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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1887)
m Win. Fortmiller & Co, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse jBaTAfter business hours call at residence cnmt Fifth and Baker streets. lotica fbr Publication Land Office at Oregon City, (Jr.. ) October 10th. 1887. J Notlot la hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed not ce of hie Intention to make final pro f In anpp rt trf hia olalcu, and that said proof will ha mede before the County Judtfoor Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on Wetarsslay, Seveanhe. set. 1881, via : John m Thotuas, tiomsstosd Entry We, 4286 for lot 2, of Sec. 12, in Tp. 10, His Be name the following witness os to prove hia otntinuoua residence upon, and oulilratlon of, aaid land, vis : L Hubar, U Shelton, A M Mheiton and 11 Philip, of Jordan P. v.. Linn count v. Or. Alao Tburstoa II. Thnmaa, Homeetead Entry No. 45th, for tha S W K of Sao. . In Tp, 10, 8 R 2 E, He namaa the follow lag wttneeeee to prove bla continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, vie : ii Philips, L Huber, H bbel ton and A M Shelton, all or Jordan P, O. Linn county, Or. W, T. Burns. Register, Hotted for Publication, Land Ofllne at Kosebarg, Or., ) October loth. 187, i Netlot la hereby given that th follow ing named settler ha filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be msde before the Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or,, on aanvday. Beveaaber isuu ISST, vis : W W Robe. Homestead Entry No 4S81 for the 8 E M, Sac 6, Tp. 14, 8 R west W itlaoaette meridian, lie same the following witaeaaee to prove hie con tin nous residence ujon, end cultivation of, aaid land, viz: O r Colbert, of Crawfords- vdle, Una Oo.eQr.. H Hamlltoo, of Sweat Home, Linn Co., Or,, B 8 Msrsters, of Brownsville, Linn Co., Or,, C B Tyoer, of Browusvllle, Una Co.. Or. Cbas, W. Johnston, Keglster, Red Cro wnMills I80M, LANNINe A CO., PROPR'3 novs stmouoa aoa sjm BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. BOSTON MILLS. Having again assumed possession of the above mill at Shedd, we hereby give urn ice that w will receive wheat anu grind it fur on eighth or tske it In exchange Tb fl.ur will be equal if not better then that of twenty years ago, Wm Simmon3 Finley. Oregon Pacific Railroad. 25 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpassed for fort and safety. Fares end freights via, Yaquins snd the Oregon Development Com peny 'a Steemablp much lees then by any other route between sll pclnts In the Willamette Valley and Sn Francisco. Daily fmsenger trains tnctft Sundays. Lsave Taqsiaa. 6:30 a.m. . Lea Albany, 1X0 r. u, Lee Corrallia.tbJS a,m. Uavi Corallu, 1:17 r.M. mr Albany, 11:16 a. s.iAmve Yftqulna, 6:50 r. H. Oregon and California trains connect at Albany snd Corvallis. WM. II . i.'iae, Ossefal staaafer. C . II Of. I E, A. U. P. mod P. Afent, ConraQia, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First-class Steamship line between Yquioa snd ban Irsncisco connecting at Yaquins with the trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. SAlLlMeji DATES . srsAssse, raox sax raAxcisoo. raoa TAseniA. T C. w.v. E. O, Y, C. W. V Monday, (M n. 10 am boi.dav Nov. o 1 Saturday. Kot. 6, 11 a m Prlday, Vor 11, 7 a m riday, Stiv. 11, 9 a m Tbu-fc.Nov 17. 11am Wad 'day, Nov. 16, 10 am Tsssuay.Nov ,22,6 a m Monday,Nov.28,IO am Saturday. Dec. 8, noon lueday,Nov,i, 11 a m K. O. Sunday .Nov. 27, O a m The Conipeny reserves ihe right to change sailing day a. I B. TOBY, Geo. P. and P. Agent, 804 Monteomery St., Saa, Praneiaeo, Oaf. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -.VIA- Oregon & California R. R, AMD OONNBCTIOS8 TMi: 81, a 81 AST A ROUTE. Olaae eeunectloni made at Aehlad etagea. of the California, Oroff n and Idaho Stage Ompaay. O Only J.I If Ilea ef staging. Time betarees Alba-y and Sat Prwcieoo, S6 boar oAuroaifiA axrasMa te aixs dailt. Sou'.b 4.04 r. u. $M r m 30 A H North Lea Leave iVHHfflBuCLAtnfm j-TKrrvX Oaismai. end Onxv Qjatvm Wm M klectrio Truss. PsvteaketaiaM nW fMn ' ""' IxXutirnUmMf fl m XT "aa. ffaaara4-tS aaila. bub' I VaW ""'1 tor FraalUosU-'t Paautklat MoL Portland Arrive j 10:40 a l Albany Leave 7:06 a m t AabUnd heave 6:40 r u 1 " vocal rAaasyasa tbaibs dailt (exeept Sansay). :0J a a jLaavre Pwriiead Anlre"i-4i7i 11:44 mf Leave Albany Leave 1116 am 8:40 rn Arrive fcoreue Leave j 9 O0 a s ukal rASiRxssa TBAisa DAiLrucBrr sovdat. 4 1) r m I Leave :66r s I Arrive 11:60 rs I Leavo 1:84 rn Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive I 6:46 a S lava j 6:40 a u Arrive I 2:46 r a Leave 2:0u r u PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. dally bet wean Tttrtlund Had At bland. 81kiyou'a and Han Praaeiseo, KMlvant Sleeplns: Csa between Pertlend anal AatotSMd, ataklyen'a and an Pran elera, t MKK 0W (iiahwe, West Side tvtvlalen. BETWKE.V PORTIAS AMD OOVTsUbla. mAuibam PAU.T (exoept iiUBday.) Leave Portland Arrive j 6:16 r M Arrive Cert tllle Leave 1:80 r M 18:: r a sxraasv raAoa daily (exspl Sxmanj .) 4:64 raj aiOOm Leave Arrt-e Portland kfcaflnaville Arrive Leave 4:00 A M 8.46 a H At Albany and OarvsUic eaunaet wHb tralaa ef rates PsetSa aaUreM Per fall Inforasatlaa ret.