The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 25, 1887, Image 4

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    Wm. Fortmilfer & Co,,
Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse
r business hours call At resldsnoe
fifth and Baker streets.
Notice for Publication,
Lund Office at Oregon City, Or., )
October lOtb, 18S7. J
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named aattler baa Aled netioa ef hla
Intention to make final pro if in suppsrt
of hia claim, and that aald proof wilt be
made before the Oouaty Judge or Clark
of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on
Wetfat-stlay, ftevesaae seta, I ear,
via : John 8 Thomas, Homeetead Entry
No, 4296 for lot 2, or Sec. 12, In Tp. 10, at
HIE lie namea the following witneaa
ee to prove hia wntinuoua residence upon,
and cultivation of. aaid land, via : L
Hubar, H Sheiton, A M Sheiton and H
Philipa, of Jordan P, O., Linn county, Or.
Alao Thurston II. Thomaa, llomeatead
Entry No. 4690, for the S W X of See. 0,
la Tp. 10. a H 2 E. Me namee the follow
ina witnesses to prove hla oontlnuooa
residence upon, and cultivation of, aald
land, via : H Philipa. L lluber, H Seel
ton and A M Sheiton, alt or Jordan P, O.
Linn county, o,
W, T. Burnt kv,
Red CrownMills
run; a svranioa ana
aim EAxna cam.
Highest Price in Cash fo
Anrdews & Hackleraao,
rGn i
Notice for Publication,
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., )
Oct., Slat, 1887. J
Hettce la hereby given that the follow
ing named eettler hau filed atioe of hla
la ant ion to make final proof in auppert
ef hia ilm. and that aaid proof will be
anode before the County Clerk of Linn Co,
tregoa, at Albany, Oregon, oa
her Stat, l sr.
Benjamin F. Kirk. Homeetead
r. No. &I07 for the NE of N E i
of Sec 31, Tp. 13, SRI W, Willam.tie
meridian, lie namea the fol.owing wit
nee sea to prove his rontiauoua residence
upon, and cultivation or, aald land, vis :
D R Mlfhaal. Ben Morris, Benson Harris,
aad C H Kirk, all of Sweet Hume, P. C,
Linn county, Oregon.
W. T. Bcaaarr,
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Aecommodationa unaurpaaeed for cor.
fort and eafoty. Faroe and f relubta via.
Y equine and the Oregon Development
uompany a Mteamanip mucn leea than by
any other route between all point in the
Willamette Valley and San Francisco.
Daily faesenger trains excrft Sundays.
Lssrs Tsquins, J0 a.m. , Lsavs Albsor. 1:00 r. a
Lssts oarwUaa.Mdg a.m. Usvs Cor'SlUs, 1:17 r.M
Amrs Albso) , 11:15 a. s, AjtItb Ysquins, 6:50 T. H
Oregon and California trains connect at
Albany and Corvallia.
WM. U. He AC,
CsbusI Msissfsr.
A. O. T . snd P. Acaas, Corrsihs, Or.
Oregon Developement Co.
Firat-etaea SteamabiD line between
Ysquiua snd Han irsncicco connecting at
i equina wun tne trains or toe Oregon nauroaa uompauy.
itsasbss, raoM sas r a seises. raoa f AQtmiA.
v. K latoaaAjr, Oct 31, 10 , . KaocUr Hot. B, 1 p m
W.V. ""Friday, Not. 11,7s m
e. o,
Thurs., Nov 17, 11 s m
Tussasjr, Nor, 22,6 s n
Moodsr.Nov.28, 10 s m
w c I
O. ;
Saturday. Dec. S, noon
Tba Oouipany .ryea khe right to
change sailing -Jays.
' ' Csa. F. and P. Afsnt,
SM MontfOflMry St., Sen. Frsnoisoo, Ckl.
Oregon & California Ft. R,
Cless connexions mst, at Asbisrsl tUsrss, of
the OsMlansia, Orsfjpw i d idsbo Btsfe Cempsay.
enlr 13 Mllefsf ateainc.
Tts between Albsry and it Frsueisco, 6 hours.
OALirosxu sxrssss I. IX DAILY.
4.90 t. M.
S:0r a
t:0 A u
I 10:40 s a
7:06 A M
6:0 r sj
local r ASKSOsa rtsiss pa(LT Cexospt Sunday) .
a7oi a aXesve , 5rtfi id ArriVs jTift F m
VS:4t t a ! Lesvs " Albany Lssvs I 11:36 A M
1:40rs i Anlve Eurese Lssve
Lesvs 0 AO a a
local rAsssaasa tsaik dailt, except suhdat.
8: 10 r m
S:Mr M
Arrive 6:46 a M
Am v.-
Le&ve I 6:00 A M
I f
"w- am a
12:60 r a I Lesvs Albany Arrive I J:45 r a
l:SrM Arrive Lebanon Lssve 2:00 r u
dstly betwees Portland snd Ashland. Siskiyou's snd
. Han Francisco,
Kmtcrent ileepla Cars between rortlaad
aad Ashlana, aisklrai's and SansTraa
cisce. fkek er ciiakcb.
West ftlde MvAaseau
A l tbais dailt (exoept Bttsdsy.)
f Wam
1146 r a
Lssve Part land Arrive 8:16 r a
Arrive Cervsllls Lssve 1:30 pm
sxrasis tsaiss pailt (sicsjrt Susoay .)
