The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 21, 1887, Image 3

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    lite cm0ctat.
Kntoralat thi Pjst O dice at Albany, Or
u second-class mail matter.
ESltar. and
WMP. Nl rnU, Local Ktlllar.
Saturday the Man About Town made the
trip to Scio and return in a dog carl and
after a diminutive yellow cayuae. Time
3". jo each way. At one cross road the sign
read "7 mile to Scio," "St miles to Al
banv." Total, iK miles. At another, "i J
miles to Albany "6 miles to Scio." Total,
l8 mile, About four miles beyond the sign
reading '7 mile to Scio" is one readlng"6
miles to Scio. It took the st. A. T. just the
same time to travel the distance between the
7 and 6,4 mile signs as it did between the
14 and 7 mhc signs. These facts are refer
red to in order to call the attention of the
county authorities to the immense Inconsis
tencies of their sign boards. How russet
everything look. It is the brown and seer
time of the year. cio is one of the pretty
places of the county, beautifully located, it
rippling stream cutting it in the" center, and
it is a good business center. Johnson Si
Shelton.W. E. Price, J. E. Bridgeford doing
good trades in the general merchandise line,
while J. S. Morris at the Post Office drug
store has a nice business and deserves the
best patronage of the people. Geo. L.
Sutherland, the ex-cd.gogue,is making the
Scio Hotel a success,and successfully reliev
ed our inner man of its terrihle longings.
Mr. Ed. Pentland is entirely renovating the
flouring mills and Mrs. Pen'tland.his mother,
is one of the leading workers In the prohibi
tion cause. Meyers & Sons have had their
hands full filling orders at their saw and
planing mill. The business men of the city
do thefr advertising in a Marion county pa
per, which distributes gratuitously a large
number of copies in order to obtain it. Four
or fire columns have thus been secured.
Should Albany papers be jealous. Railroad
work has now gone far beyond Scio ; but
its influence is felt yet. Many of the people
of the city are worked upon the prohibition
question and it will probably give a good
vote for It.
Omc of the "Tramp ."
Mary T. Lathrop, President of the Mich
igan State W. C.T.U. lectured in the Opera
House, in this citv, Wednesday evening, to
a packed house. The Democrat does not
have space to give even a synopsis of the
splendid effort. It went to the root of the
business and could not be answered except
by arguments like those of some of the
Portland papers mud. Prohibition Is riht
the saloon is wrong. It to the home against
a licensed wrong, lhc wrong should be
outuweu oecause 11 is more 01 a public en
emy than most other prohibited wrongs It
should not be legalized whatever the extent
of its prohibition ; but it does prohibit to a
great extent. Why I it fought so fiercely
if it doesn't Mrs 'Lathrop's lecture was re
plete with facts and logical arguments.
()utrou Conduit.
On Thursday evening of last week scv
era! totally depraved hoodlum, hose name
are unknown to the public, entered the Sal
vation Army barracks by breaking in the
front door, and then began a work of van
dalism. They stole six new lamps that cost
about $18, a tambourine, emptied a can of
coal oil on the floor.the same leaking through
into Stewart St Sox's, injuring considerable
seed wheat and other property, mixed things
up generally and spread a pack of cards
around the room. If caught the villains
should be strictly dealt with. Saturday the
lamp and tambourine were found in a sack
at one of the wharfs. Several hoodlums arc
suspect rd ; but there is no definite evidence
in the matter.
Two Dassage Suit.
Mrs. M. II. Surles, of Scio, has sued the
county of Linn for $5000, damages result
ing from the accident occasioned by her
team tumbling down the embankment be
yond the Calipooia bridge several months
ago. .
On Saturday Mr. John Rogers began suit
against John nchmeer.of this city, for $5000
damages occasioned by the death of Mrs
-Rogers by being run over by Mr Schtneer's
bus while being driven by yctmg Cunning
ham, several mouths ago, the particulars of
which are fresh in the minds of our readers.
Thaaka for Sweet Potatoes.
Good citizens constitute a good part of
life's comforts, especially in as grand a pro
ductive country as Oregon, Our friend,
Mr Ephraim Turner, gave us genuine sweet
potatoes in abundance, sufficient to make
our faces shine for the good things on the
table, ail raised in his garden without irri
gation, this season, which is acknowledged
to be unfavorable for gardens. Some of
them measured 12 inches in circumfer
ence. Thanks to our good friend Turner,
and anxiety for grander developments of
our soil and climate.
R, C. HttX,
Citified Airs.
Considerable improvement is going on at
the depot. The track is being raised three
inches on account of the S P cars being
lower than the O St C cars, the platform is
to be enlarged, and the sensational story is
started that there will be a railing around it
and that draymen and hotel men will be
kept at arm's distance. In a short time the
O. P. will land passengers on the O & C
platfo rm.
Mure Lumber Wanted.
The crying demand in Albany, the past
season has been for lumber. The inability
to get it on time has been a big draw back.
if there was lumber to be had fully a dozen
more houses would be built this season.
Arrangements should be made so that next
btmng the supply will equal the demand.
Another big lumber yard here would pay.
There will be a big demand next year for
anything that will build houses.
A Live Chimney Sweep.
A genuine chimney sweep, in a coat and
tights, was in Albany Tuesday, pushing his
business. I lis peculiar appearance attracted
attention, and several who are not used to
the ways of the world wondered what it was.
The Marshal saw the strange being and
taking it for a bear or Pete Olsen arrested it
on suspicion ; but let the fellow go on his
promise to put on his breeches.
Latt Sunday morning the body of James
Minot was found hanging to a tree on the
line of the Oregon Pacific above Mehanta.
When found his feet were dangling on the
J round showing that he had been obliged to
ift up his feet. Minot had been in Scio for
several days on a spree, and he probably
suicided to get rid of himself ; that is gener
ally the reason.
Hemphill and Vine Concert.
This musical company, were to give a free
concert at the Presbyterian Church last
(Thursday) evening, Oct 2o,at 7:30, for the
purpose of organizing a musical convention.
They are musicians of good repute, and the
public is Invited to attend.