-ardlog- ratea, mepe, etc., asa on ueanpaay Abfea. fi. E0KHL88, E. P. BOOEaB, akaafoi-. PS8lAfBxt Albany ooLLieiAfl Jl8TlTUflDo You Want Furniture ? ALBANY, OREGON, iSST, 1888. rire Term Bases aepiesnber lath, last. A tall corps of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged. to meet tha need of all grades or students. Spfciai i4cmmtt nfmrtd t ntndtnts fmm A . J Jrvkm aWrpw . Tuition ranges from $5,50 to $12,60. Board in private families at low rates. Rooms tar self-boarding at amaiiextenae. A omrefni supervision exercised over stu- dents away from home. Fall term opens SLanl.mlver 7th. for oirOUlSrS SUd I U.I particulars auureaa tne nwuwi. KT. ItllET B. CwSBBT. Albany, Oragoa. MRS. B, HYMAN, nsxt east of S. K, l oung s, Aiusny, w. . . s Gutting Pd Fitting a Specialty, STAMPINC OUTFITS, AND STAMP INC DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, xumAAvm And Tbursdava or eaoa week, and painting uon wuiuwwu plaquee and other material, Nloe assortment of Xiiists mstertsis on hand. Revere House; ALBANY, - " - OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. wittn.1 uo in flrsUoisss style. Tables ...nn!M with the beet In the market. Nloe sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial t revelers, ejrrree feseh as and fiwa the Betel. Summons. Jnsitc Ceer r At Pna'met of Franklin But it, State urtgonomniy cj nam. . . i . llnuHinunilir the fit en I 'Zri'.u nf jKii a Snellen. I name and style PlsinUtTa. VS. L. B. Dole, Defendant. To L. E. Dole, the above named Dssasid snt Te the name of the State of Oregon, yon ate hereby required to appear before the I nndersisrnea. S Jisatuia ei me rawe iwiue Precinct eereaaM, on the tetst day ef Bevesssr,taeT at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of ssio day at the office of as Id Justice, in said precinct, to answer the above aamed risinUO, in s oi vil action. The Defendant will take no ttee, that if he fells to anawer the com plaint herein, tbe Plaintiff win utse luogmsm a Mi net him bur 8202 and 83 180 dollars, bs- aldes his co-da sod dlsbursmfrnU ef this aion mxsd. The service of this an mono Is made by publication by order of this Court, sed order being usde and entered of record this 12th day of October, A. D.. 1887. , uiven under mv hand this 1Mb dsp of October, A. D., 17. B. O. Hype, W. H. Quaaans. J usUcsof the n PltTe Att'y. Notice of Assignment. Notice is hereby given that A. A. Baeh or of Linn county. Oregon, hse made a general sssignment or ail his property to the undersigned for tbe benefit of bis creditors under an set of the Legielatnre of tbe State of Oregon, entitled "an act to secure creditors a lust division ef the es tates ot debtors who convey to aeaigneee for the benefit ef creditors" approved Oc tober 18th. 1878 and the scrt amendatory thereof, At! persons having c alms against tha estate of the aaid A. A. Bashor, are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same coder oath to tha under signed at Albany, Oragoa, within three months lrem tbe date of this notice. DstedS-pt. 20th, 1887, H. Bbtabt, Assignee. e flMB XXCHAHMB BOTKL .9 TmIS JL city la now offered for rent on reason able terms For psrdenlsrs inquire of at address JaJUBs Mcsbav, Albany, Oregon. Hotice for Publication. Land Otic at Oregon City, Or, ) October Slat, 1867. S Notice i berebv etven thst the following named settlor has filed antic ef hie intention to make final proof in apport of bis claim, and thst aaid proof will fee made before the County Clerk of Linu C Oi . st Albany, Or., on Wedneadsy, Beeember tsth, 1887, Viz : Grant Bellinger. Pre. D. No. S187. for the iou 1, 2 ead 3, of See 26, Tp 12, S R I W. Ha names tbe following witnesses to provf hss continnoos reaideoce opoo,aod col- . - . m . m a ey t - . . . r . tivsuon f, aaid land, v : 4 ruswster, v Si 1 vaster. J C Bait marsh aad J Newman, all of Lebanon P. 0-, linn county, Or. w. T. Bens st, Register. Botice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City.Or., October 3Ut, 1887. Notice is hereby given that tbe follewisg named ssttlsr bsa filed notice of hia intention to aske final proof in support ef bis claim, snd tbst asid proof will be made before tbe County Judys or Clerk of Ltna county. Or., st Albsny, Oregon, on Friday, December 23rd, ISST, viz . W M Rutledgs, Homestead Entry No. 4795, for the S E of Sec 20, Tp 12, 8 R 1 E. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cul tivation of, said lend, viz : H Bunsll, C Williams, 8 Powell sod W McPbereon. all of Lebanon P, O , Lino oounty, Or W. T. BuaJfET, Register. Hotice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City.Or., ) October 3 1st, 1887. S Notice is bsreby given that the following named aettler has filed notios of hia intention te make fiosi proof is support of bis claim, snd thst asid proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Lino county, Or., at Albany, Or., on . Monday, Beeessber ISth. ISST, tm mm . . WW a S 13 A. Viz : J ri Oiezen tan tier, MomesMsa aotry No. 4651, for the E 1 of 8 W I, snd W of K i, of Sec 28, Tp 13, 8 R 2 E. He names the following witneasea to prove his continu ous residence upon, snd ouitivatieu of, said land, viz . G W Howes, J W McOhte snd B Mc Far I and, of Sweet Hme P O., snd