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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1887)
I Do Wm. Fortmilief & CoM FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attantion-Fir8t-cla83 Hearse JJT After basins boar oall at resldsooe HWMr Ptflk anU Baker streets. Red CrownMills I80M, LANNING A CO., PROPR'S. nw reocaas nova svraaioe von r am i w at aire baxkb om BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Hif hMt Price in Cash fc Wheat ALBANY OR. Anrdews & Hackieman, WUDGLAS': 13.00 SOLE AGENTS, Notice for Publication. Land OAe at Oregon City, Or., Oct., Slat, 17. J Notice h hereby givn that t frOioa m smsned ttlr ha filed aotloa of nla tatewtrffn to aaak Anal proof in support f hi claim, and that said proof will b 1 ftajbr to uoanty vmrm ra unn vh 1, at Albany, Oregon, n 'edaewlaj. gweeaafcer tlst. ISS3, Benjamin F. Kirk. HomeeUad , oTsteWtbr the M K X of N K U via of Sec St, Tp. 13, 8 H I W, aaridiao. II astro tb fol. owing wit mini to prove hi oontlououa rldnc pom. and cultivation of, said land, vis : D JtMleheal, Ben Morris, Benson Harris, seed O H Kirk, all of Sweet Hum. P. C. LI an county, Oregon. W. T. Bcsuskt, Regtetr, OpTJlsfSKa eo Ste In PhlU4ljte Jlewmpeprr Auvrr- or Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. r..i for vm-1 fort an-i Yaqoina and tb Orvop Usvslopoaoot noniinv'i HtssmshlD much lee, than by any other root between all jx mu in tbe Willamette Valley and San Prsneieoo. DmUy faaatngtr trnirns nefft Sunday. Leave TeeeSae, S0 s.a. ; Leee Albany . 1 00 r. m. Leave OerraUk,ieJSS a.x. Laere CoreJhe, l: r. u. Amre Alaeajr. 11:1 a. a, Arrhre Teqaina, 6:60 r. a. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Con alii I. , c c ao. r. 1 v. Or. Oregon Developement Co. rtrnt-oles Steamship lino between Yaqaina and San i rsocisco connecting at Yaqoina with th trains of th Oregon PMfle Railroad Company. AILISes DATES . race ass ra tsetses. raoa tacva 1 Oregon, a city. to. Wot J7,aSi We. Dec 7,a p Toes. Dee IS. lo 1 set. Dee 3, 1 s m 'e Valley, S Oreeon, Frt. Dee S. 11 a m Thur.Dee 16,9 a m a City, I 'a Valley, Wed. Dee U.ll a a Tuee. Jan 1, neon TeasDee ttjt a as Son. Ja a, s The Conapany mit be right to Chang sailing days. l sv mi, Oen. f. an P. Ageat, SM MeatgeeaerySt., Sea. Fnuieteeo, Oab OVERlANS TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- Orecon A California R. R, AMD CONNECTIONS T. SH4KTA KOCTE at AahianS eSsrea, of She CelUerela, Oraea aa Mahe Stage Ceeeneay. Shsly IS MUeTet asacdag. Albany an Sas rraaelaea, M boar,. eaurouru ixrai use BAUVV. Mer. 10:40 AM 7:06 A 6 0 r a 4. SS r. a. I Leave a:Sra I Leave S4sa (Arrive PerUaml Albany Athlaod Arrive Leave heave secAsrAs vxaurs BAU.T except gueday). HTsT taetra sears Leave Ferthad Albeny Arrive j t:46fM Leave 1 11:86 a M Leavel 9 Ma m Leave Arrive tssAfc rzasaseaa nurse asnT, xxcxrr svnzr . lra 1 Leave Mr M I Arrive lters I Leave l:Sra I Arrive Albany La bases Albany Lebenun Arrive j Leave Arrive Leave I 6:46 A M 6:40 a u 2:46 r M 2i00m PHOMAr buffet sleepers. eaOy seSiraen Portland and Ashland. 8tkiyea'a and San Franeteeo, gtentgrsat Sleeplns Csr bet wees Pertlssd and Ash I sad, auklyoa mm Mas Frsa elee. PKBE OP CM A ROB, Wee Sld Mvlele. asm ceravALtds, sAiswuia bailt (exsept gsaday.) rlssTr 1S.SS r M Leave Portland CervalUa Arrive Leave lira 1:80 r m Arrive a TSAtSS BAJvr (seapt Sunday ) Arrive laye 0:00 am KteSrs I Arri-e M oM ianville 6,43 a s At Albany tad OervaUls eoidieet wttb tratas 4 liiJL PaeU Brill" Per fall tafenaetleo regarding rates, map. esii ea Oeaipsay's Agtat. a. KoaitLsa, s. p. Rogers, a PaaeAsent. lotice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or., ) November 211,1887, J Notice la hereby given that the follow ing named settler haa filed notice of hi In tention to make final proof in support of Ma claim, and that aald proof will be mad befor tho County Judg or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on Taeadsy, Jaaaary ITtfc, 1SSS, vis: W U Phillips, Hemeatead Entry, No. 4634 fcr tbe 8 W H of See.2S, Tp, 13, 8 Kl. H names tbe following wttneas e to piovtt bla continuous residence upon and oulti ration of, said land, viz: Tbompeon, 8 Hawken and T Arnold, 0f Sodsviiie J'ost umne ana m jueacn, af H west Home Post Office, all in Linn eon a ty, Oregon, W. T, ETTwrgT, ?tmn shoe 1?? mm s((BjpjjfsjjB(MkBB BP!!???ff?ySiBBBPWPP sPJasBBBsiBff5 9sS!BkSEla599E Yon Waot Furniture ? ir TOU DO GO TO W.H.WIL1ARD wbtrt jou will Dad th beat make and fin mm. finished BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Aisoe fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES. and a hundrd different style of Mouldings. (Picture frames made to order. Th Urge end bt tu m of ' UNDERTAKERS B00D8, aver kept in Albany. Prices ressma ble. ALBANY OOLLEQIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. Tn Oneea MDIMMr lain, A lull corps of Instructor. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Caunm of -tudy rrnirsd to meet the need of all of students. 