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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1887)
TOi DEMOCRAT. St IN ADVANCE,'; $2 50 AT ENO OFYEAN. leased avery Friday by 0TITB3S Ac N TTTTINGK .THE DEMOCRAT Is the bent Advertising medium Id the Central Willamette Valley. 1 Advertising rates made known on ap pUoaUon, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1887. NO SO r m Ea L. H. MONT ANTE. TTORNJf AT I.W Notary Public at tetany, Oregon. Offloe upstair, ormr John Brtfga store, at atroet. Tl4u8Stf J. K. WE ATHEKFORD , (HOTABY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4LBANY, vBEttON. iTTtLL PRACTICE IN ALL TBI COURTS OF TBI TT SUU. Spaolal atuntlon gWan to jollaoilona and rotwOa MIMf. aroikM ta odd ri)ow' Tasapu. n:t 4. ri TBBTOK. o, ibvwb WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW iroiwi op ataira In Fester's. Block. AMI ANT, ORKflOK. . . eowauu w. n. kiltbu POWELL ft BTLTBTTt .PTORMEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chanfery, tL4T. tinoi. Oolleeiooe promptly mad on all points, joana negotiated on raaaonabla Urms. aSrOfflc In Foeter'e Brlok.fJs Hnlftf. J. J. WHITNEY, tttomer And Ooraisellw At Lai -AND "Votary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice tn all of tba Oonrta of bis State AH boalnoaa Intrusted to him fill bo promptly attended to. D, R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Offiee. Odd Fallow 'a Temple, ALBANY, - - OREGON. All boat noaa will receive prompt attantlon FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, Agonta for John B. Alden'a publications, which wo aall at publisher's pries with t ostagaoddad. ALB AMY, OKEOON. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Lang don. DEALER IN DRUOS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL8, BRUSHES, SOAPS. COMBS, and everything kept in a first -cists Drag lore. Also a one stock or pianos and ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. stationary, Toilet rtiolei, Etc. PIK8CI1PT1IMI G11IPDLLT FILLED, Open day and night, Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, r. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. OR. C WATSON MA8T0N Phvaician and Suriraon. roems and 4. Foeter'a Bloek. ALBANY ORECON. Homeopathic Physician, AIM. M. K. McCOY. M. D.. HOMEOPATHIC I phyatoiaa, aates ami raaidaass aorssr af fwst ami Hakar Btraato, Albany, Oragoa, Chrwnl diaam a aaaalalty. Cosesttottoe traa, Offloa hour : 10. i SO IS am ami t to ftp. a. HOLY ANCEL8 COLLEGE. A Boarding School for Boys ! ! Cond noted by secular priests and lay teaonera. First term opens first Monday In Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday In February Rev. F. A. Box 108. For prospectant address Becker. Vancouver, W. T ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seast,wi mmber, laths an : si. m a m pickets siept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calatooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. T(Jim Westta!.," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall line of Cbinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also roll line or JAPANESE GOODS. OUHI PiCIFIO BOimCTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished on abort notice for aay porpoeo. OppofiU S E, Youngs, Albany, Or BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. I am now receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, I hare aa nicely a fitted ep Root and Shoe Store, and aa complete a stock aa any this side of Portland and very ftw batter in Portland. I bay sH my boots and shoes jireet from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tor how oheap. No firm in Oregon hare any advantage of mo in baying aa 1 bay in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much tba largest, best and great est variety in the city. My aim will always bo to give aa good value for the money aa possibly oan be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OP AI.BAJrl , ORKCOR. mmm 1 VUVS VtoaPraaHiat a. g. TOCNU Omasar ....UCO. CCBAMaSBLAllf TRANSACT8 A GENERAL banking Inanmsi AOCOUNTI KKPT ashjaet to ehsak. SIGHT BXCHAKOB and nlafiahla wasafsr. sshf oo Naw Tartt, Ban rrasatoen. Ohlaag ami Parti COLUECTIOXS MADE on maaraM a. E. Tons, ao. f. Cm PamBj BGaisssauis to S BLA1X. Waxrssg, H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. lag en Sew York, Baa ami Bay otoe, Bto'a, oounty ami c ty warrants, gs ceir aapoaita aabtoet to ekwek. lotormS aJlowad n tima aspasHa. CaUaatiesa wfll taaahra prompt a tod. its. si. to tp. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. BAM MAY. e. BBBTDsma MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General lertnandise. NARRISBURG - - - - OREGON kf wftil, Wwl It all kills Ctiatry priiiee. WILL Deaiersln si Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Qigans and Pianos. A full Sheet music, mnslcel merchandise, ammunition, fishing '.tackle, etc. razors, butcher THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNCOUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines musical instruments, guns, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, - OREGON. J. GR AD WO H L, r ockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent ior Fire and asss , 9 p 'Jj .j SSS "BB WILL CURE Diarrhoea and Dysentery. WILL CURE Pimples on the face, and Freckles WILL CUKJB Old Store and Ulcers, WILL CURE Wind in the Stomach, WILL CURE Headache Nervoua DepTOsaioau WILL CURE Scrofula. WILL CURE Summer Complaints. WILL CURE Rheumatism and Gout WILL. CURE Ha ins in the Bones and Joints. WILL CURE nU Skin Diseases. INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES. Our otdMt child. .iow aU faara of in, when as In font six MKHiihs old wuauaaked with a vlreient, mart leant akin dliaaia. All ordii kin Slaeaaa. All ordinary tmnMm laJaaw, waoalkal our family nuvi our family i.nyatelan, who altatad ta VW. ... W I ...... B.lilH . . g - - . . until tha tow portion of tba Hltia fellew't parson, euro It: bat tt tprmd with almost InoradlbU rapidity ( f rum tha nMdIo of hla Back down to hla know. iaa. was 41m, Tli oar wsahs onasaas okd rash, ualy. tmluful. W.thaU, aiat BBSS Wa had no raw at at niattt. so poaee ay any. n wa war sdvisrd to try tha rutUura KarasSMS, affaet wa alwidv aaarvailoas. In t bra or tear a oamplata oars ess snssgftt,taarln the IllUa fallow' paratm a whlla and toaafta as though ha Bad never boon aUajOkad. In my ontnlou roar vaieasae dlaa aavsd hla Ufa, and to-day ha w a awonp, haalthy ohdd. parfauUr wall, no rtlUun of the dlasase Sav ing arar iKi-urrvtl, UKO. R. SMITH, AU'y at Uwand K Pro. AH'y, Aabland.O. Hafaraaca ; J Q WaUM, Druyftot. Aahhum, 0. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Ar horn Into Uw warW ry day with eaM ana matoua aaVis1s each as milk srast, aaall haatf, arurf, or dandrut. r to drtop tot as aelaiaa; aasaasa, tea Itchtag swesay as4 easlgersMas si wskw mah Itta a prtoad tortaraastesi sssetty wasaei. A warm hath with Caesar Soap, an snsalait Bis BaaaUflar. and aatoft apt BaaUan of Cstkur. tha UraaiKktn Our, with a UUMCutMura Masalvant. Uw Naw Btaod fttriaar, to oftan wficlant to arrant tha program of tha dlaaam, and point to a apaadjr ss4 Haaoa. no mothar was levss ear -miWIraw, wan mhos mid in taairhaauty, purity, andhaaltk. and is m atowlnx upon tham a ehlld'a sraslsit lasaHmnaa, s ak'a without a btamlSb, andaWly ssotiahad by pur btood,- ahould fait to mass trial af tha Oath era Sold arary whar. Pric ; Cutlcur. M aoae, tt aaala ; ssotvant, t fraparad by tn rot- tor Drug and ca-mfcmi ua, for "Haw Is Car gftla Ptoaasm, "oa pagss, IW i an I twin low BABY'S by CoBslitational Catarrh, No atagis asm has anUtlad mora aBwiag ar ajtased tha haakisg up of th .aatltBttoa Urns Catarrh. The of email, of taste, of sight, e asm sssssttssaa alL ytakt to TotoBltdtobQU ito it dsmntlvs i tawagswst ta ) up va it bar. UUl hape to ha rattonrd at totMasMssf thegrer. It 1 Urn, Umt to poputer Irastoiwl aftstetorrthto fllflTT "J" T- "" - - 1 1 ' - hand at one omaestont and teaatamrth. The sew ss mat at his 4 by Ur sand Cur ass waa the It is iranarrtanesaa is laamftesU uctl brlblr.i anil rti4l I mat oppraaaiva avmpsnma, etoartag the ha4.maaS aalag tha hraath, raatorin ta aammsef saaatl. last mmA ' ami th niMttln'irml tan danry ofUto dm f.ard. tha tanga, tlvar ami BBS- mmtord'a Badtoal Car minaiste of on totateaf tba BastimJ Car, am bus of CatenrfcUBaiv, and Im mtes. ti. Posmr lrag aa4 Chamloal Co. KIDNEY PAINS, Strains and Weatoesses, I in one mtottto by that alaa smtWaak faaW n, th CaKleura A all-rala fm Ik Brat aad only p4a-klil!nf io ftemw. Baamctollr adaptoc Jgly rail and SfmsgsJ sees 1 tear rtertar Bar trial It nitsaimt i lastasi I - - ty ran and stwsdgv sate llsass sai I Commission be detached from the Inter las and Waaksaas. wsrrsaiil vastly aa- I rw.,i.. ii. Patter to a) oth At all .Or tor ft : Pot tor 09 . i. u cow ax. t. w. cms Lion Otooty Baok, 00WAN CUSICI. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRAKBACTB a gmmraJ banking hoainma . DBJtW BIGHT DBAPTB on w Tsrfc. ta aVfM lNwlswaMe OflfJMaa LOAJf MOjrgTea sgsvorti sssnrlty. ggCfjyg gaseslM sebjsti to chaek. OOtJLBCTIOBg 1 ill ml 1 i toMwtMreeai Rdkm Emue. J. GIHLIN, Proprietor. This konae is now open and fnrotshsd with the beet new farattarc. Everything clean and cm mod iocs, offering to the gen eral public superior soecmmodatsbBa to any in the ci t v. BROS., be Lending line Warranted and pockst knlvee. Marine Insurance WASHINGTON (from oar raguiar oorrsif iaat.) Washington, D. C, Nov. aoth, 18I7. . A I read 1 have reported to yeu the cur rent capital gosalp concernlag the Cabinet changes that Mr. Lamar will be trans lated to the Supreme Beuch, that Port matter General Vilas U to succeed him, and that Mr. Dickinson of Michigan, will be the latter' successor. Still another rumor Is that Mr. Whitney evpects to re sign from the Cabinet unless his health greatly improves within the neat two months, his friends claiming that a of the vast wealth and great sawia! prom inence of the present Secretary ef Bg Navy, cannot afford to endanger hla eg. istence by further devoting himself to the onerous d uties Incumbent upon him. Many New York Democrats were es- tremely solicitous for the President to to his eld home at Buffalo and vote In the late election, and much disappointment waa felt that he did not gratify public expec tation In thst respect. But the President had a good reason for absenting hlmseff, aa he had learned from trust worty sources, that his presence at the polls would have been the occasion of an undignified and unseemly demonstration on the part of a club of intensely partisan Republican, as It was their unpatriotic purpose to chal lenge Mr. Cleveland's right to vote, on the ground that he Is not now a legal real dent of Buffalo. In view of this exposed conspiracy, It is doubtful if Mr. Cleveland again votes during hi Presidency, end when his motive Is understood, it will be applauded by all unbiased minds. Messrs. Carlisle and Randall sre both la ths city, and while neither Is willing to tske the public into his confidence, through the medium of the press, It is highly probable thst these great leaders may have an Informal conference before the meeting of Congress, with the view of making "ths two wings of the Democracy flap together on the tariff question, in the Isngusge of Mr. Rsndsll during a speech In the Forty ninth Congress. The forthcoming report of Secretary Psirchlld is awaited with no ordinary de gree of interest by the financial world, as it Is expected that he will tske advanced ground on the questions of the Treasury surplut,end the silver currency. That the Secretary Is laboriously and carefully ap plying himself to the important under taking that devolves upon him, is evidenc ed by the fact that to accomplish it he has for several day confined himself to the privacy of his home, In order not to be diverted from his work by visitor to the Department. Secretary Lamar In his report, which is completed but not yet published, recom- mrndi that th) fntratal Cnmnymrr- w j' ne a sen m wmmmw was vtir s m sponsible to Congrsss or the President ior Its acts, as at present the Secretary of tint interior only officiates in the capacity of disbursing officer for the Commission It appearing that he has no jurisdiction over that body at all. There Is a great pressure of business st ths Genersi Lsnd Office in the way of Is suing agricultural patents, agoo having been made out during the past month.and others in course of prepsrstion will in crease