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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1888)
file gtmocrat WHO WILL KKl'llWKNT THEM HAMPLK WAR TAXKH. Next Sunday Is St. Jackon' Day. Governor Marmaduke, of Misseurl.dled the a8th of last month. "A ntaine paper sajs : "The finger of fate points to Blaine." Of course It does. That same finger pointed at unerringly to him four vears airo.and it was truly a fin ger of fate. Yet, let us have liberal appropriation for the river and harbor of the country a well a coat defenses and a navy, and then we will jet have a surplus to reduce. Remember nothing reduces so well as re duction, or words to that effect. Our cotemporary, the Htrold Ditsemtnu xttx. uiii -1.-11 v -.-.i r. I or rruri" wjw - .w ,i ki.h I the height of the war, the average duty gress to reduce the war taxes under which I ' j po. , , , m i.v I on Import under a tariff enacted to pro - an accumulating surplus of the people s money is being hoarded up In the treasury, who will be there In Congress to repre sent the Interests o! the New York and Wtit Virginia man who manufacture salt for millions of consumer ? Messrs. Who will i ports vide revenue for war expenses and com actuation to manufacturer for internal sr - i taxes was 3J.6J per cent. To day, after nearly a quarter of a cen tury of peace, the average duty is 47 per cent. In 1863 the customs collections aa m, . a a. ki.. ixasi were Ui,iKJO,OUO. year mvj HIYf LOH'3 VITA LIZ ER la what you seed for Constipation, htm of Appetite, Dlselneea, and all symptoms of rvyapepsie, Prioe 10 aad 78 oenta per bottle, CATARRH CURKD. health aad breath secured, by Hhlloh's Catarrh Reus edy. Prioe 60 oeats. Naaai lujeotor free Dolph, Mitchell and Hermann m "jjjmj "-pop ; i'V-ww-, Muni Is Haderwear. I have received my new stook of mosllo underwear . These goods are made ea loo iieh machtns, and warranted to be fail stee aad length and prioe reasonable. . SAM0M.H. xooh, A ipll-lDg thr manufacturer of coal and Iron In Pennsylvania ? Messrs. Dolph, Mitchell I and Hermann. Who will labor with a seal worthy of a good cause to keep up the tax 1 on lumber, earthen and glassware, herse shoe nalU.lron or steel chalns,wlre, cotton I and woolen goods,and,in fact.nearly every article that a farmer must necearlly ue la hi vocation, or for the comfort of hi ior, ha a hard time of it defending the! family? Mew. Dolph, Mitchell and Her- tariff monopolies of the country on the am hand and standing in with the tax- ridden farmer on the other. This I awk ward. Be one or, be the other. The Astoria Piomtr says : Blaine appears to be the coming man. That is : He is coming home just In time to swing around the circle as Grant did, aad prove a strong force in the next Chi cago convention. The battle cry of the champaign will be protection mann will faithfully represent all thee Interests that belong almost wholly to other states. But, who will be there to early Government. In 1863 the duty on unbleached cotton was cents per square yard ; it is now aft cents. Cotton prints then paid atf cent : thev now payatt cent. Common earthenware then paid ao per cent. ; it now pay 35. Porcelain ha been advanc ed from 40 to 60 per cent. ; woollen nose from 35 to 58 ; woollen cloaking from 10 cents per pound and 30 per valorem to 40 cents per pound and 35 Per ctnt- I wmm --- com bin ir and cloaking, from 9 The for Beat. Th ttietegrapfcor, AM 1 have ail th r,aeMvj taken n inn anil tnv nil nan tlY onto from their negative by adareee'Df un, at the following prioe 1 uara - L Mma mimm OJt nor d 0013. DOU- doore, te per doaen. I Keep in uumm, iinm i.f llnutnn vlaWH IO IQO VWVt vw- rurnlahl on annllonttoa. Copying and enlarging old picture a specialty. J. m. Caawiroan. isr)aj .