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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1887)
Wkt mmt PRKJ'ARIHU FUiw III,. vHIWlU.V At will be tten in another column the chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee haa called a meeting of that hod fee he held in Portland, January nth, t one o'clock p. ra., to fix the time and place for holding the next Democratic State Conrention. This calls to mind the fact that county conventions will have to he held earlj In the spring te elect dele gate to that convention and to nominate candidates for county officers. Sometimes two conventions are held,one to elect del gstss to the State Convention and one to nominate candidates for count officers. The Countv Central Committee will de termine the matter. While next veer's election In this state Is not important, In Itself, yet,as bearing upon the presidential election It is most important, and It be hooves democrats to be ready for the pre Idential conflict, as it will be a hot con test. To that end democrats of Linn coun tv should forget, or, at least, lav aside, all past differences and close up their ranks lor the contest. It Is just as well to say here and now that, for some years, there hae not been that harmony among demo crats of the county which is so essential to success. The causes of such differences re various, and it is not necessary to re capitulate them here. It would not be out of the way to say here that many dem ocrats ascribe the cause of many of these differences to the manner of conducting onr county conventions. Often men have been defeated for nominations who, from promises of support, were led to rest se cure in their success, and th-se men be lieved, and yet believe, that some delegate proved unfaithful to them, but as the cus torn has heretofore been to vote by ballot there is no way of detecting this unfaith fulness. Since our last Democratic Con vention of two years ago.many democrats of the county have suggested that the vot leg In the county convention should be vlve voce and not by ballot, so that every democrat might know how every delegate votes on all candidates. We have long been convinced that this is the proper way to vote in democratic conventions. No democrat ought to be afraid to name his choice for any office. If it were under stood that the voting should be vlve voce, more representative independent delegates would be sent to the convention. What do democrats of the county think of this matter t Our columns are open for dem ocrats to briefly express their views on this question. "PHILADELPHIA TIMES." We have been a close reader of this pa per for a number of years and have no hesitation in saying to the readers of the Democrat that It Is an excellent family paper. 1 1 U Independent i n that sense that It owes no allegiance te any political party, hence it discusses all the political ques tions of the day both fearlessly and ably. It has all the facilities of collecting news from all parts of the globe, and it does its work well. The coming year will be one of universal public interest in the United States. Party organs will perform their duties as party interests shall demand, but the rapidly growing intelligence and In dependence of the age c!U tVr the inde pendent newspaper when great political conflicts are to be met. Grave problems of revenue, of finance, of commerce, of in dustry, of science, of art and of every phase of enlightened progress are in con stant course of solution by the people of the Union, and the progressive newspaper Is ever in the lead in every struggle for advancemen .. Terms.the Sunday edition, 16 pages, handsomely illustrated, $2 per year. Weekly. $i. Daily, $3 per year. $1 for four month. Address all letters to The Times, Chestnut and Eight Street, Philadelphia. STATE fKNTCAL ntMMITrEK. To the Members of the Democratic State Central Committee of the State of Oregon : Notice is hereby given that s meeting of the Democratic State Centrsl Committee for Oregon will be holden In the city of Portland on January 1 tth, 1888, st the hour of 1 o'clock r. m.. for the pur pose of naming time snd place for holdin the State Convention and for such other business as may properly come before the Committee. B. Goldsmith, Chairman. Considering the fact that it was on Sab bath evening, snd 9 o'clock st that, the demonstration on the occasion of the ar rival of the Cslifornia excursionists was s complete success. Everybody felt elated stehe connection of Cslifornis snd Ore gon by rsil. A very Isrge crowd, 500 or more, collected st the depot snd listened to speeches by Mayor