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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1887)
t S B TO DEMOCRAT. cmorrat. THE DEMOCRAT $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. issued every Friday by Is the best Advertising merilaoi In (he Central Willamette Valley. d Ten Is log rales pfteatlon. made known on ap VOL. XXIII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1887. NO 15 - , PRoFKSSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. TTORNgY AT LW Notary Public altestaw, Oria. 0oe upstairs, ovawr John Riim store, at strop . TUaSttf JT. K. WE ATHERFORD, POT1IT PVBUO.) i TTORN E Y AT LAW, 4.B!ff. OKKtiOX. lITILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE T f SUa. Speatal attaallon fiTM u joUeetJose bi r.aala waiter ta 0M relleW Twak ri4rl .i,wnniro, o, nr. uwnn WOLVERTON A IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT 1AW 0r np stair In Footer's Rloek. ALBANY, gMggfc r. O. POWBLL. W. ft. MITIT POWBLL ft BILYEU, . rT'HNfEYS KT T.AW, af Selifitftrt ! ritlpenr, tV,tWT. fftRffoON. tP-wsMonja ororaotly made on all oolnta. w iseotia'ed on reasonable trma. V Hfe In Poster's Hok.-ea .TWiTiii Htmir hi innwHoi' It T,a? Vili ,n (( .. n f tb Conrta of IntmaUH to hli a rr-inn'T alaasMM to D. R. N. BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law, "fll. Odd Fallow's Tempi a, ALBANY, - - OREGON. All btialnewswin reostvtt prompt attentlee FQ8HAY A MASON, flraggifltaaod Booksellers, Agents lor John B. Aldan's publioatlona, wdioo wo mm a pu on soars prises wits ALBA MY, OKEGOM. C. L. BLACKMAN, SmcctMor to S. W. Lang don. DEALER IN DRUM, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and overythlar; kept in a flrst-claas rna Store. Also a fine atock of pianoa and ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW. DRUGGIST. lUtiwarj, Met rtidei, Etc. PIISCI1PTIII I CAftlFULLY FILLED, Opan day and night. Albany, Or. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Onto or. First and Ferry Streets, ALtAMtT- - OREGON. BR. Cr WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Offlft. nNi 1 1' d 4. woat.r's Btoek. ALBANY - OREGON. E BFCKwITH M. B. HOMBOP A.THIO Phys e ind 3ar?eon, w ALBA "J Y ORcOON, Kf.iPEcpathic Physician, .d IK-. M ft O oy, M D.. HOMEOPATHIC jr. en. MS)ea uad rtaidoaea eoraar of Saeoad ad kar Krwata, a1-d, Oregon. Chronic a epo-HaHy r'onaaltotion free, fllca boars : 10 1 M It a .ad t to a p. m HOLY ANGELS COLLEGE, 1 Boarding School for Boys 1 ! Conducted by secular priests and lay taatehera. First term opens first Monday in Sep tember. Second term opens nrsc m enaay In Fsbruarr. For prospect as addresa Rot. F. A. Beokar. Vsnconysr, W. T. Bex 108. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seuSiiuvd lumber .laths an' picket kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Oalaooola timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON d WEST. Ceaitry product. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Fall lias of Chine goods of all kinds on hand. Also fall line of JAPANESE GOODS. OR860H PiOIFIO CONTRACTOR, for this section. Laborers furnished an short notice for any parpose. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and winr atock of boots and abi.- base as nieelj fitted up Boot and 8bee Store, and SS ooai. !' stock as an this aida of PorUd and vary few better in Portland. I hn my bur's and w hnea dirsat fr authorised te tot bow e' hare an 1 buy Is i ev i in. n t M 8. t th caah. la Iadi', I kean o i fd ekiMrwn'a sho.-., est variatv in toe citv. M aim wil' always to aa er" d alna f r the mora aa possibly can he dons. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank Or A 1,114ft. ORElaOft . Vkai lYssJsaat U PulWH s. b. yoriiu GEO. E, CRAM MBEftLanr TRANSACTS A OEXERAL AOOOCHTS EEPT asbjaot to SIOHT EXCHANGE ml as Waar TarE. Baa Praaatai OOLLECTIOWS MADE on tenwaMa E. Tousa, Oao.ECm L. run. Walt.. E Trsssu, H. F. MERRILL, Banking an Inmranca. ALBAHT, - - - OREGON. aa Haw York. Baa ParUaaS, Bap aatsa. ftv. aaiTasasssjaj latarast ill raeafvs a. as. to p. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. SAM MAT. a. ssiTDftfts MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in general Merchandise. HARRISBORG - - - - OREGON Will bov Grain, Wl aid til kinds . Ossjajs aaS Parti WILLBROS., -Dealers in all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A fall line ef- me-ehandias. ammunition, flsbintf razors, hatcher and poekat knives. 