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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1887)
She gcmonat. The tax lew in Grant county i twenty snd one-tenth mill. Compare with Linn's twelve mill lev and be glad. There are now 458 inmates confined in the insane asylum at Salem and j66 prit oner In thea The Wasco Sum will hereafter he run as m democratic paper. The democrats have long nee J il n paper at The Dalles. Sue cess. Dr. Lvman Abbott, editor of the Cris (iit Uniot , K en engaged as pulpit sup ply for Iliooklyn, Plymouth Church.pend in, th- selection of a permanent pastor. H.- wilt 'gin his duties in November. Mr. A. Nultner has aold the. Portland World to J, W. Young, who will run it stilt as a democratic paper. We have no ac qualntancc with Mr. Ymm.hut wish him financial and political success, in his un dertaking. The glimmer of intelligence that ex panda out and over the country from the political contest now going un In Virginia Indicates tat the sturdy, honest yeomanry of that state Intend to et down very hard on Mahone this time. A democratic leg Ulaturc enw reasonably certain. There is much feeling of insecurity in Chicago over the prospective hanging of the anarchists in that city on the nth of November. Fear of an outbreak among the anarchists of the city is wide-spread among the police of the city. Every pre caution, however, is being taken by the city authorities to prevent any trouble. Democratic bosaism and corrupt meth ods have beer, suddenly brought up stand ing in Baltimore by self-respecting dem ocrats who are openly making war upon the ticket nominated by such Influences. These unscrupulous bosses will learn after a while that they have no mortgage upon the decent democratic vote of the country, and that to secure this vote for the demo cratic candidates they must be decent. hon est men, nominated decently and honestly. Excavations in Jerusalem on ground be longing to the Russian government have resulted in the diacovcry of the remains of an ancient town wall, and the position of the gates of the town during the life time of the Savior. These are the gates through which the Savior paed to Gol gotha. Tne Grand Duke Seregius, presi dent of the Palestine Society, invites sub scriptions to a fund for the purpose of preserving the relics- The purses of newspaper men are never plethoric, nor are their financial standing as a rule to be envied, but we are ready to enter into bonds with any farmer in Linn or Lane counties binding ourselves to sell five thousand bushels of wheat for him next fail at $15 per bushel on commission 33 j per cent, provided said farmer will buy of ua now ten thousand bushels at $15 per bushel. If this proposition is accept ed by any farmer the whole transaction is to be regarded as a speculative one and not based on the actual value of the wheat. The Statesman tells of a married lady and single aaan, stranger. who met for the first time In the insane asvlum. Here, love in the heart of each, asserted its unyield ing dominion over inanity,and these un fortunate people wooed and won each other's hearts and plighted their troth. The woman wa discharged from the aar lum, cured, and at once made application in the courts and obtained a divorce from her husband, and shortly after the man was also discharged from the asylum, cur ed, whereupon these people were duly united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Verily, Cupid moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform. The republican press of the East with great unanimity joined in excoriating the Minneapolis Tribune for its brutal assault upo.i Mrs. Cleveland. The city council of Minneapolis, which ia largely republican, passed a resolution by a large majority calling upon the Tribune o make amends for its unprovoked assault upon a pure woman. The people of that city and, in fact, the whole country, denounce In un measured terms the disreputable conduct of the Tribune. It was left to a big organ in Oregon to stand alone in the endorse ment of the Tribune. But it is no surprise that it does so And now then our worthy State Super int:ndent of Public Instruction has been in erviewed by a Pituburg (Pa.) newspa per and the interview has been telegraph ed to all parts of the country to edify re publicans. Mr. McElroy says that the people of the Pacific states are dissatisfied with Cleveland's administration and that it is in bad odor. Well, o far as republi cans are