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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1887)
Wm, fortmiller & Co,, -FUNBRAL DIRECTORS.- Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse sjsT After biiHtueaa hours call at residence corner fifth snd linker streets. Notice fbr Publication, Lund Offloe st Oregon CUv. Or., ) October lot Ii, 1887. J Notice la hereby given that the follow lng named eeiiler haa A led noice ef h'e Intention to make final pro f lo etipp rt of hie claim, end that eald proof will be mede before the County Jnde or Clark of Lino county, Oregon, at Albany, Or.,on Wetiarsday Mevesab Mm. leal. l . 1 .1... U IM. a ....... li . . .a u t Ic'nlr. No, 42B5 for lot 2. of H. 12. In Tjp. 10. a ; rfwuu - i u"iu., K i He naaaea ih. f ilowlni witness to prove bin ,wnilniius resideuce upon, end oultivaliou of. said lend, vis : L Rubor. 11 Hbeltoo. A M Sbe.ton end H Philips, of Jorden '. . Linn county, Or Alo Tnur-toa H. Thuwts, Hnineetead Eutrv No. 151M, for the s -V S of (too. e. In Tp, 10. s it 1 K, lie name the follow ins wltiieaAs i prove bia oootinuoua renlni wixM,, ho. i . oit. :! of. aald land, vis : H t'bi ius. L Uuter. II -del ton aud M HUelln, all uf Jordan P. O., Linn oouuty, . W, T. Btjbmbv, Register, Not ce for Publication. L-td OA e st Rueeburg. Or., I October l th, 187. J N.tiee hereby nivon thai the follow Ins nenaed settler be filed notice of hie Intent ion to make final proof In support of his c elm. en I mat said proof will be made before the Judge -u rlrk of the County rourtof Linn oouaty, Oregon, at Albany, Or., ou Batlarday. BveanSer IS a. last. Is : W W Rote, 'IwtneUtsd fcutrv No SBSItorihe E V. . See 0. I p 14. M R I ma vliiain.-te uHtrtuian tie name the lollwwluir witmeeto prove hie oouim none reeidenoe unou. and cm vti.u of. ostd lan.l. via: G FC .iswrt. Of Crswforde v. lie. I inn Co . Or . H Hnillioo, ofHweot Home. Linn Cu . Or.. K . warater. of Rrownavill. Linn Ce . 'r.. C B freer, of Brownsville, Lion CO. Or (.'Has. W. Josteerroir, Regleter. Red CrownMills (SOU, LANNIKG A CO., PROPR'8. noos strramioa soa vamjms AST) BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Hiehest Price in Caah to Wheat ALBANY OR- BOSTON MILLS. Hitvins: iir , i, a timed possession of the above mill si sbedd, we hereby glvt wot, ice thai we e r II rrssslve wheat and grind It lor on on- eicnin or use it in ezchenge The 11 ui will be equl if not better than thst of twenty years ago, Wm Simmons & Jinley. Oregon Pacific Railroad. iregon 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Acoorxi modal ! unsurpasiird for fort and -af--y Ferns and f reiu hie via. Ysquhia and the t,-k r. Development CompHuyV .sceom-liln much ieea than by any other route between ad p Inta in the Willami-tte Vallt-y and Sn Francisco. Daily pdAsrnger trains enceft Sunday . Laa T.q ii.i. C 30 a.m. .Lea a 11m b, 1:00 r. m. Le.a c r.llu,it 3S a s .IMSes Corili, I t. r. s Arnvs at'auo. s iArrivs Ysqaloe, bJA r. s I Oregon and California trains connect st Albany and , orvalba. wm. n. na, Oaneral MaaatW. . 04 UOt. I E, A. U. F. aadP. Agent, OervatUs, Or. Oregon Oevelopement Co. Firat-ciaMo 8t-smship lino between Yquins sod ran Irsncisco c u net ting a, Ysqnina a ith tho trains i the Oregni Psuific Railroad Company SA1L1MG DATES . raoM TAji isa T. C , WJueaUjr.Srf i. 2 W. V., BauOrny, Oct. 2uu. B. O., Tsurs., O t. Sth T, C, Toesila.v, OVt.lli W. V., Slurdv, Oct 15th B. O., Wedncsds), Oct. u. T. C Monds) , "ct. IHU W. V , Saturday, Oct 2trtti raoM sax fsascisoo T. C. Tuesday, Oct. 4th V. V..Sa-orday, Oct. Mb K O,, WcddCAdsy, Oct. 12 i. C, ttundajr, Oct. ltftb. rV. V., asturds , Oct. . K, O., Tuesday, Oct, 26th V. ,, Sunday, Oct. 80th W. V , Fridav, Mot. 4th The Comprny roseryss he right to ehange aiing dayn. L. B. TOBV, Gen. F. and P. agent, 8C4 Ui.t;uniery St., San. Franciaeo, Csl. ITIlTThD TO CALIFORNIA VIA-si Oregon & Oil i for n lit ft. It, AND CONNECTIONS Tilt MT. -m VI 4 BOCTK. Cloae eonntctione ni i- at Aahia-,4 sr th RVayee, of fif Cilifornia, Oregw nd Mabo Stage Covpaey. oaly 13 MtleaeT Klagleg;. Time between Albary and Sab Ftaaetsca, 86 omroMn exrr.ssa traixs Meu'.h 4.U0 r. M. :0 . r M 1:30 a x h'orth. 10:40 A W 7:06 A S 6:40 r S Lea re Lettve Ar its Portland Alb-tny Aahlaml Arrira Ieave asses local rAASBSSB TKAiis DAILY (.except Sunday). S:00 A X I r..rtind Albany Kueene Arrive 8:46 1 n Leave 11:86 a m Leave 10 jOO a s 12: 4S :40 pm Arrive local rAsaaxosa raAint pailt, kxcspt mcndav :1' r m H.! v M 12:60 m 1:S0 vu l.'UU- Arrnu Leav Arrive Albany Lebanon Albary Lebanon Arrive I 6:45 a m J.rave I 6:00 a M Arrival 2:45 m Leave 2:00 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. dally between Portland and .AKltlend Han Francisco. SNkiyou'e snd Kin Ik mil lcculna Cars belweee Pertland ami tnhisnil, Hklyn "a and ssn Fraa etaee. ISCK F CHAK4.B. ITeat fttde Mvlalon. POKTLAo 4l WCTvVKEK mAil f mai i aI. -" (txipt undav.) 7.8A A M 11:25 r M . ' ive i n:if r a Ixv 1 I P) r a 4:50 r a i'XJ PS i j y;0i , a i V ! l-Al A a it trelne . I r -ntpa, etc., h. P. ROUBRS, G. F. PactAfaot. i. gOfclilLilltt Masiagar. ALBANY OQLLEGJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. First Term pea tegaeeeber lath, laal. tall eorpe of luetruotore.- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraea of tudv arraugad to meet the need of all gredee or student. Sfami imdmemmmU eereaf t tiadtatt Tuition ranee from Bo.ou to fir. Board In private ftunl'taa at ow rates Rooms lor ou-ooa ruing at euiaiie A eemfat euoervleion exorcised over tu dente sway from home. Fall term opena U.nlmtwr Vth. Kor circular SOQ lUll paniouiars suureaa tne rreMuwn. Uf. UI.BBUT B. CMWT. Albany, Oregon, MRS. B. HYMAN, next east of S. K, Tounga, Aioanj, w, . - SO Cutting and Pitting a Specialty. STAMPING UUlMId, AKU OlHIWr- .a. Akin uA ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING, Wednesdays and Thursdays or eeen week, aud painting uooe ,o omoi uu plaqooa and other materiel, Nice assortment of ArtlaU materials on bend. FURNITURE made. to order or at my ehop end of Third Street, Albany, Or. S. A. DECKARD. Revere House; ALBANY, . - - QREUUH. CHAS. PPEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. ritted on In flret-olass stylo. Teblee supplied a lib the boat in the market. Hloe sleeping apartments, 8am pla rooms for oommerrnsl t rave. ere. COsesi e and lYtn the lei.'' If. II M -1TLOEIST,- ALBANY. - OREGON Rosea a Specialty. Cemetery lota planted and attended to, GROSSER ft ALLEN, Albany Truck and Dray Co., Ho. I. Goods handled with rare and dispstoh New York Dally Leader DAILY, SUHOAV AMP Wf IKIV eeseok eseaa of rat USITKD La BOB PaBTT.C BTTsUL La BOB t- BIOS sad TsrleesK.efL. nprse 250.000 Worker! ofl.Y. OHr fcVttnitY Sabeerlptloo. t Pr year or gl for 4 months. Wet sir r BeseSf 9 eats KSltiea, si per jrssr Addreiw Tli-T ""J-. Box 367.W T Oity ions. JmsUct Court far tke Prtctiut of FranUi Hutttiau a urajsw,i essay oj .. H. A. Join sod K. Mbellon copartners in buaraesx si 8cl,Ora,n, under tbear csme end style of Jt belt on, Plsinilff. VS. L. EL L'ole, Oofoodsnt, To I. R. Dole, the sbove nsmsd Defend !? n the name of the Bute of Oreson, you hereby required to appear before the undersigned, s Jostles of the ease for the Precinct aferessin. on tne tSVUs stay mt Navessber.paai at 10 o'clock tn theforenoou of aaio day st the office ef eald lust is. In sid PrMilmu. to ana war I he above named Plaintiff lo a dvil atsvion. The DoCsndsn will take n lice, tbat if befalls tossswer the com plslni heroin, the Plaintiff will take ludgmeni J s.gsinstbim for S202 and 2 100 ollera,be I sides bis'O-is and dleborsmenu of this action Used. The service of tut sun mona is made bv puoit.-s.ton by rder of this Court, n d neder being inado sod entered of record tbi12ih dey of O. tober, A. D.. 1887 uiven under my hand this 12th day of October, A. D., 1W7. K.O Htpb. W. H. Qcinnss, Justice of ite Peace. PifTa Att'y. Notice of Assignment. Notice Is hereby slven thst A. A. Bsah- or of Linn county. Oregon, baa made aeneral saslgnment of all his property to the unders'sned for the benefit of his creditors uder so sot of thg Legislature f the State of Oregon, entitled "an sot to secure creditors s lust division of lbs so lates ot debtors who convey to assignee for the benefit of creditors" approved c tober IMth. 1878 and the sets amendatory thereof, Ai! persons having c aims against the estate of the ssid A. A. Basher, are hereby notified and required to pre sent the eaine undor osth to tho under signed at Albany, Oregon, within three mouths lrem tho date of this notice. Dated Rpt. 20th, 1887. H. BbYAWT, Assignee. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby given that the under signed has this day been duly appointed Admiuistrsirlx or the estate of Martin Coetello, deocssed, by the County Court for Linu county, Oregon. All persons having claims against ssid estate are hereby required to present tuena amy verified within six months from this date to tbe Admiuiatratrx or to bar Attorney. October 3r, 1887. M. J. CoftTIXLO, J. K, Wsaiukhforo, Adm'trix. Attorney for Am'trix. Administrator's Notice. Nntine is herebv eiveu i bat the under signed baa, this day been duly appointed by the County uourt oi uiun county. Oregon. Admiolatrator of tbe estate of Helen K. Allen, oeoeaseu, late or saia i inn Annnt. All neraoua bavins olalms against said eatate are hereby notified and req dred to nreaeot the same properly veriped, Wlllliu ajx raonu s ,ruu, m usm, hoi-Mif in the undersigned, at hia resi- dence In Halaey, Oregon, or lo hie Attor- ney. October 4th, i87. It. U. Allbk, T. J. vieer, Administrator. Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice ta herebv Kiven tbat the under- eljcnd Aduilnltror of the ostste of T. f. Pnrtr. decemed. lis filed his ileal sc- ooun' u aasd estate and the County Court for ' It.o 'ftitdy, Oregon, has by order ftx I" 7 r day of Novemner, i7 st ih.. I- in "i . o'f ecK, p m.orstttaaay iV.r lb" Mo i Meariua ol ssid avcouut sua bes. it eiMt' i of sKid tate. W X. SBWAW, J. K. W'k-AtiJK' fwi Admit l'lrator. Att'.t ft- . vum-rtrr HUT: I. FiH KENT, THE EXUHA OK Ml' , r tm iu cliv is n. w offered f r ri-nt on reason able terms f or particular" inquire oi or address I OfAMV Do You Want Furniture ? IF TOU DO OO it) W. H. WILLARD, where you will find the beat make and Quest flhlshed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Alto a fine line ot PICTURE FRAMES. aed a hunderd different styles of Mouldings. 