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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1887)
Win. Foitmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt AtteLtion-Fint-olasB Hearse JsVAftOr buslt m hours oall at residence Finn ana Baker atresia. Bed CrownMiUs ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPE'8. inw r luxra trrutioa soa a ho EAKaaa csa. raMtUSS BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Hiffhett Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Anrdews & Hack I em an, W.LDOUGLASl $3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON. - - OREGON Notice for Publication, Lund Office at Oregon City, Or., ) Oct.. Slot. 1SS7. J Notlco is hereby eiTen that the follow ing named settler has died natlce of hie intention to make final proof In support of hi nlaina. and that aakl proof will be made before tba County Clerk of Linn Ca, Oregon, at Albany, oragon, on Wednesday, eseonsbor tlsl, last. via: Benjamin F. Kirk. Homestead Entry. No. 5107 for. the N K efN K of See. M. To. IS. 8 R 1 W, Willamette meridian. He names the following wit n oasis to prove his contiauoua raetdenoe nnon. and cultivation of, said land. Tin D R Mioheal, Ben Morris, Benson Harris, and C H Kirk, all of Sweet Home, P. C, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Benwrr, Regwtar. Won Paciiic Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations onsarpsassd for com fort and safety. Fares and f relgbte via. Taqnins and tba Oregon Development Company's Steamship much leea than by any other route between all pcinta in the Willamette Valley ami wan r rancmoo. Daily faueuger trains exctfi Smmdayi ISO r. a. Cervailis, 1 0 3S k.m Uava Albmaj, 11 .15 a. a. Arrive 1:17 r.m. imn Yaouina. 6:50 r. m. I Orn and Caiifornia trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. WSJ H . KOAi!. OfMnl Maaagar. c. c. siaeiing, A. O. r . ami P. Agwai, Crvallla, Or. 0 Oregon Developement Co. Firat-ohue Steamship Una between Yaqnlna and Ban franeieco connecting at Yaqninnwlta tbe tralna of ibe Oregon Paciiic Railroad Company. MAILINC! DATE . STSASSSS, rsoM sas rsAaaso. raoM taqcisa . Kov 27,0am mm, i, I p m Ysaeina t it r, WUkwm' Vauay, Easier Oragoo, Taqolns City. Sat. Dee 3, 10 am TBs.0eciriOsm rrt. Dt 0. 11 a m Tuea.Dcc 10,2 p m Thur.Dcc 16,9 m TiM.iMcn.vtm Wd.lJec 21,11 mm ruea. Jan 3, noon Wulim'e Valley, Tura Dec 27,9 a to hui, Jan 1, a The Company mrryes tbe right to aaange sailing days. L B TOB1. Oea. F. aad P. Aganl, 80 Montgomery St., San. Eraoeiaeo, Oal. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- Oregon & California R. R, AMD CONNECTIONS. THE SIT. SSI AST A KOt'TE. Class sanesrlBss aaaa, at Aahiat4 with stages, ef Se (MSMrala, Oregoa a4 Idaho Stage Cowpaay. nly IS Mile el staging. Tltaa setsrau Albary and Sea Franeleee, M boort rmwi KX am D r. smsHmmmmm mm smsmm sLwlAVKftA80N.oor autnuriasa acaaia. eAurosviA sxraass u tiss daily . Seotk Mertsl 4.09 r. a. I Laav Portland Arrive I 10:40 A a 8:06 r m Leave Albany Leave 7:09 a m 9:90 a m I Arrive Ashland Leave 9:49 T a trOCAi, rAssaxeaa TSAiss vxur except Sunday). 4:00 a sTlTeiv Perttoad Arrive EseTi 1 1-49 raj Leave Albany Leave 1 11:96 a a t:i0r (Arrire Eaeaae Leave 9XK) a a loch rAseaveaa vaAias saar, sxcarr scintar. 9:10 r a Leave Albany Arrive I 6;45 a a 9:40 r M I Arrive Lebanon Leave I 6:90 a u IS SO ru I Leave Albany Arrive j S:46 r l:3Sra Arrive Lebanon Leave 2:00 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Portland and Ashland. Sikiyou' and ban Fraacleeo, KeaisraJit Sieeplnr. 'rs between Portland and S inland1, Hlaaiij na'i and aa r ran rtWffl, FKEK OF C9JAK41K, Weal Side at vision. BBTWEgg FOKTLAJf O AID COS y ALUS, mAii. TSAm daily (exoept Suaday.) 7! 9S a ti Leave Pert! and Arrive 9:16 r u 19:94 i Arrive Cervtllle Leave 1:90 fa SJCFABt tsaiss BAILT (szespt Sunday. ) 4:60 rM AiMm Portland McMinnville Arrive Leay 0:00 a a 6.46 a a Arri-e At Albany and CorvaLlif eeaneet with trains of Oregea FseU gailrosd Far fail information regarding rates, maps, etc., oall on Company 'e Agent. B. KOXKLKB, E. P. ROGERS, Maaager. A Pass Agent. Notice for Publication, Land Office st Orsgon City, Or., ) November 21st, 1887, j Notion is hereby given that the follow ing named settler ha filed notice of his in tention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and tbat aald proof will be made before tho County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday, Jan nary 17th, ISSS, l. . VII XIS Thlllirwi HnmailnaH ITnln. . . . " ft. ftft " f " , mmuv Wft' .ft ft.l,, jr. No. 4634 for the 8 W H of Sec.28, Tp, 13, 8 Kiw. He namea toe following witness es fo prove his contlnaaua residence upon and cultivation of, said Isnd, viz : T Thorn peon, S Haw ken and T Arnold, of Sedeville Post Office and M Leach, Oj Sweat Home Post Official! In Linn eoun ty, Oregon. Wf. T, Rl'RNKV, Register, ALBANY OQLLIBJATB INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. First Teres September istb, A. toll or rm of instinstora.--- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Gmnm of study arranged to meet ths Mod of all grades or students. Sftaial inductmmtt ojored to students rom Tuition ranees from 16.50 to li,w. Board In orlvnte fhinUlec at lew rates. Rooms lor self-boarding at smell exjeonee. caraful supervision exercised over aiu- deata away from homo, Kali tarm opens santmtMir 7th. For circulars and lull partiouiara snares uw rrwiuw. " . . a aw. . i I , KBV. ELVKBT H. CaSssir. Albany, Oregou, Revere House; ALBANY, - - - ORtOUN CHAS. PFE1FFER. PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in tlrat-olaaa etyle. Tables snnolled with the beet in the market. Nioe sleeping apartments. Ham pie rooms iag acj v.bUj. Sunday school each Sat -for commercial travelers, bath at 10 o'clock a, in. Prayer meeting flrrree Ceaea la aad torn tbe Melel.ta I nniir BTrn iHUI lOTKI. IN THIS I' cuy7. now oflbrl for rant on reaaon. able terms Far narUenlara Inquire af ar add rasa Jaataa MoaaaT, Albany, Oregon. Motice for Publication. Land OSoe at Oregon City, Or., October Slat, 1H87. ) Notice is hereby given tkat the following ggivH settler has filed notice ef his intention e make Meal proof iu supimrt of his claim, And thst said nroof will be made before the County Clerk of Linn Co . Or. . at Albany, Or., on Weelueeelay, Beeesaber tatb, isst. m ft ,! u v. u v . mi mi viz : uran oeumser. rre, u. nu. jio for the lots 1. 2 and 3, of Sao 96, Tp 12, 8 R I 1 W. Henamea the followins wttnoaaes to I prove his continuous resideoee upon, and cal-1 tivstion of. said hmd. vis : J Fitxwater, D aylveeeor, 4 J nautnuarso ua a nwmu,iii . n . a , v 1 1 el Lebanon P. O , Linn eeaaty, Or. w. T. Bonaar, alsiajEaRtMs Rotice fur PibUoaeion, Land Offloe at Oregon City. Or., ( October 31st, 1887. Notioa k hersbv siren that the follow iag named settler bee filed notice of his intention to saaka final nroof In saoDort af his olsim. sod that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clark oi una eouasy. ur., at Albany, Oregon, en irktay. Basfaanor tard. isst. viz . w m Hoiieoge, nemeasaaa juniry n. ... .. .. . mm ... i. . VT 4795. for the S K i of see 80, i p 12, o It l K. He names the following witness sa to mov his aentmnons residence upon. and sal- tivation of. said land, via i H Buncll, C Williama. S Powell and W MoPheraon, all of Ubaaen P, O , Unn county, Or W. T. Bt SJiKV, Register. Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City.Or. , I October 31st, 1887. Kotiee is hereby given that the following aaaaed settler has tiled notice ef hut intention to make final proof ia support of bis chum, sml that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Lian county, Or., at Albany, Or., on MeoMtay. Btacesnber (. last. viz : J H Gieseutanuer, Homestead hntry No. 455 1. for the K of S W i. and W 4 of 8 K 1. of Sec 28, Tp 13, S R 2 K. Henamea tbe following witnesses to prove bs eonUon ens reeidenee a post, aad cultivation of, said band, via t O W Howes. J W McGbes and I B McFarland. ef Sweet Home P.O.. LMeParland of Albany P.O.. all in Lino county, Oregon. w. T. mir, Urguter Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City. Or., ) October, Slat. 1887. j Notice Is hereby given thai the follow ing named settler ha filed notice of hie intention to make final proof in support of but claim, and tbat aald proof will be made before the County Judge or Clark of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on dy, 0eeeaaner saab, I8S7. vir : William H H Cnmminga, Home stead Entry, No. 4824 for the N E of 8 W X of Sec. 10, Tp, 12, 8 R 1 w . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, end culti vation of. said land, vht : J 8 Caldwell, O. Kinder. J Llndley and J Pry or, all of Lebanon P. O., Linn county, Oregow. W. T. Bcsjfjrr, Register. Notice of Administration In Chs County Court of the Statt oj Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Sampson T. Powell, deceased. Notice la hereby giveu tbat tbe under signed was on November 7th, 1887, duly appointed Administrator of tba above named estate by order or tne county Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record. That all person bavlng claims against aald estate are here by required to present them together with the proper vouchers duly verified within iz months from tbe date hereof to the undersigned at bis residence in Linn county in the Forks of the Santiam River east of Lebanon in said county. Albany, Oregon, Nov, 8tb, 1887. Peter Powbix, J. C. Powkll, Administrator. Att'y for Adm'r. Sheriff's Sale In ike Circuit Court oj tht bUtie'of Oregon or Linn County. Sylvester Pennoyer, Governor, Geo W MeBride. Secretary of State. U W Webb. Treaaurer, of the State of Oregon, consti tuting the Board or Commissioners for the sals of Bobool Lands and tbe manage - ent of tbe Common School Puuds.Plaln- tiffs. agt. Mary J Love, Douglas Love, Harry Love, Slice Liove Km ma lxve, Lou Maxen and C, K. Maxon, her huabend, Cary Lister snd William Lister, herbuaband, Defen dants. NOTICE hi hereby given tbat by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of tbe above named Court in tbe above entitled ault, I will on Satarday the 17th day of Deecnaoer, ISST, at the hour of one o'clock, p, m , at tbe Court Houae door in the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at pub ic auc tion for cash in hand, to the higbort bid der, the real property described in said order oi sole, as follows, to-wlt : Begin ning at