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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1888)
4r Wm. Foftmiller & Co,, I -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse JsT After business hour mil at rosldonoe Fifth and Baker atreeta. EedCrowaMiUs ISOM, LANMN6 & CO., PROPR'S. flouh svpbjuob pom PAatmss aim maxne van. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. An r dews & Hackieman, W.LDDUGLAS'. $3.00 SHOE HMtRAN SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. - - OREGON Oregon Pacific Railroad 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations nnsurpaaeed for com fort and safety. Pares and freight via. Yaquina and the Oregon Development Company's Steamship much leee than by any other route between all jxlnta In the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. DaHy fasssngtr trains oncsft Sundays. Ukft Yaqnina. : a.m. . Lea Albany, 1:00 r. u, Ura Uorvailia, 10:38 A.M. 1 L Oorvallis, l:l7r.M. Am Albany, 11:16 a. m. Arm Y equina, 4:50 r. a. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. WM. u. ea, General Manager. c. c. Mcrc AO. r. and P. Asset, Corvalhs, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First-class Steamship line between Yquina and San frencisco connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon Paeifio Railroad Ossupany. MAIL1XC1 DATE . ma as, not sax rasjicsseo. NU'M TA't UiA ti Orr:-i, Mea. Dee 10. Wtdx Ic Prul, iHe. 90. Hat. Hoc S4 Vrid Dec SO WiUem'e Valley i ihsmmmj The Company -rye ..he right to change sailing days. L. B. TOO. Ota. V. sad P. Agent, 04 Montgomery St., baa. PrstiiP, Cal. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -sYIA-t Oregon A California It. It, AND CONNECTIONS the arr. sm akta boite. atAshwnel w th sterna, of Oreg-w atvd Idaho Stage Company. ly IS Mlfeaaf staging. Time between Albany and bah Practise, U In sl i mT j Tto ..tarn OAurosaiA si rasas tt use daily. SosaE Sorib. Sr. a. I Leave Portland Arrive 10:40 a a 8:06 r a Leave Albany Leave 7:06 a a JO a a 1 Arrive Ashland heave 6:40 r a 7 JO a. m. arrive San Fraucieeo. Leave 6,30 p, m. local r Aaessesa T&aurs dailt isaespt Seaday). :00a a I Leave PerUend AnreP 1:46? a ir.tO r a j Leave Albany Leave 11J6 A a l:40ra 1 Arrive E arena Leave 0 iX) a a local rsaesxoaa rasis pajlt, kxcbtt bcmdat. $-.10 r a I Leave Albany Ar'rivsT'6:46 A a .L8 r u I Arrive Lebanon Leave j 6:00 a a 11:50 r a I Leave Albany Arrive I 2:46 r a 1:90 r a t Arrive Lebanon Leave j 8:00 r a PULLMAM BUFFET SLEEPERS. EXflRSlOB SLEEPEHS far Second Class raaeeagers aa all ihreagh trains FatEE OF IHAItiS, West bide lV-i vision. POKTLAXD AMb COVTALUI, sAjlvsadt dailt (eseept Roaday.) Tito a a Leave Portland Arrive :fs r a :1S r ul Arrive CarvtHle Leave lJOra az rasas tsawi dailt (exept Sunday.) 4:90ir a Leave Portland Arrive 0:00 A a ajQOra Arri-e McMlnnvllle Leare 6.46 am At Albany i Oregon Psslia nd Oorvalbe connect with trains of sgbasf Tot full Infonrtstioo regarding rates, maps, etc., oall on Company' Agent. E. KOEHLXB. E. P. ROGERS, APswArsnt. lotlce for Publication, Land Office at Oiegon City, Or., ) November 21st, 1887, Notice la hereby given that the follow nor named settler .'iaa filed notice of his in entien to make final proof in support of bis claim, aod that sain proof will bo made before tbo County Judge or Clerk of Linn oauntv, Oregon, at Aioany, ureaon, on Taesday, Jaaaary 17th, IS8S, vix: W M Phillips, Homestead Entry No. 4634 for the 8 W of 8ec.28, Tp, 13, Klw, He names the following witnes es to 'prove his contlnnoua residence npo and cultivation of, said land, viz : Thompson, 8 Hawken and T Arnold, w Sodavllle Post ofH"e an.l M Leacb. ol Sweet Home Post Office, all in Linn eouo1 ly. Oregon. 1. T, Burn kv, KaMriatey. Notice for Publication, l.fnd Oifice nt Oregon City, Or., ) Deceinber 8lb, 1887. Notice is hereby iven that the follow name I aett'.er hax filed notice of her in tenlion to make final proof In support of ber and her deceased husband's claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn coun ty, Or., at Albany, Oregon, on Tharsday, February Sad, 1888, vis : Barbara Hanpert, widow of Mathiae Haa port, riecf-asod. who made Homestead Entry No 6140 for theR A of 8 W and JoUOand 7 ofSec. 80. Tp. 12 8ofBl W. She names the following witnesses to prove ber continuous residence upon, and ultivalion of, said Und, viz : J Welt, I. Simons, O, W Klum, and J. Vail, all of Sodsviile Postoffice, Linn county, Or, W. T. Burn ay, Register. HOT ill, rO RENT, IHB EXCHANGE HOTEL IN THIS city is now offered for rent on reason Do You Want Furniture ? ir YOU DO OO TO W. H. WILLARD I whra vou will Had the lot make RlllI 1 finest, finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNCES. Alton fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, end hunderd diflnront stylts of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest end bent stuck of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Prion reasonable. ALBANY OOLLSeUTS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. fir Terse pee epfteenker ISts, 189. A tall oorpe of instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coarsen of study arranged to meet the need of all grade of studonls, Sfooiol inducmmsnts ojorod to studonts from abroad. Tuition ranges from ffi.W to fl'i.Mk Board in private fkwl'ie at iow rate. Kootn lor self-boarding at iullex-eue. A careful aupervi.-tlon eserolaed over stu deuta sway from homo. Kali urm opt-us September 7ih. For circular and full particular address the Presidont. RKV. ll.UKKT N. 4 OMUT Albeuy, Oregon, Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PftOPKIKTOIt. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables applied with the best in the. market. Nice sleeping apartmenta. Sample room for oomtueroiel travelers, T free cearh U earl fresa the eiel.'W. Sheriffs Sale. Im the Circuit Court of tht Stats of Oregon for lie County oj Linn. J, If. Mnyer. Plaintiff. va. F. K. Robiuwm and C. R, Itoblns p, his wife, Levi West. K. S. Strabaii and B, Brenner, OefoudanU. Notice la hereby glvoi th t by virtue ol an execution and order of Hale ksued out of the above named Ourt In the above entitled suit, I wilt on batarday the 111 4ay of Janaary. I sea, at the Court House doer in the city of AN bany, Linn county, Oreson, at the bonr of one o'clock, p. in., sell at public auction for caMb iu hand to the higheet bidder the rest property deactlbed in said elocution ana order of sale aa follows, ta ril : Lota numbered three (3) and four (4) Iu Hloek numbered twenty four (211 in the city of Albany, Lion ceuuty, Oregon, being the stm lota upon whioh said P. IS. Kobin ami haa lately erected a new reaidenee. The proceeds ariaing the aaie of said premises, b be applied : Pirat to the payment ol the omju and dieburaeinenis of suit taxed at $28 20 and accruing coau. Second to the pavment to the PlaintinT. i, M. Mover the aum of $1S15 00, with accrn ins interest thereon at the rate of 10 par oent par annum from the 24tb day of October. 1887. and the further um of 125.00 Attorney' fees. Third to th pa ment lo the iWoiidant. B. Brenner, the aum of 1152.00 with lotereat at the rate of 10 per cent per annum Irom the 2Ub day of October, 1887, and the further nm of 20.00 Attorney's fees. Dated Dec. 15th, 1887. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff. HIS PAPER 77a YKK A DON. UonfllolnrhlIa4loMs atttin S. ;,.ii- f ! r ttstag Ap7 of Xt-awa, our snuKMnssa i INotice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. i December 18tb. IS7. 'Notice is hereby ariven that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Jii itjHor Uicrk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Or., on Tucaday, Febraary 2tb, IKSa, viz : Pbebe Humpleby, a idow of Oeorge Uumpleby, deceased, who made Home atead Entry, No, 4514. for the N W V ef Sec 2, Tp, 10, 8 K 2 K, Linn county, Or. She names the following witneafees to prove ber continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : H. F. Bodsker, John Doane, Jamee Berry and I. N, Broibertoo, of Fox Valley, P. O., Linn county, Oregon. W. T., Register. Notice for Publication, Ijmd Oifice at Oregon City, Or, December 20tb, 1887. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler haa tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof iu snpport rf bis clsini, and that said proof will he made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or,, at Albany, Or., on Friday, Mareb ami, 1888, viz : John Oarrett, Homestead Entry, No. 4797 foi the S el S W and Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 28 and 33, Tc. 13, S it 2 W, Willam ette Meridian. IIh nnmea the following wit - nssscs to provo his continuous reaidenee up on, and cultivation of, said land, viz : F am Hearing, John Warren, John Rebbaaand D ronnett, all of Krownsville, Linn coanty, Oregon. W. T. Buknky, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon Citv, Or. I Dccemlier I5H-, 1887. J Notice 1m ' erehy given that the follow UgstQAioed settlor haa fl.ed notice of his intenliori to uinke linal proof in Mtipport of his claim, and that t-aid proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany. Oiegon, on Taesday, February zlf, 1888, viz : John loane, Iloumatead Entry No, 4510. for the S E of Sec. 31, Tp. 9, S H 2 E W M. ile names the following wit nesMeM to prove hia continuoua residence nsum, snd oaltlvsiHn rif, ntid laud, viz : H. F. Bodsker, Mrs. I. M. Clinton, Jam Berry ami I. N. Srothcrion.of Fox Valley P. O., Linn county, Oregon, V. I Bt7 km; v, Ufgihtnr. Notice foi Publication, 4m Iand Ollioe at Oregon City, or,, Docember 15(h, 1867. Notice Ih hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make, final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or , at Aibaey, Or., on Taeaday, February 21t, 1888, viz : Henry K, Bodeker, Homesttad En try No 4579 for th S E g. Sec. 4 Tp. 10 S if 2 E Willamette Meridian, rie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous reaidenee upon, and cultivation of, land, viz: John Doaue, Mrs. Jrene m. Clinton, T. W. Gardner and Junes Berry, of Pox Valley I, O.of Llun county, Or. flu democrat FFIOIAL ljITnd PAPER Chareb Utreeter U. I. Cut' kch. Praaohing vsry Sahbalh, morning and evening by Rev, FN 0. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. a I'rayor mooting every Wednessday svening. Kvamojuuioal CaoacH. Preaching on Sab Win al 11,00 a. l, and 7 r. at. Sabbath dohool 10.00. l'raysr meeting every We nssday evening 7:80. 8. K. Davis, pastor. All are invited. OoMuiisoATioKALCneawM. Ssrvioevry Aabbath morning snd svening. Sabbath School at 12:16. P raver meeting on Wednesday evening of saoh week. Rev, H V. ltomingor, Pter. M. E. Cnuacbj, So rrrm. Preaching every Sabbath moruing at 1 1 o'clock a. at. and 7 4eiook r. M. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting Thurstlay eveuing' at 7 o clock. Uv. U. F. Kouod, rector. M. K. Cut K( m 8ot' tii.Tawukmt. Preok lag oa the first Sabbath of each month morn ing and svening. Sunday school each Sab bath at 10 o'clock a. m. rrayer meeting Thursday evening. Rev, Rounds, Pastor. M. E Chu BOH. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in the eveni iu before aermon. Sabbath School at 2 30 r bl Prayer meeting evary Thar daysreniag. Rev. H. V. Webb, patter. PuaastraniAM Luuhcu.- Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Charon cor. Broadalbin and Fifth St. Sunday Sokoal immcliately after the morning Mrvtc I'rayor n.oeting every Wtiluoaday eveutng. Rev E R Pritohard, pastor. First BArrwrCHOBCH. Preaching every Sabbath morning nd eve' Choreh on 5tb Street. Sabbath School immediately after mtruiug service, rrayer meeting yr- Tbarsdty eveaiog at 7:30 o'clock. ,. Trumbell, pastor. Catdouc Chuhcu.- -Service vry Son day at 10:90 A m : and 7 r. M. Laat Sunday of the month service at Eugene City. Rev. Loais Metayer, Rector. Pbotbsta.vt EriscoiML Ciiuacii. Servl. ess are held iu St Peter Episcopal Church very alternate Sunday, meriting and even ing. Sunday achool at 0:30 a. m . Friday evening Crvtoe on every Friday prccodiog the Sunday cervioe. All are invited to at tend CliBMTtAX. Fourth Sabbath, morning and sveoiog. 8, S. If a. aa. G wm A. At College chapel, 2 p.m. J. B. lira u ii, Paster. They Meet St. John' Lodge, 6a, In Foeter's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. P., at tneir hail.evety Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W at thru- hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment,- at O. F. HaU, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. K . at A. O. V. w Hall, 1st and 3rd Saturday. I. O. G. T., at A. O. U. W. Hall, Friday evening. every United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F Hall, let and 3rd Fridays. Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR OP- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8tsM -DEALER TM- t anned Fruita, t4laMwar, Dried Fruits), Teataveeo, ajrar t'oflre. Caaatsfi Heats, Queen war). Vegetable, igra, Mplcea, Klc Kir in ff.t everything that i kept In a gen rai variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. lD'ci.;;..J. I; coders will LOtio tsfil Tutfs Pills re not "trarrantfl to eur" nil el f diaenaea. but only aurb na result Iroui UiaorUered liver, vial Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. For these they are not warranted in julUblr, bnt areas nearly ao aa It la pow alble to make a remedy. Frire, itocta. SOUJ KVEKYWllEltE. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City. Or. ) December, loth, 1887. J Notice ia hereby given that the follow ing named settler haa filed notice of her intention to make final proof in auonort of ber claim, snd that said proof will bo made before the County Judge or Clerk of L.lnn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or., on ' Wednesday, rebraarv tend, Mat, viz : Irene M, Clinton, Homestead Entry No, 4MI, for the N E 4 Sec. 2, Tp. 10, 8 R n, Yviiiameuo Meridian. She names the following witnesses to prove her contin uous residence upon, and cultivation of, sell land, viz : H. F, Bodeker. John Dos no, James Berry and I. N. Brotberton, of Fox Valley, ?. O., Linn county .Oregon. W. T, Buna my, Register. Qm 6.000,000 people m O.M.FERRY&CO. as sdauttsd to the Laraest Seedsmen m the world. D.M.FE1RY4C0S IltaaOatee. Piwilp. HhmmIi 1 it. 4 SEED ANNUAL For 1883 trill bo mailed RECTO ALL applicants, snd to laat saaaon's etsstomera with ont ordering it. Invaluable to ail. Every parson name Carden.Fletdo'Flower CT C rQsslsnMljt CI CLIO n. aaerwa D. M. FERRY &CO. , Dotroit, MlorV Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) December 16th, 1887, J Notice is aoreby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notioe of bis intention to make final proof In en snort, of his claim, and that said proof will be mud oefore the County Judge or Clerk of Liinn county, uregon, at Albany, Or.,, on Mender, February 97th, isen, viz : George W Miller. Homestead Entrv No. 5389. for the W M of 8 W M and 8 W lot N W Sec. 14, Tp. 38 8 R 2 W.W.M. He names the following wUneaeee to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : N. D. Conn, of Albany, and J. M. Zooman and J. N, Combe, of Brownsville and Of. F. Sylvea - ter, 01 ctoiiavuio, ur. SEEDS WASHINGTON. (Press oar neM V) Wasmimotom, D. C, Dec. 19th, 1887. Congress, although In rion two wsska has as yet accomplished very little work, mainly for the reason that Speaker Car lisle.owlngtothe unusual pressure brought to near upon mm lor choice committee I places, has been bjlged to defer the ap- ointment of his committees until after the holiday recess, which will be from Dec. 3 aid till Jan. 4th. The only really mportsnt committee thus far organised I that on elections, which, for reasons per-1 sonal to himself Mr Carlisle requested the Houce to appoint one of its duties bslng j to decide the issue between Carlisle and Thobe. Apparently there is no orood cause! r contest, still aa oae has been InstttuL I m I ed by the misguided labor reformer, sol called, It must be disposed of accordlag to I the forms of law. There can be little I doubt of the validity of the Keatuckys I tatssman'a claim to his seat. It I already evident that much of the time of Congress during the present set- sion will be uselessly consumed In the dls- cusston of purely political question ; but on the eve of what is destined to be one I of the most etching and closely contested I Presidential campaigns in the country's history, this is, perhaps, unavoidable. The first political tirade of the session was de- llvsred, without the slightest provocation In tne House by the Republican leader, Mr Reed, of Maine, being a rather feeble and flatulent arraignment of the Demo I cracy on the tariff question. However, a few ringing sentences from Messrs Cox and Hatch sufficed to effectually silence the batter! ts of th burly Boanerges of lhe Republican party, in the Senate that notorious champion of fraud, and vote stealer, "Bill" Chand ler, has presented an Indictment agslnst four sovereign StatesSouth