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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1887)
' " at tat Pout Otto at Albany, Or na-olass mall matter. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25, 1887 HUTTING. Milan aad man NVTnwa, lni uiur. DEMOCRATIC CITY CONVENTION, A naat meettag of th democrat af Al bany will be h.ld at the Court Hoaaa oa Saturday eveaiag, December 3rd, 1887, at 7 o'clock, for tha porpoe of nominating candi dal for Mayor, Recorder, Marshal aad TreaaurUr, to ba voted for at th election on Mmday. Daa. 5th, 1887 waan ataarriNaa. Tha committee recommend that tht various ward mooting bo hold aa Friday evening, Daa. tod, at 7 o'clock, at tha following plaota : First Ward Up utair iatae Cirouii Court Ward la the Couatv Court roam. Third Ward J O Cherry' foundry offio. Each ward will nominate ana oaadidate far Coaaoilmaa and aelaet a member of tha City Coatral committee, T. J. Srrno, Chairman, C O. Bcrxhakt, Julius GaaawoHL. A MAM ABOUT TOWN. Buainea between Albany and San Fran cisco Is not much as It "used to was." On a Thursday evening an Albany merchant ordered goods of a ban Francisco house. The order went by mall. Monday morning the goods arrived In Albany. In the evening the money want south In payment for them and Saturday morning the receipt arrived, four trips being made Tn a little over eight days. Few more business like transactions are rarely reported. O Last Saturday the M. A. T. met Mr. George McKnight just after his return from San Francisco, where he went with fourteen head of horses, which he readily disposed of. While gone George made a fine collection of horse halr,ecuring locks from the manes of Sab e Wilkes who Towered the three year old record, Stanford's reading, who lowered the yea. ling record, Maud a s mother and others. A woman might be proud of as fine hair aa some of these locks are made up of I When his collection is completed from all the famous trotters in America Mr. M. proposes to have a horse hair chain that will be a credit to any turf man O Albany people wince when they pay ya cents for eggs, but at the same time 44 cents wholesale was being paid in San Francisco and 4O cents In Portland. The average price since last Spring In Albany has been eighteen cents. At this price their hi money in hen fruit. W. 8. Jehaay. About a year ago Warm Spring Johnny tried at Eugene on the charge of at- to rob the Lane County Treasurer's omccconvicted and sentenced to two year's imprisonment in the State penitentiary. Thine was a general belief, shared by the Osmocbat, at the time, that Johnny was not guilty. The members of the O. A. R. of Eugene have come to this conclusion from a letter received from Chief of Police Par Hsh of Portland, and will petition the Gov ernor for the pardon of Johnny. Mr Par- rteh recently learned that a man just sent to the Montana penitentiary con teased to hav law been the one who attempted to rob the Treasurer's office and the matter will be in veathrated. Johnnv's attorney, Hon. L. H. Montanye, of this city, is doing what he can to learn the truth of the matter. It looks very much as if johnny had been wrong fully imprisoned, and there Is certainly enough in the proof to entitle him to a par don. A petition would be generally signed la Albany. "Did you hear the shooting" was the gen eral inquiry in this city Tuesday morning. Nearly everybody beard six to fifteen shots between twelve and one o'clock. Inquiry revealed the fact that Rev. Father Louis Metayer had been having an experience with burglars. Two men attempted to en ter hie sleeping room in the rear of the Catholic Church by the window, when, heaiing the noise he leveled a shot gun at them from the top of the window and fired. They fled over the Sisters fence, Father Metayer sent several shots after them, two hitting Mr. H. H. Hewitt's residence. In the mean time the Sisters had been awaken ed and going to a window fired a oouple shots, none of which took effect. Albany fa evidently infested by a lot of these tramp burglars, and shot guns should be used gen erally. They will frighten if they do not hit. Died from Blood Poisoning. Thursday of last week, Isaac Hutchins was greasing a saw on the farm af Mr. John Donaca, at .Sweet Home, where he has been county charge for several years, when he accidenta ly pricked his right hand in the pa m, just enough to draw blood. Blood" poisoning set in and Sunday evening he was a corpse. His body was buried on Monday. Mr. Hutchins came to Oregon in about 1S45, and when Linn county was organize.! -as made its -heriff under the term riai 4 ivcr.i-neoL At that time he was a man of prominence in the Va,ley. Afterward strong drink took command of him and he became an inebriate, final .y be ing place! on the. county. His wife has lived in this city for several years, where she has supported herself. She was unable to go to the funera of her husband. Mr. Hutchins was seventy-two years of age. The case is a striking one. Death of Qua Boenleke. Last Friday Mr. Chas. Kiefer received a telegram announcing the death of Mr. Gus Boenicke, at Eliensburgh, W. T., where he has been residing for sometime. Bis wife and two sons have lived in this city, one working in a brewery and tha Other, Albert, being a newsboy on the O Si C I he latter immediately left for Ellens burg. Gus wrs well-known in Albany where he has many friends who will regret hie death. Bad Kuaaway. Monday evening aa Mr J B Roberta, wife and ehild were starting for home from this eity their team ran away throwing all three oat to the ground. Mrs Roberts was seri ously hart, one of her ears being nearly am putated. 