-.- nniiml In in and 12 1 nltf irOB represent the farmers of Oregon, whose J7tnm tn cramped, financial condition empnauiauy other ec,ulM h.. hoe. ! demand that some ox me onorow. Hon to which they are now subjected hould be reduced and that the mlllloa now locked up in the treasury hould be nut in circulation by mean of uch redue- - pvt. fx lion ? The answer Is, no I hays added to toy boot and ale stock line of the celebrated Laird, Bekobor k MitekeU, Pkiliultlphia Fim koa for ladies, mi so and ohildren. Aeknewtedgoa by dealers generally to be the beet value and best fitting fa shoe mad. Widths 0, D, K, and EB. A child aaa bay as eheap as a man. 8amux R. Yoowo, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. fa warranted, la beeauae it Blood Pjj0at rr"ii,f?ka whole eyatem. and thoroughly build np th eonaUtntloB. Bsnaabr we gnaiaat tt. xm V.VJJk "fiaaon. drOCgiS) ar MUing Wiedom's Robertine wholesale Mjd ... . .!, ' -- WllH remit, ano giving aeo mm P'-- vi'".w"2 harmless erwe ex te bum - WILL YOU UFRLWltb dlspepsi. ,d llvr complaint t Hhlloh's Viullaer to Beat let that old of yours ran on. You think it is a lhiht thioK. Bat it mar ran Into Catarrh, Or lata pneumonia. Or eon- Mu m tifcl ah . Catarrh is dUguetlag. Pneumonia fa daagaraaa. Conanmption to death itaelL Tfa hraaiklncr annarattt mnt b KDt health v and olar of all obetruoilons aad orTonefva matter. Olherwl there i trouble ahead, . . All the dlaaaaaa af thee part, head, none, inronc, oronoaiai iudoo " oan b dallabtfully ana eaureiy enrea oy th uee of Booh'e German Byrap. If you don't known this already, thousand and tbonaands of people oan tall you They have been cured bv t, and "kno7 how It te. thmlva J Bottle only w coat. Ask any druggist. NEARLY EVERYBODY GOES i and la goaraateea to on re yon method of Colds and fevere, ls by Uktng few nar of arotom. Is bv takln a T -X. r ... m mm, ana 91 eouie ior io The Most Agreeahie aa watt a the moot effective d Spelling or oleanab do of flare. Foebay For Same back, aid or ebeet, us Sal lob's Parens Planter, Prioe 26 cant. Hi LOB'S COTJOH and COBSO motion Cnro is sold bv as ea eaaraate. It core oonumptloa, one. The Ore- Buttn the name of neronal liberty.what I -on farmer will be without representation protection could possibly be expected for I there. Our senators and representative katmfmgm la a republican convention. I wui be too busy looking after the protec r 11 --rii nM ImUiuI u KmM him. I ii .nnnnAlUi nf cither smtes to spare a east ... .a a a a 1 .1 advanced In the same ratio ana in. ... Of the good thing of thto kept up. More than 73 per cent, of the I VA1VV UfJ aorrowfaily tot entire custom revenue I dertvea irom article that may fairly be classified as necessities. Is notahe President rlghUn saying that thee surplus-producing war taxes should come down to a peace basis f MM; AND MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY. MAMan sUvAtaW. tl) ilC llttCrCtt Of tleCsT 1IIWUI. ' Vg. own people. How long wilrthi blind folly continue t What rt of a town I Peru, Ind., any- . . . . . . how t There 1 a vacant roimx:rnip Jone oa account of Dyspepaia, Acker s Pyspepcto Tablet will care Dyspepsia, ladlgeatlott and Const I nation; sold on a positive guarantee at 35 and 60 oenta, by Hats aad Caps At cot to close. N. H. Alton It Co., pro-1 pose to sell every line of load' at cost Call early and secure bargains,,. ,', I ' ALBANY, OREGON. Capital