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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1887)
mmmm THE INTKtt 8TATB CO MM BUCK LAW. The tnmber of the Iater-SUte Com- mere Commission hare commence) the OOBRsapo jstom N" a m 'ill ABEL. ... . .. i ' erce Ummlalon hare commence me M w . m ltnDrovinsti Qur trUlon The aggregate vote of the atate of VI r-1 preparation of their first report to Cod. I from Linn to Lane county hat not affected Thrifty people will ppreoiat our values and price. Rat sftito k BaowNitx, mm Ore mt; ginia on member of the legislature was, democratic, 119.555.and republican,! 17.339. The total tax lew in. Lane countv this year is 17X mills.bcing 5 mills for school purposes. 5 mo for state purposes and 3-10 for county purposes. The Nevr York Tribmne said on October 31st : "As goes New York in 1887,80 the country will go in 1888." The prophecy born of politics It of a few days and full of trouble. Robert Bonner, who for many year has been the sol owner and publisher of the Ledger, the famous tory paper of New York, has sold It to hi three on who will hereafter conduct It after the manner of their father gress. A an introductory document it will have peculiar Interest, it wilt give a chronological review of the preliminary movements heading toward Congreulon al legislative interference In the affairs of the railroads, the final concurrence of the two houses In the law now in fore and will point out some feature In which the law might be better equalised in It opera tion after the practical teat of it work ingt In eight or nine months' application to the end in view. One of the principal recommendation will be us much and we are still driving? alone; a though nothing had happened There are tour log-gin camp In Mabel . . . 7"-' LW '11. . nreclnt autte a Business nere. 1 ncrc I large amount of the beat of yellow fir timber nere and one of the beat streams in the country td drive It out to market. Mr. Smith U logging for Mr, Goodale at Cohurtr. Crawford at Fudcr for their mill, . ft . . . f I 1 ft near the mouth of the MohawK. Mr. w nu beak and Mr. Stiker are both Jogging, but 1 don t know where their logs win go to We are bulldlnir a good school house 8430 ft 14 ft high. Our Road Sunervlaor. I. L. Stewart has . I ,. K.l .... it, a Knftf ff hln " " 1" -nwle .tie! ITnr Tim haft hft.l a doien or application to roads in sparsely settled re- fiftecn at one t!me thu testing his pa- glons like the South nd fr West. It is tlencc prettv thoroughly. claimed that the law is fair enough for I Albart ttarairue died here a short time tin. In oitl,l lnralltloa where lasro.he was an Invalid and had not walked trade L pick op at abort .nurr.U.bu... ' Jr 2fiMV2 line where thi cotidifion doe not exlMf.ther. eight dollars month for ome time Governor Lee, of Virginia.and ex-uon- the law as at present trameu ta a narusnip, before we were transiereu 10 e cumuj arreaaman Tucker both decline to be can-1 if not a ooaitive iniurv. The long and ar- - m av : b w The tor of erowded with Mon fcrftl! & Seitanbaeh is easao able and faahionahle good, their line of dr goods, fancy good, anil oloaka are inroeas m if yon dteireto pleas yourself giye the en ll didate for the United States Senatorshlp I short haul proviln,accordlng to thla in to succeed Mahone. Thi leaves a clear field for State Chairman John S. Barbour, with the exception of ex-Solicitor General John Goode. John Sherman Is a candidate for presl dent on the simple platform of protection for American industry and a fair count of Southern vote. Mr. Sherman i some thing of a counter himself. He had an experience in Louisiana in 1870. Rut C - there is no Eliza Pinkston now. It i n lingular fact that Mr. Cleveland first practical response to the reception recentlv siren him bv the Confederate democrats of Missouri was the appoint terpretation, do not operate equally over the long hauls with little intermediate traffic and short hauls with a distribution along the line. Another question for legislation 1 the