flie cmrat. KntereJ at thi VjA UlUwat Albany, Or aa eeoond-olaaa mall matter. If KIDAV JANUARY 27, 1888 aim & nutting. R.I liar mu 4 rraprlcUrs. KKIKf IV MTrhU, i.srl Killlr. OANDIDATE FOR ASSES SOR. We are requested to announce that Mr. J. L, Nye, of Liberty Precinct, U a candl date for Aeor subject to the action of the next Democratic County Convention. A MAN ABOUT TOWN. The M A. T. Is informed that a gentle man aawing wood in Albany was one time a detective in San Francisco. O Snow began falling Friday morning last, and almost before the gravel had sunken out of sight below the glistening Hakes Mr. Johnny Schmeer was on the street with his greys and an Oregon sleigh. The M. A. T caught his eye and was soon under his robe of Crook county wolves flying through the. streets of the cltv, a most enjoyable affair, as old Boreas was in his best of moods. Mi. C. C Cherry is also entitled to his best bow for a couple lively spins after his J:4o nag. O His name was Millikan, and he taught a dancing school here, as well as at Corvallls and other places. After teaching his first term he organised another class and collect ed $3.50 apiece from the members of It. At CorvallU the sum amounted to nearly $ioo and we understand he was behind some at Albany. Then he left. Corvallls papers touch him up prettv lively, the Lea Jet force alone being out $1 J. The M. A. T. Is rcliablr informed that he was engaged to be married to an Albany voung lady, and that the day had been set for this week. The case is a sad one ; but people who confide in entire stranger, particularly of the ap pearance of MUlikan, do not deserve much sympathy if they get left. O During tle recent snow storm a young couple were taking a sleigh ride along one of the streets of Albany, keeping each other warm, when a little girl, who had been to Rovce & lansing's musical entertainment, saw the funnv side of the affair and cried out : "They like it, tley like it, they do." Quite suggestive, by the way. O The Man About Town is not up to mili tary tactics and hence would like to have some member of F. Company (it used to be Co. F.) tell what the Tacoma paper meant when it said the annual muster would last not less than six nor more than three days. The City Ittnting. The item in the Daily Herald yesterday morning in reference to the city printing is a yery unkind one. In the first place new city ordinances are mere matter of news and should be publislurd by a newspaper anyway, and it is for this reason the Democrat makes a low bid. The price Md is at the rate of 60 cents per 1000 ems, over twice what the II. raid dkl the work for two or three years ago. In the matter of a system f prices for space no paper in Oregon needs a press association more than the llirald but this is a matter it I foolish for newspa pers to quarrel about. The price bid is more than the Herald gets per issue for any stand ing ad. in Its daily issue, several times as much as for some". Figure it up. Speaking about what a newspaper values its advertising pace at,allow us to remark that our contemporary is running anew advertisement for a short time at the rate of about y cents per inch per insertlon.and is getting a very fair price. Figures don't lie Measure vour ads. and see how it Is with yourself." Give us a little rope and we can prove that the city will be pa? in? considerable for its space, that is if it ever had much. As a matter of fact about the only thing there ha ever been in the mat ter is the title "City official paper." 1 65 Yean Together. For many year past, at time,the Demo crat has noticed the anniversary of the wedded life of Mf. and Mrs. John Smith, of thi city,each time remarking at its remark ableness, and often wondering if it would ever be able to do so again. We are glad to be able to announce another anniversary on last Saturday, the 65th, of probably as pure and harmoniou a wedded life a the world ha ever known,and one rarely equall ed in extent of duration. A new phase was presented at the celebration of thi anniver sary, that of the presence of a great grand child, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. D. B. Monteith being present and crowing over the event. Not many people live to be 65 in the first place, to say nothing of a couple living together that length of time. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are each 86 year of age. The setting un i a bright one. F. Company. The member of F. Company have been "ized up," and the following is the result Average age,24 year ; average height, 5 feet ojf' inche; average weight, 159 pounds. The tallest member is 6 feet 4 inches, the shortest just one foot below him ; the heav iest member 210 pounds, the liL'hest, 1 20 oounds. Twentv-six of the Company are over c feet 1 r inche in height. It is a re markably good average Company, and is working with great harmony. As soon as Mr. Young moves into his new quarters the Company will use his warehouse on acconu street, which will be entirely remodeled tor the purpose. Death of Uogh Brown. Hon. Hutrh L. Brown, the founder of v Brownsville, died &t that city last Tuesday Jan. 24th. He was born in Knox county Tenn., Jan. 25th, 18 10, moved to Missouri in 1&38 and to Oregon in 1845. He opened the first store in Brownsville and has resi ded there since the place was laid out. He was a member of the State Legislature in 1856 and has been a County Commissioner For several years he has been nearly blind Mr. Brown was a member of the A. F. Si A. M., but was not buried by the orfkr. Kouud Drowned. 