the number to 5,000 for the month of November, which almost outrival any previous record. The balance of power in the United States Senate Is lodged with the rollick ing Riddteberger, the Senator from Vir ginia, who holds In the hollow of his hand the political future of three Democratic claimants to seats Messrs. Lucas sod Faulkner, of West Virginia, and Mr. Tur- pie, of Indiana. Senator Riddteberger states that he will endeavor to act as con scientioustv in these controversies as If ha were on the Supreme Bench of the United States. The Republican Senate has more than enough chairmanships to go around there being forty -seven Senate committees to only thirty -eight Republican Senators, and so It Is likely that the majority party will very generously bestow the nine sur plus places on their Democratic brethren. SOROFULA I do not believe that Ayer's fiarsaparlUa has an aanal as a cure for Scrofulous Hu mors. It Is pleasant to take, gives strength to the body, and pro duces a more perma nent result than any medicine I ever used. E. Haines, North Humors, Llndale, Ohio. I hare used Avar's Ssrsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula. and know, if it is taken faithfully it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. W. F. Fowler, U. D., Erysipelas, ureenvuie, Tenn. For forty roars I have suffered with Erysipelas. I have tried various remedies Canker, and for my complaint, but found no relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarasparilla. After taking ten hot ties of this medicine I am oonwletely cured. M. O. Ameebury, Eockport, Me. I have suffered, for years, from Catarrh) which was so severe that it destroyed my appetite and weak ened my system. After trying other remedies, without re lief, I began to take Ayer's Ssrsaparilla, and, in a few months, was cured. Susan I. Cook. 809 Albany at., Beaton, Maw. Ayer's Sarsapaiilln la superior to any blood purifier that I ever tried. X have taken it for Scrofula., Canker, and BnU Bheum, and received much benefit from it. It hi good, also, for n weak stomach, Millie Jane Peiree, 8. Bradford, Mass. tt Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with Ayer's Ssrsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J.Q. Ayer SCb.,eweU,ksas. J flwWW BBBBdMag bW CLIPPSB DISPATCH KS, Naw Von.T. V. Powderlv Is In this city collecting Information to be used by the Knights of Labor in their attempt to Induce the government to establish a tele graph system of Its own. Me states that he will officially answer all charges of reckless expenditures by the general exe cutive board during the last year, ills ar rangements to visit Europe are complete, and he expects to leave next May. Wasiiinotom. Senator Stewart, of Ne vada, lays he will not Introduce at present the bill presented tv him Isst winter, pro- f tar thedlvhme of Idaho Territory, giving the southern half to Nevada and the northern panhandle to Washington Territory. There appears to be a marked diversity of opinion among the cltfsens of Nevada on this proposition. Western Nevada Is said to be opposed to the an nexation, and Eastern Nevada where the leanen mostly congregate, favors it. Idaho will resist the division, end the temper of all concerned will be clearly as. certained before Senator Stewart moves In the matter Naw Yon k . The Commercial Advertitrr ia speaking of the President's message, says . "The novelty In the form and the unconventional tone of the message, as well as the urgent and overshadowing im portance of the single topic It considers, will attract the universal attention of the nation to the document. If we are not mistaken, it will have decisive weight In the future of the two parties and of legis lation." The Pot says editorially : "The mes sage deals with nothing but public finan. BSfl and the moans of bringing about equi librium between receipts and expendi tures. This Is unusual, but under the cir cumstance entirely wise. In order to make the deepest Impression on the pub lic mind en a moat Important, if not the only important, topic of public concern, It was necessary. Otherwise, when the ses sion got advanced, tt would be next to impossible to secure say