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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1887)
Site gfiMcrat. Owing to a difference ot opinion between Lamar. Secretary of the Interior, and Spark, Commissioner of the General Land Office .wit h reference to land grant ed to a railroad company .Secretary Lamar informed Spark that one or the other would have to retire from the Interior De. partmrnt, whereupon Sparks resigned. A London correspondent of the Exam . inmr eav Dlaine took Fred Grant's defeat and Henry George's fiasco very much to heart, and will shortly author! te a friend of his to announce that he will not be a candidate for the presidency .but will keep an eve on Prve's seat in the Senate. niMiHlnni ar nnmr Miner nn Kant ii to I who shall be named for vice prealdent on the democratic ticket with Cleveland, the late election, having aettlcd matter, large- ly in favor of the latter s renomtnatton. i Gov. Gray, of Indiana, ha. many .trong point, of recommendation. He will be a leading candidate. It is expected that the Joint Commis ion on the fishery controversy between the United State and Canada will meet and complete it. organization in Washing ton thi. week. In an inter vie w.ex-Secretary Fish hold, that under Article 11. Sec tion 3, of the constitution, the Pre.ldent had power to appoint Commi.loner.,and hi. action so far 1. entirely legal. BBBOBB The worst political "bo." any party wa. ever cursed with i the newspaper boss." No political "boss" ever received a juster or more deserved caatigation than was administered to the New York World at the late election. Fostered and nourish ed a. it had long been by democrat., it chose to do all in it. power to defeat it. party at the election because it could not have its own way about the nomination ot a candidate for district attorney. The party cut loose from it and won a great victory despite its opposition. The declares that the defeat of the prohibitory amendment was a re publican victory and that the republican party is a temperance party. Any ordi -nary hair pin getting into such a ridiculous political predicament as the Stmltsmam editor has worked himself into would soon find itself wrought into two separate en tities.or in other words"pHt all up." It is too funny to see what sad havoc the late campaign has made of Dunaway .Scott and our esteemed cotemporary, the Stattsmmm. 99BBEBsl The New York Tribute says : "Robert T. Lincoln.talking with a friend about the defeat of Colonel Fred Grant said laughingly, but earnestly .and as even a trifle relieved bv the idea. -that effectually disposes of the proposed ticket of Lincoln and Grant. A hereditary platform Is not strong enough for a party to stand on.' The only wonder is that a sufficient number of republicans could be found in the convention that nominated Grant who for a moment could believe that such a platform was strong enough for a party to stand on. A wag at our elbow suggests that such a platform is strong enough for so weak a party as the republican party proves itself to be. During the present week. Congressman Binger Hermann and family will leave for Washington, D. C. Mr. Hermann he. spent the summer and fall in traveling about the state posting himself thorough ly on the wants of hi. constituent.. He ha. acquired a fund of information. which cannot help but be useful to him and the people of Oregon. When he gives such evidences of industry at ia almost a foregone conclusion that he will accom plish much daring the coming session of Congress. Truth compels the statement that hun dreds and even thousands of men all over the state were impelled to vote for the prohibitory amendment for tht reason that the liquor dealer commonly violate the Sunday law, the law prohibiting the ale of liquor to minors and other restric tive laws, while, contradictory as it may appear, other hundred and thou.anda v oted again.t it for the ame reason say ing that if these restrictive law cannot be enforced, then prohibitory laws cannot be. t There is a lesson here both for prohibi tionists and liquor dealers. The New York