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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1887)
Ik mmvt. Entered M th Pot Ottos at Albany, Or as seoond-olaaa mail matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER 23, 1887 ariTBa & hutting. Kil Iters and lrep riders. r. snrmu. i Editor. A MAN ABOUT TOWN. Recently the 8, S. lessons were on the "Parable of the Sower." During Sabbath School a brUrhl Albany boy was asked If he were good wheat that yielded an hun dred fold, or something like that, and he answered, "Yea, I am fifteen dollar wheat." O The M. A, T. wishes the readers of the Democrat generally, from Albany to Hin dostan and Canada, a merry Christinas. oven if some of them are behind Ave or six rears on their subs., fer the poor as well as the rich deserve the best of the holiday bless ings. This does not include the malicious O We are already used to 8's, so that the approaching change in the tall figure will not be a marked one. It will not be dif ficult to write t888 ; et habit is a great thing. O A year ago a wager of a new hat was made In the presence of the Man About Town that one hundred new buildings would not be constructed during 1887. The number is between slaty and seventy, which Is a flattering record for the city, O No rictoikmt army ever went into battle without a flag. We make this statement for the benefit of the Salvation Army .which has no flag, though it has a bass drum. The case is one deserving immediate action. O The If. A. Ta. old friend, William Weav er, better known as "Wild Bill," is now lo cated at Darien Center. New York State If there are any Albany girls left behind they will please take notice of his residence. O Aa ilea in the Democrat will do sous thiac. Lost week we spake oom mandatorily of afiae Jersey eew. Saturday it waa a Grange .No 10. The following is the list of officers of Grand Prairie Grange No. id, for the year Master, Horace Powell. Overseer, Morgan Henshaw. Lecturer, Nimrod Payne. Chaplain, A W Gordan. Steward, Grant Froman. Assistant Steward, Fred Price. Treasurer. Isaac Froman. Secretary, Isabella Bodine. Gate Keeper, John Wallace, Pomona, Lucy Cunningham. Flora, Rosa Fry. Ceres, Nancy Henshaw. L. A. 8., Mary Froman. Installation will occur the second Satur day in January. Mr. sad Mrs- Daaeaa. On last Wednesday evening, Dec. 3 1st 1887, at the residence of the bride's parents, in this dty.Mr. Peter Duncan.of Marysville, Cel., and Miss Ida Knox, of this city, were duly united in marriage. Rev. H. P. Webb performing the ceremony. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. Ellis Knox, and the groom is a young man of ex emplary habits, in the marble business at Marysville, Cel., having been at one time in the employment of Mr. Frank Wood,of this dty. The happy couple will remain In Al bany during the holidays and then go to thev new home in California. The Demo crat unites with friends all over the ralle Z in extending Mr. and Mrs. Duncan a 1 full of happiness and Christ bum Following b tbe program at the several ebsirehea in Albas r. as far as learned, for Christsass Bve, exsreiees ef the Sabbath Sekools : Methodist Two trees aad short program. Presbyterian. Tr aad program. United Presbyterian. Tree, short program. at W. C. T. U. Hall. tickets for eaal. free and arch, program. lane for ssnbsrs of school and -Tree aad short program. Kyaefalieal. Tree aad program . The Oregoa I'aeiae Dispute. Messrs. Hunt and Bennett.O. P. contrac tors, have been talking too much to Port land newspaper men. They accuse the O. P. men of not paying them and of failing to fulfill their contracts. Mr. Nash answers and gives them some solid hits showing that there is a boot on both feet. In his ar ticle to a Portland paper he states that twenty-five miles of rails have been used this season and ijo mile are in bond next season. The Oregon Pacific, not withstand lag the unpleasant smoke raised by Bennett and Hunt, will go on next season with a rush. Clear the track. The Mew Company. The recently organized Farmers and Mer chants Insurance Company of this city is now in the field claiming the patronage of .the arising public. The enterprise is deserv ng the support of the people of Oregon and under its present management will rapidly reach the front rank of t'acthc coast com panies. The great volume of business al ready sent in shows the confidence the pub lic has in Its management. Its directors and officers are among the most reliable business men of the country, and whose names alone are a sufficient guarantee of public confidence, as we 1 as the success of the enterprise. Disturbed a Meeting. Last Friday Fred Ihrig, Frank Campbel and Charles Thomas were arrested for dls turning a meeting at the Salvation Army barracks the previous evening. The case was set before Justice Dorris for Saturday morning. Thomas appeared, and the com plaint against him was withdrawn. The other two having taken a trip north failed to answer to their names. An effort has been made to re-arrest them, but without success. Died. Miss Ida Cole, daughter of Mr. Harvey Cole, of Syracuse precinct,died last Sabbath evening of typhoid fever,at the age of about eighteen. Together with several others of Mr. Cole's family Ida had been sick for two or three weeks. The other members of the family are now slowly improving. The afflicted family have the sympathy of the community. Drowned at Cory all Ib. Last Friday while hunting in a boat just beyond Cor vail is, Benj. Ohling, a boy 16 years of age, fell into the river and was drowned, in just what manner