The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 07, 1887, Image 2

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    Ike gemi flat.
The New York democrats held one of
the most harmonious convention last
week that they hare had (or years. Tam
many Hall and the county democracy
united on a delegation that was admitted
to the convention without a question. Ir
ving Hall democrat were entirely ignored
because of their public desertion of the
pirtv at the mayoralty election last fall
Frederick Cook, present incumbent, was
renominated for Secretary of State by ac
clamation. L.J. Fitagernld was nominated
hy acclamation for State treasurer. C. E
Tabor for Attorney general and John Bo
gart for State engineer. The ticket is re
garded as a strong one.
Our readers have not forgotten what
howl went up from the republican organs
some weeks ago when what was known aa
the Glenn bill to prevent mixed school
was pending in Georgia. Now then
regular war of races on lh mixed school
qoMtlon is going on at Fort Kan
s-i itc, of il! oth-rs, where it might
be J3t I ju ! ii from the protestations
of h peo de that the ctlor line could not
e tlst. The repuh'ioan directors of the
schools of that city have ordered that no
c dored child sfc.iU be admitted to schools
where white children attend. Colored
p;ople declare their children shall be ad
mitted. The citv of 7000 inhabitants i
rent from center to circumference about
the matter. Now the question among so-be.-,
sensible people U, why do not the
regular organ that made such a howl
about the Glenn bill wake up and tell their
readers about this horrible prejudice
against people of color among the repub
lican of Kansas ?
James A. Stewart, of Wichita, Kansas,
his been sentenced to seventeen years and
four months in the county jail, and fined
$3cx8oo with costs of prosecution for the
violation of the prohibition law. fie was
a clerk in the West End drugstore and
pleaded guilty to an indictment containing
s.oSocounts. at the same time a did Her
man, the proprietor of the place. The
latter cannot be found, and it is thought
that he has left the country. The punish
ment imposed upon Stewart is the heaviest
ever given in the state for violation of the
liquor laws.
John S. Wise, of Virginia, has been in
terviewed and says the republicans will
elect a majority of the legislature of that
state this fall, which would give the repub
Means a senator in place of Riddlebergcr
We remember John S. was interviewed
when he ran against Fitz Hugh Lee for
governor.and he then said with great posi
tiveness that he would beat Lee, but that
gentleman wiped Virginia trrrajirma with
John S., and the same result mav follow
tbe campaign this fall.
A gentleman whose standing with the
democratic party is of the highest and hit
acquaintance with the leaders of both fac
tions intimate, has been making a canvass
of the principal members of the next
House, which convinces him that it will
pass the Tariff bill without much wrang
ling. He is in a position to speak certain
ly cn this point. The reasons he gives his
friend for his faith are convincing.andthe
redaction which he prophesies will be in
accord with the general conclusions reach
ed at the Oak View conference.
It is said Hon. W. R. Morrison, one of
the Interstate Commerce Commission. will
soon resign, and that the president will
appoint Hon. J. If. Obcrly.member of the
Civil Service Commission, to succeed
Mormon. It 1; said Morrion wants to
run for .0 ;.-es in his old district where
he was beaten lat year through the lavish
expenditure of money seniinto the dis
trict bv republicans of the Last.
The Nevy York itohi interviewed the
delegate to the democratic state conven
tion In that st ite last week with reference
to their presidential preferences. A large
majority favor Cleveland. Hill had a few
followers not that he is not liked, but he
it not regarded as available. Both names
were enthusiastically cheered in the con
vention, thus showing that there is no an
tagonism between them.
I'oor.SUter Cbum. How she is to be
Commiserated. She is as mad as a wet
hen because the citizen's committee of St.
Louis at Cleveland's reception the other
day .placed transparencies of Lincoln,
Grant and Cleveland alongside each other.
It is evident that the lady editor would
freely exhibit the "bloody shirt,"if it were
not immodest to do so.
Judge Sawyer has sustained the demur
rer of Win, K. Rodgers, known as Wm.
Kisaane, in the suit against him by the
Chemical National Bank of New York,
and dismissed the bill. This effectually
disposes of actions that may be brought
against him in the future.
Report received from Baker City say
that Circuit Judge L. B. Isoris rapidly
recovering from the stroke of paralysis
which has kept him indoors for many days.