the northwest corner of Samuel McCnlley's donation lend claim, No. 40. Notification No. 2877. in Td. 15. S It 4 w of the Willamette meridan, in Liun county, Oregon, and running thence south on tbe west bouudry line of said donation land claim, 16.50 chains ; thence east 40 chains to the east boundary line of said land olaim ; thence north 0 0' east on said east boundary line of said claim 16.66 chains to the northea t corner thereof; thence west on tbe north lino of said claim 40, cbaina, to theplaceof beginning, containing 06 acres more or le, io Linn county, Oregon. Tbe proceed arising from the sale of aald premises to be ap piled, first to tbe payment of tbe costa and disbureements of suit, taxed at 887.85, and scorning costs. Hecond, to tbe pay ment to tbe Plaintiffs herein the sum of $820,00, with accruing interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and tbe further aum of 860.00 Attorney's fees, and tbe overpl us if any to the Defendants herein. Dated this 16th day of November, 2837. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff. Ik m cat. FFIOULl! and MiPBR. fbareb Btreeter U I Own an. PrsMkinc every Rahbaln, aiaraioa and veiling by Kar. F U. If. TV n fUbbath School at 1:80 r. at Prayer meeting every retismny twu. Kvahomliuai. Chckch. lraacniagon san bath al 1 1.00 a. st., ami 7 r. st. naooawt School IOjW. Prayer meeting every wea aseday evening 7J0. B. E. flavii, pastor. Ail art ta?iiea. OaMaaxoATtoM al Cm o at a. Sareicaaavat y Sabbath moraine and evening. Sabbaia tabaol al 12:15. Prayer meeting on WmIhuiUv vntiiuiT of aaoh weak. ivev. It. V. UoDtiuaer, raster. M. E. Cnueea.Soirrn. Preaching every third hlahhatb. in A4ih month at 11 o'clock A. M. and at 7 o'clock r. at. Sabbath Benooi i gabbath at 10 o'clock A. at. I'rayer .tin. Kriil aveuinu's at 7 o'clock. Itev. Hounds, Taster. M. K. Cnnaca8ouTB.TAasaT. Preach. i on ike first Sabbath of aaoh month mom- Tharsday evening. Rev, Hounds, raster. M. E.Cnoaca.rres.jlung every Sabbath nnrciu. avanin-. bob aemea u the event ag before sermon. Sabbath School V ay rameg. Uev.H PaaaairaaiAM Cc at 8. 30 r m. I'rayer meeting every inure- r. Webb, pastor. ceaea. Berries every BBmnilill ana ybbwc in vaurvu a i l w Breadalbia and Fifth Sta. Sunday School tmmadtaUly alter the morning service, rrayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev a It i'ritobard, pastor. Finer lUmtr Cnoacn. Praaehina every Sabbath morning and eve'g,at Churoh on 5th Street, sabbata aenooi imraeaiawy mivmi meraiag servioes. Prayer meetiag every Thnrxlmv .ruins st 7:80 o'clock. Kev, Trust bell, pastor. Oathouc Cncaou. Service every San- day at 10 JO a. m. and 7 p. m. Uat Sunday af aha month eenriee at Kuaene City. Kev. Lenit Metoyer, Keotor. PmorrneTAMT RriHOurAL OlfWH. Svrvi oaa are held in St. Peters K piece pal Churoh every alternate Sunday, morning and even ing. Sanday school at 9:S0 a. m. rriUay evening service on evety Friday preeediag the Sunday service. Al! are invited to at. Cuai.rriAK. Fourth Sabbath, meraiag and evening . S, 8. It s. m. Germ am . At College chapel. 2 p.m. J. 8. Brann, Paster. Tney Meet. St. John's Lodge, 62, In Foster' Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, let Sat- urday. Barley Chapter, 8, at Hall, urday. 4th Sat K. of p., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F , at tndrhalt.evevy Wednesday evening. A. O. C. W at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at O. F. Hall, every 2nd and 4th Friday. G. A. R . at A. O. t . W. Hall. 1st and grd Saturdays. I. O. G. T . at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friend of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, tat snd 3rd FrpJaya. Do Yen Want Furniture ? IP TOTJ DO 00 TO W H WIT 1 ART! I II 1 lit II IDUXillU, where you will find the beet snake and finest fiilahod BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS ANB LOUNGES. Also a fine line ol PICTURE FRAMES, aad a b undent different styles of Mouldings. I Picture frames made to order. The largest and beat stock of UNDERTAKERS 60008, ever kept in Albany. Prices reasonable. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN Canned rrnifs, Glsteaware, Dried Frs.Ua, Tobacco, ; tanned Meets, Qneenawnre, Vegetables, 4'ignrM, Spleen, Coffee, Test, Etc,, Ete In fact everything tbat is kept In a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. CITY Feed and Sale Stable. 81 4th St. between Ellsworth and Lvon. - W . .a m mm m H juorses uoaruea by the day. week or month st reasonable rates. Railed hav and atraw for aale, also oats, barley and chop always on hand. MRS, L. A, MCDONNELL, PROPRIETOR. DR. I. U, W00DLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office City Feed and Sale Stable, ALBANY, OREGON. Tutf s Pills The dyspeptic, the debilitated, wheth er irons csceHM or worn ox mind or body, driu it ov exposure in Malarial Regions, nr.i 'inu'itnc moat genial c ever oi rcyed tbo sufFerine. nri tc4-.i Msvnlsstf 'mVV A vlw'-- o;.a eee'a ajid u uro blomi. strong Uintnd villrconlt. YWHSSEE. mniiioi DktiftfttiT, SUITS!) T Tl ' Wimei'i Ckriitln Tnrnw liin Tho W. 0. T. V. meets on thi 1st and 8id Tuerday of each n tooth it 3 o'clock p. at., at tba A. O. U. W. Hall, ovar French's Jewelry