SUB TO DEMOCRAT $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. THE DEMOCRAT It the best Advertising medium In the Centra! Willamette Valley. 3 Advertising rate made ap plloatlon. VOL. XXIII. A Lit AM V, OREGON, FltlDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1887. NO I PBOFK8S10NAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. TTORNE Y AT LAW Notary Public. llboy, Oregon. Otfloe upatalra, nvr John Brt jege eoxo, etatreet. v Unfair J. K. WEATHERFORT), (NOTART PURUO.) iTTORNEY AT LAW, UBISI. OKKIiOV. iiru.u revenue in all thi courts or tmk T 8UU. Speotal ait.ntl.iit riven l.i o)leU.a and rebate nultir. roo la oa.t reito' gggty, n:t C.B.WelVBRTO:, O, H. IRVHIK W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0ro&e up atalr in Foster Mock. ALBANY. ORIMON. . O. POWHLL. w. n. mi.TKr POWKIiL & BIXYEU, vTTORVEYS T LAW, And Solicitors in Thanferjr, LlY. - ORlfoON. lolleeMnne promptly made onU point. n newotiated on reasonable term romn In Foster' riok.-t Mn10f t. WHITNEY, 'torw Anl nonwellor It La? otarFANPnbIic. OREGON, V u trM'tl' In all of th Oonrta of e4tte ll h'lalnwM Intrusted to him ha promptly attended to. FOSHAY MASON, "Mkf axe aa-raa Oruistsand Booksellers, ARM for John B. Alden'a publications, hksh wa aall a ptbllther'B r!eee with eeetageadJad ALBANY, OREGOH. C. L. BLACKMAN, Smccttsor to E. W. I.angdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHE8, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In flrat-clana Drag Store. Alao a Una atock of pianos and crgann. ALBANY. OREGON. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet rticles, Etc. PRBSCBIPTJ8MS C11EFCLLT FILLED, Opan day and night. Albany, Or. Revere Housed ALBANY, - - . OREGON. CHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-cl aea atyle. Tablea aappliad with the beet in tba market. Kfee alaaping aperttaemta. Sample rooma for eomuicriMl travelers, JCTree Ceech e ! tfm the lel.'Va E. BECK WITH, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, Office over Qradwobl'a store. ALBANY, OREGON, FURNITURE made to order or EEPAIEED, my "o 't end of Tbi'd siret, r. S. A. DECKARD. iOLY if GELS COLLEGE. j Boarflta S riool for Boys I I hrj secular prkats and lay Bl p-ne flraf Mrnrl.y in 8ep- v, r , o term open n rat M onlay In PV'marv Pr prrVipectua addresa Rv v a Brckar. Vanwuver, W. T. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN ING MILLS. All kinds yi rough, dressed nd seas. lumber, laths a n I pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. SAM MAT. O. SUNDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARRISBURC - - - - OREGON Will hov Grain, Wool and all kinds Cointry produce. "Jim Westfall," CHINESE MERCHANT. Full Hue of Chinese go'ids of all kinda on hand, Also full line of JAPANESE GOODS. OEEJON PACIFIC CONTRACTOR, tor thi section Laborers furninhed on hhort nellee for any purpose. Opposite S. E. Young's, Albany, Or T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY T LA -At- BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fall and winter atock of loot and, I have at nicely a 6tted up Boot and Shoe Store, and bh c ntilvte a atock as any thia aide of Portland and very few better in Portland. T hmj a'l my hoeta and shoes iireet fmui manufacturers and am authorised ha. warrant every .t no mat tei how o'" -" N 8-rn in Oregon have an . .. of Bee in huvtiig aa I buy in q'iiruies and pay the caah. In ladiea', mimes and children's shore, I k-en n i.-h he U-rfeMt, best and greet Ht variety in the city. Mv aim will always - to give aa gocd valne for the nmnvv ss miMv can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. First National Bank OF ALU AMI, OREtiOn. r mi tvw . . he Pr iasat k. r fltaran GEO. K.CHAMBKRLAIN TRANSACTS A OEVF.RAL bank ids BsBBaBBl ACCOUNTS KEPT snbjsat to esses. 8IOHT KXCHANGR end Ulevrapalc trejeetei-. toli ssi Mew Tor. Ran Francleco, Cfclcagv sad Portl COLLECTIONS MADE on fcroreMe terms. DisacToas. 5- TotM- Gao. E Cm Man mi L. E Km. L. Fuss, Waltss E Trssstk, H. F. MERRILL, Banking an! Insurance. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Bed exchange on New York, Sen Kranciero Ftortttnd. hay notes. SU'e. emmty snd eiljr wsrrsnta. Re- eelve deposiu inbject to check, lotereat sllowed on Uwe deposits. OstltsMasa will receive prompt attention Correspondence, eolidted. bears from I a. m. to Bp. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MiUinenr, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon. Office oor. First and Ferry Street, ALBANY- - OREGON. WILL BROS., Dealer In all be Leading Guns, Pistojs, Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos. A fall line of Sheet malc, musical rne-chandiae, ammnnitlon, fishing 'tackl-. to. 'Varranled razors, batcher end pocket knives. ' THE BEST KIND OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, Oils and Extras for all Machines supplied. LINNCOUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO Repairing of sewing machines musical instruments, guns, etc. needy done, ALBANY, J. GRADWOHL, rock ery, Glass Ware and Hardware. OIL AND LEAD. Agricultiiral Implements, Agent tor Fire and 9 WILL, WILL, WILL, WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL sBBBBBtMsBBBli II 1 ' ISSBflTTIll' HWIMUMI eilMBsaBBflBBMBPil BSsVsWsTaTMsTaTsTsTsTs BsasVBBsTaSJsVBlasBBSaVaTsn CURE Diarrhoea and Dysentery. CURE Pimples on the face, and Freckles. CURE Old Sores and Ulcer. CURE Wind in the Stomach. CURE Headache and Nervous Depression. CURE Scrofula. CURE Summer Complaint. CURE Rheumatism and Gout. CURE Pains in the Bones sua Joint CURE all Skin Diseases. SCRATCH El) 28 YEARS, A Sealy, Itching, Skin DlietM Willi KbUIcmm Mil trcrlHg l ured by Cntlenria Remedies). It I kii wn hi t!... I'mioure lUmolU Iwenty- flf lit TP Ago It Wotlltl llM MttHl UM f-JUI)(tWil huii Urwl ilolUra) ami Sit lutOMUSS SIlHilllit UlTrllii(. Mr disease (faorlssla) tHimtneiioed on uy head Is a bm! nut larvur tksn s ociit. It ral rldly Si ever my body and (At under my nilW. The scale would ilroiolT o( ma all tlia i lino, lUci my auffiiriiigl was eadlat, aim without rellrf , One lhnaand dollar stiuld not tempt me to nevs this diaeaae osr Sfsln. I am s poor msu, but lesi rirli to bo rellved ol what ao-ne ot the doet ra aald was leprosy, some rliur t teak and BafssjpBI Iss over one yesr snd a hall, but no cure, I won in two or three dovlors sml no ottre. I vaioiot raie th tnitb-ura Rewetlle Wo much. Ihey have iukI my akin as clear and free trom bssjsj as a bahy'a. All I uael ol them was throe boxes ot t?nlljure, ami thrre bottles al Cullotirs Raaovlenr, ami tao OkkeaotCutl eura s..i. It you had btn here and ald you woukl have cured me r SUM) yea would have had the mun ey. I lookrd like the pblure In your b-ok hf PaorUata (4e(ure number two, "Row to Cure Skin Diseases"), bul now I ass sseloersa mv ,ror er wa.Ti: .igb I "in "I Habit t raB 4haaejeM? arms snd to eereteh once In a while, hut to no purioe. I am all well, I snatched twenty eifht yt are, and It trot to f s kind id aeenud nature to me. I thsnk you s thou, sand limes. Anything more that yon want to know write me, or any one who read this may write to ms and I will antwer it. DENNIS DOWNING, Watrrbiiry, Vt , Jn. '(Hh, 17. Rnor n, Lichen, Pru' rltu. S,al' Head, Milk frut, lan-truff: Harbor', Rakers', time ra snd Wheromtn's iV'h, and svery aiMKne of lumlnff, ltumln, Scaly, limply Humor 4 the Hkin and Pralp and Uiood, with Loss ot Hair are Mieltlvel riued bv Cutteurs, the ureal Mkiu Care.and Cutlcurs SiM. an esqulaite Hkln Reautlfler eitonially snd Cutlcura Reeojvent, the new Blood Purtfter In ternally, when phyalcktns snd all other rmted'e fall. Sold ever where. Price, t'ulicurs. KW, ; Rop', t'ie RcMilvontfl. Prepartiby tb Potter Dru and EfTSend for "How to Cure Hk'n litaraat .' Ci iase 10 illuatntlima and 1 00 teat PLE-i, black totad. chi,cd dlv akin Boep. piTtenttii by tutJcura M Catarrhal Dangers; To bo liwd Inoa the da.isrers of Iff rellon w Wina doan ; Ut breathe freely, elevp suumlty snd dlaluibed . to rio refreatie.1, hea.l drar. brain ac vt anff .rati'Xi while Hil ar! free from pato or ache ; to know that i, ii n ous, puuid matter defile Uts aeasth snd ru asy lh delicate machinery at smell, taste - hesnmc to feel that the iti oeea not ihrv mU iU voio and artanios. suck up the p4snn thst i sure to under mine and dratroy, la Indeed a blreainv lotd all ho nuiii - ooiai.U. T.i i.ofi haee in ountH lium.u I. a fate h.Hld be the oblet d all afBUt.-i Bo', th -aw aho have triad man) remedies and phvaUrUnS djeatt r of relief or cure. Hanford Radical Cur meets every phst at Csy tarrti, from s sinip'e head sold U the next loathsome and eetrui tiveeta-ea. It ie local and onetltuttonsl. Inetant In reilevinc, permaueut In curing, sale, eco aomloal, snd never failisaj. 