1 he body of Aurilla Straight was found drowned in the ice in Mill Creek, at Salem. last Saturday. A Coroner's jury found that she deliberately committed suicide for rea son unknown. The deceased came from Umatilla county and had been attending the Sister's School. She was a ward of Hugh Fields, of Brownsville. There is a mystery about the matter. ... e 1 - A Grange Convention for t he purpose of electing members of the State Grange will be he don the first S aturday in March, iu this county. The bviiei of the M E Chnrch and Society will give a auppor and social at the VV 0 T U Hall, Fab. Uth, 1888. All are cordially nvifced to attend . Mr Crawford, the photographer, has souio finiv ewi of the ice jam, which our citizens should secure. Thanks to Mr John Gilhland for sumo tine shells brought by him from Point Arena, Cilifornia. J W Wood was the lnnane CURRENT KVBNTM. There arc 45 lady lawyer In the Cnlted State. A $ , 500,01V) fire occurred In Philadelphia Monday night. Wood is retailing in Pendleton at $7.50 a cord and coal at $15 a ton. Billy lcmpey was killed In a prio fight near New York City last Sunday. The mother of ex-Prcsldent Garfield died latt Saturday. 85 member of Congress have announced their intention to speak on the revenue question. Comment is uimecessaty. The C.K. F. P. U. have set the price of salmon the coming seasonal $1 and $1. J 5, which cannery men say is more than they can stand. The mercury at San Francisco went down t 3 degrees below sero ; but the paper were ashamed to own It and did some tall lying about the condition of the tempera ture. A St. Paul man, who ha a well-stocked fish-pond, has tamed a big trout so that it comes at hi call, eats from his hand and shows its delight by jumping out of the wa ter and turning In the air with very plain manifestations of joy. Cremation seems ta be growing in favor in New York. From December 15th to December 31st fifteen ltodics were Incine rated at one crematory. On four days there were two incineration per day. Notwithstanding the fact that the Revo lutionary war ended 106 years ago there are now 3a widows drawing pension on ac count of their husbands hem" in -it, ttie Youngest of whom is 69 year of aire, A curious fact. An explosion in the Wellington collieries near Victoria, B. C, laat Tuesday .caused the death of over seventy miners.. About one hundred were taken out alive. Mr and Mrs Peyton Wilkes, aged respec tively 97 and yi years, of Greenville, Wash ington county, were married in 1S15, and hence are ahead of Mr and Mrs John Smith, of this city, eight years. Sheriff Minto has received only $9,000 of the taxes for this year, and as he will be re quired to pav $20,000 to the State next week is in somewhat of a pickle. Sheriff Smith has done much better.but needs more money. A party of explorers on the Harney lakes, discovered an island three miles in length that is apparently the home and breeding ilace of all the various water fowl. The is and is said to be simply alive with duck and gcc&c and hi a very paradise for sports men. Deer were also found on It in large number. The fire at Wakefield, Mich., which de stroyed forty buildings started in the thea ter. Somebody threw a frozen cabbage at a monkey which appeared in the play. The animal in retaliation threw a lighted lamp tow wd the audience. The lamp struck the stage and set it on fire. There wa a wild rush to get out Four month ago there was no such town as Milton, Dakota. It site wa open, un cultivated prairie. Now there I a lively village, two large grain elevators, three stores, a bank, and an the minor industries of a Dakota town, including bliucard and freereup. Over at Lexington four preacher were! holding a "distracted meeting," and one evening three of them got into a row, using some rather strong words, until Mr. Wirt, the preacher who was conducting the meet ing, was' obliged to dismiss the congrega tion. Next day two of the holy disputants, Farasworth and Kirk, were fined $to and costs each, and the other one. Beach, $10 and costs for disturbing a religious meeting E. O. Henry Hu-?on, while walking from Hepp ncr to Pendleton, had his feet badly froen, near Vinon,yeteniay . I Ic wa picked up by the stage driver and brought to Pendle ton. I ..is: night kind-hearted Mat Taylor furnished him with food and lodging, and probably Judge Lucy will make him a coun ty charge to-dav, until he I able to "rustle" for himself again. Young Huston' parent live near Princville. E. O. Italietttlon Servlers. The following is the program of the dedi cation services of the new W. CT. C. Hall, to be held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31st, at 7 o'clock : Congregational singing. Responsive Scripture reading led by Mrs L. P. Round. Prayer Rev Rominger. . Music Anthem. Brief addresses by Revs Webb, Trumbell and Davis. Music Double Quartette. Report of Building Committee. Address Rev. S. P. Wilson, of Eugene. Collection. Singing by the children. Dedicatory prayer Rev S G Irvine. Sentence of Dedication President of W. C. T. U. Brief Address Rev. E. N. Condit. Solo -Mr. I. M. Adair. Doxology. Benediction Rev. Round. Good reading for persons interested in bay ing groceries and provisions appears in the advertise meat of Kenton St Chase. Musical Convention,' The R. B. George Musical Convention is a success. Die class number about 50 and meets each afternoon and evening in the M. E. Church, and are improving rapid ly. The Convention will close Wednesday evening, reb. 1st, with a grand concert tn the Onera House. One feature of this en tertainment will be a Doll Brigade by 60 or 70 little ladie