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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1887)
Til F i.KBANON MAIL SERVICE. Offlclal Vote. He tmm&L Ex-Gnvernor St. John sajrs It will be Cleveland, Blaine and Clinton B. Flake nest fell. In Cincinnati, Ohio, there Is one saloon to everj so roters. Ohio U very stal wart republican state. The prohibitionists have decided to hold their national convention on the first Mon day in June, 1888, at IndlanapolU. Indiana. At the late election In . Atlanta there were 3285 colored voters registered, of whom less than 600 voted for prohibition It should he borne in mind that Christ mas and New Yean will fall on Sunday this year. But what ladles In Albany will receive New Year's calla.and on what day will the calls be received ? We suggest Saturday. What do you say ? It has been definitely deiermlnsd by the managers of the O. P. railroad net to build a branch to Salem. The connection now made by the O. P. with the O. & C. and the O. P. boats that will ply on the Wil lamette river will be sufficient for the needs of Salem. Jay Gould.who Is now traveling In Eu rope, has been Interviewed in France and eapreees the opinion that the late election in New York practically settles the re- nomination and re-election of President Cleveland. We believe the democratic Congress will pass a bill to revise the tariff and re duce the surplus revenue In the treasury, and that the republican Senate may defeat the measure. If such should be the case, an issue would thus be presented upon which the next presidential election would be fought. We would have no fears of the result of such an issue. The democrats would sweep the country. There is no doubt that a very large ma jority of the voters of Oregon favor a ma terial reduction of customs duties in order to reduce the treasury surplus. A meat urc of this kind will soon be introduced into Congress. Will Mr. Hermann truly represent his people, or will he cling to the fossilized, monopolistic protectionists of the East. Let oppressed farmers keep an eye on Hermann. All letters brought to anv Postoffice half an hour before the time for the de narture of the mail shall be forwarded therein ; but at offices where, In the opin ion of the Postmaster General, more time for making up the mail is required, he w m m may prescribe accordingly, not exceeed Ingone hour. Revised Statutes, Sec. 3S40. The Rogue River . onrier, in its issue of Dec. 2nd, uses the following heading for its Washington news : "The Tariff. A Definite Plan of Seduc Una to be Submitted." The sentence of the Court is that the compositor and proof-reader of the Courier be required to distribute one bushel of pin wKmmsassmmm The Supreme Court of the United States has rendered a decision on the cases grow ing out of the prohibitory laws of Kansas and Iowa, holding that a state has the power to pass and enforce such laws with out being liable for compensation for such property as might be rendered valueless by virtue of the passage and enforcement of such laws. This is an important vic tory for the prohibitionists, as had the de cision been otherwise it would have very materially weakened the voting strength of that party, on account of a necessary in crease of taxation to compensate owners of property that had been rendered value less bv such laws. A TRUE FRIEND OF LABOR WORDS OF WISDOM If anything were needed to show that Mr. Carlisle is a true friend of Iabor,and a wise counselor as well, the following ex tract from his speech made in Congress last Monday, on the occasion of his elec Hon for the third time as Speaker, would fully supply the needed proof : "It must be evident to everyone who has taken a partial survey of public affairs that the time has now come when revision of the revenue laws and reduction of taxa tion are absolutely necessary in order to prevent a large and dangerous accumula tion of money in the treasury. The finan cial condition of the government and the private busincs of the people alike de mand prompt consideration of these sub jects, and speedy enactment of some sub stantial measure of relief. "Unfortunately wc are menanced by dangers, from opposite directions. While