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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1887)
file mwrat fcrtered at the Poet Offices Albany, Or matter. FRIDAY DKOKMBKR 9, 1887 BTITE3 & K4lter mm NUTTING. rreprtot. ran r. mdttixo. lmi Miur. A Ms ABOUT TOWN. Drawing engines through the mud at the bam fire last week was not quite at pleasant a toasting one's feet at a fireplace. The Man About Town has been advised that several sidewalk firemen appreciated this fact and kept out of the mud, allowing out aiders to get in and drill. They deserve he Ing pickled if the statement Is true, and we are informed that it Is our duty to throw on the brine. O The Man About Town Is informed by Mr. George Richards that he has observed the antics of bees and mosquitoes in Oiegon for years, and that they are in the habit of making themselves known generally dur ing the three winter months,even the form er coming out at times and bussing around. We speak of this as a recommendation for the mildness of our climate in winter. O It is often the lot of the newspaper man to be misunderstood ; the fate of a Wash ington Territory editor Is peculiarly sad. Recently he spoke about a school ma'am teaching the youthful mind to shoot, and she immediately "got on her ear" and pub lished a card demandiag a retraction, insist ing that she was not teaching her pupils to hoot at all. O The M. A. T. has just read of an Iowa man, who, after fouiteen years, has succeed ed in perfecting a machine that bores a square hole. It will do in two or three minutes what formerly took half an hour, Remarkable age this. O Mr. John Briggs informs the M A. T. that on Thanksgiving day 1883 one quarter of an inch of snow fell, but if any one took a sleigh ride it must have been in the mud. O The election in this city Monday demon strated the fact that city elections are as uncertain as the place where little Johnny went. O Last October a young man came to Al bany to reside. About the date of his ar rival can be proven . Monday, on having his vote challenged at the Court House, he wore that he had resided in Albany ninety days. If the shoe fits this applies : other wise not If the facts are as reported to the M. A. T. the next (irand Jury is liable to have smb. If not this item refers to some other fellow. O The Man About Town calls attention tp the fact that the total vote cast in Albany in 1884 was 378 ; In 1885, 411 ; in 1886, 417 ; in 1887, 495, which speaks for the steady growth of the city. We are increas ing rapidly. From Mr. L. Martin, of Ashland, who returned to his home Saturday evening from a visit to Albany, a Da mock at man learn ed many interesting facts in reference to the fruit business there and the prospects of the country generally. Daring the past season prices of real estate ha c !een on boom, land around Ahsland increasing in value two hundred per cent up. As an ex ample, several months ago Mr. Martin sold ten acres off his forty acre tract for what he paid for the forty acres, and now the ten acres could be sold for twice what Mr. M received for them. His thirty acres could only be bought for at least a small fortune. The value of fruit land may be seen In the fact that it pays Interest on over $1000 an acre, during the past year about $300 to $1500 an acre being the gross receipt around Ashland. The superior quality of Southern Oregon fruit Is an item that means much, dealers through the N. W. willingly paying 25 cents a crate more than Califor nia prices, and the demand was several times the supply. Mr. Martin shipped all the way to Montana and had orders from even as far as Salt Lake City, which he was unable to fill. We are glad to observe that he is taking the lead in the business. The industry he has embarked in promises to be one of immense magnitude. The Demo crat rejoices to tee the prospects of pros perity in the neighboring sections of the State. Oat at the Sear Last Monday a tramp was arrested by the night police and placed In the shed near No. t's engine house, sometimes called a caliboose. During the night he tore the rear end of the building down, either with his fingers or by blowing against it, and escaped. The bell tower would be as safe a place to keep a prisoner. Fire Department Matters. Last Monday evening st a meeting of Linn Engine Co. No. a, J. N. Hoffman wa nominated Chief Engineer, and Henry Sue sens, of No. i's Assistant Chief. No. i's did not make any nominations. The H & L Co. meet to-night for the purpose of elect ing officers and placing a ticket in the field The Diphtheria Cases. Last week the Democrat reported the death of two of the children of Mr. Thorn ton, in the First Ward, frsm diphtheria, Saturday another one was taken to the cemetery. Two others afflicted with the disease are Improving. Two children of Mr. O'Brien, a next door neighbor, caught the disease, and on 1 uesday morning one of them died. The other will probably re cover. The disease has been confined to these two families, and warm, stormy rains precludes Its spreading further. The Ysqafaa City" Stranded. Y aol ik a. Dec. c. The machinery of the steamship Yaquina City" broke down In crossing Yaquina bar at 3:1c this after noon, and she drifted on the spit inside the bar. She lies in an easy position, The sea Is moderate, and