Stock, $300,000. TO The Htrald Dissrmimator has evidently concluded not to (take It chances of being considered consistent In defining what "free-trade" Is. 80 Its editor Is as a lamb brought to the slaughter, and, a a heep before her shearers is dumb,so he openeth not hi mouth. The tariff question 1 evi dently dangerou ground for our neighbor tht precede1 it to tread upon. I More cuim have been The total receipt last week were $39,000,000 the same week, $10,000,000 ; accumulated surplus for the week, $19,000,000. What do tax ridden people think of this ? Should there not be a reduction of the surpl" ? Should the reduction ia the surplus be ECONOMIC ADMINISTRATION. Commissioner Black's adminUtratlon of the Pension Office ha been both more efficient and more economical than any lit. adjusted and there worth something like $Joo a year, TAVxVosJ. tbit,a,rlf,llN?!S!lfIw Z net a human being ha. applied for it. XjL vmJ. sr. 9 w. tuood In 1871 Mr. Blaine advocated free salt and wool. What i the matter now wan a policy that was desirable then t Moii a V 11.MC Chriatmaa and Nw Year' Msesd off yery OFFICER : at It Ankara Baby Booth contain bo wpium or w-- ! safe. Prioe 80 oawa. aaw 07 Where te Bay Carpet. Mrmtoith 4 Ossteahaeh have the largeet .-.i tuMt .tnok of orastg. au L. E. BLAIN, OH AS. K. WOLVERTON. . J. 0. WRIT8MAN J. K. ELDKRKIN J. W. 0U8ICK Preaideat. Tioe President. Saoretary and Manager. Treasurer. FOR THEIR More ctaim ' wr, enrtsttnaa anu no ! 1 " ' j ana preuiee now ' . more money disbursed than under any dall aero this year. A bailwa given a the window blind serf wall paper ever treghl of the government "rComi.ll.ner and the cot of the Cty Hsllon rridsy. Use. JOth. 80m. af the to Yailay, a a,, offsctog them st a xxooo exaensesfor Commissioner, and the cosi 01 t e 'Q folklo( Ubanoo broeht Mm. stim. hargala. Persoae damrtog anything to this )0,ooo , expenses ior erylce hM .een reducwl n9Ary one half. wilh uMTbould give them a eall. 0,000 ; accumulated . g8.. under the republican regime, rK.- ire waa a erand affair. In 1884, under the republican regime the disbursements were $57.,OJ395 ; me expenses $30643. or 5 '9 Pr $.a- Last year the dUburscment were 73,- 44OJ03S ; the expense but $348,330, or Tk. C!hrt.tma tree was a arand aBair. Everyone seeming to enj-y themeelvee. We had the pi ass re of atteading th Reck Bill base ball club game on Saturday, Dee. 24th. Following were the sides : Mr Kaatinao aide. Itc her. inemaa made by devising some mean of spending ,eM thln it cgt in 18S4 to dlbure 1 Niok,ta ; eatchef , William Rtcberdsoa 1 first l a the DuMwunator suaeests, or snouia the reduction be made by reducing taxa tion t Let the people answer. The little republican organ oppose the confirmation of Mr. Lamar as Supreme Court Justice because "the Supreme Court I the final interpreter of the Constitution." If a lawyer 1 Mqaalified for properly in terpreting the Constitution because he joined in the rebellion,why did republican president appoint to the Bench ex-Con federates Hammond and Key, of Tenne e ; Paul.of Virginia ; Speer.of Georgia; Settle, of Florida, and Boabman,of Louis- . . a f Or is it held that joining the repuo- $16,338,000 toet money. The cost per $1,000 was only $3.38, reduction in ex pense of nearly 35 per cent, over the last year of republican admiaistration. During the last fiscal year the omce issued 55,194 original certificates, beating the record. For the first four months of the present year the Increase has been 6,873 In excess of the corresponding period last year. For a man who had the