Following were the recorded sales In
Linn county during the past week :
C 1 1 KalstontoJ t, Cowan, 71 acres
tp l J, 3 w, and a lots in ucuauon .y77
M:irv Heard U. S li Moses, i lot in
Ed Zevssto l.vdia Zcyss, undivided
half of lot 1 and 100x134 feet,
block 100 ; a piece of land ad
joining J li Comely ; also pieces
of land In block toi, Albany.
M Abrams to R 8 Strahan and others,
100 feet front, Brownsville
T J Richardson to Thos Allison, aaS
acres, tp io, t w
Jas A Rlchatdson to T J Richardson,
2 M acres, tp to, 1 w
R Thompson to S Hhupp, lot 5, block
100, -Albanv 7
Cvrtu Westlakc to Jas A Mcfrcron.a
lots, b'.ock 45, H's -Mid A., Albany 400
E Young to John Hood, 1134
acres tp ii, 3 w 33
11 1 1 O '
Most In; f ronjrjvKathmul Aswelatlua.
The Willamette Association of Congre
gational Churches convened at the Congre
gational Church in this city last Tuesday
afternoon. Rev T E Clapp, of Portland
.. elected Moderator and Rev C V Wood
of Forest Cirove, Clerk.
After some business matters Rev Wood
read a paper on church duties, lhc tem
perance question was discussed by Revs
Clapp, Fills, Atkinson and others, .uu! af
tcr tome church business the meeting ad
journed until evening, when Rev Clapp de
livered a sermon on a "A Working Church
and How to Secure It." Rev (eo 11 Fee,
of Corvallis, spoke on the subject of "Be
nevolent Societies.
Wednesday morning the Washington
Territory branch of the Association met
with Mrs Cook in the chair. After prayers
several letters were read from missionaries
who hac gone to the Pacific Coast. A pa
per on the African mission, by Mrs Hrush,
of this city. A collection was taken up for
the literary fund of the Women s Board.
Seveial temperance resolutions were passed,
and Mis Julia Adams of the Pacific I'nlver-
slty read a paper on the "Christian Educa
tion of Young Indies."
A rrrtrt
Yosterday inuruiug, on M. U 040, was ar
rested by Constable Burkhsrt ou a complaint
of cross fraud at common law, sworn out by
A. P. Maxwell, of llalsoy, before Sqirrrv
Humphrey of Ksat Albaay. roe matter
awaits trial as we go to press. The facta are
as follows : Hojsn entered into an stereo.
ment with Maxwell to sell him 40 bushels of
seed wheat at $ 15 per bushel, taking bis pay
in Maxwell's note payable in ono year, and at
the same time bo agreed to sell 80 bushels of
wheat that Maxwell should raise from this
seed at $15 per bushel. Maxwell agreeing to
pay Hogan 3:5 ', per cent commission sod tak
in his pay for wheat in rotes. Hogan was
trying to soil tho $600 not received from
Maxwell at the First National Haak of this
city when ho was arrested. Maxwell had
already notified the banks not to bay. The
whole matter looks like a swindle, bnt as ths
matter is pending ia the cocrt we defor
further comment.
WiitRRA, The last legislature of the
State of Oregon did pass a law known as
the Kail rood Commissioners Law, which
authorized the Governor of the State to ap
point two railroad commissioners ; and,
Whereas, Said Governor did appoint
James H Slater, of Union county, and Geo
A Waggoner, of Benton county ; therefore,
be it
Resolved, That the Linn County Business
Council, P. of H . do hereby endorse the
action of said commissioners in their efforts
to enforce the Hoult law, and to execute the
railroad law.
IteselveJ, That the commissioners have
the hearty sympathy and support in all
their efforts to execute said laws in behalf
of the people and to have freights reduced
to reasonable rates, and they can rely on
our continued support in all such efforts.
Given under the hand and seal of Linn
County Business Council, P. of II., ist day
of October, i5o7
Jas. G. Powell, Pre?
P. B, Marshall, Secretary.
Compliment. Albany.
On returning home Editor O'Meara, of
the Portland A'czvs, among other things, had
the following to say of Albany :
Ph. infant Alhaiiv nf llir tin.'liAr V:il.
ter and Thomas Monteith-the latter sur-
vives- of McConnell rnd the few other
pioneers, is grown to the dimensions of fair
interior rity. amply able to take care of her
self and battle her future way against all
rivals and competitors.
The railroad has mainly wrought the
stream which made and is making Albany
all the more and more the central trade
mart of the Willamette Valley. Elegant
residences adorn the city, comfortable
dwellings abound. And in the business
portion of the city, fine bricks are being ad
ded to by six or seven more, now in pro
cess of building, which are up to the order
of brick stores in Portland, with their iron
fronts and handsome styles. Within the
coming year the county will leap to better
prosperity, and her wealth will almost
double. Albany shows puxh, impulse in
trade. Her merchants are prospering, her
institutions are thrivingbher mechanics have
good employment. Out from the early
town along the river toward the railroad
depot the increase of building steadily goes
Yesterday forenoon while the Three Sis
ters was blasting and getting stumps oat of
the Willamette 2 miles beyond Corvallis
Jos. Krnse, the first mate, was killed by a
premature z plosion of giant powder.
That Health aod Home.
In August, 1884, the Democr at publish
ed an advertisement offering the Health and
Home to all new and paid up subscribers
Cnder this offer quite a number of copies of
that paper were sent out as premiums. In
April following all such advertisement
were withdrawn, and on May ist the follow
ing item appeared in our columns,"Thc offer
of the Democrat to send the. Health and
Home to paid up subscribers is discontinued."
The Democrat supposed, of course, that at
the end of the year the paper would be
stopped to our subscribers ; but it seems it
kept going until receny,when bills were re
ceived for the same. This was an imposi
tion and evidently intended to catch those
who would carelessly pay the same without
inquiring into the matter. Our subscribers
are advised to pay no attention to them.
Though the paper was 50 cents a year some
of the bills have been made out for $1, and
part of them even cover the first year when
they wfgit as a premium, a further evidence
of the imposition. As we gave due notice
of our discontinuance with the paper no
blame can attach to the Democrat for the
Something Abont the 81111.