It Is expected that she will come on wltrr to-morrow's tide. As we went to press it was reported that the steamer remained 00 the south spit of the bar, and some tbink it cannot be gotten off. A north wind would break it up. The freight was being conveyed to Y equina for shipment to the Valley. e Bare Buraed. Thursday evening of last week while Harry Day was throwing down hay in the barn at Mr. John Hoffman's home, in this city, a lantern hung on a peg either explod ed or the bottom fell out, causing the hay to be set on Are, the flames quickly spreading through the barn, compelling Mr. Day to jump to the ground from the second story door. A cow inside was taken out. About five tons of hay were burned. AH the fire companies were promptly on hand. No a's getting water first by about five seconds The flames were extinguished, the charred remains of the structure being left standing There was no insurance either on the barn or contents. Halsey Election. At tbe election ia Halsey on Mondsy the following wr elected for the ensuing year : Hon. T. J. Black, President. P. 8. Fieldn, Recorder. J . R. Bon, Marshal, J. W. Gearr, Treasurer. H. D. Godley, Prank Triaby, W. J. gtowart, Geo, Cunningham, Sr., Conocilmeo, CITY ELECTION. WARD MBtTIHOS. At the Ward meetings held Friday even ing the Democrats placed in nomination the following ticket for Councilman 1 First Warder It Stewart Second Ward J Oradwohl. Third Ward John Isom. The following Central committee was named, and ratified Saturday evening : First Ward J P Galbralth. Second Ward L H Montanye. Third Ward J K Weatherford. The Republicans, Oounctlmen 1 First Ward B F Tablar. Second Ward L E Blain. Third Ward Ed Gom. Central committee : First Ward-C W Watts, Second Ward O H Irvine, Third Ward F 8 Crosby. mi k CONVENTIONS, The Democrats met at the Court House at 7 o'clock and organised by electing T J Stites Clulrman, I K Weatherford and H Lampman Secretaries, and J H Burkhart and Geo h. Chamberlain tellers. G W Maston. I N Hoffman and V R Rllyeu were appointed a committee on order of business and reported according to the following proceedings.' The Ward nominations were on motion ratified. J L Cowan was nominated for Mayor by acclamation. I I Dorris and C G Burkhart were named for Recorder, and the Utter nominated on the second ballot, the vote being 50 to 40, two blank. I Hays and M H Young were named for Marshal and the former nominated on th e first ballot. TJ Wallace was nominated for Treasurer by acclamation. The Republicans met at the Opera House at the same time. W C Tweedale was elect ed Chairman, J R Whitney and F M Red- Held becreUiies ; E L. Thompson, li W onv, inns uopsins and 1 1 uverman. tellers. O H Irvine J H If alne,8r., S S Traln.S E oungsnd D R N Blackburn were appoint ed a committee on order of business and re ports tted according to the following proceed- L Kenton, Fred Mueller and were named for Treasurer and the former nominated on the first ballot. N J Hen ton was nominated for Recorder by acclamation. E E Parker. F M WestfalLGeo Burkhart and C W Watts were nominated for Mar shal. E E Parker received 100 votes : Westfall, 71 ; Burkhart, 13 i Watts, 0 ; blank, 3. Walter Ketchum was nominated for May or by acclamation. The Ward nominations were ratified. THE ELECTION. Monday was a very stormy day indeed but the vote cast was a huge one, being about 80 more than last year. Following was the vote,' democrats being first, repub licans last : MAYOR, J. 1. Uowan, f irst Ward 74 Second Ward 1 39 Third Ward 07 270 Walter Ketchum, First Ward. . , Second Ward. Third Ward.. :: 323 Cowan's majority, 48. RECORDER C,G. Burkhart, First Ward 33 Second Ward 73 Third Ward 69 74 .107 .119 N.J. Henton, First Ward... Second Ward Third Ward.. - 95 331 Henton's majority, 147. MARSHAL. Haves, First Ward 70 Second Ward 121 Third Ward 77 268 E.Parker, First Ward....'. 60 Second Ward 75 Third Ward Hayes' majority, 45. TREASURER. 79 3 L. Wallace, First Ward 43 Second Ward 101 Third Ward 61 5 F. L. Kenton, First Ward 97 " - 1) , ! ... TTdrd WaT 2i - 288 Kenton's majority, 83. COVXCILMRX. First Ward, C H. tewart. . , 51 B. F.Tabler 87 I abler s majority, 36 Second Ward, J. Gradwohl. L. E. Blain 70 Uradwohl s majority, 45. Third Ward. lohn Isom co Ed. lioins 94 " Coins' majority, 35. 6 MILL TAX LEVT. Yea. First ward 18 Second ward . . ao : Third ... ,60 147 No, rirst ward 46 Second ward ,54 ihird Ward .24 14 Yes's majority, 23. Bracelets, pins, eardrops in large aoaati- and the best design at F vr Cartor's. Keep th fact in yosr mind. Postal Notes. Lebanon. What about the "Ditch," J F Whiting and family have moved to Al bany to make it their permanent home. Rev. file hard preached here Sabbath, ex changing pulpits with Rev. Gibney. Mr C B Montague was in Vancouver last week on important business. Tallman. Smith & Ham mack's store at this place was robbed on Wednesday night 01 last week, several articles of mer chandlse being stolen and ss well a supply of postage stamps from the Postoffice. Brownsville. Some dramatic enter tainments are promised tlus winter by the newly organized Fort-night Society Christmas trade promises to be big. Farm ers around here have been setting out a large number of trees from the Tangent nursery, Mr. Hugh Melds and family have gone to