8beet mnalc cnn.tnal THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNCOUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Repairing of sewing machines ma steal instruments, guns, etc, neatly done, ALBANY, - OREGON. J. GRADWOHL, rocke ry, Glassware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements, e Agent tor Fire and SB e GOOD for the euro of Constipation nnd Indigestion. GOOD for tho imre el CiUomness and Dyspepsia. "-OOO foe hi snre of T!-.. ivel Complaints. .JOD for tho esi73 of Aaidney Diseases. 1 Oi fox .hc ptre ol AiurnleHuenH and Weary Bacfe. i the cu j of Li ver Compteixiiis. ' for th '".13 of Il'!s and Cuxtaftclt: . . . - .f lui U.ratMi St-a. o cm of Slcepcsi.e8S Ixt. a 1 g the cure of all Jv 3sa;lalsis. SKIN, SCALP, BLOOD. II vlng bm tuffarar for two jmn and a halt (roan a iUsmss smhsiI by a brute, oa U. try. and bavlnv baau oum4 by tba Cuileura Raotadtea wban all other tnaihodt and nunudtaa (altal, t daam It my duly t rvoommaad tbaoi, I vlaitttl Hut SpHasa to no avail, and triad atvaral doctor wtthoui auoiHwa, and at tut our arinMpal drusstat, Mr John P Plnlay (to ahoni 1 hH avar fal graatluli, iok to m about Cutioura, and I conaantad to ai tbam a trial with tha malt tail 1 am parfwily t'uml. Tbvrv te ni iioaoraatxiut n.r, I think I oasaboar Ui larxaat turtaoa what my uSarinsa aprana bum ol any ona in lb HUU. Tim Culioura Krinadlaa ara tb brat titaod and akin cnr nutauiacturad. I rata to drunUt John I Ptulay and Or IC Mnataomry, both 1 iht. I'Ui-a, nl to Itr Saalth. ol Uka Ua. Was. ALKXANDf K BKAOU. O own villa, M 1. Mr Reach uaad tba Cutioura Hamedlaa, at our ra quvat, with roautta as abov atatad. A. B, UN LAY A CO,, druvrl.ts. SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE. Bar ataa. I can risnsibar, sty aaotbar h auftwid from am:ik lir. .N.hlinf would do bat any sootl 8h hadtho boat m.llrl, Lot tWv all did ha' n vood. She ttSrrmi with hr It to. thirty ySSM and navar knew a wall da. Sha would hava u alt up half tha ul bCsoldinsuoharbMrandiiKtAnitiii. Hlt hjul no aaaaa. Sbo uaad all tha lt known remedlaa in tha vasntry without aSaot. I aaasd bar to try your Cuti urm ftoma.ti.4. kH br a kv tt a ol Outicurm K aovaat,sml sha took It, and baa taken in ait about all or sstsa sstflsa. arts bow aba la a wall woman to day. Bar las la ntlralv hid. and bar haaltb oevarbattar. Sheoaa aw out aver Uv, a.mthinff bo baa not dose tn tan yasra, so you aaa I oannot help etallng to you about yosr woiulerful (stlaura ftssioSlaa Taw hare a red wy mother' life. I oan not find word to aipraaa my rratitml I hare ads roar Cut! arm Remedtee far i EDWARD LW DBK. 1606 Broadway. t. CaSaeawa, tba graal abjn asra. and Cutlcura Soap, praparwd from It, aitarsally, and Cutlcura ReSolvwit, I Iraaa it, eiverSaJi v, an blol mtrtrtar, tsa sow Mood partner, tstorns'iy, for every fons at akin aad bleod plea loawofula. are a uoatuve cure from plni SnM even whera. Pri?e ! utlour. Ml cent ; boas. St Sana t BasnHnmt. St. Prvnar.Ml by the Pt t. r Dru an t Ch- mloaJ c Dosha t. for "How to Cure akin lHasasas,HM pajoe, so in taO isattmn tola " DiaPl.BS, Mask AaeAa. akapod asd oiljr bT IIH pr.ventatfhy Cwtteowa Matietil Soap akin Sneezing Catarrh. from tha eyes asd acae, tha pshafel etundia. to t a thnrnt, tba awalln ! lining, oBualaa choking aciuMkUona,ouu;h, ringing anils la tba lwel and ap ttt'u- h .dwhee. haw faoit.Ur tbaaa aymptna are to b n.l. . t. .offer partodleally from sami cold or inSaM.aa, and who .Irs Is kroo aaoa ol the fact that a eln! eptdtcs- ol Saaford'a ktadtoateur for CeUrrh will aS iJ thte traatmant la eaae ol almole Cstsrrh aieaa bu; a faint htea ut wbt thia 'rawlf will do ! tba fotma, wbara the twawihing la iiastrs alld by - putrid mueoss soeomuauloua. the he.rta.' affected, emell and lasts ow throat a'arated and haahltw ssogh aradually faatoaing italf un ttie tlcljlliutvi '. Ttwil S tat 1 1 1 ewretir power ol Saaford' Radlaal t.'ure Itself la laataataaaoas anal gratafal relief fur. be fin from tbeflrrt application It ta rapid, radianl. Sanferd Radteal (Jure aenateta i o e bottle of th I Cars, oao box Catarrhal solvent aaS as lav pes ad fabeaar . price, SI. rorraa u ao ia cuaaioat. t o., n PAINS