The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 14, 1887, Image 3

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    f be awcrat.
Kn tared t ths Post Office at Albany, Or
m second olaa mall matter.
ariTEj St HUTrmo.
ftdUar ami rraprleseen.
a a or Ntrrrixtt, Lmi uur.
Th M. A. T. Is told of a ittane found by
Mr. Fronk In the mountain, which U the
most remarkable on record. According to
the descriptions given It U about the slae of
an egg and nsrtlally transparent. By the
use of an ordinary magnifying glass picture
of armies, rural scenes,etc, may be sccn.the
ume scene never appearing twice at the
tone U turned. Thia Is the biggest fish
ttorv reported, yet It come through good
The M A. T. hat juat read In an Eastern
magaaine the following divUlon of the cost
of manufacturing flour in the Minneapolis
mlIU. Coat of material, 94.1a per cent ;
labor, 3.28 per cent ; other expenses, 3 fio per
Jury List.
Following is the list of jurymen drawn
for the term of Circuit Court, which meet
in thtaclty Oct. 24th :
Albany A J llunt.mccliamc George Pat-
tenon, mechanic.
Center A 0 llausman, tanner.
Craw fords ville O P Abrams, laborer.
Franklin Butte Anthonv Bender.farmer.
Fox Valley S M McClain, fanner.
Halsey Henry Owens, fanner ; B
ruing, farmer.
Harrisburg George Alferd, farmer.
Liberty J II Mathorn, carpenter.
Lebanon Marion Burkhart, farmer
Bland, farmer.
Orleans D A Millhollen. farmer
) W
J ?
Couer, farmer ; John Whlte.farmer; B
S Carey, farmer ; John Blevin,farmer.
Shedd - Scott Ward, farmer ; D P Porter,
Santiam J H Peerv,farmer ; Allen Charl
ton, farmer ; J M Hauler, farmer.
Sclo-ZachJ Hav.farmer ; Peter A Smith,
farmer ; Jo Bilyeu. fanner ; Andrew
Craotree, farmer".
Sweet Home J K Define, farmer ; John
GUlilami, farmer.
Waterloo J C Worth, merchant ; Daniel
Simmon, farmer ; J G Reed, saw mill
Electric Lights Mr Certain.
We are to have electric lights for certain
now. This is the first time the Democrat
ha stated this emphatically, and if it were
in tlte habit of using big head lines it would
do so on this occasion. An ordinance is be
fore the City Council providing for the
5 ranting of the right of way for an electric
ht and telephone system to N. H. Allen
and other. It will be patted. The first of
the week Mr J A Crawford, of the water
work signed a contract granting for twenty
years a forty horse power for the purposes
of the enterprise. Mr Allen will retire from
hit mercantile business and give all hit
time to the electric lights. This fact speaks
for its success, for he pushes whatever he
connects himself with. Every business
man In the city should have the light in
K nts nt krninML The fit V should be
thoroughly lighted with tnem. u is al
together too dark for a growing place Al
bany needs something to give it a boost.
Electric lights are great evidences of enter
prise and will attract attention to the city.
Let every body stand in with the enterprise.
A Logical Address.
The address delivered by Adjutant Gen
eral A D Campbell, of Kansas, at the Opera
House, Monday evening, was one of solid
logic and full of concise facts. The speaker
said what he said in a forcible, convincing
manner and quit before the audience was
tired, leaving a roost favorable impression
on hi hearers. He completely established
the fact that prohibition does prohibit in
Kansas, and stated that there was not aw
.open saloon in the State, and almost no
dives. Under prohibition Kansas has in
creased in population 1 00.000 a year, and
her materia! wealth has increased 40 per
cent. It Is an absolute success there. The
personal liberty argument was well hand
led. There Is nothing in it anyway for pro
Jiibitlon does not prohibit a man from drink
ing but from selling. Gen. Campbell lect
aared in Harrisburg Tuesday evening to a
large audience.
As Important Derision.
The case of Ncal against J II Foster and
other recently tried in the United States
District Court, was on Wednesday morning
decided by the referee ln favor of the
plaintiff. The case was brought in the in
terest of diver creditors in Linn county by
Mr Neal, of California, to whom their ac
counts had been transferred, to set aside the
conveyance of the Magnolia Mill property
and Foster's block, in this citv, made by
Mr Foster to J A Crawford and William
Crawford, just previous to the failure of Mr
Foster about five years ago.
The property is valued at about $75,000,
and, under this decision, will be in the same
condition at previous to the transfer ; hence
subject to the claimt of the many creditors
of Mr Foster. The case, it is reported, will
be appealed, when the decision it confirmed,
to the Supreme Court, in which case several
yeart would elapse before a final decision.
Slippery Celestials.
Last week C, W. Hunt the contractor
hired about iOO Celestials who had been at
work on the O & C extension for $1.15 a
day. In order to get them Qwong Tai,
the Chinese Contractor advanced their
fare, Sc. c0 apiece. After coming to Al
bany through a Chinese contractor for
a Portland house thev received an offer of
Si. 25 to work on a Washington Territory
road, and accepting it immediately began
necking their things preparatory to depart
ing for Portland . Qwong Tai hearing of their
action attached all of their things on .bun
dav for the bnonev advanced them. A tuit
will follow.
Aa Eminent Women.
Mrs. Lathrop, President of the State W.
C.T. U. of Michigan, will lecture at the
Opera House, in this city on the pending
prohibitory amendment, on next Wednes
day evening. Mrs. Lathrop i a veteran of
the Michigan campaign, and one of the
most eminent women of the United Statet.
8he is sn eloquent tpeaker and a sound logi
cian, and those who hear her will be greatly
Why Not.
Few counties in the United States are in
the fine financial condition of that of Linn
county. Why would it' not be a good idea
f 01 the l ourt House grounds in this city to
be somewhat renovated, water introduced
in the yard, a janitor hired by the year, and
the lawn kept in as tidy condition as that of
the enterprising citizen, the premises
should be an ornament to the city and
Steamer Launched-
The new Oregon Pacific steamer was
launched at East Portland last Tuesday. It
It I5O feet long, 32 feet beam and 4'A feet
In the hold, having been patterned after the
"N. 8, Bentley."
For Sale.
Mosquite or velvet
H. Bryant, Albany.
grass seed for sale by
Alfred Arquabright, of thi city, ha been
granted a pension.
Alvin Jeelln's diamond were taxed and
attached for $990 at Butte, Mon. .recent !r
Wm Bvrd Page on last Friday at Phlla
delphia made a running high jump of 6 feet
4 Inches, the highest on record.
Frank Htechan, once the dude manager
of the Newmarket theater at Portland, ha
been imprisoned at London tor debt.
