The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 18, 1887, Image 4

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    Wm. Fortmiller & Co,,
Prompt Attention-First-class Esarss
jMTAftsr butloeu hours oall st rasidsnos
corner fifth sod Baker streets,
lotloe for Publication,
Lund Office st Oregon Cltr, Or., )
October loth, 1887, f
Notice ia herebv utven that the follow-
Ins uamod apttler has filed nottoe af hie
intention to make final nrosf in snppsrt
of hie claim, and that said nreof will be
made before the County Judge or Clerk
of Lion county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on
WiulkruliT. Iivffcfi Mtk. I SSI.
vis : JohnM Thomas, Homestead Entry
No. 42W for lot !i. of 8eo, ia, In Tp
. 10,
R 1 K Ho name the following witness
sa to prove his continuous residence upon,
and oultlvstlon of, said land, Tls : L
Huber, U She'.ton, A M .Nliellon end U I
Philips, of Jordan l o., Linu county, ur.
AlsoThumtoa H. Thomas, Homestead
Entry No. 4&th), for the 8 W X of Sao. 8.
In Tn in H '1 R U n.m itw. follow
in t nrove his continuous
.. - r' .-- - .. i
residence upon, end cultivation of, said I
wlinesses t prove nis oonuuuous
ton and A M sheikh, all of Jordan P, O.,
, 1 . if OLIII r link.. IT Hk.l. I
I. Inn count. Or.
W, T. Bvbmkv,
Hotice for Publication,
latd Office at Rosabnrg, Or,, )
October loth. 187.
Notice la hereby given thst the follow-1
log named settler nas mea notice 01 ms i
intention to make nnai proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will pe
made before the Judge or triers: 01 toe
Couoty Court of Linn county, Oregon, at
a many, ur on I
atnrinj. Kevesaaer itth, 1SST,
J " vTVTn 77 & r I
48S1 for the H E ,Sec 6, Tp. 14, S R 1
i . tmr xv umMt.aii Knirv rri I
west Willamette meridian.
tie names toe i
names the
101 lowing witnesses to p
nous residence upon. auucuiuvsii..n pi,
v.lla. Linn Co . Ur . H Us mil too, of Sweet
H.,m. IJnn Co.. Or.. B S Marstera, of
Brownsville, Linn Co.. Or,, 0 B Tyeer, of
Brownsville, Linn Co.. Or.
Chas, W. Joaearoif,
Hod ClOWUMillS
vsw raocna runm sttkbjob sob
Highest Price in Caah fo
Having sir a -turned possession of
the above mill stSbedd, we hereby give
notice that we will receive wheat and grind
It for one eighth or take it In exesange
The flour will be equal if not better than
that of twenty years ago,
fm Fimm m&Finley.
Life Renewer
Hw Oat.
ALT vita
Oregon Pacific Railraad.
Accommodations unsurpassed for com
fort and eafsty. Paras and freiabts via.
Ysquina and the Oregon Development
Company's Stesmsblp much leas than by
any other roots between all prints in the
Willamette Valley and San Francisco.
Daily pattengtr trains ccft Sundays.
ItflSej Yaquins, I JO A, a. ; Lsavs Albany, t r. U,
Lsavs CorvJJU,10 38 a.m. Lsari Cor'slllS, 1:17 r. S.
Arrive Albany, 11:16 a. s, Arrive Ysqohta, L.M r. u.
Oregon and California trains connect at
Albany and Corvsllis.
Osastal Maaagw
C. 110t.11:.
A. U. F. sad P. Afsnt, OorraQU, Or.
Oregon Developement Co.
First-class Steamship lino between
Y.quina and San frsncisco connecting at
Ysquina with the trains or the Oregon
Pacific Railroad Company.
rcos sax ruASceisco.
Y, C.
E. O,
Monday, Oct 31
10 a m Sunday Nov, , 1 p rn
a Bi Friday, Nov 11, 7 a m
a m ( bum., Nov 17, 11am
am Tueeosy, Nov, 22,6 am
am Monday, Nov.28,10 am
m Saturday. Pec. 3, noon
. V. 1
w. v I
K. Oj
The Compn
reserves the right to
change sailing 'lays.
Gen. F. sod P. Agtot,
ZOi Montgomery St., Ban. Fraociaoo, Oal.
Oregon & California K. 11,
Class ooniectlonn nuada at Ashland ptsess, of
th Csliforiila, Oitgn and Id alio Stags Company.
ealy IS Miles et staging.
Tlmsbetwesn Albany and Has Frandaej, 86 hours.
4.00 r. a.
8:96 r M a m
Arrivs I 10:40 a u
Leavs I 7:06 a M
baavs 6:40 r s
locai, rASSsxosa traiss pailt (sxospt Sunday).
:fl a M l.aavo
I2:4ir m I Leavs
2.10 ru Arrive
Leavs I
8:45 ru
um a s
9 DO A U
local rASMVsasa raAisa dailt, kxcbpt suxday .
- . r a
l:Mr a
Arriv I 6:46 a s
Leavs I 6:00 a m
Arrivs f 2:49 r u
Lesvs I 2:00 r U
daily brtrm Portland and Ashland. SNklyou's and
Kan Francisco,
KiMlvnut Sleeping Cars between Portland
sd AsfcleMri, SiklyH's sad Nan Frss
elses. WUKK er C'HARVB,
West aids division.
bi;i tvt.t. ounnit am owaTai.t-is.
xoep' Sunday.)
