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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1888)
j'-iL.1"1 "I'liimui i , , i i m mi i, mi 1 1 in mi i imiiji,! M iwww snsWsaMsasayjs SUB TO DEMOCRAT. f m o rr at . THE DEMOCRAT Is tha best Advertising-medium lo the Centra! Willamette YsHny. 2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued ev.ry Friday by 8TITM Sella UTTINO. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1888. Advertising rates (made know n on ap NO ?A pUoetloo, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. TTO 1 AT IAV A l- - Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Office upstair, over John BriggV alar, t street. vUnlMtf J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (notary roauoj k TTOUNKY AT LAW. ALBANY, tKEiN. tlTILL PRACTICE lit ALL THE COURTS Of THK f? SMi. Hiweiai attention tlsen to .n.i asais Mii.r. SsTOss1. 1 QM Fsl tsar's Tssspls. tUrt . ' BBTOn, O, H, 1HVIN WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW roee op stairs In' Foster's Bloc. ALBANY, OREGON 1. v. ruw.Lu w. n. niLTBu fUVVKLIi & BIIjYEU, vTTOKNKYS at law. Aid Solicitors in rhanrf rv. 1LR4MT. - - ORIflON. Loans negotiated oh reasonable terrha. wi iMunDn prom p y miaa on t 1 no nu. OBee In Foetera Rrlk.-ft vHnlfhf. J. J. WHITNEY. Attorney And Counsellor At La. AND Notary Public. ALBANY, 0REC0N, 97111 praetloe in all of the Courts of i his State. All business intrnsted to him will be promptly attended to. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Offiee. Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - 0REC0N. All business will receive prompt attention FOSHAY & MASON, ryjaavus ass rara- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, hloh we sell at publisher's prices with roatagead Jsd. ALBANY, OKKUON. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Ittngdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything- kept in a first claw. Drug Store. Also a fine stock of piaooa and organs. ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Hides, Etc. PRESCRIPTION fAREPl'LLY FILLED, Open day snd night. Albany, Or. OR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First sod Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. DR. C. WATSON MASTON ! Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 snd 4. Foster's Hlosk. ALBANY - OREGON Homeopathic Physician, ffOIBg. M. g. t'cCOY. M. D HOMEOPATHIC lei physician, office sod residence corner of First and Baker fgrsstt, Albany, Oregon. Chronic aiSSSSSS S necislty. Consultation free, Office hours : 10 a m. 10 12 a m and 2 ts 5 p. m. WW ANGELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by secular priests and lay I ejailtiei a First term opens first Monday in 8ep- tamner. Second term opens nrst Monday In Febrosrv. For prewpectos address Raw. F. A. Becker. Vancouver, W. T. Box 103. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seas. v.a lumber ,laths aa pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. robinson & west. Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full line of Chinese goods of all kinds on band, Also full line of JAPANESE C00D3. OREftOI PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S t; Young's, Albany, Or Life Renewer iDa', a BJsst 0,'il- BEILTwitb Electric nr. Kuur- t powerful. lurubla tuid perfect (JHuin attmw in tha world. Oures. lvw sWthoat madleise. Nsrvous MUtr, M i PslnU fcho BssUgssr li whni,H,.f,t.m m n he mat BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. now receiving toy fall and 'inter stock of boot and kJim-h, I har aa niorly a fitted up Bool aod Shoe St... 1 . . i . .i ' "n" '"""I1'"1 7 n.:. uw mun mi tuiimuii inn Try low iwpr in Portland. I boy aH my hoots aod - r shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tei how chean. No firm in OrMoa bav any advantage of mt in buying I huy in quantities aod pay the cash In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much ths arest, host aod great at anetv in the citv. My aim will v always he to give ss good value for the money aa jKJSsihly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, First National Bank OF AM A.M. OREttON. m ....... yarvaeaai - L. FUNS a. g, yoi go OEO. K. CHAMBKKLAlN TRANSACTS A OKNKIHL Wnklne btwli ACCOnrw ggpT objw.t o chsek. 8IOHT RXCHAXOg sn.l tiurfn, soltf Ww Tork, Han rraactoon, l"lcau and Port! OOULKCTIOX8 MADE on faorsls BIKSCVOU. J. g. VOfSS, Oso, g L. g Huiv L. fuss, Walts K TrassLL, H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Hell u on Nss York, San Kisncisro and Portland nay notea. 