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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1887)
foe jmmt at ths Pjsi Office at Albany, Or nd-olasa mall matter. FRIDAY DKOKMBKR 16, 1887 3HTE3 & HUTTING. Altar aad rreprletera. r r. nrTriNii, laeai naiur. A KAN ABOUT TOWN. Ever day, a I mot t, tome one suggest to the Man About Town the name of some one who need stirring up, as if we were a prod specially for that purpose. To a cer tain extent it is our duty to keep the public posted in matters of a public nature ; but private vices we hardly feel called upon to meddle with, except in extreme cases. Whether we should pinch the man Ailing a public position who is rarely at his place of business is a serious question. Guess not though. O The ten year old boy sawing some of the Democrat's winter wood was an example to the army of klle men around the city. The industrious lor makes an industrious man ; but ten year old boys should be in school rather than sawing wood. Necessity, though, often drives the fox Into the farmers barn yard. O Great Crocker ! when will this last spike ceremony take place anyway. Better let one of the detested Mongolians drive the 3 4ke at the awful hour of midnight, I alone, than have so much agony about It Yet It k a big event, one of great mo ment to Oregon, and should not he trifled with. O For qua'lty of milk It is doubtful if any thing equals that of the Jersey cow. You get the pure article there. The M. A. T. used to set a straight glass full of Jersey milk at night and in the morning the top fourth would be solid cream. What other cow's milk can produce 35 per cent cream a night. One of the prettiest cows of .nis breed in Albany is owned by Mr. Bruce McKnight. About fourteen pounds of but ter a week is the record, and such butter ; twenty dollar pieces in color. Unce on a time a Jersey cow had a record of 46 pounds a week ; but she was the queen of cows. O Jos. Webber, Chief Engineer eleet of the Albany Fire Department, was Secretary of the San Francisoo Htm Department as early aa 1852. and kaa been a member of torn ins department aantiaaousiy sine. Hs was three . . - . . . t . -I 1 1 . . UHM masnaeer ec ine roruaaa uepri t, was Albany's first Chief in 1867, being tow in the organization 01 me and baa filled the position many He is undoubtedly one of the isaweUse beet known firemen on the Panel albaar bow and always has had a fire department it ettinsna eenld be proud of. In the state tournament of next year there ia no reason why it should not make Itaell a name if it will begin early and the member get ia and drill. Fire 1 i's Electloa. Last Monday the annual election of of Boers of the Albany Fire Department took place In this city, resulting as follows : C OUNTY COURT. (J. J. Whitney, Judge ; Alet Brandon, It C MIHer, CuanuUeloners.) Bill of Henry Lyons, wearing judge and clerks election, disallowed, Alo bill of F M Miller, Atty's fees coroners inquest over Shafer. Also bill Dr Henry medical servi ces IMcrce family. Assessment of J ami L Ames corrected as to county and disallowed as to State. Feea R L Dorris State agt Crabb contin ued. Application of 1) M r ! Co for reduc tion of taxes dismissed. Matter of fees State agt Jtuison, $18.95, continued. ' Application of 0 T Craft for location of county road granted and fees allowed. Road ordered established as prayed for by A A Hull and others. Bill of W Fortmlllcr ,V Co for mde $41 continued. IN Williamon, Shff fee $ 8.60 K Glass & Son.Picree family 1 c.oo Expense canvassing Nov election ... 1 t.6o Herman Dierks, board jury 3.00 P W Spinks, lumber Dlst 15 3957 Win Brothcrton.j wild cat scalps. . . . a.oo R Glass Ac Son, lumber 14.00 J C Goodalc.lumber 43.37 J rruit.hoimtv on scalps c.oo W A Fruii,bounty on scalps 1.00 Monteith St Seltenbach, mdtc a.75 Fees surveying road, petition J M liasler 44.00 J L Hamilton, scalps J .00 Andrews St Hackleman.Orchard fam ily 16.00 J C C-oodalc.lumber 24.6a John Usher, cleaning county jail J.50 Mrs fc, Murry, board jury 6.50 O P Adams, lumber E J Daly, Deputy Shff 's fees 4.60 Foshay Mason, mdae 46.60 Mrs Houck, board Queley 8.00 W Curl, salary 1 mo 83.33 Mrs M E Davis,keeping Thos Riley.. 10.00 E TT Fisher, Surveyor's feea O H 1 1 v -ine, examination teachers. . . . 1 5.00 llll Hewitt, examination teachers. . . 15.00 T J Stites,examination teachers 18.00 D V S Reid 18.00 Lee Morris, keeping poor 39-94 !A Clemmons, wood for A 1 lays .... 3.50 P Galbraith, fee 116.0J ee inquestllas Mlnott aa.8o D V S Reid, salary 1 mo , 50.00 D S Smith, Shff fees ti no Fee State agt W H Dougherty 28.75 Fees State agt Bopp ". 24.0s Fees State agt Crabb 38.05 Fee State agt Cae 77-SO i) s smith. serving sutwltocna on George 0 Piper 55.25 J P Galbraith, stamps 3.00 Davis Bros., mdae 13.91 Foes witnesses State case. October Circuit 126.20 D S Smith, incidental expense Too G P Terrell, spikes, etc 6.00 Witness fees before grand jurv Octo- a - n oer circuit 3s 3 .40 Marion Co. hall expene buildine bridge across Santiam at Dan Smith' 3SC40 uavis wros , muse. 89.96 jenning .Md'herson, lumber 5.40 ueo itumpnrey, Msie agt Uougherty 3.55 uco 1 oung.onuge near .Smith s 300.50 fees Oregon agt l-ox 18.20 J B Fitzwater.keeping W A F 8,00 D Mevcrmburial unknown sick man.. Fees County Court officers 101 Jo Kantz & Moore, sawing 42 i cords of wood 31.87 FOR CHIEF ENGINEER. Webber ... Hoffman. .60 -36 Webber's majority 24 FOR ASSISTANT CHIEF. J. F. Hail. Henry Suescns. 