The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 25, 1887, Image 2

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    flu Democrat.
Th Crown Prince ol Gorman y (Prus
sia) hu cancer in the throat and it Is
thought he will not live long.
Sullivan, Blaine and Buffalo Bill are al .
in Europe. It makes this country lone
come to export all our circus.
Omaha wants the next national repub
lican convention. By the way what does
Omaha want with such a tame affair ?
Prof. Kijrler, principal of the Park
school of Portland, accused of cruell v beat
ing one of his pupils, was fined last week
15 and costs, tie took an appeal.
The democrat of the United States con
turned more turkey yesterday than they
have In many long years past. The past
year has been one of peace,plenty,prosper
Ity and democrattc success, and they have
bad much to be thankful for.
Col. J. R. Fellows, one of the most bril
Bant and eloquent criminal lawvers in
the country .lately elected District Attor
nr for New York Cltr, aays that Cleve
sr f
land can crry New York State by 30,000
majority against any man the republicans
may nominate.
There are indications that wheat it
about to advance to figures at which the
market will assume some activity. Noth
ing is more needed to add life and activity
tobusine nnd trade just now than a suf
nciex.1 advance to induce farmers to sail.
The national convention of the W. C
I . at Nashville the other day adopted
resolutions against the Internal revenue
system. This is a orrave mistake as time
will prove. To repeal the internal reve
nue tax on liquors would make them prac
ticallv free
The official vote for Governor in Mary
land is Jackson (dem.) 98,938 and Brooks
(rep.) 86,64. Democratic majority, 12,39a
In 1884 the vote was, Cleveland 96,932
Blaine 85,699. Cleveland's majority,! 1,233.
And this is the revolution in Maryland
that republicans have boasted so much
Our sprightly cotemporary. the Oregon
Vidttte, aays :
"Our devil says there is only one draw
back in being a prohibitionist, you never
have anv bottles in the house to throw at
the cata'at night."
Could not your "devil" borrow bottles
of your neighbor, the Statesman ?
Herr Mot,the loud-mouthed New York
Anarchist, was arrested last week lo mak
ing an incendiary speech.calculated to in
cite riot. Let this pestiferous disturber
of the public peace be properly punished
for his persistent unlawful conduct. Let
him know that this i a country of law and
The state tax levy mad by the State
Tax Board last Monday Is five and two
tenths mills, four and nine-tenths mills
being for the current expenses of the stc
for the yenr commencing tha first of Jan
uary, 1888, one-tenth mill fbr the State
University and two-tenths mills military
tax. It may seem strange that the mate
evy for current expenses should be raised
from one and nlneteen-twentieths mills
ast year to four and nine-tenths mills this
year. The tacts surmunutng tne wnme
matter of tax levy for current expense of
the stat for the last four years would
seem to Indicate that there Is a "nigger In
the woodpile." Let these facts be stated
and considered. The first three yar of
Gov. Moody's administration the state tax
levy for the ordinary current expenses of
the state government was four mills for
each year. The last year of his adminls
tratlon the levy for such purpose was
three and one-tenth mills. In September,
1886, the State Board.(Moody,Earhart and
Hirsch, all republicans,) in pursuance of
law.made an estimate of what th current
a t 9 a.
expenses ot Governor rennoyer nrsi
years administration would be.and herein
appears the Inveterate colored entity hid
den in the woodpile. For the three first
years of their administration the levy was
four mills for state current expenses, and
for their last year It waa three and one-
tenth mills. But here they gravely meet
as a board and say that the current expen
ses of Pennover's first year could be met
by a levy of on and nlneteen-twentieths
mills In th face of the fact that Moody s
last teat had coat three and one-tenth mills
and then left a deficiency of $40,000. In
other words thy estimated that the cur
rent expenses of Pennoyer'a first year
would be $279,000, while their last year
had cost $3i2,ooo,and of the $379,000 that
the one. and nlneteen-twentieths mills
would raise the legislature afterwards
ordered $22,000 returned to the several
counties of the state on account of taxe
paid under the mortgage tax law,and $28,
ooo belonged to the war debt fund and
Tha State Temperance Alliance of Iowa
is in the field with petitions asking the
legislature of that state to submit a pro
hibitory amendment to the voters of that
state. From this we would infer that the
Alliance has fears that in the near future
an attempt mav be made to repeal their
present prohibitory law.