AND WEAKNESSES OF FEMALES InateaUy nailer d by tba ( atlrura AatHPala riaat.r. a saw. aaaaa in.uuiteoeoae a ,d I ifailibe ktUlug ptaator. eapaetalty SipsAtSi torellro Feaaai Pslas end Wa.ktiimia. Warraaead aatty aapartor to all athsr , aorfsat antidote to Pain. In sad Wssksma yst astaeiissilt. At ail Irsashss Si aaaaa: flea for SI ; ar. poataar trae. ut fvur urug aoduaaaataai vs., Boaton. i. L. COW AN. J W. CUSICK Lino tVanty Bank. COWAN 4 CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRASH A T-i a general DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Maw York LOAM MOaBTao aperwrad aaeurtly. ftftCElVE dopoaiu sahjast to shaak. COtLECTIOES entraatad to ua will race! re prompt eotioa. Ross a. oioliiv, Proprietor. This hoaso is now open and furnished with tha beat new furniture-. Kyarythmg e'eao and eemmodious, offenog to tba jjen srsl pa bl 10 opri or accommodations to any in tits city. he Lend in - taekl ek). Warranted Marine Insurance A' h pain W' ti wiling: ton. (Pram our resaier oorr.eont.nt.) Wasiiinotun, 1). C, Oct. 34th, 1887. The number of intereating cstet before the Supreme Court of tha United State probably hat not been o large for year at at the present time. Among the none eer I may mention the catea of the Vir ginia State offlciaU.who have been relesed under writa of habeaa corpus the trial be ing tet for hearing on the first Monday in November ; tiie sppeal of the Chicago an archUta, whose counsel, Generals Roger A. Pryor and Benjamin F. Butter.have ap plied for a writ of atiperccdas to be heard next Thursday, Besides these, there are a number of prohibition - csset, -all of which, the first named Included, involve conalltutionsl questions of the gravest im port to the legal right, of the citizens. Hence their importance and the general Interest that attaches to them. Civil Service is again to the front, both ia the depart tiu-nts, where the examination of the clerks has been resumed.aud in the public prints, where the diverging views of Civil Service CommUsloner Oberly and Edgerton furnish current topics of edito rial comment and private dlacussion. Mr. Edgerton boldly takes Usue with his col league on the position taken by him in re gard to the alleged illegality of Govern ment employes being active members of political assoclations.and asserts hi belief that there It no good foundation either in law or in reason for such a conclusion. Secretary Bayard authorize a denial of the reported difference between Attorney General Garland and hlmaelf, over the queation of the Atakan sesl fisheries. Some Waahlngton newspapers and cor their seal to furnish sensa tional news, have even gravely stated that Secretsry Bsysrd would aurely realgn if the President did not endorse his views. During the past week there was a con vention of Agricultural ScientiaL.repre senting all of the agriculture! collcgee and experimental stations In the United States. This meeting was provided for by a apecial act of Congres,with the view of fostering pr;relve method snd mesure of fsrmlng snd increasing the producing ca pacity of the land In cultivation. The proceedings of the convention were very harmonious and satisfactory ind Its delib erations will doubtiee reault in great and lasting good to the agricultural Interests of the country. The State Department has snnounced the ratlAcstion of the extradition treaty with Guatemela, which was sent to the Senate many year ago during Grant's Presidency, the last clause being as fol lows : -Neither Government shall be re quired to give up Its own cltisena under the atlpulstiona of this convention." This treaty ia significant a showing a return to the old democratic doctrine of firmly deal lng with foreign nations. The fact that Postmaster General Vilaa was the only member of the President's Cabinet who accompanied him on his lata tour is considered of great political algnl' ficance in some quarters, as It Is thought to foresbsdow a Vice-Presidential candi dacy on the part of the gentleman named. There are those who believe that Mr. Vilas has more ambitious de.igne that his real purpose is to place himself tn training with the view of succeeding hie present chief in 1893. The Capitol has been overhauled and renovated, preparatory to the meeting of the national solons. Among the improve ments are elegant