with dolls. Admission, 50 cents, children, 35. An Ampntatloa. Last Saturday, Jan. 21st, at Sweet Home Dr J 8 Courtney, assisted by Mr Ballard, both of Lebanon, successfully performed an j'amputatian of the right thigh of Geo Weav er, who unfortunately sustained very severe injuries about ten days previous to date of amputation. Mr Weaver when last nearu from was resting comfortably. Generally True. What everybody says is generally true : A splendid place to buy groceries, produce, and crockery ware is at Conn Brother. Tney keep their customers because they treat them well, sell a good quality of goods at a reasonable price and are always on liand to attend to the wants of their many customer. Pykc Opera Company. Thi Company, whom the Democrat mentioned as having been billed for Wed nesday and Thursday of this week, will be here next week, Friday, Feb 3. Alseady a large number of scats have been sold. Call and Kettle. The firm cd Hoffman & Pfeiffer having been dissolved all persons indebted to them arc requested to call on either member of the firm and settle their indebtedness, as they wish to close up the old accounts. Crowded, The Btore of Monteith & Seitenbach is crowded with seasonable and fashionable goods, their liue of dress goods, fancy goods, and cloaks are immense and if you desire to please yourself giye them a call. The following is the Democratic County Central Committee . W & Bdyen, chair man. F F Croft. J N Rie, F A Watts, O P Smith. T I Black. C B Moatagne, F M Daniels, I D Miller, 8 W Dodd, Geo Hum REAL KMT AT K Follawlng were the recorded tale In Linn county during the past two week t Isaac Banta to Henry Vrdom, 40 acres, tp 12, t E $ 40O Peter Hume to Thos S Plllsbury, joxiiO feet, Brownsville 180 CG llurkhart to Allen L Mocsengcr, K half block 36, H'a and A .... . 1000 Uoh't Glass to 1 H Glau and W B Glnss, all Interest In water ditch running into Crawfordsvltle. . . . 510 Ievl Wet and wife toj M Moyer, a lot, block 1, W A, Albany .... 700 Andrew Tripp to J W Scaulaad, 32 .4x50 feet, Lebanon ioo W B Price to Linda Elchlcr, 1 acre InSodavlile 25 John R Baltimore to J Q Swank, aoo acres, tp 11, a w....... 1000 J W Pearl to Jos Pearl, interest In X of a acres east side C., i lalsey and planer. t aoo J B Coffey to P O Smith, lot as, 36, 45, 46, Sclo 400 O C to Isaac Banta, 40 acre tp ta, t E too M J Hector to J M Porter, 1 let In iialscy 600 O & C to Cornelia Rainwater, tao acres tp 9, a E .v Cornelia Rainwater to Nlchola Mills same and to acree 35 U S to Wm Earl 607.68 acres, tp to, a w patent L G Smith to Elmarlon Smith Inter- et in original D L C John Smith 100 E E, McClure by D S Smith, Sheriff, to Portland Saving Bank, 281 acres tp 3. 1 E &77-65 Jos Pearl to Marie Adams a acres planing mill at llauey .WW J N Smith to C L Btuh,a lots block 9, It and A. Albany Qw POSTAL NOTKa Crartricr. Recently ix young men were arrested near Crabtree for disturbing a singing school. They were tried and dis charged. Two others appeared before a Justice before arrest and paid a fine, and warrants were eut for the arrest of I we others Scto. Mr. Ad. Harmon, the saloon keeper at Sclo, was arrested last week for selling liquor on Sunday and tried on Thurs day. He was discharged. It seems to be almost an Impossibilty to prove anything against a saloon keeper, no matter how es tablished the fact is in the mind of the pub lic. CoavALLts. A son oj Rey Wolfe, died at Corvallis on Saturday, his death being caused ov a knotted Intestine. It wa re- Cortcd in Albany that the Intestines were notted by an accident whll young Wolfe wa skating. HARRiHnt.au. On last Sunday, Jan. a and, 1888, Mr. Thos. Anderson and Mrs. Emma Wyatt were united In marriage at this cltv, at the residence of the bride' par ents Rev Case performing the ceremony. A large gathering was present and man v substantial and valuable presents were ten dered Mr and Mrs Anderson. Duet's, Or. Have had very co!d weath er here. Mercury down to 10 to 25 degree below zero for two weeks and snow 8 In ches deep. Stock I doing well ; but cannot stand much more cold weather without suf fering Will run the saw mill and probably put In aoo acres of grain the aiming season. J. MoWKRV. Ckxtcrviixk, Iowa. After visiting friend In Ohio am now In Iowa. Woke up this morning on North pole, 37 degrees below xero. It makes me think of the gar den spot of the world. I find many nho would like to leave, but cannot, land and stock are down so. Am tired of answering question about Oregon. Ice and snow drifts every where. Let me say to every one having a home in Oregon : Stay with it ; there it no place like Webfoot Will go to Colorado in a few days and then to the land of red apples where I will be content the rest of my days Will be glad when I plant in v feet again on the soil at Albany. U. M. Stone. Coaaril I'roretalax. Tuesday, Jan. 34111, 1888. officers and members but Present All Mr. Goin. Tlie committee on Fire and Water report cd against Mr 8chtoer's complaint In ref erence to the lamp at the head of the Herald office stair. A petition from Geo E Chamberlain and others asking for a sewer along Baker.Mont- gomery or Railroad streets to the river was referred to a special committee of Grad- wohl, Tablcr and Writsman An ordinance in reference to contagious diseases was read twice and referred. The resignation of Mr Goin as Council man of the Third Ward wa laid on the table until the next meeting Mr Jo Laurent wa authorized to use fire emrine to pump out cisterns during con struction of lateral sewers, he to pensc of same. bear ex An estimate of running