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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1887)
m mt THE DEMOCRAT Is the beat Advertising mod inn In toe Central Willamette Taller. Advertising rales pUostion, Bade known on ap VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1887. SUB TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE, ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issasd every Friday by 9TITBJS Ac 2ffTTTTI3STGh. State Ktflllts BemacraL NO 19 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. TTORNEJAT LW Notary Public. Albany, Oregon. Ofllo upstair, over John Brtgga tor, st street. rUnSStf J. K. WE ATHERFORD, (WOTA.RY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, uiui, . wtiuu practic1 in all tht courts of the V HUM. 8pcUUttnUon fin to MllMtloMtni robate metier la Odd relW.e Twnple (14:1 4, Vt . TON, o, H, IRVtNB WOLVERTON & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW nT0ea op stairs In' Foster's Bloc. ALBANY, OREGON- POWELL 6 BILYEU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors ii Chancery, ILR4NT, - . . OBtfCIOM. Oolleetlons promptly made on all points. Go negotiated on rsssonabls torms. jnTOffloe In Foster's Briek.-sjBt Tl4nl9tf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittoroey And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice In ail of the Con its of .bis Stats. All businsss intrusted to him elll bs promptly attended to. D. R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Offlee, Odd Fellow's Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will reoetre prompt attention OSHAY A MASON, sronuis ass sarais- llraggistsand Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldan's publications, which we ssll at publisher's p rises with P Steal &4 nl fti . ALBANY, OKECON. C. L. BLACKMAN, Smcctssor to E. W. Lang don. DEALER IN DRUQ8, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In first olsas Dm I lose. Also a nos stock of pianos an organ a, ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Moles, Etc, P1IICI1PT1III CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Offloe cor. First and Ferry Streets, ALBANY- - OREGON. n. fjas ej k gfc a IAVAI U WATSON MASTON S sad 4. Foster'e Bloek. ALBANY - - OREGON. Homeopathic Physician, lS 0 a. aa. IBS. at. B oCOT. af . D.. HOMEOPATHIC I p ysici n afsee and raatdaaaa oaraar of first aad takar dtreat. Albany. Ore roil Chronic d a apastalty. Coruml tattoo free, SO It a m aad t to a p. m. J ufflea boura : 10 HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. i Boarding School for Boys ! ! Con 4 noted by seenlar priests and lay teachera. First term opens nrat Monday in Sep tember. Second term opens first Monday in February. For prospectus add Rev. F. . Becker. Vancouver, W. Bex 108 T. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seas. i lumber, laths an a ea as m , m pickeu kept comtantiy on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall lias of Chinese goods of all kinds on hand, Also run line or JAPANESE GOODS. PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, for this section. Labsrers furnished on short notice for j purpose. Op posit S E. Young's, Albany, Or Life Renewer ua wua rotno Suspensory, saex- 'fen teed tba moat powerful. durable ana Bsnees ( Chain Oura, Battery ln tba worm na.V M BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and winter stock of boots sod shoes, I have as nicely a fitted up Boot and Shot Store, and as oomplste a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I bay sH my boots and shoes direst from msunfaoturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter how oheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay the oash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the largest, best and great est variety in the city. My aim will always he to give ss good value for the money as possibly can be dona SAMUEL E. YOUNC. First National Bank OF ALBAM1, OBEtiOll. l. rum a. K. YOl .H; Tie GEO. B. CHAM BILK LA IN TRANSACTS A OCX ERA L tanking ACCOUNTS UPT subject Is SIGHT EXCHANGE and on New Twk, tan Pnadas COLLECTIONS MADS oa BsroraNe . B. Tot", Geo, B Cnnauii L. L. ton. Walts