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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1887)
flu tmmt Bat red m ths Post Offloeat Albany, Or ae eoondcktss mail matter. FRIDAY ..OOTOBKR , 1887 8TITES & Ktlitars nad NUTTING. Trap rlctare. rR r. Nl'TflXtl, Local Kdlter. A BAN ABOUT TOWN. t he Mar About Town has observed the presence of a very large number of drunken men In Albany lately. The saloons have been having a big patronage. Prohibition would prohibit this to a great extent. Some people say it due not prohibit ; but that Is an excuse. It at least restrains, and It out laws a business that cause crime and misery untold. It does do much to prohibit. All laws are prohibitory In their nature, and while none can prevent crime entirely, in a country like Oregou.where there Is a liealthy public opinion, they can keep men in their harnesses most of the time. Were there no laws the difference could be seen througn the reversed end of the telescope. Put a pin here ; If liquor drinking U a fine thing and ull right it should not be licensed at all. Everybody should be allowed to sell it the same as groceries. O The M A. T. met a Celestial Saturday rushing furiously about for a lawver to help him get $50 back which he had lost In a game of tan the night previous. Among Celestials and whites gambling is a common nightly amusement ip Albany. A man who will gamble should keep his mouth hut if beaten. 0 The prices for admission to theaters in Oregon have for years been cxhorbitant. The troup in the city this week are giving a good entertainments at a most reasonable figure. Low prices are taking everywhere without any deterioration in the quality of the performances. This 1 what we have wanted. O The M. A. T. It told of a brick layer who started in with nearly six hundred dollars, his earnings for several months, in this city, and in four or five days, "sunk" the whole amount In the muddy stream of the tin horn gambler's pocket and the saloon till. Sev eral others have been competing for a like distinction. Keek Other. Last Tuesday morning George Maddox, a bar-keeper, at one time an employee on the Oregon Pacific at this city, and George Bowerline met near the Exchange hotel at Corvallis, when the Utter drew a revolver and fired at Maddox, hitting him in the elbow of his left arm. Maddox not liking such a reception, also drew a revolver and began returning the compliment, when a fuailade followed, the men firing four or five shots apiece, Maddox' last shot hitting Bowerline between the eyes, passing into his head and lodging there. He dropped to the ground, when Maddox walked off and the wounded man was taken care of. At last accounts it was doubted if he could live. Maddox was arrested. The men had met before, Bowerline at one time boarding with Maddox. The lat ter thought he was too familiar with his wife, and a quarrel followed, one that fore boded no good. They prepared for each other, and the evening before the shooting Bowerline, who was a single man, told a gunsmith there that he would kill Maddox on sight He Is generally considered too blame in the matter at Corvallis, and it is doubted even if he dies if anything can be done with Maddox. The 'affair caused great excitennent at that city. The State Pre A elation As heretofore announced one week from to-day, Friday, Oct. 14th, the State Press Association will convene in this city. The attendance promises to be good for an asso ciation in its Infancy. The principal meet lag will be held in the evening beginning at 8 o'clock. A feature of it will be the address by Jan O'Meara, one of Oregon's pioneer editors, and Fithian.of the World, is spread ing himself in preparing his address. Be tween the scenes musk will be furnished by Albany's best talent Admission free. No collection. In the afternoon a meeting will be held by the editors for their mutual bene fit Such matters as patent outside, free advertising, dead beat subscribers, etc, will be ventilated. It will pay our citizens to treat the editors well ; they never forget kindnesses and their pens are flexible ones. An Attorney CeaeraJ 1 WiU 8 peak. Hon. A, D. Campbell, of Kansas, will lecture In Albany next Monday evening, October 10th. I le should be greeted by a mass meeting of people, as it will not only be an opportunity to hear one of the veter- ans of the Kansas campaign ; but, as well, a man of marked oratorical ability, Mr. Campbell is the present Attorney General of that State and one of its ablest lawyers. Lawyers, business men, saloon keepers, laborers, should turn out to hear him. I le probably has done as much as any other man to make prohibition a success in Kan sas, and those who claim that prohibition does not prohibit should hear a man on the subject who will speak from authority. Letter The following letter was picked up on the streets of this city the other day : My DaAa Mi . My heart yearns for the time when I can 1 win, ;uu ogam. uu uiu nvt unuci - can stand the depth of my love for you, nor how my heart swells with a just pride when my eyes look upon your matchless form and figure. I can scarcely wait for the time when you shall be all, all mine, and tlien we will buy all our groceries, fruits and vegetables of Wallace & Thompson wlu always have the freshest and best. Yours Lovingly, John. A a Overheard Conversation. 