Carotins, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana pro posing to regulate their Congressional elections, through the medium of Federal Intervention. Chandler's Idea of regulat ing elections was exemplified by the Re publican rape of tht electoral votes of three ef these same Slates la the canvass of 1 &70-77, and "Bill" realises that the sup. port of these com monatitic i necessary for Rspublicaa success next year. But Chandler will get nothing bat a little cheap political capital out of his partisan I resolution. ! Probably the Senate bill that will escltc I the most interest and discussion ts that of I Senator Cuilom, providing for the United States Postal Telegraph, appropriating I four million dollars for that purpose and designating a number of the principal cities of the couatry to be connected by the proposed lines ; the bill also provide for the appointment and regulaueu of the employes of the Postal Telegraph. This measure, like the Blair Educational Bill, is a long and significant step in the direction of paternal Government, aad in direct conflict with the spirit and tendencies of our republican system. This being the case, I do aot believe the Democrats can consistent! v suenort sithcr measure. But If both Mils should pass there are good reaaona for ballevinw that the Presidential veto would be Interposed. I Durinatheearlv davs of the aessloa i while there ia little huslneaa to demand " - - thHr attention man of thai w and let- I .. .. 1 x .., I live v. oneressraan, woo nave aouniieea 1 forarotten their marital vowa. are vleldlnr their devotion to the charm, of the eiddv fair ones of the Capital. In the Patent Office a few day since a salacious scandal came to light-the principals being a Con gressman from Kentucky, and a petite blond beaut v of the office. A model at tendant discovered them in a compromi ing position hence the public expose The fair clerk Is a protege of her admirer, behaving secured ber a place last winter I Pending investigation ef the case, the be witchintr blonde is susaended from dutv. This ia mentioned a a common phase of Congressional life. i he indication are that there u some opposition to the confirmation of Mr, Lamar's nomination, but net enough to defeat It. It Is hardly probable that the matter will be taken up until after the holiday recess ; then the three most im portant nominations will be acted upon In their regular order Lamar, Vila and Dickinson. The recent reception In this city of two distinguished Irish members of the British Parliament, wa an impressive demonstra tion of American national sympathy for the sufferings of Ireland, aad fitting ex pression was given to this feeling by the eloquent utterances of several prominent Congressmen. The heavily protected industries have more than discovered the fountain of per petual youth. They have discovered the fountain of everlasting babyhood. The people of this country would like to know why, when an industry has grown great and strong.has acquired the power to crush men, to ruin enterprise, and to rob com munities, learned to starve employes into submission, know r all about the methods of purchasing legislation, has become a hog with a dishonest snout, . it is still aa iafant industry. They would like to know this right now. San Francisco, Dec. 7.M. D. Bab cock, inventor of the fire extinguishing apparatus bearing his name, died at the almshouse Saturday, aged 70 years. The cause of death was softening of the brain. At one time he was in receipt of $10,000 a month for royalty on his machines, but after selling patent right the money wa oon spent, and for some years he wand ered about the states in a destitute condi tion. About tlx years ago he was admit ted to the almshouse, where he remained till his death. Everyone remembers Horace Lewis who played "Monte Cristo" here a week or so ago, and who at one scene In the play sways on a painted rock in a painted ocean, and in a this-size-three-for-a-quart-er-voice announces "the wooorllld Is mi-l inc." Over at Seattle when he got that far, one disgusted i ndividual said to his fellow-socialist, who was sitting with him : "Come, V on f ergon, let's go. He's another of them d d monopolists !" Ex. The bird that flutters least in the air re mains longest on the wing. The effects of Warner's Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedy are lasting because it puts the stomach in good working order, and thus the whole system is restored to it normal, healthy condition. 1 50 doses for $1. All druggists. - - 1 .we 1 " PERSONAL The wife of Senator Edmund ef Ver mont will spend the winter gt Alkcn.S.C, on account of Ill-health, Concordia, Kaa., has a woman postmas ter whose name 1 delightfully suggestive of pleasant things ; it Is Ruby I. Paradise. Letand Stanford once thought he was doing well when he made, f 1000 a year ut ol iawysr's fees. Now ho Is worth rom Sco.000.000 to $100,000,000. Miah Williamson of Philadelphia, the richest bachelor In th United State, ha made $ao,t)SXMa out of dry goods.and has .n Income of ti.cooxov annually to dl pose of. Rockefeller, the coil oil basyi, Is worth $7,ock,cxjo, and as It Is poor sUndard oil ttock which doesn't pay mere than ten per cent., hit Income must be half a million at Lena. Constance Psnlmere Woolson says the best hotels to be found in Spain are at He vllle. They were conducted on the Asner lean plan at an average price of fa.50 per day.aad were comfortable snd hosaellks By the gift of the wife of President Die ,( endowed crechc.or day home for Infants, where mothers can leave their children when going from home for their work until nightfall, has been established In the capital. F. B. Thurber