48 .47 Hail's majority 1 By February 1st. CURRENT EVENTS. A $75,000 woolen mill Is to be erected at Union. Mr Narcissi W Brawn, died at Salem last Monday, aged 58. Jackson county Is in debt over $100,000 and the county tax alone Is 20 mills. The trial of the Celestials for the murder of another Celestial was begun In Portland isst Tuesday. Rev 1 S Kalloch, once Mayor of San Francisco, minister of the gospel, father of the murderer of DeYouna. died last Sun day. Blsiuark had the colic the other day, and a billion people knew of the fact In twenty tour nours. Burchard shook hand with President Cleveland the other day, and the fact was sent oyer the wires bast and West. At the firemen's election in Eugene last week there wa but one ticket In the Held. Geo Swlf was elected Chief and J W Cherry Assistant Chief Engineer. Charley Besserer ha nurchased the Walla Walla Journal, paying $5000, Char ley's Item all have vinegar in them, and spice too. Alva W Butler was sentenced to seven J ears in the penitentiary at Portland last fonday for robbing the U, S. malls several weeks ago In Malheur county. Dempsey and Reagan fought to the finish In civilised New York State last Tuesday, the former, a usual, coming out on ton, in the forty -fifth round, after a hard fight of one hour and nine minutes. At an informal meeting of the City Coun cil Tuesday evening at w hlch a representa tive of the Electric Light Co. was present, the proposition was made to furnish the city with twenty -four lights, located as publish ed heretofore in the Guard, for the sum of VS per month and the extra sum of $30 per month for running all night, making in all $78 per month or $936 per year. The Council will hold their regular mectlmr next Monday evening when the contract will be formally executed. This wilt la- sure Eugene City well lighted streets for ine coming year. cugene umara. REAL ESTATE In Mr. N.H. Ailen, Albany's electric light man, has ordered a 45 arc plant for the Al bany system, including all the modern ap paratus for a first-clam system, lie will use the arc lights for streets and the incandes cent lights for the interior of buildings ac cording to the custom of well lighted cities. It is now expected to have Albany luminat ed by the tst of February next. Our splen did facilities and the excellency of the plant , which will cost about $15,000, will give Al bany one of the best electric light systems In Oregon. 1000 Celt. Last Friday Mr. C. E Barrow s,of shedd, was in the city on his way home from Van couver, where he had been and purchased the . cat expensive yearling ever brought Into Linn county. A day or two previous he paid Mr. Jay Beach $1000 for Multno mah, a year old In July. This fine young stallion is a full brother of Oneco and Price -ment, the royal blood of Almont coursing through hi veins. Hence he is an aristo crat among horses, and is one of the most promising of his family. About a year from next summer he will be entered in the races and promises to lower the record for his age. Quit Work. Following were the recorded sales Linn county during the past week 1 E Kirkcodale to Dennis Klnaa. 2 lots block 3, Sedarille. . . , $ W F Alexander to Silas and A F Ham ilton, 7 X0 acres, tp 11 2 w W F Alexander to S and A F Haiml too, lie seres, Hand 12,2 w R Koehlsr, trustee, to C E Browne!), lota 1 and 2. block 100 M s S A . Oregon to Miles Cory,4C acres, 14, 1 w John Conner to Calvin Bark bark, lota 1 and 8 block 6 E A , Albany . . Est Chas H Cowsa, J I, Cowen, Ex'r to V H Caldwell, 320 acres, tp 1 1 S It 3 w G B Jones to W V ft C R K Co. riant of way. 30x4130 feet 1210 Sarah M Hogue to John M. and Ida Irving, 132x143 feet. Meek M, Albany, grantor reserving nse of property during life 1 A L Arnold to G W Arnold, 23 acres, tpl0fl w 300 Isaac Arnold U (i W Arnold, 33 teres tplO, 1 w fc 400 e HnrgUrlzed. 2500 323 80 2300 8000 Diphtheria In Albaay. On account of a very unnecessary scare in reference to diphtheria In tlds dty, the "Dally fitraid on Saturday stating that It was reported to them that ten or fifteen case existed in the city," a report that had a dampening effect on trade, keeping peo ple away from the city, and causing un easiness among parents of children, th directors of the Albany school appointed a committee of physicians to Investigate the matter. The result was that the disease wa found to have been confined to a nar row limit, and the directors decided to keep open the public school. 1 1 ere 1 the report, which fully explain the extent of the dis ease : Albany. Or., Dec. 13th, 1887. To tho Hoard of Si hoot Dim tar of Albany, J. inn tommy, tin-can. Gbntlkmkm We, your committee ap pointed to Investigate as to what extent, if any, diphtheria prevail in thin city at thl time, oeg leave to report as follows : 1 That we have made a thorough inves tigation of the matters embraced In your resolution of the 1 3th Inst., and from our own knowledge, as physicians, and from all we can leam from other sources, find no certainty of diphtheria existing except In two families, with possibly one other case in a mild form. 2, That we find all cases now convales cing. Respectfully submitted. J L. Hill, M. D. M. II. Ellis, M. D. J. P. Wallacb, M. 1) G. W. M aston, M. D. HOUR AND ABROAB Urn to French . Ledge election season of the year. Preach takes the oaks for lew prises. The beat harases at S L Thompson a. French, ths jeweler, keeps railroad time H Kwort, practical watchmaker and law el or. Rubber goods at cost at N. II. Alien & Go's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, AI oany, Ur. The last rail oa ths 0 ft C wa laid last Tueadsy. Thanks to Postmaster Davidson at Halsey icr tayota, If you want blankets ge to Moatsith ft VWM wnv S S 80ms elegant novelties for holidays at Fc sbsy ft Mason's. If you want boots or shoes go to Mon teith Si Settenbach. If yon want ths best harness in ths market go to J J Dubinins'. Chief Engineer elect Webber was sersnsd sd Monday evening by ths Band sad a large n amber of friends. Six shares for a dollar and a cU an towel to svsry customer, at Thee. Jones. 