The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 18, 1887, Image 3

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    Ik moaat.
4-iwnI 4 h Past JAvi Albany, Or
m swooadelaa mail
FRIDAY NOVK.M B&R 18, 1887
iCirfiS A
Kilters aat
r. iirniu, imI Miter.
A mass meeting of the dmoorats of Al
bany will be held at the Court Hoaee on
Saturday evening, Deoember 3rd, 1387, at 7
o'clock, fur the purpose of nom tasting candi
dates for Mayor, Recorder, Marshal end
Treasurer, to be voted for et the election on
Moitdey, Dee. 5th, 1M7.
The oommittee recommend that the various
ward meetings be held on Friday evening,
Deo, Sad, at 7 o'clock, at the following ptaoee :
Pirst Ward Up eUirt in tne Circuit Court
Second Ward la the County Court room.
Third Ward-
Kaoh ward will nominate one candidate
far Councilman and select a member of the
City Central committee.
T. J. Stites, Chairman,
C. (. Bl'KEB ART,
A new definition for crank is 1 "A
who drinks whiskey and votes for prohibi
tion." Author, an Albany saloon keeper.
A gentleman complains at the immense
amount of tobacco juke spread over the
nice cement walk on First street
A constitutional convention in Oregon ie
bound to be a fact within a few years.
The M. A. T. a few days ago watched
two boys fishing off a wharf. Their hooka
were only two or three feet apart. One of
the bore caught five or six fish in as many
minutes, the other did not get a nibble
This is a fair Illustration of the successes of
life. Why le it ?
Thanksgiving next JThursday. We can
find much to be thankful for. It is a good
dead in the heart. If confirmed cynics it is
easy to kick at everything. There is lots of
good and bad in the world ; but it pays to
hunt for the former ; particularly on thanks
giving. Please paas the turkey, and may
we trouble you for the cranberry sauce.
Though the cow ordinance Is not enforc
ed. though a little better than the one re
ferring to keeping saloons open Sunday and
selling liquors to minora, It is a fact that
the troublesome bovine is not nearly so
much of a nuisance as previous to the or
dinance, and her midnight raids are leaa
frequent. Now, the truth is, cow ordinances
will not be effective until the animals are
kept off the streets entirely A city like
Albany should be so that even without
fences ones property would he safe.
The ProhibUimmi$ of SHvorton to the Pro
kmVtmmutt of Linn County, grooting :
We do not for a " moment accept the
charge of the Ortgouutn that prohibitionists
are fanatics and fools, but hereby graceful
ly yield precedence to you as the advance
guards of true National reform. The vote
you gave last Tuesday in favor of the only
practicable method of restraining a great
evil, entitles you to the banner, and gives a
glorious refutation to the sneer that demo
crats are insincere and have no higher pur
pose In favoring prohibition than to disor-
Enize the Republican party. All hail the
nner county of Democracy and prohibi
tion. The above was unanimously passed
ratification meeting at Silverton held
last Saturday evening, Nov. uth.)
Postal Card Notes.
Lebanon. Thoa Roberts, formerly of
Albany, has opened a blacksmith shop here
in the place formerly run by Mr Roscoe.
Mr R is a good workman.
Scio. Jeff Meyer, of this city, on account
ot poor health, will spend the winter in Cal May he grow robust ere his return.
8wxkt Home. This city has a live and
musical band composed of the following
members : H Rolfe, C Ruaaell J Boa, A
Nicholls, C C Cooper. H R Slavens, G E
Rolfe, O H Ruaaell, 8 R Notheger, J N
Galbralth, J A Thompson and A D Mc
Queen. Brownsville W. R. Kirk, Grand
Sacrificerof the Moat Modern Order of
Equal Rights, of Brownsville, went to Rose
burg last week and organized a lodge in
that city. J B Homer.forroerly of this city,
was elected grand lecturer.
la the Spring.
Next Spring Foahay St Mason and W C
Tweedale will bui d a double block on their
lots on the south side of First Street, the
former now being occupied by Jos Webber
and M. Hyde, 35 feet front, and the latter
by Tweedale St Hopkins, 26 feet front The
block will be two stsries high and the plans
for the same are already being drawn in
Portland. On Monday Mr. Tweedale pur
chased 25 feet front of 8 E Young, on Sec
ond Street, back ot the hardware store, and
will place his old store building on it during
the construction of the new brick. Several
other bricks are anticipated.
S 11
Need Speaking.
An immigrant got off at a Southern Ore
gon cuy me otner day at 10 o clock a. m.
Instead of hanging himself up to a lamp
post he rustled around got a cheap job of
anything that he could find to do, and at 3
o'clock was at work, and has been doing
something continually since. The young
man deserving success will do anything
rather than remain idle. Sawing wood is as
. honorable as clerking in a store He who
waits for something to turn up, ought to be
turned up himself, spanked and attached to
an electric battery. There are too many in
JLlnn county who do so.
Last Spring Redfield & Brownell offered
four prizes for pumpkins raised from seeds
sent out by them. Last Tuesday a large
number sent In were collected and weighed,
1 - f.a a a ..... .
resulting in tne prizes oeing distributed as
follows 1
1st. Cant E J Lanning, 40 pounds, $10.
and IS. Bridges, 39 pounds. $5.
3rd. A Hale, 35 pounds, $2.
Smallest Jf D Burkhart, la ounces, $3,
Corns, Dennis.
A big fortune awaits Dennis Ensign if he
will come to the front at once. Dennis is
seventeen years old. five feet eight inches
high, dark complexion and medium build
Dennis and his mother left Kansas City
early last summer and went to Seattle,
where they settled : but Dennis soon ran
away and went to 8pokane Falls, then back
to Seattle and thence to San Francisco. If
Dennis will make himself known to the
Democrat we will put him on the track of
a big fortune.
Ths editor whs wished ths four deoeaasd
aaarohtsts a marry Christmas and a happy
New Year ouj;ht to get six months in Albany,
vregao. Dwuwman .
T to good a punishment for such a man
H should be allowed to rot is the most era.
ery town ia Oregon, its Capital.
Below we give tho official vote cast taet
week In Linn county, a can vassed on Mm.
day by County Clerk Galbratth and Juetlcee
R. L. Dorr is, of Albany precinct, and F. A
Watte, of Shedd precinct. The total vote
cast for Congressman In this county In iM6
wae 3309, as against 3911 at this election,
Indicating that a large number of people
did not vote here -as well as In other coun
ties :
Earn Albany
Browns!! le . . .
Break Creek...,
a .........
CravfSntavtlle .
rranklln Butte .
Fox Valley
Rai riskurg
a a
a ......... .
......... 1
1 1
Majorities. ..
Mar pie Hanged.
Marple, the murderer of Corker, waa
hanged at Lafayette last Friday, tie insist
ed until the last that he was an Innocent
man ; but it is asserted that he confessed to
the attending priest that he was guilty.
