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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1887)
mj 1 1 m Wkt m$mt The moat hopeful solution of the Mor mon question that we hare seen is in the application that ha heen made by the Mormons to establish a colony in Turkey . A tittle more than a ear ago Secretary Whitney purchased "Grasslands" for $30, ooo. By bis recent sale of the estate he has netted $35,000 on the investment. He will occupy the place for two years under a leas. ELECTIONS. The Democrats have carried New York hT 16.000 to 18.000 maiaritv. a vain of , , , w- w ' - i about 7,ooq over 1885. Republicans carry low by about 7,000 plurality, a Republl- loss of 8,000 over 1885. Republicans carry Massachusetts by about 17,600, a Republl- WASHINGTON. (From our raeular eutr spoadant.) Washimotun, D. C, Oct. 3tt, 1887. One of the busiest men In Washington is President Cleveland,who ts now absorb ed In investigating the reports of govern- The National ftapress Company has of- fered the Nort hern Pacific Railroad Corn- pan $1,000,0 oa of tu stock for the rail- road's express business. The railroad has another offer from a more nromlnant mm. press company of an equal amount of stock and In addition the express company agrees to isy the railroad one-half of the There are libel suits aggreatlng $Soo,- can train of about 8,000 over last year Maryland goes Democratic by 10,000 ma- m9nt bureau dfficerB und ,tatlstlcal works Prom dirld fro,n " upon the line .... . . K . . - . r I I aI tVim. V ..... i. r rt . . . . . nr iv h naaitnai 1 irntnrranc ou.rcnn- 1 . 1. - 1 1 1. 1 1 1 " t 1 lor mc uuruusr wn preparing ma aiiHuai . . . . . . 1 . AAA I - sylvanla goes Republican oy aooui ja.uw, messaae to Congress. Most of the large a Democratic gain of 10,000. Democrats I libraries in the Capital have contributed elect Sheriff and controller in rmiaue.- ,omelhg t. the end In view.and 1 doubt phia. Nebraska Republican by 15,000. whether even the encyclopedia Is an ex- ception. The President tt not the only one pre paring for the long session of Congress, Republican loss of 8,000. Ohio goes Re publican by about 40,000, a Republican sain. Democrats have more than a two- Northern Pacific and to nay the - . usual compensation for running express cars upon the railroad. Tha nronert a r j employed In the express business has cost the Northern Pacific about S 20.000 and the express) business yielded a profit to the rood last year of $80,000. Some of the Northern Pacific directors want to give up .N.. JJ I . f 1 imu nu iruuiiiu ininn me uonuon 1 - ........ . ., 1 - - 1 ... ........ a, . ty And vet tha f,w, has tha raouta- tnl" m'lor,t.v ,n rancnes 01 me now so near at hand, as the Congressmen mey oeiievc IW I I ..I....... I.. A- i. tlon of bavins the most conservative man- ' ir,nim "4U,V1 .. "emseivea are arming in me city every w - . X.T Va.L T a- ... ha a art Is a S aI a a s arement of all the ..ewananare nrlnted in 1 "c "T T J 8 10 F11 01 10 "me It. 1 1 ... . ... lMt nnA HlAiltA Ihlt lh I .1 I .1 L I 1 1 . i, . it i 1. 1. i- huiiv. . . . i--- uicmHCivcs onwn nature prainnina; mc I 1- ka .... . I. ..... TJ. ISOaa.. .! I 1 A 1 1 1 - - A . I pic win iiwi nv num. . " " "i long anu taoorieuK ibhk 01 nem session s safety requires It to be managed by a company which makes that its exclusive concern. The Northern Pacific now opt rates its All tha AiittralLn rnlanlta ar aaritatad i it means that Cleveland w ill bo i cnom- rL iw. , -ill ...K-kt .t.,( f.r I onng cars upon its road and Snds the I ' Y J I 1 4.LI.aa I II aJ hi av a a on the Chinese ouestlon.and there is a call inated and Blaine will not be. The Sum the .umme, 1. 1. Itkelv that the akirmiah promaoie. At ine last meet for drastic leeislation. Perhaoa.when her says Cleveland's letter in favor of the un of the Presidential contest of t88S in of George M Pullman made iolAnU Imul Pnaliml will nn that I Hemocratlc ticket Wtl tlinelv and due 1 will K- f..,ht In tho PlflUth foni rata an i Overture for the COHtrol Of this feature of .. ., a i r ----- . . n ... ... ---- - , 1 I ... Honakon-r hmia. credit should be s-lven to the Preldcnt. 