0:00 A M
1.41 A M
soera I Am-s
At Albany snd
OsrvaiMs eaaasst wha trsias at
Pseils fisilraad
fertsll lolorstsUen reg-srding rates, naps, etc.,
sail a Oscnp say's Afsst,
s. p. soonifl,
a Pass A rent.
1887, 1888.
rirst Term aaaa September 18th, Mat.
A lull eorpa of Instructors,
Conraca of study arranged to meet the
need of all gradea of atudenta.
S ferial inducements ejered students
from mkread.
Tuition ranrea from 16.60 to flf.M.
Board in private mtBlliea at low ratea
Kooma ier eelf-boarding at amsllesrenas.
A aarafnl auDarviaion ezerolaed over atu
denta away from home. Fall term openr
aantember 7th. For oironiara and run
paruouiara aaareaa me rreeiueot.
Albany, Oregon
Revere House;
Fitted up la firal-olaaa atyle. Tablaa
supplied with the beat Id the market.
isios aiaapiBg apartments, oarnpie rooraa
for commercial travelers,
atrrree Ceaefc te aad frees the Betel. i
Jnstn a Comrt fer the Priinct of FnsnJUin
Bntfr,Ste)te of Oregvn,Connty of Mm.
H. A. Johaaoa and K. Sheiton, copartners
In buaineea at 8elo.Oregon, under the firm
name end atyle of Johnson at Nheltnn
L. E. Dole, Defendant.
To L. K. Dele, the above named Defend
ant :
la the name of the State of Oregon, yon
ate hereby required to appear before the
undersigned, a J a at ice of the reace for the
Precinct arereaani, on me
rata day ef So vr saber, ts7.
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aald day at
the offloe or aaid Justice, in aald rrecinct,
to ana war the above named Plaintiff, in a
civil action. The Defendant will take no
Uos, that ir he falls to answer the complaint
herein, the Plaintiff will take lodgment
aaalnat him for t202 and 62 100
sfdee hia ooata and dlabursmsnts of this
Action taxed. The aervlee of this turn
mona la made by publication by order of
thia Court, aaid order being mane ana
entered of record thia 12th day of October,
A. V.. 19B7
Ulven noder my hand thia 12th day of
October, A. D., 1687.
E. O. Htob.
W. H. Qua an a b, J us ilea of the Peace,
Plffa Att'y.
Notice of Assignment.
Notice la hereby given that A. A. Bash-
or of Lion county. Oregon, bee made
Borai aaaignmeat of all hla property to
undersigned for the benefit of hie
ereditora neder an act or the Legislator
of the Kate of Oregon, entitled "an act to
secure ereditora a lust divlaion of the ae
tata ot debtora who convey te assignee
far the benefit ef creditors" approved Oc
tober 18th. 1878 and the act amendatory
thereof, Alt peraona having o'alma
ngalnat the eat ale ef the aald A. A. Baabor,
are hereby notified and required to pre
aant the aame under oath te the under,
aigned at Albaoy, Oregon, within three
months lrem the date of tble netioa.
Dated 8 pt. 80th, 1887.
U. Bar art,
1 eity la new offered for rent on reaaoa
abie terms For partienlare inquire of er
ad a" rasa JaMU Mcabat.
Albany, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Lead Omee at Oregon City. Or., I
October Slat, 1887.
Notice ia hereby given that the following
settler has Bled notice ef hia intcoti n
to mske deal proof in sapport of his claim,
aad that aaid proof will be aaade before the
Cooaty Clerk of Linn Co . Or., at Albany,
Or., on
aer sack, I as?.
vis : Grant Bellinger. Pre. D. S. No. 51 7.
for the lota 1. 2 and 3, of Sec 26, Tp 12, H it
1 W. Ha aaaaee the following witnesses vo
prove his oentinnoas residence a poo, snd eel
tivation of, said land, yis : J Fitswatcr, D
Sylvester, J C SaJtaaarsb aad J Newman, al!
of Leaaaon P. O., Linn county, Or.
W. T. Br aw ST,
lotice for Publication,
Land Office et Oregon City.Or.,
October 31st, 1887. (
Notice is hereby given that the follow ing
named aettler baa filed notice of hia inteatiea
to make Goal pi oof in sapport ef hia claim,
and that aaid proof will no made before the
County Judge or Clerk of Line couaty, Or.,
at Albany, Oregon, on
Friday, Dercaaaer SSrd, lawT,
yis : W M Kntledge, Homestead Entry No.
4795, for the S E of See 20, Tp 12, S R 1
K. lie names the following witnesses to
prove his eonttnoons residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, viz i H Barrel, C
Williams, 8 Powell and W McPhsraon. ell
of Lebanon P, O , Linn ounty, Or
T. Bcaitrv,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., i
October 3 1st, 1887.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler baa filed notice of hia intention
to make final proof in sapport of bis claim.
and that said procf will be msde before the
County Judge or Clerk of Lion cooaty, Or..
at Albany, Or., on
Monday, eceaaner IStfe), iai7.
viz : J u Uiezentanner, Homestead Kutry
No. 4651, for the E J of 8 W i, and W A of
8 E i, of Sec 28, Tp 13, 8 ft 2 E. Ha names
the following witnesses to prove hta continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz . G W Howes. J W McUhce and
J B McFarinod, ef Sweet Home PC, and
L Mcrarland of Albany r. O., all in Linn
cooaty, Or-gon.
