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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1887)
f foe Jemoctat. Enter! at lb 5 Pjit OSm At Albany, Or mall matter. FRIDAY OOrOBKR 28, 1887 3TITE3 & IUTTIIO. alters fNvltwi. r. ni rrifu. l.el setter. A MAM ABOUT TOWN. It U the strangest thing in the world that reading men should be taken in by tuch barefaced game a that of paying $15 a bushel for wheat with the prospect of veil ing more to be paid for at the same rate in the note of unknown men. On it face it it an imposition In the first place no wheat U worth $15 a bushel, and the fact that such a price should he placed on It stamps It as a circus trick. There are men who never learn that they cannot beat a man at hi own game. O The M. A. T. suggests that a creamery be started in the vicinity of Albany. It would pay, according to present indications, and, perhaps, prevent the importation of California butter, as well as the great scar city of butter during the fall months. O If prohibition does not prohibit why is it that the people of Maine, Kansas and 'Iowa could not be induced to return to the license system. O With the amount of wood to be sawed in Albanv there is hardl v an excuse for idle ness. If the tramp calls for assistance treat him to a dose of saw buck. It is an effica cious cure for laziness. 0 The Man About Town has noticed in a saloon window a bill reading something like this 1 "Mr. John Doe to Mr. So and 80, dealer In wines, etc. To bill for liquors to date, $3t. 10. The above bill is for sale to the highest bidder." Would a grocer ad vertise a debtor In that way t No. Why does the saloon keeper do so then 1 Because It Is a disreputable thing that the debtor has been doing, and this is a splendid way to get even with him. It shows that John Doe has been getting drinks and running in debt lor them. A aaaay Eveaiag Haw, Last Sunday evening about 6:jo several men who had been drinking heavily got into a quarrel or fight at the Star Brewery in this city, when they wore invited into the street to settle their difficulty. I n the course of the quarrel one Fritz Bopp is reported to have drawn a revolver and attempted to shoot Oapt Oonners ; but as the weapon did not snap he drew a knife and made a slash at him. hitting him in the face near the nose, cutting a slight gash. There were several witnesses to the affair.who testified substan tially as above when called before Justice Dorris, though there was a difference of osjiaisMi as to whether the prisoner wut the man or not, he Insisting that he knew noth ing about the affair. The Justice concluded that the evidence was sufficient and he was held to await the action of the grand jury, which on investigation discharged the pris- Mr. Dross, oa the A Mr. Hezekiah Drunk lectured in this city last Sabbath on the prohibitory amendment to a Urge audience. He began his discourse early in the morning and finished at night, presenting twenty or thirty eloquent and powerful arguments In favor of the amend sent. No such address has yet been deliv ered here this season, his peroration particu larly being an effect! ve one. Numerous rail road men just from the summit, strangers and citizens lent their influence to the lec turer : and the saloons set up the drinks lively. A corpse could have gotten his glass filled. Comment is unnecessary. Those who saw and heard could only come to one conclusion. Hezekiah's arguments were convincing 5 but one such lecture is enough. City Isaprovesaeat Society. Recently at San Loaodro, Col., several of the enterprising citizens orgaaizod a society f or the special poroose of improving the ap- pearance of the city. Several bo ndred dol lars wers immediately rabseribed and is now being srpsadsn1 ia the beautifying of the eity plasty, etc Uoe ot tne mem Derm ana an 01 ieer of the society is Mr W g Peters, a form or moid eat of Albany. Albany seeds jast snch an orgaaizatioo . Oar citv needs improving badly. The public square in front of the Court House should be pnrehased, and art oat in shade trees even if it takes money, ana numerous other things are ia view. Snali something be done in this line. It count. Merer red Mia Wife. Last Friday the body of an unknown woman was found in the Willamette river below Oregon City, near Evans Landing. Upon investigation it turned out to be the body of a Mrs. Hash, the wife of a trapper. About four weeks ago Mrs. Hash disap peared, when her husband explained it by saying she had gone to Coer D'Alene, and about the first of the month he also left, presumably for the same place. There is now, no doubt that he murdered his wife, and could he have been caught when the discovery was made there might have been rough work. He is being hunted. Albany's New Iaearaaee Co. It's name ls"The Farmers' and Merchants' Ins. Co.," and the following are its officers just elected : Chas. E. Wolverton. President. J. O. Writsman, Vice President. W. (Juste k, Treasurer. K. Eider kin, Secretary and Manager. The capital stock is placed at $300,000, and has all oeen taken. The head office will be opened in this city in a short time when the books will be opened. This is a solid company and will be managed in a business way. Tee Antics of a Wick. Last Tuesday while sawing a board at Wm. Fortmiller k Go's furniture factory, OA Water Street, Kev Davis was hit on one of his arms by a stick sent whizzing through the air by the action of the buzz saw. The flesh was torn open, quite a severe wound being made. The stick glanced from Rev Davis to the face of Logan Hays, who was working near by, cutting his lip and knock Ing out one of his teeth, then glancing against tne siae 01 ine ouiidtng. it was a bad days job for one stick. The Pint Y. B Salmon Last Tuesday night two oar loads of sal non, about 30 tons, were brought over the Oregon Pacific from the cannery of Parker k Co., at 1 aquma Kay, and on Wednesday were transferred to the 0. & C. , one bound for Atahinaoo, Ken., and the other for Lin coin. Neb ibis is the first of what is d fined to be a good railroad trefBc from Ya- qatna Hay. Saturday Night. F. 0. McCjwo, a prominent lawyer Oregon City and man nf ability, will lecture at the Opera House to-morrow (Saturday eveaiag on the prohibitory amendment Judge MjClown is aatd to be an eloquent talker ana those desiring to bear an able ad drees should go. Besides be handles the amend meet in a convincing manner. Fine Potatoes. Mr. V. H. Caldwell, one of our most sue I .... ccseiui isrmcn, nas leu at tnts office some of the finest samples of potatoes that we have seen this year. An Early Rose weigh on 3 pounos ana a reeriess weighed fou pounds, some fine samples of Queen of the Valley that would cheer the heart of any Irishman. A DIFFRftKXT Tt'NK. Tbo tune of the Oryhn oa the Uiegoa Pacific hat ehauged ia a remarkable manner daring the last two years. As it has become evident thai Ibis road is to be a part of a great trausoontineata! Hue that paper baa gradually ohanged its notes, aad streak np a pieoe to the tune of "taffy.'' Th fallowing is deserved t The aueeeea of Col Hogg ia the Oregon Pacific scheme illustrates over again taepow. er of devoted and persistent effort toward a praetioal purpose. It is very easy to reeall the time whoa the proposed eater prise seamed to the publio aa abeolate impossibility . Col Hogg continued his efforts through every disparagement, aad has at last suoosedsd, practically, ia doing a great work for Oregon. Its purpose may be aaaa ia the following t In the nature o! thing the Oregon r'sciflo mast eventually oome to Portland. Aa a high way of traffic, both general and local, tt mast sejtkAhe headquarters of business, and this, ia ear judgment, i the purpose of its promo ters. Its probable course will bete branch from the main tine at a point near the west era foothills of theCAsaad mountains, theuoe north through the eastern part of alar ion aud the oentral di.triet of Clackamas ooaaty. This won Id be a good rente ia all ree pacta, particularly in that it would furnish a large local traHo. Bnt if this should not be done, it"will then doubtless bo the policy of the Oregon Paoitio to secure a contract with the O Si C by which it niy ran its ears into Port lead over the line from Albany. The U. I . aad O. k C. roads ft re bow on amicable terms, having 00m proas lead the differences whtuh were recently brought before the Courts. In all probability the latter will be the program. Albany will be taw distributing point. That Wheat Krone. Last Friday afternoon Michael Hogan, whose arrest on the charge of gross fraud at common law, was mentioned in the Dtno- ca at last week, was tried befote George Humphrey, Esq., and, it appearing that the evidence was not sufficient to hold him, he was discharged. It was one of thoee cases where everybody wag satisfied the man waa a base swindler, yet it was a difficult thing to prove it in a Court of Justice.for the pris oner declared himself ready to furnish the wheat and to perform his part of the contract. On the face of the thing it la one of the worst swindles ever perpetrated on the farm ers of Oregon, and should be a lesson not only to A. P. Maxwell, M. Fuller, Ellas Keener, I. N. Van Winkle, Wm. Davidson and the others who purchased the wheat at Si c a bushel with the expectation of set line- twice as much neat year at the same price, but to citizens generally. Hogan and his associates claim to be do ing business for the "Empire Seed Co.,"vrith headquarters at Portland and designate Geo. L. Woods as the president, aiui the capital stock was placed at $25,000. The matter caused great excitement in Albany, and the general opinion was that a good coat of tar and feathers would have been about the right thing for Hogan and his pards. Certainly there should be string ent means for ridding Oregon of such men, though the people who bite at their bare faced games really have little sympathy from the public generally. Below we give a bond given by the com pany, which shows the matter to be purely speculative, making all concerned parties to the affair. Home Office, Portland. Capital Stock, Bond of the Empire Heed Company ,of Port land, Oregon. It is agreed and understood by and be tween the party named in thin bond and said company, that the transaction covered by this obligation is of a speculative char xcter.and is not based upon the real value of the grain. Mr of Linn county, Oregon, Wit- nesseth. That on or before the 10th day of September. 1080. we hereby agrree to sell to responsible parties forty bushels of Mr wheat at $15 per bushel, and for which he agrees to take his pay in NOTES. And the said Mr. .... hereby acknowledges that he has bought of the said company twenty bushels of Scotch wheat at $15 per bushel as a SPECULATION, and for which he has given his note for the samc,and that said price is not based upon Its REAL VALUE. And the said Mr hereby agrees to allow the said company 33 per cent, of all notes taken for all his wheat sold at $1 $ per bush el as their commission. Signed and sealed this day of Octo ber, 1887. Tub EMPtaa Seed Co.. Portland, Or. Per H, M. Hogan, Sec'y. real Purchaser. On the reverse side is the constitution of the company. Since Hogan and his associates left the farmers who gave their notes have been re ceiving' wheat from different places ; but there is solid proof that it is not such wheat as was represented. It makes some of the farmers feel that they are in for it for cer tain ; and as the men have the notes they will look for demands for payment from most any source when due. Ceelea't Cease. The Heppner Gated man couldn't come to the Editorial Association in this city and excused himself in the following : Home ranch of the Heppner Gattt ! En gineered by J. W. Redlngton. It has the argest circulation in Eastern Oregon. 