Thsaprlest totd that the right man had been
hanged. The scene was like moat hanging
scenes. The man s neck was broken.
and he lived several minutes, his pulse stop
ping its beats in fourteen minutes. Marple
was convicted on circumstantial evidence.
and some have doubted his guilt ; but it is
probable the right man fell with the scaffold.
Ills braggadocio spirit disgusted the few
who witnessed his execution.
Last Monday William H Hesa, a priaouer
confined iu the oonnty jail at Lafayette with
Mai pie signed and swore to astatesneot of a
aofeseioa made by Marple to hie while
thy ware both prisoners, oa the day before
the execution. According to it be, hi wife
and mother talked over a plan to rob Corker,
aad o the night of (ha merrier hie mother
went into Corker 'a room and drugged him,
and both were th. r tsgetaar all. -rraria,
when Corker appearing uneasy th. , ooeciud
ad to murder him (Iu mother all ..ok the
drat blow, wHao he r the f .in her
hand and finiahad tu j !, a van huugltrt.
affair. They sto nia m may R2UC 73. which
was divided hrtwe-u th m. Af er strailit
ing him oat ae tt n Ha4 U ska .um ter.t t.y
tne masons m iei(. am. im
plicated them and otheie, with utauv effect,
ai so ply to 1 1 o 'tut'sa u u . He
also said h pal fed ao nmi lady as Oreaou
City ne . . tl .. -auk a hatchet, and a
French .... t Portia.. -t, that the man
eoavtoud ut -Mardartng Mra bl agar and now
la tn pa.teutiry, bad uutniwg to do with
After Rlsttisa Notes.
The vote In Albany last week waa 130
more than for Congressman In 1886. This
is an excellent showing for the city and really
represents an increase in population of about
600. This in the face of the fact that the
vote this year on account of bad weather
was not a full one by considerable.
In Philomath not a single ballot waa cat
for the salary amendment
Soap Creek, acroaa the river, gave 61 for
prohibition and 16 against.
Marlon county gave 2893 majority against
the salary amendment and 563 against
change of election day.
following are the majorities of some of
the cities and towns of trie state on the pro
hibitory amendment, not reported iat week 1
f or -UinkvilieJ ; Prineville. 65 ; Junc
tion City, 5 ; Stay ton, 40 ; McMinnville,
40 ; Toledo. 1 ; Forest Grove, 20 ; Wood-
bum, 44.
Against Newport, 41 1 Arlington, 33 :
Coburg,5 ; Marshfic!d,26 ; Aurora,83 ; Hub
bard, 28 ; Mehama, 61 ; Gervaia,46.
Lincoln was the banner prohibition pre
cinct in Marion county .giving 67 for and 18
The Anarchists
All over the United States the fate of the
Chicago Anarchists condemned to death has
been watched with almost local interest.
On Thursday afternoon Louis Lingg, one
of the condemned men, committed suicide
by taking a dynamite cap.piacing it between
his teeth and lighting the fuse with a candle,
his head being fearfully shattered. It la
thought he had concealed the cap In his
hair, as he had been thoroughly searched
awhile before. The sentence of Fielden and
Schwab was commuted to imprisonment for
lite. Un Friday Spies, Farsons,Fischerand
Enget were at 1 1 :5a. a. m. hanged by the
neck until dead. Just as the drop fetl
Fischer said "Hurrah for Anarchy. This la
the happiest moment of my life." Spies'
last words were, "There will a time come
when our silence will be more powerful
than the voices they are strangling to death
now." Engel's were,"Hurrah for Anarchy."
Parsons died with these words, ' vlay I be
allowed to speak, wilt you let me speak,Sher
iff Matson. Let th voice of the people be
Thursday night of last week a burglar
entered the store of Mr. Julius Joseph by
way of the back door, and hastily sweeping i
the contents of a shelf in his upright show
case into his pockets departed. He secured
about $150 worth of meerschaum and brier
pipes and cutlery. A few nights previous
several articles were also taken. No clue to
the burglar was obtained. Albany begins
to see tne need ot a detective omce.
Teacher's Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the regular
public quarterly examination of teachers
will be held at the Court House in Albany,
commencing at noon on Wednesday, No
vember 30th, 1887. AH those desiring to
pass examination will please take notice
and be present at the beginning.
D. V. S. Reid,
County School Superintendent.
Work of the Grand Jary.
The Grand Jury this week found true
bills against Otto Bridgemont for assau t
with a dangerous weapon on Wm Faber, of
the Star Brewery ; C F Mooney, for burg
larizing the house of A Harmon at Scio ;
Chas Ryan, for attempted rape on Ella
Mack, at Scio.
Tb Flight of Two Pigeon.
Last Monday at 1 :y, Mr. McMunn, the
"sailor boy," of Shedd, let loose from the
Democeat office two of his finest Antlwerp
carrier pigeons. They made a graceful cir
cle, as Is their custom, got their bearings
and "lit out" for home at a 5O second gait,
making the journey in about thirteen min
utes. Mr McMunn is justly very proud of
his birds.
Boasts 0 Improvements.
Our neighboring cities who are boasting
of the amount of improvments during the
A. . I,, i . ...
past year win 111 most cases nave to take a
back seat for Albany. They will foot up to
tuny $150,000, anu continue to progress,
Look out for 1888.
(J. J. Wkltasy Jade 1 Raoeh Millar, aisx Brandon
OesssalsEtensrs. )
Bill of Wm Ditley, witness, $5.60, disal
lowed, also of J W Williamson, Sheriffs
feea, fit. afi.
Bill of F M Miller, Atty's fees, conUnued.
Road ordered established as prayed for
by J M Hasler and others.
Scholarships In Agricultural College at
Corvallls granted to Benjamin Ohling and
Marlon Need ham. Alto one granted Mary
E Porter at State University at Eugene City.
Fees inquest J as Minot continued.
F II More land appointed Constable in
Lebanon precinct.
Fees State vs Bopp continued ; alto State
vs Crab ; also Bute va Case ; alto matter
reduction of taxes of D M St T I Co.
In matter application of T Croft and
others for Co road, Henry Cyrua, W A Paul
and Wm H Young appointed viewers.
In matter of application of Aa A Hull
and othera for Co road, Hit Kirk, Thos
Brandon and A Maxwell appointed viewers
Fees State agt Wm Fox continued.
Ordered that Mehama bridge be accepted.
Ordered that Judges and Clerks of elec
tion be allowed one day and inc. per mile,
and iOc. per mile be allowed for carrying
poll books.