application of the law to express compa nies. The operation of the law on that class of traffic managed by the railroad companies themselves and by independent private companies I in iuelf a discrimina tion. It is, therefore, proposed to exclude or Include all branches of this class of merchandise transportation. The Commissioners have no idea of a repeal of the law, hut think that for an Initial measure it ha worked verv well. What t Heard and Haw. On last Sabbath day I walked out on the street of Albany. The first thing 1 saw that seemed out of the usual order of thing was two Chinamen engaged in putting a roof on a wood shed which they were build- in.' With hatchet and Single the v were making notay racket tor sunoay. un an other street I saw two men driving along aach with a load of wood cracking their whine and making a noisy racket for Sun- dav. At another point I Ward some mem- w m - aa ft.a ben ot a braes nana squeaking away on ineir horn, making a noisy racket lor Sunday, Then I went on down on business street and paaeed by a saloon In which I heard loud brawling and swearing and the clear cut rattle of billiard bails, making a noisy racket for Sunday, and then I thought of the old home East where all people lespcet TIM mtagmpMr, Altouay, r. have all the astatir taken bv a JB. Pax ton nod nay on can hay duph- oauwrrom their ngative by addressing ua, at tt following prio : Card at, J lr noHin, cabinet size, as par don, boti doura, id per doseu. I keep th flneat line of Oregon views In tb weal, Cata logue furnlahed on appiluatlon. Oopving nod nlrglng old piotoroa g apeoialty. OaukwvK. If warranted, la beoaosa it la th bnat Blood Preparation known. It will poi tlvely cure all Blood Disease, purine the whole avstom, and thoroughly builds no tha oonstltatlon. Remember, we guarantee it. Mellwaia's Ctethlag. Mcllwain's fall and winter stock of cloth ¬ ing la arriving. It ineiades the latest style and Is command lag attention, See his Onto ohilta coats Pine tok to select from. All good warranted a represent! and perfect tits guaranteed. THE Power of tb dollar can nevai h truly known Until ynu visit Wallaon & Thomp son's atore, god Invest few of then in groceries, produce, tic. Too will then find that you have the 9 POWER to mak on dollar go a far as n dollar and n half used to. This ta no theore tic! talk, it baa been povd by practice. It if then yon will learn OP "H aCKMETAOK." a laatlag grant perfume. Prio and 50 cents, milJOV CURB will immediately r llv Croup, W nooning Cough and stro ohltla. MAHAL INJECTOR free with bottle ot Hhlloh'. Catarrh Remedy, Prio n- menro7rpromTn.Mm IXStolttt Army of the Republic to one of the best rod r"nlnC We,t find lt 1m objection- Now where were th pollc offker. ame tnan tney nan expecieo. 11 euve 1 last sunuy tnsi inss rscsei anu am was noi Army of the Republic offices In the state e are half way Inclined to guess that when connection is made between the O. Si C. and the C. Si O. lines ot railroads, thus making an unbroken line to San Francisco and extra freight, express and local train established and adjusted, it will make one' hed dixay to keep run of the arrival and departure of train in thi city. The election held in Atlanta, Georgia, last Saturday for the purpose of detcri inlag whether licenses should be granted io liquor dealer in that city and county, resulted in a maioritv of nao in favor ot granting uch licenses. Two year ago after a very hot contest, it was decided against license bv something over 200 votes. The election this year may be re garded as a stand off, neither party having made any very substantial gain. them from many annoyance by defining the respective privilege and powers of carriers and shippers as far a questions of regulation are concerned. 