The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 30, 1887, Image 3

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    ftw tmmt
EnternJ at tin Pool oncost Albany, Or
am Moond-olM mall matter.
Kttltsr aatt
yr. i rrivt., luiiiar.
The outlook in Linn county, according- to
the M A. TV obsen-atsons, "hi that In No
vember there will be three vote cast for the
prohibitory amendment to two against It.
ThU will give a majority of at leant 6oa In
some precTncU the proportion will he 5 to 1 j
hut the general average mav he counted on
as stated with chances in favor of an in
creased vote for the amendment. Men
everywhere who have the Interest of the
home circle at heart, as the fanning com
munlty has, will vote yea, and at the same
time there is no one having a higher regard
for personal liberty of the genuine kind.
This cry of personal liberty Is a mere ex
cuse to catch the unwary. It would be as
reasonable to favor theft in order to equal Ue
property that we might have personal lib
erty. feraoiud liberty, has no place iu an
argument when the good of the State is at
take. An institution that causes nine tenths
of the crime of the world 1 at least cental to
the crime and should be abolished. A nox
ious weed, though many like Its sting, should
be taken up by the roots, even though a few
seeds are left that will spring up. A good
spade will keep them down. How can a
man wno lovea his own family vote for
something that curses half of his neighbors'
The M A. T. has just read with a grt
deal of sadness the following Item in an
Eastern paper : "Oregon Imports much of
the butter she consumes, though there is no
better dairy country in the world than Ore
gon. O
Every young man earning even small
wages should make it a point to save some
thing every month if only a few dollars.
The time always comes when he will bless
himself for having done so. The average
Albany young man saves It out of the little
end of the horn, and not a cent has he for a
Webfoot day.
The sight of a hand of Indians in our city
Saturday was not uninteresting. With new
blankets of bright hues, some long haired,
many with mocassins, they paraded our
streets and viewed the many sights of inter
eat along our thriving mart, put t here by
man's ingenuity and industry. Is It possible
an Indian never is ambitious to do some
thing that has bottom to it. Is he always
content to be a goverment hireling. Yea,
verily, the red man is about where he was
when Columbus landed on our shores, only
more so, and much less in blood and thun
der. The henvitst Individiuil tax-payer in Linn
county is Jacob Kees, residing a few mites
this side of Lebanon. He pavs taxes on
over S2,ooo. ine first time A
smith assessed Mr Kee several years a
the first two hgure. were reversed.
Kees by saving uearlv every cent, he and
his money and propeity have earned now
heads the list.
SidiBc np to Each Other.
For long time the O. & C and O. P.
have been at "outs," but we are glad to no
tice that they are likely to be at "ins." It
will be to their mutual advantage. Already
cars are transferred over the Oregon Pacific
between Albany and Corvallis from the O.
& C. R. R. east and west side, started by a
swindling circus too, and it is understood
mutual arrangements will be made by which
freight will be forwarded on each others
roads in an amicable manner .and as welt by
which the switch along Water Street may
be used by both companies, something that
will be of great advantage to the city as well
as the roads, though property owners will
lose some good right of way fees by the
operation. A combination between the two
road..und it is bound to follow, will do away
with any necessity of building a branch
road to Portland.of which there is not much
likelihood, much less to Salem, though the
fact would not a fleet Albany materially.
Tuesday the combination was made as
anticipated, and hereafter the two roads will
reciprocate favors, using the same switch
in this city, and, it is stated will use the O
& C depot here'jointly, the O P switch be
ing extended to the O Si C depot, where
also freight facilites will be provided. AH
suits have been withdrawn. It is probable
the O P depot will not be built, as intended
before the combination. The movement is
an important one, and will enure to the
benefit of Albany.
Tried to Snlride.
On Thursday of last week S. W. Hite.thc
milkman, attempted to commit suicide by
taking a dose of laudanum, having purchas
ed the deadly drug the day before, claiming
it was for a sick child. Dr Masten was sent
for and brought the unfortunate man out all
right after two or three days treatment.
Mr. 1 lite was tired of life, or thought he
was. owing to financial troubles, the milk
business being poor here.on account of eycry
cow owner in the city being a miikman,and
took the laudanum road in order to flee from
troubles he lacked the courage to face. That
is an unfortunate condition for a human be
ing to be in ; but it is becoming a frequent
one. This is too good a country to suicide
in, and it is a fact that the number of at
tempts here is comparatively small.
The Stats Press Association Meeting.
The meeting of the State Press Associa
tion at this city on October 14th, promises
to be an interesting one , one our citizens
may take pride in attending, J B Fithlan,
of the Portland World, will deliver the an
nual address, J as O'Mcare, of the Xtv:s an
address entitled "Pioneer Editors of Oregon ,"
perhaps Sam Simpson will be present with
a poem, and several others will prepare five
and ten minute dissertations to fill in with.
A large number of editors will be present
to take in the show, and it behooves our
citizens to be on their good behavior, as they
will come with sharp pencils.
Shall Albany Have a Hoard of Trade.
Even Jacksonville has a board of trade.
Why does not Albany have one ? The Dem
ocrat moves that a meeting be called at an
early date for one in this city. The central
point in the W illamette valley, with a fast
increasing trade and commercial interests of
a good magnitude, we should tie Up with the
times. Aboard of trade is a dignified in
stitution, and a live one does much to build
up a city. Will some one second the mo
tion ?
Bad Cat.
Last week Frank Crabtreejand his father,
of the Forks, were cutting corn when by a
mishap the father struck Frank's hand on
the back with the point of his corn knife
cutting a gash two and a half inches long
and into the bone. Thoueh painful, the
wound is not dangerous.
Millinery Opening.
On Friday and Saturday, Sept 30th and
Oct. 1st, Shane Ac Lonsway will have their
opening display of millinery . All are In
vited to atlened and see the new goods and
latest trimmings.
Free Concert.