concerned, this may be true, but so far as democrat , are concerned we can only say that Mr. McElroy is evidently not conversant with democratic sentiment on the coast. We .feel safe in saying a very large majority of the democrats of the coast would name him for his own successor if the matter was left with them to decide. In the State Supreme Court at Salem Monday in the case of the Oregon & Washington Savings Bank vs. John Catlin, County Judge of Multnomah county, the judgment of the lower court was confirm ed. Chief Justice Lord delivered the opin ion. This action is a writ of review brought by the appellant to review the action ot the Board of Equalization of Multnomah refusing to allow certain claims for a reduction of assessment on account of indebtedness. The appeal i from the judgment of the Circuit Court affirming the decision of the Board. The judgment is affirmed (t) because the claim of the plaintiff for reduction of assessment was not sworn or especially detailed in accord ance wkh the statute. (2) The county ,and not the Board, should be the defendant In the course of the opinion Judge Lord' says : 'The original list shows that the plain tiff had a fraction over $140,000 taxable property according to its own sworn state ment, and th it it had only been assessed for about half that amount $70,000, or fifty per cent, on the amount admitted to be subject to taxation. On what principle or by authority of what law this mode of taxation is authorized or permitted we are unable to discoMir or to understand. In this respect the assessment certainly af fords the plaintiff Uttle reason for complaint." DIE COMPENSATION. An important case, growing out of the prohibitory liquor law of Kansas, was argued before the Supreme Court of the United States a few days ago. There is much confusion in the nubile mind about the ca.e.hence we deem it proper to make a. . Jk a. a- a a . a I Oriel statement 01 it it invoivee me const ituUonalitv of Section t J of the pro- mm. u... 1 af en., -fclrh """"-' " " . Clares that "all places where Intoxicating liauors are manufactured, sold, bartered or given away In violation of any of the pro- visions 01 tnis act, ... are nereoy uecisr- a . . a I 1 S I ed to be common nuisances. it will bo . - iki. ik.i ik .In i.r.t f. ! . . ., .1 .1 u. m. I WV II II Will llll. lll.l in, . v w . w . - 1 ma H" - proaiDu me m.nm.un.c, " " I away spirituous liquors.but raise the ques- tion whether a state can deatrov the value 1 . . 01 property 01 orewrraanu min..rcr. or liquora by the paeaagc ot a promoitory law as quoted above without making due compensation for the property destroyed. It tne Miprcme court anouiu connrm tne decision ot the lower court, (wnu n we I think it will nrobablv do.1! that a stnte is ... p,-.. v ...v.. .v..- a .a -.a" .. r . II less, men tne mui 01 wc matter wouiu be that a atale would have the power to law, the manufacture and ot ardent spirits, out sucn taw to u 1 . , jSh - - 1 stitutlonal must have provlaions whereby the state shall pay a reaaonablc sum for the property rendered valueless by the F"lwj 1 I naaaasre anu entorcamanv 01 mm i m m - M . . . 1.1 will thus be seen that while prohibition ists would not lose their case If the Su preme Court should affirm the decision of the lower court,yet such affirmance would very materially weaken their cause, as it would carry with It the necessity of tax tngtnopcopiciwvwmpc.v, .w. F.wrB.v , rendered valueless by the enforcement of such a law. BANKING LEGISLATION. A movement will be made at the next session of Congress to secure an amend ment to the National Banking Laws.whlch will provide for the issue of a bank circu- . . 1 v- sm. a r vwu ..v - . " .w . m .a a . a a a - S . t at I mmm . A mmmm kn A m Tka -A rniifHnn I 01 tne intereat bearing oeot ana tne ntgn premium which three and four per cents command la constantly reducing the bank I circulation. There is talk of issuing two .r 1 .1. M. fr aa. ftt .Mr. V ". 1 '7- L? ,'' tnat Danes can use aa aecunty sor urvu..