8aoford Radical Uure ronetoi of one bottle of the Radical t'u'e, owe box of Catarrhal Solvent, aod one Improved Inhaler, all wrspped In one parkas;, with treat lee at.d dire l na. and edd b, all druntoU for Ma P .tt.f tint, A Chemical Co., Root on. lo Rheumatiz About Ie. IV 9XK MIrTK. v v e The atlrara Aallrle Eate irr relieves Rumatk-.BeJalla. a Sharp aod Kerrnrae Paioa, atraine and A Waaknsesss TkeJIrst and etatjr pake g jSsw.iUu.g j,lalpr. New, ortKinai, ksMBBr a utraeooa, infalii'de, cafe. A nai atliiSSl antniote U raun.lnfUntrnatton and weakraass. CiUrly unlike and vaetly supertor to ell other flaatere. At all druRiat. r. cet.u . flrr f-.r l ; or, tioae free, Of rotter lruif and LIh Co.. J. U COW X. J W. CUSICK Lino County Bank, (X)WAS & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS eg seal banking boat n ass. DatAW BIUIIT DRAFTS on New Turk, Bsu I r.n sisee snd Port land, Oregon. LOAN MONEY oa approved security. RKCBIVB deposits subject to cheek. COLLECTIONS enlrueted to u wJI re wive prompt stitkin. Rnss House. J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Thia house is now open aa 1 faroislud with the best new furniture. Kye ythirg e'e in and ocmmodioBS, offerirg to t ta u i. eral public superior accommodations to spy in the cllf. OREGON. Marine Insurance TO TV.lA. TIIK AUK OK A'UOitNK. To tell the age of mv horse, Inspect the lower jew, of count, The six front teeth the tale will tell, And everv douM nnd fear dispel. Two middle ' nippers" you hehohl Before the colt Utwo weeks old. Before elht week two more will come; Kight month the "corner" cut the gum. The outide grooves will disappear From middle two in just one year. In two veara, from the second pair ; In three, the corners, too, are bare. At two the middle "nippers" drop, At three the second pair can't stop. When four veara ojd the third pair goes, At five a full new set he shows. The deep black spots will pass from view At six year from the mWdle two. The second pair at sevett'cars, At eight the spot each "comer" clears. From middle "nippera" upper jaw At nine the black spots will withdraw . The second pair at ten are white : Kleven finds the "corner" light. As time goe on, the horsemen know, The oval teeth three sided grow j They longer get ; project before Till twenty, when we know more. Toronto Truth. tjic law or WAWbHOI t 44oi. It shall be the duty of every per. son keeping, controlling, managing, or operating, as owner or agent or superin tendent of any company or corporation, any warehouse, commission hottse, for warding huu.e, mill, wharf.or other place where grain, Hour, pork, beef, woot.or ether produce or commodity is torcd,to deliver to the owner of suchgraln.rlour.pork.beef, wool, producer commodity ,a warehouse receipt therefore, which shall bear the data of Its iaauance, and ahull state from whom received, the number of sacks, if sacked, the nsmbcr of bushels or pounds,thc con dition or quality of the sametnd the term and condition upon which it is atoned. 4X2. No person shall issue any re ceipt or other voucher ns provided for In section 4J01 for any grain, flour, woot.potk, bccf.or other produce or commodity not actually in .tore at the time of Issuing such receiptor issue any receipt in any respect fraudulent in it. character, either aa to Its date or the quantity, quality, or grade of auch property, or duplicate or iaue a sec ond receipt for the same while soy former receipt is outstanding for the same prop erty or any thereof.witfcout writing across the face thereof the word "duplicate." J4). No person operating any ware huuec, commiaalon house, forwarding house, mill, wharf, or other place where grain, flour, pork, beef, wool.or other pro duce or commodity U stored.shall mix anv W ST grain, flour, pork, beef, wool, or other pro duce or commodity of different grades to gather, (or different qualities ef the ame grade,)or deliver one grade for another,or in any way tamper withthaaame while In his possession or custody, with a view of securing any profit to himself or any other person, end in no case mix different grades together while in store. $ 4J04. No person operating any ware house, commission house, forwarding housc.mill, wharf.or other place of atoraget shall sell,encumber,ship,transfer or in auy manner remove, or permit to be shipped, transferred or removed beyond his cutody andcontrol,any grain.flour.beef.pork, wool or other produce or commodity, for which b receipt has been given by him as afore said, whether received for Htoring,shipping, grinding, or manufacturing, or other pur poses, without the written assent of the holder of the receipt. 