1 1 i nmhahu that .n avfitiiiar I ine ousiness.oui no action was taken. - i m"w " m r w-w----a Tltt JfrtttJ rraTflrcU If M. a hert V mtiorsft- I Ma4 naN.atU.,J smMmax tall! Km -nti-Uil let I llenjamin F. Butler considers himself a n, ru..! um and Hewitt. . f., u.u.i ' CPl- Joh,, W,i, republican, was the comparatively young man. He was sixty- an .marutment. In thl. atate are beaten iM .k. ai ..Mi-r. conductor who had charge of the pre.l nine on the th of November -Guv . . , . . , ... " T, . dential train from Indianapolis to St.Louls. He is as strong phyaically I .. oMnr ,ru,;orities for It. Linn belnv I others that will sccusv tha attention of the banner county. See local columns for I that body, while the disposition of the returns from Linn. I Treasury surplus will perhaps be consid ered a collateral subject. Fawkes's da v. and mentally as he ever was, and has no Intention of retiring from the active prac tice of his profession, lie wishes to die in the harness. ANOTHER BLUNDER. The Interstate Commerce law will be Men excavating on the Mayaville and I The well known habit of thw Oregen amended, and in new legislation eflorts Big Sandv Railway, In Kentuckv.opposlte I ltaslature to commit foolish blunders ts be made for the better protection of " . . s . I .is a m a a . a . Ripley, a few days ago, found an earthen ,hown In the legislation of the last session ratiroao passengers irom oeing roasieaio pot containing eighty gold and twenty I n apportioning the state into senatorial J asto by heating stoves and Kerosene silver coins. The collection 4s worth and renresentative districts. The act to lamps. 1 nese who advocate government about $Soo. The sreld coins have the fie- which we refer, found on pae;e 1053. Vof. control of the telegraph expect to move lire of a nh on them ann the ward ni. I , iiiii. iiRnMhat tha I in behalf of their favorite measure. A - ' " I Www, iwli ys.i - ' ivar." Both aold and silver coins are! house of representatives shall constat of perfect shower of pension bills may be ex 'It knocked me out," he said, "when I saw Dan I. amon t step off the train and our- chase nine tickets to St. Louis. Cleve land footed the bills all the way through. I have hauled many a one of theee states men and ofnce-holders.but that Is the firat I ever saw who paid his own way." dated 1530. The New York Sun is a queer paper in more respects than one. It gravely in' sists that ever person who opposes the abolition of the internal revenue tax on whisky and tobacco is a free trader. Edl tor Dana probably thinks free whisky and free trade are diametrically opposite terms, and that when one proposition is opposed it naturallv means the advocacy of the other. One company in Illinois controls and supplies the entire market for sheet sine in this country. Sheet zinc is principally used to put under stoves, as a protection against fire, and to cover washboards. It is Mainly used by the poorer class of peo pie. There is a heavy practically pro- hibiterv- tariff on foreign zinc, so that every washerwoman in the land is com pelled to pay tribute to this Illinois com pany. Nevertheless, when it is proposed to reduce the tariff on zinc, a htstv shout is raised that an insidious attempt is being made to reduce the waues of American laborers. The opinion of the waaherwo man on this subject would be interesting and possibly instructive. Sir Lvon Plavfair, who was at the head of the English Peace and Arbitration del egation which waited on the President of the White House, is the principal promot er of the present civil service system in cngiano. He ts very enthusiastic over sixty members. It seesas that after the bill making the apportionment had passed both branches of the legislature. the legis lature passed two other bills creating and estabtlshiag two new counties Wal'owa and Malheur. The representation for these two counties was provided for in the apportionment bill, Wallowa then being a part of Union county and Malheur a part of Baker. Under the apportionment bill Union county was given three represen tatives but when Wallowa was cut off from Union aha, was given one and Union one representative. In the bill creating Malheur count?, it was riven one and Baker one representative. from this that Union lost two representa tives and but one given to Wallowa. This would leave the house to consist of fifty nine members. Of course some clerk, through carelessness or design, we know not which, cheated Union out of a repre sentative. We suppose Union will elect two members and ask the house to do her justice by admitting both. Some time since the Dkmocaat came into possession of facts that justified it In making the statement that there wasaco teric of republican lenders in this state that had determined at all hazards to defeat prohibition on account of what they call the St. lohn racket. This was not sm pected, but I am of the opinion that most of them will gracefully repose on the table until unceremoniously committed to the Congressional or Presldentiat waste bask tent, A Blllona man In seldom n break I a . a an m . . . a . av . The store of Monteith tt Oeiteabaeb is crowded with seasonable and fashionable goods, their line of dress goods, fancy good and oioaka are tisaeaas and