could not be used.thus leaving $239,000 to
pav the current expense of Governor Pen
noyer'a first year, while the last year of
Moody's administration nnd cost $31 2,00a
Of course this low levy of lat year left
large deficiencies, which must be met by
an increased levy this year. But the total
lew of the last two years of Governor
Moody's administration for current expen
ses was seven and one-tenth miliars com
oared with six and seventeen twentieths
mills for the first two year of Gov. Pen
noyer s administration, mu making a
showing of one-fourth of a mill (n favor
of a democratic administration. We expect
to be called upon in the near future to go
somewhat deeper into this subject, as a
number of republican paper in the stale
have indicated that they win make war
upon our democratic state administration
on account of extravagant method in the
management of state matters. We hope
they may sift matters to the bottom. a-, no
democratic administration can afford to be
unfaithful to their trusts.
The Statssman says :
"The efforts of the Albany Democrat
to make iu readers believe that the dem
ocratic party is the temperance party, and
that the vote in JLinn county was an evi
dence of this alleged fact are tiresome.
Such Muff U as thin as moonshine. Go
tell such stories to the marines."
The DfcMm-RAT has never made any ef
fort to make Iu readers.or any rcaders,bc
lleve that the democratic party Is tkt tern
perancc pat ty, or any temperance party
We never have ald, nor hinted, that the
vote in Linn county, or any county, was
nn evidence of this alleged fact, or of any
fact, nnd we hereby call upon our cotem
porary to adduce the proof to establish Its
allegations in the matter, or we shall take
judgment against it bv default. '1 here it
no proof of the statement, as every reader
of the Dkmockat knows. We have never,
at anv timc.said.either publicly or.private
ly, that the democratic party is a temper
ance partv, nor do we now believe that 11
I a tcmnerance nrtv tr st. The Da Mo
m - a tf m
caAr took occasion to y during the pen
dency of the late amendment campaign
that the issue raised by the prohibitory
amendment was not a party question at all
Not a question that would array one party
en one side ano inc other party on ine
ether. We believed then, as we do now,
that it was a mere question ot stat policy,
as much divorced from party politics as
either of the other two amendments. We
therefore regarded it as perfectly proper
and consistent for democrats or rcpubll
cans to vote for or against the prohibitory
amendment without in any degree impair
Ing their party standing. No, we are not
trying to make any body believe that the
democratic party t a temperance party
but we are engaged in disproving that mis
erable., hypocritical pretense that the re
publican party is a temperance party and
the democratic party a whisky party. This
pretense ha been set up by republican
leaders for years,and,although It has been
disproved time and again, yet there are
still left those who still cling to this rntty
miserable, padding and prep to maintain
the form and perpendicularity of the re
The publication a 1 days aims of th
fac -simile of President reshody's latter i
still the subject of much comment.
It lined to be consider HI a question of pro
priety to say a ainu wo ru or me reams 01 a
treatment other than that prescribed by a
reKMhr practitioner ; am f tile time was wheu
u man using an advertised remedy did so
nn ire or I- m surreptitiously. However, this
hin Imppllv given aw ay to a broader and
in. ire liberal viw or things, typIQed in Mr.
IVhIhmJv 's tnmk expren lion that ho Knows or
no valid rea .mi why commendation should
ut be equally as hearty luono Instance as in
the other.
Certainly thin would appear fair in thefaee
of the farts. Ho ww assured that the Injury
would confine bun to the house for three
weeks or more, vet In three days' us of the Oil
he was out and about bis duties as If nothing
towM.' of 1 lift dollar can tiyt bn truly known Until you visit Wallace k Thorn p
fto&'e fltoie, atid invrst a few of thi m in groceries-, produce, etc. You wiil fben
hid that w bate the
had happened. Surely a remedy that will so to tnke n dollar go as far a a dollar and a half
practically demonstrate It efficacy and that .j0 uil j, h 1 1 t,r..i; T ( .
Km stood foremost, as has St. aeobs Oil, 1,01 imm " P "f POt. It i tl
upward of ten years as unapproachable for
the eradication of pain, is justly entitled to
rank aa a standard.