Pees of Co Court officers allowed also,
D S Smith, expense acct $ 8.35
J Gradwohl.mdse E Rwarta 17 ;u
Hi jonn St stone, repairing bridge
across Muddy Creek 30100
Stewart St Sox, mdse 30.05
Edwin R Klsseil, aid t6.oo
H Bryant, 5 cords wood 20.00
Henry Tyler, hauling 5 cords wood. . 3.75
N H Allen St Co, mdse paupers 3.75
Pacillc Bridge Co ,.740000
G P Turred.Supt Mehama bridge. . . 10000
Train St Whitney, printing 24.00
John Schmeer, livery 10.00
Ex Co Com to Mehama 2.75
J K Riley, lumber 19.13
G W Young.bulldlng bridge S7i7
E T T Fisher, Surveyor'a Teea $3. o
I P Galbralth, Clerk's fees 1134 05
D S Smith, ShfTs feea 130.34
D V 8 Reid, salary Oct 5000
Feea State s Mooney 6.35
Fees Ute vs Hegan 18.50
Fees State vs Moors 4.35
Fees State vs Casey 1645
Peter Hume, keeping Mrs Clark.. . . . 24.00
Koontz St Lame.mdae Albert Hay. . 6 t6
Ureen Morris, keeping paupers 51.80
tugn Merry, wild cat scalp 100
Long, lumber Dist 47 7,20
as Berry, 2 wild cat acalna 3 00
P A Watts, petit juror 440
W A Trites, lumber 5 48
E Mills, juryman 4.30
R Claaa St Son, Pierce family 15x10
EJ Daly, Deputy Sheriff 11.05
E B Spink, lumber 9.00
Max f riendly, lumber 19 97
litea St Nutting, printing 2700
W A Pita water, keeping Fitawater. . 10.00
"Vm Hawk.wlld animal scalp 8.50
Mary E Ua via. keeping Thoa Rlfcy. . . H 50
Levi Douglaa, Mtinsen family 11.85
J H Burkhart, stationary 28.26
I (1 Campbell, work on jail 33.65
N II Allen St Co, mdse 6 So
W E Cut!, salary October 83.33
Mrs Houck. keeping Queley 10.00
CUpped Dleaetebes.
Washington Nov. 14. Senator Mitchell
of Oregon arrived this evening. He reports
a very general protest among the people of
Oregon against the abandonment of Fort
Canbr, as recommended some time ago by
Gen Howard, He and Senator Doiph will
again confer with Secretary Endlcott in re
gard to the matter, and try if poeaiblc to
prevem tne recommendation from heing
carried Into effect
Loa Angeles, Nov. 14 A large number
of prominent citizens met in the Opera hall
this evening and passed resolutions to put a
ticket in the field for the next election pledg
ed to passing an ordinance suppresaing all
liquor saloons within the city limits
San Francisco, Nov. 14. The Federal
Grand Jury this afternoon returned indict
ments against Lee Moon La-n She, a one
eyed Celestial procure forty-eight years of
age. She la charged with importing thirteen
women for purposes of prostitution. A roll
of accounts was found on the woman which
show how much she paid for each of the
thirteen women. The prices ranged from
$380 to $655,
Loa Angeles, Nov. 14. The trial of F W
Williams, the man who murdered hie wife,
August 1 5th, for taking her little girl to the
ineaier against rat wishes, began this morn
ing. A remarkable feature so far is Wil
llarns practically conducting his own de
fenae, challenging jurors, while his law re
seems a mere figurehead.
As It with a Daageroaa Weapon,
Mrs. Lacy McConnell owns a large Peed
and Sale Stable 00 Fourth Street. Dr. I. N
Woodle haa bad charge of it. Wednesday
afternoon Wm. Dougherty, a son of Mrs.
McConnell and George R Miller, a brother,
Who j oat eaase from the East, went to the
barn aod demanded possession ot it from Dr.
Woodle, which waa re-fused. About sis
o'clock in the evening at Mrs. MoCooneli'a
reside oca oa Fifth Street Dougherty and the
Pooler had a quarrel ovea tae mitter, which
resulted in a light, in which the Doctor earns
oat en top. With the assistance of Mrs
McConnell Deagherty was tied with a rnpe.
Taking not a knife he cut himself loose, and
tatting ao ax threw it at the Doctor, hitting
htm a glancing blow on tne leg. Tnen hi
aenred a hatchet aod threw that, also hit
nag the D ctor with that a slight biow. Th
Doctor aasd rock. This is the current re
port ; nut there is probably mora to it. At
the inatanee of Mrs. MeCundi D 'aghxrty
was arrested on the charge of assault with a
daogemos weapon, waived examination ba
fore I a woe uorns, was examined by the
Grand Jury, and a true bUl found against
him. The caas is a very nopleaaant ono.
'I I. I
A Knock Down
85 to $10 ohaapsr than in Portland : Up
holstered rockers, the finest stook ever in Al
bany. Wicker chat- in almost sndiers vari
ety, fine enough for sn Alderman to sit in.
All kinds of chairs. Te. oty-two varieties of
wicker chsirs alone, 14 of rocker. Elegant
and substantial good-.
Fancy baskets, stands, etc., that make
customers ay at sight. "I'll taaeone." No
finer holiday presents can be imagined.
Sofaa and bed lounges in many designs,
and beds and bureaus tn new and attractive
Novelties too. Sea them.
Goode came knock down from tha East,
and will be sold at knock down prices.
Bought low.
Do not pass Win. Fortmillsr St Co a furni-
ture store without finding out for yourseh.
O. P. Boats.
The Oregon Pacific's new steamer took
its trial trip at East Portland Monday. The
boat ie 150 feet long, 32 feet beam, 5 feet in
the hold. Her capacity will be 250 tons
and she can go fifteen miles an hour, Geo.
Kaab will be Captain and Bert Hatch boss
of the deck. The boat will come to Al
bany next week and be formally christened,
Monday the "N. 8. Bent!ey,"Capt Smith
at the wheel, made its first trip, and the
"Three Sisters," Capt Bell, was in Albany
at the same time,
This chy will be the headquarters of all
the Oregon Pacific's river steamers. An
elevator will be built and all the transferring
of freight done here. A lively winter river
traffic Is anticipated.
Shipment of Hops.
Laat week ths hop pioksrs of Santiam pre-
cint shipped all of thsir hops, 530 balss to
jrauaueipnia, wnere iney win receive 11 to
20 cents per pound. Freight $1.80 psr hua
dred. A bale weighs about 200 pounds.
The Most Agreeable
aa well as the most effective method of
dispelling Headache), Colds and Fevers,
or olertnsTng 01 system, is by taking a few
doses of Figs. 50a, and tl botiles for sale
Fosbay & Mason
Rain and mod.
City elsc'iea December 5th.
The Salvation Army has a brass dtum
Tim best harness si R L Thompson's.
Prsnoh, ths jsweler, Leaps radr tad time.
H Karers, prao ioal watchmaker and jew
eler. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
If job want blankets go to Monteith St
If vou wsnt boots or shoes go to Mou -tsith
St Ssitenbaoh.
Probably 508 voters in Linn county did
not vote last week.
If yon want tho host lisraats iu ths ntsrket
go to J J Dabtuillo's.