if yen deetre r pleaae yourself give thm aesil. What am I to Do t The symptoms of Blllonanene are un happily bat too well known. They dif fer in different Individuate to noma ex ets, for reform and retrenchment will be the watchwords with democrats, while the republicans will chiefly figure as malcon tents and obstructionists. The Fisheries Commlaaion.of which vou have heard so much, has engaged thirty two rooms at one of the leading hotels and will begin its deliberations the latter part of next week, at which time the arrival of the British Commissioners Is expected?; their American colleagues are now here feat enter. To frequently, alae, he haa an excellent appetite for liquids bnt uono for soua or n morning, uia tongue win hardly boar inapeetlon at any time ; if it la not white and furred. It in rough, eventa. The digestive ayatem in wholly ont of order and Diarrhea or Constipation may be a symptom or the two mar allot note. There are often Hemorrhoid a or even loon of blood. There may bo giddineen and often benrNseho and acidity or flatulenoe and tendernewe in the pit of tbe stomach. To oorrect nil tola sod not affect a onto try O men 'a August flower, it coats but a TRICKS ON THE STA0& 4 Thrilling Idle and Death Struggle. Home time ago there was on exhibition, In New York, what was called the "wonder-' ful electrical man I" That "wonder" now says that he was al ly secretly connected with a battery so arranged as to defeat discovery ! Many "treaka of nature" are only freaks of clever deceptive skill. Bishop, the mlnd-readei, so-called, was shown to be only a shrewd student of hu man nature, whose reading of thought was not phenomenal. Even so Intelligent a man as Robert Dale Owen was for many years fully persuaded that certain alleged spiritual manifestations were genuine, but, in the Katie King case, he eventually found that he had been re morselessl j deceived. When to natural credulity Is added a somewhat easily-fired Imagination, spectres become facts, and clever tricks realities. "That man," remarked a prominent phy sician the other day to our reporter, "thinks he Is sick, lie is a 'hypo.' lie comes here IMaae aad Oman Utven Away. It will be seen I in consultation with Secretary Bayard a. irStl thou-od- lu -UV to thrir duties and the extent of their au thority. 9 The differences of opinion between the Civ the they are called upon to enforce, have be come so acrimonious that their personal relations are strained and the controversy has become a public scandal. These once dignified officials have fallen to fighting among themselves like a trio of unruly school boys, and It is not at all improbable that the President will feel tt his duty to play the role of teacher and give them a sample of his discipline. For a long time the Postoflke Depart ment was greatly puzzled at the wholesale reduction in the salaries of those post mas all cabal, but Included prominent lead- n who P? depedds upon the amount While looking after your eenoUee to the a. ti J'. a.. I A .L.I M W X II it Service Commissioners In .regard to beva lies, don't yoa forget that N H Allen , ... tCo. keep groceries, and don't yon forget scope and operations of the law which oan see lost as much sugar tss.aef you fa, nee or anything else for a dollar as yoa eon get m aoystote in tbectty.aod all of the best quality. Call on Allen k Oa whan yen want groceries and remember they never al ow themselves to be nadet sold. regularly three times a week for treatment. There is absolutely nothing the matter with him, but of course every time he comes I fix him up something." "And he pays for It r" "Yes, $3 a visit But what I give him has no remedial power whatever. I have to cater to his imaginary ills. He Is one of my best friends, and I dare not disappoint his fears." An even more striking case of profess ional detus on Is related by W H Wlnton, business manager of the Kingston (N. Y.) f J 'e fp$4t ft "In 1883, Mr. R. K , of New York, (a relative of a late Vice-President of the United States) was seriously Hi of a very fatal disorder. The best physicians attend ed him, but, until the last one was tried, he constantly grew worse. This doctor gave him some medicine in a two ounce bottle. Improving, he got another bottle, paying $3 for each. He was getting relief after having used several of these mysterious small bottles. One day he laid one on his desk In his New York office. In the same office a friend was using a remedy put up in a large bottle. By pure accident it was found out that these two bottle contained exactly the same medicine, the two ounce vial costing the doctor's patient $2, while his friend paid but $(.35 for a bottle holding over sixteen ounces