result, as other important matters would absord ail the at tention of Congrsss. The people on the Paciic Coast, he says, feel the seed of the Posts) Telegraph more than any one else." The World eays s "In thus pressing up on Congress the Issue of a paramount Im portance to the exclusion of all other Is sues, the President has shown a true com prehension of the situation. He has championed the cauae of the long over burdened tax-payera. He has made him self the defender of the business interests Imperiled by the prospective lockups of the money, and he has also supplied his party with what It has long lacked an Is sue and a leader. W asm 1 wgto, The secretary of the treasury to-dsy transmitted to Congress estimates of the appropriation required for the fiscal rear ending Inns x 1880. The or w w w total amount estimated as required for all expenses of the government is $326,530, 793, which Is $1,344,999 more than the sum called for In the estlmatss submitted istt year, and Si6.Soq.soo more than the aggregate of appropriations for the pre cent fiscal year. Sam Francisco.- The sppraUement of the estate of the late Gov. Bartiett was filed in the probate court yesterday, giving its value at $80,368. The principal items of the estate are : Fifty shares of the San Francisco Ssvlngs Uaioa, $15,000 ; part of a fifty -vers lot on Ellis street near Pw ell, $13,500 ; real estate in Santa Crus, faoyooo ; estate of Charles O'Neill, $aooa Chicago. George Shirle, an avowed German anarchist, was to-day find $150 on charge of disorderly conduct and csrry ing concealed weapons. While intoxicat ed, Shirle attempted to shoot a policeman who was helping him across a slippery pavement In the station Shirle declared that he had purchased a revolver to kill the policeman. He had a full box of cart ridges In his possession also. Salt Lake. Eliza R. Snow, Mormon poetess and seeress, died here to-dsy. She was alleged to have been the plural wife of loseph Smith at Nauvoo, which she av afterwards confessedand added "Smith to her name. She was one of the centra fiarurcs of the Mormon galaxy, and the church organ to-night has an editorial o more than two columns on her death. She was In her 84th year. Washington. A number of gentlemen representing wool-growers and wool deal era met at the Ebbitt house to-night, fo the purpose of considering what should be done to revive the wool industry of the country. The object is to secure harmony among the different branches of the wool ladustrv, and to fix a basis of duty upon which dealers, growers and manufacturers can unite. It was the belief that con gressional action might be secured ou a bill which would nearly equalise the bur dens of the present tariff. - asa' THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. The following is a list of the states and the number of presidential electors to be chosen by each for the next college : Alabama. ....... .10 Mississippi.. 9 Arkansas 7 Missouri 16 California 8 Nebraska 5 Connecticut.. 6 New Jersey 9 Colorado 3 Nevada 3 Delaware 3 New York 36 Florida 4 New Hampshire.. 4 Georgia 12 North Carolina ...11 Illinois 22 Ohio 23 Iowa 13 Oregon 3 Indiana 15 Pennsylvania 30 Kansas 9 Rhode Island 4 Kentucky 13 South Carolina. . . 9 Louisiana 8 Tennessee 12 Maine 6 Texas 13 Massachusetts 14 Vermont 4 Maryland 8 Virginia 12 Michigan ..... 13 Wisconsin 11 Minnesota 7 West Virginia.. . . 6 Total number votes 401 Necessary to elect 201 The country's exports and imports in the last twelve months nearly balance each other.the exports amounting to $724, 625,735, and the imports to $707,062,498. This makes a total foreign trade for the a. ' a ... m B year of $1,431,090,233, against a xoreign trade of f i,35&05464 in the year i886an increase of nearly $80,000,000 In the last twelve months. "DONT TICKLE 80." From the Nw North-went, Some people are of the Impression thst the surgical operation of straightening cross-eyes is both painful and dangerous ; and so tt Is, when attended by the unskill ful. The dellcscy and skill with which the Drs. Darrln perform the operation, without the administration of chloroform or ether, may be inferred from a little in cident which occurred during the opera tion of straightening a ! 