B Truiu, H. F. MERRILL, Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. boon from I a. aa . to S p. as MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. SAM MAT. S. SSXDBXS MAY k SENDERS. lioalpwi in RonuM sfPTh&Tlnillrl. VUWlUi V mju. uvuuw v. vmwuiuvwi HsPoicBiiDn .... naFnnii. vnamm Win bay Grain, WmI and all kinds Cintrj prodaw. SaH Wsggi oa Now York. Sao rranataoo and aDJwanMMa aJdspo&mbsate latoraat allowed aa OoOactiofta will reoalTa pcoaspt altsfition WILLBROS., Dealers In all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A foil Sheet music, musical merchandise, ammunition, fish In .tackle, etc. razors, butcher THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINHCOUNT Y ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of searing machines musical Instruments, funs, etc. neatly done, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. J. G RAD WO H L, rockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent tor Fire and GOOD for the cure of Constipation aad Indigestion. GOOD for the euro of Biliousness and Dyspepsia. GOOD for th cue of Dowel CompIaintSe GOOD for the cure of Kidney Diseases. . GOOD for the c-ire of Lauguisltness and Weary Backs GOOD for the enro of Liver Complaints. GOOD for the cnr of iioiSs and Carbuncles. GOOD for the cure of Foul Breath and Sonr Stomach. GOOD for the cure of Sleeplessness and Irritability. GOOD for the cure of all Complaints. INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES. Our olUeat ohtld, .tow sU Mn of asa whtn en In (ant its mouths old wm iut-knl with a virulent, niavllfant akin disease. All ordinary inn.illn railing, weeeUed our family puyelolait, who attempted te our. it; but It sprout with almoet Ituredlhls rapidity , until the loer xrtlun of tha lluU fellow's ersoii, from th. middle of hit took d t hu knees, " on. tottd null, ujrlv, palufui, blotched, and niallclou" W. had no rest a, nlfbt, no uaaoa by day. finally, OS war adviard to try tha Cutlcura Hemedlea. Th effect wm simply warvelloae In thrf.ur four k aoamplete our. wa wrujrht,teavin the ItUIn felluw'. person aa while and haalth aa thmtfh ha bad netrer leen attacked. In my oplnluu your valuabl. reme dies) aaved his Ufa, ami to day ha la a strong-, hoaiihr sua. sametly wii, no In, T.r occurred. ratltlon of tha I hav- UBO. R. SMITH. AtCy at Uw and Kt Proa. AH'v, Ashland, o. Ksfsrst.oa j J U Walat, Irugwtat, Aahland, 6. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Ara boru Into tha world ovary day with boom mat out aOaaUon, attcb aa milk rruat, aoall haal, aourf. or dattdruE, ur to davaloft lnt an afaaiainK aaaaaa, th. Itohtnf, burning and dUflgurauun of wbioh raaka life a rulngd uitura ualaaa proearly .roatai. A warm hath with Cutlcura Soap, aa aoulalu Skin itaauUllar, and a ting I. 4ii.UaUon of CuUrura, tba Orwatfktn Out, wttn a UuUcutioura ttaaalvaot. tha Naw lllood Purlflar. I often aufllotont to arratt tea prugraw at tha dUaaae, and uulnt to a tptady and pamanent cur., Uattc, no mutbar who lovaa bar shUdran, who ukM SriSa In ihvif baauty, purity, and haalth. and lu ba atowtiur ujHiu th.m a ehlltTa graataat Inh.rtunna, a ak'a wiitmuu blamtoh, and a body nourlabed bv pur blood, abould fall to make trial of tba cutlcura Soatadira, everywhere. Trloe ; Uuticura, 90 oanU ; by tha Cot tft aaaat ; Raaolv.nt. ft- lr.ri and Cti-mu-ai Vv for "How to Cure H tfe., 60 IliusfraUona, loo laeGrnsalan. BABY'S skin and Stale lifted by Cutlcura Me-lieaWd Muap Constitutional Catarrh. No eiagte dleaaie baa ontiUod mora Buffering or aarlirii 1 the braking up of tba conrtltutton than Catarrh. Tba aeuea of amoll, of laate, of algbt, o heart ag, taa aenaw foaea, taa mind, -one or mare, and euiueUmee all, yield to Ita destructive Influence. Tba poison tv distributee throughout the sysUaa at' tacks svary vital foroa, aa4 braaki up taa moat ro bust ot oooatitaUoaa Ignorad, bexauas but He to understood, by moat physicians, impotoaUy aaaaltod by quacks ai4 chartatan.. thaM aulfertiig t out It have UUtobope to ba rsltevsd ot It this aide of the grave. It to lime, UuU tha popular treatment of this tarrtble atoaaaa by rasatdlas wiihin tba reach of all passed ti.u. handa at