18 IT IGNORANCE OB MALICE f stopped Ivqt ISKK. Dowa. Full returns of the recent election for members of the General Assembly of Vir ginia show that the complexion of the new body will be as folio wi:Senatc democrats, 26 ; republicans, 14. House mi Delegates democrati ; republican, ; indepen dent, 1. Democratic majority on joint ballot, 34. The official canvas of the re turns will not be made till the 28th instant, hut the abo e figures will not be changed. There will probably be aeveral contest. The East Portland Packet,Xht has away of looking at all political subjects with an unbiased eye, says : 'However professional politicians may garble te utterances of President Cleve land, misconstrue his motives or misrep resent his act ion, the great mass of honest, intelligent citizen realize and will re member that the democratic administra tion has faithfully abided by its pledges and has refused to permit to the office holder a power in politics superior to that of the private citizen. It ha practicJlly demonstrated that "public office is public trust" " "If republican counties giving majorities against roniDitton.and democratic countie giving majorities for it, show that the re tubitcan party is opposed to temperance egi lat ion.a claimed by the Stats k iomts Dkmockat, how II It that the Dbmocxat claim the majority of the state against prohibition sustains democratic principles. Will some "smart Alec" please tell us. It is a conundrum we can't solve. And how about the converse of that. Will the Dbm ockat explain fPtmmtUmUr. We can not conceive what motive in duced the PUumdtaler to thus attempt to put words in our mouth which we have never used. We have no reason to be lieve that that paper 1 ignorant a to the position of the Dkmocbat or its utterances with reference to the Issue and retult of the prohibitory campaign, nor can we ac count for the spirit of malice that such an attempt indicates. We have never claim ed that the fact that republican counties gave majorities against prohibition and democratic couatie gavejmajoritie for it, showed that the republican party is oppos ed to temperance legislation and the Pimm dmmltr man knew we never had when he wrote the above silly trash, and we now call upon him to explain his motive in writing it. The Democrat never claimed that "the majority of the state against pro and the Plmimdmltr knew it very well when it said so, and the Democrat now calls upon that paper to explain its motive in thus misrepresenting us in thi willful and malicious manner. Will the Plaindtaltr explain f V I - $10 ohsapsr than iu Portland I Up- kslrtari rooksrs, th finest stock ever in Al bany. Wieker chairs io almost sadists vari ety, An eeough for an Alderman to sit in. All kind of chairs. Twenty-two varieties of wiokr chairs aleae, U of rockers. Elegant and substantial goods. Fane baskets, stands, etc., that mak customer av at sight. "Ill tafcsoos." No tear holiday prsssots can be iaaagiasd. gofaa and bed lounges io many dssia and bade and barwaua in new nd ailrsotivs ssaksaps. Nevaltis too. 8e them. Goods osms knock down from ths East, and will be sold at knock down prices Booaht low. Do not pass Win. FortmilUr A Co furni ture store without finding out for yoarsslf "3LfvVVOti, that are f rotf ul. pjriel, JsJVXVl VL nr lmnktLt with Windy Colic, Teething Fains, or Stomach Dtaordars, ean bo relieved al one by naing Acker Baby Soother. It ensHnnat no Opium or Morphine, Lenoe I safe. Prio 85 eeata. Sold by 8HILOH' CATARRH REMEDY-- MOltive nure for Ctarrh, Dlphtbri and ussKsr asoutn. AM YOU MADE miaerable AppoUt. Yollow fikut T Sbiloh' ar I positive euro. Ilia Dry Indi- of VIU1I- Tb fall and intr stock of dry goods reoaived at Mellwaia's, is a larg ens, well svieetod. embr .cmg all the latost novsltis. d to qaaauty sod of s aashty sotsarpass d her. De not bay without examining. lyVftAu Of the good thing of thia Uf nr sorrowfully let alono on account of Dyspepni. Acker Dyspepsia Tablet will core Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Obntlptlon; sold on a positive guarantee at W and 99 cento, by T)s tery Dress Ueoda at Cost. lIlVCMgU-. N. H, Allen & Co., have concluded to go out of business, having electric light business on the brain. He will sell his en tire stock at cost and there will be a