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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1887)
GOVERNOR S PROCLAMATION. State or ORKooBxitrrrivr li iwr i ) nt, Salem, Sept. tit, 1887. By the authority vetted in me by the leg Is.Rtivc assembly of the state of Oregon, I, Sylvester Pcnnoycr, Governor, do hereby submit to the legal voter ol the state, at a pecial election hereby called to be held on luetday succeeding" the first Monday In November, 1887, the following proposed amendment to the state constitution. M H . 1 -lRoHIRlT.ON AMRNOMKNT. Srction 1, The manufacture, sale.or the giving away, or the offering to tell or give away, or the keeping for sale, of any anlrit 1 tons, vinous, malt, distilled, fermented, or anv intoxicating liauom whatever U nmklli. in Ited in this atRte, except for medkinal.acien tific, or mechanical purposes. Srction j, The legislative assembly shal provide by law in what manner, by whom, and at what place auch liauors, or any of them, shall be manufactured or sold.or kept for sale for mcdldnal.sclentlllc or mechanical purposes. Srction j. This amendment shall take effect and be In full force in six months from the date of Its ratification bv the elec tors, 1 section 4. The legislative assembly shall without delay pars all necessary laws with sufficient penalties necessary to enforce this amendment. URCOND AMRNDMRNT TO SALARIR OR STATE OKKK'ER V Article XIII. Section i. The Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Judges of the Su preme court, and all other state officers of thi state shall receive an annual salary of tiuch-uim as the legislative assembly shall hereafter by law for each of such officer provide ; provided,that when the legislative assembly shall have by law fixed the salarv of any such officer, such salary shall neither be increased nor diminished durinir the term for which the incumbent of such office shall have been elected or appointed. THIRD AMRNDMRNT TO TIMR OR HOLD! NO ORNRRAI. ELRCTION. Article II. Srction 14. General elections shall be held on Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, bienniallv. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state of Oregon to be affixed.this istdav of September, A. D., 1887. i a. Sylvrstrr Prnxoyrr, Governor. By the Governor : Gro. W McBridr, Secretary of State. Red CrownMilis I30M, LANNINfJ & CO., PKOPR'8. rrw rnocaas rlocr rcprrior ror PAMnm ARO RARRRS PER. BEST STORAGP ACTLlTlJSS. Highest Price in Cash fc Wheat ALBANY OR. BOSTON MILLS. Having ag aa sumed possession of the above mill at Shedd, we hereby give koCioe that we will receive wheat and grind it for on-eighth or take it in exchange Th floor will be equal if not better than that or tweatj years ago, Wm Simmons & Finley. nt CVBKSibj lit. C UK. 1'lEfcoFu l&Cy ACNETIC CLASTIC TVU31 RYX Osiuikal udOSLT Oaxcnti . Jtleetrto Truss. Perfect Retain Ranr loweer. Iaataatly relieve eeef mi. HtMimd thsaasaja Eetab'4 IS ad for Pn IllaatrM HoL woaTH ajlTIO lTRUBJR CO t louis aa Oregon Pacific Railroad. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations un but passed for com fort and aafty. Faroe and f ratable via. Y equina and tbe Oregon Development company's oteamanip mucn Jem than by any other route between all pclnte in the Willamette valley and San Francisco. Daily patsenger trains except Sundays. Lssve Ysoataa. 30 a.m. . Leers llasa 1:00 r. a. Lesee Corvellis,lU:38 s.a. Lesve Corvslli 117 r.m Annvs Albany, 11:15 a. m, Arrive Yequlns. 6:50 r. a. I Oregon and California trains connect at Albany and Corrallic. WM. M. U9AV, OsssrsJ Maaafsr. C. C. ROCIX, A. ti. r. sad P. Agent, Corvsllis, Or. Oregon Developement Co. First class Hteamabip line between Y.qoina and Han t rsncisco connecting at Yaqninawith tbe trains of tbe Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. MAIXINU DATES . rsoa TAqiiXA T. C , WeUrteedsy, Hnpt. 28 W. V., Hutnlxy, Oct. Sod. K. O., t su-.i, Oct. tttb Y, C, Tuewlay, Oct.llUi W. V., Bsl urdsv, Out 1..11. E. O., WedriMdsy, Oct V. C. Morwls , oct. IHh W, V , Rsturdey. Oct rsos sas rsiirrsans T. C. Tuetdsv, Oct tb r. v.,8'ordsy, Oct. 8th l- ,. Wedncedejr, Oct. If IT. C, Hundsy, Oct. lotb, . V., Saturday, Oct 22. E, O , Tucaday, Oct. 26th f. 0U Sunday, Oct. 30th W. V , KrUav, Nov. ttb The Company reserves .be right to change sailing daya. L. B. TOat, Oen. F. sad P. Agent, SC4 RoBtrasisrt St., Ran. Rrsneiseo, Cel. 0 El I AM) TO CALIFORNIA Oregon & CHilifbrtila K. It, AND OONNEt I lO!tS TMK JIT. Rll ART A KOI I K Close eonnectlons rusde at Ashis 4 w th staxw. of nm vmi'iniia, ureff a sna Hlatlo hUg6 CornpSBjr. aal e Miles el htaglag. Tlrae between Albert and Ksv Kindses, tb hours. OALiroKNu Exrssss tsairs dailt. SouUi 4.00 P. M. 8:06 r a 1:10 a m North. Arrive I 10:40 ax Leave 7:05 a u Leave 0:40 r m Leave Leave Ariive Portland Albany AshUnd teoALrAssaxsiarsAixs saily (except Sundsj). siMAiirj Leave Portland AnfTvi:6 re lt:S0r a Leave Albany Lesv i u m a m t:40rx j Arrive Korene Lssve B 300 a s LOCAL rASSKHOCS TSAmj DAILV. 