That manv physicians prescrle it is
true as that many physicians use It, and It is
only mow 01 tne very oiu school who, true 10
ancient llrlno, can see no uood iu it. be
cause it is made known to the world. Not
hunt since one of thosadronosxtaoasdulantlal
not to a friend requesting three bottle b
sent for his personal use Immediately.
without it hi hands were "simply no hand
at an. uut, cnimnuwi ne, fur uearetr
sake don't say 1 said so." This is literally
Thrifty peopl will appreciate our v!us
ami prices.
KxDrraxD ft Brows m i..
need to. Thi i 00 iheorc-
thert yon will learn
ofz, tUr will give yon a thrill of -pleasure and make yon feel en good terms
with Htoro.keep.trF, tba woild in general, nod Wallace ft Thompson in particular.
siliLoH'8 OOUOS and Consumption
Cur la mold by us on guarantee. It cure
million's VITALIKBK is what you
need for Uenatlpatloo,
Prion 10 and
CATARRH CURED, health and awe
breath secured, by Hhtieh's Catarrh Rem
edy , Price 00 fleets. Nasal injector rr
The store of Montaith & Haltanbach is
crowded with seaaeoabte aad fashionable
goods, their lis of dress goods, fancy gsods.
and cloaks are immense and if yen aettreto
pleasfl yourself giye them a esll.
i'otcbasing 1 oner of th dollar is cot always known by the quantity secured in
return for it, the quality must also be there. Wallao k Thomnaon male a
Xdam cumbinaiion end glee you both. Qieo them a trial and they will save
id 7ft cents perboUl, 7 f 0,1
' 11 V
publican party.
News from the post office department is
to the effect that, notwithstanding the re
cent heavy reduction in postage rates, the
department is self sustaining. This i-
suits from good times and careful manage
ment. A (ew years ago the malls used to
carry a halt ounce letter tor three cent.
Now they carry an ourTcc letter for two
cents. Newspaper pottage Is reduced one-
half. The free delivery system is extend
ed. And yet the department is selt-sus-
teinlng,and more, counting in the work it
does free for the government. Is not thi
something to be proud of f
Mrs. Hendricks, widow of Vice-Presi
dent Hendricks, goes to California nex1
week to remain over winter.
Tfc rawtttcraekee, Altaajr. or
bare all the asmt!ve taken by
ax too and any one nan have dupll
from their negative by addressing
You are the Man
we want to goo.
We like
will only serve to throw
upon onr methods of doing
We ask for comparisons.
tbem. Compare oar stock with any
other ia tbe Central Willamette Val
ley and yon will flod
ne hare a stock of
y addressing
ua, at tL following prions : Card six. $2
per doaso, cabinet site, i& per dosen, bou
doors, M per dosen. I keep the ii
tin of Oregon vwa in tbe west, OnnV
loerne furnished on eunilvatlon Oopylna
ana enlarging old picture a specially.
i, 0. Cnswmno.
Mrflwaia's Clothlag
Mc II wain's flt aad winter stock of elolh
teg Is arriving. It include the latest style
snd is commanding attention. his fjbtn-
chills costs. Ptoo stook to mIroi from. All
seeds warranted ss represented and perfect
lite guarsntecd.
Hw Dry deeds.
Th fall and winter eteek of dry goods
raoateai at MellwsinV, is s lam on, well
fleeted, embracing all tho latest noveltie,
snd in quantity and of a quality not sqrpass-
d herr. Ih not bey without examining.
The Very Best
Beta More Pleasant
Beginning December 1st, the Western
s M sIm a
inion leiegraph company will make a
sweeping reduction in rate of message.
vThe maximum rate for any message of ten
words within the borders of the I'nited
States and Canada, will be 75 cents. The
former price was $1. This proportion of
reduction will be maintained on almost all
former rates.
Henry George hardly knew how to ans
wer th question propounded, but after a
thoughtful pause said : "The result of the
election will lead to the nomination of
Cleveland, and to his election. I do not
think Blaine will be nominated. I am in
clined to believe that Blaine will not sc
cept a nomination if tendered to him."