A bones of 84.000 hat hsea raised for a
flour mill at V'eton
Six shaves fur a dollar and a oh an tuwsl to
every customer, at Tboa. Jones.
In Salem they pnt ths 00 ws ia ths pound
and it brings tho ewasr to time.
'fihe Willamstte has bean three feat ah vo
low wstsr mtrk.aad navigation good .
7 O-.ka ourea rheumatism, neuralgia and
joothaohs. Foshay A Mason, Agents.
.Uxors honed, set and pot in order at
Jones' Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlor.
F M Frenoh, aent Singer Manufacturing
Oo.,opposite Odd Fellow Temple, Albaay.Or.
The o 1, rut 0.1. 1.0 up the river to thia eity
on Tuesday, and will make regular trips here.
Dr. M. ff. Kiln, physieiau and sorgeon
AH ny, Oregon. Calls mad in oity or
All styles of boots aad shoes and a large
st'H-k of groceries is what we carry. Uedfleld
Si Brownall.
Raued seats are to b pi seed in ths gallery
af the Opera House in this city, a needed
Last Wednesday Mr Wm Peacock sold to
Wm Reave 86 acres of land in Santoa coun
ty for 81000.
Mr. Julias Gradwehl sails baking powder
for tht same price as before the great etto
Hon, 25 cents a can.
Pate Olson waa capture J at Moscow, Idaho,
last Suurday. Pat must b getting tired of
bsi g captured.
Th Willamette Presbytery of ths Cnm
berlaud PreahvUrieo Church mssta at Ku
geo City to day .
W take ths oeia, ths cut omors take the
bargain, and th bargatos take tin oak.
Red tie id A aWownell.
At Aaroraia Marioaoonuty almost a solid
vote was ettt agaia.t pranibttioi, the faw
voting for being Damooreta.
Every custoiMr will be a walking edvar
tieuinlfor our bargains when they see our
prices. Keuneid at itc. .. ;i
On of N 11 Allen A Caa prise tickets good
for 5e 00 a d dlara worth of goods purchased
at ths nsw Second Hand store.
Wm Portmdlar Tuesday purohaaed f
Or Maalon two Iota in Maaton 'a Addition to
tb city, pay tog for thoa.
The dead anarcbiats ware ban I Sunday
ithout muee noia. Ao.. . t 50.00X) iteople,
though, looked at the dea-l idies.
Tb 8rt wheat over tb O 040 Pacific
from oaat of the Htutiaet arriv I to Albany
Wcdomdsy on its way toSau Praoctaco
A 8o l0e f gsatt'a nudararaar .a I faru
isbmg gool jut r-HMivel at 4 jlia'aio's
will be eold at prices that defy c itnpotium
D. T. Wyao, eohaittng agent for the State
Iusurano Co., lor Unote., reekleaoe ftecood
between Lyon aod liaker Straws, Albany. Or
To heaviest ludivtdual ts-pyr of Jsck-
county ta It r IWron. ami the am Mint t
$22,990 ; th fWk of AhUl pay oa 833.
Tb annuel Mi-.t.terul a 'I sfuo-tay Soho-I
Couv'-ntiou of th" Fvatiica'lcal Courch, haa
beau ia sa 00 at be eourch ie this city thta
Th Albany W. C. T. U. will aiv a do
ner at tbair ball on rhankgivmg day at 2
o'clock. Everybody should go. Dtaner, 2
Tb Harruborg aa mill is to las refold.
Mr John Ltug. of Cobnra!. having uurcbaaed
th site of tb old 'mill, pacing 8770 f r tb
Tae drat of tbe wee laom St Leaning pur
ohaaed of Mr N Pfica a traet of land
miles from toe city,
tha same.
paying $88 ao acre far
Another ahipment ot bvtiee in shoe in all
widths and siaes jost in this wssk. Custom
ers remark wbat perfect beauties. ItwlHeld
St Brownell.
If yon Want a at) lish winter garment ga to
Monteith A .Seiteaisteb, agents for Springer
Bros, tailor mad garments far ladiee, imieeea
and children.
Rev 4mm Kaery, who waa liefere the pre
siding aldsr of tb M K Cbaroh Soetb, at
Tangent laat week oa a notation of veracity,
was exhoaw rated.
Tbe trampa are bare Tttey appear at yaor
door half starved, gat somsttiing to eat, and
in bait" aa hoar are ball starved again some
whare else in the city.
Last Monday in the U S Court at Portland
ia th Case of Neal agt i II Foster aad others
tb defendant, Crawford, Were givso thirty
days in which to file a cross mil.
8 A Clark, 0 Salem, for many years the
eiiior of the Farmer, has accepted a position
on tb Oregonian, where be will have oharge
of tho Agricultural department.
Th colnmos ot th Dsjiocaat ars open for
candidates for city officers to make their an
nouooetnenta, at 10 cents aline. Tais ta done
in ur neighboring cities quits freely.
Offing to increasing business Mr H K Mar
ril haa Just ordered a three ten McNaai St
Urban banker' ssfs, which he wilt us iu his
business. It will arrive ia a faw weeks.
The new OR&N wharf at this city, wss
completed last wrek, and ttoais will run to
Albany -s soou ss the vtr will permit.
Live competition is looked for this winter.
Gov. Oglssby, of Illinois, received sisvea
miles of petitions in behtif of the anarchists,
aud 3 at tbey banged. By tha Way, Wa have
heretofore rstnaracd that petitions are frs.
qii'-ntly ignored.
Mrs Jhn Gay, 01 Cantor Precinct, receiv
ed last Saturday by eXpr-ss from New York
State a hue whit Leghorn roost r, full
blooded. Hs was about tbe most aristocratic
looking bird aver seen.
Albsuy saloons should bs closed on flan
day. Even in Sslem this is now being done.
Thn Statesman, though tt opposed piobtbition,
does not oppose this. Th minor ordin
ance should sdso bo euforoed.
A. S. Mollsyain hss the largest and tine t
stock of carpets in Albaay, new goods ot ths
latest designs, a splcadm stock to get a oar
pet frnm. Sold st remarkably low priest
considering quality of goods.
All of Haiit's meu but about 100 quit work
laat week ou account of bad weatner and
havs goo to California, where they havs a
job. The ne buudred usn wu) be employed
ou rock .work the wtutor.
If people, troubled with colds, will take
Ayr's Cherry Pectoral before itoiuif to
ctiurck, they will avid coughing. The Pecto
ral soothes and heals ths iruta'ed tl suae
aud controls all mspoaitiou to oouh
Messrs ro-hay at Maaoo, d u.-im-t . are
selling Wisdom's U usarmu vn oesaie ud
retail. audgiViug beautiful picture cards with J
every bottle. Positively tbe most ptn loot and '
harmless article of the kind in the mrk t
Mrs H La 11 11, once a esideut of Aihn ,
died ai Ssieui. ou Imirwli, of last
Mrs Luuu resided in A''. ...i n 188 ,u i
awhile lu Sulo, i a aids gMtoaj hi b .uil
turning to toe State settlud iu ut 1883
A splendid line ot groceries aodciockery
wars at Conn Brothers, also everything fresh
in farm produce, f hs best brands of cigars
and tobaccos. Good goods at bottom prices
That is their rule. Call ou taeut for your
Ayer's Saraspsriila acts directly and
promptly, purifying and enriching ths blood,
improving the appetite, strengthening ths
nerves, and invigorsting ths system. It is, in
the truest sense, an alterative medicine.