7 O-W our rheumatism, nsurslgi sod toothache, Poehay ft Mason, Agent. The city shsd was fall of vagrant Satur day night, six asking for a place to slcsp. Rssors honed, sst snd pat in order at Jones' Shsvtng and H-ir Dressing Parlor. F M French, agent Singer Msnufseturing Co., opposite Odd Fallows Temple, Albany, Or. Ths house of J B Chitwoed, at Chitweed Station 00 ths O P was barasd lsst Monday. Dr. M. II. KlIi. physisisn Bod surgeon AH any, Oregon. Sella nude ia oity or country. All styles of boots and shoes and a large stock of groceries is what ws carry. Rsdttsld ft Brow sell. The "Three Sisters" has been repaired and is now running regularly between this eity and Portland. Churchill ft Meoteith at Lebanon advsrtise that thsy are going out of business sad offer their goods st ooeL Mr LW Clark, the photographer, of this oity, has gotten oat a patent on a cotter mschsntsm for reapers. Ws take ths com, ths customer take ths bargains, sad ths bargain take the oaks, Itadftsld 4 itrowBsll. Every aastasiir will be a walking adver tiaementfor our bargains when they see ear prices, neonoia si Drowaeii. Ons of N H Aileu ft Cospriss tioketa good for It oa a dollars worth of goods purchased st tbs saw Second 11 and store. Fire inches of rata fall ia this eity during ths severe rsies of the I rat el last weak in stead of that amount in tee lessors. eel ve this splendid paper. A bibb got draak Friday la this oity, went to ths oity restaurant, did aet liquidate la ths proper manner, cams very near being knscksd out ia the first round, was arrested, taken to the oity shsd, fined, ahippsd oat of ths oity, probably seat to Salem. Poor mas. Mrs. Fannis Rhodes, of this oity Is ths happy possessor sf two regular, old-fsshisnsd red birds sll ths way from ths banks of ths Sangamon river in Illinois, hsving been sent by exprsss. Liks sll other Illinoisans, thsy will think Oregon Is a paradise after they have been hers a few months. F. L. Kenton la agent for all tbs leading newspapers and magasinss. Orders can be handed to him at any tints for any paper or magaains and thsy will receive prompt at tention. Subscribers are tbui sarsd the trouble, risk snd sxpsnss of ssnding orders direct to publishers. Aa Eastera man recently paid $20,000 for s corner bleek la Portland, baying It of tbs ownsr. Tbs nsxt day wishing to buy some mors property a real estate sgsot took him to the earns property and offered it to him for f 12,000. he not having been advised of the sale. The a. as. was the maddest individual Is Portland. Ladies will find relief from their costivs boss, swiming in ths head, oelio, soar stom ach, headache, kid.iey troubles, etc , by tak ing a does of Simmons Liver Regulator sfter dinnsr or sapper, so as to move the bowels osee a day, Mothers wilt have better health and the babies will grow more robust by us ing ths Regulator. If an infant shows signs of oelio, nothing like a fsw drops in water for roue. "I wish I bad some candy," said ons of a group or ohtidren sitting at ths roadside. "And 1 wish I had a Bios big was dell,' said BB Other ; while a e wee t-faced, fait -haired child sighed for a package of Press's Ham B Ta u m. aarg tea to make Bear mamma well. It was notion before the listener returned with ward for her filial devotion. Last week Mrs, Weiss living la tbs east ern an barbs of the eity disd from fever and wss bnrif d Saturday. Mar husband was also ill sad tne family was eatirely oat of f usds sod eatables. A petition was oi resisted for their aid and $48 raised sn a few momenta. Thia was placed ia the hands of the Ladies Aid Society and w being jadisialty need for the benefit of the family . BBS rUtMNAL AND SOCIAL. Mr Edward Zeyaa returned last week from his trip to California moos improved 1b health. Roe 8 Irvine, returned oa Thnrsdyy evening of last wssk from his trip to Waits bag. W. T. Mr SF Hammer, of Sptacr, who recently took a trip East ia reported sa much in. prov ed ia health. Mr Watt sad Mum Miaeie Mentaith have ia Portland this week, visiting their Tb O ft C depot has been greatly improv ed, the platform betag egteaded sad a rail lag built for the safety of the public. Umbrellas st ooet don't forgot that N H Allen ft Co., have a full stock of umbrellas which they will sell st ooet to eiose. A fias has of gent's under wear sad fara uhiug goods Jest received at Mcllwaia'e will be sold at prices that defy sampetitou ft young Btarrlod people's social club has been organised ia Albaay. It has bo const 1 tntion, sad it is sxpectad broom sticks will rale. Oet yeor holiday books at Feahay ft Ma- SB's. Their stock is big aad contains ths standard works aad aa well the latest fas notion. in alt sme Basineee Item. Mr. J. D. Creel arrived in Albany last Sunday from the front on the O, P. exten sion work, being nearly ten days making the trip. He reported that all the men had quit work on both divisions, Mr. Hunt hod paid his men In full. It is reported that the O. P. R. R. Co. Is considerably behind with him. Notwithstanding many draw backs the amount of progress has been great the past season and promises to be greater next year. Nearly all ot the discharged men ar rived in the city the first of the week, some of whom remain among us. Broke His Hip. Last Friday forenoon while preparing to leave for Corvallis on an O. P. freight train, Mr. Win, Newhouse fell from the Oregon Pacific depot platform to the ground below, a distance of two or three feet, striking on his shoulder, breaking one of his collar bones, Being