8b waa taken into a residence here and attended by Dr. Mae ton. Tk other were uniojareo. Report of ttrasd Jury. The Grand Jury laat week in its report wndemned the practice of Justiose of the Peace holding oaaea for the grand jury which they oould try themselyee, commended the county buildings and officers and recommend ad that new township maps be secured . Ualaeky. Eugene LaForest, of this city is unlucky having lost a fine $500 mare just after the State Fair, and laat week he lost a $300 mare. Worms in the stomach was the cause. Bats aad Caps At cost no close. N. II. Allen Si Co., pro- poee to sell every line of goods at coat. Call early and iccurc bargains. tt&AL BsTATR Following were tha recorded tales In Linn county during the past week t J If Ralston to F P Matobett, 1 lot, T Lebaaoa rt 100 T L Hargrove to J H Anderson, 170 aorta, 0, 1 w CX 1 K Bilysu to HQ Paul, 1-3 esvoral pieces of lead , 1,1200 B K Blodgstt to A F Hall.SS sores, 12, . w7 f 100 A F Hall to R Chaadlo. IS acres, IS J w IS0 Wm E Nswhoase to Wm Nsvhouse, 9 lots, block 18, Albany 1600 Wm Nswhouso to Matilda L Nowhouso, tame 1600 O B H sight to J as Germansen, S sores 11.4 w aw I J Long to C Hard man, 80,40 acres. 11,8 V , 500 US to T J Evans. 880 acres. 0. 1 w. .patent O P Holmaaito L Polar, block 229 HiA 1100 John.W Shuts to John .0 Shuta, 88 aaree, 14, 1 a eio D Bond to I)E Junkio, 30 sores, 12, 4 w 1800 Q W Mas ton to U X Chamberlain, of 3.0083 aoros M joining Albany 400 John Fox to Wm Halo, 3 pieces land 1800 Joha A Repp at al to Geo O Moore and Too o Hopk ins, all ot the Jas M Elliot estate . 11,000 Qeo C Moore to Wm B Cutler aad wife, several piece of lead 1 Circuit Coart. Circuit Court adjourned on Friday noon, Judge Stearns having to be in Portland to attend to his own Court. After going to press the following business was disposed of. John Rogers against John Schmeer, suit for damages. State against Wm Dougherty, State ajraintt Otto Brldgemont, Curran 8t Montelth against Mrs A Webster, suit for money, P J Porter against J C Elder, parti tlon, were continued. The replevin case of J L Cowan against A A Baahor was dis missed, l he case of Martha Houston art. Tosie Tim merman was continued, to be heard In chambers. In J C Johnson against Mary J Beard, an action to recover moneys judg ment oy oetauit was granted, l he case ot Martha E Sergeant against Wm Ne w house attracted considerable attention, and was full of interest It was a suit for board and care and also on a claim assigned by Mr George Young. After being out some time the jury brought in a verdict for Sajod-he Young claim being allowed in the sum of $80. Di vorces were granted Ella M Schioeser, Tart ton Taylor and Elmlra Foster. Oa Thursday morning says the Corvallis Gauette, word was received here that Thos. Bono, wno lives about three miles and a half from C orvallis across the river in Linn county, was found dead, Mr. Bond had re tired at the usual time, and his mother, who was the only party in the house at the time, called him the next morning and, supposing he had answered her, she went on with her work, but she was compelled to call again and, not getting an answer, went Into the room, where, to her astonishment she found all life had disappeared and his body lay al moat com. She immediately notified a neighbor and the remains were attended to and made ready tor the funeral which will be held to-day. At the time he was dis covered as dead the body was yet warm, showing that the death occurred during the latter portion of the night Hie brother and sister-in-law had left the dav before with a load of house-hold furniture for their home in Yamhill county, not thinking of such a thing as hearing this aad news. A Raaaway Wife. Last week a Benton county farmer and his wife came to Albany, leaving their fire children at home. While the former at tended to business around the city the latter went to a dentist's office awhile before noon. In the evening the wife not coming on the street the farmer went to the dentist's of fice, where he was handed a note from his wife, which Informed him that she would be some dtetanrr from Albany when he would read the note, and would not return again. No cause la known lor her action. It Is also reported that another farmer's wife, a neighbor, left him a few weeks ago It Is to be hoped the casee are not as bad as re ported. . Here We Are Again. Look at the list of valuable present to be given away to the customers of F. M. French on Saturday, December 31st, 1 887 ! 1st, one ladies solid gold watch. 2nd, one diamond ring. 3rd, one large dinner castor. 4th, one set knives and forks. One ticket given tor each dollars worth of goods purchased, and do not forget the fact that you can get bargains at the "Cor ner jewelery Store." Call and see the prizes. Fsebay k M soap's stock of plash albums is a magoiaoeut one, Basidss ineladiag all the novelties they are the moat durable goode io the market. Getting Ready Fee Winter Trade. Eli Carter, agent for Max Friendly, pro prietor of the Corvallis Saw and Planing Mills, ia receiving and storing in his turn ber shed a good supply of rustic, flooring, dreaaed finishing lumber, dreaaed cedar fence posts and pickets, railing, hose, and moulding. Dressed lattice material, etc. Assorted lots of hi hiding lumber furnished to order on shori , nice, at fair rates. Ten percent discount on car load lota, de ivfjred at O. P. R. R depot. For particulars see Mr. Carter at his office, corner of 4th and Railroad Sta., Albany, Oregon. w'ajoig Ajpaf jotuoo s eiuaeaid aaoitatjqo aoeid tsedeeqo oq eqx a.uDuajji ie ahq 01 Aueqiy u; The Next State Fair. The State Board of Agriculture met at Salem laat Tuesday. It v. a decided to do away with season tickets and charge 50 cents a day for men and 25 cents for wo men, a coupon ticket to be iaaued each day and sold for not less than $2.50. Premiums ot :pioo tor best, and $3 second beat Ore- fon manufactured woolen goods, and $100 :r best and $25 for second best display of mineral, win De offered, as well as other new premiums. In the condoe oitv election