4205. All checks or receipts given by any persons operating any mission house, forwarding house, sat!!. wharf, or .niter place of storage for any grain, flour, pork, beef, wool.or other pro duce or commodity 0M or deposited, and all bills of lading and transportation receipts of every kind,are hereby declared negotiable, and may be transferred by in dorsement of the party to whose order such check or receipt was given or issued, and such indorsement shall be deemed a valid transfer of the commodity represent ed by such receipt, an.! ittMLbe made either in blank, or to the orderojlnother. 4206. On the presentation of the re ceipt given by any person operating any warehouse,commission house, forwarding house, mill, wharf, or other place of stor age for nny grain, ilour, beef, pork, wool, or other produce, or commodity, and on payment of nil the chargex duo thereon. the owner shall be entitled to the imme diate possession of the commodity named in such receipt, and it shall be the duty of such warehouseman, wlarfenger,millmun, or other builder (bailee) to deliver such commodity te the owner of such receipt. $4207. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be liable to an Indictment, and upon convic tion shall be fined In any sum not exceed ing five thousand dollars,or imprisonment in the penitentiary of this state not ex ceeding five years, or both ; and in case of a corporalion.the person acting for said corporation shall be liable for a like pun ishment upon indictment and conviction. Aud nil and every person or persons ag grieved by n violation of this act may have and maintain an action at law against the pernon or persons, corporation,or corpora tions, violating any of the provisions of this act, to recover all damnget,immcdiatc or consequential, which he or they may have sustained by reason of such violation, before any court of competent jurisdiction, whether such person bhall have been con victed under this actor not. - ... - - The word "tariff," in accordance with j the eternal fitness of thingw, came from Europe,,i did also the idea of levying du ties upon imported good;. In the province of Andalusia, situated near the narrowest part of the Straits of Gibraltar, i a town called Tarifa. Long years ago the Moors held dominion here,andall vessels passing through the Straits were ntopped and com pelled to pay duties at fixed rateo,and from this custom and place came the word eCRlOU IrACTi. tSsaSBaTaSa The population of Great Britain is in creasing at the rate of 1000 a day. A movement is in progress In New York fan- the erection of a crematory wherein bodies may be Incinerated by tricty. The Invention Is the device of B .Sicilian. Corliss, the great engine builder, made no attempt at Invention until he was thirty five years old. Ills first effort in this line was a machine for sewing shoes, which was a failure. It has been estimated that a pair of wrens destroy at least 600 Insects a day. They have been observed to leave their nests and return with insects from forty to sixty times an hour, Marjs Antoinette's favorite pearl neck (U consisting of sixteen row of pearls formerly belonging to the crown jewels of France, is now lo b een In the shop of Berlin's chief jewelers. Th e monks of Hi. Bernard have brought the telephone into their service of mercy. The famous hospice la now In telephonic communication with the Cantiue de Pros and the village of St. Pierre, as also with the Caatlne de Kontinte and the village of St. Chemey on the Italian side. A big gas well at Fslrmount, Ind., caught fire, and all efforts to extinguish the 75 foot flame were In vain until three boys succeeded. They placed a section of stovepipe over the well, and then sudden ly bent it over, diverting the flow of gas and cutting off ths flame, which was speedily smothered. At a recent meeting of the Loudon An thropological Institute.Dr. George Harley sought to prove that the conditions which have increased man's comfort and silmst lated his mental faculties have lessened his vitality tad recuperative powers, mak ing him more liable to fatal Injuries. A Norwich, C, newspaper says that in that city I. a man about five feet eight in ches tall, whose beard la so