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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1887)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. jtate Eights Democrat. -1 THE DEMOCRAT fglSJthe best. laauid v.r Friday ly a TXX2BS dc X9 TTTTI3STGr. Advertising meriiam In the Central Willamette V ! A dvt-rite i rutfK plication. nede ki.twn on ap VtlL. XXIII. ALBANY, OKLGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 35, 1807. M 17 V sBBs fa r4 1KK8.HIONAL CARDS. JLe. H. MONT ANTE, iTTORN AT IW Notary Public Offl upstair, orar John Brigg store, it trt. vlsnSStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (KOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALB4NY, HMI. rLL PRACJTICt IN ALL THE COURTS Of THE State, Spssial aMeatlea givea te aoUaeUoaa sad 'abate eaaUar. te Odd rii.'i Tempt, rrnt .rr. TIMOR, O, H, IB YIN B WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Betroth ap at airs In Foater', Block. ALBANY, 0RK60N- I. O. POWNLL. W. B, MX.YSU POWELL B1XYEU, .TTORNEYS AT LAW, Aid Solicitors in Chancery, ALBANY. ... OREGON. Collection promptly made on all point. iOo negotiated on reasonable Urrni. fsroffle In Foster. Bride. Yl4nlMf. J. J. WHITNEY. Utemy And OonnseUor At La? AND Notary Piibltr. ALBANY, OREGON, Vill praotlo In nil of the Con rte of .bia State H bnatnaa Intrusted to him will ho promptly ttsdd to. D. R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, Offl Odd Fellow' Tempi ALBANY, - - - OREGON. AH hmlaiHwlli rarwtvwprnmpt attention -HAY ft MASON, an umuh- W"i. Jb" B. . Irian's publication, -h w el DM hm-'u -rfaj With staj teKRUO. G. L. BLaCKMAN, Successor to E. W. Lamgdon. DBALKR IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL8, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, aod vrythlng kept In first-elaas Drag Stor. Mao a An atook nf plaoo and rgana. ALBANY. OREMON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST, stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PEEgCIlPTIIW CAREFULLY FILLED, Open day and night. Albany. Or. I. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offloj cor. First and Ferry Street, ALBANY- - OREGON. BR. C. WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. OfBo room S and 4. Poster' Block. ALBANY - - BRECON. Homeopathic Physician, MRS. M. E. WeOOY. M. D.. HOMEOPATHIC H IW phyatelan, aflloa aa raaSdaaa. eorasr of Second aa Bafcar Slraata, Albany, Orseea. Caraaie a apaetalty. ConaalUtlua Iraa, ffleahou'S : 10 t Uaas aad tta p. at. HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE. i Boarding School for Boys ! ! Conducted by aooular prlast- and lay teaenar Firat farm open first Monday In Kap- wrouar rsecnpo tersn ripen nrst Monoay in fanroerT mr preapactaa adore f A Kaekr Vancouver, W. T. tV.x I OS ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kind. i rough, dressed mdseas . lumber, lathi a a pioKeis Kepi joustantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best ualapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall Has of Chinese good of all klnda on hand. Alao rail line of JAPANESE GOODS. 0&IS8I PiCIFIO COBTRACTOR, tor thla section. Laborer furnished on abort notice for any pnrpoco. Opposite S E Young's, Albany, Or 1 ilTafaManD bkd It tha Olabrais B. lUtfcOB'8 PATEKI AfiMtTTIG ELASTIC TRUSS UnLE UUUIU PaTfa.stHat.ln ismsI lime I IP 1 IHouff JH wr..-JMWW ntaetrtoTrusa as a jn -v uaioraai. I Sr .W BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am now receiving my fall sad winter atook of bnota and shuas. I hare a nicely a fitted op Boot and She Store, and aa complete atook as any thin aid of Portland and very fw better in Portland. I bar H my boots and WX w hoe 1iret from mauufaoturera and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter bow oh a p. No firm in Oregon have anv advantage of roe in buying aa 1 hup io quantities and pay lbs oaah. In lad me , miaae and children' shoe. I keep much b Urgent, best and great eat variatY in the cttv. Mr aim will at vara ho to sir aa a d ralue fi r cm 9W the mnnr as poeaiblv ean h done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Rank OF ALRIX1, ORECsOft. . i.. PLntK a. k. Yot po OKO. B. CHAMSSJtLAlK Yk TRANSACTS A GENERAL beakta ACCOUNTS K BYT eabjet to SIGHT KXCRANOK awl oa New Tart, Saw Praadae sal Port! COLUBCnorg MADE on feaarebte B Terse, Gao.E Ciiiuauin L. B Bum, L. Pun, Watraa B Tvaaau, H. F. MERRILL, Banking and Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. ob New York, Sea Praadae. a an c'ty warrant Be ta. m. to 6 p a. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE NOOSE. BAM MAY. e. aawDBaa MAT k SENDERS. Dealers in General Ierchandise. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will boy (.rail, Wttl art all kinds Coutry prwiiee. WILL Dealer In all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs aniPianos. A full Shoot music, music merchandise, ammunition, nsbioz taekl ete. warranted rajsora, butcher ana pocket univt. THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNCOUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Rpirlog of Mwlog machine, moaiosl Instrument,, fun,, etc. neatly dene. ALBANY, - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, r ockery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, Agent ior Fire and TT 1 MrOSRIIiT.B TO B 7 T O IV CI ! " I .". fni :y ;j lis - It t'-n.i'tt La t o.1 .i'y r i AfiE, a.-t M i6.a!'.'iM!.c.. '. ' it. I i tt tit v I, tad .:t E. . h ' sen, A... I j...-.,e,C n.;. tl ,D rr' ts 1 u.' JJ.a n S . p.. i.l i t sa,;y.:.-a 1 r n.::t m or -r .v.- t"i t; r. S:a. r.tarel rt . a..-a.aat at stel au Ikai.-.t.u.-t rtj- Cy tor Llliou.ucsa, EtveY Js.iins.te acd l'jfp-pl. :t I'-irliji. tha B!oo.I, Clean., lha stomach anaBiWcls, and gives tlso airJ laliljtful Tons. Teia narrr SKIN, SCALP, BLOOD. Having been a tuffartr for two years anl a hall from diss osaead by a bruit, on the If. ami harhur tHM.ii cues by tba Cuiieura n.modles whan aliutbor mwtboda and rmo-li f...-. I deam It my duty t roaoonmand tbam. I vtalUd Hut Springs to no avail, and Uil Nvtrel dwtom wUhui mooaaa. and At la.t our irinolpal druwrlrt. Mr John P Ftnlay (to k .mt I ahalf avar la-1 arealfuH, apok. to ma abut i...oura. and I ooaaantad t.. rtva tbam a trial with tba nwuit tbat I am iwrhwtly cured. Thar-' - now no aora alwut ma, I think 1 can abow tha !( aurlaoa wbert my uffarinra raiiir from of any ona In tha HUta. Tha Cutloura Krniadlaa ara tha btwt blaod and .kin onro. maaufaoturad I ntwr u dnunrtat John P KlnUy and lr 110 Mwtonury. both of Utka pbu-a, and to lr Smith, of Laia L. Mka. ' 1M ALBXANDKH UF.ACH. Ortwnvllla, Mkw, Mr Baaoh uawl the CuUcura Kamedlaa, at our ra quaat, with raaulta .. abov mated. A. B, KM. V a COdruiuita. SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE. Bvar atoaa I oan remambar, my mothar baa auflarwd from a milk la. Nothing would do bai any Kd. Kha hul tha baat iuiloal, but thay all did bar no Mad. abaauSrnHi with bar lag kW thirty yaara aadaatrar knw a wall d.y. l would bava to alt up half lha nlrht, holding u har la. and moaning, Hh bad no fMaoa. 8ba WMd all Ilia bwrt known ramadiaa In u, tn.iry without aft" art- 1 aakod bar to try y,r futl.-ura Rmlia.. tlot har a brtt . of t'utl.-ura Ha eolront, and ah. took il, aM baa Ukan In all abwet als or aaan bottlaa. and now h. U a wrll wtanatt to day Har lag la antiraly haalad. and har hralth waa aarwrbwltar. She ean ro out evarv day. towaathtng h. haa nut dona In tan yaara. ao jrou aa. I eannot halp ataUng to you about your wonderful Cultcura Bamaalaa You h.v. aavad my motbra hta. loan not Sad amrda to asoraaa my aratlMd. I bav. ad yonr Cutl ;ura Bndlai BW and naar. KlWARU I.UIDBB, 160B Broaiway. N. Y, f iil - mttat f 'MttlSSlPM ftOaUI. praparl from It. alarnllv. and futirura Ra.lwil. tba aaw blood purtnar, Inurnadv, ara a Uva our. VWalt'Uia, war m aaan avntta vhiv, - far avary form of akin and Wo.hI .IHaaaa ir.m ptm tateraana, erartwbara. Prtoa ; Cutbmra, AO cant. , tit eta; Baaoiv.ix. l. Praparod by lha rot aadOaaataai o ivoav v for "How lotJur. Skin rtiiaaaaa."4 pagaa, SO Hluatrallona. 10 UatlmonUkt." niSjBPLKM, btaak bMda. abanead and oily akin rlHl prtranudby t'uiicu-a WiAlaHaH Soap. Sneezing Catarrh. taaaaaaniag a,., .trw, aakaw. Sal aaAaj treat tb. ay aa aad araa. tba palatal aiuodln'- to tta lhr.iat, the .writing o choking aciualiuna.ruu.h, In tb. b4kd and ap tU'ng haadacha, bow fambUr tbaaa aymptoaw ara to tb uanda who aaSr pariodkmily from baud eoWa or laSaansa, ai d who a. In igno aosa of tba fct that a alalia appi:a- af Saaford Badbml Cur. far CaUrrh will afford rt Ur t . Bui thla traalmaat la caaaa of almpta "aUrrb gtvas but a faint Ida of what thU -imidy will do Inlhr chronic lorma, wnara tba brwalbing ta o a'ru Had by