- . a am a . a a t - t tton. rnenos 01 tne conttnuea coinage 01 standard sliver dollars will oppose this . - ... . . acheme with one thev resrard as elvlne ,, 1 i, .I, t, .... . ... J - - r'r " . joys ana mat is not an opeu oojecwon perpetuating the national debt. This plan la to make silver dollars the basis of bank Circulation. eny national uana niaj 1 A .1 1 1 Y. . I wnua nww nciu aa .ui.i; .w. and buy silver dollars,iseuiog notes there for up to ninety per cent, of sum of silver dollars held. The effect of such leglsla- .1 it 1. un i w...m w. i .Mr-i.t the price of silver, and the plan will un- doubtedly meet with the opposition of the friends of the single gold standard. It is a matter of regret that there is no law to punish the swindling scoundrels who travrad the count v last weak. and. through a cunningly devised cheating ' acneme, man7 u-.u.wn tar m era out 01 nunareos 01 uouars. nui farmers are very much to blame for list- m. . I ening to smooth tongued strangers and allowing themselves to be gulled by such shrewdlv-concocted scheme, a these swindlers used to bit them with. If our best and most favorably known business men should go out among far.aers with the kind of a proposition used by these swindlers, the matter would be fully in vestigated, and properlv our farm ers before thev would bite at such treach erous bait. Then why not be equally careful and truarded with strangers ? a sui jg m 1 READ IT. On the outside page of this is ue of the Dkmocxat will be found the law regulat - ing and defining the qualifications of voters. As the election Is coming on apace it would be well to "ead these extracts and thus become conversant with the requi sites necesaary to constitute a person a legal voter. A LtlTTLE "HTBA W. Last Wednesday evening while the jury in the Johns road case were considering of their verdict, it was decided to take a test vote on the prohibitory amendment, which resulted in 1 1 for and l against the amendment A vote of the grand jury re sulted in a unanimous vote tor the amend ment. "Every stale in the Union, in every In stance where its sovereignty has not been delegated to the United States, I consider to be as completely sovereign as the United States are in respect to the powers surren dered. The United States are sovereign as to all powers of government act ua fir surrendered ; each state in the Union fa sovereign as to all the powers reserved. It must necessarily be so,because the United States have no claim to an authority, but such as the States have surrendered to them ; of course the part not surrendered must remain as it did before." Thus wrote Judge Iredell,of North Car olina, one of the profoundest judicial thinkers our country has ever produced. That highly interesting article of fem inine attire, known as a bustle, got a lady, who landed a few days ago in New York, just from Paris, into a peck of trouble. The lady landed at the custom house and the immense size of the "interesting arti cle" aroused the suspicion of one of the customs inspectresses who officially invit ed the newly-arrived lady into the exam ination room, where she examined the"in teresting article" and found concealed therein 319 yards of ribbon, 37 8-ko metres of lace, 1 M yards of velvet lace, 5 yards of metal lace, 1 piece of cloth, a yards of bead trimmings and 1 piece of metal net ting. It is safe to say that the tariff duties on the above articles cost the lady $150, The Union and Central Pacific railroads have entered into aa agreement whereby the running time from the East to San Francisco has been shortened 16 hours. The time to Portland is relatively short ened. Albany Martlet. Wheat 63 c. Oais 39o Butter 30 its per lb. Eggs 30 cent p-r dor. Hay -14,00. Potato -01 ota per buahel. Beef on foot, 2'4'. Apples 50 anln per bu. Perk 60 per lb, dressed. Bacons - ham, 12o. shoulder, 7e. aides I0?. Lard loo per lb. Flour. 1.80 per bbl. Chicken 2.50 per doe. Mill Feed bran, 1400 per ton. aborts. 10. middlings, 30. Chops, 80. OORKHSPONDa 2TO PROM A PSOH I-DEMOCRAT AriAXY, Got. 26th, 1 887, B4it$ Dim, tat rooranoniaw are receiving, miemgeae n.-t.'Ltu. i.t t wuumi to th- oro,. of the campaign. intinnaltv rrnrn all nit nil! nf Sltta nsit, nktr antes u ta too foott to be Kspt, I ask tnac a m F .15 . a low as a little apace In. which to tail WM " "PPacf, rartiou.ariy n. w. iei ttag food i.ews from the M forks of the Uan tia.' This locality is ths stronuhold of the democracy of t.tnu county, and thetspuhli - 1:1 ""JXjl - n-WF "J wmwmm we but nav.rt balsas it is absolutely certain that "The Forks will give a rouaing Majority for arohihitioa on tha 8th of next month. Nina , . mm A , . - tenths et the eld democratic leaden ara out for is, and are working shoulder to shoulder for tho noma against the saloon. Any one wall aequninted In that locality will know hu P' the rasult whan ho sues u the autu ol prohibition Qh WmCvrna.Uwy 8helton.Tbes Munkere, The I tJiXMtman.Uroaa MuDoaalC, Jam Comptott, A 1' Beard, Prank and Phil . 