8U. e'ty warrant Ra lulcnst allowed on sirs deplts rabjsst to will receive plxnpt alUnUon. Ol adicitsd. boor from It. n. to 5 p. m. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. BJksl MAtr. e. SSNDKSS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers In General Iercnandiie. HARRISBURC - - - ORECON hiJ " n a t . 1081111) pfOdnrf. WILL BROS., Dealers in be Leading ' Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A fall line of, Sheet music, musical merchandise, am razors, butcher and pocket keivea. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. UNNCOUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY. - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, rockery. Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, gm tw fve an( WILL WIIX WILL WILL, CURE CURE CURE CURE Diarrhoea tmd Dysentery. Pimples on tho face and Frecltles. Old Sores and Ulcers. Wind in the- Stomach, Ileaditclte and Nervous Depression. Set of ilia. Stymm Complaints. Itisetisarvtisxn and Gout, jfatnfi In tho Bones and Joints sail Slain Diseases. WILT, CUR WILL CURE WILL CURE WILL CURE WILL CURE WILL CURE SCRATCHED 28 YEARS. A Seals)?, Itching Mb. In lsUease wllh End lean NuHVriug Cared by ul intra ttciticdiee. It 1 hsd known of ike CsUcura Rmdis t wanly Ighl yaanago it would hav. saved mm SSOO sad aa Iiiiumhm amount of augarlnv . My dlsaaao (PorUu) ootnnisncod on ngr head In s spot not Isrssr than s am . It sprasd raaldly alt ovw mj bsd snd rot as lor mjr ualU, Tha acatM would dropoff m ail th ll mo, snd n.y auffuring waa cndlsaa, snd wltssut r li.-r . On llmuasnd dollars would not Uut bm to hsva tb disassa over agala, t sat s poor asn, but rich to ) roh.v ml l what asms tf Um dovtora aid wis lui.roay, atms 1 log worst, pssrlasla, ate , 1 took sod HsrsatHtrUlaaovor na yasr and a bait, but no our. I oaanot praia toe UaUeura Rain .Ilea too much. They bsva mavis tny skin aa olsar and trsa fr m aaslaa as s baby's. All I used of was thrsu boas afCutleurs, and threw botUaa af Cull ours Keaol vent, and two esksa of Uutlours Seep. II you had hewn her. itl said you would have cured ms lor gMO you would bsva had U stoesy. I looksd Ilka tha picture In ywur book of Psoriasis (pkture nsstber tws How toCn.e Skin Dhwaiaa") sea now I sat as clear aa any parson ever waa Throiwh torse ul bablt I rah my bands over my arms and legs to scrateh once In a whle. Hut to no purpoee. I am ill well. I scratched tweuty-atxht years, snd It rot ts be a kind id aSBai nature to ma. 1 tbaak you thou asndtUass, Any this.-more that you wast ts ksow write me, or any on who reads this my aril to me sad I will answer it Iiaaaia Uowaisu. Water bury, Vt, Jan. JOth, lss7. Psortasia. gctma. TstUr. RtsB-worm, Lichen. Pru rltua,Kosll Hosd, Milk Cruat. Ussdrug, barbers', Uroesrea' and Washerwoman s Itch, and every esss) of 1 1. Innjf. llurinf, valy, nmply Humors ol tha Skin and Hoalp and BeaJp snd Blood, with Loss 4 Hair, are poaaUvsly eured by CttUcura. the raat Skin Outs, anrt CuUrurs Soap, an esqu'alu Ski,, FWautiner eavsriudly, and Cu'.lesra gssslveot, th new HUxl PurlAer Internall, when phyalctsna and all othr t .'u.cdias tall. Hold everywhere. Prl?e. CuUcurs, M ; Sosp, aft : Be .Unit, 1. Prepared by tits Puttsr Drug and Chemical Co., booton. Mas. ggrSeud for "Mow to Cure Skin lt a, M liiustraUaus. and 100 gaSBUSl4pe. black heads, chapped a llfll vcnUnl by CuUcurs Msdic and oily akin pre ul tested Soop Catarrhal Dangers To be freed from the dangers of auffoostton hll lying down ; to brsaihs freelr, lssp aouadly sad un dlMurbsd . to rise rafrssbsL bsad clear, brsia astivs and f BM from pain or ache ; to know that so patsMMSaS putrid matter dsfUs kms brssth sad rota away the iiHssti ssaialnry ol sail, lasts ssd kssrtsg to feel that the stains esse set, through it veles ssd arterl, suck Bp it pslsns that Is ear to astes sad dsatroy, at Indeed a ether human sou men is. To parchas taoaanliy from such fats should as th object of ail alBicted Uul thoae who has triad wsnv raaasdlss sad phy dsn daspslr of rsllsf or sar. lUdicsl Curs asssta every phase of fs s simple neau ni u las v stasis. II la Mesl Instant Is relieving, permanent la D ni a! and never fading. Han fools Rsdicsd Cure enneteu of on bottle of lb lUdlcal Core, one bov. o Catarrh U Sol vent, an.1 In pr"vnl Inhaler, all wrapped la one parkas with Ires Use ami u j sold by all drugs Isa for ft. Poller I'rug an J Cheuoval Co., Xo Kheumatiz About Me. IN ONE MINUTE. Th Catlrwra AaU-fPala fPtas tee rsftev UhtSBllaBssili, sale. A marvelous sntoioui t pain, inflanonatsoe aad srssdraes. Utasrty unlike aad vastly superior to all other plaaurs. At all aruggiats, tt osnta ; five tarftl ; or, postage free of Pottr Drag sad Chsaakal Co. Host on, Mass. J. U COWAJf. ) W. OUfUCK Linn IVunty Bank, COWAN A CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRAMSACT8 a gansral baa king I sals isj. DRAW KKIHT URAITS oa Mow Tork, Saa Jaeosad Portland, Ovsgoa. LOAN MOW SY on swaaead eesrity. RECK1VB doposiu aabjet to ebsek. rvaa COLLECTIONS isarsstiJ to as will rasslv otlon. Rnss House I. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house is now open aad famished with the best n.w furniture. Everything clean and commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior scoomrnoualions U sny in th. city. munition, fishing 'tackle, etc. Warranted' Marine Insurance fgesreaad girssss BSsaa. .i Isasous. inlaJllarNS WASHINGTON (Prom oar rsgatar Washington, D. C, Dec. nth, 1887. The democratic policy, as declared by Speaker Carlisle and emphasised in the excellent message of President Cleveland, makes It certain that tariff revision Is only a question of a very short time, tie only doubt being as to what methods should be employed to effect such legislation. Mr. Cleveland's tariff manifesto ts evidently his most popular and practical utterance, for it has taken the democratic portion of Congress by stormthere being but a few dissenting voice, while It Is clear from the guarded expressions of republican Ceo grcssmcn, that there is Imminent danger of the disintegration of that party, now that It Is compelled to take an unequivocal poeltlon en the one vital issue of the time.. Mr. Blaine's defiant deliverance on the message, as flashed from France, is taken la the capita! as virtually a personal an nouncement that the man from Maine is willing to enter the lists as the advocate of a high protective tariff against his old adversary. It Is further believed that Blaine has shrewdly scored two important preliminary victories over his republican competitors for the Presidential nemiaa tion In being the first to roundly con damn the message, and In having the Na tional Republican Convention again called to meet at Chicago.the scene of his former triumph. Shermsn's friends favored Cl clnnatl, Allison's Minneapolis, and Maw ley's Philadelphia. There was a great republican pow wow last week at the meeting of the Republi can National Commlttee.ln this city .many statesmen of national renown, being pres ent, seversl of whom made speeches. One admission, inadvertently made by ex-Senator Windom.of Minnesota worth quot ing. He said that, If the democrats were successful next y ear ,the democracy would probably continue In power fifteen or twenty vesrs. Meet democrats endorse this prognostication. Those who hsd expected to witness ex citing or sensational scenes st the organi zation of the Fiftieth or Centennial Con gress were greatly disappointed, as there was nothing unusual, except a harmless outbreak from a religious crank In the gallery, who aroused the risibilities of that vast throng by singing the dosology in a I doleful solo. In both the Serials aant House there seemed to have fallen show ers of fragrant and radiant flowers, tresis from roav gardens of bloom and beauty M was a pleasant sight to see the be sin hag faces of the favored statesmen as they gratefully smiled over the gifts of admir ing friends. But very many of the veter an Congressmen were saddened as fJaey sought in vain for the familiar counts sv ances of numbers of their late coileaftses. sue public careers had ended, at least. temporarily, Amoag the missing were 125 from the House two-thirds csf the chairmen of committees being Included ha the list. Those consplcioua for sbissses he the House were Morrison, Levering, Warn er, Wellborn, Bragg and Barksdale, sad from the Senate Csmden.Msxe v.Mafaooc. Conger and "Woodpulp" Miller. Last week only brief sessions of Con gress were held, and little real work can be done until the committees are appoint. ed ; the Senate commltt-es will be an nounced this week, but owing to the much greater difficulty of organising the House committees, it Is doubtful whether they will be announced before the holiday sea son. Since I Isst wrote you the President has sent to the Senate the long expected nom inations for tne Supreme Conrt and the Cabinet.and it is thought they will be eas ily confirmed, though there sre rumors of opposition to Mr. Lamar and Mr. Vilas. The Supreme Court rendered two im portant decisioas last week, reversing U. S. Judge Bond in the Virginia coupon cas esa notable triumph for States rights,aiid affirming the constitutionality of ths Kan sas prohibitory law a great victory for the Prohibition party ,and anything but 1 acceptable verdict