the Mover. Recorder aad Coaoodmeo will be elected for two years and the Marshal and Treasurer for ooe year. Baa. Over by a Car, Laat Monday evening Woodson Ellis wa ' it r vh assisting aectioo boss Kyao in propelling a hand car and a loaded construction ear. at Taosrent, when he alipped and foil uader the construction oar, a wheel passing over his right leg, mashing and breaking it above aad below the knee. Dr. Hill attended him aad sot the bones. His condition ia a precarious ooe. Boot aad Shoes. At cost by N. H. Allen St Co. This line of their stock is very complete with very de sirable goods. Having taken great pains to get best wearing, boots and shoes that could be bought, and Is a splendid opportunity to get your fall supply. Call early before sixes are broken. Still Baying. L, Sender is still baying good horses. Those haying them should bring them in. Clipped Dispatcher. San Francisco. Reports of the coast survey from Tillamook bay down to the Yaquina Heads lighthouse, and from Ya quina pier to Umpqua, havejust been made by Messrs Rockwell and Dickens, of the united States coast and geodetic survey. Much new and important information is ln eluded in the survey. San Francisco. China advices reed red hero state that the Tlen-Tsln correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury M October 8,eays: Judge O N Denny has arrived here from Seoul, coming at the special request of the king of arrange some matters relat ing to Cores with Li Hung Chang. , New York.-A special to the World from Paris says 1 An unknown man Jump ed from the top of the Arc de Triomphe which is almost 200 feet high. Before tak ing the leap he swallowed a strong dose of poison. The determined efforts of this would be suicided to put an end to his life were, however, doomed to disappointment. Half way down a friendly projecting hook caught his trousers and arrested his fall, He hung suspended for a few hours before being rescued. It was found he had sustained no injury and the strong antidotes applied speedily counteracted the effects of the pois on he had swallowed. He refused to disclose his Identity. Minneapolis. Nearly complete returns of tha O. A. R. vote on the propose'! de pendent pension bill have been received at the national G. A. R headquarters in this city. The vote is practically unanimous In favor of the bill. The general pension com mittee, Qen George S Merritl.of Lawrence, Ma.,a chairman, will compile the returns and present them to congress, London. Col Dopping and friends have decided to bring an action against Gladstone for slander. Amsterdam, N. Y An acowirte weigh! ing three tons dropped with a loud report in front of the Merchants' National hank on east Main Street at tt aothl morntng.mak ing a deep Indentation In the ground. Great excitement was created by the occurrence and targe crowds viewed the celestial visitor. Local experts find traces of Iron, nickel. aluminum and other metals in the aerolite. Omaha, Nov. aa Next Tuesday the Union Pacific will hare as a guest Mrs. Thomas A. Hendricks, of IndianopolUvJnd . the wife of the late Vice-President, who. with a party of lady friends, is going to Cal ifornia to remain during the winter. London, Nov. aa It Is reported from St. Petersburg, that Russia Is massing 300,- 000 troops on the German and Austrian frontier. The Austrian and uerman Gov emmenta are fully advised of Russia's movements on their borders by Polish Jews. Washington, Nov. jo. Mr, Taylor, the colored United states Minister to Liberia, Is here on leave of absence. He Is not enthu siastic about Liberia. He is opposed to the colonisation of negroes there, and says 1 "There Is not a horse, or a cow, or a mule, or a useful animal of any kind, not a single car or cart, or even a wheelbarrow, in the whole republic. But, I tell you, they are organized. They have a much bigger Cab inet than Pre side nt Cleveland. Every mili tary company has about twenty seven of ficers to two or three privates. There are a little over aooo voters in the republic, and fu'lv one-half of them are offke-no'ders." This will be remembered aa the count rv to which Miss L'ziie McNeal, of Albany, recently went as a missionary and teacher. -Ene, Austin, Texas, Nov. 21. Capt Schmidt of the state rangers, whose company has been scouring the Rio Grande frontier for the past two months, writes to Gov, Ross to day that they have killed and captured thirteen bandit infesting the frontier. San Francisco, Nov. at. The board of managers for disabled volunteer soldiers met to-day for the purpose of considering a site for the location of a home in Cadfomla Offers of sites were received from Hav- wards, Oakland, National City, YountvlKe, Petaluma, Mark West Springs, Santa Ream, Sonoma and Sacramento. Helena, M. T., Nov. ai . -Twenty thou sand people to-day participated in a grand celebration ever the com p etlonof the Man Itobe railroad from St. Paul to Helena. To night the whole city and the surrounding j mountains are Illuminated with bonfires and pyrotechnic dossiers. President Hill and party start east in the morning. Washington, Nov. a 1. -"Government receipt during the present month were $30685,346 I expenditures, $35,340,040 ; deficiency. $4,664.