Notice for Publication,
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., )
October, 31st, 1887. J
Notice ia hsrebv eiven that tbe follow
ing named settler haa filed notice of bis
intention to mske final proof in sunnort
of bis claim, and that aaid proof will be
made before tba county Judge or Clerk
of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on
Monday, December 2Stb, iaa?,
viz : William H II Cumrnings, Home
stead Entry, No. 4824 for the N E of 8
W 14, of Sec. 10, Tp, 12, 8 R 1 W . He
namea toe fol lowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz : J 8 Caldwell,
O. Kinder. J Lindley and J Pryor, all of
J l'ry
ty, 0:
Lebanon P. O., Linn conn
T. Buaubt,
Notice of Administration
In th County Court of the Slate oj Oregon
for Linn County.
In tbe matter of the estate of Sampson
T. Powell, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that tba under
signed was on November 7tb, 1887, duly
appointed Administrator of tbe above
named estate by ordr of tbe county
Court of Lion county, Oregon, duly made
snd eutered of record. That all persons
having claims again -t i-aid estate are here
by required to preaent them tostetner with
the proper vouchers duly verified within
six months from the date hereof to ti e
undersigned at bis residence In Linn
county in tbe Porks of the Santism K'ver
east nf Lebanon In said county.
Albany, Oregon, Nov, 8th, 1987.
Pktk Poweax,
J, C. Powkia, Administrator.
Att'y for Adm'r.
Do You Want Furniture ?
where you will find the beat make and
finest finished
Alto a tine line ot
and a hunderd different etylaa of
(Picture frames made to order.
The largaat and beat a took of
aver kept in Albany. Pr!e reasonable.
Conrad Meyer.
Corner Broadalbin and First Sts.,
f anaatl fraila, t'auntl flriu,
Ulurw. Qaioeaawnre,
Dried Fruits). Vvgetabltjs,
Tobacco. Cigars,
Saigar, flplems,
t'oflw, Tea,
Ktc Etc.,
In fact everything that la kept la a gen
ral variety and grocery atore. Blgbaat
market price paid for
Teed and Sale Stable.
4th St. between Ellsworth and Lyon
noreea uoaraea oy me day, week or
month at laaaoaabie ratea, Balled hay
and straw for aate, also oata, barley and
chop alwaya oa band.
DR. I N. W00DLE,
Veterinary Surgeon,
OSo City K.o.1 .ad Hal. Hubl..
ilbany Track and Dray Od., Ho, L
Goods handled with care and dispatch.
InvaJicfs'ifof eliSurgfcal Institute
wits a feu
far the treataaeal ef
alt Caveat?
tSlJKS.1 Cavtawb.Taroatand
Z?1,? riS r Vnt. Ssneand
' loniiusi woh
Pernicious anil.
rr rracuees are srwlily
BpeolaUala. Dooa post-raJd. 10 eta In miaaL
Bvetwre or Breach, radi
cally cured, without the knife,
without dependence upon
true and with, very lfttie
In stamps.
asaw. own eons zor ata
TvoBg epd srraicnriraies
nested with the greatest aucorsa. Book sent
for ten cents i fa stamps. Address Wosau?s
ssssssBSBBBBssBBBBsa The tresiinent of many
at tba
VAHda IL.t. i
Institute, baa
tor tboujeTwd tutmam
Favorite Prescription
IS the result of this vast exnerienae.
this vast experience.
. 18 powerful Restorative Tonle
to tbe i systems WviltoElLZn.
.fiiS 2f-e " whiteejf exeeaalvo
natural aapproaafona, prolapens or
falling of tbe nterai, weak back,
nnteveraion, retroversion, sisrin.
wwbbo, iniiammatloii, pain
nd tenderness la ovaries, Internal
f.Lfflifie al6 waJtnoaa.
a PEomPt5y relieves snd cures Nausea
K2HS.kfM U Stomach, IndlaVa
iV?J5Hnif fi nff voum JProstratAon
and Sleeplessness, in either
cures, ftansea
leepleeeueee, la cither box.
e iisvas assVVf tu spjC
Sold by DTOggieta everywhere. Send
tenoenta In stamps for Dr. Pierce's Urg
Treatise on XMseaata of Women, illustrated
WerM's Wimurt Medici! toiatloo,
03 Main Street, BTJPFALO, V. Y.
Billons Headache,
Plrrlneae, Conatlpa
ion. Indigestion,
and RllAoua Attacks,
promptly cured by &r,
Piercea Pleasant
PirjjBllvleUea. 25
coots a vtaL by rWrtjS
tt's Pills
A f oriI liver deranges the whole ays
torn, and produces
Sick Headache.
Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu
matism, Sallow Skin and Piles.
There ia no better remedy for these
common diseases than Tutt's Liver
Pills, aa a trial will prove. Price, 39c.
Sold Everywhere.
aenaatlons. chroma ads
L """n,!BB;," ana niccratioi
he mmt
QrnguL QJuf Paper.
koitbp t rmm
Wtaei'i Ciriitiii Temptrtitt
Tba W. 0. T. U. meets ou tba Is
and trd Tuerday of each at
o'clock f. at., at tba A. O. U. W. Hall,
over French's Jewelry mora.