This office ha received a ticket to the
Portland fat stock how which meet In
Portland, Oct. 17th and closes Oct 37th.
The base ball aeason closed latt Saturday.
In the league game Detroit 1 flrt with 79
game won and 45 lost, and then Philadel
phia, Chicago, New York, Boston, Pitts
burgh, Washington, Indlanopoli in the or
der named. St. IxmW won the American
association garnet.
A bad accident occurred at Vaquina City
Friday, in the kilting of Hugo Friederich, a
German aged 55, employed In Aden Park
er saw mill. Decease!, with others, was
engaged in putting a belt on a pulley, and
while thus engaged Ids foot got caught in
the belt, pulling him over and over against a
pile of lumber. The machinery was stopped
as soon as possible, but life was extinct, ncur-
lv evcrv hone in his bod v being broken, lie
leaves a large family in destitute clrcunv
stances. He had resided there for the past
four years and was known as a sober, Indus
trious man.
I. Inn County District Long, I. O. O. T.
The District Ixxlge met In the hall of
Albany Lodge, No. 513, and was called to
order by D. J)., J. E. Knox, at Vlop. m.
and after the usual preliminary business the
following officer were elected and Installed:
D. T . Richard Fax.
I). Counselor, D. P. Porter.
D. S. J. T J. L. Archibald.
D. V.T., Mr. R. Brown.
D. Sec'y, I. C. Robnett.
D. T Ml Llllte Hideout.
The Committee on Resolution beliic
present forwarded a copy of their resolution,
which was unanimously adopted.
Mr. D. P. Porter, of Shedd Lodge, and
James E. Knox, of Onward Lodge, favored
us with a few Interesting remark in regard
to the flourishing outlook for the adoption
of the Prohibitory Amendment.
After the transaction of routine business
the District Lodge closed In due form to
meet in the hall of Shedd Lodge, No. 519,
on the flrst Friday In February ,at a p. m.
District Sec'y.
Press AsMoelation.
Some of the editors of Oregon will meet
in this city to-day to hold their second meet
ing as an association. The event promises
to be an entertaining one. In the afternoon
at 2 o'clock a special meeting will be held
by the members of the association at the
Opera House. In the evening will occur
the regular public meeting, to which every
body is invited. J. B. Fithian will deliver
an address, and Jas O'Meara, so well-known
in Oregon journalism, one on "Oregon's
Pioneer hditors. Interspersed between and
around these will be music by local talent,
and perhaps two or three fire minute
speeches. The people of Albany ex
tend those visiting us a hearty welcome to
our citv.
The Lost Poaad.
Many of our reader will remember Peter
Henslcy, the man who settled the ranch at
Lower Soda Springs, and afterwards told it
and settled the McKinnon ranch stilt fur
ther up the South Santiam, from which he
disappeared in a mysterious war several
MM ago. The public, and especially his
friends who were quite numerous, after
making diligent Inquiries at to his where
abouts, finally settled down to the convic
tion that "Pete" had been made the victim
of foul play. Well a few days ago -Pete"
took his pen in hand and wrote a letter to
John Shea, of Sweet Home informing that
gentleman that he was still an inhabitant
of this mundane sphere living in Wasco
county where he hat a good ranch and
prospering. "Pete's" many friends will be
glad to hear that the lost hat been found.
Near Case leath
Dr W F Alexander, of Coberg, while at
his heme in that place last Monday suddenly
i fell from an apoleptte stroke, and striking
against s store made seen a nous that t
members of the household were warned, sad
ma bed is bis assistance, rendering bint such
aid as to prevent his expiring at one. Dr
Mas ton, of this city, was telegraphed and at
tended him. He is now nearly recovered. Dr
Alexander it one of the old land marks af
Lion c-mniv. having been identified with it
from its esrlier history, and has friends here
and through the county generally who regret
learning of bis illness, and wh will hops for j
bis recovery.
A Great Grape Country.
The Democrat office is under many obli
gations to Dr O C A wbrey, of this city, for a
crate of grapes from the vineyards of J N T
Miller, of Jacksonville. For taste ana
seioasnsss of appearance we bars neyer seen
them surpassed. Io these respects they sur
pass the California grape. Being less nbrooa
they are roach more palatable. With such
vineyards as Mr Millers in oar state we
should never be obliged to send out of Ore
gon for this nest healthful of fruits. The
Democrat is being thoroughly coavineed
thst Southern Oregon has some splendid ad
vantages for fruit culture, particularly grape
cnllore and it rejoices over the fact.
Drew Big Houses.
The W ilber Comedy fjompay closed a
very sucaessf ul week of entertainment last
Saturday night. The average attendance for
seven entertainments was nearly aye hun
dred, good acting and chtap admission prcv
i tig the incentive. At the Saturday matinee
a handsome doll wat drawn by Ola Miller,
daughter yf H B Millar, and a lady's nicksl
watch by William Keen. Saturday evening
a handsome gentlemsa's watch wat drawn
bv W H Bell, a piano man. rrotn here the
company went to Salem. We understand Mr
and Mrs Cboote left on Monday lor Chicago.
At they took the leading parte their placet
ill net be easily nllwL
Take Notice.
Our subtcribert at Scio Postofllce will
take notice that bills for amounts due on
subscription have been placed in the hands
of our agent, K. Shelton. At liarrlsdurg
in the hands of Sam May, at urownsviue in
the hands of O P Coshow, Crawfordsyllle,
R W Motet ; 8hedd, F A Wattt ; Halsey,
Postmaster Davidson. Please call and
New Boot Shop.
Messr. Lewis St Hughes hsve purchased
a complete ttock of leather, machinery, etc.
and haye opened a new boot and abee thop
opposite toe Knss House. I hey are prepar
ed to do all kindt of work in tirat-clats style,
and those wanting :rod work done at reason
able rat a will do wrli to call.
No Sapper.
Owing to a combination of adverse eiroum
stances the ladies will not be able to giva the
anpper for the S-ate Editorial Association, aa
was contemplated.
His Dry Goods.
The fall and winter stock of dry ceoda
received at Mcllwain't, is a large on well
selected, embracing all the latest novel tue,
and in quantity and of a quality not surpass
ed here. Do not buy without examining.
Immense Bargains.
Standard white shirts, 66 cents ; Boss of
ths Road overalls, 60 cents ; 4 pair of seam
less socks, 25 cents ; regular price 4 for 60
cents, and ether bargain to match, at A. B.