of Warner's Safe Cure. The doctor's services were stopped at once, the man continued treating himself with what his doctor had secretly prescribed- Warner's Safe Cure, which finally restored him to health from an attack of what his doctors called bright' disease." If the leading physicians in the land, through fear of the code, will secretly pre scribe Warner's Safe Cure In all caes of kidney, liver and general disorder, do they not thereby confess their own inability to cure it, and, by the strongest sort of endorse ment, commend that preparation to the public t We hear it warmly spoken of In every di rection, and we have no doubt whatever that It is, all things considered, the very best article of the kind known. The Meat Agreeable n wetl as tbe most effective method of dispelling Headache, Colds nod Foyers, or olaaselng of system, is by taking a few aaaa of Pure, so t. and $1 bottles for eat a y Poshne alnnoo. 1 s" aza-zaxawmnmnwz-m On Jan. 1st, 1888, we will give away a 1780 piano and a $160 organ. Hare is the way to get one of them. For eyery dollars worth of goods you purchase yoa will receive a ticket, when yon get five yen may make a guess of the number of pieces of coin ex hibited in a glass globe in our front window, which, with your name will hs rnajassrsil, up to the first ef January. Tbe one guessing nearest to the right number will receive the piano, next the organ. The piano, a Bradford upright, 74 octaves, loseweed case, etc., and tbe organ made by Julius Baur, of Chicago, 6 octaves, 12 stops, etc. may be seen at the store of I W Lang- don, ot whom tbey were purchased. Every one purchsaing goods of me will toem at as low a price as id the Valley, w a splendid stock to select from, N. H. Alum k Co., Albany, Or. Albany Marker. Wheat (Me, Oafs tta flutter 36 eta per lb. Kffge 80 cents par dan. Hay -lt.eo, PtoBstwts 00 oto par traahel. Beef on foot, 2ho. Applee 60 cents per bu. lr get rTth Pork Oe par lb. Baoone hams, 13 He. shoulders, 7c aidea 10c (jard lOoperlb. Flour AMQ par bbl. Chickens 2.50 per dox. Mill Pead-brnn, 14.00 par ton. short. 18. middlings, to CROUP, WHOOPIKU COUGH aad Bronchitis immediately relieved by 8bl loh'a Cora. fMHSgJ n. ,,,a POWDER Absolutely Pure. waaOsyeJues ea-j 1 1 1 htMpsweatsantaewa aaaA XWta. Saasast siisai Oa.. lesWaJtet. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK ers of that party all over the state. The the results of the system in the old coun- result of the election fully bears us out in try. In the coarse of an interview upon this subject Sir Lyon said "Generally speaking, open competition is now- the gateway service. There is no carrier ia England so lowly or so wanting in influence that his son, if educated to stand the test, may not pass into the ser vice of hia country ahead of the offspring of nobititv. It is also admitted on all hands mat there was a higher standard of education, refinement of manners and morals, personal character generally and . -- a . . a a a a . a 01 postage stamps cancelled by them -u steady decrease being noted In every case ! where a democrat has succeeded a republi can. But an investigation shows that the republican postmasters had been making -Has arrived, locludlog- that prediction. The majority against prohibition is most decided In the strong holds of that oartv. We now predict that to the English civ il this is not the result of a mere petulant I w return nd charging for stamps sold farm laborer phod- whim, but is far reaching and will prove but not ncelled,whlle.on the other hand. to be one of the steps in anew policy of inesr ar'r ucccsora nave kept hon th.t n-rt r nn w hirl, it ho. ti rl st accounts with the government. The to the presidency. Look out for its development. Oil You are the Man wo want to aoe, A CRITICAL COMPARISON will only eetve to throw more Jigfct upon our metheda of doing busineea. We aak for comparisons. We like them. Compare our stock with any etbwr in the Central Willamette Val ley and you will Hod WE LEAVE THEM ALL BEHIND. we have a stock of Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods and Boots and Shoes, which fjr quantity, quality -MJ price BEATS the world! Thf choice) waa never mr extensive, in fot We have a Full House tn tr mt and hare placed evrmhing prieea hieh WILL SOON EMPTY IT L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. BE ON Ct'JtRn. Judging from what the Lane says we are led to Infer that all is not peace and bar of practical efficiency than at the present roony amongthe Insane Asylum employ- time. "You think the country is as well serv ed and the personnel of the service as high toned as when the common people were proper management of that institution.and