1:10 r a i-.rsr a 11:60 PM l:Rf pm Ixavc Arrive Leave Arrive Albany Lebanon Aibaiiy Lobaiion Arnv 6:46 a m Leave l.W a U Arrive) 2:46pm I.av 2:0U p m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. daily between Portland and Asblsnd. Ths O an.! C R K Ferry makes connections with ell the regular trains os tbt: Port tilde DivUiou from foot ef F Street. West Ride Llvislea. BBTWEEV rOUTlAn Al COKVALL1M. x Ml train daily (except Sunday. ) 7:14 A M 11:1) P M Leave Arrive Portland CvrvAilia Arrive :15 PM 1:30 rn' sxrssss tk a iks caIlv (eicjpt Hundsy.) 4:60 if x f Leave Portland " Arrive I 'j.w a u I1 r a Arti-is McMlnnvllls Leaye 6.ti a m At Albany en.1 Corrallis connect with trains ot Oregon Pacific ttallroad orfa'l itjfonnatiou logardiog rates, vans, etc -sslioo Compsny Ayent. ' ' K. KOKKLER, MaRSgsr. . P. aOGKHS, o. r arsMAtsat. Tweedale & Hopkins, o-DEAI.KUS IN Hardware, Tin and Cop per Ware, Pumas, Rub ber Hose, and Plumbing Goods. ALBANY OREGON. IMARLiN REPEATINC illlHmi RIFLE SSsBte: BIST IN THI earsMsadsbsolatslTVI WORLD I sa Hade la eil um for V?fcgw lassja ss? ssssM gssss. ws B&aw. BALLARD !- ... Murlln rtr A Ce., Vw UtkVVU. Ci MM. Administratrix Notice, Notice Is hereby Riven thai the under eigned baa this day been by the Cnnnty Court tar Linn county. Oregon, duly ap pointed Administratrix of the aetata of William Urlnkard, lata of Lion county, Oregon. Alt persons bavtag olalma against the estate of said decease J are required to present theua properly verl lied within six months from the dat here of, to the undersigned at her home near Ualsev. Lion county, Oregon. This trail of Sept. 1887. Martha A. Dri.nkahu, Administratrix nf the eatate of Wut, Driaksrd, deceased. J, K. WBAVHBRroRD, Attorney for Administratrix. Executor's Sale, Notice is hereby given thai th under signed. Executor of (be estate of Charles H. Cowan, deceased, by outer of the Coauty Court of Linn eoauty. Orsgno, duly made sad entered of record, on SeptemUr 6th, 1847, will on Ratarday Ike Rth day mf Orltstr, IRR7, at the boar of one o'clock, in tbe afternoon, at public auction, at the Court House door in Albany, Line county. Oregon, sell all tbe right, title, interest and eststo of the said Charles H. Cowao. at the time of his death, both ia law and in equity, inand to the follow ins described real property, to-wit 1 The east half ef Section 29 in tp. II. Sof RS, west o! the Willamette MemltAa 10 I. inn county, Oregon, tbe same being tbe original deaatiea lead claim of Margaret Jackson, aad tbe heirs of John M. Jackson, deceased, Not. No. 3UG0. cootaibiox J-JX) a re .n-re or lees. Also Lots No. I, 3, 3 and 4 in Block No. 106, ia Usckteman's Additiou to the City of Albany. Oregon. Abo Lots No. 5, ti and 7 ia I k No. 107 in llsckleman s Addition to tbe City of Albany, Oregon. Terms of sale Cash iu hand on the day of aalav J. L. Cow AX, J. C. Powrli., Kircutor. Att'y of Kxccutor. Sheriffs Sale. In tkn CireiM Comri 0 the State ot Oreynfur Linn tountw. Christopher Wlbernagle, Plaintiff. va. Tbe Society of the Most Precious Blood, JJefenusnt. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of seJe hwaed ont of tbe sbove named Court in the above entitled salt, I will 00 Ratarday ike Mb day Oetetsrr, leer, at tbe hour of ore o'clock, p. m , at tbe Court House door In tbe City of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion for cash in band to tbe bighoat bid der tbe real property described in aald or der of sale, ss fo.lows, to.wit : Beginning et a point 90 rods east of tbo asMthweat corner of the donaticn lan ' clalggaf James Logan and wife and running theaae south itfO rods ; the use east 142 rode ; thence north IGOrods, thence west 142 rode to the place of beginning, containing 142 acres more or leee and being part of Sec tions 3, 10 and 11 in Township 10, 8 It 1 eaetef the Willamette meridian in Ltun county, Oregon, tbe proceeda arising from tbe aaie of mid prerxlaee to he applied fit at to tbe psymert of tbe oosta and die Durxemente of suit taxed at rn.'Jb and the coate and ex pen it of aaie and tbe aum of $40 Atiorney fees. Next to the payment to tbe Plaintiff herein the aum of $433 84 in V. 8. gold coin with Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 27th day of Jane, 187, and tbe surplus If any to be paid to tbe Defendant herein. Dated Sept. 8th, 1887. D. 8. Smith, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale, In the. Circuit C'wrt oj the state of Oregon or Linn County. Anthony Bender, P!aii.tifT. va. Tbe Society of the Uot Procluiw Blood, Defendant. NOTICE la hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on ttaturday tbe ask day ef October, IRR7, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House door in tii& city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auc tion for cash in hand Uj tbe highest hid der tbe rei property described in Maid nance or aaie aa follows : Lots ons(l) two (2) and (3), being &0 11-100 acres, known aa the l ien her place in Section 10, Town, ahip 10, 8 R 1 eaet. Also the following tract, to-wit : Beginning at tbe NK cor nor of George W Kilyou'a donation li.nd claim and running thence west 100 rods souU 129 08-100 rods ; tbeuce eat 160 roda ; thence north 129 08-100 rods to the place of beginning;, containinir 120 oh ; 1U0 acres, more or less and being in hum iv, lowusniji to, o rt i east, in Linu county. Oregon, tbe proceeds arriaing from the sale of aaid pr mines to he ap plied firat to tbe pay merit of the costs and dinburnementa or suit taxed at 921 95 and tbe oosta and expenses of sale aud tho wm of 9100 Attorney's fe, next to tho payment to the Plain. iff herein tbe sum of 91606.61 In U. h. gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27lb day of June. 1887. and the residue if au.y to be paid to the Defendant, Dated this 8th day of .September, 1887. 