His numerous friends here will be glad to
hear of his convalescence. Judge Walker
occupies the bench during Judge I son's
Last Monday week, after ten years'
search, Capt. Gee discovered the wreck of
the steamer Brother Jonathan, lost twenty
two years ago. The wreck lies two miles
south of Northwest Seal rock, eighteen
miles northwest from Crescent City. She
struck on a rock not down on the chart.
The people of Oregon are pleased at the
safe return of their governor to tbe state,
after an absence of several weeks at Phil
adelphia. He visited Washington City,
where he called at the Interior and Navy
Departments, looking after Oregon's land
and war claim, interests.
Hi-' mugwumps of Massachusetts are
very mad at the democrats of that state
because they lire not goody goody eflough
On civil service reform and say they will
bury the democratic eundidates this fall.
We think thev will.
Cleveland violates all precedent in ten
aciously adhering to his deliberately form -cd
purpose of paying all the expenses of
his Southern and Western trip out of his
own private funds. It is estimated that
the tour will co-it him $10,000.
tor sep.
way the
e ruined
:s of the
by thu
The amount of ill-feeling among dem
ocratic Grand Army men over the defeat
of Gen. Slocum for commander-in-chief i
extraordinary, and It Is likely to lead to
. . . I, .
heavy defections from the order among
those who regard their defeat aa actuated
entirety by political motives. Kv-Gov.
o -,,, 1- t . 1
aioneman. ot waiuornia, vo some
the spokesman of the malcontents, ana
appears utterly disconcerted by the way
things have gone in the encampment. He
think Gen. Grosvenor' speech in the en
campment, In which he said that the Grand
Army of the Republic was greater than
the president and greater than congress,
was rank heresy. No man in his senses
should give utterance to that assertion -The
Idea that any society In the country,
whether composed of military men or civ
ilians, is greater than the government, Is
rank treason. He says his understanding
of the Grand Army of the Republic is that
it is a fraternal society of old soldlers,wlth
charitv for its obiect. lie thinks that
when that society assume to be greater
than congress or the president.or Interests
itself In political movemcnts,or In the ob.
struction or passage of legislation, It Is
guilty of usurpation. He thinks that.tak-
ngall things into consideration. the defeat
of Gen. Slocum for commander in-chief
ought to he sufficient to disrupt the Orand
Army. Gen. Slocum was defeated be
cause he wa a democrat. No man with
yes and ears who moved about the hotels
of St Louis during the week could fall to ob
serve that politics was behind everything.
"I am a member of the Grand Army. I join
ed it with the understanding that It would
have nothing at all to do with politics. I
was quite sure that the officers of the as
sociation would be chosen because of their
military services ; but when I see an offi
cer of Gen. Slocutn's record and reputation
defeated because he is a democrat, and an
unknown man chosen in his stead, I think
It about time for the democrats of the or
der to put on their thinking caps."
Our cotemporary, the Hrald-Dii$mia-
tor. tells of a huge flag pole erected on the
square in front of the Court House In this
city by the democrats during the Hancock
campsign, and which, that paper says, he
came the property of the republicans at
the time of the election of Garfield. The
other day it came down with a crash, and
the Herald approvingly relates that a prom
inent citizen of the city says its fall is due
to the fact that -on that day the democratic
convention of New York had endorsed
Cleveland. Our cotemporary, thinking
this a strong point against the democrats,
took It up and declared that it might be
regarded as an evil omen to the demo
crats. Our cotemporary does not yet see
that it was made the dupe of a pungently
practical joke. How could it be regarded
aa ominous when a republican flag pole
should "let all holds go" and tumble to the
ground on account of the action of a dem
ocratic convention ? The truth is, that,
metaphorically speaking, this flag pole
must have yet been possessed of a linger,
ing remnant of the patriotism and good
sense that inspired the democrats in its
erection. What could have been more
sensible or patriotic than for this republi
can pole to turn ble down when the news
came that the democrats of New York had
hnu'rd In nni cino .rtinfA hurrah
their approval of the administrations of
President Grover Cleveland and Governor
David Bennett Hill. This pole saw that
this action of th democrat settled the re
publican's hash for them so farss the p"
side icy is concerned and that it had no
further mission to perform, and hence it
passed in its checks. We agree with a
friend who remarked upon reading our
neighbor's article that It was the strongest
point that paper has made against the
democrats for more than a year, but a pa
per that attempt to subserve antagonistic
interests will continually find itself in some
such ridiculous dilemma.
One week ago to-day the president
started on hi Western end Southern tour.