80 has the East Oregonian. Real estate. Fire nsurancejob print and Notary Public shop. Ranches for sale, but no money to loan. IIEI'FNKE, OH, Sept. 20th, IS87 In answer to your favor of the J3d,woutd say : Having but just walked in irorn a lengthy tnp, l find that my bach-ranch cat, which I have dragged up in what I thought was a proper way, has had kittens under a neighbor's house ; that one of my hens, har vested last year, has been dead a couple of weeks setting on a half-cord of eggs ; that the town cows have reached over the front fence and eat up two trees that I have pack ed bushels of water to nurse through dry seaaons ; that my setter dog Dash needs discipline, absence having made his heart more reckless, if not fonder ; that my Mon golian ltouse-keeper needs herding lest he boil the bread too much ; that owing to these and several other duties I regret very much having to decline your kind invitation to the conference of the presiding elders of the press. Yours in tears, KEDINOTON. A Good Iastitate. The Roseburg Review pays the Albany Collegiate Institute the following deserved compliment : The Collegiate Institute at Albany under the direct auspices of the fresbyterian church in Oregon is one of the best schools in which to educate your sons and daughters. The course of stud v nursued here is comore- hensive and sclectand under the immediate tutorage and supervision of Rev. Elbert N. Condit, President, one of the leading educa tors of this Pacific coast The terms of tui tion are moderate as is board also, and Al bany is certainly one of the most thriving, Healthy locations In the state. More l ine Potatoes. Mr. Charles Fitzpatrick of Bake Oven, wasco county, nas sent to this omce a sample of Peerless potatoes raised on bunch grass land without irrigation or cultivation. They are regular beauties. Mr A Condra, of near Harrisburg also left samples of the White Elephant and Snow flake which are hard to beat in beauty .00 e w ot iorm ana size. Cloaks at Cost. For the next thirty days we will tell our entire stack of cloaks and jackets at cost Any parties needing anything in this line can save big money by calling on us. Thompson & waters, Brownsville If you want b ankets go to M. A S. If van want boots or sheet go to M k CURRENT EVENT. M A Mlller.of I.ebanon.selU drugs cheap er than anybody. Jease James Is cited as a good example of personal liberty. Blaine hag congratulated Fred fSrant. Mr Grant's defeat may now be looked for. Tony Nottner, In retiring from the Port land irerM, states that he does so per man ently and will net again enter journalism. A late steamer from San Francisco for China took out aoo tons of mining machin ery and tlx skilled American miner., to aid In the mineral development of that country. Portland, a comparatively small place down the river, recently attempted to raise a subsidy for a hotel ; but utterly failed. gr av A heavy gale swept over Lake Michigan last Tuesday, several vessels being wrecked and many lives lost. It was one of the worst storms In the history of lake navigation. It is Portland against the rest of the State on everything. That city think it is the head and body and the rest of the State the tail. Will the people of the cow counties submit to this in November. W R McDanlel, the ex lhrriburg P. M , was last week Indicted In the DUtrlct Court at Portland on the charges of embezzling $4,491.91 of Uncle Stag's, money. He will be tried in a few days. A Sicilian has invented a method by which cremation U accoinplUlicvl by menu of electricity. It requires it dynamo like those employed for arc lights. Ills stated that the effect of the intense heat U to va lorise the entire body. The editor of the Jacksonville Time U said to be the owner of six thousand acres of land. Such stories are often started aloot newspaper men In order to Injure their rep utations ; but Mr Nickell once ran for State Printer and is uaed to being talked about. Mrs. Cleveland is quick to see a point, and is a sound woman generally : It was cool at St Louis while the President was there, and one night the Mayor, turning to the re ceptlon committee, suggested with a wink that they file into the dining room and take something warm. Mrs Cleveland, sudden ly turning to the Mayor, said 1 "Yes, I think a cup of warm coffee would be jut the thing.' The Mayor retired crushed. A bad accident last week happened near Baker City in the following manner 1 A horse buyer arrived at the Dan 1 ladle v ranch and bargained (or the purchase of a certain animal running in the field. John Hadlev nrocured a rone and halter and wont out in the field to catch the horse, The animal was wild and it was some time be fore he was able to get up to him, which he did with the aid ofa bucket of oats. As the animal came up to him he placed the rope end around the horse's neck, the leather haRer touching the ground. The animal became frightened and ran, Mr. Had ley' foot catching in the halter and twisting itself se curely. In this predicament he was dragged all over the yard, and when released from his situation it was found that he was most Lhorribly injured internally and externally. and died In a few hours afterward. POSTAL CARD ITEM. Bikxa VioTa A gentleman of this pre cinct raised 5000 bushels of potatoes off twenty-five acres of land, and has already sold the crop for 50 cents a bushel cash. gc to. -Sutherland has bulH a sample room for hi hotel for the convenience of drummers. The dty has contracted with E C Pent land for water for fire purposes at $100 a year. PoaTLANp. -The startling news is broad) cast that the great Scott never knew of there being any drunkenness at any of the Ore gon State fairs. It is generally believed that he la either blind or a consummated prevaricator . -The reason why a gentleman of this dty purchased $1$ wheat was that he didn't have his spec with him. Some one suggest that wits would apply better. Swacr Home. On account of the Im provements travel over the wagon road will continue much later than usual. John f il- liland and others are attending court this week. llARataavao. Mr. Ramnv's new bank U expected to be of great benefit to thU part of the county, where banking interest should be good. A Hportiajt Afternoon. Saturday afternoon numerous citizens of Albany had business out in the country, all toward Tangent About half past three nearly four, Eph Catneron,of Corvallis, and Dick Patton, of Salem, appeared in front of the grand stand at the fair ground, in clout and spiked shoes, and shortly after toed a mark for a 100 yard race, with a "mutual consent start. After "monkc ing around for a few minute Patton i said to have told Cameron that he would never have hi con sent to start, and as a result the race wa de clared off. Like most foot race it was a mvteriou