A free concert was to be given last night
;at the Presbyterian church by the Hemphill
& Vine Co. This Co. is well and favorably
tielow we give a list of tax-payers In this
county, paying taxes on $S,ooo and over, as
shown by the assessment roll just complet
ed :
SJ Archibald ,$i77
Am. Mtge to 33,115
Am. Freehold Land Mtge Co 10,500
L E lllain n.VtS
John Ilrown , 15,262
Brownsville Woolen Mill Co 41.022
H L Brown 10,020
101m uutcniau It, 030
a & C
I K Baltimore 11,331
Francis Bcllenger "543
m namoeriain $$$
v in t.rawtoru 14.0)0
oim 1 ottner tf.Joc
juiiii cruniuiu 54,331
t I . m 1
uowan st rusick
J L Cowan io,o;
UMtfcw oi Cable 8,640
0k, S. a. W
K t ochran 0.IC1
ll Ml . T
v 1 cochran 138
Win Cochran 30,97)
t'oolev ' Witshbunte tc,c2
B W Cooper lb27o
A V. ondra 1 8, tot
Martin Costello 30,184
W Churchill 8,471
K t hcadle 15,380
H Caldwell 1 1,355
J a ennser 9,37s
iige 10,535
John Denny 1 7 ;.
Mrs Ellas l)enny 8,884
O IAHHI 14.U50
Dundee .Mtge A' 1 1 Co 62,103
Find National Bank 31,000
Koht roster 10,795
D Froman 0,336
Hugh Fields 18,500
k tj r indiey 11,718
Olnev Frv m.uis
Geo W Gray 11,346
W II Goltra 1315
Kob t Olass .,. ,
mm 1111 a ....
vsiiiis uaines i..tS7
I W ti nines
Milton Hale.
Henderson Estate
W F Hendricson
Beni Hardman
A Hackleman...
Enoch Hoult
1 P 11 Hi,.,.
j .........
sarah J Henderson
Mrs S G Irvine. . . .
R A Irvine
John 1m. in
Isom. Canning 6i Co. .
C 1 Ingram.
Rob't Johns.. ,
1 I
C Johnson 1
Knox 8JBot
W M Ken hum 9,693
hluii Keeney tl839
H H Kirk tmjOAO
W R Kirk
Koonti Si Lame . .
Jacob Kees
Wm and Andrew Lane
Cicero II Lewis
Est. Walter Munich h .
Mrs L A McConnell lo475
k icconneu .- 9,180
A M Marshall 8,945
D B Monteith 31.000
J M Mover . loilao
Malindia McCartney 8,511
J F McCartney 11, 133
M11 .V Senders 12,107
J a McMahan 17.14a
v. i Jioniauue ll.soo
o Moit : ux75
Valter Mcllree fa3o
Preston M linkers 12,769
I 1 Miller I,775
Miller Morgan 11,030
Hugh Nickerson 0,080
Felix O Toolc 9,500
O&CRR Co 313,99
Orcgonian R R Co. Limited .looau
Or. Mtge Co. Limited 14VO00
a rearce 10,066
Martin Pavne 18.710
las Pearl, Sr 837
Jese Pugh 94"
Kobt Pentland 11,313
Sam Porter 8.810
D P Porter
Wm Ralston .
N G Rice. ....
M A Rogers. .
R A R amp v . .
M Slernburg
1 i.SV
Senders & Sternburg 10,596 1
Jos rtummervtlle 11,371
J r Schooling i3iO
A Saltmarh S,o6o
John Settle 11,056
Uavid .Smith 1 1,344
W II Thompson 8.X45
IT Tate, Est 10,135
E Turner 1JM75
Wm L Vance 7.675
Jas II Washburn ".494
Luther White io,33
Jas P Walker ft Co
S H Warner
Jonatluin Wassom...
E Voung
Ed Zeyss
David Cann, Trustee .
Remarkable Dlseovsry.
Last Monday as workmen were complet
ing the work of excavating for the founda
tion and cellar for Sam Young's new brick
at the corner of Broadalbin and First street
a most remarkable and un looked for dis
covery was made. At a depth of several
feet under ground a remarkable tablet, evi
dently wrought by human hands, but a
genuine relic of primeval ages, yet one that
n its essential characteristic reaches down
to the ever living active present was found
embedded in the sand and clay. Upon re
moving the dirt and sand from the tablet it
was found to be of rare and exquisite de
sign, but of recent origin being one of the
relics left by the stupendous upheaval made
by Wallace Si Thompson, (who formerly
occupied that corner) in getting down to
bed-rock prices, hence this unique tablet
bore the appropriate inscription : "For the
very best, freshest and cheapest groceries,
call on Wallace & Thompson."
Past AnlnaJs.
Mr, George McKnight returned on Mon
day from The Dalles, where he had been to
attend the Wasco county fair, at which as
stated last week Mcknight Brother's Delco
easily won the two year old race. He
brought with him to Vancouver Oneco, and
left him there with lav Beach, wiio will
train him for the free-for all race next year.
it Is confidently believed he will trot in less
than 2:25. Pricemont, who won the two
year old race at the State fair and lowered
the record, is a full brother of Oneco. His
owner, Mr Smith, who is a poor young man,
previous to the fair was not worth a cent
beside Pricemont, for whom he paid $600.
The horse won $1100 for him, and he after
wards refused $25110 for the animal. Alta
mont stock is proving to be verv reliably
fast. Look out for 1888.
Bad Runaway.
Last Wednesday noon Mrs. J. H. Town
send was at the O. P. depot in a buggy,
where she had gone with her husband, when
the horse became frightened and ran away,
throwing Mrs. lewnsend and her two year
old child out near the depot. The child
was uninjured, but Mrs. Townsend was se
verely bruised and several teeth were knock
ed out. She was taken to the residence of
W. A. Cox and good treatment iriven her
Fortunately her injuries have proven to be
Fine Melons,
This ofiice hat received through Mr. C.F.
Wright, at Harrisburg, sample melons from
Mr. George A. Jackson, of Central Point,
. t - - a 4
jacKson couniy, wnicn are ine nnest we
have yet seen this season. The water mel
ons are large, sweet and juicy, and will be
found for sale at Wallace Si Thompson's
- ' ' - o.j m
Daniel, Com.