is not known, as no one was present. The boat was found at the ferry, and the boy's hat near the mouth of Mary's river. Will Meet. The wives of members of the A. O. U. W. Lodge, of this dty are hereby requested to meet at A. O. U. W. Hall on Monday, Dec. 26th at x o'clock, p. m. to make ar rangements for a supper to be given on the evening of January nth. IMPROVEMENTS DURING lMf. The closing year has been comparatively a busy one In Albany. The amount of building done indicates a sure progress. We give below a list of improvements, with estimates of value, which in some cases may exceed the fact, and In others not equal jt. Many improvements, including railroad switches, platforms, new fences, paint, etc., that add to the material wealth of the city, de not appear. The list Is one Albany peo ple may be proud of L Fllnn, brick block $35,000 Oregon Pacific round house 30,000 8 E Young, brick blk, not completed 15,000 W C T U and GAR Halls ........ r. o ouauan,a.gMcuiiurai warehouse 3,500 R S Stratum, laundry 1,000 O R & N wharf . Fruit cannery hoo Chae Pflsjffer, sample room aoo m ; ivecx, maroic suop joe O P depot and freight house 1,000 w U lweedale, tin shop 300 Dr G W Mas ion. office 700 rrea muciier.Mtore i.coo . m . .... ... i. t si II mis 1 . McDonnell, livery stable. . 2. coo w . . wf..-jk . mmm w. .... WWW Cherry St Parkea,addltion to foundry 600 S E Young, residence 8.000 iirs iwnrrv tirMMiintr itouu. ..w. . . w. 1 . W E Turrell, residence VfM bred Mueller, residence 2,500 Mr Mcllhcnny, 3 residences Ins Hall, ret-ldcnc W L Jester, residence . . . . 1 .700 Prof Lee, residence 1,300 Mrs Sommervllle, residence 1,300 i oiougctt, residence 1,400 Mr St John, residence G W Young, residence . . . Frank Burkhart, residence I.OUO 700 9OO I4OO I.JOO Mr Speight, residence. W Carter, residence Wm Huston, residence. . . Henry Clark, residence. . . M N Keck, residence.... 800 Mr Hunt, residence 700 Mr Cogle, residence 1.400 Charles llarnish, residence coo Mr Peterson, residence ! foe Earl, residence 400 Nathan Gray, residence 350 (Jeo Hiding, residence 350 I A McFeran. nHlanri .i J as McHargue, residence 1,000 S Shupp, 3 residences 1,400 MrJ&anborn, residence 300 R Jacobs, residence 700 Fred Blount, residence boo Gus Coetel, residence 3,000 Oliver Bushnell, residence 800 r 1 ladle v. residence 800 Deo Patterson, residence 7OO A Gross, 3 residences i.OOO W W Crowder. residence 600 Jas Irvine, residence 800 Dr Kolderway, residence i.OOO Mrs Blount, residence 3,00 J L Cowan, addition to residence . 1,500 1,300 C t Brownell, residence W Rosa, residence 6fl0 soo 600 1.300 7 00 50 Mr Moore, residence Mrs McHride, residence CH Mc wart, reconstruction residence as Dannals,reconstruction residence Mrs theadle.reconstruction residence R Ehret, residence SOO 800 Ashby Pearce, reconstruction board ing house John Derringer, residence 3 50 30 barns of various sizes 5,000 $5'.350 REAL ROTATE Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the past week : N A Jsoaoto W E Jeone. to small In pieces of laed 9 J L Cowan, Kx'r to C H Co waa, to Andrew Cowan, 7 lota in Albany J R Rainwater to Askby Pearce, 46M seres to 11, 4 w Oregon to A P Mason, 20 acres, tp 13, 1 w J T M arris to Benson Harris, 108.35 acres, and 10 acres tp 11 1 w Reason Harris to Videtta Ham, same as last 300 2W0 900 2o.06 800 HI A Hacktsma to W W Crowder, 2 lota, bloek 15 H's 2nd, A 525 H A Johnson to Sevsnah Job neon, 4 lots in Seio aad 8.27 acres, tp 10, 1 300 2600 000 25 11.10 1 J E Holt to E E L pmeyer, 170 tp 15, 4 w Oregon to Milton Hale, 126 acres, tp 11, 4 w . Mary Board to R J Moses, 1 lot ia Tangent D C Carrie to Jennie E Acbosoo, 49 sores, tp 12, 4 w N A Jenoe to W E Jeone. 36 eereetp U, 4 w o Wise to A T Thompson, 10 sores, tp 10 and 11, 3w 600 Death of Lather KJkia. Hon. Luther Elkina died at Lebanon on Tuesday evening of last week, but owing to our poor mail facititiee and no telegraphic communication the news was received here too lite for publication in our last issue. Mr. El kins was born in Maine in 1809, and resided successively in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio, coming to Oregon in i8$x He took an active part in politics, being one of the leaders of the Democratic party ; it was saio 10 nave been hi vote In the State Leg islature that elected Col. E. D. Baker, a Republican, to the U. 8. Senate. Mr. El kins was one of the prime movers in the construction of the Santiam Canal and Wil- amette Valley and Cascade Wagon Road. A man of some means at one time he died possessing no wealth. Probably no man In ts limits has done more for Linn county, and he will long be remembered bv the people of the State generally. Mr. Elkins leaves a large family, seven children being now anve. tin wife died six or seven years ago. Slowly the pioneers of our growing and prosperous state are passing away. The men wlio laid the foundation for our ad vancement are departing from our midst. into the world where strifes and booms nev er occur. Postal Notes, SiLVEgTON-. That chair factory went to Salem instead of being kept in Stlverton. 11 lanes enterprise to get even cnair lacto nes. Lbbakox. The funeral of Hon Luther Elkins last week was largely attended, busi ness houses were closed, and general regrets were heard for the death of him who had played so prominent a part in the history of Linn county. Ths new Masonic Hall at Lebanon waa dedicated last Tuesday. Several from Albany were present A biz hcht between two members of a prominent firm io I Lebanon Wednesday even- I ? . s fsA.s e . a t . iog, in wnicn mo junior wnippeo.ia reporoea. Tanoeht. A musical festival will be given by the Tangent Brass Band on Christ mas eve., uec. 24th, consisting of a musical entertainment and supper. Admission, con cert, i0 cents ; supper, 25 cents. 