new carpets, and new covering for the deaks. The candidates fos the various offices in the gift of the House are making an un usually vigorous canvass. While there Is no poaaible way of forecasting the result, I should not be at all surprised to see ser era! chsnges in the House official. No, body Is safe except ex-Speaker Carlisle. After their great tour, covering 4,500 miles, and crossing seventeen states everywhere being overwhelmed with grand popular ovations, President and Mrs. Cleveland returned to the Capital with as little ceremony or ostentation as if the distinguished travelers were tha hum blest private citizens truly a happy and impressive illustration of the genius and spirit of our republican system of govern ment. The President and his wife were delighted with their varied and pleasing experiences of the past three weeks, and both of them resume their duties, bright ened and refreshed bv their association with the great American public. The Chicago Mail has learned that an enterprising man in Chicago proposes to procure tin boxes just large enough to hold an ordinary sand vi h, piece Of pie, a flask of coffee and a Chinese napkin.lie ill fill a light wagon with therrand at a certain hour the tunch hour will de liver to his patrons a box and'eontents for the sum of fifteen cents. He says his scheme is working, and that he has se cured over 300 subscribers oa State and Dearborn streets. As rapidly as his busi ness increases he wilt put on more wag ons. A Mexican judge at Agnas Cahentas says the Galveston JVews, has given a de cision in one of those cases where a rail road train killed or injured a Mexican, and which formerly always led to the arrest and lengthy imprisonment of the whole train force. The Judge dismissed the complaint against the Mexican Central road and said to the Mexicans : "These ties over there were intended to have rails on, and the rails were intended to carry trains. If you will agree to kap away from the track I will see to It that the train don't chase you about the fields." The tower which Is being erected by the Russians on the highest point on the Mount of Olives is already several stories high, and but one more is to be added. It is to be so high that both the Mediterran ean and the Dead Seas may be seen from its top. A number of bells will be placed in the tower. In digging the foundation seven Christian graves were found to gether, with an inscription in Greek, in which the words "Stephanus" could be deciphered. I! "When the republicans carry Kentucky ma constitution of that commonwealth whkh now forbids free negroes to lira in it and recosnitus nrooartr in slaves will probably be changed. It may look Ilka s long time off but strsnger things hsvs napprnru. i.urnr I, Itr Kgitr Ths ssme old song of love for ths "nig gar. Ths psrty that the Rtgittir belongs to was in power In ail branches of the state government for the four yesrs preceding ths inauguration of Governor Pennoyer. Never did a psrty hsvs s finer opportunity to display it devotion to ths "free negro" than the Htginter man's party had in this stste. Here In tha constitution of our own state is a provision that forbids any "free negro or mulatto, not residing in this state at the time of the adoption of the consti tution, to come, reside, or be within this state, or hold any real estate, or make any contracts, or maintain any suit thereln,and ths legislative assembly shall provide by penal taws for the removal by public offi cers of all such "negroes and mulsttoes," and for their effectual exclusion from ths stste and for the punishment of persona who shall bring them into the stats or em ploy or harbor them." Of course, every infeiligent person knows that this provi sion In our state constitution, as well as ths one In the Kentucky stats constitution referred to by ths Rtgitert abrogated by the 14th amendment to the constitution of the United States, but they serve ss a pre text for some papers to make a sickly at tempt to gain some political capital ost of them Our cotemporary is mistaken, un- sss republicans of Ksntucky are different from those of Oregon, for in the latter case they have never suggested ths repeal of our state constitution on that eubjecL Allen G. Thurroan the old Roman In a speech In Ohio the other day said 1 "I want to speak of a man I know - Grever Cleveland. I hsvs lived through s good many Presldentisl terms. I hsvs known severs! presidents personally. I haveresd the historv of sll the administrations. 