nearly seventy-five years of age the bone cannot heal,hence the result is liable to be serious, snd it is doubtful if he can survive the accident. Drs. Maston and Wallace attended him. Lost Tuesday night about one hundred twenty jack knives, twenty -five razors and six revolvers weie stolen from the hard ware store of Stewart Sc Sox. The indica tions were that it happened this way. After the front iron shutters in the wagon depart ment had been closed the burglar slipped in at the back door and hid in a Studebackcr wagon, one of the finest wagons made , until things were quiet, when he helped himself to what cutlery he could carry, and evidently had his hands tun, tor several knives were dropped as he passed out of the back door. The fellow was evidently aa expert in cut lery as he picked out all of the Roger knives in the show case but one or two. As Stewart & Sox keep only s first-claw stock of cutlery the loss was considerable, prob ably $150. Albany is well supplied at the present time with a bad looking lot of suspicious characters, so that more than common vigi lance is necessary, it caught in their crim inal proceedings 'some of these fellows may look for a warm reception. In the mean time our police officers might reap a rich harv est arresting vagrants. The DsyoeA Rebsoa block is aesriy pletsd and will be ready for oeeapsaey that arm January 1st. Mr. M. Hyde is rspstrieg bis eases market building aad will occupy it in a few week. The Albany Farmers and Merchants In uranos Co. began business ia this eity Wed aosday, with headquarters at Wolvsrtoa ft I rvioe's office. $1400 in premium was the first days business. The vacant store ia Frosnnn a briok is being arranged for the company. Tbs Flina Block will not be ready for oc cupancy much before February 1st. The Young Bleek has been made water proof and work on it will be suspended until shout March let. W. R- C The members of the W. R. C. held their election last Friday with the following re sult : Mr 8 S Train, President. Mrs A B Woodin, 8 V P. Mrs N J Hen ton, J VP. Mrs J M Irving,8ecretary. Mrs L II Montanye, Treasurer. Mr A Overman, Chaplain. Miss Tiny Monteith, Con. Mrs S W Recce, Guard. Mrs L A McConnell, A G. Mrs lhompson, A C Mr Thos Monteith, Mrs Vunk and Wrn Vance, Executive Committee. Mrs W M Phillips, Mrs B F Tabler, Mrs T Moore, Finance Committee. Mrs Brown, Mrs Allen and Mrs Hopkins, Relief Com. Mrs Tabler, Mrs Moore, Mrs Irving, Mrs hitlips, delegates to convention. Mrs Jones, Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Monteith, Mrs Brown, alternates. Postal Motes. Mot Very Bright. A man named Sayer, on Thursday eyen Ing of last week, helped himself to a hore belonging to Mr. N. Bridges, which had been 18W1CK- First Street, took it to Mr Ans. Mar- Hakrisbi rg, Mr. Butler, who recently petitioned our council for a license to sell liquors, and was beaten by a counter peti tion, has again given notice that he will present another petition. Temperance peo ple will again oppose it. Considerable feel ing is being worked up over the matter. Bkown-kvillb. Following are the new officers of some of the lodge of thi city : No, 36, A. F. & A. M., J M Howe, W M Tav A Bihhoo. W : W T Cochrane. 1 W r . ' ' ' C t- atanard, 8cc. ; Peter Hume, Ireas. Dowdall Lodge No. 16, K. of P., C H Younger, C C ; T 11 Wilson. VCil P Harerer. P : Curran Coolev. K of R and 8 R L Blanchard.M of F ; II B Moyer, M of fc ; .Silas Powell, M of A. Calipooia Ixwlge No. 43, I O O F., W D Washburn, N G A L Kirk, V G ; M Farley, R S j Waggner, P 8 ; W R Kirk, Treas ; C H Klswick, G A Dvson and D M Waters left on shall's livery stable, received $3 by leaving it as security, ana was just getting ready to take the noon train when he was arrested and will reside in the county jail until the grand jury meets in March. The Wood Mas. Last week we gave the potato man away. Here Is a good hit on the wood man, whose season has just closed, and it is often an ac tual experience The dealer loads ids wood like this : 3T3T :SM rrr T -T SBH XST SSSZ K99 wss And draws it out to sell : But when we see the bottom tiers It looks like this or h.Jjjgetj.zrtt2-!1- A Wreck. Mrs H. A L. Klertlon. At the annual election of officers of the H. ft L. Co. last Friday evening the follow ing were chosen for the ensuing year : W. F. Read, President Leon Power, Rec. Secretary. H. F. Merrill, Fin. Secretary. C. H. Spencer, Treasurer. O. II. Irvine, Foreman. T. J. Overman, First Assistant. George Keeney, Second Assistant. W. R. BUin.Tillerman. The company nominated Jos. Webber of No. Ps for Chief, and J. F. Hail of No. a's for Assistant Chief Engineer,of the Albany fire uepartment. Helo Election. Scio. High water has been the rule here In the creek as well as In the city elec tlon. Mr Thos Munkers had twenty sheep drowned by the freshet. Cr a w fo b is v 1 llk. While fooling with a revolver here last Sunday Frank IV ailing re ceived a ballet wound in one of his knees. Tangent. Mr. Woedcen Ellis, who wss injured at this city about two weeks sgo by s construction oar running over him, disd last Sunday from the effect of internal injuries received by the accident. He waa between 60 and 70 years of age. At the election In Scio last week the tem perance ticket was elected by about 12 ma jority. Here it is 1 Hon Wm Cyrus, Mayor. Dr E O Hyde, Recorder. R Shelton, Treasurer. Wm Brenner, Marshal. M C Gill, J L Miller, John Gill, Peter O 8mith, D Meyers and Jack Bllyeu, Council-men. Views of the Wrecked Steamer. As anticipated by the Democrat last week the steamer "Yaqulna City" went to pieces at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, the severe gales of several days