Council Processing,
Tuesday, Oct. nth, 1887.
Present AH officers but Mayor, anil all
Councllmen but Marthall. Councilman
(Jrsdwohl in chair.
An ordinance In reference to the stopping
of cars on public crossing was referred.
An ordinance granting N II Allen and
other the right of way for electric lights
and a telephone system was referred.
A four foot sidewalk was ordered on the
east side of Jackson street at Ninth.
The matter of a Ninth afreet ditch wa,
relet red.
The West Shore Publishing Company
presented a proposition offering to illustrate
Albany in consideration of the purchase by
the city of 600 copies of the magazine for
$150. A meeting will beheld tonight to
consider the matter.
The matter of a policeman for the Third
Ward was referred.
The matter of building a cistern hi the
Third Ward and a hydrant at the corner of
First and Montgomery Streets, were refen-
Ordered that the O & C R R Co, be In
structed to grade and gravel Water street
between Broadalbin nnd Ellsworth street.
The matter of Improving Fifth street west
of Callpooia was referred.
The reports of the Recorder nnd Treas
urer for the quarter ending Kept, 30th, were
referred. following is the report of the Re
corder :
Amount on liand July 1st, 1887,
general fund 43-39
Received from fine 45 OO
Received from city 55O.OO
Received from licenses 1983.6O
City orders paid $1507.59
Interest on orders 3i.0J
Amount on hand Oct it, 1887 $456.38
Amount of road tax 19.8O
ToUt fund on hand $476.18
Amount outstanding orders Oct. 1st . .$41.13
City officcrs,Mayor and Councllmen . $ 63.OO
Treasurer' salary 0.00
Recorder' fees 1 33-00
Marshal, street work and fees 1O1.75
Marahal for rnllm-iinu lav . iNA.lO
Attorney fees
Street work 451.4
New hose 450-00
Freight on same 8.07
Quarterly allowances of fire depart't 19O.OO
Engineer of fire department 60 00
Insurance of fire department 37.OO
Rose washers $,00
Nightwatches a80-5
Lamp supplies 4.05
Rent 18.75
Herd ware 17-35
Printing 8.00
Rebate on license of J R Stewart son 33.35
Total $97-39
Following were the recorded aalea
Linn county during the past week :
Pearos to J O Boshnell.3 lots, block
21. H 's 2nd A, Albany $1050
W S Peters to Edmoad Beck wit b, lot
2, Most. 51, Albany 1000
W S Peters to Haiti K Seek with, lot
I, block 51. Albany 1500
Elisabeth C Deekard to Kd ward (Joins.
2 lota, block 102, It's A., Albany 1400
A Haekleman to Ola Tabiaeon, 8 lots.
block 3'J, H's 2nd A., Albany . 1250
J V Maple to W L Maple. 884. 14 acres
tp 12. 4 w aww
J It Hsmnger to Too K and Mary M
Avers, 132.13 seres. t 12. 1 w 1000
J L Kendall, by D S Smith. Sheriff, to
Mary Black, 10 acres 3
Wells, Fargo A Co to Kageoe Shelby,
po war of Attorney
Altai Moeassager to W VAC K It
Co.. 4 lots, block 119, H's A., Al
bany 1250
J H Borkhart to S Snnpp.2 ot.bUck
91. Mis A., Albany
Elmira Foster to Michael Donolly, 90
acres, tp 12,2 w 2000
U 8 to Alien II Foil is, 20 acres, tp
9, 1 w patent
A Sweet Hosts Item.
L K Brooks. 0 W Howes and J W Me-
(lee, of Sweet Hone, were in Albany roes
da v making Mr MoOtVt title to a usarter
section of Uncle Sam's land complete. Mr
Brooks is now running a grist mill the.
Wheat is governed by the Lebanon market.
and flour sails for about $5 a barrel. Mr Joe
Ris rs recently acid his farm of 1 GO acres near
Sweet Hems to Mr Galbrait'a, recently from
Kansas, for 12400, sndous or two other sales
bare occurred .
On Saturday evening, Oat. 15th, the Y.
W C T. U. wilt give a lunch in the hall
lately occupied by Shane & Lonsway,
Lunch will be served from 5 till 8 o'clock.
Unlike their usual entertain meats this lands
is not free, but for loach including iee cream.
25 centa will be charged . Conaideriag the
many free loaches the young Isdtss have
given, tbsy have reason to expect a large
A orvallU Toath at Albany-
The otbei evening a Corvallis youta, tue
son of a well-known official, after taking his
beat airl to her boms in Beaton county, re
turned to hi skiff, which be bad crossed io,
and rnvins it a shove jumped in. " Din out
in the stream he discovered that his oars nan
. . ' ....... t
n stolen. Bv tsarina no the seat and using
it for an oar b auooeodod in reaching land
about a mile down stream. This ia consider
ed a good joke.
Home Tsient.
Miss Nellie Richards, of this city, hss just
mounted a couple oil paintings which confer
great credit on her. One is Shasta in all the
elsrv of a luscious sunset, the reflection of
the evening aun malting the rivers and trees
btuth i the other it Tillamook light bouse, a
blue dashing wares tipped by the breaking
foam, and ths bluer sky darkened by over
shadowing clouds giving the acene a pleasant
oas to ths sye.
Muslin Underwear.
I have received my new stock of muslin
underwear . These goods arc mads on a look
atich machine, and warranted to be full aise
and length and price reasonable.
SAMOabJC xovna.
The atore of Monteith St Seitenbaott ia
crowded with seasonable and fashionabls
goods, their line of dress goods, fancy goods.
and cloaks are immense and if you deaire to
pieaso yourself giye tbem a call.
If you want blankets go to M. A S.
Utter List.
Following is the list of letters remaining in ths Post
O Rce, Albany, Una county, Oregon, Octt. 13tlt, 1887;
Parsons calling for these letters must give the date OB
which they were advertised :
Ames, II H
Brannliiff, Miss Mary
Cooper, Mrs Emma
Davis, D a
Fan-en, Oha G
Hunt, Miss Ullie M
Harrison, Mrs Susie
JnUkint, Stanley
King, IL
Lygh, Mum Minnsrva
Masea,U W
Miller, Mrs 0 J
Motbon, D II
Northrup, K W
Stratum, D P
Wrean, Mrs E J
Zumwalt, Wg
Bsffety, W R
Killlntrs, Mollis If
Ceurter, Francis M
Kreeh, Jessie
ureen, Oley
Hunt, Ouy L
Ihson, Chas 2
Johnsoa, Mrs R M
Krozs, Johnn
Lambert, Miss Annie
Mitchell, R W
Smltte, Julius
Newmsn, M C
Paris. 8 J
Swank, D E
Wells, Tbeo S
Messrs Foshay St Mason, druggists
selling Wisdom's Kobertine wholesale
retail, and giving beautiful picture oards with
every bottle. Positively the most perf eot and
harmless article of tbe kind in the market.