1 say upon my honor, as a man bound to tell you the truth as faithfully ss ever man told the truth, that a mors honest, brsvsr, truer man never ftlted the presidential chair. I say he ia an honest. plain man of far more ability than tha people generally think. He has thst supreme faculty .corn men sense. If he Is not a level-headed, honest man, 1 am no judge of man. Hs grow. In the popular favor every day, aad when the four years of his administration are st an end the people will say -"You have done well. You may take your seat for another four roars." In early and barbarous times, when every savage or semi savage was hi own law giver, judge, soldier and policeman, end had te watch over hiaown safety ,in default of all other protection, when two friends or acquaintances or two strangers desiring to be acquaintances, chanced to meet,they offered eac.h to the other the right hand alike of offense and defense.the hand thst wields the sword, the daggsi, torn aha era. or other weapons of war. Each did this to show that the hand was empty and that neither war nor treachery was intended A man cannot well stab another while hs is in the act of shaking hands with him, unless he be a double-dyed traitor and viilian and strives to aim a cowardly blow with the left while giving the right, and pretending to be on good terms with him. 'She who sweeps s room," says Good ttonu-kerfing, "makss the action no less fine by the wearing of a pal of old kid gloves during the process, and the same Is true of blackins: a stove, cleaning kero sene lamps, and many other household duties that fail to mothers and daughters In homes where no servant Is kept. 'Moth er thinks it is so silly,' said a young girl. blushing with shame on being found sweeping in gloves. But why not aa well wear gloves to protect the hand as a sweep ing cap to protect the hair ? The occas ional washing of the hands with corn meal and eorax soap in tepid water helps to keep them soft end smooth, and glycerine mixed with lemon juice, is excellent to apply at night." It is now known (or, at any rate, believ ed) In Texas that the recent train robber ies there were the work of four men who have a lurking place somewhere In the Big Thicket of Montgomery county. A Houston correspondent writes about this to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat "The Big Thicket is over twenty miles in length and over twelve miles in width, it is a hiding place that during the latter part of ! the war covered hundreds of men tn safe ty for months. The Thicket became so notorious during that period that batteries of guns were sent to different portions of it and the Thicket thoroughly shelled to drive the men from their secret rendez vous." Madame 1'atti has a fan on which are the autographs of all the sovereigns of Europe. Here are some : The czar "Nothing is so soothing as your singing." The emperor of Ger.nany : "To the ever- singing nightingale." Queen Christina "To the Spanish woman from a queen who is proud to have her for a subject." Queen Victoria : "If King Lear is right In say ing that a sweet voice is a precious gift In a woman, you are the richest of women.'' The emperor and empress of Austria have merely signed. M. Thiers, at the time he was president of the rebullc, wrote, "Queen of song, I stretch forth my hand to thee," The Indian prince Maharajah Sir Wag hee, who has just sailed from New York to Europe, left orders in this country for railroad supplies and presents amounting to a Quarter of a million dollars. He has ordered a duplicate of Mr. Vanderbllt's j drawing room car. The Wanderer. For a t present to Queen Victoria, a magnificent riding habit, te cost $3,000, is being made in New York, as are also twenty-six cost ly ornaments for his English titled friends- Chairman Jones has issued a call for the national republican committee to meet at ths Arlington hotel, Washington, Decem ber 8th, to tlx the date and place of the Look 1 1 IIWHAT KllddCfl AfU'HKR THE JOCKEY. As age crept upon him his daily study was to keep below his norms! bodily weight of 140 pounds. Hs had specie Turkish baths built