(04. Expenditures in clude $18,283,747, pensions. Net gold in the treasury to-dav $ao7,7$6,oaa an In crease of nearly $500000 since the firsthand nearly $aovOoaooo since July 1st, last. Cir culation of standard silver dollars has In creased over $1,000,000 since the 1st Inst.. and nearly $8,000,000 since July tat. Is It a Well. The following from a Corvallis paper smells of a bonanza bigger than their new school house, if there la anything in it ; "One day last week, while J. Wyatt, who lives about three miles west of this city, waa boring a couple of wells for the purpose of placing pumps therein to raise water for stock purpose, a discovery waa made, which, if it prove to be lasting, will be a great thing for this place. After boring down in one of the well to a debth of about fifteen feet it waa noticed that a terrible smell was arising from the opening where the men were working and upon examining Into the matter P. waa found that a vein of coal had been struck, and that Indications pointed to the finding of a gas well, Another boring waa started about aoo yards from the form er and after going down a little farther in this another coal vein was bored into and the same result was had in the way of gas arising. After boring for awhile workmen were compelled to quit work on account of the gas becoming too strong to work over. The conclusion of Mr. Wyatt is, that a gas well has Seen discovered, and he thinks that future developments will bring to light a big bonanza. Umbrellas at cost don't (orget that N H Allen Si Co., have full stock of umbrella which they will .ell at cost to close. Holiday Goods at French's. Postal Card Items. Scio. Last week Mrs. Pentland and son presented the Union Sunday School of this ! citv a fine bell tor the church. The act waa done in order to carry out a wish of Mr Pentland made awhile before he died. On the bell was this inscription : "Presented to the Scio Union Sunday School in mem ory of Robert Pentland, who died July 5th 807." Corvallis. Last week four boys here, whom the Leader calls young anarchists, named, Lyman Kelsay, Cheater Mason, Ned bcott and Eugene Aliphine were arrested for disturbing a meeting at the city hall. They weredound not guilty, though the evidence was pretty plain. Didn't make any more noise than they usually do. Pxoria. It is reported that a warrant has been Issued for the arrest of the Peoria saloon keeper for selling liquor to minora, and selling by the drink. The ladies of the M E Church will give a social at the parsonage en next Tuesday evening, Nov. 29th. All are cordially inyited. Drees Goods at Cost, N. H. Allen St Co., have concluded to go out of business, having electric light business on the brain. He will sell his en tire stock at cost and there will be a splen did opportunity to get your winter dress goods at coat. Call early while the stack is complete. Don't forget the piano and or gan which will be given away on Jan. 1st as advertised. 1 At a meeting of the State Temperaace AT lianee in Portland Taeaday Prof 4 M Miller waa elected President, and J R Knox, of thi county, Secretary. Strong resolutions were paeaed aad aa effort waa orgaoisid to establish a prohibition paper in Portland with a capital off 25,003. HI AND ABROAD. The ooaaly jail la empty. Egga are 38 coats io Albany. The heal harass at 1 L Thompson's. French, the jeweler, keeps railroad time, H Kwert, practical watohmaker and lew eler. c Robber goods at cost at N. H. Allan ft Go's. Some beautiful toilet seta at Foehay ft Maeon'a. J. P. Wallace, Phyaloiaa and Surgooo, Al bany, Or. If you want blankets go to Moatelth at Sei ten bach Half an inch of saow fell at tkie city yes terday morning. Home ilegaat novelties for holidays at Fe hay ft Maaoa'a If yoa waat boots or shoes go to Moa telth St Seitesbaoh. If yea waat the best harasss iu the market go to J J Da braille's. A project is on foot to build a railroad from Portland to Alaska. Sir shaves for a dollar aad a alt aa towel to every customer, at Thee. Jones. 7 0-ks cares rheumatism, neuralgia aad toothache. Fosbay Mason, Agents. Rsaort honed, sot aad pat la order at Joans' Shaving and Hair Dreaslag Parlor. F M French, agent Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellow Temple, Albany, Or. Dr J L Hill, of this city, la making plana for a large fruit orchard oa his farm at Soda villa. Dr. M. II. Kill, phyaieieo aad surgeon Albany, Oregon. Halle made la city or country. The Three Sisters" waa stack oa a bar below the city from Moaday antil Tassdsy eveaiag, Mr Eli Carter, of this eity keeps first-class lumber of all kinds. He deals oa the square. Call on him. All styles of hoots so I shoos and a large stock of groceries is what we carry. Kedosid A Brownll. Bauerlia aad Madden, the two Corvallis shoo tie to, wore discharged by the grand jury Wodnosdsy . Citv sleetioa one week from neat Moaday. Fire department election two weeks from neat Monday. We take thoooia. the easterners take the bargains, and the bargain take thi eake. Hodfisld A Srovaeli. Mr Jeltaa Oradwebl baa a magnificent stock of parlor tamps fit for the rosideaee of a qatea. See tkaaa. Every customer will be a walking adver ttsemeotfor oar bargains when they aaeeur prices. Redfiold 4 Browoatl. Ooe of N H Allen ft Co s ones tickets good for 5c 00 a dollars worth of goods astro haed at ih new Second Hand store. The completion of the O ft 0 eeeaea at a voiy bad time of the year. Not a very good to anew ear ear Valley. Uatoo Toaakagiviag services were hold yostordav at lb M K Charon Stoat, Bee Rounds delivering the sermon. Soiom talks of bnUdiag a toboggan slide. Right hr we an to remark that the Wil lamette Valley is not a tihtgaaa eoeatry. A fiae tine of geot'a aederweer aad faro iabtea good just received at Moll train will he sold at price that defy ompetitoa D C McPariaad wilt preaoh at Center nest Monday at II a. m., Harris 8 p. as. aad Hamebarg 7 p. aa. The Bepablieaa City Convention will be held at the Opera House Satarday ereatag. No. Srd, ward meetlaga the previous evoa log. Get year holiday hooka at Foehay St Ma son a. 1 nir stoea ta tag ana eeatetn the standard works aad aa welt the LUst in Laat Taeaday Mrs S B Tonag sold prprty corner seoona ana rerry Barest, ex f a am. etodtog the WCTU Halt, to L W Clark fartSSOO Julius Joseph haa added a fine stock of KrfctOmsssJm a JfttfJ nasmstsew sTamJ Me fruit. Call on him f for f reeh goods at able p ice. Lt Friday while trateherioc hoe is the soma try Mr Cooper Tamer waa anfortanate in having a kife slip