(J. J. WSUnsjr Jtuhrs; Knouh Millar, Aist Brandon
Application of G W Cooper, C A Mhurte,
Wm Read, Est A S Nanny, H Bryant and
Geo E Chamberlain for reduction of ate
ment granted.
County road was ordered altered as ap
plied tor by J B Traak and others.
Albert Smith and Loyd Dodd were grant
ed free scholarship to the State University,
St John St Stone were let the contract for
repairing the bridge across the Muddy.
County road was ordered altered as ap
plied for by J M Hasler and other,and Win
A Pan I. Win H Young and David Bltyeu
were appointed viewer.
The part of Mabel precinct not made a
part of Lane county by the last legislature,
was ordered incorporated Into Crawford
ville precinct.
Warrant were ordered drawn for the fol
lowing persons and amounts i
The tax levy for the coining year wa
placed at the following figures 1
University fund, -0t mill ; military fund,
0J mill ; school fund, e, mills ; State tax,
3 mills ; county tax, 3.7 mills. Total 13
W E Curl, 1 moa salary $ 83.33
D V S Reld, 1 tnos salary 5000
J P Gulbralth, fee i6.fc
D 8 Smith, fee 6380
Phil Smith, Akseskor' fees
Clark iV Sons.lumbci
. . 38.84
E J Daly, making arrests
May & Menders, tndae
Mary E Davis, keeping pauper
E W Langdon, mdte
J P Mallory. wood
J P (iaibrslth, postage
A S Ioonev, wood
Jacob WlllUiina, wood
Barnard Ac Co., stationary
D Meyer & Co., lumber
Meyer Bros., lumber
W E Curl, fees, school fund
R Koldewsy,a stock Inspector
E T T Flslier, fees surveyor
H J Healy, lumber
j (5 Goodale, lumber
R Glass Si Son, mdae
S E Young, mdae. ,
Zeyss Ic Hochstedler, lumber
D M ones, wood
B Henshaw, lumber
J B Kltawater, keeping pauper.
L II Montanye.Diat AUy'afees
G Morris, keeping poor
Ruckcr St Lyons, lumber
St John St Stone.bulldirg bridge near
45 50
-4. e
76. 37
Shedd........ 58400
St John St Stone,repalring Owl Creek
bridge 1 0000
Sloan Tun, lumber 42,u
1W Marquis, scalps. ... 1 fcjo
. Irs Houck, keeping (J nig ley 4V0O
1) V S Kcld, Incidentals tiAc
I) V S Reid, additional salary 61 .87
O W Young, repairing Sandcraon
bridge 100.00
Fees State agt G W loom 34.15
r ee Coroner inmicat Samuel Shafler 4 J.oO
I ..-. . . I f I ....
r era niaic agi rvmuau jyOU
Fee State agt McKinnon 8 i0
II Whitney. Judge 7S.OO
Knot h Miller, Com r i6i
A Brsndon, Com'r 14.4O
I) -S Smith. Sheriff ij.OO
The following Mils were dlasllowed : E
E McKinnev, ultnca fce. $860 ; C W
Kuyton, witness free. $
We are now having aomc Webfoot weath
er whkh is very detrimental to R R work.
I he grading Is completed through the prai
rie, anu worn is progressing as tast as tnc
nature of the ground will admit, both east
and west of here. Ttte boom of the blaat
sounds like distant canonadlng. the echoe
reverbratingover I he mountain with grand
effect. Brink has a Urge force at work
above here. He has some heavy work but
he is equal to It I presume a great many
will leave during this bad weather particu
larly famuVs, aa It Is very disagreeable
camping out.
Our local merchant are receiving quite a
set back by the opposition that Is springing
up along the line ol the K R. Any one can
supplv lilmsell with all the necessaries and
unueccaric of life, including dry good.
groceries and liquid, there being several
saloons convenient, rite roads are begin
ning to show the effect of heavy freighting
ana rnucn oi ute kind 01 westtter we are
r - ... ... m - r
having now will soon make them impassi
ble. Hunt haa accumulated a large supplv
of stores at their camp at Dan. Smith's and
is continually increaing hta stock. I pre.
sumc lie is getting ready for early spring
work, as It would be impossible to get sup-
plies In early.
The citlxens of King Prairie with the
assistance of Contractor Hunt and some aid
from Marion county have built a good, sub
stantial wagon bridge aero the North San
tiam at that place and Hunt's freighter are
utilizing the same.
The Mehama bridge it progressing a fat
aa circumstances will admit I suppose. The
company put off the work so long there la a
possibility of thru being caught by high
water. I here has been a great deal of tim
ber thrown into the river above here bv the
right of way men and should the river raie
Kutfh'icntly to bring it down before the main
span 4s completed, there is danger of its
carrying the false work out, hut we will
hope for the best.
Davis Bro's. have contracted tor more
Dr. J. V. Gaff and D. P.Porter went U
Albany last week to attend I. O. G. T.
County Lodge at that place.
Mrs. liausacker is recovering from an at
tack of ague.
Wm. C. Robinett, of Crawfordsvllle waa
In the city day before yesterday.
Guy Powers paid us a very pleasant call
while In the city last week. Mr Powers
has been running on the boat from Albany
to Portland.
The weather seems to be settled again,
which is just what we want, so the farmers
can finish their plowing.
1 O' '
Report of Taageut .School,
For the month ending Oct. 7th. Number
enrolled, 51 ; No. belonging, 47 ; average
attendance, aa- Pupils neither tardv nor
absent 1 Maud, Georgia, Claud and Harry-
Beard, Annie and L.izzte llryan, hnoch and
Forrest lenkt, Lenna, Ella, Elmer and
Charles Anderson, Annie and Sadie Smith,
Leila Scott, Volaney Simpson, Hary
Knighton. Emery Ryan. Not absent 1 Le
onard, Ollie and Mary Simpson, Ida Smith,
Charles Bryan, Jib Beard. Not tardy :
Mollic and Edna Lnper, Trixle Morgan, Ella
and David Bridgefarmer, Louetta New-
comb, Delmer, Lizzie and Mollie Smith,
Jesse Tenks, Roy and Sylvia Brewer, Mel
vin Simpson, Bennie Morgan, Albert Set
tlemlre, Ada Knighton. These littt do not
include those who gave good excuses for
being tardy or absent.