at his private residence while the chief piece of furniture In his library was a pair of vary sensitive scales He would exist for a whole dsy upon a bunch of grspes, of s single piece of dry tosst snd a glass of champagne. He da dared that champagne kept him alive without in any way interferln with his weight. His self-denial was marvellous, for when hs must hsvs been simply rsvs nous with hunger.he would preside st his table surrounded bv tha most temotlnar viands and yet merely munch a dry bis 0 t m cuit or his hard burned toast. When tha psng of hunger get almost past the power of man to resist the temptation to eat, he would test his weight on his trusty scales ahaks his head and then retire to bed to ba put out of the way of the savory smell from the kitchen. Nature, however, re belled sgslnst this treatment. The last straw that broke the canters back waa the attempt to get down to J to pounds to-ride St. Mlrin in the Cambridgeshire. He felt that It was his laat chance to win thst event and he had made up his mind to do It at whatever cost He rode but did not win. On the contrary he was a wreck. In this condition he suffered exposure in s thin shirt snd a silk jacket.with h pair of hunt Ing breeches. The Inevitable chill follow ed.snd the fever demon seized upon a frame ill prepared to withstand Its rev age. London iMttr. General George A. Sheridan laughingly relates the manner In which he did vio- snce to President Hayes's feelings as a non alcoholic advocate. The story as told ta as follows ; She rtds n preceded Fred Douglass aa re corder of deeds of the District of Colum bia. Before he waa appointed to that 00- ww W sttlon an enemy brought word one day to Mr. Hayes that Little Phil's cousin had Sees) uproariously convive! in ths Ebbitt House ths previous evening. Mr. Hayes seat for Sheridan and sternly and in plain language said 1 I am told, sir, that you were drunk in the Ebbitt House last even- lag." Without moving a muscle of his face the candidate for recorder put thlsac cuaation with the query ; "Mr. Preaident, are you acquainted with the size of the ro tunda in the Ebbitt House t" "Yes, sir ; what of that f" said Mr. Hayes. "Well, sir," said Sheridan, "last evening it waa not half big enough for me." Hayes tried to look very severe,but fail ed, and in a burst of laughter, ha said I ' You are the first man to make a frank acknowledgement to me when charged with such an accusation." He got his ap pointment. An Eneliah publication relates how some adroit American forgers turned the London police to good account. They left the United States with a scheme for Mraudla English banks bv means of counterfeit circular notes.but shortly after they left New York their errand became known and the London police were no ti led by cable. Not being aware of this, of course, the audacious leader on reaching London thought it would be well to make himself acquainted with the faces of the chief detectiv;s,snd lu the character of an American tourist, he paid them a visit. They ware so taken off their guard by the pleasant manner of thsir visiter that one of the officers not only told him of the im pending fraud, but actually showed him the New York telegram, which happened to be lying on the desk. Of course the rogues were not long In turning their becks te London. A msn thought of buying s horns in one of the booming towns of the Pacific Coast. But after thinking the matter over hs said that the body of his boy lay In a cemetery near Chicago, and he could not bring hlm aelf to mors away from it. Thereupon the active rsal estate agent offered te give him a lot in a cemetery, sea to ths remov al of the child's remains, and pay ail ex- Dense, if the man would reconsider his ; decision. Sore Eyes The eyes are always In sympathy with the body, and afford an excellent index of its condition. When the eyes become weak, and the lids Inflamed sad son, tt Is aa evidence that the system has become disordered by Scrofula, far which Ayer's Saraaparille ia the beat known remedy. flrtrnfnla. which nrodnced a Boinful in flammation In my eyes, caused me much suffering for a number of years. By tne advice of a physician I commenced taking Avar's Saraaparilla. After using this medicine a short time I was completely Cured My eyes are now in a splendid condi tion, and