Weatherford, Col. Crocker, John P. Irish, editor of the San Francisco Alia, and Frank Pixley, of the Argonaut. The dept Snd other buildings were illuminated by Chinese lsnterns and bonfires, and the crowd was in a hilarious ly good humor. It is an important event in the history of the state. Whst do fsrmers think of the position Of the Disseminator on the surplus ques tion. It would reduce the surplus by spending the money in vsrlous appropria tions, rather than by reducing the taxes of the people. Suppose we hsd s surplus of money in the county treasury. Would we reduce the surplus by hunting out some new place or way to spend it, or would we reduce it by reducing the rate Of taxation ? Nine out of every ten men In the county would say reduce the taxes. This would be sensible and just what we ought to do in the general government. The Superior Court of Kennebec coun ty, Maine, has decided the state lew that makes the payment of the United States special liquor tax prima-facie evidence thst the party paying it is a saloon keeper snd selling liquors to be unconstitutional. This, so far as liquor dealers in Maine is concerned, is an Important victory for them, as the fact of payment of the special tax was always easily proved. The associated press tells us thst Cleve land has a plan to carry Oregon at the next June election. This is to be done by fed eral interference. This is one of the thou sand snd one associated press lies thst is sent out from time to time to stem the tide of public opinion that sets so strongly in favor of Cleveland. Let every democratic paper in the state denounce this imperti nent interference in politics by the asso elated press. WILL YOU SUFFER with dispepeia and liver complaint ? Hhiloh's Yltsllsor is guaranteed to cure you, IT DODUKD. Last weekas our readers Will remember, we put the following questions to the Disseminator : Will the Disseminator tell us what free trade Is t la it In. favor of reducing the surplus new In the treasury of the United States, and If so how would it reduce it r Would it natke the reduction bv making iberal, extravagant appropriations t Or, would It reduce the surplus by removing the tax from whisky and tebacco.or would It make the reduction In whole or in part by reducing the war customs tax upon the poor man's clothing, blanket, coal, lumber, salt and other necessaries of lite f 1 nese are burning questions, and farmers, me- chanics,merchants,laborers and others are seriously inquiring about them. Will the ssmmmmtor give its views on them r We stated that It would dodge the first question, and our mind was not at It dodged It entirely. We are loth to be lieve It ; but the evidence Is conclusive that It fears to answer. The question Is perfectly fair, for it very frequently uses the term "free trade." So we ask our neighbor again, what free trade Is ? Its readers have a rlirht to know what It means by the term "free trade. in ans wer to ous other questions, the Dissem inator discloses the fact that it Is in favor of reducing the surplus In the treasury mot by reducing the burdensome trnmrnftm which mow bears seJkeavHy om the fefle, but by fmttimg tkt wits of Congressmen to work to Jimd m place mnd manner of spending the vast sums which we are now collecting above what Is necessary to run the gov arnsnent. This, then, is the relief which our cotemporary offers to the poor man in the workshop, the farmer.thtt mechanic and the great army of wage workers of the country who are doubly taxed on al the necessaries of life. The Oissemimator would maintain the advantages in favor of monopolies growing out of war taxes instead of reducing: these taxes and thus relieve the great mass of the people this great incubus that has rested on them since the war. The DastocasT would take exactly the opposite course. It would expend what Is justly demanded to run the government and meet its obligations to soldiers justly entitled to pensions, and would then relieve the overburdened tax oarer bv reducing: taxes to a point that WW w would prevent the accumulation of an un necessary surplus. Just how and upon what articles this reduction should be made must be left to the assembled wisdom and concerted judgment of Congress. Owing to the manifold conflicting interests in volved in a revision of the tariff, coupled with a proper reduction of is clear that the measure or bill must be based on a compromise, but two objects should be kept steadily in view, that of reducing the surplus and relieving the overtaxed people of the war taxes on the necessaries of life. To this end the free list must be enlarged by including such articles