LMcFarland of Albany P.O., all in Lion county, Orgoo. W. T. BUS SKY, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or.j Oct., 8lat. 1887. Notice is hereby givsn that t e follov - ing namf d aettler haw filed notice of i in intention o make finsl proof In support of bin nisi in, and that said proof will be made befora the County Clerk of Linn Co, regon. at Albany, Oregon, on Wednesday, Beeessber 21st, 1887, viz : B'-njamin F. Harris, Homestead Entry, No. 5107 for the N E 14 of N E lA of See. 34, Tp. 13, 8 R I W, Willamette meridian. Ho name the foi .owing wit neseea to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz: D R Micheal, Ben Morris, Benson Harris, and C H Kirk, all of Sweet Home, P. C , Linn county, Oregon. W. F. Bctrnkt, Register. rr tou do oo to W, H. WILLARD, where you will flad the bast make and finest finished SEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LGUNCES. Alio a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES, and a hunderd different style of Mouldings. Picture frames made to order. The largest and beat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albsny. l'rlws reasonable Conrad Meyer. -PROPRIETOR STAR BAKU It Y, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., .-DEALER IS Cannes! frail ts, C Muaest Meats, (staaaware. Dried Pralta, TahevDe),e esrar, t'oBee, tufeasware, Yegetablee, t igara, Mplccn, Test, SJ. In fact everything that m kept In a gen ral variety and groosry store. Highest market price paid for ALL KIND8 OF PRODUCE CITY I null QtlH Van lit Vtillilai ! 4th St. between Ellsworth and Lyon Horses boarded by the day, weak or month at reasonable rates. Balled hay and straw for sale, alao oats, barley aad CBOp always on hand MRS, L A, MCDONNELL PROPRIETOR. o DR. 1. N, W00DLE, Veterinary Surgeon, Office City Feed and Bale Stable, ALBANY, OREGON. CR0SSEN & ALLEN, PROPRIBTOK8 Albany Track and Dray 09., No, 1 Goods handled with care aad dispatch. CURES ALL HUMORS, front b common Blotch or Eras ton, tothe worst Borofala. 8alt-r beetse, Pererres,w Bcely or RpBjgjh aUtisu i swon, wasssm esoseo ny Dsn mood are ny w Vmi,jnWBtw. and hflpljn gOasfsaMMaOOU Nee a. fori km trtwxtae, with n. Sain Dal oasts, or the i treatise on Scrofiiiona ASetsnea. IvOOD. IS) THE UrBV ioUUitonuriue 6 CONSUMPTION, which m Scrofnlons Disease ef the satngev is promptly am certauuT nd cured by this aoMrn mnedy. If taken befcre the last stagesof the disease are from fte wot wonoonuj power over thta ratal disease, when Snt offering this now ce Uitm W h i K . TH iflB Mai wenoenui eoninnsnon oi ionic, or acres ma, alterative, or blond raeanstns;, aatt- pwxotai,andnutxtMvopropertiie.k not onJyas a remedy for oorsfuraptioa "uim, mat aw au CHRONIC DISEASES Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If von feel dniL drowse. ArAUtmtA sallow color of skm, or yelkrwIsbKWo on face or bodv. freouent beadaha at rsass. bad taste In mouth, intornal heat or cbluav altenisiJr with hot flashes, low spirits and Siocrmy sorebodfnas, lrrerukr appetite, and Pert ot these symptoms are experlenoed. As a remedy for all su a remeoy ior Rji sucn meet, r. Fleree'S Ci olden nodical Aiscoverr baa no eenaL ?vf CBtaghe, Conensnptlon, and . Send ton cents In stamps for Sr. pjercet book on Consumption. Bold by Druggist. unenvja aaeoaoos. w au a eov ssVaasasaTaai BDVWTV. PRICE $1.00, WkfSZ8& Mft DiqMitti ItiMl Assteiatios, Proprietors, 083 Main St, BuWAXO, If.T. 88B8 TTTrtTD fweii PILLS. Aim-milOtJS Uid fATHtKTIG. told, by Druggists. 26 eenui a vlaL $500 REWARD to offered by the prcinrsstors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy foraceseofottejrrhwhiohtliey cannot ours. If yon haveadisoiiarge from ttM boss, offensive or.ctixav wise, partial lom of smell taase. OT bearimr. weak evaa. dull nain wpreaeure in heed. yon have Catarrh; Iou- cm rerminam in A Planters Experience. "Mjr plantation ts In a malarial dis trict, where fever and ague prevailed. I employ 150 Bands; frequently half of ttaens were stek. I was nearly die eouraged when I began tbe nee of Tutt's Pills bameVtro Tnd BrtV.wdi have " u .3fr Witts tbeee nilla. a wAnlfl ant ban in I swamp." . RIVAL, Bayon Barn, JLm. Sold Everywhere. Office, 4A Murray St Nw York. I k and 1! Qtwaa iaaManp MTHB j wyvuamy cwwu iioy uaintr ear. rieree Its, vital Strenatb, aad so mi duces eenieo rcmeoy vt wo PUOUO, UK rtWXCM thought seriously of calling it hia "Con sumption Cure," but abandoned that name as too limited for a Mrtmm oi tbe Xtl Qmoui. fjp ptPK. THIS PAPER mm& i pm as er Adver if stesere. FASHION NOTCH. t sssBBBBasBssassB The present may truly ha designated a itraid season. A new snd fsshionsble shade of brown is called Venetian bronss. The Bismarck brown of past seasons Is revived uader the name of old mahogany. Rnbycut garnets are favorite stones for various articles of jewelry In common use. French plaid woollens art materials of tcnest chosen for little girls winter school dresses. Glove-fitting sealskin jsckets, medium abort, will be popular this winter with sty lish young ladles. Surges of various weaves art a pepulsr drsss material, and they are durable as well as beautiful. Narrow veiyet ribbon applied In rows or in patterns like braid Is used in profusion upon children's