The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 02, 1887, Image 3

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    Wkt gcmorrat.
ItMNd at lbs OU wat Albany, Or
fro printer.
raaa r. Nrrrito. Lai uiiw.
masting of the dsmoorats of Al
ii I b hold at ths Court Houas
Saturday avsning, Dooombor 3rd, 1887, at 7
o olook, fur tho uu
our doss ef aoasiaatiuu csodi
dates for Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and
Troaauror, to bo voted for at tho election on
Monday, boo. 5th, 1887.
Tho oommittoorooomnoad that tho various
ward meeting bo held oa Friday evening,
Don. 2nd, at 7 o' tho following plaooa :
Firat Ward Up ataira in toe Circuit Court
Beoond Ward. Ia tho County Court room.
Third Ward J O Cherry 'a foundry offioa.
Baeh ward will nominate ono oandidato
for Councilman and aeleot a member of tho
City Central committee.
T. J. Snrsa, Chairman,
C. Q. Br Ran art,
J cues GaaewoHL.
Right at the beginning of winter we raise
our voice in favor of more sociabilty. Let
the people meet together and enjoy them
selves. It ia one of the spices that makes
life enjoyable. We are not well enough ac
quainted with each other. The possession
of friends is one of great value. This is
acquired through aociablity. Why cannot
Albany people have gatherings frequently,
other kind, as well aa church socials A
few cards like this would come in place :
"Mr. and Mrs, Wlnk'ehsm Sacharine, at
Home, Friday evening, Nov. 39th. No re
freshments. Just for fun,"
The M. A T. considers the completion of
the O. & C. R. R. one of the greatest events
in the history of the Coast Following is
the an Francisco sentiment in the matter
also 1 "It la the feeling among many per
sona that the completion of this line that is
to unite Oregon and the whole Northwest
with Ca ifornia is an event second only in
importance to the driving of the last spike
In the first overland line to this city."
Two Albany gentlemen have made a
wager aa to whether 1c snowed on Thanks
giving dav, 1883, one claiming that he took
a sleigh ride then, lias any one the con
dhton of the weather for that dav in black
The Man About Town has a friend in
this dty who goes by the name of "Jimlny
Gosh.' At the present writing this name fa
at the head of the class.
Very lew Holiday weddings have been re
ported to the Man About Town, though
auspicious circumstances are seen in some
quarters. As the noon day tun shown
glimmering! a few days ago a couple bom
the country passed along a street with arms
drawn closely around each other, school
girl style, and entered a hotel ; but we can
not vouch that it meant anything. Some
times though weddings follow.
Jos Watson, ef the Hay, is ia the city.
8am May and wife, of Harriaburg, were la
Albany over Sabbath.
Mr Geo D Overton and eons, of B-owns-vills,
wore in the city Monday.
H L Hudd, one of the substantial oititena
of Peoria was in the city Monday.
MrsCapt C F Powell and eon, of Portland,
are ia the oity visiting their many frisnds.
R iv T I Wilson and Mathew Aoheson re
turned last Friday fiom the Warm Spring
Mr Alsep and family, recently of Kansas,
arrived ia Albany the first of the week, and
intend making Albany their home.
Mr L Martin, of Ashland, has been in the
oity this week. Mr M. ia now one of the
'leading fruit men of Southern Oregon.
Rev S O Irvine left last Tassday su a trip
to Colfax, W T to participate in the dedioa.
tton services of the new U P Church there.
Mr D 8 Bossy, and Mrs W R MoDaaiel,
of Harrisburg. were in tho oity Tassday, en
aviat to ths Tatter's kuahand, who ia incar
cerated in the county jail.
Adukant Hunt, 0. N. U., of Salem, was ia
Albany Tuesday and on ths svsniag of that
da drilled the members of Company F. at
ths armory. He pronounced tne oompany a
good one.
Mr L K Brooke, of Sweet Home, is visit
ing a sister ia Washington Territory. Mr
Brooks has sold his grist mill to Mr J F Fos
ter, a brother-in-law of Rev J W Harris, and
will teach school this winter.
Mr H M Stone, of Oak villa, left last Moo
ds for Columbus. Ohio, whioh hs left ia
1862 He will visit in Iowa, Ohio and other
States. Tho DaatocRAT wishes him the
pleasant trip hut long and industrious career
ta Oregon entitles him to.
Mr A Baranm aad wife, nee Fannie Ssitsn
baeh arrived in Albany Tuesday oa thsir
weddiag tour, they having boon married at
Spokane Falls on Thanksgiving day. Frew
here they wili go to Mr Bain urn's home in
The social given at the parsonage by ths
ladies of the M E Church Tuesday evening
was greatly enjoyed by tho large number
present. SociaUitty. games aad a tins lunch
was the order of eaeroiass, ntosly carried out.
Mr J L Owen's elegant residence was
crowded last Friday svsuing Ou the oooi--of
ths social given by tho members of the
Presbyterian Church, the number of youug
people present bei..g ootieeable. It was on
of those sociables opl like because of the
i estraint thrown off and the free and easy,
home liks way, of every thing. Oames were
played and some of too ladies weigh d, it
costing thsir eseorts a oeot s pound oyer 100
peoolsaad 5 cot a pound onder 100 pounds,
A fine Ittoo e served. The receipts
saaoaated to $36.
Contradicts l a.
Democratic and Republican Ward meet
tings this evening, city conventions to-
w evening and election on Monday,
ems of J K Weatherford, Mayor ; N
J Honton, City Recorder ; F M Westfall,
Marshall : T L Wallace, Treasurer, and
Clay Marshall, First Ward ; J Gradwohl,
fleoand Ward and Alex Cunningham Third
Ward, Coundlmen, expire in January, and
are to be filled at this time. Several candi
dates are in the field for some of the offices,
the Marshalship and Recordershlp having
the most Polls will be open from 9 o'clock
a re, until 6 o'clock p. m., Monday, not
for dinner. See election notice in
In answer to our last week's item referr
ing to Warm Spring Johnny the Eugene
Guard speaks out as follows :
The Albany Herald has also made a slml
lar autement. It is evidently the work of
the attorneys of Johnny. The G. A. R.