breaking the fine craft in two. It wa lying just beyond the jetty on the South beach. The loss will be about $200,000. The cheapest place in Christmas presents is at -Corner J.jwelry Store." Albany to buy French's "The Mr. J. G. Crawford, the enterprising pho tographer, has some fine views of the wrecked "Yaquina City," which can be had for 25 cents apiece, his present regular price for views. A very nice thing which he has gotten up is a Christmas card with any views wished on each side.a very handsome thing, for 75 cents. His rooms have been greatly improved in appearance, and many new faces have been added to his large collec tion of photographs. Ib3 tins display ot gold aal siisr wre a F M French's attracts considerable attention and Urge numbers are availing themselyes of a chance in his hue pruas offered. t, Johns Ledge, A. P. A A. M. The new officers are : G W Maston, W M. L C Marshal, S W. T L Wallace, J W. D P Mason, Treas. Geo E Chamberlain, Sec. D T Wyman, Tyler. W R Bilyeu, 8 D. B F Tabler, J D. D V S Reid, 8 S. R B Vunk, J S. Here We Are Again. Look at the list of valuable present to be given away to the customers of F. M. French on Saturday, December 31st, 1887 i ist, one ladies solid gold watch. 2nd, one diamond ring. 3rd, one large dinner castor. 4th, one set knives and forks. One ticket given for each dollars worth of goods purchased, and do not forget the fact that you can get bargains at the "Cor ner Jewelery Store." Call and see the prises. Another shipment of (adtee Bos widths aad sums last in this week ers remark what perfect beeuiiee. Red field ft Brownell. All local agisiin for the Utaousa of school money are to be dieoeetisssd. Tata will lake quite an item from the laossBO of eoasty treasurers. Bearding aad lodging o at Mrs Balls' restaurant st corner of Baker aad First Streets, aoarStar Brewery, Mo Chi seas aosks Feabsy 4 Masons stock of plash sIbbbm ! a magniieset one. Besides iaoladisg sll the n 'i values they are tbs most dursbls goods ta tbs market . O L Black mas has a fine stock of holiday goads, a splendid one to select from, already it baa attraotoa attention. It to st a ilae his stock . Mr J B Wirt was ia ths eity Monday with aSSoaaoe pear raised by Mr John Riley Mr Wirt will alcohol it aad ass it as a sample e Baa a 11 m &m ia ssiuag irutt trees lor Mr Bsttlessisr. The ferry boat at thia eity is ragtag watsrs of the Wulaesette, it having sana . I as uorvallu beat is taking its place. The Albany beat will be raised and repaired. It is an open secret that the N W Fire la su ranee Company pat its foot in it wbsa it boss Rooky Barhart as Maaagsr. A msi aeeda to be an insurance man to run a big ta seraaoe company. Iaa few months the members of ths G A R sad W K C will present st the Opera House "Tbs Veterans of 1812," ear leading dramatic talent haying consented te take part ia ths plsy . The warehouse at Waldo Hdls, owned by Melntosh & Co., waa eoasamed by firs on Thursday ef last wssk, 70.000 bosks Is of wheat to sacks betag partially bat act sa tirely rained. A M. Moll went has the largest sad fines stock of carpets in Albaay, new goods of ths latest assigns, s splsndtd stock to got a oar pet from. Sold at remarkably low prices eoostdsnog quality at goods. A clear bead is indicative of good health sad regular babita. ' When tbs body is lan guid, sad ths mind wsrks sioggishly. Aysr's Cathartic Pills will assist ia ths recovery of physical buoyancy sad mental vigor, The Roy. Jesse C. Taylor wiil hold divios service in St Peters Episcopal Church next Monday, Use. Into, morning aad sveoiag There will also be service oa Friday svsniag, Use. lata. All are invited to sttsad. Messrs rosaay Mason, druggist, srs selling Wisdom s Robertios wholesale aad retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of the kma in the market. A far aeeing new cotrsr says Albaay bouad to be the leadiag eity of the Coast be tween Seattle and Han Fraaeisoo. A little too visionary ; bat it will "get there EH all the same," snd lssve many of its asighbors be hind. We expected to have pressntsd ths Prssi dent's message as wsll aa that of Governor Semple, of Washington Territory in oar last issue ; but thsy tailed to reach as in time. Hence we give them to oar readers this week. Lewis k Hughss hsvs fern ployed a first olsss workman, who has long made a special ty of all kinds of aswed work, hstos are bet ter prepared than ever to suit those wanting superior work on short notice. Ladies tine shoss in sny material snd sty Is. Tbs fine residence property of Mr Edward Robinson, corner Cahuooia aad Third streets is offered for sale by ths Sheriff in another column. It is good property snd would be a bargain at considerably mors thsa the riain tiffs judgment, Mr FL Kenton and Mr Case), formerly with the 0 P R R Go . , will soon open a first elass grocery store in the building just north of the Opera Houss. Bsth are popalar young men and will draw a good trade. Mr Chaos is aa old hand at ths business. While making pickets in Zeyes k Hoch- I stedlers planing mill laat Monday Mr A W Anderson was hit in the fsrsbead with a picket, which knocked him senseless. He was taken home, snd is slowly recovering 1 from the accident. Scrofulous humors, erysipelas, canker, and catarrh, can be cured by taking Ayer's Sar saparilla. "I have used this msdiciae in my family, for scrotals, and know, if it is taken persistently, it will eradicate this terrible disease." W F Fowler, M D., Greenyille, Teas. Mr K J Archibald, ef Tangent, called ea ua last Wednesday. Mr A. has keen detog thia annually for essay years. Mr Stark, arrived ia Albaay frees Missouri a few daya ago, intending to 1 seats ia the Valley. Me