World, immediately after the late elections, telegraphed to a large number of leading politicians and editors throughout the country as to their views on the effect of the elections upon the presidency. Governors Taylor of Tennessee, Scales of North Carolina.Shay of Alabama, Lee of Virginia, Hughes of Arkansas, Marmaduke of Missouri, and Cook, of Texa,all believe that Cleveland will be renominated. Rodwell, of Maine and Gov. Gordon, of Ga., think Cleveland and Blaine will surely be renominated. Beck and Blackburn think the aame. Democrats feel just now that it would af ford them a very great pleasure to have another opportunity of driving the Plumed Knight to the wall. The Salem Statesman say : "Albany and Linn county gave a big majority for the prohibition amendment. Now let's give our democratic friends in that county a chance for local option, and see if they will grasp the opportunity. If they thought they could Injure the repub lican party.they would vote for free whis ky. See what pook parade under the banner of "temperance. From the result of the late election the fact is apparent that the Statesman kind of republicans voted to uphold the liquor traffic in order to ave the republican party from impending disintegration.thu show ing that they would vote to perpetuate " source of nearly all crimes that afflict the community ," as the Orcgonian denominate the liquor traffic. It is evident that high license will be the rallying cry next. W. C. Johnon,of Ore gon City, a prohibitionist, proposes the following : Ehrt High license. Second Not more than one license for every five hundred inhabitants In any city, town or precinct. Third Compel all saloons to close and put out lights between the hour, ot 10 p. in. and 5 a. m. Fourth - Continue the lr. w now in force requiring saloons to close on Sundays and election days. Fifth Compel them to remove all blinds and screens from doors and win dow in their place of business. Sixth -Provide that any private citizen may bring suit to have license forfeited in case the saloonkeeper violates the law regulating his business. What do vou Uink of thi ? BRIGHT PROSPECT, While we are not of those who believe that last weik't election is Conclusive of democratic success next year, yet it Is evi dent that many doubts of tucceta hare been removed. The united labor vote In New York that was regarded by democrat as a dangerous element, has gone to piece. This, of courae, largely increase the chance of the democrat to win, a It wa . uimtul hv both renublicans and labor men that 75 per cent of that vote came from the democrat, and this wa conceded by democrat. Large number of thee men who voted for George for Mayor last year, returned to the democratic fold this year. The vote of that party lat year in the city I 1 v v t- -- l u.kl thli war i. mmmm . "people of thi. little vicinity' congratulate. iiob.t -I wa the republican hope 01 .ucce., oui that )nn was not rcalucd. On the t'on I trary the Increase of the prohibition vote was the Increaae of democratic chances to win, a. all agree that that vote I. largely urawn irom me repuoncan. in wiv an. That vote increaecd from 36,000 U.t year to about a 3,000 this year, so that the ten dency of the course of both these large I faction adds to the chances of democrats to elect the next president. If democrats in Congress prove true to the tru.t. con-1 fided to them bv the people, there can be I but little doubt that thev will eanllv defeat,. r .n. other reoubllcan pitted or any against the democratic nominees. Wf im I Heva a democratic president.such as Cleve- unt h Keen. Is far better for the country I , I.rk . .. main, bene "l a- - - - : " we shall rejoice to sec cieveianu re-eieci- ed or some democrat equally uneote tor 1 the place. THE SPBAK.ERSUIP In las than three weeks Congress will meet. The first business in the kous will be the election of speaker. The dem ocrats have to to 14 ma jo. Uy. No candl date for sneaker among democrats has been seriously considered other than Mr, Carlisle. It is not believed that the claims of Mr. Thoebe for Mr. Carlisle's seat will he allowed to interfere in any way with the election of Mr. Carlisle as speaker. The flimsy ground on which Mr. Thoebe's contest Is based insures the dismissal of the case almost immediately upon the as sembling of Congress. 