as lumber, coal salt, all the ores, such as iron, copper, xinc and lead, marble, stone, hemp, jute and many other raw materials raised la the manufactures In this country. The duty on sugar and wool will doubtless be reduc ed at least one-half, and, as a compromise, we expect to see the tobacco tax removed. After all this is done, there will still be left enough to meet the payment of such pensions as should be granted and meet the requirements of our navy. The Dis seminator J pleased to note the fact that the editor of the Demockat Is trying to inform himself upon this subject of reduc tion of surplus and taxation, and requests us to plate wlial WO Im" irtm ( in our hat. We would cheerfully comply with this request were it not for the fact that we would never be able to find It again, owing to the infinitesimal character of the information gained, but we shall find ample room for this precious knowl edge in one corner of the garret of a hab itation mode from a plgmean mustard seed where it will be hermitlcally kept for the benefit of future generations. EUREKA Our neighbor, the Dissemi imato the last, found s way to reduce the the tressury of the United Stat maintain the high war taxes upo burdened people. ThU is the 1 elusion our neighbor hss reacned HO would have the government spend untold millions in building reservoirs ail along the slope of the Rocky mountains on both sides for the purpose of holding the waters from the melting snows, preventing the dangerous and destructive annual over flows in our great rivers snd reserving the waters for the irrigation of the rich but arid plsins on the slopes of the mountains While this protect Is the product ot a mighty mind, we think it lacks complete ness. As.for instsnce.suppose the owners of these rich but srid lsnds hsd not suffi cient money to fence them, or thst they would find themselves unsble to compete with fsrmers in the Mississippi Valley, would it not be exactly In line with the protective theory to "bonus" them enough money to build their fences ? To add this to our cotemporary 's plan would make the project the perfection of human wisdom, and yet we would cheeerfuliy consent that the Disseminator should have sll the credit for the discovery of this great panacea for the ills of an overflowing treasury. Our republican friends East need no longer be puzzled about finding a way to get rid of the surplus in the treas ury. The Ashland Tidings tells its readers that Cleveland said he would serve only one term as president if elected. Shame on the newspaper that would stuff its read ers with such s glaring untruth. This lie has been disproved a score of times Snd yet the adherents of Blsineism continually repeat it. A Ksoek Down. $5 to $10 cheaper than to Portland : Up bolstered rockers, the finest stock ever in Al baoy. Wicker chairs in almost sndlees vari ety, fine enough for sn Alderman to sit io. All kinds of chairs. Twenty-two varieties of wicker chairs alene, 14 of rockers. Elegant snd substantial goods. Fancy baskets, stands, etc., thst make customers ssy st sight. "I'll Use one.". No finer holidsy presents csn be imagined. Bof.-is snd bed lounges in many designs, sod beds and bureaus ;a new and stlractivs makeups. Novelties too. See them. Goods cams knock down from the Easf, snd will be sold st knock do era prices. Bought lew. Do not piss Wui Kttrtmiller & Co furni ture store without finding oat for yourself. Hats sad Caps At cost to close. N. II. Allen & Co., pro pose to sell every line ol goods at cost. Call early and secure bargains. ' e Thrifty people will appreciate our values and prices. Bsroiexj) & B bow 3 six, Goods at Cost, N. II. Allen St Co., have concluded to 1 out of business, having electric light business on the brain. He will sell his en tire stock at ooet and there will be a splen did opportunity to get your winter dress goods at cost Oelt early while the stock Is avapiete. oon t forget the piano anu or gan which will be given away on Jan. 1st as I ad y ertueu . Crowded, The store of Monteith & Seitaobaoh is erowdsii with seasonable and fashionable goods, their lias of dress goods, fac.y goods. and cloaks are immense and if you destreto please yourself gt ye them a eall . Kaln or Sassslss. Oregoauuis like the rales of wiutsr, Sun shiue is good in its pi toe. and so is rain. Working together they are powerful auents in tke prosperity of a country. Magnineont wheat erops ; large potato yields ; tine fruits, seek aa apples, pears, prunes. eio,, and an unsurpassed stock of groceries and produce at Wallaces Thompsons, who, rain or sun shine, are up with the times, if not