1KB Smith, bheriff. tor Infants us so well ada oiftd to hi M t h n . 1 i rocommeiul it as superior to any proscription known to me." h. a. Aacatto, M. D - 1 - IU Sa, CoDtor bX, alrookirn, jr. T. Thr InvalidsKclsIiSurgfcallnstitute Org inter vrlt a fell fstajr af elites Kxperlencod aad S&U UftU rtsgslelaos n Rsurseoaa fa th treatment of all Carols t. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. fhron'fl Nnsnl Cfatarpfe. Thrssl an A fceVtifia HifnuZ of Women, Blood Ptaeaaee aud Nerv. aesvaeaaiid Nerv- di bne or at homo. one Affee with or without awfag the pati'-nt, l v.tno and rreeti a lis. otirwa amrm or at homo. sVMUnUisfllSWVS aj particular. .. BBsssBsssssMsrt rservoTiBxsooiiiiy. impo ee and Pernicious go ary lraetlee ero snord " and perraiuimtiy cim A y our Mootr. post-jHud. 10 eta. iu etatspx, llapturo. or Br cally etuHL without without diDfiiilur ni.JU kiiifiv ivtito uin tnsSRjg. and with very Ilttlo pals, book aout for tuo oaaka In PILE TFWOfSII and flTRIfrrrKeS tnttttxt with th Krtl urtisss. llook r iit for ten cents in stamps. Adaraaj Worud'r gitJsAwir Meoioal AaeocuxiuRiOrjB Mala treawaeut of mas thousands of . eaase of tbotff UlSnBtl BSJBXSBJEf I ) roronq Mnro expemooe u arwpnag lauMMUef wr tocir euro, and DR. PIKRCC'8 Favorite Prescription M the result of this vast experieooe. It tea powerful Reatoratli uo rsorvisaak aaMssaaawassa to tbe y sum, and cur., aa if by dowa Mnsallotis, chronic coaxes. Ion. inflammation and ulceration 1. 1 nuam mat 1 on and ulceration he womb, Inflammation, pa la ' cnderitese In ovaries. Internal . and. female weakness." of and toeat, an It promptly rauovoa and cuna rfaaeeex and Weak nana of Stoma elk, Indlgee tlofuBIoat in, Nervoue Froetratloa. iioaitna, Nervous Froet ration, leeplckauosa, la eitker acx. PRICE $1.00, tU UK. Hold by Druggists everywkera. Send ten cents In stamps f r lr. throe's firga Treat aw 00 Insoasua of Wooum, llhaRrated. WifihltommiMn limliltm . O0S Mala Street, BU77ALO, H.T. SICK-HEAMCRE, Ulnns Head ark a, n 1 Cualliu. (ton. Indlgestloa, R and Bllloua Attaeka, prompt if cured by Dr. W Fleree'a rieaeaat irixtivePium, a rwt. or nuaiaRra Tutf s Pills Tfcla BMswalar remedy Merer fall te effaerssafly eara Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all dlneaneR arising; from n Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. Tka naXaral reaalt in eaod appetite asd aadld nk. faaae email t afeaaat- r eaaiea aaa oaey te sm allow . SOLD EVERYWHERE. Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OP STAR BAKERY, Corner firoadaltun and First Sts., -DEALER IX fanned rrntls, Can a a MeaU, fJlaaawara, ucrnwware. Dried Prntte, Vrgelablea, Tobaeeo, C'lgara, Sugar, ffpleen, CoRer, Teat, Ktc lie., In fact everything that in kept ia a gen rai variety and grocery store, ill ghost market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore Ltnn county, CWCorl, Plaintiff, v. John T WiilUtns, Martha Willisms, Daniel w Williams ana II Bryant, Defendants. To John T Williama. Martha Will ism Daniel W Williams, three of the above named defendants j In the name of the State of Oregon,yoo are ncreny required to appear and answer the complaint ot Hie aboye plaintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file wita tbe Clerk of said Court, against you iu the sbove entitled cause, hy the first day of tne next regular terra following the expiration of the lime prescribed in the order of publication herein, which term will coinmstce tu tbe fourth M on day iu Oct Mr, 1S87. And yon are hereby notified thut if u fail to to answer, the plaintiff will spply to the Court lor the relief demanded iu his eaid complsint, w hich is to ton turn,- m certain uicitgagtt mads by the de fendants, John T Williams sud M ntd ... Wil liame, to aaid pltiutifT on tho 23rd day of March, I Mi;, In secure the paj tneut in gold coin of a ceiUin prntnisory note ti the order of C D Turner for the turn o'lfifK), with in terest therein at tho rate of 8 perceut. per annum, which xuid note was made by A M & M YoRng, N Youoa aud the defendant, John T WiiiiKnix.snd iftf-rard tram furred to plaintiff by raid C D Tut uer, which mort gage is upon the H Kl of the 8 K of Sct. 14, j.n-1 the K i of the N B of 8cct. 23. and theS W .,f the N W i of-Sect. 24iu T 10 8 R 1 Wol the ll'iilf incttn Meriiitsii, in Linn county, Oregon, containing 160 seres, end is recorded on page 498 of l ook It. Record of mortgage in said county, and lor general re lief. This Summons ii puhlisht-d ly order of Hon. F. P. Hoise, Judge sf said Court, made at Cham lers in the City ot Salem, Oregon, he 8tn day f Septa .iber, I8S7. W. R, Bjlyec, Attorney for Plaintiff, nd Children. promote dl n. Qmrsxxm Corrakt, m Fulton Street, N. Y. Diseases of I re Tonle and atrerurth uiacl.'