'Jubala," said Jubalum, "do you think when this country is settled more densely and timber cleared away as in the Eastern States that thunder and lightning will strike here." "Yes, said Jubala, "but 1 know one place It will not strike and there's where I'll go." "Where is that," said Jubalum ? "Why, at Shane & Lonsway's," as their prices are so low now it can't strike there. Johnny King. Frank Welch, of Salem, was in the city Monday, looking after Johnny King, of that city, who disappeared from his home last week. Coming to this city with a horse and buggy young King tried to sell the whole outfit for $15 to Mr. Hchtneer, who sus pecting something wrong, refused the bar gain. The rig was left in the city, where it was found and taken home Saturday. The boy's whereabouts have been a mystery, s MellwaJB' Clothing. M II wain's fall and winter stock of cloth ing in arriving. It includes the latest styles and is commanding attention, bse his Chin chilla costs. Fine stock to select from. All goods warranted as represented and perfect Bts guaranteed. Masliii Underwear. I have received my new stock of muslin underwear. These goods are made on a lock stioh machine, and warranted to be fail size and laogth and price reasonable. Sa.JtpgL E. Yopko. CURRENT KVKNTW. The Northern Pacific and Union Pacific have united and leased the OK At N Now what under the sun does that mean. 45000 bushels of wheat and oats have been stored in the Lebanon warehouse. The Prtneville AVm is strongly In favor of prohibition ; the frtww is opposed to It. The two papers are discussing the question pro and con, An Australian man named Windham re cently killed his wife and three children, giving as hi reason that he was called upon by God to do so. Such men should not be allowed to Introduce the Insane plea on trial. A fifty -one pound gold nugget has been found In the Midas mines, Australia. The President of the State University at Eugene will hereafter receive $ a too a vear and his six assistants $2000 a year. An exchange says the Scotch thistle has been allowed to go to seed around Lexing ton, E O. A rood place for It after Its sanguine defeat by the Volunteer. The prohibitory amendment was defeated in Tennessee by about 15,000 votes. Last Friday the Volunteer In the second he n easily beat the Thistle by about twelve minutes, thus winning the dip and keeping it in America. Cock-a-doodle do ! Gen. Rea, of Minneapolis, was elected Commander In Chief of the G A. R at St, Louis, last Friday. Governor Pennoyer has arrived home from his Eastern trip. Mayor Ramsey, of Salem, vetoed a bicy cle ordinance passed by the Council, Salem talks of building a tabernacle for religions and temperance meetings. A railroad collision occurred near Red ding, Cal., last Monday, one man being killed and several wounded. There are 1033 pensioners in Oregon, who receive $29,698.35 a quater. The wife of C W Allen, of Alsea Valley, Benton county, was thrown from a horse some distance from her resldedce, Wednes day of last week, and was found some hours after lying in the road Insensible. Hhe was at once taken home, and as soon as possible thereafter a telegram was sent to her hus band, who has been foi some time In the employ of the Oregon Pacific at the front. At last accounts the woman was In a critical condition. A very brutal case of hazing occurred at Williams College the first of the week. A son of the celebrated Joseph Choat, of New York City, was the victim. He was captor ed in his room, where he was compelled to submit to a number of Indignities, after which he was forced toeing, dance and pose at the will of his tormentors, who wound up bv taking all his clothing and putting them to soak la a bucket of water, regard less of the contents of the pockets. He was then made to get in a bath tub, given tooth- picks and compelled to imitate rowing, singing "Pull for the Shore," white ice wa ter was slowly poured over him. He was then taken out, and without being dried, put into his wet clothes and sent back to his room. He was found raving in a high fever the folic wing morning and at once remov ed to his father's house. He has had three doctors attending him, who give but little hope of his recovery. A Benton county paper gives the follow ing account of a serious affray at Philomath. George Logsden was dealing three-card monte, at which Oscar Wood was betting. Some words passed between them, when George jumped up and made for Oscar, who nit him in the mouth with his fist, knocking him down. George got up and went at Oscar again, when Oscar told him that he was no match for him, he was not mad at him and would not fight him, and then went away. Soon after George was seen with a bottle of whisky, which, after absorbing the contents, he threw away and went to bed. About 2 in the morning the boys heard a noise in his tent as of some one struggling to breathe, when they rush, ed in and finding him in a sort of spasm, they raised him up, and he soon recovered, Later, some one told him his horse was loose, he went out, caught and tied him. Just before morning the same noise as of some one struggling for breath, was heard in his tent, when friends went in and raised him to a sitting posture, when he gave a few gasp and died. He had been drinking heavily, and to this is ascribed his death. The W. V. A C. M. Wages) Road. The Commission, consisting of G. C Wharton and J. B. McNamee sent out by the government to investigate Oregon Wag on Roads held sessions in this city Saturday and the first cf the week. Hon. Geo. H. Williams and R. W. Mitchell, of Portland appeared for the road. Several dozen wit. nesses were examined ami all testified that the road was a good mountain wagon road and had been continually used summers since it construction. Among the witness es were ex -Governor L F Graver, Capt N B Humphrey, of Albany, W B Rinehart, of Seattle, Sheriff Smith, of this dtv, G W Renoe, of The Dalles, W B Donaca, af Lebanon, A J McClure, of Sweet Home, Wm Ralston, of this city, Henry Perkins, of Eugene, David Froman, of this city, I A warner, ot tms city, who made the original survey, J A Crawford, of this city, J J Fin tayson, 01 Benton coun.v, John bchmeer, J O W Human, Abe Hackleman and others. The general opinion is that the land grant tll not be forfeited. It certainly is a fact that tlie road has done most for those who are strongest in favor of its forfeiture. It has been a big thing for Crook county. Oregon Pacific Earaiags. The capital stock Is $3,900,000 ; liabilities, $9,700,000 ; funded debt, $4,600,000 at 6 per cent 5 floating debt, $1,200,000. Value of roadbed, $207,500 ; value of rolling stock, $143,500 ; yalue of stations, $8,000 other Droocrtv. $ : lensrth of main track. 