A note received from Attorney General
Bradford of Kansas, says ha sends us a
brief In the case. The State of Kansas vs
Ziebold and Hsgelln, which will convince
us he was not negligent concerning that
case. Wa are very willing to be convlnc
ed, but must confess that the perusal ef
the brief has not convinced us. What wc
complain of, It notethe lack ef a brief, but
the sbsence of any one to meet oral arga
merit with oral argument allowing the
oral argument of Senator Vest and Mr
Choate for the liquor men to be met by
nothine but a brief, at was the case. Tbe
legislature of Kaatas was so Impressed
with the Importance ef this aad other
esses, that it annroprlated Scooo to ba
used by Attorney General Bradford ia se
curing additional counsel, If necessary.
The liquor men showed their apprtcla
tlon af the importance of the situation by
retaining a United States Senator and one
of the leading lawyers of the country,
while Bradford contented himself with
sending a brief. Our opinion that Mr.
Bradford sinned through ignorance came
from a clause In a telegram dated October
1 8th, sent to him "I am compietlely
taken by surprise." He now captains that
his surprise was occasioned not by the
case having coma up tbe latb, for he had
caused it te be advanced ; but by the oral
argument, when he supposed there were
to be only briefs. It seems to us that with
such s vital issue pendinc hs should have
known, as there was abundant opportunity
far blm to do.
Before Mr. Packard left Chicago for
Washington, several telegrams were scat
from here te Attorney General Bradford
te ascertain how the matter stood, asking
authority to apply for the re opening of
the case, and proffereing aid from the pro
hibitionists, if needed. No answer was re
in veil We then telegraphed te a prom
Inent W. C. T. U. lady In Topcka to go
immediately to the Attorney General and
repeat the substance of these messages
She did so, and this brought a response
but not till alter Mr. Packard's departure
Mesnwhila, Mr. Packard, having received
authority from the Attorney Geaere! of
Iowa and the City Attorney of Atlanta, to
act for them, made a motion te advance
the cases In which tbey were interested,
so that they should be argued before the
Kansas case. This was denied. At last,
nearly two weeks after the case had been
argued by the liquor lawyers, Bradford ar
rived In Washingtonand made bis motion
for s rehearing ef the Zeibold Hagelln
cste. rne court tooa me case unssr a
vitcment and afterward denied it.
It now transpires that the reason At-
torney-Genersl Bradford of Kansas, was
not on hand to meet the oral argument of
Vest and Choate in tbe Ziebold-Hagelln
- a. . . - .k S A
case was that a written agreement naa
been entered into between himself and tba
counsel for detente, that the case should
not be argued orally, but by briefs, snd
that theorsl argument of those gentlemen
was allowed in disregard of this agree
ment. The excuse far allowing tnts is
that Choate and Vast ware not retained
by the defendant ; but were employed
oy the National Brewers Association, but
we cannot see that this fact exonerates the
Court from blame. When this matter wit
brought to tbe attention of judge Miller
he declared his ignorance of any such
agreement, and examination of the papers
showed that this agreement was not print
sd on ths notice of the case sent to the
Court, though it was plainly written on
the copy submitted. Oa being questioned
concerning the affair the clerk through
whose hands the document passed, said
the agreement, being on a separate slip of
paper accidentally got lost." Queer ac
cidents sometimes happen.
A rule of the Federal Supreme Court
prevents an argument being made by
counsel except upon due notice being serv
ed upon opposing counsel. As no notice
was given Attorney-General Bradford,
the oral argument of Vest and Choate
were in violation of this rule ; thst they
were allowed seems to presage a favor-
sble decision, as the custom of the Su
preme Court it to give the largett liberty
to the tide having the weakest case. If
the Court should decide against us, the
fact that it thus allowed the trantgrettion
of its own regulations will be a atong point
against U in the mindt of the people.
Mr. Bradford assures us that he It, and
hat alwayt been, a Prohibitionist ; that he
neither smokes, chews, drinks, plays cards
nor billardt ; was never an attorney for a
whisky association in his life ; never de
fended a man charged with the tale of in
oxlcating liquors ; bat alwayt advocated
the enforcement ot prohibitory law, and
hat been three times shot at for so doing,
Large retainers have been offered him to
act as counsel for.a whisky organization,
but he refuted them. He it now prepar
ing ttatittics to show the effect of prohibi
tion upon erime, pauperitm and insanity
in Kantas,
A novel suit hat been begun by the
state of Indiana against the ttate of Ken
tucky for the sovereignty over, a little is
land in the Ohio river, at the mouth of
Green river. The southern boundary of
I ndiana extends to the low water mark In
the Ohio river, Kentucky ownintr the
channel ; and thit Island, which it only
such in high water, has been considered as
belonging to the latter state, although for
the last twenty years during ordinary low
water it has been connected with the In
diana shore. Indiana will probably gain
the suit and own the island until the chan'
nel changet.
Frank Mills, of Astoria, has just been
placed in the insane asylum at Salem . He
is non compos mentis principally on the sub
ject of office holding. Several hundred
other Oregcnians are also in danger of a
trip to Salem.
The real and full name of "Lewis Car
roll," the author of the inimitable44 Alice's
Adventures," is Lutwldge Dodgson.
The York dsndy has taken to snuff,
which he pinches from ancient snuff-boxes
ornamented with diamonds or ancestral
The English Church receives in tithes
shout $io,ooo,ooo a year. Of this amount
$5,000,000 Is expendsd In hospitals,schools,
church building, etc., and the remaining
Si j,ouo,csxj goes to pay the salaries of the
The vestibule doors In Chauncey M.