aad take tare of hia Bags re nearly oar. Aaethsr eaipmoat el lasUee aeo sham fasaB width aad atsw jost ia this week. Co atom era reaaark what perfect beauties. Redfiold St B 1 on nail, sarding and lodging on raaaeaasls term at Mr Bails' reeteereat at comer of Baker First Streets, near Star Brewery. Ne Chine cooks. If you waat a stylish winter gtrmeot g to Montoitb Seiteahaeb, agenta for Springer Bros, tailor made garaaeota for tadiea, mieeea and children. O Green, of Soto, was indicted laat week for keeping a gambling place at that oity. aad an Friday waa arraated and released coder $100 bail, to appear at tha next Circuit Court. Tee past week haa bean a remarkably busy time with the far mars. Plowing and seeding has been pushed aa fast aa possible in anticipation of rain at aa early day. The oat look is good. The hurt aeaeaameat 10U has been Sled with the Seoretory of State. Ussatili being the last county to report. The total taxable oroperty amount to $id.S54,236 A levy of 5.f mi'U will ae made. The farm house of K L Skinner, In Polk county, opposite Salem, was burned Mon day morning, tksooon pants having esiy time toeeeap, evoa leaving their money Deniod, a farm hand losiag SCO. A B. Mellwaiahae the largest and fioeet stock of oarpeta io Albany, new goods of the latest designs, a spleadtd stock to gat a ear cot from. Sold at remarkably low prioaa eooetdertog quality af geeda. In the case of Lanr Lakta agaiait the 0 P R R Co. th Supreme Coart confirmed the decision of the Circuit Coart granting Mrs Lakin about 11600 00 account of the death of a ohild at the accident at the Summit two years age. A aplendid line of groceries and crockery ware at Conn Brothers, also everytbio g fresh m farm produce. The best breads of cigars and tobaccos. Good goods at bottom prioaa. That is their rale. Call oa them for your groceriee. The exercises at the Baptist Church laat Sabbath eveaiag, were fall of interest. Sev eral of the parts particularly attracted at toatioo . This church ba a good reputation for getting op fruitful children exercises. a m ena a mm m m Messrs roaaay Mason, druggists, are selling Wisdom s Rihertioe wholesale aad retail, and giving beautiful picture oards with every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of the kind in tke market. The "Telephone," the fa test steamer oa the Colombia burned at Astoria laat Sunday night. All of tbe passengers on board escap ed. Capt Saott with great presence of mi ad beaching the steamer. The boat was insured for 990 000, The fire started, it ia thcazht, io the oil room. Laat week by a vote of 113 to 46 it waa do oided in Corvallis to build a tine school building, which with grounds shall act cost to exoaed $25,000. Corvallis people are wak ing op and we rejoice to see so moohlapunk in nar nsignoor, it wui oe a paying invest ment. Last Tuesday Mr L C Brash sold the meat market property. 28 feet front, near Ferry St., on Firet atreet, to at Hyde, for 11250, Mr nrusn paia iuw tor to property a couple months ago. Mr Hyde will build slaughter hoaaa 00 hia farm aad open a meat market ia a tew months N H A Ilea let the contract for ereoting buildings for his eleetrio light ayatem to Morrison ft Keece, aad work has already been begun. Both the arc and incandescent liiihts wilt be ased. When oomoleted Al bany will be as brilliantly lighted aa aay eity ia Oregon. Mr Allen ia goiag to make thi a bosines, whieh insure n success. Oar oiti zens and eity government should stand ia witft him, The case of the State against Wm Dough erty arreated for assault with a dangerous weapon, mentioned in last weeks Democrat, wa continued to to next term. Mr Dough arty waa released under S300 bonds, The aooottat given by the Dimocrat should be twisted around a little. Mr Doagherty'a axonae for hia conduct waa that he ordered the Doctor to leave hta mother's premiaec and he would not do it. PSJtftONAL AKDHOCI AL. Governor Peonoyer waa in Lebaaea Tues day night. Miss Liaaia Weetleke left laat Moaday for her home at San Joe, 01. Miss Mattie Allison haa iocs ted at Aber deen, W. T t says an asohange. Mr Edward Zayaa left laat week oa a trip of California, for health aad proapsetiag. A aoolal will be given by the I tdiee of tk Presbyterian cbursh at the residence of J I Cowan this Friday eveaiag. Misa Alloa Porter, daughter of O T Porter, left Albany laat Friday tor Washington, D. O. where ahe will live with an aani, J B Ma far land waa in the oity Tuesday, Mr M, haa jaet moved oa his farm on the Saatiam, eighteen miles from Sweet Htme. Fraak Wyatt, of Orleans praciuot, waa in the city Satarday with three eayote scalp, for which he received $ 15 from the County Coart. Circuit Conrt is ia session at Corvallis thi week. J K Weatherford, Judge Fliao, C X Wolvertea aad Cap Humphrey have been in attendance. Mrs W Uagdon and 0 serge V Piper left laat Sabbath overland for Napa, Cel., taking with them the best wishes of the en tire community . A sheet and pillow case party waa tendered Misa Bird Thompson, of Corvallis, at the residence of bar sister, Mrs Wm Portmiller, on laat Friday evening. It waa a very en joyable affair. Henry Oonaer, formally of this eity, at teada toe Bishop Seett Grammar School ia Portland. Ia the laat quarterly eaaaalaaalai hia name appear la the list of the tea high eat ia ataadlag. Oat O F Elliot, US Swamp Lead Com. miseioaer and Mr C L Riohardaoo. Oreeon'a Ooaaaaiaeleoai. ware in Aibtey Monday en wear way to Yaquina Bay, 00 an iaapeotiag toar. Cot Elliott atated io this eity that not to aieeed fifteen ear cent of the land in spected by them la Eaatera Oregon la really swamp lead, and believes settlers will be able to get p amass too of maoh that ia claimed to he swamp land. Fare between San Francisco and Portland beginning with the first of next month, by way of the O R Sc N steamers, wilt be $10 and $7 50 The Supreme Court