Mrs. Sarah A. Neal.of Orono, Maine, wants
to learn the whereabouts of her son, Danie
E. Neal. In 1884, when last heard from, he
was in crawtordsviue,in tin county. Come
Last MojH moming on the meeting
of the Board of Equalisation at the Court
House Assessor Smith appeared with the
roll very carefully made out In a neat hand,
nlth all the footings completed, something
almost unknown heretofore. He is entitled
to great credit for the accurate manner in
which he has prepared the roll. Below we
give the assescment for this and last year,
A comparison will be Interesting :
Acres of land. 473,665,31-60.
Vlue. . 4.756.6o6
town lots, value 681.063
Improvement, value Ct.6?6
Mdsc and implements 586,6. ,
money notes, accounts 881,057
louscnoiu iurnittire,cnrrl.igeM,etc "4,834
noises and mule, 780! tio,u22
Cattle, 16064 301,830
.Mieep, 43,333 56.0 j6
wlne, 8393 10,674
Indebtedness ,688,51 1
Kvemptions 480,816
No. poll
nlmproved land. 46,014 acres.
$ 101,580
979. 4
Improved land, 403,734 acres. .
Value of all lots.
Value of Improvements.
Mdsc and implements 586,804
Money, notes, accounts, etc .... . w 13
House hold furniture.carriages, etc 303,616
Horses and mules, 7,440 lu.y6i
Cattle, 13,490 174.307
Sheep and goats, 37,459 3900?
aiwme, 10,990 itju
Gross value of property .
Indebtedness $1,665,608
Exemptions 469,315
Value of Uxable property. . .$5,243,358
Following were the recorded sales
Linn county during the past week :
JwlAaiiW K B Wilson. 127 51
aerea. Id 13. IK 8 850
E H Maek st si to L Hendvrs, 25 fMt
front First 81 , Albany 3UKJ
Wni Faber to DH I.awreaee, lot 1,
block 119 IPs A . Albany 888
J It South to 0 W 8 Sylvtater. 240
eree 880
Peter Powell to Uso H Powell. 108
acres, tu 12, 1 K 500
Pstor Powsll to Bteohea Powell. I'.U
to 12. I It 500
W H l to JohaM Irvtng, 10x13 feel
in block 86, Albany 50
D J Hays to N A Jeans, 38 aoros tp 14,
W ZZ7. 1800
Amador Busott to Drucilla Wwl,.
3.74 aorss, Hslse 500
David Peetskti to Wdhs Uatns. 2 iota
ui Soda ville 500
E E Mc Kinney, J A Shafer and Wm
Pearson to W V V R Co. riant
of way across land 4828 feet long
end 30 wide
Francis K William to T J Black. 500
seres tp 14. S R 4 W
J Corhes to T J Black latere! t im same
Jem Connor to L Khan, 8 K Youog
and U K Chambsrlaiii, First Na
tioosl Baak fractional lot
U S to Daniel Miller. 34.54 seres
U hooblar to PaaUne Koldowav. lot
5. block U s 2nd A '.tsi
H B Hprenger to N B Sprongor, 18 8
acreo tp It, 4 W 200
X Beam to Mary Barrett, lot 8. block
15, Albany 2000
Kliia Warren to John Brown, 1 20 acre
tp 14. 2 W 1
Martha Wig to Joho Biown.
i'ummsi l oaar il.
Tuesday, Bept 37th.
Present All officers and members.
Chief Engineer Hoffman was granted fur-
tlier time in the matter of storage of kero
The Committee on Streets and Public
Property reported the letting of the contract
for an eight inch sewer across Ferry street
along Seventh to W A McClain at 68 cents
per foot, to be finished In fifteen days.
The usual number of improvements of
sidewalks was ordered made. Something
more than orders is needed.
A new foot bridge was ordered built acros
the uime ditch, north side of First street, at
J G Cherry's foundry, to be eight feet wide
mnd completed in ten davs.
The fire limits ordinance was passed. Ac
j cording to it the limit now run between
Washington and Baker streets extending
north beyond First to the alley and south
to Second street, except between Ellsworth
and Baker where it goes south to the inter
vening alley.
It was ordered that the city engine
house be painted, the contract to be let to
the lowest bidder bv the committee on Fire
and Water.
The Street Commissioner was ordered to
abate some hog pens along the Willamette.
Wen by a Una Const y Horn.
Last Saturday, at Eugene City, in the
free-for-all race. "Autocrat," owned by Mr
Abe Hackleman, of this city, was entered
and won the race, trotting the fifth heat in
3143. "Autocrat" is nine years old, was
sired by Autocrat, he by the famous Geo M
Pate ha n, and since a year old has been on
Mr Hackteman's ranch in Crook county,
until two or three months ago, when he
was hroiisrht to this citv and trained. Con.
sidering the fact that he had never trotted
before, nor even been worked, and also the
slowness of the track, the time made was
remarkably fast, and indicates for next year
something under 2: 30, perhaps considerable.
Antocrat was brought to Albany the first
of the week and placed in Mr Marshall's
ivery stable, where the Dkmocrat'h horse
editor felt of his good points, and being al
ready Informed on the subject, is able to
pronounce the stallion a very promising
Carter has a very I ante and
first class
stock cf clocks to select from
My seasons for Hearing Philip Philips.
peerless as a singer of descriptive
The sentiments of his songs are
astrated by beautiful pictures.
richly 1
He shows the principal sights of the world
in his "Chariot of Soag."
He has sung to more people than any other
man and knows bow to do it.
He gives a portion of the proceeds to chari
table objects.
He holds bis audience spell-bouud from be
ginning to end.
His enuncistion is so clear that all can
bear every word he utters.
He graphically describes his pictorial tour
of the world.
His pictures are the most expensive and
artistic ever shown upon the screen.
He combines music and art tn the highest
His entertainments are always refining and
elevating in character.
If I don t go 1 shall regret it .
Good Work.
Those in need of any kind of printing
should not ferget that J H Bark hart has new
type and does first class work at less ratos
than any office in the state. Do not accept
any work done on old worn out type, ft
will injure the reputation of the oity.caying
nothing about the ofiice that is so far behind
tne times as to turn oat such work.
Hellwnla's Clothing.