7: a u
Arrivs i
0:16 ra
1:80 f s
ISM r u
urasis TttAUH bailt (exempt Sunday.)
4:50 m
0:00 A M
6.46 am
At Albany and Cervailis cceutsct wtfli trains
Or sfon Pasi k Railroad
Forfstl hiforsMtieu regarding rates, msps, s
ceil as Ootnircny's Agest.
Mrit& pftaASM tu.i wrfart (halo
V UutiT a Uw world. Obtm.
T. jVay wkhftttt dicisve NinVM
1887, 1888.
first TWM . sHeaaeer ink, tSel.
A. toll corps of Instruotora,
rnnriM of study arranged to meetlhe
need of U grades of students.
Sfml iHdurmmmti oftrtd to stmlntt
from mtromd.
Tuition renew from 5,&Q to fiar.sw.
Board in prjvat famllls. allow rates
ttnnmi iar aalfbaerdlasr st small SXtenss
earefui supervision exercised ovar stu-
deats away Horn home. Fail term opens 7th. For o rculars ana ni.i
I " r;. . : . . l. u
partiouisrs auuross me i niuu.
Albany, Oregon,
Revere House;
...... ,.i,,nripn nnnnniriVkD
(. HAN. rffilff Ltv, I IVVI IVin ivriv.
Fitted up in first-lass stylo. Tapies
suonlied with the
in the market.
tfioe sleeping apartments
Sample rooms
for com mere
:1s 1 travelers.
fa,rt . (ld rrass the Motels
Ceack to and from tk
. n . . w r lo
,., t urt jor in r j '""'
. Court for tk I'rectna
Hutte.State of ' OrrronConnty of Linn
H. A. Johnson i and Rn.oopartoew
n UttSiness si wjio,yr?By, 177
name and styls of Johnson st Shelton.
L. E. Dole, Defendant.
To L. K. Dole, the above named Defend
ant :
Id the name of the State of Oregon, you
tie hereby required to appear before the
undersignaa, a justice ei tus rww jurmo
praelnot afereeaia, on tns
tat a day r vesaear.isar
1Q ln th forenoon of said day at
tu0 offlje 0f mld JlullM in utid Precinct,
to Enwer the above named riainunr, in a
civil action. The Defendant will take no-
iiM that ir hsrsllstoanawertbecompialnt
herein, ton Plaintiff win use luogmew
LM,n,(klm for tS aad 2 100
--, . . : ... . . . . j - .
j Jit.v.,,rmt af ihU
taxad. The service of this sum-
MUM UW tW. buu w-w.w
mOQt ,g b. publication by order of
this Court, said order being made and
entered of record this 13th day af October,
A D.. 1887
talven under my hand this 12th day of
October, A. D., 1887.
E. O. Htpi.
W. H. Qcnnnna, JnsUcsof the Peace.
PlfTs Att'y
Notioe of Assignment.
I ntAlrm im h.mhv tvan thai A. A. Baah
or of Linn county, Oregon, has made a
general assignment of ail nis property
! the undersigned for
ansa ror toe nenent 01 aw
. a a
creditors under an act of the Legislatnra
of the State of Oregon, entitled "an act to
secure creditors a lust division of the es
tates ot debtors who convey ta ssclgneos
for the benefit ml creditors" approved Oc
tober 18th. 1878 and the sots amendatory
thereof. All parsons havlag ciat
aaminat the estate of the said A. A. Baabot
are hereby notified and required ta pre
sent the same under oath ta the under-
aimed at Albany. Oregon, within three
months irem the date of this notioe.
DstedS?pt. 20th, 1887,
H, BavAT,
I city la now offered for rest on reason
able terms Fer ear Usui s re inquire of or
addresa J anas mussat,
Albany, Oregon.
Hotice for Publication.
Land OMee at Oregon City, Or.,
October 31st, 1887.
Notice is hereby givco thst the following
named settler has filed nottoe ef his intention
to make tonal proof in support ot bis claim,
and that said proof will be roads before the
County Clerk of Una Co , Or., at Albany,
Or., on
Wednesday, Rceeasber SSfh, tee?,
viz : Great Bellinger. Pre. D. S. No. 51S7,
for the lots 1, 2 and 8, of See 28, Tp 12, SB
1 W. He names ths following witnesses to
prove his conti stums residence apon,ao4 cul
tivation of, said land, vis i J Fitswster, D
Sylvetsar, J C Salt marsh and J Newman, all
of Lebanon P. 0 , Linn oeanty, Or.
W. T. BtntasY,
Botice for Publication,
Land OSes at Oregon C.ty.Or.,
October 31st, 1887.
Notice is hereby given thst the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final ptoof in support ef his elstro,
and that ssid proof will be made before the
County Judge or Clerk of Linn con sty, Or.,
at Albany, Oregon, on
Friday, Beeessber tSrst, IS?,
viz : W M But ledge, Homestead Entry No.
4785, for the S E of Sec 20, Tp 12, 8 K 1
K. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and cul
tivation of, said land, vis : H Bun ell, C
Williams, 8 Powell sod W McPberson. sii
of Lebanon P, O , Linn county, Or
W. T. Bcrxey,
Bogie tor.
f&ticB for Mlicatiou.