Store. HTATK TBMPKRaNCC ALLUNCK- (Orjfessa.) Yesterday morning the State Temper ance Alliance, pursuant to call, met at the 1'irtt Presbyterian church, Praf. G. M. Miller, Presldent.called the allla'.ice ta or der. Rev. (). B. Whltmorc, of Astoria, offered a fervent prayer. J E. Knox, of Linn county, was elected Secretary. The address of welcome, by Rev. T. E. Clapp, was delivered with spirit and enthusiast! callv received. Judge Uaker.of La Grande, responded. The committee on credentials reported 130 delegates present. Manv came In afterwards. Mr. Waltis Nash moved the following resolutiens, which were unanimously adopted. J?eajW, That the thanks of the Oregon State Temperance Alliance are due to nil the earnest workers who have striven In various capacities to secure the passage of the constitutional prohibitory amendment; and, First, To the ministers of religion who have seen clearly that the saloon stands in deadly opposition to the spiritual interests of their people. Second, To those editors of the Oregon lecai press who have not only opened the columns of their papers but have person ally, by their articles, proved their Inde pendence of the influence and opposition of The Oregommn, and have afforded the friends of constitutional prohibition the chance of that free and unbiased appeal to the people which was denied them by the daily papers of Portland. Third, To friends from other states who fearlessly brought strong arguments and bore testimony as to the beneficent results of constitutional prohibition, and among those Mrs. Mary T. Lathrsp, of Michigan, and Col. A. B. Campbell, of Kansas, must receive special mention. The State Temperance Alliance desire to record their public protest against the language applied by Tht Oregvniam to tnese distinguished visitors, and assure them that the targe majority of the people af Oregon feel deep gratitude for their as sistance in the struggle just passed.and al so especially thank Mrs. Skelton, Prof. Rock, Col. Wood and Messrs. Hughes and Ward. At the afternoon session Rev. Mr. Ache son offered prayer. The President's ad dress took strong ground against the t oe duct of the antl amendment people in the late campaign, especially some of the pa pers and the political leaders,and express ed the belief that the ailtance.compoted of persons of all parties, would have to hand over the political fight to a party pledged to prohibition. The address was ordered printed according to the custom of the ai liance with auch documente. OS) OS OO mm a m Mr. 1. b. Knox, of l-tnn countv, was elected Secretary, vice If. S. Strange, re signed. The committee ef resolutions presented the following, which were adopted after an animated djacussion. Jietolxfd, That this alliance considers the grand total of about joyooo votes cast in favor of constitutional prohibition, in the face of the bitterest opposition of the whisky power and of Its many adherents. as the most marked recognition af both the duty and the purpose of the people of Oregon to abate the pretensions and cur tali the power of the aatoon in politics. Itetoivmt, That we favor whatever polit leal action will secure undoubted reatric tive and prohibitory legislation of the li quor traffic, such as statutory prohibition local option by counties,altowiag also wa men to vote on that question as in the Kan sas municipslties ; early closing of 1 loons, cloning them on Sundays and elec tion days, prohibiting the sale of liquors to minora, drunkarda and intoxicated persons removing all obstructions to viewing the sale of liquors ; always providing that we are clearly understood to oppose all licen sing of the selling of . intoxicating liquor as a beverage, as being a moral wrong. Re sal ltd, That we acknowledge, aa pow erful agencies creating the strong prohi bition sentlment,the long continued mora suasion work of the home, the church.the various temperance soclctles.the distribu tion of literature, lecture work and other educational influences, and we will con tinue to work along these lines and urge the enforcement of the law(with 9utflclent penalty for non-enforcement) for scientific instruction in the pablic schools on alco hoi and narcotics,in order to mold the sen timent of the rising generation. Resolved, That, in order to accomplish one of the great objects for which the temperance people of Oregon are work ing, namely, the abolishing of the saloon ; that it is the sense of the alliance that such object can be soonest and mo9t effectually accomplished by a cordial and united ef fort of all temperance workers with an in dependent political party free from all en tangling alliances with the liquor interests. Resolved, That to make a successful tem perance tight we must financially support temperance papers that will feirly and fully represent our side of the question and give the temperance news. And this applies particularly to a good prohibition and temperance newspaper for our own state of Oregon. Resolved, That we favor a new registry law to prevent frauds at elections. The initiative was taken for a company with a capital of $25,000 for publishing in Portland a and general paper the size ot ne weekly Uregonian. Adjourned till evening, when