Mcll wain's fall and winter stock of cloth
ing is arriving. It includes the latest styles
aud is commanding attention. See his Chin
chilla coats. Fine stock to select from. AU
goods warranted as re
During fair week a Portland man sen!
letter to Mr llalleti, the horse man, by a
Mr Forbes. Mr F. on rechlmr Salem sent
11 10 mr n., una it wtii left with his stable
man, who got drunk and was discharged
leaving tor pans unknown without deliver
inn the letter. It now transolrii that the
letter contained a $too bill.
A severe hurricane in Texas on last Frl
day caused considerable destruction of prop
John Kerrigan was hanged at San Fran
cisco nut rrlday, and, of course, died like
urave man. That is the style. He was not
brave, though, when he committed the mur
A tramp was run over at Riddle's Station,
last Friday, leaving him an arm short.
omc where on the line of the Oregon
11.. .1.' . . .
1 acme in me t ;ascaaet a mountain summer
resort Is bound to spring ttp.and already re
ports nave arrived that some mineral springs
have been found.
two attempts have been made to fire
Salem recently. When a town gets too
sleepy there U til wus someone ready to
try and burn part of It. This was the case
with Corvallis also a year or two ago.
Kev it F Mead ha moved from Ijbanoii
to Shelton, W. T.
Lebanon now act daily mall from Fort
Jos L Hamilton died at losenh. last week.
nt the age of 73. He resided in this county
from 1853 to 1867.
The reports recently circulated that Mr
Jason Wheeler had resigned as agent at
Warm Spring have been confirmed. ' He
win return to Albany to reside on the ap
pointment of a successor. Mr Sloan, his car
penter, we understand, will also return to
this city.
PrinevUle Is to have a National Bank.
In the first heat of the race between the
Scotch Vticht " Thistle" and lhr Yank
yacht "Volunteer," last Tuesday the latter
won oy twelve minutes. wo more heats
win be sailed.
Seventeen Salvationists were arrested in
Portland on Monday.
Another candidate for the river trade lias 1
npp rd, as witness the following from a
Portland paper 1 "The new steamer, City
of Salem lately rebuilt with new machin
ery, will take the river route dally between
Albmv and Rav's Candinis. cmrr , In, ..I .in
from Albany and river point downward U
Ban Francbco, via the Portland & Willam
ette Valley Railway and the steamships of
the () R Si N Co. from Portland, at the
same rates as the Oregon Pacific is now
carrying grain from river points to San
Franclso via Yaquina Bay, at the same
time connect ng with the Portland St Wll
lamette Valley Company's new railroad
extension to the river. This will arfve na
sengers located at the river points between
Albany and Salem an oooortunltv every
second dav of reaching Portland the same
afternoon and returning nest day by rail
Irom the levee. No detention will be made
to passengers, a special trains will be run
through to the public levee from the river
terminus immediately on the arrival of the
steamer, and without stopping at Dundee."
A Week of Anuwmnii
Every night of next week the Wilbur
Comedy Company will p!ay at the Opera
House In this city In a variety of popular
play,curtains rising at o'clock. The Com
naov has been piavlmr for two or three
weeks In Portland to pocked houses. Ad
mission m, x and jo cents, no higher. Re
served seal at Blackmail's successor to E
W l.angdon i drug store. Following; sre a
few of the many notices hv the Portland
press :
A R Wllber's company presented "The
Galley Slave" last night to a packed house,
landing room being al a iMemium bv 8
o'clock. The play was well received through
out. Tne company are becoming favorite
in this city, which U proven by the crowded
nouses nigiuiy. lo-ntght tliey present an
American comedy,' .Shadows of a Home.
lite Casino Opera House wa tn rouged
ast evening by a deliglued a-.idieiKe w hich
assembled to witness ttc rendition of "A
Wife's Peril." Tliisesrilinif drama was verv
cleverly performed by the Wllber Companv.
To night "The Danltcs" will be produced.
A R Wllber's comMnatian at the Casino
has been drawing crowded houses during
the weekend the cotnpany la steadily grow
ing hi public favor. The' prices for admls.
slon are so low that people can afford to go,
nod the performances are as good, if not bet
ter than we have seen at higher prions.
A packed house each night will probably
be the program, as no One can remain at
home on account of price, $o cents securing
a reserved seat. Saturday of next week a
matinee will be given.
It is customary to exaggerate population.
It is also a difficult thing to get at the cor
rect population of a city. Mr. 0. W. Watts
has just revised his census for his Albany
directnry taken in April, and makes the
present, bone fide white population of the
city joao. This does not include transients
at all.nor Chinamen. 81 nee the first of May
95 people have moved from Albany and 109
into It to reside. Mr. McDuffie, agent for
the New York Life Insurance Company
has counted every house in the city and
says the number is 3S7, every one of which
Is occupied. The Dkmocrat simply gives
the figures presented it, without comment,
as that Is what It Is published for. If a
boom should really strike Albany some
time, as we hope a fair sixed one will, we
will be able to appreciate the nature of the
present current. It is sufficient t bat the
city is showing a steady, reliable growth,
that business is good, some fine blocks, and
nice residences are going up and the pros
pects are bright.
At F, M. French's is the piece to
your watches and clocks.
i ilect
An. mid the World la a Chariot of Kong."
Philip Philips, so well known, seems to
bays gathered new inspiration in singing
during his perrginations over the world. He
has sddrd a new snd most attractive feature
in his tntertaintnet.t 1 "Hongs Tllustratsd" and
"Town Illuminated," Tha sentiments of tba
songs he sings are graphically portrsyed and
crystalized lxfore the audience upon a screen
in a most artistically executed picture which
is produced by the Royal Photo Optican. His
singing alone is always worth the price of
admission ; bat we propose to avail ourselves
of the opportunity of seeing tins new enter
tatnmeac wnen na cnar.ot of song comes
this way, which will be Sept. 20th, 30th and
Out. 1st, at the Opera House, at 8 p. tn.
Where to Buy Carpets.
Monteith A Seitenbauh have the largest
and prettiest stock of carpets, oil cloths.
window blinds and wall paper ever brought
to tne vauey, ana are 0 tiering them st a
bargain. Persons desiring anything ia this
ime snoum give tbem a call.