California to spend the winter. Crawfordsville. N. Shanks, of this Ereclnt, recently returned from a trip to ufur, where Or. Vanderpool, the cancer doctor, took out twelve cancers from his face. Sweet Home A pension has been granted Louis Stringrant, of this precinct. Scio. Mr. Geo, Sutherland has sold his hotel here to Mr. Georse Morrow. About one hundred pupils attend school here, and Messrs. Uarl and Wilson are giving satisfac tion. Immense Bargaias. Standard whits shirts, 65 sente : Boss of the Road overalls, 60 cent ; 4 pair of seax lesssoeks, 25 cents ; regular price 4 for 50 cent, and ether bargain te match, at A. B. Mcllwain's. CURRENT EVENTS. Heavy storm. Webfoot for certain. Three prisoners escaped from the Yamhill county jail at Lafayette Friday night, Sadl Carnot is the new President of France. President Crevy has resigned as Presi dent of France. Gen Clinton B Plsk, It Is reported, been selected for the Presidency on has the rrortibition ticket. The Salem Statesman favors a $1000 sa loon license for that city. The round house and machine shops for this division of the O. 8c C. it is reported, will be located at Ashland. At the Salem city election Monday Ray mond, Lafore, Skinner and Hutton, all re publicans, were elected. The total vote cast was 516. M J Irwin and wife, attendants at the In sane asylum have resigned, Gov Pennoyer demanded their resignation or that of Su perintendent Lane. As prognosticated by the Dbmocrat a branch road from the Oregon Pacific to Salem will not be built, It was found that It would cost too much. Freight will be carried as heretofore, from Albany on the O. P's steamers and the traffic promises to be large. Dewey Ensign, the Seattle boy who In herited $35,000, was found last week In Northern California and has gone with his mother to Kansas to claim the money or estate. The S. F. BmUHim has discovered that diphtheria "has uo connection whatever with filth," but Is caused by milch cows. We are pleased to see our conservative con temporary abandoning Its position of ob struction and taking up a positive policy. "The cows must go !n will be an inspiring war-cry, and ban Francisco can look for ward with confidence to the day when it can revel In a hygienic paradise of filth and condensed milk. Examin$r. The It K. Celebrettoa A meeting of the citlacns of Albany was held at the Cour House to make arrange ments for the celebration of the completion of the O. & C. and C. ft O. railroads and the reception of the grand excursion party that will leave San Francisco Monday and pass through Albany on nest Wednesday. T. J. Stites was elected Chairman and E. F. Sox, Secretary. On motion the follow ing committee was appointed to make sll necessary arrangements for the celebration: J. K. Weatherford, Mayor, C. E. Wolvcrton, J. W. Cuslck, J. R. Wfdtney.E. J. Lanning, C H. Stewart, S. E. Young. The committee met Friday afternoon and sent the following telegram to Mr. R. Koehler, of Portland, which explains the situation : We, the undersigned committee appointed by a mass meeting of the citizens of Albany, beg leave to say that the citizen of thi tit y are desirous of showing their appreciation of the importance of the completion of the Oregon St California railroad, bv taking such part in the demonstration on this occasion as are consistent with arrangements made by yourself and those in charge of the ex cursion. If there Is anything Albany can do to contribute to Its success, please com mand us, and the people of this city will gladly respond In an appropriate manner. J. K. Wkathkrford, Mayor C E. Wolvertox, ii W. Cvsick, '.- J. LANf IMG, C, H. Stewart, S. E. Yotso, J. R. WsuTNEV.Committee. spike will be driven Tues- The day at Ashland, at 3 o clock in the following manner 1 "Wires running north to Portland and south to Sacramento and San Francbco will be connected with a hammer, so that when blows are made 00 the spike, which latter will also be connect ed with the wires, in all towns along tlie at where the inhabitants may desire to make connecting arrangement, the elec tric current can be transmitted so as to ring bells and fire guns announcing the completion of the great northern coast rail- road. The driving will consist of three on the spike, at intervals of ten sec. onds, each blow closing the telegraphic cir cuit. As each blow Is made and announced at distant stations, the telegraph manage s ill acknowledge the same. After the third tap the word "done" will be trans mitted from Ashland , notifying all points that the great work ha at last been com- P,clcu The excursion party will reach Albany at about 745 o'clock Wednesday evening, and will remain here about fifteen minutes. A ssessad sxwisiun party will pass through the eity Thursday evening st 7 4o o'clock, re maining hers fifteen minutes. Ths following is ths wsy tbs voting was done in Albany last Monday : First Ward Straight 30 republican, 18 dmnocrstio ticket. Scratched -GO republi- as xv rwi ix. m n -a ean, OO oemocrasic. w repaouoan, uin ecratie tiokets ; 41 republic an majority. Second Ward -Straight --38 republican, 45 Scratched 42 republican, VI 117 democratic, 80 republican. Di"cr'H? mf- S Third Ward-Streigbt-50 republican, 31 democratic. Scratched 45 republican, 31 democratic. 95 rep blicta, 63 democratic. 