5scas iWKMWi 0rI to studtt from brmd. Tuition range from 15.50 to $tcM Board In private fatuHie 'ow rate Room ier ee'.f-boarding at amall ton A oarafnt supervision exercised over stu- j... ,... imm Kali tar til ODiM' 7i h Knr circulars ana iui WIW mwtmj .. " - T , , . " ' - - . . ... . . . -. - partlouiarM saareso iuw V. klsrbt n. ; i Albany. Ore-gon. RfiVfirfi HOUSe! ALBANY, OREGON. (HI AS. PFEIFFER. PROPRIKTOIi Fitted up in flrt-olaa sty I. Tbi 1 uoDliedwlth th best in the market. th th txMt in me mar net. 1 - . . . . .1. I . Mnl.. 1 for commercial traveler. sjTfis Ctstlt an fns th Mlet"a Notice for Publication. Land Oflb atOrogoo City, Or., Oetober 31st 1887. Nuttci herobv given that tb following uaawd settlse has tilsd aotic f his iaUatic a to mak tinal proof ia support of bis claim, and that said p oof will a mad before th County Clrk of L no Co , Or., at Albany, Or., on Weal seeds. ia teih, isej. via : Grant Bellinger. Pre. D. S. No. 5187. for tb lot. 1. 2 end 3, of Sec '26. Tp I o K 1 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence npon.andcal--' uf. aeid lend, viz: J Pitzweter. D SV I vetr, J C Saltsaareh asd J Newtnse.ell of Lebanon P. 0-, Linn oranty, Or. W. T. BcasKV, ftsgktter. 7 lotice for Pnblication, Lend Office at Oregon City. Or., i October 31st, 1887. Notice is hereby given that tb fe!iwiag uemed ecttler be bled notice cf hie iatenttoa m.k final moot lo eooport o( ate cleti I ...A . k.r ..,,1 nia.if will he made before tbe I r ' i nil tc IttMto r. 1M. ... . . r. . . . M . I I. . XT. yia . w as Kutieoge, naweenu cmrj 4795, for th S E of Sec 90. Tp 12. S R 1 B. lie duib tb following witnesses to prove hi eontmuou residence upon, end eal ttvetion of. said land, via : H Bunell, C Willtsma, S Pewell sn.l W McPberson. sll of Lebanon P, O , Liaa county, Or W. T. Beast EY, Reg later. lotice for Publication. Land Oflee at Oregon City, Or. October 3 1st, 1887. Notice is beesby girn that th followiog named eat tier has filed DOttO Of hi toUMtttOU ta make final oroof is snpport of hia claim, sad that said proof will be mad before the Coonty Jodge or Clark of Lian county. Or., at Albany. Or., on Mesday. Baenaetr lOsh, I SSI. viz : J H GtrzsnUnner, Homeetsacl Entry No. 4651. for the E 4 of 8 W i. and W oi I E 4. of Sec 28. To 13. 8 R 2 E. He usmee lbs following witnesses to prove hf cootmu aeae raaidanca noon, sod cultivation of, Said Isnd. via . O W Howes, J W McOhe and m I B McFarland. of Sweet Home P.O., and Tsatx7aSUMcFrUn4 ot Albssy P.O., all in Linn ooaofcy, vrgwu. w . x. m aszv, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or., ) Oetober. Slat. 1887. I Moitoo Is herebv eivn that tbe follow ing named aeUler baa fllod notice of bla intention to make final proof in a tip port of hia claim, and that aald proof will be made before tbe County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on Mesday, Deeember XSth, 1S0Y, viz : William H H Camming, Home stead Entry, No. 4824 for the N E M of 8 W U of Sec. 10, Tp. 12. 8 R 1 It. He name toe following wUnee to prove hi continaoufl residence upon, and cam vation of. aald land, viz : J 8 Caldwell, O. Kinder. J Llndley and J Pryor, all c Lebanon P. O., Linn county, Oregon, W. T. Busnsrr, Register. Sheriff's Sale the Circuit Curt oj the estate' of Ortgonor Ltnn County. H vivos ter Psoaover. Oovernor, Geo W MeBride. Becretarr ofSUte, G W Webb, Treaanrer, of tbe otata of Oregon, conatl luting tbe Board of Commissioners for tbe sale of School Lands and tb manage ment ol th Common School Funda, Plain tiffs. act. Mary J Love, Douglaa Love, Harry Love, 4 lice Love Emma Love, Lou afaxon and C. K. Mason, her husband, Cry Liater and William lister, her husband, Oefen dant. NOTICE ia brby given thst by virtu of an execution and order of sale burned out of tbe above named Court in tbe above entitled eult, I will on Saturday IS 11th day sf December, ISS7, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. ni., at tho Court House door in the city of Albany Linn county, Oregon, eon at pub ic auc tion for cash in hand, to the highest bid der, tbe real property described in said order ol vale, aa follows to-wlt : Begin nine at tbe northwest corner of (Samuel McCnlUy's donation laud claim, No. 40 Notification No. 2877, in Tp. 15, S It 4 w of tbe Willamette meridan, ir. Linn county Oregon, and running iheuc south on the west bouDdry line of anid donation land claim, 16.50 chains ; tlifnce oust 40 chains to the east boundary tine of said land claim ; thence north 0 V east on said eaat bouudary line of said claim 16.55 chains to tbe northea t corner hrof thence weat on the north lino of aaid claim 40. chains, to tbe place. .f beginning, containing 66 acres mora or Jo-s, In Linn county, Oregon. Tb proceeds arising from the sale of said premises to be ap piled, first to tbe payment of the coat and disbursements ot suit, taxed at $37.85, and accruing costs cond, to the pay ment to the Piaintifls heroin tbe sum of 8820, 00. with accruing interest thereon at the rate of ten per e-'t par annum, and tbe further sum of $60.00 Attorney's fees, and tbe overplus if any to the Defendants herein. Dated this 18th day of November, 1897. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. A FFIOIAL UaM JPlPER, BOW SHE TT ARB LHP. She wm taking a trip on the railroad. and the dny ws a perfect charm. She retted bee bead 'galnat the window to gace on the land scan warm. She to the meadows, far away to the changing whirl, and the draft through a crock of the window lifted each nefidant carl. Wan it a dream or a vision mttKAM in the urren fur off? tor rtlUi alghcd with a gentle murmur and then m Mitt nlMd with a couiih. Just then LA. iE." . 5 li'wrtha nine iviitv. mw., voice. Yea; lust in that little second, e lutArt her. lmt lot an nan io ow ifer ' e . . . . w a I T ZTlXi closeS CTlw, iSTJsS ing city abe waa to alng on the stage that niuht wnnt coma an uo wn twwmb but to weep at her pitiful plight? Now the ft lend who had wntehed her dilemma drew forth from bar aatrhel a cure. St Jacobs Oil it was labeled; a remedy famous and sore. An external use on the throttle, well robbed to remove the mane, . a iii . a w the will always carry a oeiue, ioi w anng tn that night with applaoje. "Nw YorK. V V Tnl a 1HS7 -yon may reiy 00 woa told you about tb poaiti core by St T K. ,1,UI, romiulv I Bird OM HIT wife (profaaionally known as Patti Uoaa). I In Hartford, after doctor stating awe could not recover before four week, St Jacobs Oil cored her ia three flay a ana the he not had a pain since. Her complaint at that time wee nerve neuralgic rheuma tism, and I can assure you she was a Beat sufferer. I bav never failed in advising all whom I have met that were complain ing to nee St Jacobs Oil. If this letter is of any value yon are entirely welcome. TO piofeeslonsl travel!, subjected to verr rtwp t, n. 1. chw, - orsrts ana xposare, lBU. hnreh tsectse U. P.Cnrrnca. Preaohiagevery Sshbai a. iriln maA veuto bv ltv. U. Ir vtne, D. a Sabbath School at 2:30 ft B) Prayer aaeeting vry Wdoasdy evening IvAJtosuoAX Catraca. Prachign Sab bath at 11,00 A. SL, and 7 r. St. Babbatb school 10.Oa Prayer meeting every Wed aseday evening T J0. 8. B. Davie, pastor. All are iaviud. OoaonaoATioSAi-Cncacn. -vlcaeveo ibbsth mornmg sad eventog. Hsbbatb School at 12:16. Prayer meeting eo Wedoesdsy evening of aeh week. llv. H. V. llomioger, Pastor. M. K. Caoncn.BooTB. Preaching every Sabbath moruing at 1 1 o'clock A. St. and 7 o'clock r. at. sabbath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting Thurmlsy evening's st 7 o'clock. Uev. G. P. Bound, l'aator. M. K. Cacacw Sown. Tasosst. Prcb-1 fc 1 tag on th trst Sabbath of each month morn am a a t SB . a lag and evening, soodsy avnooi eca bash st 10 o'clock s. na. Prayer meetiog Tharsday evening. Rev, Hounds, Pastor. M. E-t'noaciLPrssotuag every ttabbatb saeraing and evening. Bong servioa hi th srasi ig before aormon. Sabbath School .t 2.-80 r n. Prayer meeting every Thurs taysroig. Bsv. H F. Webb, pastor. PauHTMi.. 'n: kch Serries STrv BUVi...k. .J in fkun-li ",u'""s -. v11 1 je . rrr : Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev h It 1'ritcbard, pastor. Ptaarr Ibmrr Cue acts. Prsacbing every Sabbath n:orfljBStJj efefaLfi Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School imtue-liatelf sftsr ateraing service. Prayer meeting vr" TT r T W Tbarsdsy evening at 7;30 uVloe. Truo.bil, pastor. CaTBOUC Cue acji. -Service very hun-l dsv at 10 30 a. at. and 7 P. M. Laat Sunday of tb month service st Kugeoe City. IUv. Loan Metayer, Rector. Pbotbstast RnsooBAL Cwvaru. Horvi. ess are held in St. Episcopal Cbnrch usT fyoour "'nT; mg. Sunday evening service on every Friday predusg tbe Sunday service. All are tovitelto at- tend CuBJjrriAJi. Fourth Sabbath, asses iog and evening, a, H. 1W a. m. Osrmas 4t Col Use chapel, 2 p.m. h B. Braun, Faster . They 4- St. John's Lodge, 62, In Foster's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodare, 17. at Hall, it Sat urday. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Tburlay evening. I-g---.rtw,.wwnJr ' A. O.V, W, st their hall, every Monday evening. Oreeana Encampment, at O. F. Had, every snd and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and jra .-wiuraays. I. O. G. T. at A. O. U. W. Hall, .very Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, ibt and 3rd Frjdaya. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF. STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN Canned sTrait, Glassware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, fingatr, etlef Etc,; Canned SI cat, ((ueensfrare, Vegetablen, Clgarn, rSpleea, Tea, Ktc, In fact everything thst is kept in a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Tutfs Pills Is an invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, C0STIVEHESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES, Bold very where. AdministratO r'S Notice, Notice Is hereby given that tbe under signed bas this day been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Samuel T Harris, deceased, by the County Court of Linn comity, Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hsi e by notified to present tbe same to the nt e dersirnerl at his residence near Scio, Ore gon, witbtn nt mrvntha irom this date. Dated Nov. 3rd, 1887, J, H. Pekbt, Bkwitt A Bryant, Adra'r, Att'ys for Adsa'r, Ik geruoctat. looked far away DECISION 19 TAB KAMASPtJSIIIJimoM OA Bra!. Washington, Dec. s A eery