1-OREN B. Luber, Sec Be 10 r . xr j j , . Last Wednesday night the stores I 1 - . of J S Morris and Matt Gill were entered and about $i(X) worth of jack knives and razors stolen, as well as $c in money from Mr Gill. Spicer. Hammer Bros, of Spicer are now in a condition to supply the market with a splendid line of lumber, as well as cedar posts, etc. See their advertisement in another column. They are reliable young men and deserve a good patronage. Virgil and Walter Parker, two of Albany's most popular young man, are negotiating for tb purchase of Mr John Fox's bakery and grocery store. Here We Are Again. Look at the list of valuable present to be given away to the customers of F. M. French on Saturday, December 31st, 1887 1 1st, one ladies solid gold watch. 2nd, one diamond ring. 3rd, one large dinner castor. 4th, one set knives and forks. One ticket given for each dollar worth of goods purchased, and do not forget the fact that you can get bargain at the "Cor ner Jewelery Store." (kill and see the prises. The Albany fire bell at exactly 5:10 p. m on Saturday, Uec. 17th, in response to an electric spark sent along the wires from Ashland, caused by the concussion of hammer In the hands of Manager Crocker and a spike, assisted "at this end by the clec trie arm of Mr. John Usher, announced the union of Oregon and California by a line of steel. The event was one of the most Im portant In the history of the Coast, and not only affects the business Interests of the two States 1 but Is as welt a mile stone In the progress of the U. 8., which Is now literally rimmed by bands of steel. At Ashland great preparations had been made, the city being in gala day costume. The ceremony of driving the spike was wit nessed by a large concourse of people from all over the Coast, among the number be ing Governor Waterman, ef California, Governor Pennoyer, of Oregon , and many Mayors and private cltisens, Albany being represented by Mayor Weatherford. Frank Pixley delivered the address and short speeches were made by others. During this time the church bells In Albany were ring ing their joyful notes over the event. The excursion train followed by the Ore gon train, which had gone to meet It on the dav prevous, arrived in Albany about 8:45 Sunday evening and waa welcomed by several hundred people. The depot waa Il luminated with Chinese lanterns and can dles and presented a bright appearance. The Boys Band p laved a lively tune as the train approached. Mayor Weatherford in troduced Manager Crocker, John P. Irish, of the At la, and Frank Pixley, of the Arg- swear1, who made short ddreaaea, Mr. Irish got Into the graces ef the crowd by remark ing that he was an Oregonian, having been naturalized at Ashland the evening previous, and that while moat residents of this State came from Iowa or Missouri he came from both. Mr. Pixley said. The Irish and the Dutch Are bad enough ; But the Irish Are the worst of the two, or something to that effect, and regretted very much that he had to follow the Irish in making his effort The train moved on amid the shouts of the crowd and musk by the band. The excursionists remained over night in Salem, and on Monday morning were shown through the State buildings aad honored by the citizens of the city. At rortiand the party was received with open arms, and business men of the two metropolises si wok hands with each etter as if the event they were celebrating waa not the beginning of a fierce contest for the trade of the intervening country, The completion of the O & C andC If O begins a new era of prosperity for the North west, and It behooves her citizens to be tip and stirring for a share of the "boom" that is bound to strike us, and no place in the State has a better prospect of reaping by the event than Albany. The Portland paper have let loose their "dogs of war" on the Oregon Pacific, an institution that has done an Immense service for the Willamette Valley as well as the state generally, and when a Portland paper gets started there's Limberger cheese around The whole business shows spite work and jealousy. Portland Is just naturally afraid some other part of the state wilt also pros per. No railroad was eyer built under more adverse circumstances than the O. P. and the management is entitled to great credit for the amount of progress made. All rail roads sometimes get behind ; why not the O. P. Messrs. Hunt and Bennett should re member that they live in y enable glass houses when they seek to belittle this road. The smallest of all things yet is the attack on the Y equina bar in connection with the matter. The wreck of the "Y equina City" had nothing to do with the bar and Portland papers know this. The fact is they have long been watching for an excuse ; but the f resent will prove reacting. The Oregon ad fie will proceed next year with a rush, notwithstanding the present unpleasantness. From a paper that has helped itself to a many item as the Lebanon Enfrett has from the Democrat, one week recently using four or five articles bodily without credit, the little squib in the last issue of that paper waa very unkind. The Demo crat has not snnranrtalod any items in S ST Sr that paper or any other without credit It gets news though, the same as the Enfrett and other papers, wherever it can find iuand tells it in its own language, which is the case