83 3 ; aggregate length of sidings,5.9 ; miles by paas,trains during vear.47.259 ; by freight anu mixeu irams, 20,704 ; ions ireigm car- ried.iy9.e46; tons carried one mile,2, 543,067; rate per ton per mile, $3.13 ; total passen gers carried, 32,713 ; total passenger earn ings, $44,050.42 ; total freight earnings, $105,271.88 ; total earnings, $161,890,39 ; expenses passenger trains, $$15,248.17 ; ex penses freight trains, $27,61940 ; other ex penses, $13,240.82 ; ain't expended for re-, pairs, etc., $40,683.11 ; arn't for buildings etc. ,$1,346.60 ; other expenses, $34,383. 59. Good Work. Those iu need of any kind of priat should not forget that J H Burkhart has new type and does first class work at less rates than any office in the state. Do not accept any work done on old worn out typo. It will injure the reputation of the city, saying nothing about the office that is so far behind the times as to torn oat such work. Where to Bay Carpets. Monteith t Seitenbach havo the largest and prettiest stock of carpets, oil cloths, window blinds and wall paper ever brought to the Valley, and are offering them at a bargain. Persons desiring anything in this line should give them a call. Thrifty people will appreciate our vslaca and prices. Bsnnaxo & Browmell, Letter List. Following is ths list of letters rsnainiaf la the Past OSes, Albany, Una eounty, Oregea. OeU. 6th, US7, Persons esUing tor these letters mart give tke date ea which they were advertised : Bsriow, C U Clark, Wm Crotbers, Was Davis, R E Devsney. 8 P Bills, John i Goodwin, P A H ighes, C W Johnson, Andrew J Kenedy, J Lambert. Msinr ie MeArtbar, Donald Mat J Patten, -Irs Jennie Stockton. George gbsw, John (2) Ware, Mrs liable Chamber, Was Clark, (J has Callen, Mrs John Damon, C O Dunn, P B (8) flaw, Wm Hulchins, Rev A N Hardman.Mrs Mary A Kavsnsuab, A id row L Lester, CP McDowell, H C Mitchell, W (3) Perkins, A T Ruble, Miss Rlderado Shiels, John isytor, Joshua Williams, Mary L R. THQMP80N, P. M OCR TAX PAYER. Last week we gave a list of Linn county tax payers paying on $8000 and over. This week we present those paying on $4000 to $Hooo. The lists show 344 paying taxes on $4000 or over. No other county outside of Multnomah can present as long a list I Albany Building Ass'n 4000 N H Allen 7360 J W Althousc 5380 Mrs R Arnsplger 487a o Amea...... 5735 W P Anderson M53 N Bond , .. 5514 Sarah J Baltimore 1779 Mrs C O Barnes 6006 Martha Barnes, . Alfred Blevlns . . E O Barrett Wm V Baltimore PI Baltimore... 465 5S79 4265 716a 4713 6007 558 JMfj 6ooo 77 Win Barrows.... h n Bryant , , . , , M uiiyeu I Rusty G P Barger Black. Pearl Co Mrs MC Bond. . W O Bond 4758 Mrs N G Bassett . i66 Thos Brandon 6036 Moses Bland, est of 5776 G II Bland . .m, J W Bland 4,76 R A Bam ford 411a Rob't Bell 4804 JTBilveu 67T5 Owen Bear 7114 Geo Brattain caoo W H Churchill 5778 Elisabeth Cox 4309 S Camion tttt 4404 Cherry St Parkas.' . . " .'!!!.' 1 !!!!. ! 4800 GF Crawford 6846 IiavM Cherry 79So 1 Conn , 4350 Lewis Cox 7026 u u cooiey.... J W Compton . 5738 M Cunningham. John Cummlngs Benj Clever , Cowan, Ralston & Co Wm Cyrus. Wm Cosper JasCarothers 8 A Dawson ............. 4121 5851 OJOO f20O 559 5504 4107 4035 435 4005 59 42(7 Mm T L Duggcr Deyoe ii Robson f m rv 1 J F Davis m Drinkard. W M Davidson 5319 J S Dickson 666 WB Donaca. jj Davis .. Davis Bros. . . I R Dawson . 6792 37 5097 Edward Evans 4116 Ouo Fox. , 4007 L Fanning 7320 I R Froman 6673 OlneyFryJr. 42s8 Thos Froman 5264 rosiiav & Mason 7774 i0?" ro 43S S t-toman 70 L M Foster 5100 Wm Faber ic Mrs E A Frecland 5200 L Foley 6443 R Kroell 445s C Fariow $00 John Geisendorfcr . . .' !' " 726? Goltra & Ralston 020 B E Grimes 4124 T E Grimes 433J J W Grimes .Y.'.'.'.'.Y. 4661 Caleb Uray 743 John Grisham 40" las Garrett Matt Gerhard D Houck J L Bill Mrs R A Hatght... Newton Houston... J W Hardmau M Henshaw A C Hausman 7 4JD0 4"J7 4395 4196 4ic 00S5 4S5 57 Peter Hume 167 j ss a a Margaret llayse. 55 45 Hay St Ashby , Perrv Hyde Mrs P W Humphrey... 5P3 11 k Houit and wife SJ&t l F Hardman , cote Mark Hulbert Root Harrison J as Harmon . . J M Irving... D M Jonea. . . J B Jenks 4480 OJJOI 4800 33 751 H A lohnsonjr 6063 C f Knlghten 7027 Kicrchoff & Pfciffcr 4 coo a 01a Ureo n.nox 52 7 A $o Jas Knox, est f Chas Kiefer Thos Kay John Luper PC Llnea. A S Looney ..... E W Langdon... David Leedy ... Daniel Leedy EI Lanning John Long Wm Leach Horace Lane Wm Lane pan 4029 4100 445 4995 539" 6095 4515 69M 7639 poo 77- Leeper Bros 5514 O a joomiB 4000 Moses Miner 4711 W II McFariand 76OO u Mansfield too C Meyer 5160 Lt u Marsnau 5733 Monteith St Hogue 745O Henry Meyer, est of 4&5Q w t; Morgan 5 302 Margaret Many i 0455 A U Mc 11 warn 72 e6 Monteith & SeRenbach 4p4c Mrs K J Montgomery 4763 r mc Kinney EW Michael 5268 7789 4500 6963 4000 a 6100 6013 6197 4305 4869 54' - FM Malone A McDonald a m is Morgan Mansfield Samuel Meek A P Maxwell ohn McNcal R C Miller AG Marshall I Morria F M Miller, Syracuse. . . Mrs A M McCormick. Elizabeth McCartney.. C M Monteith .. 4575 4556 J Need ham 4OO9 6590 A a Nanny, eat of John Nichols 5999 Samuel Nixon 4673 Henry isewman 7739 u r Assn , asto G D Overton. 