Just received at F. M. French's new styles
iocs pins.
Muslin Uoderwear.
J have received my new stock of muslin
underwear. These goods are mode on a look
stioh machine, and warranted to be fuil size
and length and price reasonable.
Samubi. K. Yotmo.
If you want blankets go to M. A 8.
His Dry Goods.
The fall and winter stock of dry goods
received at Mcllwain's, is a large one, well
selected, embracing ail tne latest novelties.
and in quantity and of a quality not surpass-
ea nere. uo not nuy without examining.
If you want boots or shoes
. " : a ne snowing a gooo one, nss-nsms. ixe. Lr,.,..,, .... .Z ,
Browtarille is to have a bank.
The beat harases at B L Those peon's.
frenoh, the Jeweler, keeps railroad tima.
If Ksrert, pre ' iesl watchmaker and jsw-
J- P Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al
awy, ur.
P is net Is res,
Hoots cheaper tbsu shoes at H. Fbndl's
end shoe shop.
A new feature at Lebanon i a hotel hk
run by the St. Charles.
wo to Hhann A I .on way's fur all kindi of
millinery and fancy good.
KfJNIAinlMir Shunt, St l...naw :iv urn M,.l!i..
wry goons at very low prices.
Nix shaves for a dollar and a oltsn towel to
every dostomer, at Tbos. Joiips
Shane ft Lotiswsv'a Kretioh ir.llliiiar anivoii
: .. . 11 .. - w --. . . . .
Aioany the hrst of the weak.
wm a mm
rrauk I iiiumr ami M -.. ..I si.!.....
purenaaed the Corvallis Uuutte
Mssors honed, set and put in ord. r
Ones Rheving and Hair Dreaaing Parlor
I v.i liiavv win, li. ......... (.., I.. --
" ' " ..w.ww IVI iw,in UUW.W
Impure of Croison & Allen. Hit drvmau
a . ... ' .
fieitry railing on Titetdsv snhaiiriked
h. atfent 1nimr I ..... I .......... ..
O-.Ofpoaite Odd Feiluws Temole. AllsLiiv llr.
If you a have ( -h..... i ,.... u
oh in a perfect Ultinu ,..!. i. 11 v i.
rw wswww mmj sj : i i t. ,
Mr JV W Hi 41 ii Wttul.i Ukm LiUn. mWa
1 a mm T ' ---wwr
ornao on on of the wf hia li ie J
ur. M. f. Kill. DhvaMin &nl
ah mx :
any, wrogori. , i msle in ditv
... . . . . . u
irysonmul vvaJiaoe Si Thmi "P,,,.
iy neamg rowaer. maimfai tnr.l i, t i,.,.
AlistybfS of boots and Shoes and a Imtmm
stock of groceries is what we carry. UedlUM
CaesaUs is a new kind of fruit in Alh.
a oross between a water melon, mush nut Ion
sod a etMnmber.
Wednesday K D Barrett
Babin oroBwrtv. oceuuiM,! I l. :
2,0410 for the sasae. ' ' 1
We tsAe the owio, the customers take the
bargains, and the bargains take the oak
Ud field A Browne) I.
fbe ORftN
I i , m
"" " ssiaeeoay leasem ine I
ola Foster wsrehousn an 1 will badd
wharf on the river side.
a io,, 1
rstireey e UelebraUd Blood ( a0 PT
Sf Wf Rob,ao' "l Head & Brown
ell a, f J BeJtintore, scent
Hfe, agent
Are yesi getog to get your fall and winter
bat or bonnet al Shane Ac leeway's. Their
new tniihner is an expert
WANTKD. -Oirl to do general boose
' wo w'd like a permanent pi
Remeuibar that if yen want oe splendid
varietiee ef seeds of all kinds yon can get
them at Stewart & hoi's.
Lost Sunday quite a sUbblefietd ire oe
carredoo the farm of Mr. MillUoIland. be
tweo this city end Corvallis.
F.very costomer will be a walking a Ivor
lieeitieot for oor bargains wbeothey see oar
price. Bed Held 4k Browaell.
The Oregon Peeiie Ie oelloetiag the origin,
al sabeertpttoos to the railroad feed (ur
briogiog the road through this eitj.
Collector John Priest at Yaoatns, who
was Ukeo daogotyiaelv ill at his nome there
last week, is leporUd aboat re severed.
The Htsikoo tounel 1 about oomplete 1 ami
on October 10th the staging dteUnua from
Ashland will be redneed to twelve miles.
Bids are being afvertteed to carry all the
msd between the I'oetoffioe and the O it C
traias. Tbe prcooat price is $tW a ye v.
A fine line of gent's uoderwear and faro
tshiag goods jast received at Mcl! warns,
wilt be sold at prison that defy com peti too
. D. T. Wy jsao, soliciting agent f r the State
Insurance , tot Una Co.. reeuleoea beooud
between l.yon and Baker Btroeta, A Itiaoy, Or.
Mr M M Stewart, a cousin of Judge
Strahao hss lease I the Htrong corner, sad
will opo a stock of dry goods, lioots. shoes.
Services nil he hell io Bt Pater's hi, is-
copal Church oct Sunday, O tobor '.'ud.
Bsoraleg and evening. AU are invite 1 u at
Pkotogrspber Crawfotd took some fine
views around Peterson's Butte Isst Honda v.
His splendid collection of viewe ie rapidly j
Another sbipmeot of ladiee due shoes in all
widths and sixes just ia this week. 1 'aslant
ere rensark what perfect beaatios. Iloilrield
k Brownelt.
If yon went a stylish winter gsrment ge to
Monteith A Seitoabacb, ageaU for Springer
Broe, tailor nude garment for ladies, oiisse
sou i bildreii.
Steamer passenger lists between Sao Fran-'
OMoo and Portland are email eomiiarod to the
long ones of a year ago. Near I v every bod v
goes overland.
Bislmp Morris will hold divice service io j
8t Peter's Episcopal Church next Friday
evening. Sept 30th at o'clock. Ail ore
invited to attend
Last Tuesday Mrs Oldie purchssed the
J II Maine property jast east of the Central
school building, oooststiag(of a house and one
ot, pay tog $1750.