. I r ti. eorrneau or whltee. exreaalve flowing; pninffttrMenatrvaiion. an naiarar suppressions- prolajsade or falling of (lie uterus, weak faaek. OaatoHa enres Colic. CoaaKnaUon. I Sour Stomach, Dtarrhrjea, Eructation, 1 Sills worms, glvea steep, and Qfpiohl JJT Papir, PAFmtKJS TK1PERAN0B DIFAKMHT, RtuTRo rt rum WoutM'i CiriiUu TiaptrtiM lliil The W. C. T. U. meeta on the lat end 8 id Tutf tier of each month Rt 3 o'clock p. at., at the A. O. U. W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store. The speech of Hon. Walils Nanh, deliv ered on Monday evening, In this city was one of the moat convincing arguments for Prohibition, we have heard during the campaign. IU Is a forcible speaker and talks from a business standpoint. Such speeches must carry conviction to the mind of our business inen.many of whom wc are glad to say were present. May we hear Mr. Nash again In Albany before the campaign It over, kTn AH. The war to banish saloons was for some years only partially successful. The amendment had been adopted by a very meager majority, and public sentiment In all our larger cities was overwhelmingly against it. As late as January, 1805, sa loons were open in fully thirty of the larg er cltiee of Kansas, Including Topeka, the capital ef the Htate. But, ateadily and surely, public sentiment against them spread and intensified. The email major ity that had voted for the amendment was re inforced, first, by those law-respecting citlxens who are always witling to subor dtnate their personal opinions to the maj et y of the law, and second, by an equally large number who.observlng the practical results following the abolition of saloons In different cities and towns, became con vlnced thst Kansas would be a more proa-1 perous. happier, and in all respects a bet-1 ter community of people If it had not an open saloon within iu borders. So the sen-1 tlment of Kansas against the liquor traffic has grown and strengthened, until to day I verv much doubt whether, of its 300,0001 male voters, more than 7C000 would, If they could. Invite beck aad reinstate the eioon. tostast aa IBs a taa I ilTiM-tlrtan ISmrMii rlfl Mil u l III L - ii tm itr - GovaaxoR Martin, Kana One of the finest fruit farms in the State of California, including a large vineyard and wtnerv, has been In the heads of a real estate agent more then two years to be old. Said the agent to the owner, Why do tou wish to sell I ere you not making moaev f "Oh, ves," eaid he, the place is very profitable, but look at mv sons, five vouna men. not one ol whom was capable of doing business, ell ruined with their own wine. Several per il were approached by the agent as pee sible purchasers, but each one declined lo buy such e place because he had on,and knew too well the danger to young men from the native wine. A writer in the faswe Signal says legsl right I something which the law ee cures to Its poeeessor by requiring others I to observe it. and to abstain from its viola tion. e e Individual riehts. llbertv I ... and property are born of legal restraints." Without restraining the vicious and crim- i i w- mAm.Umw , rights protected. Rights are protected onlv bv restraiainn and prohibiting wrongs. The Bill of Rights declares that governments ere Insltuted for the protec tion of property end to secure the rights of life, liberty end the pursuit of happi. neat. Law abldintc citlxens would, how ever, be deprived of all these If the vicious and criminal classes are allowed to pur sue their happiness according to the die fate of their own sweet wills, but that phrase simply means . legal pursuit VS!ii!SLTJ2T happiness, that is so to enjoy our own rights as not to Injure the rights of others. Now anything that Is confessedly a fruit ful source of crinte and individual suffer ing, as this traffic Is, must manifestly and inevitably Interfere with some one else's rirrht. f orr.rv.rt. life, llbertv or pursuit of happiness and, as goverem.nt. are in- ' ituted to protect and secure those rbj hts , .11 i 1. ,-rti. r.nlv the orovince I , j ' out tne duty ot government P- ... M as. a .a I secure tnose rignts oy closing ceij wun tain producing crime and suffering. Black stone defines municipal law to be "a rule of civil conduct prescribed by tne supreme pawerin a state, commanding wnat right and prohibiting what is wrong " Surely that which is a fruitful source of crime, misery and suffering, woe.want and !ewrr i wrong from a governmental standpoint, and should, therefore, not be oermitted to ourchaee indulsrence, In the ur w form of license for money, much or little, but should be orohibited attocether. "Car thagj est dele m -la A nation can no more exist half drunk and half sober, than it can exist "half slave and half free." Fredericksburg, Va., has a big pickle factory that is supplied with cucumbers from the lands adjoining the city. This season the supply has reached 30,000,000 ok uiiibers.those engaged in their produc tion furnishing from 300,000 to 1 ,000,000 each An e.