of New York.whose wife has been leader of the National Opera Company, Is tall.lantera-jawed, and wears a wig. He ha made more than a million in the grocery trade. He is ambitious so- daily, commercially and politically. The editor of the St. John Globe frank- ly acknowledge 'that th caslsst way to settle the fisheries troubles It for the United States to annex New Brunswick, and he comes out fiat-footed for the scheme. And he is a Canadian member of Parliament at that. Whlttlcr s eightieth birthday was cele brated at Danvsrs last Saturday. Gov. Ames and his entire staff, conveyed by special train, honored the hero and the occasion. The venerable poet was over- whelmed with kind missives, tender con gratulations and appropriate gifts. Th sanctity of a sealed letter Is so well secured in this country," says Mr. Nash, the superintendent of the railroad mail service, "that if a letter were received at the city postoffice in Washington, or any other postoffice In the country .that was ab solutely known to contain the evidence of fraud, the nroof of the improper USS of the malls, the postmaster-general himself would not dare to break the seal. A let- . - r w ter passing through the mails cannot he opened by anybody until it reaches the dead-letter enVcaftcr every effort has been made to deliver it In vain. FINK CAKK1EB PIUKONB. Mr.J. F. McMunn.of Shedd.LInn coun ty, has for com time been training car rier pigeons, with good success, on the O. & C. railroad trains. Last week one of his birds. "Chamnlon." flew from Gcrval to Shedd, a distance of fifty-five miles, in fifty-seven minutes, and the same bird has flown home from Salem, a distance of thirty-nine miles In thirty five minutes. -Volunteer," a voung bird, flew from Eu- to Shedd, thlrtytw mites, In thirty" flc minute. In two week more he will In aaa a O a. Pa . 1 I t a L navc onc "t'rtea ronianu, a. a a a . , a. a 1 - .. 1 a ... - il "eay iioeraiea wm ira.-a ,.1.1. -I... -J .L. . Ill mu" "a ine aw 0"g "ere. r. mcmunn a dolair splendid work and their record is lmm eacaiiea any wncrc. .us I 1 , . - 11.1' !. - . , i wr WSaagang a oimcuu cuun.rr w. w to traverse. They are ol the beat strain obtainable In New York, Cincinnati and San Prancisco.OrrroeAia. i'alrata Granted. Patents granted to dtLsens of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex- preaely for the Dcmockat by C. A- Snow Solicitors 01 American ana rerogn fetenU, opposite V. a. ratcnt wince, w n- I mgton, D. C E. W. Bingham, Portland, OrncctlonaI horseshoe. C. Elliott, San Francisco, Cal.,purify Ing water. W. Fllmer, San Francisco, clamp for securing stereotype plates. J. I. Irving, San Francisco, artificial fuel. J. W. Keeney, Riverside, Cel., orange grader. C. F. Kendall, Stockton, Cal., mill stock feeder. M. N. Laufenburg, San Francisco, plow standard. W. C. Meyer, South Vallejo, Cal., cloth cleaner. J. S Mulr, Hanford, Cel., electro medi cal apparatus. A. G. Page, San Francisoo, Cel., device for opening trap doors. G. W. Peck,San Luis Oblspo,CalMblack ing brush. W. W. Perkins, Palouse, W. T., churn. C. A. Pitkin, San Jose, Cel., fruit drier. A cold wave has been passing over the Eastern 'states. Far tale. 9ne hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, ail fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, Sood outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds, ituated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ,,with the Lebanon branch of the O. St C. R. R. Inquire at this office. Still Baying. L. Senders is still baying good horses. Those having them should bring them in. Brookenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by administering Br. Haines' Golden Bpeeue. It can be given ia a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowlHbje of the person taking It 1 is aosoiuieiy nannies ana wm eseai neat and speedy cure, whether tbe 1 absolutely and will effect a inna atie a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of dranksw have been nude tem- Brate men who have taken Golden Bpeclflo their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free win. IT NBVBfi FAILS. The system onee Impregnated with th Specific it becomes an alter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to adst. For toll particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC 00., 18ft Baee at.. Ctaelniiati. Q, PhysleUuis Bave Found Oat That a contaminating and foreign element in the blood, developed by indigestion, is tbo cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive sub-outaneoua oover ing of tbe muscles and ligaments of the joints, causing constant and shifting pain, and aggregating aa a calcareous, chalky deposit which produces stiffness and dis tortion of tbe joints. No fact which ex perienoe has demonstrated in regard to H ostelter's Stomach Bitters haa atronger evidence to support than this, namely that this medicine of comprehensive use checks tbe formidable and atrocious dis ease, nor ia it leas positively established that it is preferable to the poisons often used to arrest it, since the medicine oon tains only salutary ingredients. It la also a signal remedy for malarial fevers, con attpation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder HOW DO WE 010 OUR GRAVES ? "Wo must ont or wo cannot live. Thin wo all know. But do wo all know Unit wo din by oating f It ia aid wo dig our gin-vou with our tooth. How tmmh this aonndj. Yet it is foarf'i! ; trtfs. Wo nro ter rified at tho approach of tho ( holer and jreilow favor, yet there iu u dig ooso constantly at our doom and ia our houaon for morn dangerous and dnHtruc live. Moat pi-oplo have in their own stomachs n poiaon, more