at New York City last Friday refused to admit Hong Yong Chang to the bar. At a meeting of the National W. C. T.U. at Nashville, Ky last Friday, Misa Krancea E Wlltard waa re elected President A pension ha been granted Alexander Downing, of Sublimity, Marion county. Prominent people through the East are pending conatderable tlmeln finding homb ready to be lighted lytng around the corners of their honeaa. P T Barnums grant circus property at Bridgeport wa partially burned mat Sun day. Eleven elephant and a Uon escaped. All were captured, the latter while eating a A $MScx mortgage waa filed at Kan sas City laat Saturday. More than covers the farme of several valley counties A fearful storm swept over Lake Michi gan laat Sunday, conekterable damage be ing done. A Dutch steamer collided with an Eng lish steamer, near Dover, laat Sunday, caus ing n complete wreck of the former and the loan of one him deed thirty Uvea. A heavy fog waa tha cauae of the accident. Whiteiaw Reid now owns Ophlr farm, the property on the Hudson Ben Hotttady lavished so much rnomv on. Reid paid Sooojowo for the property, considerable money lor a newspaper man to epend on a sum mar residence. Iowa haa begun the btlaaard business for the winter. Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, is to be im proved at a coat of $14,000. The State Temperance Alliance is In aton ta Port and this week. Sheriff Sloan, of Lane county, haa re turned to Eugene with windier Ho gan. Atlanta, Georgia, that had each aa axeit ing prohibitum campaign two years ago, when prohibition earned Sy a majority of about 450 will again rote eo the subject to- It ht seed tha campaign hs of two year ago. Aa Enemy to Frail. The greatest enemy to fruit raising here and In other place haa been the cod II n moth. How to get rid of the little enemy ha been a great study. At a meeting of the fruit foweu of California at Santa Rosa recently numerous papers were read on the subject Aa the subject is one that should be made a atudy by Linn county farmer wegiye aome of the suggestions made. Prof. Kee, State inspector ot peats, said the greatest success has been met with In a solution of one pound of the arsenical preparations, Paris green and cmdon purple, to 180 gallons of water, but he advocated the use oca solution of whale- oil soap and bisulphate of potash In prefer ence to any of the arsenical preparations, although he acknowledged the efficacy ot the latter, and recommended the use ot the aoap and sulphide In connection with the band. He thought the beat effects could be obtained from three sprayings, during the three stage of the fruit's growth. Prof. '.vickson told of a plant known a the"thy- sianthus Albeus," which is regarded in New Zee and as being a natural trap for catching the oodlln moth. The plant grows rapidly and la covered with blossom,which are said to ho d the moth fast when It pushes Its pro boscis down into the callz of the blossoms. The plant grows freely in California and probably would In Oregon, and had been experimented with extensively ,as a result of which it had been found the blossom waa a trap for catching the moth, but also entraps honey-bees and other Insects. One speaker did not believe any poison was effective ; but this waa disproved. Too much arsenic al sprav, though, ia liable to Injure the fruit. An Albany gentleman says a lot of hens penned In among the trees, making the or chard their home, will kill the pest which has killed so much fruit In Linn county. Com Ceaaetl. Taeaday, Nov. 23rd, 1887. J Oradwohl io tha cha r. Plan for a bridge aoroa the canal at Eighth and Montgomery were reported. Contract with John Crawford atf 100 for hydrants for city purpose reported made. Matter of 01 tern la Third Ward continu ed. Sidewalk improvement needed ware re ferred. Otdinaaee 173 relating to rebate of unex pired licenses waa paaaad. Mature of grading Water Street, Ella worth t Broadalbiat petitions for oroaa walk at Washington and Eighth, along block 127 IV A., and at Third tad Madison : peti tton for street lump at Farry au 1 4th, and re quest of W 0 Tweedale for privilege of taoy ing woooen outiaiag in nr limits, were re . a I 11 b y a . ferred. The Commissioner was directed to notify property ewaer lot 5, block 8, to build 8 foot walk, and property owner to fill in and grade on Ellsworth Street to Eighth. Contract for building bridge across canal at Ellsworth and Eighth waa let to Clelan A Hughea for 879.50. Commissioner waa directed to notify O. P. R . R. Co to gravel crowing oa Third Street. Fiae Tailoring. Gentlemen can select from the latest line of samples direct from San Francisco. Fall nd winter suits, and pants, cut and made In the latest atyle, below coat. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. Mclaughlin, tailor, Albany, Or. Muslin Underwear. I hare received my new stock of muslin nndarwear . These gooda are made oa a lock attoh machine, aad warranted to be foil size and length and price reasonable. SASsTS&JS. I0TO9, CHICKEN BR10TL8. He came In from the foothills dreaaed in a faded pair of elephant suspenders and a paper collar, a kind of hunerv hill look seemed to hang oyer his noble brow and the pinched and tired look of hia cream colored mustache told that the saunt wolfe of hunger was gnawing at his vitals. Walts- lag into the grocery department of Church ill Si Montelth he atood for a moment wrap ped In thought and a pale blue neck tie. All at once his countenance seemed to change and a look of firm determination came jumping up into lite cold gray eyes, "I'll do it' he whispered, and going up to the sad eyed clerk who was busy thinking of the laat years bang that hta second beat girl gave Mm when the Chicago elngere were in Lebanon, he ordered a can of oysters. The dazed and absent-minded clerk reached him down a can of baking powder, a can opener and a quart of vinegar. The man irom trie fern mils looked aome what sur prised when he got the can open and softly remarked to himself that he didn't know that they ground oysters so dum fine. But having perfect confidence In the firm he waa dealing with he poured the vinegar in on the powder and ate It with a relish that gener ally comes to a man after he has fasted for a week or two. As he finished putting him self outside of the baking powder he took out his purse, paid for his meal and walked up to the stove, held out hi hands aa If to warm them, but quickly drew them back hind placed them on the pit of his stomach, a toon of wild surprise came over hit face. in feet didn't want to stay on the floor, hi eyes began to reel tn hie head, hie back humped up like a cats, his suspenders broke and then lie tried to go up and kiss the sky- . t . T M m . . iigru. 