Impor tant declilon, and one Hksty to be far ranching in lu con.equencee.wa rendered in the Supreme Court to day, in the eo called Kansas prohibition cas of Mugler gel net the etate of Kansas, and the etate of Kansas ve. Zeibold and other. Th judgment of the court was pronounced in a long and elaborate opinion by Justice Harlan, who said : The general question lit eech cat U whether the prohibition statutes of Kan km are in conflict with that part of the fourteenth amendment which provide that "no etate shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privilege or Immunities of cltlaene of the United State ; nor shall any etate deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law." That legislation by a state prohibiting the manufacture within her limits of In toalcatlne lluuors to be sold or bartered trenera us Oeveraaee does not l nece.saillv Infrin snv rlirht.nrlvlle or m w immunity secured by the constitution of ih-UnltidStm. U m.dc ,lr 9 w ! ,lon, that this court has rendered befor and since the adoption of the fourtnth I amtndment. It Is, however, contented that although a state may prohibit the manufacture of Intoxicating liquors for sale within her limits for general use, no convention or legislature has a rlgbt,under our form of government, to prohibit any rit i.en from manufacturlng,for his own us or for sport or torage,ny article of food or drink not endangering or affecting the right of others. ANTI-FROittniTlOM AnUt'MBNT. Argument msde in support of the first branch of this proposition.briefly 1 That In the implied compacts between a state and its cltlatn, certain rights are re- aerved by the latter which are guaranteed j by the constitutional provision lor protect- ing life, liberty and property against de- privation without due process of law, and with which s stste csnnot Interfere ; thst I among those rights ia that of manufactur l Ing for one' own use either food or drink ; 1 that while, according to the doctrine of th commune, th etate may control the I tate, appetites, habits, drees, food sad drink of citizens, our system of govern- f ment, based apon the Individuality and in- I telligence of the people, does not claim tot control him, except as to his conduct to 1 others,leavlng him th sol judg as to all I that only effects himself. It will be observed that the proposition, snd the argument msde In eupport of it, quail v concede that the right to manu failure drink for one's personal use Issue-1 ject to the conditions thst such manufae- ture do not endanger the rightaof other. I If uch manufacture doe prejudicially w ......I affect the rlsht and InteresU of the com- m unity, it follows that society has power I to protect itself by legislation against the I w" a Iniuriou conseouence f that bulne. I s a A we Mild in Mum v. Etlinger (04 Ms. 1 ix. while sower dees not exist with the "J J mf ! whole people to control right purely end 1 exclusively prlvste, government rosy re- uulre ech citizen so to conduct himself and so to us hi own property as not un necessarily to Injure another. TltS LEGISLATIVE PUWa. But bv whom or by what authority is It to be determined whether the manufae- T - I ture of particular article of drink, either for enerl ns or for the persons! use of ., - . . the maker, wilt iniuriou! v offset the pub a ' 'T Z . , , ... , r . . I " rower 10 oirmm. .n Huee.w. o as to bind all.muat exist sotnewhere.else soclatv will be at th mercy of a few.who. tk-ir nw. .Bnetitea or . mav b willing to Imperil tb I eace snd security of them.ny, provid.d I only thev sre permitted to do ss they I , 1 ..,.m that I. I'lunvt., w u v 1 was wy g- " lodged with the legislative branch of the government. It belongs to thst depart ment to exert what are known as the police powers of states. It must determine pri msrily whst measures sre appropriate or needful for the protection of public moral, health or safety, limits beyond whjcb leg islation cannot rightfully go. As the court must obey the constitution rather than the law-making departments of the gov ernment it must.upon its responsibility .de termine whether, in any particular case, thM. have ven n eased. Courts are l Ubrt to )ook at thg ,ubstanceof things whenevir they enter upon an inquiry wheth" legislature haa trsnicend.d the I of ! suthority.kceplng In view th principles governing the relations with I each other of th judicial and legislative I department of the government. prohibit. . a . is difficult t perceive any grouno Mr I judicially declaring that prohibition by Kana of the manufacture or sale within her limits of intoxicating liquors for gen eral use there as a beverage Is not fairly adapted to the end of protecting the com- rr.. .nil- .n.U.t tUm m V 1 1 Ur h i rfl CO H f eSed- J'r : ly result from the excessive use of ardeat spirits, we cannot snui out o view nevrpapei- or poat manuscript, a list of non fact that nubile health, morals and public delivered letters. It also requires the "charge safety msy be endsngered by genersl use ofintoxlctlngdrlnks. Nor can we ignore the fact that disorder, pauperism and crime when prevalent tn a country, r,in lsrge meaure, directly