0 As Congress will be in session in less than a month, any serious objection to Mr. Carlisle's re-elec tion to the speakership would hare been dveloned before now. Members who K have put in an appearance, however, are unanimous in the opinion that Mr. Carlisle will be re-elected. In fact, interest In the coming session is centred almost exclu sively on the probable makeup of the com mittee. There is likely to be a lively contest over the Chairmanship of the Ways and Means committee. The friends of Mills, of Texas, have been working very hard to get him the place. Mr. Mills represents the extremists among the tariff reformer Since the talk of an effort to get up a com promise tariff bill it has been urged that a aaore conservative man than Mr. Mills should be placed at the head of the Ways and Means committee. W. C. P. Breck- enridge, of Kentucky, ha been put for ward as the representative of the conserve' tive element. The chances of securing th PS ot a tariff bill thi session will be dependent in the judgment of msny.on the men Mr. Carlisle selects to head the 1 Wrvs and Mean, committee. A dispatch from Washington says : "In no cttv probablv was the recent amo$r"l'U , T V ? . 1 u I m . a . . 1 vvi ssu nun tuit jj v ii v 1 ee seen v eee s. s, v mm j the local real estate dealer of Washing- ton. These experienced gentlemen know that the carrying of New York bv the demo crats means not only the renomination of Mr. Cleveland, but it mean bevond a doubt hi re-election as well. A republi can victorv in New York might ha" Jore- . J ... . m .oaX shadowed a republican vicu7 m IOOi,and the uncertainty of the result would n.ave been such as to unsettle value Jui the next twelve months. As it is. the Wash ington real estate men feel assured of a permanence and steadiness in the market for at least five vears vet. Thi feeling of gratification i equally true of republicans a well as democrats, which may be accepted as a further con firmation of the fact that where a marW pocketbook is concerned his politic be come a matter of secondary considera tion." The Times-Mountaineer (rep.) speaking of the outlook for the neat presidency, says : "New York haa been very changeful during presidential ycars,and it is possible that the republican nominee next year may overcome the democratic tendency. It is almost impossible for either candidate to secure a majority in the electoral col lege without this vote. With the solid South and New York in favor of the dem ocratic candidate, the republican nominee would be forced to secure nearly the whole electoral vote of the North to secure his election. It is hardly within the range of possibility that any person whom the re- ubltcantt may nominate can do this.but it 1 barelv possible that he mav rarrv enough Northern states to offset the solfd .South and New York, but quite improba ble." TSBammmmmmmss Democrats of California are working very hard to laduce the National Demo cratic Committee, which meets in Wash ington February 22nd, to select San Fran cisco as the place for holding the next m C7 National Convention. They have a build ing which will hold 10,000 people. They think this would enable the democrats to carry California, Oregon and Nevada. Suit ha been commenced by Geo. W. Belt.district attorney of the Third Judical district, against Cleveland Rockwell and W. W. Spaulding to recover the sum of $20oo,ln which amount they became sure ty for Dr. G. H. Davis, who was indicted for abortion and forfeited hi bail. The sureties will fight the suit. "The republican party is the temper ance party. The democratic party I the whUky party." - Statesman. And thi in view of the fact that that paper would have its reader believe that its editorial statements are worthy of credit. A Washington special reports Holman of Indiana a saying that Carlisle will be elected Speaker of the House,that Mills of Tcxa will