Laud Office at Oregon City, Or., )
October SUt, 1887. S
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make tins I proof ia support of bis claim,
and tkst said proof will be made before the
County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Or.,
at Albany, Or., on
Hemdsy, eeeasber isth. lie.
viz : J ElwJiezentanner, Homestead Entry
No. 4651, for the E g of S W , and W 3 of
S E J, of Sec 28, Tp 13, 8 R 2 K. He names
the following witnesses to prove lo.s contiou
Otis residence upon, end cultivation of, said
land, viz i Q W Howes, J W McOhee and
J B McParlssd, of Sweet Home P.O., end
LMcParlsnd of Albany P.O., all in Linn
county, Oregon.
Notice for Publication,
Land Office st Oregon City, Or., )
October, 31st, 1887. J
Notice is hereby given thst the follow
ing nsmed settler has filed notice of bis
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the County Judge or Clerk
of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or., on
Monday, December th, ISST,
viz : William H H Cuminings, Home
stead Entry, No. 4824 for the N E of 8
W M of Sec. 10, Tp. 12. 8 R 1 V . He
names the folio wiog witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, snd culti
vation of, said land, vks : J 8 CsldweU,
a. Kinder. J Lindley and J Pryor, all of
Lebanon P. C, Linn county, Oregon.
W. T. Bum by,
Notice of Administration
In lit County Court of the State oj Oregpn
for IAm County.
In the matter of (he estate of Sampson
T. Powell, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed was on November 7 Lb, 1687, duly
appointed Administrator of the above
named estate by order of the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made
snd entered of record. Thst all persons
having claims again t eaid estate are here
in' required to present them touether with
tbe proper vouchers duly verified within
sis months from tbe date hereof to tl a
undersigned at bis residence in Linn
county In the Forks of the tfentism Ktver
east of L . banon In said county.
Albany, Oregon, Nov, 8tb, 1887.
Petkh Powell,
J. C Powbll, Administrator.
Do You Want Furniture ?
W H Will ABU
IX 111 II lUJJliHI
where von will dud the bast make and
finest llilshsd
Also s fine line ot
and a hunderd different styles of
(Picture frames made to order.
Tho largest and best stock of
ever kept In Albany. Prices reasonable.
Conrad Meyer.
Comer BroadaMn and First Sts,,
t stnueU rrattw.
t'isauei HsMsta,
DHel r rails,
Hp leva,
( gU I
Intel avarrthtna that is kept In a ten
ral variety and grocery store. Higbant
market prioo paid for
Feed and Sale Stable
4th St. between Ellsworth and Lyon.
, i I . I . - . a- 1
uoarueu oy ids uay, wee I
month at reasonable rates, Ballad hay I
and strsw for sale, also osts, barley snd
chop always oa hand
DR. L N, W00DLE,
Veterinary Surgeon,
Ofnee Pity Fspd and Ssle Stable,
Albany Track and Dray Oo., No, 1.
Ooade handled with rare aad dispatch.
Cross a "aw notch or
10 taa worst scrozuio. isiurhesa.
"rmiit firm f lul, 111 ssnovh, abtn'
tn short- all dksssaaa nrnatwl bar taarAdaorf mrZ
narea try wis powirui. pertryin. and
... i aXla., BIS
under lis ieasssi inm
mmtmumm vm-
I It manifested Ms potency Is
r. Itoae Mailt. Holt, fkia
ore ifcyesj. Scrota loess Korea
towellings, Hf p. Joint Disease,
ta Swelltiiae, llollre. or TfeieH
u end Cnlaraist Ulstnls. Bead ten
nrtlia ftrid ioutidueBj of
sseessfwui on ssiwiiisawi.
. a TV aSr . rZm. s. a S w w wa
which Is SerofBlona Disease off
i.nns, is promptly ana
ago, is promptly and certainly arrested
cured by this Ood-siven remedy, if takso
re the lost stamof the disease srenaehsd.
and eti
before the loststacea
Frosa Its wonderful power over this terribly
fatal disease, when first offering this now cat.
si too limited for a moclictne which, from its
wwassiui uinuiiimi ion 01 ion to, or screnata
ina. alterative, or hlood-oteansina, anU-bllic
pectoral, and nutritive properties. Is unenusl
not only as a remedy iur consumption of
lungs, but for ail
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
Iff von feel dnlL drowsv. b.hfmwi hmmm I
aauow ww 01 sain, or y uowisn-prown spots
on xaos or noay, iroquent neaascfae or duzt
neas. bad taste In month, f ntftrnal hne w
alternating with hot hashes, low spirits
gloomy borebodlngs, irregular sppetita.
costea tongue, you are suffering from In
f 1y"PP,.? and Torpid Diver,
w luiuucn." ja many
part ot tbese symptoms are exocrh need.
a remedy tor ail such owes, 3r. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dlssovery has no
t?7If SLv Conaamptlon, and
kindred affections, it Jc a eovereljrn remedy.
Bend ten cents In stamps for Dr. Fierce?
book on Consumption, hold by Drnggtata.
PRICE $1,00, JobVSToo!
World's Dlspeisary Isdlca! Association,
Proprietors, CC3 Main 8L, Bcitalo, If. 7.
Sold by Druggists, a oonts a vial.
is off crcd by tho pivjprletori
of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
w h a 1 outrra wnion tney
osnnot cure.
It you have a discharge from
too rasa, offensive or other.
wwperiossorsmelL taste.