Poet of this dtv has not petitioned for his
pardon, nor have agreed to. The confes
sion U thin. Undoubtedly there were two
parties in the robbery, for Messrs. Witter
and Clark, night watchmen, saw them run
ning away, and from the evidence abduced
at the trial it was certainly proven that
Johnny was one of them. The jury that
tried him was only out a few minutes, so
conclusive was the testimony, although he
was defended by three able attorneys, Mr.
Montanye being one of the number. One
thine is certain, and that ia that whenever
notice of nardon is given, a large remon
strance will be bled. Besides, when he was
here a large number of petty larcenies pre
hvaiied,which ceased when ne was locked up
Three years is short enough for him, con
sidering the enormity of his crime.
Nevertheless, notwithsanding, an effort
has been Inaugurated, we are told, in Eu
gene, for the pardon of Johnny. Instead of
the evidence being dear against, it was a
surprise to a majority of people who wit
nessed the trial that Johnny was convicted.
Had Johnny been a petit thief the people of
Albany, among whom he lived for years,
would have found it out. On the other
band be was not a Saint.
A Methodist Church Is to be built at
Newport this winter.
The Cbrisinan wil I case, appealed from
Lane county, was argued in the Supreme
Court last Tuesday, About $100,000 Is In
volved In it.
The W. U. has announced a reduction of
rates on the Pacific Coast. Anywhere in
Oregon, California, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory. The maximum rate will be 00
cents for ten words and 4 cents for each ad
ditional word.
The heaviest individual tax -payers of
Klamath county are Amos Shook and sons,
and the amount of their assessment $a8,a6i.
Forty houses were burned In a lire at Po
trero, Cel., last Friday.
In Fulton county, Ga., Prohibition was
defeated on Saturday by 1 120 majority,
9500 votes being cast. The negroes voted
against prohibition. This Is what Is called
the Atlanta election.,
Oladstone will visit the U.S. next Spring.
This grand old man would be given an tin
mense reception. May lie come.
The new residence of Dr Shelton, at Eu
gene, was burned Saturday night, loss,
about $8,000. Insured for $4,000.
In a fight at Fort Smith, Ark., last Satur
day, between two Deputy Marshals and
several desperadoes, one of the Marshals, a
man and a woman were killed, and two men
wounded. It was one of the bloodiest af.
fairs on record.
In the race between Haitian nml Beach
ia Australia, last week, the latter won by
two lengths, llanlao, not withstanding, made
about $5000, and though beaten three times
continues to think hlmaelf the best man.
Termer can beat Beach.
At Redwood City, Cel., last Tuesday R S
Smith, editor of the Times ami ( itttet te wm
shot and killed by Dr L K Powell, on ac
count of a charge made by the former In
his paper that the latter had defrauded a
widow out of money paid for town water.
The suit of ON Dennv agt J C Dodsoti
to recover poaaession of eight lots In Arling
ton, was last week, decided by Judge Deady
in favor of the plaintiff. This was a test
case and wilt give Judge Denny possession
to about half of Arlington.
An Indian mother on the I mat II la reser
vation awoke one morning last week, says
the East Ortgonktm to find a cat sitting on
the bosom of her baby sucking away at its
mouth. Upon Investigation the baby was
found to be dead, the cat having sucked its
breath away In its efforts to get the milk on
the lips and in the throat of the child.
At New York 1 1 err Moat, the anarchist,
was found guilty 011 Tuesday, of uttering a
treasonable speech. Following Is a little of
his past record, according to his own state
ment : "Wss imprisoned for treason in
Austria in i860, and again in 1870 ; wa
imprisoned in Germany in 187a for calling
the emperor a slaughterer, and sentenced
again for a speech made in Berlin in 1881 :
waa sentenced in kngland to eighteen
months imprisonment for applauding the
killing of the Czar."
A man named Westfall. hailing from Ore
gon City, Is under arrest at jn Angcles.for
crushing a three-year-old eon's skull with a
club. Westfall took the boy out with him,
and when a short distance from the citv, he
picked up a club and crushed In the skull of
the little fellow and left him. When arrest
ed he acknowledged his brutal work, and
stated that be had made up his mind to get
rid of the boy, who was troublesome and oust
too much money to support. Public indig
nation ts high. A person who knew him In
Oregon City says that Westfall's mind la
poorly balanced and that he was extremely
cruel and brutal to bis family. One of his
children is cared for by Clackamas county.
On the night of Oct. nth. at 41S King's
road. Chelsea, an extraordinary shavlnir-
match against time was decidcd.Teddv Wick,
the champion barber, waa backed to shave
fifty persons in sixty minutes for li t a side
He actually shaved seventy-seven in fifty
nine minutes and fiftv-three second, and
thus won the stakes. In the first quarter o
an hour he disposed of twenty -one men
in the second, fourteen ; in the third, nine
teen ; and in the last fourteen minutes and
fiftv-three seconds f.c put on a "spurt" a nd
finished off twenty three. - London '
lHrk User rater Aeqattted.
And new the honest farmer j aoki
His apples up for town
This is ths top row of his sscks
And this is lower down
000O mooocOOOOO WOOOu
Pay your sub.
Road new adr.
Election Monday.
It is now aftitr harv.-st
Otio.l mon for oity offices.
Christmas will In on Sunday.
Teaohsr's examination this voeU .
A popular time for getting lsft.
It R. uetsbratlon middle of mouth.
Ths boat harness at K L 1'hompsous.
French, tho Jeweler, kei;ps r nlr d time
H Kwert, practical watchmaker and jew
Kubber goods at cost at N. II. Alieu St
Fifteen Linn county men bought Seal Rock
Lebanon. A A Kees and family are at
Port Townsend, W. T., where they will re
main several months Mr Hammer, a son
of S F Hammer, of this precinct, has come
from Illinois and talks of locating here.
CnawroRDSviLLE. Our boot and shoe
maker, T A Lewis, is at present working in
a shop at Albany for J B 'iughes. This
gives to Albany a tip top workman, and
leaves us without any. lor. Express.
Brownsville. Mrs John Adams died
at this city last week, being buried at Craw
fordsville on Wednesday. She was a wo
. man highly esteemed.