ahead of them. Bee their fine stock of goods. FOR DliPlPSlA and Ler Com pi tint you nave a printed guarantee on every bottle oTSbllob' Vital Ixer. It never mils to cure, For lame bank, aide or cheat, use 8hl loh's Porous Plaster. Prion 36 cent. SHI LOU'S COUGH and Consumption Core la sold by ue on guarantee. It cures consumption. The Meet Agreeable aa welt ae the moot effeotlve method of dispelling Headaches, Cold and Fevers, or oleoaaTng ot system, is by taking few doses of Figo. 50e. nod $1 bottles for sale Posh ay fc Mason. Mcltwsis's Clothing. Mcl'waiu a fall sod winter stock of cloth ing- ts arriving. It include th latent sty Irs j sml is commencing attentive. Bee Jus Chin chilla ooats. Pine stock to seleet from. All goods warranted as rep resented and perfect ots guaranteed. Being Here Pteassat To the -taste, more acceptable to the stomaeb. and more truly bennficial In Ho ctton, the Cam jus California liquid fruit remedy, syrup of Pigs, Is rapidly super seding ajt others, Try 11. b warranted, 1 because It is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively euro all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, snd thoroughly builds up the ooustitutkm. Remember, wo guarantee it. Um Pry eeoos. The fell sad winter stock of dry goods received st Mellwain's, is a large eso. well selsetid. embracing all the latest novelties. sod is qotottty sod of s quality not surpass ed here. Do not bay without examining. Dent lot that cold of yours ran on. You think It Is s light thing. But It may run into Catarrh. Or into psmBsnonis, Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonls is dsngereo. Coosa notion Is death itself. Too breathing apparatus moot bo kept healthy and clear of all obstructions sod offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble shead, All the dissasss af these part, head, threat, bronchial tube sad langs 1 delightfully and entirely cured bv the use of Bosobco'e Gorman Myrup. If you don't knoso this already, thoussnds snd thousands of people can mil you They have boon cored by t, snd kno7 how H h. themselves." Bottle only w cent. Ask any druggist. The fbaeg rspher. Albsar, Or I bsve all too sgstivos taken by bsve all the Resistive tasen bi ,lt oatos from their negatives by add us, st 1L0 foi lowing price : Card site, 2 per doaon. cabinet sue. S3 per dossu. nou doors, 96 per doaon. I keep the finest lino of Oregon views in too wees, cata logue furnished on sppliwstlon Copying snd ooisrgtog old ptcturos a specialty J. fl. Cos 'v, Mng Pains, relieved Soother. orphiao. Bom by hat yon ppetU. jpepsi Prie 10 snd 76 oenta per Uu , CATARRH OU RED, health aad swe breath OfMiired. by ShilohU Cs'srrb K-a ertj. Price SO eon's. N1 Injector free The Very ess. 4te6eMovcMu-. I bays added to cry boot and shot stock s line of the celebrated Laird, Schober ft Mitchell, Philadelphia me hot tor ladies, Hisses snd children. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be the beet value and est fitting fine shoe made. Widths C, D, K, aud EE. A child can boy ae obssp aa a man. SsatUaxE. YOOKO, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. rx w w Of the good thing of this VoA-AVYj Ufe M aorrowfajiy 1 alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on s positive guarantee at 25 snd 60 cents, by THAT HACKINu COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. We guarantee It. CROUP. W HOOPING COUGH snd Shi- Bronchitis immediately relieved by loh's Cure. Where to Boy Carpet. Mouteith A Seitenbaeh have the largest and prettiest stock of carpets, oil cloths, window blinds aad wall paper ever brought to the Valley, and are offering them st s bargain. Persons desiring snything in this Hoe should give them s call. X gsrn vO a Blood Elixir Is the only tW-YY Blood Remedy guaran teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purine the whole system, and banishes all Kheumstio snd Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. Albany Market. Wheat 65c, OsU SSc Batter SO cts per lb. Eggs 80 cent per dor. Kay-14,0. Potateeo9 cts per bushel; Beer on foot, 2c. Apples 76 cents per bu, Fork 00 per lb. dressed. Bacons hams, 123c, shoulders, 7c. sides 10c Lard ltlc per lb. Flour 4.80 per bbl. Chlckene 2.60 per doz. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton aborts, 16. middlings, 20. Chops, 20 s T(kV trifle with any Throat or , Lung Disease. If you have o Cough or Cold, or tho children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy ana prevent farther trouble, salt lis a positive cure,' and wo guarantee H, Price JO and 60a "WSsssssaOsssassf y Us &QaD& 1 fflsKt J L Hockett is repslrln f the Vanderpool property In Sodaville, Mr Clark is going to have singing school here every Friday at a o'cl ck. There will be a ehristmso trcd here. Our school has closed. , R Fisher does a fslr busmess In his gro cery store. Mlti. -gpF. James Cogle is digging a well on his place here. We have had quite stormy weather late- i h prr 1 j 1 1 1 - f ' i MaaUs Underwear. I have received my new stock of muslin underwear. These goods are mads on s loek stich machine, sad warranted to be full six sod length sod price roseoasble. zusitrn. S. Yootfo, fisasl Absolutely Pure. boo s splendid sssortmeot of goods for too Holidays. W two solsrtlrin of BOLD 1ID SILTEP. WiTOUH, DUIOHDS, ETC., IN. New assortment all kinds of Jewelry REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. ALSO SPECTACLES, OLOCXS, ETC., pro. GROCER TOBACCONIST, Nest to Burkhsrt & Kecney's Real Estate office. ALBANY, OREGON. . Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City. Or. 1 December 16th, 18ST. Notice Is hereby given thst Mi fellow log-named settlor has filed notice of tie intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sold proof will bo mod i before tho County Judge or Clerk of ttnn county, Oregon, st Albany, or , on . sfssssUry, pebraery . tSSS, eta : George W Miller, Homestead Bo try No 6SS9, for the W H of H W U snd H W Iff OfS WHi BOO. 14. Tp I8H It Z tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, snd ou titration of. said land, vis : N. B. Conn, of Albany, nnd J. If. Zoo men end J. V Combe, or Brownsville sua 0. Jr. By ires tor, of ttodevllls, Or. w. t. Kuan ST, Jfs 4r; s?i4ftJP e, Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) December 16th, 187. Notice is erebr air en that toe fellow- laaaamed settler has fl.ed notice of hie lotioi intention 10 make final proof In support of his claim, sad thst said proof will be nade before the County Judge or Clerk of JUioa county, Or,, at Albany, Oregon, on TaesOey, February ttst, IS, viz : John Boone. Homestead Entry No. 4640, for the S E of Sec. 34, Tp. 0, 8 K 2 E W M. He name tbe following wit- to prove hie continuous residence upon, nd cultivation of, sstd land, viz : H. F. Bodeker. Mrs, 1. M. Clinton, James Berry snd I. N. Brthorton,of Fes Valley P. O., Linn county, Oregon. W. t. ucawar, Register. Notice for Publications Land Office at Oregon City,' Or. ) December 20th, 1887. Notiee is hereby given thst the following ns ned settler hss Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be mads before the Cmnty Judge or Clerk of Lmn eeunty, Or., st Albany, Or., on Friday, Mareb Sad, IS, viz : John Garrett, Homestead Entry, No. 47 .17 for the 8 s et 8 W and Lots 1 and 2, 8e. 28 and 33, Ts. 13, 8 R 2 W.'WiUara - t a Meridian. Ha names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on, sad cultivation of, said land, via ; F M H -aring. John Warren, John Rebbsn and D PI tonnstt, all of Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. fitjaxxr, Register, 6,000.000 people m CO. to ba th n.SLrKHaracoi lUaaknias, nnrt. BCD ANNUi for isss wSllkssftsBsS HI TO At nyaiu KMC n,Fls EEDS Pa Rph &CO.,Detre tMtOffc POWDER sFajS MOs9 9sMamlm1iafsi PtateaWesJft B'sSa?Bsy saVMealaafsmto Of fbW smH tbWr SmmmuiSSemVamXmS!, leTwaSsv! H. EWERT, JULIUS OSEPH Me i a AfaSsaBSSc ML ASSWai FERRY 1 THE Poersr of tuft d l)ar can noyet bo trnly known until you visit Walloon ft Thoap son s jtors, and. invest few of them in groooriae, produce, sto. Yo wi t then Bod that on l.svt the POWER to make on dollar go as far as a dollsr ms! talk, it bsi boon p xvod by prsoli'os. II is tbort you will loam OP bargaioe that will give yon a thrill of w wroop-rs, to woria la ganrl, THE Purchasing toner of tb dollar ia not turn for it, Hay quality must also be . , at .a.. mm m. . m appy enmnioauoo and give yon both. you many a NOTHING BOOKS AND FINE STATIONERY FOR Holiday H. J. Jones, nst to tba now Flinn foost stock io Albany. Also a splendid albums, ink 'stands, pens, pencils, musical instruments, at. DO YOU WANT BARGAINS. THEM j. 13. iviciiwam where 70a osn sat tbe rery beat la mloto and qosUUea, His stock of Drsse Goods consisting of DRESS GOODS, LAWNS. GINGHAMS, ETC., 1 unsurpassed. ' BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash or produce taken, snd prices given that defy competition. Notice fox Publication, Land Offio at Oregon City, Or. December lath, 1887. Notice is berebv stives that lb fellow Ing named settler bss died notice of his intention te make Anal proof In support of bis cisim. snd thst said proof will be made before tbe County Jongs or uiera or Linn county, Or, at Albany, Or., on Pebraary Slat, is. I, Rum