Every invalid should givs it a trial.
Saturday County Clerk Gtlbraith drew a
warrant far $7400 in favor cf th Pacific
Bridge Co. for constructing tho Mehama
bridge, the largest in his experisncs. Marion
county will reimburse Linn osunty for this
and sundry expenses in tbe matter, paying
half of the cost.
A peculiar accident happened at Salem
Monday to a bay named Joseph Fontaine.
S S T a . 8
bsfsll striking 00 ths limb of a tree, which
caught him under ths arm, musing a serais
woond. freeing himsslf ha dropped to ths
ground, otherwise uninjured.
To ths vast maltitsd of saffsrert Iron
fever sad ago, coughs, colds, ooogestios,
headache, biliousness, and all other ilia inci
dent to ths climate of the Pacific atop, we
say, cheer op ! a weak will sea a great shange
wrought in yon lor the bettor, if yea wilt
follow our advios and teks Press's Hamburg
Tsa according to directions.
Mr JuhaGillilaad, of Sweet Home, ons of
the jurymen in ths Circuit Coon, who has
been in ths oity this wk, inform la DttMO
oa at man that travel had nut yt osssad ovsr
ths wagoa road, a team Isaviag Lebanon ths
drst of ths week for east of tne mountain,
aod ons also arriyiog from Crak county
These wilt probably ws the laat to cross.
Wm Fox, who was mentioned last wssk ss
having been brought from Crook eooaty en a
charge af assaulting M C Uaghes user Pish
haks. was on Tuesday xmiod by th
Grand Jury.wbsn a ''no trus bill" was fosnd
againit him and hs wae discharged . Ths
Mheritfs bill atons for h raging Mr Pox from
Priuevitle wai osaaidsrably ovsr 8100.
Friday sn accident occurred on tbe narrow
aaug which, miraculously, did not prove fa
tal to any. Shortly after ths north bound
train Isft Hridswsil's ths forswhsels of tbe
paesengsr oar sunk through a rotten tis, and
th oar turned ovsr on its aide in an instant.
Passsagrs wars thrown every way, asms
sustaining quit severe braises. Th brake
man, lindt. waa badly hart, but ia new con
valescing. Unci Sam s mail matter wa scat
tered ail ovsr tb ground. Th oar baa been
placed en the track, and is now running with
ths regular train. Ac.
Among ths roughest places la Oregon era
said to be ths soow saloons off Yaqoiua City.
Tha following ia from tn Post : "Another
diegraoefel aad murderous assault occurred
Wednesday night, as reported to as, at one
of ths scows that lay moored along tha basks
ef the bay south of the O. P. depot. As the
story gees, a man who had bat recently ar
rived hare and who had purchased a ticket
for San Pranotaeo, wae instead on to one of
these soows when th light wars blown oat
and an attack mad upon him. The man suc
ceeded ia eeeapiog to tb shore, whan be wss
Mile wed aad beaten over ths bead with a
hammer aad robbed of ticket and mony. If
tl ii ta a trus statement, wssuggsat that it is
high urns for our eitissos to teks sneb stsos
as will pat a stop to such disgraceful out
The fallowing ia a neat httla notiea of
Shedd 10 an Kaat Portland paper . "Sitaat
ad on the U. X It. ft. tatlss Sooth Of
Albany ia ths nio llttls town of Shedd- The
ansae waa given it by Mr. Shedd. a roaoer.
ens farmer, who at on time owned tha land
apon wbish ths town ia built. It oootaina a
population of about on hundred. It
three grocery and two dry ed s torse, doss-
othoe, a notion store, a blacksmith aad oar
neuter abep, a boarding boas aad a large
waraboua, ia all of which there seams to be
car, isd on a successful boetaea. Thar ia a
targe school boa, ie which two teachers are
ampioysd. Hhedd boasts wf having no saloon.
The people are law abiding, industrious sad
eo. rgetic-. Saaday ie religion. Iy observed
and tb church services ate well attended."
The foliowiag from sa exchange has the
kind of ring to it that seita all newspapers
regardless of previous condition of servilade :
"rash your be'toeae, advrttee it. Call year
neighbors, aoqetnlaooca aod Irtenda, to look
in upon your a took by levtuag attention ta
Well worded advertisements to hat yon bar
for aie. Don't think the world Seep yen
ta reeaembraoo ; It is toe busy lor that. Re
member, if yqa were dead, tney would oseee
to tdk sboet yon 10 a waste, because yea
woeid not be 00 bead to invito their atten
tion aad rooserka. So, if yoo abet yoaraalvaa
ia yeor atwas, aad don't apeak oat remind
to them that you are etui in ths land of ths
liviag. tbey will imagine y u havs gone to
twesansf and will viait those torse
whu-k kwew tbemselve aad their basis see
well reuraeuted end repeale-i tu the aawapa
p r. twdeed, this is true aa true can poaaibly
be. Tn aann who adverttM freely are th
mn who aeit freely t this is true tha whole
eivdtaod world over.
Stat Teatperanre Afllaaee Call.
The special session of the Oregon State
Temperance Alliance, ordered by the last
regular session of the Alliance, will con
venein Portland, Or., Tuesday, Nov. 2Jnd,
1887, at to 30 a. m. Each County Alliance
Is entitled to twice as many delegates as it
has members of the Legislative Assembly
and each Church, Sunday School and Tem
perance organization ta entitled to one dele
gate. Delegate for the County Alliance
may be appointed by the President. This
will be a convention of great importance
Its obtect is to determine what Is the nest
thirg to be done.
The usual railroad accommodations will
be seiured. Let thia convention be the re
peatef, emphasised voice of o,e30or mere
who 0b the 8th inst., cast their ballots for
the home against the saloon, and of the
othci thousands who helped to nere the
hands that cast the ballots.
S. M. MitXkK, President
Between Albaay aad Lebanon,
Postmaster Mootagae, of Lebanon, was in
tho oity Wednesday interviewing our citisen"
in tbs matter of tbe tnai I route between Al
bany and Lebanon. Tbs Democsat has say
ersl times mentioned thia tnattar It needs
attending to and bdly . Under tha present
system this paper haa to gn by express to ths
P. M. in order to reach its subscribers ia a
reasonable tint. Mail should be carried oa
tbe oars, at least in a aealed pouch. Will
oar Representatives at Washington rustle a
little for us, and Valley people aensrally will
bless them.