Karrisburo. Last week r. Butler cir
- culated a petition under our city laws for a
license to sell liquors. Temperance people
circulated a remonstrance beating it by a
good majority, vir Butler wil tetire from
the business here. Once Harrisburg had a
reputation for being a whiskey city ; but it
rf 1 er -"itled to if.
Prinkv ille. The irrepiessii'le i' rank
Wheelr, if De-chuttes, pent Thanksgiv
ing day in Pri'sTefflst Uncle Billy 'i-cie
requi us us ' -Mie lb it he has 150 bushels
irf ch k . natoes thai he will sell for the
m ' ' 'o per bushel. tVcdnes-
olde i tht t-an in
lie formed
' - nth to
- s the nexi d i v There
is not as mucn feud grain and hay in
Orook county this fail as there was at this
time last year by near.y or quite one-half.
In other words, if all the feed in the county
were collected into one heap, it would just
about make one square meal for all the
stock there is in the county. News.
stop, CMsssaas is Cosatng.
An elegant window that of F W Carter's
at the "Step" siga. Not only tastily arraag
sd, but it has the silverware, and ed ret ware
thst is fresb sod in style ; sod than go in
side. An enumeration of Carter's stock ef
holiday goods would be impossible. It oc
tains just the things people wsct to present
to 'hur friends, elesant eta tors in the best
designs, vases, pepper boxes aad salt boxes.
tea seta, sugar bowls, One stiver sod gh
ware to raised work, and a big variety of
goods 10 epleodid designs only an ins section
can explain. Uuiqae aad handsome desigu
in ev ry: tuny, is noticeable, great improve
ment being s-n in this respect Bat what
astonishes one most is the cheapness ef every
thing wbeo the quality of tks goods is con
sidered, prices being far below what have
ever prevaled here before. Csll en Mr (art
r f..r anything in bis line. Hs is slwss at
tns sot and takes pleasure in aboariug his
French takes ths cake fnr low prices.
Albany aad tdaa Coaaty.
The last West Vear is a good number,
and is particularly interesting to Albany
people as it contai cveral excellent illus
trations of prominent busir ess places. The
places made conspicuous are the Parrish
Block, (Stewart fir x. irdware.) the Pe
terson Bkx i ( re .ch. ' ate he- and
Tewr I k (I.. E. Rlain, the
Clothier.) use, the new First Nu
tional Bmiik ouiidmg, the Red Crown vlills
and the Central School building. The maga
zine gives Albany and Linn county a good
"send off," which we will 'publish in full
next week
Several months ago the Democrat gave
an account of the arrest of Dick Hare rater ,a
former resident of this city .at Baker
Sheriff Smith, for the murder of a man in
Illinois about ten years ago. The Baker
City Democrat gi res the following account
of his acquittal :
The news came over the wires w ith light
nlng rapidity and brought the joyous mes
sage yesterday to a beloved wife and rela
tives and friends that Andrew Hamilton.sllaa
Richard llarcrater.vho has been on trial the
past week before the Circuit Court of Pike
county, IHinois.for the crime of manslaught
er committed ten vear ago, had wen pro
nounced by a jury of his peers not guilty of
the crime charged and that self-defense, the
God-given right of every man, was properly
exercised on his part when unfortunate cir
cumstanccs compelled him to take human
life rather than give up his own. We are
glad of the result for bis sake, and more es
peclaUy for his wife and little child who
have been in breathless suspense and deep
anxiety for him, awaiting the father's re
turn. It is expected that he will arrive in
Baker within the next few days, where he
will meet many friends who are pleased at
Ms good fortune.
man, woman or child can do better in buy
ing groceries, provision, crockery, glass
ware, lamps, of all kinds, candy and nuts
tobacco and cigars, at our store, where they
that we have a complete a stock as an v
store in Albany, and in view of the fact
we have noitoay goous mat win pi ease
the Old and young.
Buy your holldty goods i f those who ad
Very little wheat has been sold iti Mun
county yst. beautiful toilet acts at Fosbay &
J. P. WaUaco, Physician and Surgeon, AN
bauy, Or.
If you want blankets go to Monteith Si
A dray oompany No. 3 has just been start
ed in A litany.
Sums elrgant novelties foi boikiaya at is
shay .Si Mason's.
If you want boots or shoes gn to Mon
tsith & Seitenbach.
If you want the best ham ne U the tuarkut
go to J J Dabt uills'e.
Thirteen counties gay mtjorivibt for pro
hibition and sixteen against.
Last Wednesday the iitst train wei.t into
Portland on the Nartew (Jange.
Thn recent frosty weather caused s large
amount of sickness in Linn county.
Six shaven for s dollar and a cltan townl f
every cuatomer, at Thos. Jones.
7 O.ks cures riiruuatisin, neur&lgi t and
-osthschfv roshsy St Maou, Agents.
Bsaors honed, set snd put iu order at
Jones' Shaving sod H-tr Dressing Parlor.
F M French, agent Singer Manafaciurin
Co., opposite Odd Fellows Tetnule, Albany, Or.
Dr J L If ill, of this oity, is making plans
for a large fruit orchard on his fsrm at So Is-
Dr. M. II. Kllis, pUyaiuiaa and suraeou
AH any. Oregon f -alls made iu oity or
Several applicants for our public school to
aaeoeed Mr Raid. The very beat sbntd be
About 25.000.l-O0 acres of land were taken
upiutoeU N l.y ssttler daring th psst
fiscal year.
All styles of boots and ah.i and a Urge
stk of groceries is what we carry Hedfleld
A lirwutll.
Iarge loads of whnat am l.ciu hsjied
from Tangent to Albsny by wagon. Freight
rtes are too high.
Last wrrk Q K llaight purchased a half
interest iu Mr Jsmeeon 's botcher shop, form,
erly run by Frits Costa.
We take thec-tin, the cusiomor tk the
bsrain. and tho bargttns Uke tht cake.
Hednsld k Browuell.
Every customer nill Its a walking a.lver
tisement for our bargains when they see our
prices. Krdlield A Browns!!.