to the republican party. Mr. Randall is carefully preparing a bill of revenue reduction and tariff reform, looking to a sixty million dollar cut in taxation the amount to be about evenly divided between the tariff and internal e taxes. It is the purpose of the Pennsvi- mm fj vania statesman to offer this bill early In the session. CURIOUS FACTS. A petrified fish about 17 Inches long and six inches thick was found recently on the Oregon mountain 3000 feet above tha sa level. What three words did Adam use when - - - he introduced himself to Eve, which read backwards and forwards the same P Hat said, "Madam, I'm Adam." A turtle was recently hatched out as the parlor of a Jersey City woman f rami n egg which shs brought home as a sew enlr of a trip. It was placed on the card jj receiver. A railroad station agent at DsanUirk, N Y., in his leisure time has whittled out of 280 pieces of wood a perfect model of a locomotive and tender. He was five months st the job. Weather. Summary of Meteorology for Deo. 1887, from observations taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs,Bsq. Highest Bar. SO. 38 ; West, 29.01 ; mean, 29 &4, Highest .daily av Bar. 30.36;lowe8t,29.13. Highest Temperature, 58; lowest, 28;: mean, 42.23. Highest daily range Thar., 16 ; lowest, 0. Mean at 7 a.m., 39.9 ; 2 p.m., 45.5 ; 9 p m.. 41.9. Prevailing winds, S. Maximum velocity force, 5. Total rainfall and melted snow during month, 14.211 inches. Number of days on which ,01 inch or mere rain fell. 20. Number of days of cloudiness average scale of 10, 8. Of 93 observation 6 were clear, 27 cJeady, 9 lair, 18 foggy, 24 rain, 0 haay. 9 overcast. Frost-on the mornings of 3, 12, 13 aad 14V KUling 19 to S3, melnsive. Temp. KV74,lainfall6,00 overs veage for I'KIUOMAL. Mr. W. W. Corcoran, the Washington philanthropist, celebrated his ninetieth birthday last Monday. Robert Treat Paine says that fully seven It every hundred of the population of Bos ton receive charity la some form. Marshal MacMahon, who was president of the French Republic from 1873 to 3879, when he resigned. Is enjoying excellent health in his eightieth year. He resides 00 his esUts, Indulging In outdoor sports, and passes a few weeks In Pari each win ter. It Is remembered of Jenny Llnd that she disliked flattery. When the sculptor Dur. ham made a bust of her she was greatly displeased with it. "I am." she said to him, "an ogljr Swede, and you have made me a beautiful English-woman." Hermann, tha magician, says he ha. been around the world three times looking for a ghost, fie doesn't believe in any supernatural manifestations of any kind. He says the best kind of sleight of hand tricks or mind reading exhibitions are ac complished by the aid of accomplices. Mr. Jesse Ha worth of Bewden, Cheshire has presented to the British Museum the throne chair of Queen Hatasu, of the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty, B. B. 160a. This is the oldest piece of furniture In the world the date of which Is known. Claus Sprockets, the "ex-sugar klag"of the Sandwich Islands, who Is now giving his attention to the encouragement of beet- sugar culture In northern California, says that the beet-sugar Industry can be estab lished In almost every State In the anion, and that it will give a net profit of from 9o to $75 an acre to the farmers. The Queen, at the recent christening of her granddaughter, wore black silk, with a white Isce csp, and sat on the south side of the smsll gold front which she brought from Windsor : on the opposite side were Princess Bcstrice In gold satin with white cap, and Prince Henry, who looked very uncomfortable in full Highland costume At Little Falls, N. while workmen were excavating for the placiag of a water h rdraat In front of the residence of Jere miah Murry, a huge lump of supposed earth was thrown out of the hole, which was Inspected by Murry, who noticed a shell formation. He conveyed the lump to the house, scrsped the loose earth from it and found to his great surprise a mud turtle shell that measured 61 Inches In circumference and at inches across the back, in a petrified state. Some years ago the street at this point was swampy land, which was filled in, and the probabilities are that the large turtle was covered up and fastened In the spot where found. The Washington correspondent of the setoe Journal says ; To gfvc some idea oTfhc east amount of new money which will be put into circulation from the bu reau of engraving and printing during the coming fiscal year, Treat urer Hyatt esti mates the different denominations as fol lows : Five-dollar United States notes, $15000,000 ; ten -de liar notes,$3Cvoooooo ; fifty and one hundred-dollar notes,$6,ooo,- o; five hundred dollsr and one thou sand-dollar notes,$8,ocsreoo. The silver certificates are estimated as follows : One dollar, J4,f)0C00O; two dollars,$i6,000,000; five dollars, $35,000,000, and ten dollars, $30000,000 The sensible, marriageable young ladies of Abilene, Kaa., have effected an organ isation and have resolved that they will not marry any one who Is not a patron of home newspapers, for it is not only a strong evidence of the want of intelligence but that he will prove too stingy to pro vide for his family .educate his children.or eacoursge institutions et learning in nts community. No danger of any of these thoughtful, outspoken young ladles ever becoming old maids. It is now wsll-nlgh Impossible for any human being to starve to death in New York. In addition to the one cent cup of coffee at localities along the wharves and other places, the Sanitary Aid Society is establishing model lodging houses, where an sober person can find a night's lodging Including the luxury of a bath, clean bed' ding and night clothing for ten cents. One of these is now self-supportlng,and since it opened its doors, two years ago,more than 65,000 persons have been accommodated. It is proposed to establish more of these places. Head the Death Ho 11 which the bills of mortality of any largo city may be fitly designated, and you will m .iiiu find that rsnal and vssical maladies, that 3 n te say, those that affect the kidneys or bladder, have a remarkable prominence we had almost saidpreponderance. Bright's disease and diabtes in the chron ic stage are rarely cured, and gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder and enuresis, slay many. Yet at the outset, when the trou ble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs Involved, the danger may be nulli fied by that pleasant renal tonic and di uretic, Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, which imparts the requisite amount of tone to the organs, without over-exciting them, and the use of which is convenient, and involves no elaborate preparation. Dys pepsia, a usual 'concomitant of renal com plaints, and debility, which they Invari ably produce, are remedied by it. Sot also are constipation, malarial, rheumatic and nervous ailmeats. The death in Vienna Is announced of Miska Hauser, the celebrated violinist. Hauscr was bora in Pressbnrg, Hungary, In 1833, and gave his first concert at the age of twelve years. He came to this cauntry in 1851, and gave concerts jointly - A with Paredl, the great prima denna Hau- - M .mnnil tVi wsrM ser next, maw a vuysu t giving concerts in the principal cities In Cuba, Brazil, Chili, Peru, California, the Sandwich, Islands, Australia, India and Turkey. He passed the later years of his life quietly, only emerging from the do mestic circle to lend the aid of his talents 8 (J Horn roii COKMI MKI'lVft 1 A New Theory for the Dread Disease Whieh seeau Very fJeastble. In fifty per cent, of the cases, conump tlon Is only the symptoms at some other disease ! The disease, In such cases, cannot be cured until the cause, whatever it is, is re moved. More than half the victims of consump tion have slbumen in the water. "What does this Indicate ?" Albumen cannot appear in what escapes from the body, if the organs which take the water from the blood are healthy. We drink water in large quantities every day. This water goes throggh the body and washes away the waste matter and decay of the system, and takes It to the kidneys. If these organs are healthy, this waste la solution In the water is re moved by them. If not.the natural action is reversed, and, Instead of removing the waste, that poisonous stuff remains in the blood, but the real life giving element or the albumen escapes. Fancy the effect 1 This uric acid waste is a rank polsoa, and attacks the weakest organ first. The Brompton Hospital of London, England, shows In its reports that over 53 per cent, of the victims of consumption are really victims of kidney disease, the long trou ble, being shown by the presence of kid ney derangement. The real cafhag at pul monary troubles being so auUtsynitaHvely shown to be faulty, even thongfe oases, pected action of the kidneys, ejfisffsfns why, In order to master the drsshSesS eon- sumption, one must rid the blood of the uric acid irritant.which Inflames and burns wp the lung substance. For this purpoee there is nothing equal to that great spe cific, Warner's Safe Cure. This remedy has won the favor of medical men all over the world, purely on Its merits. We have no doubt that