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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1887)
SUB T8 DEMOCRAT, flights tmumt THE DEMOCRAT I the boot Advertising medium Io the Centra! Willsraette Vslley. St IN ADVANCE; $210 AT END OF YEAR. leased evary Friday by m TXTBS Al Vt XJTTI3STO. Stfiti Advertising rates made known on ap pMoation, P AO F ESfJION A L CARDS. . OL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1887. NO 22 L. H. MONT AN YE. TTORNJgY ' IW Notary Public. tltssawy, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brieve store, at street. vMu2Stf J. X. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY rUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. MM. 1JJIH. PRACTICE IM ALL THE COURTS OE THE If Stele. EaeeUI sttenttoa gtssn to jollsctlona ami raSsAa nutter. la 044 YelHisr's Tessas, n 4:1 '.. v. , v buton. o, H, IRVTNB W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ejBY Office op etalrs InToalor'a Blcrlf . ALBANY, ORKflOW. r. O. VOWSI.U W. R. niLYKC POWELL & BILYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in ChaieerY, ILI4I1 . - - - OREGON. OolleeMons promptly made on all point. Coins negotiated on reason able terms. 0TOffloln Foster's Brick. -fast UnlOtf. 4. J. WHITNEY, Ittoraey And Oounsellor it Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In Ell of the Courts of tali State All bnstneea Intruatad to him III be promptly attended to. D. R. N. BLACKBURN. Attorney at Law, Offlee, Odd Fallow. Temple ALBANY, - - - ORFCftN. All bnelnesnwlll renal re prompt atentlnn FQ8HAY & MASON, t BOT 4llr- irradiate and Booksellers, Asenta for John B. A I den's publications, 'blob we sell at pibllsher'e prices with fsotagaadded. 4LIART, ORRtiOI, C. L. BLACKMAN, Smaeuor to B. W. LmngJon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS. COMBS. and everything- kept in a flrat-elaea Drug Aieo o one aaock or ptanoa and ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRU8HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticlee, Etc. rtltCRIPTieffS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor, First and Ferry Street, ALBANY- - OREGON. Re Or WATSON MA8T0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 8 and 4. Footer's Block. ALBANY ORECON. Homeopathic Physician, RE. M, R. McCOY, M. D HOMEOPATHIC phystatan, office and resldsaee corner of First end Baker Streets, Albany, Oregon. Chronic diseases e specialty. Consultation free, Office hoars : 10 a. m. Mix ess and Sto 6 p. es. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. 1 Boarding Sciiool for Boys I 1. Conducted bj aecnlar prieata and lay teaenera, First term opena first Monday in Rep tembier. fecond term opena first Monday In February. For proepectna addieaa Few. F. Becker. Vancouver, W. T. Box 108 ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seas, lumber .laths an ' plckett kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall Use of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also fall line of JAPANESE GOODS. OUIDI P10I7I0 COHTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on short notice for any purpose. Opposite S E. Young's, Albany, Or sUPTUBE ckJ aed Permanent 0 TRU38 t osinmrs rites, rarfeet HeteinJt Taatantlv relieve evar i thoeeaads. Eetab'd IBn tf$2m fcalj asBsvHfti TIC E LAST I h and Om. wSJ BOOTS, SHOES AND- SLIPPERS. I am receiving my fall and winter stock of hoota and shoes, I bare ae nicely a fitted up Boot End Bboe Store, and h . complete a itoek aa any tbia aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. I bny aU ay hoota End aboea direct from ooaunfaotnrera and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon ew bare any ad vantage of me in buying ee 1 buy in quantities End pay the eaab. In ladie, mitaea and children! ahoes, I kep mnclv the largest, heat and great est variety in the citv. Mv aim will elsraye k t,. tfy mm fnA fnr be njnn. aa praalMf