One of N II Alien k C s prise liukots gond
tor 00 on a dnilsrs worth of goods purchased
at ths now Hro'tod IInd slot.
Tho dtttrtbuti of al rock property will
ttko place Dec. 8th, when special rates will
be given over the railroads to the Bsy.
Umbrellas at e st -don't n-get that N II
Allen St Co.. have a full stock of umbrellas
which they will ell at cost to cloae.
Fi tends of the late Gsn. Haaoock are rais
tg a fund to buy thn widow Hancock a
$20,000 residence in Wasaiagtou City.
A fine linn of dnt'a nn larwear aad ftrn
ishing goo Is just riel at Mclisrva'
ill be add at priors t!ist duly ompctit.
The Dg x nar aad the garm Stcl and
1 1 urn both one year for tU. Head our oiler
in anotht r column. The beat offer ever made.
Get ynnr holiday hooka at Fosbay St Ma
son s. l heir stock ts big and contstae tho
standard works and as well the latest in
Stewart k Sox the tir.t of tho week re
ecived a Hne lot of skats. If it freezes dur-
iog the winter remeiabvr where to get your
Ths besvisat individanl tax -pater
Clackamas connty is A K Latonrettr, who
pays on only $10,618. The O I k S Co. psys
Ge K ruch.
lamX. Befits Celebration.
The urrionf the O. St C. and C St O
railroads will be celebrated during the week
after next in an imposing manner all along
the line from Man Francisco to Portland.
On the 15th simultaneous celebrations will
take place at Sacramento and Portland, and
probably on the day previous the last spike
1 will be driven at the scene of the union.
The union of Oregon and California by rail
is one of great moment both to Oregon and
California and deserves being commemorat
ed. While other -places are doing some
thing to make the eagles screech Albany
should also come to the front as the leading
city in the Willamette Valley. On an oc
casion like this we must show our enterprise
and let California people see the whites of
oui eyes. Among other things some local
souvenirs distributed among the excursion
ists wouio oe teiung, it only some 01 our
magnificent Webfoot apples. But more
than that can be done.
Teacher's Examination.
lh- fi.'L.w n d are in atteuaancu
at th pttMw ex .mm itj 01 tnis week :
Ev B s.-M. M - M .iy Whimsy, Louise
P..,i, 1 KM 1 uiah, Mionie VVstKtus,
LibMe Am hi-r VI y H Uutberford, Alice
Sherfy, Msvy E Harrison, S A Sandford,
Hattie Archibald. Mary Audsrson. D v
Coffav, W I YVsrmotb, J D Wood, Dai id
Bilven. O A Walker. Wm C Riucs, K A
F.eelaod. M ft Brown. C V Swank. Frauk
W Power, Geo H Waggoner, F H Haas, A B
Haslet, E J Fletcher and Annie Dunn.
One Year ia the County Jail.
The case of the United States against W
R. McDaniel,charged with embezzling post
office funds, was disposed of at Portland last
Friday. Mr. Mc Daniel plead guilty to the
charge in reference to the transmission of
the postal funds and was sentenced to one
year in the Linn county jail and a fine o:
$354., where he is now stopping at the ex
pense of the United States government.
Saloon Keeper Arrested.
James Kane, of Peoria, was arrested by
' Sheriff Smith on Thursday of last week
charged with selling liquor to minors, on
Sunday and in less quantities than a quart
He was released on giving bonds for Sico
to appear for trial at the next Circuit Court,
che last grand jury having indicted mm.
Holiday Hweetne,
A splendid line of confectionary for the
holiday trade at H fTman St Pi- iffei's. Be
sides the standaid candies they have a large
stock o' fsnoy goods, snoh as candy apples.
oranges, animals, etc. Get you 1 confection
sry of a homo institution, besides every
is freshK made, constantly rsplentshed from
the firms csndy factory, under the charge of
an expert workman. Also fruits, in their
season, nuts, etc.
Those prizes to be given away, at F
French's sre admircu by all who have
Earlier and Later.
Un the completion of the O. U C- a new
time table will go into effect over the road.
Under it the San Francisco mail train will
reach here at 3 o'clock a. m. and the Port
land mail train at 10 p. m. making a re
markable difference and one that will cause
an immense sight of inconvenience to At
bany people. Getting up at 2:30 in the
morning to go to Portland and reaching
home at 10 o'clock at night will not be very
poetical. The noon trains will run about
the same.
W. C. T. U, Sapper aad Social.
Ths W. C. T. U. oa aooount of tho con
dition of the ball have sgsin postponed their
dinner to Friday evening, Dec. 9th, when a
supper and sociable will be giyen. Supper
ssrvad in the W C T U Hali and the social
held in tksO A R rooms. (James of all kinds
will be provided for ths amusement of guests
and no pains will bo spared to mske the even
ing enjoyable, supper served from 5 to 8
o'olock. Price, 25 cents.
As a Starter.
Notice of Pablic Meeting.
The citizens of Albany are
quested to meet at the Court
hereby re-
House on
Thursday, the 1st day of December, 1887,
at the hour of 7 0 clock p. m. for the pur
pose of making such arrangements as may
be desirable towards ceieorattng the com
pletion of the Oregon & California R. R.
A full attendance is desired.
J, K. Weatherford,
Jacob Sharp has been granted a new trial
by the Court of Appeals of New York
Albany has two foundries, three flouring
mills, a grist mill, five furniture factories, a
fruit cannery, a soda works and candy fac-
tory, a saw mill, a wire works, sash and
door factory and a cooper shop, with a wa
ter power capable ot attending to fifty times
as mucn as at present, as a starter for a
manufactunng city. Not very immense ;
but more than most of its neighbors in the
1. O.O. P. Election,
The following officers were elected by Al
bany Lodge No. 4, L 0. 0. F. on Wednes ¬
day evening, for the snsning term :
Geo E Chamberlain, N. G.
WEGiilet, V. G.
OHsndricson, R. S.
M H Ellis, P. S.
W C Tweedale, Treasurer,
i H Burkhasrt, W M Ketchnm and T J
Stites, Trastees.
Another shipment of ladies tins sha ie all
widths and s:zs just in this weeit. Custom
ers remark wht perfect beauties. Ho llield
X Srowitell.