'fTTlZ Montgomery. Fraoa Darin. U.ry and Thoa Foil la, Heory Cyru.aivaral ot the t rabireea, and hoa'a of othare N. man in thia oountv . , huMi wi(h t, (wu - after aruiua- kha . . . ,.Va Uat Aal rri.ublieaiia aro not on wh' behind th duinoorata, eithtr, eop in 1 anew ai v J" smii t"wi see siw s , w,ltmt roitsrd to Party. are u thai tic.tlly at work ovor tbarnd wdPe proud f th racord thay will make on tha 8th 0 " . , tm. . . w ma. r pracinota of tbo county Hav b . - (io'og iuat sa ff etive wor- tho of "T- e Porks and 1 armly txdieva the tanorr deii oeratio oojaty of Oregon will ait the niiaa in ber majority for proa.muoi.. A PaoH 1- Damocaat HHEDD. The cider mill is in full blast. OT R UMvht Itaa munrhaaa! all l th Lj - in the clt( whlch he wjj Veep for sale at the PostofBce The public school is advancing slowly, but will likely make a boom about the nrst of November. Hon V A Watts and Dr J V ttafl went to Albany on business last week We are informed that Prof. Campbell, of Monmouth, entertained a large crowd at Halsey last Sundav evening. The Pro- for , mmm,. PmhlkllUlt Ik ..r I., win k VMM ' majority ' n, shaver starts to Southern Ore- on in a few days to be gone some three weeks or more. Geo Widen who has been lingering with a eeverc cold tor some time past, ha finally concluded to go to t aliforrda for his health, we rr , h ,h.t ,he cha ,n cltmil,e I .... . 1 help htm I uhll Blaker has started back to Indiana I with a nice lot of hotae. Mr Btaker haa I ahipssed horses there before and finds It profiuble. Mr Blaker la going to fetch an 0her finc lot Holeatein and Short Horn cattle to this country in the spring. I,' . Jr W H M r land. Of VOr Ctty. Wa I bera witn bit. 1 on 'aat Sunday. He has been eomit g up hare every Saoday far some U"' - ' Soda villa a boot ta nrnereasiiiir raotdlv an- der the abta suius,n0t of Prof Milchall aa teacher. The school haa snadegeed headway. Mr naipu r oar nas a una grry store bera. wniea ta a ereoti 10 the pi sea. Thara was a orohibittm nisatina a.M at the school boose last Monday nicks. Good I apaakars and a large crowd were present. We were informs.! that Mr R C Miller, of near Koek tttll baa become a reeidaat of l., M.l. . ...u.7to Mhfv, winter to order to send Farmers are all vary busy aeediag areoad 1 baft Mr Charles Csastdy baa returned to Had a ville after a long trip t Hoetbern Oregon We have teamed Mrs K Mills, of Water U i0,tT . hf. .bo io 9 Her many frieoda wish her a spoady recov ery Mr Sam W.i e la wnrkiug near Rocx Hill tots fall Pfaao aau Ursuw i.ivra Away. On Jan. tat, 1889. we will give away a 8700 piano and a $160 orgs. Hare ia the way to get one of then. For eyery dollars wrtk of gooda yos pnrebase yoa wj receive a ticket, when yon get five yea may make agaeaaef the somber of pieces of coin si bilated in a glass globe in oar front window. which, with year name will be ragia tared, op to th. drat of Jaaoary 1 nu one eeeaaioe I aoareet to the rifat eamber will receive the utauo. aaxt the organ. The piano, a Bradford upright, 7g ootavea, 1 ees wood eaa, etc.. and tbe organ made by Julius Baur, of Chicago, 0 octave. 12 atop, etc, may he sews at theatore of KW Inu doe, of wham they were purchased. Every one porehaeing goods of me will got them at as low a pries aa ia the Valley, with a splendid stock to select from. N. H. All & Co, Albany, Or. While looking after yoar applies in the above Hoe, don't you forget that N If Alien Jt Co. kssp groceries, and don't yea foryt that yoa can get joss ss much soger, tea, oof fee. rice or anything elae for a dollar aa yoa can get ia any sWns to the city,and all of the best quality. Call on Allen k Co., when yoa want groceries and rsmembrr thsy never si ow themselves t be smdj iasld. Syrap of Pigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrap Co, Hen Francisco, Cat., Is Nature's Own True L&xativs. This pleas ant California liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foabay A Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. It is tbe most pleaeant, prompt, and effective remedy known to elemoan tbe ay stem ; to sot on the Liver, Kidney , sod Bowels gently yet ihor oughiy ; to dispel Headaehss, Colds, and Fsrera ; to enre Constipation and kindred ills. Thrifty people will appreciate our values and prices. KsnmtLO It Brows kli.. i 1. 