a policy of non-action must inevitably re sult, sooner or later, in serious injury to the country, -we cannot be unmindful of the fact that hasty and inconsiderate legis lation on subjects more or less affecting large financial and industrial interests might produce, temporarily at least, dis turbance and embarrassments which a more prudent course would entirely avoid. Investments made and labor employed in numerous and valuable industries which have grown up under our present system of taxation ought not to be rudely disturb ed by sudden and radical changes in the policy to which they have adjusted them selves ; but the just demands of an over taxed people and the obvious requirements of the financial situation cannot be entire ly ignored without seriously imperiling much greater and more widely extended interests than any that could possibly be injuriously affected by moderatejand rea sonable reduction of duties. "No part of our people are more imme diately or vitally interested in the contin uance of financial prosperity than those who labor for wage. Upon them and their families must always fall the most disastrous consequence of a monetary crisis, and they too are always the last to realize the benefit of reaction to a pros perous condition. Their wages are always the first to fall when the crisis comes and the last to rise when it passes away. Our effort should be to afford the necessary re lief to all, without injury to the interests of any, and therefore that course of legis lation should be pursued which will guar antee the laboring people of the country against the paralyzing effects of a general and prolonged financial depression, and at the same time not interfere wiih their steady employment, nor deprive them of any part of the just rewards of their toil If this can be done, and I believe it can, if our deliberations are conducted with the wisdom and patriotism which the gravity of the situation demands, this, congress will have cause to congratulate itself on an achievement which promises peace and prosperity to the country for many years to come. " "These remarks may be considered somewhat out of the usual course, and per haps not entirely pertinent to the occa sion : but I believe you will excuse them. ".. ... . . Prior to the establishment of mail ser vice on the Narrow Gauge railroad from Woodburn to Coburg.the mail service be- ween Lebanon and Albany consisted of a daily mall carried by stage, making a round trip each way. The service was- very at- s factory to the people and very few com plaints were made. When the service was established on the Narrow Gange from Woodburn to Coburg.the dally service by stage between Albany and Lebanon was ordered discontinued, and Lebanon was ordered to be supplied by a daily stage service from Sp ice r,a point on the Narrow Gauge about six miles from Lebanon. Now, mall deposited in the Albany post- office for Lebanon Is sent on the O. Si C. railroad to Woodburn, about forty or fifty miles from Albany. From thence It is sent on the Narrow Gauge railroad to Spicer, and as before stated by stage from Spicer to Lebanon. It requires two to three days to get a letter from Albany to Lebanon or from Lebanon to Albany Business men whose Interests would suffer by such uncertainties and delays are com pelted to resort to Welle Fargo & Co's ex rs, who have a service on the line of the Lebanon Branch of the (). & U. that makes two trips a day between Albany and Lebanon. The newspapers In this city are carried to Lebanon by express in stead of by mail In order that they may reach subscribers in reasonable time. This causes considerable extrrfVxpense to thoee who are thus compelled to use the express instead of tha mail. Petitions have been sent to the postoffice department at Wash ington asking that a daily mail service be tween Albany and Lebanon be established on the O. & C. railroad, and in case this Is not done, then that the old star route ser vice by daily stage be restored. Seeing that the public interest demanded the granting of these petitions, the editor of the Democrat addressed a letter to Hon J. H. Mltchell.oneof our Senators it Wash ington, asking him to lend a helping