dresses. Soft, silky Indian cashmere, combined with moire of a deeper shade, is estensivt ly used for tht new tslrlor gowns. Fashionable slippers for morning wear art made of black silk, In Japanese shape hsving broad soles and no heels. - Many of the costumes being prepared fur winter are entirely gray, and gray bonnets or hats will be worn tn suite. Parisian young ladies art wearing pret ty house isckets of dark green billiard sr "sv cloth deltcstsly braided In pale gold In place of tht stlvtr chatelaine girdles so popular during the summer, girdles of fur with silt or silver attachments are SaV seen. The newest handkerchiefs are of sheer linen laws, with a border of daisies or other small blossoms embroidered in net ural colors. Every style snd ehsoe of coraace Is av er a op fashionalble this season, the cut depend tag only upon the occ iston for which the toilet is designed. Gold, silver, bronse, enamel, pearl or jet pins, buckles, clasps, hoops snd slides sre used in nrofuslon upon dresses snd for si millinery uses. Gloves to wesr with s weddlna toilet should be white undressed kid mosouetal res, with broad stitching of silver or white silk upon the hack. The Istest sddition to the long list at fashionable green are vert d or, a golden areen. verv becoming to blonde, snd vteus vert, old dull green. Fsncy belt clssps, with dog-collar orna me nts to match, are added to dressy toll ets of silk or aatln, and also to handsome tailor-made cloth suits. Buttons are entirely omitted on many of the new French dresses, the joining Is front being covered by a plastron, a fancy jabot or a double csscsde of tact. Chain braid is a novelty In dress trim mings and is pretty and moderate In price. It is usually In two or three colors, and Is sometimes interwoven with gold. Young ladles wear toques of the same mstcrisl with thslr cloth gowns. These At the hesd like s skull-cap, sre in melon shspe st the top snd have but little trim, mings. Bsnds of uncurled ostrich feather flues are used as a finish for the neck and sleeves of wraps, and in finer qualities they sre utilized for bonnet crowns, in rows of slternate colors. The variety of outside garments this season is greater than ever before brtJ is no stated length, every style, from the long French pelisse to the jsunty hunt ing jacket, being in vogue. Vests oi pale ecru kid or ten -colored corded silk are worn with short English jackets of Gobelin blue, dark green or pniy-colored cloth, which are braided or embroidered in silks of the color of the jacket. It Is quite the exception to see a cos tume without some combination of color, either in fabric or trimmings, escept the atrictly tailor-made suits, which ladles of acknowledged taste favor for street wear- THEY ALL HAVE THEM. The other evening I went to a party and tried to find out the pet superstition of each girl I dsnced with. And they sll hare them. One wouldn't go under s lesning Isdder, snother would be sure of becoming ill If she saw the moon over her left shoulder, another would not read an epitaph for fear of losing her memory. One girl told mt sht could stop a dog's howl sny time by taking off her shoe snd spitting is it. In drswing her kerchief from her bosom a narrow slip of paper fluttered to the ground, on which were some hleroglyhics. "Oh, my charm I" she exclaimed. I supposed she had lost an article of jewelry, and was searching about for it when she seized upon the scrap of paper as though it wsrs s deed to a Ssn Diego corner lot. My curiosity was sroused, end she explained that It waa a charm insuring success in undertakings, purchased by her at a great price from an Egyptian fortune-teller in Paris, and that its possession alone amounted to nothing, but it must be put into the pocket or in the bosom of a dress during the recital of an Egyptian verse. If one failed to re member that, however, the Lord's prayer might he substituted. " eoe The Hon. S. D. Hastings, of Madison, Wis., has inquired what rules the railroads of his state make regarding the use of in toxicating liquors by their employes, with the. result : The Chicago and Northwest ern road absolutely prohibits their use by conductors, engineers and trainmen ; the Chippewa Falls and Western road requires perfect sobriety ; the employes of the Green Bay and Minnesota road are not allowed to use Intoxicating liquors ; the Mil waukee, Lake Shore and Western road discharges employes who get drunk, and prefers and promotes total abstainers ; on the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha road the use of intoxicating liquors involves instant dismissal,and on the Wis consin Central road only those who ab stain from the use of spiritous liquors are employed. s.Mr T P. White asserts that the salt. formed by fruit acids and tin are harmless, - and that poisoning by canned fruits must be due to solder or other impurities, arse- nic, copper or lead. mmmsa Wi WaBtVHSam.ewaiaonaeu MenaasswaaMesasaaasnsssaBSsessassia CURIOUS PACTS A gas wall recently bored st Fsirmount, I nd., flows nearly 13,000,000 cubic fust per day. Color blindness is twice ss common among Quakers as it is among the rest os the community, owing to their having dressed in drab for generations and thus disused the