probably be Chairman of the Committee on Way and Means, and that a compromise tariff bill will be agreed upon. We suppose the hackneyed charge made by republican that democrat are all whis ky guzzler will no more be heard in the land. In the late election the stronger the republican majority the greater the anti prohibition majority. OORRBSPONDB NTOl KODAVII.LK. Mr Jeff Heal v, of Belleville, spent Sunday at Bodavlllc with hi father mother. Mr Lonitle lackson is nliuf to school at Lebanon thi winter at the Hantiam Acad (Mil V. Mr Frank Leslie, Henry Bovles, Jamc Pound and two or three other, have come home from the mountains. They all report the waffon road In aood condition when thev left. Married, at Olney Fry, In v. Nov. oth. bv Rev Willi M'Klunt and Mi's Allena Stoughton. Your correiutondent wishes the younif couple a onir and happv Hfc together, nay tney have ucces In whatever they undertake , for thev are a fine looking couple. The them generally u y u workg MCir Ro,k t f 1 1 1 t Mr Wltiiniti Trmnlcn Rov LtcWson u also working for Mr Temple this fall. Mr B Mill and family intend moving to g&ffgfift gSE" The young folk gathered at the City Ha'i at this place on Monday night Nov. 7th and pent the evening very sociably in tripping the light . " . . . . r . . . 1 . fantastic toe. mussc oy Time, Mill and Cassady. Supper was dili. ed out by H Mum and wife, which was better than the dancing, mo the ijkmocb vr correspondent thought Your correspondent recently attended lone of the Spiritualist meetings near here, t J M Parrlsh'a, It wa. an Interesting """""Hi " ffvuti nu irtmm j'n.m Com municutious were given through the medi ums to show that the spirit friends that have passed on before can come back to earth, andean send loving messages to us, There 1 a kind of charity among the pee p,ti Spiritualists, much more than any class of people we nave met. Mr Saul of Southern Oregon, but formerly ot godayille, t here on a visit to his mother and father, Mr David Keenan and wife. Hi many friends were glad to ; him. SIIEIM). John W Pugh and several other took a flying trip to Alsea last week. W M Simmon ha returned from Eugene Uty. Mr Martin Mullen has returned again and is at work, In this vicinity All of the suhftcrilners of the Portland TXM 01 this place have ordered the paper stopped, that is business. A gentleman of Josephine county form erlv of this place, arrived here dav before yeatereday, this gentleman gives Southern Oregon a good name ami will iHtely return In the Spring. The weather seems to be unsettled which is discouraging to the farmer as they wish to nntsh their fall plowing and sowing, Why not be a merchant and avoid such en unhappy life. We are sorry that prohibition wa defeat cd as we believe H the only true way to dls- countenance the manufacture and 'sale of intoxicating liquor, but aa an old saying- nMv n and !aVP nf KMlhVh never give up and take the neat best, which I lCK-al option Sagmr "Awful High' Observing boy ssaer" "Pe. what dose 'grades' Pa "It msaea plaeea tnvi levsi lur a rVy "Then bow can 'soger j amp on ell grades? " Pa "Ok ! there 'gradce' means tho diner ent kiais of soger end thet alt kinds of su gar baa raised in erioe." Boy "Then why does it raise ia ths after noon instead of any other time of day f Pe "It dose not why ask snob ques tions?" Boy "Because I could not understand wht the Dailp lUruld maos. when tt aaya in th- market reuarU of everv iu for tbe lest two or three weeks that "Soger has taken a decided Jsmp t.u site: neon of three eight's eents 00 all gredse." if sagar haa jaapeu every alter 000 a for thai long it most be awful high, aia't it. pa ?" St-UAU Mrllwaia Clothing, Mcll wain's fall and winter atok of cloth ing is arriving. It iaoludes ths latest styles and ia oomraaodrog at teat tun. 2ehts Chin chilis coat, r me stock to select from. All goods warranted aa represented and perfect nta guaranteed. lib Dry Good. The fall and winter atock of dry geoda received at Mellwata a, re a large one, wel selected, embracing all the latest novelties, and in quantity and of e quality not aurpaea ed here. Do oot bay without exsmioiag. The ferjr Best I haye added to rov boot and shoe stock a una of the celebrated Laird, Schober A Mitchell, Philadelphia Fin Shoes for ladies, tmeses snd ehiidren. Acknowledged bv dealers generally to be tbe best value and neat nttrog fins shoe made. Widths C. D. K, and EE. A child can buy as obean aa a man. Sami klE. Yocsro, Sole Agoot, Albany, Oregon. ARE YOU MADE miserable br Indi gent! on, Constipation, Blzzlneaa, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Hktn ? Shiloh' Vital!