Of five grades of deportment, poor, ordi
nary, fair, good and excellent, I shall name
thoae only who have been excellent : Chas
and Lizzie Bryan, Ida and Mollie Smith,
Emma Knighton, Alfred Blevlnt, Enoch,
Forrest and Jesse Jenks, Albert gettlemire,
Lenna, Ella, Elmer and Charles Anderson.
None of the lowest grades are represented.
1 he school was reported to me as being
noted for tardiness and irregular attendance.
The record for the first month is very en
couraging and 1 hope that parents and pu-
f t Tt I A. t - - A f SSS . At t
pus win continue tneir cnont, ineenccess 01
the school depends largely upon punctuali
ty and regular attendance. At but few sub
jects have yet been completed, there will be
no report on scholarship now. Exposition
work, an entirely new feature for most
schools, will be prominent irpthis. By such
work any one can see how the pupils arc
progressing and what they are doing. It
will show the work not of a few of the best
pupils, but of every one. Parents are cor
dially invited to come and see for them
selves. T. W. Hrrron,
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to E W Langdon will please ' came forward
and asttlo their accounts at once.
E. W. Lakodojt.
Union has a population of nearly 800.
Ths beat harness st E L Thompson s.
French, ths jeweler, ksepa railroad time.
H Kwsrt, practical watchmaker and Jsw
ltr. Co. I,, O N O has been orgaolatd at Ma
One pries to a!l at Hlisno A Imswsy's Cash
J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
The finest raUlioery ia ths State st Sttaaa
k Lonsway 'a.
Bee those nice cap at Shane St l-ousway 'a
for small boys.
Geo M Strong hss unwind s grocery store
in East Portland.
Roota chespsr thau shoes st II. Fliudt's
boot sod shoe abop,
Alt kindt of muslin and knit underwear si
Shane A tjonsway'a.
If yon want ths best atrSMtl iu the lasrkst
go to J J DubiuillsV
Goto Shsns A Lonswsy's for alt kinds of
millinery and fauoy goods.
A toboggan slid is to ha erected at Tn
Dalles the coming winter.
The finest French kid shoe with I. my try
tip at Shan A Lonswsy's
The W. C. T. V Hall will U ready for
aeoapaaoy on next Tue ml ay .
Remember Shsns It Lmaway are telling
dry goods at very low prices.
Sis shaves fur a dollar and a oltau towel to
ever y cuatorner, at Tbos. Jonas.
Mr John Briggr, of this eity hss juat rs
otived toms Datel. hull,, from Holland.
tors honed, set and put in order at
Hhaviug and H-ir Dressing Parlor.
Albans hss a aurnlu of eood for nnthiuu
dogs, thst aboald either b shot or Used.
Hands are aaid to be needed on ths Ore
gon Psoitis extension. No ei suss for idleness.
F M French, stent Singer Maun facto rinir
Co., opposite Odd Fellows temple, Albany, Or.
If van a have a nise ah aped foot show it
off in a perfect titting boot mads by 11. Fluid t.
San Fraooisoo now hss a vigilance com
mittee, and needs one or some C jurts of jos
Farmers rsmoniber you can get 70 oenta
per bushel for yonr wheat at Shane A lont
way's. Mr J W Roberts, near Shedd. harvested
6500 pounds of hop from sight acres ths past
Dr. M. U. Ellis, physutso nnd surgeon
AH any, Oregon. Calls made io eity or
All style of boots and aboe and a large
took of groceries is what ws carry. Kedtield
Ic Browne!!.
I.ish Applsgate is to lecture at ths Coart
Heat iu tbit city to night 10 the interest of
the saloon.
Oat of 230 men who went into s Chicago
hotel in three hours 130 wore Piieee Albert.
100 did not.
We take the cms. ths customer Uk the
bargain, and the bargains take tb cake.
Kedftcld A Vrowaell.
Are yen going to get yonr fall and winter
bat or bonnet at Shane St Ivas way's. Their
new asillioer is aa expert.
Kahreeys Celebrated Blood Cleanser for
sals at DeVee St Bobsoo'a and Head &1irown
Us, P J Baltimore, agent.
The Circuit Court will convene in Ihtssnty
one week front nest Monday. Oct 24th. Ths
as SO e'er promisee to be small
Every castaier will be a walking adver
tisement for our bargains when thsy see our
prices. Bed held St Bro smell.
One of N II Alien A Cos nrise tickets good
far io on a dollar worth of good purchased
at tbe now Seoond fiend atore.
Heat, the 0. P. Cootrsctor, he placed all
of bis men 00 the railroad work this tide of
tb Summit, beyond Pos Valley.
Oeorgs Francis Tram is qstto insane and
threaten to cat with his little knife every
throat ia Chicago and Jay (loald's,
A foe line of gent's underwear and tarn
ishiog goods jest reeeive-i at Meliwsin'
will be sold at prices that defy 00m pot i ton
D. T. Wyjtao, soUcitmgagent for the State
Insurance la., lor Uont o.. renloee Saoaaa
batwaen Lyon and Baker Street, Albany, Or.
The nine hours law was saapended by tba
a a S ut al s t a 9
nrtotors anion 01 tns V. . anu union men
will go to work as heretofore in Portland of
Seattle 1 raising J 125, 000 for a street
railway. II this bonus business keeps on there
will be nothing else bat bone to tbe North
west. Aft Vanooovsr Saturday, Mo Knight Bros.
Oaeoo. of this county won a trotting match
against Sheriff, without any training. Time,
The SfotU of Union, baa the moat fan tea
tic head t my paper ia Oregon, and withal
is a good illustration of the country it .-trcu
late 10.
Another ahipmoat oi ladies do shoes in all
widths and aia u juat ia thi weak. Custom
ers remark what perfect beautte. Re-tueld
St Browne!!.
If yon want a stylish winter garment g to
Monteith A Seitealutcb, agenta for Springer
Bros, tailor mad gsrmsnt for ladies, misses
and children.
John Shea, tbo great origin al, of Sweet
Home, was tn the city weunceasy, with a
Urge wagon load of onions, the finest raised
in ths United States,
Mr John Hood, recently from Canada on
Blend y purchased Mr A B McCoy's farm.
on Oak Creak, consisting of 123 acre, p-
tag 13211 for ths asms.
jhsiH you desire to sell your property
oall on Burkhart A Keeney as they advtrtiss
p-o party placed ia their band, aud charge
a thing unless they effect a sale.