color sense. There are now about 10,000 metal and elastic contrivances in tbe market for the sole purpose of holding together and at a respectful distance different portions of a gentleman's wearing apparel. A cherry tree of the white Oxheart variety on the premises of John Capura of Orovlile, Cal.,bore this season sfioopounds of fruit. It ts eighteen years old, is sixty feet high and six feet In circumference. In Brown county, III., is the home of a man who is In his eighty-sixth year, snd hss never seen s piano, never been within ten miles of a railway, never wore a collar or necktie, never had an a pair of socks since he can remember. The fibre of silk is the longest continu ous fibre known. An ordinary cocoon of a well-fed silk worm will often reel 1000 yards, and reliable accounts are given of a cocoon yielding 1295 yards.or a fibre near, ly three quarters of a mile in length. A Dutchman of the sixteenth century painted a landscape the size of a grain of wheat, in which was to he plainly discern ed a mill, a miller going up stairs with a sack of corn on his back, and some peas ants going along s winding country rosd. The Msssschusetts men whose heads are conspicuous on the paper currency of the country sre 1 On the 10-dollar green backs, Webster ; jo-dollar greenbacks, Franklin s on the 50-dollsr silver certlfl cste.Edwsrd Everett ; and on the 500-dol lar, Charles Summer. The Swiss watchmsktrs have invented a watch for the blind. A smell peg is set in the center of each figure. When tht hour hand is approaching s certsin hour ths peg for thst hour drops when the quarter before it is passed. The person fesla the peg Is down, snd then counts hack to twelve. He can th,us tall tha time within a taw minutes, and by practice he ssn become so expert ss to tail tht tlmt si most exactly. WINstVAlliM COMING FROM FRANCE. E. Jennsen, a prominent vlticuiturtst of Bordeaux, France, is making an inspection of the wint industry oi California. He re cently visited Senator Leland Stanford's vineyard at Vina and reports thst the white wine grown there is excellent. Sen ator Stanford instructed Jennsen to return to France and bring out one hundred skill ed laborers ts work st Vins. The labor era will be paid $30 a month and allowed $12 for board. Jennsen will return with tbe laborers about the first of the yesr. Ht visited Llvermors Valley last week, and reported that the red wines there were of a high qusltty. The smartest girl reporter in this coun try Is said to be employed on the Denver, Col., ftrfmbiitm She Is a young woman, and fairly glowing with the rosiest kind of health. Her name ts Jennie Hopkins, and she has written a book. She has been on the Denver RtfnbUemn for two rears. She tskes sssigmsienU like a man,and can attend to the routine of the Courts or any of the public department with as much esse sa soy man. She goes everywhere Her perfect manners compel respect, snd whether she ts writing up s base ball match or a raurde., she wreaths it with a charm of language. Although the claim of Utah to admis sion as a state is now backed by the law sblding one-wife citizens of the territory, It Is not likely soon to be heeded. Deduct ing the Mormon, I'tah has not enough population to entitle it to admission. Da kota's claims are far better. though the Idea that in any case admission to the Union can be claimed as a right la failacioua.The country was premature in admitting Neva da. The mistake made then has naturally Induced greater caution since. Powdered glass is largely taking the place of sand in the manufacture of sand paper. It Is readily pulverised by heating It redhot and throwing It into water, the finishing being done in an iron mortar. By the use of sieves of different sized meshes, the powder is separated into various grade A strong paper or muslin is tacked down aad covered with a strong size of glue, the surface covered with powdered glass, and when tht glut is dry the surplus glass is shsken or brushed off. An Indianapolis Grand Jury has found forty-four indictments for counterfeiting. Apparently Mr, Dorsey's $a bills are ex hausted, and the Hoosiers must have some change if they have to make it themselves. Several European specialists hsve made the curious observation thst acute rhcu mstism is more prevalent In dry than rainy weather. Isdlspeassbls to tbs Toilet Darbys Prophylactic Fluid euros enaf ing, eruptions and inflammation ot all kinds ; euree tnflammed or sore eyes relieves pains from bites er stings of in; sects snd sore feat ; destroys all taint of on or offensive smell from the set or sav part of tbe boa v ; cleanses and whitens the skin. Used as a dentlfzce it purifies ths breath ; preserves tbe teeth and cures toothache ; sore gums and un or. A little of the fluid in tbe water sa in bathing la vary refreshing snd espeela ly beaefloial to the sink. Physicians Bars Found Oat That a contaminating and foreign element in tha blood, developed by Indigestion, Is tbe eause of rheumatism This settles upon the sensitive sub cutaneous cover lag of the muscles and ligaments of tha joints, causing constant and shifting pain, and segregating as a calcareous, chalky deposit which produces stiffness and dis tortion of the Joints. No fact whioh