la s jeweler. rice Seeders, sf this city, has entered ths Fseilaad Ba si a sea College, aad will spend a term at least ia that sseeUeat sehool . Mr KB Thornton, drag clerk with Poehay ft Mason, daring the past year, loft y ester day far aslant, whore he enters Willamette University. Mr JO Crawford, the ssitororising pho tographer resaraed last Saturday from Ya noise Bay. where he took s view of the wreaked "T equina easy. it ta a geoa U Ibsk Medaas sasswA cart svg Maaiild eeeee ia the oity Wednesday with severed relatives sad friends who have just arrived is the eity be Seat with a view of leoattag here. V F Hookies, agaai for ths Han Praa Rmmmunmr. wee ta the city the first of week sad established aa agency here, sonar lag 1b a fsw hears forty subscribers for ths daily Mr Alloa, of Spriag V altar. Miaa two se three days ia the eity the first of the week ths gaeat of Mr F M French, a fe sota BOtgBoor. Mr Ansa win go Mr C C Heme. Oea. F. A P. agent of the rfcfJB oB4anoa Bsfta) a to BaJ HaT JfiaBBaJaJlB He spoke ef the less of the Yaaaiaa Oity' aa severe set back to the Compeer, as it is badly needed ia its tranapertatioe best m. It was teeared far 11X5.000, about Salt of its value. The ateamer is a fatal wreck far eaythiag hat old iron. The Last Spike. The last spike celebration has beta a very aaaartata thing aa aosoaat of the bad weath ar. Ths following froat ban Kreasisce to tbs Mayor of Portland talis the whole story The exesrsiea na oalshrstisa of the ntatioa of railroad oonaactioa between Call feeaJa sod Oregon will go oa Friday, the 16th. The eeressoaiea of lav tag tbs last rail wil Saturday, the 17th. at 2 p. at. After rsssaiaiag at Aahlaad Saturday night and at Salem Sunday Bloat, wm proceed to rmt- laed, arriving there Monday Should the weather chaags aad become heavy, the excur sion will be poatpnaod. Ia this state of un certainty the committees of arrsagswetit hers, with Mayor Food at their res that it woald be impracticable ta attempt say ea tsstaiasseat ta ths way of a beaoaet. A social reunion sad cordial interchange of can grata la tiooa, informally, will tabs place at Portland. If ths sbovs is carried out tbs trais. aad there will be only one, will through Albaay Sunday svoaisg, probably about 7:45, net a very propitioae time -for celebrating. Council Piwceediags, I 'Ill HIIII MIIUIIIIIIMM CUPPED DlMPATCHKf, London, Dec. 9. John L. Sullivan box ed with Jack Ashton in the presence of the prince of Wales to-night. The pugulist wss Introduced to the prince, who expressed himself as delighted with the performance. Balkm, Dec. 9. Contractor G. W. Hunt has gone Into the Oregon Pacific extension with a sack full of money, and is now on- gaged in paying the men wages due from September till the present. Home uneasi ness was felt about Mr. Hunt's previous non appearance. There are now probably 500 men at work on Hunt's and Bennett s con tracts. The former's men sre blasting only whll e the tatter's are constructing bridges and culverts, and doing some grading. Cm 1 co, Dec. 9. Ovan Falowsky, a pho tographer, was arrested here last night on a charge of having obscene pictures In his possession. A number of pictures found in tils gallery were displayed In Justice's Court this morning. They Inclduded pho tographs of men, women snd children of Chlco In a nude state, and also photograph of several young ladies of hitherto respec table standing. In vulgar attitudes. Fal owsky pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. Citizens are considerably aroused. Washington, Dec, o. - Secretary Fair- chlld is sending to a targe number of collec tors of customs a letter that will startle some of them. Talking of S collector at a port in Oregon he calls attention to the fact that the expenses during the year were about 93000 and the receipts sixty cents, lie then informs the collector that the small sum Is appropriated for the sustaining of custom houses, and strict economy is nec essary to make It cover expenses. The col lector is therefore directed to dismiss all em. ployes and stop paying rent, and to cease Incurring contingent expenses. Pas i, Dec. 10, M. lutes Ferry, was fired at three times this afternoon by a man in the lobby, of the chambers of deputies. There Is great excitement. Ferry's wounds were of a slight character. Chicago, Dec. if. A Daily Niwt spec ial from Huron, Dak., says 1 A report reached Huron to-day that the farmhouse of Michael Harris, fourteen miles from Wessington, burned last night, and that the entire family of nine persons were burned to death. Another report says that Mrs. Harris snd six of Iter seven children per ished, snd that Mr. Harris and the oldest child, a daughter, escaped, severely burned. PaxscoTT, ArU., Dec. 11. Gov. Zulkk has been petitioned to pardon Ed. Lowe, ex-superintendent of the Presoott ft Arizona railroad, who pleaded eruiitv to atealina a barrel of apples belonging to a merchant in this town, from a railroad car, aad was sen tenced to one year in the penitentiary st Yuma recently. A paper was circulated on the street to-day remonstrating against the granting of any pardon to Lowe, and was staned by the members of the grand jury, district attorney, all the officers of the court aad a targe number of business men who attribute the loss of innumerable ar ticles on the Atlantic ft Pacific road to I .owe. The tatter. It is said, while In the employ of the Mexican Central, sold a cor rugated iron depot belonging to the com pany for $4000, and made good Ids escape to tht BBBBBWy, though the oftVtals ot the road offered a reward of S5000 far his ar rest. Pan is, Dec ti A curious suicide was discovered yesterday. A whole family, the father, the mother and their two children, the youngest a baby of three months, were loand dead in a email room on the Rue Tau louse, haying charcoaled themselves. A note written by the lather staled that he- bed no money to pay rent with, so they preferred death to starvation. Cincinnati, Dee. 1 1, James O'Connell, stage manager of Charles Andrews' "Mich ael StrogofT Company, was struck dead by an electric current, which came down the bell wire when he rang down the curtain at Robinson's theater last evening. Miss Col lins, to whom he was engaged to marry, was almost heartbroken by the event. 