When the sun goes down at night it sets
on no grocery firm with a more complete !
line of goods than Wallace & Thompson.
They keep a splendid stock of groceries,
sold at prices that make people cail a second
Just received, the finest coffee mill in Al
bany. Coffee ground free.
Also a fine dried beef chipper. Try their
dried beef, ready to eat. Chipped free.
Piano Tuning.
Mr. Van I lorn, the old trusty piano tuner
is In the city to remain about a week. Or
ders left at the Revere House will be at
tended to promptly.
Immense Bargains.
Standard white shirts, G5
tho Road overalls, 50 cents ;
cents ; Boss of
4 pair of seam-
less socks, 25 cents : regular pries 4 for
cents, and ether bargains to match, at A.
The called meeting of the State Press
Association was held In this city on last
Friday. In the afternoon a private session
was held at the Dkmoi h m office, when the
following answered to the roll cn'l :
Mr and Mrs Pipes, Benton Leader.
J B Flthlan, Portland World.
Jas O'Meaiu, Portland Vtf.
F C Baker, State Printer and Rural Spirit.
I B Piper, Salem Statesman.
J W Aldrich, Newport Xw.
Mr Doughty, Monmouth Herald.
J H Stlne, Lebanon Rxfrtss.
8S Train and J R Whitney, Albany
T J Stiles and F P Nutting, Albany
The meeting was called to order by the
President M L Pipes, and, in the absence of
Secretary Nickcll, F P Nutting was elected
Secretary pro tern.
The niinutes of the Yaquinn City meet
ing and the Constitution were rcud.
On motion A Bush, of Salem and Jas
O'Mcaru were made honorary mcmbets.
On motion the resident members of the
press of Salem were made a committee on
arrangements for the annual meeting to be
held on the second Friday in August, H8S,
In that citv, and a committee consisting of
8 8 Train! F C Baker, Thos A Sutherland
and F B Piper were appointed on program
for the same.
Letters were read from J W Redington,
of the Hepncr GftSotfr, J F llalloran, of the
Aitorian, H C Guild, of the Sllverton Ap
pe,d, B H Flagg, of the St. Helen s Mist,
I L Campbell, of the Funene I i Hard, F LI
White, of the Yamhill Reporter, ami Chas
Nickell, of the Jacksonville Tim U,
Several matters of interest to the frater
nity were discussed.
Several committees were appointed to
make the next annual meeting a success
and arrangements were made for the pub
lication of the constitution.
Though the attendance was not large the
feeling net ween the members was of a Ue
to insure the future success of the Associa
tion. In the evening, ut the Opera House a fair
audience greeted the two speaker. Mr J
II Flthlan, of the IfV, delivered an ad
dress full of Interest particularly to mem
bers of the press, and Mr O'Mcaru, of the
AVnt, one on "Early Ploneef Editors." It
was presented extempore, and in an easy
manner, showing the speakers great famil
iarity with the early press of Oregon, of
w hich he was a shining light. At one time
he published a paper in Idaho the subscrip
tion to which was $16 a year. Mr O'Meara
was the first editor of this paper, Itav lug
pun based a plant for the same, and gave it
Its present name.
The Boys Band furnished some fine music
for the occasion, doing themselves proud,
and are entitled to the many thanks of the
l-'radalar Art.
An Albany lass living in the First Ward
saw a youthful hog slip quietly through an
opening in the fence and stealthily begin to
nose about for forage. Hi sensitive snout
led him in the direction of a fat chicken
Inch had just been killed and throw n down
on the ground to bleed preparatory to dress
ing. Mr. Pig, hog-like, picked up the chick
en and was making way with it when the
I damsel saw and gave a sudden scream and
started after the pig The pig ran around
the house with the chicken in Its mouth and
the young lady, in hot haste, after it, accom
panying each step with asudden scream. She
looked in every direction in that yard for a
club, a brickbat or a clod with which to
make war upon the pig, but she looked in
vain. That yard contained no rubbish large
enough to kill a small mouse with two
broken legs. But on, on kept the pig and
on, on kept the lass screaming at every
jump when suddenly, as if by inspiration,
she plunged her fore" finger and thumb into
her mouth and took from between her up-
Grand nctitcr molars a piece of gum as
gc as a marble and threw it in the most
spiteful way at piggy and then darted into
the house and we saw her no more. It was
a highly characteristic feminine scene and
Prohibition Neetias.
There will be mass Prohibition meetings
held at the following places and times. The
eading speakers of the county will be pres
ent. Good music on each occasion. The
" meeting was held at Scio last evening :
Providence, Friday, Oct, atst, 7 p. m.
Lebanon, Saturday, OcU 3ind, 7 p. m.
Waterloo, Monday, Oct 34th. 2 p. m.
Sodavilie, Monday, Oct. 24th, 7 p. m.
Sweet Home, Tuesday, Oct. 25th, 7 p. m.
Brush Creek, Wednesday.Oct.26th, 2 p.m.
Cra wfordsv die. Wed nesd ty .Qcfc 26, 7 p.m.
Brownsville. Thursday, Oct. 27WI, 7 p. m.
Center Scltoo! IfotWe.Friday.Ocl. 2S.2p.1n
Harrisburtf, Friday, Oct. iSth, 7 p. m.
lake Creek School House, Saturday.Oet.
29th, 2 p. m.
Halsey, Saturday, Oct. 29th, 7 p. m.
Ma-". lhc largest aud Best.
Win. Fortmlller St Co's furniture store
has been nearly doubled in size, and lilted
with a splendid stock of furniture, "chuck"
full. Twenty-five varieties of chairs and
seventeen styles of bed-room sets, as an ex
ample. Besides a fine line of upholstered
largest and best stock
In Albany. No doubt of it. 6 or 7 men
are constantly employed in manufacturin
it. and shipments are made to all parts o:
the N. W. from
Tacoma to Grant's Pass.
This beside a big retail trade.
The buyer is bound to get satisfaction.
IAT A new feature is a machine for trim
ming wall paper f which they have a large
and splendidly selected stock of the latest
varieties, sold cheap and trimmed free.
Also nice line of window shades.