affair and numerous immaterial reports we.e made In reference to It Foot races have most generally been crooked af fairs In Oregon lately. After this had collapsed a 000 yard horse race was run between a gray and roan horse, the latter winning eailv. The former shied fiercely to one side near the finish throwing his rider through a picket fence, doing some damage to the fence but little to the rider. Some money was up on the re sult Both horses are said to have belonged to the same gentleman ; but we are not post ed as to the truth of the matter. Tesspereaee Rally. A grand temperance mass meeting will bo held at Albany, on Saturday, Nov. Mb, both in the afternoon and evening. The propos ed prohibitory amendment will be thor oughly discussed by speakers from abroad aa well aa by representative men from all parte ef the county. Come in from all over the county and attend thia last meeting of the campaign. Executive Committer. W. It. C. Sapper and Mortal. The Women's Relief Corps, of this city, rill give a sapper at their new ball this (Friday) evening, followed by a wooden so- otal. Hopper win 00 served from five to nine o'clock, p. m., In tbo hall of the WOT U, a . . ' e e a ... the sociable will be held in the O A R and W R C Hall. Supper. 25c. Everybody should go. My order of the Committee. Fine Tailoring. Gentlemen can select from the latest line of samples direct from San Francisco. Ful and winter suits, and pants, cut and made in the latest style, below cost. Cleaning ana repairing promptly attended to. Mc Lough lin, tailor, Albany, Or. A Firat-ClasN Office. At the job printing office of J H Burkhsrt von can get all kinds of printing done ou first. class paper for less money than you psy for the blank paper. He purchases all paper stosk in the East ia large lot and at price that cannot be equaled, the benefit of this he give to his customers. All work delivered promptly and at prices that detiy competition. liraad Prohibition Rally. There will be a mass meeting of the ci tizens of the Forks of the Sanitam at Scio, on Friday afternoon and evening.Nov. 4th, for the purpose of discussing the question of prohibition. Speakers and representa tive men from all parts of the country will be present. Let everybedy turn out and hear this vital question discussed. Executive Committkk. A. O. U. W. Ail members of Safety Ledge No. O. U. W. are especially requested S resent at tbe next regular meeting, ay evening, Oct. 31st. Business of 13, A. to be the tance will be transacted. By order S J Lodge, CIRCUIT COURT. sua Holman ngt Tempa Hunt. Par tition. Continued. 6. J as A Hearing agt Oeo Stevens. Equity to recover possession real property. Dismissed at cost of Plaintiff. 95. I J Long agt Ella J Ramsey, et at Partition. Continued. m. J P Schooling agt T fit Thompson. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. tat. LE Blaln agt G W Furry et al. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. 133. Hiram gmtth agt John F Martin. 1 -outirmntutn. Side confirmed. 138. Mary K tlaett agt W C Holme. Equity for tltie. Decree granted. 131. Anthony Bender agt Society Most Precious Blood. Confirmation. Sale con firmed. 133. C Sllbcnagte agt Society Most Pre clous Rlood. Sale confirmed. U5- J A. Jones agt Wm Jones it al. Par tltton. Report of referee confirmed. 137. i P Schooling agt Hay k Ahbv, To recover money. Continued. 1- 13s. J P Schooling vs Hay St Ashby. Anion to recover money. Continued. w J P Schooling agt 0 V Wright. To recover money. Continued. 146. John F Rhotnn ngt W F Mendeii hall. To recover money. Judgment for le fondant 147. Mattered application of W R Power and 70 other for alteration or location and vacation of Co. roaJ. Appeal from Comu Court. Robt John objector and appellant Verdict in favor of county. 1 Mi. Ben Brenner ngt Robinson ,V West ami ano. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer and attached property ordered sold. 163. School Fund Commissioners agt Mary J Love et al. Foreclosure Decree of foreclosure granted. 165, D M Jones agt W C Edward et al. To recover money. Continued. 168. II COwen agt Ed Stover. To recov. er money. Dismissed for want of prosecu tion. 169. Hlbbord Bros, agt A A Bashor. To recover money. Judgment for want of an swer. 9 R A BamfW agt Mary J Savage, et al. To quiet title. Decree granted. 178. T J Black agt M D Murphy. To re cover money. Judgment far want of an swer. 1S0. T J Black agt O L McDowell. To recover money. Judgment for want of an swer. 18.V P J Porter, et al agt J C Elder, et al. Partition. A Brandon, J Morgan and W W Poland appointed to make partition of land. 186. W K Mi'Pherson ant Obadiah ten- hings. To recover money. Dlmised at eot of Plaintiff ihU J M Mover agt Robinson k West. et al. foreclosure. Decree erunted an 191. T J Black agt Wm T Pierce, To re cover money. Judgment for u ant of an swer. 19. T J Black agt John Hearing. To re cover money. Judgment for want of an swer. 194. James Forgy vs Younger Smelser. Decree granted. 196. H M Buries agt Linn county. Ac tion for damage Judgment for defendant 195. J P Schooling agt Wm H Roach. To recover money. Judgment for Plain, tiff. 20 1. School Fund CommUioncr vt B M Savage etnl. Confirmation. Sale confirmed. J03. Allen k Lewi v Jacob Thompson, ctat .Motion. Motion allowed. jo6. State of Oregon v Straudet Long Indictment. Larceny from a store. ttKAL MTATE Following were the recorded sale Linn county during the past week : John A MUlardto W V ACRCoJot 9, John Millard's eorvey . AHacklewauto W V ft OR (X til 14 In aorea.tpl 1,3 wand I lot H 2nd A IJOOO M A M nt-itb. etal. to W v A C K Co 4 lota, block 52 1 000 All Wheeler to W V A 0 RCo. J0 acres, tp II, 1 w R 0 Hill to W V k C R o, 17 acres, tp II, 4 w Martin Pay no tp W VkCH Co, loU 1 . :. M.H-k U H e 2nd A (i B Height to W V Ac C R Co,,! acre 1 1 Bryant to W V & C R Co.. 40 acre. tp 13, 2 w. . . , , , P Cat van to R ll and i . L C alsv so. ' 3U0 sores, t p 10, 2 er , J K Weatberford toD R K Blaekbnrn. 103 feet I rout. Browtvilte. ...... Mabala Rebnett to J -a R Green, $ 340 350 150 320 loo acres, tp 14. 1 w 1U5 I urmon U M C Jekon,!tj0 acres, tp 12, 3 w. ar T T nit '1 : ui & uimut in viriiw uinuni. o"2 r. scree, 120 acre and 10 aere .... 