expenses of city government for coming year was requested from committee on Ways and Means. A committee consisting of Tabler, Grad wohi and Writsman was directed to pur cha e 6000 feet of lumber for city purposes License was granted J H Giblln and bonds approved, same to begin February tat. Bid for city printing were read, contract for printing posters was let to J H Burkhart at 90 cents ; bid for printing ordinances, etc., were referred to committee on Ordin ances. Bids far building crosswalk were reject ed and the Recorder was requested to ad vertisc again. The contract for furnishing dirt and gravel was let G M Westfall, he being the lowest bidder. The watchman at the trains were direct ed to use all precautions to prevent the ad venCof small -pox cases into the city. The following bills were ordered paid .' E Whipple & Son, lumber, $5.25 ; F M Westfall, $42.25 ; D R N Blackburn, pre paring ordinances, $8.00 ; John Jones, nightwatchmsn and engineer, $56.00 ; A Ihrig, nightwatchman, $46.68 ; j Hahms pach, $1. We are giving 15 per cent off for cosh on our stock of boots and shoes which means S4.23 f or a 90 shoe . All goods marked in plaitt figures. Rkoptklo & Brown ell. Lebanon W. It. ('. AW R. C. was organized at Lebanon on Wednesday afternoon of last week and the following officers were elected : President -Mr. Hulda Miller. Senior Vice President Mrs. Lucy Eaton. Junior Vice President Mrs. Mary M Bryant. Secretary Mrs. Ella Harkness. Treasurer Miss Mary Montague. Conductor Mrs. Libbie Foley. Assistant Conductor Miss Florence Bal lard. Guard MrR. Mattie Roscoe. Ass't Conductor N. M. Follls. Chaplain Mrs. Sarah Saltmarsh. '" o- A Few Days Longer. Owing to the large number of applicant ! for treatment, Dr. Henry J. Smith, the emi nent surgeon and specialist, (now at Revere House ,) finds it necessary to prolong ms viidr far a few davs in order that he mav serve all of the afflicted, whom, for the lack of time;he has been compelled to turn away. See his advertisement in another column. Muslin Underwear. I have received my now stock ef muslin underwear. These goods are made on a lock stich machine, and warranted to be full size and length and price reasonable. SAMUEL K. XOWii, PKKMONAU Dr Smith, of IUUy,ws iu the oily Tuss day. Mr T J Munksrs. of Solo, Friday. was in Albany J C .Johnson, of He in. first of the weak. was iu Albany the Mr Jas Matches, tbe new Postmaster at Nautiain, was m Albany Monday. Miss Lixsie Farms, af ttossbarg. is vint ing hor sister Mrs Casey, in this city. Louis Cantpaau, formerly iu the barber business in this oity.ts now In the same basi Baas in Baker Oily. , Mi Isaac Oarriager, of m Angsts, father ui flsrs 1 n ioae, 01 in is city, ts tn Albany and will remain bsrs several weeks. Jas Emsry and family hay been in tb city this week, visiting friends, previous to itayiog mr laoKviiis, whsre thsy will locate, MrUarreteon, of Washington Territory, was in Aioany ins orst of the weets on a visit to his son, the foreman of the Herald vt- hot. A telegram last Tuesday from Los Aajsies anaouneed lbs safe arrival of Etta fnites Vaasallo at that oity, whore she goes to mske bar future home. Mrs Or Ellis is lying seriously ill, at bar home in this oity. She bad greatly improved when a relapse set in. Her many friend nope mr tier early recovery. Last Saturday eveniag a very enjoyable party was given in this oity at the resideoee of Mr Conrad Meyer, in honor of tb 21st birthday of bis popular clerk, Jas Csilaaaa J fl Irvine and family, of Centeryille, re turned this morning oyer the Northern l'a oine, from a visit to Ohio and other States. They were about ten days getting through. t'eudleton M. U. Mr Wm Garrett, formerly one of the ore prietors of the Revere House has returned to Albany from i'ortlsud, and will locate bsre I'eriiisnoutly.hsving beeome interested in tbe WilUtiiette Valley 1'aokiug Company, Mr W L Lyaoh. recently of Warsaw. N. Y was in Albany Tuesday en bis way to Portland to locate la tbe practice ef the law. lie think we have mud. Better mud than snow sod forty degrees below stru. Mr John Gilliland, wife and two children were in the city Tnseday mi their way to their hero at 8 west Hems from a mouth s trip in California. Mr Gilhland was phased with mneh that be saw there, and liked it around San June particularly. KK-ShertfT Cbarltoa was over from tbe ' Forks" Wednesday and informed us that oats was damaged somewhat by tbe late frees, as well aa rod ehaif wheat. The white wheat seemed to be uninjerod. Stock is do ing well. Csadidates are plenty. Mr Charl ton and a neighbor, Mr Savage, each recent ly broke a rib. Tbe Utter is confined to bis homo 80DAYILLS. And now Christina and New Years are over and our school la out and 4 he scholars are enjoying a vacation and everyone around here lias the opinion that I'rof. MUchel ha done all he can to teach the pupils. He has done well. Since school Is out he I teach ing singing school and has a good many scholars who axe learning very fast Mr. I). Keenan, II. Bovles, foe Green, Mr. Hockett and son and Jimmic Boyles started to Jefferson last Friday for the pur pose of cutting wood for the 0 it C. R. R. Company. Mrs. Emma K'.um tut bean absent for some few days, she wa called down to Al bany to attend her sister Mr. Ft ankle Moore. who lias been ick for sometime. Some young man who was at the ball here New Years had better bring that rood overcoat back In the place of an old one he left. He can do so by calling at the Foun tain House at Sodayille and leaving It It seems a If we are going to have plenty of snow I his