Postal Matters
The following fourth-class postmasters
have been appointed for Oregon i James
Riley, at Coburg, and John B Mor
row. A new postoffice has been established
in San luancounty.W. T, with James Davis
as postmaster. The postoffice at Mount
Pleasant, Linn county ,Oregon,has been dis
continued. If yoa want boots or shoes go to M-& S
Mcllwaln's Clothing.
McHwatu's fall and wintor stozk of cloth
ing is arriving. It includes the latent stylts
aud is commanding attention. S-iehis Chin
chilla costs. Fine stock to select from. All
goods warranted as represented and perfect
titi guaranteed.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
toE W Langdon will please come forward
and settle their acsounts st once.
B. W. La no don.
Muslin Underwear.
I havo received my new etock of muslin
underwear. These goo is are made on a lock
stioli machine, and warranted to be fuil size
and length and price reasonable.
Samcki. E. Youno.
Tho store of Motiteith & iScitenbach is
crowded with seasonable and fashionable
goods, their line of dross goods, fancy goods,
and cloaks are immense aud if you desire to
please yourself give them a call.
New Jtoot Khop.
Messrs. Lswis St Hughe havo purchased
a complete stock of leather, machinery, etc..
and have opened a new boot and sboe shop
opposite the Rubs Mouse. They are prepar
ed to do all kinds of work in Hrat-class style,
and those wanting good work done at reaaon
able rates will do well to call.
ciuci.'tr nn'in.
Following is the docket for
Court which meets In this citv
the Circuit
next Mon -
4. Assignment Thos Montvith.
81 II A dolman airt Tomna. I In
i 1
tit Ion,
16. Jas A llcuriug agt Geo Stevens;
Equity 10 recover possession real property,
41. R A Rampy agt H I - Thompson and
uno. Action on promissory note.
72. 1 D Miller agt W St JW Johnson.
To recover money.
75. Martha Houston agt Juste Tim mer
man et al. Partition.
95. 1 J Long agt Flta J Ramsey, et ah
Ifii J P Schooling agt T S Thompson.
117. J C Johnson agt Mary J Beard and
ttuo. lo re-caver v money
i a i. L E Blaln agt U
et ul.
132. Alice E Elliot agt Amanda J Rapp
etal. Partition.
123. 1 llram Smith agt
F Muiht
12S. Mary F Basset
W C Holmes'
Equity for tltie.
131. Anthony Bender agt S iciely
Precious Blood. Continuation
i.j. C Silbenagle agt Satiety Most Pre
cious ulood,
35. J A Jones agt Win Jones ct al. Par
tition. 136. F D Leverlck agt E Witts etal. To
reform deed.
137 -1 1 Schooling agt Hay St Ashby,
To recover money.
139. J P Schooling ugl C F Wright. To
recover money.
141. R Nhclton agt O M Curl and ano. To
recover money.
145. Wlrtot Austin agt A J Austin. Di
vorce. 1 40. John F Rhoton act W F Maiden-
hall. To recover money.
147. Matter of application of W R Power
and 7O others for alteration or location and
vacation of Co, road. Appeal from Couniy
Court, Robt Johns objector and appellant.
i4S. Same Thos Wc Williams, objector
and appellant.
147. Same. J A and F Smith objectors
ami appellants.
tffik Annie Ridg?wuy ugt Enoch Ridge
May. Divorce.
151. Eliabcth Roberts agt Tho Roberts.
1 $i. Ella M BcMptipr agt M Schloer.
53- J vV Mackry agt Cassandra Mackcy.
154 J F Holt agt Isom Alford and ano.
To recover possession.
155. M P Logan agt A M Imogen. IL
156. J E Kirkpalrkk aat Joint Rat. To
recover tnouev.
157- J F Kirkpatrick agt tJeo W Bihcu'
To recover money.
1 58. Martha J Cuchran agt Sylvester Coch
ran. Divorce.
59. MJ
Charles Bridges
i(A) Hen Brennrr af Robinson Wl
and ano. To recover money.
163. School Fund Ommtalofer agt
Mary J Ivc ct al. Foreclosure
165. D M Jones ast W C Edward etal.
To recover money.
167. 11 q Owen ag. Add Harmon, To re
cover money.
168. II COwcn agt Ed Stover. Torecov
er money.
169. Ilibhard Brus. avt A A B
recover money.
170. Mary II Hall agt VVillUid P Ball.
171. C W Curl agt John T Williams
1 72- R A Uamford agt Mar
et at. To quiet title.
J Pax age,
1 "3- Assignment A A Baehor. '
174. Emma Wyatt ait Thos Wvatt, Pi
J F McMunn agt
n Baber. Ap-
T J Black agt M D Murphy. To re
rover monrv,
179. tj m
agt Herbert F Cad v. To
recover money.
f8o. TJ Black agt OL McDowell. To
recover money.
181, Alice R Smyth agt Geo Ji
182. Martha E Sargeant airi W
e -a -
house. To recover money.
183. P J Porter, et al agt J C Elder, et al.
184. Tarllon Taylor ngt Tavlor.
tf$ Arnold, Pollak At Co., agt J A Gross
To recover money.
186. W S McPherson agt Obadiah Jen.
ulngs. To recover money.
107. latum V Howcii aitt N A C
r v
To recover monrv.
I S3. F M Mover agt
et at. I orec Insure.
A: West,
190. Peter S Brenner agt M Alexander.
Equity to enjoin judgment at law.
191. T J Black ngt Wm T Pierce. To re
cover money.
191. TJ Black agt John Hearing. To re
cover mom .
193. Martha Barnes agt M Berrigan, et St.
195. School Fund
Frank D Wood, et al.
( Commissioners
196. 11 M Surles agt Linn county.. Ac
tion for damages
197. D M Cooper agt
To recover money.
R M Holwrtsort
198. J P Schooling agt Wm H Roach.
To recover money.
Elm Ira Foster agt
J T Foster. Di
aon. John Rodgers, Administrator So
phronki Rodgers, deceased, agt John
Schmccr. Action for damages.
lit. J H Bridges agt Bertrand Herman,
et al. To recover possession rent property.
Bis Dry tioous.