hand to secure this much needed change in the mail service. Senator Mitchell replies as follows : Washington.D. C.,Nov. 35th,i9&7. T. J. Stites. Bditor State Right Democrat, Albany, Oregon. My Dear Sir : I am In receipt this morning of your communication of 18th Inst, relative to the unsatisfactory condi tion of th mall service between' Albany and Lebanon. It will give me great pleas ure to see that this matter has m v personal attention. I rightly understand, however, the difficulties with which we have to con tend here at this time. When service was put on the Narrow Guage, Mr. Knott,and Asst. Postmaster General, Immediately cut off all cross-service In the Willamette Valley for instance from Albany, Jeffer son and Salem, east, as well as some other minor routes, and he seems determined to not reinstate it. Since rny arrival here within the past week I have had a confer ence with him, urging the re-establishment of the service between Salem and Macleay, a distance of 7 miles. He ! not yet acted upon it and teems to hesitate. I think I had better not make a move in the Albany-Lebanon matter until vour Following Is the official vote in the re cent State election as canvassed on Thurs day of last vivek 1 Baksr mo Benton MO Clackamas mo I'latSop .... 4H Culumbls . ., m coot n Crook :w Curry 19 Potttflu MO Ol'Haat its Ui ant 4U-. JsekNOI ill Josephine 194 K Israelii. sr. I Wlsw. Hum - too Lane. l.WA Linn 1.91ft Malheur 14U Marion .'" Mm raw 497 MulUiotneh l.'i.. Polk r.-w Tillamook Ms Umatilla 1M1 t'olon 7M Wallowa ... Mo Wasoo , TW) WaMilnrtaa. ST6 YemMU.... Prohibition. res. rte. Ha! arts. Total Majorities 1,10 19973 T30 U 1.9H9 1,101 m 6X4 m 180 1,087 MM m 1.9 1T0 u I ,W0 9ft7 J.OJM ?tlf 7.CAI MT SKI 1081 019 m 91 H 1,077 mm mt Yr. 161 909 170 OS 4S 9i 6t 111 VI Bt 111 949 49 907 1M 111 M COS 09 1,147 71 M 993 401 S3 Mi 01 Ml MUM Klaollon, Yaa, Ho Mo 174 1971 SO J 1M 1,776 9H 1,016. 960 Mft 111 470 SM M7 106ft WB '417 617 Ml 117 M4 111 II 1,764 496 1,117 916 491 410 709 Ml M7 1,470 7M Ml 090 911 4M 179 MO M 191 M6 40 1,904 090 1,170 071 1,0H 105 67 MO 9,090 HI 1,401 794 404 Ml 4.074 6,664 9,669 1147 Ml OM 499 841 Ml I9&9 549 1699 11197 HI 491 880 1M IBM 704 Ml 1.489 071 106 8,110 7M 1,400 9M99 10947 88700 IMM una A knock Down. $5 to $ 10 cheaper than iu Port lan'i 1 V - bolstered rockers, the (insst stock aver in Al bany. Wicker chairs in almost endlers vari ety, tine enough for an Alderman to sit in. All kinds of chairs. Twobty two varieties of wicker chairs alone, 14 of rockers. Rlegant and aubstsntial goods, Fancy baakots, stands, etc., that insks customers say at sight. "I'll takoonc." No Muer holiday preaeutauan lie imagined. Sofas and bed lounges iu many designs. and beds and bureaus a new and attractive makeups. Novaltioa too. 80 them. Uoods came knock down from the East, and will be sold al knock down prions. Bonsht low. Do not oaas Wm. Korttmller & Cos iuroi- ture store without Audio; oat far )oursdf lmsa tioeds at Coat, II. Allen & L.o., have concluded to go out of business, having electric light business on the brain. He will sell his en tire stock at coat and there will be a anion did opportunity to get your winter dress goods at coat. Call earlv while the stock Is complete. Don't fortret the piano and or gan which will be given away on Jitn. it as advertised. Petri a. The store of aiuotmth 4 Heitaobaob crowd. -.1 with vu,iable and fashionable goods, their tine of drees goods, fancy goods. sou 01 oaas are immense and it yon deaireto please yourself give then a call. ttaia or Mnaahiao. Uregomana like the rains of winter. Sun shine is good in its place, and so is rain Working together they are powerful agents in me pros partly 01 a country. Magatticetn wheat j largo potato yield ; fine m ia. iruiie. aucrt as applet, pears, prunes, etc., and 11 umuiuMiu ssoca oi groorme enti t ..! tua at Wallace 6t Thompson a, who. rain or aun shine, are up with the time, if not ahead of them. See their fine stock of ftooda. Tbr Mt Ajrwable aKI a l a til t a I pouuons arrive, ana u win nc mucn oruer M well as the moat PfTefti ve mstbod of If these petitions can be ent directly to dispelling Heedaohes. Colds and Fever. me, as otnerwisc