Depew's New York home have two large
stained glass cathedral panes. On one is
painted a fair-faced and brilliantly -robed
woman, with the Inscription underneath,
"Welcome the coming," and on the other
It an equally pleasant-faced Image, at the
bottom of which is "Speed the parting
The goid'mines of Australia continue
te be very productive. Some of them are
more than aooo feet In depth, and many
will be sunk even lower than that In the
near future. This is contrary te the pre
dictions of old mining experts, who said
many years ago that no good would ever
hi found In Australia at a depth greater
than a hundred feet.
Seaorita Matilde Montaya Is the first
Mexican girl to become a doctor. A com
mittee of young men of the city of Mexico
got up a bull-fight in honor of her courage
and devoted the proceeds to the purchase
f books and Instruments for her. In the
bull fight two of the toreros were
of them seriously, but the young scnorlta
took tbe purse and graduated kwlth credit.
A very ingenious device Is now gener
ally adopted by druggists to prevent the
frequent mistakes which occur at night
tn administering a dangerous medicine for
a simple one. This Is entirety obviated
by putting up prescriptions containing
powerfvl remedies or poisonous drugs in
rough bottles as prickly as the coat of a
gherkin. Any one rising in the dark Is at
ence warned of his danger, Many lives
have already been ssved by this simple
The Philadelphia Times gets off the fol
lowing : "A cut in one of tbe illustrated
papers recalls the fact that London keeps
up such establishments as "The Home for
Lost and Starving Dogs, Battertea." In
the meantime the unemployed Invade
Westminster Abbey in search of work.and
the bemelees who sleep in St. James's
Park are as thick at midnight as Philadcl
phiaas In Fairmount Park at noon on the
Fourth of July But, then, the Britisher
always did love his dog."
Prof. Hems. i. f the University of Penn
sylvania, has come very near being an il
lustration of that clever story ."My Double
and How He Undid Me." A few weeks
ago he was arrested in Oswego on the
charge that he was a "bunco-steerer." His
friends were astounded bat incredulous,for
tney knew that It was morally impossible
thst the charge should be true. The mys
tery has now been cleared up by the arrest
ef the real "buaco-steerer ,"wh resemble
the professor very closely In everything
except character.
A Paris cable of last week said i "At a
dinner givn here by James McLean, Mr.
Farwell, our new Illinois Senator, .at nextj
to Mr. Keeley, and had the honor of In
stilling into her mind the first principles
of the noble game of poker. He was per
fectly amazed, as was every one else, to
learn that the lady, who was the liveliest
guest at the table.and the wittiest,aad who
appeared to be barely fifty, was the cele
brated actress, now eighty-two years old,
who.behind the footlights, worked on peo
ple's feelings before the Senator was
Brete Harte it living quietly in one of
the suburbs of London, where he intends
hereafter to permanently reside. He finds
it greatly to his advantage to live in Eng
land from a business standpoint. Residing
there he obtains a copyright in England
en his writings, while he is enabled at the
same time to secure a copyright In this
country. Should he live in the United
States his writings would be absolutely
unprotected in England, where his works
have as good a tale and appreciation as at
borne. His books have an Increasing sale
in England and his new stories are in great
demand. Brete Harte writes chiefly for
the English magazines and journals and
cosnmandt for his work any price he may
name, lie makes an tne way trom $7000
to fiOyOoo annually and leads a rather se
eluded life. e
1 . No married man ought to endorse a
note without his wife's knowledge and
consent. 2. lie ought never to sign a
note for a larger sum than he could pay
without seriously embarasting hit buti.
ness. 3. He should never sign a note
simply because he feels sure that there it
no possible danger of his being called
upon to pay It, but with the full knowledge
of the responsibility he atsumet as an en
dorter and with the determination of
walking up and paying it the day it is due
if the principal is not able to meet It. 4
As Indiscriminate endorsing will bring
financial ruin to any man, and as the man
who asks another to endorte for him must
be ready to return the favor, the safe way
to endorse It to agree with some man, in
whom you have confidence, to sign notes
while he doet the tame for you and each
must agree not to endorte to the amount
of a dollar for any one else except by mu
tual consent.
Physicians Have Found Oat
That a contaminating and foreign element
ia the blood, developed by indigestion, la
tbe cause of rheumatism. Thia settles
upon the sensitive sub-cutaneous cover
lag of the muscles and ligaments of the
joints, causing constant and shifting pain,
and aggregating as a calcareous,
depeatt which produces stiffness 1
tortioa of tbe joints. No fact whl
and dla-
which ex
erience has demonstrated in regard to
oatetter's Stomach Bitters has stronger
evidence to support than this, namely
that this medicine of comprehensive ue
checks tbe formidable and atrocious dis
eaae, nor is it leas positively established
that it is preferable to the poisons often
used to arrest it, since the medicine con
tains only salutary ingredients. It is alao
a aignal remedy for malarial fevers, con
stipation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder
ailments, debility and other disorders,
Sea tnat yeu tret the geauine,
nraakaaaess er ths Liquor Habit Positively
varee try aonunistsring ait. stainse'
Golden flpeetao.
It can be siren in a cud of coffee or tea with
out tbe kaowleege ol tbe person taking It t la
absolutely harmless and will effect a perma
nent and toted y cure, whether tbe patient is a
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of drunkards havs been made torn -
erate man who have taken Golden Specific
a their coffee without tbslr knowledge, sad
to-day behave they quit drinking of their own
free blB. IT NEVER FAILS The system
ones lnpreanated with tbe ebseiBe it becomes
an utserjtapossiwiity for ta liquor appetite to
or fun particulars, address GOLDEN
SPECIFIC CO., lee Baes si,, Cincinnati, 0.
a s
Some tine, fresh ssusr kraut atWdlace &
We must; oat or we cannot live.