Rev. O. B. Whitmore,Wallis Nash and Mrs. Skelton spoke to an appreciative audience. Notice to Tax-Payers Notice is hereby given, that I, or my Deputy, will meet the tax-payers of Linn county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock a. m , and re main until 4 o'clock p. m., at their respec tive places of voting in the several pre cincts, at the following times and places for the purpose ot collecting the taxes for 1887 : Hslocy, Friday, Dec. and. Shedd, Saturday. Dec. 3rd. East Albany, Tuesday, Dec. 6th. West Albany, Wednesday, Dec. 7th. Prompt payment will be required. Pay your taxes and save costs. Dated, Oct. 24th, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff and Tax Collector. WASHINGTON. Press our regular oorrespeaSsSt.) Washimotow, D. C, Nov. 15th, 1887. Although the nation has had several centennials In the Isst thirteen years - those of the Declaration of Independence a 1876 snd of the adoption of the Const! tutlon In 1887 being at once the most Im portant and impressive we are to have still another on April 30th, 1889 the cen tennial of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, the ceremony very properly to be celebrated In New York City on the self same spot where the Immortal Father of his Country assumed the Presidency of the Infant republic which his inspired wis dom and bravery and his stainless sword did so much to createthat grand fabric of liberty which la the glory of its gallant founders and the pride and blessing of a grateful posterity, who wilt cherish this precious heritage through all the chang ing fortunes of the future years. Centen nials are af such frequent occurrence in recent years that it is probable the Presi dential Centennial may pall on the public taste for lack of the novelty and impres- slvsuess of it. predecessor at Phlladel- phia. sun. such a notable event in our) : . . . . . f history must poweriuuy appeal 10 ine na tional pride and quicken the patriotic sen timents that And lodgment in the breasts of all true American. The Initiatory movement in this enterprise has just tak en place at New York City- the Mayor of the Metropolis presiding over the meeting At the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, President Cleveland was the smiting reci pient of many hearty congratulations from hi advisers on the result of the recent elections- more particularly the triumph ant democratic victory in New York, wheeh most democrats hail as the harhing er of the renomlnatlon and re-election of him whom thev believe a "man of desti ny." Many enthusiastic democrats of nation al prominence tike Senator V 001 bees and Representative Breckenbrldge believe the New York triumph significant of a long lease of power for the Rational democra cy. They seem to tntim me pany una successfully passed through a grave crisis In its long eventful history, and is now firmly established in its greatest strong hold. Not the least gratifying result of last Tuesday 'a struggle is the utter rout of Mahone.whlch insures the gain of a dem ocratic Senator. If there should be no ether change this would make the Senate stand 3S democrat and S republicans on March 4th, 1889, New jersey elects a United States Sen ator nest year, and I am sorry to say the outlook is not ss favorable ag it might be for the democrats the republicans having carried the legislature al the late election. Many newspapers are in error in stating that the present legislature will choose Senator McPhersen's successor. Mr. Blaine's friend,little Willie Walter Phelps who la fsmou for his millions snd hi hslr bangs, has already placed himself in training for the seat. Senator Cockrell's committee, now on the rounds,inspccting the workings of the Federsl Departments have made the dis overy that the clerks are badly crowded and that they need more room to properly discharge the duties of their position. It a understood that the committee will recommend Congress to erect additional Government buildings in this city, and al ee to improve the ventilation of those now In ue. The present public buildings were erected about forty years ago, and the clerical force of the nation has outgrown them. It is reported here that ex-Congressman Levering, the unsuccessful democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, will be consoled in hi disappointment by receiving the appointment of United States Marshal to succeed the veteran politician, Qen. N, P. Bank,whoe term of office - plres this winter. The sensation of the past week was the controversy between Secretary Lamar and Commissioner Sparks, seem, can only be satisfactorily settled by the retire ment of one of these prominent officials - In fact, such Is the ultimatum preaented by the former to the President. The only apparent logical outcome of the difference will be to accept the Secretary's sugge tlon. There are those who declare that Mr. Sparks is In an aggressive mood, and that he nronoe to obatinatcly hold his official position as long as possible. A public communication Is expected from the Commissioner In response to the Se cretary's NAPOLKONM CHESSMEN. George Vanderbilt,the literary member of the rich family, is the owner of the - - av - chess table snd