presumption to be a democrstic soldier,and to get wound ed everely,Cemmlloner Black ecrato be doing very well. A bright young New York octre,talk- lican party Is essential tocomplete amnesty j lng Q Ujfe kUe, confesses that she wa hfe really delighted the first time she was to be kissed by the leading man of the com pany. But the reality wasn't so delight ful. "Shall I ever forget that kiss ? I think not. I found a face beside my own. base, J IS Eastman ; seood base, rrana Vadar i third base. Ellis Vader ; right field K K Hmall r lft rioUler. Orla Huiumer ; eeater fielder, Bent Mills ; short stop, Wtg Grant Uedge id.-ntcnr, yiy AI oatohariirant Dodae : first 1 0 Fstoiau ; ou.l bv, I V Small J tkir.l baaa. J O Tomol I Short StOC. II V Klum ; rtgk)t fielder, D Wileno ; toft Bolder, A Uollerd ; oeoUr fielder. William Bard well. AfLr four hoars of hard playing Mr J E Ktm.D side mad a a score of 59 egaiast the latter ido 31 . After the game there was a good dinner and all spent the remainder of the day at a shooting mateh near th ball grjood ia Paine' field. u, ft,.d Millar aod wife are vUitttig ber thr and father, Mr aad Mrs U W alum, J. L. Cowan, G. F. BiMPaoM, J. K. Eldiwkik, DIRECTORS : R 8. SfBABAJf, J, W. Cu;oK, CHAf. K. WOLVKETOM, OeU. MoKTglTH. J. O. WaiTHMAJf. D.B, MobteIth. SAFE, SOUND, CONSERVATIVE. A Square Company, Managed by Square Men, Deals with Square People, r Patronize Home Enterprise. mm and t a correct understanding of the Con titution I The Portland News 1 very unduly wroucht up because democrats who sup ported Tilden for president should now I to besmeared with Incrusted with w.-t l-am.r ronflrmed as Supreme Judge. I powder, so moit with cosmeUc, tbat I as- The Xrws thinks Tilden democrats should sure you it didn't look like a face. As I oppoee Lamar now, because, as it alleges, said, thi was my first stage kis. I don't Lamar opposed Tilden and favred Hayea say It wa my first kis, mark you well, In the memorable contest of 1876-7, the becau.e-w.ll. I have three brother..Ha ! consideration being that federal appoint ments in Mississippi should be given in control of Mr. Lamar. This statement i accompanied with note single fact to sup- . aa II . a . - ha ! Stage klse are generally ojsgusung. Of course, sometime there are merely make-believe kie, but when yon are rlwht In front of the audience that i Im- a sometime John Muselmso, o v are informed, aaa very low with something line ing fever. IV. )... notiaad fine, new moonment at the grave of Mr E Mill on Mr Bodge, hill. Mr Itaolaa haa returned heme after a three months trip to British Columbia aad all parts of Northern Wasbiagton. Th sodawater is jat about as good as it I k. , lima oalv it i not unite so S S W veeoew mmmmm -1 T s strong. Wiahing erery reader of your paper a hap New Year. A Knock1 Dew. POWDER Absolutely J I ....... Saaata. LnA.K Ontil OU visit WallaC A ThoWO- I Power or te OOliar en n-y-.j - -, - - Yoa lben e store, and mveat n iw xm i r son find that) 00 have the IheseMtsi py port it, and we must confess our surprise possible. The audience may , , I . . a a - - - - at the Xtu for making It. it 1 Dy tni kind of warfare that republican hope to make a break in the rank of the demo crat knowing they have no other mean f doing so successfully. We are told that protection secure our laborer in good wage, preventing our manufacturer from being brought into competition with European labor. Ac cordlag to calculations based upon tatU tics of the tenth census of the United SUtes, for every $100 worth of Industrial products manufactured and produced In be shocked at the apparent warmth of a stage kiss, but they would be more shock ! 