33 republican majority. Total 265 republican, 228 democratic , republican majority, 37. Straight 118 re publican, 89 democratic. Scratched 147 I I LI! I lepnoussE, 1-vJ democratic. A!Y PKBHON. 1 man, woman or child can do better in buf . , , i "g groceries, provision, croc scry, gwao ware, lamps, 01 an kinds, candy and nuts, tobacco and cigars, at our store, wnere tney CAS SEE FOB TBEMSBLVKS w - . Miat we liave as complete a stock as any store in Albany, and In view of the fact I iu namary au tu iyiuiv we have holiday goods that will please l the old and young. Conn Baos. Harriaburg Election. At Harriaburg last Monday the Temper snce people elected their entire ticket by a good majority. Here It is : I F McCartney, Mayor. L Douglas, Recorder. Damon Smith, Treasurer. John Balch, Marshal. W H Davis, A T Drisko, H A Davis, R FAshby, H M Roberts, L Stites, Council -men. A, 0. U. W. At a meeting of the members of the A . O. U, W. Monday eyening the following officers were elected for the ensuing term 1 M. W., T. I tites. Foreman, JjJJDorris. Overseer, R, B, Vunk. Financier, A. E. Parker; Receiver, A. B, Wood in. Recorder, G. W. Dodder. Guide, W. E. Kelley. G. W., J Chiswell. O. Wn W. A. McClaln. Trustee, W. F. Reed. Med. Ex's., J. L. Hill and G. W. Maston McPherson Post O. A. R. Its new officers are 1 S W Recce, Commander. N T Moore, S V. R Brown, J V. A B Woodin, O of D- W C Cassell, Surgeon. S 8 Train, Quartermaster. R Fox, Oof G. The cheapest place Christmas presents Is Corner Jewelry Store." in Albany to buy at French's "The PERSONAL ANDfsOCfAL. Dr Alexander, of Cuburg, kss beau la the oity this week. MrsDrCapp, who has been residing at Union Oily, was iu the oity, The W. C. T. U. social and supper has agaia been postponed, Mr J as Garrett and Mr Kinnsgan.of Peoria, ware In th oity Tuesday, Jsff Clins spsat Sunday and Monday iu the oity. Cams up to vote. Miss Leaore Kay. daughter of Taos Kay, of Hrownsvills has been in the oity the guest of 0uaty01r Ualbraitb. Will Simpson and wife arrived la Albasy tbs first of the wssk from Hslix, and we aw dorstand will looate hsre. Mr Brisk, the 0. P. contractor, came in from M shams last Saturday. Only rook work is owing done now. Too wet far anything els. Miss E M Howard, who was admitted te pasties law by the Supreme Court is Oeto bar, assisted in the proeecution of a criminal is Yamhill county last wssk sad ersetsd a fins impression by bar opening speech,- Sslain Vidftt. REAL B8TATB Following were the recorded sales In Linn county during the past week : W E Kslly to J C Johnson, 25x48 fast, Soto $ 178 P S Doaghtsa to H Bryasfc, 10 81 aeres, tp 1 1, 2 snd 3 w 84004 C L Brush to M Hyd, 25 fast front Pirst St., Albany 1250 J T Williams to J L Chapman and J W Brown, 160 aorss, to 10. 1 w . 1200 J A Btlyeu to J W Brown, about 12 aorss is Soto preoisst T S Morris to J F Morris. 188 sees. IS 1 E W W kiohardson to I. K " Brooks, 8.0 seiss, 13, I K 1850 750 2700 J B Msore to M A Rotters. 2174 sons p 15, 4w " Mary J Stites toT T Roach, interest in 8 lots, Harrisborg and 67.01 aors tp 15, 4 w Lyman Wright to Mary J Bristow, 827 seres . 400 8006 880 10c 83 1700 J 0 Johnson te O Hyds, J lot, Scio uragon to u ttryaut, 80 aorss, tp 0, 1 K J W Mck night to H Bryant, aorss, toll, 2 w D P Portnr li tl to P P Nattiag, 2 lots. Albany T. . . Raymond Burkhart to O Burkhart, leo.90 acres, tp 11, 2 w 2194.40 TJ MoClary to v VAC K K Co. right of wsy 30 fast wide . John Isom st si to O A C It K Co, right ef wsy in Albany. . . Report of Taagest iool. Number enrolled for the month ending Dec. j nd, 1887, 56 ; average daily atten dance, 53. Neither tardy nor absent. -Bessie Settle mire, Llssie, Annie and Chas Bryan, Etta and Louisa Newcomb, Ollle, Len and Geo Simpson, Sylvia and Roy Brewer, Claude, Harry and Jib Beard, Harry Knighton, Annie and LUsle Smith, Leila Scott, Jesse Jenks. Not absent MlnnteSlbbeta, Ada Knight on. Ernest Cochran, Alfred, Clara and M ade Blevlns, Melvln Simpson, Maud and George Beard. Not tardy. Edna and M ollle Luper, Mollic, Ida, Sadie, UranvtUe and Delmer Smith, Forrest and Enoch Jenks, , Volney and Marion Simpson, Albert Settlemlre, Lils Berwick, Liny Sharp.Mlnnle McGhee. General average of all their studies for the quarter, 90 to too per cent. LUxie Bryan, Minnie Mcfjhcc, Geo Simpson. Msud Beard, Ada Knighton, Uzle Kmith. ise Jenks. Claude Beard, Enoch Jenks. to 90 per cent Bessie Settlemlre, Mary Simpson, Chas Bryan, Dena Bridgefarmcr, Wade Blevina, Granvillie Smith. Marion Simpson, Sadie, Moiiie and Ida Smith, David Bridgefarmcr, Elmer Anderson, Annie Bryan. Ollir Mimoson, Ielmct Smith, Annie Bridgefarmcr , Leonard Simp son, liar v Heard, 1.11a Berwick, Linxy Sharp, Annie Smith. Clara Blevlns, Ellen and I, una Anderson, Melvln Simpson, Alfred Blevlns. . Excellent In deportment, Lixxie snd Chas Bryan, Minnie McGhee, Geo., Marion and Mary Simpson. Ida. Granville and Mollle Smith, Joaie Mooes, Bessie Settle mlre, Jfadc Blevlns, Etta Newcomb, El mer Anderson, Maud and Georgia Beard, Annie Bryan. I esse lenks. Ollie Simpson, ixxle Smith, Sylvia Brewer, Linxy Sharp, Lila Berwick, Forrest Jenks, Sarah Bern. Lenna Anderson, Alfred Blevlns, Enoch enks. Kov Anderson. Lixxie Luner and 'Me lyin Simpson. H. w. Hrsron, teacher. Something About Biss. The following from the Oregon City