slow, but quit as fatal tut the germs of thono maladies whioh sweep men into eternity by thousands without warning in tho time of groat epi demical. But it is a mercv that, if we are watchful, wo con tell when we ore threatened. The following are among the symptoms, yet they do not ai wave neeeaaarily appear in the samo order, nor are they always the eann in different cases. There is a dull and eloepy feeling; a tied taste in tbe mouth, especially in tbe morning; tbe appotito is change able, sometimes poor and again it seenia an though tbe patient could not eat enough, and occasionally no appetite at all ; dull noes and slug giahnessof tbe mind; no ambition to study or work ; more or lean head ache and heaviness in the head; dbczineaa on rising to tbe feet or moving middenly ; furred and coat ed tongue; a sense of a load on tne stomach that nothing remove ; hot and dry akin at times ; Yellow tinge in tbo eyes; scanty and high-colored urine ; sour taate in the mouth, fre auently attended by palpitation of tne heart ; unpaired vision, with spots that seem to be swimming in tne air before tbe eye; a t ough, with a grechifsb -colored expecto ration ; poor nights' rest ; a aticky slime about tbe teeth and gums; bands and feet cold and clammy : irrituh'.M temper and bow el hound up and costive. This disease has purzl" 1 the pliyiiHana and till pur zles t! m. It ia tbe common at of oibnenia und y4 tbe moat compli cated and mysterious. Sometimes it is ti "ated as consumption, r-ome-times as liver complaint, ami then again ns malaria and even heart dis ease. Hut its real nature is that of const! j nt ion and dyspepsia. It arises ixf th digestive organs and soon affects oil the others through tbe corrupted and ) miaoued blood. Often the whole body including tbe m rvoua system is literally starvtrf, even when there is nc emaciation to tell the sad story. Exj m-uee has tdiown that therein put ouo rem-Jy that can certainly cure thin diMue in all it stages, namely, Shnktr Extract of I loots or Mother Beigel e Curative Syrup. It never fads but. nevertheless, no time shouM be lost in trying other so entted remedies, for they will do no good. Get this great vegetable prepii ration, (discovered by a vener able ro ran wLomc name is a house hold word in Germany) and be sore to get the genuine article. m QIY&X VV BY SBYXII DOCTOR. Shaker Extract of Hoots or Sei- Eel's Syrup has raised ma to good eolth after seven doctors had given me up to lie with consumption. So writ it. F. Grace, Klrkman ville, Todd Co., Ky. rx Mauan or it just nt Tfisa. I had been gbout given up to die with dyspepsia when I first saw the advertisement of Slioker Extract of Roots or Soigers Syrup. After using four bottle I was sbm to at tend to my business oh well as ever. I know of several cases of chills and fever that have been cured by it" 80 writes Mr. Tbos. Pullum, of Tay lor, Geneva Co., Abu WOKTH TEX DOLLARS BOTTLE, Mr. Thomas P. Evadh, of tbe firm of Evans & Bro., Mcrcbonts, Horn town. Accomack Co., Va., writes that he luxd been sick with digestive (bsordera for many yearn and bod tried many phyaicians and medi cines without benefit He began to uae Shnker Extract of Roots or Set gels Syi up about the 1st of Jan. 1887, and was so much better in three Weeks that be considered him self priK 'i.willy a well man. He adds: "I have at this time one bot tle on liaiid, and if I oould not get any more uxmld not take a ten dollar bill for it." All druggists, or Address A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warren St N. Y. FOR DI8PEPSIA, and Liver Com pi alnt you nave a printed guarantee on every bottle of Sbiioh's Vitaliser. It never falls to cure, Pearline, WOMAN'S FRIEND. The best compound ever Invented to make wsshing easy. Perfectly harmless. Used In bard or soft water without harm to fabric or bands and without the aid of Basse. For cleansing hair, shampooing, and for removing blood stains from the linen of dentists or butchers it ia unrivaled. In the bath tub it is a luxury, coudu cive to health, and should bo freely a sod in all asylums and hospitals as a disin footing detergent, Printers, painters, masons, farmers, miners, blacksmiths, machinists, plumb ers, and all workers in metals, should use PEABLINsS for washing their beg rim ed bands as well as clothing. For sale by WALLACE & THOMPSON. Albany, Oregon. Mice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the nudor- ahmed Administrator of the estate of Armanius Gary, deoeased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the Coun ty Court for Linn county, Oregon, and the 6th day at February, 1SSS, at the hour of one o'clock p.m. of said day to hear objections to the final account If any and to settle said estate. This December 28th, 1887. Milks Cart, Administrator of the estate of Armenius Cary, deceased. Executor's Notice. Notioe is hereby given that the under signed bos been by tbe County Court of Linn county. Oregon, duly appointed Executor of the laat will and testament of Mary Jane Costello, lata of Linn county, Oregon, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present them properly verified to the undersigned at Harrisburg, Linn ocunty, Oregon, within six months from thi date. This 27th day of December, 1887. SAMUBD iNIXOW CUE10VS KACTS. It is discovered that a school teacher near Montreal can neither read nor write. Adeline Patt) has a small silver- basin and a big white sponge, which Isuet on the outside of the bedroom window to catch dew. It'is with this heaven dis tilled water that the diva bathes her eyes and face. The largest book ever bound 1 owned by Queen Victoria, and measures eighteen inche across the back and weigh thirty