An Astoii man tried to buy a esse of sal
ason tn that eity, and utterly failed. Tbe old
eying about taking coal to Now Castle does
net apply to taking salmon to Astoria
The redaction of the tax levy io this coua
i ty to 12 mills places Linn county in the lead
in the Jsute, ana means we in ovary tax pay
ers pocket for each 91000 of assessment.
Tuesday evening a tooth ache and stomach
curcr, and a camp meeting under tbe auspi
ces af a traveling evangelist, were bold at
one time on First street. The latter said that
while ths former was earing tooth aches be
would offer something for the cure of hearts.
C F Moonsy was arrested at Scio last weak
for breaking into ths house of Mr Harmon,
was examined before Juttice Williams, and
botfnd'over to await the action of the grand
jury. In default of bail he was brought to
this city and incarcerated ia ths county jail.
Tbs Grand Lodge of K of P is in sessioa ia
Pendleton thia week. Geo W Hochstedler,
Henry J Clark, 0 II Irvine aad Jas F Hail,
are present as delegates frsm ths Albany
A splendid line of groceries and crockery
wars al Conn Brothers, also everything fresh
in farm produce. The best brands of cigars
and tobaccos. Good goods at bottom prices.
Thst is their rule. Call on them for yonr
Several Albans boyt who attend theaters
and locate in the galleries, are as utterly ob
lirioua to ths feelings of others as a hipsopo-
tamons nould be to a woman's caress. Of all
people the selfish person at a theater is the
most cul tit.
426 is Mr McDaffie'a latest revised count
of the number of houses in Albany. Oaring
the year about 05 new houses have been built
and at the present time there are about 9
going up. There ia some dispute on sums of
these figures though.
In a railroad accident on the Chicago and
Atlantic ER laat Tuesday seventeen pass
engers were burns! to death. The train was
waiting when it was, ran into by a Jast
freight and a terrible acene followed. Will
such accidents never ceaae.
A. B. Moll wain has ths largest and fines
stock of carpets in Albany, new goods of the
atest designs, a aplendid stock to gst a car
pet from. Sold st remarkably low prices
considering quality of goods.
From our Tangent correspondent we learn
that a new engine has just been put in the
warehouse at that place ; that .two new fam
ilies have moved into the village : lota are
increasing in value, and considerable aeeding
is being done in ths vicinity.
The District w. u. 1. u. convention was
held ia BrowaafiU last week. Mrs L E
Blain, Mrs Henrietta Brown and Miss Lib
Iry Ins attended from this eity. Tbs Session
ars reported as interesting ones,
Ths Usv Jesse C Taylor will hold divine
service iaSt Peters Episcopal Church naxt
Susdsy, Oct lth, morning and evening. Ail
ars invited to attend. Service on Friday
evening, Oct. 14th. at 7:80 o'clock .
'For years 1 suffered from loss of appetite
snd iudigestion, bat felled to Had relief until
I began taking Ayer'a SarsspsrilU. Thia
medicine entirely cured me. My appetite and
digestion are now perfect.-- Fred Bower,
4M Seventh St., South Boston, Msss.
W J Beatty who was supervisor at the in
aaus asy lum under Joseph i, has been street
ed at San Kranci co under three obsrges of
grand larceny, and will be token to Salem,
when a sensation may follow. After leaving
ths asylum Beatty went East, then returned
to ths Coast, going to San Francisco, whsrs
he married a nurse under him at ths asylum.
At Independence last Monday Jas lender
gon found Frank Burgttt in tbs house with
hi wife, when he attacked Burgett with a re
volver aad tired several ahotj at bin. Lm
dergou and his wife were at rested and held
to await the action of the grand jury under
$500 bond.
Tbs following from an Eastern Oregon pa
per is ths latest account of Mrs Senator Stau
ford's visit to the Cstholic echoo building in
this city : "Mm Senator Stanford while in
Albany Sunday spent one hour aJene in
snt devotion in tbeCatbtdic eh a rob, al though
sh it not s Catholic. "
Tbs Corvsllie Uavtlr appearsd last Friday
with Craig St Ceaoyer as managers and pub
dehors. Mr Parry, its former editor will re
tire front journalism entirely. He Bays it has
brought mm nearly to "blindness snd tbe
poor hottss " Tbs Dbmo'-rat hopes to see ths
osw managers prosper.
lAtt Friday Mrs Miller, wife of the bridge
superintendent on the O. 1. vfaa taken with
aa insane freak from a bad felon, while at
br home at Vaqnins City. Mr Miller wa
telegraphed for and taken to that place on s
special train - Saturday his wife was taken la
her parents at Eagene for treatment.
The pianist with Wilbers Comedy Com
pany has severed bis oonnsetieu with that
troup and gone into partnership with Mr J P
Schooling, of Harrisburg in tb drag busi
ness, Tbe gentleman is a graduate of the
school of pharmacy at Albany, Haw York
and is said to bean st pert at the basin aes.
H will manage fas Herrisbarg store.
A correspondent of a Salem paper writing
01 the salmon in teres, at the Bay sayt : "I
paid a visit to Parker' salmon cannery thai
morning and was astonished to see the nam -her
of salmon on hand. Over foar and one
half ton of aa tine nsh aa are usually aeon
wer landed and weighed while I was there
A similar amount was landed aad weighed at
the upper cannery. They ars now having ths
beat run of the season. In jost six hoars af
ter the heads of ths lish wore oat off the foar
.... ... 1 1 , ... . - .
wum uil m it 1 1 91 UIRIOR tMat 1 SW
sooked, canned and ready to bo labeled.'
Jerry Hay. of If sirishnrr. was ie the ,-itv
Mr Josiah F.-uUr. of Scie. was us the
Monday. '
Mrs Rob 1 Johnson left Albaav Tneadae for
Fort Stevens
Hon John Bryant, of Ionian, wa in 1 1,
city last Saturday.
Will McCulluch. the nouoareii aloe of tm
Herald offlc. went to tha Mechanic's fair
Hsv A J Hunsaktr. of McMinnvilla. waa
in Albany laat Monday oa his wsy boms to
R 0 Smith, of Camp Polk, who baa been
visiting in the vailev the last month return
ed home last Tuesday.
Hey SO 1 reins and Dr fi W Gray ars ia
Portland thia week attending a meeting of
theU P Presbytery.
Otto Clelan, Fred Hyde aad several other
young men left Albany Wednesday on a
hunting expedition in ths mountains.