chessmen that formerly belonged to Napoleon I., snd which he used during hie exile at St. Helena. There is even more of a ghastly interest attached to this souvenir. It was standing by the table when the physicians were making their post mortem examination of the dead smperor.and when they took out the heart they pulled open one of the drawers of this little tabic and laid the heart upon it, and to-day one may see the deep stains of the blood on the inside of the drawer. This relic belonged to Mr. McHenry, of London, England, of railroad celebrity, who presented it as a birthday gift to Mr. Vanderbilt. Phvsicisns Have Fonnd Uat That a contaminating and foreign element la the blood, developed by indigestion, Is the cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive sub-outaneous cover lag of the muscles and ligaments of the joints, causing constant and shifting pain, and aggregating as a calcareous, chalky deposit which produces stiffness and dis tortion of tbe joints. No fact whloh ex girience has demonstrated in regard to oatetter'a Stomach Bitters haa stronger evidence to support than this, namely that this medicine of comprehensive use checks tbe formidable and atrocious dis ease, nor is It less positively established that it is preferable to the poisons often used to arrest it, since the medicine can tains only salutary ingredients. It is also a siarnal remedy for malarial fevers, con stipatton, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder aliments, debility and other disorders, See tnal you get the geaulne, " Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It oaa be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out tbe knowledge ot tbe person taking It; is absolutely harmless and will effect a perms neat and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or ta alcoholic wreck. Thousands ot dunke.'.-us have been made tern- Derate men Who navi V8 taken Golden Sseoifio la their coffee without their knowledge, and without their knowledge, and nrVr9 ELrfI8 Thtem once Impregnated with the Specific it becomes SPECIFIC 00., 18ft Base , Cincinnati. O. Soma fine, frsih sauer rant atJVIUss St Thompson's. What It this Disease that Is Coming Upon Us ? Like ft thief at night it steals in upon us unuwures. The pa tients have puiiiH about the chest and Hides, and HoiiMdimes in the bock. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in the morning. A h rt of M icky slime collect frboat tlu teeth, The appetite is poor. Ther is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimcrwt faint, all gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not Katisfy. The even are sunken, the hands and ieet bctMLmnecolu and clammy. After a while a cough nets in, at first dry, but after a few months it m attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pHctoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any A 4. .... AAmsM L.. m m "V! " "w,,,0,, uervouH, irritable and gloomy, l 1 :if. 1 i . nm. and has evil forelioding. There is a gmliiieMs, a sort of whirl ing MciiHation in tbe head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood lecoiiics thick and stagnant; the whites of the ey n Ix-come tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positima sediment af ter stand ing. There is ftju a spitting up of the fooii, nome times with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart; the vision becomes im paired, with spot before the eyes; there h a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation hits this disease in some of its varied forms. It has lieen found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for ktdnev disease, etc, etc, but none ot these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspeiisia. It is also found that Shaker Ex tract of IlooU, or Mother 8ei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BETTER THAN COTTON, Mr. John C, Hemptinstall, of Ohulttfirmee, Cleburn Ca, Via., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Roots or Seigcls SyniD that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together I would ride twenty miles to get It into the hands of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell in this State letter than cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been long afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev, J. J. MoOuire, merchant of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail, SUE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me. I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One day I read your pamphlet called II Life Among tie Shiikers" which described my disease better than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warren St., New York, -v- FARM AT A BARGAIN. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 2751 seres 6 miles north of Hsrrisbnrg on the Harrisbarg, Peoria, and Albany wagon road, 2 miles from warehouse on tbe Wil lamette liver, 6 miles from Halsey oa the Ot C railroad, one-fourth of a mile from school house, all feneed in 8 departments, besides small iota, 176 acres in cultivation, 75 acres oak smb. not heavy, 55 acres grow ing wheat, 30 acres more sew land in culti vation, making 95 acres in good condition for wheat this fall and will soon be sewn. 150 young fruit tress. Buildings fair. Price $25 per acre. Terms easy. For particulars call od or address C. C. Jackson, Halsey, Oregon. CROSSES & ALLEN, PEOPBIETOES Albany Track and Dray Oo., Nc, 1. Goods handled with oare aad dispatch. TBISPAPEE ANARCHIST MO rr Ngw Yon, November ti Over 300 snsrehists met in the hall back of a aleon on Seventh Street to-night. Herr Most was greeted with loud cheers. He opened in a low tone, but gradually warmed up with bis subject. His face became redder and his voice ascended Into a bowl. Some of the expressions and ideas ad vanced were these : "Fellow anarchists, I wish I could ex pr99 in langusge the sadness of mj heart' which grieves for my devoted brother an archists, who so bravely met death yesier day on the gallows. How brave, how no ble were these four men you all know. Would that 1 knew their executioner. He would not fare weH In this world. The death of our brothers has brought hun dreds to join our ranks. We have sworn to have vengeance, and we shall hsve It. They (the capitalistic press) say Linng committed suicide. They lie. He was murdered and reported to have suicided. Do they want you or me to believe hie friends smuggled these bombs into him ? I say they lie ! They lie ! They lie "Grinnell, perjurer, thief, secured wit nesses willing to swesr away the lives of seven Innocent men. Their blood cries to heaven for vengeance,and It shall not cry In vain. The day of reckoning approach. 9. Let those who were interested in the arrest, trial and hanging beware. That debt shall be paid. I point my finger to Gsry, Bonfield,the Judges of the Supreme Court and that coward of s Governor, Oglesby. Newspaper spies are watchkiu us. and from to-night our meetings shall be secret' 1 am an anarchist and willing: to follow in Uie footsteps of my brave comrades. We are not afraid of soldiers and guns. Ws have weapons as strong. Long live an archy ! Anarchy forever." The mob cheered him to the echo. George Wolfe, who claimed to be the step-brother of Adolf Fischer, was arrested to-night while haranguing a crowd vio lently on the comer of Twent v-seventh and Eight avenue. He made a desperate struggle. 1888. Harpers Magazine. Harper' Magaslae is an organ of progress! r UMMsgbt and asoveasesta ia eyary 4ataett f lit. iUAkUm oUmt urcUoo, it will nnsB, earing U earning year, UaportaM artktae, aupsrWy illustrated, un Um CSrat Wst . article ArocrUan and font assestry ; bsanUtaUy llstrani paean oa flmillswd. Jiunrsj, sUasf land. Algiers, aud the Wast Irsslsa . new iMveht by Willi t file aad W D 11 tu s no etenaa, mm aswasss to stalls nnaaber, by Usury Jess, Usaadi Hearn, and Assatte Sisea; sbert serise by Mag Woioe aod otbr popular writers ; ald papers oi spacUJ arttads and literary The SdiUvial Inearfiint am iwaMtsaead by Oeart Wubaaa funis Wllitsaj Dsan Hii. ad Ostites Dudley Warner. HARPgR'8 PERIODICALS, for Wear 1 HAgrgR MAOAZIgg S( 00 RARPga-S WEEKLY , ... 4 09 If 181 il J BAZAR . .4 00 iMRpgR's yaygsj PEOPLE , X 00 Pottage ret to alt titbit riber in the United Stairt ur Afexko. The v.4aaet td she Msgasiae begin with the nan- ban far Jane and Dussahsr ot each year. When as thaw is STistftal, etiBsettpsljua will begin with tbe at tisne ot receipt el order. of lfsrpsr't IbcaaiM, far three yssnbsek. is sesiatetb btacSsg, wUI be seat by saaU fweupeld, on teeript ot 9 par vaiuae. Cleth eases, tor Madiac, Mosses seek by wall, poet-paid . Index t Bar (-- Ifjraein. Alphabetical. AasJyt fcfai and ctaaslSed, for Voiaaaes 1 to To, inaJoaira, front June, isle, to Joss, ISSS. one rot. Sro, csatb St.on. Nenvefaptrt are not to iofy this mdvrrtis. mtnt rvititont tht exprett order of Harder St II rot her t. address HARPER A BROTHERS, Ksw York. Administrator's Notice. Notice ie hereby given that the under signed ha this day been duly appointed Administrator of tbe estate of Manuel T Harris, deceased, by the County Court of uinn county. Oregon, and mat all persons having claims against aald estate are bn e by notified to nresent tb mum to th 1 n m der lined at hie residence nearScio, On gon. wttbln six months from this at . Dated Nov. 3rd. 18S7. J, H 1-Kav, Hewitt A Bryant, Adm'r, Att'y for Adm'r. BEAST ! Msxiosn Mustang Liniment eciettea, Lumbago, EbeusnatliiH. Burn? Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruiiae, Bunion!, Corn-, Scratches, Spr&ias. Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sore Spavia Cranks. I Cisnli-Antrd KaaolsBj Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Swinaey, Saddle Calls, Piles. THIS COCD OLD STAND-BY eeom?tUhea for i-reryuody exactly what is claimed for it. One of tt reaaeus tor Uie great popularity of the .VusI:.:k- Ualniout Is fotuiiliuits ualvernnt kp i1k blllty. Kwybody ucwda such a medicine. Th ; 1 .a utbt- rt:mn uocds it in case of accident. Thv licsntewtfb nordslforixs-rH'arrtUy wso. Ttfte trier nerds it for h)s teams and Ma :..n. Tin- ilicchuulo bhU it alwtys cn feis vfesis tiench. Ttiu Miner sesfld it ts coo of cmorffeney. Tho rioryrvnt'eda'.t oantRetalong wlthcnt It. Tho I'aruier needs it lu his bouse, hi stable, and -..!. ycrd The '-' t :!i bout ninn or tho BonttnH.s nootls it 1.4 libera! eU? yy Rflf rrnd ashore. The HotMo-IVtH-ivr Bdi It li is his host friend aiid safest roUauoe. ' Tbe Stock. it awcr new'.