'Picture frames made to order. Tli' largest aol twt stuck of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, over kept In Albany. Prloas reasonable. Conrad Meyer, e-PROPRlKTOR OF- STAR BAKE It Y, Onrner Broadalbin and First Sts,, DICALKR IN - CoVBaiexJ rruita. Ceuuaa Moots, (ueeaars, Vegrtobles, Igora. Drlodl Ua, mmgmr, Bplero, C'ofloo, Tarn, Bio., Kte.. In fact everything that ta kept la a gen ral variety sod grocery store. Hlgbost market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. CITY Feed and Sale Stable, 4th St. between Ellsworth and Lyon. Horeee o aril i.v the day, werk or month at teaosb!e raie. Hailed ha 5 and strasr ror eale, also oats, Diriey an chop always on hand MR89 L, A, MCDONNELL, PROPRIETOR. DR. I N, WO0DLE, Yettrinary Surgeon, Offloe Oify Feed sod Sal Stable, ALBANY, OREGON, ARLIN REPEATING RIFLE BBBT IN TNC olatsly TM WORLOI ta eU tatsje e sssaQ ssssa. baiJTard Gsllser. Hsstlssi ssS Tsrsvt m4 fW ; ..u.i.d l,i.I.n '-r:la fire AroMtte., Sv Uuvru, f nu. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a to thO ten Blofrby or Ernptlon, -rcver-eoree." seal v o ncruiuiu. niin.rara nt. "Walyor UUugu KSIn, ta short, all dianasrs on used bv bad hlmd conqueiod by thai powrful, purifying, si Invigorating medicirvi. tUrent I.'atlng t era rapkaly heal under Its benign tasuem SSpecaUlv baa it manlfestod Its ncfeooy In curing, Tetter, Itoeo Hah. HoIIm, Car. nancies, npro tyea. kcrotuloni m am4 sjwelllnga, lsTp-Jolut Ulae n Iowa Boras ut Dlseauae. wnito welling, D Illnxa. Oollre, or Thick xseca.. ana a: oents in gum ored Bastes, on sjnomttfpcatreatlae on ftorofi.foes Affi HTHB BLOOB IS Tift' Law oy using Mr. aVIeroeSa err, and wood ts, Tltnl Titrengtb, and son n dm soaalltation wJUTBe establlslksl. ran Iplra nctiCM Oa CONSUMPTION, wmch Is Berofulous Dl of the JLangs, to promptly and otrtaiol otlv and e, rtuitiiw ima ana euro the Li 5L before tbe htat stages of the OW ail sivaa ne wonotT fatal disease who dtrful vhen 11 Iv to when first otTerinfr this now oat 1 now or over l l,l tmiMw isaxadj to tins in e aies thought seriously of calling it bia sumption Cure," biitobaitdoood tbat name too limited for a medletno whtnh. (mm itm wwamnui oonoinwion or ionic, or streni lug. alterative, or bkKxlteamSng, antl-b pectoral, and nutritive properties, to uneo pot only ss a remedy fur ooosumption of toe junga, one wr nu CHBONZO DISEASES OF TUB Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If VOtt feel dulL denwae. AnH(Hta,v4 vmx m sain, or ycuowsHVOrown on fsos or body, fro.,ient headache or ness, bad taste In mouth, Internal heat or i nternal heat or anernsung with hot flashes, low spirhs gloomy borebodings. coated tongue, you arc suffering irreeular i rregu mu- appetite. from It Oolden Medical Discovery has no naL 'or Weak f.nnn. Rnlttlna e wttj Bhortues." oi llreal h. flronTn to'-i aovaro Coughs, C'ouansnptlon, and bookoalMnmptloo. Sold kr Ora.u PRICE SLOOsroaVeToo, Worff 8 Dispeosary MM AssociatioB, Proprietors, 0G3 Mela St, Burrsua, jr. y. aotcqTs little eaSnWt TTT7VT PILLS. Awsry-mtiofjai ana cathartic. kid by Dru'jglats. SS oonts a vlaL $500 REWARD to off rod by tbe proprietors of Dr. Bilge's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh wbioFthew oannot cure. If you havoadleoharge from tbe noso, offensive or other vrtoe, pnrtial loan of smell, taste, OT hearhur. vranlr m dull n.ln SLS,fVn ta bead, you bavo Catarrh. Tbou Wf'aj tnrrolntgB in oorsaimptJon. Or. GhaaTS CAT A H3tTV V r irm W mnZm fKo mrtA. Eainei 15 Foils. I have been a great sufferer from rpld Liver aud Iyspejpata. Every Inr I a disagreed with me until 1 Tnrnld thing I ate disagreed began tasttug Tint's Pills I oast now digest any kind of foods never have a headache, and have gain ed fifteen pound in weight.' vv. C. SCHILT2E, Colombia, S. C. SOLD 38VBSYWHEEE, Ossrannsjeassfcfc asd ii si am Ly ss- " 5 a dtexv DfatllS. shd snd part of these symptoms are experienced. At a remedy for all euch car. m, 1 lite mmt Qffioul Paper. THIS PAPEU In Philadelphia rigss. W agshington. (freai ear ragstor swrrstpeadsat.) Washington, D. C, Oct. nth, 1887. It was the proud boast of the Emperor A ug usui, thst he had found Rome built of brick and ltft it built of marble the chief glory of that great Empire's golden age : and In modern times. If we sre to believe those who, ss if by s msgic wand, have performed the wonderful fest of con verting Alessnder R. Shepherd from 1 vulgsr political boss who was, while Governor of the District of Columbia, daring the reign of Grantlsm, cheek by iowi with Babcock. Belknap, and other corruptlonists -into a demi god, upon whom they have conferred the unique distinction of canonisation ere he haa "shuffled off this mortal coil," we have a parallel case, for it Is claimed that St. Shepherd found Washington a wild waste of mud and left it the most beautiful city n the United States. And if you had suddenly come into the Federal Capital on Thursday night, Oct. 6th, IBB7, you would have shrunk aghast at the awful din and glare and smoke and sound o music, supposing that you had been acci dentally switched oft lato the vary centra of pandemonium but nothing of the kind, dear reader you would simply have been a disgusted spectator ot St. Shep herd's triumphal torchlight procession and general parade of ait the Shepherdltee and trucu'ent toadies to be found In the board borders of Washington. The Boss 1 beg pardon, the Saint gave Washing ton smooth,solid streets aad shaded.grasay parksto say nothing of a glorious public debt of msny mllllona, therefore perhaps s msjoritv of the Wsehlngtonlans wor ship him ss the pstron saint and savior of the city. They have not yet proposed to change the name of Washington to Shep herdton, but such a thing is quits prob able, for