The official list of the members of the
next House of Representative shows that
it will consist of 168 democrats, 153 repub
licans and 4 independents. The indepen
dents arc Anderson of Iowa, Nichols of
North Carolina, Hopkins of Virginia and
-Smith of Wisconsin.
One George Robinsop.a showman, offer
ed Mrs. Linng, wife of the Chicago anar
chist who killed himself in prison, $10,000
for tbe use of Linng' s body one year to
exhibit over the country. Foolish show
man. Does he not know that the people
of this country have already seen more of
Linng and his confederates than they
want to see sgsin ?
It is ssid Gov. Hill will send in the nsme
of Col. Fred Grant to the New York State
Senate, which meets the first of January,
for the office of Quarantine Commissioner
in place of "Me Too" Platt.who i holding j
over since the last session of the legisla
ture, because the Senate then refused to
confirm Grant who was appointed then by
Gov. Hill.
Before the late election in New York,
when every indication pointed to sn si
most certain republicsn victory, republican
papers set up the claim to their resders
that the result in New York would settle
the question of the next presidency. If
they carried it Blaine or some other repub
lican would be preside nt.and if the demo,
crats carried it Cleveland or tome other
democrat would be the next president
Well the democrats literally swooped up
the state.and already these papers say that
the result signifies nothing, and that there
Is very little doubt but that they
able to carry the state next fall.and if they
should not.thcy say Indiana, New Jersey
and Connecticut are all doubtful and that
if they should csrrv Indiana and either
one of the others they would win. Well
if this very remote contingency affords
our friends any comfort we hope they will
be allowed to enjoy it as much as possible,
but candor compels us to interject the re
mark here that the evidence is indubitable
that Cleveland is very much stronger to
day in New York.Indiana.Connecticut and
New Jersey than he was in 1884 when he
carried all of them.and if he and the de
To the teste, more acceptable to the
stomach, snd more truiy beneficial in it
action, th um ms ualtiornU liquid fruit
remedy, Mjrrup of Figs, la mp! liy asper-
aeaingsui oiuers, try 11.
Tbe following from an xobaag is a nag
niticeut ward picture- of the experience of all
local editors. It is often tbe fact ihul the
person woo 1 to man sonsiuva is toe on
who do not take a paper at all ; "Th man
who handles tbe local department of a
newspaper, learn, after due tapnneoo. not
to expect briefly si pressed thank for a col -
sea of pleasant tnttig,iut he knows as ur
ly as cometh the winter that a line is which
there is a single unintentional misreorcaen
tat ion will cans some, to h he ml from as on
a housetop. And we may add that when a
baa anad pleasant menttoo 9yj time of some
person, piso or thing, and o the thou
audtb occasion fails to do so he may not hope
to bo lorgivsa. I s emission may have hen
from accident, ioadvertooc. or even fromao
entire lack of knowledge ; it matters not.tbr
will be I a,anP,e iCt remains, uu ne win 0 pagan by
1 W "
f mm
Holiday Presents.
H. J. Jone, neat to tbe new Fiinn bio- Albany. Or., h th i.rM.t nd
finest stock In AHnny. Also s splendid linn of photograph end autograph
albums, ink utands, pens, pencils, muaical instruments, eie.
A. B. McHwain's,
whirs yon can get the very beat in
I hsy added to mv boot and tho stock a
mm of tbe eetebrsted Laird, .SVAeerr
Philadelphia r,n Short for ladies,
'- and children. Aakn.tedl h
'leairrs generally to b the best vale and
t 1. Ming flt shoe made. Widths C. D. K,
ssm a child ess boy as cheap aa a num.
oasi k. r- iouo,
Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon
ptinaa and qusllUe.
Ssttss4ssL-Ja5 sf
atestoocoi Oris a Uood
Cloak at ( ot.
ocrats in Conirress maintain this strenirth vemDr 3n. "7- Ail tl0c desiring to
I ...... ..w ... ; ...:n . . . 1
iinieimwn wtii notice
For the next thirty days we will ell our
entire stock of closks and jacket at cost.
Anv partio needing anything In this line
can save big money by calling on us.
Thompson It watiii,
Teaeher'a P.xssilsstloa.
Notice is hereby given that the regblar
public quarterly examination of teacher
will be held at the Court House in Albany
commencing at noon on Wednesday, No
no earthly power can prevent the demo
crats carrying all of them next fall.