long that when he statute erect It reaches the floor and ex tends out from his feet fully twenty inches The beard Is six feet eight inches long and up to date is the longest known. A series of experiments recently made by 4 French metallurgist arc tatd to have proved that steel loses weight by ruat about twice bs rapidly as cast iron when exposed to moist air. Acidulated water was found lo dissolve cast iron much more rapidly than steel. This would Indicate that steel bridgea are less affect ed by the acids contained In the .moke of locomotives than Iron ones. It U said that the table upou which Gsns. Grant and Lee signed the famous paper at Appomattox Court House, which virtually terminated the rebellion, is now owned by a Mr. Gunther of Chicago, who paid $1000 for It. The original owner was the widow of Major-Gen. Ord. An autograph letter from Gen. Grant is said 1 1 establish its identy. Sumutra hss a flower which growa to nine ieet In circumference and weighs fif teen pounds. The eggs of a single sturgeon, counted by Frank Buckland. numbered yJt,6oo,and weighed forty -five pounds. A new locality of fossils ha been di s covered on the borders of Braintree and Quincy, Mm., which produces well-preserved trilobites. William S. Miller of Charleston. S. C, has two Immense iron shellsaid to be the first two shot fired at Battery Wagner at the beainnine of the war. 1 ha shell. al wear never exploded. They weigh pounds each. According to a London paper efa re cent date, a noted doctor of that city en larges upon his successful treatment of cancerous tumor with calcium carbonate in the form of calcined oyster shell. Two cases are cited in which speedy and per mancnt cure by the above specific have been effected. The mode of administra tion is a few grains a day, taken in warm water or lea. An exchange says : "Mules and horses in the far West frequently die of a pecu liar trouble. The beard of wild oats or barly becomes fixed In the animal's jaw, and grows there, assisted by the tartar of the teeth. A calcareous formation of this sort, oval in shape and weighing a pound was recently taken from the mouth of an Oregon horse." TH K LAW" OF NKW8PAPKHM. I. Subscriber.' who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wishing to continue thelr subscrlptlons. 3. If subscribers order the discontinu ance of their periodicals the publishers may continue to send them until all ar rears are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect to or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they have been directed, they are held responsible till they have settled their bill and ordered their paper discontinued. 4, If subscribers move to other places without informing the publisher, and the papr are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refus ing to take periodicals from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is frima facie evidence of intentional fraud 6. Any person who receives a newspa per and makes use of It, whether he has subscribed for it or not, i held in law a subscriber. 7. The postmaster who neglects to give the legal notice of the neglect of a person to take from the office the newspaper ad dressed to him, is liaole alxotothe publish er for the subscription price. In a California mining c;imp,once upon a time, a holy terror was displaying a silver-mounted pistol and boasting of the carnage he had indulged with terror ize an old miner who had faced many a "navy. this man of experience saia to the man of gore : "Young feller, if you should ever shoot mc with that there pol ished pop, and I heard of it, I'd lick h 1 out of vou. Many forget, th&t the hair and scalp need oleansiog. Extensive use of Ayer's Hair Vigor has proven that it is the best cleaning agsn " for the hairthat it prevents dandmff and CttOP KKPOKT. The statistical report of the Department of Agriculture makes an Increase of only half of one per cent, in the condition of corn. The past month bs been very gen erally favorable, but the statu of a large part of the crop was fixed at the date ef the last report. The general average of cpndltioB is 72S Instead of 73.3. The average of the seven surplus states is 54.9 instead of 64.2 in September. The yield of oats is slightly above an average of about 25 bushels per acre. The product Is fully 600,000,000 bushels. A lowej condi tion than ever has been reported,except In iSMi, when the