es. The Governor, as head of the Board, should bear In mind that democrats will be held to a strict accountability for the excluded r Sir Lyon was asked. "The public service has been immensely improved since tt was opened to the sons of the common people. By open compe tition we get the best, the fittest survive the ordeal. I am surprised that the prin ciple of free competition as against the principle of personal influence should meet with any opposition In a free and k democratic republic like America. I IsHkink the principle of free and open com petition must grow in popularity in this his excellency should be admonished that democrats will hold him equally responsi ble for the proper and decent management of that and other institutions of the state Of course we know nothing of the antag onisms hinted at by the -, but simply suggest the above thoughts upon the sup. position that such antagonisms exist. The Statesman says that the defeat of the prohibitory amendment is a republican victory. How the mighty have fallen rountrv and be extended in its appica. I from their high estate of great moral Ideas. tion. I rime vt when the statesman dared not I make such a candid confession. It will not do so at the next regular election in this state. But how will such a declara- msiNTEREHTED VIKW. result is that the old republican postmasters have been compelled to refund hatf a mil lion dollars wrongfully withheld from the Ln!tA4 t.. -Twrw Ska aapSSsts " ' " I he third end fourthclasa postmasters are dissatisfied with their salariea.and pur pose holdings national convention in this city In December, with the object of calling upon Congress to provide some way for en increase of their compensation. Secretary Whitney has temporarily re tired from the Cabinet, on account of ill nesa brought on by overwork last summer It ia hoped that the genial and popular Vew Yorker may scon be restored to health and return to duty at the head of the Navy Department.where he has rend ered the country such distinguished and substantial public services. I am glan to see that hundreds of good democrats in the departments here are showing a truly commendable party devo tion by making arrangements to return to their old homes in the doubtful states and vote for the democratic candidates in the fall elections. The London Diifalck had the following I tion uPn the ear of thousand of con editoriai en Cleveland a few days sgo : scientious republicans who have been " President Cleveland has returned from a promised, times innumerable, that the re publican party is a temperance party, and that temperance people wauld get all the temperance legislation asked for by them from that party. II llll I This "son-of his-father-business" has re ceived a very deserved set back. Fred Grant has been beaten for Secretary of State in New York by his democratic op ponent by a large majority. This puts an end to the hopes and aspirations of our re publican friends that Bobby Lincoln mttrht become an available republican can- These qualities have probably not didate for president because he was the son of his father. There is nothing In it. As indicative of the facility and ease with which people of foreign birth become rapidly Americanized, it is not inappro priate to call attention to the fact that our fellow citizens of German birth were quite sharply divided on the prohibitory amend ment at last Tuesday's election. mmsaanawawmawBCB Blaine's followers in Oregon, after bluf fing St. John out of the prohibitory cam paign in this state by a species of finesse, not new to them, succeeded in defeating the amendment, just as the Democrat predicted they would do. royal progress through the states the most popular man in America and the most successful President since Lincoln. Four years ago he was hardly known beyond the borders of his own state. Three years ago he was fighting his way to the Presi dency through a storm of disgrrccul nn4 undeserved obliquy unparalleled even in the personalities of American politics. His honesty, his modesty, his courage and his loyalty to public duty are qualities which have conquered the esteem of his country men served him so well with the professional managers of the democratic party, many of who.n have been scandalized to find that their candidate actually meant what he professed, but Mr. Cleveland will to all appearances live down the disaffection of a section of his supporters,as he has lived down the rancor of his opponents. If the democrats wish to secure an easy victory next year they will nominate him again for the Presidency. If they fail to do so the chances are that he will be nominated possibly even electedby the independ ent men of