choking. puUtd uawot aocuntulattuna, tba baarin. affactad. am- II and Uata goa throat a'aratad and baakbaf aaagb gralually faataatng UaaH upon tba daMUl.lad ayafma. Than it la that lha marteilou curati. powar of Manford'a Hadleal Car tatnifeaU la luitt wM a td graiafai ndUf Cur. ba gtaaCrmataaS t mm H U rapid, radkai, a Badlad Cam oanAst of oaa botU. of tha Cur., oaa boa Catarrhal Safvaui aud aa Im- prtoa. ft. Dcau l-'Haaiaat. Co., Boaton, PAINS AND WEAKNESSES OP FEMALE tfutari'ly rvlla 1 by tba B'atlrara till-rata PBaaler. a ew. avwt guaikl. in.u.tUnaou. and lafallih. pain kltllnjr puaur. aapiiaally adapaU4 to rail Pamala Palna and Wiilin a. Warranutf atly aaaertor a alt otbar eUWara, aod tba mawt parfart aoUdoW to Pain, la Saraiaatlo. aad Waakaaa. yat rmitM.unta,l. At all flmtfWln t6 wta i S far St ; er. poaUga frea, af Potur Pruf aad Cbara tail Co., i. L. COWAN. J. W. CU8ICB Linn IVunty Bank. COWAN A C18ICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TBA MR ACTS a gdaara) baaldar DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Naw York Sai. rrmsi aad Portland, Oragwo. LOAN XONBYoa approvad aacuriiy. BBCBIYB aapaalta aabyaot te aback. COLLECTIONS aatruetad M ua wilt race) re prompt aatloa. Russ House. J. Proprietor. Tftia bona i bow open aod foroiahed with the beat new furniture. Everything elaaa and ocmmodioua, nffaring to the gen era! public anpertor acooenrnodationa te an in tba city. BROS., be Leading- lino of Marine Insurance 3 07 THIS GOOD -).. -..: d. S4 .t ia tr.;.V a?. . n.a S vflII as c r.rcs BVU 1 1 Llror, Ufttd&ehr, t r v.u 1 Aj'.u-, sVarp'f wss s Uadlrlue for tha Hurserr eqaai U tba uiuoaua lining ORUOOIST3 AMD GROCERY- WANHINOTON. (Prom our regular aorra imndant.) WASMIIffPTON, D. C, Nov.Sth, l87. Among the prominent Democratic member, of the ilouae who have arri pad at the Capital, I miv mention the Hon H I. Blind, r Mlaaa.-rl, who U often referr ed to aa "Slleer Bland," on account of ihe leading part taken by him In the legud tlon that authorised the coinage of tb "dollar of our daddlea," and alao because he U on alt occaalona the ateadfaat friend and champion nf sBysp. Mr. Blnnd give his views aa to tha probable coura of leg islation in the Fiftieth Congress, lie thinks a compromise tariff bill will pass, and that It will Include the repeal of the tobacco tax ; he believes that the tariff should b reduced $100,000,000 , the free list ahould be largely increased and there ahould be a reduction of dutlea on other Import, lie thinka there will be no finan cial legislation except in ao far aa tariff legislation affect, the finance.. The question of changing the time of the meeting of Congreaa, Is again, as well a the terms of the membera, being agitat ed, and there are numberlea advocates In tb affirmative, while on the other hand, the dlsaentienta can be counted on ona'a fingers. I have yet to see a convincing reason why Congreaa should meet, as It doea at preaent, thirteen montha after the election of ita membera, but, on the con trary, there are many grave objections to h system now In vogue, among which I may mention that Congreaamen ahould come fresh from the people ; that their suesors ahould not he elected until the Incumbents aer ve out their firat term ; that the prfBftt cu.tom Is antagonist to the progressive spirit of the ge. Congress now meets on the first Monday In Decem ber, and before that body gets fairly to work, an adjournment for the holidays ia In order. Whv ahould not Coneresameu. like moat other elective offictala, begia their dutiea on the firat of the year and be paid pet annum. The theory of State.' right haa certainly received substantial encouragement from the declalon of the United Slates Supreme ! ...r, In I It. f t. I, ...... A ------ t " . ,,, .... v xiv.ig; .