C pressure tn bead, you havBtarrh. 1
TffiZ'PJWI bmntnate in coniwmptlon.
iff , naaga vA7 AJMtH aXSZDV ernna thn irnsaS
Tiffs Pills
will aava the dyspeptic from many
day or misery, and enable htm to eat
whatever bo wishes. They prevent
Sick Headache,
e aoae the fowl to assimilate and noun,
tah the body, give keen apposite, and
Develop Flesh
snd saSidmaaels). Elegantly sugar
' - . per new
jiMCTDuawy oieanse w try usina r.
Its. vital Sere
r-nswr to vac punuc, jjs. i'tKBCB
thought seriously of cnlflna it his "Con-
apt I on Care. but abandomd thai nam
Ihe giuwctat.
Qffioial Paper.
OlM I. V It St'lKNt'K.
The pruning ol vines has been Investi
gated by II. Mueller, who finds that the
proper time Is while the fruit Is ripening.
snd thst the young shoots should be cut,
ss their development require mach sugar.
A new method for extrscting sugsr from
molssict hat recently been proposed by
using wood spirits o methylic slcohol,
which has the property of completely dis
solving molasses or syrup. Sugar snd
.alt may be separated as oxslstss, while
the organic sclds and nitric substsncesrs
msin In the solution. We would remark
thst there U much sddltlonsl fire risk In
this process, as methylic slcohol Is very
The woody, melon shaped fruit of the
ssnd-box tree ol the West Indies is made
into a neat box by sawing off the top and
scooping out the seeds, and Is used In Bar
bsdoes for holding sand. When, however,
the fruit Is allowed to ripen on the tree, It
bursts exnlostvelv. scstterina the weeds
.-0 .
. . a l . 1 ,..
OVSr tne grotinu. All eapcrimsuvmg nam
rali.t recently sought to preserve s span
I . . m a . a a a mm n a
men of the fruit oy drying careiuuy, out
It exploded with such violence ss to de
stroythebox conutning It.
The surface of the Medlterrsnesn has
been found by sccursts messurement to
lie a little below that ol the ocean, It re
semhllng somewhat a shallow funnel with
greatest depth coinciding with the region
where the wster Is most salt. Vsriatlons
in the snosrent heitrht of the shores are
Msaf ilt.n.l Ksa Ant tfk cliatlict It. thsB
sews iisvaaii w-sw - - ojp -
level of the wster. esneclslly marked near
the apek o( the (unnei.where the recorded
ehansresin the coast line reach twenty to
. k,- D.rant nhii-rvert i ia
m ' .
attribute the supposed oscillations In the
shores of the Baltic and Black Sea to
ensnares in the volame of wster csused
by varying rsinfall and outflow.
The birthday of the voung emperor on
the 17th of lest August was not celebrated
with the pomp customary with his predc
cessors on the Celcstlsl throne. The only
observances were the services by court of
fleer in the name of the emperor at the
shrines of 10 emperors and 21 empresses
We have before us an account of the
hlrthdsv prostrations In I75 before the
Kmperor Sheng tu. which his majesty
permitted to be observed by petition of the
princes, dukes snd gcnersls of the empire
From the northwest gste of Peking, even
miles out to the gste of park Wan-shou
shan, there were erected in grest numbers
what ars called dragon tents. In these
u-nte armv officers snd nobles lived for
mare than a fortniaht. On the birthday
the emperor came in state and far seve
miles long the road the oflcers and cour
I tiers knelt on each aide of the wsy ss the
emperer paascd. Titers was sn snnounce
ment of the birthday seat to the altars of
beeves, earth snd the spirits of land snd
grain sod to the temple ot ancestors
Some rears since," says a citizen,
met a saloon keeper's pack train on the
route to the Salmon river mines. His
mules were laden with bottles, 10 empty
1 10-callon keg, one 10-csiion sea 01 aico
I - w -
It i . , . 1 I
noi, ana arugs. in s icw usji c uptucu
s saloon in s large tent. I lis bar was stock
ed with all kinds of wines snd liquors, snd
he raked in coin from the miners by the
Aotfull. lie ran the saloon all summer
snd sold out in the fall for a good round
sam. All the liquor he sold, except the
alcohol, he manufactured on the spot
from his stock of drugs. In them da vs
Jim Fuller, who kept a saloon in Oregon
I City, carried up many s bar roll of whisky
in his vest pocket A feller could just
tin mnnav In Ik Hniinr t,iisinas I tt
I " '
you, things ain't what they used to be
lu .1,- .
St. Lovis, November 3. One of the
most exciting scenes thst ever occurred In
this or pernsps any city took plsce st the
Union Depot this afternoon snd for a time
created the wildest sort of a scsre. A
special train et passenger ana net cars
bearing John Robinson's menagerie and
circus people came into the Union Depot
en route to Cincinnati, where they are to
inter. About half-past 3 the train pulled
out to cross the bridcre. and while oassinir
vr .,,1- 1- h A ,
I i'"' -"- "" . . j,
aflat esc flew the track, followed by others
and ran into a freight train on a side track
demolishing two or three cars and killing
George Squires, a canvas man, and badly
injuring two other circus men nsmed
Fuller and Isle. In the smssh-up some
of the animal cages on the fist cars were
broken and a Bengal tiger, two lions, a
leopard, s isfftisr. an ibex and a vulture
w w mw w
escaped. Railroad officials and policeman
ran frantically about, shouting, warning
and there was a general stampede. The
leopard was found crouched under a freight
car and an attempt was made to lasso him,
but it failed and the animal rushed from
cover, bit a man severely in the leg on his
way out,bounded into the ticket office and
then jumped through a transom into the
superintendent's office. lie was besieged
and, after several attempts ta capture him
and two or three shots being fired at him,
hf was covered with a tarpaulin snd se
cured. One by one the other animals
were found and captured and rsturned to
their cages, but it was not until nearly
dark that the work was over and the ex
citement was allayed.