1000 100 700 300 050 1100 1350 m Samuel King to W V A; C RCo,. I acre tp9 I w U Skeel toSophi Rutngsrt132t feet WoeA3H's2adA ... ......... aw Car rail to C B Moatagae, 20 acres, tp 13, I w A Miller to 0 It Montague, 18x100 feet Lebanon 3ylveterCoohroto J CCochell,160 acres and 40 acree, tp 14, 1 w. . . . A Bilyeu to Jos Iliestorer, 140 aeree, tp 10, I I A Millard to O W Maaton, 3 9083 10000 acres, adjoining Albanv. . . Charles T Cram to J A Connineham. 72 sere, to I!. 1 w ano J a Crawford to D L Stewart. 1 lot. Halsey 300 Ja B Lister to Emma R 1 1 ol man, block 129, lis A 400 Oeo Simpson to W V A; C R Co., 180 acres, tp 14. 2w 1800 John Crawford to W V Ac C RJo,l.lj acres direotly weet Ja Elktn's, and perpetual right to water Power 15.000 Wm Alford by D S Smith, Sheriff, to J K Molt, 160 acre and 16 acres. tp!5.4 w 2600 O&CRCotoJP Wiliams. 68 2 acres, tp 0. 1 3 Cyrus Weatlake to Jo A McFeroo, half of block 45 H e 2nd A 400 U S to Thoe Griffith, 320 acres, tp 0, 1 w jiittHij Common Council. Present- All present hot Mayor, Mr Grad- wohl in the chair. The ordinance granting the right of way to N 11 Allen for an electric light and telephone system wm unanimously passed. Uader it wora nas to be began within sixtv davs. The ordinance in reference to cars standing on tne street was voted on and re looted. Eegine house No 2 waa reported insured ior aiuuu in ura U Ins Co. Further time was uranted ia reference to a nightwatch for the Third Ward, and the Marshal was requested to notify the Council when one is needed ! . Deyoe k Robson applied for privilege of constructing wooden building within the fire limits. Referred. The matter of grading Lyon St, First to 0 k C depot, was referred. Several street improvement were ordered made. The Street Commissioner wa directed to erect street lamps at the junctions of 1. yon and Fifth and Lyon snd Eight Street. Tbe matter of repairing bridge on Saatiaro oanal at Right St referred with instructions to tepair immediately if necessary. Several bills were ordered paid. TheRov JessoC Taylor will hold dirine service in St Poters Episcopal Church next Sunday, Oct 30tb, morning and evening. AH aro invited to attend. Service will be held on Friday evening, Oct 28th, atftSO o'clock. Good Work Cheap, No wonder J. If, Burkhart is doing all th job printing in this vicinity, it it because hs attends to business promptly, can always be found in his office ready for any kind of work, while others are on the streets busv doing nothing. If you want your work done in the very best style and for less money .1 XU 1 1 ... inau ton saiuo worit can ue naa I or in any other office id Oregon, juat call at his office nnd tec for yourself end learn prices. HO MS AND ABROAD. Circuit Court. f M Prenob, jeweler. Leaf raking time is here. The best harness at R L Thomp ton's. Frendh, the jeweler, heaps r&Uroad time. Milk ia Si eeats a quart in New Yotk C ty. H Ewert, practical watehtnaker and jew eler. One priee to a!l at Mtuuo A lees ay's Cash tiro. Wheat is 80 cent a bush! in Jaokaoa county. Hen Uutlei'4 income as a lawyer is sboat fiou.ouo. Two show oaae full of new goode at 9 M French's J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al wwy, Or. Tfus finest millinery ia the State at Shane k Loasway'e. See those 010 oap at Shawn k leeway's for small boya. One weuk from nmt Tuuadiv NavauiLer election, neeurs Boot eheaner then sh Mi at If. Fluids' bjot ami hoe shop . Ail kiudeoi muahu vid knit uiiderr at bhane A iouwy'. if you wut the beet ham. i i tbe market go to J J Duhiuille'd. Carter has a very Ur ami li st claei Urge Stock to select from. Pr.Mluco of all kiudt taken in exuktngj a Shane A l..uwy's I Into Shane A Lmsway's far all kiuds nf millinery ud fanoy good. I'll tltievt French kid ehoe with l.-tuvtrv tip at Shsu A Loaswsy'a, Snow sbot mt bsve hauun ia the Kt end the be ball eoaaoo ie just over. The V P Church in this oitv is beinif naint. el for the first time in many years. Remember Shane k Loniwav are ealhui dry good at very low pnoe. Sis shaves fur a dollar and a :h an towel to very customer, at Thee. J one. Rails are boaac laid on the Oresou Pact lie eatt from the Sao'lam bridge. The taxable property of Clackamas oouetv ie tlM,000 lew than last year. Mr J A (iren iuten Is building this fall two oa cottsfse aa hie lot sooth of the oitv. w - Jjhn Dee and Richard tl e bsve been net ting into a great deal ef trouble lately . lUxor baaed, set and uut in order at Jones' Shaving aad If air Dreeatng Parlor. The man who has bareains to offer wilt Ut the people know ii through the local papers. F M Freaeb. agent Singer Manufaet Oo .oppoeiU Odd Fellows Temple, Albauy.Or. If you a have a ntoe ehnel fo t ehow it off 10 a perfeot fitting boot made by H Flindt Fanners remember you can net 70 oeoU per btubei for your wbett at Shane A I. tu- wajr . Dr. M. H. Kltia, pbysteUi and surgeon Atrany, Oregon. Mu mad 10 eity or 00a u try, Thoe lad tee gold watch at F M Preoeh a are attracting attention. Why Quality and Wa W Dougherty , of Missouri, he been appointed Indian Agent at tbe Warm RrowosydiVe new bmk wi I be opened neat Monday, with Peter Uums at the head of it The Rtggs, who went to the peattanttary from Lane ooaaty a year ago, bsa applied for a pardon. Cardinal Oibbone said he never received earn who! -eon lei hospitality a be received in Oregon. Oa aoooaat ef the ilia of J edge Bairn the Circuit Co it ad j earned eaUt the Nth of "November. Tbe Mechanic f.r nail this veer, lite stoek holders will receive a divideod of about 9 per cent People who do not agree with the Oregon M are fanat o aod cranks, aad vagabonds and tramp. All tyle of boot aad shoes and a large stock ef groceries is what w carry lied field It fVowowil. By (iibney, of Lebanon, preached i the Congregational Church last Sabbath, morn ing and eyeaing. The highest point oa the line of the Ore goa PaeUM east of Albany will Lit 437? feet abve tbe Paethe Lut Tuesday a horse kicked Sam Smead a one of hie arena at Marshall's livery stable, fraetoriug bis wrist. Preeideat 1 leveland baa sot Thatsdy( Nov 34th for a day of Toaaksgi viog. Proc lamstioonest week. Subscriptions for the loading periodicals room ted by F L Kenton. At orders