The weather wa auspicious. Baltimore
was reached, where a crowd of 1000 per
sons had collected. No demonstration.
At York, Pa., an immense crowd had col
lected. The train did not stop.but the presi
dent stood on the rear platform and bowed
to the throng as the train passed through
the city. A similar scene occurred at
Harrisburg. Altoona, Pa., the crowd was
immense and enthusiastic to a high pitch.
At Pittsburg the press of people was un
bearable and every one wanted to shake
hands with the president. Owing to rain
the procession at Indianapolis was not
quite so large as that that greeted Blaine
in 1884, but the crowd that gathered at the
State House exceeded 35100. Gov. Gray
made a speech of welcome and the presi
dent responded in his felicitous style. The
meeting here and at Terre Haute were
hearty ovations to the president. At St
Louis the weather was superbly grand and
in striking contrast with the weather dur
ing the Grand Army encampment. The
reception here was hearty and overflowing
with generous hospitality .fully 30100 peo
ple joining in a serenade of President and
Mrs. Cleveland.
Mr. J. B. McNamee and Hon. G. C.
Wharton appointed, by President Cleve
land as a commission to sxsmlne into the
manner of the construction of the W. V.
& C. M. W. Road, have been in the city
during the week taking the evidence of
witnesses who have knowledge of the way
in which the road was built. The follow
ing witnesses were before the commission,
and it is said By those present that their
evidence shows that the road was built in
good faith In compliance with the condi
tions upon which the grant of land was
made : P.R. Skinner, S, M. W. Hind
man, J. W. Gtlliland, C. H. Ralston.R. M.
Carter.A.CowanJ. C. Bilyeu.Miiton Hale,
J. VV. Cusick,R. M. Powers, N. 8. Humph
rey, w. n. uonaca, A. J. Mcciure, II. C.
Perkins, W.T. E. Wilson, Capt. Geo. W.
Davis of the U. S. Army, Vancouver, Geo.
H. Thurston and W. J. Glenn. These are
reputable citizens and their evidence will
largel y assist in settling the vexed question.
Syrap of Figs.
Manufactured only v the California
Flu Syrup Co.. San Francisco. Cel.. la
Nature's Own True Laxative. This pleas-
aut California liquid fruit remedy may be
nan or rosnay A aison at ntty cents or
4 one dollar. It is tbe m.t pleasant.
prompt, and eflective remedy known tb
desnse tbe system ; to act on the Liver,
Kidneys, and Bowels gently yet thor
oughly ; to dispel Headaches. Colds, end
Fevers ; to cure Constipation and kindred
Pruehsw, "The Druggist" can be found
two door west of the Revere House where
he continues to put up nothing but pure
and fresh drug. Try him and you will
t mm Jn n
7 '
Send Bnrkhsrt hseusy netn ami ad-
annsf 01 irieuun tieairinK imiirnintivn i wiv
, . ... . .h-m .... , th(,
JfoaHbtals '(huttgor which contains a
plate discr.ptiou ons uoitiity tn
Absolutely Pure.
Assarysfsf parity
Sasa Bw ostrtiatry kinds, sad osnnos baaokha sasa
IMiMsoa wish tbs ssallhsss of few Mat, eftert
whSaJuasorj inpha4 pusr(tot. taueafrvni
aa Bets mm tovftsm 0a, MS ws&et,
The People's Cash Store.
itasl Qaewtioas.-Whsr in Al
oeey tn the boat placo to buy sooda for
oaah ? iV.'ho ha !oaganswei Whscs."
Hay at li
swswered with a
raejr nave remove their business to
tbe store formerly oceaple 1 by Pes, Beam
A Co., where l bay carry a mammoth
stock of
Orj a id Fail ij BOOiS, FUrfl:8lUDg
u'uo.K MtiUnarj, Boats and
ShieB, Cloaks, Etc,
we 't 'tiH ir .pa- -o write sn Ingenious
atvnlinHt q -in i ro of sooda to
mi"d fh pah ie w- wit glee yov
Pr o a one sssjHstari ins' win b-t 10 ay
SB -eat, n tg W- 'Jon'i n to
sail ssjJjta tte9 assf a eh ss
Sbmss on - rfjEatainsj not eo f. miliar. We
ea'l laallallk and msrk sH good I
n.i nor:. w usee ntt .nm r ice,
er.d that the lowaat. Moat merchant
ha-a fed tu'A" riot but we bare get
our 10 uodrtr 1 be !! rwk." anJ now
or -u turner wan to know what we are
rws'toson. That qu-tii'i Ira momn
toat on It sj IM first discovery of that
r vIum We may not uo on oar
plan bat w swing oat
Hope taking for motto
on Faith and
Remember we make s
Ids ported
specialty of fids
Oar great stock of Domestic Goods will
save many dollars to sensible housekeep
er who wilt trade exclusively with us.