pound. It contains the jubilee addresses of contratulatlon from members of the Primrose League. The Italian fatten their turkey with walnut. Thirty day before the fowlls to be killed one walnut I stuffed down hi threat. Each day he I given an addition al walnut, and on the ayth day he ha twenty-nine walnut. He in then exceed ingly fat A Calais (Me,) gentlemen gave a birth, day dinner the other evening, and all the game served- the snipe on toast, the wood cock, the psrtrldge pie, the roasted duck, was shot for the occasion by the host. At the plate ef each guest was a souvenir of snipe wing, arranged with bright rib bons. A youag man covered with the dust of travel walked into a recruiting tatloa In Portland, Me., the other day, and wanted to enlist. He was examined and rejected because he weighed only 136 pound. He aid that he had walked from the north ern past of the State ; that he weighed 135 pound when he started, and that he thought that he would fat up some if he had a chance. The recruiting officer told him to call again, and in ies than a week he did, and had gained so decidedly in flesh that he was readily accepted. During the burning of a mill at Carlon, Mich., recently, according to the Ameri can Miller, the big engine which drove the machinery continued to run all through the blaze, and by that mean was saved from destruction, though there was not a wail standing on anv aide of it w hen the ft re was finished. The pump were also running, and kept the boiler supplied, so there could be no explosion It wa s peculiar spectacle to see the en gine driving away at a slashing speed in the midst of the flames, but the motion somehow saved it from fire. All the rest of the machinery was a total loss. After tbe holidays we may expect some of the member of Concrete to indulge in the usual filibustering, bushwhacking and ranting before the country for political effect. The people,howevcr, will be able to distinguish between the roiling of the partisan politician and the words of the true patriot. OR. HENRY SMITH, 433 Kearney St, - San Francises Over 20 years ezdanee ia the treat ment of tarosiic Ssaiel Marcela! Dis eases in America east European hoatital and other inatitutlonSa making a specialty of tbeae a miction. Home Treatment sent to such as cannot vtait hla office. Orders for medi cine promptly attended to. la Mtcceaafu! operation a'mce ,666, patroaiead I -oca S seatcne of the orihweat, aadotiad by butiucM ana antT landing educator. THE MOST PEBFECTLT EQUIPPED SCHOOL of iu cists oa the Coast. It offeri private or ciaaa iaatructloa, day and evening throughout tan yeni, ia Arithmetic. Writing, Correepondence, Book Veep ag. Sank lag, &Wrthand,Tyrp-wnsg. Bentaaea ad Len) Forma and ail Coaasaon School Braachea. Sosdemej of all ages and both seaa admitted at any Seat, f atalng free. Arwmtroag and Wasco. Propriety FARM AT A BARGAIN. The nndersiened offers fer sale his fares of 27 5f acre 6 mile north of Harriaborg on tbe Harrtaburg, Peoria, aod Albany wamo road, 2 miles from warehouse on the Wil lamette tiver, 6 mile from Halaey on tbe OA C railroad, one-fourth of a mile from school house, ail fenced in 8 departments, beside small lota, 176 acre ia cultivation, 75 acre oak grab, not heavy, 55 acres grow ing wheat, 30 acre more new land in culti vation, making 95 acre in good condition for wheat thi fall aod will soon be sown. 150 young fruit trees. Baildiag fair. Price $25 per sere. Terms assy. For particulaas uali on or address C. C. Jackson, Halaey, Oregon fa BEAST! Mexican Mustang Linimen I otjnns Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted Lumbago, Sprains, Kosclc , Rhenmatius. Strains, Xruptimi Barns, Stitches, Hoof il, 8ealds, Stiff Joints, Sorcv Sting, Backache, Worcu, Bites, Galls, Swinney, Bruises, Sores, Saddle (Jails, Bunions, Spavin Piles. Coma, Cracks. TH13 GOOD OLD STAND-3 Y aeoompllabes for everybody exactly what la eJalv e for it. One of tbe reasona for the groat popularity of the Mustang Liniment to fount! in its nntver-es-) applicability. Everybody needs uoh a mettlolu-.-. The Lumberman nenda It ut case of accident. Tho Houaewlfe needa It tor general fan.Uy u. The Cannier needs ft tor his teams soul his an av The Binehnulo needs it always on sis wuk bench. The Miner needs It iu cose of emergency. The Pioneer naadahoan'tgot along without it. The Farmer needs it la his boose. Uli stat lo, and hla stock yard. The Steamboat mnn or the Boatman net da it In liberal supply afloat and ashore. Tho Horse-fancier needs It it la bis bt friend and safest rultonce. The Stock -grower needs It ft will save bim thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad mnn needs It and will need it so long as his life Is a round of cccMcnts and Sanger u The llaekwoodcman needs It. There to so il ing like It as an Vhtldote for tho dongas to kite, Umb and comfort whie'a surround t!io plcoser. Tbo Alercbant needs itabott i fa store nio.ig his amstuirces. Aeetltftit3 v.iil h&t-pen, l whn these oomo the Muetang LbUaoMi- ia vaatoU uton -o. Seep a Bottto ta tht Houui . 