one enthusiast has nominated Shepherd for President of the United States. How much better snd more chris t tan-like it would have been to hsve con trihuted to the poor, whom we slwsys hsve with us. the ten thousand dollars squandered in glorifying Shepherd. Thoughts of soother prominent Repub I lean now come to mindthe unsavory Bacon, Mho was spoiled on the hands ot his party and who, as financial clerk, dis palled the Patent Office of gjootxsccord in ; to the report of the Commissioner o Pstents, which has juatbeen submitted to the Secretary of the Intsrior. The smount o( the defalcation Is much larger than had been auppoed,snd furnished the strongest of argument, for turning the rascals out Bacon had been stealing thirteen years, snd wss not detected until sn undertaker csll wss imperative. The October term of the United State Supreme Court convenes this week, with a docket largely increased over that of laat vesr, Among the cases of note, w(l mention two--the celebrated Myra Clark Gsinea litigation against the city of Nsw Orleans, and the famous telephone esse The dsy before the meeting of the .Court wts consumed by the bar of the Supreme Cjurt in eulogising the isle Justice Woods. Secretary Lamar continues to reverse th- indemnity rallrosd Isnd decisions of Commissioner Sparks the Secretary's lst over-ruling restored .119,000 S -re, to the Omaha road. Secretary Lamer now secludes himself fr jm unwelcome visitors upon the plea that he is absorbed In preparing his an nual report. The Nationa Republican Executive Committee will soon meet in New York or Washington to arrange the prelimtn sries for th meeting of th Nstlonsl Con vention, the Committee being required to convene six months before th assembling of the Convention. Chicsgo, New York and Ssrstogs sre slwsys in the field for the honor, and some there are who favor Wsshlngton. The limit for purchssing fourteen mil lions of bonds under the Tressurv's Sept- tember circular evnired oa the 8th inst. the tot-l ..I,. ,k.t date amounting to J5it.iA6.8eo. which i. S62.i less than the call demanded for the purposes of the ! sinking fund. Whst the future policy of the Tressury on the question of bonds will be, th Secretary declines to state. PERSONAL. Bret Harte Is living quietly in one of the suburbs of London, and intends to make hU home there. Edward Wain, an aged Phlladelphian, who died on Sunday, was a descendant of Nicholss Wain, the legal adviser of Wil Ham Penn, and one of the band accom panying him to America. Boston Corbet, the msn who shot John Wilkes Booth after the sssssslnstion of Lincoln, has just been declared hopeless ly insane. He has been placed In the Kansas State Insane Aayljnn. Sir Robert Ball, the Irish on a tour of America. He thinks the Cana dian skies far superior to Old World ones for observation purposes. He may tarry ( some months in the Rocky Mountain sys tern. Mrs. Rose Terry Cooke, who has just transferred her residence from Connecti cut to Pittsfield, Mass., is engaged upon her first novel, but ill health continues to retard this as it has done much of her other work of late years, The Archduke John, who has been dis missed from his high post in the Austrian army, is a nephew of the emperor, and was born in 1853. Until the date of his dismissal he held the rank of lieutenant- general, and was in command of the thi d division of Austrian infantry. Simon Cameron is not the oldest surviv ng ex-United Suites Senator after ; 11 According to the Augusta Ckron 'dv the honor belongs to John P. King of that city who was born in Kentucky in 1799, pre sumably before the 8:h of Mi- :h 1 Chronicle' claim fails. He was apoint-cu to fill the unexpired term of Senator Geo. M. Troupe, Nov. 3ist, 1833, and was elect ed to succeed himself in 1834, twenty three years before Cameron entered the Senate. this PAPtaSg 5are MiaetliM t'CRlOUB FACTS. O. C Cabot, a brother of Sebastian Ca bot.had only to spell his name backwards and the result was,tobacco. Edison sends up from Llewellyn Park every night a small balloon held by a wire. The balloon bears an electric light, which at the height of 4000 feet or ao It la impos sible to distinguish from a star. The Maine In a prairie lire at Manhattan, li.,rcentty reached a height of twenty or thirty feet at tlmes,and the fire spread fast er than a man could run. According to the last report of the United States commissioner of pensions, there are in Vermont 6336 pensioners, drawing annually $190,000 In round num bs rt. A rooster at Salem, III,, is so fond of music that he will fly In st the window of his master's house and run to and fro on the keys of the piano, delighted with the sounds he evoke. The glacier in the valley of Chamoun- tx.sfter s period of rspid retreat snd dl. mlnution In sise, sre sgsin beginning to sdvsnce. As sbout fifty ysrds s yesr is the rate of will take many years to recover their former ground. A tree called the umbrella tree of Japan, now growing in a yard at Tallahassee, I'la , though only three years old.has leaves on It that measure 31X10 inches, it is umbrella-shaped, and makes a shelter that is Impervious to sunshine or rain. If you should have hiccough try one of the following remedtes,every one of which is vouched for by different authorities. Slightly refrigerate the lobe of the ear ; clasp the hands with arms raised above the head ; press the finger each side under the ear.near jawbone ; Inhale chloroform until relieved. A one legged beggar of St. Louis be came ao urgent in his requests for aid that he was arretted the other day. When the police searched him they found fifteen tobacco bags In his pockets and sewed to his ragged clothes.and each bag contained one money. The total amount was Hie Brooklyn city directory has the names of George Washington, laborer , Thomas Jefferson, palntar ; John Adams, bricklayer ; James Madiaon.cooper ; James. M mroe.cutter ; John Q. Adam., fruiterer; Andrew Jackson, engineer ; Martin Van Bjren.truck driver ; William Henry Hsr Hon, grocer ; John Tyler, hstter 5 Jsmes Polk, druggist ; Zach Tsylor, moulds 1 , Franklin Pie rcr, painter , Jmnc Buchanan, plasterer ; Abraham Lincoln, clerk. The Medical Press says that a physician living on the seaboard thua writes to a paper 1 "Within the last five years, in a district embracing sixty square miles or so by the sea, 1 hsvs noted the hour and the minute of no less thai, ninety -three dem ise In my own immediate practice ; and everp soul of them has gone out with the tide, save four who died suddenly by fatal accident, A curious old anchor, v c ry probably lost by the early French mission ariea, was found at the head of Green Bay. It ap pesrs to hsve been constructed from s young msplc tree hsving three brsnchet from the root. Another bsr was fsstened on. Thus far it la like a round-topped stool with four legs. On the bottom of these legs were fsstened with mortise snd tenon the fiukes, which were bars of osk croasln g esch other. Friday Oat 4,at shout f o'elek,a m while two yung meo of McMiunvill wre return -tag home along tbe streets, they saw two men apparently trytog to effect an u trance into Frank Redwood's stor. Tba two men urat trtsd tba front door aad fading ta, opeu it went around to a aid window and effected an eatraoos through tbe window. The two veoag man gr th alarm without disturb ing the burglars, and e4tisi ttb shot gsu. and pjatola closed on tbe baildii g sad d sadri sa asounditioual surrender which thsy did witttnet rw-iatauoo. The burglar bad tied ap about 860 worth of goo Is sad seeoted some small ebsage Ta were lck up ta the city iail till morning, whse Deputy District Bradehaw, of LatKayette was ura eaed by telegraph, and thsy were given s bearing. They waived eian'it u. and were held to await the action -f t aett grand jorv. Ther-no e .nne-l in tea county jail at LaPsyet,. . Tre gsv b,r nam s as J W H-tward rsaaS &ttaa, Tbsv sppssr to Us n' BsVaaBj 1 h- waigv . aajgi The Republican leaders of Oregon hare made a deep, dark thrcat.that if St. John Is called to take part in the "non-partisan" csmpaign for s Prohibition Amendment j there, they wtll defeat the Amendment. They made the same threat in Michigan . and then defeated the Amendment any how. Vtitt. William Southmayd, the oldest elector Connecticut, voted at the town election Middleton this week. H is ninety .ht jeers old snd hss voted every elec- tton sine 1811. Ladies Fust ghees. N H AHe.i A C . ara sow receiving direct from the u-.,ufaoturc, H J Holbrook St Co., of U ica, N. Y., a lud line of his justly cel ebrated da shoes for lsdies snd misses in C. 0. iv sad E. E. widths. These goods will give aplendid satisfaction, in fact there sre no better made. Indispensable to the Toilet. Darby s Prophyisotio Fluid euros obsf Ing, eruption snd inflanimsliou of sll kind ; oures in flammed or sore ayes relieves pains from bite or stings of in; soots snd sore feet ; destroys sll taint of persperation or offensive smell from tbe feet or any part olthe body ; cleanses snd whiten the skin. Used as a dentifcce 1; purifies the breath ; preserves the teeth and ours toothache; sore gums and un er. A little of tbe fluid in the water se In bathing la very refresh lng snd espeola ly beneficial to the sick. Physicians Bave Found Oat That a contaminating aud foreign element iB the blood, developed by indigestion, la tbe cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive sub cutaneous cover lng of the muscle snd ligament of the j-dnts, osuslng constant snd shifting pain, aud aggregating as a calcareous, chalky deposit which produces stiffness and dis tortion of the joints. No foot whioh sz Siriesoe has demonstrated in regard to ostetter's Stom tch Bitters has stronger fevidenee to support than this, namely tbat this meiidne of comprehensive use ftbeck tbe formidable and atrocious die esse, nor is it leas positively established tht it is preferahla 10 the poisons often ued to arrest it, -I. use the medicine con tains ml salutary ingredients. It is also sl.'ua fem-r,v r malari fevers, coo . dv- pBta, kidney and bladder i nnd other di-nrdere, 1 he ires nine, , 'i the tiquc.