6763 Mrs i ur.nng 59a K S Powell eieO N P Payne 5663 8 M Pennington ac03 H R Powell 6799 J tt Pearl 4718 Henry Penlawl 794O David feebler 400 q Wm Pane 4592 J W Pugh 4685 WW Richardson 419O Chas Roth , mi 3 J P Rector 7335 I M Kalgton 4240 HLRudd 5667 JG Reed. 5815 wm Read 7675 Hannah E Rutherford 400f Phil Swank 6088 A Settlemlre 6095 Jas Shields Geo F Simpson 417O H W Settlemlre 6331 P W Spink 7837 L Senders C87O Elizabeth Simons 5 000 S bnyder, est of ... , 4085 AW Stanard 55OO Jane Smith 42O4 John Sommervllle 6282 Jas Steele , 78OO TF Smith... 6389 Smith Bros , 6033 S A Smith 5295 W P Smith 61OO IT Slate 6400 P OSmith 6213 H Shelton 437O J N Smith... 598 Daniel Simons 5470 E L Thorrmson 5id5 Walter Turrell 622OI W ATempleton , 53 1 7 h Thompson tic Waters 7100 i npp , -, , . 47o Tlios turner. . Thos Umphrey M Vandernool B A Wltsel Jason Wheeler , E N While J K Weatherford Cvrus Westlake Willamette R E Co J II Wlgle.. E F W yatt 7M 735 4246 7040 4060 &7 5354 7022 .W 4001 4 tftb OJOO 4t62 n M I St A Wilkin J L Wlgle. . . A J W atle. , . . Marion Wilson Prior Wilson Jacob Wlgle, ... Mrs I N Walton M It Wilds F A Watts 5319 G W Young 5356 HEAL KIT AT Following were the recorded sales in Linn county during the past week : W M and K C Allen to Jasnar Mil )iford, G lots in Halssy, 1 1000 Farrior by DSHtrlth Sheriff, tn Francis Bellinger, IM. 13 sorts tp lf. 1 w. 58-' 77 Usury C Duuo to J F Mapsl, 384, 17 ciw, tps 1 1 and i'i, 4 w. O A C It K Co to Martin UilleMsV 168.07 sores, tp 10. 2 K. 320 2000 8200 0900 100 000 John B tfoere to Jas I Sohooliog about 400 acres in several parcols. Ueo W Mellride, AdaVr to T F Smith 160 acres, tp 18, 4 w. John tang to M L Loasell, 380 sores tp. 18. 9 w. Thos J Ovormsaaad John Long interest m loo acre, tp 12, 3 sr. K loll to U A Holmsn one-half lot iuSoio. C Johusou Ui D A lirdman, lot 8, AuIa soja John KUpp to D A lfolman,53x!V3laef Koto - 20 500 100 I SO Wm V Baltimore to Fred Blouut. 2 lots, blook 112, H's A, Albany M Kalstoa to B M Donate, 1 lot, Lebanon PV Crawford te Lou Uis, 2 lots, Crawfortisvills r Newman to F D Lsvaritoh. 70 acres, tp 10, 4 w Pearee to J J Kendall, lot block 20, H's 2nd A, Albany II 7.'o HHRtM. Prof. lohn A. Mihbets has returned from Portland and will teach the Tangent Brass Band this winter.. A. B laker attached his engine to Jake Miller's wood saw last week and sawed all of the wood In town. The public school U (n full sway. The probe hi lues are that the school will be es ceedingly large. A good time was had at the temiteratu c meeting held here Wednesday, Sept. 28th, more meetings wilt be held In the near fu ture and the anils are becoming more dis couraged every day. KlmoG. I av is had the misfortune to get his left hand caught in a wood saw last week. Mr. Uavi will likely have a rc hand for some time vet. ULMH MOP VAttl. Everybody busy picking Itop. men, wo men, children, boys girls and kids.and Cld namen. A Canada dude visited the liop yard the other day Last Monday night tlte dy house caught fire but nodamage done.rnrept James llovlr burnt hU fot. Frank West, the yard bo,had a row with the Chinamen, bm no blood IkhI but some white women badly scared. We have picked seven acres and got over 900 bosesvsnd six acres yet to pick. Hot Poi.r. Way Tory the eot Appear. Jordax, Linn Co . Or . Oct. let, iss 7 Editor Dtmttrmt .-Will you please al low me through the columns of your paper to state the reason that B. B. IrvUie and my self did not appear at Brownsville on the 27th and Crawfordsville on the 20th of last month to fill the appointments as arranged by the committee. The evening of the 20th one of ray boys while chopping wood made a glancing lick oy the ax being turned by striking a bush, causing a serious wound in his right foot, this prevented us from starting on the morning of the 27th as we had designed doing. Our zeal for prohibi tion has not re Used and never will so long as the saloon with atl their evil influences exist. I nave the ability to do but Utile, but will do all 1 can for the amendment. Yours truly, T. P. Goodmak. Mark the Largeat and Best. Win. rortmiller A? Co's furniture store has been nearly doubled in size, and filled with a splendid stock of furniture, "chuck" full. Twentv-five varieties of chairs and seventeen styles of bed-room sets, as an ex ample. B asides a fine line of upholstered goods. Largest and best stock In Albany. No doubt of it. 6 or 7 men are constantly employed in manufacturing 11, anu snipmenu are maoc 10 an psuis the N. W. from To coma to Grant's Pass. This beside a big retail trade. The buyer is bound to get satisfaction of 2T A new feature is a machine for trim ming wall paper d which they have a large and splendidly selected stock of the latet varieties, sold cheap and trimmed free. Also nice line of window snades. Plane and Organ Glvea Away. Un Jan. 1st, 1, we will give away a 1700 piano and a $160 organ. U ere is the way to get one of them, for eyery dollars worth of goods you purchase you will receive a tiokot, when yon get five you may make a guess of the number of pieces of ootn ex hibited in a glass globe in our front window. whtoh, with your name will be registered, np to ths first of January. The one guessing aesreet to the right number will receive the piano, next the organ. The piano, a Bradford upright, 7i ootavea, lose wood ease, etc.. and the organ made by Julius Bsur, of Chicago, 5 octaves, 12 stops etc. may be teen at the store of E W, Ijaug' don, of whom they were purchased. Every one purchasing goods of me will get them at as low a price as in the Valley, with a splendid stoek to select from. N. H. Ai.lem k Co., Albany, Or His Dry Hoods. Ths fall and winter stock of dry goo Is received at Mcllwain's, is a large one, well selected, embracing all ths latest novelties, and in quantity and of a quality not surpass ed here. Do not buy without examining. Cheap for Cash. Wotk horse for sale. Inquire it this office At F, M. French's is the place to select your watches and clocks. Cloaks 1 Cloaks I Cloaks ! We have reoeiyed direct from Eastern manufactures a large and