winter. The coldest it lias been here was 3 degrees below xero. Farmers are afraid their labor is all loot since the freezing and thawing out. They fear the fall wheat is all frum out ; but the ground is puffed up, and we are In hopes not. Mr. John Musselman i getting some little better since we last wrote, we are in hopes lie will recover soon. The young folks of this place spent their time last week in skating on the ice. Another grand ball will be given at the hall nt this place February a;nd, when a good time will beespected. It will be given by K. Boyles. Mis Rosetu Coble, of Brownsville who ha been visiting Iter many friend at Soda vimc has returned to Brownsville. Notes from Oar Lady's Academy. Albany, Or Jan. 33rd, 1888. There is srreat rivalry amoasr tbe seniors on account of the medal to be presented In unclothe most proficient book-keeper in the class Miss Sarah Sternberg is this week the happy recipient of the medal of honor.. The school in general i In high anticipa tion of the drama which will take place at the close of the scholastic year. 1 he graduating class ha just taken up Doublet s logic. Rejoice with the seniors, they liave passed graduates examination In government. The entire school Is in great expectation of the promised visit of his grace. Archbishop Gross, The new term commenced J an. 23rd, 1888. Sea iba. Prohibition Conference. Jordan, On., Jan. 20th, 1888. There will be a conference of the Probl bition party In Albany on Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 1888, at f o'clock, p. in., for tlte Eurpose of fixing the time of holding the .Inn County Prohibition Convention and for the transaction of such other business as will be to the best interest of the party and promotion of the cause of prohibition. AH interested are invited to attend. T, F.Goodman, Chairman of Linn Co. Central Committee. Real Estate and Employment Ageaey. Parties having farms for sale of about 180 acres or those having larger tracts waion they would bo willing to divide op into 80 or 160 acre lot are invited to eall at aur of fice as wa have a fe w customers for that class of farms. We can also furnish parties in tbe oity or country with sitber male or female help 00 short notice, and we also have a few sttustioos for both male and female tn the city and country. Call at our office No 85, First Street, adjoining W C Twoodsle's. Tin store. . A. BURKUART Co. Not at cost but what means about the same, we will for 30 days giye 15 oil on all our leather goods to those paying' cash. Call early. Rkdfikld & Brownell. Being More Pieasaut To the taste, more acceptable to the stomach, and more truly beneflolal in ita action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Hyrup of Figa, is rapidly super seding all others, Try it. During the month of January we will sell anything in the boot and shoe line at 15 discount from marksd price. Kkijviki.d & Brownell. Letter List. Fellewinf is the list of letters rsmsialng la ts Past (XHoe, Alesoy, Una oeaoty, Orsgoa, Jan. 84th, 188. Persons otUlny for these letters must give the dste oa which they were advertised : And raws, H C Buahnsll, 0 S Cole, Ohsneey Hand, MrsMsrths Little, Duncsa Myers, Wm T Phelps, Mrs Annie Ryver. Miss Grace Simpson, Mrs Becca Veysey, Frederick White, Wm Brxka, John Bowker, Mrs 8 0 Cox, J H Hendrix. Abijah May, O W Myers, WmT Roberts, A Stcycns, R 8 Urbane, Mrs Maurice Wstkins, 0 P U. THOMPSON, W at HONK AMD ABROAD, Small-pox in Portland. The best harness at R L Thompson s French, the jeweler, keeps railroad times Hoys who smoke cigarette diu their own graves. H Kwnrt, praclicst watchmaker and jow eler. The ferry host is again on duty at this city. H ill our farmer, sell their wheat before long, Dr. M. Hf. Kiln, physician and Allsny, Oregon. Clls mode ia surgeon oity or eon 0 cry, J. 1. Wallace, Physioian and Surgeon, At bony, Or. If you want blankets go to Monteith & aiteabaeh. If you want boots or shoes go to Mod teith It Seitenbach. If yon want the beat harness in the market go to J J Dnbt utile's. Mrs Dr J L Jonas died suddenly at her heme in Kngene last Tuesday, of hemorrhage 01 (no oowcls. Tke banana crop at Y sou in Bay is almost u complete failure. It is to be hopwl pine sp pUs will do welt. At it west Hotno lost week tke thermometer wai repotted to kav gene dowa to 7 to 10 degree below xero. Tke orop of cocas in Lion eonuty this year is remarkably good, Thos Nsst, tno artist, did not lecture either at walrfo Hills or Salem. The OAR Kaos moment will be htld in Albany, February Mud. Thers were fifty eaaas of measles at Silver ton recently at 00 time. eUi shaves for dollar and alt au towel to every customer, at Tho. Jones. The Opera House is to be used as the ara ory ef F. Company for the present. Frank Pi ley says Oregon la a more safe eaaatry to farm ia thsa California. 7 O.k care rheumatism, eearabji and tooth aeka. Foeaay A Mason, Agents. 