tnev are uaair w go into 1 or cimsnstng 01 ayainm, la by taking a row the pigeon holes in the department and have adverse orders made before I know they are here. I will do everything in my power in the matter. I am. Very truly yonrs, John II. Mitchell. P. S. The service should be established on the O. & C road to Lebanon, and I think I can get this done. 1 ours truly, J. if. M. From the above letter it will be seen that there is some hope that this change In the mail service will be made. The conduct of th postal department in the matter so far is little less than outrageous, and the people may yet be called upon to speak in unquestioned tones about the imposition to which they are subjected by the postoffice department. THE BUT OFFER, of Flan. ode. and tl boUla for eaU ronoay Mason. Melluraia'e Clotktag. Mt H wain's fall and winter atook of cloth tag is arriving. It includes the latest atv lea . !- If a. - ea . . . mw is commanoiag aiMoa. aeehisUbtn chilla coat. Kin stock to select from. All food warranted ea represented and perfect dh guaranteed. Iolph, llitchell and Herman have been telling wliat they are going to do. Better do first. Being More Pleasant tavto, tn re aoooptablo to binefloUl I ilni The riiotagra ehr, Albany, Or I have all the 21 Ulvo taken by A . Pax ton and anv on eon havu du ate from their negat Ivne by add ua, at tn following nrtcwe 1 card a an. Mr doaen. oablnet alia. IS nor doan. bou- doura, $0 per doaen, I keep the filteet line of Oregon riewe In the wast, rata ogue furnished on am si 1 oat Ion. nonvltm and enlarging old picture a apeolaUy. 9m Cnswrenn. UaMaad 3aps At cost to close. N. H. Allen k Co., pro- poee to sell every line of goods at cost. Call early and secure bargains. Thrifty people will appreciate our values and price. annii,B Browmku., THE n warranted, if because It is tha heat Blood Preparation known. It will poeL lively euro all Blood Diseases, nurlflaa th hole system, and thoroughly butlda un th oonatitutlon. Remember, we sruarantoe 1l THAT HACKINU COUGH can ha ao qulokly oared by Shlloh Cure. We guarantee It. GROUP, WHOOPIRQ COtTOU and Bronchitis immediately relieved by BhU ioh'a Our. cVvk O O. that aw fretful, peevish. v ,ce eroao, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Paine, or Htomach Ibwrdere, can be relieeed al one by Main; Acker'n Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphia, bono la aafe. Price 95 cents. Bold by FUR DIBPBPSIA andJLlror Complaint uu iiavfapnnuKi guarantee) on every ottle of Bhflob'a Vltallner. It never fails M) cure, For lame back, aide or oheat, us Shi loh'a Porous Piaster, Prion 91 cent. SHlLOHtt COUGH and Coaemmptlen Cure is sold by us en guarantee. It cures consumption, Yc0 trifle with any Throat or JJUW X Disease. If yon nare Cough or Cold, or the children am th roateaad with Croup or Whooping Oongh, us Acker's English Kemedy anof prerenl further trouble. It U a positive cure,' and wo guarantee U. Prion 10 sad 60a His Dry Uesss, The fall and winter stotk of dry seeds received at Mel I wain's, is a largo one, well selected, emkracing ail the I tost novelties, sod i quantity and of a quality not surpass ed her. De not buy withe! esamiaiag. this let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepais Tablets will euro Dyapvpaia, Indigestion and Constipation; aold on a positive gnnrante at 85 and 50 cent, by ?y Bees. SO.Mrrc rvoin. Power of lb dollar csn oeyer bo. truly known until you eisit Wallaoe & Thouip son s store, and invest a few of them in groceries, produce, etc. You will then find that yon barn the POWER to mako oust dollar go as tar as n dollar and a half need to. tical talk, it ha been ji ored by practice. It is than yon This in no riii lesrn theore- OP bargains that will give VOU S thrill of 1 Unanm anil naaka wtn Aaal mn euwwi larmt with etort.kpr, tbe world in gural, and Wallace & Thompson in particular. 