-lhhiiiii 1 jr, anu I doubt not, if aiich a thing be poaaible.that the spirit of the great Calhoun hovered jubilantly over the hiatorical and eventfut scene that in a measure vindicated the con atitutionallty of his distinctive doctrine of the reaenred righta of the States In the Federal compact. But, however that may b. I believe the verdict, on It. merit., la generally applauded aa just and righteous. K young new .paper correspondent of thl city took advantage of the occasion to a end a aham "infernal machine" to Chie' Justice Walte-making the impreasion that it was a scheme of the frienda of the AnarchUu, for revenge on the Court. The reckless youth made a aenaation in the Capita!, but the aeouel was hia confine- ment in the gloomy cell of the police sta tion until bailed out. Earlier in the paat week, Waahington had another aensatlon in the ahape of a cholera ecare, caused by two Italian u. pecta from New York, who, together with their effects, were given fumigation and. permitted to depart. If any more ahipa supposed to be infected with cholera ar rive In New York harbor, the Government will order them back from whence they came. A Treasury clerk has cauaed no tittle perturbation in that department by Invent ing a new counting machine -which, will do the work of aix peraoifs better than they can do It. And that ia what carries sorrow to the aoula of the charming "coun tesoa,"a large number of whom are oper ating the old machine at a compensation of from $1.50 to $i per day. Nor will the enterpriaing inventor be benefitted pecun iarily, as he invented the machine while I n Government service. So he get not cent for his ingenuity. The lr is full of rumors of coming Cabinet changes whether unfounded or not your correspondent i. unable to y to the effect that upon the transfer of Sec retary Lamar to the Supreme Bench.Post master General Vilat will occupy the va cancy, while the Wisconsin (.talesman wili be succeeded by Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan. On the other hand, it is said to be the President's purpose to appoint a prominent Union General as Mr. Lamar's successor, and if this be true, I believe his choice will fall upon Gen. John C. Black, Commissioner of Pensions. It is now fairly established,says a writer In the M-dical Press, that the common wart, which is so unsightly and often so proliferous on the hands and face, can be easily removed by small doses of sulphate of magnebia taken Internally. M. Coirat of Lyons has drawn attention to this ex traordinary fact. Severa children treated with three-grain doses of Epsom salts morning and evening were promptly cur ed. M. Auberl cites the case of a woman whose face was disfigured by these ex crescences,and who was cured in a month by 1 drams of magnesia taken daily. An other medical man reports a case of very large warts which disappeared in a fort night from the daily administration of ten grains of the salts. The Dalles, November i3th.-John Mackay.aged 78,residing at Mitchell, Was co county, came to town Friday and sold a soldier's land-warrant for 900 acres to Van Houten & Co., for several hundred dollars. He told Edward Kane that he was going to spend the night with a friend at a ranch about a mile from town, but he never reached there. It is believed that be was followed by some one who saw the money paid to him.murdered and rob bed. 'A thorough search of the surround ing country is being made. Mackay was an old pioneer, having come to Oregon in 1843 in the employ of the Hudson Bay Company. This is the second mysterious disappearance from The Dalles this year. The nerve which never relaxes, the eye which never blanches, the thougnt that never wanders, these are the masters of victory. Warner's Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedy .'.is nature's remedy for nervous diseases. Have the wisdom, to try it. CURIOUS FACTS. At a recent christening th baby wore a robe of lace 130 years older than herself. An Illinois farmer has attached a churn to hia wagon In such a way that the move ment of the wagon churns his milk. I. aula Baydcn, a blind man who died at Worcester, had his sense of touch so d- vcloped that he could tell the denomina tion of a bank note by feeling It, and In weeding a large garden he could always distinguish a young vegetable plant from a weed. A large flock of "chimney sweepa" took to rooming In a chirtmey In the house of John A. Butts of Thomaston, Ga. On night he covered the chimney with board and early next morning replaced th board with a bag. When he removed th nag it contained 567 Imprisoned birds. An organge grower near Lake Eustia, Fla., found oa one of his trees fruit that seemed to be about two-third orange and on third japan neralmmon. Ha du. a m a SP down to the roots of th tree and there found the living root of a persimmon tree twined among the roots of the orange. A Brooklyn horse has an extraordinary passion for raw eggs. He quietly watches the hens