William E. Cramer editor and proprie
tor of the Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin
blind and partially deaf,and in spite of his
infirmities does an enormous amount of
newspaper work. He dictates his edito
rials to a secretary ,who reads them to him
by means of an audiphone. In this way
Mr. Cramer produces from a column to
three columns of matter a dav.
John Varney and his wife have lived on
Moosehead Lake, Me,, for twenty-five
years, and during that time have together
killed over 400 bears, unnumbered deer
and caribou.and much small game. Mrs.
John is as expert a bear hunter as her
husband, and accompanies him in all his
hunting excursions. In June, 1885, they
WW b rtgf, WotlKN.
Here Is sn in' torestlng extract from sn
article In the V ,w York Mmmty :
Art should always be based on nature,
and no srt is true which does not tske na
ture for Its model. A perfect,symmetrlcal,
healthy woman of five feet five Inches in
icight must comply with the following
stsndatd 1 .She should be 138 pounds at
the lens! , and could stand up to ten pounds
more without Injury to heslth or artistic
lerfection. The distance between the tips
of her two middle fingers when the arms
ars extended should be exsctly the same
a fir height or ten times the length of
her bund, or seven, and a half times the
ength of her foot, or five times the dlam
eter of her chest from ons arm pit to the
other. The dlstsncs from the junction of
thighs to the ground should be the ssme
ss from the former point to the top of the
hesd. The knee should be exsctly mid
way from the junction of the ttflghs to the
bottom of the heel.
The distance from the elbow to the tip
of the middle finger should be the asms ss
from the elbow to the middle line of the
chest. From the top of the hesd to the
chin, with the heud posed naturslly.shonld
be the ssme ss from the level of the chin
to the arm pits, or from the heel to the tip
of the toe. Ths bust of a woman of the
height nsmed should be forty-thres In
ches messurement over the arms, and the
waist twentv-four.
The upper part of the arm should be
from thirteen snd s half to fourteen inches
and the wrist six Inches. The snklc
should bs six Inches, the calf of ths teg
fourteen snd the thigh twenty-five. Any
woman of the height mentioned who hss
these measurements can congratulate her
self on hsvlng ss perfect s form ss the
Creator ever made. Of course the propor
tions very with the height
A very good way to discipline the me
chanical eye is to first measure sn inch
with the eye, then prove it with a rule,
then measure s hslf-inch, then an eighth,
and so on. and vou w ill soon be able to
discover at a glsnce the difference between
s twelfth snd s sixteenth of sn inch ; then
go to three inches, six, twelve, snd so on.
Some call this guessing ; there is no
guesswork about it. It is measuring with
the eye snd mind. Acquire the habit of
criticising for Imperfections every piece
af work thst you see ; do everything ss
nesrly ss you csn without measuring, (or
spoiling it,) or as nearly as you can trust
the eve with its present Irslning. If you
W - . w
csnnot see things mechanically, do not
blsme the eve for It ; It Is no more to
btsme thsn the mouth is because we can
not rcsd. or the fingers because we csnnot
write. A person msy write s very good
hsnd with the eves closed, the mind, of
course, directing the fingers. The eye Is
nscesssrv, however, to detect Imperfec
lions. Even operstion in life requires s
mechanicslly trained eye. and we should
realize more thsn we do the great impor
tance of properly training thst orgsn.
The a heat reserve of Europe In 1887
are smsller than in anv of the last five
years, especially so on the Continent
Great Ilriuin will need to Import next
year about 4u,'r,, bushel wheat
France, Holland and Belgium xi,oou,ooo
each, Italy 18.000,000, Germany taoocsooo,
The Dominion af Canada, with a deficleat
wheat crop In Ontario and Quebec, will
require all the surpus of Manitoba. Ue
sides this country, Russia. Austria, Hung
ary, Roumania, British India, Australia,
Egypt, Chill and the Argentine Republic
will each have an export surplus of wheat
to sell In the markets of the world.
Editor Twltchell of the Gorham (Me.)
Mtnntainrwr values highly his grandmoth
ar's spinning wheel, for It has a pretty his
tory. Eighty-five years sgo Grsndfather
Twltchell.then a ttalwsrt young msn.went
ta Kr veburg to get s wife. He rode one
horse snd led snother. When he went
home, on the led horse rode Grsndmother
Twltchell.then s blooming young woman
and fast to the ssddte behind her was tied
this identical spinning wheel.
A canvass has been made of the prefer.
ences of the members of the republican
national committee, which Indicates thst
s msjority fsvor Chicago as the place for
holding the coovention, with St. Louts as
the second choice. In the democratic na
tional committee, so far as can be sscer.
mined, the situstion is just the reverse
St. Louis hsving the preference as between
the two places.
Only 3,000,000 women in this countrv
have to work for money and all of the rest
of the women get their money for noth
Ing. What In the world are they kicking
C M Bennett, the contractor.has conclud
ed to make Pendleton his home, and will
soon begin the construction of a couple of
brick residences, one ior tus ewn occupancy
and one to rent. He will bring his family
to Pendleton soon, Pendleton (.
Indispensable to the Toilet.