Thia wo all know. But do wo all
know that we dio by eating T It in
wtid wo dig 0 .r grgfofl with our
teeth. How fi (i thia eottottfl,
Yet it ia f i n , rno, Wo 1 1 ter
rified at the ajj" 1 of the cholera,
and jellow fever, yet thero in a dia
eaao conatanUy at our doors" and in
our houses far moro dnngcroua and
deatructivo. Moat people havo in
their own tomeha a poison, moro
alow, but quite aa fatal r.n tbe germa
of thoHo ntnladioa wltieh hv cji men
into eternity by ihotUAitnd without
warning in the timet of great opr
domica. But it in n mercy thnt, it
wo are watchful, we can U-'A when
wo are threatened. The following
are among the nymptoms, yet they
do not ftlwayrt nereHnarily appear in
the aame order, nor are they alwaya
tho bbmi'. iu different coacn. There
it a dull nml aleepy feeling; a bad
toete in the mouth, especially in the
morning; the appetite ia change
able, hop) times poor and again it
seems as though tho patient could
not oat enough, and occasionally no
appetite at all ; dullness and Hlng
gishneiwof tho mind; no an I Don
to study or v 01 k ; more or less head
ache and t;Hvinas in the head;
dizziness on rising to the foot or
moving sudd nly ; furred and coat
ed t0B " , a ht nso of a load en tho
stomn ! 1 !!. j, thjj. rvtttoxvn; hot
and dry 1 i , at times; velh-u lingo
in the y ; p.-ojrty and high 'ilored
urine ; amir iaate in the mouth, fre
quently at- ti ( h d by palpitation of
the hesfrt ; i.- j rured vision, with
spots t:. uooa to bo swimming in
the air lofota U10 eyeu ; a ough,
with a gl '- jmbIi roll r-d evpecto
ration; poor nights' rest; e.fticky
elimn about the teeth nttd qurag;
hands and feet cold ai,d iliimmy:
lmtame tr
up and
zh H th
ailnmiif ,
1 A s
niid bo v. (! !; mid
This di- i.'-o ha
iaoH puz
1 it the commone st of
i y t the most comphV
i tysterious. 8oja times
ed as consumption f.ine-
rated n
it is ti-
times an liver rono n?nf, at d then
again mi u.'.wm and ra h (.;f dis
ease. Hut its res' 1 1je i hat of
onstij olii nandti. -sia. It arises
in tii j digestive or- ms and soon
affWta all tho other throngh the
corrupted and pcUoned blood.
Often the whole bod v .ir dsssMss.
tne nervous
itarverf, twu
einn' intion to
Eijrt-n. : - i
put one j
cure this
namely. Sh
never fails
should bo 1
called 1. ...
good. Oof !
preparole ,
able riur
s a
KyHoni is lit rally
when there ia nc
tho aad atonr.
wn that there is
tfc can e tainly
u. 1 U iagea,
" of itadtfl) or
' fvr-p. It
:i time
nyintr other ao
for they will do no
ti f frreat vegetable
,! verod by avener
fttne ia a house-Os-ra
mj) and bo sure
hold Word i
u get MAO gsTrronie article.
TOP rr b htvex doctors,
Shakei ! ' got of Roots or Bei
8er tP H' '-aised mo to good
health auer .t dsn U ra hrd given
me up to ifio witt consumption.
So gaffes & F. Uraoo, Kirkman
ville, Todd Co., Ky.
"I bad teen about given up to
die with dyspepsia when I first saw
tbe advertisement of Shaker Extract
of Roots or Seigei'a Syrup. After
using four bottles I waa able to at
tend to my business as well an ever.
I know of several cases of chills and
fever that have been cured by it "
So writ. Mr. Thoa. Pull urn, of Tay
lor, Geneva Co., Ala.
Mr. Thomas P. Evans, of tbe firm
of Evans & Bro., Merchants, Horn
town. Accomack Co., Va., writes
that Iso Wl been sick with digestive
diKorib-,-sfor many years and had
tried luuuy physicians and medi
cines without benefit He began to
use Shaker Extract of Roots or Bei
mel's Syrup about the 1st of Jan.
1887, and was 00 much better in
three wet 1: that ho considered him
aelf pra i,, 0 well man. He
adds: I bars at thia time one bot
tle on hand, and if I could not get
any more ruld not take a lest
dollar bUlor it."
All druggists, or Address A. J.
White, Liimted, 54 Warren St N. Y.
A new explosive has been Invented by
Dr. Emmcns,of London, which Is remark
able for its explosive power, being just
twice as powerful as dynamite No, 1 and
ten times that of gunpowder. It Is called
"Emmensite" after Its inventor. It is said
to be compounded of a distillation of coal
and a compound of mineral salts, and too
be proof against friction.
Sheriffs Sale,
In the Circuit Court oj the state' 0 Oregon or
Linn County.