t.aceante to tni ... .a a evil. If, therefore, the state deems absolute prohibition of the manufacture and sale within the state of intoxicating liquors to be necessary to the peace snd security of society, courts csnnot override the will of the people as thus expressed by their chos en representatives. It is s fundamental principle in our institutions, indispensable to the preservation of public liberty, that on of the separate departments of gov ernment shall not usurp the powers com mitted by the constitution to other depart ments. PROPERTY NOT TAKEN. In reply to the claim that prohibition of the manufacture and sale of liquor de- prlves liquor dealers of property without due process of 'aw the court says: All property under our form of govern- J nd gg M calcareous, chalky ment is subject to the obligation that It deposit which produces stiffness and dis shall not be used so as to injuriously f- tortloa of th joints. No fact whloh x . , , , . a s perteuoe bas demonstrated in regard to feet the rights of the community and frnetsttar'a Stomach Bitters hss stronrer thereby become a nuisance. The state of Kansas had a right to prohibit the liquor traffic. It did not thereby take away the property of brewers. It simply abated a nuisance. The property is not taken away from its owners. They are only prohib- .... " - r,V which the legislature declared to be Injur- ious to the community For the reasons stated.says Justice Har- )an, we are of the opinion that Mugler, plaintiff in error, has not been denied by th judgment of the supreme court of Kansas anv rieht. privilege or immunity eecured to him by the constitution of the United States, and Its judgment in each case it accordingly affirmed. We are aUo of the opinion that the cir cuit court of the United Statas erred in dismissing the bill of the tate in the suit aglwl ZtlboW ,nd Hagein. The decree In that case Is reversed and the cause re manded.wlth direction to enter a decree granting to the state such relief as the act of March 7th, 1885, authorises. PARTIAL dm ! n 1 m 1 Justice Field concurred in the opinion no far as related to the two cases in which the state of Kansas was defendant.but die entd as to the caeVf the tate of Kan sas vs. Zeibold. He agreed to so much of the opinion as sustain the validity of the act of Kansas prohibiting the sale of In toxicants which are manufactured In the state after the passage of the act. He was not prepared to say that prohibition of the manufacture of such liquors, If Intended for exportation, can be sustained, nor that the state can forbid the sale.under proper regulations for the protection of the health r--i'- v which congr.. may a-mom u, e ,m ... 1 1 I . ported. Neither could he concur In validity of the thirteenth section of . . - -.. , . 1 . I 1 1. Ml the problbltlon act of Kansas, because he be- m a a a . a . t I . ...II.... efl u autnoriteo me oceiru.n property without due proc of law. The Jersey cow Eurotas.reglstered In the herd book of the American Jerey Cattle Club as No. MS4hM tor 7 md Dar" llngton the Mecca of all lover of the cow who desired to ee her In her highest per fection. Her record of 778 pounds and a few ounces of butter mad within twelve months was for year the highest record ma le.snd the envy of all who were eager iy striving to possess the bet cow in the world. Hundreds f people have visited this place to look at the queen of the but ter tub, who has lately died. Her worth not only consisted in her own wonderf u achievement, but as well In her powers to transmit her good qualities to her progeny, whlch have sold at fabulous prices. One cajf at fourteen weeks old was sold for $ta.soo,and the owner of her oldet eon U currently reported to have refused $5, for hlm The aame animal, called the Due of Darlington, t the sir of a long )Ut 0j fam0u butter producer. The annual report of Dr. C. P. McDon aid, superintendent of th money order system,shows that while yielding no profit for the year, the yiem was substantially self-sustaining. The increase for the year of domestic money orders issued waa shout 16 pr cent ; of postsl note Issued about 5 per cent. The Increase In the nm. her of international money orders issued was shout 34 per cent, snd in the number paid about 6 per cent. The total amount of money ent by money order and poetal ... a- Mm . w - a notes during the year was iy,ro7,uiQ The other festures of the report lorm . . m port of th recently published report 01 the auditor for the Post Office Depart- ment The democratic party ha undoubtedly th best chance of carrying the Preslden Hal election. But it will want and will need all the votes it csn get. No psrty over has too many votes at uch a time. It la very easy to say that the democrat do not nerd the mugwump independent vote But they certainly could not have carried New York without it in 1004. ana it i I . . . . aheer tolly, or worse, lor any oemocrauc journal to imtult the mugwump and to tell them tht they ere not wanted nest year. J . , it m been proposea mat a re warn or offered for the discovery of some means of cschanglng ideas with Hie more Intel!!