has been afflicted with deaf ness since a child,
aad when I saw from your paper that Or.
Smith of ths Pactne Sordeal Institute was
in Walla Walla I determined to consult him,
The doctor informed me that he was afflicted
with catarrhal deafness, and thought that he
could cars him. I accordingly put him urn
dot tbe doctor s treatment, which soon re
sulted in a cure, aad I could recommend the
doctor's treatment te all who may be suffer
ing from deafness or any effects of
tarrb. N. Pierce.
Mi i.tom. Or.. 0ct..3. 1886. -Editor Walla
Walla Journal i As tbe local doctor insisted
that ths ours of my boy Henry wse only
temporary t now take pleasure in stating
that after a lapse of one year bis condition is
better than when 1 made my first statement.
H. Piereo.
Bitter OrtaorUan. DsaaSia i For twelve
veers 1 aavs beeu suffering from bronchitis
and asthma so that I was compelled te keep
mv room during the entire winter season,
bat undsr the new gal?aao-oxgen treatment
of Dr. Henry Smith, of Man aa rreocisoe, i
have been able to attend to my duties out
doors during the entire winter wifh perfect
ease and comfort, and would obeerf at reeaav
mead all who may be similarly afflicted to go
to tfr. Smith and be cured. weary nerner,
Kaat Portland, flop't Hague's Mill, Nov. 2,
aikoka Mux. Or., Dec, 12, 1887, J. W.
Khlen w sites : Your treatment has nearly
cured me of my catarrh difficulty of heariac
and bronebitia. I would nave beea enite
well had I followed your directions and tak
en treatment regularly
toRTXASt,Or.,Nev. 13, 1888 M, Slaytch
(Proprietor Louisville restaurant) says i My
catarrh, asthma aad bronchitis hays been
oared by Dr. smith's treatment, and i can
attend to all my da ties and enjoy good
SroKAUa Faus. Aug. 5, 1887. -Mr. 1'. L
LaBriton says : Dr. Smith has eared me of
my rheumatism, complicated with heart aad
kidney disease, which bars made my life sals
arable for the seyea years.
Srauatfa, W. T., Aug. 4. 1887. -To the
public i This is to certify thst 1 have for
over 19 years been troubled with a malignant
ehjoade sore or ulnar ea my shin, which mere
than a dosen doctors hay tried to care and
failed; aad my friends told me if I healed it
up it would kill sae, bat Dr. H, i. Smith
tid me be would cure me. and after three
month's treatment it was entirely healed aad
lam still alive and tbe healthiest and hap
pieet man in Eastern Washington territory
J, M. Lay mason.
I E. Gray, Albany, Or., child hip dis.
Thee. Kirk, Centerville, Or., wife cored of
bip disease in both hips.
Mike Uyder, Kirbyvills, Or , UJd eursd
crooked leg.
Mrs. L A. Hocus. Cbebalts, W. T., child
cored curbs to re ef spine.
tA. Mot brook, Uoioo, Or., cancer or up
A. Alsop, Alkali, Or .caaoer.broockitu
sad oooss motion.
Dr. D. Siddell, The Dalles, Or., cared of
laryngtti, aad removal ef tamer from throat.
Office m Revere House. Consult tion free.
Call without delay, as tbe doctor's stay is
limited. Office hours from 10 a m. to 4 v.
at. and from 7 to 8 evenings.
w -
-Hue arrived, iocludiog-
they will close out BELOW COST.
Tbe above is not idle talk. Those who meed the goods mentioned will
find them and their prices as stated. Call before the assortment is
broken and get your ohoiee.
Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets,
Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper
and Decorating Paper,
X JO i1 1
This crop is a biennial one. Itbeginaj
to bud and blossom forth early in January
in every even year In this climate. It is
almost uniformly a "volunteer" crop
Were it not so, the "crop" would be much
smaller than it is. It is a more certain
"crop" than wheat, lnWregon, and this
speaks well for its productive quality. But
it only takes just so much of this product
to supply the market, hence "tares" In
abundance are rejected. The crop is an
exuberant one in thu county now, but it
Ttin Most Agreeable
well as the rnot effective mot bod of
spelling Headaches. Colds and Fevers,
olesntinu; ot system, is by taking a fow
doaes of Fiirs. 50c. and $1 bottles for sale
Foahay ex Mason.
Power cf the dollar can neyet bo truly known until you v'mit Wallace & Thomp
son's store, and invest a few of them in groceries, produce, etc. You will then
fa ml that you have tbe
m mm WW mm mmm i
to make one dollar go an tar as a dollar and a half use! to. This is no theore
tical ulk, it ha boon n ove 1 by practice. It is there you will learn
bargains that will give yon a thrill of pleasure and make you feel en good terms
with Btore-kcBporH, tbe world ia gaosral, and Wallace fe Thompson in particular.
Everything kept In a flrst-claes Drv Oooua and Boot end Shoe House, from the cheapest to as (rood a quality
there is a demand for, I bought these goods mostly in Hew York and Chicago and
and have and am'receiving
Novelties of the Season
in ever line ; am prepared to
quoted in the papers or circulars, and will take
Cash or Merchantable Produce
and will not turn you off when you get out of money.
Samuel E. Young.
Next to Burkhart & Keeney. Real Estate
Purchasing. ,ower of the dollar is not alwavp known by the quantity secured in
return for it the quality must Mlo be there. Wallace & Thompson make a
happy coenbinmion and iiv you h.n,h. Give thera a trial and they will save
you many a
The Photographer, a.Ibanj', Or.
I have all the negatives taken by A
B. Pax to a aud any one can haye dupli
cates trom their negatives by addraasinf
us, ac tte
tbe lumber monopoly. We oan furnish
to builders and contractors, rough, clesr
or nnianin
on short notice. This lumber ia out frt iu
the beat yellow fir, rafted from the cele
brated McKinzie timber regions and man a
factured U Coburc. Amy quantity oan be
furnished at Albaay at low prices, It
oeeda no recommendation aa to qualit y
and lumber of all kinds on our yard con
stantly. Don't order witbont seeing or
hearing trom us. We will saye you
Spioer, Linn Co,, Or.
TVrvvO trifl with any Throat
J aV Lung Disease. Ifyouhai-e
a'Comrh or Cold, or the children a
Parker Brothers,
Successors to Join Fox.
Keep a complete and fresh stock of
aad produce of all kinds, also
of all kinds, fresh broad every morning,
cake, cookies, pies, etc
An Immense Stock Of
La Rot dea Savons, the king of soaps. A
large list of valuable presents given with
this famous soap.
threatened with Croup or Whooping Cong! t,
tors jsngnsn .uemeay ana i
Blood Elixir is the only
e ntmr! Pamav
It it a positive cure for Ulcers. Erao-
or 8 phi litic Poisoning. It purifies the