Em- ttrfrit Is s cleat statement of at least a part of the career of M. Hogan, who has attract ed so much attention lately as "the Sic wheat swindler :" It appears that one Hogan is at the head of the concern. He came from Michigan and Is said to be the same party that ran the Bohemian oaU swindle in the Western State a few years ago. He first tried to In terest C u. Iatourctte In hi scheme, but falling, succeeded in securing the co-operation of A. S. Bsty snd s Portland party. Ex- Gov. Woods was selected as President at a salary of $50 per month, having been told that the position was merely an honorary one. Hoaaii was arrested in Ban Francisco. Hatv is evidently in Victoria yet, as he wrote his wife to dispose of all their things here and meet him there. The household goods were sold Saturday evening and she left the first of the week. Win. Barlow, of Barlow Station was made their shipping agent. From him they are said to have purchased 80 bushels, from Mr, Smith of Molalla a considerable quan- ttty at SI, and irom another party quite a supply ; enough in all to enable them to clear up about $16,000. Upon the arrest in Albany Gov. Woods seems to have lost no time in sending in his resignation, rightly judging that he was among a slippery crowd. Hogan Is the same fellow who a few years since visited these parts selling bills ef goods to farmers, uoods worth $15 he would get $150 for taking in payment the farmers note. All together his carrer seems to have been not without an occas ional ripple of excitement. Give the grang era ot Lans county but an opportunity to pronounce verdict on his case, and they will not remain out long. It Is to be hoped that they may hae a chance. Here We Are Again. Look at the list of valuable present to be given away to the customers of F. M. French on Saturday, December 31st, 1887 : 1st, one ladies solid gold watch. 2nd, one diamond ring. 3rd, one large dinner castor. 4th, one set knives and forks. One ticket iriven for each dollars worth of goods purchased, and do not forget the fact that you can get bargains at the "Cor ner lewelery Store." Call and sec the prizes. 1 Holiday SweetnesN, A splendid line of confeotionary for the holiday trade at Hoffman & Pfeiffei'r. Be sides the standatd candies they have a large stock of fancy goods, such as candy apples. oranges, animals, etc Get your confection ary of a home institution, besides everything ia freshly msde, constantly replenished from tbe rims candy factory, under the charge of an expert workman. Also fruit, in their esson, nuts, etc. Boots and Shoes. At cost by N. H. Allen St Co. Thi line of their stock is very complete with very de sirable goods. Having taken great pains to Eet best wearing boots and shoes that could e bought, and is a splendid opportunity to get your fall supply. Call early before sizes are broken. Holiday Goods at French'. HOMM AND ABROAD. Uo to Frsaoh. Pall wksat look fin. Pirsmsa'a slsotion Monday. Read ths President's Mssags. Frsaoh takes th sak for low prices, Th best harases at B L Thompson s . Prsosh, tbe Jeweler, ksops railroad Urns H Kwert, practical watchmaker and jew Sl ST, Eabbsr good at cost at N. H. Allsu 4k Go's J. P. Wallao, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. H yon want blanket g to Moatsith k Ssitsobaeh. Most of ths oburebss la Albany will hsvs Christmas tress. There srs 47,431 school children to W. T. and 87,217 in Or. Sons sltcant uovelties faf holidays at Vn. bay At Mason's. If you want boots or shoes go to Moa tsith & Ssitsobaeh, If ,wwot th bees hsroess in tbs msrkst go to J J Ihtbrullls's. Tbsrs was considerable freight for Albany 00 ths stranded "Ysqaina City." Wednesday the Willamette was ains feet above lew water mark at this city. Sl shave for a dollar and a sit an towel to svsry customer, at The. Jones. 7 0k cures rheumatism. neuralsU toothache. Poehay A Mason. Aaeotl boned, set snd pat In order at Joass Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor. F M French, sgent Singer Manufacturing Co., oppose Odd Fellows Temple. Albany. Or If more wheat were te bs sold is eoaaty it Woo Id be a good thing for Lion bust Those prises to be given sway, st P M. French's ere admired by sll who have aasa them. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physieUn and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls mad ia oitv or sosntry, All style of boots snd ah stock of grooeriee is what wo oarry Kedfisld . nrawssu. No. STe flag pol Mew dowa st this oity last Ssturdsy sight, s stiff brsexi being too taaeh for it. Tbs Oregon Paeiie' new host, is ths "W MHosg'io boner of the 1st Vice President ef the road. Mr L A Mills, of Seattle.dsoghtor of Mrs M J Mealy, of Sweet Hon, died s Thurs day of last week. Ws take the coin, the customer take tbs Every customer will be s wslkiag sdver tisemont for oar bargains when thaw ssisor BedtUld St BruwaelL Taa Hilton paper announces the prospects .um. v.y w MUM maentoe shops and noarisg mill ia big bead lines. One of N H Allen k Co oris tickets good for 5e on a dollars wortts of goods purchased Mr. P. M. Hioehart, of ehedd, and 8. J. Berry, of Salem, were suited in ring a Sstoas last Wednesdsy. Mrs mar The new bridge on the O. P ht Uorvalli and th Bay ordered built by the R K Com. hare been completed . . Umbrellas st cost -doo'i forget that N H Allen St Co., have a fall stock of amnesties which they will roll at cost to close. A Hoe hoe of gent's underwear sad faro lahtog go Is jst reomvei at Mellwaias will be sold at prices that defy ompetiUo a i , 1 ... as oespis weu written composition pro-. dseed by two stadmsta in the (Jak Plain sesMOi will appear in enr ootam nest week. One of the Dr IHrrin, of Portland will bs in the city, st the Beyer Moss, on Monday, ! O at & . 