The fall ami winter stock of dry ucods
roceived at Mollwaiu's, is a large one, well
selected, embracing all the latest novelties,
aud in quantity and of a quality not surpass
ed here, Do not buy without examining. ,
Letter Lint.
Folios lag Is the list of letters rsuiidning in ths Pott
OIBce, Albaay, Linn county, Oregon, Out. 2t0b, 1SS7,
Parsons oalllng for those Utters mutt give tba date oa
which they were advertised :
Barr, Mias Ella
Brown, If C 2
Burnett. Anrfrvw
Campbell, Miis Jennie
Crouso, 11 If S
Klory, Miss Feiu
Barry, Cbaa
Bryant, Usury
Berry, I II
( row, Mrs Bottle
Korjruson, Wm
UlasinUner, J II
llendrix, Mrs C
.tohoson, Mrs L C
IaIs, Mrs M '
IeCutcheon. P P
Perkins Arthur T
Shiols, John
Wash, W A
Hand, II J
Irvine, J C
Ladon, Wm
Lute, 0 E
Peterson, P IS
Rosso, Krank
Scott, Peter C
Ji you want blankets go to M. k S.
Albany Market.
Butter-30 cts per lb.
Kgga 30 cents per do..
Hay -14,60.
Potatoes--00 eta per bushel.
Beer on foot, Zq.
Apples 50 cents per bu.
Pork Oc per lb. dressed.
Bacons hams, 123ie.
shoulders, 7';.
sides. 10
Lard loc per lb.
Piour-4.80 per bbl.
Chickens 2,50 per doz.
Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton.
shorts, 10.
middlings, 20
Chops, 20.
F M Krottoh, jeweler,
Tlis bast harness at K L Thompson's.
Protioh, ths jeweler, keeps railroad time.
Wheat is 89 to 48 cents in Pomery, W. T.
H F vert, praotiaal watchmaker and jew
eler. Doe pries to all all Shane 4 1 ,00s way 's Cash
I trs.
Two show eases full of new goods at F M
J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bsoy, Or.
Tho ilnett millinery ia ths State at Shans
A Ijontway't,
Thoi Olson piid ths city S3 for being drank
on Wsduesday.
Somotine, frssh ssusr krant at Wallaoe St
Sj I base nice op4 at Shsnu St J .mis way's
far small boys,
BK Hendrii has leased ths Copia Hotel
at Hsrrieburg .
1 1 tho Benton Leader bootniru Herman for
re- m.MiMt urn.
Bot ohospor than shoes at H. Piiodt's
boot and shoo shop,
. All kinds of utusliu and knit auderwesr at
S tune k Lom way's.
H yoa want the best liar mm in the market
go to J J Dubittills's.
The amount of taxable property ia' lame
oouaty is t4,O70,67t.
Carter has a very large atd fi.-st-d ass
stoik to select from,
Tim name of Roovter U eU hben ohaag
ed to Utourctte Fslts.
Margie, the Yamhill cojuty murderer, is
I I hang oo Nuvember 1 1th .
Go to Shsue k Lmtway's for all kind of
mdliuery and fancy good.
Ths tiust Preach kid '. with l.wivtrv
Kttp at Shsns k Lontway'a.
Remember Shane St boasway are sslliug
dry goods at very In V pnosa.
Foor label bicyclists were in Albany last
Sunday on their silent steeds.
Six shave for a dollar aud a oh an towel to
svery customer, at Tboe. Jouee.
In a U H pamphlet Cw Creek, in South
era Oreo 1 is called At ths River.
Bsxjte honed, set and pit ia urdi-r at
Jones' Shaving ant Hair liroasin Parlor.
m Franoh, a-eut Sinaer Manufautarinii
0o.,oipMtu Odd Fellows Temple, Alheuy.Or.
If you a have a niua shaoeJ foot show it
off in a perfect lifting boo-, made by H
Farmers remember you oan get 70 ootts
pe- tiusbri for your whost at Hhane k Loos
Way's. Ur. M. H. Ellis. ; 1 1 1 aud surgvnu
All any, Oregon. f2Ue made la ty or
Those b liss gold watches at F M Preaoh'
era attracting attention. Way ? (4 tahty sad
prices ! ,
Why suffer with that aching head wbea
you may Be mtt l aith Aver s Cathartic
AU sty las of boots aa I snoot and a largo
stck of groceries 1 what we csrry, RedfJeld
Si Brownsll.
Send a 2 coots tamp to DrJ D Ayer St Co.,
!,- all. Mas., for a set of their attractive
album cards
Aod raw Skarr, recently of lowa,a pstoter,
j 1. '- -' a lot in It's 'i-td addition to Al
bany. Coa. 30.
Detroit has woo the world's championship
in base ball, in the series of gsmn with the
St Leais e'ab.
Subscriptions for the leading periodicals
received by t I. Keaton. A'l ur-lere for-
wsrded without drlay.
Mr I re 1 Biumbera bs diited of hie ia
teret in the nolirery banc? n this city to
bis f ertarr. Mr A 'isms
U C Smttbsos, of Portland, purchased tail
Monday tan lots in HackUmao's additoo to
tboctt paytutf- ?ot)
We iaac Ui c-na, ths c n: a U'u the
bi:-in , and the bargain! te in cake.
ItedhelJ k Browned.
Ate yea going to gut your fall aa f inter
hat or bonnet at Sbaae St Loastfay'e. Tnntr
nc milliner ia an expert.
Rev S Q Irvine wdl preaoh at the Bark
I tart school house nest Sabbath at 330 p. n.
on -Bible Tempn-aoos."
Rev A M Aebesoa wtti preach at Peoria,
next Sabbath, Oct. 23d, at the hour of 4 p.
m. AU are cordially tun ted.
lite population of Wahingtu Territory
according to a census just completed is 144,
009. Id 1HH5 it was 127.292.
Kahmey s Celebrated Blood Cleanser for
sale at Dy Si Robsou'e and Road St Brows
ell'e, P J Baltimore, agaot,
Every customer will be a walking adver
tisemeut for our bargains wheothey see our
prices. ItVdfleM St Browattl.