oaca eowpetent and trust sort by. The new and hitbarUi untried method 4pud by Or Sanford in the preparation of bis Radios! Cora baa woo the baar.y approval of thousands, it is iustantaneous In affording relief in all head ootde, aaoanaj and aSaSraeSasI baaBSaa. asi nntatJ rv east v ayaastoaai. ctaartntf lbs boad, s brast. rwatoring tba aawsss of em.ll. sal Wing, and n.ulraluttng th. .,eUlimenai UH Aaaey of taa dtoaaaa towards tha lunga, liver and kid la SadlMl QMS Oasenfa Of tim kwt tie ,.f the KadiceJ Core, dm box of Catarrh U Sofvaat, an t las Droved Inhaler : orloa. SL. Putter Drug and Chemical Co KIDNEY PAINS, Strains and Weaknesses, Kelteved In SSS mlnuta by that marvelou Antidote the Pa In. In flam nation and Weak naaa. the rattrtiro 4 atlsala rtaatcr 1 he first and only pain-hilling .trwthi log ptoatar. gap i rial ly snaptarl to laatast Ir relieve and apeedtlv cure Kidney and L IwrtoePaJ lar) nc pni. n t VaafeaaM IfanawMe agsFj au portor to alt other ptaatara. At all ifraSStota. t sOa tarsi ; or, paatag. free, or rower unj Oa. J. L. COWAN. j. w. crjficK Linn dunty Bank, COWAN A CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a genera! banking baainaa. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS' oa Raw York. Sea Fnta saw and Portland, Oregon. IX) AR MOW ST an approved aecurtty. RtXKIVR dapoaMa aabet to eSoak. COLLRCTIOSS entrtwtad sa sat will receive prompt Huns House. eJ. GIBLIN. Proprietor. This houao is bow open and furnished with the best new furniture. Eysrythtng clean and oemmodtoas, offering to the gen eral publio i a per iar accommodations to any in tha city. he Leading- line Warranted end poo it at snivel. Marine Insurance W l IK UK IT QOKM. The Dkmucrat gockte the following placea In package of one to three hundred coplea : Oregon - Albany, Alblna, Aah'and, Aa lorls, Antelope, AUss.Adsma, Browi)vllle, Burnt, Blye, Brltton, Bully.Btalock.Bskcr City, Bake Oven, Bandon.Boyd.CorvslIlt, Coburg, Clem, Camp Polk, Centerrllle, Csrns Vslley, Crswfordavllle, Crsbtree Contention, Dallat, The Dallea, Urewaey Dotyv Ills, Dufur, Eugene City, East Fort Issd, Eols, Eight Mile, Fox Valley, Koatll, Grsnta Psaa, tlalaey.lleppnetlsrriaburg, rudependsnce, Jsckaonvlllejoeeph, Jsffer on, Jordan J unctlen, Lnfay ette.LaGrande, Long Creek, Lobater, Little Elk, Lebanon, Lakevlew, Msrlon, Millers, McMlnnvltle, Monroe, Monmouth, Mehama, Mil wood, Medford, Milton, Marahfleld, Monument, Mnble, Maytvllle, Newport,Nanene,Osk vllle.Osk Crsek, Oaestts, Oregon City, Olex, Portland, I'endleton.PaUley, Plain Paulina, RIcksrd.Koaeburg.Kooster Rock, Rowland, Sclo.Sublimlty.Syrscuae, Sodsvllle, Sllverton,Stayton,Sweet Home, $plcer,SaIcm,$hedd,SpHngfteld,Tsllrntn, Tygh Vslley, Toledo, Turner, Tsngeat, Union.Wsterleo.Weaton.Wooda.Wsldron, Wlllaburgh, Wallowa, Warm Spring. Ys quins. . Ohio Beverly, Columbus. Colorado Trinidad. lowaOttumwa,Mito,Nsw Shsron.Dea. moinea, Creacoe, Knoxville, asntithland, Fort Madison, Early Sac. Md. Baltimore. Kansas Paolo, Garnett, Hutchinson, Emporia. Mat..- Lowell, Boston. Wyo. - Bagg. Mitt. Natchcx. Newjsrtey Princeton, Newsrk. L'Uh Salt LskeCity Fls.- Jscktonvllle. Mon. Wsllsce. Tex.Ssvoy. Wgstherford. D. C Washington. llllnoia - Chicago, Galeaburg.Hennepin, Preemption, Eden P. 0.,QuiQcey,Aledo. W. T.Colfsx, Dayton, Ellentburgb, Pomeroy, Sesttle.Wsitaburg.Walla Walla, Vancouver, Pataha,Farmlngton,Guy .Spo kane Fall, Yakima. Frsnktln, Rockford, Olympis,Colvitle,Clevelsnd, Badger, Hart land, Huntsville. Virginia Independence, Wolf Glade. New York-New York, Brooklyn. Leroy, Rochester. Penn. -Philadelphia. Glen Rock. Esat Bethlehem. California San Franciaco.Oaklsnd.Ssn Jose, Pascdeno, Naps, Ssn Lesndro,Aims, Gubaervllle, 1 . Angeles. Minn. Spring Vslley, Minneapolis. Missouri St. Louis, Helens, Costtvllle. Georgia- loekout, Atisnts. Idsho Coer D'Alene City. Ls. New Orlssna, Homer. N. C.