1 JtlHi Purchasing vowm- of tb dollar is not always known by tbe qusntity secured in return lor if, the quality must also bo there. Wallace & Thompson mske s bappy combination and give you both. (Jive them a trial and they will save yon many a DOLLAR. NOTHING EQUAL TO BOOKS AND FINE STATIONERY FOR Holiday Presents. H. J. Jones, neat to the now Fiinn block, Albany, Or., baa tb largest and loent stock in Albany. Also s splendid line of photograph and autograph album, ink utanda, pens, pencils, musical instruments, ee. You are the Man we want to see. ft CRITICAL COMPARISON will only s rve to throw upon onr methods of deing We ask tor comparisons. them. Compare our stock moro Hgfct business. We like rith any other in the Central Willamette Val fey and yon will find WE LEaVfe THEM ALL we bate a stock of PSaw I hay added to wy moot end aaoe stock a of tha celabratod Laird, Hckcber 4 Mitchell, Philadelphia .ae Shoes lor ladies, nuuMw and chile irIL. AokltatVitmTiaMdl ttV dealers generally to bo tbe boat yala and ntting bse shoe mads. Widths C. D. K. DO YOU WANT BARGAINS. Olothino;, Gents Furnishing Goods and Boots and Shoes, which fir quantity, quality and prion BEATS TUB WORLD The choice was never mere extensive, in fact We have a Full House and bare placed everything in it at prices wbicb WILL SOON EMPTY IT THEN GO TO and EE. A child can bay as ebosna aUMCBXK. Vocku, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. A. B. Mcllwain's, mi wber yon can get tbe Tory bent in ptlco and ouaHUo. f of Bis stock ot Or saw Good ! L E.BLAIN, Albany, Or. . T9' m'r aooepUble to tbe ewuwoa, an 1 m jr.) iruiy oonsnoiai In its action, the ram ntt Calif rnla liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of, is rapidij supsr aedlng alt others, Try It. t'looks at Cost. We will furnish the Democrat and the FarmStock and Home both one year for $2. The Farm, Stock and Home is published at Minneapolis on the 1st and 15th of each month. It contains sixteen page and has reading matter in each issue that would amount to 35 columns of reading matter In the Democrat. This is a remarkably liberal offer. Or we will furnish the New York Weekly World with the above two papers for $2.80. Just think of it. Three good papers for $2.80. Call upon our agents or your postmaster and order both or all three papers. The following are our agents in the county : Sam May.Har- risburg ; O. P. Coshow.Brownsville ; Post master, ilalsey ; F. A. Watts, Shedd F. M. Miller, Lebanon ; R. W. Moses, Craw- fordsvilie ; Riley Shelton, Scio ; W. R Prirett, Jefferson. Or any postmaster ts authorized to receipt for money for us and send orders. Let every friend of the Dem ocrat show this magnificent offer to some one that does not take It, and thus do us a great favor. The New York World, with more rare, good sense than it has exhibited for many months, admits that the democrats are practically a unit in favor of the renomin ation of Cleveland, and shows bv a series of reasons that it would be impossible for Blaine to defeat him. The good sense and sound judgment that dominated the columns of the World four years ago seem to be asserting their dominion again, and it now looks like that paper will assumes democratic attitude again. It has learned a valuable lesson from its war on Cleve- and. For the next thirty days we will sell our entire stock of cloaks and jackets at cost. Any parties needing anything in this line can save big money by calling on us. Tmoswox at Watrrs, Brownsville. We will pay six cents per pound for pork on accounts and in exchange for merchaadis. mi g9ons st me lowest cash Dries. Pork r cstved on Tuesday and Thursday. ruonrnox u Watekh, Brownsville, Or. Dost let that cold of yours run on. You think it i a light tning. But it may run into Catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. uatarrn la dlegnutlng. Pneumonia ! aangamue. Consumption is death itself. Tb breathing appnratua must bo kept healthy and deer of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is troobls abend. All the disease of the part, bead, noes, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. tu unugaifuiiy ana entirely cured by the uss of Boeehee's German Syrup. If you don't this already, thousands anJ thousand of people can tail yon They hare been cured by t, and ' kho7 how it la, themselves." Bottle only 'w cents Ask any druggist. e DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., When Baby was sick, we gave her wwaaClul.l,a.wwibrQataTK Whe en became Mies, she elong to CaeterU, When she had Children, she gave Sheas Casiorla, Hon. John Myera, of Oregon City, tut Where to Bny Carpets. larjeit t )oth. piper evr brought Monteith A Seitenbseh have the and prettiest stock of caruets. oil tlotho. eT .... . 