with Its "Postal Note" referred to. Brother Stine, remember the adage of the glass house, and also that brother newspa per men cannot afford to pick flaws in each other. Last Visit of 1887. Dr. Pilklngton's last visit this year will be made at Revere House, Albany, all day Wednesday, Dec 38th, 1887. Any person suffering with eye catarrhal, lung, rectal, nervous or chronic disease will be given a free examination and opinion by meeting him early on that day. A number of cases of consumption, (4 were given up to die,) chronic rheumatism, uterine and rectal dis ease, (all severe cases,) are getting well and can be referred to. Seal Rock Drawls. The drawing of Seal Rock property took h place Saturday, Dec. 8th. Following is list of those drawing $400 cottages : T. J. Black, Halsey, Emily Bottsford.East Portland, Benj. Bowman, Portland, Mrs, V. C. McKinney, Turner.R. P. Ear hart, Salem, C. A. Barlow, Oregon City, R. C. Redman, csalem, F. C. Baker, Salem, C. S. Jacobson, 8. F., J. R. Dawson, Portland, two, Lydia jsrasneid, aeal Kock, two. Holiday Good at French's. ANY PKKSON, man, woman or child can do better in buy ing groceries, provision, crockery, glass ware, lamps, 01 all Kinds, candy and nuts, tobacco and cigars, at our store, where they CAN SEE FOR THEMSELVES nat we nave a complete a stock as any f store in Albany, and in view of the fact J THAT fUDIaTM IB IM CAMTKn we have holiday goods that will please the old and young. Conn Bros. Immense Bargains. Standard white shirts, 85 tb Road overalls, 50 cents ; cents ; Boss of 4 pair of seam- leas seeks, 25 cents : regular price 4 for 60 cents, and ether bargains to match, at A. B. Mcll wain's. Beets sad Shoes. At cost by N. H. Allen & Co, This lin of their stock is very complete with very de t.irable good. Having taken great pains to get best wearing boot and shoe that could be bought, and Is a splendid opportunity to get your fall supply. Call early before sises are broken. Physicians p rescribe Avars SerapariUa is oases of scrofula, and in eyery form of chronic disease, oeeaoss this medietas is saier to take and is more highly coatoBsrated, than any other preparation. It oaa. always be de pended upon ae aa effective Wood purifier HONS AND ABROAD. Measles. e to Preach. Wheat, 05 coats. Milk is sosros in Albany. MERRY CHRISTMAS. French takes tbe eake for lew prioes. The bast harness at R L Thompson a. Proooh, the jeweler, keeps railroad time Sswsd ealf boots 812 at Lewis ft Hughes. H Kwert, practical watchmaker and jew alsr. Rubber goods at cost at N. H. Alien uo'i. J. P. Wallace. Physician aad ftarerasa Al baay, Or. If you want blankets go to Mnateith A Bsttenason. Bom elegant novelties for holidays at Fa. sbsy A Id ason's. If you want boots or shoes mo ta Moo - teith A Ssiteobech. If yea want the beat harness in the market go to J J Dubiuille's. Six shaves for a dollar aad a olcan towel to every customer, at The. Jones. Mr Hyde hae ssoved hie flab market into his bleek jaat west of Ferry Street. 7 0.ks euros rheumatism, neuralgia and toothache. Kosbay k Masosu Agents. Roys alwsys have a craze TO- taine-a. It is robber squawks in Albany now. Ugh . A first class steamer baa been oershased to take the place of theHYaqaiaa City." Razors honed, sot and out in order at Jones Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. F M French, agent Singer Manafaetarine ., opposite Odd Fallows Temple, Albeoy.Or. A baralaroas attempt to eater she reii. done of Mr Isaac Beam was made last nieht. Dr. M. H. Kills, physician aad sureooa Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or eaatry. Alt style of boot and shoe aad a Uras took of groceries is what we carry Red field A Brownell. The California exonrsioaisto returaed home Wednesday, carrying with them floe impres sions of Oregon. We take the cot, ths outtomsrs take the bargains, and the bargsia take the cake. Kednsid A Brown!!. A grand ssaeqasrade ball will be given at the North Brow as viils City Hall. Friday evening. Dee. 23rd, 1817. The room of Mr Williamson at the Raas Bene wee entered a few eight age aad sev eral articles ef clothing stolen. Fat chickens, turkeys and geese for Christ sa. at M Hydss. at his new market, test weal of Wm Fortatiller A Co'. Kvsry aasesmar will be a walking adver tuwmeat fer oar bargains when they see ear tea. Kodnetd m Hrewaeu. One of N H Allen ft Co s pria tickets good for 60 on a dollar worth ef goods parch seed at the new Second Hand store. Umbrellas at coatdon't lorcet that N H Alloa ft Co., have a fall stock of umbrellas which they wilt U at east ta close. A Sae line of goat's underwear sad fura tebteg geeds jest received at Me 1 1 warn win be sold at prioes that defy eceapetitea Got year holiday book at Foahay ft Ma' son s. Their stock is big aad ooataias the standard works and a welt the latest fiction. Another shipment ei ladies ios shoe in all width aad siaee just ta this week. Custom ere remark what perfect beauties. Red fie Id ft Browne!!. Bearding aad lodging 00 at Mrs Bells' restaurant at of Baker aad First Street, near Star Chiaeao cooks. Brewery. No Fsaaay ft Mesee took ef plash alba is a rrngwllaaat eae. Besides iocladiag all the novelties they are tbe the market. Jasttee Dorris a few days ago aaed Una county for fleO, Justice fees, and tbe 1 to be tried before Oeerge Humphrey, aa yesterday A little sou wf Mr Albert Haat. while play iog at tbe seheot hoes Wednesday, fell aad broke oae of hie arms. Dr Wetieoe set bene, Che Yeog aad Foog Long Die, the t Chinese marderere. of Portland, were Tharaday ef last week found guilty ef murder 10 