V. RiMitakar. Ssmsatcad Bo- try No 4679 for the NEi, Sec. 4 Tp. 19 KiiK, wiiiBmeue asenaiau. ai uiua tho following wltnsoaea to prove hi con tinuous residence upon, and culuvstlou of, Uiul. la Jrhn ltaan. lira. liana If. Clinton, T. W, Oardnsr and James Berry, of Fox Valley P, O. of Linn county, Or. w. 1, sysnsT, Regteter. Notice for Publication, Land Offio st Oregon City, Or. ) December, 16th, 1887. J Notice 1 brby given thst tbe follow ing named settler has filed notice of her intention te make final proof in support of her claim, and that aald proof will be made before the county j ooge or uiers 01 Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or,, on Wednesday, February St ad, lssa. vis ; Irene M, Clinton, Homestead Entry No. 4641. for the N K i Sec. 2, Tp. 10, 0 K 3 E WHlsmette Meridian. She names the following: witnesses to prove her oontin nous residence upon, snd oultivstlon of, sail land, vis : H. F, Bodeker, John Dosn. James Berry and I. N. Brotherton. of Fox Valley, ?. O., Linn county .Oregon . W. T, BUSK T, Register. Rotioe for Publication, Land Office at regon City, Or. ) December lBtb, 1887. J Notice is herebv aiven that tbe follow ing named settler hss filed notice of her Intention to make final oroof In suoDOlt of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or., at Albany, Or., 00 Tuesday, February SSth, 1SSS, vis : Paebc Hum pie by, widow of George Ham pie by, deceased, woo msae Home stead Entry, No, 4644, for the N W H ef Sec S, Tp, 10, 8 HI E, Linn county, or. She name the following witnesses to prove her oontlaoeus residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: H. F. Bodeker. John Dosn, Jsmes Berry snd I. N, Brotherton, of Fox Vslley, P. O., Linn county, Oregon. W, T. BtJS.SET, Register. In uttccestful operation sine 1866, patiroaissd bore Hi sections 01 ta ortnwsst, eaaorsae oy buiu men a ncT leading educators. THE HOST PERFECTLY SOUIFPID SCHOOL of iu cla on th Coast, it cfifen private or class instruction, day snd evening throughout the year, is Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Book-keeping. Banking, Shorthand.Type-writing, Business ind Legs) Forms aad all Common School Branches. StudenU o( all age aad both sexes admitted, at any time. Catalogue free. Armstrong and Wcseo, Proprietors. snd a half used to. This is no theore pleasure and make yon fosi on good terms and Wallace A Thompson in particular. olwav known bv tho anantltv aaoured in there. Wallace k Thompson make a .a. .a y Uiv them a trial and tboy will save iT.T.AT?. EQUAL TO Presents. block. Alboar. Or., ha the larenat and Una of Dhotooranh and sutoanh GO TO OsH 00 biro for your TAKE NOTICE. To whom it may concern : I have sold snd disposed of all property which I hare heretofore owned In the 8tte, Alt parties having claims against me must present them tor payment within thirty days aa I Intend to go East to remain. Martin Gillksan, Fox Valley, Linn county, O r. MY FALL Srv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Every thingSkept in a flrst-cias Drv Qoocta and Boot and Shoe House, from the cheapest to aa stood a quality, I there is a demand for. I bought these goods mostly in New York and Chicago and a 0 AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, . fsBasJ frstf Isr iflasaft fTTfti - - : "j-ft sV a,- and have and am receiving Novelties of the Season Id every line ; nm prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quote in the papers or circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young. AT COST is stereotyped. BELOW COST is not generally true. This much is true : We have one counter of Over Coats Left that will be sold at bargains. We take stock Jan. 1st. These over coats Stock will be closed out at specially low prices, In fact, the whole stock is REDUCED IN PRICE until that time. LADIES, tlemen are going to get you something nice for Xmas, Reciprocate, WE HAVE THE FINEST 1 0 IVV Ww it at Handkerchiefs, Nobby Ties, Gents Jewelry, Slippers, Etc., Eto. ilk e Just received for this trade, We want you to see them. &mmVW9r maaaaaaansaaaw CSJssaTID BOOTS X TEafistj saWiswisWiii M"- TiiM 1 We wear tho Utile Rod School Route cousins and oor aunts, and if yon want City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find a largo and complete assortment of goods in this line, of nearly every grade and make, and A dollar saved is a dollar made. REDFIELD& BROWNELL AND WINTER STOCK -Has arrived, Includiog- and a large of hats L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. M. HENDERSON A CCfS Shoos, tend so do oar srstrr and qqi them go to tho at prices which will open your eyas. A