- zer is a positive euro. rer tale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into tour fields, good house, hard finish, ood outhouses, excellent fruit of ail kinds, lituated 3 mile west of Lebanon and one and a quarter mile south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R ..with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inquire at this office. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi. lob'a Cure will give immediate relief, Price 10 ot , SO ota. and $1. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by tbat terrible cough. Shlloh'a Cure la tbe remedy for you. mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThisjwvrdernavwvBffis. A meml of purity, strsMth and srboissontaness. Mora eeoaomieai than ti ordinary Muds, and oaaeo bo sold ! Potion wish ths raufUtads of lew teststir ops. Hqtju Baboo eervr is Co., XM Wallet, u. Piano an A Ortea Give Away. On Jan. 1st. 1888. wa min ..i ------ . amah , . i. 'w " mwmi m ,wpiau aoa m BIUO organ. Hare is thai way so gas on . or mem. For eyery dollars worth of good a yon purchass you will reosive a tioket, wh at you g tlvs yen nay insks ZXuiT "sHwmrf i P eoiu ex bib ted in a rjaes globe in our front window. 7 it ' 7 1 yrime will b registered, np to ths first ml January. Th. one guassing nearest to the right uutuher will mALi. tkl piano, next the organ. 1 us pia an, a Bradford upright. 7 ootaves, losewood ease. etc.. and tin, OI Baa ft mat ft a I . u Juhus Bear, of (Jhioago, 0 ootavee, 12. top, to. may be seen at the a tors of K W 1ou don, of wtiem they were purchased. Every one purchasing goods of ma will get thorn at aa low a orioe as in th VtL .7th a splendid stock to seleot from, . H. Allan Co.. Albany, Or. Thrifty peonls will aooreeista our vulusa and prices. Rbth-ibld & B now six. loat let that oold of yours ran on. You think it la a light thing. But It may run into Catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption, Catarrh la disgusting. Pneumonia fa L Consumption la death tteelf. The breathln anaaratua mn.t k. healthy and olaar of all chair...-!!,,... Xa offensive matter. Otherwise tk.r 1. trouble ahead, All the disease ef these parts, bead, noat, throat, bronchial tub. 'tHnM' vmu vw uviiara lelightfully arid entirely oured bv of Boaohse German Syrup. If i't known this already, thouaauda the use you don ui pkpm tau a 1 mn iney nave oeeu cured by t, and kno7 now ii la, tnemaeivea." oanta Ask any druratet. Bottle onlyw tlweeeiea. While looking after vonr snanliea in the above Hoe. don't voa forest that 1 H Allan A Co. keep groceries, and don't yon forgot Mtas yon can get jus, as much soger, taa,oof fee noe or anything else for a dollar ee yoa oaoget in soya tots lo tks otty.eod ell of ths beet quality. Cell on Allen A Co., when yea went grooerios and remember they never at themselves to be undersold. t'rowaed, The store of Mooteith m BAiteebeb U Mooteith 4 orowded with seaeeoable and fashionable goods, tbsir line of draw goods, fancy good a. end eloeks ere imseeeso end if vea daaiMtn plena yonrself giys there a cell. THB REV GEO. H. THAVKR r nournon, ind . saya: "Both mns f and wbidwi our iivoasoo MhiiohyOoBeomptton Cura," The rairaabar. Alhsvsy, Or I have all the aagativta taken by A rBf u nod any one can hay dupli oateefrom their nerxallvea bv addreawine , a ito Allowing prions Card eixe, ." cbjf t P aonta, boo fSLE? . Ikaop the) Baai ,M 00n VlsWS In lb. Wt. Cale JtU following prions: Card six, $2 logna furnlehwd on applluesloo Copying nod enlarging old picture a specialty. J. O. Can MY FALL -Bauanawiuinii jaf L Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, jsverytning mmpim a n radian, urv - io0 kw wastry 10 rw tcotk ana Chicago nod AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and have and a to receiving Novelties of the Season a In every line ; em prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In the papers or circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not turn you off when you get out of money. Sheriff's Sale, In th Circuit Curt oy the state of Or tgonor tftnn uounty. Sylvester Peonoyer. Governor. Geo W Ms Bride. Secretary of State. G W Webb. Treasurer, of the State of Oregon , consti tuting the Board of Cocumlaaiensrs for toe cale 0 School Lands and tbe manage ment of tbe Common Sebaol Fund. Plain tiffs. act. Mary J Lava, Douglas Love. Harry Love. lice Love. Emma Love. Lou Mason and 0, B. Maxon. her buaband. Oarv Lister ana vt iiuam raster, ner nusuana, Dsren dents. VfOTICE ia hereby given tbat by vlrtne 11 of an execution and order f aale iseaea out of tba above named Court la tba above entitled suit, I will on Bar a rd ay tbe lTth slay ef December, IStT. at the hour of one o'clook, p, m., at the Court House door la the city of Albany. inn county, Oregon, aeil at public auc tion for cash in hand, ta tba blghert bid der, the real property described ia aald order of sale, aa follows, to-wlt : Begin ning at the northwest corner of Samuel McCnl ley's donation land claim, No. 40, Notification No, 2877. in Tp. 16, S R 4 w of tba Willamette m or id an, ia Linn county. Oregon, and running thence south on tha west boundry line of aald donation land claim, 16 50 chains ; thence east 40 chains to the east boundary line of said land claim ; thence north 0 9' east on said east boundary line of said claim 16.65 chains to the nortbaau corner thereof: thence west on the north line of said olatm 40, chains, to the place of bearinninir. containing 69 acres more ear less, in Linn county, uregon. rne proceeds arising from the sale of said premises to be ap plied, first to the payment of the costs and disbursements of suit, taxed at f 87.85, and accruing 00 sta. Second, to the pay ment to the Plaintiffs herein tbe sum ef $820,00, with accruing interest thereon at tbe rate of ten per oeot per annum, and the further sum af 160.00 Attorney's fees, and the overplus if any to tbe Defendants herein. Dated thl 16th day of November, 1887. D. S. Smith, Sheriff. 3h s,'t,As...sw utA4 . .v jua. kAiLc o idb xau JUl Jit; oir rM.axV OJ UtalX avoX KKtjJuuOjCoXX. ' I I A.J I X fw XsV'dLsV Jjla.ihIJ mm. m VS1 1 4 1 JUL oiL-ttit- ) s AAatJ se 4nPi "V-So lotioe of Final Settlement. Notion in hereby glean that the under- signed, the Administrator ot the eetete of J. W. Htavema, deoaaeed, has thie day filed his final account In the County Coovt lor Lion county, regon, and the said Court haa fixed the 10th of Deoamber, 1S07. at the 1 our of one o'clock, p. m. or said day to hear objections to th name and for the eeUletnent of the eetete. Thie the ?th day of November, 1887. FAig cnanrngg, Adm'r of the estate of J. W. Mavene, i. K. WiATXMroSD, AU'y for Admlniet rater, "HaCKMBTACK." a laating and fra grant perfume. Price 2& and SO oanta. HH:M)H'i CURE wilt Immediately re lieve Cronp, Whooping Cough and Uron obitla. A MAHAL INJECTOR free with bottle of Mblloh'e Catarrh Remedy, Pn 10 cenla. AND WINTER STOCK -Han arrived, including- Gooae end Boot nad Shoe House,' from the cheapest to as good a qualify s Samuel E. Young. Do You Want bargains. THEN A. B. Mcllwain's, where you can get tbe Tory best In DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., is unsurpassed. Call BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prices givdn that defy, com petition. cujl -L 'oJUJz. ' uXLeiv X0.L Xjl&WxJ OIL, LaiO. f saltf -"t a . I 0 Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or., Oct., Slat, 1H87. Votiee ie hereby given that tbe follow lng named settler hex filed notice of bis intention to snake final proof in auppe of hie nlalm. and teet said proof will be made before tbe County Clerk of Linn Co. sxrogoa. at Aioany, Oregon, on vis: Benjamin F. Kirk. Homeatead