splen- as a ft ift . s a Ola opponunny io get your winter ore good at cost Call early while the stock is complete. Don't forget the piano and or gan which will be given away on Jan. tst as advertised. s Using Mere Pleasant The associated press, which seems to be conducted a a kind of annex to the re publican party is now tending out the new that Randall i much exercised about the make-up of the standing committees of the house in case Carlisle shall be elect ed speaker. We are told that Randall and his protection friends will bolt the demo cratic caucus and join the republican if they are not allowed a voice in naming the committees. Randall and his friends will do no such thing, but they will help elect Carlisle. This wish of the annex is father to the thought. To the tost, more acceptable to tbe stomach, and more truly bensfioial In Its aetsoo, the fasa n California liquid fruit remedy, yrnp of Pigs, Is rapidiy super seding nil otnr, rry it Cloaks at Cost. Congress meets next Monday. Carlisle will be elected Speaker, after which the greatest interest will be felt in the make up of the standing committees. The dem ocrats, having a majority in the lower house, will be expected to take the lead in ail financial legislation, as under the con stitution all bill for raiting revenue mutt originate in that houte. Reducing the surplus money in the treasury that is now accumulating at the rate of $100,000,000 per annum more than is necessary to pay the necessary expenses of the government, will be the all-absorbing question of dis cussion and legislation. Republicans will do all in their power to prevent any such legislation. No Congress has ever met in times of peace whose dntiea were of great er magnitude than thia. LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Some newapaper has said the following are legal holidays in Oregon 1 "Every Sunday, the first day of January ,the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the twenty-fifth day of December, and every day on which an election is held throughout the state, and every day appointed by the Governor or President of the United States as a day of public fasting or thank giving." lio this should be added the first Saturday in June, or Labor Day. Whi! this is not named as a legal holiday wiM those above named in Section 3543 of Hi'.!' Code, yet in Section 3544 it is declared to be a "public holiday," and in Section 928 It is provided that "the Courts of justice may be held, and judicial imslnee tran sacted, on any day, except hi provided in thi section. No court can he opened.nor can any judicial business be tranctiH,nn a Sunday, on the first day of fanun'r 01 the twenty-second day of Febru 1 ! .h first Saturday in June, on the fourth day of July,n Christmas Day.on the thirtieth day of May, on a day on which er general flection is held, or on a day appointed by the executive authority of the United State or of this state as a day of fasting or thanksgiving.except for the following pur poses : 10 give instruction! to a jury then deliberating on their verdict. To re ceive the verdict of a jury, and for the ex ercise of the powers of a magistrate in criminal actions, or in proceeding of a criminal nature." From which it appear that, practically, Labor Day i a legal hol-idav. ATTEND THE CONVENTIONS. Thi (Friday) evening the Ward meet ing of both republican and democrats of the city will be held. A candidate for one Councilman in each ward i to be nom inated. To-morrow (Saturday) evening the City Convention of each party will be held, the democrat at the Court House and the republicans at the Opera House, to nominate a candidate for Mayor, Record er, Marshal and Treasurer. Every demo cratic and every republican voter should attend these meetings of his party and see to It that only good men are nominated. It is of far greater importance that the city should have competent, safe, trusty offi ials than that these officials should be merely democrats or repub' Scans. The people of Albany have always been very