A dispatch from Los Angeles to a Pot Hand
paper says St. John will he htre soon. Or
taiuly Mr St. John has as rnnoh right to talk
in Oregon as any one.
The elephant at Carter's attracts attention.
So also does his splendid line of watohes.
clocks and jewelry, of which ho now hss a
large and select stock.
Hag bee aud Ward tbe temperance workers
are at work in Salem, Hundred sianod tho
pledge the Hrst night and tbev say they will
get 1300 by Sunday night.
Probably the fiueet stock of overcoats ever
sn in Albany is now displayed at L
Blaia's. It is unite complete. Overcoats are
beginning to be in demaad.
Ijut Friday Mr 1IL Laasell, recently
from California, purchased Mr John Long's
fine farm, a few niles from this city, consist-
eg 01 gzu acres, tor f,euo.
Hubert Archibald, the tea year old son of
Jos Archibald, residing a few miles from Al
bany, broka one or but legs while wrestling
with another boy at rehool.
Over 100,000 bushels of wheat and 23.000
bornels of oats am stored at ths Farmer's
Warehouse io thisoity. About 45.000 bushels
of whext are stored at Tangent.
Should you desire to sell vour oronertv
anil ou Burkhart A Keeney as they advertise
property placed ia then bands, aud oharge
nothing unless they effect a sale.
Scott St Parker's threshing outfit this
summer threshed 17409 bushels of wheat off
1022 acres and 10,010 bushels of oats off 517
acret. ine figures speak for themselves.
The Wagon Road C immisaion is in the
city aud will take testimony in the matter
to-day. lleo Barnes and Mr Lucky, of Prino
yille are here io the interest of fpri'eiture.
Contractor Hunt has just returned from
Southern Oregon where he purchased the out
fit of Hale A Smith, including animals aud
tools, and will use them on the Oregon Pa
Frank E Dingloy, of Minneapolis rode a
bicycle at Boston Thursday of last week 100
miles in 5 hours, 28 minutes and 44 1-5 sec
onds, over 11 minutes faster than the fastest
previous record.
The headquarters of G W Huut, the rail
road contractor, near the farmers warehouse,
is a live place, a large number of teams leay
ing there daily loaded with provisions, tools,
etc . , for the Summit .
At the auction sale of horses and farming
utensils by R Thompson in Benton county,
on the Hill farm, Tuesday the sales amounted
to over 31300. George Humphrey, Esq., did
the auctioneering.
Mr F M French, who was up in the foot
bills Monday brought home a piece of ore
from the Calipooia mines rich with gold.
These mines will eclipse anything in the
State in all probability.
In the list of heavy tax -payee published
in another column twenty-seven names a$u
pear that were not in the list last year, and
hfeen in last year's list do not appear in this.
The showing is a good one.
910.000 towards the new hotel at P.rtlsnd "U n w"' 0OO 8lt Uk
Mr Jfennr Hoffnian s fine resid'nee was , ?ff w',!.b,, mMtio the Albsny C
burned at Jotictioti Thursday of I t week 3 . . fc th rB,bJoo of the local editor
t M French. ZH ZlS M . 1 L!l -.Moad.y evening, AH
- - ss " n , i -I I II' '"Si i. i Ww i I t
test designs, a splendid stock to get a ear
14 i t rtunaraaoiy low prices
wwumiug ipiausy 01 goods.
Boathern Oregon men are working bard to
ul' oom. Ashland enterprising
real estate men run column ads. exhibiting
lists of property they bate for tale. There fa
uouung use get ap and get.
aa an. m
naianess ma be orevenUd. and thi. k
stores die natural color to b
renders it soft, pliant aad glossy
in our list of premiums awarded Lion
s3smty men at the State fair should h. ba.
one to J A Johnson, of Peoria on his fine
yearling stallion, all work, "Peoria Morg."
being bis name away from home.
Hhane St Lensway'a new Preneh milliner is
one of the best in the Mute, and when yon
get a hat or bonnet made by her vou set one
that is tasty nd m stvle. Allunv l4is
should oall early and leave orders.
The horse of Hv I'ettisrew. ut Mali inn
ville became fnuiitened hv a hie !t iaL
hath and hacU,l off an eiihaiiknient. break
ing Uev Pettigrew's jaw and braising a wo
in in end little L'irl who ware with hi,
A missionary convention will Im, hld mt
the iJreshytoriaa t:hurcl this (Friday) even
ing, and will be conducted by Boy and Mrs
Holt, eooe missionaries in China, ami Bey
reading, as well ba all inUrrsteilej the Chan
Uoijua course, are invited to be present.
I -If' becomes almost a harden wh.n tl,k
hod is racked with the sufferinir wkinh
arises Crom scrofals. If any taint f this die
links in your blood. Aver'a Hsrssi.anli
win expsi it. 1 beeutire avatam ma La tbi.r
ougmy renovated by Uking this mediciue.
The California boom is a fair aamnle tJ
stock speculations there sine the
days It lacks bottom. The balloon is so high
there is itablo to be a collapse. Oregoa. if it
Kn a Doom, waate a reliable one. not an in
nassM one. w want no gambling affairs
Following are tke now offioara at the AJtL
u. as tne voiieee : Collins Klkine. IVi
I iac ; jonn UHiaendorfor, V, P. ; Prof Lee,
Critic ; Chas Castck. Clerk : Percv Yeans-.
Ireasurer. Meetings are hold Friday even-
Lest Friday Buadv Hu'a aaer eaiil sit
Harrisburg was entirety consumed bv fire.
Kleiner with a email amount of lumber
ine nun was valued at about at" nnrt ,i
was tnsored for 10.000. The lumber ,
IuiulI f.. SlfliiA -. ... m
ow. i we cause oi me nre is uu
A spleedid line of urooeriee and nso nkeni
war at Coon Brother, alauavarvtbinu t,mh
' produos. The best brands ef cigars
snd tobaccos, flood roods at bottom oriL-
That is their role. Call as them for .,,r
Billy Dillon, a drunken bar keeper, shot
sod killed Charles Maoetet, in n saloon io
Portland last Monday morning aboat 3
ek. They were playing poker sad were
druuk. A little healthy prohibition would
IMt a stop to neb occurrencee.
have ail sinned an aerea-
meot, with 000 exceptioe, to close tbeir
stores at eight o'clock excepting Saturday
nights aad daring holiday Week. Q site a
men thing to do. Here is one ease where
Slsm hat eet Albany n good example.