ths Bret degree. Cools Toss's Cabia was played to this eity Taeeday evening by a wandering troop of aftssls to a small TbsgensrsI vsr diet was "s bilk.'' A big "tarksy shoot" was bald at Uncle George Hagbss, a mile beyond tb Calipooia bridge, last Saturday. About fifty of the bird wars captured. A Corvallis paper says 1 A wif ef Frank Lewis, tb foot racer, arrived ia Corvallis oa Monday, and at last seooaate, Mr Lewis bad left for parts uaknewo. The fias display of gold an I Mirer a F M Freneb's attract eeeasderable attoetsea aad large Bombers are availing taesssolves of a sbane ia his das prises offered. Tbe Pike Opera Company will be at Al bany oa January fash aad Mtb, whoa Jaaa ate Wise ton will be tbe attraction It will gi vs sn entertainment worth attending. Everything at the right ties. When yea bays ths catarrh, the right thing at tbe right tim is Warner's Leg Cabin Rose Crease. 90 catarrh remedy known. If yea went a stylish winter garment go to Mootettb fc Seitenlsseh, agents for Springer Bros, tailor ssade garments fer ladies, misses and children. Mr A Haokleman bss bad sarreysd 128 lots adjoining tbe city, whieb will be dianos ed of to the public, Mrs Elkins of Portland was ths first purchaser of a lot in this addi tion. Mill City is th name of a new teem in Linn ooaoty, situated at the j a notion of tb Oregon Pacific and ths North Santiam river. a IT ; kl I ft. I . ft .ft L . . m a Dig mm is Doing erected tnerc oy tne san tiam Lumbering Company. A toilet luxury in every respect. Aver s Hair Vigor never tails to restore th youth ful freshness asd color to faded aad gray hair. It also eradicates dandruff and pre vents the hair from falling. Ths fourth ohild of Mr T J Thornton, a boy nine years old.disd from diphtheria last Wednesday. This is probably the last of the oases from this disease. Mr Thorn tea ha three children remaining. A. B. Mollwaia has th largest and fines stock of carpets in A 1 baay, asw goods of the latest designs, a spleaaid stood to get a ear- pet from. Ssold at remarkably low prioes oonsidsring quality of goods. A man naiasd J C Johns has been in tb county, representing himself to be aa agent of Bancroft & Co., of San Prahcisoo, and re ceiving money on histories sold. He is ssid to have no authority nnder that firm. Messrs Foebay A Mason, druggistx srs selling Wisdom's Robertins wholesale and retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively th most perfect and harmless article of ths kiad in ths market. A private latter from Samuel Althooss from th logging oamp on ths Calipooia states that about 900,000 feet of logs bad been placed ig th Crsek, which bad risen sm ' . 1 . t m . a sumcMuwy w negro nosusg mem aown stream, Aa item ia ths Dbhocrat last weak head- ad "Broke His Hip" proved before complet ed to be on in ref srence to a broken collar bone. Suoh little mistakes occur with news papers as well as with individuals to remind us that we are all human. Mr S Young has oa of the most ingen- ius machines known in hi shoe room. It pots buttons on shoes nearly as fast as eno can tread a pedal, aad is a blessing to bach elors, old maids, married men and women and blushing maidens. A team belonging to Mt Stellemacker re siding near this city, ran away Tuesday. Considerable interest was taken in it en ac count of the effort mod by a man- on horse back to catch tb flying team, whioh he suc ceeded in doing in th eastern limit of the city, ae damage. To-day and to-morrow will occur the.big aohday trade in Albany, The fine stack aoods at Carter's jewelry store is attracting attention. If you bar not already bought ; call on him tor something elegant for a pres ent. Rob Morris, tbe Masonic poet and lectur er, lectured before Hasans of the third higher degrees is this eity last Friday, and ia the afternoon gave a talk to tbe College j atcdttfep ft exhibited leas coins 2S0O years ld sa wU a otar ourlositiss. Albany 1 at m . . . . psopie were mnoa pleased with him. For the baflt of parties holding tickets to the drawing at F M Freeea'i to take place Saturday, Deo. 31st, at 3 p. in. aad cannot be present, the winning number will be adertisad ta the papers Jan. 1818. AH are invited to be present who eao. Ws aie la receipt ef an enquiry from the O, A. R. Post at Albany concerning the whereabouts of two sbUdrsa, named respeot iyely, Alio and Fredrick Morton, whose fathsr disd some time last winter, and whe are now supposed to be Hying with a family by the name ef Smith somewhere la this vi cinity. They are wanted for the parpeee ef having paid to them the pension of their father, who was a Union soldisr daring ths war . -..Yaw, Newport. Last Tuesday a glass ball shoot far turkeys took place ou the island at ths mouth of ths Calipooia. There were nine eotrlee. Burr Sloan broke 84 and missed 1 : Bovaes Turn er. 30. missed 10 ; Wet Hebdriosoo. SI, miss ed, 8 l Freak Daonals, 18, missed, 8 j O A Archibald, 18, missed, 10 ; Harry Noel, II, missed, It 1 J W Kabaaks. 10. missed. 10 1 Watt Must teith. 8. misssd. 