1 ne ciera wanton to anew of him af lie didn't feel well and even hinted that he aht be troubled with Indignation. He hta health had alwaya been good, but just at present there seemed to be a kind of agravated fullness or J.I. Case motion of the Inner man, and if the clerk would excuse him he would go out and take a look at the pale cold moon. As he passed out the tea weigher picked up the fatal can. As he looked at It an awful fear took hold of hi left side and he wished that he had never parted hi hair In the middle. Rushing to the door he opened it just in time to be blown back Into the dry goode department and aa he heard the falling timbers of Dr. mm ,aa a .a rotey's earn coming down on the store then he knew that the baking powder had done its work. Gathering himself tocether he got a lantern and with the feeling of a mur derer he went out Into the darkness to look for the victim of hi carelessness. He soon' found what waa left of the foolklller and carefully taking hins back into the store he nut the remains in the baking powder can. set them upon the shelf, locked the door, put the key In his pocket and went down the street singing ; "The laat time that I saw her, Waa at the singing echoed." Mr. John Cyrus and the Beaklna Brothers. Frank and Boon, are bnsily engaged build ing their saw mill on Crabtree Creek, at the mouth of wasing river. The mill when built will be one of the beat in Linn county. Situated as It l in the midst of a fine tract of timber, we see nothing to prevent these young .energetic men from making their ventute a financial success. Brick Dear. TAKGCMT. Oarsehool here a odor tha of li- Prof H W Herroa i in a MSJte, MM genera by t he patrona. We ehaaaee! to his atf sated a eoaeeraatton of ooe of the director of one nasgbboriag Die- tnot. Ha 25. ta which he said t Mian Minnie MePartand, waa giviag exe! teotestisttetieo, the pupils exhibiting aa aav osuU interest in their atadto. Prof Silnt oootisaee to give metre otiooa to oar oaad three time par week, a odor wbcee exootlest iaetrnotson the band ia iag good improvement. Laeasaooetb K r a. Moaaa waa el to deliver the thaakagiviog aermoa at this ptaee. Tha Sabbath School, with X L Sa porta toda t, wbiea at 10a. m., is still la a Mr Geo Cochran had a lively ran way the ether day. which will probably reealt in five or ton dollar fur site wagon maker. The warehouse bare ia running early aad late in overhauling and eleaaiag wheat. Mr Harvey of our f eraser school teachers, but at proa eat a etedeut of the Wil laaeett University, ta visiting at Mr A L Bridgefarojer a. Mtaa Alii Parkinson, from your eity, is viaitiag her parents here. Mica Litxi West! aha has left for her hem ta California. Mice Maggie Mc Far I and eo cooipaeied her. HHCDD. Austin Olen waa In the city day before yesterday. Austin Watts went to Portland on bust- ness last week. Tone Cannon, of Peoria was in the neigh borhood last week gathering up cattle, such as cows and calves. George Porter, Esq . of Halsev was In the dty during the week. Pound A valuable handkerchief was found tn the Good Templar hall week be fore last, the owner will please let himself be known. Messrs Porter and Robinett who have been attending the State University will come home Thanksgiving and will return Mcaiday. Tha amount of business carried on here Is surprising, even the number of arrests made here in a short time evidently shows that Shedd is the liveliest dty of its size In the State. Editor $ Democrat : An article anoaara tn vour saner that will do injury to the oartie mentioned. I refer to the account ot the difficulty occurring Be tween Mr. Wm. Dougherty and Ur. 1. . Woodle, knowledge of which reaching the Deoutv District Attorney led to the arrest of Mr. Dougherty. In the first place Mr. George Miller made no demand for the poa aeaaton of the stable as the article says. There was no quarrel, and all the force or action on the part of Dr. Woodle was to hold Mr. Dougherty to prevent injury with tne ax, with which the assault waa made by Mr. Dougherty. The rope tying waa done by Mr. McOonnell, and, at the Instance of Dr. Woodle, she untied the rope and let Mr. Dougherty loose. The statement that Mr. Dougherty cut himaelf loose with a knife Is entirely without foundation. The assault with the hatchet and ax was made before the tying waa done. An-Eye WiTxaae. In reference to the above we will aay that our item merely atated that tU account of the affair waa the current report. We were mistaken In saying that Mr. Miller had any thing to do with the demand of the premises, and the axe clinging should have been before the tying. Otherwise it ia our opinion the Democrat's account waa sub- stantlallv correct. By the way It waa the Herald that said Woodle and others did the tying, and also that Dougherty cut himaelf oose. The touching up should have been mutual. In writing up Items like thla a newspaper la bound to make little dUcrep encies,and when thla case cornea up for trial we predict the witnessea also will do