can I aVwae SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALBAN1 , OREtiOS. rvssuistii............... Vi.ivn Yke rYestdsat ..... a. K. tot H. Cashier .OEO. E, CH A 11 EERLA I N TRA REACTS A GENERAL senktnr MtrinM AOrXURTB EEPT jhjt lo eback. SIRIIT EXCHANGE and Uiph.c traaitfsr. seW on New York, Em Vmtcimx,, Cmlemgv mad ftwtl Owsvifi. COLLECTIONS MADE on fsTorebl e R i. r. Torse, Geo, E CaaaauLtis L. Puss, E TvaaaLL. Walt H. F. MERRILL, Banking and insurance. ALBANY) - - - OREGON. Row York. Baa PrissMii and eHy warranto. Re Bowel aa ChEiHIdssj will rsnslsa preeirt sttawRee. from la. at. to ip a. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. BAM MAY. a. asxDaaa MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General lercfaandiee. HARRISBURG - - - OREGON Will bay Grain, Wool aid all kinds Coaiitry prodaec. WILL BROS., Dealers In al be Leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A foil line ef Sheet mnsic, musical merchandise, ammunition, flab in g 'tackle, ate. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machine musical instruments, guns, etc. neatly dons, ALBANY. - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and dJAJfXOT BE TOO HIGHLY BECOCMKWDED, AS IT IS TRULY A MARVEL OF THE AUE, and no household ahonld be wlthont It. It prevents au well aa cores UILIS DISEAKKS, CMIUT, gfHETJ. It ATI M , CRAVE L and nil KIDSEY DIMEAAES, AFFECTED LIVES, HEADACHE, WAI'WKA, BILE, WIFJD, IKDIGEIRTIOM, COJfSTIPA. TIOW, DIARB1KE.1 and DYEESTliR Y, FE VEBS and ACUTE, SLEEP. LESSKES, LASSITTJDE, FOI L BREATH, and every dlnenee brought on or mrsrrfivatod by a eUsjevderod Htomnch. It Is a arpeelfle najalnat Contngton, nud an edleaeions remedy for sudden and Revere COLOR, ASTHMA, the FILES, JTA1J5XICE, ete. It PoxlAes the Blood, C'.oeases tbe Btomaeh snd Bowels, and gives the wboletysten a Beoltby and Dcligbtfnt Tone, There never trss a Medicine for the Nursery sqosi to It. aad being composed of Urba only. It can be glren sulci to infants. It is a tfinmpb tn medicine harmless, yet efficacious. Invaluable la the family, on tne road, at the mtae, si sea. and ererywhero, " , For Sale by all Drngariats and Grocers INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES. Our eldest child, .low aU jrsars o age, arhea an in taulaW months old ww atawaan wua a virulwtt. nuMriureat ktn diMMt, au ordinary remsetsesnag-, waaaflad our (ami It pnnictan, who atteaatotl to cura it: but It spread with almost taeradtttla rapidity until ike lower portion of Uia littta tallow's person, from ths mlddis of hla back down to his knees, was on atiBd raah, twly, naluful, Ulotoksd, and sssBsleaS) Wa feed no rest a. Iff lit, ae psere by day- Yiadljf. wa were adviard to try ths Cutleura Setnadtet. Taa aflset was simply starvations . la tares or tour weeks aosespteto ears waa wrought, iaevttur ths little tallow's fwraon as whils and hsalth as though h had imtw bean attacked, lit my opinlou your valuable recae dlsa saved his Hfs. and to day ha la a stress;, healthy child, perfectly wall, no repetition of the Assess hav ing ever ovoiirred, ORO. R. SMITH, AU'y at Law and Bt Proa. AM ) , Ashland. O. Kstsranos ; J O Waist, Drugftat, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are bom Into ths world every day with matnus aSsetton. seek as saitk srwA, curt, or dandrug. oars to Aeratoe let an .-..