3-year old boy's eyes, a son of Mr. Jerry Diiscoll, well known in Portland. Everything had gone on as usual ; the doctor had severed the muscle In the corner of the eye, which had allowed the eye to turn,and the oper ation being almost complete without pain, and In fact without the patient's knowl edge, as be had experienced only a slight trilling acnaatlon in the corner of the eye, and not knowing exactly what the doctor were doing, with a half-suppressed gig gling laugh he exclaimed, "Don't tickle so r PEN PA EA LYSIS. People who earn their living writing, and use steel pens for a long period of time,sre often stricken with adlaease call ed by physicians "Pen Paralysis." It is supposed that there is a constant flow of an electric fluid called the odlc ferce.pass- ng from the arm and through the pen and off from the body, thus constantly drain ing the system of that force which la ex hausting Its life, if that force is not re newed in seme manner, either by natural or artificial meuns, the arms become pew. erlesa, the muscles relax, the sinews and nerves contract, and the circulation of the blood Is disturbed. This is known by the medical fraternity as "Pen Paralysls,"and has been supposed to be incurable, from the fact that the old school of physicians clsimed that it was useless to try to dis cover the secrecy of life ; that that was be yond the knowledge of msn,and could on ly be known by a deity. But ss time rolls Its cycles round, msn's knowledge accum ulstea.snd it Is now found to be a certain fact that "Pen Paralvais" can be and has been perfectly cured. Nearly every one In Yamhill county, and many throughout the state, know Mr. John Thompson, for so long a time and still deputy county clerk of Yamhill countv. This is his own statement 1 "I came to Portland in Au gust last to see Drs. Darrln ia regard to the losing of the use of my right arm snd hand. 1 hsve been afflicted for the last three years, craduallv arowlne worse. During the time 1 have been examined by several of the bestj physicians in the state, both In Yamhill county and the city of Portland. They were unanimous In pro nouncing it incursble.but when all others loe hope the afflicted do not. I took treat ment from Drs. Darrln.and now, as far as the paralysis is concerned, 1 feel that I am as well as ever, and that nature Is fully re stored. I can write as well as before the affliction commenced." A NEW CUBE FOR ASTHMA. Editor Ortgonitt : I believe you hold It to be a duty, and I doubt not you will es teem It a pleasure, to help to make known what of all things is and will always be most desirable, vis s anv means to relieve disease. For eighteen veers prior to call- ing on Drs. Darrln I had been remorsely er persecuted with Asthma, in all Its terrible svmptoms. For months at a time I have been unable to sleep only in a sitting posi tion in my chair. I could not attend to my work. The past year I have been gradually growing worse, and the day I came to the doctors I nad to stop and rest and be fanned by my wife to keep breath in me. Thanks to Drs. Darrln and their new cure by Electricity, I am cured. Re fer any one to me at Centralis, Lewis county, W. T. Isaac Wincabd. Two School CempeajtUeaa. Below we publish two compositions re cently produced by two young pupils In the Oak Plain school, near Halsey, Mr. G. F. Russell, teacher. The Democrat takes a great interest in educational matters and very gladly gives space for anything that will increase the interest in school work SMUNO. Spring is the most pleasant season of the year. After the long dreary winter every one is slad when the hrst sign of spring ap peats. Little green leaves appear and the buds begin to expand their many colored blossoms. Little bunches of nameless now era spring up in sheltered recesses, and vio lets , pansles, daises and buttercups are not long in following. The peach, cherry and other fruit trees display their beautiful blos soms, and the sweet smelling flowers of the lilac also help to make spring beautiful with spring comes the birds with their sweet songs ; although they are busy build Inar their nests they alwavs