8t. Lot'ia, Dec 11. The RofmUkm publishes s detailed statement of the local option struggle in Missouri. The Wood law under which the fight ta progressing, has been in operation for six months to-day, and returns to date show that the "dry party," has a shade the better of It. This la ac counted for on the ground that the fight has been carried on chiefly in the home of its friends. It has not yet invaded the strong holds of the enemy. A total of forty-seven counties, including fifteen towns, have vot ed. Of these thirty counties have elected to go dry, with majorities ranging from to to 1700. Seventeen counties decided that the wet road was the best to travel. Of the towns, ten went dry and five wet. The largest dry town is Springfield, with a popu lation of 20,000. Four counties that had no saloons gave heavy majorities against prohibition. It Is claimed that $350,000 of revenue has been withdrawn from the state and national government by the result Nrw York, Dec. 13. The visible sup ply of grain Is : Wheat, 41,030,000 bush els ; corn, 49,508,000 ; oats, 6,233,000 ; bar ley, 3.509,900. Los Anoklkk, Dec. 13.- The coroner has four cases on hsnd to-dsy Conductor Rose, killed in the collision on the Califor nia Central construction train ; Henry Niet man, a bar-tender, stabbed and killed at a Sao Pedro dance house by a Spanish wo man named Isabella Audrass, who waa jealous of his attentions to another woman ; Quirino Topta, a Mexican, found dead from BLi! CRM ANS Htock of Holiday Goods is the absorbing topic of the day. For variety and quality it is unsurpassed, It contains what you want. Stop on your way from the Postofnce and see his line of ELEGANT ALBUMS, TOILET SETS, HOLIDAY BOOKS, PURSES, DIARIES, FANCY NOVELTIES; ETC! ETC. It takes an inspection to understand the situation, WANTED That the public A ou'd k now that FOSHAY k MASON, Have the la i goat atd boat assortment of BOOKS AND FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS Thai baa evar been displayed ia Albaay aad at extremely low pricoa Look Through Our stock aad you will be convinced what we Bay is true. STEWART & SOX, -DEALERS IN- HARDWARE Iron, Steel, Goal and Chain. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, WACOM MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS," 1 iroiTi 1 oil 1 1 iifbb uinnunnr m m .1 mm aawavm WB1B1IIWB1BP sn over-dose of opium ; and the tourth wimimiv nnnwnnni., Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 1SS7. Present All officers and Coundlmen but Marshall. The Committee on Fire and Water was granted further time on the petition of W C Twcedale for the removal of a wooden building in the fire limita. Also in reference to building cistern in Third Ward. The Mayor and Recorder reported on their canvass of votes of dty election with the result heretofore published. Report was filed. Petition of A Cunningham for moving wooden building in Are limits was referred. A report from Committee on Streets snd Pub'lc Property was read, recommending a crosswalk, Third, crossing Lyon ; that crosswalk south side 6th St., crossing Lyon be raised and graded ; that bridge on JLyon St. crossing ditch be repaired ; that canal bridges, Thurston Street, north aide of Third and south side of Second, be repaired : that crosswalk be built east side of Broadalbin crossing Water ; that west half ef block 12H, U s A. be filled and drained ; that crosswalk be built south side of 8th St. be tween blocks 66 and 67. Mr W H McFadden applied for dray man s license, asking that payment be allowed tn sprinkling done for city last summer. Re ferred, The bills of Judges and Clerks of city election were allowed, also of nlghtwstch- men, surveyor, extra police, and C W Watts, $107.50 for printing city charter and ordinances. Margaret Shaw, wife of Nathaniel Shaw, an English capitalist, recently arrived here, cause supposed to be heart disease. Washington, Dec. 13. The senate committee on privileges and elections has decided unanimously to seat Falkner, of Virginia. Seattle, Dec. 13. All the saloon men of Cooperville have been arrested for violat ing the revenue law. London, Dec. 13. It is reported that the Sullivan-Mitchell fight wiil take place in a large outhouse in Kent. The tickets are selling at 55 each. San Francisco, Dec 13. Announce ment is made of a new time table to go Into effect on the Central and Union Pacific Road December 3 tat in conform it v with shortening time between Chicago and Oma ha. The time from this dty to Chicago is shortened to three days and twenty-one hours. Washington, Dec. 13 -Heary D Kubll and Edward Best have been com m iasioned Postmaster at Applegate and Gaston, Or Also Jas N Walker, at Jeteli, Clatsop coun ty, Or., in place of Isaac N Foyer removed, ROPE ANI CORDAGE, BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES POWDER AND SNOT. BLASTING AIID GIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS. GARDEN AND GRASS!SEEDS.I SILVER SI omT?T? h H JJJUlj X Out Saws, STEWART & SOX. Holiday Sweetaes. A splendid line of confectionary for the holiday trans at Hoffman & Pfeiffst'. Be tides ths standatd oandiss thsy havs a largo took of fancy gaod, such as candy apples, oranges, animals, eta Ost your confection sry of a horns institution, besides svsry thing ia frsshly mads, constantly replenished from the firms oandy factory, under the ohargs ef aa expsrt workman. Also fruits, ia thsir aesaon, outs, etc. Bracelet, pins, eardrops in large quanti ties and ths best design at F W Cartsr's. Keep ths fact in your mind. Boots and Shoes. At cost by N. H. Allen & Co. Thia line of their stock is very complete with very de- 1 sirabte goods. Having taken great pains to eet best wearing boots and shoes that couiu l V - . -T- . - s- be bought, and is a spienata onponunuy to ANY PERSON, man, woman or child can do better in buy ing groceries, provision, crockery, glass- swsbbwb a rv rm j-tat nil Llnrls eisflv an A m 1 tC tobacco and cigars, at our store, where they get your fall supply. Call early before sizes . vo I are Drown uan ncr. run inaaonui that we have as complete a stock as any Entrance to the Columbia River. We have been favored with an outline pen sketch in black and white, of the grand marine view now being prepared in nine colors to be given as a premium to every subscriber to the West Shore for 1888. It will be on extra heavy paper, 17x2 ? inches in slse. This, with the many printings re quired, entails an enormous expense upon the publisher, notwithstanding wnich, every subscriber for 1888 will receive one free. The Wtst Shore enters us fourteenth year with the Januray number, and for 188S will be greatly enlarged and improved in every respect It is the only illustrated magazine on the Pacific Coast, and is the ba t maga zine in the world published fot $1.50 a year. The premium picture alone is vorth the subscription price, and is worthy a place on the wall of every admirer of the magniti cent scenery of the beautiful Columbia, The magazine, with all premiums and sup plements, will he sent post paid to any ad dress In the United Slates and Canada for $2.50 per year. Volumes of the W st Shore for 1807, handsomely bound in cloth, leath er back and gold embossed, containing 930 pages, with more than 200 illustrations of scenery in the Pacific Northwest, $ 3.50, or with the subscription for 1888 $5.50. Ad dress, L, Samuel, publisher of tht fest Short, Portland, Or. If you Want a atvlish winter nnunl . Monteith k Seitealiaeh, agents for Springer Bros, tailor made aaraaanta fair laiia and children. MARRIED. fSAKkK ALLISON. At the residence of the brides parents, near Harrisburjr, en Deo. 11th, 1887, Elder S. Williams offi ciating, Ma. A. L. Baker and Miss Emma Allison, both of linn county. JACKY SHULTZ. Ob Dec. 14th, in Al bany, by Geo. Humphrey, J. P., Mr. J. Jacky and Miss Tkrsjssa Shultz, both of Albany. rsscHawBrssBwaawaBSBsnwassSBBSBBi BORN. COX. In Albany, Dec. 10th, 1887, to the wife of Mr W. A. Cox -a girl. DIED. """" "'" Bawars of a sileat doe and still watsrs The impure blood flowing silently through the system is a dangerous enemy to health. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla is ths great blood purifier. Cheapest in ths market. 120 doses for f l.vo. AH druggists have it. Eyary farmer ahsuld take an agricultural paper, iney need ons in their business, i ne Htock, f arm ana uome Journal, issued every two weeks, covers the whole field, as its name implies. Every new subscriber, or eld tubtoriber paying a year ia advenae may re store in Albany, and in view of the tact THAT CHRISTMAS IS COMING we have holiday goods that will please the old and young. Conk Bros, Immense Bargains. Standard white shirts, 65 seats ; Boss of Arnold Ruth P Branch, F B Rollins, John ths Road overalls, 50 cents ; 4 pair of seam- AlBOTl leas socks, 25 cents ; regular price 4 for 60 j prattyman, William 2 canto, and other bargains te match, ar a. o. Rich, hiss neme Moll wain's. Holiday Goods at French's. Letter List. FsUewief Is ths 1st ot letters rsmaiaiaf in the Pas OSses, AlSaay, Una county, Oregos, Do. Uth, 1SS7. Parsons oaUlnf tor Umss latter must fl Vhe.eata ea which thsy ware adyarttssd : Bithos, Mrs A Bdfintrton. M 8 Fine Tailor lag. Gentlemen can select from the litest line of samples direct from San Francisco. Fall and winter suits, and pants, cut and made in the latest style, below cost. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended ta Mc Lough Lis', tidlor, Albany, Or. T .ink... W U Masters, Mrs Sanaa Phelps, A H Price, Geerg VsasAisdale, P Q R. THOMWOS, P. MeaUn Underwear. I have received my new stock f muslin under wsar . These goods are mad e on a lock I gttoh machine, aad warranted to a full size sad length and price reasonable. SAMQBIt ft. : ;OOS, LAME. At Halser. Or., on the 11th dav of December, 1887, Mary C. Lame, wife of Joseph H. Lame, aged 63 years, 4 months and 9 days. Mrs. Lame was a woman highly esteem ed by a large circle of acquaintances. Her loss to her family and the community is a great one. The deceased was born in Jeffer son county, Indiana, and crossed the plains in 1 S5 1, settling in Linn county, where she has since resided.) Notice to Road Supervisors, Road Supervisors are requested to in clude in then anneal report the tools be longing to the county in their Road Dis tricts, and also the condition of the roads in their respective districts, and about what amount of lumber will probably bo neaoea xor onages cnerein next season, Aad any person knowing of any lumbar being purchased at County exponas by any Supervisor and not used upon bridges upon the public roads will please tax interest enough in county affairs to report the same to the Connty Court, that wo may investigate the matter. J, J, tvwmrBv, County Judge.