1 it were not iven. A tnsn who is so enveloped In paint isn't a man. You are merely klscing a painted doll.wlth a room tache so colored by cosmetics that you are in mortal agony lest It leave some trace on vour lily-white skin. Many are the "property" moustaches I have loathed for that reason." $& to $10 ebeapsr than in Portland : Up holstered rocker, the finest stock ever la Al bany. Wioker chair, in utmost eadlese vari ety, fine enough for an A filer man to ait ia. All kind of chairs. T-eoty-two varietis of wioker chairs alone, 14 of rockers. Elegant and anhetanttat goods. Fancy baskets, stands, stc, that make Mtersey at eight. "I'll teAscae Hatm and bod loonaes ia many design. and beds sod bureaus ia new sad attractive snakeoue. Nov.ltio too. be them. Good easse knock dew from the Kf, and will be sold at knock down prices. Hu'iuht low. . , I to sot nese Wm. Fortmiller & Co' form tare store without finding out for yorelf. SCRATCHED H W. a gut!-. Itrkin: Mkln Dlaastaa with Eadleaa HsUTartag Carwel few catlcsirai Moaaoelloa. if 1 had kao-s tae Catlsars POWER lei a CM. BLEN DERSONA is auuTs a ctnoaao. . .. . . l , 1 - t .111.. ... u br 1 dollar aaa a ami " j iLTuik, U bablplbr praetioe. It ia thr. yoa wUl leant This ia 00 theore-1 OF -avafiS eight yearsag t of tuBennt easayaes to a U apread rmaldly su The 'iwou- havernvm-s tfm al b,rg.0. lVht gi,t y0n a thrill of pUmaora aad make you n good term ' . - ' . ... 1 xtr .11 JL TIimha. in (lartletllar. There Is a Philadelphtan grocer who firmly believe, that 13 is sn unlucky num-K-r II atverti.ed to eive every thir- the United State, the labor of .uch produc- ' purchaer of good the amount of - mm SvT at nl I . a a tion cost i7. now me Fp- that purcha,e ree, and thought he had complain at a tariff that would enable mfAt g ten ,trike when he witnessed t a . .nmmh arlt 1 1 ion fll I .... . - minuiKiurcii w tu tt. maje ia nis place iier " - . , pr ... dSW U, .1, ,h 1;b.r .y ZZ .H,W,.PpUrch Z3jtZrS2Cm us which, on the average, would equal 17 new, of thctr getting the goods free, whaAt crJpo ; largo potato yield j fine 1 is - m a st a. 1 - M mm . a . m. J a per cent of the value t me gooo menu-1 bQut the place But some boy. worked fruiU. auch as apple, pears, pruee,evo., a ... .1 A I m I ...auaJI m, ll rxt I Sll lISI'l SSS1 Stlrl flfftg ttsttw it'T' oea XXSmm tmm " eeer seal. leetrWito twreneee mm in ! snaa tmmm aod ... aall. hat ao owe. THE say hear get roe el ass l the I am a peer as, h 1 tiM-wom, seertaet, a.. a.nuHlla.ever oee year and 1 I esaoot prat me imwem nenv Alt I asat of mm IUla or Kanshlae. Oregouians like the rains of winter, sliina 1 tood in its fl tee. and so is Hun-rain. aSree'sw Porehaaiog .awar Of the dnr ktKyweitsiS bappy combination and give yo U. iswaor. l r1" iS "lirS-T eon mane is not always known by the quantity eeeored in also be there. Wallace ioempswn factored, but whea they are required to Uue g that cau,ed him to repent of . Ik.. (k. I . . . . . a I taw Af nr rim mure uijm ittx. wwm.w i . . . . a r. r.t mpin pnirrru i . . rmj it 1 . I ni. ra.n oner. -"-'-" -- akine. si no without any Uriff there I no wonder that one after the other, and bought tben. p. thr floe stock of goods. rub laraaotfe ever my mw "ay "Y one to a whl', hot ioB2Jw. ar .B,,oneae reasS this sty writ tow bappy combination aad give yoa both. Qia them a trial and tbey w make a ill aave an nnsuruaaaed stock of grocerie and produce I , answer It . ur.i, f. TL.n'. a,kn nir nr all n - 1 DOLLAR. . . . n m ... mix Am. anr aifitf y and Oaf Wa wear tha IAttU Kod School oaioe cousins andjoor aaota, and if yoa want them go ta the ri4r tzs onrl QhnP ftnTft V-lly UUU t ailU. hwrj.xww whera yoa will find . largo and complete aaaortment of this lin of nearly every grade and make, and at prices which will open yoar eyes, A dollar saved is a dollar roade. ,m-rw- -sr -a REDFI ELD& BRQWNELL mm W.ii..