A Kngeee paper did not like it because a
drummer said Albany was the liveliest town
ia the Valley, and save "Bless its little un
SOfmisttoated seal j they always flatter strug
gttsg cuslaeaera. ' If Albany is straggling
what could be said of gasping Kugeue .
From the teportof the Crand Sire of tke
Sovereign Orand Lodge we glean the fol
lowing facts : No. Grand Lodges, 541 ; No.
Subordinate Lodgee, 8,108. Tote! number
of members io the U. S 530,000, being an
increase of 12.9U0 over last year. Amount
t pent for relief of members. $2,227,324.50.
It .a a rare thiog that a chicken thief
m -are hi. raid in tbe day time bat this
little thiug ooe did in virtuous Orleans pre
cmet last Friday. He wee just leaving tbe
f srm of Coeper Tamer with a fat spring fry,
when captured. Mr Turner offered him hie
whole henuet if be would 00 me up like n
man and ask for it.
WhU in tne city Bunds v Mrs Ulead
Man ford visited the Sisters School in this
city, where she was shown through the bodd
tug by the sisters, who did not know who
tha distinguished visitor was until her de
lrtare. when she informed tbera, and hand
ed tht in two twenties, much to their sur
prise, Oo their hesitating she remaked.
am sorry, I Kit this is sll the money 1 have
with me."
Last Monday evening Mr W atita Nash, of
the Oregon Pacific, delivered one of the most
toand addresses on tbe Prohibitory Amend
ment yet presented here. It was replete with
sensible arguments and showed that the speak
er bad given the subject careful oouatdera
tioa. Notwithstanding tha only nonce given
of the meeting wee by a few smsll posters
the attendance was good.
t-i . . .....
1 1 m i . . r
a glorious sense 1,1 nonv one n-
JBT' "grmtop mr ninths m a dio-
W t'ng-roon. or coutied to
"""V00 nor. y
straints of bnatneae. and the 00c
the daily
from the re-
ties of society, ami with vour sun or fishing.
run. a pair 01 t
-1 Si. . - . . -
a tin cuu. and a lew
phuesat oonpaniens not forgetting a tck
age of Press's Hamburg Tea we hie us away
to mountain and stream, and recall in actual
experience, our youth again.
Mr E W Fischer informs ns that bis hones
north of here was robbed the night of the
cireas. Three watches were taken, the prop
erty of himself and two sons. A gold chain
was taken which Mr Fischer vslued yery
highly, it had been made in Jaeksouvillie for
him in 1854 out of gold which he himself dag
out of the ground. Ninety dollars in money
was also taken, sixty dollars being tbe prop
erty of his yeungtst son fifteen years old.
The lad bad been saving his money all his
life and it is a peculiar hardship on the young
fellow. Not mauy boys of his age have made
so much aad ho did not das' rva to lose it.
Mr Locke, of 8 p eroek also but some ar
ticles. -Benton jftuiri'.
T-i a. at n U s m, . , ft a
sne si-TV 01 aioiueiiii ec oeileuuocn is
crowded with tcntonablr and fashioualle
goods, tin ir line of dress goods, fancy goods
and eJoaka are immense and if you desire to
fiense yurjll gtye U.ein a call.
Send Burkhart 4- Kor-uev namea and ad
dresser of friends desiring information of Ore-
Sn and they will sei.d them oopies rf the
sal Krtalr '.Vtttiuyor which contains a com
plete diwriptiou one county iu each issue
Cheap for Cask.
Wax k horse for sale. Inquire it this otRee
' All
leisoua knowing themselves indebted
to u v iug.iiiii win please come
. .. tl: 1 ..,
and iett-0 their accounts at once.
E. W. LaNuooit
The Very Best.
I liaye added to my boot and shot shock a
line of tha celebrated Laird, Schober A
ifitcftrll, Pkibulelphui Fin Wtors for ladies,
misses end children. Acknowledged by
dealers generally tp be tho best value and
heat tilting tine shoe made. Widths C, D, K,
snd EH A child can bay as cheap as a man.
Samuel E. Yoono,
Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon.
Albany Market.
Oats 28c si.
Butter-25 cU per lb. -v.
Eggs 25 cents per dor.
Hay -14,60.
PotntoeH-75 cts per bushel.
Besf on foot. 2.j Si s
Applet 75 cents per tvn,
Pers 4c per lb.
I 1 . 5 P W r-r mwmr -W ' " - St " T" S -mr xvrm -mm mm w Sw 7. Ikl WLM V S SJI m A
Iron, Steel, Coal and Chains
Mr J J Ftniayson and wife, of Philomath,
were in the city Monday.
Mrs Clifton, daughter of E A Parker, left
Friday for her h one at Hj okane Falls.
Mr C P Burkhart left Albocy last Wed
nesday on a trip of several weeks East.
W F Crosby the wheat buyer of San Fran
cisco, ie ia tha elty, and will invest in wheat
B R Com. Waggoner was in Albany Tues
day, baying joat arrived from Eastern Ore
Dr J F Heudrex, of Hsrrisbarg, left last
Tuesday for Minneapolis, going as a delegate
to the National meeting ef K of L there.
Judge Tandy, of Harrisburg, woe io the
city Wednesday, having just come fnm a
trip to Prioeville, where be spent c i it or
ten days.
Rev L I Trumbull, the new pastor of the
Baptist Church left his former Michigan
bona a few days ago and is expected in Al
bury to-morrow.
Mr Arch Monteith. of Portland, was io
the city tbe tint of the week after his wife
and son, all ot whom will make their i a to re
home in tbe metropolis.