-itaiiit roaitivalj : admi iiterma J;. HaiatsJ Golden Specific. It cm be given In a cup of coffee or tea with Lt( the knowledge 01 the person taking it; is 'ntoly harmless ana whl eifeci a perma und speedy cure, whether the. patient is a rate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, .ousands of drunkards have been made tern-i-i'ftte men who have taken Golden Bpeclfio 1 their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific it becomes an attar impossibility lor the liquor appetite to dxtet For full particulars, address GOLDEN j SPECIFIC CO , m Boe St.. CuMinxwUL 0. im MisTjKK. A Sfek Man's Wife Disregard Id Orugglgfa series ted So Save th Life of Her Hwabaad. I am wood cfli-vir by trnrfonnd it-Is QUI of my ling to writo let to i-s; hut my wife thought it was no more than right that I sh. mid lot you know whnt your runiudy has done for me, ami 1 think o tOO. I live In Ksst 167h street, west of Third nvenw, nud bave liviil thiro for RboUl twoiity tbr,',' yvtr, when- I own mil OHtiitu. Up to flm time I am about turnout Ion I had Imhmi n troug, well man. Tbept was always moro or less rmilftria In tho hnjrlrhoov, but I had not personalty sufli n d from It. It was in I HMO I hasj pgy Hist nttnek. It esmo on gl Mich attacks coiiiinotily do, with Ii' din I , loss of appetite and atnbi Hon, i l. dy sen ut Ions with tliglit fever afti nvMids, a disposition to yawn and str.dcli, ami so forth. I was omoloved at lint fnntitiH st reef. dr. hut known am i, v what t. and a h in wan 1 ! 1 he wit taking; y-ar to sr ami UTOS at Kltllaiis 4 Brothers, mnnnfactnrers. In WestftSd 1 loped tho ntiai k would wosr - it didn't I CottsnRod n well d .-tide phys. -inn In M o rls f',nvu ine q in! 110 and told mo I csn sum up t he first four or live years of my e Xpert - v words. Oecasionally I up for a day or two, but on I J in k to my work. 1 kept . iiiiiio. in larger doses from ir, and kept on getting weak ao, slowly but auroly, nil tho trouble was now well do tnptoms wore steady and .i i dumb ngtie in itsfvorst va grinding me down in mt I eottld do or the doc . It held mo la a grip Kbtt inngvo'ii rmue. The ps,ion ' through and over rue and -I in 11. ' UI ut -a o V tt o 1 uiinir tut tilde to toli.-h it. 1 Hfii f lassM 'fl Nh.tnd am tiirth. nndnlM.iit n h. In.i. i kt.o,-k"l d work ottlire ind w,uit bi.ttif to l-iowii sick, and He for all I ctihl tell. I rati down so dlj tlmt i soou bi came iinnUt to k an listnnoe. Luer 1 weul irom i lo r -.out n my own house only by uls I Ii I igme up by esch arm. Tlie 01 -i 11. w.-n- iiuiff -,d until ri lot ,iif orw4ta f 4 (fet. yfo ew . 1 is 4on stimulsdJosi st4, on-. m. ;i!-l. .,1,1, h hroko sleep ..'! ,p, ,.f, , u'gH.t the r, or stag- 1 - i !. . U UiKht f. BSStrtwy Mld lo I., h, :,,y i,tscs resj human aj, . h. J4 trwipssj xt re .ndy iiTitnld. Aa to food, of my litllo rhildrrn would eat in 1 meal than I could in a day. uld MitU?r ftaal nod then turn froln u dlsruat. I Hvod on qui nine and . r stimulants ami on myu lj like a -ir in winter, tnu qmuitio set my In a whirl, and Use liquor - given niodi.Jn, -madf mv sttuuuh sa ml 1 a !. k I could not tolerate it. From 17 potiud (mv proper w,-lght) I ran down to poutids - the weight of a light srlrrsauuf was scarcely better Jfi.,,t . d.f hud taken a hatchet and kn ck. t tn, down avid killed me J horn Id sure fcsvri Wtrroff. HuHug the latter part of this period. . early in 1886, my physician said: '.Miller, therv no use in my taking any more motley of you. 1 can't do yon any essjsl, 1 rigl.t Hur pounds of qui nine down your throat ami it wouldn't bell, yitt." On th strength of this I guv up the U. ..f quinine altogether, and rande up my iiditd ti do nothing more ami take in ehniK . Tkreo feks afterwardssbont the last if M.ty--my wife suw an advertise. u: nt of Kaskine in a New York psmer. She told me of it. I said: Slnft and nemeonsoi it esgt do me any foot. Hut went to a druggist's, neverthe less, lo jjwt It, The druggist n,l ised hi ;rmt Kaskine: bo saki it una notion" but sugar; that she might not to tl,i..w nway lur money ou it. He ssid ho didn't keeii it. but could ;, t it if rl .nsiste.1 011 having It. Turn ing away in disgust my wife to our ,oihbor, Mr. A. G. Heg. u.ild. wh,i sjol lu r a bottle at a drug store in Sixth a into. Almost ,- dnst my will, and without the le;,si faith. I Iregan taking It. In ne week I was la tter. 1 legan to op. I stopped "seeing ghosts." I oa t. h ive an appetite and to gain i f '. This wsa now the first of Mif, '.sua. god by the end of that nil, 1 wna hack at my bench at ( P. dth'N roll an wing factory in 116th tn we, i' I work now. S in e thn I have never lost a day rom 4vnsm Taking Kaskine only, t (adtett in lour equal doses r. . . ittiiiuuil to gain. The ms ImsiixsI to be killed In my sys . .1 . now I've got back dm old : 175 pounds and my old fl It to Inhor. I am an astonish to myself ami to my friends, and iv kino did not do this I don't know 1 did. Tho only greater thing It uid do would bo to bring a dead man II life, PMEDEKtCg A. MlLLEB, 630 East 157th Street, Now York P. 8. For the absolute truth of the .hove -i itement I refer to the following rentieniett, who are peisionallv ac uainl,sl with the facte: Mr. Alex ander Weir, 626 156th St. : Mr. George Seaman. 158th street and Coititlaudt avenue: Mr. A. Moebtts, 151th street tnd Court land t avenue; Mr. P. j Vaupol, 154th struct and Courtlandt avenue; Mr. John Lunny. 630 East 1 58th street; Mr. John Ueiishaw. 