One of N H Ailni k Ca f.nxe tickets good
for ic on a dollars worth of goods parohau-t
at fns new Koto 1 Hand stole.
Acordms 1 1 the Portlaa i Afw Senator
J H Mitchell itsM ctod witu "ire:ineV
thout )r 1 ss of hia recovery.
In our lit of jaryinm drawn last wok the
name of A C Haeamaa. Csar Proo.nct
sboald have read Ab Humphrey.
Dty light has psavtratsd ths isat Siskiyou
tuam 1, and the road to (ahforau wiu prob
ably bs completed in November.
Oa the "F.avt Oreooian" last week freight
was brought to Albany from Saa Francisco
ia fifty-four hours, the fastest oa record.
Bowerlio, the man who was nearly killed
by Maddox in Corvallis recently i about ro
civered. He was not of tho dying kind.
The Benton County Commissioners liave
accepted ths plans of D D Near for ths new
Court Hoase, It will oast nearly $60,000.
A toe linn of gait's uadrrarssr sol fum
ishing goods just rsoetvod at Mollwaia's
will be sold at prices that defy ojtnpotiton
D. T. Wyman, soliciting for the State
Insurance Co., for Linn Co.. residence Second
between Lyon sod Baker Streets, Albany, Or.
a mmT"
V V Rae G F Ronnda will p roach ia St. Paal's
- Wm. m mm Ms a ST all. t. tt K dk!a
. i Bs H vm
Church Sauth, tn tins city, Sunday, Oct.
23rd, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. tn. All are invited.
An interesting history of ths Democrat,
by its fonndsr, Jas O'Meara, editor of the
JVVhv, will appear on oar outside nsxt wsek.
know transpires that Alvio Josltn's dia
moods, which he claims to be worth $100,
000, ars only worth about $9,000. if as much
as thst.
An Albaay lady has a quilt made from
pieces cf pint's patterns. It will beoonvea
tent for striking nntohss on its tho night
When Astoria raised $150,000 for a rail
road it did more to advertise that oity than
the railroad itself will do. Enterprise is what
The slephait st Carter's attracts attention.
So air o does his splendid line of watcher,
I cks aod jewelry, of which he now hss a
la-go aud select stock .
Another shipment of ladies tins shoes in all
widths aud sizs just in this week. Custom
ers remark what perfect beauties. Had fie Id
St Brownell.
If you want a stylish winter garmeut ge to
Monteith k Seiteuhach, agents for Springer
Bros, tailor made garments for ladies, misse
ai.d children.
An elevator for loading and unloading
freight will soon be put in the Oregon Pacific's
warehouse on the Willamette st the bead of
Ellsworth street.
Last week while logging near the Sauttam
riyer J W Bsrks, seriously out one of his legs
on the knee . He was brought to this oity and
attended to by Dr J L Hill.
Saturday afternoon a 100 yard footrsci is
to be run at the fair grounds nssr this oity
between Ed Camsron, ef Corvallis and Dick
Patton, of Salem, for $300.
Should you desire to sell your property
call on Burkhart k Keeney as they advertise
property placed to their hands, aud charge
nothing unless they effect a sale.
Enoch Sloan and wife, of this city.havs re
signed their positions at Warm Springs In
dian Agency and aocepted positions at the
Indian school at Uhemawa.near Salem.
oa Hear mis. of Sweet Home, wno was
sentenced a year age to the penitentiary for
penury 111 a homestead sntry case, was in
Albany Monday on his way home, having
served bis sentence.
Mrs A M Elkins, a real estate speculator
of Pertlaod last Monday purchased Mr Robt
Bowman's residence and four lots in the Third
Ward, paying $1600. She made the purchase
just far speouiatian,
Last Monday evening a special meeting of
the Common Council was held to this city to
consider the preposition of ths Wett Shore
Publishing Co., to Illustrate Albany. The
proposition wss rejected.
At f M French's yen will find a complete
line of new and attractive jewelry, gold aod
silver watches, knives, forks, spoons, also a
full lias of genuine Brazilian pebble speeta.
olss at living prices.
A. B. Molt wain has the Isrgett aod fines
stock of carpets in Albany, new goods of the
latest designs, a splendid stock to get a oar
pet from. Sold st remarkably low prices
considering quality of goods.
Messrs Foshsy & Mason, druggists, ere
selling Wisdom s Robertine wholesale sad
retail, and giving beautiful picture cards with
flvsry bottle. Positively the most perfect and
harmless article of the kind in tba ratrket
Next week Albany people will have an op
portunity to pay a dollar to attend a four bit
how , two bits on the street aod two bite
inside. Aren't Albany people abont tired of
this ; yet the box sheet promises to be wsli
tx.Uwl .
List Monday evening ten or fifteen roughs
arc reported to bave taken possesttoa of the I
lf.nt Hotel kitchen aod helped themstlves
to es tables. Tbs Marshal wss tent for j bat
only ens man wss captured.
Dr J B Pilkiagton, whose name aa a disg
neatician or defective of diseases of the most
difficult symptoms ban become a household j
word, will U st the Rovers Houss all day
luesday. U,t. th, . Examinations free.
- siwri sj ww m,j siiv wwssMvaf a as
ths ease of Nasi against Pastor and others, is
only the Foster Block. The ease will aow go
before dodges Deady and Mawyer aad prob
ably will net step short of the Supreme Court.
A spteadid line of groceries aod orookery
ware at Conn Brother, also everything frssn
in farm produce. Tho best breads of cigars
and tobaccos, (looi goods at bottom prices.
Thst is their rule. Ostl on Piem for your
John Crabb was arrested at Halsey last
wsek for threatening to kill A H McNabb,
oa Friday was given aa sxaauatsea before
Justice Dorr is, who di charged hiss. It ap
peared ysry ranch as if it was a mere family
matter, not yery aaily reeohsi by Courts of
Every wife and mother in the .coa a try
should kuow the great value el Aysr's Bar
sipaiiliA. ae a blotd yunfU.. It gives tone,
health, and strength, to the vital orgsos.eor-
rocts all irregulantiee, and expels impurities
froca the system V -ni; and old as it. Price
Last Saturday evening the young ladies of
the Y WCTU gave a loach at the new W
C T U Hall, which was opened for the first
time to ths public. The leach eeweistsd of ice
cream, sandwiches, eta. the nail, though
not completed shows off to good advantage.