Table LinensJapkmsJowalBheit
ings, Muslins, Qinghams, Away
Down. Flannels and
at Mill Prices, Ho
siery for the Million. Eibbon
an! Lace epartments Overstocked,
Oar Millinery Department embraces
every novelty invented by Dame Fasnloa,
with MSsh Fountain, at it boa t a San
Franoirco artist. Jf yon need millinery
go to the "Fountain Head" for It.
We have been driven Into tbe Boot aad
Shoe business by the importunities of onr
customers end again bring our long ex
petieuce In that branch of business into
activity again.
We are agents lor tbe Wanamaker
Clothing House of Philadlepbia. We sell
all goods for ca.b or produce.
Don't Go in uebi !
We will pv you 70 cents a bushel for
your wheat on trade,
We are agent for SPRINGER
and children, gad bftft a full hn
Sacaues, Wraps, Newmarkets, etc.
Our atote Is crowded with
and wo sra displaying sltracUvt
Monteith & Seitenbach.
Drv Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Carpats, Oil
Cloths, Window Shades Wall Paper
and Decorating Paper,
Ery thing kept la a first-class Drv
there Is a demand ror. i bought those gii mostly la Now York and Chics fo aod
sad have aod am receiving
Novelties of the Season
la every line ; am prepared to
quoted la the papers or circulars, and will take
Cash or Merchantable Produce
aod will not turn you off when you gat out of mooey.
Samuel E. Young.
Administratrix Notice,
Notloe ia hereby slven that the under
signed has this day been duly appointed
Admlnlsca rtx of the eeute of Mertin
Coetello, diiossmsd, by the Coewy Court
ror uon oeunty, uregeu. am persons
havlsg claims against said estate ere
hereby required to preeeot them duly
verified within aix oasntbe from this date
to the Administratis or to her Attorney.
October Sro, 1887.
It. J. Costsmjo,
J. K, WeaTBKRveRD, Adm'trix.
Attorney for Am'trix.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that lbs under
signed has, this day been duly appointed
hv Oa rnnntv (Innrt nf I .Iran HOlinlT
Oregon, Administrsior of tbs sstste of
Helen K, A I lea, deceased, late of said
l.lnn mnnl. All nawim ViKvinCr niaimk
sgainst sold estate are hereby notified and
requireo to present me same property
verified, witbiu sis months from tbe date
hereof, to tbe undersigned, at his resi
dence in Haisey, Oregon, or to hie Attor
October 4th, 1887.
T. J. Stitbs,
Notice of final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed Administrator of the estate of T.
L. Porter, deceased, has filed his final ac
count in ssld estate and tbe County Court
for Linn county, Oregon, has by order
fixed tbe 7th dsy of November, 1887, st
tb bonr of ons o'oieck, p. m. of said day
for the final hearing of said account and
the settlement of estd estate.
W. J. Stewart.
J. K, Ws ATM ford. Admisistrator,
Att'y for Administrator.
At her residence opposite Albany College.
Albany Market.
Wberf- 83c,
Oats 23c
Butter 26 eta per lb.
Baas 26 cents per dor.
Potatoes 71 cts per ouenei.
Beef -on foot, 2of$ So
Apples 75 cents per bn.
Font 4c per lb.
Bacons hams, 12Jie,
shoulders. 7c.
sides iOo.
l.ard luc per lb.
Flour. 1.8O per bbl.
' biokees - 2 60 per dos.
Mill Feed bxac, l.00per ton.
shorts, 16.
middlings, 90.
BROS tailor made garments for ladios
la all the uew stylos of
tiaas to evory depaitment. Give us s
Has arrived, locludlog-
Oooos sod Boot and Shoe House, from
Do You want bargains.
A. B. McHwain's,
where yon can get tbe very best la pilose and quslitlss. His stock ot Dr
consisting of
is unsurpassed.
Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
Caab or produce taken, and pride given that defy competition.
Roses a Specialty.
Cemetery lots planted and attended to.
Albany fmck and Dray 09,, No, 1.