find time to sing The little Innocent lambs and calves appear friskinff and playing about their quiet moth era, and every day adds to the animal and vegetable life. I n the spring-time the farm er sows his grain, and the busy house-wife finds time to make gardens and plant nower- seeds. But Bprine soon passes away and gives place to the long hot summer months OUR LEISURE MOMENTS. I suppose we all know what our leisure moments are, moments in which we are free from any occupation, or in other words the times when we have nothing to do. Now the way In which we should Improve our leisure moments Is an interesting subject to write. With perseverence the very odds and ends of time may be worked up into results of the greatest value to us. Our most famous men have acquired their learn ing by using every spare moment of their time and Improving it in a way which would be of the most benefit to them. One of these has said, "All that I have ever accom plished has been by that plodding, patient, persevering process of acretion, which builds the ant heapparticle by particle, thought by thought, and fact by fact." 80 we might lay up a great deal of useful knowledge, or In some other way benefit ourselves by im proving our spare moments In a profitable way. For, "He who would reach fame's dizsy steep, must toil while other, play and sleep." So then, let us improve our leisure moments In a way which will benefit us the most. In some useful and beneficial em ployment, or in reading or studying inter esting and Instructive books, so when we look hack over our past lives we can say we have not lived in vain, and always regret that we did not improve our time in ways which would do us the most good. For we must remember that "The little busy bee, improves each shining hour, and gathers honey all day long, from every opening flower." AT COST BY N. H. ALLEN CO.. Our Entire Stock at First Cost. Having made up our mind to discontinue the mercantile business, and intending to embark in another enterprise, we will 611 our entire stock of general MERCHANDISE AT COST. Call early and SECURE BARGAINS, We shall give aw&v the advertised, January 1st. N. H. ALLEN & Co. o 57 First Street Alban y C. B. Roland & Co, CLOTHIERS. HATTERS AND MENS FURNISHERS. OVERCOATS : A largo stock of all grides just reoeired. CLOTHING: An nneonaliid baIam. r e t ... drees suits. HAT5 : From all the leading maker.,8Qch as J. B. Stotson Co., and other FURNISHING GOODS n, ,.v i- a.U . . lar attentio. and w ihnin RUBBER GOODS : We handle only the Terr beet on.lit t- ? abort boots, men. andals, orerooat, and so'uWerT rotM. " - BOOTS AND SHOES : 30 cwt TRUNKS, VALISES, HAND Blankets and Comforters in Stock, . B. ROLAND ft CO., Clothiers, flatters and MeflsjFarnishera, ALBANY, OREGON. Palace Meat Market. J. T. mi, PBOEOTfOB. FIRST ST. - - ALB NY, OR. Will keep constantly on hnnd beef, motion, perk, real, a usage, etc , the beet meats and largest variety in the city," Cash paid for all kinds of fatja ock. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEI8T , ALBANY, - - OREGON Roses g Specialty. Cemetery Jots planted and attended to. FURNITURE made to order or HSPAIBBI), at mj shop went end of Third j Street, Albany, Or, S. A. DECKARD. T. T. STITJBSa ATTORNEY AT JL.AW -AND Notary Public. TO CLOSE A11 shall have a chance maa ac businee and . Jj -1 . . 7. r36irexl our parties of first grade mUr b,fa, j - SATCHELS, UMBRELLAS New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increaaed demands of ATI business we hare been compelled to moth into a larger store and wo oan bow th found next door to 8, E, Yoang, where we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you coed any stores, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fftfo jars, trunk, books, roller skates, addltfj saws, planes, etc and a thousand fffh ferent and use at tides you can not fo better this aid 9 ef San Francisco than joa oan do with us on a purchase or exchange f M. FRANKLIN & 00, 12S First Street,' Albany, fjfc L. W. CLARK Ported ; Photographer 8,m logs by appointment, COPYING AND NLAR6IN0.v Tweodale's Building. ALBANY, - - OREGO rOR SALE STY ALL. DRUOOISTS AflR OHOOtRB-