Hoheol Report.
The following is a report of District No.
69, Linn county, Or., for the month begin
ning Oct 17th, 1887 and ending Nov. nth :
No. of scholars enrolled during the month
ia ; No. of days attendance, 219 ; No. of
days absence, ai ; Ne. of days tardiness, 3.
Those who have not been absent nor tardy
during the month are Riley, Eddie, Claude,
Lottie and Lilly Hulburt,' Belle Cogswell,
Elmer and Lola Llles. Below we give a
list of the standing in scholarship and de
portment of each for the month. Riley
Hulburt, s. 94, d. 95 ; Belle Cogswell, s. 95,
d. 95 ; Lilly Hulburt, s. 92, d. 94 ; Lottie
Hulburt, s. 90, d. 93 ; Elmer Llles, s. 92,
d. 93 ; Lola Liles, s. 84, d. 94 ; Eddie Hul
burt, s 03, d. 94 ; Claude Hulburt, s. 90,
d. 90 ; Ebert Oh iug, s. 93, d 90.
In the above s. stands for scholarship and
d. for ideddrtment.
A. W. Mosks, teacher.
Tax Collecting.
Sheriff Smith began th collection of ooan
tv rase" last Monday, and Wednssdsy paid
ov r f 1100 to th C-suuty Treasurer collect
s ' t V"t Valley ami 8010. See dates on oor in p .
Wa wilt pay six cents per pound for pork
00 accounts and in exchange for merchandise.
Al' it tods at the loweat cash price. Pork re
oat ved on reday snd Thurs'ii- ,
Thompson & Watsrs,
Br iwnsvilia. Or.
Being More rVanat
To the taite, m ire a ' 'Mpu tle to the
atotTiaah, and moro t uv mfl val li tta
action, the fatn ma Calif trnU I quid fruit
rouiody, -yrup of Pige., h rapl liy super
seding all others. Try It.
Letter List.
Following is tbs list of letters remaining; in ths P.l
Office, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Nov. 17th, 1887
Persons celling far these letters must girs tha data oa
which they wars advertised :
Anderson, Mill Oassle
Btalock. E E
Clins, William
Dodds, Mrs O W
O rider, Henry
Hewitt, John W 8
Haas, V H
Knapp, 3 E
Keth, Melvin
MoCuUouch, John
Uurry, Joseph
Barks, J W
Clifford. Mrs Jane
Froman, F O
Harviy, D W F
Hamilton, Mrs RES
Holmes. Henry J
Kane, Mrs Thomas
Lastar, Chas F
Miller, P W
Miner, Joseph
Snow, Mm Alias
Stanneld, 0 W
Powell, Jamas u
Staley, Oeoru
Astoria Is to have a street railway.
A blacksmith's union was recently or
ganized at Helena, Montana.
Don M Dickinson will accept the posi
tion of Postmaster General.
The travel to the Pacific Coast.Catifornla
bound, ha been large, most new comers be
ing ticketed for Southern California.
Lamar and Sparks are certainty at "outs."
One or the other will probably retire.
George Rogers, a waiter If, a restaurant
ai Council Bluffs, has just been left $55,000
by a Portland, Or., uncle, who recently died.
Chas Berry, of England, has been called
to the pastorate of Henry Ward Beecher's
Church in New York City.
Land Commissioner Sparks has resign,
ed. It may be said that Lamar made the
Sparks fly.
A skunk got Into the water works at Eu
gene last week, causing an unsavory time.
The whole system had to be emptied and
Following are the new ctty officers of Dal
las : Councitmen M M El lis, W R Smith,
J J Williams, C A Johns, T J Hovter. Msr
shsl J M Grant. Recorder L P Williams.
Lafayette, the home of Mr. Watts, who
did so much to get the amendment before
1 ne people, cast 37 majority against prohi
bition. By the way, where was Mr. W.
during the campaign.
The county seat of Yamhill county will
be changed from Lafayette to McMinnville
by 3a 3 majority. Outside of McMinnville
and Lafayette the vote was almost even.
The last term of Circuit Court cost Crook
county about $7,000. It sent more men to
the penitentiary than for many years past.
Governor Pennoyer has complimented
Judge Walker, of Pendleton, on his decis
ion Tn a railroad caae.snd says he Is satisfied
he made no mistake in appointing the Judge.
The total amount of taxable property in
Oregon is about $86,oocvooo. There is as
much as that In Portland atone.
Walter Sutton, editor of the Gold Beach
Ganotto, at btlensburgh, Curry county, shot
and killed Thos Cunningham last Monday.
Cause -family trouble. The Coroners jury
returned a verdict of justifiable homicide.
A meeting of the board of directors of the
Corvallls Agricultural College was held at
Portland Monday, and it was decided to
tight the case against the College by the
members of the M E Church South to the
The Albany Dsmocbat, usual !y a very
correct ana autnenttc journal, missed It In
this item 1 "Rev. J. If. Wilbur died at
Salem last Friday, at the age of seventy six
years. This is an error, unless the rev
erend gentleman died twice." Only once,
and then in Walla Walla.
The following was the total vote ht some
of the cities of Oregon last week and may
nave seme oeartng on their population,
though in each case the suburbs make tt
tncertain j East Portland waa 1.000 ; Bak
i : cast roruano was 1,090 ; nan
599 ; Astoria, aa 1 Rosefeurg,3oi ;
diie,287 ; Eugene Uity39 ; Albanr,
lem, 1,308 ; Tleppner, 337 : Union,
er city, 509 j Astoria,!. 01 2
I38 ; Salem
336 ; The t 'aKea. 881 : Hiilaboro. 3 tS : Mc
Minnville, 650 j Pendleton, 857.
Laat Sunday the OR&N Comnanv
adopted their new Ume schedule, in which
the passenger time to Omaha was shortened
just twenty-lour hours. There will be two
passensrer trains daily between Umatilla and
Altrina. An effort I being made to secure
mail clerks between Umatilla and Albino,
By the new schedule, time for mail Is short
ened one day for the round trip. Assistant
General Manager Buckley, of the North
em Pacific, Is preparing a new schedule for
his line which will go into effect shortly
The following from the Walla Walla
Statesman will be Interesting news to Ben-
ton county men : "Down in Benton ceun
ty, on the line to Ysqutna Bay, there are a
sbj or c auic in me hills winch, not having
a a a a a .
ocen looaeo alter, nave run wild, so in a
short time a party of hunters are going out
to ley them tow and bring In the meat for
winter use. Anyone wishing to take part
will be welcomed. The Oregon Pacific
railroad will uke them to Elk City en the
Y equina river, where there Is a very nice
and clean hotel, much freouented bv hun
ters ami hahermen, who go there lor that
v . -j -----
enjoyment. I he whole country abounds
with pheasants, grouse, deer and an occas
lonsl elk, near and cougai. On one occas
ion, three of us caught 19 pounds of the
finest trout in one hour. It is a paradiae for
sportsmen, who will sad all they can man
The Stats Vat.