7 er iseaoay and Wednesday, Use. 12, IS and 14 lie year holiday books a Paohay ii Ma- eone. Their ebck u big and contains the a n n a . . . oTaiamrrn wees snd ss well tbe Uteat tn bet to. Another shipment ef ladies ins shoes in sl win is and stass jest tn this week. Custom era remark what perfect beau ties. Bed field at Brownetl. Bearding and lodging 00 ressonsals terms at Mrs Halls' restaurant at oorner of Baker and First Streets, near Star Brewery. No Chinese cooks. Feebay k Mason's stool; of plush albums is a msgatiosat one. Besides including all the novelties they srs tbs most durable goods in the market. Heak Hays and Jos Meyers havs bought AUea k Croosee'e delivery bsssaees and are already cbaracterisisg it by promptness and At the teachers sxamisstiou held ia this city last week two were araoted first grade, Ave second grade and thirteen third grade certihostor. Five failed. The Has display of gold and stir or wavrs at P M French's attracts considerable attention and large numbers are availing themes! yes of a sbaaos in his Mas prises offered. Last Tuesday, in this city, in Sye hoars, five tnehee of raio fell, being about one-ninth of th annual rainfall. It wss what used to be called "pitchforks dewa ward. " Dr Hill informs us that five or six el tbe family of Harvey Cole, wbo lives la the Willamette Bottom this side ef Jefferson, are dowa with the typhoid fever. Mr H D Mounts, of Sdvsrtnn. offer to es tablish a 17000 ohair factory tbr for a bonus of 1500. Both Brownsville snd liar, riaburg have offered to raise the bonus. Last Tuesday while eating dianer Mr. John Morgan, residing just west of tbs Bass Hons, was stricken with paralysis. He is new improving and will probably recover. Ia Mr Briggs weather report last week the ragranh "mgaest daily ttaor.29 ; lowest. 6," should havs read "Highest daily range of ther. 39 I lowest. 6." Conaidrrabls dif ference. A B. Moll aia bs the largest and fine stock of carpets in Albany, nsw goods of ths latest deeigos, s splendid stock to get s oar- pet from, bold at remarkably low price considering quality of goods. At the election st Sedaville Mondsy P Ido air wss elected Recorder : J G Boyd. Marshal 1 I, Hoey, Treasurer ; H A Mc Cartney, HU Klum, S M Coopsr.Olney Fry, Sr., and Kalph Fieber. Councilman. Messrs foshay at Mason, druggists, srs selling Wisdom a Ruber tins wholesale and retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of tbe kind in the market A Eugene City paperclsims that th build tug tnrpiovenient there amount to $896,660 for the past four years, more than the to tal sity assessment at the present time, a pe ouliar freak of nature. A doctor writiou to a Corral I is paper says "filth is the principal source of the germ of many discs tea, and more particularly that of diphtheria. Albany ia note filthy city but it snouia ma.e cieannnes an issus. At the election of officers of A O L at the College last week, L Los was elected Presi dent j H Ames, Vies President ; Prof Lee, Critio ; W Gslbraith, Trea. ; W Cowan, Clerk ; P Young, Librarian : C Elkins, S st A. Dr Rob Morris. Post Laureate of the Ma sonic Fraternity of America, will leoture at Masonic Hall in this oity Thursday evening, Tk IKtL .i T --l I. VT, I.- Dec. 15th, at 7 o'clock, n. m, None ean be present save Masons ef the Third or Higher degrees. For forty years, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ha been demonstrated to be the most reliable remedy in use, for colds, eeugha, and lung diseases. Slight colds should not be negleot ed. The Pectoral will prevent their beoom ing enronic. Tone up the system and improve the p nstitc by taking Ayer's Sarsapariita. It will make you feel like a new nersoa. Thousands hav found health, and relief from suffering, by the use ef this great blood purifier, when all other moans failed. At a meeting of the Board of Directors sf School District Ne. 5, held last Friday Prof Q A Walker, recently from Pennsylvania, was elected Principal of the Albany Central School. Prof. Walker comes here highly rec ft . A m i ommenuea ana is a teacuer 01 xpeneaoe. The Rev Jesse C. Taylor will held divine service in 8b. Fetors Episcopal Church, next Sunday, Dec. llth, morning and evening. In the evening a collection will be taken Foreign and Domestic Mictions, All invited. The iMttet, of Salem, wonders wby Doctor Harmon, tbs St. Petersburg oculist, who was in Albany recently is diog business la a lit' tie oity like Salem if a is loeh a noted eye man, sad advises its readers not to allow a stranger to "monkey" with their eyee. Miss Bisks and Ella Howard, of tbs Arm of Band C Howard havs formed a partner skip to oarry on dress-making. They will run a Hrst-clsis shop ia E sod C Howard's millinery store sad will guarantee entire sat ufactiou with their work . Give thm s sail. TbsB K Com. has been ia session ia Sa