8 : John Iedy. a missed, A Barr Sioaa secured six out of ae tarksys. doing some remarkably fie hoetiag. He is undoubtedly ens of the best hots la Oregon. MRBOMAL AND SOCIAL. Mr Robert Foster, of Fort Stevens, is ia tk city. t P Barter, of Brownsville, was in theoity Friday. fee Clark left on Wednesday for Lee Ao g!s. Cel. 1 Morris aad W R Pries, of Sob. were ia theoity last week. i Wm Pfelffer, mail agent on tit N. O. west sts,tss speadiag ths holidays at heme. Mr 1 Mseker, was ia th eity ths first of the week with feet in s sling eaneed by aa onraly ate, Mr Frank T rites, who moved to Hartlnd, W. T. a few mono! ago. hae rein rued to Albany, to reside. Mrs Chsedie left last Wednesday for Cali fornia being called by telegraph to the siok bed of a daughter. Mrs naphrooia IsteL of Chicago, tister of Mr Joltoe (Jradwehi aad Mrs J oils Joseph, is ta the city spending the holidays. Mr Abe Haekiemaa left Albany yesterday for Price, Crook sweaty, where he will speed ths winter leaking after bis stock. Mr Joke Rogers, of this eity. left the first ef tbe week fee Kings Valley, Beaten county, sad will speed several week ia that county, Mr. John Edwards arrived ia Albany Wsdassdsr frees Crook county, oa bis way toOrawfordsvUle, where be will spend the Mr Rogers, editor of the 8a! em Lance, wee la Albany Saturday, Mr R. ia now running hi lane into the tasaa asylum ana neat Reek sale. Mr John OUhland, wif and two ebUdn a were ia Albany Satardav oa their way so Msaeetne ooaety, Cdifornia, on a sunt to a ia Albany Saturday oa their way to daughter who resides there. Mr L Htoart, rseeatly frees the Carolina, Bed est tbe Dsn sat Monday, aad seta good swear ale ta new comers by plaoiag hie aame oa oar net 01 sansjmswes. Mr El Hsmssash. ef Tall man, who was ia Albany Friday, informed as that another attempt had been raada to rob hie store, bat only a pair of glove were taken. J J Cefraa, Alfred SaUmaa aad F S Duval, three iaearaaee asaa. were ia Albany fer the purpose of marsh sling the asw Albany Company into tb Compact Th effort law not aaoosadsd yes. A private letter to this oflloe from Rev. J ao, California, safe that be ia not in very swed health, bet that tbe remainder of hfe family are well. He says that it ia a grand ae rcitgioo, no A TEACH Klt'S INKTlTt'Tt-. The Teacher's Institute met at Halsey, Friday evening, Dec 16th, pursuant to call The following program was carried out 1 Musk by the Orchestra of Halsey. Song by the Amateur Singing Club of Halsey. Address by J M Williams, "One of the Obstacles In the Way of a Better Educe ttjsb, Musk by the Oichestra. Bong by the singing club. Hemarka on -Education in the South, ' by Mrs Wilson, Musk by the Orchestra. Adjourned to meet Saturday morning. Doc, 17th. Called ta order by Supt. Reid. "Hew best to teach physiology and hy giene with reference to the effects of alcohol and tobacco," was discussed for sn . hour. Lack ef test-books among the pupils and also charts or manikins In the schools arc the principal obstacles ei tsssrher who teach by example and precept and not by tbe Ut ter only. Supt Reid stated that Smith's Physiology and Hygiene (two books) was adopted by the State for the use of smaller pupils. Many parents object to buying bejok for their children when they cost even bat a few cents, and grumble about the books being changed so often. Since he came to the State, thirteen years sgo, there had been but one change in the book of each of the common branches except in Gtmmar and history. In the latter there d been no change. Shall pupils be required to commit the rule of Arithmetic,' was very earnestly dis cussed. There were really no great dif ference among the teachers when they had explained their views clearly. Miss God lev, of Halsey showed with some of her class how she taught numbers to primary pupils. She also gave, with twenty three primary pupils, a class drill of ques tions and answers in physiology and hy giene. . The course of instruction was orig inal and the results admirable. Mr F 8 Fields gave the Institute a cordial invitation to be present at the depot to hear ihe drlvine of the last spike on the O & C railroad. Delays in the spike-driving de prived the teachers of being present at the orooer time. There was a short talk about the proper nmntmciation of unaccented a and the in reading.- They should be pronounced with tk inllawlnff word. Supt Reid said that thd author of the school readers with refer ente to these words was misunderstood by mmv teachers of the county Teachers enrolled I Sunt. D V 8 Reid and Miss Kate Price, of Albany ; Geo Russell. I M Williams. Misses Annie God lev and Olive Long, of Halsey ; J Fred Yntes. of Oakvllle ; L K Brooks, of Sweet Home ; I D Boyer and B" A Chiiders, of Brownsville ; Misses 8 M Lane, Llllle A Davis and Minnte Porter, of Shedds ; H W Herren, of Tangent, Although there was no program arranged in time for teachers to prepare themselyes, they readily took part In the discussions. The ladies deserve special praise in this respect Rev Wilson and Mr Thomas Holt, also participated. The next Institute is to be held at Shedd's the fourth Saturday of January, Evening session. -Music by the Orches tra. Sons bv the singing class. Discussion How shall we teach ortho graphy ? Solo by Miss Anna God ley. Recitation by Miss Nellie Jester. DiscussionShall grammar be taught in our oubllc schools ? A lively, but put up, discussion brought out many good points as to teaching the correct use 01 language. Music by the Orchestra. Recitation by Miss Grace Stafford. Son bv the class, "Whip-DCor-will." The report of the committee on resolu tions. B A Chiiders. Miss Anna Godley and J M Williams, thanking the M E Chuch for the use ot tnetr Dunuing,anu ine urenc- tra and 8inging Class for music was sdopt- of ed. Music bv the Orchestra. SuoL Reid. in behalf of the teachers warmly commended the audience for w . . . . . .a . a 1 excellent order and attention, ana nospruu ity extended to the teacher and friends o and eductaton. Benediction by Rev. Wilson. H, W. Hkrkon, Secretary CLIPPED DISPATCH El, Sam Bb'KNA vKNTURA,Cal.,Dec. 16. The town Council last night passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of all liquors in the city of Ventura. Six months is given to the twenty-seven saloons to sell out. San Francisco, Dec. 16.