9T - w uow tin nils and wall ntpr been appointed U. S. Marshal by President f ndre offering them st a 1 ... ,, uargain, rersons oesiring anytninr m this srs is both worthy and uMwu . .m 3 ' mmmmvmw iwwia 1 9UVHI CO V0SS1 POWDER Absolutely Pure has g 1 is unsurpassed. CaH on him for your BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing- and Furnishing-Goods. Cash or produce taken, and price given that defy competition. sag, twrai, aUsnts Iwdsan O. 19 WaaaC iwitr nesehtla. sheet 11 1888. Harper's Bazar. ILLTJSTKATED. . . . .or fai 0 micce tSM. intmaiaail ha .1 & . ' M . 1 11 in imikmh, saoerss Mr the ;iofT fr.ftpr.aLT iQiirrra scsool t. . . . w . 'r m r im on !! i iian , ,, ii or clea 1fiM111cnt.11, djy mid cvaaing thiouehuut the year im Awksistk., (.rarpnnaeac. leak has sag. It..!. in, 1 ypo-,i,rg- Uauaea end Laga) form and ati ( .remva School Dranchea. BtaSamH ol all agea and both aaaat adm.iud a rogue mt, Arn.iroi.g ami Vf, Firemen's Klection, Notice is hereby aiveti that tha election in and for tb Albany Fire Denart- a. Ill I a i i . . . -BT mem wui oe held on Monday tbe 12tb day of Deembsr. 1887. for the mimosa of elaotine a i L.:. W i I mm . . . . inci jvaKiooar aa Assistant jugmeer ot in Albany Fir Department, to aerye for the term of on year, from the tint Mondav of January, 1887. 1 he polling place will be at the Engine ious ef Albany Brains Co. No. 1. The polls will be opened at 1 o'clock, o. m.. and closed at 6:30 o'clock, p, m of the day abovs memtonea. Judges of election O W Watts. John Kobson and L Thompson. Ainany, uec. Ut, 1887. LauN Powxa, W. E. GiixgT, President. Secretary. Manor's Baser la a bom J-mrnai. It eheiee Uteratur and one art Ultawnutsns wiU latest inlolllcnca regarding the tasnions, has etever esrial and short SSsttn, prsstlosl ami tbnstjr ihetplsdies Vosav tuany times th cost ol th sahserlpiion, ami ppra on sodat eUqaette, deeora- Uve art, housa keefrfng in sll Its krsnehst, coukery, ttsnshalnsvery nousehold, and a true y. Its editorial ars marked by and not a tins la admitted to its culutnna anneal I that could offend the mt fauMiuj taste. stc.. man TAKE NOTICE. To whom it may concern : 1 nave sold and disposed of all property which I have heretofore owned in the Stsle. All parties having claims against me must present them for payment within thirty days as I intend to go East to remain. M ar l l s OlLLERAN, Fox Valley, Linn county, Or. . TrttlfT" nt TlTTrr'11 1 Tl j Mlyr. 3-Zmntum 8aw . eaGhUia soots a xnocs r-! If" MatatatatataBLiatafr" ' ' ' BgQfc taiaSiHHslsaafei ssQg. -v We wear tha LittU Rod School Omit Shoes, and so do onr slits th nod oar eoaatns nod onr aunts, and if you want them go tn the City Boot and Shoe Store where yon will find a large and complete assortment of goods in this line. of nearly every grade and make, nncl at prices which will open your eyes. A dollar saved is n dollar made. REDFIELD& BROWNE LL HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year t HARPER'S BAZAR . M 00 11 AH PERI WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S YOI NO PEOPLE I 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Mexico. Cleveland. Mr. Myer U both worth v w - J capable.and we congratulate him upon his appointment, lit; is a democrat of the oldJ HWCVC V tx Blood Elixir is the only school and will do credit to himself, the people, and his party. teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers. Era ttonsorHypniutic Poisoning. I he President message treats of the tariff and surplus only. This is wise, as they are ooth burning questions. Let ever one reaa ana re-reau it. it i a plain, forcible, vigorous, statesmanlike document. it purines tbe ill Rheumatic The people's servants in Congress,about to assemble, should remember that their masters are at home, wide awake, and stand ing at the head of the back stairs with the door open. gent'emen, because they relate to subjects lble here to-dav.are which, while we atsem