choice line ef cloaks and jackets which we will sell at prices that defy competition. Corns and see and save money. Thompson & Watirs. Brownsville. To Whom It May Concern, All parties knowing themselves indebted to us either by note or book account must make their arrangements to meet the same by December 1st. We must have money to do business on. Don't wait for a persona don, but come forward and make settlement and oblige Ihompsom & Waters, Brownsville. Just received at F. M. French's new styles ace pins. MOM AMI ABH0A0. A misters of rain and sunshine. Farmers ara killing their hogs. Albany is to bays a dancing sellout , The best harness at R L Thompson s. The Pilau block is weather proof now. I 'lease bring us some wood on siiksoriptieo. Pre nob, the jeweler, keeps railroad time. H Kwert, practical watchmaker and jew eler. One price to all at Shano A lmsay's Cash Store. The State of Oregon's money drawer is empty, 3. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A bany, Or. 1 The finest millinery ia ths State at, Shane A Lmsway's, See those nice cape at Shane it Lonsway's lor small boys. Mad ford has shipped 217 tons of fruit to Portland this year. SBSs .a .a a t OA . All Moots obesper than shoes at it. rjiodi s bout and shoe shop. All kinds of muslin and knit underwear at Shano A tnsway's. Bishop Morris preached in the Kpisonpgt Church last Sabbath. ' If yen want the bast harness ia the market go to J J DuhtoUle s. 70 eoats far wheat iu trade is the program at Shane A Loasway's. Ooe month from to morrow the Amend ments will be voted tm . . The total county tax of Marion eounty will be seventeen mills. Moms day Uoo eounty will be struck by a tremendous mining boom (ia to Shsne A Loasway's for all kind of millinery and fancy good. Hear Attorney General Campbell Monday night at the Opera House. Th fiaost French kid shoe with Lanatry tip at Shan A Lonsway's. I'ios Peetofhos, a few miles from Harris berg, baa been discontinued. Carter has a very large and rlnt- cla s stock of eJoeaa to select from fUmemher Shane s Loosway are selling dry goods at very low prices. Sis shavsa for a dollar and a cU an towel to every customer, at Thos. Jonea. Shane A lmsway's French milliaer arrived ia Albany the first of the weak. Several teachers could find good positions ia aunreo parte of use eounty, Sense elegant upholstered furniture may be taoaat Was Porteailler A Co's. The tax levies of Was end D iUgta oouov tita have been placed at 20 mills. The city water works is bno i esteaded into the Oregon Pacific's round bouse. Albany la having iu hands full of enter- tammente. It never rat as but it pours. Van Horn the piano tuner is about here. leaye orders at Black man's drug store. The daily arrivals at our hotels ara Isrgr, ly every room being occupied nights. Bsaors booed, st and put in order at Jonea' Shaving and Hair Uresaing Parlor. T heavy wore horses for sale cheap, aquiraof Crosse n & Allen, the draymee. P M French, agent Siuger Manufacturing Ce..oppoaite Odd Fellows Temple, Albany. Or. If you a have a oios shstt foot show it off in a perfect tilling bxil ma ia ly II. Pliodt. Mr C B Brow tall is botldiog a new rsi deocoia llnsteith's s-mtheru alditton to the ttr, Farmora Msnember you can get 70 oeots por bushel fur yuor bast at Shane A IjOos- way a Try soma of Wlaos U Tbouiusen'e 'Tart- ty Baking Pnwdar," manufActored by tbam seiyea. Ovdiar shows will receive a cold reception realtor. People have heoa bmnua?.-d long susoagh. Dr. M. fj. Rllta. physician surgswn AH any, Oregon. - !alls toad to city or C'luutry, All styles at huota sod shoos aed a lsra stack of groosriae ia what we rerry Kedficid st Bftrwaail. Cardinal Gibbons will arrive to Portland te morrnw, when a f 1000 raoeption will be given him. Wood is scarce sod dear. As a nxult same who owe the DEtfot.'UAT sail instead of de- Bvermg to as. Sciot. becoming tginl butos oaSar. Ia one day reeeatly Jvhai a A Saslioa sold 1720 worth of goods. We take iheeeta, the out :ujre lake the bargains, and the br'io take tb otke. Bodfleld A Browuell. A yoaag man asked his girl what time he should osll, and she wrove a nvt sakiag him f tall at afpaaUte,' A farmer in the city Wednesday aoid Baldwin and Spitaeabsrg applet for 53 emta and wazene for 40 coats. A bison that kilted numerous msa and hirses oo the plains was on exaibitino in this city the first of the week . Mr F L Benton who retired from the Pot. Friday wiil continue his agency for lending Eastern periodicals. Are you going ta get your fall and winter hat or bonnet at Shane & Lmsway's. Their new milliner is an expert. Fshrncy'a Cefhbrated Blood Cleanser for sale at Deyoe A tlobaon'sand Read A Brown ell's, P J Baltimore, agent. Every customer will be a walking adver tisssasot for our bargains when they see on r Kedheld St Browoall mm 'a prise tiajmmJtood of goodKased tare. One of N 11 Allen AC tar oe on a dollars worth o at the new Second Hand store A hundred new bouses would rent in a week in this city, but you might hunt a weak and could not find three to rent. Senator Stanford once canto very near be tag a country editor. He wanted to be badly enough but couldn't raise the money. The contract for painting ths engine houses iu this city was let Wedaeaday to Geo M Young for f 175. There were live bids. The attempt to raise f250,0Q0 for a hotel in Portland seems to be a toothnullintr affair. Only about 965, 000 has been subsoriped A fine line df gent's underwear and furn ishing goods just received at Mc 1 1 wain will be sold at prices that defy oompettton D. T. Wy.nan, soliciting agent for the State Insurance Co., for Lion Co., residence Second between Lyon and Baker Streets, At bany, Or. Mr John Briggs has received some new meteorlogioal instruments from the U. S. government, lookout for some fiae winter Weather. . Another shipment