for wr I- il without delay. We take theooia, th caUomirs take tbe bsrtf-sin. snd th bargsioi take ta sake, ltodtield A Browsttll. A ym going to got your fall aa I winter bat or boouet at Shsu k Lmsway's. Thir new milliner is aa expert Fahro's Celebrated Blood Cleaoser tor sale at Ihtyne At Robsoo'e and Head k Rrewa ell's, P J Baltimore, agent Every customer wilt be a walking adver tiaemeutfor oar bargains when they see ear prices. lied field it Browne!!. On of N II Allen A CVs prise tickets goad for 60 on a dollars worth of goads purchased at the new Second Hnd store. Mr J W Kubanks has sold his interest in tbe Opera Hon saloon to bis partner, M r Noel aad retired from the business. Last Tuesday Dr Foley, of Lebanon, pur chased Block 129 liackleman's addition to this eity . Consideration, $1, 100. Dan Casey was convicted of vagrancy be fore J ustic Dorris last Monday, ami sen tenced to nineteen days ia the county jail . Thee Roberts who has bn in the county jail several months, bound over to keep th peace, was discharged last Wednesday. A tins line ef gout's underwear aad lam iahinsf goofs just received at Mellwatn will be sold at prices that defy ootnpettton D.T. Wynan, soliciting agent for th8tate Insurance Co., for Lion Co.. residence Second between Lyon and Baker Streets, Albany, Or. Work on the 0 P at tbe summit was discos tiaeed Isst week, over one hundred men nuitting work, many of them comiee to this eity, While coming to Albany Friday tbe team of Mr nailer, ef Scio prsetnet ran away, tipping the wsgon over, bat doing no great damage. Another shipment of ladies ans shoes in all widths snd sizis just in this week. Custom ers remark what perfect beauties. Redfleld k Brownell. If yon want a stylish winter garment g to Mouteitb k Seitenlmcb, agents for Springer Bros, tailor made garments for ladies, misse and children. Tbe elephant at Carter's attracts attention. 80 also does his spiendi 1 line of watches, clocks and jewelry, of which he bow has a large and select stoek . Mrs Wren, who recently arrived in AL bauy ftom Kastern Oregon, hss been lying dangerously ill at the residence of Air Ja Nanny, near tbis city. Should you desire to sell your property call on Burkhart k Keeney as they advtrtie property placed ia then bands, aud charge nothing unless they effect a sale. Maddox and Bowerlin, the two Corvallis man who recently shot at each other were last week esoh held to await the action of the grand jnry under $200 bouds. Rev Trumbull preached bis first sermon at the Baptist Church last Sabbath, leaving good impression on his hearers, Socially and ministerially he is highly thought of. The Grand Jnry this week in the Circuit Court consists of J H Peery, foreman, David Simmon, D P Porter, Jos Bilyeu, B. Cum- mings, G W Bland and Ab Humphrey a late seems to oe tne prevailing color in painting houses, green having been almost exhausted. Whito is hardly seen in Albany oa anything painted within five years. Rev S 1 Lee will lecture at the Oak Creek t-auroti on saturuay eyenlag, xsov. otb, on th pending prohibitory amendment. A gen eral invitation is extended to the public. Albany may have two railroads within the town limits bat Salem can just everlastingly lay oyer her in the matter of town jails. YideUt. Albany acknowledges the "core," . Moaday Mr Marshal! sold to Mr Mor ns of onr neighboring county. Benton, his sssiiwB "Kwieve, the large Psroheron so familiar to oar oit ,en, receiving $I(XM) for the animal. frf writing school closed last Friday. Miss Annie Fliaa, of the College, was awarded th prase for the beet penman hip. aad Clyde Bryaat for the&grestesl tea. proyement. At F M French's yen will Had a complete Una of new snd attfaotiv jewelry, go'd and !".T!f wfa knives, fcrks, spoons, sleo a fall ttoe of gtnaine Rrasiltan pebble teta 0 1 at living prices. BBJ, dk ih Usmuurats oor respondent ere in itd to send weekly letters so that they will Wuob th office 00 Wednesday. Would like to have eyery place ia the county reorient ed in oar columns A 00m mere is! tourist nsmsd Thornton, of 0snej purehaeed a half block ia Hackle mai 2nd .dditioa to Albany last Monday, paying mo for the ssme. lie believes in Albany t ohaucei far gtowth. Mr J W Brasgeld. th well-known real estate mas of Newport, expressed bis oootl. di:nce in Albany Tuesday by buying two lots in ifsoklemsn's second addition to this city. paying WW for th same. A B. Miliwaia has the ier4t and floewt stock of carpets in Albany, new goo Is of th isiest aesign, a epiendt.t stock to t v pot from, S ld st remarkably low pines coosidiMiug quality of good. The President aud party on their let west ern and touthein trio traveled 4300 mi la.. psesed through seventeen State, crossed them twice, saw and was sewn by several million of American citizens. About twea'.y Albany neole attended a prohiniii.iu .,,4.. mtiuj At H no o;i Tmira day ol last week . It was Meld to the church. which waa poKd full. Several short. athu- eiaetto speeches were mad. Csodidates for aiy otBeee are oout,iur By the way, the growing-, eataroriaino oitv of Albany should at th next elect io elect some growing, enterprising man for tbe riens positions to be filled. ve A prisoner wbo wee ooaf aed ia th os Sunday climbed out of the mar en l mi tbe building durinc the aieht and Oead riddance. Let some mor follow. A P lioulicg k Co . ef Portland so been b. ed $1500 to th hotel fond, "providing pro hibitory amendment does net carry If I imbibition does not prohibit why is this iquor arm solicitous oe that paint Kb I ,Hers Foshay If Maeoe, druggist, ere selling Wiadom s Robertiae whole ele sad retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with vry bottle. Positively th meat perfect and harmless article of the kind in th mutti New no tafnc bare been established at the fat lowing places 1 Briedweil. Yamhill county, Or., with John W Briedweil, as Postmaster ; Hayeesvtlt, Klamath ooaaty, Or., with Joseph K Hay nee as Postmaster. The ease of Mrs Sarins against Lion ooaa ty we brought ap Monday in tt Circuit Court, whsa th complaint was demurred to and the demurrer sustsincJ, It is expected an ippeel will betaken to tbe Supreme Court The experience of years furnishes tbe most