nil parties. It is ,to be hoped that a personal acquaintance with Presi dent Cleveland will have a beneficial ef fect on Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. There is a certain similarity in the career, if not in the character, of the two men. Beth are mugwumps, i. e..Jmen who have brok en away from strict party lines, although Mr. Cleveland is not so much a mugwump himself as the nominee of mugwumps. They are both ny training municipal poli ticians and both have become prominent party leaders. Beyond this point the parallel becomes a contrast which it would not be kind to Mr..Cnamberlain to pursue. It is enough to hope that the example of the ex-Mayor of Buffalo will not be wholly ost upon the ex-Mayor of Birmingham." This ts simply a dispassionate statement of the popular feeling among the masses of the people of the United States with re gard to the administralion of President Cleveland. He grows in popular favor day by day. Now that the amendment election is 0ver, let us lay aside the hum -drum affairs of every day life and get ready for the city election. How unfortunate it is that elections are so far apart. Multnomah,Clatsop,Clackamas, Marion Douglas and Wasco all gave rousing re publican majorities last Tuesday, the pro hibition amendment being defeated in these counties by nearly 8000 votes. BEaBwSBwflBwflBwBEK The Democrat's prediction that all three constitutional amendments would be beaten has been fully verified. Prinevtlle hope to get tbe O. P. Rail road. We earnestly hope they will not be disappointed. HOT WELL FOUNDED. The exports of gold from the United States during September last.amounted in value to $175,915 as compared with $306, 36b worth exported during September 1886, showing a decrease to the extent of $132,445 in the value of last month's gold exports. Of the gold exported last month $150,159 worth was produced in this coun try. For the twelve months ending Sep tember 30 Isst.the exports of gold amount ed to $9,000405, as compared with $43, 726,172 worth exported during the twelve months ending September 30, 1886, show tag the large decrease of $33,725,767 In the value of gold exported during the period just ended. Of the gold exported during the period referred to $4,950,468 was produced in this country. The im ports of gold during last month amounted to $i4'o8o,274,as compared with $4,994,609 worth imported during September, 1886, showing an increase of $9,094,665 in the value of last month's imports. For the twelve months ending September 30 last, the imports amounted to $54,621,185, as compared with $26,970,132 worth import ed during the corresponding period of 1886, showing an increase of $27,651,053 ia the value of gold imported during the twelve months just ended. For the month of September last, and for the twelve months ending September last.the imports exceeded the exports by $13,913,357 and $45,620,780 respectively. From these fig ures it plainly appears that the fears of Cleveland, Manniflg and other nitmome ta lists that the continued coinage of silver would drain this country of all its gold by causing it to be shipped abroad to coun tries that have adopted the single standard, leaving us nothing but silver, were not well founded. Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, doths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept lo a flret-claae Drv Goooa aod Boot and Shoo House, from the cheapeet to rta good a quality as mere is e aomin a tor. 1 ooagnt cness g n mostly in new York tod Chicago and AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, am and have aod aio'receiviug Novelties of the Season In evnry line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In tbe papers or circulars, and will take Cash or Merchantable Produce aod will not torn yoa off when yoa get oat of money. Samuel E. Young. HP! We wear the LUtU Red School Bous Shoes, aad so do oar ehteia and on. cousins and oor aunts, "and if you want them go to too City Boot and Shoe Store where yoa will find a large and complete assortment of goods io this tine, of nearly every grade and mke, and at prices which will open your eye. A dollar saved Is a dolls r made. REDFIELD & BROWNE LL In v Notice of Administration In thm County Court 0f the Stat oj Oregon for hum County. In the matter of tbe eatate of Sam neon T. Powell, deceased. Notice la hereby siven that tbe under signed waa on November 7th, 1887, duly appointed Administrator or tbe above named eatate by ordrr of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and euterad of record. That all persona having claims against aaid eatate are here by req aired to present them together with the proper vouchers duly verified within six months from the date her.