-. & Tkomnoon'ft. who. rate or ann thine, ate op with the time, if not ahead of Walerbary. J. xmei' Dsn mi DOVSWC. they grumble. mall articles, the entire amount 01 ineir purchases not amounting to $i. Bat ; n i... .fmrcr'n horror when the O r, thirteenth purchaer,a man ordered a barrel of sugar The democratic way is not designed to interfere with anybody's employment or waare. The Prcldent says ! "The re ductlon of taxation should be so measured I coorieh Japan tea, ten pound, of coffee as not to necessitate or justify either the and a box of cigars. The grocer knew he loss of employment by the workingman, j not go back on his offer, so he ruefully box. or the lessening of his wages." And again: put up the goods gratis, but he hurneu to "Profits still remaining to the manufac- down the sign and hang up one say- turcrtfter a necessary readjustment,should ing tbat the offer hd been withdrawn. furnish no excuse for the sacrifice of the f .U-i J interests of his employes, either in their "Reduce the taxes" is the battlecry of oDnortunitv to work or In the diminution the democracy under the lead of their " TKr U no Hnuht I Ttrm.iAmnt "Hrduce the taxes" i the re . t i.f r I iiinn.iii.iiuii. - - - " - . & i t u.uvt' r i thst the reductions can and will be so I sponse of the masse, who ar managed that the laboring masses of the bv a tariff which compels 60,000 country will gain much more than they I people to pay tribute to 60,000. President can lose by the change. Neither the Presi- Cleveland has sounded the keynote of next Bsvskte'. Am lee, lv. rtm hssat only in th world for irror wnen vc uft Khcum, Fev.r wOT-oh.g m,walkedln.nd n.ppVi Hand.. Chilblains, IWr. are XaTtZ. ' , ten pound, of Corn, and all Skin Kruptlons, odi poel- gJJ' taujTaod Cenra Reeelyent, iii w nurM PiliM. or no nav required. It U guaranteed to give perlect aatlafaotion, ar money refunded. Price 25 oenta par For sale bj Foe hay dt Mason, mm m or Being More Pleasant To the taste, more acceptable to the stornaeb, and more truiy beneficial In. It action, the fern jus California liquid fruit remedy, syrup of Fig, is rapidly anper neding all others, Try it. .. . -- r -- -- Dnt Tetter, - .......... OmmM UmmA. Ull OrOSt, Weoerun, ohhit , nZZZT. TwharvMnan Itch, aad .very 1 r.r.11. 1 . VTLT dj si. Puanly Uanters t -.-. ..-A wl0, gM I ereat Skin .ia - "- .n.l L-S'JCSIS iiiiiu,u., uh Bwea Former intenuui, v-j - faU, gold .yerywhere. Fruw. Oottcora, 60 ; goap, Mj Mntvant. it. Preoarea by th. Potter Drag and Raeolvsnt, 1. Preearea by Chemical Co., Boston, Mas 64 u ',C re, TV trifle with any Th: e burdened J OtV V Lung 1)1. Ifrt ,ooo,ooo of Cough or Cold, or the child? Throat or ou have nr Cold, or the children are threatened with Cronp or Whooping Cough, naA Arker'a Enarliah Itcmedy and prevent further trouble. ltvU a positive- cure,- BROKE, tbe lumber monopoly. Wa oan fornlah to builders and contractors, rough, clear or finishing LUMBER, on abort notice. This lumber la out frm the beat yellow fir, rafted from tbe oele kMiai tfairineletirnbar resrlons and mann factored tt Coburg. Aay quantity can be at Alhanv at low prleeH, It needs no reoommenoation aa 10 qoaiity CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH, PICKETS, MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK -Has arrived, iocluding- mmwaA to Cur Skin IMsssse,' paaa, 60 lllustrstleu, nd 100 tesilaaeihtl. plas, black-head, W??