1 1 ii... Where to Bay Carpets. Monteith & Set ten bach have the largest and prettiest stock of esrpets, oil Jo hs. window blinds a ad wail paper ever brought to tbe Valley, and are offering them st a birgio Persons desiring anything in this line should give them a call. When Ssby was sick, we gave has Wbsa aba wss a Child, sbs sated far CseSeria, When ahe became Miss, aha along to Caeterta, Vbeo siis had CIU14, ske ia-re them Ceatoria, Don't let that cold of yonrs ran on. Yoa think it ia a light thing. But it may run into Catarrh. Or ioto pneumonia. Or con sumption. Catarrh ia disgusting. Pneumonia fa dangerous. Connmption is death itself. Tbe breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. Ail tbe diseases of those parts, besd, nose, tbreu, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by tbe us of BoacbeVrt German Syrup. If you don't, kno vn thh already, thousands an J taoimna or people cau ten you Thev have boon cured bv t, and kno7 how it in, tbeuiKsl ves." Bottle only w cents Ank any druggist. THAI HACKING COUGH can bs ao quickly cored by Sbiloh's Cnre. We guarantee It. WILL YOU .SUFFER with disnsDsIa and livr eompUtnt ? Whlloh's Vitalizer is k ii trusteed to cure yoa. LKEPLKHS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrihl cough, Sbiloh's Cure Is tbe reraed y for y ou , is .. ; W-are agents for flfpRINGElt and children, and baft a fall lino SacQiies, Wraps, Newmarkets, ete. Our a tore ia crowded with NEW GOODS, snd w atsj !-' Uylng ettre'tv eel'. MY FALL Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Slues, Carpsts, Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper and Decorating Paper, Everything kept In a flrai-claaa Dry Oooaa and Boot and Shoo House, from tha cheapoat to aa good a quality as there la a demand for. I bought thee godi mostly In Now York and Obfcago aod AT BOTTOM CASH PRICES, and havo and ana receiving a Novelties of the Season In evory line ; am prepared to MEET ANY PRICES quoted In tha papers or circulars, aod wilt take Cash or Merchantable Produce and will not torn you off when you get out of money. Samuel E, Young. rewded, Tbe store of Monteith St eeiteobaeh is emwded with seasonable sad fashiooaLle sjaede. their Itos of dress soods, icy goods. id cloak ere iotoMnas sod if yea deeire to piesss youraelf giye tbatn a call. An Illinois farmer has iust made a cheese shaped like a man, If It were to come to Oregon the first saloon keeper who met it would have it intoxicated inside of an hour. Send Bark hart at Keeaey names and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore- SS aud thsy will aead them 00 plea of tbs teal (Jesesser wtotoit uoa tatas a eeea plate diaortptioo of one 00a sty ta each untie TSe Meet Agreeable aa well as ths most effective method of dispelling Hesdaohss, Colds aod Fevers, or cleansing ot eyste n. Is by takinf a few deees of Figs. 50o. and f I bo'.tles for sale ay Fosnay Mason. N H. Allen h. tVt . k&a in afcek a t n n dii line of corsets. Consisting of the justly celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Lee's g. K s, the Albany Standard, oar spinal brand, alto the Everlaating, Self Adjusting, Net'ie and many other makes. Ladies are esptoial ly invited to call and inspect then. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powoar aeser vsttss. A marvel ef parity, trenrth and wboiaaotaaness. Mora eeoooeitaBj awn tbe orennsry kiBda, aod aoanot be sokl In onv petition wbtb ths saultttsss of low Ut, abort waaJqporphoapbatopewdaia. aauBasbrni east. Bevu Fewsss Oe.. iMWaaek, P BROS tailor ml garments for adiea in all tbe new styles of lins in eenrt d i. m- Give in a Jill Monteith & Seitenbach. AND WINTER STOCK -Hs arrlvtU, liu-lullg. Do You Want bargains. THEN A. B. Mcllwain's, where yon can get the very beat in ptioea an I qualities. His stock ot Dr consisting of DRESS GOODS, LAWNS GINGHAMS, ETC., Is unsurpassed. BOOTS AND. SHOES, Clothing- and Furnishing Goods. Cash er produce taken, and prices given that defy, competition. Tbe Tery Best. I have added to my boot ami shoe stock a line of the celebrated Laird, Schober k Mitchell, Philadelphia Fin Shoes for ladies, misses and children. Aoknewledged by dealers generally to be the best value and best fitting fine shoe made. Widths C. D, R, and EE. A child can buy as cheap as a man. Samuel E. Yetmo, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. liOIID TO Till St K M OB Y OF TB LOST DOLLAR I I I I I I I I! I I I I I II I 1 I l I I I I I ' I I ( I 1 1 l I l nrrn TTTT rrm TTTT ERECTED IV WALLACE & THOMPSON there in remind yon of the dollars yoa might have saved by taking advantage of their close prioes. NOW FOR THE FUTURE 1 W. A T will sen yoa more groceries snd better quaUtltm t lower prices than any art bar live men. Reetlfv th errors of the past, and ave money In the future by P'tronlsln Wstlae A Thompson. Pint Htrset, Albany, r w. ... j 7 0ka eare rheumatism, neuralgia aod tthaeh Fhsy k Msao. Aum. Oil GO TO Call 00 him for your FOR SALE. 73 acres of good garden land, situated 3 miles northeestof Leng Station, Linn coun ty, Oregon. 