15 ear cent dieonuet fur cash on boots and hoe during Jan. ttod field k Brownell. Tho Columbia was frosm so hard at Tb Dalles that stock ws erssssd on tbe ice. Every thine booaht and soli at M Frank. tin 4 Go's second hand star, Albany, Or, Rssora boned, est and pot in order at Joans' Hkavtng and Hair Dressing parlor, Home hay and straw for sol. Ineuire el V O Burkhsrt, on mile soatbeet of Albany. F M F it Stnsar Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Several mooted men from the East have trendy been in Albany looking over tho field. lAst Saturday the thsfsaowatsr registered 4S degrees below aero at Minneapolis, Mine. The member of tke YWCTU will soon give a social of a character entirely oat of toe Banal order of thing. Work will becio on tbe Oregon Poetfie R R io tho Spring and be poshed with a will. This is a fact and is not stated for bnnoorabc. There are six Good Templar Ledcee in Una oean y , tbey being located st Albanv, Knos Butte, Hhedd, Halsey, Sato sod Craw- ferdsvilie. If yon want a stylish winter garment ee to Monteith A 8etteuih, agents for Springer Bros, tailor made garments for ladies, misses and children. One of the ferocious blood koaods in Uas'e font's Cabin name very ner making s meal of little Eva' pony at lohnsoor e livery stable lst Sunday. Tbe E B George Musical Convention i proving nsaossss. Uvorrorty student are ssnrollsd in the eloe. The company i aa t foment one. Y04 will save money by taking year sick wing machine to tke repairer, B r Parsons at Hi sua and J oner on its., Albany, Oregon. Good satisfaction or 00 pay. At Jacksonville at least three serious const ing sccideo'. occurred, Nellie Prog a e broke . . . . .sa aa OA . ssr. aa arm, w k croon sefverat no, stvi u n k A Miller sprsiaoa sua awam. Tk dedicate rograat at tbe W CT U Hsll nest Tuesday evening promises ta baa vary interesting one.. The ooession IS en which should insure a full beaee. Last Saturday the fine residence of Mr Edward Robinaaa ia this city, was sold at Sheriff sal to J M Mover, of Brewnsyillr, tbe judgment creditor, tor $4400. The play. "Tbe Veterans of ifiir will be preasuted hj tnG A R and YY R C, of this eisy, assisted by other local talent oa Feb ruary 17th. ft will draw a big boos. Tbe proopeot ef a fine frait eronin South ern Oregon are now good. Tbe ooodttion af fruit tree ia that section of the State It one of interest 10 Oregonians gnoerstly m . . as tor tn leading received by F. L. Kenton st Use store of Kenton & Chase, between tbe Opera House and PoetofBoe, Albany, Or A rsilroad shoe Id by all means be built to Astoria. The 00 soar nisi interests of the Northwest are net complete without it. From shore to shore should be tbe action . Cent Wm Shaw died in Marion county lsat Friday st tho ago of 82 year. He came to Oieaen in I 44, and was a remarkable old gentleman. He leasee several children, on being Judge T C Shaw. Geo Weaver while sawing lata beyond Sweet Homo recently was crushed by a log, causing tbe fracture of bones in both of hi imam. He was caught under a leg for two hoars whan nnerawa. IB . A 1 doubt if any boy ever amounted to any thine tn the world, or was ranch use aa a nan, who did not enjoy the advantages or a ibernl education in the way of chores, Charles Dudley Warner. Wednesday night, in the Wailola yard. witnessed a chapter of accidents, aays aa ex ohanee. At different times during the night one man naa one nana nearly out on, nootner . a a oar . i hg4 a foot ssvered, while a third bad fosr fingers on one hand badly mashed. Our citizens have been busy thawing oat water pipes this Week. The ground Iroaa nearly ten inehea deep, and aa many pipes bod only been laid about six inches deep, tke frees up was quite general. Right bote tbe Democrat arise to remark thst it dees not pretend to acknowledge re ceipt of all tbe patent medicine calender, etc., received, though noma' dssarv special mention, on account of the great artistic abil ity displayed. Ayer's Pills our constipation, improve the annotate, promote digestion, restore healthy action, and regulate every inaction. This medicins is pleasant to take aad gentle in its operation. See article in Ayer's Almanac. Wheat waa slightly injarsd by the cold nan in this county, and oats a little more than slightly. As in the past, though, a fair crop may be looked for. lb wheat orop nearly always ends wsU after our annual Spring scares. W F Read's store is being greatly imoroy ed in appearance, the ceiling and walls being papered and the wood work pointed. A big stock of first-class goods is on tho way, when Mr Read proposes to be able to mot the do mandsef the publio in all lines in his field. Ayer's Saraapariila 1 prescribed and rec ommended bv eminent physicians, anu is tail an with narfanfc S&fatv btr old and VOUDlf I wmmb-mmm " v- fT - ' J J j , CI .Its oleansins and vitalising effects ore sure and speedy, and it is universally oonceaea to W dal& m o a a a IS be the most effective of all blood purifiers. Do you feel weak and nervous f Would yon like to be free frerr that spirit ef restlessness and irritation ? For quieting the nervous sys tem, soothing and allaying all irritntiou.pro- ennaa refreshing sleep, ana promoting aiges tion, nothing win prove more smoient man Frees s Hamburg Tea, Bjb Hendrioks. of the Salem Statesman wa to be married Wednesday to Miss Geisy, of Aurora. We snail now look for editorials with nr. ore Ibaokbone to them, generally the off sot ef a healthy use of the broomstick. May their waste basket of joy be full ana running over. Two boys named Warren were arrested at Corvallis last wesk for burglarizing Hodges gunstsre. They made a break for liberty and James escaped. He waa arrested at Jsf fersoa Thursday and taken through this city to CorvaUis. The Albany Farmers' and Merchants' In suranoa Co's new quarters in the Froman Brick are developing into very neat ones metropolitan in appearance. The Company is doing a business probably greater than that of any ctw company that eyer started in Oregon just became there is a universal ocakdenoe in it, About three inches of snow fell last Friday and cotters and sleighs appeared ia large numnere, tn iingio of the bell being hoard in all directions. Saturday old Webfoot pot man appearance, ann tbe