A surprise party woe tendered Rev and
Mrs Pricbard last Tuesday evenirg, by tbe
members of the Presbyterian Church. Several
substantial things were left tbe worthy cou
ple. Mr Orange Morgan, wife and son, arrived
in Albany last Week, across the mountains by
the MeKeoxM rente, from Paisley, Lake
county, where Mr Morgan has extensive
stuck interests.
H L Pittock and Jerry Caldwell, of the
Ortyomam. parsed through Albany Sunday
on their way to Waterloo where tliey spent
Sabbath. It is rumored that the OrrgtmUtn
will start a paper mill there, attracted by tbe
fine water power and an abundance of balm.
Senator Stanford and party passed thrmgh
Albany hut Sunday over the O P from Cor
vaUis on their way to California. The Diuso
1 a vr ia ooe of the few Oregon papers that
does not claim to have interviewed the Sen
etor. By the way moat newspaper claims of
interviews are manufactured affairs.
The donkey social given by the ladies of
the Congregational Chur. It Friday evening
wss attended by a large number of Albany
people. A good supper wan set end a highly
entertaining evening spent in games, conver
sation and in trying to place the donkey's ear
on while blindfolded. Considerable amuse
ment was excited 00 the unveiling of the
donkey by a gentleman getting on a chair
and announcing that "the donkey ie sow on
exhibition.' The receipts of the em ing
were Hat taring.
rr ante.
One hundred and twenty acres of the let
quality of improved wheat land, all fenced
into four fields, good house, hard finish,
good outlsouses, excellent fruits of all kinds.
Situated 3 miles west of Lrkuteu and one
and a quarter miles south of the junction of
ine -Narrow Irauge K. K ..with the Lebanon
branch of the O. St C R R. Inquire at
this office.
Prushaw, The Druggist'1 can be found
two doors west of the Revere House where
lie continues to put up nothing hut pi're
and fresh drugs. Try him and vou will
try nun again.
Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Clonks !
We have received direct from Eaatorn
manufactures a large and choice line ef cloaks
and jackets which we will sell at prices that
defy competition. Com and st e and sa ve
ItioMrsox & Waters.
Notice of Assignment.
Notice ie hereby giyen that A. A. Bash
or, or lidd county, Oregon, ban made a
general assignment of all his property to
the undersigned for the benefit of hia
creditors under an act of the Legislature
or tbe aft ate or Oregon, eu titled "an act to
secure creditors a just division of the en
tatee ot debtors who convey tn aaaigrues
for tne benefit or creditors" approved C c
toner 18th, 1878 and the act, amendatory
thereof, Al! persons bavins c aims
against tha estate of tbe said A. A. Bash ar,
are hereby notified and required to pi e
sent the same under oath to the under
signed at Albany, Oregon, within thine
months from the date of this notice.
Dated Sopt. 20th, 1887,
II. Bbtant,
MARXISM -VOSS.--On Sept, gth,:8T,
at the Court House, in Albany, by Go
Humphrey,Esq., Ms. C. B. Harki'sh and
Miss Lai'Ra Yoss,lxth of Benton ami
ty, were united ia the hnlv bond of instil
XOEI KIEFER.- -On lust Momhn .Mu.
Hahry Xokl, one of the proprietors
the Opera House saloon,and Mis Ci.ara
Kiekkr, daughter of Mr. Chas. Kicfer of
the Albany brewerv, were duly united ;n
marriage at the residence of Mr. J. W.
Eubank's, George Humphrey, Esq., pets
forming the ceremony.
the residence of the bride's parents on
Sunday, Sept. 25th, 18S7, by Elder S.
Williams, Mr. William G. Hejhicsos
and Mtss Alma L. Ar der way, both of
Linn county. The Democrat joins wit h
the many friends of the newly-married
people in extending the heartiest congra -ulations,
and breathes the hope that pros
perity and happiness mny attend them
through life.
PETERS-JULIUS,-In Albanv.Sept. S
18S7, by Rev. J. Bntun. Mr. li. Peters
and Miss Margaret Jvlii s.
J3ARTER. On Sept. 24th,
& SOX,
X Out Saws,
The People's Cash Store.
Hnl QnUsj,Whern in AL
bnay ie the best place to boy mom for
nVbo bee long answered Where.
Have a- lout
with a certain
1 bey have removed tbeir Luainaew tn
Ut atom formerly occupied by Vox, Bnom
st Co where they eaxry n manamtfa
a ock of
Dry and Fancy Hoods, Furaisiimg
8o9d8, Millinery, Boots and
Shoes, Cloaks, Etc.
M e don't propone to write an inuooioi a
advert isment qeoUn price of goods tn
mislead tbe public We wil give yon
prions a" our counter that will be, to as j
the ltat, startling. We don't intend to
seU yon Cabot A btdow coat as s bait, snd
cheat on oomethinc not so famlUnr. Wo
sell to nil alike and nark sll good a in
ruAHi 1 na rjes. We hsvs b:it okb p icn,
sad that tba lowest, tfnst mN.hsia
have "Bed Rock"- prices, but we have not
ours in "under ths hex! rock," en.! now
our customers went to know what we era
res' log on, That question iu a mo men -too
one It is the first dhuovrr of ihar
region. We may not Buncoed on our
plan, but wo swine out
on Faith and
Hope, tr king for motto
Remember we make s
specialty of floe
El tCe
Our great stock of Domestic Gocdi w 11
save nuny dollars to sensible housekeep
ers who will trade exclusively with rt.
Table Lineiis, Napkinsjo wels9S lisst
ings. Muslins, Bingbams, Iwgj
Down. Flannels and
at Mill Prices, Ho
siery for tbe Million. Ribbon
and Lace Departments Overstocked,
Our Millinery Department
every novelty invented by Dame f aehi. a,
with Miss Fountain, at its bend a S. u
Pranoirco artist. If you need millii cry
go to the "Fountain Head" for It.
Ws have l een driven into the Boot snd
Shoa business by the importuuities of oar
customers and again biiug our Ionic 3"
psrienee in that branch of btudnew ictn
activity sgaiu.
We are g3Uts tor tho Wans maker
Clothing House of Phiiadtepbla. We sell
sll goods for sdi or produce.
don't Go in ifbl !
We will pay you 70 cents s bushel for
your wheat on trade,