Boarding snd lodging on reaaonaale terms
at Mr Hlr restaurant at corner of Bkrr
and First Streets, near Star Brcwory. No
Cninese cookr.
Febay k Mamu's itook of plush albums ia
a tnaniacenl one, uesiuoe mciu ling all the
novelties they ate the mt. durable good in
the market -
Tks article 00 otr outside ia reference to
roada should be read !inn county roads
neod improving and Wcbfooter a most see
thst it is dons.
John 0 Goltra, sou uf W H lioltra, ef this
city, has accepted a position in the head office
of the Northwest Ptre and Mariue Insurance
Company, at Porttsnd.
The devil saems to play sn important part
in the publication of one of our bet oieui
exohauges, as in a late issue lour items in a
half column bsin "our devil says. '
MrD V S Reid has resigns l aa priuoip!
of the Albany Schools, and on retirement
will assume the pos.tion of book-keeper of
the new Albany Fire lusuranoe Company,
Last Wednesday was the end of Mr A D
Barker's nixteeuth yesi aa baggage maator at
the 0 k C depot in this city. Drummers
say Mr. B. is ths best b. ra. in ths Northwest.
Last Friday Mi Milton Hais sold to C M
Davis, recently of California and W Stinetzky
recently of Washiugtou Territory, 325 aorea
located in Bentaa eounty, about a mile north
ef Albany. (Joaaiderstion, $10,000. Fruit
and hups will be cuttiysted
Re he oca Holman, the woman tramp, waa
arrested at Jsfferaon last Friday and taken
to ths iusane asylum. She has tramped al.1
the way from Canada to Oregon, and was a
deplorable sight,
Chaa Wsnt worth was examined Tuesday
before a jury at (Jorvallis on a oharge of at
tempting to kill a man, a Swede, at Nowport
a few days previous, and discharged. It was
allotted that tke prisoner attempted to drown
tne swede by snoviug bim into the Kay.
Only three W. 1. legislators refused to
accept a pass from the N P R R Co. Right
hero it may be said that any member of
iogislataro who receives a pass puts himself
under obligations to the railroad to return
compliments in some form
There is no doubt about the honest worth
of Ayers Saraapsnlla as a blood purifier
Thousands, who have been benefitted by its
use, win attest its virtues. This remedy
cares liver and kidney complaint, and erad
icates every trace of disease from the system.
A. B. Moll wain has the larsest and fines
stock of carpets in Albany, new goods of the
latest designs, a splendid stock to get a ear-
. m fi I 1 a. a . . .
pet from, aoia at remarkably low prices
considering quality of good.
A splendid line of groceries and crockery
wars at Conn Brothers, also everything frssh
in farm produce. The host brands of cigars
and tobaccos. Good goods at bottom prices.
That ia their rule. Call on them for yonr
Messrs t oshay 0i Mason, drugcists, sre
States is the Public Herald, of PhlUdelp hi a,
Fsnn. It hits right and left and makes the
sptrks fly. SsnC 50 cents for a yean ob
A daughter of Mr T J Thornton, of this
oity, died last Sunday from diphtheria snd
was buried Monday. Boms of ths othsr mem
bers of the fatrily are also 111 with this dis
ease. Mondsy another daughter, 14 years
of ago, also diss. Ths others are improving.
This is an advertising and an advertised
ags. If you do not knap yonr business con
stantly before the public some one more en
terprising will step in front of you and crowd
you back into obscurity.
Rsssus Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
meets this (Friday) evening at No. Is h II,
when ths annual election of officers will take
plaoe, and as well nominations be mads for
Chisf antl Assistant Chief Engineer.
Albany peopis who bay goods in Portland
should rnmsmber that they help pay for large
rents and big clerk hire. All kinds sf goods
are nearly SO per cent oheaper In Albany than
io the metropolis. Fact.
A team belonging to Mr Moses Millar be
cams frightened in tbia oity last Friday and
ran away, doing little damage, but causing
a psdsstrisn trip of several miles by their
Priday morning last the residence of Mr.
Farmer in ths Third Ward caught oa fire,
but it was extinguished before any great
damage was dene, though several article,
were bnrosd inolading Mr Farmer's bands.
Judge Bonham, Consul Ceneral at Caloat
ta, Hiodoatau, is reported to have been ill
with a native fsver. His friends in Oregon
rejoice st a furthsr report of his improved
It la wise to provide against emergencies
which ars liabls to arise in every family. In
sodden attacks of cold, oronp, asthma, etc.,
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will prove
a never falling remedy.
An eiebange very feelingly and truthfully
saya : "No matter how mean a man baa
acted towarda bis local paper, when dseth
coasea io, it is ths first to cover up his faults,
lay the laurel leaf upon his grays and com
mend him to the mercy of God."
a 1 1 a a a a at
a iiogan, tne wneat swindler, waa ex
amined at Eugene City last week and bold to
await the action of the grand jury no Jar
f 1000 bonds, which were farausbed. Mr.
Hogan cau afford to fail to respond when the
f raud jury calls him for that smoaat.
F. L. Kenton is agent for all the leading
ot-wspapers and magaaines. Orders eaa be
banded to bin at any tims for any paper or
inagaaioe and they will receive prompt at
tention. Subscribers are thos saved the
trouble, nek and es pease of sending orders
direct to publiskert.
Ist week the Democrat published sn ac
count of ths probable finding of a gas well ia
Benton oeuatv. A Southern Oregon editor
es plains this by saying thst Mr Watt preb
ably run his auger down into the sanctum of
ths editor of another Southern Oregon paper
the first mentioned is ia arms against, and
struck the ealy thing thsir, gas.