Fallowing is tb official vote of th 00a a
tie of Oregon oaat laat wsea ae far ae heard
frees. Thar are SS coon ties in tha Stat.
Mo. Tas. No.
LTTS OM 1.016
1.754 4S6 1,887
l.STO 70S
se ti
1.0S4 taJ 1.8TS
a,Mj tn i.ea
S, eSS SM 1,40!
7S4 SS4 SM
4,074 5,664 JVk
1.49S S71 S
1,110 7tt 1,4
M4 4451 I
Tbs majority ta tbe above eoeattss are aa
follows : Against prohibition, 7,802 ; against
salary amanemoat. 20,097 ; agaiaat stestioa
amendment, 1,80.
Arrestsd ia
Last Monday Michael Hogan and a man
going by the name of Charles Warner, prob
ably Beatty, were arrested in San Fran
cisco on a warrant from Eugene City, snd
will be brought to Oregon for trial, Mrs
Hegan was shadowed by the detectives, who
saw her take 98,000 from tne kuu nouse
safe with which to go shopping. The men
claimed that ex-Governor Wood is Presi
dent and Rev Wither w Manager of their
company. These men are the biggest
swindlers ever in Oregon and should be
punished if there is such a thing as Justice.
Newport Agitated.
The people of Newport are considerably
agitated oyer the recent survey of the city
limits and the location of certain streets as
defined by the County Surveyor. They
have, therefore, employed the services of a
railroad civil engineer, of Albany, Col J S
Pol hem us, of Government jetty survey, and
A 1 McMillan, who are all experts tn run
ning lines, to make a careful and thorough
survey and to settle the much mooted ques
tion as to who is right and who is wrong.
Ths Burglar at Large.
Last Saturday night an attempt was made
to rob the store of C. H. Spencer in this city,
During the night a hole was made through
the brick wall in the rear of the store ; but
for some reason it was not enlarged enough
to make an entrance. The burglar Is at
large in our city, and it will be well for our
people to use extra precautions in securing
their doors and windows and walls at nlgKt.
Where t Bay Carpets.
Mnutedh A Seitenbaoh have tha largest
and prettiest stock of carpets, oil cloths,
window blinds aad wall paper ever brought
to the Yallev, and are offering them st. a
bargain Persons desiring anything tn this
line should give them a call.
Muslin Underwear.
I have received my new stook ef muslin
underwear. These goods are mads oa a lock
stich machine, aad warranted to be full aise
and length aod pries reasonable.
SAsfuai, E. Yocko.
Immense Bargains.
Standard white shirts, 5 seats ; Boas of
ths Bead overalls, SO cents ; 4 pair of as
loss took, 26 cents ; regular price 4 for 50
cents, and ether bargains to match, at A. B.
Yss. sTa. Tea
OfcsMsassVesssTssTi s Sfcww Vwa)s9 17w
tlmtmp S 1,101 ttS
Oolaasssa IN as tt
Douglas MO 1,067 ftt
Jaekaan m 1.SS8 S
joeepSiaa 1st ate tt
Use l.ots MM 10s
Una 1.SU ssi 161
aavaWwtawe' ssses AwwW wattM wMNp
Mot raw S7 SM M
MaMiinsssh ..1S6 7,61 t.tJl
Wsseissrtaa . OTS S 84
r. i.ieo Lerr 111
Ml MO as
Iron, Steel, Coal and Chain.
Mr Newton Crabtree, of tb "Porka" waft-
is tbe city Priday.
Caehier Geo B Chamberlain we at to Port
land tb first of the week.
Mr W H Q leaner, of Stay too. was ia At
ban 7 Monday eo bailees.
Mr T Wallaes. of Olympia, W. T., a oons-
in of Dr Wallaes, is in tbe eity and may to-
Jadge N Tandy, of flarriaborg,baa been
in the oity this wssk. Tbe OcatocKAT sc
kAowiedgesseeae pleasant calls.
J W BraeOeld, who so eaeosesfally bs
worked op tbe ass' K : property at New
port, was in Albany Tuesday.
Mark Peery and G W Garland, of the
thriving city of Dotyville, were in Albany
Monday and called.
A P Wheeler aad Prank K Hod a kin, two
Portland insurance man, ware ti. tha city
Moodav. 1Mb fermeily domiciled ia
ths Capitol at Osltm
Cot Parker, editor of the Walla Walla
Statesman, waa at Y-qnina By last week.
A Corrallis paper announced tne f ust under
tbe head, "Card of Thanks."
Mr Prod OoeU 1st t Last Saturday for South
ern Calif Praia, where he may locate Fred is
a pretty good ssnny, aad it ia to bs boped
fat a i-T a 1 - --
Wm Dougherty aad George R Miller and
wife, wae went to I idiau several moo tbs
sga overland, retarge t t Altaoy tbe first of
the week, not making tn lengthy wijoaro ta
the East tbey lute t led 00 leaving here.
Mr and Mrs E D Hi an, who have been at
the Indian eebod near Sjletn several weeks,
where Mr moan was farmer, have lxs.ui in the
oity this weak, aod will remain here, be poei
tiea af farmur haviag keen dispeessJ with.
Ijsst weak County Clark Qslhraith rewir
ed news af the dangerous illness of two sis
ters, aad i tamed tatolv VliaHatitaG.ilhraith,
left for bar former Teonsessan boms, to be
at tbair bedside. Her safe return is aaraestly
wished by bar many friends in Albany.
Laat Saturday Eobert Oarrett, the cele
brated railroad man, aad party, of the BaJti-
aed Ohio E E paaaed tarough Albany
for Ashlaad, marntog to Portland Monday .
Oa being interviswed by a Portland rep r-
tar Mr Garret said he had greatly enjoyed
very hear o' Urn be bad spsut traveling
tbe Stats, aad was aieeab y anr-
to ese ths prograaa eviaosd ia all di
ll V tbe devalopmsnta along
m Pacific aad Orsaoi St Califor
nia hoes. He looked with cooadecce for a
further imaseaae aad rapid development of
this section of the country.
Following were -he recorded sales
Linn county during the past week :
Harlan F H albert to Pike Aekerman
0 seres, tp 12 4 w $2550
Eobert MoElhenv to Tho W Hansel!
lot 7 u 8, black 28, H s 2ud A,
L H Meateaye to W H Mc Far land, 4
lets, fclwo 91, M s S A.. Albany
Elisabeth Bitter to Luciada Ostor
hoodt. lot 2, block 105, H'a A
Thos B White to Frank N Wood, about
2 lots, block 13. E A, Albany...
Joha T Williams to J L Miller, power
of Attorney
Benjamin H Padd uk t Joha Charles
lot a, block 27, H e 2 id A, Al
baay 525
G F Simpson et al to John Charles,
same as laat
Oregon to T J UoCary, 40 acres, tp 9.