- I sent of the brute creation, such a tbe horse.the cow or the dog. If this hould ever be accomPUh.d,the first communlc 1 Hon from them win ne an inaignant pro- I teat seainst the injustice of the phraae a "gw beaatly drunk.' ssa Lately the Germans of St. Louis de manded that the German language should be taught In all the primary chols of thst city. Members of the Board of Education were nominated upon that Issue. The voters of the city decided that St. Louis i sn American city and that the English language alone should be taught in her schools. It is sm using to see the political nonde- aeriota who sunnorted Ben Butler for ' mW sa President In 1884 now preparing to asske a break tor tne neaa 01 tn oemocrauc m . a a . 1 1 Mlon n l888 " . Fourteen democrats in Congress who J ?otctj against consideration of a tariff bill j ,t year are now reported to be willing to aall with th Administration in the tout ...a a ... .v..M . ... Wasiiinotos, Dec. 5.Thc superinten dent of the dead letter bureau, with the ap nrrjval of the oostmastcr-Beneral, has pre oared a circular letter, which will be sent ahortly to all postmasters, directing enforce ment of Section 590 of the postal laws and regulations. This section makes It impera- he lmagler to 0 a snd collection of ! cent In all cases where a Kratujtusjy or at 1 cent for each letter, or whether puDiicauon was mere. r wnv- I - SI a I 1 ,i ns " ten ut powo m nc jjuo.iv fv Drunkenness or tb liquor Habit Poaltl vely Oared by administering Dr. Haines' Goldea Specific. It can be given in s cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge ot tbe person taking it) la aheoiatery harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or tn alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunluuvs have been made tem perate men who bav taken Golden Bpselfio la their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free wtB. IT NKVKR VJdUT Tbe system one impregnated with the specific It becomes an otSer Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist For toll particulars, address GOLDEN mOWD 00,, IS Bee st.. Cincinnati 0, Pkyaleiasa Bave Foend Oat That a contaminating and foreign element la the blood, developed by Indigestion, Is th cause or rneumatiam. inn semes P e sensitive eub-outanoous cover Imusi tlis miisaIas esstrl 1 1 rva mn An i Si Af lha -f " T a Z.Z 7 I lei.t. sessaslse AAnefsni a ss A ahlfrlnfV VNk ! evidence to support us nor 1, t ), positively established thai ; it is ' Pable lo the poisons often - -Tngrelan It is alio m signal remedy for malarial fevers, con sti nation, dyspepsia, kidney sua oisuuer eilments debulty and other disorders, See tnat yeu get the genuine, HOTEL ffltf BENT, milB EXCHANQ1 MOTEL I THIS "KtiT address JaJU Mtjrbat, I Juoaay, uregon. What it this Disease that Is Coming Upon Us ? Like a thief rtt night it steal in upon us unawares. The pa tients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, espfcittlly in the morning. A son ol i H'ky slime collects a) Mint ti.c teeth. The appetite is poor. Tlmr is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; mnwthmn n faint, all gone sensation it th pit of the stomach which food does not natisfy. The eyes ftfte sunken, the hands and feet ) omecola and clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time he becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a soil of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes l-ecome tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positing a sediment airer stand ing. There is immently a spitting up of the food, some times with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at tended with nalpttntion of the heart; the visum becomes im paired, with spots before the eyes; there is a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for hidnev disease, etc, etc., but none ol these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspeiia. It is also found that Shaker Ex tract of Roots, or Mother Sei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BETTKK THAN COTTON. Mr. John C. Hemptinstall, of, Cleburn Co,, Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Roots or 8eigel's Syrup that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the mtnlicine. It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to get it into the hands of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. 1 'icnt ve it win soon sen in . i i. . i .a uns state better tnan cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she bad been long af meted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots, Ivev. J. J. McGuire, merchant, of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail. SUE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me. I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called "Lift Amoufj the Shakers" which described my disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health, Mrs. M. JIJ, Tipsley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, A. J, White, Limited, 54 Warren St, New York. Still Baying. L. Senders is still baying good hortev. Those having them should bring them in. Pearline, WOMAN'S FRIEND. The beat compound ever invented to make washing