so. That is generally the history of trials Eos. Our Boads. Albany, Or., Nov. 19th, 1887 Editors Democrat : It doesn't take much argument to prove that Linn county roads are not in the beat condition, and, when repaired, are often left worse than they were before, it this sud ject could be aired a good deal in your pa ner. I am aure that urood would come. The vou will have space for it. space QUGMODO. JThe article referred to will appear next week. It h a very convincing one. Eds. WANTED That tha publij FOSHAY k Have th la BOOKS AND FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS That baa ever been diaplayed io Alba ay and at extremely low prioaa. Look Through Oor clock and yon will ba convinced what we aay fa tree. Stewart DEALER HARDWARE Iron, Steel, Goal and Chain. AOIIfmllTUUL IMPLEMENTS, ' WAGONS AND BUGGIES, WACOM MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE AND CORDAGE, SILVER STEEL STEWART & SOX. Down. gfi to fit aheap ee thou ia Pert laud : Up holstered rook era, tha fioeet stock ever ia Al bany. Wicker chuira ia alaaoat tidier vari ety, fiae enough for an Alileraaaa to ait in. All kinds of chairs. Twenty-two varieties of wicker oaairs alone, 14 of rockers. Elegant aad substantia! goods. Fanev basket, stand, ate., that make, sstomsta sst st sight 'Til take ooe." N finer holiday present can be imagined. Sofas and bed lounge in many designs. I aad bed aad bureaus in new and attractive Novelties too. See them. Goods came knock down from the East, will be aold at knock dovn Bought low. Da not pas Was. FortmilUr St Ooe furni ture a tore without finding out for yourself. Bala or Saaahiae. Oreguauana like th rain of winter. Sun shine ia good in it place, and so is rain. Working together they are poweifal agents in the prosperity of a country. Maguifiosat wheat crops ; large potato yteina ; one fruits, aueh aa apples, pears, prunes, etc., and an aaearpaaaed stock of grooeriee ai d produce at Wallace St Thompson a, who, rsin or sen- shine, are ap with the times, if not ahead of j Bee their tine stock of good. Standard whit shirt. 65 seats I Bom of the Bond overalls, 60 osata ; 4 pair of seam lea seeks, 98 cent ; regular price 4 for 60 cents, and other bargatna to match, at A. B. Mcllwaia'a. The Moat Agreeable as well aa the moot effective method of dUtpelllng Haadaohoi, Ooldaaod Feyera, or oleaiaaTng ot ayatem, ta by tak ing a few donee of Figa. SOo. and $1 bottles for sale Foehay A Maeen. THAT HACK I No COUGH can be eo quickly cured by Shiloa'a Care. W guarantee tt. V will nav aiz oenta nor nound for nork on accounts and in exchange for meichanuiae. Ait aaoda at the lowest cash price, fork re ceived on Tuesday aad Thursdays. THojirsox St waters. Brownsville, Or. N H. Alloa k Co.. have in stool; a splen- Sal Itaa at AAwaafa eAnmimtin a a? fckga illfltlV Uia gsaav VI Wl m as mm waavawv w ww 4 celebrated C. P a, Dr Warner', Dr Leo's S. K'e. th Albaav Standard, oar spinal brand, also the Everlasting, Self Ad justii g, Nettie and many other n.ake. Ladies are aspeoial ly invited to call and inspect them.. MARRIED. mmmmmmmauaaest si 1 1 -a- KEENAN KUNE. On Nov, i-Sth, 1887. at Soda-vine, by Elder Ta. Va iderpool, Ms. S. E. Keshan and Miss Maggie Kink both of Linn county. BORN. IHRIG.On Nov. 18th, 1887, in this city, to the wife of Adam I h rig a son. RANKIN. On Nov. 16th. 1887, near Al bany to the wife of R. Rankin a son. nONN On Monday. Nov. aist. 1887. in Albany, to the wife of Mr. Perrv Conn a boy. Administrator's Notic. T . , . n.., ,u.. j - Mtfm abroad naa tola day tn I Administrator of the aetata of Samuel T Harris, deoaasad, by the County court or Linn county. Oregon, and that all persona haying claim against aaid estate tare heie- by notified to present ton same to me nr deraignoa at nia reaiaanoo near m no, vrt I wA. ihI iaa? Dated Nov. 3rd, 1887, J, EL Pawnr, Ac m'r, Hewitt A Betas. Att'ys for Adm al.on d know that MASON d beat awort merit of & Sox, Iff. BAWEO (WIRE,? BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, POWER AND SNOT. BLASTING AND GIANT MINTS AND OILS, 0M3EK ANDjCRASSISEEBS.! X Cut Saws, YOU DO now that Christmas is Coming, H. EWERT, the leading jeweler. Hang cut hi Holiday sign aa follow a O n 1 Magnificent Stock of LADIE&AND QSNTS WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER RINGS, 1 FRUIT BAIHET8, Brooches, Earrings, Charms, clocks. avKcracLca, ratao, THIMBLES, SLEEVE BOTTOMS, Keep Your III Open, JULIUS GROCER TOBACCONIST, 1 IFIjRkVT ST., Next to Burkhart tt Kceacy's Real office, ALBANY, OBEOOK, Oity Blaotion, j Notice i hereby given, ot tha f mlmotistn in mna4 Tv kav fNm A TL. 1 v www eve aaa ooaava tvt aow v'ISJ n em VssfSJt sUSfBSP county, Oregon, on Monday, tk Sta day af December. 1887. for the Dnroose af alas tie the following City officers ; Ons Mayor t one Recorder ; oae Marshal and one member of the Council from ward , and alao to vote noon the aaaafasm of increasing tha levy of the city maimmiat for the year 1888, from five to six a ills, the ex tsa mill to be ased for sower purpose only, submitted as follows : For a levy af atx nulla, "Yes," or 4 "No." Th voting places for the a vara! wards will be aa follows : First Ward, County Clerk's office ; Second Ward, Couaty Troaa- nrer'a office ; Third Ward, Farmei'e Wg house ofioa, dodges and Clerks of election : Flint Ward, Judge : David Froinan.Meitanftya JF Baokanato; Clarke, F L Kenton, BL Dorria. Second Ward, Judge 1 Elite Knox. I w Ketehum. L Sender : Clerk. Case Pfeiffer.GC Will Third Ward. Jndgee : J S Clark. Sen., R A Irvine. W V Baltimore; 01S2dLwJL12i?S!2,.---i - m th morning aad continue witkea dosing aaid day. Lad at Albany, Or , this 23rd day at November, 1887. N. J- HxTx, City Reeoraur. Boyd, a government officer at Sam Fran ; ci&co on one occasion took a bath in Si cam I . a. ... a OSEPH wortn 01 cnampagne, oetng too cesxnm aw I $5 a bottle.