Sylyoster Pennoyer, Governor. Geo W
MsBride. Secretary of State, Q W Webb,
Treasurer, of the State of Oregon, consti
tuting tbe Board of Commissioners for
tbe eale 0 School Lands and the manage -saent
of the Common School Fuuda, Plain
tiffs. aft,
Mary J Love, Douglas Love, Harry Love,
Alios Love Emma Love, Lou Maxon and
C, K. Maxon, her husband, Cary Lister
and William Lister, her husbsnd, Defen
dant. IbTOTIOE ia hereby given that by virtue
11 of an execution and order f aale
Issued out of the abova named Court
the above entitled suit, I will oa
Saturday Use 17th day or December, 1887,
at the hour of one o'clock, p, m., at the
Court House door la the city of Albany ,
Linn county, Orogen. sell at pub io auc
tion for cash in band, te the bigbert bid
der, the real property described in said
order ol sale, as follows, to-wit : Begin
ning at the northwest corner of Samuel
McCniley's donation land olalm, No. 40.
KoUfloatton No, 2877, in Tp. 15, 8 R 4 w of
the Willamette aaerldan, la Linn couatv.
Oregon, and running thence aouth on tbe
west beundry line of aaid donation lan d
olalm, 16.50 chains ; thence eaat 40 chains
to tbe eaat boundary line of aaid land
olaias : thence north 0 9' east on said
eaat boundary line of aald claim 16.65
chaina to the northea-t corner thereof;
thence west on tbe north lino of said
olalm 40, chaina, to tbe place of beginning.
containing 66 acres more or less, in Linn
county, Oregon, roe proceeds arising
from tbe aale of said premises to be ap
plied, first to the payment of tbe costs
and disbursements of suit, taxed at $87.85,
and accruing costs. Second, to the pay
ment to the Flaintifis herein the sum of
(820,00, with accruing Interest thereon at
tbe rate of tea par cent per annum, and
the further sum of $60.00 Attorney's fees,
and tbe overplus If any to the Defendants
Dated this 16th day of November, 1887.
D. S. Smith.
fashion, notbs.
Matelaste fabrics are again In fathion.
The reign ef the tan-colored glove It
Alpaca teems to have come Into favor
again in Paris.
The variety In bodices, corrages and
sleeves is seemingly endless.
Ottrlch feather bows and bard trim
mings are coming In vogue.
Malmssy Is a new and most delicious
hade of Madeira wine color.
Draped fronts are popular, although be
coming only to slender women.
The polonaise Is revived, but It it not so
fWtntt lasts kas. . - . xS . a a a
jrwaseasai fiftrc US Oil ll OtflCr SiUCs 1
Ifsasrsrl S..I.II S S sS a . -
pnung in oeu or embroidery on
black satin tea gowns Is the latest "fad."
The very latest thing In girdles is of
Berlin Iron.wlth a large aumonlere of black
A novelti in fall dressing it tho use of
dark blue or dark red passementeries on
cream color.
Moire and chanireabie ribbons have
driven the brocaded ones entirely out of
fashionable favor.
Pariataas milliners have used sU el orns-
menta very extensively in their latest pro
Decided purples have superseded the
heliotrope tints in favor, Snd are quite as
generally unbecoming.
rancy velvets are much used with all
woolen dresses for waistcoats, panels, re
verie and such adjuncts.
Bonnets composed entirely of fringes of
curled ostrich feathers are seen among
late millinery novelties.
Evening tollett In Paris are much loop
ed and very buffant.but not so those Intend
ed for day and street wear.
Large feather fans are exceedingly fash
ionable. Those of the flamingo's plumage
are considered the most chic.
Big Madras scarfs in dull colors are
much worn with lace dresses. Roman
scarfs seem to be utterly out of faahlon.
Jet and steel ornaments on be
tasteful, must look as if they wen; placed
to serve some useful purpose.
With tailor-made gowns folds of white
corduroy at the neck and wrists take tbe
place of linen collars and cuffs.
Furs this winter will be worn only ia
the shape of muffs and boas. The latter
are very long, reaching nearly to the feeL
Nets of gold, silver and steel, jet beads
and other beads are not infrequently
drawn over the crowns of dressy bonnets
and hats.
A jaunty, close-fitting lace jacket, much
liked for evening wear, is a ridi
culous misapplication of words, a "lace
Big loops of colored straw, looking part
ly like lace, partly like satin ribbon, are
used to trim tbe coarse straw hats faahion-H
abls at present.
Small tequee covered entirely with loose
folds of dark red boureUc tilk, without
irhnming,are considered stylish with tail
or-made costumes.
Xetle to l ax-Payers.
Notice ia hereby given, that I, or my
Deputy, will meet the tax payers of Linn
county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock a. m , and re
main until 4 o'clock p. m.f at their respec
tive places of voting in the several pre
cincts, at the following timet and p ace, for
the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1887 :
Crawfbrdaville, Friday, S'ov. 25th.
Brownsville, Saturday, Nov. 26th.
Center, Monday, Nov. 28th.
Orleans, Tuesday, Nov. 29th.
Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov. 30th.
Harrisburg, 'Jhursday, Dec. isL
Halsey, Friday. Dec. 2nd.
Shedd. Saturday. Dec 3rd.
East Albany, Tuesday, Dec. 6th.
West Albany, Wednesday, Dec. 7th.
Prompt payment will be required. Pav
your taxes and save costs.
Dated. Oct. 24th, 1887.