convincing evidence that thousands of lives are annually saved by th a of Ayet 's Cherry Pectoral, it speedily ears all efl ttons of the throat, brooch t I tab, and longs. A splendid tin of groceries aad eraehery ware at Ceao Brothers, also everything freeb ia farm prodaoa. Tne host brands of cigars and tsbssoos. Good goods at bottom prism That is their rule. Call on ttaat for your gfoenrten. The Albany gentleman who lost his horse ana aaverueea is in tne a 1 met week got it by means of th ad. th first of the week, it being read ia the foothills beyond Scio, whore the animal had strayed. The moral is plain. Th increasingly cod weather, the frosty morning, tbe slanting an n, all remind as that winter is about beta, aad that an must be parehssed for the occasion L R Blaia has a splendid that will all kinds of demands. Fifteen or twenty citiaoa of Albany went to l.eneaen Saturday avemag to a mas pro hibition meeting st that oity, which n aaa a a. M largely ettandett Mbort ad Aretes were mad bv Revs Webb and Rocsiager, Editor suae, rrof La aad ethers, In a foot roe at Seattle last Sanday be tween Frank Uwts, of Corvallis and J C Ryan, proft ssionala, 100 yards, th former won. I lie time given was IO second, buy ers! t bo a Kan d dollars is said to have ebajged hand. Ryan was Lewis' trainer at on time It is assises to attempt th cure of aoy disorder, if the blaM is snowed to remain im pure. Nearalgia and ro nstism or trace able t dienvdksred edttion of the nlnsd. s snd ia numberless ease have been eared by ' taking a few bottle O' Ayer'e Sareaparilla. Moore's wood tawing outfit ie doing some good work for Albany people. It ie a rushing eonoero, setting, going to work and finishing a job before a Celestial would have a saw w xreaaad, and a en t reasonable nrioo is charg ed. Aboat t nty euros a day is sawed by tM company Forty two habiae contested for pris at e Mechanic's fair last week. Thirty nine failed to get first prise. Th judge at last accounts had ascsHed death, aad it is thought . aar n . . win ae ante so nta long enoagn co survive the indignation that followed their unjust decisions The banker, broker, merchant aad specu lator, after th stupid dullness of a "Bias Monday, or the intense excitement ot a ''Black Friday." need soothing quieting po tion to calm their nervous system, and bring rest and refreshment to their exhausted en ergies. aaoa a boon u rrese s nam org ie. An old subscriber en reosiviag statement of account which we send out annually, in- stand of growling, says "you have earned your money and shall have it" That is busi ness and it make the newspaper men feat goad to meet with a man who understands toe situation and appreciates the vsiue ot a newspaper. Douglas county commissioners have let a contrast for aa iron aad steel CaattleVer bridge to span the North Umpooa a'- Win chester. It is to te 800 feet long and will 0t 145,000 1 to be osmpletod by September, 1S88. Two otaer bridges are being built over th Rest and Sooth Umpoua at a cost of 117,000. A Y equina Bay paper thinks it will bo Suandering money t build a $43,000 Court oase at CorvaUia. The T. B. p. is mis taken. It will prove a goed investment, and the Dauo Kat congratulates th people there ever the fact In the meau tun Una county Decide should improve their Court Hones yard. Fied Mueller is buildiaa a store building oa Mr Wm Vance's property corner ef Sec ond and Ellsworth street, the Houston blacksmith shop having been moved far enough east to give room for it, and when eomnleted. will onen a reoerv store. Mr T 1:: . W . w . , Mueller is an old hand at the buuuess, ana no doubt will command mot of his former trade as well s new business. A warrant waaisaed nut of Justice Dor . . . . . . . . , , 1 . ns Uouri .MOiKisy ior mn ai ren ii a air v,e charged with stealing a ptoh from Peter Speed ie of this city, tbe latter liavieg iuaneu his watch to the former, ho sola it tor pi and hied away to foreign pirt. I'hi i a case deserving speedy pauiahtutut. VVednes- Case came to Albany, was arreste.1 ana was being tried before Justice Dorris y.torday afternoon aa we went to press. The assessment of Grant county ia an in teresting one : Number acres of land. 145. 410; value, 1303,938. Noof town lots, 144J; value, $10,889. Value of improvement, $376,790 ; money, notea and accounts, $420, 1G5 ; merchandise and implements. -,-128 ; household furniture, watches, tc, 15,365. No of horses, 20,893 ; value, $839,. 744; cattle, 67.063; value. $1,007,538; sheep, 22U.698 ; value, $339,931 ; hog. -288; value, $4,021. Gross yalue, $3,381,587; indebteiusas, $559,269. Total value of tax -able property, $2,844,120. No of polls, 640. Tbero are 9 men who pay taxes oa over $50, 000 ; 31 on oyer $10,006 ; 52 on over $5,000. Mr Jos Krusn, the young man killed by an exnloaiou on the Willamette above Cory His, last week, is highly spoken of by all who knew him. Be had been n th river for sev eral years, having been mate on several of the river steamers. The circumstances of his killins were oartioularly u fortunate. He w4tb two comnanious were in a small boat blasting a stump, when 'he powder went off premature ly, throwing mm men in tne air, and breaking the boat in two, so that hie two companions had to swim to shore. His body was fear f nil v inanaled. It was tektoa to I Kraee Landing in Clackaieat county for in torment, STEWART - DEALERS IN- HARDWARE, Iron. Steel, Coal and Chain. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND.BUCGIES, WAGON MATERIAL, MECHANICS 103LS, BUILDERS HAROWAtE, ROPE ANI CORDAGE, SILVER STEEL STEWART & SOX. PlRXOAL AND SOCIAL, Mm Lark Bdyeu, of Kugene ia ia th city. Dr. I re ln, of Salem, Was ia, th eity Wsdassdsy. Kx-Sbenff Charlton was in the eity tbe first of th week. 3 A Ores returned the first of the week frem a trip to Seuthern Oregon. Oeo Alford, of Moddy, has ben doing jnry service this week . 