-Wilmingion. Nebrasks Crete. Hindoaun Calcutta. Cansds -Gouroc k. MONRO! TH The second term of the O. A. N. S. tltusted here opened on Moedar morniag, Nov. jist. The number of ttudents present on the opening of achool after the aummer vsca tioo wst flsttering In the extreme ; but one by one young isdiea end gentlemen from sll psrta of the state. and neighboring atstea snd territoriea, have sdded their names to the long ilat of students until our rsnka here been swelled to upwards of one hundred and sixty pupils. Among the nsw students of the past few weeks we notice Mr. Smith, of Lebanon, Linn coua ty. Msy hit stay with us be both plesssnt snd profitable la the wlah of hit fellow atudenta of the Normsl. Thursday, the 24th, thanksgiving exer- citet were held in the Normsl Chapel, The thsnkaglving termon wst to hsvs beer, delivered br Rev. C. C. Poling, of East Portland, but unavoidable clrcum stances prevented hia resetting here. Rev Bittner.of Independence, kindly filled the vscsncy, delivering to the students and their friends of Monmouth sn sble sddrett The entertainment In the Chapel Thurt day evening, given by the Cornet Band, waa well attended, aa wat alto the tupper in the band hall. Some of the ttadentt obtaining leave of absence tpent thanksgiving with their frlenda athomc. Mias Aukney, Mr. Elgin and Mr. Rod era, ot baiem, are visiting trienda In Monmouth. On latt Saturday evening a company of young ladies assembled in tnc pleasant parlor of Mrs. C snd,aftsr tome parley at to where they thould go and what they thould sing, started out for a terenade Twice, and twice only .their merry volcet rang out. on the ttill frosty sir, then all wat tilent. Becoming frightened at the whooting of an owl or their own shadows reflected in the moonlight they dispersed and what that serenading party might have been it only a matter of conjecture Imo. Although ex-Vice President Wheeler was supposed to have but few kinsmen, about fifty claimants for a share of hit et tate of $75,000 or $80,000 have been dis covered. The will which will be offered for probate on December 5th, contains some surprising blunders which may in validate it. He left a legacy to the "Pret byterian Committee of Home Mitsiont," though there is no such organization, and he made Miss of the bene ficiaries of the will, witness It. AU the heirs will fight the will. Seventeen persons,widowt and orphant, were left dependent by the bombt thrown in the Havmarket meetinsr a vear and a half aero. Policeman Sheehan wat un married ; Policemarf Degan left a boy Policeman Barrett a very pretty young bride of a few months ; Policeman Feavan a widow and three children : Policeman Reddeo.a widow and two young children; Policeman Hanson, a widow and tlx tmall children. Friday's sequel added other widows and orphans to the list. INNOVATION. Ovsrwbalming Preof of tba Ssperlorlty of tba Itlaetre-MaffBetls Sfstesi of Treatment for taa Oars of Distattt. Daily Omgonian. Innovation on any established rule or custom hss, from ths sarliett age of the world, been always received with disfavor and opposition. This It psrtly due to the conservatism of prejudice snd psrtly to that innate jealously of success which teems to be Implanted In ths humsn heart. Let sny one depsrt in medicsl prsctlcs or anything elae from the beaten path of rou tine snd thsrs It st once s cry rsltsd about v toasting the etiquette of the profession snd following chsrlstsnry. Even when there is ao success this violence of sttack characterises the case. But when thsrs are unmittsksbls proofs of genius, skill, experience, and knowledge, and evidence of sum es which turpasaet sverythlng that has marked the slow progress of rou tine snd custom, snd whsn, tn contra vn Moo of sll Isw snd orthodoxy, progressive and eminently successful practitioners like Drt. Hsrriti furnlah fscta to the world, proving the contummstlon of cures which would sesm to be of s chsrscter to almott baffle the highett human skill and retltt the ghastly inarch of desth, then the op position ef Ignorsncs snd bigotry has in variably been auch st almott to smount to persscutton. No evidences sre sufficient ly strong, apparently, to convince the l. credulous, end it would almost appear that if the dead were to arise snd sxlrsciet of the most wonderful kind be wrought, the prejudice and disbelief would ttill exist Drt. Darrin have established a reputation thst It truly enviable, and we cannot but commend them to the pubic. The follow