-Skto pr' yntd by CuUcuraMealotted Ssop Catarrhal Dangers. - u... and lumber of all kinds on our yard con To be f reee from the asngers f suneseii I nns't order without seeing or lytngdown ; to bith IMelV, stssp mttny s- hmrlBF. irom aB, We will ya you ... . a a a..j jjae neain awn.i wm 1 can lose by tne cnange. nemici n 1 tieveiana buui.u .t -v,, fortW trouble. It . is a P nnr the Secretary of the Treasury I year's camoaien. His way to prevent the -nd wa oiiaranteo it. Price 10 and 60c - - " .... I " - . mt has presented a detailed revenue hill. I accumulation of hundreds of minions m mmm That will be attended to by the proper the treasury vaults is to leave the money THAT H ACK IN w COUGH can be an .... . ... I . . . . ,ii I nuinici cured bv Snlloa'a uara. w committee of the tives. House of Represent- with the oeople- -to tax them not one aoi las more than is necessary to pay the ex- auickly cured guarantee It. ...v,, v. . j 1 CROUP WHOOPIRO UOtaUn ana pense of the Government honetly and nonohMJ im mediately relieved by Bhl- j economically administered. lob's Cure. Crowded, The tor of Monteith & SeiUnbaeh is rr,u,A. with iAaaonable and fashionable Those people devoted to the theory of a high protective Uriff, a tariff under which the rich grow richer at the expense of the Wc have bcen 8urpri.ed since the Pres poor, and the poor grow poorer for the I ident, meage appeared to hear o little b,n. o( .!. richer. w poinU.g to lh, lbandoned enterpri.. , mnU(.ctUr. "ZZZ. uZf.. growthof protection entirnent in England j The proper thing to do wa to rush j cioak are immense and if yon deirefco rr I . ..a a a it to show that the theory is correct, xncj 1 infco jnt with a whole string ot tnese.ana please yourseii giye mem a eu even chuckle over the prospect that pro- u eem8 tQ u, that gome one has been very tection may be adopted there. We think derelict in not providing them. In place It would be wise for these protectionists o thl. kind of intclligence.we are now in to be careful what they say about this pro- ormed that a jjew England syndicate is Uetion sentiment in England, as when goingdown into Alabama to increase mills fully understood it will have a very strong tnere By and Dy Massachusetts may find tendency to make free traders out of our a competUion in these sources compared farmers. Those who are clamoring for tQ whictt that of Europe is boys' play, and protection in England are farmers who tftere wiU be no running to Government want protection on their wheat and corn t shut lt off either as against wheat and corn Imported into a v . s 1. a O i t Uh.t that country from tne u nu ou.. s, , i do our farmers think ef our homeprtec- Df 0, llorne a ,ayB , Wo have tlonlsts wh,by their tariff law,already tax gellinir Dr King's New Discovery. Klec- thorn ahe farmers) on neany everytniag feio Bikers ai dhcih tham tne tarmc iwoyear.. Have never handled theyWe to buy ,and,not satisfied with this twoyea nBiversal sat; burden'heaped upon the farmer,encourage foa. There have been some wonderful the PASsAge of such laws in England a cUreg effected by these medicines in this , ' "T . iv.. American farmer to pay city. Several case of pronounced coosamp- wWlc coWrpel the American tarmer te py cty entirely cared by .e of a a tariff duty on his wheat anu t..u s. . Df Kin . New Discovery. W mmmwm . f It 1 1C W WWW- V ws. - - O hall