that frequent his manger until they leave their nest., when h noses about until the ease are discovered, then he breaks and devours them with gusto. The effect of thl trange diet upon his physical condition is beneficial, and his sides have become round aad riots v. A most remarkable imitation of black walnut has lately been manufactured from poor pine, the quality and appearance of the article being such as to defy detection except upon eery close examination. To accomplish this, one part of walaut peel extract Is mtaed with six part ot water, and with this solution the wood 1 coated. When the material is half dry, a solution of bichromate of potash with water I rub bed on It, and the made walnut Is ready for use. Our republican friends are congratulat ing themselves upon the fact that they now control the delegations in Congress from twenty state just enough to elect a preaident in case there should be a fail ure to elect by the electoral college. While we are not so hearties and uncharitable as to deprive our friends of this crumb of comfort, yet It ia due to candor to say that It would be hoping against hope to expect to secure a president upon so remote s contingency. We believe that not one la telllgent man In ten thousand can be found who seriously entertain the belief tha either the labor or prohibition party can secure a einrte electoral vote out of the so. that make up the electoral college. i he light of current event, prove, thi. beyond a reasonable doubt, or In fact any doubt. No other part t could be orcanired between now and the next election that could do so. Hence, it must be admitted by all that the apt electoral votes chosen next November will be divided between the democrats and republicans, and as the number ia an odd one there can be no tie vote, hence it I safe to say a president will be elected by the people and not by Congreaa. Whenever a sHck-tongued stranger ap proaches you with a proposition to glv you something for nothing ; something that you can dispoae of at an Immense profit, some scheme by which you can make a fortune in a few minutes,the time has arrived for vou to exercise all the cau tiousness to be found in your make-up. Be very careful what you say to him, and f he should hint at having you sign your name to a little agreement, contract or something, just to show be has met rou te!! him you will think it over for a year or two, and then if It seems advisable yon will do so. The sale of the Chicago Tim calla at tention to the wreck of what was once a magnificent property. Ten years ago the paper was a power in the West, notwith standing the license with which it was edited. It was bold and fearless in its policy, its editorials were well written and incisive, and as a dragnet of news it was not surpassed by the best metropolitan pa pers. After Mr. Story's mind became im paired it steadily deteriorated, but not as much as might have been expected.consid ering the internal dissensions in th office. We trust that under its new owners it wll regain its former influence and become a powerful aid in spreading the principles of a true democracy. The annual report of Gen. Rosecrans, register ot the treasury, show that at the end of the last fiscal year of June 30, 1887, of the $893493,312 of government regis tered bonds outstanding! i,ooi,8oo,or on ly 1 per cent were held abroad ; Sat,- 215,450 were deposited with the treasurer by national banks, and $670,076,073 held by individuals, associations, trustees, etc., in this countrv. Of the latter amount savings banks held $309,000,000 and insur ance companies $55,500,000. A correspondent of the Chicago Nw$ says if Lamar is appointed to the Supreme Bench the republican senate will not con firm him.on the ground that he was In the I Rebellion. Th November May mine 0 American Hi tory is one of the brightest and most richly illustrated i'iu of th year. Oliver Cnm- w.H'a portrait appears aa its frontispiece, in -oident to th romantic story of the first set tlement of Shelter Island, Jo 1S52. told by Mrs LsmMn her happiest vin, eatitled tb ' Historic Home of th Sylvesters." Rev Philip 8ch ff, D D., contributes a second paper oa the "Relation of Church and State in America." A vry pleasantly written ketch is by Walstern Root, on th "Hamil ton Ooeid Academy in 1794," the germ of Hamilton College. The fourth article in this superb number is a study by Charles H Peck , , tit- - J -U.