The editor ol the Walla Walla HtaleJmusn
recently received a letter from gftglsnd ad
dressed as follows : 'Col F J Parker, Edi
tor Prop.. W.lte Walla Slacnta. 54
C raster Road. Brtitoo, America." The fact
that the Col received the letter speaks tat
strong words for the present Democratic ad
Tit Portland .Vrirs gives the particulars
ot a proposed plan for a railroad from Al
bany threegh Korsxt tir.vs to A tone, solas
huiit by tho Oregu facinc, in which es
the I50 000 would ge to that ooespaey. It is
doubted il tnere ts any foundation to the re
A private letter from Mr K W Lang leu, of
Napa, Cl., tells of bu satisfactory settle -
m-nt there. Cahfornians bad had tbstr first
tarn, and on ooe dsy ths mercury at Napa
arnt down ta 84 above aero, the onldest ia
itlteen yaaea,eei paople tbars were complain-
1 a . t a m. Ta a
tnu i 1114 miter, co.u w earner.
If evtry individual and every family weald
bsstow a tithe of the care requisite in any
ordinary attack of acute disease, in striving
wi pre v: ni ant warn on its attacks, there
a wold rarely be asy use for c siting in the aid
of ths pavaician. In all ordinary derange
meats of the stosnsea, oowels, liver or kid
neys, you need only a few doses of Freee's
Hamburg Tea.
1. iuej's new phonograph is one of the
most rotnsrkabls inventions ef the age. It
ptomise to do away with stenography and
letter writing. With it yon will simply talk
1 tit" 1 he macbie", taking a roll out aad send
U off, the person teeeiving it potting it to a
nd tnmmg yonr remarks cot
in tk original language
The Albany CLSC will meet st ths resi
dence of the local editor ef the Dgatocmar on
next Monday eveoiog at 7:30. and thereafter
ths first Monday evening in eaek month at
ths lesidenceof eneof tks members. One pace
easays, snd answers to roll call by quotations
ou "winter win ue features of ths evening.
In accordance with a provision of a law
passed at the last Legudature one of the two
County :ntnisionera elected next Jane
will bold hisoili two years snd the ether
four years. At each sleotton thereafter only
oneoiutnusieiicr will bo elected, for a tern
of fonr years. Tkase elected next June will
draw lots for ths (oog snd the short term.
The forthcoming Christmas number of
Harper' Majau'tte will be the most princely
descendant ol its royal line, with tks noble
blood of many kmaof thought throbbing its
arteries, ard richly decked in sumptuous at -
tir of illustrations in point ef attractive
reading and luxuriant drawings it takes ths
palm svenfrom tho previous holiday numbers
ef "The (iiaiit of ths Monthlies.
Clipped Dispatches.
Lasgtiito, Mich., Nov. 44. The citlaena
of Leslie, in this eounty, befleve they have
among them the hangman of the Chicago
Anarchists. He has always been a reputa
ble citizen, but his connection with the mat
ter leaked out by sr Ident.and bis mysterious
visits to other states are now believed to
have been made for the purpose of assisting
some guilty brother in leaving the world.
He is believed to be a professional hangman
and his neSabbora and former associates
shun him as they would a leper.
8am Francisco. Nov. a,-Whlle the
steamship "Yaqulna City" waa docking at
the sea-wall yesterday afternoon, the wire
connecting the pilot-house and the engine-
room broke, and the steamer plunged for
ward at full soeed when aha should hare
slackened, and she ran into the wharf, only
stopping when striking the stone. She cut
a hole twenty five feet long in the wharf,
but was not damaged herself. The loss Is
about $xj.
SaATTLa, W. T.. Nov. a. A case of ac
cidental shooting occurred at Lake Union
yesterday, and is the result of careless boys
fooling with an old rifle. A number of lads
ranging from 12 toil years ot age were
practicing at a mark with an old rifle, which
they had secured somewhere, and while one
was preparing to fire, the gun was prema
turely discharged, and the ball took effect la
the body of Arthur Smith, near the heart
and a little lelow. It is doubtful If he re
Galveston. Nov. 37. A special from
Mineole. Texas, savs i Late last nlsrht
heavy windstorm visited this town, blowing
down a hall durine a colored people's dance.
Of seventy persons in the building ive were
killed and about twenty injured. Six of the
injured ha ye legs or arms broken.
St. Paul, Minn , Nov. 36. Some remark
able low temperatures throughout the
Northwest are reported In the signal service
bulletin issued at 1 1 .45 p. m. All of the fol
lowing are below aero s St Vincent, Minn.
33 : Fort Garry. 1 : Mlnnedoaa. 12 1 Fort
Tot ten, iS ; Bismarck, 16 ; Cheyenne, to ;
run custer, u ; rort Asainaboine, to
Fort Buford, 18. At St. Paul and Dulutb
corresponding observations indicate 8 aboye.
Wamiinotom, Nov ."sr. The annual re
port of First Assistant Postmaster (J enera!
Stephenson shows the number of postoffices
csiamiahed during the past fiscal year wi
3043. lite increase In the whole number
1 543. The whole number of postorhces in
operation on June 30th, 1887, was 55,157.
Appointments of postmaster during thel
year were as follows : Oa resignations and
1 m missions expired, 6863 ; on removals
and suspensions, 3584 ; on deaths of poet
masters, 509 ; on establishment of new of
fices, 3043 mere were seven States which
on June 30th contained more than aoo of
fices each, as follows : Pennsylvania, 4114;
New York, 3348 1 Ohio, 3834 Virginia,
3355 ; Illinois, 3366 ; Missouri. 3! 17. snd
North Carolina, a 110.
Victoria, Nov. 28. -An Indian living
on Tlmbe Ieland Friday last, while anger-
ed. leyeied a shotgun at his wile, but tne
latter struck the gun and the charge went
through the body of a little girl sitting near,
kilting her.
That tb p ibtfo ? out l know tbat
Foshay k Mason,
Have the laigfat aid bast assortment of
That bat eear been displayed in Albany aod at extremely lew prices.
Look Through
Bur stock and yon will be convinced what we sey is tru
Stewart & sox,
Iron, Steel, Coal and Chain.
Here We
Look nt the list of valuable present to be
given away to the customers of F. M. French
on Saturday, December 31st, i887 1
tat, one ladies solid gold watch.
2nd, one diamond ring.
3rd, one large dinner castor.
4th, one set knives and forks.
One ticket given for each dollars worth
of goods purchased, and do not forget the
fact that vou can get bargains at the "Cor
ner jeweiery aiore. uaii and aee the
Summary of Meteorology for Nov. 1887,
from olutervstioue taken at Albany .inn Co.