of ladies tins shoes iu all widths and sizes just in this week. Custom ers remark what perfect beauties. Red field & Brownell. If you want a stylish winter garment go to Monteith A Seitenbach. agents for Springer Bros, tailor made garments for ladies, misses ar.d children. A eousle men had a lively fight in an Al bsav saloon, don't know what one, Saturday, to the increase of wealth of the city treasury of several dollars, Mr Lnoer. of Southern California, father of Oao Lunar of this oountv. recently sold his farm there for $22,000. several times what he paid for it. The elephant at Carter's attracts atteutien, So also does his splendid line of watohea. clocks and jewelry, of which he now has a large and select stock. Should von desire to sell your property call on Burkhart A Keeney as they advtrtise property placed in their hands, aud charge nothing unless they effect a sale. Last Friday afternoon a drunlfbn specimen of humanity insulting a lady in the Third Ward Mr George Simpson interfered and gaye the fellow a deserved booting. A special meeting of the Common Council was held Tuesday evening, when the resola- tioa of a few weeks aero in reference to the switch on Water street was rescinded. Cnuntv Clerk Galbraith has just trans mitted to headquarters a splendidly gotten nn transoriut of the militia roil for Linn oountv. It contains over seventeen hundred names. A Stockman's Association for Morrow and Gilliam counties was recently organized with W C Willis as President, and Mr Lonner Ralston, son of Wm Ralston, of this sV.ty, as Secretary. Taapume on Bradtlbm stmt is in a very unsafe condition. Every few days mom wagon breaks through. Poorly eon strueted In the first place ft is ia a bad way generally. " The number of drunks on our strettt late ly has been a disgrace to tbs oity. A few wholesale arrests would put a check to it but it will take something like prohibition to stop it. Mrs J H Surles, who was injured on the grade near the Catlpooia bridge several mouths ago, and whose life was despaired of for awhile has returned to her hems at Bala, nearly recovered, A gentleman from Loa Angels was la the oity the first of the weak and will probably buy a farm here. Me became tired of the immense amount of irrigation necessary in Southern California, it takes an immense sight of enterprise for a oity with a population of about 5.000 to raise 9150,000. Astoria hat nearly done 1ft If that oity gets a railroad there is no tclliuu what it will become. A. B. Moll wain has the largest and finest stock of carpets in Albany, new goods of the stmt designs, a splendid stock to get a ear pet from. Sold at remarkably low prices considering quality of goods. Shane A Lonswny's new French milliner is one of the best ia the State, and when you get a hat er bonnet made by bar you got one that is tssty and in style. Albany ladies should call early aad leave orders. Mrs Skelton will deliver an address In German in tn Evangelical Church, ia this cjty, on next Sunday aftarnoon at 2 o'clock anil iu the evening at 7 o'clock. German speaking people am specially invited. A splendid line of groceries and orcoaory war at Conn Brothers, also everything fresh ia farm produce. The best brands of cigars and tobaccos. Good goods at bottom pries, That is their rule. Call on theas for your grocer lee. The Ms name's fair oneaeet in Portland yesterday. A very successful suaaon is prom- id . I has fairs are an honor to Oregon, Those s who attend, unlike the espsriaooe with the State fair, never return home grumbling. The Opera Hons was crowded Sabbath evening at a service of song by Phillip Phil ips. The music aad words were thrown on the screen, with il.'ostrstions between the verses, A collection of about $23 was taken up at the door. Sufferers from the efleota of qainine. aosd as a remedy for chills and fever, should try Ay sr s Ague Cur. 1 his preparation ta a powerful tonic, wholly vegetable, aad with out a particle of any r ox ions drug War ranted a sure core. Twoaty-oe applicants were admitted to the bar by the Suprom Court on Wedoes -day. This includes J J and K L Dorri. aad Miss K M Howard, of this city. Miss How. ard is the first woman to be admitted in Ore gon on examination. Depredations by tramps ara reported from the Third Ward, a few eveoings sine G M Coffey had a fight with a boas breaker, and several others hay lost valuable things. Thar is being quit a general demand for a sight watchman there. Prof J M Garrison, of Pacific University ui rurswt Urove, baa boon engaged to give eearans iu penmanship ia ih College and public suhoob) and will begin instructs at aae. Prof Garrison has organised classes ia Albany tw or three ties as before. Following was tb business of tb 811 Postofioe during September "Delivered mail Utters, 6796 ; snail postals, 169 ; drop letter. Mi f drop postals, 140 papers. "705. C dlected -latters.5111 ; droo letter, 226 : postal cards, 539 ; papers, 661. Hemphill It Via gsve a oooosrt Thursday evening to a small siaed audience st the Pres bytwriaa Church, bat owing t tb many other attractions bate poatponed tb forma tion of a staging alaas until two or three weeks later, when they ieUad returning. "I ha taken, within the past .vear, sev oral bottle Ayer's 8afaparilla,and find it admirably adapted to the needs of an impov erished system. I asa convinced that this preparation, a a blood purifier, is unequal ad. C. C Dame, Pastor Congregational church, Audovsrr, Me. On Thursday night of last week atrtiaan of Corvallis was way laid ar Friendly 'eeaw mill by two bad men. H escaped aad notified ntahtwatch Mctgau, who went after the 4 e parados. He was knocked down aad the eaa smade their escape, intense indignati on was oocaaioneo by the affair. .Alien Parker Ac Co.. reoeuUy caught 300 salmon to on night tn V aqntoa Bay. The re cant ram