Coriathan Lise N . 17 to J-mn Rog
ers, I lot MasuiogCinetry, Al
baay an
E8 Bark hart to Joha LoeVv. 91 78
sores, tp 11,2 w
Harbert Croaa hv D S Smith, Sh i ff U
Dundee MAT I Uo 787 41 aorea 3902.56
H K Aronld ta Baach Q Hall aud
wife. 80 sores, tp 10. 1 w
J L Cowan to Bsajamio Cleaver, lot 7,
bl -ok 19, It a Suit A, l.-banon
Taos Umphray to Lydia A Humphrey
lots 7 ami 8. block 122, H'a A,
Albany hWt
Samuel E Young to WJ Twodl
25 feet front Soond street, next
sast of Opera House
Joseph Watson to Marv Uros-en, 182
feat front, block 9 E A, Albany. .
Rain or Sunshine.
Orsgoaians like th rains of winter.
saw IS good in its 1 1 e. and so is
Working together they are powerful sgents
in th prosperity of a eeuntry. Magniiiosnt
wheat crops : largo potato yields : fine
fruits, snob as apples, pears, prunes, etc., aad
aa unsurpassed stock of groceries and prt dace
at Wallace A Thompson, who, rain or sunshine,
are np with ths times, if not ahead of them.
See their fine stook of goods.
Nov 13th, t887, in Scio precinct, at the
residence of Mr. Samuel Gaines, Mr. Jos.
H. Poimobxtxr and Miss Adda E.
Gaines both of Scio precinct. The
Democrat wishes the happy couple a
long life of prosperity.
Nov, 13th, 1887, at the residence of Mr
Lon Young, in Albany, by Rev S E
Davis, Mr William Young and Miss
Minnie Alexander both of Scio. May
they live long and prosper.
STEWART. On Sabbath, Nov. itth.iba?,
In Albany ,to the wife of C. H. Stewart
a sen.
McK ARGUE. On Nov. nth, 1887 in
Albany, to the wife of as. McHargu :
PORTER. On Tuesday, Nov. 15th, 1887
in Harrisburg, altera short illness, Mrs
William D. Porter, aged 73 ytars.
Mrs Porter came with her husband, tho
survives her, from Virginia in 1853, and
has since resided in Harrisburg precinct.
She was highly respected by the mern' iers
of jhe enure
& Sox,
X Out Saws
- 4RT & SOX.
4. R A Rampy agt H L Thorn peon and
ano. Action on promissory note. Continu
ed. 73. I D Miller agt W Sc J W Johnsxm.
To recover money. Dismissed as to J W
75. Martha Houston
man et al. Partition.
a Jcele
to N B
117. J C Johnson agt Mary J Beard and
ano. To recovery money. Continued.
i. Alice E Elliot agt Amanda J Jtapp
etal. Partition. Continued.
136. F D Leverick agt E Wills et al. To
reform deed. Referred to L H Montanve
to take testimony.
141. Shelton agt O M Curl and ano. To
recover money. Continued.
145- Winot Austin agt AJ Austin. Di
vorce. Granted,
148. Same. Thos McWilliams, objector
and appellant Dismissed at coat of appell
ant. 149. Same. J A and E Smith objectors
snd appellants. Dismissed at cost of ap
pellant. '50- Annie Ridge wav agt Enoch Ridge,
way. Divorce. Granted.
151. Elizabeth Roberts agt Thos Roberta.
Divorce. Granted.
152. Ella M Schtosaeragt M Schlosaer,
Divorce. Referred to H H Hewitt.
53- J W Mac key agt Cassandra Mackev.
Divorce. Granted.
M P Logan 1
Referred to
A M Logan. Di
L Dorris.
156. J EKirkpatrick agt John Ray. To
recover money . Dismissed,
157. J E Kirkpatrick agt Geo W
To recover money. Dismiaaed.
158- Martha J Cochran agt Svlvester Coch
ran. Divorce. Granted.
'59 M J Bridges agt Charles Bridges.
Divorce. Granted.
170. Mary H Hall
agt Williard P Hall .
Divorce. Referred.
171. 0 W Curl agt John T Williams.
Foreclosure. Continued.
173. Assignment A A Basher. Continued.
174 Emma Wyatt agt Thos Wyatt Di
vorce. Referred.
177. J F McMunn agt John Baber. Ap
peal. Appeal dismissed.
181 Alice R Smyth agt Geo B Smyth.
Divorce. Referred.
184. Tariton Taylor agt Lavinia Taylor.
Divorce. Referred.
185. Arnold, Potluk St Co., agt J A Gross,
1 o recover money, continued.
too. feter r Brenner agt M Alexander.
Equity to enjoin judgment at faw. Submit
ted. 193. Martha Barnes agt M Berriean, et al.
Foreclosure. Judgment by default,
197. I) M Cooper agt R M Robertson.
To recover money. PI n allowed to days to
199. Elmira Foster agt J T Foster. Di
vorce. Referred.
aoo. John Rodger. Administrator Se
phronia Rodgers, deceased, agt John
Schmeer. Action for damages. Amended
compiamt hied.
203. W C Tweedale agt Thos Davis. To
recover money. Settled.
3O4. A P Maxwell agt M Hogan. Dis
missed by PI'ff .
20f. A P Maxwell agt Hewitt & Bryant
Dismissed by Pl'ff.
2O7. State o! Oregon agt Strauder Long,
Urcenv. Plead not guilty. Continued.
207. WL Jester agt McFariand & Irv
ing. To recover monev. Settled.
208. TB Wait agt Chas Schaefer. To
recovery money. Judgment for Pl'ff.
State agt. 0. F.i Mooney. Larceny. Plead
uilty, One year in penitentiary.
Emma L. Charlton'agt. Charles Charltot f
uiyoroe, tirantee.
Wall Paper, Shades, Etc.
N H Allen &Co. keep in stock a full line
of the above goods, including a fins assort
aaut of decorations for sealing, which they
ill sell at ths lowest possible prices. We
tav new in transit one of the largest stock
af these goods ever in thia market
Fine Tailoring.
Gentlemen can select from the latest line
of samples direct from San Francisco. Fall
and winter suite, and pants, cut and made
in the latest style, below cost. Cleaning
and repairing promptly attended to.
McLouohlin. tailor.
Albany, Or.
The good citizens of The Dalles are
anxious for a snow storm. They have a
toboggan slide.
Cloaks at Cost.
For the next thirty days we wilt sell our
entire stock of cloaks and jackets at cost.
Any parties needine anything in this line
can save big money by calling on us,
Thompson m waters.
an Baby was sick, we gave bett
urtvm .v. .
When she became Mies, she ahaae to Caataria.
1 had Chllesen, she gave
To -whom it may concern 1
I have sold and disposed of all property
which 1 have heretofore owned in the Stale.
a 11 ..' 1 1 .
panics naving maims against me must
present them for payment within thh
davs as I intend to eo