Oregon, by John Briggs.Esq.
Highest Bar. 30.18 ; lowest, 29.55 ; mean,
n ml
Hitbest daily Oar. 30.15; lowest. 20.50.
Highest Temperature, 64; lowest, 22;
mean, 43,01
Highest daily Ther., 29 ; lowest, 8.
Mean st 7 a. m., 39.8 ; 2 p.m., 50.1 j Op.
n... 57 0.
Prevailing winds, N. it
Maximum velocity force, w
T.t;d rainfall and melted anow during
month, ft r2 inches.
Number of days on which .01 inch sr more
rain fell, 12.
Number of days of cloudiness average
scale of 10, 6.
Of 90 observations 22 were clear, 18 cloudy
8 fair, JO foggy. 11 ratn.5 haxy. 7 overcast
Frost on the mornings of 16th to 24th and
Temp. ,09 below average of 9 years.
Fainfall .58 above " "
P1111 Attst t-Mi a Nov W. Ttw ui.hnur
go-as-vou-please race ended to-night shortly WAGONS AND BUGGIES,
oeiore toecioca wun jituewooa, ine cng-.
lishman. In first place, nearly fifty mites I WAGON MATERIAL,
arta os ras nearest competitor. 1 ne cng
llshmsn this morn bug abandoned rds ex
pressed Intention of trying to beat the
world's record of 610 miles, and legged
along sailv throughout ths dav. Following
are the scores of the fire finishers : Little
wood, 59 miles and 1 Up ; Albert, 530
miles ; Panchot,$04 miles and 1 Up ; Nor
mac, 501 miles and 6 laps ; BUon,soo miles
Sbattle, Nov. 28. About noon to-day
a rancher named John Hick tin arrived at
his home near Sunnyside, after an absence
of nearly two weeks, and was informed by
IhU wife that during his absence a logger
named ConsUne, whose camp is hard bv,
, had committed a rape upon her. Hfckun
thereupon took bis shot gun and went to
ttie camp, where tie found consUne. tie
asked bim ta come out Into the trail, and on
getting him a little way from camp deliber
ately shot htm dead, and then came to Se
attle, a distance of ten or twelve miles, and
gave himself up. The coroner was notified,
and wil! hold an inquest to-day. Conetine
ts a r rench-irtafian and waa born about
even miles southwest of Montreal, some
fifty -three years asm. Hkklin waa been in
Oregon, and has been married about sis
New Yokk, Nov. 2S. -Although Ex-
V ke-President Wheeler was aupposed to
have but few kinsmen, about fifty claim
ants for a share of his estate of $7 5,000 or
$80,000 have been discovered, tne will,
which will be offered for probate Dec. 5th,
contains some surprising blunders which
may invalidate it. He left a legacy to the
Presbyterian committee of the "Home Mis
Jon," though there is no such organization,
and he made 141s Chambers, cue of the
beneficUriea of the will, a witness to It. AH
the heirs will fight the will.
( Hon A F Wheal
the ntty.j
London, Nov. 20. Sullivan and Mitch
ell were matched to-night to fight to a finish
with bare knuckles for 500 a side. The
date of the fight is not arranged.
New Yobk, Nov. 30. loeepb Hoffmann,
the io-year old pUnist and composer, made
his American debut at the Metropolitan
opera house to-night He astonished Ms
auditors by rds display of musical knowl
edge and technical ability.
Pendleton, Nov. to. Messrs. Wheeler,
Chalk and Caviness have sold their stock in
the O & W T R R Co. to George W Hunt,
X Out Saws.
'.er, of Portland, is one of
Following were the recorded sales In
Linn county during the past week :
K 1 tared Prise to John Ieoss aad K J
Lasaiaa, 16.20 acres, 10, If... 12001
Walter Ha ton to Worth Has toe, 35
seres, 12, 3 w
Catherias Hasten to Worth Heeton,
1-10 of 206. 20 act es aad 13.72 acres
W D Porter to Marian Porter, 100
acres, 15, 4 w.
N C Mar te Jos Riggs, 10 acres, 14
W i Crahtree to T L Ac F I Ball, 0101
seres, 11, t w
Anaa I Seaitb to Jos A Smith, interest
la 2 lots, Lebanon
Milton Hale to Aadrew Hale, 10 aeres
J M Tamer to A R Waters, 168.30
aorea, 12, 3 w.
A R Waters to Mary M Waters, earns
Suae A Moore to J B Moere, 15 of
2174 aorea, 16, 4w
Corbitt k Macieay to John laeca aod E
J lanniag, 205.3 acres, 10 and 1 1.
Qhad Psssdsertea to H A Davis, 115
of SOO acres, 15, 4w
Jsdsoa White to Edward Albright, 15
aeres, 12,4 w
N Price to S J Archibald, piece of laid
11. 3 w 800
The beat compound aver invwnfwrl tA
make washing easy. Perfect! v bernalossv
Used in hard or soft water without harm
to fabric or bands and without the aid of
For Blaaaelng hair, shampooing, aad far
removing blood stains from the linen of
dentissa or butchers it U unrivaled.
In the bath tub it ia a luxury, condu
cive to health, and should bo freely uaod
la all asylums and hospitals aa a disin
fecting detergent.
Printers, painters, masons, farmers,
miners, blacksmith a. maehiniMa. ninnh.
iB-2.1j.w"rkn ,n metala, should tiaa
PBAKLINgfor washing tksir begrim
ed bands aa wall as clothlnc.
For sale by
Bectlaa ef Officers.
of Albany, and C B Wright, of Philadel
phia. The people or this section are oe
ightcd with the change and feel well dis
posed toward Wheeler, Chalk and Cavin
ess, who have faithfully kept their promises
that they would not sell out to the u rt x
N company. Track-laying has commenced
again on the O St W T., and ten miles of
ron will he lata as fast aa a large lorce 01
men can do it. The road will be completed
to Pendleton at once.