-.u jet A.MB 01 tue pUOUO 1U3 a liu,e w. - Burr." Then follows, from G Brown Oode, of the Smithsonian Institute at Waahington, An Interesting Djaloaa in 1876, oswen Bacon, 'the rebel,' and John Good, of Whit by ." Judge T Tarbell, of Washington, con tributes "Horace Greeley's Practical Advice to tb Reconstructioaist in Mississippi ; and T J Chapman, A. NT, writ an interest ing paper on th "Religious Moymnt ta i eon Th. .korfp articles are varied aad er terining. Price, 5 a year, Pob!ibed at 743 Broadway, New York City. lann Tk. .kee. til vsrisd tsd Prewired by Dr. J. U. Ayr a uo, ataac. 1 AWIW i !M MAN A HAKOMRTIR ? Why 1 it Tbat Certain Wiaas Always KtMaataOes Criag With Pala t Eighty-six per cent of tha signal service wssther predictions are accurate I The only indications our fathers had for foretelling weather were aching limbs, twinging joints and painful corn I These, though crude, were usually cor rect. The body is unquestionably an ex cellent barometer, and physicians often prase, ibe a change of air, so that the sys tem may find an agreeable atmospheric condition. Weather change indicate themselves by pains celled rheumatism. Why bad wathr should cause such pslnsls mys tery I Does th paia realty He dormant In th blood, to be made active only when the wind blows from some unfavorable quart er t Last week a prominent man loft town on a business trip. Two days later he.who had always been apparently strong and well, was sent home a corps "Rheuma tism of the heart ! Rheumatism Is like the Indian In am- bush,sure to kill you If not killed by yau. It 1 to patient and physician one of the moat vexatious of diseases. At first many thought It to be a trouble of the joints, but all outward applications left the cause unbenefitei. Then,maklag like pains In tha muscles, It ws thought to be a muscular disease ; but the same unsatisfactory results follow ed external treatment. Is universally acknowl edged that rheumatism is "a fiery condi tion of the blood caused by the presence of uric acid In the system " Everybody dreads rheumatism. It is very prevalent at this changing time of the year. It was formerly seldom known except among those who worked much out of doers. Now It Invade the hut, the palace, the executive mansion, lha senate chamber and the throne room ; all sorts and conditions and races of men and women it attacks at all time, and all fear it ! Mrs. Swift (wife of Dr. Lewis Swift, th fmous comt finder of Rochester, N. Y .) was one af it. recent victims ; and how very common It Is among ladies I She suffered great anguish and fear ! Why does this acid remain la the sys tem t The kidneys being diseased cannot re move the acid as in health, hence the sys tem Is poisoned by its presence, and rheu matic pains, stiff joints, tendon and mus cle are the result. There is but one cie"UC """ reiu' kidn7 w" cd " fir In the blood" by Warnar's safe rheu matic cur. These world renowned rem edies, taken by bottle In alternation, a they should be, neutralise the uric acid already in the blood, and prevent further accumulation. Mr. Dr. Swift used these rmedi with great success, in lternatioa,and waa completely restored to health. We understand that the proprietors guarantee them with the strong assur- anoes.but this were scarcely necessary ,fr 1 not their praise in everybody's mouth h We cannot prevent the lit wind blowing, but w can get the better of it by ao forti fying th system that we can Ignore It when it is doing th worst to "etve us pain." Boston, Nov. 13. -Jesse Pomeroy, the boy murderer, who is now a full grown man, made an attempt to escape from State prison Friday morning, by sawing hrough the bars of hi cell with a piece of steel. In some manner not exujamed, the gas in his cell exploaded rerr .ring him unconscious, and the officials found him in that condition, at the same time making the discovery that the bars were cut. Speaking of Bobby Li ncoln, one is re minded of the remark once made by a bright woman about a stupid man of fa- mous parentage in New England.'1 It is a thousand pities," she declared earnestly, "that such a father as his couldn't have a son. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or ia a sense of General Weariness aad Lose of Appetite, ahould suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsanarilla. Thla prepsjatioa la most effective for giving ton aad strength to the enfeebled system pro moting the digestion and assimilatioiif food, restoring th nervous fore to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalising the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago niy health began to fail. I waa troubled with a distress! ne Cough , JNlgnt Sweats, weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pre scribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended me to try Ayer Susaparilla, which I did, and I am now aa healthy and strong aa ever. Mrs, ta. it. wiuiama, juaxanuna, Minn. I have need Ayer's BarsaparlUa. la my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate thla terrible disease. I nave also prescribed it as a tonic , as wall aa an alterative, and must ear that I honestly believe it to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. W. P. Fowler, M. D., v. u. b, ureenvtue, xenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be Irnpossible for me to de scribe what I suffered f rom Indigestion and jueaaacne up to xne ume x oes taking Ayer's sarsapanua. 1 was under the care of various physicians, and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparllla for a short time, my headache disap peared, and my stomach performed ita dutiea more perfectly. To-day mv health Is completely restored, Mry Barley, Springneld, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by th prompt use of Ayer 8 Sarsaparlll. It lone and invigorates the system, resru- lates the action of tho disrestive and assimilative organs, and vitalise the blood. It is. without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered, 11. D. Johnson, 383 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ft Ayer s Sarampaiilla, Proparod by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Pries mt t via bottles, SB. AT COST TO BY N. H. Our Entire Stock at First Cost. Having made up our mind to discontinue the mercantile business, and intending to embark in another enterprise, we will sell our entire stock of general MERCHANDISE AT COST Call early and SECURE BARGAINS, We shall give away the advertised. JanUflJv 1of wuvW80a- January lst N. E. ALLEN & Co. s 57 First Street Albany, C. B. ROLAND & CO, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS ANU MENS FURNISHERS. OVERCOATS CLOTHING : A large stock of all grade just received. Aa noequaled selection of frock anal sack, busio HATS Prom all the leading tn.kers,.ncb as J. B. Stetson 4 Co., and others FURNISHING GOODS : Our atook in thi. . k V" naw , handkerchief, etc RUBBER GOODS : We handle Short boots. meOM sandals, overcoat, .nrf BOOTS AND SHOES : 30 cases of ke a specaltr irom 10 factory, w ma t a m congreaa style. TRUNKS. VALISES, HAND Blankets and Comforters in Stock, C. B. ROLAND & CO., Clothiers, Hatters and Mess Furnishers, ALBANY, OREGON. Palace Meat Market J. ?. PIPE, PROPILOTOB. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. WUI kaen constant) v on hand beef. mutton, perk, veal, anaaw, etc. the best maata ano largest variety In tbe oity. Cash paid for all klnda of ratfatack. JOHN BRIGGS, -FLORIST,- ALBANY, CIREI.QN Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lot planted and atte nded to. FURNITURE mad to order or .JbCUl?-A.XjbCJiX3 9 at mj shop wt end of Third Street, Albany, Or, S. A. DECKARD. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT JaAW Notary PuMlc- -jk.' aa m- v ... .... CLOSE, ALLEN CO,. piano and organ, as AH aKl. 1 , All shall have a chance- and sad alegant ISIZT onlv tb va-r , . TT ... WD8 Also oil clothing. first grade winter boot, just opened in mens fine shoos, in button, laoTaud - SATCHELS, UMBRELLAS New aod Second Hand Store Owln 1 to the Increased demands 0 ot business wo have bean compelled to mova Into a larger store aad we oaa now b found next door ta 8, B, Young, wbar wo will be pleased to see our patron. If you need any stoves, furniture, tta wars, crockery, clocks, carpets, pletarac, ffhh jar, trunks, book, roller skates, saddles, aaws, plane, ete and a thenaaad 69 ferent and use a: Uola you oan not do better thla side ef San Francisco than yon can do with us on a purchase or exchange , M. FRANKLIN & 00. 128 First StreetAIbaay, Or. L. W. CLARK, Portrai i Photographer. B.a Inge by appointment, COPYING AMI! FN! ARAIIifL Tweedale's Bnlidiag. ALBANY. 0 1