--W. C. Mon tague, of Lebanon, Or., has been appointed postal clerk, vice G. F. Gayit, whose term expired on the postal line between Dayton, W. T and Umatilla, Oregon. Baltimore, Dec. 16. Oca. Samuel W Smith, aged 88, died last night in this city He was Secretary of state and of the tress ury during the administration of Thomas Jefferson. Ottawa, Dec. 16. The number of Im migrants arriving in Canada from January 1st to November 10th Is 138,000, compared with 309,00s for the same period of last year. The number of passengers to the United States from Canada during the same period was 65,000. San Francisco, Dec. 16. A controversy Is going en between the C kronicl and the Enaminr as to whether the Examiner' m new Hoe press can print, fold and deliver more eight -page paper per hour than both of the Chronicle 1 presses combined. That the Em a mi net believes its press can accomplish this I shown by It wager to that effect of any sum of money the CkrtmkU may name,aajd sum to go to charitable Institutions. Tbe Chronicle has accepted the offer, and lays $15,000 that the Examiner' $ claim is not good. The latter has already placed its $-5,000 in the Nevada bank. The condi Bona, as proposed by the Una miner, are : Trial to take place within thirty days after the EaanUnr press shall be declared In good running order, to which the Chronicle adds that the copies must be legible, and the win ner shall name the charities to be benefitted by the trial. The Chronicle hacked out Arlington, Or., Dec 18, Robert Rec ord, the young men who fell overs cliff of rocks near this city Tuesday night, while coming from wots In the dark, died last evening about 8 o'clock from the injuries received. His skull was badly fractured near the cerebellum, and inflammation set in, hastening his death. The funeral took place her to day, and his remain will be taken to Salem, where hi mother resides,1 for interment. Washington, Dec. 17 The Secretary of the treasury proposed to reduce expenses In various customs districts of the' United States so as to effect an annual saving of over 100,000 in the next fiscal year. The customs services In the large cities Is not to be disturbed, but at smaller points, where, the expense of collection eaceed greatly the revenues collected, sapenees vrillbe re duced sa far as possible. For example, at hmplre City, Or , It cost during the last fiscal year $3338 to collect the revenue amotrnting to only 60 cents. Next year tne expense of collecting the revenue at this point will be only $1093, a reduction of 3i5 i ne cost of collecting customs st Humboldt Bay during the fiscal year were $3188, to collect SafJSi . The cost next year of gathering the revenue In tins district will be $70. It cost $1357 to collect seventy cent of customs revenue st Y quina for this year ; next year the cost will be $1019. Lincoln, Neb., Dec 18. A party of four young men living together at a boarding house at Fremont, in emulation of cowboys, dressed In cowboy costume aad visited s photographer. On their return to their room, one of the young men named Young was amusing himself, nourishing a revolver in a reckless fashion, when it was discharg ed, the ball hitting one of Ms companions, Ellas Leshure, directly in the tight eye. The young man dropped from the bed upon which he was sitting a corpse upon the floor. Richmond, Dec atVA vote for United States Sengtsi- to succeed R Idd leberger was taken in the general assembly to-day, witn the following result : Senate -Hon. John S Barbour, 36 1 Gen William Mahooe, 13. House Bsrbour. 61 ; Mahooe, 35. The formal announcement of Barbour's election will be made to-morrow, in joint session of the two houses. CURBEXT EVENTS. Smith and Kilrsin fought 1O6 rounds last Monday, tne ftgm rmrtlmj. in a draw. Charles W James has beam appointed t'ostmaster at Baker City. Tne spike driven by Manager Crocker on the completion of the road to California was of pure gold and was the one used In 1S76 on the completion of the road from Ban Francisco to Los Angeles. Only about otc half of the freight on the "Y equina City" was saved. FsaSrtsg Is sae Mas af Past Alkaar, Lsaaseeat, to ft" Alfis. C t ttarsaav, D Lssasrd, H Was aatsulss. Mrs P A JaciklBa. Mrs I W Msaaf.tmtslt Morgan, Waa sttnsrsaslMswBsoB O-stoma, Jassss SSirll.s, Miss Mary roaRasaa, Oaa I D Yoeagftae patesar) a, TOOMFSOX. T. 1 MeAtthur. O ssr& vk fM witness Wasrf.QsoF Holiday A splendid lin of confectionary fee the holiday trad at Huffman it PfeuTr's. Be sides the standard oandiss they have a large stock of fancy goods, snob as eaody apples, oreagea, animals, sea, Oet year confection ary of a bona institattea,Dsetdse svsryt&iog is frsablv mad, eooataauv repisnianae rroea the firms candy factory, adr ths oharg ef an ox part workman. Also fruits, in thrtr nuts, ete. s MARRIED. CALDWELL PUGH. On Dec. 14th, 1887. in Spokane Falls, W. T- Ma. S. C. Caudwsll and Miss Mary Puoh, the latter of Shedd, Or. SMITH REKDKR. Oa Dc 20th. 1187, in Albany, by Goo. Humphrey, Esq., Ma. Taos, Siimt and Miss Ranee OA RsEoxn bath of II al soy. DIED. OAR RE rT. On Sunday, Dec 18th, 1887, In Albany. AaciiiK. son ot Kooert iar- rett, aged 3 years. f Archie was a freouent visitor to the 1. Democrat office, his bright little counten ance and pleasant ways appearing as sun shine around the Democrat corner. The hrmvMl familv have our sympathy in their loss. the lumber monopoly. We can furnlah to builders and contractors, rough, clear or finishing 5 on short notice. This lumber is cut from th best yellow fir, rafted from tne cele brated MoKinsle timber regions ana mean lectured it Coburg. Any quantity oan be furnished at Albaar at low prices, It needs no recommendation as to quality. CEDAR POSTS, BOXING LATH. PICKETS, and lumber of all kinds on our yard con stantly. Don't order without seeing or hearing trim US, we win mmjm jruw money. HAMMJclK UKUS., Spicer, Linn Co., Or. Bstray Notice, Notice is hereby given that I have this dav duly anoraisedan estray horse taken BROKE, LUMBER bv Geo. W. Gray st his farm near Oakville in i.inn county, aaia norse is aescnucu . . . . 