As wiil be seen by notice in another col
umn, the democratic city convention has
been called to meet on Saturday evening
of next week to nominate candidates for
city officers. It is desirable that every
democrat in the city shall attend the con
ad . .
venuon, anu tnus secure the tree open
choice of the party for candidates. Let
care be taken in the selection of compe
tent, honorable men for every position
men who will look carefully to the inter
ests of the city. It should be borne in
e 'w 18s amW TT M sW t "
mind that Albany is s growing city and
that much more legislstion will be called
for than when she was making no pro.
gress, and this legislation will affect for
weal or for woe the future of the city,
hence the very greatest care should be
Not the least satisfactory of the result I uged ln iecting candidates for Mayor
m. i ticnuu m :nw i or, is incian(j Councilmen.
dissolution and disbanding of the faction
of the democratic party in that city known
as Irving Hall. This faction has been a
menance and an eye sore to the psrty for
yesrs. We see no reason now why New
York City should not give 60,000 majority
forthe democracy next year.
The democrats carried-New York at the
late election by 18,000 majority, and yet
the Senate contains 11 democrats to 20 re
publicans and the Assembly 55 democrats
to 73 republicans.", This is the result of
the wsy the senatorial and assembly dis
tricts have been gerrymandered by the
republicans of that 'state. Some of these
districts are as ill shaped and elongated as
an Oregon donation land claim.
The official majority of Cook,dcmocrat;
over Fred Grant,republican,candidatesfor
Secretary of State of New York, U 17,852.
Very good. The George vote in the state
is 72xx,just 4000 more than it was in the
city alone last year. The prohibition vote
is 41,000, again of 5000 over last year. The
gain in the democratic majority is 6718
over the vote of 1885 and 11,000 over last
year, and 16,700 over 1884. These are
very healthy figures from a democratic
a a a
ana oe present at tne Beginning.
I. Rsiu,
County School Superintendent.
What s as 1 to Do ?
Th symptoms of lilllouanoss sre un
happily but too well known. They dif
fer ln different Individual ut some ox
tent, A Bilious msn Is seldom a break
fast ester. To frequently, slss, be bss an
excellent appetite for liquids but uooe for
aouas 01 s morning, ills tongue will
hsrdly bear inspection st sny time ; If it
Is not white snd furro l, it 1 rough, at all
The digtiv system In wholly out of
oruerana usarrnes or gonst.'pation may
be s symptom or the two may alternate.
Tbr srs often Hemorrhoids or even loss
of blood, Tbero msy be giddiness and
often headache and acidity or flatulence
and tenderness in tbe pit of th stomach.
To correct, all this and not effect a cut try
Green' August Flower, it cote but a
trifle and thouasnds attest Its eflicsoy.
Wbss Baby was skk , we gv bar Castors,
When aba was a Child, etas sstod fee Caateri,
whoa she hoeam Miss, she clung to Caateri,
bea aha had Ckudrso, hs gav fha Caettwia,
Where to Bay Carpets.
Moute:th & Seitenbaeh hare tha 'arvnt
ana preuiest stock of earnets. oil In h
window blinds and wall mner ever brought
to the Valley, and are offering then st a
bargain. Persons desiring anything in this
nue snuiu give tnm a call.
5n hundred and twenty acre of th beat
quality of improved wheaf land, sll fenced
Into four field, good house, hard finish.
goon outhouse, excellent fruits of all kind.
Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one
and a quarter miles south of the junction of
mo narrow uauge k. k ..with the Lebanon
branch of the 0. ii C R. R. Inquire at
Clothing, Gents Furnishing: Goods
and Boots and Shoes,
which fir qua j lit y, quality mod prioee
Tb ebotoe wa nsr
xumtre, in fact
We have a Full House
and here p!end everything to ir t
prices wbteb
Albany, Or.