Darbys Prophylactic Fluid cures cbsf
int. eruptions and inflammation of all
kinda : cures in flammed or sore eyes
relieves pains from bites or stings of in;
soots and sore feet ; destroys all taltit of
persperation or offensive smell from the
feet or any part of tbe body ; cleanses snd
whitens tbe skin, used as a aemircce 1;
purifies the breath ; preserves the teeth
and cures toothache; sore gums and uu
er, A little of the fluid in the water se
In bathing Is vary refresh lng and especia
ly beneficial to the slok.
PhysicisBS Uave found Oat
That a contaminating and foreign element
la the blood, developed by indigestion, Is
tbe cause of rheumatism. This settles
upon the sensitive sub-cutaneous cover
ing of the muscles and ligaments of tbe
joints, causing constant and shifting pain,
and aggregating as a calcareous, chalky
deposit which produces stiflbess and dis
tortion of the jolnta. No fact whioh ex
Srience has demonstrated in regard to
oetetter's Stomach Bitters has stronger
evidenoe to support than this, namely
that this medicine of comprehensive use
checks the formidable and atrocious dls
ease, nor Is it loss positively established
thst It Is preferable to the poisons often
used to arrest it, sinoe tbe medicine con
tains only salutary ingredients. It Is also
a signal remedy for mslarial fevers, con
stipation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder
ailments, debility and other disorders,
See tnat you get the geauine,
... . -SOS
Drunkenness er the Liquor Habit Positively
Oared by administering Dr.'
Golden Specific.
It can be given tn a cup of coffee or tea with
out the knowledge o the person taking it; Is
absolutely hansless and will effect a perma
nent and speedy cure, whether tbe patient is a
moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of drunkards have been made tem
perate men who have taken Golden 8 pacific
in their coffee without their knowledge, snd
to-day believe they quit drinking of their own
free will. IT NkVEB FAlia. The system
once Impregnated with the Specific It becomes
an trtssrimpossiBiiiiy ior tne uguor appetite w
exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN
SPECIFIC CO., 18 Race St., Cincinnati, 0.
Some line, fresh sat
What is this Disease that Is Coming
Upon Us ?
Likfl a thii'f ;il night it steals
in upon us utiuwimtM. The pa
lusnts have pniii about the
chest and sides, and Hometimes
in the back. They feel dull
and sleepy; the mouth has a
bad taste, especially in the
morning. A him 1 of 1 1 ieky slimo
collect about the teeth. The
appetite in poor, There is a
feeling like a heavy load on the
stomach; som iim s a faint, all
gone sensation nt the pit 01 the
stomach which food doe not
satisfy. The eyes are sunken,
the hands and feel b come cola
and clammy. After a while a
cough sets in, at first dry, but
after a few months it is attend
ed with a greenish-colored ex
jxjctoration. The patient feels
tired all the while, snd sleep
does not seem to afford any
rest. After a time he becomes
nervous, irritable and gloomy,
and has evil forerxxliugs. There
is a giddiness, a sort of whirl
ing sensation in tho head when
rising up suddenly. The bow
els become costive; the skin is
dry and hot at times ; the blood
becomes thick and stagnant;
the whites of the eyes become
tinged with yellow'; urine
is scanty and high --i n. .., de
positing a sedim at after stand
ing. There is frequently a
spitting up of the fooL fome
times with a sour taMe and
sometimes with a sweetish
taste; this is frequently at
tended with palpitation of tbe
heart; the viion becomes im
paired, with sjxits before the
eyes; thre ia feeling of great
prostration and weakness. All
of these symptoms are in turn
present. It is thought that
nearly one-third of our popu
lation has this disease in some
of its varied forms.
It h leen' found that phy
sicians have mistaken the cause
of this disease. Some have
treated it for a liver complaint
others for kidnev disease, etc.,
ete., but none of thee kinds of
treatment have been attended
with success; for it is really
constipation and dyspepia. ft
is also found that Shaker Ex
tract of Hoots, or Mother Sei
gel's Curative Syrup, when
properly prepared will remove
this disease in all its stages.
Care must lie taken, however,
to secure the genuine article.
Mr. John C. Hemptinstall,
of 'hulaiirmee, Clebuin Co.,
Ala,, writes: "My wife has
been so much lienefited by
8hakr Extract of Roots or
Seigel's Syrup that she says
she would rather be without
part of her food than without
the medicine. It has done her
more good than the doctois and
all other medicines put together.
I would ride twenty miles to
tfet it into the hands of any suf
ferer if he can get it in no other
way. 1 I relievo i( will soon sell in
this Statu better than cotton.
Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner,
Ripley Co., Ma, writes that
she had been lone afflicted with
dyspepsia and disease of the
urinary organs and was cured
by Shaker Extract of Roots.
Rev. J. J. MctJuire, merchant,
of the same place, who sold
Mrs. Barton the medicine, says
he has sold it for four years
and never knew it to fail.
I was so low with dyspep
sia that there was not a phv
sician to be found who could
do anything with me. I had
fluttering of the heart and
swimming of the head. One
lay I read y a j r pamph let called
"iCie Among the ShaJters"
which described my disease
better than I could myself. I
tried tht; Shaker Extract of
Roots and kept on with it until
to-day I rejoice in good health.
Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier,
Muhlenburg Co., K y.
For sale by all 1 ruggists, or
address the proprietor, A. J.