-- which make I tie a proonffsd toitura onlsss properly '.roatsti . ace A warm hath with CakssSfa Seas, an MaSwits .Skin llaautlEsr. and a slnffls amillisEisn of Ootksjra, the t J real i-kin Cure, ertto a i litis CHttosm Rsaslessit. the Nsw Stood Part Est, Is ofton euRktont to arrest Iks proffrsss of the disease, and point to a speedy and Hence, no mother who love her children, who takes pride In their beauty, purity, and a salt a. and la be towing uimn them a child's greet sot Icberitaess, a ak'n without a blemish, and a epdy ae jdy naarwaee ev pssre Mooo-enowM ran to trial t the Cuttoare everv where. Price : Cutleura. W & ,-enu ; Kosolvent. ft. Prepared by the Pet and ch-mkal Os Boston. tor "How to Cnrs akin 04 IHustrstlses, 100 tesliasnetala." DatDVIfi Skin and Sealp DADf OuaedbyCttUcn CuUcura Mediaetod Soap. Constitutional Catarrh, No sfagta h Catarrh, Ths aaaates. to bms sji, yisaa It distributee niif .r.r Eadtaal Cure. proved Inhalvr KIDNEY PAIRS, Strains and Weataietns, ReEeeed le eee minute by Antidote tke Pala,ieEesnsMltoa east Weak noes, tke Cwaknirs AaU-Paia Te arst see only nainMUUine; bar eksstor. Estwcsallr to ly relieve mad speedUv sere RMasjr assi loosed Waskease. Waiiented vsetfr so- sll Al sit drwajwtais, tfsR, 0f sPMMbT Vflf etorgt; or, Co.. But J. U COW AW. J. W. CUSICR Linn (taunty Bank, COWAN 4 CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS s rreoeral DRAW SIGHT DRAPTS on Row Yerk Sea Praa LOAR MOSEY on -Ci,Tf lif wiU tiikjiil to COLLECTIOX8 en t Ion. Riiss House J. OII3L.IIV, Proprietor. This boose is bow open and furnished with the beet new fornitnre. Everything clean and commodious, offering to the gen eral public superior acoommodatioaa to soy in the city. Marine Insurance SBssess has en titled more seSarlas ae ssuse of smell, of tacts, of sight, a wJssWMssjrtkwsA EfcsJ SySASSft Bet tasks eserrvttel teres, east breaks ap tke asset re boot of eoeeUtottees ignored, hist ass hot Ut'Je under.toed, by muet phyaictans, IsapetoeUy SSSSilad by qu. k and cbarUlaea, those sogsrtag trees It have little hepe to b. relieved of It this stds of the grave. It Is Usee, that the popular triliwit of tads lerrthls dleaass by reasedtas etlaia tke rsaek ef sE pmwi lato banda at oece competent and trssjteorthy. Ths new slJW sewwSiSSw SftBFW-ES SBsfCtN B(BaJS "ST JfclSlSSwst to thefwefwrsaton ef sis EadleaT Oars has woe the ssSstssjrsttot1 to? sfinheedrtseii esosstoesasdEissi and okssToetod kraslkiag. and rsptdw rsssovas tke itMMjt pirwEasi Ye? m p HSS clMtarto ttie IstMsi, Wgt soJag tke hrsath. lestartag tke senses of amsIL toots aed Beertac and ssmtralUane tk. aoeettaattoeei ten eeeey ef tke' dlaaass towards the leoeje. liver sent kid '. ssst boa of UetorrhdSoiveet. and I 1 EVENTS Of ISR7. January. 3- Dr. Herstle Patter, Episcopal Bishop of New York, died. 5. Secretary Lamar married. 8. Andrew Jackson s Day. 8. Gan Duncan USA, died, to. Oregon legislature convenes. 10. John Roach, ship-builder, died. 14. Senate passes ths laterstste com merce bill. 15. GsnW B Hasan of the signal serviae 18. Prof E L Youmsas.scieatiSc writer, died. at. Mrs Voor bees, wife ef Senator Voer bees, died. aa. Gan Stone, American, in Egytiaa Army, died. s8. Mrs Newbyof Yamhill county, died 3 British ship Kapunda sunk. 300 drowned. Fkbruaey. a. Kaany Davenport's diamonds valued at $3$,ooo stolen by a hotel clerk at Mem phis, Tenn. a, Herr Schutaeaberger, famous brewer of Straaaburg, died. 3. Woman's suffrage law of Washing ton Territory declared unconstitutional. 4. Great Roods tn Ohio and Kentucky. 6. Earthquakes In Illinois, Missouri and Indiana. 8. Parnell makes a great speech. 9 Dynamiter tries to kill Paul at San Francisco. tt. The duke of Leinster died. it. Prince Wagram died. 13- Elisha W Davis. Brig Gen died. 14. Secretary Manning resigns. t6. Queen Victoria releases 95000 pris oners confined In jail la India as an act of clemency to commemorate the Queen's jubilee. 17. Boston Corbett, slayer of Wilkes Booth, becomes Insane. 18. Oregon legislature adjourns sine die. at. Edward D Dekker, Dutch author- died. a a. John Sherman resigns the presi dency protem of the Senate, a3 Bismarck secures s big majority in the relschstag. 34. House sustains president's veto of dependent pension bill. 35. Mrs Jennie M Crocker, wife ef Col Chas T Crocker, died. 3$. Com. Trustee, U 8 Navy, died. a. Cardinal Jacobina died. a8. Roxalana Druse hanged at Herkim er, New York. March. 