independent in voting for city officers, hence great care should be had in naming candidates. For th next thirty day we will tell our entire ttock of cloaks and jackets at cost Any parties needing anything In tins Hoc can save big money by calling on us. THOMPSON At WATena, Brownsville. bargains that will give you thrill of pleasure and mak you feel en good terms with store-keepers, tbe world in general, and Wallace fc Thompson io particular. THE Purchasing ,wer of tbe dollar i oot elwgt known by tbe quantity secured in return for it, tbe quality must lso bs there. Wallace & Thompson make bppy combination and give yon both. Give them a trial and tbey will aave yon many DOLLAR. NOTHING EQUAL TO BOOKS AND FINE STATIONER Y FOR Holiday Presents. M. J. Jones, neat to tb nnw K mo hi finest stock in Albany. Also a stupndid album, ink stands, pens, pencils, mosiesl instrument, . ek, Albn v, Of., h th Urgff and line of pbotsrob and autosrauh Do You Want bargains. if- THEN CO TO N H. Alien 4 Co., havs io stock a suleo did in of eoraots. Consisting of th justh osUbrsted C. Ps. Dr Warner's. Dr We 8. K'. the Albany Standard, oar sntosl brsnd. also tbe Kvsrisstiaff, 8f Adjusting, Nsttis and many ether nuakei. Ladies are vsprcUl ly 14 mM 10 eaii ana inspect trie. A MAGXIF1CKNT OFFER. To snv new subscriber who will send us $2, or pay it to any of our authorized agents, we will send the Dkmockat one year and Farm, Stock and Home, an excel lent journal devoted to farming, stock raisins; and home interests. The Home will be sent one year and promptly dis continued at the end of the year unless renewed. It is a paper of 16 page and contain a much reading matter as would fill 25 column of the Dkmockat, and is published on the first and fifteenth of each month. This is decidedly one of the best offers that has ever been made to the peo ple. The offer is to all of our present subscribers who pay ail arrearages and one year in advance. Let every reader show this offer to his neighbor. We will pay six eents pee pound for tmrV OK accounts tod in eschsogs for merchsdu. All gaode at tb lowest cash prtos. Pork re eeived o Taesdsy sod Thursdays. rnoKpaoir w ate as, Brownsville. Or. s What ass I to Do ? in symptom or iitiiousn are un happily Oot too well known. They dif fr in different individuals to some ex tent, A Billon men I seldom a break fast eater. To frequently, alt, he baa an excellent appetite for liquids but none for soiws or a morning, tits tongue will hardly boar inspection at any time ; if It i not whit and furred, it ia rough, at all vent. The digestive system Is wholiv ont of oraer and tnsrrbea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or eren loss mt blood. Thero may be giddiness snd often headache end acidity or flatulence and tenderness in tbe pit of the stomach. To correct si I this and not effect cut try Green August Flower, it coat but trifle end thousands attest Its efficacy. Whan Beby was tsk, w gsvs bsr Ossisrta, sb wss a Child, she estod far Csstsrl. MbsesaasMitt, As slang to Cestsvis, i she sad Ctilliesn, she govs gbe Csstoria, 1 have sddsd to my ooot amd thoe stock s line of the ;sJsbreted Laird, fjrkomer k MiuktiL. Philadelphia Pimm hor. for ldi. msss snd children. Acknowledged by lsalere generally to be the beet yalas and 1 a at a a a . mmmm . . mw man, widths C. D, K, ana 66. a ecud on buy a abaca aa a mi Sastt'Kt. BL Vocso, tl Age, Albany, Oregon. ft Cough or Cold, or th eblidran arc further trouble. It I positive cur. wo guarantee 11. e roe 10 and 00 rr ft. On hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of Improved wheat land, all fenced Into four fields, good house, herd finish, Sood outhouses, excellent fruit of all kinds, ituated mile west of Lebanon and one and a quarter mile south of the junction of I 1 ns narrow uaugo k ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. St C R R. Inquire at LI. M f!frl3PV A. B. McHwain's, where yon oaa get tbe very best In ptloo and qualiUe. oonaliitlng of His stock ol Dre s DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., You are the Man wo want to gee. A CRITICAL COMPARISON will only nerve to throw more light upon our methods of doing . bosinee. Wa ak tor comparieona. W like tbom. Compare our itock with any tbr io tb 0ntrl WilUmett Tl ley end yon will find WE LEAVfc THEM ALL BEHIND. we ba ck of Clothing;, Gents Furnishing Goods and Boots and Shoes, ic f quantity, qosiity al price BE ATS TUB WORIsDI "IMIII'"a"aMal'MMiaSSSMBHBBtSBBaBBBaBISH Th- extensive, io fact We have a Full House and hve placed everything io it at price which WILL SOON EMPTY IT L. E, BLAIN, Albany, Or. I unsurpassed. OaH on him for your BOOTS AND SHOES, Olothingr and Fiirnishing Goods. ' J Cb er produce taken, god prion given that defy competition. The most brazen piece of impudence that has come to our notice in a long time s a damage suit for $5000 brought by Ho- gam, tbe wheat swindler,againt J. C. Yate of Lane county, who swore to the com plaint under which Hogan wa brought back from California. The idea that Ho- gan's character could be damaged by be ing called a swindler would produce a broad smile on the countenance of every armcr who bought wheat of him, if they were in the laughing business, but at they are not in that butinest now,they can only grit their teeth.and long for an opportuni ty to vigoMjutly apply a number ten bro gan to that portion of hi body that he sits on when resting. Where to Bay Carpets. Monteith & Seitenbaeh have the largest and prettiest stock of carpets, oil cloths. window blinds and wall paper ever brought to tbe Valley, and are offering the st a bargain. Persons dentine anything in this line should give them a call. 1888. Harper's Weekly. IXtX-TTSTIt-eVTEJID. POWDER Absolutely Pure. nwaj bonKgin lusds.aad muss bssfcliass pstMoa with tbs awiHMrti mt mm tsst, short swsU astsMlshal pisos ss ihs Th hur- os, ig Blood Elixir is tb only Blood Remedy iruaran- teed. it is a positive cure 10: tion or Syphilitic Poisoning, it is ft positive core ior u lcer. amp l Syphilitic Poisoni ne. It pnrifiee the whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. WHY WTLL YOU cough when Shi- lob's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ets , SOots. and $1. SLREPLES8 NIGHTS, made miserable hv that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure is the remedy for you. GEO. H. THAYER, of 1 ShilohyConsumption THE REV lourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wire owe our lives to a Cure." tfsrpsr's Wsafcljr -ldasl io(lultorlal ssrosd lor It Uw rsspset snd sesatessss of sh iaspsr- rs, snd the vsriaty soi osoalisoos el iu llUrsrvoostssts, which Include ssrisl sad short sto rts by th bsst snd sssst popuUr writers, flt it tor th psrussi of psspts mt the widsst rsngs of tsstas snd ssrsalsa tupBlssaantatr frsqneatly provided, snd no aspsnss is spsrsd U bring tha hlghttt order of srtlatis shUitjr to baar upo4 Um UlosirsUon ot tbs assusgsfal phasss ot boat snd forshtn history. In si) iu restarts Hsrpsr's Wtsklv it sdmlrably sdsptsd to bs a wsleea gnast ia svsry aoasebold. HiRPES'S PKRIODIOALS. Per Yer t HARPER'S WEEKLY t 400 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 X HARPER'S BAZAR 4 0U HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE S 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Muxfco, Tb vol am 1 of tb Weakly begin with tha first aanbtr for January of each year. Whan n Um ia aptoiftsd, subscriptions will hsgin with the num bsr currant at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Jfaekly, for three years back, la neat cloth binding, will bs seat by mail post-paid, sr by express, free of expense (provided th freight dost not exoeel on dollar per volum,) lor $7 per yolume. Clotb esse for each volume, suitable for binding TAKE NOTICE. To whom it may concern : I have sold and disposed of all property which I have heretofore owned in the Stale, All parties having claims against me must present them for payment within thirty dy I intend to go East to remain. MART IK GlLLKRAN, Fox Valley, Linn county, Or. tr .. A 1 W . . t W s t vve wear tno jAiue lica scttooi time Slum, ana so io cousin andcoor aunts, t.nd if you want them go tn tne City Boot and Shoe Store where you will find a large and complete Ngrtwent of goods in this line. of nonrly every grade and ra ke, nud at orhf which will open y.ur y - A dollar saved ia a dollar made. REPFIE LP & BROWNE LL MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK -Has arrived, lutludiug- Itala or Sunhlnc. Albany Market. cut like the rains uf winter, d in its pl-tce. snd so is Sun- rain. Oregc bine is Workit . together fh:y vrt powerful agents 1 the prosperity of s country. Magnificent heat crops ; Isre pUt" yields ; fine ruite, such ss spple-, peurx, prunes, sto., and sn unsurpassed stock of grot; j ies sod prod uc at 'Wallace m rnootpsou a, who, ram or sun- xhine, are up with the times, if not ahead of there. See their flue stock of "ods. The Most Agreeable a well as the most effacMve method oi dispelling 3oadaohn, Cold and Fevers, or oleansinsf ot sysie n, is ny taking a few doses of Figs, 50a. and f I botlle for sale Fosuay Mason!, Oats 38c Butter 25 cts per lb; Kegs 35 cents per doz, Hay -14.80. Potatoes - 00 cts per nusnsi; Heef -on foot, 2Vjc. Apples - 50 cents per on, Per: 60 per lb. ores ted. Bacons hams, 12Je. shoulders, 7c. side 10c. -ard lOo per lb. Klour 4.80 per bbl. 1 'hlokens 2.50 per a s. Mill Feedbran, 14.0 per ten shorts, 18. middlings, 90. Chops, 20. Address HARPER et BROTHERS, New York. in Micceetful operation sines iSSe, patronised . 1 or the onhwul, csdorsS by buiincit mn anT leading educators. THE HOST PKBFKCTXT BqtJIPfEB SCHOOL of it ciait on the Coast, k r(Tm oi'truction, day and evening throughout the year is Amnmstie , , Oirresposdsnca, Beok-ksevisg, nainK,9norinana, 1 yP-wrlttnfc BuainSSS SS LefS iiu bii v.oiionun ocnooi Drsncasa. Stuoaou ui no age ana com teses sanuttta st say Um ( stslogue free. Armstrong and Weaeo. Proprietova! Oity Election, Xiotice is hereby given, of the annual election in and for the City of Albanv. Linn county, Oregon, dh Monday, the 5th day of f wU be sent by mall, post-paid on receipt of $1 eaeh .u r n Vvr pu,Tl01 i?0UB lUmlttsBM ahould be made by Post Offlo Money v,.vy wu.c. . une mayor ; order or Draft, to svotd chance of loss, one Recorder : one Marshal i oaa Trumnir 1 and one member ef the Counoil from each I Nppsr are not to copy this advertise ward ; and also to vote open the question of J ment witnout tie express order of Harper 8c mu.easiu mis levy oi tne city assessment ter Brothers tne year 1000, irom nye to six mills, the ex tra mill to be used for sewer purpose onlv. submitted as follows : For a levy of six mills, "Yes." or "No." The voting places for the several wards will be as follows : First Ward, County Clerk's office ; Second Ward, County Treas urer's office ; Third Ward, Farmer's Ware house offioe. Jadges and Clerks of election : First Ward, Judges : Bavid Freman, Martin Payne, J F Backensto ; Clerks, F L Kenton, ft L Dorris. Second Ward, Judges : Ellis Knox, W M Ketohum, L Senders ; Clerks, Chas Pfeiffer, G 0 Will Third Ward, Judges : J S Clark, Sen., R A Irvine, W V Baltimore; Clerks, W A Warner, F A Burkhsrt. laid election will commence at nine o'oleek in tho raorniog and centinne without dosing the pells, until six o'clock in the evening of ssid dsy. Dated at Albany, Or., this 23rd day ef November, 1887. N. J HSKTON, City Recorder. S JOSEPH GROCER AND TOBACCONIST, 61 FIBST ST., Next to Burkhart & Keeney's Real Estate office, ALBANY, OREGON. Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Evprythlnggkept In a first-das Drv Gooas And Boot and Shoe House, from tha cheapest to as gfeofl a quality as there is a dmutnd for. I bought these good mostly in New York and Chicago and AT B TTOM CASH PRICES, and have and am receiving Novelties of the Season in every line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted in the papers er circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn yen off when you get out ol money. Samuel E. Young.