Virgil Parker loft Saturday for Yaquioa
Bay, where hs will be interested io the can
nery of Parker & Co. Success it bound to
uresrn bit efforts .
Wm Foettniller went to Portland Tuesday
to buy goods, attend the meeting of the Pros-
bytery and be on band at ths undertaken
Last Saturday. Mr Sam Altbouss with 1
largo corps of loggers, engineer, cooks, etc
left Albany for Crawford villa, where thev
will gat oat a Urge number ef logs for 1888
N H Allen, of this citv, Enoch Hoult. of
Harrisburg, and Wm Powers, of Shedd,
have been drawn aa jurvmen for the U. 8
Court which meets In Portland Oct. 18th
Walter Parker returned last Monday from
Crook county, having onoolndad that west ef
the Cascades was a goad oeuotry la live in.
He found as much as a foot and a half of
snow in some places.
Mia Mattis Allison, of Portland, came op
yesverony morning, retaining in the after
noon. She expects to leave shortly for Men
tons, where be will in the folnro reside .
; Salem Statesman,
I W Langdon left the lin.t of the week
for Napa, Cel., where he has purchased one
of the leading drug stores in tliat dtv. Mr
Langdon will follow in about a month, and
Mr Oeorge Piper In two or three weeks.
Mr Hey Trumbull and daughter arrived
in Albany Tuesday front lodepsadas
where they left Rev Truaabull aad old
daughter. Rev Trumbull was confined to his
room, end will probably not be io Albany for
several days.
Several Albany people haye been to the
Mechanics fair this week from thia city,
among ths number being Judge Flinn, Jay
Blainand wife. W H Willard and wife. T L
Wallace, JaHnoOradwohl and wife. Mrs 8 E
Young, Mrs E F Sox.G W Hunt and fasaUy
John Archibald, of Priosvilla, wa in the
city Friday, and while hare called at o jr pals
tial sanctums. Hs will leave Monday for
home. He stated that the wagon road is now
in excellent condition. The streams hsvs
baeu bridged and the road improved general
Mr J L I'.iwnll, Miss Nellie Powell, Misa
Allie Powell, Mr El Powell and Earnest
Powell leave Seattle thia mirning for New
York, where they expect to remits a ooaple
01 years tvlwaid, Mrs PoweU'e oldest sen
expects to take op the study of medicine
while in theKist Mrs Powell aad family wil
be accompanied on their Eateru trip by Dr
Johnson and wife. Seattle PoM IfittUiijenetr.
To Whom It May roaeern.
All parties knowing themselves indebte
to ut either by uots or bonk account must
make their arrangements to meet the aame
by December let. We must hsve money to
do business os. Don t wait for a persona
dun, but come forward and maks settlement
snd oblige
I HoursoM Si Watkbvs.
Brawns vi He
( luakK ! Cloaks I Cloak !
We hsv received direct from Kisteru
manufactures a large nnd choice line af cloaks
and j Wets whinh wa will sell at prices that
defy competition. Coins and sec a
Thqmmox & Watr,
If on wnttt boots or shoos K" to M.St 8
Mi liwaitt's Clotbiiitr.
Mcllwain's fall and winter sto dr of cloth
ing is arriving. It includes the Uta-t sty 1.8
and is oomm vidinx attention. S n- hi. Chit
chtlla co it, fin a stock to select from. Ail
eood 4 warranted as represented and parfsct
tits guaranteed.
let tin. o ; I of your' ran on. You think
it ia a light thin-.;. But k may run into
Catarih. Or into pneumonia. Or con
sumption. Catarrh is li-i? jsilug. Pneumonia is
dangerous. Consumption Im death itself.
Tbe breathing apparatus must be kept
healthy and dear of ail obstructions and
offensive matter. Otherwise there is
trouble ahead.
All tha diseases af these parts, head,
nose, threat, bronchial tube and lungs,
can be delightfully and entirely cured by
tha use of Bosohee's German Syrup. If
you don't ho vn this already, thousands
and thousand i of people can tell you
They have been cured by it, and kpo7
now it is. tnemasivee." eottie only 4w
i oanf a, Ask any druggist,
Semi annual summary statement of tbe
financial condition of the county of Linn In
the State of Oregon, on the first day of Oc
tober, A. D., 1SS7 i
Oct. tat. By funds In the hands
of the County Treasurer
applicable to the payment -of
county warrant $27,76 51
Oct. tst. By funds in the hand
County Sheriff applicable to
the payment of County war
rant. A0.00
By estimated unpaid current
taxes applicable to the pay
ment of the County warrant 23167.41
By amount to credit of County
in State Treasury 2,738.24
Til a I resources.
To warrants drawn on County treat-
urer and outstanding and unpaid .$621.10
Hat lance due on University tax of 1SS6 383.16
Total iiahi ities..
K B: SflTl-'LAT ION' .
Ota I resource . .- 4. j. - 1 (,
ota! liabilities , 1004.36
Total net resources $53,2511.80
A large part of this is in lirigalion.
Wsrrantsdrswn on County Treasurer for
six months ending September 30th, 18S7 :
County Judges sslsry $ 450 00
Treasurer's salary coo 00
County Clerk's fees. ... 1 1 29 81
Sheriff's fee tl7o 60
County Commissioner' per diem. . 142 80
Account of Scltool Superintendent 390 65
44 " Coroner ff j 50
District Attorney 40 00
" " paupers snd poor.... 905 81
" M roads, bridges & lumber 1564 00
" Court House and jail. 142 50
stationary and printing flo 07
" Insane. ...
" " Incidental expense. . .
44 44 fuel
44 44 witnesses in crim. cases
44 petit jurors
44 4 4 grand juror
41 44 witnesses before grand
44 baiiff a.
44 44 viewing and surveying
44 " bounties on wild animal
44 " preliminary examina
tion H oo
1183 24
12 00
1092 44
49S 70
71 00
16 40
lot 00
43 00
664 00
561 58
Total $11564.90
Semi-annual statement of money and war
rants received for taxes, and monev paid to
the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Linn
county, Oregon for the six months ending
on the 30th day of September, A. D., 1887 :
To amount received in coin and currency.
April $3,246 8
afy , a,8ii 13
une . 1 ,000 03
tT 395 4
August 118 47
September 108 02
Total amount received $8288,60
April ...
$6125 04
. . 1893 00
. . 1133 OO
450 00
une. . .
uly . . .
Total nakl Treasurer $12579 o4
Semi-annual statement of the County
Freasurerof Linn county, Oregon, for the
six month ending on the 30th day of Sept.
07, ot monev received and paid out , from
whom received and from what sources, and
on what account paid out.