1 Alderman O'Neal, the beodter, taken to Sing Sing. 3 Es Judge McKee, of San Francisco, died 4. W R Hearst buys the Snmmmimtr. 5- Chas J Peterson, of Pfrmm't Mag 6. Senator Beck's wife died. 7. G W Walker, ef Pcndieton.sppointed Judge. 8. Henry Ward Beoeher died. 8. Rev W S Hewland, foreign mteeion- ary, died. 9. Fevel, the French novelist, died. to. Capt. James B Eads died. 13. Mme. Nllsson married. Is Ebon B. Pitlsbury,ef Mats .died 16. Herr Spilxer.the famous matbematl clan, died. 17. Policeman Elwaager, ef Portland, suicides. 18. Geo Sickles, father of Gen Sickles, I died. 19. 0 4CR R sold to Southern Pacific. aa Emperor William, of Germany, 90 years old. aa. Jae A Logan, Jr., married. 35. Eliza Goodwin, actress, died. a6. Body of Schuyler Ford found in river 3 miles from Harrisburg. aS. Paul E Fulane, founder of Pulane University, died. 30- Ex-Gov Reynolds, of Mo. commits suicide. 31. John G Sax, poet, died. Aran.. 1. Dr A Kellogg, scientist, died. 3. "Willamette Valley" arrives for the first time at Yaquina. 4. Frank McDowell, of Salem, died. 4. Prohibition defeated la Michigan. 6. Democrats carry Rhode Island. 7. Com. Chas Greene U S Navy, died. 8. Marple convicted of murder in Yam hill county. 9. J no T Raymond, celebrated actor, died. it. Eugene Sena pie appointed governor of Washington Territory. ta. Lieut CV Morris U S Navy, disd, 15. Jsmes S Delano died. 17. Jury in Haddock case disagree. 18. David Klrkpatrick, of Albany, kills himself. 19. Alexander Mitchell, railroad mag nate, died. ao. Lieut Danenhower, of Arctic fame, suicides. at. Major Jno E Blaine, brother of J G, died. 34. David Preston, banker, Detrlot,dled. 36. Odd Fellow's 68th anniversary. xt 3. One hundred and thirty miner lose meir nves oy an explosion in the Nana I mo m,nes' 4. Kentucky in state convention endor - SCS Vieveiana. 5. K u ivambrill, prohibition editor el Miss, killed. 6. James Grant, novelist, died. 8. Billy Welch, well-known minstrel died 10. Pointsman, largest horse In the world died, at Petal uma, Cal. 11. Jas W Hyatt appointed U S Treas urer. 15. Big Chief, noted Pawnee Indian died. . 16. The original manuscript of "Home Sweet Home" found In Georgia. 18. Sheridan, the great actor died in Australia. 8, O'Brien mobbed at Toronto, ao. Brig-Gen Self ridge kills himself. 34. State Grange meets at Salem. 35. Miss Dolph, daughter of Senator Delph, married. 26. George I Foster, of Albany, died. so. President Cleveland fishing at Sat' anac Lake. aa. Ben 1 Party Poors disd. 30. Memorial, day. Juke. 1. Themes Spence Bate, editor of Rncy-rfaeafi-e, Brltannlca, died 3 Roe Supply Chaste, the noted aboil tteotst, died. 5. O'Brien, the Irish sdltor, Jin New York. 6. Dr Harry Lane appointed Supt of Insane Asylum. 7. We A Wheeler, et-Vice President, died. 8. Mrs Bergh, wife ef Henry Bergh, died. 8, Blsias, "cast an anchor to ths win ward" aad sailed lor Europe. 9. Earl of Nottingham, died. 9. O H Kelty murdered his wHe at Mo Coy. 14. H Abraham appointed collector of easterns at Portland. 15. Pioneer's reunion at Portland. 17, Be prsildeatMafk Hopkins, of Wil liams College, died. 17. Blaine arrives In London. at. Queen Victoria completes 51st year of her reign. aa. W W Saunders sent to penitentiary far life. se. Disastrous Are at Dayton, W T. S4. James Freeman Clarke died. 39. Jacob Sharp, needier, convicted. 30. Es -Secretary of State Hamilton Fish's wife died. JtrtY. t, Mas Kiltanaaoaor, artist, died. 4. John Patslet, Earl of Weltshlre. died. 5. M Kslkeff famous editor of Moscow, died. 7. O M KeUyJtaken from jail at Dallas and lynched. 7. Blaine gees to Edlnbufg. tax Fstherfjehn Redgers the aged priest of NJ, died. ta. George S Spear, veteran actor, died. 13 Elmer Marie Carojphiloeepher died. 1$. Jacob Sharp sentencedto Sing Sing 4 years. 16. Jsy Cooke, jr.," banker, died. 17. 