Seattle. Nov. ao. Six hundred and
eighty cases of dynamite were transferred
Monday last to the steam schooner Lea,
. t a ask . -.a a S
bound for Alaska, tarty this morning,
while the schooner was lying at the ocean
dock, fire broke out in the engine room,
caused by the upsetting of an oil-can. Great
excitement ensued. The engineer heroical
ly struggled to extinguish the names, ana
succeeded alter nis race ana nanus wci.
severely burned. When the neople along
the docks who were awakened by the fire
bells learned what was on fire they fled up
town. Some idea of the immense loss
which would have resulted had an explo-
The following officers were elected by the
KniarhU of PvthUs Thursday ever bur of
last week :
H Larapman, P. C
E J Lanning, C C.
Geo E Chamberlain, V C.
D V 8 Reid, P.
Albany, OragaM.
T N Hoffman, M of E.
W Hochstedler, M of F.
Henry Tyler, M at A.
Chas Spencer, K of R and S.
J F Hail, J J Dubruille and O H Irvine,
Shut Hlas Up.
Nearly all men grumble at their wives
nuttine their cloves on while going to
church. But few ever get even with their
husbands more expeditiously than Mrs. G
did the other day
Mr. G Mv dear. I wish vou would com-
sion occurred may be learned from the fact plete your toilet before you leave
that the ocean steamer Umatilla, the steam
er Olympian and the steamer Emma Hay
ward were lying only few yards away. The
incident has had the effect of reviving in
terest in the creation of the office of cit y
wharf master, and the council Is now secur
ing data for requisite rules and regulations
to be enforced by such officer.
I'd iustas soon see vou "putting your stock-
- sr w
ings on in the streets as your giovei.
Mrs. G. Most men would.
This ended the controversy.
Firemen's Election,
Nottee is hereby eivea thst the sensual
election in and for the Albany Fire Depart
ment win oe neie en jaooeay the 12th day el
Dee saber, 1887, for the purpose of ckoting a
Chief Engineer sad Assistant Engineer of the
Albany Fire Department, to serve for the
term of oae year, from the first Monday of
January, 1887.
The polling place will be at the Rogue
House of Albaay Engine Co. No. I. The
11 si s w - . .
pous win oe opened at 1 o clock, p. m.. and
closed at 6:30 o'clock, p. m of the day above
Judges of election C W Wattr. John
Robeon and E L Thompson.
Aiuany, Uec. 1st, 1SS7.
Lkow Powxn,
W. E. GiLurr, President.
beers tary.
Dissolution of PartaersMp.
Notice is hereby given that the co-part
nersbip heretofore existing between John
Gee Yan, Loo Hie Chun? snd Hie Quarts
Wy under the firm name of Yee Hop k Co.
has this day beer, dissolved, John Gee Yan
retiring from the business having sold his
interest to the other members of the firm.
Loo Hie Chung and Hie Quong Wy will
continue the business under the firm name
of Yee Hop & Co.
Nov. 28th, 1887.
Holiday Goods at French's.
Boots aad Skess.
One Pendleton paper accuses the other of 1
selling gas light and old newspapers, the
Democrat also sells its old newspapers, 35
cents a hundred, cheap at that for kindling
selling Wisdom's Ruberbina wholesale and
retail, andgiving beautiful picture cards with
every bottle. Positively the most perfect and
harmless article oi toe kind in the market.
Two new Salvationists have taken the
place of Cappel and staff. They are in
nocent looking boys, but according to 1 scant
dispatches from Uuebsc hardly know what
persecution is.
The gretBt fraud exposer of the United
Getting Ready For Winter Trade.
Eli Carter, agent for Max Friendly, pro
prietor of the Coryallis Saw and Planing
Mills, is receivlnir and storing in his lum-
ber shed a 'good supply of rustic, flooring,
dressed finishing lumber, dressed cedar
fence posts and pickets, railing, base, and
moulding. Dressed lattice material, etc
Assorted lots of building lumber furnished
to order on short notice, at fair rates. Ten
per cent discount on car load lots, delivered
at O. P. R, R. depot. For particulars see
Mr, Carter at bis office, corn er of 4th and
Railroad Sts., Albany, Oregon.
Immense Bargains.
cents ; Boss o
4 pair of seam
Staudard white shirts, 65
ths Road overalls, 60 cents :
less socks. 25 cents ; regular price 4 for 60
cents, and ether bargains te match, at A. B.
MoIL warn a.
-wog AJiaawf jaujoO
1 s U3UAJ j v 1 siuasajd seuijsJMJ
Ol A USUI v ut
93td jsadtwip am.
Pendleton is to have a three story brick
hotel next year to cost $40,000. It is
ready rented.
Hats and Caps
At cost to close. N. II. Allen St Co., pro-
nose to sell everv line of Broods at coat. Call I
early and secure bargains.
Fine Tailoring.
Gentlemen can select from the latest line
of samples direct from San Francisco. Fall
and winter suits, and pants, cut and made
in the latest style, below cost. Cleaning
and repairing promptly attended to.
McLoyoHLiN, tailor,
Albany, Or.
At cost bv N. H. Allen & Co. This Hne
, sr
of their stock is very complete with very de
sirable goods. Having taken great Jains to
set best wearing boots and shoes tht t could
al-1 be bought, and is a splendid opportunity to
get your fall supply, tjau eariy Deiore sizes
are broken.
Musi io Underwear.
I have received my new stock ef muslin
underwear . These goods are made on a lock
atioh m&ebiss, aad warranted to be full aise
and lesgth aad price reasonable.
Sajccil E. Yotfxe.
Or a Coney Island Elepbaat.
"Salem talks of building a toboggan slide.
Right here we arise to remark that the Wil
lamette Valley is not a toboggan country,"
S savs the Albany Democrat, neverthe
less this is a free country.and if Sale n wants
a toboggan track no effete railroad centre is
going to block the game. saiem v taette.
McDONALD. On Friday.Nov. a;th,i8&7,
in Albany, to the wife of Jos. McDonald
Christmas is Coming,
the leading jeweler,
Hangs out his Holiday sign as follows :
HADLEY. On Nov. 24th, 1887. Bessie,
the three year old daughter of Mr. jr.
Hadley, of this city.
Magnificent Stock
Brooches, Earrings, Charms,
clocks,- aPKcrac'Lea, rsNf,
Keep Your III Open,