D. 8. Smith;
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Notice Pinal Settlement, I
in the County Comrt of the County of Linn
for the State of Oregon:
In the matter 0 th aatt r n.umm w
Cowan, deceased.
notice is berebv aivan thai tu -..1
aianaa executor or aaid estate has filed
nia final account in aaid uta k
Clerk of aaid Court for final SAUlcmant
anu that Abe aaid Court haa appUned
Saiardar. the
stay al BeceaaSar. 1887,
at one o'clock in the tfternoon for fcoarine
objection.- thereto and the settlement of
the same.
Albany, Or., Hov. 9th, 1887,
si. L. Cowrtw,
. WV- Kxecator.
Atty for Executor.
Stiff Joints,
Hoof Ail,
Saddle Galls,
socom iUsbes for every bodr exactly what la c tainted
for It. Ooo of tbe rosaoaa for tbe great popularity of
tbe MuRnne; Liniment Is found ia its universal
applicability. Sasrybodyaasdssuebasiellouie.
The Lumberman ueeda it incase of occdent.
The llossevrlfb aeetia it for usneralf&m'ty use.
Tbe Cannier needs tt for his tsamsaud h a men.
The Mechanic needs it always oa bit work
The Miner nseds it in ease of omergonoy
Tbe l'leneer needs it cau't get along without It
Tbe Farmer needs it In bis bouse, bis stable,
and hi stock yard.
The Steamboat man or the Ilontmar needs
it In liberal supply afloat snd ashore.
The Horse-fancier needs it It Is bis best
friend aad safest reliance.
The Stock -grower needs it It will s&'e Mm
thousands of dollars and a world of trouble.
The It at 1 road man needs it nod will ned It so
long as bis life la a round of accidents and dangers.
The Backwoodsman needs U. These It noth
ing like it as an antidote for the dangers to life,
limb and comfort which surround the ptoses) .
The niorebant needs It about his store sniong
his employees. Accidents will happen, and when
these come the Kustang Liniment is wanted 1 1 once.
Keep a Battle tn the House. TU the Mstef
Keep a Bottle in tbe Factory. Itsimr ledlste
use In case of accident saves pain aad less of wages.
Keep a Bottle Always in the Stable for
use when seated.
5 I )s Sp
Si AVsisaUAaasaaf Sas sEssWfT
Y STVBSBBasBjs say isA
j 1 SAfMSsYs stA
The major' !y of the ,.f I
body arise from a diseased Liver. atus
mons Liver faguiator baa been the means
of reatorlnc more psoplo U beaJtit and
bappim by slvSnff them a hea.W-y
alivrr than ny other acne on oartb.
Albany Soda Works,
And Manufacturers ot
we are bow prepared to sell at
aaie, always freah aad pore at Portland
pricey to dealers, We alao keep a foil
lute and Tropical Fruits.
department la eom-V Wo keep the
sr finest etoek of suok.aa and ehewine
ttowseoo meerschaum snd brier nioea that
la a delimit to smokers.
trow flse asa rsurts svs"
will asatl a ssspsr
Slrsss spoa ressripS mi 10 1
sxpesue ot snantsss lart
t7 tie X29 Wakstsb Avesaae. 1
THIS is the top of the gen
uine arl Top" Lamp
mncy, ail others similar
are imitations. . . .
I his is the
exact label on
each one of the
Pearl Top
The dealer
may say and
think he has as
good, but he has not
Insist upon the exact label
and top.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
OVsiosd, S.-K1 all sOssr baaiasas to tisa V . S. Fs&sa
OSTcsittsaSsdssl to for msdsrsts tssa.
OarsaseatssBpoait tbs V. 8. SsSssnsOSW mmA
'wm mi saw
-wy rres sf casnrs ; sad srsass
jssata pstsnu
Ws rste hers, to ths
sjr order Dir. aad te
sdnee. Sam
" asi caamta m your own stats or conoij,
C. 4. S!sOW & CO.
Opposite Patest Office. Wssasasjtsav. O
Cut to order fross
eietbs eusfally
for style and srs sr. Over
pair gosrsnta daad essa-
sv proinptly tafssssbsi, sr
a now pair sa, U i
are rsturnsa as
TsU as about what s -r
you Uks, sn4 us year
sits, hip an-i aidosf
messnre, tstbrr wt'a
StsjMtSeta. forpewg
(or prrpaid ,xrres) aad
t ts as, or tntbsssTse
of saait lea wSt b a saV
packing. Or aa.
ol this pspsr, snd
euy..u, including
hk, . .I.nn.ill W- 1 . ' . . .
nen tapr-mossnre, a we
number of these packs- for sals at ig cents.
laSaaaaser at,.
Machinists, Millwrights, and Iro
K J now completely prepared to
handle all kinds of heavy work. Wa will
manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and
Saw Mill Machinery, and all klnda of Ironv
and Brass Castings,
Spoolal attention given to repalrintr ait
kinds of machinery,
next east of S. E, Yonng'a, Albany, Or,
Cutting and Fitting a Specialty.
Wednesdays and Thursdays of each
week, aad painting done to otder on
plaques and other material,
Nloe assortment of Artists materiala oa
tMas,svtat srvsar
dlrci ia ssramrt ssss all sjaasala saw
pesseael ex shaetly suss. TsUa asw Ss
ordar, sussf flprvee sausct sssat es? srrsay
Uttwa; row ssss ssss, awssna, wsssa, aw
Isave ttus wtttu ntaee IXTALTJAJKUB
BOOK eotstai Afas asallasa iiaanfl
ss aaset
As o cbana sssiasss
efSdsia attbaU. 8 ti,i