1 t 1- 1 - st a follows : One brown horse about IK hands hieh. fou r or five years old, a portion the - of the hair of the tail Imving apparently been cut square off near thtf end of the tail bone The mane is also quite short, having been cut or rubbed off. No visible marks or brands. Appraised at $30. F, A. Watts, Tustlce of the Peace for Shedd Precinct 1 LtQuUra Hlock Holiday Goods is the absorbing topic of the day. For variety and quality it is unsurpassed, It contains what you want. Stop on your way from the Postoffice and see his line of ELEGANT ALBUMS, TOILET 8ET8, HOLIDAY BOOKS, PURSES, DIARIES, FANCY NOVELTIES; ETC., ETC. It takes an inspection to understand the situa tion. WANTED That the public at Foshay k Have tbe Isigest aid BOOKS AND FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS That hae ever bean displayed in Albany and at extremely low prices. Look Through Our stock and you will be oonvioesd what Stewart -DEALERS IN- HARDWARE Iron, Steel Goal land Chain. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS,! BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE ANI CORDAGE, SILVER firm? I H H UI DDL STEWART & SOX. DBS. DARRIN REMOVED. On Deostabsr 90th, their offices frets 149 Front Street to 235 Fifth S treat, opposite ths Court House. A life fer a day is often ths penalty of d lay ia seeking some healing influence for dis- Tina and oppoitunity are life, if at the orooer moment ana oy me proper mean. 1 . they are seised. Disease is decay, and decay is death. Diseases and decay and death may - be ayerted ana me man nngns no joyous . . ,w . .... . . through that occult power possessed oy net ew. known popularly as animal magnetism and electricity, The most noted dumpies thismetaed ar Vrs. Uarna, 01 roiwaoa, &twMit whom already in this naner. hare an . -umi.i. 1 uwm j , . --, Dr. Damn an be found st '30 nftn aim nnnmiLi ttiA fiflnrt HnuM. MRir Mm and Fifth streets, fortlaad. alter V ember 20th. uircuiars sens iree w suy wunn. a vu. l , M. M X 1 J ,11 bl Chronio Due, Usataess, ui.iajrrn, VWkfnl TnAiaaratien and Loss of Msnhood t. sated by entirely new methods.. Office hours from 10 a. m. to 0 p. m. ; eyenicgs 8 j Sundaes 10 to 12. T H An. nt th Tint T)rmn. nf Pnrfc- AsnUU W ASA W BSW l vvvunsen asvye" w T"P lis. Or., Dee, 87th, 28th and 29th only, after that time at th head offlee in fortiani. Hotice to Road Supervisor , te$rj Road Supervisors are requested to in clude in then? annnal report the tools be lonelna to the county in their Koai Dis up tricts, and also the condition of tbe road: ia their respective districts, aad about what amount of lumber will pro bat) y be needed fox bridges therein next season, And any person knowing of any l imber bain sr narobased at County expense by any Supervisor aad not used upon bridges gentlemen can select from the latest line apon the public roads will pleasi take of samples direct from San Francisco. Fall interest enough in county affairs to report and winter suits, and pants, cut and made tbe aame to tie County Court, that we in the latest style, below cost Cleaning : . . . 1 - .1. ' , 1 . . . . . may in vesuapua ne awjw, e, Oi wauTiijiT, vouuty juuge, of bttld know that Mason, beat aaeortment of we mj if trot. & sox, BARBED WIRE,! BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES POWDER AND SHOT, BLASTING AND GIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS, GARDEN AND GRASS SEEDS.1 X Out Saws, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THS FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT ALBANY, IN THE STATE OF OREGON, At ths dose af business, Daeesabsr 7th, 1887. Mesesuees t Loans and discounts. .... 1 .. a J $157831. 5S IUIW1UHK m. a twuxu to 1n. :,. " ISSS-SS 20000.00 26.0 100.18 8808,11 3318.7 8008-52 2078.00 S.S32.50 bon mortaegW." 1 uua nun aunmvan 1 stem 1 1 11 nonta j Duo from otW National Banks... uutmmHuteRtnl. .mt k.w p, runutuTk d ai" I expenses ami taxes paid. l i; "it-Tr;- of ajjjsolother Sabs.. " "ZZ1ZZ lsrtM 78.10 rracuonaij paper currency, nicklas aad eeeta 14.01 - lapeoie..... 33881.59 irno..... mM i Ksaempuon runa with U . 8. Treasurer rT percent of circulation.) nfl ewtw.ia Liabilities i ! .... uspiuu stock paid in surgmsfumi SOMOO 1 ynu'iuoa pronia 8330.SS I fnXK S IO Demand certificates of deposit 1S77.M Due to State Banks and bankers 481 .43 1 j Stats or Oaaoos, Oocstt or Lars,- I, Geo. E. Chamberlain, Cwhier ot the above ed bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. QSO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Csehier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day ef December, 1887. T. J. 8T5TES, s.) Notary Publk. CoRKBCT Attest : L. FLINN, 1 WALTER E. TURRELL, V Directors. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, j Fine Tailoring. Gentlemen can select from the latest line ana repairing promptly auenued to. McLaughlin, tail