11 under eaVa died in the east from es ceasive best. t8. Dr J A'Tyler, of Albany, died. 19. P M S Hunter, a oen federate Sena tor, died. so. Sylvsmus Cobb, jr., the story writer, at. KK-Cengressnaan Glover, died 4 W J McGerigfe. Chicago beodler, escapes tauCanads an. J ohm Taylor, prtsideat Mmrmen church, died. St. Mrs Wilson Barrett, actress, died Sp. First load of new wheat brought to Albany. AUQVBT. t. J G Robinson, reprieved by Gov Penney or. jefj a. Kentucky vetee the democratic ticket 3 J C Goldsmith, Nov York, jeurnsl 1st, died. 3. The great wheat deal of San Fran cisco collapses. 4, Gen J no T Miller.Vice Consul at Rio Janeiro, died. 8. Hennequln,dramatlst,died la asylum. 9 W C Hathaway, eflialsey. kills him self In mountains. to. John, only son of Henry Clay, died ti. One hundred peraens killed at the Chats werth railroad disaster 1 a. Jean Victor Dury the histerian,died. ia. Ex Senator Ssreent, of Cel., died. 17. Corqer stone of the Sute Agricul- e w - tural College at Corvallla laid. 17. Prof L J Powell, died at Seattle. ftS. O S 'Fowler, noted phrenologist, died. 17. Prof Balrd, of the U S Rah commis sion, died. to. Alvin Clark,neted astronomer, died. aa One arm Brown, died ia Washington $. Sharp gets a stay of proceedings. 26. Frank McDermett appointed Inspec tor of boilers. s8. Lexington, In Eastern Oregon, al most totally destroyed by fire. 38. Samual Hall, Judge Supreme Court of Ga., died it. Mrs Mary Yearly, of Oble, died, aged, 105. Concluded on 3rd page. CL1NUS2T0 WJB FOLLY. One of the most ridiculously foolish things In the way of partisan legislation is a bill introduced In tha Senate by Senator Chandler, to regulate the holding of con gressional elections in South Carolina, Florida. Mississippi and Louisiana. It provides for the appointment by the presi dent, with. tha advice and consent ef the Senate, of four supervisors of election for each congressional district in the states ta which the measure applles.who are requir ed to sub-divide the districts into s suffi cient number of voting precinct. In each precinct, the Circuit Court of ths United States is to appoint four inspectors and poll clerks, who are to make registration of voters and conduct congressional elec tions. The supervisors are to act as a can vassing beard, to receive returns and as- I certain and declare the result. The super I wrs and inspectors and poll clerks are to 1 ee divided equaily between the two prin clpal political partis.. This would be tak 1 the whole matter of electing congress- I MM -4 tk. uAm f tke state end nut tine? It into the handa of the United States. tsiii wwv wee-a .wsw w- . wwiw-w g- - This is so clearly violative of the rights of the states that Billy's bill will never reach third readiag la a republican Senate. The object of this bill Is so apparent that no one of ordinary Intelligence could be deceived by It. Chandler wants to pave the way for a repetition of the crime of stealing tha presidency so successfully practiced by his kinsman, Zack Chandler, In 1876, assisted by Sherman, Edmunds, Garfield and ether leaders of his party. But Chandler may at oacemake up his mind that the people will have none of It. Never will he have another opportunity to cheat the people out of their clearly elected president. Sam Francisco, Dec. 17. The match between Sister and Jane L. to-day ,was won by the latter. Time, r,H- OREGON TRADE. Oregon is one of the largest and most fertile ef the whole sisterhood of States. The attention of all the United States will now be drawn to It In connection with the completion of the groat railroad reaching out to San Francisco. Its area exceeds 95,000 square miles, Or mora than double that of New York, tt is equally ae fertile and has a climate as genial and aa equable as that of Georgia or Alabama. With the exception, perhaps, of citras fruits, sugar csns snd cotton, fhere Is nothing that Is grown within thd whole area of the Unit ed States that cannot be raised In tt. The grape grows In the southern portion, and even the