April tat, . To amount on itand
Iron, Steel, Coal and
Much the Largest and Best.
Win. Fortmiller & Cb's furniture store
has been nearly doubled in, and tilled
with a splendid stock of furniture, "chuck"
full. Twenty-five varieties of chairs and
seventeen styles of bed-room sets, a an ex
ample. Besides a fine line of upholstered
Largest and best stock
In Albanv. No doubt of it 6 or 7 men
are constantly employed in manufacturing
It, and shipments are made to all parts 01
the N. W. from
Tacoma to Grant's Pass.
This beside a big retail trade.
The buyer is bound to get satisfaction.
STK new feature is a machine for trim-
minsr wall wiper, of which they have a large
and splendidly selected stock of the latest
varieties, sold cheap ana trimn-.ea tree.
Also nice line of window shades.
Produce of all kinds taken in ezchai go at
Shane A Lonsway .
HILL -SPARKS. On Thursday, Stpt.
30th, in Portland, by Rev. Geo. W. Hill
and another, Prok.J. F. Hill and Miss
Ellen Sparks. Both were once teach
ers in our public schools, and have many
friend in Albany who will wish them
much joy through life.
OSBURN HOLMES.-On Friday, Oct.
7th, al the Russ House, in Albany, by R.
L. Dorris, Esq., Mr. J. L. Osburx, of
Sweet Home,andMiss Hattie Holmes,
of Benton county.
Oct. 9th, 1887, at the Russ House, in Al
bany by R L Dorris, Esq., Mr. John W.
Yovng and Miss Mary M Crabtree,
daughter of Mr Jas P Crabtree, of Scio
precinct both of Linn county.
ISOM, On Oct. 10th, 1887,at PIainview,to
the wife of J. D. Isora a ot.
from last report $2991 1 80
April 7th. To amount: from DS
Smith, Sheriff,tax list of 1886. 4375 03
April 36th. To amount from A.
Bernham, peddler license. . 3.35
May 9th. To sm't from D S
Smith,Sh'ff,deliriquent IM.1XS.V4 ao&Sg
May 9th. To am't from D S
Smith,Sli'Melinquent list 1885 80 17
Msy 9th. To am'tj from D S
8mlth,Sh'ff .delinquent list i88 108908
May 27th. To am' t from D Vg
Reid for examination of teacher 2 50
June 9O1. To am't from 1 S
8mititSli'ff,delinqucntHst,i886 2127 15
July nth. To am't from D 8
8mtth,Sh'ff,delinqiient Hat. 1886 S09 29
Aug. 2nd. To am't from Eichler
St Wood, peddler licence .84
Aug. 7th. To nm'tj from D S
Smltli.Sh'ff.dclinquent list. 1886 214 30
Aug 16th. To am't from J N
Harrow, peddlers license .85
Aug. 16 h loam't from D Vg
Reid, examination of teachers 5 00
Aug. 26th. To am't from D S
Smitii,Sh'ff, delinquent IUt,i886 107 14
Scjh. loth. To tm't from F M
Hcu'inc, ferry license 5 ex
Kept . 21st. To am't from WV
Si C R R jury fees special
term of the Circuit Court, 1887 209 30
Pept. 30th To am't from trial
fees , in 00
Total amount received $39,244.60
BY vjoi s PAID Off.
July let, Redeemed county war
rants filed with the Clerk $5207.5$
Sept. 30th. Redeemed county war.
rants filed with the Clerk 6267.60
Total amount paid out $1 1475 "5
Total amount received $39,244.66
Total amount paid out 1 1475.15
Total am't on hand Sept 30th, '87 $27769.5:
April 1st To am't on hand. . .$18021 ii
April 7th. To am't from D 8
Smith, Sheriff on tax 1 886. . . 1750 ot
April 7th. To am't from F A
Watts, J P., estrav 670
April 1 6th. To am't from Geo
Humpherv, J. P., fine 5 00
April 22ml. To am't from Geo
Humphrey, J Pn Une 5 00
May 9th. To am't from D S
Smith, Sheriff, fiom Uses. . . 1381 74
July itth. To am't from D S
."smith, bhertff, from taxes. . . 323 7 1
July 25th. To am't from fine
in mate cases 10 00
Aug. 3rd. To am't from fines
in stale case 2500
Aug. 8th. To am't from D S
Smith, Sheriff, on taxes 85 70
Aug. 9th. To am't from fine.
State vs Geo Keeney 100 00
Aug. 15th. To am't from fine,
State case 5 00
Aug. j6th. To am't from D 8
Smith, Sheriff, on taxes 42 86
Aug. 30th. To am't from fine
in State case 5 ao
Tout amount received. . .$21,767 33
July 2nd. By amount paid on
' April apportionment $19764 85
Sept. 30th. By amount paid on
August apportionment 969 60
Sept 30. Bv balance of August ap
portionment not paid 927 30
Total paid out $2i6Ai 95
Total amount received $21,767 33
Total amount paid out 2 1,66 1 95
Am't on hands Sept. 30th, tj . $i05 38
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 1st day t f
October, 1887.
L. n. J. P. Galoraith,
Countv Clerk.
& Sox,
X Cut SawsT
Where to Bay Carpets.
Monteith A Seitenbach have the largest
aud prettiest stock of carpet, oil cloths,
window blind and wall paper ever brought
to the Valley, and are offering than at a
bargain. Persona desiring anything ia thia
liue ahould give them a oall.
Wall Paper. Shades, Etc.
N H Allen St Co. keep in sioek a full line
of the above goods, including a fine assert.
msnt of decorations for sealings, which thsy
will sell at tha lowest possible prices. IV
have new iu transit one of the largest stocks
of these goods ever in this market
Extension of Ninth street,
Notice is herein- given that bv an order
of the Common Council of the City of Al
bany, Linn county, Oregon, duly made and
entered on its minutes at the regular meet
ing of said Council held on the 9th dav of
Angus. 1S87. J, A. Warner was appoint
ed as Surveyor to survey a proposed exten
sion of 9th Street from the eastern boundary
line of Montgomery street in said citv along
the south line of blocks 7 and iS in Hackle
man's second addition to the citv of Albanv,
to the eastern boundary line of said city,
that said surveyor made said survey, and
that his report "thereof was filed in the office
of the City Recorder on the 1 3th dav of
August, 1887.
Published by order of the Council made
Oct. nth, 1887.
Albany, Or., Oct. 12th. I887.
City Recorder.
Attorney at Law,
Office, Odd Fellow's Temple,
All business wll I receive prompt attention