Good a handled with are aeM dispatch.
.or THE
1 1 11 M 1 I i 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I I I I I'M Mil!
1 III I I lil Mill
I ( I f I I 1 I I I i I I 1
there to remind jou of the dollar yro
thai d prtoaa. uu"nT anU
W. A T. will Mali 70a mora greoorlos
and batter QoaJUla t lower orfos than
any other Itvo moo. Rectify lb errors of
too peat, and rave money In tb Tatars Of
pstroalslaa Wallace 4t Thompson, first
sjtrsst, Albany, Or.
7 Oiks ears rheumatism, neuralgia and
toetnaea rewbay ft Uaaee. Agents.
the cheap to aa Rood a quality aa
Call on bim for your
Wm. Fortrniller & Co,,
Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse
tsB After business hours call at residence,
corner Fifth aad Baker streets.
You are
we want
will only rva to throw morn ,uM
npon onr nrethcdft of sking Litsiriesr.
We ask lor comparisons. W. like
then. Compare our stcclr with sny
other in the Central Willsmetto Val
ley abd yo't will flod
we have a stock of
ing, Gents
and Boots
whtoh ttt quantity, q-mluy end prices
BEATS TUB world i
Th-- ' c as iMve n
X -0i ve, in f '
We have a Full House
A Hsve pUcel v-rythirig in it st
i-ric-s whteb
oejfe2j! CauBHw InoTsawa'
or" ,
We wear tin- LUtl4 Red School Hunt Shoe, and so d our slat is and oar
cwnl' Sftnd our uttj, -nd if you want them go ta tna
City Boot and Shoe Store
- see iii And a Urcro and roainlete Haontiient f eoods io this Una.
of nonrly every grade and m k , -mI
A dollar aavid is dollar ruuae.
Teed and Sale Stable
4th St. between Ellsworth and Lyon.
Horses boarded by tbe day, week or
momh at reasonable rstea Bailed hay
and atraw for sale, also oats, barlev and
chop always on band
Veterinary Surgeon,
Office City Fred and Sale Stable,
next east of S. E, Young's, Albany, Or,
Gutting and Fitting a Specialty,
Wednesdays and Thursdays of eieu
week, and painting done to otdor on
plaques and other material,
Mice assortment of Artists materials on
New York Daily Leader
uiid rarioos K. of L. AS&UKSLIKS,
250,000 Vorkeia of K.Y. City & Vicinity.
the Man
to see.
Furnishing; Goods
and Shoes,
Albany, Or.
at prices which wilt upett your eyes.
W. McLaughlin, Fashionable Tailor
and Practical Cutter,
is located next door 10 Mr, Thompson's
Saddle Shop Main St., and is prepared to
' make suits -tod pants any style, below
1 ooHt. Spring, botiom or straight pacts
i Best in the titrlca S8 to 19 A.iso clean
! ing and repairing promptly atteuded to
! and cheaper than elsewhere Call end
re Mo , Aibny, Or.
Iji htH eekaful oweration Thc 866, patrosissd SNSB
: .1 ecttn5 cf he crthwest, endorsed by
buiue men una leading educators.
t:is most perfectlt equipped school
of it, ctcss on the Coast, it offers private er class
instruction, (by and evening throughout the ymr, im
Arithmetic, Writing, Correspondence, Rent Issptsg,
Ranking, Shorthand, Type-writing. Business and Legj
Forms and ail Common School Branches. Studesits
of all ages and both sexes admitted at sny sirae,
Catalogue free. Armstrong and Wesco, Propriaiaam.
Notice of Assignment.
Notice is hereby glyen that A. A, Bash
or of Linn county, Oregon, has made e
Smeral assignment of all his property to
e undersigned for the benefit of hie
creditors ueder an act of the Legislature
of the State of Oregon, entitled 'an set to
secure creditors a Ju9t division of the es
tates oi debtors who convey te assignees
for the benefit of creditors" approved Oc
tober 18th, 1878 and the sots amendatory
thereof, AH persons having claims
against the estate of the said A. A. Basher,
are hereby notified and required to pre
sent the same under oath to the under
signed at Albany, Oregon, within three
months lrom the date of this notice.
Dated Sopt. 20th, 1887,
H, Bryant,
J. P. Hail,
ALBANY, tft.,
Columbia Bicycles and Tricycles,
Second hand wheels constantly on hand.
Send for 1887 catalogue,