lem thi week Among the complaints was on against the 0 it AN by O P Oosnaw for overcharge en sons seed from La Grande to Portland, and one by B P Jen, of Toledo against the O P for the loss of s $80 self ia October. Last Monday Charlie Sternberg, the little ssa of M Sterburg, of this city, fell frees a ohair, striking on She floor ia sueh a manner as to break one of bis arms near the elbow. Or Maston was called and set the limb. This is two broke arms in Mr. S's fsmily within soon! s year. P. L. Kent u sgsnt for sll tbs lesding newspapers and magazines. Orders can be banded to him at any time for aey oaoer or msgssin and they wilt receive prompt at tention. Sabseribers are thus saved the trouble, risk and expense of sending orders direct te publishers. Lewie 4 Hushes have em cloved a first. class workman, wbo ha long mad a special ty of all kinds of sewed work, bcece are bet tor prepared than svr te suit those waatine superior wsrk on short notice. Lsdiee Has shoe in sny material and style. A holiday item in the Democsat last weak reading between the linos, "any one can see for themselves that Christmas is oomiag," caused many to wonder who it was that wss advertising that way. This week a at th item will explain matters. Mr Williams, late of California, now a resident of thia city, started on Monday last for Priosvills after a spaa of hones which bad seen stolen by s man ia bis molov and whs had sold them snd fled to California. It is said it will cost Mr. Williams over SSO to get his aorss back again. The Oregon peni tentiary is tee place for each em ploy see. Lebanon JBrprm. it true economy to oat money in the ssvings bank, and it is tree economy to bay s horn on th 'installment plan," provided they don't make yen pay twice its value. Bat we oees ooooomy is tn saving yeor money by haviag a timely supply of Frees s Hamburg Tea o hand. It is one of the beet family median known, and saves large sasss to those using it, ia tbs shape of doctors' MIL Clipped Olapatehee. Sam Fa axc 1 co. Dec, i, to Bam Ctsosw. Chinese highbinder, was hot snd killed ear I j thia morning by a highbinder named i-eong An lick, in a Chinese gambling house. Tick escaped and Is not yet captur ed. The two men had a dispute over 40 cents. Saw Francisco, Dec. 1. There came to the State Controller's ottos yesterday from Monterey county, a claim for $u for the aid of aged and indigent person. Among the list of those entitled to thi aid is the name of Gabriel, an Indian, whose age is 13a years. He was born in the year 1755 Leximoton, Kv, Dec. 1. Dan Hwieert, proprietor of the Elrnondorf stud, to-day purchased from Dwyer Bros., the great colt 1 remom tor .15,000. TTita is the largest price ever paid in this country for a home bred thoroughbred for stud purposes. BaooaviLLe, Kansas, Dec. 1. The Law rence hotel, sis business houac and three dwelling burned here this morning. Four men burned to death. The gneets ot the hotel were obliged to jump from t he second story windows, local loss, $23,000. Lomdow, Dec 4. There have been sev ersl shocks of earthquake throughout the province of Calabria. The railway station at Mongrassano has been destroyed, and the town of Bogliano Gravina has suffered greatly from shocks. The first shock st Btslgriano was felt at 5 o'clock this mom ing. The peemle st once fled from their houe, and thu prevented an awful calam ity. The second shock, which was much more violent, occurred st 7 o'clock Bts lenaao is almost entirely destroyed. Four thousand persons are rendered harnesses and many others are missing. Twentv- five are known to be killed. Washikgton. Dec. 5. -The Secretary of tbeTrcaaurv to-day transmitted to Coagre astiwistti of the sppyopriatkm required for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1889, The total amount estimated ss required for all expenses of the government is $316,530,793, which Is $1,344,999 more than the sum called for in the estimates submitted last year, snd $16,309400 more than the aggre gate of appropriation for the present fiscal year. of Los AM0r1.Es, Dec 6 The democratic majority 011 election for Counclimen yes terday ranged about 60a Only two repub lican Counclimen were elected. Galveston, Dec. 6. In the United State district court to-day Judge 8a bin re leased Robert Stockton, a Kansas City drummer, from the custody of the State authorities, who had imprisoned him for re fusal to pay a state drummer license. The judge said the state law in this case was void, because it conflicts with tbe federal constitution, which gives congress sole power to regulate Interstate commerce. Bps 1 ngv 1 sd, Mo, Dec 6. Tbe South western Grain & Seed Company are ac cused of obtaining money under false pre tences, and are being prosecuted for the set. They are charged with the famous Bohemian oats swindle so successfully prac ticed in Ohio two years ago. It is estimat ed that they sold $100,000 worth of seed and grain in adjoining counties in Missouri, and one of the Springfield banks holds $17,. 