average was nearly seven points lower and the average yield 18J4' bushels. The indication is now for a yield of a small fraction ov sr 20 bushels per acre The exact area, exclusive of that cut for fodder as not worth harvesting, Is not yet determined, The slight uncertainty re garding It may cause a variation in the final record of t or 2 per cent, from 1,500,000,000 bushels. The best of threshing has not aaateriaily enlarged the average rate of the wheat ield. which appears to be about 11.8 bushels, or 4-10 of a bushel less than last year. The Increase of acreage, which Is large In Dakota, will make partial com pensation, and bring the product nearly or quite up to 450,000000 bushels. The rate of yield in New York Is 16.7 bushela,Penn sylvania 10 ,. Ohio 12.4, Michigan n .3, In dlana 15.5, Illlnals 15.2, Wisconsin 15-4, Minnesota y s.Iewa 10, Mississippi i7,Kan sasoA Nebraska 10.7, Dakota 10.5, Cali fornia 13.8. fTKRENT Oar advice to friends whe are tree hied with rttaematism. is te try Prase's oelebrat ed Hamburg Tea, it is a very the pis remedy bat has dene wanders ie many bad cases of tbts terrible diaeaae. baboo! teachers sesm to be scares ail over Oregon. The following is from the Weston leader : "School teachers are searee ie Umattlha ooonty. Several ditrieta te thia aod of the county are ie want of teachers, hot there are 00 prospects of the positions being tilled at mm." As a daecing school bs been organised ie tim city the fellowiag advice aa to hew to wait; is given free, it te authority among Now York daecteg as asters : The gentleman should hoi i the lady with his riant forearm. eUciag his haal H t Msiaat the back. No part of but arm above tba el bo v shoe Id eoss in contact with her bed. The ledv'a left hand should rest open the geetlemea'a arm shout four i aches from her shoulder Her right arm shea Id be held perfectly straight. at aa angle of about 45 degrees from the body. Her right Band abeeld rest in the gee tlemsn's left palm with the knaeklee upper most. Ilia necessary that the lady shall not uetxi ner right elbow.otberwiae they will fail to give ths mutual support which is a reqoie ite of good daoeiog A despatch from Sa Francisco to a Port land -paper has tba following to aayaboeta Una county gentleman : "B P Hammer, a wealthy rancher of Lebanon. Or., arrived ie this city yesterday. la a interview to day be said : The projection of the Oregon Pa. effle railroad from Y equina Bay, 00 the Oregon coast, to Albany a few months are has made a great change in oor country. It bsa completely transformed the a laid town of Albany and has raised the price of land to juat about doable .what it waa before. The Uregoo Pacific is now finished to a point 6 milea east of this town, and will reach the summit of the Uascadee, some fifty milea away, thia season. The road wiU eventually connect at Prinevilie with a railroad from Pendleton, in Km tern Oregon. Many men and teams are at work on the reed, and a bridge with steel piers is being constructed over the Santiatn river. A large amount of fieight is being handled in the valley, and travel is very hMyy. A great many emi grants are coming from Missouri, New York and the prairie States generally. The only thing te that they find land a little too high. we haven t enough to go round,' Connecticut has found itaelf the posses sor of an extinct volcano and the scientific men of the state are flocking in to examine it. It is a portion of Mount Lamentation near New Brilian. We should have more faith in this discoverv were it not that P. T. Barnum was a resident of Connecticut and had there been such a thing in his neighborhood he would long ago have dug it up and had it on exhibition. Imiles Pine Shoes. N H Allen St Co. are now receiving direct from the manufacture, H J Hot brook ek Co., of Utiea, N. Y., a fall line of his justly cel ebrated fine shoes for ladiea and m a tea in C. D. K. and K. K. widths. These goods will give aplendid satisfaction, in fact there are no better made. Day and Night During an acute attack of Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling in the throat, and an exhausting, hacking cough, afflict the stuff erex. Sleep is banished, and great prostration follows. This disease is also attended with Hoarseness, and some times Lose of Voice. It 1b liable to be come chronic, involve the lungs, and terminate fatally. Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral affords speedy relief and cure in eases of Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been a practising physician for twenty-four years, and, for the past twelve, have suffered from annual at tacks of Bronchitis. After exhausting ail the usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It effected a speedy cure. G. Stoveall, M. D., Carrol It on, Miss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is decidedly the best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Bronchitis and all lung diseases. M. A. Bust, M. D., South Paris, Me. I waa attacked, hut winter, with a severe Cold, which grew worse and settled on my Lungs. By night sweats I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Cough was incessant, and I frequently spit blood. My physician told me to give up business, or I would not live a month. After taking various remedies without relief, I was finally Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Lam now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after having been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. 8. P. Henderson, Saulsburgh, Penn. For years I was in a decline. I had weak lunge, and suffered from Bron chitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral restored me to health, and I have been for a long time comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and find speedy relief. Edward K. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Bronchitis. The physician attending me became fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. After trying various medicines, without benefit, he prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was cured. Ernest Colton, Loganaport, Ind. ft Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aycr St Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drasgiete. Price 0,1 ; six bottles, 6. NEW GOODS. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Ee At paces never before offered in Albany and N. N. ALLEN & CO are th ones that are making the offer. We propose to sell goods tor e GASH AND PRODUCE only, and will duplicate the prices given in any Spring Oatalouge in the State. We propose her -after to talk to point, and Give You Prices upon application by mail or otherwise that will ASTONISH YOU. Mall orders solicited, andsamples sent upon ap plication. N. H. ALLEN & Co. e 57 First Street Alsasy, G. B. ROLAND & CO. NEW STORE AND CONSISTING 0P- Mens' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, and line clo thine. OhninA ia fancy Summer neckwear, Ki uuuoiwotu, 'wa, uicutt. ami riaggs giOTOS. e very best make of handsewed shoes, The very latest styles in mens, youths and boys clothing. All the celebrated make of hats in every style. FIXE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Remember our entire stock consists of bright, new, fresh goods, and as "Honest, Fair and Square" dealing is our motto, We ask the public to call and get our prices. No trouble to show goods, One door west of e IA MILLS . John A. Crawford, Proprietor. "TTC TILL furn'wh eacks lo farmera aid VV receive wheat at thn usual relets of storage. Tba highest market price paid for ssme. BEST Magnolia Hour alvvava on haul, for sale or exchange at ten sonele rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. Palace Meat Market. J. T. PIPF, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep ponsteatlv on hand hat, mutton, pork, veal, ausr, etc.. the heat meats and largest variwty in th oltv. Cash paid for all kinds of fatNtocdt. DR. G WATSON MAST0R1 Physician and Surgeon. Offios rooms 3 sad :r's Bloek. MAGNO I m SBaQp NEW GOODS", silk underwear, Balbrig- C. B, Roland & Co,, Revere House, Albany, 0 peg-on. New and Second Hand Store Owing, to the inrroaaed demands of business we have 1 en compelled te neve lato a Isrger store ax we can now be found next door to s, E, Tones;, where we will be pleased'to aee f ur patrons, tf jou t.eed any atevea, furniture, lit wftve erokery, clocks, earpeta, p let area, fruit jara, trunk", bock., roller tkates, vadtDftt, saws, piano, t., and a thousand dife. ferent andncful artie'ee yo t can n m 4s belt r ! his M 1 . f San Franels -o thun yem can do wiih m on a pnrchae or ore! sage M. FRANKtIN & 00. 128 Fir-t Street. Albany, Or. L. W. CLARK, Portr , Photographer. S,i nigs I y appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweec ding. Notary Public-