-, it it will save him thousands of dollars and wc.vl 1 of troabi. Tii? R.tii'5R.d mnn ftesds it mu will need it so long as his liTs U & rot:ul of r.r Unts and clangers. 'j?ir 111 btrsiei'itu '. it. 1 Koro Is aoth- km I" it st as ar. . o e divngers to life, tone tnee, To Regulate fRffll favoriie home remedy is HK warranted not 10 contain a singi par assRAal tide of Mercury or ny injirt( ti . .ancs, but Is purely vegetable. It wUI Cure sli measacs eaased by XieraagsBMst of she Liver. aUdaeys and Stomach. If your Lh-sr i out of order, the soar wbols yum Is deranged Tba bioed S) Impure, the breath offensive; you has headscha, feel languid, dispirited sd nervous To prsvsnt s mors serious ca oui'rn, iae si one oiaimui LITER REGULATOR. If youied oedeniary Ufa. or suffer wiih Kidney Affect loos, ssss take Simmon Liver Regulates. : .-Milam and Sure to relive U ym has eaten anything hard ti oitt'Mton, or fet heavy after await or at night, isles a Aum and yo feel relieved sad steep alsaianUy. If yoo are a sriasrabts saShfor eriah -nUpUrm, ftyepepste and HllloiistMiss, rsk relief al ones in .iutm'jtit Uvrr KMfilalor It 4om b. tuui.rt continual doeing, aad coats but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wake wt rn th morning with bitter, bad 1999 In yr muth, TAKE Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor. rects th Biiion Stomach, .weeteaa "S.- t'rr ..K .r.A S-tottu... .V.. U, ... A 1 ....... 4-i.iMrr-M oftonnead some safe Cathar tic a-.d Tonic to avert apprraohing ickaeu MSSSMSS liver Peculator wifl relieve UKc, Head the, Sick Som h, Indication, Dysentery, and the Comprint incident to Childhood. At any time you fee! your system needs cltar.itc , t ..sum, rsgutao with-tit vWrat pureing. or .timclatlng without tmoai catiag, taks Sum. liver Ufa. PfttfAP.SO BY J. H. 2BIUH 4 CO., PMaMpiu. Pa HOFFMAlfTPFEIFFER -PKoPKIKTORtt OK Albany oda Works. And Manufacturer o CHOICE COHFEGTIOHIEY, We are now prop rwl to m t tool sale, always frb and pore a Portland pries to dealers. We al kp foil line of lute and Tropical Pruiti, OD H CIQAR AND TOBACCO department is !' w p-p tbe ver finest aUL ,A LJoa..t) u.l . Mowing tobaoco, mesraehaoca nd brier pipes that ia a delight to smokers. TH BL'YXHS QiUB is Street fo vmmsr est all mr family sta. Veil mm T AJUt J BOOK of will await lot erf 10 sts. SS) 1 erf swoiliwg. 10 at Isenr Sbaeja yow. RsepeetJIsfly MONTGOMERY WARD A OO. 87 r a t9 Wsubsab A sense. Caassuyc 18 Notice Final Settlements In the County Court 0 the County of Lmn or tht Stole of Oregon : In tbe matter of tbe estate of Cbaa. H. Cowan, deceased. Notice ie hereby given that the under gnad sTxeentor of aald saints bee filed bis final account in said estate with tbe Clark of said Court for final settlement sou that the said Court haa appointed Hat urday, tbe let slay el one o'clock in the tl objections thereto and the ; Albany, Or., Nov. 9th, 1887. J. L. Cowan, J. C. Powell, Executor. Att'y for Executor. Motice of Final Settlement. Notice ia hereby given that the under signed, the Administrator of the estate of J. W. Stevens, deceased, baa that day filed bis final account in the County Court lor Linn county, Oregon, and the aid Court haa fixed tba 10th of' December. 1887, at tbe our of one o'clock, p.m. of said day to bear objection to tbo same and for tbo settlement of the estate. Thts the 7th day of November. 1887. FHA K CKaBTKXK, Adm'r of the eat of J. W Slav-ins, J. K, W KATHBSFOBD, Att'y for dmuiiti rater. PATENTS the U a u wppoait tbe U.S. Patent Ugk. aad a Patents teas time tbaa Unas lasai le sbuin r drawttur Wa me lilit- free of charge .and wsmaks obtain patent. e radar bar, to th ey Order Di. and to officials of tht U. A 1 svc. for circular, advice, terms, and actual elietiU in yoau-owa st ss eonaty. Co 4. SHOW jtCOe. Opnsitc Patent Office. Washing". D THE FAMOUS COSTOkS-MAK PLYMOUTH ROCK fd PINTS. Cat to order from rnea ebtSh eitaliy aatst for st vis and war. Baer pair smaraDtee daa sss. a proaaptlv rfud-d, or a Dew nair suae, if cv 4s ar rvtornsd aa anta factory. DO T0U WEAR PANTS ? Tell us about whatso ryott tike, asad aaysar aita,hip aad fasseelef moaaurs, tscsthsr wt'i Stands, tr peetaga (or prepaid exprsss) sad packine . Or se tr ts us. or to tbe of this paper, and ed you, including of saaapls w9U h - tsp-BBsasmre, as w ha ra depoaited with the proprietors el this nutnDet of taese paeaacee for sal at six eaata, PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., IS summer St Btoatn, Masa. C. O OH1SBT. CR.PVRKiS ALBANY WORKS. CHERRY &ARKRS, Maohinists, Mill slights, and Iroi nB are now completely prepared to h.n 11. all bl.J. ear. 131 m&i ufaoture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds of Iroa and Brass Castings. r ITTBStNS HiDE ON SBOStT NOTSCK. Special attention given to repairing ail klnc s of machinery. MRS. B. BYMAn7 next east of S. E, Young's, Albany, Or. Gutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPING OUTFITS, AND STAMP ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, ana pair. ting done to order on plaques and other material, Ni ie assortment of rtiatn materials an feus with. TtuM ur