9 M K'xer, of Harriebora was a tbe eity Wednesday. Alee Or Oavia. Mm Or Hill returned th first nf the week from visit of several week at I'd Dalles. John P Davie, of Sweet Horn-, was in Albany Wedueeday 00 his way to Los Ange -lee Co., Col. Dr AUxaoder, of Co-burg, wa in Albany Friday, having about recovered fr am bis re- usiit ill ansa Ex Aaneesor H M Williams, of M shame, waa in th oity last week, and a nile here called at our hamble asnotem. Mis Lime Weatlake, of San Jo, Cel., wbo has bee v bating friends in tins city for some time will return borne in a few days. Mm Levi Wast left the first of tbe weak fee a visit of several month to her former bom at (ion rock, Wellington county, On Kx County Commissioner A. Cndra ex penes to get the first prise from Ked field k atrownellfor tbe Urgent pumpkin raised from pris seed eent out by that firm Last spring. Mr A Coenptoa. ef Woods, Tillamook ooaaty, wa in this eeeaty lost week, visit ing relative aad friend. He is to happy pjsssssor of fifty stands of bee thst produc ed 1900 psnaas ef honey last year. riaethi About tbe Sao. -T When the sun goes down at night it sets on no grocery firm with a more complete line of goods than Wallace k Thompson, They keep a splendid stock of groceries hold at prices that make people cali a second time. Just received, the finest coffee mill in Al ban v, Coffee ground free. Also a fine dried beef chipper. Try their dried beef, ready to cat. Chipped free. It i estimated that the discoverhrs, inven tions and compound patented each vcar in the I nited State and never amounting to anything cot $5,000,000. Much the laargeot and Beat. Win. Fortmiller k Co' furniture tore has been nearly doubled in tdxc, and filled with a splendid stock of furniture, "chuck" full. Twenty-fire varies ie of chain, and seventeen styles of bed-room set, .is an ex ample. Besides a fine line of upholstered good. Largest and beat stock. In Albanv.. No doubt of it. 6 or 7 men are constantly employed In manufacturing it, and shipments are made to all pait of the N. W. from Tacoina to Grant's Pass. This beside a big retail trade. The buyer is bound to get satisfaction. isTA new feature Is a machine for trim- mine: wall paper of which they have a large and splendidly selected stock of the latest varieties, sold cheap and trimmed free. Also nice line of window shade. The average man throughout the civilized world annually consumes 445 lbs. ef grain, 70 lbs. of meat, 7 lb, of butter nnd 2O lbs. of sugar. 1 f Immense Bargain. Standard white shirts, 65 cent ; Buss of the Road overalls. 50 eeats : 4 pair of less souks, 25 eeats ; regular nrtee 4 for 50 oeota, and ether bargains to match, at A. Mollwaina, ' ' ' His Dry Uods. Tbe fall aod winter stock of dry goods received at Mollwain's, is a large on, well aeleeted, embracing all th latest novelties, and in quantity and of a quality not surpass- a, . v . . 1 a -. a nere. 10 not ouy wisanas examining. "If two gills meet three irlrls, and all ex change kisses, how many exchanged ?" kisses are there Mellwaia's nothing Mcilwain s fall and winter stock of cloth ing is arriving. It includes the latent styles and is commanding attention, oesbis Chin chilla coats. Fine stock to select from. All good warranted as represented and perfect fits guaranteed. Manila Underwear. I have received my new stock ol muslin underwear. These goods are made on a lock stioh machine, and warranted to be full siae and length aod price reasonable. SAJI17KI. ft 1 lm'NU. For lama back, aid or cheat, use Shi lob's Porous Plaster, Price 25 eenta. StfiLOH'S COUGH and Const uo pi inn Cur Is sold bv us on suarantee. It cures consumption, SHILOH'8 VITA Ha ER U you need for Conatl nation, lnss of Appetite IHsaineaa, aod a'l symptomsof Dynpepsla, Price 10 aad 75 cent per bott'e, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Sbl lob's Cure. :iaae MARRIED. STUBBLEFIELD -MARKS. On Wed nestlay, Oct 26th, 1887, at the residence of Mr James Marks, in Lebanon precinct, bv Rev Gibney, of Lebanon, Mr J F Stcbbi-kpield, of Walla Walla and Miss Etta Marks, of the above irecinct. Several from Albany attended th; wed ding, a nicely managed affair. Thr Demo crat wishes this popular young couple much joy, nnd extends them its congrat ulatiens. BORN. MERRIL in Alban -On Tuesday, Oct. 35 ;h, ii7 i t Mi mil- a & SOX, BARBED 'WIRE,! !2 BLACKSMITH S SUPPLIES, POWDER AND 8H0T. BLASTINS AND CiANT P3W0ER, PAINTS AND OILS, CROHN AND CRASS SEEDS.' X Cut Saws, The People's Cash Store. SOBER THOUGHTS FOR REA80NIHC MEN ARB THINKING LADIES. stl aeatlea. Where in Al bany te the beat plane to buy goods for cash ? Echo baa long answered "Where." But SHANE& LONSWAY Have at las'. anwswered with a certain sound, They hare removed their basins the store formerly occupied by Fox, A Co., whore they carry a mammoth stock of Dry aad Fancy Goods, FaraisMiig Binds, Milliner, Bents and Shoes, Cloaks, Etc. a don't propose to write aa log CCA aaavsaruam nt qu tm of to mislead tbe public We will glen yaam prions at oar counters that will he, to any the least, startling. W don't inti mi fee ell you Cabot A below coat aa a bait, anal cheat on xmn ?ihinz not o f miliar. Hf H t all alike and nisak all gooda tm Pi.iM rii.i hk. W bav lint own nnsnL d that tbe lowest. Most merchant have "Bed Rook" prices, but w have lA our in "under the bod ruck," and sow o'ir customer want to know what w ax resting on, That question la n niooun too 1 one. It la t ie drat dUvsoeary of that region. We may not sue seed on oar SHADE OF PROFIT plan, but wa swing out on Faith aad Hop, taking for motto Remember we mike a apaetalty of flat imported Velvets, Plushes, Silks, Etc. Our great stock of Domestic Gooda will save many dollars to sensible housekeep ers who will trade eielusive'.y with oa, fable Lin8asNapkin8,Tow3ls,Sh63t ings, Muslins, Binghams, Away Down. Flannels and Blanfcets at Mill Prices. Eo . sisry for the Million. Ribbon and Lace Departments Overstocked, Oar Millinery' Department embraeea every novelty invented by Dame Fashion, who miss fountain, at its nee 1 aaaa Fraaoieoo artist, it yon need millinery go to the "Fountain Head" for It. Wa have been driven into the Boot and Shoe business by the importunities of ear eustomers and again bring our long naa parieuce in that branch of bueinee into activity again. We are agents for ths Wan a maker Clothing House of Phlladlephta. Wa eel 1 all goods for cash or produce. Don't Go in Ml ! We will pay yon 70 centa a bushel far your wheat on trade, SHANE & LUSfflT, 0raoT0i Albany, I EXGE 1H