have sent the salmon running in large number, and nhnaa am baring a fat thing of it. II the present run steps up the early expectations wilt b realtasd. This bay promts tu be a good! one for sal and it furnish a delicious fish. Wednesday Mr Prnseott and Mr Go E Porter, of th Malem Kvaporator, were in the city, making arrangements to bay appl Ttwy will pay cash for ail kinds of winter apnUa, with no hand picking or boxiaa ia the bargain. K very farmer should shake ku trrea and rush for th market. A few dollars can be aiyod this way. He ady, in another comma. Philip Philip's three entertainments ia this city. Thursday, Friday and Saturday eyen lags of last weak, were among ta most joy able of the season, and as wall were of a very iua tractive nature. Hs tok his audi ence eompltlr around the world, and as well twice areond the United States, exhibt ing seme very fine pictures of th wold's moot noted institutions. Two lectures on Astronomy were given at the Congregational Charon Tuesday and Wednesday evening, by Rev K Haskell, of Massachusetts. Tbey were illustrated and were of a highly instructive character, do serving more attention than they received. Rev Haskell it proficient iu the study of this noble scienca and ha a happy faculty for imparting his knowledge. It is reallv surprising bow people will can tinos to suffer month after mouth aad year after year from gravel, neuralgia, rheumatism and sick headache, wbsn th cans of these terrible diseases is often removed at se by a course of that womWfnl re-.uely, Fieses Hamburg Tea. Its use is always beneficial to old a i I voing. an l f ir children it la the most popular melicin know. The mtertai'i nent U rn . given tu this citv thi i week bv th W ilber l heatncal troup ar ol a superior uaiir-, mucn aneao ui w t a a a a moat uf the dollar linaas that lisve snowed here. Their admission is only 10, 90 aod .'10 cents. rbjsid"S first-class plays to -night and to-morrow night a matinee will lie given Baturdav afternoon, when a 910 watch aud i large doll will bo given away. Saturday even iaga$35 watch will be drawn. A youug financier, aged 4, who was given five cents far every mui ne caugne tn tran. finally naked leave ti speud the pro oeeds. The nurse was told to go wherever he lad her to see what bo proposed buying. He - w . passoH all the toy aod candy shops, but paus ed before a hardware shop and, poiatin to the window, exclaimed triumphantly : "I buy more mouse trap, r nt.y. List Friday ths tall tltg p U m the on a- nions in front of the Court Hou aucuumbed to I. six mile hreese and foil a shattered ruin, broken at the levvl of the grounl. It was erected Suur.lay, Septeai'ier 18sn, I 8S0, at the time of the Hancook Qarfind campaign, and on the defeat of th a In mar was turned over to the Republicans. Getting tired of th jerky actions of iia m tstor itsuccamed to a breess that would hardly stir a thistle. A writer iu a Southsrn Oregon pipnr tells nf a visit to Albany as follows : Arrived at Albany, I vas entertained right Mtmp' aualy at the Revorn -House by'my mend Handncks. formerly of Waldo, late of the Magley hotel. Mr H. is c!erkuK u one ot the loading ury goods and clothing houses of Albany, a of about 2500 population: There is consider able buildiag at present, though the town feno-ally ti;ut the appearance of being owned : V . i oy Wloow wuuiau Ths Wagon Road case wrought a large number of men to Albany from different parts of the Statn. tf-o H Wd'iama peculiar psyche attracted attention. It is an old land m irk. Judgo Whullty, of Portland and Mayor Riue hart, of Seattle, are among the number, J W Qilliland, of sweet Home, who bus helped to keep up the road from its beginning gay strong testimony in its favor, and many of Albany's prominent citizens were called, Capt Uumuhiey, Miltou Hale. J W W.usick, AO Hafikleman. John Crawford, etc.. men who know all about th matter. Notice All persons k: o viog themselves indebted to E W Laugdon will please come forward j and eetii their so ;onnts at once. APPLES. Cash paid for all varieties of winter apples, de livered at your nearest railroad station, NO HAND PICKING. NO BOXING. Inquire STEWART f'KAI.KPM ! HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Coal and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, WACOM MATERIAL, MECHANICS TOOLS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, ROPE ANN CORDAGE, SILVER STEEL STEWART & SOX. PERSONAL AND flOTlAU J M Nolan, of Corvallis, was ia the eity Senday. Hon J H Pry. of Ihrtyville. was io Al bany Friday. Steve Pbiiippi has located at Camp Polk, Crook county. Dr. Alexander, of Ciborg, ha been in the eity this week. Mr John Conner, of Portland, was in Al bany Tuesday. State prisWr Baker, of Sales, was in A - bany Wednesday. l)r Powell, of Lebanon, bas mc red to Sj o- kan Falls, W. T. Krazicr. tb horse man, has beau ia the city buyiaH haras. AU Harris and wife, of Ysqaina City, ware in Albany Saturday. lion Hiagar Herman, was ia Albany Men- day. He is doing Oregon. Rav Gould and i'rof Robb, of Saadd, were in Albany Friday and called. Judge Ftiun and Hon W R Bilreo, of this city, have been in Salem this week. W B Rio and f amily left Albany Monday oo a several weeks trip to South, rn Oregon. John Wills, of Millers, will attend th Agricultural College at Coryalhs the coming winter. . Mr Orvillo Waggoner, of Corvallis, ha beam in the city this week pnttiag up tele phone. Mis Lixxis Westlake, of Qabnryill,CaLt ia in the citv. and we understand will m ike her homo. Oilman, ef Oilman, Idaho, railroad projector and stock raiser nas necn ia in city during th week. r Joel Sberfy. of Lebanon called at the ocaxr nana the first of the weak. See his notice in another column. Jaa Foster, Jr., of Wet Newport, was ia the city over Sunday. Jim has a raspons.b'e position on th government