The famous Kmersou 4 minstrels will be at
the Opera Hoase oa Thursday evening of
next week, "(his is one of tho beat minstrel
troops In tbs U. S. sad always draws big
bouses. Lovers of minstrelsy will have a
treat ia their coming. Reenrved seats at
Black man's drag store.
Mr A Klein, of the firm of K ranee k Kleia,
af tialem, was io Albany Taeedy, ssehisut ar
rangements for opening a bojt sad shoe store
in the Flinn Block, when completed. This
brut proposal peaiag eereone of the fit
beat and shoe stores ta Oregon. They already
nave one stores at rial em r.ngene
Last Monday Mr Adasas, the deli very asan,
of tats city raised the prioe of delivery for
merchants, and as a result several struck.
Mr Hpaooer and Mr Fox have storked deliv
cries of their own, Crotet 1 k Allen, it is aa
deratood will rao two wagons for delivery .
As a r -suit the msttar 1 pretty well mixed
'lash Apslogata, of Southern Oregon, lect
ured in the Court Hoase Tuesday evening to
e ftir sixod an she nee, to the interest of
tho saloon. If be made votaa it was for the
amendment. Two or three SSSSths ago tbs
SijhKjf. of forUand, aa intoxicated papor,
said thst if tbe saloon keepers kaew what
they ware about they would kiep Liah at
If yen aia't quite a sight to see with yoor
face as yellow at saffron, excepting uodor
yoor eyea, aad there it is blaess sloes. You'll
its laid op, sure, if yoa don't take
Prase's Hamburg Tea. You'll find that med
ietas a sure care for jaua ltca and your other
troubles, so last take it right away, ma am
end be better.
The Brother Jootthao, which has recently
bean found off Cresset City, was wreck
d to Jniy. lotw, with isa paaeeagers ana a
crew of 43, only 19 of wham were saved
There was $330,000 ia gold oa board, Mrs
(iarreteoe, mother of W C Tweed ale, who is
aow tn this city, was owe of the nineteen
eared. Tom Merry, the versa til writer of
Portland, was also oae of the n amber aud
gives a very interesting account of the terri
bte accident ia a Portland paper. Tbe par
ticulars of ths wreck are still fresh in the
niiu Js of old residents of Albaay.
The MMM naT has receive 1 at tavitastoa
to a grand boll, to be given at Union Hail.
Lehaoon, on Friday evening, Ow-t. 21st, 1837.
, The dancing will bs under tho special man
age want of W " Crawferd. Oaaetag to bo-
gin at 8 3d t clock. Masic by Crawford s
Orchestra of 5 pieces, with J C Woodruff;
leader. Tickets for dancing, $1 .50. Aa ex
client sapDer will be served at the St
Ch arise Hotel. Committee 00 invitation : M
A Miller, C C Hack lens an. Lebavsoa ; Henry
Arohibaid. Sam Sawyer. Brownsxille : C i
Wmn. Oeo U Piper. Albaay ; W A Newest.
Halsev ; Phil Lewis. Shs.1.1 1 J K Haight,
Ptiorta ; Hiram Klam. Sodavilie : Wm Ah
bot, Ssm.
Editor Lister, of Pomery, was in Albany
Or Kelly and Richard Pox U ft Wednesday
for tee Mnala w.
Strand Price and family, af Creak county,
were 10 the city Monday .
D L Crosses, the drayman, returned from
Eastern Oregon last Monday.
Thos Nast, ths celebrated caricaturist is
to be in Oregon io a fw months.
"Jrn" Doulap, of Portland, was in Al
baay Suudsy 00 bridge basiuees
A U Chris man. of Kiaht Mile. Umatilla
con i v ha been in the city this wsek.
Suti IVintor Baber It ft Albany Saturday
for S iu rraticifccu, by way of Yaqmoa
W J Brain wdl, of Colfax, W. T hss been
visiting at his former borne, Harrisburg.
The Raymond tourist party from Boston,
asssted ibrouuh Albany Thursday of last
Thus Gourlsy, of Tacoma, W. T., has been
in the city this week tbe guest of his brother
Cant s: uith. of the "Three Sixers," will
move from Corvalli to Albany in about a
Mrs Janes Foster is attending the Msohan-
ic's Fi'' and visiting her daugater at Port
J 0 Nixou, of Lebanon, was in the city
Monday on his way home front the Esst. He
came by lbs w ty of San Francisco.
Joa Watson, Jr , returned from ths Bays
few davs aco. White there he was confined
to his bed four weeks with the typhoid fever.
Daniel C'ark, proprietor of the Keystone
Yaaat f.iOtorv. i f Alhiiut, has been tn the
oity this week, stlendiug the matting of tbe
Congregational Association.
Leslie Mattoon, well known iu these parts,
who has been working as telegraphic operator
at EUtmsburg, W. TTfor the N PR R is ia
the city this week on furlough resting up.
Jim East ar.d E l C.mely, formerly of this
oity, are now residing at Pendleton, I he
former is in a restaurant ana ins latter it
working tor one of the electric light compan
DO Wood worth, recently of Caaenoyis,
N. Y , sr lived in Albany Tuesday evening
for the purpose of accepting n po-.ttion in
ttlaekmsn's drusr store Mr Woodwotth is
aa experienced drug clerk .
Cardinal Gibbous, of the Catholic Caurch,
passed through Albany Thursday evening of
fast week, oa his way to San Francisco. A
laree number of oeonle were present to see
the diitinguiseri gentleman.
O U Irvine, Jas Hail.Oeo Hochstedler and
H J Clark returned from the meeting of the
Grand Loda of K of P at Pendleton last
Saturdav. and report fine treatment at the
bauds cf Pendleton people.
Produce of all kinds taken iu exckai ge at
Shane k Lous way's.
Iron, Steel, Coal and Chain.
ufanAUC a sin Dlinnirr
Dill I flCR 2 UiDftUfAlC
gQp gjn QOROACE.