if the kidneys are kept la eatursl action, consumption and a great many other diseases, caased by uric acid will not only be cured, but will be prevent ed. J. W. Westlake, of Mt. Vernon, Ohie, had a sister sesiding In Michigsn who wa thought surely to be going with con sump tion. She took ten bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, which he sent her, snd he says. "That was the last I heard of her consamp. tlon." Thousands of such eases are devel oped every day. Dip your finger in acid every day, and It soon festers and Is destroyed. Send acid-poisoned blood through the luags every second aad they soon give away. This, then, is the condition of things that always precedes consumption : First weakened kidneys ; second, retained uric acid, poisoning the blood ; the develop ment of disease In the lungs by the Irri tant acids passing through them. Then there is a little cough in th. morning ; soon, thick, yellow matter is spit up, "fol lowed by loss of flesh and strength with dreadful night sweats ; and when the pa tient goes tc his school physician for help ht is put on cod liver oil, which his stom ach, weakend also by uric scid In the blood, cannot digest. Because there Is no pain present In the kidneys, the patient does oot think they are affected, but the kidney acid Is doing its work every min ute, every hour, day and night, and by and by the disease of the lungs has advanced until pus is developed, then comes hem orrhages,aadat last the glassy stare of the eyes, which denote thst the end is near. A post-mortem examination of sach cases shows thst the terrible uric acid has completely destroyed the substance of the lung. It is impossible to cure lung diseases, when the blood is poisoned with uric acid. Hsalth is imnossibls whsa ths bleed is ins par, thick and sluggish, or whan it is thin and impoverished. Snob conditions give rise to bstls. pttnplss, hsartacnes, n.uraigta, row malum, aad other disorders. Avar's Ser- saparilla nunfies, tnvtuoretes, and vitalises ths blood. Regulate the Regulator." The blood must be good or the health will be bad. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparllla purifies the blood. lao doses for $1. Try It A Common Cold Is often the beginning of eerkma affec tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and! Lungs. Therefore, the fenpswtonos of early and effective treatment gnnnot be overeat mated. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral may always be relied upon tor the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I waa attacked with a severe Cold, which, by neglect and fre quent expoure8, became worse, finally settling on my lungs. A terrible cough soon followed, accompanied by pains in the chest, from which! suffered intense ly. After trying various remedies, with out obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was Speedily Cured. I am satisfied that this remedy saved my life. J no. Webster, Pawtucket, B. I. I contracted a severe cold, whieh suddenly developed into Pneumonia, presenting dangerous and obstinate symptoms. My physician ordered the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. His in structions were followed, and the result was n rapid and permanent cure. H. B. Stimpson, Rogers Prairie, Tex. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Cold, which settled on my Lnngs. I con sulted various physicians, and took the medicines they prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend induced me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I have given the Pec toral to my children, and consider It The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lune diseases, ever used in my family. Robert Vanderpool, Meadville, Pa. borne time ago 1 noo sugu vviu, wW.h. hnintr nooiected. arrew worse, and .. -r a. 1 .lt.Vi fllA settled on my Lungs. I had a hacking cough, and was very weak. Those who knew me best consmerea my me w uo in great danger. I continued to suffer until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this valuablo medicine cured me, and I feel that I owe tho preservation of my life to its curative powers. Mrs. Ann Lock wood, Akron, New York. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is considered, hero, the one great remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs, and is more in doinand than any other medicine of its class. J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. 