White, Limited, 54 Warren
St., New York.
tallies. Fine Shoes,
N H Alien St Co. sre bow receiviug direct
from the manufacture, H J Holbrook k Co.,
of Utioa. N. Y.. a lull line of his justly cel.
ebrated fine shoes for ladies and misses in
C. D. 1. snd E. E. widths. These goods
will give apleodid satisfaction, in fact there
are no better made.
Anrdews & Hackieman,
jtr a. SKfBKfBKfn-- essH
cm iocs pacts.
A Missouri woman has collected i;v,
A Iowa girl fainted sway thre; times In
succession on being voled the handsomest
lady in the county.
The common thistle, which nt w covers
large areas in southern Chili, It said to
have been Introduced there by an English
man, who imported a bushel of need, and
sowed it under the delusion that the plant
would prove valuable for fodder.
A leather strap two inches wide and
eighteen long, fastened to s hickorv han
die two feet Ion-, with a strinir st the end '
hy which the handle could be fattened to j
the wrist, was found between the log wslls i
snd the weather boards of sn old farm !
house near Monticello, Ga., that is being I
torn down. It is an old-fashio led slave I
whip. ;
(olden trout arc onlv found in the!
brooks of Mount Whltnev. uo near the
t t. . .
o perpetual snow. They have s
golden stripe down esch side, snd are the
most beautiful fish that swim. It is said
that those who saw the first speidtnensof
these trout that were brought down from
the head of Whitney Creek, thought they
were made up for the show.and ihat trlpe
of gold leaf had been glued to their sides.
A country negro entered one of the drv-
goods stores st Americus, Gs., ta buy a
trunk, and after considerable parleying
ilh the salesman ss to theories asked.
finslly shouldered one and left, nsvlnc
$1.50 therefor. In about sn hour he re
turned with the trunk,sayfng that he -had
got too much for his money. The trunk
was hlled with Mackinaw straw hats that
had been packed In It for the winter. The
contents of the trunk were worth between
$75 and $ioo.
Hashish is superseding morphine and
vaporized ether, it is said, in the affection
of the Parisian dilettanti drunkards. They
have founded a Hashish Club on the Hue
St. Michel, where they meet every Friday.
The amount of the drue which e.ich shall
take Is prescribed by a doctor,and the dose
is prepared by a chemist,both members of
the club. It Is taken in pills, snd not
chewed, drunken or smoked, as are Uie
Oriental fashions. Each of the members
is bound to describe to the others, either
In writing or verbally, his sensations as
the drug gains Its influence over him.
Too Meek lUssr
To go out camping, or any other way of
spending your vacation, whether it ha
lung or short, without something to coun
teract tbe effects which so radical a change
is likely to produc. There is not bint;
snore suitable as a regulatorof tbe erst em,
under such circumstances, thaa Freae's
Hamburg Tea.
Satire to Tss-Pajrer.
Notice is hereby given, that I, or my
Deputy, will meet the tax payers of Linn
county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock s. m , and re
main until 4 o'clock p. m., at their respec
tive places of voting in the several pre
cincts, at the following times sad places for
the purpose of collecting the Uses for 1887 :
Vox Valley, Monday, Nov. 14th, 1887.
Scio, Tuesday, Nov. 1 5th.
Franklin Butte, Wednesday, Nov. Kith.
Santlam, Thursday, Nov. 17th.
Lebanon, Friday, "Nov. iSth.
Waterloo, Mondav. Nov. 21st
Liberty, Tuesday, Nov. 22nd.
Sweet Home, Wednesday, Nov. 23rd.
Brush Creek, Thursday,' Nov. 24th.
Crawfordsville, Friday Nov. 35th.
Brownsville, Saturday, Nov. 20th.
Center, Monday, Nov. 28th.
Orleans, Tuesday, Nov. 29th.
Syracuse, Wednesday, Nov. 30th.
Uarrisburg, Thursday, -Dec. 1st.
Halscv, Friday, Dec.' 2nd.
Shedd, Saturday, Dec. 3rd.
East Albany, Tuesday, Dec 6th.
West Albany, Wednesday, Dec. 7th.
Prompt payment will be required. Pay
your taxes and save costs.
Dated, Oct. 24th, 1887.
D. S. SsftTH,
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Notice Final Settlement.
in the County Court of Out County of Ln,m
for the .Stait of Ortyon :
In ths matter of the .tsvta Af it
Cowan, dsoeast!.
Notice is ht rnitf gtvn that tho under
alanod AXecuUtr of said estate hna h ot
hla final aciount it nld (ut.ito tvnii 11...
Clerk of said Court for final 1 1 1, 1. . n.
anu that the said Court has app.tiitfo
a. one o'clock iu ihu ft ruoon for berini
objections thereto nutl the eultieutent of
l.I..- .... . 1 . ... Z
Albany, Or., Nov. Otb, 1887.
J. L. Cow- k,
J. C. Powkix. Executt r
Att'y lor Executor
Stiff Joints,
Hoof Ail,
accompUsltes far evsrybody sx ot! y what U clalmvd
for it One of ths reasons for the great popt lartty of
the Mustang Liniment is found in Its universal
applicability Everybody needs such a medicine.
The Lumberman needs it in ease of accident.
The Housewife needs It for general tai ally uao.
The Cu.alcr needs it for his teams and hts men.
Tho Mochanio needs It always on I la worlc
The Miner needs it in case of emergone y.
The Plencor needs it can't get along w thout it.
The Farmer needs it ln his house, his stable,
and his stook yard.