orange, we believe.can be raised successfully in the southern portion of the Willamette Valley. Were tt populated as Is New York State it would to-day hare twelve millions of people within its con fines, while its chief city would be one of the greatest in the world. From 1 860 to 1 880 the populatien,rough -ly speaking, was nearly doubled every tea years, in seven years it has increased about 50 per cent. In 1890 it will not fall short of 300,000. The state produced this year of wheat 435,000 tons, and 1 3,000,000 pounds of wool. The three great staples of wheat, wool and salmon will this year reach a value of seventeen million dollars. The total value of leading articles Is not less than twenty millions of dollars. A brief resume of the present statue of trade between San Francisco and Portland will be acceptable. The data are given for the year ending July 31st, 1887. By Rail San Francisco. Lbs. from the Beat. Ajjrtsottara ...... .....MM ..... 77,oae 1,701.000 i.eoe.em RolUltas; StaterUU Carpets, ete Okana i I QfisSwf aad Drum, ess ... eWf MRBaaf.... , , , , fBsfflmy. . frulu YsretaSSes Barbed wire 0S0.000 8,00,0000 Bone 1.868r000 87,000 NatU 8,887,100 1,018.800 Hem shoes. 480.080 78,080 U&apeeified hardware 3,800,000 8.880,000 Uarnamaadaaddlery 818,000 18.000 Painta aad ods Feints 888,080 148,000 WktUleed 8,000,000 178.000 Coal oil. 478,880 8.000.000 UaepsmSed ..... 810.000 880.000 Olaes 1.500,000 400,000 Wagon and wags mU. 8,800.080 18.880.000 Uqeors 2,000,000 1.800.000 Wine 8,880,000 90.000 Beer 800,000 350,000 Wooden ware 90.000 580,000 Iron, merchant. 40,000 008 14.000.000 SSeal 8 880,000 1,808.000 Tmplase 888.080 87.000 Pig sin 850,000 Lead 800.000 35.000 Gael, tons 23.567 . . Powder 50,000 131,000 Shot 885.000 18,000 Chinese goods 800,000 The actual tonage of vessels leaving San Francisco for Portland during the year was 135,847. The exports from Ore gon to San Francisco were $4,360,000 In value. S. F. Journal of Commerce. The coat of running the saloons of Al bany, that is, the license, rent or interest on value ot property, and neip.u snout 15,000 a year, tnatet tne cnurcnes snout 97,000 and ot the schools about mlooo, tne two . e . san . a 1 Utter about balancing merely the running expenses of the former. The beaiaaaB of the Merchants lee. Co, of tbia city. it opened its- books but week, has been larger tkaa tne Real it aanautne expectations ef its stock bold' era. Home at tne best aatsota 01 toe a " ft . m a. a . s. have aooepted positions as canvassers for it. The Southern Pacific s roads now run from the Columbia to the Mississippi. A onsaensrer can ao from Portland to New Orleans tn one car. For Toilet Use. Avar's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft and pliant, Imparts to It the lustre and freshness of yonth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is the most clean- ly of all hair preparations. AVrR'Q Hair Vigor has given me MlC.ll O perfect satisfaction. I waa nearly bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, bu but t sue hair I bad was growing thinner, anttl I tried Aver'a Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Visor, and my head ia now well covered with a new growtn 01 nau. Judeon B. Chapel, Peabody, Maaa. LI AID that has become weak, gray. nftm and faded, mar have new may nave new me and color restored to it by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. My hair was thin, feded. and drv. and fell out in large uan titles. Ayer's xaatr vigor stopped tt falling, and restored my hair to ita original color. As a dressing lor the hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. If 1 43 ftP youth, snd beauty, in the V lU Is 9 appearance of tbe hair, may be preserved for an indefinite period by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, A die ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do me any good until I commenced usin i Aver'a Hair