arrive at an English post, v eriiy j teken in coooect ioD y ,tb EU - m a . V Afl. Blood Eliair is tne oniy tXCsieY Blood Remedy guaratt taaA Tt 1 a nneitive cure for Ulcere, Erup tion or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the i.oio avatem. and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pain. We guarantee it, Albany Market. Whect- 65c, Oatu 38o Butter-80 cts fer lb. Eggs 80 cent per doz. Hay -15,00. PoUtpes 08 eta per bushel. Beef-on foot, 2Jo. Applea-75 cents per bu, Pora 6u per lb. dressed. Bacons hams, VPAo, shoulders, 7c. aides 10c. r,ard M. per lb. Flour -4 .80 per bbl. Chlckens-2 60 xr d t. Mill Feed -bran, 14.00 par ton aborts, 16. middlings, 30. .ii.... K.,t . t. rlaa rafraabad. bead Clear, own "' and free from pain or sob ; to know (hat no polsonon putrid matter defiles the breath and rqle away the deUoste machinery ol mll, tt aad hetrieg $ to fl that th system doss net, throng it vela and artarie. sock op the petsoo that U sure to ond.r. tain and destroy, 1 Indeed a blessing oejunu ... other human enjoyments, to purcnaas from such fate should be the object of amicteo. But thoe who toted many reraedl. auo pay- .lctn despair of relief or cure. " .J la. Sanford Hadloal Our maau .very p" y-; UWTh, from a etmple had cold to the mart loaUwrne snd destructive staees. It is local and constitutional . Instant In rsllsving, perraaneni, in curing, i nomlcal and never-Mling, ganford's Radical unre censisw m one ""' Badlcal Cure, one box ef CaUrrhd Solvent, and Im proved Inhaler, all wrapped in one pace., ww treatise and directions, nd sold by all druggists for fU .. -. j n, 1 1 n Raatnn. xrovvvr yruy iu viioimu w., money. HAMMER BROS., Spioer, Lion Co,, Or. No Rheumatiz About IN ONE MINUTE. Me. The Catleura Antt-Pata rias ler relieves Kheumatic,Sciatio, Sudaci Sharp and Nervous f alas, Hirains ana Weakness, The first and only pain killins; plaster. Kw, original, instan- I..l.tll.lil. ul. A mwalnna m f wftuctun, Mww. - - antidote to pain, Inflammation and weakness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior to all other plasters. At alMrutrgist, 25 cents ; flye frl ; or, postage free of Potter Drug and Chemical Co. Boston, Mas. JULIUS JOSEPH, GROCER AND TOBACCONIST, 61 FIEBT ST., Next to Burkhart & Kmocj'. Rel Brtle office, ALBANY, OREGON. TAKE NOTICE. To whom it may concern : I have sold and disposed of all property which I have heretofore owned In the State. AjT parties having claim against me must present them for payment within thirty davs as I intend to go East to remain. J Martin Giixkran, Dry floods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, TJWvthino-SkeDt in a first-class Dry Oooas and Boot aad Shoe House, from the cheapest to as (rood a quality EverythlnggkepU I bought these goods mostly in New York and Chicago and AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and amreoai vlng Novelties of the Season In every line ; am prepanjd to Bstray Notice, Mtw ia hereby criven that I have this Amx, A,,V nnnraisedan estrav horse taken u hv fi-o. W. Grav at his farm near Oakvilie in Linn county. Said horse is described as fnllnwi : One brown horse about 15 K hands high, four or five years old, a portion of the hair of the tall having apparently been cut square off near the end of the tall bone Th. man 1. also Quite short, having been nr ruhhed off. No visible marks bmndo. Appraised at f 30. n r. A WATTS, r Shedd Precinct or MEET ANY PRICES quoted in the papers or circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you off when you jtet out of money. Samuel E. Young, ai