124 125th streot, and many others. I wiU also n pl v to letters of inquiry. We submit that the above astonish iug cure, vouched for as it Is by repu table men, is deserving of a thorough tnd candid invcstlgntum by thinking people. And wo further submit that when druggists turn nway customers by falsifying the character of a remedy because 'they do not happen to Imve it on hand, they do a great wising. If this afflicted man had not disregarded the. druggist's advice and sent elso wneps for the remedv ho would without doubt have boon in his grave. Other letters of a similar character from iit'ominunt individuals, whioh stamp Kaskinu as a remody of un tloubted merit, will be sent 011 applica tion. Price, $1.00, or 6 bottles, $5.00, Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail oa receipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St., New York. Far Bale. On hund red and twenty acres of the best quality of improved wheat land, all fenced Into four fields, good houe, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. Situated 3 miles west of Lebanon and one and a quarter miles south of the junction of the Narrow Gauge R. R., with the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R. R. Inoulre at this office. Some fine, fresh sa 1 1 rant at W .llaoe & Thompson's. nruVws & Hackieman , Wl.DOUGLAS'1 U004 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, - - ' OREGON pas mMTi sbbbbbbbbbsivbssbsbt xam POPULAR SriKNCE. By means of an air gun, Prof, C. L, Mees has found that to drive strews into pine board snd hickory bark, as is often doneby tornado?, a velocity of 150 to 173 miles sn hour Is necessary, Sttgsr has frequently been rei ommend ed s a mesnsof preventing boiler Incrus tation. Recent exprrhncnts have shown thst formic acid Is generated by such use, attacking the iron of the boiler. The Hwedlsh count, M. iljornstjerna, suggested more than forty years ago, in a book on The Theogony of the Hindoos," that, as both poles must have been cooled to a suitable temperature at the same time, the earth might have been peopled from the north pole with its white races snd from tin south pole with its colored race. There is, ss Prof. Thompson remarks, no assignsble "velocity of electricity," thl must vsry with the current snd the conductor. Wheatstonc, In 1833, seemed to show s trans mi, ion velpcity of 288,000 enlles a second through copfier wire, but in late experiments signals were sent over ordinary telegraph wires on poles, and had a rate of only 14no to 10,000 mill s. With wires nesr ths esrth the velocity was 000 miles, but reached 34300 on very high wir. It is generally supposed thst pneumonia is due to the accidental penetration of specific microbes into the vstem, but the observations of M. Jsccoud, s French stu dent of the subject, show thst the disesse really result from the development, un der favorable condition, of microble germs permanently present in the. system- A chief condition of such development is a sudden chill, which explains the fre quent coincidence of lung affections with abrupt changes of temperature. -Sometimes the Ismpwick will obstinate ly refuse to be turned up in an orderly man ner. It will seem firmly wedged st 0:1 side, while the other will run up in s point. causing wesriness snd vexation of spirit. To overcome this depravity take a new wick, draw out a single thread near the selvsge, snd the wick will be found quite tractable when introduced into the burner. The cogs will take it up properly, and It will sppear in good form and give sn even flame when lighted. A Berlin compsny o0ers electricity for boiling waternd other besting purpose, ss well ss for lighting. The Argentine Republic is soon to have s weather bureau equipped with forty-five observatories in different parts of the country. A French horticulturit,Count de Buys- son.insures the growth of seeds o old as to have a doubtful germinating power by soaking them for thirty -sis hours in wstcr containing a little guano or other source of niuogen. The classification of the fishes found in the aes of Galilee has led to the strange discovery that the.- fishc do not belong to the Mediterranean ybtetn,but are pecu Iiar,and belong to the fish system of the great inland lakes of Africa, Tanganyika, Nyasa aad the ncighboriag water. The canon draws tbe inference that untold ago ago the Jordan valley was filled by a lake which was joined to the Red Sea, then a fresh water lake, which in turn was in direct communication with the great lake system of central Africa. Palrnt Uraatrd. Patents graited to citizen, of the Pacific States during the past week and reported ex pressly for the Dkmocbat by C. A. iinow St Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite V. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, 1 C : W N Best, Los Angeles, portable cen trlfugai fountain P Brit v itch, Los Angeles Cal., arched bridge. G M Drum, Los Alamo, Csl., potato masher. W J Hunt, Los Angeles, Cal., washing machine. C M Jones, Fresno, Cal., car coupling. E. Judson, San Francisco, Cal , pip wrench. S M Knight, Sutter Creek, Cal., hydraul ic engine. J. Menzies, San Francisco, stern tube bushing for propeller ahafts. C D Salficld. San k boiler. T C White. Fresno, Cal., packing piste for raisins. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Lumbago, Bheumatlsro, Barns, Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises, Bunions, Corns, Scratches. Sprains, Strains, Stitches, StiffJointa, Backache, Galls, Sores, . Spavin Cracks. Contracted M uk lea, Eruptiotis, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinnej , Saddle Calls, Piles. THIS GOOD OLD STANLEY accomplish for everybody exactly what tacit lined for it. One of the raaaona for the great popularity of the Mustang Liniment la found la Its universal applicability. Ewybody needs such a mod cine. The Lasabevman needs it la ease of aodd sat. The Hon ae wife seeds It for general tamur ass. The Caualer needs it for his teams and bis men. Tho Mechanic seeds it always on ais work benou. The Miser needs It tn case of emergency. The Pioneer needs lt-can'tget along wlthcut It. The Farmer needs It to his house, his stable, and his stock yard. The Steamboat man er the Boatman needs it la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs it it is his best friend and safest reliance. The 8techarrewer need it it will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs it and wtll need it ao tang as his life is a round of accidents and dans era, The Hack woodsman needs it. Thereto tout ing like it as an antidote for tho dangers tc life, limb and comfort whioh surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs it a. bo n Ma store among hia employees. Aodd en ts will happen, and vhen these oome the Mustang Liniment ia wanted st race. Keep a Bottle tn the House. TUtbe test at sconomy. Keep a Boulsta the Factory. Its immediate nao in case of aooidant envee jain and loss of wages. Keep a Bottle Always la the Stable far use when wanted. To Regulate tlffffl FAVORITE HOWE RKMEfY is I MIC v.arrafiie'1 not lo cor. tain a in!c par asaaSasI liclc of Mercury or any i!iiricta rut aaea, but la purely vegetable. tt will cur an Diseases caused by Daranrement of tn Liver, Sidneys and Stomach. i y 'mt Liver m out rf ordsr, then your wfcota ay,s U denrwed. Th- bM M iBIpnre. the hrth offensive ; yju have hcatacr, wl languid, lii.pinu-d sad aarvous. To v , s more acriou cos dftlon, tska st once Simmon V f llUn "I-'-' 1-AlOk. If you Usd a LI V fill e,n1ary 'ik ,r ulkf ,at ' mulaat sad take liirseiusi liver Regulator. 1 ... If you have rtiffiteion. tit ff eaies asythin herd of frel heavy after steal or t.t. talie a dose ssd you lrpk-M at ntght, will feel rellevs M If yea se a mUersMe suaVrer with Cowatiputlon, Drspepata nt nntoiisneas. wek rettef at oaee ie rrtra?vm lAvtt Kcila,'.r It rf,, mt require cowlntail doaisg, sad costs but a trifl... It will cure you. If VOU Walee IHfe in Um mMn.M . letter, bad iste Is your suuth. 111 n ssl Sismoa Liver Rsnltor. It IOJUm rcct tne Btitoue Stomach, IIHSI th' OW Furred I'ngue vntl'irr-n safe Caihsr- nc snd TuttU: to smir.-in I t l.-yii t'W HeaX vmacli. Iodieevtion. Ivent -rv aad t'aassj incltUvs to CalldkW Al any (ira you feel yonr ye elefi!r.i, lonin. reubin whhnt j-urrln. or t'lmuUiing without caitn, take aaisanco by J.h .L 1LM & ( 1. , Philadephu. Pa HOFFMAN & PFJEIFFER PK.PRIETOR OK Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of CEUICE GQIFEOtlOIl&T. H'e are now prepared to eel I st whole sale. i ways fresh and pure at Portland pne- m to dealers. Wo also keep a fall line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, Uk- CIQAR AND TOBACCO depart metut is com-V W fcawp tho v0Tj fines!. t i. f suos..,9 .n.l shewing tobaccf). mcsrehsurji -od brier pipes that is a delight tn smokers. Bjaaw Vast mtnrmmm avion ss BaT Bk each rear, ST-31S 8 ,1IS m JBV 3.DOO aMBssssv Wfcele BS UIVKS) direct to eonsurntra ens aU aeneasl sr laisilr oat. Tails! sssles. susat gives essssS tlsaatat rem wee. eat, dbrt Have fast with. These IBTVAXCi BOO&B rowtatlm laflsi ssaitl front thv ssusrlseSs of tbo will saail a eepr BBiBEJB Ss susr awees in a 11 wiilft of 10 1 rxutste of saalltstsf. be na lieeur ft was jrem. KaapeieSfstlly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. irt7 At 270 WaSNSaS At THIS is the ton of the gen uine " Pearl Top " Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. . . . This is the exact label on each one of the Pearl Top Chimeys. The dealer may say and think he has as good, but he has not. Insist upon the exact label and top. . GEO. A. MACBETH & CO Pittsburgh, Pa. mum Obuuoed, ana all .th-r haaw ta la V. B. PSSsw om' auvndedni u t mederate fees. mw oBles .., i the fj. 8 Patent " ii obUlri Pat .,- MSS tiSS I Washington "H ssodte ..r drawing We ae aJhSj free f char. : and wessske ' "h,.ln .V, n .. refer Here, to the " order iHv. and tn eeMsis Vic For muter, sdvtes, ten """sl etteuta in your own Buu or county, . patent mee v.asftia.. 1 THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MAOE PLYIOUTHROCK 13 PAITS. Cat tn arder front wooiles cloth caie'ully eslnaisa for ,yls ass ws sr. Bver pair sroaratitee Ssatf meat- roSBptl) refaaSr, i a new pair tasue. it i ro returned faetory. Tell sa about what o -r yea Use, sand a year sits, hip sad aid lag maaaure, tsgetber wti 3adS5ets. Sar peattg (or prepaid express) sat er tens, or to tbe eSt of samples wDJ ha er sB. packing. Or ae of this pajier, and ed you. including Mpe-eaeasare, as ws hart deposited with the proprietors of this paper a tiUmlidt A.f Ikaa. - ft . . . nan Upe-meaanre. as wo aaiaaava va SUtay BJkJ BBJgfV M l CHMs) PLYMOUTH POCK PANTS CO., IS Baaaater St.. Beaten, Mass. 0. 0 OHBBRT. O.B.PVRBta ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, (Suooeesora to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and fro. Founders, WK HAVE OUR NBWHHOPt oom plated and are now prepared to handle all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture steam Engines. Grist and 8aw Mill Manhlnery.snel all kinds ftrott and Rraa- Castings. f4TTKKNa HtWR SSN SUiiRT NSSTHTB. Special attention given to repairing all li Is of tnatthlnory Will alar manufao fh itntifvf 'herrv A White Grain AD rku Ad the un er -t oin.- d lalia R. tt v . C - urt o 1 i havinr prfMem t ' lindnr. -u.ret . y., frt i t -lx Att'y for tne Administrator. jflBBJelsMi LjHEggiHSrj V. psteas harre aakMB MBBSssat ih, IbssI f of thH. S fatsnt. .e DO YOU WEAR JPs4IITS?