25 acres under cultivation, t8 acres slashed and burnt, 45 acres under good fence, 30 acres in timber, most young fir, some alder and maple, comfortable dwelling house, 16x32 feet, story and half high, well with plenty of good water, shed barn, young orchard 01 250 choice fruit trees, an excel lent hop yard of 5 acres,good hop house and dryer 16x32 feet, I offer, for sale, the above property for $2000, cash. For further par ticulars address me at Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon.or see m In person, JOKt Skerfv, You are we A CRITICAL COMPARISON will only etrve to throw more Jjgfct npon our methods of doing business. We aak lor compatigoos. Wo like tliena. CvmpAJw our stock with soy other in tho Central Wiilametto Vol ley and you wJ flft(J WE LEAVfc THEM ALL BEHIND. we h ic a stock of Clothing, Gents and Boots t.lCU ft BEATS TaB WORLD 1 X.I 'V MP e tsf t(i ft 0 We have a Full House st.d have pUoed everything in ir at prioes which WILL SOON EMPTY IT L. asasaT aaaaw BTJY CM. HEN PERSON A COfe ti'W iiilMB E9s aaBTBaooTsa$Moo---i ; - - ,rf.- r" "W CM1CAC0 fiajLrl Q II M BBBgjHrgsSSaaaJL Wa wear tha Litti Md School Zreue Shoes, at d t aa a ctasina and our aunt, fond if yoa City Boot and Shoe Store where you wil find a large and compvip Mssorttneot f 'gooda In this lino, of nearly eeiry rt-de nid m ki, i.d at orifs which will open your ayes. A dollar saved Is dollar nriHdc. REDFIRLD APPLES Cash paid for all varieties of winter apples, de livered at your nearest railroad station, NO HAND PICKING. NOB Extension of Ninth Street, Notice is hereby given that bv an order of the Common Council of the City of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered on its minutes at the regular meet ing of said Council held on the 9th day of August, 1887. J, A. Warner was appoint ed as Surveyor to survey a proposed e ten sion of 9th Street from the eastern boundary line of Montgomery street in said city a ong the south line of blocks 7 and 18 in Hackle man's second addition to the city of Albany, to the eastern boundary line of said city, that said surveyor made said survey, and that his report thereof was -filed In the office of the City Recorder on the 12th day of August, 1887. Published by order of the Council n ade Oct. nth, 1887. Albany, Or., Oct. 12th, I887. N. J. Hknton, City Recorder. Wall Paper, Shades, Ete. N H Allen & Co. keep ia stock a full line of the shove goods, including a fine assrfc raent of decorations for sealings, which t isy will sell at the lowest possible prices. vV e have new in transit eae of the largest atedka of these goods ever in this market. the Man want to foe. Furnishing - Goods and Shoes, ricea E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. want them go to tne & BUflWNELL OXNG Inquire of GEO. E. PORTER, SCHMEER'S LIVERY STABLE, ALBANY. J, J. BEARD, TANGENT, GEO, E, PORTER, L, MCCALUTS STORE, LEBANON. In' succetifiil operation since 186S, paiississd ferae ail section of tha ft on h we. t, cadornd by business men &nir leading edttcatore. TBS MOST PERFECTLY EQIIPFHD SCHOOL of its elas on the Coast, it offers pttvats or class instruction, day and evening throughout tha year ta Arithmetic Writing, Correspondence, Beck-Veeena-Bankmg, Shorthand, Type-writing, trainees rna f sgaj Forms and ail Common School Era aches. Stadaasa of all ages and both sexes admitted at any ttsaa. Catalogue free. Armstrong and Weaco, Proprietor. The Pbotegraplier, atbaay Or. hsve all the negatives taken by A B. Paxton and any one can have dupli oates from their negatives by addressing us, at tLe following prioes : Card site, 2 per uozen, cabinet size, S3 per dozen, bou dours, 8 per doaen. I keep the finest Hue of Oregon views in tbe west, Cata- and enlargirg old pictures a specialty. J. S. Ckawpobb. CATARRH CTRtTD, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilebs Catarrh Rem edy, Price 60 cents. Nasal injector free. lltt PORTIA NO ?3$ffH