I am aa well sad strong as ever. Mrs. William Gage, uocooru, a. u. For n number of years I waa troubled with a humor in my eyea, and waa unable tn obtain anv relief until I commenced usinff Aver'a Sarsaparilla. This medi cine has effected a complete cure, and I believe it to be the nest 01 niooa puri fiers. C. K. Upton, Nashua, N. H. From childhood, and until with a few months, I have been afflicted with Weak and Sore Byes. I have used for these comnlainta, with beneficial results, Aver'a Sarsaoarilla. and consider it a ereat blood purifier. - Mrs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma tion in my left eye. xnree uicsra icrmeu on the ball, depriving sae of sight, and causing great pain. Alter trying many other remedies, to no purpose, I was final ly induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By Taking three bottles of this medicine I have been entirely cured. My sight has been re stored, and there is no sign of inflamma tion, sore, or uicer in my eye. veuui T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. u Aunahtmr. ten vears old, was afflict ed with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During the last two years she never saw light of any kind. Physicians of the highest ataWincr exerted their skill, but with no permanent success. Oa the recommen dation of a friend I purchased ft bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, wmcn my aaugnser commenced takine. Before she had used the third bottle her sight was restored. Tfmr euro ia complete. W. HL Bather- laud, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C Avar fc Co., Lowell. Masa. eoUl byaUDrttfjristt. FrteeftlJ six Dotus,s. NEW Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Ee t prices never before effered in Albany and N. H. ALLEN CO.. are the Ones that ar propose to sell CASH AND only, and will dunlicat a Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose her after to talk to point, and G i ve You Prices upon application byfmail ASTONISH YOU Mail orders solicited. Anfisamnlfia aanf. nnnn an plication. ' N. E. ALLEN & Co.. 57 First Sired AUn,, C. B. Roland & a, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND MENS FURNISHERS. OVERCOATS : A large stock of all grades just received. CLOTHING : An unequaled seleotton of frock and sack, busiot stilts. 1 HAT3 : From all the leading cask srs,uch aa J. B Stetson A Co., and others. FURNISHING GOOD8 : Onr stock in this line has revived oor particu lar attention and we are showing new gloves, ties, handkerchiefs, etc RUBBER GOODS : W handle abort boots, mens sandals, overcoats aad BOOTS AND SHOES : 30 cases from tha factory. Wa make a specialty congress style, TRUNKS. VALISES. HAND Blankets and Comforters in Stock, C. IS, ROLAND & CO., Clothiers, Hatters and Mens Furnish ers, ALBANY, OREGON. Palace Meat Market J. Y. PIPI, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OS. Will keep constantly on band bear, mutton, perk, veal, aansage, etc.. the bat t moats and largest variety in tho olty. Gash paid for all klndof fatfetoek. JOHN BRICCS, -FLOEI8T,- ALBANY. - - OREGON Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and attended U, FURNITURE mads to order or ZERZEC Jb.i JL-fcrClfcLi JL) 3 at my shop west snd of Third Street Albany, Or, S. A. DECKARD. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT JLA Notary Public- ,4 1 GOODS. Boots, malrino fhA tv ttt goods for PRODUCE thft nrinoa at-ran in nnw or otherwise that will 1 " aad and elegant lines of underwear, socks, only the very best oualitr in fontr and sou' westers. Also oil cloth 102. of first grade winter boots, iust ooened in mens fine shoes, ia button, lace and - SATCHELS, UMBRELLAS. New and Second Rand Store the increased demands of esjr businees we have been compelled to move into a larger store and we can now he found nsxt door te 8, E, Tonng, where ws will be pleased, to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fftttt jars, trunks, books, roller skates, saddlsa, saws, planes, etc and thermal! oH ferent and use articles yon can net do batter this side f San Francisco than yea can do with ua on a purchase or exchange , M. FRANKLIN & CO. 129 First Street, Albany, Or. L, W. CLARK. Portrai ; Photographer. &xtt logs Ky appointment, COPYING AND ENLARSiKCL Tweedalo's Building. SI BAWV 0B