Tbe Steamboat man or the lion tHiun seetis
It ta liberal supply afloat and ashore.
The Hereefancler needs It it Is his best
friend and safest reliance.
The Steckcrtwer needs it It will tare htm
thousands of dollars aad a world of trouble.
The Railroad man needs It aad will need It so
icng as bis life is a round of Occidents aud dangers.
The llackwoodsmau needs lu Then 1 is noth
ing ilk it ss an anUdoto for the danger:! to life,
limb and comfort which surround the ploat er.
The Merchant needs It about his store among
his employees. Accidents will happen, and when
these come the Mustang Lialmeat is w ante. 1 atones.
Keepa Battle is the House. Us tb bsat ef
Keep a Battle la the Factory Its in mediate
use tn oass of accident saves pain aad leas S wages.
Keen a Battle Always In the Sts hie for
use waea -aseti
For all Olseasss ef hs
Live, Sidneys, Stomach and Spleen.
This purely vegetable pre-
f-ratjoa now so wkbrsted as a Msdklr ortajastsd la
artOv nn thn mium in inn. II -
KidnfrT and corrects the
scti'.n of the I Jar ---
for, the tost preparatory
medicine, whatever ths ska.
msy prove to b In all
mr.n riiuHM It II n
cine, etEset a speedy enre.
Thr Kenilatr 1 safe to admin,.., i.
pmdition of the system, snd under no eireninl
toners n it do ham. It will hulsaim
a rUsrt of wine, but i no Intoxicating lever
t IMS IS Initmynncm ; will promote ssV
iC'iHin, Mai jmie neariaene, mm
ally tone np ths system. The dose
not unpleasant, and its virtues
No la nt time, i
ruptlon or stoppage of
business whits taldaa ths
Children costplslnlsc of
f olic, HesdssB. of tUU
Stoma-!,, a t.p.xnful r
more woi give rtbef.
If lakes occasionally by pa.
dents esMHsd to MALARIA,
will etrpd ib r,soa and protect
SSSSS r-tm attack.
a rott-aic-iAirs ertxiox.
1 have
sad hare never been sbi to pot trp a vecc tabls
sssspowM usat woumj, uas SNMSSSS uvsr Kegsv
tator, promptly and ssTistlWlji stove the Urcr to
action, snd st the sane date aid (instead of weak
nirtf the digestive and aasisulattvs powers f As
system. iTal Hiaroir, af D .WasKtatoo, Ark.
J. H. Z&'tin it Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Albany Soda Works,
And Manufacturers ot-
Wa are now prepared to sail -at whale
sale, always fresh and pure at Portland
prices to dealers. Wa also keep a fall
line of
Nuts and Tropical Fngti,
department Is com" Wa keep the
sr Scant stue of suck and chewing
tobaooo, meerschaum sod briar pipes that
Is a delight to smokers.
Dt YERS GViam ta
mm 1
direct to eanmumnri mm sJQ
pexvosud or fiusUy
order, and selves
Uatsur pots awe eat, shrfnk
. tma markets ot
will nil st mm VM
1 receipt of 10 via. f
THIS is the top of the gen
uine "Pearl Top" Lamp
Chimney, all others similar
are imitations. . . . .
I his is the
exact label on
each one of the
Pearl Top
The dealer
may say and
think he has as
fyood, but he his not
Insist upon the exact label
and top.
Pittsburgh, Pa,
Obtalosd. ana ail other!
attci deded to for
la tas U. sV
onress Is
the U.S. PatsatOCea. asd
lass Usss thaa tasso tssssss
- ea abuin Pataats
rsd media ar dram in
Ws ai
wty tree of chares ;snd wssssss
Wt ABtaln raaatasrtt
e obtain intent.
. W refer iter, to tho
ths Suss, sf
naasy Order Dhr. sad Is
ni k. I t
a Faisal
v'nwc For circular, i ivies, tsrass, sad
o actual client in your own Stats sr eountv
Ca .4. SHIOW &CO.,
rwpnsth Patrnt OSRoe.
Cut to order tress
slssss ssrstuliy
1W style aad w ar. Ker
pair rnaraatee daad sasa
sy promptiy refunded, sr
a new pair made, if ros
are returned ss uasatis
atsssiy. DO YOU WEAR
Tall as about yhat u
ryou Mks, stnd usysur
aita,hlp asd aside i
measnre, tegsther vrtI
3ndS5ets. for postals
(or prepaid express) sal
er ta us, or to thesstsS
c t tsjnoles srttlWsasss.
(lacking. Or sou
of thisnanar. snd
t il you, including
,iu4umiii nen tspe-atsasure, asws
nays deposited with the proprietors of this paper a
rien tspt-msassrs, asws
uuiuuw ut unuou lacuiw ior.saie at sis cents.
IS Hammer 8 Bostea,
(Suooeasors to O. O. Cherry.)
Machinists, Millwrigiitg, and Iror
completed, and are now prepared to
handle all kinds of heavy work. We will
A . w ...
uiauuiuuiure ntesm notginea, urist and
Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinda rf Iros
and Brass Castings.
Special attention given to repairing all
inds of machinery. Will also manufaa
re the improved Cherry A "White Grain
ep rator
next east of S. E, Young's, Albany, Or,
Cutting and Fitting a Specialty,
Wednesdays and Thursdays of each
week, and painting done to 02 dor on
plaques and other material,
is 30 assortment of Artist -t materials oa