eaay. Perfectly harmless. Used in hard or soft water without harm to fabric or bands and without the aid of 8Fo'r cleansing hair, shampooing, and for removing blood stains from tbe linen of dentiata or butchers It ia unrivaled, In tbe bath tub it is a luxury, condu cive to health, and should be freely usod in all asylums and hospitals aa a disin fecting detergent, Printers, painters, masons, farmer, minora, blacksmiths, machinists, plumb ers, and all workers in metals, should use PGARLIk'e for washing their begrim ed bands as well as olothlng. For sale by WALLACE & THOMPSON, Albany, Oregon. TAXING fcAltOR "The proper Ides Is to tss property and exempt labor, because If a man has notb ing but his labor it Is taking from him his very life blood," said ex Senator Thurman In a speech th other day. Remembering that taxes on consump tion sre tsxes on labor, sre paid chiefly by the toiling mssses,snd are the only prsc tlcsl devices for shifting the burden of tses from property to Isbor, let us see how our present tsrlff stands the test of the Thurmsn sxiom. Thst tariff not only Isys tsxes on more thsn 4,000 srticlcs, but txes most hesvlly those of prime necessity In common use. J Th- duty on scoured clothing wool Is Iffl per cent on cleaned rice, 112 per rent ; on common window glass, 100 per cent ; on sugar, 91 per cent , on common wool cloth, not costing over 61 cents abrosd, snd on other woolen manufactures not costing over So cents per pound abroad, 91 . per cent ; on uncieaned rice, 71 per cent ; on blankets costing 26 cents a pound, 73 per cent ; on common flannels, from 70 to 73 per cent ; on common woolen hos iery, 70 per cent ; on spool thread, 55 per cent, and so on through a list of 150 ar ticles of necessity in common use, all of which are either excluded by the high rate of duty or the consumers of which pay on them a tax In no case less than 50 per rent of the cost abroad. Msny of tbe 4,000 untsxed article sre rsw materials entering into our manufactures, the en hanced cost of which is paid by the con sumer. It i claimed that the heavy duty on many article I only nominally a tax, be caue it exclude them and yield no reve nue to the government. But the tax I collected from consumers all the same by manufacturing pools, which take ad vantage of excluded competlton to add the percentage of duty to their selling prices. In this way not only does this tariff col lect from consumers of necessary articles $ 100100,000 s year more than the govern ment needa, but it enables manufacturing corporations united in monopoly combina tions to collect from the labor cf this country about tour times as much of sheer downright taxation aa is collected for the government. How much of the enormous taxation thus collected from labor is paid back in the form of wages increase due to tariff protection ? The census statistics of 1880 show that the total of wages paid by our manufacturer, was but iS per cent of the value of their product. A protect ne tar. iff of iS per cent would therefor rover tbe whole cost of the labor employled by our manufactures. But with taxes of from 30 to 150 per cent laid on what lator con fumes of the manufactured articles any body can see that while labor pa s the in creased value snd get oack only 18 per cent of It, capital retains the remainder. How much labor is benefitted by tliat sort of division was seen a few year ago when the whole country was filled with unemployed and half starved laborers un der this same tariff. if WW sea 1 OR. HENRY SMITH, 433 Kearney St., - - San Francisco Over 'JO year experience ia the treat ment of Ciarsmie and Npeelssl Dis eases) in America and European hoatitals nd other institutions, making a special 17 of the afflictions. Home Treatment sent to such aa cannot vlak his office. Orders for medi cine promptly attended to. FARM AT A RARCAIN. The nnderaiaaed offers fer tale his farm of 275 acre 6 rail north of Harriabarg on tb Harriabarg, Peoria, and Albany wsgea road, 2 mile from warehouse on th Wil lassstt liver, 6 mile from Halsey oa the Ot C railroad, one-fourth of a mils from school boos, all fenced in 8 department, beside smell lots, 175 aero in cultivation, TS acre oak grab, not heavy, 55 acre crow- tug wheat, 30 aeree more sew land in culti vation, making 95 acres in good condition for wheat this fall and will soon be sown. 150 young fruit tree. Baildiags fair. Price $25 par acre. Terms easy. For parttculnaa call on or address C. C Jackson, Halsey, Orogoe. BEAST ! Mexican Mustang Liniment THIS a Tvervwsa as 1 ia Sciatica, j Scratches. Contracted Lumbago, Sprains, Kmcles, Rheumatism. Strain, Eruptions, Burn?, Stitches, Hoof Ail. Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swinnoy, Bruises, Sores, Saddle Sails, Bunions, Spavin Piles. Corns, j Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what iac aimed for It. One of tbe reasons for the great popularity of the Mustang Liniment is found iu its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a meUclno. Tho Lumberman needa It tneaae of aeeident. Tho Usaaewlfe needs it for generalfamily use. The Ca-aler needs It for hlstoamsand his men. The Itloi-hnnic needs it always on his wor bench. Tho Miner needs it In case or emergency. Tbe l'lsneer needalt oant get slang vrtthont It. The Farmer needs It ia hia house, hi? itable, and hia stoclc yard. The Steamboat mnn or tho Bontutan Seeds H la liberal supply afloat and a;bore. Tho Hsrsefaucier nerds It it is h!3 best friend and safest reliance. The Steck-grower neoda it it will aa 0 him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tbe Railroad mnn needs it and will need it so long as his life Is a round of accidents and dai gers. The llackveeodeuiau needs tt. Tharesi noth ing liko it ss an antidote for V.:e d angers o life, limb and comfort which tin-round ho pioneoi . Tho Merchant nrods 16 about hta store unong his wnplcyeea. AcctdiUiU will happen, and when theso come the Mustang liniment is wanted ctonee. Kecpa Bottle inthe lluuse. 'Tistbo icstot aoonomy. Keep a Buttle la tho Factory. Itslmnsdiato ime in case of accident saves pain and loss of Keep a Bottle Always iu tho Stab as wnste. i asa o for How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi- fasted, poisoning the iood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy, sjcvcn as en oiaaeeoiaiTca. Asa aeneral faro 1 1 y reined y for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Orastipstion, te.. I hardly ever use anything else, sad have never been disappointed In tbe effect produeed; It seems to l almost s perfect our for ail HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany oda Works. And Manufacturers of 0H0IG1 C0BFECTI0I8ET, We are sow prep red to sell st whole sale, always fr-eh and pure t Pottlsod pries to dealers. We also keep a full line of lata and Tropical Fruits, OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department 1 eoay'e Wo keep tho vy, fines, st'jtk of suosusgsnA ehewiaft tobacco, meerschaum sod brier pip thsi to a delight to smokers. PATENTS Obtained, so stl ether Orsee attssdaded to ter In the V. 8. use U.S. rsteeS QSlee, ie er drawls. We a- a sblliiy fraa weestata patent. Moeey Order Div. aadte eaktats efsSeU. S. far saw mar, esmee, terete, eueuteln jeea see State er Co 4. SXOW & CO, Opposite Patent Oflee, Washiest en, D THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADF PLYMOUTH RODS 13 FAIR. Cat to atssa aerefsllv fer style as west if DO YOU WEAR PANTS ? rye Use. site, hip eadHhMietg SissMtSf eta. fer paste (or erase! I exsreae) sad psekJaff. Or ess at this paper, and ed yon. iaeradiag er te ss. er te I M 1 have deposited vrtta tbe asashsf of these paeksces ter asJe at sta eeats. PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., is Ssusssaer at,. c. o cHianr. CB.rVSKIS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY PARKKS, Maclimists, MiDwrights, aid Ira Founden. tB are now completely prepared te naodle all kinds of beery work. W will mannfaotnre Steam En sine. Grist snd Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind rf Iroe ana tsrsss usstlngs. F ATTEKSA N4BB OS SBOKT NOTICB. Special attention sriven to rerjsirine ail kinds of machinery. MRS. B. BTMAN, next east of 8. E, ToangX Albany, Or Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursday a of week, and painting done to Older on plaques sad other material, Nice assortment of Artist materials on hand. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PBOPBIETOBS Albany Track and Dray Go., Ic. 1. Goods handled with cere sad dispatch. Administrator's Sale. In the County Court of the State of Oregmm for Linn County. In th matter of the exr.ata of Oee, W. MeBride, deceased. NOTICE ia hereby Riven that by an or der of tbe County Court of linn county, Oregon, duly made and catered of record on December 6th, 1887, tbe un dersigned as Administrator of ssid estate will on Saturday, the Uh day sf Jsasuary, ISSB at the hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, st the Court House door, ta Albany, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, all the right, title, in terest and estate of vieo. W. MeBride, at the time of hie death, In and to the lellew l&g described real property to-wlt : Be ginning at th southeast corner of the do nation land claim of James W. Bunch snd wife, Notification No. 2678 in Tp. IS, S of R 4 weet of the Willamette meridian, in Linn county, Oregon, thence running north 28 68 ohalna ; thence west 17.58 chains , thence sooth 23.58 chsins ; thence east 17.58 chsins to the place of beginning, cos tain ing 41 45-100 acres. Also the fol lowing described real property, to-wlt s The fractional west half or the southwest qusrter of Sec. 14, Tp. 18 8 of R 4 weat of the Willamette Meridian in Litm county, Oregon, containing 15 15-100 aeree and S 40-100 acres in th wast half of tb north west qusrter of Sec. 28, Township and rants aforesaid. Said 8 40-100 seres com menses at R. Garrett's northeast corner and runs south inoluding timber on? Muddy Creek and joining K. usrrett'a land on the east and laat above described tract of land on the north, containing ira all 60 acres of land. Albany, Deo, 6th, 1887, as. J, A. M oBbIDX, 3. C, jPowbix, Administrator, Attorney for Administrator; feA el fVtest 1 VtisSataMI Kgeter, rv ee. w r