Absolutely Pure
Tha fwwdw rw vrtas. A asajrsi ot pmrit
atraafth i4 -hnlasniiiaiHiis, Mors oc4Mak
UiaiiibacwHaaiy kiada.aadasimetbaaoMUsei
panuoa with Um bmuUSb ot low test, hor!
wssyirttsJsaBepherpiisss ueoesra mouopmvttt
wital uabix wrssn 0., is Ws
in. b-
Notice of Final Settlement.
jy given that the under
iinlstrator ol the estate of
A dlspatch'from Nashville, Tennessee
says that previous to adjournment the
North Alabama conference of the South
ern Methodist church at Tuscaloosa, last
night, a resolution was adopted requesting
Dr. D. C. Kelly, of Nashville, an eminent
Methodist divine and missionary, treasurer
of the general conference,to resign his of
ficial position on account of his utterances
in reference to the Emma Abbott episode
at Nashville. The resolution will create a
great sensation throughout the entire
Southern Methodist church. This refers
to the defense Emma Abbott made some
weeks since at a church in Nashville,
where the preacher attacked opera singers
in a vigorous way and Emma Abbott arose
in church and defended herself with equal
A Bourbon republican organ at Portland
is now engaged in raising a feeble protest
against the confirmation of Lamar to the
supreme bench in case the president
should make the appointment. The "or
gan" has no faith in the merits of the case
which it sets up, but uses it as a cloak to
hide its overpowering desire to flaunt the
bloody shirt. Its campaign shibboleth is
to be Blaine, Bloody Shirt And Bourbour
At the conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, S0..U1, lately held at
DanvUle, Virginia,resolutions were adopt
ed setting forth : "That we are profound
ly convinced f the evil character and in
fluence of the theater, and of its power as
a promoter of irreligion, immorality and
vice ; and that we most affectionately and
earnestly expect our people to set their
faces against this thing as a diversion,!
which cannot be used in the name of the j
Lord." . I
Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shi
loh's Cure.
FOR DI3PEP8IA and Liver Complaint
vuu uiive s iniimii guarantee on every
LaiI ..mi, 1.1.1. irtiTii -r. . .
uib u ouuuii 0 y 11a.117.0r, ji never rails
to cure,
For lame back, side or chest, use Sht-
10a a rorous r lsster, jfrice J25 cents.
Albany Market.
Oat g 88c
Butter 25 cts per lb.
Eggs 85 cents per doz.
Hay -14,60.
Pottoe-oa nts pur bushel.
See f-on foot, 2J4e.
Apples 50 cent pr bn.
Perk - 0o per lb dressed.
Baton harm, 1234c
shoulders, 75.
sides 10c
(j&ed ! per lb.
Flour, 4 80 per bbl.
Chickens -2.50 per do..
Mill Feed -brau, 14.00 per ton.
snorts, 10.
middlings, 20
Chops, 20.
Notice is hei'ttb
signed, the Adm
W. Mlavens. deoaaaad. haa this da
filed hia final account in the County Court
tor Linn county, dragon, and tbe said
Court haa fixed the 10th of December.
1887, st the r.our of one o'clock, d. m; of
.said day to hear objections to tne same
ana ror tne aettiment or the estate.
This the 7th day or November, 1887.
Kit a ;M k CkAbtrks,
Adm'r of the estate of J, W. Slavens:
J. K, WnaTHnayeBD,
Att'y for Admlnistrater,
n'-tenful operstion ainea 18M, patrosissd Iron
1 .1 ecuon tl tha Horihwet, eadorssd by
butincsk men ana leading sducatof.
of Its cU on tha Coast, it cftars private or !
instruction, day snd evening throughout tha yew ia
Ariihmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Bok-keplc
Ksnicing,: Shorthand, Type-writing, llusi net nd Lao)
Forms and ail Common School Branch. StudanU
gc no com iexe eamitud at any Mass.
Catalogu free. Armstrong and Wesco, Propriefon
la unsurpassed, CH on him fbr your
Clothing- and Furnishing-Goods.
Cash sr produce taken, snd prion given that defy competition.
Harper's Magazine.
Harper's Magasiee Is an organ of progressive
Bovettienu in every apeitsmt of Ufa.
attraction. It will contain, Swing Us
year, Important article, superbly iHttstrslad,
Us Ores West ; sfUcles on Ass arioso and fnrssgs
ladoatry ; buUfull iHastral! papsraon Isatlsasl,
Norway, iHtsrlsn4, Algiers, and tho Weal laoJs ;
new novels by Willi w Black and W D Howell ; no
, - h ifIte tn a aln.le number, by Henry
Jsanas, Lafoadl Bsara, and Amell Riv ; snort
sssriss by Miss Wains and other popular writers ;
aad Ulttstratod papers of special sad literary
interest. Th Editorial Department are con ducted
by Osory Wlllkun Curtis, William Dn HoseUs, snd
Charles Dudley Warner.