-ef to tte undersigned at hia restdenee in Linn county In the Forks of the Snntiam River east of Lebanon in said oeunty. Aiuany, uregon, ov, tun, 1887. Fktbk Powell, J. C. Powaxx, Administrator. Att'y for Adm'r. Do You Want bargains. THEN GO TO Joe Pulitzer, of the World, and C. A. Dana, of the Sun, are engaged in a bitter personal quarrel through their journals. The quarrel like that of most editors is of no consequence to anybody not even them selves if they only knew it. They call each other "Judah Pulitzer" and "Charla tan Ananias Dana," which only shows Linn county went democratic by a large- J that they have more Christian knowledge ly increased majority than character. tfotice Final Settlement. In the County Court 0 the County of Linn j or tM state 0 vregon : In the matter of tbe eatate of Chas. H. Cowan, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under gned iCzeeutor of aaid estate haa filed s nnal account in said eatate with the Clerk of said Court for final settlement anu that tbe said Court has appointed Saturday, the 10th day at Deecaabsr, 18S7, at one o'clock in the ifternoon for bearin oojecuooH tnereio ana tue settlement o: tbe asms. Albany, Or., Nov. 9tb, 1887, J. L, Cows ir, J. C, Powell, Executor. Att'y for Executor. Being More Pleasaat To the taste, more acceptable to the stomach, and more truly beneficial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Pigs, ts rapidly super seding all others, Try it. f A. B. Mcliwain's, SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE LOST DOLLAR ucceMful operation ainoe iSja Uuitmt men TAW MOST PERFECTLY EQUIPPED SCHOOL iw cyn on i no coast, it aSTsrs .nurucuon, day and evsalaf tiu-ougWt SawTb Ariihmet c. Writing r2L tl?.T-.T,V -.....khuum, iyp-wntiaa, 1 . , " , - mmmmm mamnvta. at aav Catalogue fra in.., ' ..'H4.uvu UW VTBCO where yon can get the very beat in ptioee and qualities, oonaiatlng of His stock ot Brass Goods DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., la unsurpassed. Call on him for your BOOTS AND SHOES, Clothing; and Furnishing; Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prices given that defy, compel: Uob. ! I 1 I i I I 1 I I 1 LLLUJ m i U nil i n mT u Ml I MINI 11 FOR SALE. 73 acres of good garden land, situated 3 miles northeestof Leng Station, Linn coun ty, Oregon. 25 acres under cultivation, iS acres slashed and burnt, 45 acres under good fence, 30 acres in timber, most young fir some alder and maple, comfortable dweltine house, 16x32 feet, story and half high well with plenty of good water, shed barn.ypune orchard of 250 choice fruit trees, aft. excel ent hop vard of 5 acres, good hop house and .iryer 16x33 feet. I offer, for safe, the above property for $2000, cash. For further par ticulars address me at Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon,or see me in person. Joel Sherpy. ERECTED BY WALLACE & THOMPSON there to remind you of the dollars you might have saved by taking advantage ef their close prices. NOW FOR THE FUTURE I W. dt T. will aell you more groceries and better qualities st lower prices than any other live men. Rectify the errors of the past, and rave money In the future by ittruiuEing wanaoe x rnompson, First reel, Aloany, Or. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi lob's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents. SHiLOH'S COUGH aad Consumption Cure ia sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption, SHILOH'S VITALIZE R is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dlasiness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 aad 75 cents per bottle, FARM AT A BARGAIN. The undersigned offers far sale hia farm of 275 acres 6 miles north of Harrison rg on ths Harrisburg, Peoria, and Albany wages r ad, 2 miles from warehouse eat she Wil lamette liver, miles from Halsey on the C St C railroad, on -fourth of a mile from sotiool house, ail fenced in 8 departments besides small lots, 175 acres in cultivation, 73 acres oak grab, not heavy, 55 acres grow it g wheat, 30 aares more sew land ia culti vation, making 95 acres ia good condition for wheat this fall and will soon be sown. 150 young fruit trees. Buildings fair. Price $25 p r acre. Terms easy. For particulars cell 01 or address 0. C. Jackson, Halsey, Oregen. CATARRH CURED, health sad awe breath secured, by Shlleh's Catarrh Reus ecy. Price 60 cents. Nasal injector free THAT HACKING COUGH can be ao quickly cored by Shlloh'a Cnre. Wo guarantee it. WILL YOU SUFFER with diepeosi an i liver complaint? Shlloh's ViSleer Is guaranteed to cure you, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible oonsrh. Shiiah'a r-i... . I tht remedy for you,