tng names hssdsd us for publication mu tt go far to establish the fact thst the electro msgnetic trestment, ss prscticed by Dra Dsrrin, Is doing s grsst work curing the strticted in this community : Nam. Oust Cat fee aUfenred Taw C. f. Ordway, 386 Sixteenth ttreet.Port . land, kidney complaint and lumbago, cur ed. Willie A. Glark, 8$ North Fifth street, Portland, loathsome discharge of the ear, ten years from scsrlet fever, cured in one month. S. C. Howards, 37 Salmon street, Port tend, sheets of the hesd snd nose, scconv panied by neuralgia so he could not tleep for days, cured. Wm. Shsrrick, Dainasrua.Or .consump tion, shout restored by the new rectel In jection system of cure. Samuel Jackson, Highland, Or., deaf, ness 30 yesrs, cured in tea minutes. Mr. II Kulper. Woodlsnd, W. T, para lysed limb and various diseases for four teen years, wst carried in the Dra. office by two men, made to walk in one month, and now about cured. Mra. Sutfe Tom pert, Milwaukee, Or.. diseases peculiar to women snd sleepless ne. cuicO in on mrtntft E. A. Shaw, Forest Grove, Or., total deafness, so fsr restored ss to be sble to hear ordinary conversation. Chsrlss Hand, 335 Tsylor street, Port lend, discharging esr nine yesrs, perfectly cured. S. I. Whltmsn, Monmouth, Or .deafness snd ringing noise in the ears la years, re stored. Miss M Raymond, 136 Fifth street, Port- Utnd, restored to hearing fn fifteen mln- utea. David Gstbury, 68 East Park street, Portland, loathsome catarrh of throat and note cured. Mrs. A. Shea's daughter, 348 Columbia ttreet, Portland, cross-eyed sll hsr lifs, cured in one minute. Mist Msggie McGulre. of 55 Sherman ttreet, Portland, cross-eyed tlnce birth cured In thirty seconds. Mrt. U.S. Young, Huntington, W. T kidney snd liver complsint, dyspepsia snd general debility, cured. Chsrles Christmsn, 9a Firtt ttreet,Port land, scrofulous cstsrrh so bad that the de struction of his note wst threstened snd hsd become so offensive thst It wss sick ening both to himself snd friends.curcd In two months. Vf 1.. T mri Prtoa tVa.nnrt W T formerly of Scsppoose, Or., vsrious ail ments, cured snd gained fourteen pounds' undsr Drs. Darrln's treatment. Mrs. S. J. Evans, Sesttle, W. T neural gia of the stomach and heart, weak lungs ssd greatly emaciated, cured snd gsined ten pounds in two month. Mrs. August Backmann, Damascus, Or.l chronic rheumatism, restored. P. Malonev, 165 Sherman strset, Port land, deafness, cured instantly. Mrt. E. A. Lee, Baker City, Or., cured of nervout debility, neuralgia, heart and dlgettive organt. Dr. Steele, Marshfield, Or., rejoices in a cure of rheumatic neuralgia of the heart of two years' standing, by Drt. Darrin Mrs. Wilbur Taylor't daughter, 149 Fourth ttreet, paralysed hand and con tracted joints, cured In one month by Drs- Darrin. Mrs. A. M. Clayton, Sellwood, Or., gen e rally prostrated from rheumatism, lum bago and nervous deoility, cured by Drt. Darrin. C. V. Fowler, of Yakima, W. T., deaf, ness of long standing, cured In ten min utes by Drs. Darrin ; alto a successful operation on the eye ; his trouble render ed him almost blind. Mrs. J. P. Cleinment, 316 Jones street, San Franciaco, cancerous growth In the mouth, cured two yeart ago. Mrt. Nancy Reily, 147 Eighth ttreet, Portland, female diteatet of long standing, cured in San Francisco 16 yeart ago aad the cure remaint permanent. Miss Mary Walter, 361 Twelfth street, Portland, both eyes crossed from birth, cured in five minutet with a simple oper ation. ' David Sullivan, St. Charlet Hotel, heart disease, rettored. Mrs. Frank Campbell, Eatt Portland, female disease, pain at base of the brain, etc., cured. A. A. Durham, Tulatin, Wathington county, Or., writet that Drt. Darrin are working wonders on hit kidney and blad thirty Drt. Darrin can be consulted free at No. 149 Fourth ttreet, between Morrison and Alder streets, Portland. Circulars sent free to sny sddress. All chronic dlseasas.youthful Indiscretion aad lost of manhood treated by entirely naw methods. Office hours from 9 s. m. to 5 p. m. ; evsnlngsj to 8 ; Sundays, iota t a. The rich and poor, the high snd low of sll grades snd stations treated free of charge from 9 