ex 6 Tie ice naa demonstrated in regard to oa'etter'a Stomach Ruters has stronger evidence u support than tbis, namely that this medinine of couiprshensive ue checks the formidable and atrocious dis esse, nor ia it lee positively established that it is preferable to the poisons often used to arrest it, since the medioiae can tains only sslutary ingredients. It Is also a signs) remedy for mslarial fevers, -on sti nation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladder ailments, deMlity and other disordsrs, Sat tnal yeu get the genuine, SIS" Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively Oared by administering Br. Haines' Golden Spsetfie. It can be srtven in a cup of coffee or tea with- out the toowledae 01 the person taking it 1 is absolutely hi 1 armies 1 and will effect a 1 perma nent Is a nent and speedy our, whether tha odsrate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have Men maaeiem nerate man who have taken Golden Soeelfle in tbeir eoffse without tbsir knowledge, and to-day belter the Aev au ult I drinking of their own FAILS. Tbe system free win. IT NSVSR SftXSnC CO., 188 Bate St., Cuwlnnati, 0. Some fins, frtih ssuer kraut at Wallace & Thompson's. So unpregtiatefl with vne hpaemc u Becomes mtswjmposribtltty for the liquor appetite to sMist. For fun particulars, address GOLDEN HOW DO WE DIG OUR GRAVES? Wo must tint or we cannot live. This we all know. Bui do we all know that we li hy oatinpf T It ia said we ttig o r grmtmM with our toeth. How (00 um Hit sounds. Vet it ia fswM u i. Wo um I pi nned at tho spprtui a of tli cholera and jellow fevi i, ynt theie.iN a dis ease constantly at on doom and in our houstH far mr dangerous and destructive. Moat peopla have in their own Btornsvchs a poison, more slow, but quite an fatal on the gnrms of those moJadioii which HWtfro men into eternity by thoutaoda without warning in the timm of great epi demien. But it i i a mercy that, if we are watchful, wo can tell when we are th n a:. ned. The following are among th symptoms, yet they do not always ncccHsaiily appear in the eame 01 oar, nor ore they always the tamo in different cases. 'Inert in b dull and sleejiy feeling ; a bad taste in the mouth, especially in the morning; the appetite it change able, k"!ik tin t-A poor and again it aeema as t!i !..;h the patient could not eat enoiij. h, and occasionally no appetite at all; dullness ami shtg ginhneag of the mind: no ambition ) to atudy or v. -iU ; more or h i head. ache ami heaviness in the lu-ud; dizziness on rising to the foal or moving suddenly ; furred and coat ed tongue; a sense of a load on the stoimu'ij tlutt i. 'thing removes ; hot and dry akin at times; yellow tinge in the eyes; sonnty and high-colored urine ; sou" taste in the mouth, fre quently stymied by palpitation of the heart ; iutpsired rieion, with smgts that seem to bo atwitttii ing in the air before the ey s ; a ough, with A greenish oh'rd execto- ration; poor nights' reet; a feticky 'shine about the teeth and euros; hands and feet cold and clammy: irrit.'.ble temper and bowels bound up ai t costive. Thia disee has pu ' the lihymef't&Ji and still pux uu It 1 t.'o commonest of sti e mid x t i most comnli- ..... . s r rrsr ' 'HI rr.ysr Hon.. timtm it i .tea as tor. M'ticn. Mima- .ts UTcr eotui ini nn: tlwn ns malar'. :. .. oven heart dis ee. But its real Jure ia that of i 4ttonnnduv.p .).sfa, It arises - t. di-ciivo orjran and soon tfiecta aJ tht others tnrougfc the d and poitoned Mood, ihe wbob !.iy- in- iding 1 rvotis f iu ' bj I U rally ttanvtt, even uhu there is nc erne ".at ton to tell tha aad rtory. Expoienc - ha, hhtmn thnt tberets put 0.18 rc i . i hat can c itainly curt this ti n: c in all its Magea, namely. Shak r Kxtraet of liooto or Moth S. kel'i Curative Syrup. awet tuibt iMtt, rtlieleas. no time should bo IobI in trying other Bt K ii .b. , f.- they will do no good. Of this great vegetable preparation, (discovered by a vener able nuie whose name ia a house hold b ord in Germany) and be euro to get the genuine article. ofVK IT lit HEVfji POCTOOa. Blinker Kxtraet of Roots or Sci gel'a Hyrup Itits raised me to good health after seven doctors had given me up to tjio with oonaumption.---Bo writ.-. It F. Grace, Kirkjuan ville, Todd Co., Ey. be fuunn or it just n time. "I had bfieu about given up to die with dyspepsia when I first saw the advertisement of Shaker Extract of Roota or Heigel's Syrup. After using four bottles I was able to At tend to my buninsea aa well aa ever. I know of several eaten of chills and fever that have been cured by it" So writes Mr. Tboa, Pullum, of Tay lor, Geneva Co., Ala. WOHTH TEN POM Alts A BOTTLE. Mr. Tkomaa P. Evans, of the firm of Evans A Bro., Merchants, Horn town. Accomack Co., Vt, writes that he hod been sick with digestive beorders for many years and had ried many phyaieiana and medi inesi without U'liutit. He began to it-.. Shaker Extract of Roota or Sei gei a Syrup about the 1st of Ian. 1887, and waa so much bettor in three weeks that hec. .. . . . . .1 hini- Holf practically a well roan He odds: I have at thih :. uie bot tle on Itand, and if I eotild uot get any more mniid noi taict a ten tloUnr hill fur if ' All druggists, or Address A. J. White, Limited ",4 W t , st N. Y. Per tale. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of .a as. are. m a. a . a a tne narrow uauge K. K., with the lxwanon branch of the O. & ('. R. R. Inquire st this office. Ladies Fine ghees. N H Allen St Co. are sow reeeivina direct from ths mssufaotnre, H J Holbrook & Co., of U'ics, N. Y., a tall Has of his justly cel ebrated fine shoes for ladiea aad misses in C. D. EL and K. E. widths. These goods will give splendid satisfaction, in fact there are no better made. Anrdews & Hackieman, W1D0UGLAS! SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - OREGON Notice for Publication, Land Office at Oregon City, Or., October, 81st, 1887. J Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and thst said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or., on Monday, December SSth, 1881, viz : William H H Cummings, Home stead Entry. No. 4824 for the N fi M of S W k ofSeo. 10. Tp, 13, 8 R 1 vV, He' names tot following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culti vatlon of, said land, vat s J S Caldwell, G. Kinder. J Undley and J Pryor, all of Lebanon P, O., Linn oounty, Oregon, W. T. JBUaVRBTj. I Register, a a fknWU t nan asasf PEIWONAL. Senator Joues ef Nevada Is again finan cially flourishing. He has made his lat fortune out of s Hse in some reel estate which his bonanza friends set sstde for him. Joslsh Greston Is the pride of Bclton, Tea., because he Is 100 years old, having been born In North Carolina In 1778. Mr. Graston's pride is In the fact that his first vote was cast for Thomas Jefferson, and that he ha always voted the democratic ticket. Mrs. Lydia Bacon of Sudbury, Mass , celebrated hernni.hunHria. aua-., other day. Mrs. Bacon, whose maiden name was Hammond, was born in Natick j tn 1787, and.the, house where her father! and mother resided is still standing on the outskirts of Cochltuate village. William L. Gilbert of Wlnsted,Ct., whol ha. mI... a . ... .1 avsorwu ror tne erection and maintenance of an ornhan ssvlum in the place,has decided to give the town s public scsdemy, and is sr ranging plans for the structure. The ornhan m "-y - r 1 - Hi a n in be known as the Gilbert Home will be pleted tn a yesr. The Istc Hon. William B. Washburs left $1000 to the Greenfield. Mass.. ouhllc llbrsry, to which he had eiven shout $18.. 000 during his Hfc, and $0000 to Smith Cellegcof which he had been s e-r.t h-n. efsctor. The bulk of nis great estate is to be divided between the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, the New York Home Misslonarv Societv and the American Missionary Association. jonn btillman.the conductor on the tr:iin which went through the burned hrldtr eat Chstsworth, 111,, dreams of the wreck, and he has not had a good sleep since the ac cident. He has lost fort v. thro- ..A. s J wwww asyssj pvUMUi J A fieeh. He is on a leave of absence from the road to stay as long as he wishes, with a . m m . oroers to look to the company for snything ne wants, no matter what it ia. Young ChsrUc Psrmslee. of Ansonis. Conn., hsd s tremendous acsre the other night. He waa welkins m. m .-ii. 1 w -"a lunula track snd csught his foot between s plank ana rail at a crossing. While trying to get free he hesrd sn approaching trsln. As he struggled it came nearer and nearer and nearer until, just ss he hsd made up his mind for death, the headlight showed hies that he was on a switch and not on the main tine. After the train thundered by, a watchman released him. He waa very lame for several days. Five largest cities in the world f Vea, here they are 1 London,3,8po ; Parts, Ja69a3 ; Canton, 1.500,000 ; New York t,o6,577 ; Berlin, i,ia2j. e Very tvt-10BsM,Tej I bays added to say Poof and sAoe stock a hoe of the celebrated Laird, Schobtr A MdckeU, Philadelphia Fin, lus for ladies, misses snd children. Ak nl,i amA K dealers generally to be the beat value and gssj tne shoe made Widths C. D, ft ana f.t. A esild ose bay aa cheap as a man. Sam rax R. Toe so, tote Agent, Albany, Oregon. Notice to Tss-Payers. Notice k hereby given, that I, or my Deputy, will meet the lax payers of Linn county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock s. m , and re main until 4 o'clock p. m., at their respec tive places of voting in the several pre cincts, at the following times and places for in purpose ot collecting the taxes for 1887 : Fox Valley, Monday, Nov. 14th, 1887. Scio, Tuesday, Nov. 15th. Franklin Butte, Wednesday, Nov. 16th. Santlam, Thursday. Nov. 17th. Lebanon, Friday, Nov. 18th. Waterloo, Monday, Nov. 21st Liberty, Tuesday, Nov. 23nd. 8weet Home, ednesdav, Nov. 33rd. Bruah Creek, Thursday, Nov. 34th. Crawfordsville, Fridav, Nov. 35th. . Browni.viIie, Saturday, Nov. 36th. t enter, Mondav, Nov. 38th. Orieana, Tuesday, Nov. 39th. Syracuse, V edm-sday, Nov. 30th Harriaburg. I hursday, Dec. 1st, fialsey, Friday, Dec 2nd. Shcild. Sa turd a 1 IW in East Albany, Tueadav, Dec. 6th. West Albany, Wednesday, Dec 7th. Prompt payment will be required Pay your taxes and save costs. Dated, Oct. 34th, 18S7. D. S. !UITH, Sheriff and Tsx ol lector BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Lumbago, Iheamatlsm, Barngf Scalds, atlags, Sites, Bruise Bunion.", Corns, Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, . Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Bores, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. THI8 GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what Is claimed for It. One of the reasons for the great popularity ot the Mustang Ualraent Is found In Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such b medicine. The Lumberman needs It la ease of accident. The flenaewlfb needs It for general family use. Tb e Cms. aler needs It for his teams and his men. Tho Mechanic needs It always on his work Tbs Miner needs It tn ease of emergency. Tbe Pioneer needs It can't get along without it The Farmer needs It In his house, his stable, and his stock yard. Tbe Steamboat man or the Boatman needs It tn liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs itit Is his best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It it will save htm thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It and wm need It so long as his life is a round of accidents and dangers. The Backwoodsman needs It. There B noth ing like it as sn antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Aferohaut needs it about hta store among his employees. Aoctdteuta will happen, snd when these corns tbe llustang Liniment Is wanted stones. Keep a Bottle lathe House. . 'Tis the beat ot economy. Keep a Bottle 1q the Factory, Its immediate use In ease of aeeideat saves pain and loss ot wages. Keep a Battle Always la she Stable far How's Your Liver? Ia the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exiat without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els arc sluggish and con utipated, toe food lies in the stomach .undi gested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVEB BEEN DISAPPOINTED, ,"""rr"MWU " WW SBSSSS BBWBSBSSaal ms to he almost a perfect cure for all HWnnacb smi Bowels. W. J. McKlsot, Macon, Os. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER rKUr rlllsrORO OP Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers ot- CHOICE OOIFEGTIOIIKI. We are bow prep-red to pell st whole tie. a'wavs fresh mH mn p..niaj Unc a to rleafeiea W. aln at ftt line or Nuts and Tropical Pralta, OTJH CIGAR AND TOBACCO uj 7 nieut is ion- - w. Ica . w . Hr.tM at . 1 f .1 u.k . tohaooo, meeraebaam mt .r-' uv;m. tiiat is a 'le'iziif !.. am asssai Che wsvrmmm 9110s a t IMU aateaee,rtB era atW-S BsW' oiVISB WBeleaals Prieea dirrci to eefssr on all paraoaval or family Sssfsaa' m imlTJmtltS. knee fun with. Tbeee UTTAX47 rontain wtU aaall assUl a star Vat SUB to ni sipoa rasaist ot 10 eta. te as of saantssg. ES sssBvasti rVtONTCOMER Y W ARD A CO. 97 sic: 9S9 WmLnmmln Awmmo CMmmh IS THIS is the top of the gen uine "Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. . . This is the exact label "on each one of the Pearl Top Chimeys. The dealer may say and think he has as good, but he has not Insist upon the exact label G . MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, PaT PATENTS Vbuiua eaesfl eSJswsnslasai in the C. S. " noce .11.1,(1. ded te for mederate Oar. is uftpestt the V. 8 aoo abtai Patents leas Usee n W .etahitftne u4 aauSle r draw me Be sa' to saassrt "lity frer of charyr mu4 weaaake r Sllgi enlas ..bull. 1 stent We refer bare, te lee PeitSMSlST. tbe Sans, st nle- IMv and 1. BUisis eftseU. 8 Patent Bet. For titx alar, aSvtee. 1 erase, sad stssass fSBateHj U in rnarosrr SbUe er eeunt) . aSdreae . Be MwH ftf O.e ofca e ssKeess, D THC FAMOUS CD. TOM-MADE DtnUTHROrK 3 PUTS. lilt, r i fr-.n aeoilan taVtk. -ir ellv IM nst for at Tie ami wear. Bar 'lr arai i. ,tat a i-i.-tn rati.i'd d, a aw iiras. a. If en -as aiv rrtaeasa DO YOU WEAR PAWT ? Tell as about what ae r yea Hse, sted aayess aite,hip aad aside lf msaasis,- tegether art' I tSad85rte, far postage (or prepaid express) sat r te as, or to Ihe eff a of temples will be asaB- packing. Or as of 1 his paper, and ed you, including hr deposited with ths proprietors of this aea sspa-sseasare, as we m nioei 01 wees paoaaees for sale at sis PLYMOUTH HOCK PANTS CO., 1 a easasner as,, sseaien. II. O OSTKBBT. c.B.Pvssra ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sncoesaors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, MillwTiglits, aad Iroi Founders. WE HAVE OUR NEW 8HOPS AlX complstet!, snd art now prepared to handle all kinds of hsavv anrV w. win raanufhoture Steam 'Engines, Grist and aa inn r , . . w . . . t . J ssaw asm raaoninery, ana ail kinds or mob and Brass Castings, 'ATTKBNS M4BK OS SHOKT HBTICS Special attention given to repairing all lads of machinery. Will alao manufao re the improved Cherry dt White Grain ep rator Administrator's Notice. otiee is hereby given that tht nn 'tr signed has been heretofore appointed Ad rah list rator of the estate o! Jaiia E. Whit, ing theCoentjf Court of Linn oounty, and that all persons Having claims against said estate will present the same Eroperly verified to the undersigned at is residence In Lebanon, Orego.., or at the offl se of L. H. Montsnye. ia tbe city of Altsuy, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated October 7th, 188T. Junius F. Warms, L, H Momsrz, Administrator. Att'y for the Administrator. TWBs Barer Sa WWsJTe ntBt SS jsimiiimimmaBBhh. . ' " - ' PaViaWaaBsssPsv- . 1