-re will nradui't imrm and I encn. An acre win proauce 100,000, ana s s . a a s ea t r . I they sell in Fredericksburg at 80 cents per 1 fiQO, The object is to get them an inch or an inch and a half long,and this requires active picking before they Increase this -if. A boy will pick 3,000 in a day. Pick- ng them thus early increases the produc tiveness of the vine, and, while the season ats,other are appearing in place of those taken from the vines. In Sweden and Norway no intoxicant can be sold except at a place where good food, coffee and ether non-alcoholic drinks tre also kept constantly on hand. The iealcr is allowed to make a profit on these, but he is stringently prohibited from sell- ng any liquor except a.', cost. The idea ia that dealers will thus endeavor to promote the sale of edibles and non-intoxicatinir .11 inu, upon nt aoe, maw a pront, d dLconrag, b,r. from .- quors upon which he makes none. It is li inks, upon which he does make a profit, called the "Gothenburg System,"from the town in which it was first put in operation. There la hope for the bald yet, for the Trichological society of London promisee a golden medal and a diploma to theau thor of the best treatise on the various riUftfOCS fACfi. The Duke of Westminster is brother In-law to his own daughter. At Yuma, Cel., eggtare hatched by nat ural lieat, if put in a shady place. If left In the sun they cook. A hailstone with a nucleus of gypsum, probably sucked up In a waterspout, fell In a recent shower In Prance. A mall's pace need no longer be consid ered an indefinite term. By experiment It has been ascertained that a snail can crawl a mile in just fourteen days. The largest "all hands round" has been figured out by a man, who states that if 31,000,000 persons should clasp hands they could reach around the globe. Leaning against the wall, enclosed In a wood a Murray street, New York, store, stands a slab of cork 8x7 feet and from 1 M to 3 inches In thickness. It came from Portugal. The fact is suggestive of the Intensity of the strain of city life that while from 1853 to 1M68 the population of Chicago Increas ek 5.1 times, and the death rate 3.7 times, the deaths from nervous disorders Increas ed 304. A map of the world, made In 1539, re ceived at the State Library In Albany, N. Y., although made long before Henry Hudson was born, shows the Hudson Klv. er on It. It Is a fae-slmlle of the map by Rlbero, called the Borgian map. Who discovered the Hudson River, is therefore, stilt an open question. At Acosts.a Roman metal pen has been found. It is a bronxe pen slit In exactly the same fashion as the present steel pen. The Dutch Invented a metal pen In 1717, but It was not until many years later that the hand st 1 rw press, which made the first cheap pen came into use. A bed In Nlkko, Japan, is eight or more thick silk-wadded comforters plied upon the floor upon this a very ample wadded coat Is placed. You slip into this great coat, put your arms into the long sleeves, draw It over you and sleep. The pillow is a block of wood. K paper lantern Is light ed all night, for the people are much I alrald of the darkness The remains of no less than fifty-nine species of flowering plants from mummy wrappings In Kg t pi have been identified T he flowers have been wonderfully pre- eerved,even the delicate violet color of the larkspur and the scarlet of the poppy, tne chlorophyl in the leaves and sugar In the J raisins, remaining. j A man duga well twenty-flve feet from eucalyptus tree, lined It with cement, I and placed over It a substantial cover. The I Rter was carried to the house from the 1 well In a wooden pipe. In that wooden pipe was a knot-hole. In time the well began to give out. The water, too, was I acquiring a strange teste. Explorations I developed the fact that the well hod been filled up with messes of eucalyptus roots I The tree had run a root straight for the knot hole, twenty five feet off, and by that I method gained the well itself. TRICKS OF ATHLKTKi Did you ever notice," said a profess ional athlete, "the peculiarities of some champion athletes .' Hantan, in rowing, tP ntlrely at vaalance with the position which he tells his hearers is cor rect. This stoop must be fatal lo his pro gress in a great race.for he loses the force of each stroke long before be assumes an upright position. Another peculiarity of Henlan Is that he rarely turns his head in rMct He marks out a course before the word -Go !H U given, and after that he i.. 1-1 ... t ........ . ..t. ...... I.:. ...... J 'w-"' I'J"' "w tion position by some tree or house wn,cn n P" ",a J yT wins the perspiration from his forehead h,r h hr &nt nner 'ter contest r en, mat is enoincr oi Weaa. Instead of using a kerchief or town ne uses me nngers. "Of course you have observed Eddy Lange, the amateur champion, walking. When he acts under wav to cut down a Urf rv unpleasant to look at. As he swings around the track one can see that his upper teeth are tight ly pressing his lower Up, that there is a . ...-.... while his face appears to be that of a per- son in intense agony. Me it not, however, and when he passes a field of men to hom he has giyen all the way from 10 yards to a minute's start, you wilt notice h" U8e Uon brod milc- l-n Mer J Lit- 1 r 7" rWmsj. - u' ,w ,CS Jw"" -h"'"" II. Al -.A .-L Uk. I Hu M;r nt (oot h.;(ron UVIIIK KWU Vf ui a. Villi W. VOiH'ait right foot high from the ground and bends hit leg at the knee every time he sends in his left fist." The prohibition question irr Michigan has stepped out from state contests. Cn- der the recently passed option law the mat- ter o( prohibition can be voted on in any countv on . petition of one-fifth of the ot- ert Mkinf therefor,and It cannot be voted on agan for three yeari BO that ,t can no longer figure as a state issue. An Iowa girl who was voted the hand- omet Ua in the coun,J flntcd ttwV three times In succession when the joyful news was brought to her. A different man caught her each time. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Positively uarea oy administering or. names' Golden Spselilc. 1 1 eon be eiven in a eon of coffee or tea with. nut the knowledge of the person taking it; la absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alenhnltn w w liiousanaa or am n a arcs nave been made tern- PrOt men Who have taken Golden Specific In their eoffee without their knowledaeTarid m J .at- . a a m aa " free will IT NEVER FAlfi The system once Impregnated with the Rnsclfle It beenmes to-aar Deueve uiev null artnkinir nr th r own icir an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN BFsXlFlc CO., 18ft Race st, Cincinnati. O, Wood Wanted. Oak and ash wood wanted at this office on subscription. Let those who intend to supply us wood inform us so that we wil know who to depend upon 11.01 sTV finT T PaTHVP TUOVTllinVP ALBANY, OREGON, 1887, 1888. First Term Opens September 13th, 1881. -A full eorpa of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coura. of rtndy arrang. moat Iba d of a11?rad.. ofatudanV' Special inducements afferetl to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from 95.50 to $12,50, Board in private fatni'iea at Jew rates. Room lar aeif-hoarding at small exr ansa. A careful supervision exercised over stu- dents away from home r all term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the President. KEY. ELBERT M. CM8IT. Albany, Oregon, HE WAS GREATLY MlSUKEN, A Mary Unit Chens hi Heekmted Without ItU 1 1 net I live in the mitUt of the malarial dis tricts of Maryland, near the Hty of Washington, and nmnpmtd to all the dangerous influences of the impure air and water of that region. Being naturally of a strong consti tution, I had frviuicntrj boaated that no chill and (ever or other malarious complaint would ever trouble me. This was my experience and the con dition in which 1 found myself six month ugo. 1 first noticed that I did not feel s -.(nightly and viguroun at was my wont to do. 1 felt tired and enervated. Soon I noticed a distinct tod distressing hut k at he would make its appearaiu e in the afternoon, in creasing in severity if the eteo ise wa more than ti udly violent. Then a stretchy feeh.ig with profuse gaping made ll i !(' nam e. Then my head, always t k-ar as n hell, would feel heavy and 1 began i. h.ue hada hes. The cold stage " as ma iked with chat tering of the teeth, let ere t ;-is passed over mc, and no aasouni oi lothing could keep me warm I he inil was succeeded in turn by tlie fever, in which I seemed lo hurnmg up, the con gestion in tny head produced a violent pain in the frontal pottayn and a treat ed sensation of the ct ltd, with an in describable aching i the lower limbs. Nausea and ratattfing rsrctirfed with severe rett hmg-md .vheu the parox ysms passed oil 1 wan thofouhty pros trated ly a weakne!. that wo felt in every part of titer. I drugged myself aith prtume, and obtained total. ictteC Hut nt) respite was ol oriel om aoon. 1 was now so I much redin cd !i it I tHtM hardly walk or stand upi . !v isease soon culminated I . .km .. m.ilarial fe ver which ke,.i ... i..-. i, . Hifmedfo about a week I . m. ea ecdingl dcpressetl am mm ho; v. sorntich o that 1 lot tntifj f in my wmk, anil, indeetl, scarcely eared wiut hap(ened to me. 1 luring .til this time, it must lie un derstood llial I ilisl no! tsegtVel medical treatment. .Ml tlu- ai powerful remedies acre ttietl. u h liquid ar senate ai fm$nm valenuile ol iron, metcury, brsmi I.- if p .t.i..iiiin. chlo ride of bisMiuih. chiiuitdm . hmchoni dia, ttiiniii,' asnl .-ver il others. All this I did under die idticeof eminent physii um It wa ahde f was in ihi deplorable condition ilit the tJaiiaj imde for Kaskme. ilrc new piinii r. rs a -pecinc for maSaria, a etc fust l.o.ught to mv attention. kueu i-.oti n 4 .i n value to justify in bfvtug an .mtittence in it, lnit a- everything els? add f.nled I deemed it nr) ihstj 10 tit i, , I iegan its use, ami in prompt aitd i.uhcaf ef fect were t tl natttiecH , rcvclatkm to me. tVlanj peoph- uuy timk the statement .nuh cmhMp, luit it is a fact that after only a few' uc oi Kaskme all the leading symptom in my case acre dctidtihv abated or ceased altogether; and iuafew weeks from the time I took the fail dose I was cured This was about the firt of January, and since then J have experienccaj no oj mc maianai .motonu in any f()rm A remedy of suth ex t - - ceptionat virtue for ile cure of malaria ought to be commended and univer sally made known. 1 have therefore urged it upon the attention of my u icntis, several of whom have used it ivith like good results in every case. and it is with the greatest pleasure keenly that I c,iu,u n-i K.i.kine lo Mificicrs front malaria rtcty where. Respectfully yotirf, J I 1 1 1 r , B. A., Ssslstaoi CbeMM Maryland Ar. i..iu , ( ottegs. P. S. Should any one s ad dress me as to the genuineness of the above letter, 1 will cheerfully respond. Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of un doubted merit, will be sent on appli cation. Price $1.00, or six bottles, $5.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. The Kaskinc Company, 54 Warren St., New York, and 35 Faxiingdon Road, London. Anrdews & Hackieman, LDOUGLAS; a 3.00 SHOE SOLE AGENTS, LEBANON, . - 0REG0NR Administratrix Notice Notice la hereby arlvsn that the under signed boa this day been duly appointed by the County Court for Linn county, Oreiron, Administratrix of the eatate of Jon r H.. deceaaej, late of aald 5?"? .ff, ?!f;if5 A1L If! J,1!1 notified that they are required to preaent their claims duly verified within six mnnlha rsutm f ia a olara hatWAAr f I ha t m . TZZi (vvi a v si t KoarR vaslrlanna naas T-Taa slea oarg, Jinn county, uregon, or to tier At torney. Sept, lUth, 1887. Nakct J. Hawk, Administratrix of said estate, J. K. WEA.THBRVOr.D, Attorney for Administratrix. Executrix Notice. ice is hereby given that the nndei n:. j .. l. - j 1 c. .C. ... in. fpS SuLiM ifZ'Sy c'P"7f Lin,, county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them tlx months from date properly verified a by law nquire-1 to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon. Sept. 12th, 18S7. Martha M. Lin Ed, Executrix ot the last will and testament of Perry J. K. Wrathrrtor, C. Line?, Dec'd. Atfv for Kxecatrix. w, srmmwm a SkWs JR conf jdknck 0 a m k in which nir at KfW bos ;. Three men Brown, Jones and Uobin onat around a table.cach with ft in his pocket, discussing the tariff. Jones said I "Protection is for the farmers well as for the merchant and manufacture! ; the tariff Is for all alike. The farmer pays more for what he buys, but he ha a home mar kct ; that Is, he sells to the manufacturer for more than he could get abroad." Brown replied "If you tax the farmer to help the manufacturer, and the miinu facturer to help the merchant, and the merchant to help the farmrr.thrn there Is no good in it ; no advantage to any one to show how It would work, you, Jones give your r to Robinson ; Robinson give your $ 1 tomeamd I will 2 vein r r to Jones. We have each been taxed equal ly, we have been equally protected, ant we have each $1, just as we started. Jones Is right, I see no good and no harm in the tariff j it is merely child's play." "Yes," said Robinson, "but Jones not right. He represents the manufacturer sr a a m 1 give him my Si, but he onlv returns to jou.who represents the merchant,jocents, and you give me only 35 cents. The re suit of the game I that Jones, who is 1 manufacturer, has $1.50 ; you.Browrt.who stand for the merchant, have $1.-15, while f t 1 . st ,wi poor tarmer.nave bnt 15 cenistthough we eacn started out with the same amoun, of money. This Is the game of protection. and 11 is not child' play; It Is a confidence game, and the farmers have to foot the loss." llt'LHR OK TIIK flOAO. 9 An Amsterdam, V V.. livrrrmnn ha Issued the following set of culcs for the guidance of his ruttomcre and ail other. whom they may concern : Rule 1,- Whip light and drive low come back all right and pay before you go. Kuie 2. Never try to run down a two- iweniy nag with a bve-minute horse, "fis better to take a little dust than to have to pay for a d ad horse. Rule 3. Never get so much aboard that you cannot tell whether the bore's head or his tail U in front. By observing this rule you will avoid accidents. Rule 4. - Never drive into lakes or marshes to water your horse. Go to a ho tel or other suitable place, water your horse and take a drink yourself .and start as soon as you have watered. This is a safe rule for both man and beast Rule 5. Never put more than two in a one-seated buggy, or drive through the woods with the top up. Don't go over a rock If you can get around it, and also be sure a bridge is there before you attempt to drive over it. Give locomotives and caraa wide berth.and ease upturning corn er. Rule 6. - Never forget that the dash board wasn't made for your feet, or that nanele are not to strike matches or scrape your shoes on , also that the bows are not made for swing-bare. Look out for your whip, blanket or rump-trap, and remem ber that fire will burn cloth : also that a wheel and rub-Iron will cut it. Keep to the right and you will never lie wrongomd always be in on time. N. B. By following t hoc ru'es you will ava trouble and expense. Do You Want Furniture IF YOU DOG J TO W.H.WILLARD. where you will And the best make and finest liibibed BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS AND LOUNGES. Also a fine line of PICTURE FRAMES. and a bunderd diftVreut tfylee of ttttiiltSings. fPicture frames made to order. The largest and beat stock of UNDERTAKERS GOODS, ever kept In Albany. Prices raaa-aa ole. HOTEL I O.H REST, rilllE EXCHA city ia now of able terms For ti EXCHANUE HOTKI. IN THIS 1 offered for rent on reason r liartlcslara innuirn nf addreaa JaMBm Mi kray. Albany, Oregon. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Scalds, Stingf, litea, Bruises, Bunions, Corns, Scratches, Sprains, Strains, Stitches, Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sorea, Spavin Cracks. Contracted Mascles, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY acoomailahes for every body exactly what la claimed for It. One ot the reasons for the great popularity of U10 Mustang Liniment is foond la Its vatveraal aRRllenbllltr Ewrybody needs such a medicine. Tko Lumberman needs H Incase of accident. The Heasewtte needs it tor genertl family use. The Oaaaler aseds It for his teams and his men. Tbe Mechanic- needs It always on his work Tbe Miner needs It la ease of emergency. The Pleneerneedaitcaa't get along without it. The Farmer needs it in his house, hts stable, aad hto stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boatman needs it la liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancier needs it It Is his best Criead and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It It will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The ttallroad man needs it sad will need It so long as his life Is a round of accidents aud (dangers. Th e Back woodaman needs it. There Is noth ing like It as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant aeeds It about his store among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle in the House. Tls the best of economy. Keep a Bottle la the Factory. Its Immediate sec la case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keen; a Settle Always In the Stable far se Whoo wanted. How's Your Liver? 1 the Oriental aalutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver i torpid the Bow elg are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in tho stomach undi- f jested, poisoning the 4ood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a health v Over than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. is Even accr oiraproimtco. Ann 1 1 r ) ! fiirrilly remedy tar Dyspepsia, Liv. r, j onstlpatkm, eU. I linrdiy J UflVtllllllf lW unit hiva nuwm ren disappoint In theenVet prodnrsxl: l Sseias to l almost a perCeet eur for uU dlst-a,-e of th? Htormw-h nnti Bowels. V. J. McELtunr, Macon, Oa, HOFFMAN & I'FEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturera of- CHOICE CQHFECYIOHERY, We are aow prepared to aatl at whole ata, alwaya fresh and pore at Portland Prices to dealers, We alec keep a full line ef Nuts and Tropical Fruits. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la comV. Wa keep tbe rorj fineat mttjcl A stioklj an t etaewiaaj tobaooo, meerscbaum end brier pipes that fa a delight to amolcera. Notice for Publication. Lena Office at Oregon City, Or., ) Aogast 19th, 3887. J Notice Is hereby sriven that tbe follow ing named settler baa filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support est bis claim, an ! r at avid proof will be in U Iff r th County Judge or Clerk. of Utm county, Oregon, ai Albany, Or aa TsMKsefav. arts tsar lata. 1RRT. yiz : John V. M-()a. HomosteaJ entrv ffo. 47. for 1 bo Xof SW A and H U of H VV of Sec. 32, Tp. 13 8. R, 2 E. He aaasea the following witnesses to prove hie continuona residence upon, and eolU vati n of, eaid land, viz : vi W Howesj. J H u.ptrrUDDBr and f K UrookH, of Sweet Home Poatofflott. and J A MeGhee. of Al bany P rsf-njee, all lo IJan county, or. w, t. Boatta-, O Vftse Bt VEBJS' ObtOK Re set I aia 3.SOO whole ttlTBS direct to eonsttrnfr on all persamaJ or fimtir cue. Talis 1 order, usst givea eaaeR 1 ofTaxTjajaxaa from tbe mar It ft ot tKe werU. Wa vrtll mull a copy 1 drees upon receipt of 10 ca Sts xpMmm of mailing. Let ai kar : you, BespoetJIallfr, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ear v saa w ares PATENTS bteined, and all other bnsinees in the U. 8. Psiea Otiss mtendeded to for niederate fees. uroffl , opteslt the U. 8. Patent Office, and v-1 '"-in laienie less ansa tasatbeeai feiitl liiixHi Wa A - k. ability free ef charge ; end veaaake o charge We refer liere, to the Poatinaeter, the SuaC s4 ... pesspsi saas On Uiv. ami to t.tticiaia t the V. 8 occ: F oacttml a) aiwiu. otnciaiB ufthei. . 8. Fateat Isr, advice, ternia, and terms, and eU n SU ste or coauty, eddress C, A. SNOW & CO., Pal in Office. Wawhltigsnw. f TNtFAMl-US CUSTOlTMAOl PLYMOUTH ROCK $3 PANTS. Cut to urder from ool!eo clothe esietully seltHKed for style end wo ar. Kror pair xusrantee dand bhmi ey prompU) reruaded, er a new pair nuce, if ?o via Are retortivd as uiis ici factory. DO YOU WEAR j PANTS ? i Tell as about what f ryou 'ike, send uayeur aits, hip and inaide lee: measure, tagethrr wlh OS Mid SS eta fur po trge (or urtoeJd nS packing. Or to.. er to us, r to the tree of this paper, and ofismi les will be n aft. d you, iucludina rco tapr-measure, ss we hait drio8itsd with ti e rropiictors of this paper a nutr.bei of these v t.-e for mle sk six rents. PLYMOUTH TOCK PANTS CO., issuiumrr Rt,, Bnnlos, Mass. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & I'ARKRS, SucooHsors to C C. Cherry.) IacMni8ts, Millwrights, and Im Founders. yJ E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS AIA, r ? completed, and are now prepared to handle ail kinds of heavy work. We will nanufaotnre Steam Engines, Grist and iiaw Mill Machinery, ansl all kinds r.riE md Brass Castings. FATTCKSa N4DE OX SHORT XOTICK. Special attention given to repairing all i t It of machinery. Will also man ufao re the improved iJberry A "Wblte Grain tr rator pFfsXnp Li J 13 aW ara that trr Z.Q M O Mf RXACT UURUE IS ON l3 68 H RAOH r msMRV ar sW II Ig M shown irr wenast. Wk f !! iff