work Mr Cbaee, of the Oregon Pacific, will move to Albany from Corvallis, likewise Capt Smith, of tie "Three Sister .' Thabora Sahib, prince ef India, named through Albany Saturday night on his way to California. We have maay batter looking oitiaena. Mr K Barnes, af Prioeville, wao has been in the city ia ths great wagon road cans called at the Dmocbat office Saturday. Mr Barnes was a resident of Linn ctunty along in the sixties. "Dick" Powers, of Wento. bat an old tint resident of this county, hs been in th city during th week as a witness in the wsg on road eass . ' 1 Dick" was appointed by Gov ernor Woods to examine a taction el the road 150 miles long from Fort Harney this way. Produce of all kinds taken in oxchat g Shano A Loaawsy's. st Crowded, The store of Monteith St Se tanhre't ia crowded with seasonable and fashion die goods, their line of dress goods, fancy goods, and cloaks are immense and if jou dot ire to please yoursaif giye them a call. If you want blankets go to M. a S, m m e What aw I to Do The symptoms ef Bllionsnsta ara un happily but too wall known. They dif fer la different individuals to soma ax taut. A Billons man la seldom a break fast eater. To frequently, alas , h has an excellent appetlt tor liquids t at uon for aolids of a morning, mis i ngu wui hardly near inspection at any time ; if It ia not white and furred, it ia rough, at all ovanta. The digeatlv system la wholly oat of order and Diarrhea or CouslI nation may b a svmDtotn or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss af blood, Thero may bo gie Utnosa ana often headache and acidity o . tlatnlanoa and tandernaaala the pit of ti e atemach. To correct all this and not effbst a cnia try Green's August Flower, it itosts bat a trifle and thousands attest its sflcacy. If you want boots or shoe g to M. & S MARRIED. KENNEDY BURNETT. On Oct. and, 1887, at the Revere House in Albany, by his Hon George Humphrcv, Esq.," Ma. Francis Kennedy, of Marion county and Miss Mary Burnett, of Linn county. . COON HERBERT. -On Cct. 5th, 1887, in this city by George Humphrey, Mr. John Coon and Miss M. J. Herbert. DIED. MILLER. On September 29th, 1887, Lebanon, Loa Miller, daughter of C Miller asred 1 vear Tan of CEO. E. PORTER, SCHMEER'S LIVERY STABLE, ALBANY. J. J, BEARD, TANGENT, GEO, E, PORTER, L, MCCAUEY'S STORE, LEBANON. & SOX, BARBED WIRE, BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, POWDER AND SHOT. BLASTINC AND GIANT POWDER, PAINTS AND OILS, CARBEN AND CRASS SEEDS. X Out Saws, FOR SALE. 73 acres of good garden land, situated miles north west id Leng Station, Linn coun ty, Oregon. 25 actes under cultivation, 18 acres slashed arid burnt, 45 acres under good fence, 30 acres in timber, most voung fir. some alder and maple, comfortable dwelling house, 16x32 feet, story and half high, well with plenty of good water, shed barn, voung orchard of 250 choice fruit trees, an 'excel lent hop yard of 5 acre.good hop house and dryer 16x32 feet, I offer, for sale, the above property for $2000, cash. For further par ticulars address men at .Lebanon, Linn county, Orcgon,or see me in person. Jobl Shlri s Weather. Summary of Meteorology for nap. 1887, from observations taken at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs, Esq. Highest Bar. 30.11 ; lowest, 29.50 ; moan, 29.80. Highest daily Bar. 30.09 : lowest. 29.38. ritgheat Temperature, 89; lowest, 40 ; mean, tX) 24 Highest daily Tber., 38 ; lowest, 1. Mean at 7 a. in., 56.8; 2 p.m., 71 ; tp,., 58.2. Prevailing winds, N. it S. Maximum velocity force, 4. Total rainfall and melted snow daring m mth, 1.67 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch er mora rasa fell, 5. Number of day of cloudiness averag 8 scale of 10, 5. Of 90 observations 56 were dear, 12 doady, 3 fair, 2 fogy, 5 rain, 2 haxy. 10 overcast 0 smoky. Frost on the mornings of 21 r-ad 22. Tb Tory Best. I hsye added to my boot and a&M stock a line of the celebrated Laird, ScMer k MitcJvll, Pkikultiphia Fit AUes for ladies, misses and children. Acknowledged by dealer generally to be th host value and best fitting fine shoe mad. Widths CD, K, and EE. A child can buy as cheap as a man. Samxxl E. Young, 8ote Agent, Albany, Oregon. The Pastagrapher, Altanny, 9r. I have all the uagatfyea taken by A B. laxton nod any on can have dupli cates from their negative by add renal nc us. at u.e fallowing price : Card Ua, t'2 per doxeti, cabinet sixe, $S per donen, bou doure, 6 par dozen. I keep the finaat line of Oregon views iu the west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and ehiarglrg old pictures a specialty. J. G. CSAWMB The Most Agreeable as well as th moat effective met hoi ot disnolllug Headaches, Colds aud Ftyera, or cleansing ot system, is by taking a few dosos of Figs. 50c. and 81 bo iles for ?al by Foshay dt Mason. Cci'Mt N H, Allen A Co., have in stock a splen did line of orsets. Consisting of th justly celebrated C. P's, Dr Warner's, Dr Lea's S. K's, the Albany Standard, our spinal brand, also the Everlasting, Self Adjusting, Netti and many other make. Ladies are especial - ly in vital to call and inspect them. immense Bargains. Standard white shirts, G5 cents ; Boas i the Road overalls, 50 cents ; 4 pair of seam less socks, 25 cents ; regular prion 4 for 50 cents, and other bargains to match, at A. B. Mcllwain's. Messrs Foahay Sc Mason, druggists, am selling Wisdom's Robertine wholesale and retail, aud giving beautiful picture cards w th every bottle. Positively the most perfect and harmless article of the kind in the market jh Wall Paper, Shades. Ktr. N H Allen & Co. keep iu stock a full lias of the above goods, iaciudiag a fins assort, mant of decorations for sealiugs, whie 1 thoy will sell at the lowest possible prices W near R. have now iu transit oo of the largest stocks of these goods ever in this market.