hearts of old set tlers waxed Varm with joy. The snow disap peared like a crowd from a theater. lout week the wife and baby of Thos Gor don, of Clue kama county ran away with her parents, Mr and Mr Book, intending to de sert her husband, He followed them, and on catching up with them a qnsrrol ensued, ia which Gordon was shot by Beck with a shot Sue. Tho injuries were not serious. Ho lost is wifs though. A big row io Co, E. at Corvallis is report ed, tho trouble lying between Cap! Smith and some of the members of the Company, On one occasion an absentee from tb regular muster wss hunted down by a squad ef sold ier, wbo, with fixed bayonets, morshsd through tho city until they found their man, whom they pinoed in their midst and eoa duoted to the armory. The difficulty has been overcome by the appointment of Capt Smith to a position under Gen Sigiia. George Piamaodoo, who wss committed to the penitentiary several months ago from thi county, for attempting to rob the barn of Mr Perne Cochran of a horse baa been do clored insane and seat to the asylnm. It was said to have bean eaassd by bis asking for three dollars from a visitor and receiving it, fur the purpose of buying underclothing, hi iey resulting iu iasauity, which evidently was already lying dormant. Iethr suit of Nelson Bennett vs. tbe Ore gon Fscilio R R Judge Shsttuck, State Circuit Court No, I, made an order the other day directing Wall is Nash, second vioe-piesident of tbe defeadaat corporation, to appear and show cause why tbe order recently made quashing the serviee of summons upon him bonld not be set aside. In oompliance there with Mr Nash came into Court Saturday morning and filed affidavit describing bis dutioo, and diacUtmiog thst be is tbe bead ef th corporation or thst he to any manner represent the same. He set forth that bis duties are wholly delegated ones, imposed on him by the board of director ia tbe ab sence of the president and vice- president from the State. Ho further maintained that his powers oonited of signing okecks.oontracts. etc., and that the management of the com. piny 'a affairs ia in tbo hands ef other persons. The esse was argasd en both side sad sub m it ted. -(mjumtn. THE ATTENTION Of every one Interested in buying GROCERIES AN1) PROVISIONS Is invited to the following VALUABLE INFOR MATION KENTON k CflASK at their ow store, between the Opera Honae and roetomee, In Ibis city, offer at tbo .owea It v log prices for cat b or food merchantable produce, a complete as sortment of groeeries end provisions, of hcb tbe following ta a partial Hat : COFFEE. Green and roasted. Costa R.ea.Rio. extra choice old Government Java, Mo cha and Caracole. TEA. No low izrodej, bat a fall lion of cb 'Ice teas. English breakfaat. (lun- 00 weVr, Formosa Oolong, etc SUGAR. Choice Mai.Io, and all grade from the California refinery, st tbo lowest price. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. Pare flavoring extracts, sll kind, snd the best quality apicea. CANNES AND DRIED FRUIT. Best California sod Oregon product. Peaches, Apricot, Btr w berries, Cher ries, Pea's, Plums, Pine apples,' etc CANNED VEGETABLES. Corn, Pea, Beans, Tomatoes, Sweet potatoes, Asparagus, Mushrooms. CANNED MEATS. Tongue, Deviled bans, Corned beef, Roast beef, mutton, chicken snd tur key. SYRUP, Maple, White afar drips, and genuine New Orleans uo'aaau. FARINACEOUS GOODS. Pesrl bsiley, Mecca roni sod Ver maoilli, Self-rising bock wheat, Cora meal, Hominy ,Oat meal, Grahaa,3sgo, Tapioca, Oat flakes, etc FISH White fiab, Cod fish, Msckerel, SU mon, Labrador snd Holland herring, Sardines, Anchovies, Smoked herring snd bloaters. LAUNDRY SUPPLIES, Tube, washboards, pails, scrubbing brushes, clothes Unas and pies, starch, best quality bluing, concentrated lye, auperur quality of loap. CHEESE, Choice full cream, Young America, JKaatern Dairy, and extra fins Ptne Ap pis. SAUCES. Worcestershire, Pepper sauce, To- mto catsup, capers, red bet boras rad ish, French mustard, etc. PROVISIONS, Beans, rice, lard, Eastern and Oregon hams, breakfast bacon, spiced rol ba con, dried beef and venison. CRACKERS, Beat quality soda, picnic, monitor, milk, graham, cinder snaps, sweet biacuit, etc CANDY AND NUTS, Choice French mixed oandy, always clean and fresh, new orop walnut, al monds, Brazil nuts, pecans, freah roast ed peanuts, etc. SUNDRIES, Axle grease, brooms, baking powder, blacking and brushes, bird seed, can dles, coal oil, in fact everything to be found in a first-class grocery store. FARMERS, Farmers are earnestly iovit ed to ex- aminsour stock. We want good mer chantable produce, and pay tbe highest market price f jr it in oasb or tn roban dise. If goods sent out from our store do not give entire satisfaction we will cheerful. y refund tbe amount paid for them. Please call and see us. Kenton & Chase. MARR1KI). MOORE KELLEY On Saturday, Jan. aist, 1888, at the Catholic Ohuich, in Al bany, by Rev. Father Louis Metayer, Mr W. M. Moore and Miss Margaret Keuley. LEEPER STARR. On Sunday, Jan. 33, 1 388, in Brownsville, at the residence of and by Rev. Starr.Mn. Francis Leepkr and Miss Starr, daughter of the ug clergy ;na!i,both of Linn county CblPPKD fJlMl'ATl'fftW, Naw Yosm, Jan. Jo.The third annual meeting of the American Skating Associa tion oned on Van Cortlandt lake. Louis Rcubcneteln, of Montreal, won the t rlze at fancy katlng,and L. O'Hrien, of Brwklyn, won the 221 yard. daah;tlrne,22 2 5 sriconda. St. Paul, Jan, 20. -An evening paper figures the loss of life In last week's blizzard at 235. A dozen new cases are reported. It ts reported from Vermillion, Dak., that over thirty person were frozen to death in Lake county, and the local authorities are sun pressing news. This rumor lacks confirm ation. Hpokank Falls, W. T., Jan. 20.