Entry, No. 5107 for tbe H K M of H E 14 of Sen. M, Tp. is. N K 1 W. Willamette meridian. U names tbe following wit nsssss to prove hie contiauoue reetdenee upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz 1 D R MiokeaJ. Ben Morrie, fienaoo Herri a, and C U Kirk, all of Sweet Home, P. O , j.iqo ooessy, uregon. W. T. BrnitKT, Register, BHILOH'd CATARRH REMEDY a pewiuve cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Montn, Oil GO TO prices and qualities, consisting of His stock ot Drsss Good on him for your You are we A CRITICAL COMPARISON will only nerve to throw moro .iU n; on our methcs of doing buaineM. We eak for ccmpariaona. Wa like tbem. Cm fur our stock with any other in the Central Willamette Val ley and you a ill And e WE LEAVfc THEM ALL BEHIND. we have a atock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and Boots and Shoes, bieh f tr qusoiiiy, 4 .i y aud priet-e BEATS THB WORLD ! Th ohoioa was extensive, We have ei.d hav pieced everything pricee which WILL SOON EMPTY IT L. We wear the LUllt Red School lUu nsSSayaaaaaw" CaaaafaoDWiKa5SWA i laXSiSSaHEassntaVSrar aaLliflanQaaaaawmnSn afaBaasB R3frsws'!sB vwMMviBsBaaaiaaaaaHHBBBnaiSa cousins and our aunts, and if you want them go to tbe City Boot and Shoe Store where you will And a large and complete assortment of gooda in this lino nf nonrly evtry grade and make, and at prices which will open your eve A dollar saved is a dollar made. REfrFIELDex BROWNE LL S SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THS LOST DOLLAR - 1 11 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 LLLUJ 1 l 1 1 I t 1 1 1 iTr 1 irrn n MM I I I M M M M M M 1 ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind you of th e dollars you might have saved by taking advantage of their close prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE ! W. A T. will sell you moro groceries and better qualities & t lower prices than any other live men. Rectify the errors of the past, and save money In the future by Satroniaing Wallace A Thompson, First treat, Albany, Or, . Corsets. N H. Allen k Co., have in stuck a splen did line of corsets. Consisting of the justly celebrated 0, P'a, Dr Warner's, Dr Lee's S. K's, the Albany Standard, onr spinal brand, also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Nettie and many other makes. Ladies are especial - asm the Man want to see, never ravtrs in f .c ' a Full Rouse 10 tr ac E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Shoes, aod so do onr 1 I . -e m 71 ' bus iocs men an?leadW fBS HOST PERFECTLY SQUIPriS SCHOOL of in claw on the Coatt, it oSWs arivat or sfcam l-onni and all Common School BtaSkaT StsSIT of all ag and both sexc adaUtkad at .yTT atalofue free. Annatront and Wecco Ifrvprmem. FARM AT A BARGAIN. on? andersianod offers for aale his farm of 25f aeres 6 miles north of Hamsbore oa th Harrwburg, Peoria, and Albany waa road, 2 miles from warehoase on the Wil lamette liver, 6 miles from Haleey 00 the O ft C railroad, one-fourth of a mile frem school house, all fenced ie 8 departments, besides small lots, 175 acres ia caltivatioa .5 acres oak grub, not heavy, 55 scree grow ing wheat, 30 acres more rew land in culti vation, making 95 acres in good condition forwheat this fall snd will soon be sown. 150 young fruit trees. Buildings fair. Price 25 per acre. Term easy. For particaiaas call on or address C. C, Jackson, Halsey, Oregon. New York Daily Leader DAItV, SUNDAY AND WEEKLY. OmCttlORSAN OF Trif UNITED LABOR PARTT,CE5TRAL LABOR US10M and various K. of L. A88ZXBUXS, rayrsssatiag 260,000 Workers ofB.Y. (Sty kYicinity. Subscription, $3.00 per year or $1 for 4 months. Weekly or Sunday 8 sage Edition, $1 per roar. Address The Leader, Box 8678tlT.Y. Oity. Albany Market. Whet t-64c, Oats 38c Butter 35 tts per lb. Eggs 30 cents per do. Hay -14,00. Potatoes 00 cts per bushel. Beef-on foot, 2&o. Apples 50 cents per bu, Pork-6c per lb. dressed. Bacons hams, 12Ko. shoulders, 7c. sides, 10c. Lard loo per lb, Flour.-4.80 per bbl. Chickens 2,50 per doz. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton. shorts, 16. middlings, SO,