000 worth of farmers' notes. The officer of the company left the city sometime ago, and it is believed they have been indicted. Washington, Dec. 6. The President has sent the following nominations to the Senate : Lucius Q C Lamar, to be asso ciate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States : Wm r Vilas, to be secre tary of the interior ; Don M DickinMMi, to si W , . a e s be postmaster-general ; unaries a r air child, of New York, to be secretory of the treasury ; George L Rivers, of New x or, to be assistant secretary of state ; Isaac H Maynard, of New York, to be assistant secretory of the treasury ; Slgourney But ler, of Massachusetts, to be second comp troller of the treasury ; James Hystt, of Connecticut, to be treasurer of the Unit ed States. Hsslts Underwear. I have received my new stock of muslin underwear . Thee good are made en a look atioh machine, and warranted to be foil sis and lsngth and price reasonable. 3AMUt XV, xoone. If you want a stylish winter garment g to MonUitb k Seiten!ach, agents for Springer Pros, tailor mane garatancs tor lames, and children. e Fine Tailoring. Gentlemen can select from the latest line of samples direct from San Francisco. Fall and winter suits, and pants, cut and made In the latest style, below cost. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. I . V Albany, Or. Letter List. Following. Is the list ot letters reesslsiag ta ss feet 1, Albany, Una county, Oregon, Dee. ith, UsT. Persons osUing fr these letters avast fire tbe Set en which they were advertised : Brown, JL Barks, James W Clark, Miss Paulina Benhsm. James R Cbtunpmsn, Chas H 2 Davie, Mrs Jane Eager, Gordon Imne, B K Banda, Henry Stansell. Frank Hiavt, l, Y Jamison, RW Swank, O E Treseott, Chas B Weston, H D ' R, THOMPSON, Welsh, James p. n Strayed. From my stabls in Albany, Kov, 29th, blank horse, 16 hands high, sway back, scar six inches Ions on ankle of oae bind lg,ihod all round, 1 1 years out . wm suitamy re- ward any oae who will furnish information a to hi whereabouts. Leave information for ars at this office or with me. JOBS Clixjuso, BLAGKIAN'S Block Holiday Goods is the absorbing topic of the day. For variety and quality it is unsurpassed, It contains what you want. Stop on your way from the Postoffice and see his line of ELEQANT ALBUMS, TOILET SETS, HOLIDAY BOOKS, PURSES, DIARIES, FANCY NOVELTIES; ETC., ETC. It takes an inspection to understand the situation, WANTED That tbe public FOSHAY & Have the Isigeat aid BOOKS AND FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS That has over been displayed in Look Through Our stock and you will be convinced a Stewart -DEALERS IN- HARDWARE Iron, Steel Coal and Chain. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUCCfES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE ANB CORDAGE, SILVER STEEL H. EWERT, bas a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays. Nice selection of HOLD LM SILVER W1T0HKB, DillOHDS, ETC, ETC. New Assortment all kinds of Jewelry REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. ALSO SPECTACLES CLOCKS, ETC, ETC. DR. HENRY SMITH. 433Kewney:St., San Francisco Over 20 vears experience in the treat ment of Chreale and Special a causes in America and European nosi itals and other institutions, making a spec ally of these afflictions. Heme Treatment sent ta sue 1 cannot visit his office. Orders for c edi cine promptly attended to. of sbouid know tbat MASON, bast assortment of Albsay and at extremely lew price. bat we say is true, & Sox, BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, POWDER AND SHOT, BLASTING AND GIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS, GIRBEN AND CRASSISEEDS.1 X Out Saws, STEWART & SOX. Administrator's Sale. a th County Court of ths State of Oregwt for jumm vommy. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Geo, W. MoBride, deceased. NOTICE is hereby a Ivan that by an or der oT the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on December 5th, 1887, the nn- aersigneo as Administrator or said estate will on Saturday, tbe Hb day ef January, 1S8S at the hour ef one o'clock, in tbe afternoon of said day, at the Court House door, in Albany, Oregon, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder, all the right, title, in terest and estate of tieo. W. MoBride, at the time of his death, in and to the follow ing described real property to-wit : Be ginning at ths southeast corner of the do nation land claim of James W. Bunch midwife, Notification No. 2678 in Tn. 13, 8 of R 4 west of the Willamette meridian. in Linn county, Oregon, thence running north 23 58 chains ; thence west 17.58 chains , t hence south 23.58 chains : tbenos east 17.58 ohains to the place of beginning, containing 41 45-100 acre. Also the fol lowing described real property, to wit : The fractional west half of the southwest quai the uarter of Sec. 14. Tp. 13 S of R 4 west of Willamette Meridian in Linn county. Oregsn, containing 15 15-100 acres and 3 40-100 acres in the west balf of the north west quarter of Sec. 23, Township and rangs aforesaid. Said 3 40-100 acres com men03 at R. Garrett's northeast oorner aud runs south inolnding timber on Muddy Creek and joining R. Garrett's land on the east aud last above described tract of land on the north, containing in all 60 acres of land. Albany, Dec. 6th, 1817, J. A. MoBridx, JVC, Powkix, Administrator, Attorney for Administrator. MARRIED, GENTRY COUEY, At the residence of Geo S Acheson, Noy. 24th, 1887, by Rev A M Acheson', Mr. S. A. Gentry, o Brownsville and Miss Lou 1 Covey of as m w . ' as . . .a