'Tis the host of Moaoiny. Keep a Uottio ase in case of a To Regulate fPfTTI FAVORM e HOME REMEDY ft. I HK warranted not to contain a tingle par m MAMS tick of Mercury or any injttriooe ab nance, bat la rarely vegetable. It will Ours all Diseases canoed by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys aad Stomach. If your Liver Start of order, then your whole Vtea la deranjped. The blood S Impure, the breath offemire j yon hsve headache, feel languid, dltpbited aad neryone. To prevent a mora mHou con- BDn, take at once him mom LITER REGULATOR. If roe. lead elentury life, or euifer with Kidney Afreetlona. avoid MimuUnU end take Simmon Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If yo have eaten anything hard of digtttKn, or feel heavy after aseeJa or aleepiaae at night, sake a doae and yoa will fed relieved aad sleep pleaaaiHy. If yos are miserable anfferii with OmntipatioTi, Iryannpaan and Bllloueneaa, seek relief at once ia Simmon Urtr It does not rcnuire continual dosing, aad bats trine. It will cure you If you wake up I the morning with a bitter, bad taste In your atowth, HI A f jfl Simmon Liver Regulator. It cor I US K reel the Bilious Stomach, weesas eh tlnailii the llrrath, and dean the Purred tongm. Children often aead aessa aat Csthar- ue and At any time you feel your eytaa ....... 1. . . Y.i t teaming, toning, regulating without vkaewi purging, or MimuliUug without intoai- cating, take . negPAAgo sv J. H. ZBILIH 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. HOFFMAlf&PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE COIFECTIOmi. We are now prepared to nail at whole sale, always frenh and pure at Portland prices to dealers, We also keep a fall flue of lata and Tropica Fruit, -OUR- OIQAR AND TOBACCO department is coro.71 r We keep the very finest stock cf anoxia and chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier plpos that is a delight to smokers. PATENTS OStaanad. and all ether SStl ill In the U. S Onm eUemdeded to for m njMnSI a 17. S. Man OaSee, and lent tuna than then raasma Paten la mr drawin? . Wa adv to sbttity free of charge ; and we make 9 eSsun aniens smohtein patent. We rate- here, to Use Pawl meter, the Sop, ef money Order Dir. aad to aSlrlala eft Man, fnrahvssar, advice, tevaa. ssaaaal anas ia roar own state or county, , A. SNOW & CO., 4. mm. , ale-. BySt i ' Wm IKinmss a seai vmvb, O. O CBIBBT. o.a.rvBKxe ALBANY IRON WORKS. 4 CHERRY & PARKRS, lacMiiists, lillriglita, and Iror Fonnien. ilK are now completely prepared to handle all kinda of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Knainea. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinda of Iron and Brass Castings. I ATTEKSS H4BI OS SSJSatT SOTWDSL Sneolal aUnntion rlvan to mnalrlnir nil kinds of machinery. MRS. B. HYMAN, neat east of S. E. You re's. Albany. Or. Gutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wed need ays and Thursdays of each week, and painting done to otder on plaques and other material, Nice assortment of Artist materials on band. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PEOPBIETOES Albany Truck and Dray Co,, Ic, 1. Goods handled with oars and dispatch. iprirnce ta tle lrf, iniinn cf mora than Oaa Hundred Thouird epic-a lions for pa tan la la tbo b'oitod Statu and Varairn coun tries, tne pnhiikhers ol the Seientifle Amaricaa contmne to act as aolicitor for paVvnta, oaTrata, t rsde-mark. py riuti;. etc.. for ths Unitad Stataa. and to obtain peteiita in CaDsda, Ens land. Franco, Germany, aod all other cotintriee Their oxpen- eaoe m eaeqaaioa ana tnsir saeiuves are at Drawinas and sneeiflaaUoaa nrenared and Atel In the Patent Oesee on ahort notice. Term var teaenaable. No chars for examination of models or drawinsa. Advfee by mail free. Patent obtained thronrh Munn A Oo.ei"e noticed inthe SCIEimnC AMERICAN. which haa the I ant oat oirtmlatton aad ia the most influential newspaper of its kind published la the world. Ths advantages of each a noUos every patentee mnders tends. Thia lrr snd splaadidly 1 11 antra ted newspaper ta published WBGKLT at 3.00ayar. aad fci admitted ta be the beat paper devoted So aoieaee. aseehaaica. inventions, eaaineeriag works, snd ether departmenu of indnstrial uroaiess. pab liahed in any country. It contain th name of all patentees and title of every invention patented eacn wees. Try it four moeiaa tor one oouar. Sold by all newsdealer. If you hare an inrention to patent write S asnan m 1.0., pnniisner ot ociaune aimenaaat M Broadway. New York. Itnadbook about patents mailed Sj Administrator's Sale. In th County Court qftheState of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Geo, W. McBride, deoeased. NOTICE is hereby given that by an or der of tho County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on December 5th, 1887, the un dersigned as Administrator of said estate will on Saturday, the 7th day ef Janaary, 1SS8 at the hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon of aaid day, at the Court House door, in Albany, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all the right, title, in terest and estate of tieo. W. McBride, at tbe time of bis death, in and to the lollow lkg described real property to-wit : Be ginning at the southeast corner of the do nation land claim of James W. Bunch and wife, Notification No. 2578 in Tp. 18, 8 of R 4 west of the Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, thence running north 23 58 chains ; thence west 17.58 chains j thence south 23.58 chains ; thence east 17.58 chains to the place of beginning -containing 41 45100 acres. Also tbe foi lowing described real property, to-wit Tbe fractional west half of the south wea quarter of Sec 14, Tp, 13 S of R 4 west o tne Willamette Meridian in Linn county Oregon, containing 16 15100 acres and 3 40 100 acres in the west half of the north west quarter of Sec 28, Township and range aforesaid. Said 3 40 100 acres com menses at R. Garrett's northeast corner and runs south Including timber on Muddy Creek and joining R. Garrett'e land on the east and laat above deacri bed tract of land on the north, containing in all 60 acres of land. Albany, Dec 8th, 1887, a. MOBBXBS, to avert appraadune tfrhaaai. Simmon Liver ParuUtor wifl relieve CotlC, Head- aSSlaa is ii i ii sarvk rava EBattaB m