Kor Hal.
Mosquite or velvet
grass seed for sale by
H. Bryant, Albany.
W ARMOTH-BAS9E PI At the house
of Austin Bond near Halsey, on Oct 17,
1887, by RevCBperry, Isaac N. Wax
moth and Mas. N. J. Bamiktt, of Linn
1S87, st the residenct- of Mrs Ilouck by
Oeo Humphrey. Eaq Waltkr J. Btn
well, of California and Matima Foi n
r a is, Shane St Ixnswaya milliner, of
MONTEITH. On Friday, Oct. i4th,ii7.
In this city, to the wife of D. B. Montetth
From the pasture of jas. Elkins near AL
bony on Thursday, Oct. 13th, a sorrel horse,
white face, white feet behind, light mane
and tali : about to years old, iK hands
high. Return to subscriber at Albany, Or.
t. 1. VXWDIT.
or m
At Uta class W busUaas. sshtfay t (Mabcr. 1SS7
Lsaasssst slssonuta
... WTS.
.... net ea
tracks aod otksr caah l
Kvstsnhai iunk
1 41.00
nkkkaana oaats 36. Tt
1 - nsnus
Latrat taaidav nntss 1S78.C0
ni lasiiiiliii fassS wit i: . H. Tnauir ns
ar esaa of euoHsasssvi sw.w
Isasaiiites t
I g
UndlrUUrf proata
.. ins.10
National Bank ant as otttatandin
fiMxIemla unpaid
Individual dcooafta aobiact to
. stats. ss
t3S7 10
l"if u oUwr MsSasstS
Dur to Stats Banks aad bankers
.. tsio.oo
Stats or Ossoox, Oo t or Uxs,
I. Oan. E.nivnUrlain.Caihlenil lh aVa naa-
sd sank do su'emaly swear tba'. th abava statrsssstt
is trtw to tati bast of say kwoaladfa and belief.
OEO. E. CHAM OERLAtX, Caabiar.
buuacHbsd aad sworoto lief ore bm tbislStkday of
Octobor. Its7. T. J. bTlTfb,
(u a.) Notary Public.
Coaaacr Attest :
Head Quarters
We buy direct from Eastern
manufacturers aud oan save the
purchaser from 20 to 28 par cent
on these garment. Dent buy
until you have exam 1 tied our
took and gotten prices, Coma
and see us and save mc ney.
Brownsville, Or. Oct 12,
Homeopathic Physician,
physician, office aad residence turner of Second
stl Baker Streets, Albany, Oregon, Chronic (iistases
a specialty. Consultation tree, ufflce hours : 10 s. in.
to li s m auu Z to 6 p. ni. ,
Jn.Uue Court for tic Precinct of branklin
Buttc,State of Orego,County of Ltnn.
H. A. Johnson and R. Shslton,coprtners
in business at Solo, Oregon, u.tder the firm
cams and style or Jonnsoa at sbeiton,
L. E. Dole, Defendant.
To L. E. Dole, the above nsmed Defend-
ant :
In tbe name of tbe State ol Oregou, you
ate hereby required to appoar before the
undersigned, a Justice ef tbe reace rortue
Precinct aforesaid, on me
teth slay ef Nevesnbei ,ISJ,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon f said day at
the office af said Justice, in usid Precinct,
to answer the above named .Plaintiff, In a
civil action. The Defendant will take no
tice, that if ha tails to answer the complaint
herem, tne riatntm win tatte judgment
against him for $202 and 62 100 dol
sides bis costs and d is bun .merits ef this
action taxed. The service of this sum
mons is made by publication by order of
this Court, said order being made and
entered of record this 12th d ty ef October,
A. D., 1887.
Given under my hand this 12th day of
October, A. D., 1887.
E. O. Hthh,
W. H. Qukbkbr, J ustlo tof the Peace.
PltTs AtPy.
Da from fitata Baainlaad baakars..
Kaal sssaSs, ftsrsttwaTaMl txtttraa 7SSS.00
CwrraM axatiaas sa.1 taxaa paid
& SOX,
X Cut Saws,
The People's Cash Store.
If ml QaMtlSMtn. Where in Al
bany Is tlte boat place to boy (o4s ter
caab ? Kbo has long answers i "Wis
Have a' it at anwswered with a
They bsva removed tbelr business
Use store formerly cceapsesl by Feat,
st Co., where they carry a m saa moth
stock of
Dry and Fancy goods, FiiraiiMiig
Holds, Millinery, Booti and
Shoes, Cloaks, Ite.
W a don't propone to write an ingenious)
ad vertisment quoting trices of goods ta
mislead the public. We wit! give yaw
prices at our counters that will be, to say
tba least, startling. We don't intend to
ell you Cabot A below cost as a bait, ami
caeat on something not so familiar. We
all to all alike and mark all good a 1st
n,Aiw rfoi RKs. Wa have bnt oa rsjao,
and that tbe k west. Mori -
have "Bed Reek" prioaa, bnt era have got
ours iu "under the bed rack," 'and new
our customers w ant to know what era are
reiMogon, That question isa nvrmsn
ton 1 one. It is fie first discovery of that
rsgion. We may not succeed on our
plan, but we swing out on Faith
Hope, takWig- for motto
Rem rubor we make a specialty of 8n
i a ported
Our great stock of Domestic Oooda will
save many dollars to sensible house keep
ers who will trad exclusively with us.
Table Linens. Nap3uns9Towalsy Shast
ings, Muslins, Binghams, Away
Down. Flannels and
at Mill Prices. Ho
siery for the Million. Hibbon
and Lace Departments Overstocked,
Our Millinery Department am brat an
every novelty invented by Damn Fashion,
with Miss Fountain, at its head a Sen
Franoiroo artist. If you need millinery
go to the "Fountain Head" for it.
Wa have been driven into the Boot and
Shoe business by the importunities of our
customers and again bring our long aass
parlance in that branch of business into
activity again.
We are agents for the Wanamaker
Clothing House of Philadlephia. We sell
all goods for caah or produce.
Don't Go in bebt
Wa will pay yon 70 cunts a bushel for
your wheat on trade.
- Oregon