to to a. m. dally until far ther notice. Charges for those wishing to pay $5 a week, or in thst proportion st cases msy require. AftUKH IN FRUIT CUITtJRC A correspondent of the American Garden says : "I have always hsd the best results from the use of ashes in fruit culture, and in some esses the results were In propor tion to applications far more liberal than 1 would have dared to recommend. Thus, one spring I wss setting sn apple tree two years old of the Maiden's Blush variety (never a precocious variety with me) in s location that seemed to have been Intend ed by nature as "s thorn In the flesh" as long as I Include it In my orchard. I wss Impossible to drain it st sny expense justified by the probable resultt.snds trse rarely lived In it longer than two years. In this particular casc.until I had ths hole dug, It was nesrly filled with water.I felt desperate, and procuring a bucket of un leached wood ashes, put them in the hole, deposited the roots of the tree below the surface of the water and filled tha hole as best I could. The tree blossomed the succeeding fall and ever after has been vigorous. Since then I have trenched around my orchard trees sll the wood sshes, either leached or unlesched, thst I could convsalently get. One spring I in corporated sshes la the soil sbout some grape vines thst I wss setting out, giving to each vine sbout half a bushel. I never before had grape vines do so well." A Congressional contest of more than usual Importance Is thst of Judge Robert Lowry , democrat, against Jsmes B. White, republlcsn, In the Twelfth Indiana Dis trict. Counting that state,the republicans have control of twenty state delegations in the House of Representatives, just suffi cient to elect s president in case the elec tion should be thrown into the House. Should Judge Lowry be given Mr. White's test It would turn the Indisns deiegstion over to the democrats, which, while it would not give them sufficient states to elect, would so reduce the republican ma jority ss to mske thst party powerless. As s result the House could not elect s presi dent next yesr should the people fsil to do so. It is claimed that Mr. White, who waa born in Scotland, Is not s fully asturalixed citizen of the United States. Ths earnings of the Dwyer stables this season will corns upwards of $40,000 less then last, although the average sa regsrds hnres entered sad rsces won Is consider- sble batter than last yesr, when they start ed 33 horses, won 88 races snd $so8,ooo sgsinst 17 horses this season, winning 54 races and $160,500, Of this sum ths grsst lisnover brings to his owners the snug sum of J$87,77J.$o. His entrance fees in the srious events in which he was nom inated amounted to a trifle over $a,$oo leaving something over $85,000 profit. The Cincinnati Enquirer has been poll ing the 1 residential preferences of mem bers elect of the Ohio legislsture. Twenty-five republicans heard from favor Sher- msn.four Blaine and one Lincoln. Twenty - one democrats wsnt Cleveland snd one wants Hill. It Is painfully evident thst Bsnny Forsker has been snubbed again. aaeaaaHBS9E!5awawE9 One small cigarette, In the hands of a small boy, caused a $300,000 fire at Little Rock. Insurance companies should charge extra rates in towns where small boys are allowed to buy cigarettes. BaBSSBSSSaSaBSaHsawaBSSSaBa E x Congressman Bragg, who once loved Cleveland for the enemies he hsd made and now hates him for about the same resson, ascribes the New York victory to Governor Hill. Day and Night During aa acute attack of Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling In the throat, and an exhausting, hacking cough, afflict the sufferer. Sleep is banished, aad great prostration follows. This disease Is also attended with Hoarseness, aad some times Loss of Voice. It is liable to be come chronic, involve the longs, and terminate fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral affords speedy relief and cure in cases of Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been a practising physician for twenty-four years, aad, for the past twelve, have suffered from annual at tacks of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It effected a speedy cure, G. 8 to veal 1, ML. D., Carroilton, Miss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is decidedly the best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Bronchitis, and all lung diseases . M. A. Bust, M. v.t South Paris. Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which grew worse and settled on my Lungs. By night sweats I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Couch was incessant, and I frequently spit blood. My physician told me to give up business, or I would not live a month. After taking various remedies without relief, I was finally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I am now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after having been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. 8. P. Henderson, Saulaburgh, Penn. For years I was in a decline. I had weak lungs, and suffered from Bron chitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral restored me to health, and I have been for a long time comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and find speedy relief. Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Bronchitis. The physician attending me became fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. After trying various medicines, without benefit, ho prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which .relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was cured. Ernest Coiton, Logansport, lad. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugjrtste. Price f 1 ', aiz bottles, as. der troublet ; also rheumatism years standing. of AT COST BY N. H. ALLEN t CO.. Our Entire Stock at First Cost. Having made up our mind to discontinue the mercantile business, and intending to embark in another enterprise, we will sell our entire stock of general ME RCHANDISE AT COST. Call early and SECURE BARGAINS, We shall give away the piano and organ as advertised, January 1st. N. H. ALLEN & Co. ? af 57 First Street Albao y C. B. Roland & Co, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AHD MENS FURNISHERS. 0VERC0AT8 : A large stock of alt grades just received. CLOTHING: An dresa suits HATS : From ail tha leading raskers.sncb aa J. B. Stetson A Co., and other FCJRNISHING GOODS 0r sk .ix. , . a . . Iar aitemti u RUBBER GOODS : We handln 1 . , . , . - abort boots, mens sandals, overcoat, and BOOTS AND SHOES : 30 cases of from the factory. We makn a sneei.Itv congress style TRUNKS, VALISES. HAND Blankets and Comforters in Stock, ( Be Clothiers, Hatters and Mens Faraishers, ALBANY, OREGON. Palace Meat Market T. PIPE, PIWPRIBOB. FIRST?8T. - - ALBANY. OR. Will keep constantly on hand beef, matton, perk, veal, sausage, aM the best meats and largest variety In tie city. Cash paid for all kinds. of fatjstock. JOHN BRICCS, -FLOBIBT,- ALBANY, - - - OREGON J"Roses g Specialty. Cemetery;iots planted and attended to. FURNITURE made to order or IRJEIP A T3RJEQID., at sny shop west end of Third Street, Albany, Or, S. A. DKCKARD, T. J. STITEB. ATTORNEY AT JLAW -AND Notary Public. TO CLOSE, All shall have a chance w iroc no sack, business and T uo DM received onr parttcu- nnl k - 1 . ... . 7 " erj uesi quautr tn lone anal sou' westers. Also oil clothing. 6r8t winter boots, just opened in iS ' ! . opTO'l m ouiien, iace ana - SATCHELS, UMBRELLAS mikm A C0e, New and Second Hand Store Owing to tbe increasedgdemsndk of off business wo have Lean compelled to kb6v into a larger store aad we can now fJa found next door to 8, B, Young, where we will be pleased to ase our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tha was, erockery, clocks, carpeta, pictures, ft8t jars, trunks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, etc and a thoausd d9W ferent and use a; tides vou ean satila belter this side ef San Francisco than van can do with us on a purchase or exchange , ML FRANKLIN & GO. 12S First Street, Albany, Or. Ls W. CLARK, Ported! j Photographer, 84b inga hy appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING Tweed ale's Building. ALBANY. - - - OREGON fcajao?.1.. or Sfrtlfli FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS ARO OROOCR8. a as., at. iwis. fl