uppermost in the minds of the people. On a correct solution of the questions which these subjects necesHarily involve may de pend the fate, not only of political parties, but what is far more important,the perm anent welfare of the greatest and most en lightened nation In the world." Getting Ready For Winter Trade. Eli Carter, agent for Max Friendly, pro prietor of the Coryallis Saw and Planing Mills, is receiving and storing in his lum ber shed a good supply of rustic, flooring, dressed finishing lumber, dressed cedar fence posts and pickets, railing, base, and moulding. Dressed lattice material, etc. Assorted lots of building lumber furnished to order on short notice, at fair rates. Ten percent discount on car load lots, delivered at O. P. R, R. depot. For particulars see Mr. Carter at his office, corner of 4th and Railroad Sts., Albany, Oregon. whole system, and banishes all and Neuralgic Pains. We guarantee it. AVYVW ATtftA WWaseas W W r m n . . snnjun o v naLiiKK is weat you need for Constipation, Loss of Annetlle. Dizziness, and all sym ptosis of Dyspepsia, rrioe iu ana to cents per oottie, CATARRH CURED, health and swo breath secured, by Shlloh'a Catarrh Reia edy. Price SO cents. Nasal injector free WILL YOU SUFFER with dispepala and liver complaint T Hhiloh's Vitalizer Is guaranteed to cure yon, Albany Market. Wbef l-64c, Oats 38c Butter 80 ot per ib. Eggs 35 cents per do. Hay -14,80. Potatoes CO cte per bushel. Beef on foot, 2Hc. Apples 75 cents per bu. Pork 6c per lb. dressed. Bacons hams, WAa, shoulders, 7o sides 10c Lard ldc per lb. F1out4.80 per bbl. Chickens 2.50 per doz. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton shorts. 10. middlings, 20. Chops, 20. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has this dsy been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Saaaual T Harris, deceased, by tbe County Court of 1 jinn county, uregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate are hare by notified to present the same lo the m aersigneu at Ms residence near Scio, Ore- gan, wjiuin six montnsrrom tniscste. Dated Nov. 3rd, 1897, J, H. Pkskt, Hewitt A Bryant, Adra'r, Att'ys for Adm'r. Pearline, WOMAN'S FRIEND. me best compound ever invented to frame wasnmg easy, perfectly harmless, Used in hard or soft water without harm to fabric or hands and without the aid of soap. For oleansing hair, shampooing, and for removing blood stales from the linen of dentists or nutoners it is unrivaled, In tbe bath tub it is a luxury, oondn. cive to health, and should be freely ueotl in all asylums and hospitals as a disin fecting detergent, Printers, painters, masons, farmers. ere, and all workers in metals, should use PEARLINC for washing their begrim ed bands as well as clothing. For sate oy WALLACE & THOMPSON, Albany, Oregon. The volume of la naasr begin with te first number for January of aach year. When no lima is apeeifted, autteeriptlon will begin ' with th nutn ber current at tlimiof receipt of order. Bound Volume of Harper's Baser, fur three years beek, la neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail past-paid, er by express, tree of expense (provided the freight doss not exoeeione dollar per volume,) for 97 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid on receipt of 91 each , Bemlttanee ahould be mads by Tost Office Money Order or Draft, to svoid chance of loss. Newspapers are. not to copy this advertise nunt witnout the express order of Harper St Brothers. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Jfew York, LIUS JOSEPH 1 GROCER AND TOBACCONIST, ei FIEST ST., Next to Burkhart & Keeney's Real Estate office, ALBANY, OREGON. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK -Has arrived, lncludiog- Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In a first-cU Dry Gooas and Boot and Shoe House, from th cheapest to as (rood a quality as there is a demand for. I bought these goods mostly in New York and Chicago and - ' AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and am receiving Novelties of the Season In every line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted in the papers or circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E. Young.