1 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr.' J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, 5. FARMERS' HO MEJICHAflTS' INSURANCE COMPANY. ALBANY, Capital Stock, OFFICERS : OH 48, K. WOLVERTON J. O. WKITHM AN 3. K. ELDERK IN J. W. OUglOK.. DIRECTORS : B. 8. Stbahak, J. W. Ougiog, CHAfJ. E. WoLVKgTOjr, J. L. CowaJf, O. F. Simfsov, J. K. ELDggKIV, SAFE, SOUND, CONSERVATIVE. A Square Oompany, Managed by Square Men, Deals with Square People, Patronize Home Enterprise, C. B. Roland & Co, CLOTHIERS. HATTERS AND MENS FURNISHERS. OVERCOATS CLOTHING : large stock of all grades just received. a An unequaled selection of frock snd sack, business and suite. H ATS : From alt the leading aakers,sach as J. B. Stetson &G. , aa 1 fi r FURNISHING GOODS : Oar stock in this Hoe has received our particu lar attention and we are showing new and elegant lines of underwear, socks, gloves, ties, handkerchiefs, etc RUBBER GOODS : We handle only the very beat qualitv in tang and short boots, mens sandals, overeats nod sou' wasters. Alan oil clothing. ' BOOTS AND SHOES : 30 cases of first grade winter boots, joss opened from the factory. Wa make a specialty in mens fine shots, in button, lace and ooBfrtag style. TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND-SATCHELS. UMBRELLA Blankets and Comforters in Stock, . B. ROLAND k 0., Clothiers, Hatters and Mens Furnishers, ALBANY, OREGON. New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of ear business we bare bean compelled (0 moat into a larger store and we can now fin fonnd next door to 8. B, Ton eg, where we will be pleased to see onr patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets pictures, fffftt Jars, trunks, booka, roller skateisaddles, saws, planes, etc and a thousand dfls ferent and oso a 1 tides yon ean not do better this side ef Ban Francisco than you ean do with as on n purchase or exettanga, M. FRANKLIN & CO, 133 First Street,! Albany, On, Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. mm 1 . .1 , 1 l vS I mutton, perk, veal, sausage, eto the beet KCBU TOUIISBUT UI1 , IISDU USU, meats ana largest variety in tan oity. Cash paid for all kinds of fat utoek. s JOHN BRICCS, FLOBIST, ALBANY, - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended to. FURNITURE made to order or jRzehi? a tbb:d? at my; shop Albany, Or, west end of Third Street, S. A. DECKARD. GR0SSEN & ALLEN, PBOPRIB3TOBS Albany Track and Dray 0a Nc, 1. Goods handled with care an J dispatch. T. J. STITE& ATTORNEY AT -AND JLtAW Notary Publis. OREGON. $300,000. tvj. . V ' ZST? o 11 ' ' '1 ' mm,Zmmnu 0 Treasurer. CHAg. MoMTSITH. J. 0. Writsmajt. D. B. MoSTglTH. L, W.CLARK, Portrdi i Photographer. 8 logs by appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING, Tweed ale's Building. ALBANY, ... OREGON Notice Final Settlement. In fas County Court of Limn county, Ornfon. In the matter of tbs estate of Isaac Arnold, dseeased. Notice is hereby given thst ths Badersisn- ed Executor of the above named estate baa filed his final acconat therein with the Clerk of said Court, and that said Court has ap- pointed Monasy, tne out asy of February, 1888, at one .'clock in th. afternoon, at the a aa a a. a.i a m a office of the County Judge, in the Court House, in Albany, Oregon, for hearing objec tions to said account and for the settlement of the same. January 1st, 1888. William E. Arnold, J.iC. Powell, Executor. Att'y for Executor. I . . . . . . AamllilStra bOT S JM OtlC 0 Notice is hereby given thst the undersign ed have this dsy been appointed Administra tor's ds bonis non of the estate ef Martin Csat.Ho, deceased, late of Linn county, Ore gon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present th. same properly verified to the undersigned at H arris b org, Uregon, within six months from this date. This 31st day of December, 1887. Sam Mat, Lbvi DoroLAs, 3, K. Wkatbxrtord, Adm'rs, etc. Att'y for Administrators, Bstray Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have this day duly appraised an estray horse taken up by ueo. w. uray at ms farm near Uakviilc n Linn county, Said horse is described as follows : One brown horse about hands high, four or five years old, a portion of the hair of the tail having apparently been cut square off near the end of the tail bone The mane is also quite short, having been cut or rubbed eH. iNo visible marks or brands. Appraised at $30. F. A. Watts, Justice of the Peace for Shedd Precinct DISSOLUTION IF PARTNERSHIP. Notice Is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing under the firm suae of Hoffman & Pfeiffer is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Hoffman retiring. The business will be continued at the old stand by Mr. Pfeiffer. Dated January 3rd, 1888. JoHK Hoffman, Francis Vvwrusu 9 r in the cauue of charity.