Visor. Three bottles o this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp i cured, and it is also free from dandruff. Mrs. . K. Fees, Milwaukee, "Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Peryrct Sayrtt, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily rjlace Ayer's Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick aad Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pilla ata the nnlv medicine that has ever given me relief, One dose of theae Pilla will quickly move my bowels, aadfree neaa srom pnm. ytuusmu jw. . - ft . . i iSnA va, it Ayer's Pills. Prepared brDr, J. a Ayes fcO?.JUveU, Mass, Bold by aU Stealers in AMsucme. l,MeaOS 170,000 ,. . -e Teeaaeewseeeese sMsBpaJBaW tOQf&9& MBmwsWeeeeeeeee . , - . MieOOi 3,909.000 flBBmYVsHVai EflsJOOO' 1t09t 009 I.M0.SM 1,000.0x1 srajwsAsRmr VsnMRPaOreeT msjaut ism am .(aeee t a a essssjsvssrww mmwssjsySess; Mas see saps. ieu,uw ejunv .m,llur- .MM,M fc.OOtJ.OOO soaooo .mm. I.000.000 .. i,L,.im, 9Uttf .,, seeeee.- 14,00 (80tl sfcsVft.....s.eeeee eeesee -- WaJ5?95 . see RAos. HoS$ ' lOO J s SBp a e s s esse eeeeeeees ee.e BWEseWWy sVaOTWWW sfes(sW s e a s - ' SSssWMBj OsvMBaM XlBs. sees ae eee tasaewe eeeeeeee eeewee mfttk99 " HaixH JsWpOsJ0 370t)9 &QGtP t e ee e esses es ee 5?"?? SeJ(0sJ oa?::::':;:: .SSL 2SZ run ... eeeeYSBveW svemFefgeSsw BsstVPsvl sMMsMes ss eeseeeeee t f q 9SSS AT COST BY N. H. ALLEN i CO.. Our Entire Stock at First Cost. Having made up our mind to discontinue the mercantile business, and intending to embark in another enterprise, we will sell our entire stock of general MERCHANDISE AT COST. Call early and SECURE BARGAINS, We shall give away the piano and -organ f s advertised, January 1st. All shall have a chance N. H. ALLEN & Co. 57 First Street Albao y , C. B. Roland & Co, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND MENS FURNISHERS. OVERCOATS : A largo stoek of ail grades just received. CLOTHING : An ansa as lad selection nf rw .i w 1 : ..J dress suits. ' HATS : From alt the loading makere.aucb as J. B. Stetson dsCo., and othsr FURNISHING GOODS : Our aturir in thi. Itsasi v.. : 1 w lar attention and we am ahowinor na gloves, ties, handkerchiefs, etc. RUBBER GOODS : We handle boots hoota, mens aandaia, everooabj aed BOOTS AND SHOES : SO cases of from the factory. We make a specialty congress style, TRUNKS. VALISES, HAND Blankets and Comforters in Stock, . B. ROLAND & 0.9 Clothiers, flatters snd Mens Fnrnishers, ALBANY, OREGON. Palace Heat Market. J. T. HPS, P10F&MUL FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keen constantly on baser heavf. mutton, perk, veal, sausage, etc,, the boat meats and largest variety in tbe nity.l Cash paid for sll kinds of fatfatMk. JOHN BNIGGS, ALBANY, - - ORECON Roses r Specialty. Cemetery lota planted and attonded to. FURNITURE made to order or BHPAIRBiri, at my shop west snd of Third Street, Albany, or. S. A. DECKARD. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AHI - Notary Public- TO CLOSE V wmmmm ..uo tamw inWIW UUV U.1MVH- and !t r j . ...w. onlr tha Tarr Vi mat An.lW. tn Linn anil sou westers. Also oil clothing. first grade winter boots, just opened in mens fine shoes, in button. laea and - SATCHELS, UMBRELLA New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of em business we have boon compelled to movt Into a larger store and we osa bos Bo found next door to 8, B, Young, where we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, fornitnre, Us ware, crockery, clocks, carpet,'' pictures, ffuit jars, trunks, books, roller akatea, tiddler, saws, planes, etc and n thousand dfTh ferent and use articles you can 'not do better this aide ef San Francisco than yen can do with ua on a purchase or exchange , M. FRANKLIN ft 00. 128 First Street, Albany, Or. Le Wr OLARPCgj PortTeii i Photvographwrs 8, ings by appointment, COPY (NO AND ENLARGE Tweedale'a Boliding. ALBANY, - - OREGOIf