HiiPgB'8 PSEI0OI01L8.
Per Tear s
Postag$ fret to all tubse'riber in tkt United
States or Mexico,
Tba vol am of tha Magaslne begin with tba nam
heritor June and December of each year. When no
time Is spadfied, subscriptions will begin with the
number current at time of receipt of order.
Round Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three
years back, I neat doth binding, will be sent by mall
post-paid, on receipt of S3 per relume. Cloth oasss,
'or binding, 50 cents each by mail, post-paid.
Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analyt-
Ichl and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, Inclusive,
from Jane, 1890, to Jons, 1S86, on vol., 80, cloth,
Ntwtfttfers are not to copy tkis advertise-
nunt wiinont tkt txprtss ordtr of Harper &
B rot Iters.
Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York.
To U'kom it may concern -.
I have sold and disposed of all property
which I have heretofore owned in the State.
All parties having claims against me must
present them for payment within thirty
dsys ss I Intend to go East to remain.
Fos Valley, Linn county, Or.
ejWfii0igw BUY CM. RjSN DEftSONA COTS j
JyWSi saWJstfsfl BsnssssW caattTafayjTSitMora -i
1Hh ssnalMsS'M JkBlSsS
saltasm BfcaslttSvL ''''"'ige
We wr ih LiUta Red School Baua Ska a ulft osaair aU. m-J
s -mm w - vt joai
rVinnlstai osaal a.. - - - M t a .
nuu our sums, ana 11 you wiiD ti.em go to tbe
City Boot and Shoe Store
where yon will And a lar end comnlnte MfM..rttnnnt i.f annd. n hiB it.
of noarjy airy grade and m ke, himI st prlt es which will open your eye,'
answ wivi'u is n uuusr mae.
-Has arrived, lnt-luding-
Mc8 for Publication,
Land Office st Oregon Oity, Or., 1
November 21st, 1887,
Notice is hereby given that the fallow
ing named settler bss filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in annnnri nr Ma
claim, and that said proof will be made
before tho County Judge or Clerk of Linn
eeuntyy Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, on
Tuesday, January 17th, lass,
viz: WW Phillips, Homestead Entry,
No. 4084 for tbe S V H of Sec. 28, Tp, 1, fj
R 1 w. lie names the followlnn witnes
es to prove bis oontinnoqa residence upon
and oultivatloa of, ssid land, vis : T
Thompson, 8 Hawken and T Arnold, of
Wodavllle Post Office and M Lesoh, of
Sweet Home Pofet Office, all In Linn eonn-
iy, Oregon.
w. T, BuBirnv,
Register, ,
Th undersigned offers for sal his farm of
27;f seres 6 miles north of Harriaburg on
the Harrisbarg, Peoris, and Albany wagon
road, 2 miles from warehouse on the Wil
lamette liver, 6 miles from Halsey on th
0 & C railroad, one-fourth of a mile from
school house, all fenced in 8 departments,
besides. small lots, 176 acres in cultivation,
75 acres oak grub, not heavy, 66 aores gttnw
iug wheat, 30 aores more sew land in culti
vation, making 95 aores in good condition
for wheat this Fall and will soon be sewn. 150
young frnit trees. Buildings fair. Price 825
per acre. Terms easy, For particulate call
on or address
C. C. Jackson,
HaJsey, Oregon.
WILL YOU SUFFER with dispensia
and liver complaint ? Hhlloh's Vital w
Is guaranteed to euro yon,
Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpats,
Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper
and Decorating Paper,
Everything kept In a first-das Drv Qooas and Boot and Shoa House, from the cheap to as mod aoafff
there la a demand for. I bought these g odi mostly in New Fork and Chicago and
nod have and am receiving
Novelties of the Season
in every line ; am prepared to
quoted in the papers or circulars, and will take
Cash or Merchantable Produce
and will not turn you off when you get out of money.
Samuel E. Yoimg.