--Quite a little fracas grew out of the recent woman suffrage meeting. Col. Turner, the brother of Judge Turner, delivered a somewhat In temperate speech, and wa pretty roughly handled therefor by the ChranicU, To-day he called the reporter of that journal up to hi office and an angry dlculon ensued, which terminated In blow, the newitpaf-r JJJJj the chrnk:iers say .coming out vlc- Saw Francisco, Jan. J J.--The steamer Arago, Capt Hall, ha succeeded In making the smartest round trip to Coos Bay on rec Mt thU Jrt at 4 p. m. ci the 17, leaded 750 ton of coal and arrived here aTwnat 11 o'clock yesterday, making the round trip In three 6mjb and twenty-two hours, and the passage down In fortv-four hours, J Seattle, W. T., Jan. 19 George if. Preston, a prominent young lawyer of this dty, wbo resides in the northern part of the city, wa "hold up" last evening by three ",cnV " w. on hl way home He knocked the hand of the footpad up.but wa fired at, the ball entering below theeye.The Injury may not prove tatal,but It was u nar row escape. Public feeling runs high, and universal Indignation Is expressed on all hands. The Sheriff ha offered $500 reward for the arresl of the aallants,and tbe May or has offered a reward of 1000 for their apprehension. A party of twenty person is now scouring the vicinity for the arrest 01 trie guJJty parties. If taken it may hard with them. - go With the New Year We Take a New Departure in our Business. No mom long-winded accounts and shall sell goods strictly for OR Paying cash tcr all goods purchased, qi our money tj tie cash system, we cent on sll purchases. FIGURES Thompson Pricea at Beat brands savon soap, per box Le Rio Dee Savon or King soap, CASH fhomss Gold Water Bleaching soap, per box Bess Island Rice, 17 lb Corn er gloss starches, 3 papers Arm A Hammer soda, 4 papers All soaps, 4 bars Standard coal oil, 5 gallon carta Best Eastern syrup, 5 gallon kegs. Best Eastern syrup, 1 gallon tin BeM Rio snd Costa Rica coffee, 4 lb. . . Beat Savador coffee, 4 Best White beans, 25 lo Best red or pink beans, 27 lbs Beet C anger, 12 lbs Best Granulated sugar, 10f lbs Best soda crackers, per box McMorraj'a cysters, large oaus Mo Murray's oystera, small cans Best uncelored ten, 6 lbs cans Best Japan tea, 1 lb paper Spices, mustard snd ginger, 15c. Naile all sixes, 25 lbs Tbe above are prices on s few of the general merchandise. We guarantee . t a 1 - a . a at prices to correspond with the above One Price to All. Highest market price paid for all produce. COME AND SEE US. MPS STEWART -DSALERS IN- HARDWARE Iron, Steel, Coal and Chain. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS ANU BUGGIES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, RIPE AND CORDAGE, SILVER STEE Macleod, N, W, I., Jan. 23. - New has just reached here of the hanging of "Nosey Smith" at Sun River, Mont., by vlgilsnts He was well-known in this part of tho ter. rilory. It Is said he came here two years ago to escape the hanging for shamefully abus ing hi two daughters and going beck to gain possession of them met tbe noose. . Wash 1 kotow, Jan. 33. Senator Mitch ell' bill creating a new land dfstrkt In Ore gon was reported to the Senate to-day by Senator Dotph, from the committee en pub lic lends, with a recommendation that it pass. The district includes all that territory now embraced in the Lake view. La Grande and Dalles districts, Limestone, Ind. Terr., Jan. 33. Four masked men, all heavily armed, entered the Citizens Bank Saturday and presented a pistol at the head of Cashier W. T, Rey nold and demanded that he hand over the cash, While pretending to comply Rey nold slammed the door of the safe to and turned the lock. He was at once laid out by a bullet from the pistol of one of the des peradoes, which killed him instantly . The bank was then ransacked and all the money in the cash drawer, some $2100, waa taken. An attempt was made to open tbe safe, but in this the robbers were foiled, as the sounds of pistol shots were heard and sev eral people came rushing toward the bank. in a tew minutes the town was aroused and twenty or thirty armed men harried to the hank. 7 he robbers were iust mountinar their horses, and a hot fire was began, in which rhomas Evan, a ranchman living near town, was killed. In tbe mebv faesr citizens were wounded, but not fatally. The surviving robbers then rode away with the booty, followed bv a posse, which after an hour' chase, caught the desperadoes and took them back to Limestone. The leader was found guilty of murder and strung up. The other two were placed in charge of a strong guard and started for Fort Washitt, where they were turned over to the United States authorities. Hie stolen money was recovered. exhorbitant profits, In ths future we PRODUCE. making no bed debts snd having tbe can save the purchaser fully 20 par DON'T LIE, & Waters, Brownsville, Oregon. per box. . $1.00. 1.10. 1.10. 1.00. .26. .25. .25. 1.25. 2 25. .65. 1.00. 1.00. 1.00. 1 00 , .7.7.7 1.0O. l.Oo! .go! 5 1. 00. 7 . . 1 00. 1.85. 35. can or 2 .36. 1.00. many articles in our immense stock of that every artie'e in all lines, (ball be sold . m . mentioned articles. N k WATERS, Brownsville, Oim. & SOX, BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'SISUPPLIES POWDER AND SHOT, BLASTING AND GIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS, QARBEN AND GRASSISEEDS. JJ X Out Saws, STEWART & SOX.